1977 april 77
1977 april 77
',,- '''-,'- • " • ~ , , ~;.t " ~-: ~ /; , , I I J '" ;;,. \ • ",' 1 ': , . . /' '<~..::~ \\ , " . . , <, ' -. , . ,, -. " ~. !'-.< ' . . \ ----- - E PJ.SQUA. ~'HE . :BUDGET. . . ; C.L.-li".C. ! I \. LA S!fORIA SEMPLICE'. ;\ij .1X)1<T I~) ~. I T ],()RGET-CONGRATULA~'IOnS, wanted.. -. . WATCHA FOLKS. CATHOLIC WOMEN I S ASSOCIATIon. : JlL PUHT9 DI VISTA DI UHi\. STUDENTESSA. . . ,. DIST&~ZIONE PASQUJ~E • NOS2.'RI Pl,pPRESENTAll'T.r A RO.r~A. BACK - HILL. lILLA. PJ.ES:AN1~ •• 1 - ----------------~--~----------~------------------------~~---, E.':P.ASQUA . ,E' Pasq'-1-a.: '(JriJ'!toe Risorto: 10sappi6.Ll;d~ ce :to hanno detto tante voJ. te: 'ma- io ho',pia:ceredi sc~verlo 'e ,df , . dirJ.o un' lQt,ra vo~ta: perch~sono -vivo; p'e:;,che DioLli h~ q~ ' ',' to un ,~J. tro a~o d;i. vi ta p'e;r;po~~; airivqre, il. cru!tare ~cora una voJ. ta IIJ. 'AJ.J.eJ.uja ll della sua Risurrezione: fino a quando J.a Sua bonta , non. porterenno per sempre .n~~, , .. i, o:i.ei .meri1;i,.Lli ,. , '-'ti:,: Suo Re'gno' a, carit~~e e=ternanentela Sua Risurrezione. - , <, , ; .• • Ma intanto che fac<:io, da un anno all'altro? canto; canto J.a .}lisurrezi0n.e' di Cristo llella Dia vita e nel Dio lavoro. Perche non e noios~e non e pesante la vita che Di6 mi ha dato: e un- Suo dono di' ruaore, con Lli parla .. ... - i . l quale , . , , - deJ. Suo auore e deJ.J.a Sua, gioia:.che 'colpa' 'ne ha Lui se' io . non vogJ.io. vede}:"e qu,es.ta. g~~~a .e 'q~~~to apqre; .ma'se sono. sempr~ 1l.ervo;30, beJ.J.a ,figur~, teso, iriqtii·~to, appress9 iliaenaro, ~ll,a aJ.J.e donne. . , Si, Dio mi 'h,a. dato J.a liberta: ,di: 'Pensare e di agire come vo6J.io, percne ~o sEmtJss;l 'la gioia diarriva;re. ~ ~ui, " - . ,., , di tr:oVare LUi in qu,i;)sto mondo, nelle' ':p~rsone '. <1i questo Dondo: ' rna se ;i.o uso quest'a Die. :Liberta ~er cercare solo me stesso~ io non- sono neJ.J.a Risurrezione" .io sono: nella morte. AJ.J.ora, Cristo Risorto, e.iutabi 'ad ,essere ,un uomo J.ibero" che porta J.a sua J.iberta di nmore e di gioia. ne;l:la vi tl:'. di ~t.t:l.., Don Roberto Russo ,j i - - - - - - ," -- -- HOW WILL 'rHE BUDGET AFF'ECT ·YOU .. ; .... ? Main pOints from the Bu.dge1;:_ _, . ~,1 ~ " Single person' s allowance raiseq. by ·>:-70 to .<:805 V;ife,ls ,earned. income. al'l:owance :raise,d by £70 to £805 Married allowance raised by .tJ.40 to £1225 'Sing);'eperson';s ·age a:l:lowance raised' by £70 to :£1080' MaJ?ried,~o'lAPl,e's age .~powarce raised, ,by £140 tg £169?, Max'imu.m income cnargect at s-candard rate raised by £1000' to £6000 ' New thresholds for tax at higher rates:,,-' .> ' £ 6 ' 0 ' 0 0 ' -,t.7' 000' 40~/;; ,'l~ ~" £7000,-.£8000 ,45% .£8066 -·£9000 50%' £9000 ~£lOOOO 55% £10000~£12000 60% '£,12000-£14.0.00 ·65"% £14000-£16000 70% ~16000-.~21000 .7 5~ , . oyer £2io.o.o 83% Thresholds for 10%' su.rcharge' r~i.s ~d . by' .£50'0 to £150.0. AnnUalpremiu.ms· on: which, s,el.f-'employ-ed p,eople; can claim tax' relief raised from ,£225.0. to'Z3.o.OO Tax-relief on 2'5% of earnings from overi?eas· :i:fmore 'thair 3.0. days are w,.orked overse!'l-s :i,n ~UY. one t?-x, year , Redt.ic'tion:~ in baSic rate of income ta:l,C from 35% t'o 3.3% subj'ect pay agreement ' . ,. Petrol du.ty u.p 5p per gallon + V.A.T. = 5:!p totai increase Heavy: oil ,.incJ:u.ding /\9 entral heatingoi:E, u.p .J.ip .per. gallon Du.ty· on 20 cigarettes. u.p 4p (no >~hange ~n pipe & cigar tobacco) Vel1:i:cle excise p.u.'ty'(R6adTax} u.p' dc 1;0£50; . J)l,lty op. <}omme:r;ci8,l;, .vehic;L!3s of IJ.p to 4 t~)lis llP' py abou.t 25% ., 4- ,to 6 tons up rifr ~boli:t 3.0.%, ,~'v~:r 6 ton!3 .~p by abou.t 35%, No increase in du.ty on drink . Programme '1;0 'traih. ;ext'ra inath§land'sc i'ence t.eachers Stock relief ior companies to continu.e No change in ,9prpora'tion tax, .' Profi t limit for prefer.ential rates of corporation tax raised to £40000; " ,, ',"<, • Exemption limit for savings bank in~erest raised from £40 to Fu.rther action to 'prevent tax avoidance by artificially " created capital losses Na~ional insu.rance su.rcharge of 2% (as previou.siy annou.nced) Charities will be exempt of the national insu.rance su.rcharge M.T. PAOLA AN!I.'ONIONI INTRODUCES: " . -.' ~ ~ , ~ ~ C.L~I.C. 'The Central London Italian',Club was,fomed less' than' 'a year "ago under the supervision of the FASFApar.ents' -comIlli ttee, from whom the idea 'originally came and who have contributed greatly toi ts -'sucess. ,It' .had been, apparent for .some, time ;that altliough there Vlere a ,greiJ,t ri-qrilber ,?f young.Italians'.sl?read over London, they rar'ely, if ever, alI :came' together in the same place, -which Be,emed a great pity. The pare~ts"coinmittee decided to do"something about this si fuat:i:on; andwhe!'l tf\eyillid'secured th~:possibili ty of hiring a room at the Cafe Royai-" 'a m'eeting, to which young Italians from all oyer London Vler~ invited, was. held:. At the meeting the idea of ho1.ding a disco once a month at the 'Cafe Royal, and from this eventually forniing a club, was enthusiastically- received and ,a committee of young Italians was formed. T.he first disco' v;as 'hel,d in October, it was,!l. great, sucess, more than two hundred people" over the age of sixteen were present. The atmosphere' Vias cosy, relaxed and decidedly Ital:i:an, vlith a selection of Italian records, included in the music by the discjoclcey ~ony Asti. During the evening sandwiche's '"'ere served;, and the presence of' food', which is varied as 'the occaf?ion. requires it, has become a regular feature- of our discos. ~'hereis a variety " ofmus:i.c also; at last month's disco the group Kite, recent winners of NeVI Fac~s; who are due to releasp a. record shortly,provided the entertainment for part of'the evening. , Since the first disco the popularity ,of C;L~I.C. has groYrri. cpnsiderably and' official membership was introduced in January,'.T:here are now over four hundred members' and it would 'seem' that 'many more 'people are' interested. At last there is a regular., fUnction at "/hich young Italians from various parts of London can meet and enjoy 'themselves. The ,dances will continue- to take place once a month, eyen during the summer. Now that C~L.I.C. has been firmly established it is hoped that its activi tea viill not end at discos, ana. :the possibili tes of outin.gw and some sort of w;Ik in :the ~ollllllunl.:ty are \leing consider'ed. If you have, any suggestions or comments to make the 'comm:l. ttee wi11 be very pleased to he'ar from you. - ------------------c-----,-- LA SroRIA SEIliPLICE DI UN UOr.:ro SEMPLICE~ -~----~------------------------------- e . Anche in Paradiso; ~a ~h;us~a de~ pub sempre a~~e ~~ di sera. Una so~a. eccezione sf 'fa per Nata~e: giacche g~i Ange~:i: devono cantare ilG~oria a lnezzanotte per,ricordare ~a nascita diCristo, i~ PadreterilO ha datoun~e'stensione. fino a1.~a ,Una dimattina; coslbevend().~. c,antando ~o cose ;t'i.escono meg~i9" come avveniva ne~~e osterie dei nostri paesi, ,dqve inv9ce aq.~sso ~om si 'ha piu .i~. tempodi ,bere:' bisognasvuptares'l,tb:j. to .~a bottig~ia ,perche·.serve per fare unabomba Mo~.otov. Ma!'lta",{amo par~ando de~ ~ub in Paradiso: i~ Padre eterno ,aveva estensione - , , - " , fatto - una a~tra . d~~ Pub anche per ~a notte ,de~ Sabato 'S!3,nto in,'attesa de~~a R:j.surrez:i,one di Gesu a~~ '~AIba: Ip.a accadeva ,13empre ch~ i~, povero ~esu dove'.r~ r?-ccog~iel1e i ljIp-oi panni,daso~o perche 6~i Anse~i . ., eranotuttiubriachi: quei PQchi che ~on pevevgnq ;~~cgq~~ci di:v:entavano nervosi a ,forza 'di. bere caffe. Vi ?-bbiamo detto tut'j;6 qu:e~to'pe:r2ho 1.a nostra storia . ,." .comincia proprio a~~e ~1.·30 :P .m. de~ 24 Dicembr~ ~~.?5 :in Paradiso ne~ Pub de:i'Cherubin:i~ :i.~ piu grande e i~ pill. be~~o. Era .pieno di l.nge~:i e Santi: m~,~ssenCj.Q ;La festa de~~a Nailiv:j. ta, c" erano anche tutte' ~e cicoghe d~~ (lie~o': questicari ucc~~li cJ;le portanq i bambiil:i.. su1~a t~rra, ·?-lle ;Loro maIi'.me ~e qua~i l i as~ettano per tanti me~i., Quanto- lavoro ayeva~o a que+ tempS? ~e cicogne: .~e donne infa tti pref eri vano ~ve.re un fig~:iq :invece dipJ;'endere ~a >pi~101a; preferivano· avere un f:j.occo ~ianco .s~la po~ta invece di un aborto nel sene: e gli uomini sentivano'~agioia di essere padri, ed erano ·qrgog~iosi di fa~':vedeJ;'e ¥ll figl:io,~che, !'Ie ques:tq ,gli impediva di comprarsi la ma~chi,na nuova~ E ~e cicogne erano contente di que~lavoro,:' per questq' §tavano fe~tef3'gia,ndo i~ Nata1:e aL.Pub.N()n er,a. festasolo i-n CieJ,.q pera, ma ancp,e in Terra •. Eanche sulla Terra ?i bevevll!·in tutto i~ mondo e :in Ital:i.a: e che ,vinoJ'! Bianco, 0 r9'!!so, asciutto 0: P:iu d()~ce, profumato:. ,meno male che ,a1c~e ,!?ott:ig1ie di que~ vino rosso sono conservate ?:le:i Musei, porche a~trimellti ad~sso non ~o sapre~o per niente.• E ill Italia sibeveva '8.ll~he in ,un paesino de~ Nord chiamato PontaJ, to. In tutte ~~ sue 9?-sette c' era fes,ta: que~le be1~e, feste italiane cQ?:l ~'odore de~ mang1are che si spande per tutto 1:a casa, ~e. do~e '9he' venne .e velfBono dalla. cucin?-,g1i ' " con J."b'J.cch'J.e:cJ., ]!A.enJ.J. .b am.b"J.nJ." ( come eran.o pJ.eneJ. " d " ba UOlnl.llJ. . ~b"J.nJ." . ~e case .del: paese) .che si rincorrevano,ur~~vano e c?-ntavano :int~rn~ a1~ lA1bero di Natale.: n~m importa se il paefieera div,iso dalla po~itica principalmente in due b10cchi, i. papalini con i1 Parroco da una parte e i Ros~i'con :i.1 Sindaco dal1'altra: - .~ '" , ~ ~ " '". - ~ . . ~ 1,_" era tutta brava 'serite 'che 81: guaaagha'va :ioi llane :con i l ,sudore dena :fro!lt~ '~; c!,-e ,¢.t~~,~va. ?oi. 5l?OPQ~cio~i A:i,~~9Illai q~al,i prolle'!;.. teyanQ piu, s9Mi .ol':i:~ b.~ne,diz;i.oni, di, P;i,~~ ,s~ capt.l?ce~ =i pitt, giov?-ni cl;'~d,~va.n6 ai. so19i (l'er~~~" 'J;a.nt<i<? '~ra, to!ilpo' per le ' benedizi()il~ di. ;Dio,~, :e i .;i~: anziani. c.re~ovano gl~e b~nodi.~tpni di Dig '~l'erche t~nto n-Ol]: ,c' era. Di~ to~poper;i'ar~ ~ ~O,idi),~ , ~n. due. 9asett~ g' e::ra pero J'l~110 confusiope ~~ forse pitt ". Sioi~: ~~ gioia aCC<?E1pagpata'da UI1 l?oc~ip.q di 1):reoc9~l?az~one, m!\. seIill?re.~i,o,i~, ,.e~rE?q:tf:laI:lente !lella casa d~~.)3ip..dac{ ein 9.~~~;La, del parl;'<?99:' t¥"tJti ~ .du.~ inf~~t~ ~spettavan().~.~!!! 1:Ul. b~ljIbi"l}o. I i .1 " ~ - Contintiato .• ,; •• , 'I -0";0-0-0"::0'::'0-0-0-0'-0-0-0-0";0-0:';;";0-0-0'-0- -------------"!" Bh tz aild1>:tec'es ,'~ the tale of two fiiJ:iiIi'es ,in a;slington during the' Second \ilorid vtar, on Friday 6; Saturday 7, and' Sunday 8, at s'tPeters "and Paul's Olnitch in :ai'd ,6f the r,es;toration of thece;iiitrg and6ther parts 'o'f the :Church.Ticket's £.r. . . , -0-6-0-0-0-0-0-6-0-0-:0. - -, . .- .. CONGRAwtRTIONS to' the Women's Catholiic ,their. ... . :Associa,tion .. . . - ·on ., ~su:ccessrur,CE.eese and Wine :par'!;;»: ,on t,4e'1.9th March., This was the first function '!;he :j..adi~s ,ha;.r~ .or~anized, ,~nd la " good time ,\Vf~s enjoy:e,dby all. ~, Well done lad'ies f! i /-' ~ Keep -up ,the good work.' -0-.0",,0-,0;-0-0-0-9:- 0 - 0 -0.> WllNTED ------ L .P'. Record by Vic Damone • ", ANGELA MIA " Aprox. 10 Years coiltact253 - 4547. WANTED " Good 'comer6iai Gas Co,oker (as fpr restaurants) ;nation, ring 278- 9402. any' time. for infor- Watcha folks! !!.'his is wow, so take a butcher's !!.'his is a b:r'i'ef, avery 'brief, sur:iTey of'modern spoken English by an observer, nqtan' e~ert •. A detailed analysis of the subject by·a prop'er llnguin.tics' eXpert woUJ.d fiii more ,than a=!-l th~ pages o,~ aii t~is year' s issu~s of' "J?aclt Hill". !!.'he article wilisuggest some causes of the·deter.i:o.ra~ tion .the spoken langu~g~ 'as' -an ad~quate. means ~of corimrunication: It wiilalso give' ~xampies of lnodern..:.da;{' colioqui8J.isins: .slang ph~ases, corrupti'ons, Americanisms,and' abbreviations, all:" of which inevitably result, not only in- the destruct"ion of a ver,y. ,beautif~ and :fluent language, but more significantly in inaccuracy with r~spect to the clear expression of ideas; thoughts and.feelings. An -added danger.is .., -" .... that these colloquialisms will be accepted (as they have b,een in the Petst) i~to the written ianguage with the. same results. ot ' . - - " ,"" " ~is article·may well: contain examples of such coJ.J.o<qu.i~+.i~mfl.;' th~y ~re ( apart frolllt,he ti t~e ). umntentio-, nal and;) ,to ~' g.re~t ·~xt~nt; -the resu:!; t of e<'lucation. For this reaso,!!" iii shQuld bE} ma~e ·cl:ear that i;his is .not a ,cri ticisIp. of thof!E} .!yho'1-~,e ·sJ,al}g, :i,fi t is iihe only;: Erl:gJ,ish they pave had ,the opportunity to J.earn; in,deed it' is to be hoped' that they will benefit by this' survey. 'However,' 'it is a c:i:-i t:i:-cism of those who use slang purposely; those who know'better;more accurate· "English ·but ,who wish ,to be 'trendy i, or even di:f~E)J;'~nt: po!,:":,singers.a,re ainongthe worst ,cu;I.pri ts vii th their" gonnaip' and ., liiilts 'and' 'yeah; yeah, yeah' s Ii .. ~ !l.'heneed for a :flexib~e langUage (Shakespocrels English is not and cqU=!-d not reaJ.J.y be, sinc~ soc:i,~ty J;1a,s changed so much, our own) i,s appreciated':: words are poot realities, they are symbols. On the other hanq, there l:i,es the, strong contention that, especially ~n London, ~'extreme of incomprehensipility, inaccuracy, and downright ugliness has,b'Qen r!'lached. Language is ·used primarily for cominunication and . . . . (despite the fact that there are many who be+ieve true human communication to be impossi:ble) 'communi:cation is th.e expression of information, ideas, and feelings to other people. !l.'herefo~e, the language used must be readily understood by these people., -' "' ~ , COl1t,. ~ ••••• Hence the need for a consistent' body of words and phrases that can be understood by ti.le'ei.u~ive average· map,; in ,qther words, by the major,i tyofpe'opl'i with who<m one IE! likely to come in contact with. WOllJ:d Ii 'shop assis-c?l1~ .ilorilal1y:;undcrstand ,that "~ilaae~rl meant sUngl:csses? \lould - fell6'w,(not fellah.) Vlho .asked " 'his' 'gi:i:l:friend:or, .dife to I'gussy herselful> I..;. wh~t.an llSly phr~se! ..: be :undEfr~tood by' her to' mean· that she.' should ,make hers~lf look pretty? Coiloquialisos destroy. this consistent body. of words for ii<? .good PUrPose; 'in some cases it could. be'.said. ::I;ho.i; slang is, in effect;" a different la."ieu,age and those who speak on:j.y 'j;1.l:i.~, J:ans1i9.ge arid no;); proper EnBlish/~c~. only Taake' yhemselves,' a:t; best . ::i.n.verfe,ctiyful'derst06d-.bY· another person 'who .speaks ,ordinary a ~gHsh.· (to becoritinued)' , If any ofy6u have 'been -shocked·or amazed by apar,ticuJ,~r que~r or annoying slang phrase or'word', Americanism, .. corrup:f;i9n, etc.;' do send. u~ a copy6t'it together with itslleanil).S if P?SSible·i· to :the 1!:di tor; ~':Back'HillK . _ c/o casli S'. V; pallOtti,.136, Clerkenwel1: -Rd. London l;.C.L , . . _. WOMEN· 1 S:. CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION - (\'I .....C .A.) - - -~ ~ ~ !j.';his as~0C.;iaYi9n isa group of cathil1i'c wOplen; who meet· e'(.e-x;y.Monday evening in the rooms of the "CasaS'. Vincenzo, pallotti 1 • We have 9.1-li:te Ii nufnber of activ~te8 in which weal·i play apart. For we are ,,-very busy at the moment"" preparing for the . instance, -:,. ... Pass~9p. Play,which is' year in st; Peterl's Italian' .'. -, .,... - he'rd. every Cp.\lrgh. We pJ;'ep~re tpe ~6Ert'ufues and on the day o'f the perfornance : we help. where we can. We al!3() plan and help with the Aniiual rt~lian 1'ro'ces8ion. This ne~d!3 a great dea;J, of wor!C a!ld vi~ spend· many evenings sewi~g and. repa,;ir;ing ihu ,colourful" costUiaes,· w.hich area 'feature "."" ... of the Procession. ' ,The Annua~Eazaar, ;is another o.f our intersets,and last ;Y~ar 1 s \V;~ a B~~a t~ucess. Some of our members, 'also belong to the Vince:# de, Paul Society, who vlsit the sl.ck,innosp:i:ta1: and ..in: tp.e;ir _hQm~s. Ii' we have a' larger groupo! woItien we -would' like to, as~is\i' the si; Vincent de 1'aulSociety" and help them -in ,their Christ:i,e,.n work., .of .q1si ting the sick; etc. qu~ VI~ekl.ymeeti~gs, are a break from tho- rou.:tj.nc'ufdaily l.ife, ?-nd, br:i,ng u.s women al.;L ~uch closer together. The laee tillgs we ha,ve 'are very l.iv'elY, and ':I) think are enjoyed by everyone. Vie are open to al~ catholic WOllen of differenii age groups and-,V/ould welcome any newmerubers, who fe,el they can spare a few hours every vleelt, and woul.dl.:ike.-.,:to j(>in~s. Please, con~act :. viaPa;rish 'office }liss Luisa :r.kiUnari, Miss: Inez lwalidini, Mrs Peggy Grandi. • _ a _ ' • ~ •• _ _ ~ • - - , '" ~ ~ ~'" - -'" , -" -- ~.- ',. -: < , _, - r _ IL PONTO DI VIS Tl';, DI :mU.STUDENTESSA Sonoserapre e numerosi :j.n,~tal~? ~li scontri:fra studenti ,<1i oposte:i:dee !loli tiche, :frn stud,enti "e le :forze~ ,d !ordil1e, spes so 'con vittiIile;' le occttpaziotli .e ];e. dev-astazioni.,.delle sedi univel:', ... . . si tarie; i blocchi delle lezioni e .de:j.le ~essioni d~' esami, eCQ. ~ eosa nascono questi disordini ~ 'Che cgsa vogi.;~n9 ~ii stu~enti~ J3isogmi inanzi tutto 'dire che il t~:tt1ine, "studel1te" ~ improprio; e che, in 1ta1ia - a parte,le solite- ·eccezioni - ·non si . .. smdin: 1e univexsi t~ sono s&vrat':fol.ln'!,;e, .;t.~ s"tllt~e::,insufficienti e spesso in·esistenti,i:co:roL"stud:j.o v:ecch:i.. e superati, le.,materie spesso inut:il:i, ,gli ~sami si riducono i l piu dene vol:te ~ una :farsa, e il titolo di studio che si ot~iene - dopo quatro 0 piu anzi ditempo spreccato - non serv~ a t:rovape lo:voro, e, anzi e,solo passaporto ala disoccupa:;;:i.one • . Gli:studenti protes~ano perche vogl:iqno ri~9~~ - ~empre promessa e mai mantenuta -, di qU~!3t9J t;PR' '!i:'.univer,sit~. ~. :i.nteresurmte, notare 6he la giov:~;ntU ch,i!'Jde a:;:>ertara~nte d=ipotere studiare di !liu e piu seriamente: Si puo obi:ettare che dagli studenti sipotrebbe,:pr.e:t~ndere;,Una .:fo;::tia. ,di protesta piu seria '?, .pili 90st:z::uttiva9he non 1e ~assaiole, gli', incendi e le bombe Molotov. S:j. ;puo risp~m"ere ~ che' 'tropp~ la cJ.asse '1'oli tiqa i tal~ana p~;t:'? sensi bile s()1o. a questa f' !violenta ·di :protesta .(leprotes:te ·c:l.vi;ti e ():;"dinati vEmgono iunorate)" e che c "e mo!Lt?-.con;fu:3iono ~r!1g1i" ~tudenti; 1e frange estreraiste .' molto 1{0J"i9izzate" po:L :fa1f1lo pi.\t ~il<?re deJ,la grande massa titlor:fa • .- , . < In oltre 'Bli,obiett:i.vi stessi non ~ono molto chiar:i:, e gIi studenti t~l?-do;no ,~ vedere i problei,n:!- come:, 1i vedono vari. part'i ti:' c:l.oe, sotto .un aspetto poli tioo· e teorico :- spesso quindi fazioso an2;.:i;~h~p~atic'~;, e' co:r~;rio 11 rif?ChiO dl' esa!lli~ars:l. in: internunabili contrasti ideologici sensa arr:l.vare ad Una so1uz:l.one p;t:'atiC?a. , . l~d a~e:ntar.e la loro esasperazione contribuisce l'it1l:1obili!3DO. della classe poli ti,ca, inca:p~c~~di risolvere urio dei molti .. . . :prob,l.emi del;t.'Italia: prop:j.o quando gli stuqenti sorio ,al1:e prese co1. problema ,del 10ro fu~o, e gi~ Italianiin eetlcre con f"in-f lazione crescente, so~o sottq ~li occh~ d1 tant~ innumerevoli scandal=!- :- prirao .di tutt:L una gi~antescaevasione fis'cafe; Spett~ .urgelitemen'l'e .8,1 eQve:;no if compi to d:itrovar,e una soluzionEl almel10 dell'uni ve,rsi t~, prima che i1. di'sord.:ine "s'i propeehi e, divent:; generale. ~. ~ - .", >; - • - - "'.~ - ~ ~. - *? \'," Fabrizia Luc:.;;to I::. -. . , DISTRil.ZIONE:PASQtfALE , _.- . .... "'- -.~ . S~?-~:g:f.~inf i>Aha del1.e pa.s9,ua, Gesi\ fe~e la ~ua UJ.'tiha vis:!.te. agl:L. amic:i. Lazzaro; M.art~ ~'Mana:.,'Mana Gli: :fecle grande fest;;t e ,10 cosp,arse di soe;\iissmo ~:rir6:fUmo. K G:l.uda· pa:rVe~:per pe~o."I_l prof,*O~~;te-:Va<l;rca treciri:to"denari;' con questa somJl!8;. ~:i. ,pote..}a,' s06c6rre.r~ '~!{nt\ rOV~ri\.·G~Su..nOn di'edepeso aile .Jj.mo,§t:r;;;tRoze d~~ s1to zelaii~ete,~o~.ere.IILasc::iIate:ta far.ei.;;egli esq:i;an;?? ~<?:i~ Y.~l.ga. :per iJ;~i~fu?, dell~ raia 'efepolfura'. I, 'poveri ~i, 'avx:e te.· seI:1~re cori' :;,;oi;'. ' .; . .... ~'ti~~ f!~~ttin;~a, 'dopo,non s~10 Idaria co~parse' a~cora di profumo.i~ cQrpo e'sangU:e 'delstto Gesu.,ma anche n desiderio di Gi';'~a,~~rv~ e's~'udit6 ~ . Gitia:a 'inia iti eobe a disposiz:i.bli'e trenta ... -... - . " .: . . de.11a~"ri;<?a,vati non, con: 1a vengita di't:O'ofucid,ma (rOn il' 'oacio tradi . tore; 'Preso cia disperaz'i6ii'e, egli sc'aravent?> 'questi denar;i.. l?-e.J.. telilpio ;" ma cj, fu, su,1,>i to' chi pense di destinarli 'ai i>o'veri. Il Vang~16' iri:tatt'i raccont'a che i sacerdoti! raccolsero le Done;te;' ma si :fe'qero'· scrupo1:q' di mett,erle nei', tesoro del' terrillioi poicl~e eranoil.I" prezzo 'del"sangue:Non sose in ttit'ta' la n±bbia " " " c:l sia un, ~ 'liro s:!:miJ,:e caBo d:i: a,15errai:i.:one religiose: quei pre'bi irifanii sono pront'i a tfucidBre ilFiglio d:L:biO' e'si: farino scrtip~io' a:L :J~ntaJinare i l tempio I . Coh quei trent~'denarii' ~~~eX:<10~i'a.9.~u.isi~ro~6~uft .terr~no d~ <ie~tinare aila sepoJittira ~,de:i.. :for~stie~:'Ecco esa~dit6 :i.ldes:fderio' <if Giudii! A questo 'pUn to dei'.racconto ,evangel:lco io" sono so:i±t6 avere una distra... r"" • • zione, "propri6 come chi nella preghiera non ':d'esce a sottrfl.rsi completamente alieansie delle sue occi.tpazioni giornuiiere~'ta .r4?- di.Ed;raziolie.,e 'que~ta.: ...... . . .penso a1" forestie'ri dei quali io mi occupo;, agJ.±emgrat:l ,e' ag!iemarti'nati; e mi chiedo se volte i~.·'. b.e~ef:l;·en:ze" dhe essi' 'rice~ozio 'riom 's6rt:> :fiutto del tradioen"., .... " . ... 'f ",;.' , - .. ,to' .di, Cristo., .. • '« - , • .~. , ,; r ~" ~ ~~~(~. , - < ~ . ~ -; .-,~ - "'.- , • '>" ~ - "_.~' I> ~ ,'< .,~_ f"-,"""--" .' ~ - ~ . . . ~--.'~.< ",,¥ ~ " ~. '~-."'~""~. •• ' -~ ;" '-.;--' -.' ..- • ~ ~ .< a. .... ~ o.l '.. ..... ~. • ~ ~ ~ , . . P. Umberto Marin cs .' .• ,. , . _-;,.~ -~"'.~ , ..... ~- . ~ .:1< "" .. ~--~ . ~------------------,=--,-",-...,.-" HOS!I.'RI RiU?PRESEN!I.'AN!I.'I !!:. ROMA Durante i giorni 25 e 26fe1?1>~io' scq;t',f1<?, si riuni' a =' .' Homa,. pres~o ,i1 Mipistero d~e~i Affari ~steri, ~~ C~mitato cons~t,i:Vo, ,degi~ Itau.llni ~J.',Este,:ro, sottp ,:L~ pre:s~dEm:Z;8; de:LJ. 'On., 'so,ttosegretarioF. Fosch:L. ~ ~~~ ~ ~ . ' •• ,Fu questa J.adodicesima.ed ul. tima riunione dEi1 stiddetto comi tat~ : che,n~~qu~ '~eJ. iori.tt3,~o '.1967 ~onmembB"rio'm:i.n:ati e contiri.~o' ~'~, 'c~~ membr:i'~ietti ~ai: ~ppreE1iri.t~~ti 'ci.eJ.ie y~:;-ie AS::l6,c~a~.i<?pi .e Ci~coJ.j; c!-;i,~ em:i,grati ,a1J:~ra )~siste.riti:..IJ. cdmpi to di questo COmi tato, 'Compostq' p:d:ma d:l. 39 membri ei~tti e-.quindi di. 5J.Cdodiciins,eri ti inoc~as:i.one d~J.ia' C~niereiiza ,,-. . .... . ,..... . . Nazi<?!lI;l:J.~, ,de;!.J. '.Em=!-g.:;-az~o!ledei f~,bb~:to J.975),' e~ que}J.o d~ :l?ortar,e .. ~~e,yom.p,et.~rr~ia~tqri,:tald:!- dove~o ivan prob:J::enp. q~;tJ.~,' ~g:l;',~zipn~.' Illtatti. i, .5;t JJons4 tori ra:pp~eseniiav~o i cill!l:U~ ~Ho~,i, .0 ~ez,z<;> ~irqa 'cg. so~az~9naJ:i' sparS:L in't'ti.,tifo ),J. mopqo. , . .... . . ~o;t '119 .J.,avor9 e' §te,to ~atto", ilumi di'p,aiq;teilono st,~te q~i1te,. ,qui~,t~J.=!- di cart~ ,sono, sta.:t;i ~sati ma; a .d=!,re h ..rere; , -. . , . ,poco e'. stato concretizzato' in tU'l;ti' questi annio '. ..""., _.4.,. " '.' _ _ " . n. pres~:t:lte conp. t!:l-to, .iJ, C':l.i Ip.SJlqato e i ~caduto ii ~1.i2~;7:6; 's~~" qra .so~ti:tli1io ga, ~ aJ.i;;r()org~o cne prob4:-' .-. . . - biJ.mente sic~:i,am~ra I =!-,J. ConsigJ.:;'o Naz:i,ol!a~eden.' Emigpazione, :i.J.qu:j.:riumero d:i, memb¥1- epJ:'~v;!,~to '4;i,. 1,35 d,:h' cti:l soJ.o, 80' sa.,; ~ann~ ~l.ei;t:j. 9.aJ,;I,a b,ase"a voi1o d~retto,ne± ya#p~,es;i. ~i Em.i.~:t:lzi0ri~ .9i ~iaugq:;-a, gh~ J.~ .prOll!e}lse fatte ciail 'o':!~., 'Fo~ch:i. ,sO::pannp ma~tepui!e 'e.ch,e, que~to n~~:v~ Qrgrino eiitJ:'~ "'in i'Urliio:ne .durante. J. 'anne'.in corso'. " . ,,' "~,per ~;:i. ~z¢~;~ti' c I e J.~. novi't~ 'clies:L. i>ot'i-a anciaie a VO'• '."'>o"~- - i971 -.,,- ..... --.- ~,,'. ,. __ "0 _ '" "<"""':'~,:-. .~.: .'.:'''.:" '. -', ~-. • •- . - ~":.' :.",--'~' ••• , ~-~ '< - ~ ' " .~ - . - ~_'~ , ~ ',' ,~.. ~, , - ~ --, ~a;re pe,r ~J.~g~erl? ~ue~,J:~ ;l?ersgne Cpera~t G:t'a~i>:r~i!~gna. dovre~ 1?er.9 e~s~~e q~a't;:t;ro ~:Lpo.s'Po 4eJ.l,e g,ueVprese,denteco.mi tato) ;Le quaJ.i ci r~ppresente:ranno neJ. ~~ovo con~ieJ.:i.o NaZi,onE:iiedeJ.i' Emigrazione,che ci auguriamo abbia piu forza poJ.itica,quindi con criteri aJ.meno v:i.ncoJ.~ti se non .qeJ,iberanti, di quanto ne abbia avuto iJ. vecchio CCIE. • Sono certo che J.'Avv. O. Franchidi GJ.asgo~e il sottoscritto -ex-consUJ.tori ~ continuerarin6 ad interessarsi dei l'roblemi dei nostri connazionai.i, finO. a quando, attraverso nuove consul. tazioni eJ.ettoraJ.:i:, nonsarannn.' eJ.etti i nuovi rappresentanti deg1i emigrati in Gran Bretagna. " G. Giacon . , "!!lIE HILL" !i'he 'HiJ.J.', as 'the Italian' quarter Vias known, was conta,ined between- Ido:unt j?J.easant',:Ray ~t., Saffron,Hill; Clerkenwell " Rd. and Farrlngdon Ra. Going 'back ·one remembers( ',em ricord) the ice-cream vendors; aJ.J:frOm SoutpernItaJ:y, who bought their ice.,-,," from ifhe J.ocaJ. ice vendor, original:iy Fraulo & Perolli. They bo'iled the' milk in their kitchens and then brought the cooled milk onto the pavements outside their homes. They proceeded to :freeze it in zinc vats surrounded by ice in wooden barrels~ Theys,t~d the niixture untii it' reached the, right level of consistency th¢n, with the help· vf their neighbours" they J.oaded the vats 'onto adaptable barrows" which wer.e nicely' decorat'ed with pict,tires of ItaJ,ian royalty or even EngJ:i~h royal, ty of 'the time. Then theyproceeded,on foot, to the various parts of London to seJ.l their goods. In the days J: ,grew up on, the Hill, I must admit, there was great poverty and shortage of work ,all rotind'. In 'those days the only' way op'en ,to the Italian 'emigrants was to work on thElir own initiative: ice cream vendors, barbers, shoe repairers, porters etc. The ,Hill was just like small Italian v,illagE) and fully seJ.f-contained. 'It had its own butcher, grocers, shoe r(Ojpairers, cafe', Public House, fruiterer and even it!> own' shoe-~hine boy,who wouid shine shoes for'2d. On'Su.iidaYs,' the junction of Warner St. ,Bath St. (now the 'Car Park) arid Eyre St. VIaS Tike ~ p:i,azza 'and, everybody, . especially in the Summer" woult\ be out pas~ing the time away, exactly as to'day they do outside the Italian Church. 'Em ricord, that most families, who coUld afford it, prepared the roast then took it to the baker on the corner ,to be roast,ed' S ;inc every' few' people owned: cookers in those 'days. Padre PJltonio and'Padre Orascitelli ware the two Italian priest's of that time and"wUIi ~oat 'zealand affection, they' J.ooked after their flock, always finding a word of encouragement and good cheer for those they met in ,the, streets., , St. Peter's School ( today's St. Catherine Laboure.') was dedicated to teaching Italian in ,the evenings to the child,ren ',of the colony. The. teachers were all Italian and very ,dedic,ated. One remembers most clearly: "!.!aestro Ferrari, Maestro Pers'ighetti, Balestreri, and Bisoni"who for year~ and years assisted in the Italian evening classes with very great effect, as many old people wilL testify today. J.924 , on the occasion of the visit of the Itali;m King and Queen to' London, ,twelve coach-loads of Italian children went to Grosvenor Square, to' the Italian Embassy to ch~er their monarchs who responded by mak,ing an appee,ranc,q at the balcony of 'the Embassy. . I I, a In 'Em ricord, the altar boy,s ( 9ver 40 ) attend'ing the high mass, every Sunday and In the evenings at Vespers. 'Em ricord, at the end of tlie First World War, the memorable visit of the famous 'Bersaglieri', who had Vlon a contest in London. They appeared that day in 'Little Italy' demonstrating thElir weJ.l-known and Vlell-loved fast military trot to,entertain their co-nationals. -cont •.•.. -.. ,iTHE HILL" cont. 'Em'ricord., the ,?rgan gri~ders who, through .no .fault· of 'their' own" wer~ forped ·to push their organs ~oup.d' the W~st End streets to t;ry to obt~in some sO,urc e 01" income 'in order to .live.pr6vidinga con-crast 't'o these were the'catere:r!3 whose famcius nairies sti1-1 survive today. Al though/'some of thein' started thl3ir career!,! in Wales, the"majori'ty pegan in '.Lit.tle Italy'. ' /'" '.Em· ricord, the stpeet ol~a_ners, '{frio th\3n used pose p,ipes to w~~)1 th~. s'treets clElan.Yle' ch,Udren, vi6uJ:d 'have ~eat flffi pa~dling .iri the water J,e'ft .bellina,. rntl:lo,se days we~s~d to, play cricke.t and football in the streets and ,incide~tallY St.• ?ehr' s school )lad one of 'the ,best teams iIi Islington ~d' won many a sh:i;eld. , ' 'Em r.icord,the wonderful: .marr.iages· tha,t took place in , Little Italy," .•. The bride and groom WOUld. leave .the Church in' , a horse-drawn: carriage (and ·later, on limousines') and' drive ·.do.wn Eyre St·. Hill and up Bath St"whilst. all:the. Italian: people. 'would' collie out .t·o wish them well ,.wi th· .all the :sinc.erity in -:t;h!'lir hearts, and 'spraying them with :fl.'owers· ;and.coniet1i:i;..' . , .. ~ ~ '" . !EIJl r,icord,.whep:, a fortn'i~t -peiore. Chl::istni~s·,the fa.{nilies. .prepared small a,l.tars a,nd mangers wi·th,.lit:tJ.;'e sta,'t'uettes of the HQly F~ily in their homes. Th~se wh'o did have al t.ars' were th~n visi t~.dby ~ypes of wan~ering ·l!l.instrels,. two 9f wpi'ch I re~ember: Mr. Vo.ltronaand ~Ir Mancinf, who went rou!,\d s;i.nging c?-l\0:I,s. and' playirlgth~, violin ap:d' the .flut~, f'o;l.Ibwed·. by a. bUnch of kids :from house to ' h o u s e . ' . i>Ur.ingth~ i~t \'.'. Yl. , 'L:j. tth Itaiy' 'had an iil.:v:atio!J, of Belgian :famines. who 6 arne to' ~:i. ve With us:.' They--bro.ugtlt \vi th' them l?ertorming beaiswhfbhdahced aroul'l/r 'Phe, Maypo:(e' :for 'us 'and we, . . .' ". pa=i;d ld.to see th.i~. " 'Em ricord the iir.st man to own' a. ~ar' in';Back .Hi11~., ; Guess who? The local bookmaker" and he would 'of.,ten give 'the kids rid'es as ·a treat. ·We. (children) wer.e, also ,treated'to wonder:ful ·£·irework displays in, ,the, streets by Y:.r Cura. 3eli~ve me, in :those de:ys (1916) th'i's was a r.eal treat. . When'som'e'one highlyconsid'ered died 'in 'L:Ltt1:e Italy,",a ver~ solemn ~uneral would take place and. the colony used:to , follow the cortege, sometimes led by a military band all the way to :the c emetary. ' Em :ricord, the .first Italian Club, being founded .at 10', .' " Laystall St. ,where ·the plaque commemora'ting.:Giuseppe Mazzin:L i . ' : . can stili 'be fOU!ld. 'There ·is also another plaque in Hatton . Garden where he used to live. The Italian colony' was. also vis ii ted by such honour1:!-ble .peopl€! as <!ius~ppe Ga;ri'J?aldi !'l-nd Aurelio \ Saffri and ,many: others.' 'Litt1e Ital"y' was also the home of : great· Itaiian';i.ndus:t~ialisi13 such as:Negrotti.and· Zambia, Pastorelli and·Casarteil-i. , ])UILIUS~ /' ., , -------------~-~--------------~----------~iY+o(;a.t ·re~taliraht .';Alla'l'a:esanallisa ,perfect' example of a fam~:i:y''''~' Italiaii Trattori8.i i t:-com~:i.nes ;'good food with a f¥,i~ndly ~erV:i:~e andpleasiirit'~surrofuid:i.ng's, a'Valow, price. La~i SatUrday Ideci'ded' that"llly'Y/i-'et'6hed,underfeed , husband \'i9~a: t'reat ine to meai; so we viani t'6 the'l'a'esana.> For antipa~1;6 fuy husban:d" chos'e:'whHebait that was both, hot and crispy when served ,and.I opted for crabmeat' cocktailv~lich',via§"deli'ciOiXs aithough a litt1:e 'more"crab',.,', . moat and less sauce wouJ:d',have . . - 'imuroved 'the' flavour. I ha'd on a' previous visit tasted th'e home;..made p~te' .that was ~~cei;Len:r. Tne str~ciatena sohp was' delightfui; o bVi?~~i¥ jtfst prepare'(l and the 1''b~odo·1 ,tastea ;asif :£ t had b~en nia~~ viJ.th reat"'gallina"and"no't ,yiithsto'ck cuhesf·' roy husband assured me that his _onion 'soup;serVed' in 'an ., . indi v1duar casserole dish v/as'"very ·t'aSty'. ·Asmairi'c·ourse I had Fritto Idis'to di'Mare ·tha"t'ihaif been 'li'ghtly:and . .' cri~pJ:y., .friEld:v~hh ail: °excess' oil: removed; 'My llusband.:': , . chose chicken 'sov.rana: 'in a: hot· sauceseried'wi th, vegetabie~ J, jiis comnie~t: iVerY-nice I_that- tiiitered by~mY' husband is praisJ iidee'd:'Idecided~,'consideringmy, . : . fi~ll_e" not ~o hav,~ a sweet bui' -ty; husliand',o'z'dered',a Doice alia ':paes~ria~ tIhe ~por~:i;on \vas so :targe'tand' ,varied that'i fei t o1>J.:i.ge4 .( YiHhout 'much encouragement 'I :must, add) to aid roy 'htifioap.d.':!.n liis"'ta:SK. j,t 'was,'a 'pleasure to drink :'g6ocfespresso c6ffee ';after dinner,as,'opposed to di~:ty Vr~t~r. - Themeai inclUding ha:tf-~a: litre of,wine;, tax, bu,~ no~ service came to £6.50' for t110 i very' good· , value for such an enJoyabie meaL a ~,' ,~~ ~ , " ~ - '. '.. - ~ .' ' ~ tyro ' . ~ ,......,.- 7-- . ,LA PERDITA DI UN' MISSIONARIO "Non avevo mai v;i.sto tanti uom1ni', donne e bamb:Lni , piangere per J.a mo:r.te di ~ "J.6ro . sacerdbte. I~ " "Q1,1e?te' J.!'=l ,parq~e, ai Ui?~,;fd.gnbfa ~~~~1li '4:i::-i'~t'0:rno" dai fu,ne~~J.:j.~elc;:q!'lpiSl}to M9~Si~9J;' J;ng~J.~ 9?-rminat:j., missionario tra,i ,noatri ,c~nnazionaJ.i deJ.ie cOmUnit~ di \'Iatfg~g.,. (3t.A~b~n~ Hi tchin, eaJ.~J;';i p~es:j. de;p..~ cpntea di, ~f,l,:r:tf,9ra,!3hire.. "Era ~' t:i,.P?,cllt) 13 i p!U9ve:v~ c.ome~a fo:t'llri.ca, '~p~~ ;l,.flyo;rava' in,?,i~e~zi<?" q,:!-~.s;i, sepza i"arsi vedere". , , , .Qu~!3ti,. e~ ~l.~r:L simiJ.i. g;i].ldizi" =!-l3. fo~i~ cheha partecip,;:I.i!9 '9()!'l!'l913?fl ,~g~ $u!3 913~qu:L~", sone;>, :L?: a~m9st~~ zionec aeJ.1.:laffet~o,!'l' dega stipIl3., ch,eDon.. Ange.J.q, seppe conquistarl3i: ne:j. .c1gqici ,ann:i,' ' di. ~l.?(),?~o,i.at() tra' ia .n()13trl3. gente .~empr.~ sOR~idep.te, ,g;i,o;Vi.?J.c" . a:Ll,e~r.o,; ~ra: ~9!ltef1~() qua,ndo, 'qualc'!lll,opotev~'?-ll~?re: ~,diiV=!-d.ere., 1Placep.e'lita il,ei~il sua modesta flpit.a~i_op.~,d;i ~Va1i~9l:'d ,pejc~~P9tev? aho;t'a ;far sfoggio< ,de):l./:!: :s:u.aarte ·,q~J,.i~a:r;ta ~ E;rav~()' ,pq~. ~~i pe.ceI1temente durant,e -+53:' ,f,e~t~di. c?:rnevEl.=!-e. .jli st.• , 4J.~.!lp.s; p,i, siamo la.scie,~:i:; d9Po"ayer .fe~t~gg~l').~(), }':L' ~su6 60 q()f!lpJ.e~o con J.a promessa· che ci, avrebbe o~orato. ,diuna~ua visit~ ed ora e g:i,~ ~~P~~t9 ;'1]" I:t?-J.i~ ';'~~~p' ~J,J.~'·~~a· car8:ki~~{ che gJ.i stei;"t;s :vicino, anche, ,in .,InghiJ. terra ,:fino a1.1a. ,sua' , morte avvenutll circa, due. ,ahni. fa '" Carobuon, .1)qn:,'.Ar!g~J.p, ,;I.e ,J..~c~ime e,d i Y<?l, t1scoI'!Y6J.ti, di cent:i:naiaid:i: nosi;ri-connazionaJ.i, sono stati ,certamente J.a prova pill. 'c'erta qhe i,J.. tl,to. iin:p~gllo, .. J.~ 1iu\ldevo~~one' edil. i;uo ,gran, J.?-v;o:rQ ,:l?~r J.~ro ,e !3:v~t~ f1emp:r~ ~ppre~z~:tq, . specie. ,da' ',coJ.oro.' :i, ,qt1.a1~,:, 'es!3eil~oll,leno pro';;" e~utr q~.in# pill. bisognosi, ,'sentiranno ora :;n ¥l9do p~r1i:i:co+are ia~a, mancanza. Vedessi quanti dei" ~t1.9:i: giov~;i ,er~no .;L~ cgn ' gJ.i occhi J.ustri. Da1.J.'aJ.to deJ. cieJ.o continua J.avorare per J.oro con J.a tua, protezio~e. Buon rip060 Don ,\nceJ.o. -, .. ~ ."... • ,.- '. ,-. • 0-,' - ~ ~ -~'~" • _,'." ,-, _ •• • ........ ~ _ • -'"' ~~. . • ,_ ",,'" . _ ", '-t'O _. _ '.." ... ..,..-A • " 0 ~ '.' .. ~_,., ~, , •••• .! ,~ , } -, __ • _ ·-.l",~· i!~. " ,~ .,. ""i'-· . >', -.."'" " '",' >. ,-~ .. " a :. .• ~ - • ----------------------------------------, ITALESE A i:ew ye;:J.,rs ago \'{hi1-f'!t qn hol,i,d~y in Italy I went to visi t my uncJ.e who had just ro';."tirrlo."the roof of his house " vri:th typ:icaJ. ItaJ.ia!l red tile's.,iOrche bella roofa' I excia.ir:.od in deJ.ight when I, saw the resu~~ of 'hi~ work. My 'perfect' ItaJ.i.an was received. wi th a puzz;teq lo~k \a~,d .!'1condescending smiJ.e. I have sinoe J.earnt the re?son for ~ uncles apparent bewiJ.derment: rooi: in i t~lian is t~tto, :r,offa ~sa ,deviation oi: the 1mgJ.ish word roof. Roofa belongs . . , to 11 new vocabulary. 61' certain engJ.ish words and phrases that have been i talianised' hence ITALESE (i taJ.iano-inglese) an~ is freely spoken by Italians in EngJ.and. ,I -ha.ve compiled the foilowing list from my ovm experience ot ItaJ.ese and that of other Italians resident in London. , ITALESE ENGLISH ITALIAN rooi:a scrabbare bagga pursa ene' te uJ. rai t roof scrub shopping bag purse isn'i;, are you alright, how are you? ticket to book top,ark chance . ..c pound rent J.oaf tetto fregare borsa borsellino vero? tichetta bucare parcare ciansa punda rendi ta J.oi::fa e stai bene'? biglietto prenotare parcheggiare occasione libbra affitto pagnotta I wouJ.d be pJ.eased to hear ,from anyone who has other words that could be added to my "dict.ionary" of Italese. Please send them to "::3Ao Ill" (sorry" Back Hill). CAl~Tt ITALIANI LA MONTANARll La su. :per le monta.gne t, tra- boschi" evaJ.J.i·d '-or t :fra J.'as:pre ru:pi echeggia un canticod'amor. liLa montanara t ohe" ' si_ sentecan~aret "cant:i,am J.a montansra e chi non "J.a sa ? ".' ••• :~~~~) . ' " La sui monti dai rivi d'argento una capanna cosparsa di :fior era J.a piccoJ.a, doJ.cedilllo;ri:\ di Soreghina t J.a :figJ.ia deJ. soJ.. SANTA LUCIA SuJ. mare luccica l'astro d'aregento :placida e l'onda :pros:pero e il vento. Veni te aJ.l' agiJ.e • barchet-pa mia; Santa Lucia Santa Lucia o -dolce Napoli o suol beato ove oorride beJ.lo iJ. creato, tu sei l''impero dell 'armonia , Santi! Lucia Santa Lucia. Con COSl. ~uesto ze:f:firo soave oh come e beno star suJ.J.a nave. Su passeggeri venite via, Santa Lucia Sarit~ Lucia ,'- Se desiderate conoscere J.e :parole di quaJ.siasi canzone itaJ.iana scrivete a canti ItaJ.iani c/o Casa Pa~lotini J.36 ClerkenweJ.J. Rd. E.C.l. "WHO SAYS THE CHURCH IS ON ITS KImES?:': ",- . .,..',., ....,.....,....-.. '-~ ",. . The above was' the ti tJ.e' of Iln article by l,iary Kenny in' the Evening St,al?-da;rd en ·14 th March i ~ea:rti.cle, YIlls based en a recent repert thftt "Church geing has virtually ceased in , . the: inner· .par,tsof·tlfe ,big, cities ef Bri taill" • 0( • ,. • .' ' Hqwever the'" artIcle 'w~nt en to. nete that "yeu weuld be astonished'at' the nunibe.r',ef chtfrches which' stfiI pack 'them in of a Sunday mornintg ~:in '~ona:onll. The' article Vlent en to. add, "The ethni-c de vlell ••••••••••• my. lecal Italian . -, '. , 'churches' ' ' ' ' ., chu:;,cll; st :Pet~~' s~ ~!l CJ,.il~~~l)weiJ: r!'luni t~s' a whele Ita;l.ian co~ ty ~oth ,:for Ivlass .~nd :fer seci.alisingen Sunday". " -. , .~, ~ ] feel that.'ldaryKenn;ir has get he!, last fact a little . --, ... wrong. AJ:though I would like to. believe that the Italian Church '''reunites' a 'vlh6lEi' Italian cemmunity", it is eften enly for "weddings , :f'ui:i.erals and ,etiier speciai ecc'asiens "that' , many Italians eve'r attend'S-t':'Peter's. . / ::.. . There is of.~e~.. cr~ t;icism ef the Chur9h and the, waS she organises things, b~t as ;amember of the Parish Ceuncil I .cl:).n~.guar.an:f;~e .i;hl:).t t~e priests ef st Peter's are·wiH:ing to .listen :to any; comments yo.u;m~y have. I f yeu de net like approaching a pri,est wi thyeur ideas please talk to. a member of the Parish Council. If yeu weuld rather express 'your v±e:lls to 'a wi-der audience then why net wri-te ,to. thi's • magazine. ., . , Please do'not'si'b at heme and just c:;-i ti!>i(1o,. 'but remember that' the 'ol1,*"c11 'is there' fer yeu' and that a church without people is nothing. So. in the werds ef Mary Kenny "the church is on i te knees" askipg fer yeur participatien .on an. levE?:!,s elE par:j.slf acti vi tes • - • . '. ;>'i.'" .,;:. • • • . Iii. TOHDELLI , i A recen:t surVey. ·sh6wedtha:t:..:.: i'h e !L':i.me s - is read.by'thepeopJ.e.who.· :think :they run :th~.country. , i'he DaiJ.y.Mirror· '.,. . -isreaq py :the :the,. .coun:tr;)7. . . ,,-' .' .~ .PE'OpJ,~ who ds> run . ~- J:s'read''by' :the peopte ,vho :thiplt 'they ought :to ~.' the c6un:try • !L'he Guardian . ' i'he DaiJ.y IvIaiJ. i'he lvIorning Star - is read by :the wives of :the readers of 1;heGuardi'an •. , . ; - i'he DaiJ.y TeJ.egraph i'heDaiJ.YExpre ss ~1;3 r!'lad. by :the. :peep;!..€) Ylh9 ..b§:tieve :the coun:t,r.v shou;J,d be run b~ ~olllElone eJ./?e. is r~a~ by :the peqpJ.e who wouldJ.ike :the cofuitrY run :the way i:t- 'used to be • ..;,. is':readby :the, 'peopJ:e. who :think :the coun:try issi;iJ:J: ~ the way ,it used :to Qe • . i'he FinanciaJ. Tj,~es i.? rElad by :the pc<?pJ.e wpoown .the coun:try. is read by :the peopJ.e yrho .don I t rund wh<? run~ :the ,coun:t:ry a,S long as she . ~as~o:thi~g ,on,. i'he Sun J3a elt: Hi,J.); .. - ~s read ;; . . by ........... . , o , PJ.ease send your gpinion as to who reads n:Baelt HiJ.i,', :to :the .Edi i;or. i'he best repJ.ies wiJ.J. be pubJ.ished next mon:th. " CEIfA - CIRCOLO VENEID SAllAID. ----------------------------- Circqlo Vene,t9- in GrancBr;i,:tazjJ.a, ,as~:i,etle a1. lore ~ci e siW:J;:>e,"j;;i.I'l~ai-ti',: si :?,onii-~tova:ti ~csaoato -:L2,iF.afzo per la J.oro'serata sociaie aniiuaie. 'j;j s-eata certamente una " 'serata . . '" . ll riuSqj;rt:ijss~l!1a.. s.:i.?,per i:l:' nUme~oc.;'dei pa"tecipant:i: (.ol·tre 130 ) ·s.J:aper 'J; ';~iiegrla. ch~lie: .6'a~:i':~erA-zzato. ~!:eve~:to .1>er tf!3to ]I soc:n.-~d~J. -' , contipi col!1~ "~ ' ;i,.J; s:i,mp.f).t;ico. "-0 pac;\re.14~:;'i11 .dalJ,.a. , ,- ~.~......, , ~' .: - robusta voce,' sr>~l:i.e~~~~():g:e,J;:~9t":l cr..ri~ar'in~· j'iia'c'~ntii1i, l!oli' ~q.teva'§s~ere· ,,~:L:triIAen,tj 'I, ~ony. .!ij3i;i 'l.!~, c.oJne :j3,er~p.re, ,b:rj"l;!.}~~to cop il s~o ;r9pert• 9ri cF 'cf:f\";'l.??i-J:£ibj;J.~:L:'" g.i ciu:~s,tr 'eu' ~it:fi- teni.Pi'. quelle; peroclle creD ..., ' . sUb:l.toJ. laJ.legr:La.· iu certruaente i l pianzo' l?rcn~ra~p'~~Jl~e ~spe:rte m~;L i<lO):~ Ol].~:f!'.,de,1J?:J..ez.a, .r9_~tau;'l:p:?-:t.",~1)ilmel};!;e l:!eI,'Vi to dal personule n,os'ti~hho :f3~l:lpre 'con: tu'l' be:l: s9trfso)'ei-l tutto ma¢~ceinc~i!e'di;retto <iii b:r~vo John e Ave,~j+ Piesidien~e del.Circolo, Prof. rll~ntalto, ha ra,qpo.:i. to'n9~, pel:' ia fO~le,f.iqll~ ,de1.ri~ovo, cqru., 'tato., i·l; ~quale, dOJ?o !,!'S.fa:e~-sta to 'ac c etteto daJ.i 1:'\'f3s,elllbJ;e~;' eJ:eggerli me ,c'ari'che l)e,Ji ~ 1'!'I~1np~n qc;>rso;:•. c_~,auguriClr~o #~9 .la'promes_sa, .scr:i::tta' . ncho _ 13:t§i.t:uto ',' 4i ' :L:ny":i;are' ai.: sO,ci la;,IIG!:l.zzetto. yen~tamveJ;'rli; 1-hqtl,~lcllc nio4,o! . lll.a:q,:ticmita pit, she i_ric 'l?a~sato'~. , " -' _. ~ / - ", ~- ,- - ~ " . ~ " , « ' .-" .. ' .. . • :p~ SUhday,-,i.3 tij :Marqh, - tp,e X9~th 'club' 'pelg' '~tfl' An,p.1laJ,' General lIiee'ting.: Th~: l:le~ting: was at,tended, :by.ap.out,70p,eop.1e and'i;he atni9¥D}i~-re was. :f:rie~d~;,i" apd' in:fo;rmal."~e to:p~cs too vlere ':i.n1;eres:ting enough' rtp evoke ,some·:so;t:'!i 0+ mid'r,espon!3e from the • ineb.15e:£~! Vi'c,: in l1i~s,'l?rief sp~~chsp~oke of the vi6rtd~,rfiji ,collabor','ai;ion 'he", -rece:i:v:es :frOl:vnUlller~us members .whi?h .1a!3tyear,. enabled i;he cJ.ub to su6!essfully organise events suchas:·"the· old peopie I'S annual 9hristl:.Os party, the 1.iaInlllas I. party & the 13azaar for the ~r:;.ui:i, ~a.rthqu?lte vic"tii!llS! lfowever he alsQ n!Cli"tlim:ed tJ).f,! g,ifjsappointing.' kind of"".cooperatioh the Club ·recei,ves a,t ,o;j;her events.' such as dis~bj3 ,&. cop.p,e'~i:tfions. ~e me,et~n6,' c;Losed vii t~a> fevi 'words of ... '. encduragemen:t: from,Ji'r •. 'Rober.to; Russo; , , . C , -. ;: ~ FANCY DRESS:- IfARTY On Sai;. J.9 March, a fancy dress party Vias tentatively held ai; the Youth Club and surprisingly proved to be one of the most successfuJ. eveni;s ever organised • Everyone seemed to revel in the opportunity to discard all inhibitions, unaShaLledly and purely for the fun of it aJ.J.. We were also honoured with the unexp,ected presence of the ItalianCons~ wife , Mrs Manca and Dott. lleJ.J.u,so, who acted as judges to find the most original fancy dre,ss. ResuJ. i;: Hi tJ.~r 1st, PUS§yce:" 2nd ancJ Quasil!Iodo the VikillS: 3rd. ' G.C.• -3- i ! ----------- - SERA-TA· SOCIAL'E TRENTINA CIRCOLO. TimNTINO 'DI LOI~DR1~. I /i i La s~rata, deJ.J.2 Marzo.' rest~~ I -per J.~go telllPo :i.mp~~s sa, neJ.J.a mente de:i. "trent:i.n:i. ed :i. J.oro s:i.mpat:i.zzant:i. che hanno parteC:i.patoaJ.J.a "PoJ.enta Spezzat:i.no".·· " ' . . 'C' erano present:i.c:i.rca J.40 persone,aJ.cun:i. .solioarr:i..;..' vat:i. soJ.o dopo J.a cena perche' :i. post:i. erano J.:i.m:i.tat:i.e non ha.nno av-u.toJ. I oppor'fun:i. ta.' d:L aCqu:i.stare :i. b:i.g1:i.ett:i., perd I henno pd~to ugualmente partec:i.pare alJ.a beJ.J.:i.ss:i.ma·serata~o c:i.ale~ ralJ.egrata daJ.J.a :f:i.sarmon:i.ca deJ. soc:i.oEttore B:i.neJ.J.i:, ':i.J. quiiJ.e,~ . con ~0J. ta "per:i.z:i.a; 'e' riusc:i. t'6 'a .creare una vera ai!mos:" ferafam:i.gl:i.are. E' stata una' "poJ.entata" aJ.J.a paesana, seuza: pretese di:, J.~sso e' s;fogg:io·d:i. ~b:i. ti, d 'a,J.tamoda, ma e' a,.pptu;lto q'llesto che c:i. h~ a:i.utai1o a trascorrere aJ.cune, ore spensiarate ed alJ.egre. . Un caloroso iingraz:i.amento a tUtt:i. coJ.oro che hanno parte'ci:llato ·aJ.J.a reaJ.izzazione ·d:i. questa cena, ma :i.npartico": J.are· r:i.cord:i.amo iJ. nostril ottimo cuoco,· iJ. socio GugJ.:ieJ.mo Sicheri, clie 'con perizia ci hapreparato Uno spezzatinc) veramente' .caSalingo di cui ·tutti ne' sono andati ghiotti e' soddiS-:-' f~tti.~ Ma: sopr~tu1;to non" 'dimenti:chie,mo J.a beJ.J.:i.,ss.ima oFgani~ za,zione offerta daJ. Sig. Vi tt02':i.o, diret1;ore deJ.J.a CasaItaliana S. V:i.ncenzo PaJ.J.otti, che' si e I prodigato tutto i:J. tempo· ,.: per rendere J.a nost.~1:). _r:i.U!l:i..Ql1~' .:!,J. ,I>,:i.i.K' 9QI4'0rtevoJ.eposs:i.b:i.J.e. In qu~sta festa abbiamo incontra~6 un Am:i.co, cqn.J.a tA' maiuscoJ.a, un prete, non' solo, pre:te,' ;maanche u6mo, che conJ.a sua, cord:i.aJ.i ta' ad iJ. suo s orr:i. so , sempr~ prol1to 1;lJ.J.e ba.ttute scherzose ci ha J:'atto' trascorrere :i: p'ochi m:i.ntit:i. " d1a'ttesa; facendoci ,d:i.meliticare ,pe:r;fino J.a.fame. ed,iJ..v:i.no. ,Chi trova un' am:i.co, trova un tesQr<;>, questo. antico <1~tto. ~, ancora vaJ.:i.'doa:i. giorni nostr:i., arizi, ogg:i. p:i.u I che ma:i.e I d:i.ff:i.c:i.J.e trovare. quaJocuno, .'che DA .sanza pre"til'lndere nuJ.J.~. :i.p.' cambio. Questo 'quaJ.cuno noi J.o abb:i.amo :i.ncontrato neJ.J.a pe~ ' sona d:i. Padre' Russo. Lo r:i.ngraz'iamo per J. 1 8m:Lc:!-z:i.a ch"eC:i. ha d:i.monstrato, sperando -d:i. ·poterJ.o annoverare:f'ra, i: nos:tr:i. :Am:i.c:i. ancqra per moJ.to tempo. e , . Pe:;- concJ.udere, r:i:~grazi,amo tuti:i.:i. s9c:i, per ~a paI':"' tecipazione e per aver' aiutato ' con :i. ·J.orocant:i., J.a· J.oro comprensione e pazienza alJ.a buona riuscita deJ.J.afcena. R:i.un:i.re per alcuneore ~soci ~ gJ.i am:i.ci s:i.mpat:i.zzant:i. er~ J.o scopo pr:i.ncipaJ.e deJ.J.a serata, cosc:i.entemente pOss:i.runo affermare'd:i. avere raggiunto taJ.e. scopo. Sper:i.amo v:i.vamente di poter :f'are aff:i.damento anche in futuroneJ.J.a compJ.eta partecipazione d:i. tutti i soc:i.. . . 1l,rmando Ross:i.. .. , - EN TERTAINMEN 2: CINEMA .< Cross of :Cron (X), :Dn the 'true PeciiiripeJi trad'i iiion: very gory and very violent; but this :film .of his, intentionally or othe?:"ovise, actu~Hy ha~ som~q.\'lpt.h. ·~Tl}.e69ntexii, the 'German rout' . " . '" fro!: Russia in ;1.943; i~spi~es ~h o.verwlieJ.ini'ng. seneeof defeatism in the. GermanranlCs fthis:i:s, w,ell evoked'by -. . -.,. .. . .. . , " Peckinpah), and. giyes.a sQ;tg.~~.r l~ke.Sgt.,:>.t(,l,iner (J~efl Coburn'), >a:o,:I~qn,.C;rossl h~,rq,!:~ ~hancE! t9 .as~<~~I!l~e~f what: .. 1 h~, 'hatE!~ his, UA:i;f9;t'lll, hi~, qfiiqe:!i'~' the heH" ::L..t.'-:S .a;1:J,:l?-pout:. , . and th~.V{.ar~ t}Ja1li'k,iJ"ls, his friencis~ ..V{hY;. dO,es lJ.e,c~ntil1:1;te t9 fight an appa;reni;J"y ,f'l_ensElles~ :batt1.El?:' Ybu I,ll" hav(,l to • reach your own conclusions with theaiq, of . some, suggestions . raised by the: filII!; /eg. ,the' i.n~t()x.:;cat~n!} E)fNct ot: the ,war; the, meaning i t gives, to' ,Steiner.I.s iJ."if.E! ;'his .devqt:!-op i!o h,~,fl ,mem. Peckinpah, :as, :tfsual ·does' 119'j; sP!!-;t'El,t~~}~loo.d~, ,by.t 'j;b,eJ:'e' is very li.ttle,gl.ory.involved fo.r a,P:y.():f i;he. !:!oJ,diers including the aristo,cratic~ Pl:'Ussian 'C,!-piza.il}" Jl.layeg .by; Maximilian Schel:!;" .who> is, deteI'l!1ined: ,to 'v!.in .tll.El :coveted Iron Cross -" by.,anyme:ms·"wha tsoev,er .:Th.ifl.:!'S l}()t 8. .i'ilm for the squeamish: it includel3 l?eckinpah' s pet slow-mot:i;o,n • seque ..nces ,of, ·b100dy;violel,l.c~. :,Al.l, '~J1',all :L.t' s ,what ,iJlight be called a ·'p.E!avy,'· war film., Dop.!;t;,\exp~ct ~ .cc:p,<?l1:l,si:v:e .01' J.:i.kely ending. .- . ~ '- .... • ,-. , 11 ' : fi ' - .: ,~ _'" ~ -' , , - ~ • - ' - , - .,." " • - '~ ~ ., - ~ < MUSIC, LOW(RCA),\ ;. .(David' Boy/':i.:e:) .What . can ,you .f3?-.y; abo)lt Bpwie?' yo~ .may J.i~·e him or 'Ypu"may; not,but: \ei:the.~ way. Y9~' 'M·ye ,:to '.a~:t , .he ·lias:taleilt·. This. 'aJ;bum'pro:vi!des .some.. ,o.f -Boy/i,e '~~.moB:t mellow. :an,d. ,mature music, 'altho)lghl i.t,'cou,ld 1>,e .lab.e;LJed, Iwe:i:rd'!' ;( That} s' llow:Hin. I t .d9:e~ ,take.. 'time to I?-Rso;r-b, ,~p.,d as for "UIlderstanding. i,t•• :';'.'•• '0. " . .!~ound :and.v~s:i!9li' .his. 'current :ll~t.si,n~J,~, is ,e,ll,ex~!ll'ple of' J30w:ie; at :hi:.s lle8.k, approilc;hable :f:;,.oIilm~y ,angles 'and on many' :i,.eveIs ... " ~ " " , -=C' ENTERTAINMENT Copt ••••• MUSIC LUXURY LINER (Warner, Bras.). illony~ou Harris.) A near-perfect blend of coU?tr;v.and rock mu~:i.c by a I?ing~~ whose ve~satiJ.;i. tyis startiing.: 'she can reaJ,ly sing anyth:ing .,. ~~ci she's improving! ,vii:th each album her voice gets crisper and her backing beti;er. Iier ' music and lyrics are;:tort1mateiy:, n~tas;i,iJ:voJ,ve'd , as BOwie"'s, . a~d she always. includes a iomantic riumber. ,M.R., DAVID SOUL AT WE ·RA.INIDW ~''])i,th 'MARCH' ift~r reading i5nf'cvourubJ.:e i'ev:i.ev/sof'h:l.s previous concerts, :Ii: i.~l-t 'I sti.:ri had to go' to' tlieRairlbow to see him in p'erspn',.. In :fa'ct; :t 'was p:I.:"easantly scirpr'ise'd.'ibY his' intelligent, :p~r:to~nce, 'givJ.ng his fans exactly what' they wahied'. Though his ?voice is 'medio ci'e , most.eviderit ,wheri singil:{g slow' 'sorrgs' like Ilis· 'chart-to'pper ,"Don-t t give up on' us baby," his faster songs were delivered extrem,ely weI;!. and 'viera received'wi 'lill'great ·enthusiasm .by:his audience. The nicethingabotit him :'was thea:ppr~ciation 'he. showed for'his' ·audience. ,This 'along\'/fth :his :ariswerihg questions from"tlie' crowd t who s60amed on~y between songs, delighte'd,his fans' arid, 'made the ,concert evett\ more' enjoyab1:e. AiJ.the same, everi though' Jj .enjoyed the ,cqncert.'IDore, than :i: ever 'expected: t6,Jr think 'that :David so:ui,. as lovel~ as he may be, sho~d really stick to,his actirig career. C'.G. ~ " PI~u{ ~ ,~~ ~- ,~.- -' ~.-- , . FLOYD - Wembley Empire PooJ. - J.6th March. The concert consisted of their new aJ.bum' "Animals"'", a' 10gicaJ.opener, to' promote' sales', and their earlier ,album "Wish You Were Here". 'MusicaJ.ly there were nO complaints'; the quaJ.ity was,as aJ.ways;impeccabJ.e,withWrightoutstanp,ing:onkey.boardsand gilmour as ~listering as ever on J.ead guitar. The band seemed totaJ.ly ,aJ.oof from :i:tsaudience, relying. whC!llly on 'its v~ide: range of spectac~ar effects to stir any: kind .of emotion' in them., .. As usual they concentrated: more oil interpretation as opposed '1;0' improvisation a:nd: although ,I was di.sappointedwi tli 'tMoJiley t as the predictable encore and Vii th the crowd ts .generaJ., apathY,I enjoyed both the music an~ the effects and admired their poise and almost God-like aloofness. G.Croci , . , , ' ENTERTJ.IIiMEN~. (cont ., ••• ) ~ 1tlUSIC (not pop)! - ,i . ~ FOUR SEASONS (pll.iiip"s): . , 13erJ:in Chamber' Or.chostra 'conducted. ,by Vittorio Negri. Ji"t, is ~iff:!-cuJ. );~ f3~! wfl~the~ V~';ai!1i. vlouid b~ pleased with the ove;r~exposure. of the Four Seasons, d;istrflcting attention fr~LJ. s"o,~e o"!ll..is"qtJ:l~P ~~~i,:fi~~~t Y{<?~k~. But th~se captivating conc,e:r.tos !1es,erve Cony: a9c1a.?-u tlleyrepE}:lve and tll1s particular version ~f ~ them is.fuil' of charm arid emotion'. . -'" -- y ",,' ~ ~ ~ " Vlhaiitribittari'es i'oH6wea -thi's.produ6ti"on of" 'Julius caeoar' to the; Nuti9naa. ? To 'be :brief' ~,hone. Neither' did'it'brinB any super.natUra;I: portent 6:J;" lntri'gue v{ll.ich are essential elett~~ts of the play. I regret also, having to report that the acoustics in the Oliver Theatre are, by any standards, ,bad and,"by ·tne standards to be expected frolll this c onsur.m:ati on' of' artistic and" 'scientific gen:!-~::'l' .ap:palling. It is no~, :t(),' b~ sUPllosed t11at: ' every oemberoil 'the' audJ.ence has am in:t;imate',knowl,edge .01'. :the text and noth:i,i;lg, ti3s$ co¥J:d have held the ,attention f,9.7' . thr~e. and a half hpurs; . . Havin~ 4ispens§!dl viit~ these. inconveniences, ~<?YlglJ:er, one must gi ves9me ;credi t to the ·ller:fo!.'ll~,ces of Brian Co~,as Marcus :Brutus and, Mark Mcx.rruius as',r,fark Aniony • The eulogistic speeclies' of thesetviq '6haracters X/ere adequately ~ei1vered. ~. c~x's : warmth an!1 s:j.nceri ty ep.i tomized his . ~nt~rpreta~:i.on arid Mr. 1,I6'Manus avoide.9- t:qe slick eteganc'e we havEf ~~a:ined to expect from Mark .Antony. Instead he adopted: the tactics of a n,.iners' leader and it was not uiltiJ: the ri.qting ci tize!ls had gone their plebian ways that a !:lore sUb:he Antony vias revealed. Ronald -;?:i:cltup' us C.u:ssius satisf~~d physically the d~mariqs of the script" but lamentably, he satisfied J,ittle else. Enthusiasm on the papt of the qonsp:i,riltor/il' did not run high. In fact tliere .~ . seemed but small oC,<:asion, for political Unrest. The Caesar of John Gielgud 'was benevolence i tsel! and, by all appearances, good times Vlere just 'around the corncr. Of course Sir John is u Colossus iri his, own sphere and his rendering of Shakespeare's lines is superb • This,~ then, was a flat play, lacking in.light and shade and, nost importap.t of al~, the wonderful climaxes.,witp., \'!hich this play abounds. Ambitiop. should bc made of stcnier ;si;~f. a)ld so shoUld John. Schlesinger's produc.~ion. - 1r!;P.R.S. i . ," - . ""',.j' • . - . ., :. . ' - ~ - " • ----- - - · · - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - , . c c ..C-C.-C:C.-=C..C:C .. - . . rA25Hl()/( , 6 SOMETHING' NE>'l FOR EASTER . ~ Why ~ot try so~ething in a natura;!. :fibre? ,~e shops have, plenty of clothes in cotton,cottoA prints,pqplin and cheesecloth. T.ry the 'Gypsy Look', it's a ronuin t'i c, peaSAnt' gypsy ..:. light, colourfUJ. and particularly pretty :for t~e yc>ung.You will :find them in pretty print cottons or cheesecloths, embro~~ dered and appliqued with contrast prints with flyaway ribbons. Or perhaps what you might pre:fer. is: ,a; popl·in cq"!i1io_n f. ::i4.Tl:'y;· a ',shor'j;-sl,eev~d ,sa,:far:i: ja9ket ?-n~ llla~chi.ng skirt w:; thtab trim-on sleeYEB an<i' :pockets ~nd 19ts o:f ~etail, in • natural kald or ¥/hi te, worn. with a ,co..,.<?rdina ting st~ped shirt! Where to :find them. -Genesis has a :fine collec'ti'on o:f iRomaritl.c Gypsy Look' dresses;skirt,s and blou,ses' . :from about ~9.25 to £17.99 si'zes J.0.;.;16. ,..'i/:he poplin suit can be 'bought C &,Ais ,. , :for, about £15.06 , - ,s~zes iO..,.16~ OJ;' a bE?ttef one at, branches o:f John Lew:i.s i : :fOl;' about £48.00 - sizes 10-16. , - - ~ " ~ ~ - - - ," The best ~hing to do is to shop around, 1:39 h1:!-ve ;:tots o:f, jUn with your :fashion buYing • .. • ." I " ·".r' WE " ARE THE CHlI1r!PIONS Every coun~ry :pakes great, pride :L.n .,bgal?i;;ng tlleir ,great sporting acheivements; yet few.. Italians in ,t~i~co~t~ re~ise t:qat in the vlOrld ,of. :liennis; this year;Italy has pulled off the ,greatest feat in ito history by capturi'ng the Davis CUI' apd ' thus earn:j.ng the rig~t, to c~1i1h.~ms~lve8Yl9r~,dCllamp~0p.s. Nor is th:tsperformaIfce Ii nUke,for-i'ri 'tllEiWofid JUri:L:or'Even't they re,aphf3d, the :;fin~l p..e:ror~going :down '1;0 the,Amep;ican team , at 9ryst~ PaJ.ace.; " ~e Italian team" throughout tlie Y,ea:r--long campaign' in . the Dayis QuI', were guided' in nq, :sniall way by 'the most famous Itali~ -j;~npis,player of ',all-time, non-::playing captain ,Nicola ~ietr?llgeli •. ~e team itself wa,s made. ,up of' fpur'players: Adriano Pal].a:liiza, :the ?'j;ylish Y0tm.g: l!talian,'N,o. 1,- Paolo. Bertoluyci" the squa t~ ~nd dllrab~e Clay Couri; ,speci~il:!t; Corrado ::Barazutti the taii graduate generaiiy r~garded as !'{o: 2 to Pana tta in ,I;taly" ~nd !J.'oriino ~tiga;t'elli, 'the most, i,mproving Italian, youqgsto.r •. p,ietrangeli chose·Panatta fo~,the leading singles spo'j;, ,Panattaand: J)er'j;olucci for tlleDou,bles; ~nd for the second singles spot chose from Beri;qiucc:j., Zuga;relli and Barr~~ui;t~;dep,e.nd:j.ngon tIle ,playing :surface ~ndi1he q~ali ty of ' tl),e oppo si tiol]..' You may recall the wild scenes at Wimbledon when Italy :put Great Britain out at the qU?-,r.ter final stage,b~t,tittle publici ty seemed to be given to the most outstanding victory; against AustraJ.ia, who, boasted bot:e. John Newcombe and Tony 'Roche in their i:i:ne up. The finai 'against Chile in Santiago;, was a hit of an anti-climax after so much poli ticoJ:wran'gling. Panatta roared through both his singles against Pi:rtiri'c Cornejo' and Jaime Filiol; and Panati;a and Bertoluccl. surprised most people by capturing th,e doubl~s against the' fomdable CoI'hejo and F;i.cllol partnership. On the'last d.ay, the match had become a :formality due to the morale in the Chilean Camp 'having slumped; when Patric C6rn~jo was packed off to hospital with a heart complaint and had to be replaced' 'in t'}le final singles match by the little experienced Balus Prajoux. In retrospect, people will, say ~ that no one wins the Davis Cup"; ~America, alw;ays gi vesi t~ av!a-;/. llieydi4 last' :rea:;:, by unde:r-estimating opponents ,but I noti()ed that this, year they seemed ' ~ ~ __ 6J_;;'"'> _~ ___ - __ ~_. ___ - __ ...L." . _.;" . ; .... . . . . ."r- '. J '.1~~ "J t • _' ~ - "" - \,.', ' WE ARE 'THE CHAMPIONS con"t,. :r;"taJ.Y wioJ.J..•JcertainJ.y be hard pu"t to retain the, Davis CuP. but it w,iJ;l:ibe, v,e:r:y;i.n"teresting:if ,tliey get ';to' ipJ.ay the obvious favoii"i-:i :fre's i:;the JU~ S'. k ~,lan<lflllU9h -wi?;-;Plde:pendJcj~ nOvl. far young 0 l; t)'). Giacinto. OcJf,eppo. de"'ve.J.ops ·in··the' ·year"an.d"if'he gets into Jtlie:c) , ItliJ.iaii "team. For. now' 'fet I S re'joice. .,: "'.Vlf~ are the cha:m.pions"::tt nwe,doiH"t.: no-:':one eIse--w:i!J,Jl.s'ay. ,.. " .. t; 1 .~ .. . .. ' ow ',n ' ""..\"f.. "1oi ~.'l.~_· . ":'ftlJo~ ~EtJ.~* ,;.' . ,'; ~.f3a r,ri,'; 9U:£9 i:ln6otf -l·8nOI'1l'.l,1!10 rfiW 8JL';.3:W I ;j:j; spori;.i:~:£'O[,t:iBlibi;t-sj?ort-spo·rt-SPor:e..si'>or~sport I • .,.-, Socca;r' -y ...- .. ~~, , • • ,' # .. - ~ ,~ ••• ' • --'. -. " . . - , ,'<..: ,.~.. • " ..,. ,~, ~. •• " • ; '~r~e~~,~1t'j; .Of',:fo~r :r.or "J??9k: Hiili":' :Lli~!le: P.1.-. C~p· Quartel:'-fina:1 resUJ.:!is:- We .should have learn:t.by ,now: no"t 't'o backagains"t LiveI'pooI!" 'l3ack Hi'J.Vs ti,vo ,:for the) final.'- Leeds andMah.Utd; have' now,beendrawil. aga:Ehs"t one:;im6thel:"- Whd ;win win? O).l.r, suppor"t:for a"t"tackihl,S__ :pJ.ay, .means,'tha:t,we tlllS,!; clioos.e. 'Man. ,U"td'.: '., '; ... , " " (and 'dare ~w~, !3~y, .'1-'F). ,t6:. bea~<Li verpopl ,±n' :the .fd.~aJ.<. . '., ' , ~, .l~ - .,'. :~.~'", A? "'. ~ • > ,.~~_"'_" , - , -. .,~ - ~":;~.~'J~" ~ .<~< ;;~ :tt,~, ~~J.~~ftion ti~7' ~~~a6~'~:;it i . w~+~ ,~, -': .~~' ~~cl.t. 'stieR ;i"ts . o~t:':- . :Es"tcDiv: "Championship &:EurOpaan CUp"':;'; ,Li verpooJ; . . ' :. 'Rei'iJi;Atioi!i . from. Dfv·:i ;,:::,Y6'J:t,~~ess, ;i'~ ·kk.' good' as' ours'- )'-\,1 ',-r~'; '~--"'" [r~~, ~.,~}t'~ ~ t- ".,{~=,,,,,,-- ."'< . . "~,< "'-·')1" t;-n..-~t _!)~ ... ?"".>-~ n' ,coUJ.a'" be':'any''thr11e-Y>U:1i' b'f~,:fl v~";bu1l"l1ereC'gb e'!3 :.:.'T6"t"teiuicia";":" . ,- i (""1'0(" / . . ,...r .. ~,-:-, ~, ,.,., ~ {(o'nl". Wes"tHaii 'Sunaeriund'. . ,,' "',,' pr~m6t:i:on. 'fr6m 'D:i:";;']I ·""'Clielsea,WloJ.ves tmd··l36J.:ton'. Le?gqe yUpJ "", As"ton ViiJ.a (if there ever isa l.,esuxt ;from n", ",'i ana. <¥ this: ga:m,e);.::s.ofl .~.l:_ '. - . .'; . ,''!',i'''' ,,': 3- i- s ..., '1:;t ~fti,l/3reupC.t.W:Mmibne·£fiiEfr'1U!i.'il¥lfdt·lJ:.lloJil) fiB'i' Zili {l J:..t:£~::r Rugby .qr.ot, > • , • aw' 00.£0 t;e'l: ~ ;t'l flob . .~?W'a+e,sVliD:. tp~ ~=!-:pJ.e, >q~qWA ,a,n<! Fr~c~. j;h.e.·,~raild ,S+.ai:t. Now :Li! ,is ai~ ..roads. ,to, .New Zeal.and wit;h the, .13ri "!;ish ljions .. J..e.d b;'~hi+.·l3~~et:t·•. 'A{j,s"tair ,;H;i~e'J.:l 'W;B.+ potbeG~ing(:r~i~'e _'~d Hay or Sco"tJ,and ,?ore..'j;he fu:j.J. b~cks}., ·H:!.gneJ.J, ,w:i,J,J, be ·cap"t?:i.ning the . Camp~idg~ U~ve;rs:i..ty c:q.cke'P sid~ "this, yea,r. (af"ter :pJ..f3.y:ing . :t::or GJ..ouces"tershire :in J.ast season's Coun1;y .Cpampionship), . - '.' -,. " .:- -.. _., :perhaps 4e.. Yld.;!,~ nt?Ke, :the EngJ.ail.d cr;ic1i:e"t "team. Wpo was. "thk ;t,e!:!"t :pJ.ayer ~o play.both crick.et and rugby fo;r EngJ.and? . . -',' , , . ".. . ~ A bo:ttJ.eof wine to "the f:i.rs"t, correc"t.entry opened. , '.. ,'~, ,.. . . .'- - • •! ", ,.~,. , • • ~.,.: !~. .,-~ ~,-. , ~ , • ~~~. ' ' . . :Ir ... ~. -,~, ~ •• ... ,. • < - • '! ' icont., ., ...• : Sport-Sport-sport-Sport-Sport-Sport-Sport-Sport Cr~cke"t '~a+k:i,ng o-j: cricket, '.EIigiand'lost to Aus~roiia by :45 runs (exactly "the ~ame resuJ. t as ·the v:e.;.yf~rst t~St i~ 1877) .: A"t "tea "tille on the last day England st;ih had 5 v{icli:ets s"tan~ng D.pd needed well over 100 ,..-runs to win; 'an obvious, case ' " .. ,,'. for a dr~w., !roW Gr?ig de5lMed, :poweyer,. ~!ta~ 9,e, OW~,<1 it ,to "the crow,d and to the occasion (the C!lllt,ellary ~es,t), to, 159 for ' "the runs. He :fa,iled but 'Back Hill' applauds ms attitude - long I:Jay ~"t con"tinue. Greil:! proved that 'there :~s' notliine to be "ashamed of ~n loos~ng. - - .~. - ~n"tern~~~onal Soccer By ~hl'l 'Pime yo~wi:J:l h~ver~ad ,.t,hi~ ar'!i:j;q:J-e; ]!:ngJ,ang w;i.11 have played Luxembourg at Wembley. The result is imppl'-; , "tan"t ,but -the 'game itself lias another kind of si611ificailce. Once again 011: the ,preceding Sa-turday the FootbaJ.l Lea'gue proeramm,e was depleted to allow Don Revie to prepare his England squad: Apartffum the B~e against Italy i~ ftovember, this prinieg,eis '"to' be Wl, "thdrawn: ''.Back Hill'" says' th,at this is a. disgrace. "It :hs -true that Eng'iand's resui 1;s have not shov.'ll that the side h~E? bene,:f,i "ted. :fro~ these get-togetl'~er?,.but the ;fact remains that 'success ,at International level is infectious and breeds ~nthusiasrn: ,at .all. levels, of "jibe igame,. !l'h~.. :I{a"jiio~al -s,ide, must; there:t:o,re, "take. precedence over call: oth.ers. ~. • • _ c • _ ~ , .' • ' . • _ _ _ _ • Do yo~, agree? Le"t' s hear from you foJi' 'our R!la,qert.s Page • .. '.; " R.E. Boxing Dave 'boy' Green, the European and British lightwel terweigh t qhampion, won,.,Yhe most sl"!vag~ baytle tile l3ri tish ring has seen for years, by stopping John H. 'Stracey, former holder of' the world weltetw9.ight ti'tle, in the 10th round of a memorable contest at Wembley on 'ruesday29th March. The end came w:i;th Stracey', ·barely able'· ,t9 see out .of his badly swollen left eye,. being J,ed to h~s'~orner by, the referee who had rightly decided that the ferocious Green was too much for the brave yet half-blinded Stracey. So ·Green wilinow'ret~n to Wembley'Emplre Pool on June 14 to try to take the world title from 'Carlos Palomino, the man who had dethroned Stracey. On the form: he showed against Stracey, Green must be in with a great chance. H.C. \ . .;, . NENS FROM ITALY YOU MAY HAVE NISSED **"****i(·*!******~~*,***;****i(":lF*.*****:**·*.***·**,**'**'** ..,.~ , T ... ~ .... •• > " -~" - - '_. " A Vlest Germ~n stc~l engineering cOIIlP~y hal? be~n nudge'a ... .. . <Nf1NNo~t 0r:f a large £i 1'5 ~llliDn' steel ,plant c...ontract wi ih East I............f i . . ' - r:ee"iiT. "'l:>c.FI. ~(;;t . aeaOQ...· '\;9'OS':!:v c. - . Ge~any by Ital.y's Dan~eli. . . . ... .,. . . , - ~ ,~ " - ~ ..AhIt"aiian h:i,-jacker :forced- his· 36, hostages, to share 'a' £70,000 ransom andqel.el:p:a tJ~ wi th ,chaillpagI;l~ th~ return\' of .~'.; : " . ,;,;;')'j.,''''"'"; ."'",;,'.:t ;',1". {.:-'~i~;_, .. "'k (;.:;.,....-. ~<~.>:.. his three year o~d d~~hter. Carlo Bati;ist:i, whowon,f8.lIle 9Y playing a +qne~y old man in the Vittorio de Sica film'Umberto :I)', has 'di~cl aged:.94:! Niki Lauda"reac}ied 186 mi·l'es an: hOur during tests' on the n,ew Ferrari FI s:i:x-wheeled racing car in Nardo ,Southern:· Italy. Fe:rrari:' 'have, pairs of back 'wheeis 'side by side ~ '~~",'Jd1'!;,~'~~"l, ~ ;f!c~~'1:i' 'V)O~ . . :t- ~;·-:}~..) . )r . y::)('...~·-(.rC ' ' . 4 prop~rty;~ be~n Bishops AveI;lue, Hampstead; has to a. '~1:i t1edgen.tl~lllan. ':from Its:+Y'' f'o~ .£200, Q.oo • sold The ,ItahanHouse ofparliment voted to impeach two - , . .' '-. ...... .....' '.. " .' ,. . . . fOrmer ,Defence Ministerf1 .qn chare;~s 'that t4~Y accepted, bribes of up, to" £1 milhon from the U. S. Locltheed Corporation. . ..., - - • '- - - > " ~ - ., ~ "'. "" ~ '. ~ , • ' • - -., .,.~" - , ' " • " " ' " ~ ~,- - ~' ,,~,. The arei?!~Etlillr"~~'viesQ;t c;tQl'l,~i~t~d:;r:East" ;JUl.y, was far larger than: :firs't~ thought. Dr. ti berti, ·o:f the' National . Research ,Council's, '8,ir pollutl.on laboratory, s'a:id :that "the only eXJ?lanation for ,'this' is that" the poison' ,was ;3pread, .. ;during the deC'on-crun:il,!l:'tiiionkopera-eions;' > ~, l:fll'lfUlI1iW '" ' . , - - ~ " .A:il "+tal.:ian restaurant :in Nottingham has started o':fiering • red, white anq.. blue spaghetti to mark the Queen's S:ilver Jubilee. 4n Itaii· n A:ir Forc'e tock:he~.dC136 transport plane crashed ne.§i:p P:i;sa~;i.ning all. 44 on boar~. The popiil§:t~oA:'~Jf I RU&~hi;' )6~e~iiGjjIg~ak.ia an,d ,Polanq. spend over tW:i,ce' as mt).ch as Itaxians, on records'. S:ir Ashley Clarke, 'vice president of: the Venice Jon Peril Fund, w~s p~e~~n~edwith the Bolla, Award tqr the Engl1.shman or womanviho has 'done the most :for the.' prese:rV~tion of Venice :in anyone year. ,, RECIPE • RICETTA .' , 'Ofiis:l. 1lucM fit" for:a 'bisliop '(a 'favourite 'of"13ishop ." GuazeJ:li.). La ricetta favori ta del Vescovo - - - Guazelli·. 4 ossi, buchi. 4' meaty-veeI 'shariks, .i.' .. J oz di burro 3 oz' of butter , ·una manata' di. :farina alj.tt.le flour 1 cipolla: 1;ri.tata. ',' : 1, chopped' onion . 14 oz scatolii ,di' .peJ.;at± ,sedacciot 1402 of tin peeled toina toes prezzemolo tri t a t o ' ; sieved '. sale e pepe . , : chopped parsley . 1J- cucch±ai.no di zucchero ISuJ:t & pepp~r ,c.tQ t~ste) .~ cucc4iaino d,i origano' i -?r: teaspoon of' sugar'" .' i tazza di vi.nobianco : 1; teaspoon of origano' 1 tazza di brodo ' 1; cup of white wim' .' ., 1 carota tri tata) , ,~u~~; of stoc~ broth I1a~e :frorl :t. sedano tri tato) a una manatc di funghett±) piacere. '1 chopped carrot} . ." 0-0-0-0-0-0 • 1 chopped celerY st-alk) optional Sciogli-e,te meta del burro nella handful ofbutton'I!!Ushz:qg.l!ls): padella. o-'o-o.-()-o,:,,O . '. Fate doraregli .ossi buchi infa.- . Melt half the butter 'in :a;·pan. rinatL Lightly flour:tiie ossibuchi ,and l'oneteli in una casserola. brovm on each side~ ," ," • ' Aggiungete iJ: .resto· del burro Remove from pail' ;ai:i'd'piace 1:n 'anella pade11a. ' ,, casserole. . . Fate :frigere legennente la cipoll Add, 'rest of butte~',to,,:pa1!~ , ,-,,Aggiungete al tra verdura a piacer . Add onions and li'Ghtly fry: th'eIil. Aggi13l'llSete, i.pomo'dqri·, zucchero, ,Add any o'~h~r'vee; you.. d'esire~' • sale, pepe 'ed il brodo. . Add sieved -'toIlat.Q~s., E!alt.,·p.epper, Mescolate tutto i.nsieme. sugar and stock. cfu.cinate tutto :per circa lOo?-nut:i,; Stir all ingrediehtsi;oge~liorand Scioglie~e un cucchi.aio di fariria; cook for':abo~ 10 -Ilins. ' . nel vino,aggiungete agli. altriDisolve tablespoon .offlour in i.nlSredientio' tWhine 'a,ij.d p.dg·'lioillgr~diel!t ~- .i~ 1l1escolil:te per circa 5min.ut:il. f:j.ne pan~ , . ch~, tutti- ,gli. i.l1gredieliti saranno f/;ir continuously fo':-.aooirt, 5mins. ben demli.· Aggi.uIl6ete origano :e' "0 thicken the jui~es·. ", . . . prezzemolo. , , AddoJ:oigano and parsley 'and. s't:ir. Versq:!;e tutto sopra gli ossibuchi Pour the thickened con'cents: of Copri.1;e la. casseruola con si'J.."'er. { pan over the Qf!pi.b~chi in· tp.~ foil. e nettet'e nel forno Jteg9No~5 .casserole and cover with s:i,lve,p per circa 3/4(fiora~'~"; .' <'':foil. <' . Place in pven,Reg.N9.5 for abQ~ Servi"te con:- -." • ," •3f.4-of I:lll ·h91.lr • ,. J.: •. fe"l;te dt polenta 2. "tag:1.ia'l1,e:t:J.e cuoi- Serve with:- . 1". Slic'38 of :polenta no. te in acCl,v,D. ::;ala. a 2. tagldatelle cooked 3. r:i.30 (Uncle Ben's) in sa:!:r.y wa:t cuc~na 0:t:i.n acqua sala.L8 e . 3. U::;cJ.,. Ben I s p.ce agSJ.unge..L.e ;zaf:fej;-e,j,'lo. .,' COijJ~ct} in zai:\'ty ¥.·u':~ er and saffron a(!<iad.". - " " - ~ ~~.~ el'. Signora M.G. ~~ ,r A...:'r <_ ":'~)'l:_,t:t. -'1. oJ. -~.;.- ·'1" ~J,.. ..l. "1311.CK.. HILL" PRIZE . .QUIZ ....,. .... "". JJ.ta:Lian wine ~Ol 1?~- v/on •••••... . -....• The' fipst thr~'~ 90Ji're.ctentri~s <?pene~ on),.7th J..prli' \Vi;n.will1. a bo tiiEi 'q:f:,wine. '0 .• II Be ck uiu." P~ease .send, your answers to ::-_ . <~O~Ji.IJ(j· ':£0++.lJO'· : Pr1zeQUiz " 0"" ·xo,f.:i:iJcf r';;9:t±ucf :t :t .~:(£3J:.I3a 'it " :f l"ai~;tlin:f c/ ,} dtsl ~ingC{l?;£ -.~ :i: :f >-C/.f"r_ ;i: • .:<: ;I:36;;CJ.erltep.w.e~~ ,Rd., ,~'. :r,J:.sa LondonE.C.1. RECEN~ Wpo ~., 2,. BEST SELLERS wrot~:~;~, . "''', " "'.J,aw.s;'!,. ".' f 'fI\r~~~1Jl1.q;n ~~ '! 3., "Dogs o'f ,. ... , .' '!Hetwork"': '.".,. . 'i,ffi~f aSa$-t:'~do6~l!;.l "Si;J:eht" I~oviellt .l,':".:;;O",_~~~ , >':) . t .j .... ~ i" • -.f ,,... ,~ - ..... • £:f.B.(:.c3 d'>! ~,.G:l:'ee~.La~ :r:' £ - J: "- :r. £. Everest .3.' Pqcifj, c 4.. S,outb.''CJ;,lina 5. jtHe' / , , :!:. . a; ~ ~~ * 'r .Z I ">;2 , .L. "d -+ 'oJ:.f fJ.:r";,f ~ ~ .-_~.,,)";.1 (,('Cf''l:X r 6. - 1ilige~Fans. .l:. .!; ".f ,"?oJ 'f.e:f,&Af .s:f.t3;.G;a / 7. Grand Canyon 8.~ C~spia~ ·S~~, 9. Sahara .' ' , ... ~o:. ¥i'q. AtJ.a!lt~c _Pi 't ~ '1" "- .If .. < J~_ -}: Viilo record,ed:7,. "dh~s6n: J? 'Amour" :8.• , "Whe.n T ,Need You'" , 9.'!iB,aby ,r 1Cj:lOyjll.' ****~**~,*4~.~;,*:*'*,***-*,~*, •, ':£~),j;;l;t!<i, . :I: ±:f. '«l~'<';;'.I:+ ':f Ansvie!r~a:·'!f() ·aasi;. months ,quJ,z"'"": --<~~, . \:l~r". " ,>(:j ,'.1 , .... . . ' ~:j,51g§ _, ~ The first three .correctEm'tries opened on 20th March ,were: from:- A,. IvIeteori E,. Evans,. B. Abrami The winn'e'l/~t 'ct.:"li\ ,co'lIect thei-r prize at Casa Vincenzo Pa~J.otti . ". }.***~?lI-,*~'~"*f*****' , ,',.•• >. , ., <,. , ~ GOOD ,LUCK ' ,~ ;~:0~~~..uJ ·:f~)++JJJ~ '. ~",.l: ,I,.Ii:I :t •. ~~t ',: ;~J_t£ .. : i:. 1~(;J:~~~ t;L ± ± 'f #'! ~ ,f..J;,I,''',:f :.f . s~:r :L(~ij ,. SETTIMANA SANTA ORE USJ;l roMENICA DELLE. PAmE . BENEDI ZIONE SE?!pLICE DELLE. P ALME BENEDIZIONE SOLENNE DELLE PALME ORE 7.30pm.PASSION PLAY. . ·~cONFESSIOHI. DALLE-9 7 APRILE :.u,Ii~:-7iPm GIOVE:pt SAN!l'Q UNICA MESSA ALL? 8pmCON PRED,+CA. LA CHIESA RIMARM APERTA FINO ALLEllpm . . . .... '. . CONFESSION] DALLE 9am ALLE 10pm " 8 APRILE ORE3pril' 9 11PRILE. 10 APRILE - -" - VENERDI SANID ASTINENZA E DIGIUNO tiESSA, ViA CRUCIS EPREDICA CONFESSIONj:Th~£~ 9'ant"4J,LE 7pm , . .SABldO SANID • UNICA MES;3.(\ O~ 8pm CONFESSIONI DALLE: 9am /I.LLE 9pm Pl~SQUA MESSE ORE 9, 10, (ITALIANO) 11, ·(Ci.NTATA) 12.15,7pm ORE. (5p~ . PREDICA.E . BENEDIZIONE .. . CONFESSIONI DALLE ..8.30em ·ALLE; '].pm ' , Comunicateci i1 nome dei maluti e degli anz:l.ani che vogliono .. ricfevere:l. sacramenti a· casa. Please tell. us the names of the old and .invalid who would like to receive the sacraments at home. Essendo cambiata la situazione della comunita italiana, quest I anno la. chiesa. di San Pietro non far~ i l dinner and dance. Sinc e the si tuo.tion VIi thin the Italian cOlr.muni ty has chaneed, the Church of st. Peter's will not hold its annual dinner and dance .. this year. Se qualcuno ha piacere di interessarsi 'di una delle aquadre gio'lanile di calcio dello YOQth Club si presenti, &J.meno J?er ini;'ormazioni, al Panoca. D. Roberto Russo 0 a1 l'restdent.e. Cav. vittorio -Heissl. , " , i " " ,/ f . . I ~ .1 _ ~ . , ,, , . , , PROSSIMr EVENlMENTI FORTHCOMIN'G EVEN'Ts APRIL:- " SUN. 3 Passion PJ.a.y7.30pm aJ.J.a Chiesa ItaJ.iana. SUN. J.O C.L.I.C~ Disco I 7.30pm aJ. Cafe RoyaJ. VI.l.. ~,.-- "Grand EriscoJ.a ~ou:rnaI:lent for members and :Er±ends.' EriscoJ.a - st. Peter's So~iaJ. CJ.ub). MON'. J.J. CT():rn~<? Festa per bambini e· pensionat:l aJ.:l.~ qasa S.V.PaJ.J.otti organizzata dai 'T,rentina - 7.00pfu~ . J.6 SA~. , SA~. '·Grand cTumbJ.e SaJ.e I 23 . J.J.am-5pm at the Casa PaJ.J.otti. , II Cena dei FriuJ.ani " SA~. 7.30pm aJ.J.a Casa PaJ.lotti. • . h • . Dinner & Dance of st. Peter's SO,ciaJ. & Youth CJ.ub. 8pm at the Casa Pa1J.otti. . ,: 30 ,.' , MAY:., I~J.itz and Pi~ces' 8pm'perfoxmed at·st.Peterls & PauJ.'s'Church, AmweJ.J. st. E.C;.]' FRI. 6 SA~. 'EJ.i tz ang *,;!.~9~~ I 7 SUN. 8 < .1>~r!'Q~~ce , 'EJ.:j. tzand P:i.eces I 3rd performance •. ~ C.L.I.C. Disco II ,gn2- ~ '" --'·'~I 7.30pmat the Cafe RoyE;).J. VI .1 •.• " I f. i ,." j " "'~ " ~, f ," ~,- , j: , ~, ,( f i ~ I 1 ;J "j .,'j ,- .; II , • ,,' ;~~~>~. .. " . ,'~ . , ~ ! I t •• '\ , \ ,1 ~ , i , •