pesach 2016 h 2016 - Magen David Adom Australia


pesach 2016 h 2016 - Magen David Adom Australia
Upcoming Events
MDA has some wonderful and varied events coming up this year.
My Name is Asher Lev - May 14 at 8.15pm
An evening of theatre with a special performance of My Name
is Asher Lev at the Eternity Playhouse in Darlinghurst. The
evening will feature an exclusive session with the daughter of
the novelist and playwright Chaim Potok, actress Naama Potok;
moderated by Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff.
Tickets are $60, available through the trybooking website - link It’s a small theatre
which is booking out fast, don’t miss out.
Annual MDA Shabbat – July 8 & 9
In Synagogues around Sydney. MDA members and friends are
encouraged to participate.
Major Function – July 31 - evening
An extraordinary communal event, definitely not to be missed –
more details soon
A time of reflection, inspiration and freedom
Entertainment Book 2016/2017
The Entertainment Book and the Entertainment Digital
Membership – available for order NOW.
Sydney & Surrounds $70 (plus postage and handling).
For every book sold MDA receives $14.
The most popular restaurants, attractions, shopping, travel
and more, all with valuable up to 50% off and 2 for 1 offers.
Order through the Entertaiment Book website or phone the MDA office on 9358 2521.
will take place on
SUNDAY MAY 29, 2016
at 10.30am at
White City Complex
30 Alma St, Paddington
Nominations for the Committee must be received by
the Hon Secretary on the prescribed nomination forms
no later than
Friday May 20, 2016 at
4.00 pm EST.
Members & donors welcome
PO Box 293, Edgecliff NSW 2027 Tel 9358 2521 Fax 9358 3893 E
MDA NSW Directory
President Roland Nagel
Vice President Tony Ziegler
Hon Secretary Ilana Sackar
Hon Treasurer Peter Sheldon
Josh Bolot
Mark Josman
Danielle Lechem
Melissa McCurdie
Newsletter of The Friends of Magen David Adom (NSW) Inc
Please phone beforehand for appointment
Accounts Yvonne Rawack
Administration Tammy Zlattner
Donations & Bequests Tamara Lowbeer
Events Jodi Kofsky
Friends of Magen David Adom (NSW) Inc PO Box 293 Edgecliff NSW 2027
Tel: (02) 9358 2521 Fax: (02) 9358 3893 Email
As we celebrate Pesach with our families and friends, it is
heart-breaking to see our brothers and sisters in Israel are not
free to carry on with their normal day-to-day lives without the
fear of a stabbing, shooting, ramming or other senseless acts
of terror being perpetrated against them.
Thankfully, Israel’s Defence Forces are second to none in
protecting our people and we can be equally proud of how
the country’s national emergency and rescue services respond
to these senseless attacks. In particular, the courage and
bravery of Magen David Adom’s paramedics, medics and
staff, most of whom are volunteers, who not only respond
to the daily demands of accidents, medical emergencies
and humanitarian relief, but the current wave of terror
superimposes another layer of complexity and challenge. Our
MDA heroes inspire us with their amazing dedication without
regard to their own
personal safety and
In consequence, MDA
Israel has identified
a need to increase
their fleet of First
Responder Motorcycles
(Medicycles) by an
additional 50 units.
MDA medics treat stabbing victim in a Tel Aviv street
Medicycles can reach
the scene of an
emergency in a fraction of the time it would normally take
enabling victims to be treated without delay. NSW Friends of
Magen David Adom has pledged to raise funds so that MDA
Israel can purchase as many Medicycles as possible.
This would be a wonderful opportunity for those wishing to
dedicate a Medicycle in honour or in memory of a loved one
linking the Mitzvah of supporting Israel and saving lives
Much has happened since our previous newsletter and I
would like to share some highlights.
On the last night of Chanukah, communal leaders, politicians
and dignitaries joined our major supporters in inaugurating
Mr Robert Magid as our Patron. Bob and his dear wife Ruth
have inspired us with their genuine love for Israel as well as
their admiration of Magen David Adom. We are so proud to
have them as part of the MDA family.
We started the calendar year with our Red Sunday Telethon
to raise funds for blood filters on behalf of MDA Israel’s Blood
Services. It was stimulating to see the diverse groups of
volunteers, many of whom were from the Jewish Day Schools
and Zionist youth groups.
Our Annual Solicitors and
Accountants Business Luncheon
was held once again at the
Bank of Queensland offices. We
were privileged to have Justice
Annabelle Bennett AO as our
guest speaker and she enthralled
and challenged the audience with
her comments and observations
from her years as a Judge of the
Roch Kasimov BOQ and Justice
Federal Court of Australia.
Annabelle Bennett
I would like to express my
gratitude to Lawrence Stander and
Charles Beck who recently retired as Board Members and at
the same time to welcome our new Board colleagues Josh
Bolot, Mark Josman and, our incoming Honorary Secretary,
Ilana Sackar. There is often discussion within the community
of next generation leadership and I am delighted that we are
increasing such representation on our Board and building the
foundations for effective succession planning.
At the time of writing, we are in advanced negotiations with
an outstanding speaker to address our main function on
31 July 2016. Please save this date for what promises to be
an extraordinary communal event and inspiring opportunity
to express your solidarity with Israel and MDA.
On behalf of the Board and Staff of NSW Friends of MDA,
I take this opportunity to thank you personally in anticipation
of your ongoing support and wish you and your dear families
Chag Pesach Kasher VeSameach, Happy Passover.
Sponsored by Golden Lifestyles
Roland Nagel, President
Christian Friends
of MDA
In November I went to Israel
and was privileged to spend two
days with Nathalie Blackham,
Executive Director of Christian
Friends of MDA and Norman
Feingold, the founder of CFMDA.
They arranged for me to visit the
Bloomberg Station in Jerusalem
to get a firsthand account of the
operational procedures of MDA.
We were joined by Bishop Moses
Owusu-Sekyere, a bishop from the
UK, also interested in supporting
MDA’s work.
Ido Golan-Gutin firstly gave us a
talk and video presentation on the
history and recent works of MDA.
We then toured the station, visiting
the all-important control room and
viewing inside the various vehicles
of their ambulance fleet.
I spent the second day with
Nathalie and Norman in the
offices in Tel Aviv, seeing how they
work and talking about Christian
involvement and the building of
relationships between our two
communities through love, respect
and support. I am thankful for the
wonderful opportunity to see the
incredible work that MDA does in
saving precious lives.
Our hope is to encourage and
motivate other churches and
Christians to stand with and
support the Jewish people and the
Nation of Israel.
Louise Southwell,
Louise Southwell, Nathalie Blackham, Norman Feingold,
Bishop Owusu-Sekyere and Ido Golan-Gutin
It’s an honour - MDA Patron, Robert Magid
Roland Nagel presents Robert Magid with a
commemorative medallion
Melissa McCurdie makes a floral presentation to
Ruth Magid assisted by Roland Nagel
HE Shmuel Ben Shmuel, Israeli Ambassador lights
a candle while Rabbi Benji Levy looks on
A welcome reception was held last
December to honour MDA’s newly
appointed Patron, Robert Magid, in the
harbour side home of business and
communal identity Harry Triguboff AO.
The function was attended by a number
of dignitaries including the Israeli
Ambassador, His Excellency Shmuel
ben Shmuel, Gabrielle Upton MP, NSW
Attorney General, Cr Sally Betts, Mayor of
Waverley, distinguished communal leaders
representing local and Israel based
organisations as well as MDA’s major
Robert Magid described his new role
as “an honour”. “There are a lot of very
valuable causes and useful organisations
that do good work, but one has to choose
an organisation that one can strongly
identify with,” Magid said.
“Here’s an organisation that saves lives. It
doesn’t discriminate who their patients
are. You always see MDA ambulances
when there’s a terrorist attack; it’s a
lifesaving organisation and it’s an honour
to be associated with it.”
Magid said the organisation is particularly
close to his heart given his history in
the Israeli medical field. “I got involved
Flying the flag for MDA & Israel
Bruce Block, 87, a retired grazier in
remote country New South Wales is
a staunch believer and benefactor of
Magen David Adom’s lifesaving work.
Proudly flying the Australian and
Israeli flags on his property in idyllic
Dorrigo is one way that Bruce displays
his support for Israel which he feels
is generally misunderstood and
misrepresented in the Australian press.
He has visited Israel and is very
concerned about the growing incidents
of terrorism and stabbing attacks. With
an understanding of the increased
calls on MDA’s services, Bruce recently
donated funds for a First Responder
Motor scooter to help paramedics reach
and treat victims more speedily.
Roland Nagel and Tamara Lowbeer
recently paid Bruce a visit and
were overwhelmed by the elderly
gentleman’s depth of feeling for MDA
and Israel. He speaks proudly of his
support of Israel and of the NSW Jewish
Roland Nagel gives Bruce a useful First Aid Kit
Blakehurst - Bayside Park • 02 9546 2897
Chatswood - Windsor Gardens • 02 9415 3470
Lindfield - Lindfield Manor • 02 9416 2868
Northbridge - Northbridge Gardens • 02 9958 5386
North Parramatta - Oatland Gardens • 02 9683 5544
Rose Bay - Rose Bay Towers • 02 9371 7161
Strathfield - Strathfield Gardens • 02 9742 6048
Bruce explained that he first became
interested in Israel and the Jewish
faith in 1986 when his father, Abraham
Samuel Block died. That was when
he started to donate to various Jewish
charities. Through his association
with the NSW Board of Deputies, he
was asked to distribute leaflets about
the Holocaust to schools in the Coffs
Harbour area.
In Israel, Bruce has planted trees in
the Yizkor Forest and has contributed
to the building of a water reservoir, all
dedicated in the name of his late father.
He is also interested in the provision
of lifesaving medical equipment and
the infrastructure that supports this
work. In the last few years, his help has
been in the form of two ambulances
to MDA – one, named in honour of his
late father, Abraham Samuel Block is
located in Kiryat Gat in the south which
is close to Gaza and a second, on behalf
of the Dorrigo community, is in the
Gilboa region in the north.
“I strongly believe that one should
contribute to charities whilst one is
still alive. By doing this one gains
valuable insight into their activities
and needs and can distribute the funds
accordingly,” Bruce says. “As a grazier,
who only retired at 85, I have sufficient
income to meet my own needs and the
rest can be used for deserving causes. I
believe this is an example that others
should follow”.
Bruce Block proudly shows Roland his Israeli flag
Bruce started off his working life as an
accountant followed by 23 years in the
RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) when
he retired as a Wing Commander. He
returned to accountancy in Canberra
but tired of city life. After several
attempts at finding a suitable property,
he settled on 275 acres outside
of Dorrigo to pursue his passion breeding and raising Limousin cattle.
He has lived there for the past 30 years
and although retired, he still loves the
farm and its surrounds, the beauty and
the serenity.
Roland Nagel was full of praise, “Bruce
is a truly a courageous gentleman.
Behind his humble, unassuming nature,
is a proud and strong supporter of
Israel who shows his admiration of
MDA’s precious lifesaving work in the
most tangible and direct manner.
We salute Bruce and wish him the
strength and health to continue to
inspire us all for many more years.”
You too can save lives
Magen David Adom relies heavily on financial support from its Friends around the world.
This can be in the form of gifts made during your lifetime, as Bruce Block has done, see story above, giving you the opportunity to see
firsthand the benefits that have resulted from your generosity.
Alternatively, you may choose to include a gift in your Will to Magen David Adom through Magen David Adom NSW, to reflect your wider
concerns for MDA’s future to be able to provide continued care to the citizens of Israel with the latest emergency medical equipment
and know how.
A gift in your Will can be a proportion of your estate or residue after you have made provision for your
family; a specific amount to be applied to the greatest need at the time or for a specific purpose which you
can nominate, for example an ambulance.
If you have included a gift to Magen David Adom in your Will, please let us know. It would be a privilege
to thank you and honour your generosity during your lifetime. Please fill in the enclosed confidential
response card and mail it to the President in the reply paid envelope provided. It will make all the
difference to many lives in the years to come.
Celebrate simchas with lifesaving certificates & cards
By choosing to give your family and friends a beautiful, personalized certificate or card indicating that you have made a donation to Magen
David Adom in their honour, you will be helping MDA to save lives daily.
These donations assist with the funding of urgently needed medical equipment for Israel’s Emergency Medical Service.
Since the Chanukah issue of the Lifesaver the following people have been honoured in this special way.
David Charek
Marnie Fischl
Tori Helfend
Gil Isaac Samuel
Tali Sinani
Craig & Angela Marcus
Uri Chai Stein
Carmel Pinshaw
Gil Sabbag
Evelyn Freeland
Zena Grevler
Marylin Jankelowitz
Karyn Moskow
Shirley Politzer
George & Yvonne Rosettenstein
Steve Schuck
Hymie Gamerov
John Gleiber
Renate Kaplan
Dennis Maister
Edith Port
John Ratzker
Allan Sher
Diane Shteinman
David Singer
Gerald Yarm
Moi Gordon
Alice Adamek
Mary Baskin
Bernhard Lazarus
David Levy
Susan Marks
Bertha Moser
Lilly Dresdner
Rae Bass
Justine Pianko &
Stephen Herrman
Beth Berman &
Lyon Robinson
Debbie Javen &
Shane Sullivan
Cecil & Glynis Bass
Howard & Pam Sher
June & Mike Appleberg
Pat & Sid Drutman
Phil & Marian Jaffe
Charles & Vivienne Beck
Barry & Ros Den
David & Gilda Hardy
Peter & Cathy Holloway
George Jacobs &
Janice Hirshorn
Ian & Anita Jacobi
Milton & Tamara Levine
Sandy & Colin Lipworth
Hilton & Liz Sacks
Phil & Gloria Silver
Phil & Debbie Wick
In Honour and Appreciation
Gillian, Ilana & Monique
MDA Book Club
David Taub
The Bondi Walkers
In Memory
Rose Bat Mizlee
Naomi & Alan Schaffer
Ursula & Ivan Cher
Sara & Ben Kurzer
Sue Jowell
Leigh Levin
Gloria Munitz
Requesting a MDA gift certificate or card couldn’t be
Cecil Albert
Morris Eskin
Rae Bass who recently celebrated
her 100th birthday beamed with
joy to have her family and friends
around her on her special day.
Mazal tov to an amazing woman.
Other Birthday
Morris Eskin is no stranger to
MDA. A past President and Board
Member, Morris is still an active
MDA volunteer. He is seen here
blowing out the candles on his
80th birthday cake, helped by
his youngest granddaughter,
Sacha Gross.
Edgar Stein
Simon Tatz
Irving Wallach
Annette Wegman
Bernice Bachmayer
Tova Blumberg
Daphne Fraser
Liliane Frenkel
Anna Krel
Deborah Mourmourits
Gary & Tracey Newfield
Brad Rubinstein
Linda Rybak
Adele Schaverien
• Go online at
• Phone the MDA office 9358 2521
• Email
• Post cheque to PO Box 293, Edgecliff NSW 2027
Please advise payment details –
credit card (American Express,
Visa or Mastercard), who is to
be honoured (and the
occasion) or remembered,
a short message and where
the certificate
or card is to
be sent.
during the Gaza war when I saw what
was happening, and the importance of
ambulances and immediate response,” he
said. “I was also a medic in the Israeli army
and had some understanding of what was
happening in ambulances.”
Making a presentation to Robert Magid,
Roland Nagel said “the NSW Friends of Magen
David Adom is delighted to appoint Robert as
its Patron in appreciation and recognition of
his outstanding dedication and commitment
to Israel and the local community. Through
TMG Developments, Robert has been the
principal sponsor of our highly successful
campaign functions over the last two years
and together with his charming wife, Ruth,
hosted a private breakfast briefing earlier in
2015 enabling us to raise funds for a compact
defibrillator unit for a medicycle.”
In January, Robert & Ruth Magid toured
the National Medical Dispatch Centre
(NMDC) guided by Yoni Yagadovsky and
Ido Golan-Gutin from the International
Department. They were taken through
the command centre viewing the various
vehicles: motorcycles, ambulances and blood
mobiles and were provided details about the
operations nationwide.
Robert said, “We understand that no other
country has such a comprehensive health
response service and assistance is provided
not only in Israel but in other countries
where emergency services are required. It is
particularly impressive that three years after
the earthquake in Haiti, MDA is continuing
their assistance while all the other national
emergency services have left.
We were shown the emergency equipment
in the vehicles using the latest technology
for command and control, back to base
communication, resuscitation and breathing
equipment, pharmaceutical options available
for emergencies, etc.
Above all is the enthusiasm among staff
and obviously the volunteers. Israel is in
the unique position of having to deal with
catastrophic situations which other countries
don’t even dream of.
An extraordinary organisation.”
Note from editor – If you are planning a
trip to Israel and would like to visit an
MDA facility such as the National Medical
Dispatch Centre or Blood Bank in Tel Aviv
or the William H Bloomberg Station in
Jerusalem, please phone Tamara Lowbeer
on 9358 2521 at the MDA office to make
Roland Nagel, Charmaine Roth,
Gabrielle Upton MP, Danny
Goulburn and Stanley Roth
Roland Nagel, Ilana Gridiger,
Eli Tal and Roland Gridiger
Isabelle and Harold Shapiro
and Cr Sally Betts
Gerda & Joseph Brender light
a candle
Robert & Ruth are briefed on the
National Medical Dispatch Centre
Moriah College students dedicate medicycle
130 Moriah College students gathered in the Old City of Jerusalem on December 27 for a moving ceremony to dedicate a First Responder Medicycle in
memory of Rabbi Yaakov Litman z”l and Netanel Chai Litman z”l.
The students had raised funds for a Medicycle for MDA after hearing of the tragic murder of father and son. The ceremony concluded the students’ IST visit
to Israel.
Moriah College students assembled in the Old City
Rabbi Benji Levy, Dean of Jewish Life & Learning at Moriah College and leader of the group said to the students: “Despite the tragedy and the sorrow, you
managed to rise up with the grieving family and provide the people of Israel
with a lifesaving gift. This is a tremendous act that shows mutual caring and
honors the memory of Rabbi Yaakov Litman z”l and Netanel Chai Litman z”l,
father and son, teacher and student. Together with the Jewish community of
New South Wales and MDA NSW you have successfully showed your support
for Israel”.
Ido Golan-Gutin, Manager of the Australian Desk of the MDA International Relations Department, thanked the students of the group on behalf of MDA and
congratulated them on the amazing Mitzvah that they fulfilled by providing
MDA with the lifesaving Medicycle.
Luncheon for Professionals
Melissa McCurdie, Justice Annabelle Bennett
and Roland Nagel
Justice Annabelle Bennett and Leon Ratner
Andrew Steiner and Ron Moss
Prime Minister’s letter of congratulations to MDA
Justice Annabelle Bennett AO was the entertaining and
informative guest speaker at the NSW Friends of MDA’s
annual luncheon for professionals – Barristers, Solicitors,
Accountants, Financial Planners and Advisors held in the
offices of Bank of Queensland in March.
A popular event in MDA’s calendar this year again gave
professionals a chance to network and socialise over lunch
and earn professional education points.
In his welcome, President Roland Nagel noted that it
was gratifying to see a good age and gender mix of
professionals present. He pointed out the importance of
bequests to Magen David Adom enabling the continued
funding of lifesaving services well into the future. A film
was screened showing heightened MDA activities during
the current period of terror.
Justice Bennett’s presentation touched on how court
cases appear from the perspective of the judge and the
challenges of writing judgements, given the different
audiences for whom they are intended.
Peppered with anecdotes from her lengthy career on the
Bench, Justice Bennett gave personal insights into some of
the cases that have come before her.
Justice Bennett also expressed her deep concern and that
of her colleagues at the mounting costs involved with
litigation making it difficult for the ordinary man to be able
to afford. She noted that judges are aware of the need to
address these issues.
The luncheon was well attended with ample time for guests
to mingle and network.
Justice Bennett has since retired from the Bench and
we at Magen David Adom wish her every success in her
future pursuits.
Roland Nagel, Jacqui Bakker and Mark Josman
Daniel Goldberg, Rick Narev and Josh Bolot
The Wave of Terror in Israel and the constant acts of terror against Israelis overseas along with the continued
threat from both the north and south has meant that the citizens of Israel are having to to deal with great
challenges and MDA, Israel’s national rescue service, is with them hand in hand. Anytime, anywhere, in
routine and in emergency.
Read the congratulatory letter
from PM Netanyahu to the teams
of MDA, workers and volunteers.
MDA Director General, Eli Bin,
was moved by the PM’s warm
words and added: “I join in
these sentiments to the
workers and volunteers of
Prime Minister
MDA, continue your tremendous
and blessed work!”
March 30 2016
David Adom
Letter of congratulations to Magen
and lifesaving activities
For its ongoing treatment of patients
Dear Eli Bin, MDA Director General,
in Israel. For
longest serving lifesaving organization
Magen David Adom is the largest and
since – MDA
ment of the State of Israel and of
decades – even prior to the establish
on injured or
the ready to provide assistanc
teams have always been standing at
in a life threatening situation.
saved a whole
s a single soul... is as though he had
The dictum holds true, "Whoever save
exactly this.
r organization should be credited with
world," and those affiliated with you
. In routine times
teams is not limited to hours or days
The readiness and alertness of MDA
y out emergency
always there – providing first aid, carr
and in times of emergency, you are
d drives and
ing the general public, organizing
lifesaving medical procedures, train
a national asset. The organiza
running the national blood services,
rol of field
gies, enabling better com
developing and adopting new technolo
lity medical treatme
activities, as well as providing high qua
David Greenberg, Nicole Ellison and Simon Horry
Manfred Holzman, Justin Holzman and Roland Nagel
y and
l have been witness to the responsibilit
Over the last year, the citizens of Israe
ent wave of
dedication which characterizes MDA
y. It is not
dreds of casualties with varying leve
terror, MDA teams have treated hun
g peace of
ting injuries or pain relief, but also
only about resuscitation efforts, trea
nce that
e injured and suffering and givin
mind and encouragement to all thos
ful mission grants you the
they will never be left alone. Your faith
spectrum of the Israeli public.
years ago, the
goes beyond the borders of Israel. Ten
The appreciation that MDA receives
ee of the Red
member of the International Committ
organization was welcomed as a full
cken areas all
representatives travel to disaster-stri
Cross Red Crescent Movement. MDA
hand to those
r own safety – stretching out a help
over the world, even at the risk of thei
carried out
religious persuasions. This sacred
in distress, from all nationalities and
with the utmost sensitivity and prof
to continue with
deepest appreciation. I wish for you
MDA team members, I give you my
h and succeed.
s of your unsurpas
your mission and see the blessed fruit
Blood filters for Israel
On February 7, volunteers from the community, schools and Zionist youth
movements worked the phones for Magen David Adom’s Red Sunday
Telethon. Some volunteers came in family groups, parents and children
and grandparents and grandchildren all with the one aim – to make the
Telethon a success.
This year’s goal was to raise enough money to be able to provide 12,000
blood filters for children and cancer patients amongst others and the
community responded generously.
President Roland Nagel commented, “The response reflects our community’s
willingness to support MDA’s requirements. MDA Israel is most appreciative
of our community’s effort; maintaining blood supplies is paramount at all
times. What we have achieved is tremendously valuable and important.”
Thanks go to Tony and Carolyn Ziegler who made their Tee-Zed offices in
Bondi Junction available for phoning and to Katzy’s and Jesse’s Bakery for
providing food for the volunteers and to the volunteers for devoting their
valuable time.
Cecile Radomsky
Liron Smith
Dassi Taub and Becky Dunkel
Ilana Sackar and Vivian Gorney
With kind regards,
Benjamin Netanyahu visits MDA Jerusalem Station
Makayla Levy
Bettina Mucsnik
employees, volunteers and friends,
Benjamin Netanyahu
Luncheon for Professionals
Melissa McCurdie, Justice Annabelle Bennett
and Roland Nagel
Justice Annabelle Bennett and Leon Ratner
Andrew Steiner and Ron Moss
Prime Minister’s letter of congratulations to MDA
Justice Annabelle Bennett AO was the entertaining and
informative guest speaker at the NSW Friends of MDA’s
annual luncheon for professionals – Barristers, Solicitors,
Accountants, Financial Planners and Advisors held in the
offices of Bank of Queensland in March.
A popular event in MDA’s calendar this year again gave
professionals a chance to network and socialise over lunch
and earn professional education points.
In his welcome, President Roland Nagel noted that it
was gratifying to see a good age and gender mix of
professionals present. He pointed out the importance of
bequests to Magen David Adom enabling the continued
funding of lifesaving services well into the future. A film
was screened showing heightened MDA activities during
the current period of terror.
Justice Bennett’s presentation touched on how court
cases appear from the perspective of the judge and the
challenges of writing judgements, given the different
audiences for whom they are intended.
Peppered with anecdotes from her lengthy career on the
Bench, Justice Bennett gave personal insights into some of
the cases that have come before her.
Justice Bennett also expressed her deep concern and that
of her colleagues at the mounting costs involved with
litigation making it difficult for the ordinary man to be able
to afford. She noted that judges are aware of the need to
address these issues.
The luncheon was well attended with ample time for guests
to mingle and network.
Justice Bennett has since retired from the Bench and
we at Magen David Adom wish her every success in her
future pursuits.
Roland Nagel, Jacqui Bakker and Mark Josman
Daniel Goldberg, Rick Narev and Josh Bolot
The Wave of Terror in Israel and the constant acts of terror against Israelis overseas along with the continued
threat from both the north and south has meant that the citizens of Israel are having to to deal with great
challenges and MDA, Israel’s national rescue service, is with them hand in hand. Anytime, anywhere, in
routine and in emergency.
Read the congratulatory letter
from PM Netanyahu to the teams
of MDA, workers and volunteers.
MDA Director General, Eli Bin,
was moved by the PM’s warm
words and added: “I join in
these sentiments to the
workers and volunteers of
Prime Minister
MDA, continue your tremendous
and blessed work!”
March 30 2016
David Adom
Letter of congratulations to Magen
and lifesaving activities
For its ongoing treatment of patients
Dear Eli Bin, MDA Director General,
in Israel. For
longest serving lifesaving organization
Magen David Adom is the largest and
since – MDA
ment of the State of Israel and of
decades – even prior to the establish
on injured or
the ready to provide assistanc
teams have always been standing at
in a life threatening situation.
saved a whole
s a single soul... is as though he had
The dictum holds true, "Whoever save
exactly this.
r organization should be credited with
world," and those affiliated with you
. In routine times
teams is not limited to hours or days
The readiness and alertness of MDA
y out emergency
always there – providing first aid, carr
and in times of emergency, you are
d drives and
ing the general public, organizing
lifesaving medical procedures, train
a national asset. The organiza
running the national blood services,
rol of field
gies, enabling better com
developing and adopting new technolo
lity medical treatme
activities, as well as providing high qua
David Greenberg, Nicole Ellison and Simon Horry
Manfred Holzman, Justin Holzman and Roland Nagel
y and
l have been witness to the responsibilit
Over the last year, the citizens of Israe
ent wave of
dedication which characterizes MDA
y. It is not
dreds of casualties with varying leve
terror, MDA teams have treated hun
g peace of
ting injuries or pain relief, but also
only about resuscitation efforts, trea
nce that
e injured and suffering and givin
mind and encouragement to all thos
ful mission grants you the
they will never be left alone. Your faith
spectrum of the Israeli public.
years ago, the
goes beyond the borders of Israel. Ten
The appreciation that MDA receives
ee of the Red
member of the International Committ
organization was welcomed as a full
cken areas all
representatives travel to disaster-stri
Cross Red Crescent Movement. MDA
hand to those
r own safety – stretching out a help
over the world, even at the risk of thei
carried out
religious persuasions. This sacred
in distress, from all nationalities and
with the utmost sensitivity and prof
to continue with
deepest appreciation. I wish for you
MDA team members, I give you my
h and succeed.
s of your unsurpas
your mission and see the blessed fruit
Blood filters for Israel
On February 7, volunteers from the community, schools and Zionist youth
movements worked the phones for Magen David Adom’s Red Sunday
Telethon. Some volunteers came in family groups, parents and children
and grandparents and grandchildren all with the one aim – to make the
Telethon a success.
This year’s goal was to raise enough money to be able to provide 12,000
blood filters for children and cancer patients amongst others and the
community responded generously.
President Roland Nagel commented, “The response reflects our community’s
willingness to support MDA’s requirements. MDA Israel is most appreciative
of our community’s effort; maintaining blood supplies is paramount at all
times. What we have achieved is tremendously valuable and important.”
Thanks go to Tony and Carolyn Ziegler who made their Tee-Zed offices in
Bondi Junction available for phoning and to Katzy’s and Jesse’s Bakery for
providing food for the volunteers and to the volunteers for devoting their
valuable time.
Cecile Radomsky
Liron Smith
Dassi Taub and Becky Dunkel
Ilana Sackar and Vivian Gorney
With kind regards,
Benjamin Netanyahu visits MDA Jerusalem Station
Makayla Levy
Bettina Mucsnik
employees, volunteers and friends,
Benjamin Netanyahu
Celebrate simchas with lifesaving certificates & cards
By choosing to give your family and friends a beautiful, personalized certificate or card indicating that you have made a donation to Magen
David Adom in their honour, you will be helping MDA to save lives daily.
These donations assist with the funding of urgently needed medical equipment for Israel’s Emergency Medical Service.
Since the Chanukah issue of the Lifesaver the following people have been honoured in this special way.
David Charek
Marnie Fischl
Tori Helfend
Gil Isaac Samuel
Tali Sinani
Craig & Angela Marcus
Uri Chai Stein
Carmel Pinshaw
Gil Sabbag
Evelyn Freeland
Zena Grevler
Marylin Jankelowitz
Karyn Moskow
Shirley Politzer
George & Yvonne Rosettenstein
Steve Schuck
Hymie Gamerov
John Gleiber
Renate Kaplan
Dennis Maister
Edith Port
John Ratzker
Allan Sher
Diane Shteinman
David Singer
Gerald Yarm
Moi Gordon
Alice Adamek
Mary Baskin
Bernhard Lazarus
David Levy
Susan Marks
Bertha Moser
Lilly Dresdner
Rae Bass
Justine Pianko &
Stephen Herrman
Beth Berman &
Lyon Robinson
Debbie Javen &
Shane Sullivan
Cecil & Glynis Bass
Howard & Pam Sher
June & Mike Appleberg
Pat & Sid Drutman
Phil & Marian Jaffe
Charles & Vivienne Beck
Barry & Ros Den
David & Gilda Hardy
Peter & Cathy Holloway
George Jacobs &
Janice Hirshorn
Ian & Anita Jacobi
Milton & Tamara Levine
Sandy & Colin Lipworth
Hilton & Liz Sacks
Phil & Gloria Silver
Phil & Debbie Wick
In Honour and Appreciation
Gillian, Ilana & Monique
MDA Book Club
David Taub
The Bondi Walkers
In Memory
Rose Bat Mizlee
Naomi & Alan Schaffer
Ursula & Ivan Cher
Sara & Ben Kurzer
Sue Jowell
Leigh Levin
Gloria Munitz
Requesting a MDA gift certificate or card couldn’t be
Cecil Albert
Morris Eskin
Rae Bass who recently celebrated
her 100th birthday beamed with
joy to have her family and friends
around her on her special day.
Mazal tov to an amazing woman.
Other Birthday
Morris Eskin is no stranger to
MDA. A past President and Board
Member, Morris is still an active
MDA volunteer. He is seen here
blowing out the candles on his
80th birthday cake, helped by
his youngest granddaughter,
Sacha Gross.
Edgar Stein
Simon Tatz
Irving Wallach
Annette Wegman
Bernice Bachmayer
Tova Blumberg
Daphne Fraser
Liliane Frenkel
Anna Krel
Deborah Mourmourits
Gary & Tracey Newfield
Brad Rubinstein
Linda Rybak
Adele Schaverien
• Go online at
• Phone the MDA office 9358 2521
• Email
• Post cheque to PO Box 293, Edgecliff NSW 2027
Please advise payment details –
credit card (American Express,
Visa or Mastercard), who is to
be honoured (and the
occasion) or remembered,
a short message and where
the certificate
or card is to
be sent.
during the Gaza war when I saw what
was happening, and the importance of
ambulances and immediate response,” he
said. “I was also a medic in the Israeli army
and had some understanding of what was
happening in ambulances.”
Making a presentation to Robert Magid,
Roland Nagel said “the NSW Friends of Magen
David Adom is delighted to appoint Robert as
its Patron in appreciation and recognition of
his outstanding dedication and commitment
to Israel and the local community. Through
TMG Developments, Robert has been the
principal sponsor of our highly successful
campaign functions over the last two years
and together with his charming wife, Ruth,
hosted a private breakfast briefing earlier in
2015 enabling us to raise funds for a compact
defibrillator unit for a medicycle.”
In January, Robert & Ruth Magid toured
the National Medical Dispatch Centre
(NMDC) guided by Yoni Yagadovsky and
Ido Golan-Gutin from the International
Department. They were taken through
the command centre viewing the various
vehicles: motorcycles, ambulances and blood
mobiles and were provided details about the
operations nationwide.
Robert said, “We understand that no other
country has such a comprehensive health
response service and assistance is provided
not only in Israel but in other countries
where emergency services are required. It is
particularly impressive that three years after
the earthquake in Haiti, MDA is continuing
their assistance while all the other national
emergency services have left.
We were shown the emergency equipment
in the vehicles using the latest technology
for command and control, back to base
communication, resuscitation and breathing
equipment, pharmaceutical options available
for emergencies, etc.
Above all is the enthusiasm among staff
and obviously the volunteers. Israel is in
the unique position of having to deal with
catastrophic situations which other countries
don’t even dream of.
An extraordinary organisation.”
Note from editor – If you are planning a
trip to Israel and would like to visit an
MDA facility such as the National Medical
Dispatch Centre or Blood Bank in Tel Aviv
or the William H Bloomberg Station in
Jerusalem, please phone Tamara Lowbeer
on 9358 2521 at the MDA office to make
Roland Nagel, Charmaine Roth,
Gabrielle Upton MP, Danny
Goulburn and Stanley Roth
Roland Nagel, Ilana Gridiger,
Eli Tal and Roland Gridiger
Isabelle and Harold Shapiro
and Cr Sally Betts
Gerda & Joseph Brender light
a candle
Robert & Ruth are briefed on the
National Medical Dispatch Centre
Moriah College students dedicate medicycle
130 Moriah College students gathered in the Old City of Jerusalem on December 27 for a moving ceremony to dedicate a First Responder Medicycle in
memory of Rabbi Yaakov Litman z”l and Netanel Chai Litman z”l.
The students had raised funds for a Medicycle for MDA after hearing of the tragic murder of father and son. The ceremony concluded the students’ IST visit
to Israel.
Moriah College students assembled in the Old City
Rabbi Benji Levy, Dean of Jewish Life & Learning at Moriah College and leader of the group said to the students: “Despite the tragedy and the sorrow, you
managed to rise up with the grieving family and provide the people of Israel
with a lifesaving gift. This is a tremendous act that shows mutual caring and
honors the memory of Rabbi Yaakov Litman z”l and Netanel Chai Litman z”l,
father and son, teacher and student. Together with the Jewish community of
New South Wales and MDA NSW you have successfully showed your support
for Israel”.
Ido Golan-Gutin, Manager of the Australian Desk of the MDA International Relations Department, thanked the students of the group on behalf of MDA and
congratulated them on the amazing Mitzvah that they fulfilled by providing
MDA with the lifesaving Medicycle.
Christian Friends
of MDA
In November I went to Israel
and was privileged to spend two
days with Nathalie Blackham,
Executive Director of Christian
Friends of MDA and Norman
Feingold, the founder of CFMDA.
They arranged for me to visit the
Bloomberg Station in Jerusalem
to get a firsthand account of the
operational procedures of MDA.
We were joined by Bishop Moses
Owusu-Sekyere, a bishop from the
UK, also interested in supporting
MDA’s work.
Ido Golan-Gutin firstly gave us a
talk and video presentation on the
history and recent works of MDA.
We then toured the station, visiting
the all-important control room and
viewing inside the various vehicles
of their ambulance fleet.
I spent the second day with
Nathalie and Norman in the
offices in Tel Aviv, seeing how they
work and talking about Christian
involvement and the building of
relationships between our two
communities through love, respect
and support. I am thankful for the
wonderful opportunity to see the
incredible work that MDA does in
saving precious lives.
Our hope is to encourage and
motivate other churches and
Christians to stand with and
support the Jewish people and the
Nation of Israel.
Louise Southwell,
Louise Southwell, Nathalie Blackham, Norman Feingold,
Bishop Owusu-Sekyere and Ido Golan-Gutin
It’s an honour - MDA Patron, Robert Magid
Roland Nagel presents Robert Magid with a
commemorative medallion
Melissa McCurdie makes a floral presentation to
Ruth Magid assisted by Roland Nagel
HE Shmuel Ben Shmuel, Israeli Ambassador lights
a candle while Rabbi Benji Levy looks on
A welcome reception was held last
December to honour MDA’s newly
appointed Patron, Robert Magid, in the
harbour side home of business and
communal identity Harry Triguboff AO.
The function was attended by a number
of dignitaries including the Israeli
Ambassador, His Excellency Shmuel
ben Shmuel, Gabrielle Upton MP, NSW
Attorney General, Cr Sally Betts, Mayor of
Waverley, distinguished communal leaders
representing local and Israel based
organisations as well as MDA’s major
Robert Magid described his new role
as “an honour”. “There are a lot of very
valuable causes and useful organisations
that do good work, but one has to choose
an organisation that one can strongly
identify with,” Magid said.
“Here’s an organisation that saves lives. It
doesn’t discriminate who their patients
are. You always see MDA ambulances
when there’s a terrorist attack; it’s a
lifesaving organisation and it’s an honour
to be associated with it.”
Magid said the organisation is particularly
close to his heart given his history in
the Israeli medical field. “I got involved
Flying the flag for MDA & Israel
Bruce Block, 87, a retired grazier in
remote country New South Wales is
a staunch believer and benefactor of
Magen David Adom’s lifesaving work.
Proudly flying the Australian and
Israeli flags on his property in idyllic
Dorrigo is one way that Bruce displays
his support for Israel which he feels
is generally misunderstood and
misrepresented in the Australian press.
He has visited Israel and is very
concerned about the growing incidents
of terrorism and stabbing attacks. With
an understanding of the increased
calls on MDA’s services, Bruce recently
donated funds for a First Responder
Motor scooter to help paramedics reach
and treat victims more speedily.
Roland Nagel and Tamara Lowbeer
recently paid Bruce a visit and
were overwhelmed by the elderly
gentleman’s depth of feeling for MDA
and Israel. He speaks proudly of his
support of Israel and of the NSW Jewish
Roland Nagel gives Bruce a useful First Aid Kit
Blakehurst - Bayside Park • 02 9546 2897
Chatswood - Windsor Gardens • 02 9415 3470
Lindfield - Lindfield Manor • 02 9416 2868
Northbridge - Northbridge Gardens • 02 9958 5386
North Parramatta - Oatland Gardens • 02 9683 5544
Rose Bay - Rose Bay Towers • 02 9371 7161
Strathfield - Strathfield Gardens • 02 9742 6048
Bruce explained that he first became
interested in Israel and the Jewish
faith in 1986 when his father, Abraham
Samuel Block died. That was when
he started to donate to various Jewish
charities. Through his association
with the NSW Board of Deputies, he
was asked to distribute leaflets about
the Holocaust to schools in the Coffs
Harbour area.
In Israel, Bruce has planted trees in
the Yizkor Forest and has contributed
to the building of a water reservoir, all
dedicated in the name of his late father.
He is also interested in the provision
of lifesaving medical equipment and
the infrastructure that supports this
work. In the last few years, his help has
been in the form of two ambulances
to MDA – one, named in honour of his
late father, Abraham Samuel Block is
located in Kiryat Gat in the south which
is close to Gaza and a second, on behalf
of the Dorrigo community, is in the
Gilboa region in the north.
“I strongly believe that one should
contribute to charities whilst one is
still alive. By doing this one gains
valuable insight into their activities
and needs and can distribute the funds
accordingly,” Bruce says. “As a grazier,
who only retired at 85, I have sufficient
income to meet my own needs and the
rest can be used for deserving causes. I
believe this is an example that others
should follow”.
Bruce Block proudly shows Roland his Israeli flag
Bruce started off his working life as an
accountant followed by 23 years in the
RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) when
he retired as a Wing Commander. He
returned to accountancy in Canberra
but tired of city life. After several
attempts at finding a suitable property,
he settled on 275 acres outside
of Dorrigo to pursue his passion breeding and raising Limousin cattle.
He has lived there for the past 30 years
and although retired, he still loves the
farm and its surrounds, the beauty and
the serenity.
Roland Nagel was full of praise, “Bruce
is a truly a courageous gentleman.
Behind his humble, unassuming nature,
is a proud and strong supporter of
Israel who shows his admiration of
MDA’s precious lifesaving work in the
most tangible and direct manner.
We salute Bruce and wish him the
strength and health to continue to
inspire us all for many more years.”
You too can save lives
Magen David Adom relies heavily on financial support from its Friends around the world.
This can be in the form of gifts made during your lifetime, as Bruce Block has done, see story above, giving you the opportunity to see
firsthand the benefits that have resulted from your generosity.
Alternatively, you may choose to include a gift in your Will to Magen David Adom through Magen David Adom NSW, to reflect your wider
concerns for MDA’s future to be able to provide continued care to the citizens of Israel with the latest emergency medical equipment
and know how.
A gift in your Will can be a proportion of your estate or residue after you have made provision for your
family; a specific amount to be applied to the greatest need at the time or for a specific purpose which you
can nominate, for example an ambulance.
If you have included a gift to Magen David Adom in your Will, please let us know. It would be a privilege
to thank you and honour your generosity during your lifetime. Please fill in the enclosed confidential
response card and mail it to the President in the reply paid envelope provided. It will make all the
difference to many lives in the years to come.
Upcoming Events
MDA has some wonderful and varied events coming up this year.
My Name is Asher Lev - May 14 at 8.15pm
An evening of theatre with a special performance of My Name
is Asher Lev at the Eternity Playhouse in Darlinghurst. The
evening will feature an exclusive session with the daughter of
the novelist and playwright Chaim Potok, actress Naama Potok;
moderated by Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff.
Tickets are $60, available through the trybooking website - link It’s a small theatre
which is booking out fast, don’t miss out.
Annual MDA Shabbat – July 8 & 9
In Synagogues around Sydney. MDA members and friends are
encouraged to participate.
Major Function – July 31 - evening
An extraordinary communal event, definitely not to be missed –
more details soon
A time of reflection, inspiration and freedom
Entertainment Book 2016/2017
The Entertainment Book and the Entertainment Digital
Membership – available for order NOW.
Sydney & Surrounds $70 (plus postage and handling).
For every book sold MDA receives $14.
The most popular restaurants, attractions, shopping, travel
and more, all with valuable up to 50% off and 2 for 1 offers.
Order through the Entertaiment Book website or phone the MDA office on 9358 2521.
will take place on
SUNDAY MAY 29, 2016
at 10.30am at
White City Complex
30 Alma St, Paddington
Nominations for the Committee must be received by
the Hon Secretary on the prescribed nomination forms
no later than
Friday May 20, 2016 at
4.00 pm EST.
Members & donors welcome
PO Box 293, Edgecliff NSW 2027 Tel 9358 2521 Fax 9358 3893 E
MDA NSW Directory
President Roland Nagel
Vice President Tony Ziegler
Hon Secretary Ilana Sackar
Hon Treasurer Peter Sheldon
Josh Bolot
Mark Josman
Danielle Lechem
Melissa McCurdie
Newsletter of The Friends of Magen David Adom (NSW) Inc
Please phone beforehand for appointment
Accounts Yvonne Rawack
Administration Tammy Zlattner
Donations & Bequests Tamara Lowbeer
Events Jodi Kofsky
Friends of Magen David Adom (NSW) Inc PO Box 293 Edgecliff NSW 2027
Tel: (02) 9358 2521 Fax: (02) 9358 3893 Email
As we celebrate Pesach with our families and friends, it is
heart-breaking to see our brothers and sisters in Israel are not
free to carry on with their normal day-to-day lives without the
fear of a stabbing, shooting, ramming or other senseless acts
of terror being perpetrated against them.
Thankfully, Israel’s Defence Forces are second to none in
protecting our people and we can be equally proud of how
the country’s national emergency and rescue services respond
to these senseless attacks. In particular, the courage and
bravery of Magen David Adom’s paramedics, medics and
staff, most of whom are volunteers, who not only respond
to the daily demands of accidents, medical emergencies
and humanitarian relief, but the current wave of terror
superimposes another layer of complexity and challenge. Our
MDA heroes inspire us with their amazing dedication without
regard to their own
personal safety and
In consequence, MDA
Israel has identified
a need to increase
their fleet of First
Responder Motorcycles
(Medicycles) by an
additional 50 units.
MDA medics treat stabbing victim in a Tel Aviv street
Medicycles can reach
the scene of an
emergency in a fraction of the time it would normally take
enabling victims to be treated without delay. NSW Friends of
Magen David Adom has pledged to raise funds so that MDA
Israel can purchase as many Medicycles as possible.
This would be a wonderful opportunity for those wishing to
dedicate a Medicycle in honour or in memory of a loved one
linking the Mitzvah of supporting Israel and saving lives
Much has happened since our previous newsletter and I
would like to share some highlights.
On the last night of Chanukah, communal leaders, politicians
and dignitaries joined our major supporters in inaugurating
Mr Robert Magid as our Patron. Bob and his dear wife Ruth
have inspired us with their genuine love for Israel as well as
their admiration of Magen David Adom. We are so proud to
have them as part of the MDA family.
We started the calendar year with our Red Sunday Telethon
to raise funds for blood filters on behalf of MDA Israel’s Blood
Services. It was stimulating to see the diverse groups of
volunteers, many of whom were from the Jewish Day Schools
and Zionist youth groups.
Our Annual Solicitors and
Accountants Business Luncheon
was held once again at the
Bank of Queensland offices. We
were privileged to have Justice
Annabelle Bennett AO as our
guest speaker and she enthralled
and challenged the audience with
her comments and observations
from her years as a Judge of the
Roch Kasimov BOQ and Justice
Federal Court of Australia.
Annabelle Bennett
I would like to express my
gratitude to Lawrence Stander and
Charles Beck who recently retired as Board Members and at
the same time to welcome our new Board colleagues Josh
Bolot, Mark Josman and, our incoming Honorary Secretary,
Ilana Sackar. There is often discussion within the community
of next generation leadership and I am delighted that we are
increasing such representation on our Board and building the
foundations for effective succession planning.
At the time of writing, we are in advanced negotiations with
an outstanding speaker to address our main function on
31 July 2016. Please save this date for what promises to be
an extraordinary communal event and inspiring opportunity
to express your solidarity with Israel and MDA.
On behalf of the Board and Staff of NSW Friends of MDA,
I take this opportunity to thank you personally in anticipation
of your ongoing support and wish you and your dear families
Chag Pesach Kasher VeSameach, Happy Passover.
Sponsored by Golden Lifestyles
Roland Nagel, President