Winterization Sheet
Winterization Sheet
WINTERIZATION FORM DOWNLOAD Must have Adobe Reader. To download: FILL IN SERVICES NEEDED & SAVE EMAIL BACK TO US AT: SHOP@CASTAWAYMARINA.COM PLEASE NOTE: By electronically completing the form and sending it back to us here at Castaway Marina, you are authorizing the requested work to be performed on your boat. 2546 Route 9L Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 656-3636 (518) 656-3124 Fax Winterization Sheet – Fall 2014 Name (please print) _________________________________ Address___________________________________ Phone_________________________ __________________________________________ Cell___________________________ __________________________________________ E-Mail________________________ Boat: Year:________________ Make:_______________ Model:_______________ Length:______________ Color:_______________ Trailer: Year:_________________ Make:________________ Color:________________ Plate #:_______________ Location of boat: _______ I am a dockage customer and my boat can be pulled on the following date ___________________ _______ I am a trailer launch customer and will be done with my boat on the following date _______________ _______ I have my boat and will drop it off by WATER on the following date __________________________ _______ I have my boat and will drop it off by LAND on the following date____________________________ _______ I have my boat and would like it picked up at my dock on the following date ____________________ _______ I have my boat and would like it serviced at my dock on the following date _____________________ Location of trailer: _______ My trailer is stored at Castaway Marina _______ I will be dropping my boat off on my trailer _______ I will be dropping my trailer off _______ I do not have a trailer SEE REVERSE FOR 10% WINTER WORK DISCOUNT Pickup / Storage: _______ I will be storing my boat at Castaway Marina and HAVE / HAVE NOT received a storage agreement _______ I will not be storing my boat at Castaway Marina and would like to pick it up when the work is completed or on the following date________________________________ _______ I will not be storing my boat at Castaway Marina and would like it delivered to my house _______ I will be storing my boat at my dock Friendly Reminders: - Please note that with today’s ethanol blended gas, it is very important for you to put stabilizer in your gas tank and run it through the engine during your last boat ride. Gas tanks should be left as full as possible when storing the boat. Please make sure you fill your gas tank since we will not have dockhands present to pump gas when boats are pulled out of the lake. - YOU will need to pump out your waste system (we do not have dockhands present to pump waste tanks and will charge $60.00 if we have to pump out the waste.) - Please make sure all batteries are fully charged before leaving boat. - Please remove ropes, life jackets and other items from storage compartments adjacent to engine. - All service work must be paid in full before the boat leaves Castaway Marina - Boats must be picked up within 10 DAYS of service being completed ($10.00/day fee will be charged thereafter) - Make sure to leave keys in boat ($10.00 charge for no keys) PLEASE FILL OUT THE WINTERIZATION CHECKLIST ON THE BACK PAGE Engine Winterization: (per engine) _____ I/O _____ Inboard _____ Outboard (up to 35 hp) _____ Outboard (over 35 hp) _____ Jet ski _____ Jet Boat _____ Winterize w/ anti-freeze $105.00 $105.00 $50.00 $75.00 $90.00 $95.00 $170.00 Fuel Stabilization: ____ Add stabilizer Water Systems Winterization: _____ Fresh water system (hot & cold) ______ Fresh water system (cold only) _____ Ballast system (wakeboard boats) ______ Ballast bag (wakeboard boats) _____ Livewell _____ Fresh water washdown Inboard Winterization Includes: Disconnect hoses, remove block plugs, fog engine (except MPI), remove bilge plug, and disconnect battery. I/O Winterization Includes: Same as inboard plus; grease transom assembly and check gear lube in outdrive for water. Outboard Winterization Includes: Start engine to remove water, fog engine (except MPI), grease pivot shaft, remove bilge plug, and disconnect battery. Winterize w/ anti-freeze includes: Same as standard winterization plus; re-connect all hoses, re-install all block plugs, and fill engine with antifreeze (not recommended). $80.00 (plus anti-freeze) $60.00 (plus anti-freeze) $75.00 (plus anti-freeze) $40.00 (plus anti-freeze) $40.00 (plus anti-freeze) $40.00 (plus anti-freeze) Additional Work Requested: Waste System Winterization: (does not include ________________________________________________ _____ $37.50 (plus anti-freeze) pump out) ________________________________________________ _____ $60.00 Pump out ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ A/C Winterization: ________________________________________________ _____ $50.00 (plus anti-freeze) Generator Winterization: _____ $70.00 (plus anti-freeze) Oil & Filter Change: (per engine) _____ Engine $89.95 (plus parts) _____ Generator $69.95 (plus parts) Neglecting to make certain repairs? 10% OFF ALL REPAIRS SCHEDULED IN THE FALL TO BE COMPLETED OVER THE WINTER Replace Drive Gear Lube: (per drive) _____ Alpha $65.00 (plus parts) _____ Bravo I,II,III $75.00 (plus parts) _____ Volvo / OMC $80.00 (plus parts) _____ Outboard $55.00 (plus parts) Replace Transmission Fluid: _____ Inboard $70.00 (plus parts) Winter Work Requested: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _____ Bottom Wash with Chemical: _____ $130.00 (up to 25’) _____ $160.00 (26’ to 30’) ____ $215.00 (31’ and up) Bottom Wash w/o Chemical: (For bottom painted, pontoon or wooden boats) _____ $75.00 (up to 25’) _____ $95.00 (26’ to 30’) _____ $150.00 (31’ and up) Prop Recondition: ______ Call for price Shrinkwrap: ______ $16.00/ft. Note: Please specify if you DO NOT want something winterized. Please do not forget to PUMP OUT your waste system and leave your KEYS in the boat. Please sign to verify that you would like the above work performed on your boat by Castaway Marina. X____________________________________ Signature ____________________________ Print Date _______________