Product catalog
Product catalog
Product catalog easT MEETS WEST american east coast meets swedish west coast salt-STAINED rocks, charming wooden houses & harbors with cozy boat houses the milewide beaches of Nantucket and the beautiful cedar houses on the sand dunes along the shoreline Nautical motives and white rustique furniture represents OCEANHOUSE marine decorating stYle THE INSPIRATION is emplified by beautiful photos from coastal locations around the world 3 Content Cupboard Douglas Dining tables Coffee tables Bedroom Benches Shelves TV benches & storage Closets & bureau Book shelves Cabinets Writing desc Wall decor wood Pillows Placemats Bedspread & seat cushions Bags Curtains Additional textile Book Background story 4 5 Cupboard Douglas 1 2 3 4 6 door doors doors doors 48x39 h 70 100x39 h 79 145x39 h 79 190x39 h 79 501301 501303 501305 501307 7 Douglas glass glass doors 2 doors 100x39 h 76 501309 3 doors 145x39 h 76 501310 4 doors 190x39 h 76 501311 glass doors with shelf 2 doors 100x39 h 88 501340 3 doors 145x39 h 88 501313 4 doors 190x39 h 88 501312 8 9 Douglas lodge top 4 doors 190x39 h 79 501308 1 door 48x39 h 70 501302 2 doors 100x39 h 79 501304 3 doors 145x39 h 79 501306 10 11 Dining table Edward anhouse O ce since 2006 Eas t 12 st Meets We This dining table comes in various colors and measures. 13 Edward dining table comes in various colors White Lodge White with beige top White with lodge top White Sizes 87 x 160-260 100 x 160-260 Custom made versions available Beige top Extensions adds 45 cm on each side Extensions 501404 Crossed legs Edward L 160-260 w 87/100 White Lodge Lodge top Beige top 501401 501405 501402 501403 Lodge top 14 15 Coffee tray table Easton Compass White 16 100x100 501125 90x90 501123 80x80 cm 501121 Easton with Cross White 100x100 501125 90x90 501123 80x80 cm 501121 17 Coffee table Easton White 18 120x65 501125 100x55 cm 501123 19 Coffee table Wesley 20 White 120x65 511242 100x55 511243 60x60 cm 511244 Wesley beige top Beige top 120x65 511245 100x55 511246 60x60 cm 511247 21 Coffee table Gavin Ralph 22 White Lodge 140x75 501125 501126 120x65 501123 501124 100x55 cm 501121 501122 100x100 White 501107 Lodge 501108 90x90 501105 501106 80x80 501103 501104 60x60 501101 501102 50x50 cm 501109 501110 9 23 Melvin 120x65 100x55 60x60 24 501133 501132 501131 25 Coffe table Grant 120X60 h 47 501158 Lodge top Side table Grant 60x60 h 47 501157 Side table Jeffrey 47x39 h 64 501233 Brad 120x40 h 49 501203 26 27 Tray tables Lodge coffee tables Tray M 501234 Gavin lodge Lodge 140x75 120x65 100x55 cm 501126 501124 501122 Tray M lodge 501236 Ralph lodge 100x100 Lodge 501108 28 90x90 80x80 60x60 50x50 cm 501106 501104 501102 501110 Tray Compass 501235 29 Bedroom Philip 45x39 h 51 white 501224 lodge 501225 Douglas 1 48x39 h 70 501301 16 30 Jeffrey 180 160 47x39 h 64 white 501226 lodge 501227 120 105 90 Teddy (height 127cm) 45x39 h 82 white 501228 lodge 501229 Headboard Elloit (Height 127cm) 90 White Lodge 501237 501238 105 120 160 501239 501240 501241 501242 501243 501244 180 501245 501246 31 Height 127 cm New! Bed frame Elliot 120 32 White 511404 160 511403 180 200 511402 511401 210 511400 33 Benches Brad 120x39 h 51 White White flat frame Lodge Lodge flat frame Lodge top 501201 501204 501202 501205 501203 yerffeJ 46 h 93x74 Brad lodge top 120x39 h 49 501203 Gordon 120x39 h 62 140x39 h 62 White Lodge Lodge top 34 501206 501207 501208 501209 501210 501211 35 Shelves Chris 120x40 h 82 White White flat frame Lodge Lodge flat frame Lodge top 120x30 h 82 501217 501218 501219 501220 501221 501212 501213 501214 501215 501216 Mountings för corners can be ordered extra 501252 Ronald 120x30 h 82 White White flat frame Lodge Lodge flat frame Lodge top 36 501247 501248 501250 501251 501249 37 Tv-benches & storage Connor 50x46 h 55 501328 Douglas TV-no shelf 145x39 h 54 white 501314 lodge top 501315 Vincent 47x39 h 106 47x39 h 185 501230 501231 (baskets not included) Douglas Tv 4 door 190x39 h 68 501318 Douglas TV-shelf 145x39 h 68 white 501316 Douglas TV-shelf 145x39 h 68 lodge top 501317 Connor 100x46 h 55 501329 Andrew 100x39 h 51 501232 (baskets not included) 38 39 Closets & bureaus Jeremy 2 doors 95x47 h 190 501321 Jeremy 1 door 51x47 h 190 501319 with bar 501320 Bradley Jeremy 2 door extended 135x47 h 190 100x40h 100 lodge top 501337 white 501336 60x40 h 100 501339 501338 501322 40 41 Book shelves & Corner cabinet Cornelius 100 h 170 100 h 195 501330 501331 Cornelius Front 100 h 195 Theodore 145x47 h 210 501223 42 Front 100 h 170 cm Taylor 100x40 h 185 501222 43 Cabinets William (6 doors) 100x39 h 195 501324 William (3 doors) 55x39 h 195 501323 44 William 6 (glass on sides) 100x39 h 195 511324 William (9 doors) 145x39 h 195 501325 45 Cabinet Arthur Arthur 100 100x48 h 205 501327 Arthur 190 190x48 h 205 501326 46 47 Office Charles two door 145x65 h 78 White lodge top 32 48 501332 501334 one door 125x65 h 78 501333 501335 49 Sailboat sketches 80x60 501512 Sailboat 1 80x90 501509 Wall decor wood Sailboat 2 80x90 501510 Sailboat lodge 80x90 501511 50 51 Oceanhouse sign 120x25 501508 Yachtclub white 120x75 501505 Four flags 120x25 501506 Signalflags white 120x25 150x100 501504 501503 52 American flag 120x25 150x100 501502 501501 53 Yachtclub lodge 120x75 501516 Signalflags lodge 120x75 150x100 501514 501513 Four flags lodge 120x35 501515 54 Wall decor lodge 55 Pillows 56x38cm Pillow 50 701001 Pillow 51 701002 Pillow 52 701003 Pillow 53 701004 56 57 ....more pillows 56x38 cm Pillow 55 701006 Pillow 54 701005 Pillow 57 701008 Pillow 56 701007 48x48 cm Pillow 58 701009 Pillow 59 701010 58 59 45x35 cm Placemats for coastal dining Placemat 90 701101 Placemat 91 701102 Placemat 92 701103 Placemat 93 701104 60 61 45x35 cm Placemat 94 701105 Placemat 95 701106 Placemat 96 701107 Placemat 97 701108 Placemat 98 701109 Placemat 99 701110 62 63 Bedspread Seat cushions 180x240 cm Bedspread 60 blue 701222 64 45x45 cm Seat cushion 70 701219 Seat cushion 71 701220 Seat cushion 72 701221 65 Our canvas bag collection 66 67 Weekend & shoulder bags Weekend bag 30 701301 Weekend bag 31 701302 Sold out in white Weekend bag 32 701303 68 Shoulder bag 33 701304 Shoulder bag 34 701305 Shoulder bag 35 701306 69 Wash bags Wash bag 36 701307 Wash bag 37 701308 Sold out in white Wash bag 38 701309 70 71 Curtain 71 701213 Canvas curtains Curtain 75 701217 Curtain 72 701214 Curtain 73 701215 Curtain 74 701216 Curtain 76 701218 250x140 cm 72 73 Table cloths Table cloth 40 offwhite 220x150 701203 270x150 701204 Table cloth 40 blue pl 0033 220x150 701201 270x150 701202 74 Table cloth 40 nougat 220x150 701205 270x150 701206 75 Runners 200x42 cm Table runner 43 701207 Pillow 30 701011 Pillow 31 701012 Pillow 32 701013 Pillow 33 701014 Table runner 44 701208 Table runner 45 701209 Pillow 36 701021 Table runner 47 701211 Pillow 37 701022 Pillow 38 701023 Pillow 39 701024 Table runner 46 701210 Pillow 40 701015 Table runner 48 701212 76 Pillow 41 701016 Pillow 47 701019 Pillow 42 701017 Pillow 48 701020 Pillow 43 701018 77 Book with hard cover (16x22cm) 701401 78 79 It all started seven years ago. After many years of travelling in their former jobs the couple Per & Karin Ström thought it was time for something new. Karin had been a flight attendant at SAS for many years and Per had been a successful fashionmodel for 20 years. From visiting exquisit locations or photoshoots in beautiful homes, and their common interest in interior design, new ideas started to grow. A few pieces of furniture, produced in their seaside home in Sweden, turned in to a business idea that quickly caught the attention of exclusive interiorshops around Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. The furniture collection has now grown, designed and produced in Sweden. In addition to this Karin has designed a classical textile collection that well represents the style and image of OCEANHOUSE, made in thick canvas with exquisite details and cool colors. From coastal locations like Nantucket, Sausolito, Malibu, Cape Town and years of travelling, Per has photographed a collection of black and white photos that are displayed in The OCEANHOUSE photo collection. It is truly a familybusiness, where their three teenage boys often are part of their image pictures for their advertisement campaigns. Large diningtables, rustic glass cabinets, sofa tables and bedroom furniture. Curtains in heavy canvas mixed with pillows in sober colors. Beautiful photos framed in silver or dark wood frames now decorate seaside homes and hotels all over Europe. Oceanhouse Billdals hagenväg 8 427 37 Billdal, Sweden Tel. +46 (0)708 151854
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