Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 - Book 2
Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 - Book 2
ly NATIONAL LONGITUDINAL SURVEY OF CHILDREN & YOUTH Fo ri nf or m at io n on Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002/03 Book 2 – Kindergarten Teacher & Youth Questionnaires 2005 Statistics Canada Social Development Canada Statistiques Canada Développement social Canada For further information on the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, the contact within Social Development Canada is: ly Knowledge and Research Directorate Social Development Canada 3rd Floor 3-042 355 North River Road Place Vanier Tower B Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L1 Canada on E-mail: Telephone: (819) 957-6735 at io Fo ri nf or m Client Services Special Surveys Division Tel: (613) 951-3321 OR 1-800-461-9050; Fax: (613) 951-4527 E-mail: n The contact within Statistics Canada is: Également disponible en français sous le titre: Enquête longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes, Matériel d'enquête pour la collecte des données de 2002-2003 - Cycle 5. INTRODUCTION NLSCY instruments, by which we mean the various questionnaires used to gather information from parents, children and youth, and kindergarten teachers could be divided into 3 groups: on at io n B- Paper questionnaires, self administered: - Kindergarten teacher’s questionnaire - Booklet 20 - self complete for 10-11 year olds - Booklet 21 - self complete for 12-13 year olds - Booklet 22 - self complete for 14-15 year olds - Booklet 23 - self complete for 16-17 year olds - Booklet 24 – self complete for 18-19 year olds - Informed Consent Form ly A- Electronic questionnaires loaded on the interviewers’ laptops and administered by interviewers to parents and youth using computer-assisted (CAPI or CATI) methods: - Household contact information - Parent questionnaire - Child questionnaire - Youth questionnaire or m C- Other Instruments to be administered by interviewers: - Ages and Stages questionnaires (Parent self report, ages 3 to 47 months) - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Revised (PPVT - R) (Direct Measure, Age 4 to 5 years) - Who Am I? (Direct Measure, age 4 and 5 year olds) - Number Knowledge (Direct Measure, age 4 and 5 year olds) - Math tests (Direct Measure, Grades 2 to 10) - Cognitive measure (Direct Measure, ages 16 and 17) ri nf For cycle 5, there are two published documents containing survey instruments: Book 1 contains the electronic questionnaires and Book 2 contains the self-administered paper questionnaires listed in B above. The instruments listed in C above will not be published. Several of them are available from publishers. Please see list at the end of this section. It includes the kindergarten teacher and youth paper self-complete Fo This is Book 2. questionnaires. Most of the questions for cycle 5 are similar to those in previous cycles. Unlike cycle 4, only the Kindergarten teachers completed a questionnaire in cycle 5. The reader may also wish to refer to the Cycle 1, 2 and 3 documentation, available upon request or on the web: Cycle 1 National Longitudinal Survey of Children: Survey Instruments for 1994-95 Data Collection, Cycle 1 National Longitudinal Survey of Children: Overview of Survey Instruments for 1994-95 Data Collection, Cycle 1 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: User’s Handbook and Microdata Guide Cycle 2 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Survey Instruments for 1996-97 Data Collection, Cycle 2 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Overview of Survey Instruments for 199697 Data Collection, Cycle 2 ly Cycle 3 on National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Cycle 3 Survey Instruments for 1998-99 Book 1-Parents & Child n National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Cycle 3 Survey Instruments for 1998-99 Book 2 – Education, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 year olds at io National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Overview of Survey Instruments for 199899 Data Collection, Cycle 3 Fo ri nf or m These are available on the Statistics Canada website:\Products and Services\Downloadable Publications (free) scroll down to 89-566-XIE for article “The intricate family life courses of Canadian children” and 89F0077XIE and 89F0078XIE for the instruments and overviews. List of the Direct Measures publishers on n or m Math Tests (grades 2-10): David Galati Canadian Test Centre 85 Citizen Court, Unit # 7 Markham, Ontario L6G 1A8 Tel.: (905) 513-6636 Fax.: (905) 513-6639 at io EVIP (French PPVT): Fredda Olivier, President Psycan 12-120 West Beaver Creek Rd. Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1L2 Tel.: (905) 731-8795 Fax.: (905) 731-5029 (email) (web site) ly PPVT-R (English): Leann Velde American Guidance Service 4201 Woodland Rd. Circle Pines, Minnesota 55014-0099 Tel.: (651) 287-7242 Fax.: (651) 287-7227 nf Who Am I?: ACER Press Customer Service 347 Camberwell Road Camberwell Victoria, Australia 3124 Fo ri Number Knowledge Yukari Okamoto (email) Ages and Stages Lisa Yurwit, Subsidiary Rights Manager Brookes Publishing Co. and Health Professions Press P.O. Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624, USA Tel.: (410) 337-9580 Fax.: (410) 337-8539 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth – Cycle 5 Book 2 Table of Contents National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth – Cycle 5 Book 2 – Contents Kindergarten Teacher’s Questionnaire 2. Booklet 20: Self-completed Questionnaire for 10- and 11-year-olds 3. Booklet 21: Self-completed Questionnaire for 12- and 13-year-olds 4. Booklet 22: Self-completed Questionnaire for 14- and 15-year-olds 5. Booklet 23: Self-completed Questionnaire for 16- and 17-year-olds 6. Booklet 24: Self-completed Questionnaire for 18- and 19-year-olds 7. Informed Consent Form Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly 1. National Longitudinal Survey of Children & Youth Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 KINDERGARTEN TEACHER’S QUESTIONNAIRE Human Resources Development Canada & Statistics Canada National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth – Cycle 5 Kindergarten Teacher’s Questionnaire ly Place label here on Confidential when complete Aussi disponible en français at io n This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act (RSC. 1985 c. S19) Instructions or m The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information on students’ school experiences. This complements information already collected from parents with regards to the students' life. The items in this questionnaire relate to a particular student in your class who is identified above. The questionnaire also asks about the student’s class, school practices and information about you. nf The survey is voluntary. However, to ensure that we have a full picture of this student’s development and experiences, we strongly encourage you to complete the questionnaire. INSTRUCTIONS ri – Please use a blue or a black pen when answering the questions. – Please mark only one response circle per question unless otherwise indicated. Fo – Place the questionnaire in the enclosed business reply envelope and mail it directly to us. – Please return the questionnaire within the next ten days YOUR RESPONSES ARE CONFIDENTIAL. PLEASE DO NOT SHOW YOUR RESPONSES TO ANYONE ELSE NOT ANOTHER TEACHER, THE PRINCIPAL, THE STUDENT OR HIS/HER PARENTS UNDER THE STATISTICS ACT, THE INFORMATION COLLECTED IN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL If you did not receive a business reply envelope or if you have any questions please call 1-888-408-8879. 8-5300-467: 2002-11-05 STC/ECT-180-75020 Please mark only one response unless otherwise indicated SECTION 1 01 General Information What grade is this child in? This child is not assigned to a grade In junior kindergarten/Primary (generally 2 years before grade 1) ly In senior kindergarten/Primary (generally 1 year before grade 1) 02 on In a combination of junior/senior kindergarten In what type of program is this child enrolled? n Full-day, every day Half-day, every day or m Half-day, alternate days at io Full-day, alternate days Half-day, four days a week Does this child: Yes No ri 03 nf Some other combination Fo a) have a first language other than English or French? b) have a limited knowledge of the main language of instruction that affects his/her classroom performance? 04 Has this child missed 15 or more days of school this year? Yes No Page 2 8-5300-467 05 Since the beginning of school in the fall, how often has this child arrived: Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Don’t know a) inadequately dressed for the weather conditions? b) too tired to participate? c) without a lunch/snacks? Do any of the following limit the kind or amount of activity this child can do at school? (Mark all that apply) on 06 ly d) hungry? n Physical disability or visual or hearing impairment at io Speech impairment Learning disability or m Emotional or behavioural problem (e.g. Attention Deficit Disoder – ADD, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD) Mental disability or limitation Home environment/problems at home nf Other (please specify) Go to Question 8 Does this child receive special help or resources because of this (these) limitation(s)? Fo 07 Î ri Not applicable Yes No I do not know 8-5300-467 Page 3 08 Since the beginning of school in the fall, has a parent or guardian of this child: Yes No Contact not needed a) participated in scheduled parent-teacher meetings or discussions in person or on the telephone? (including parent-teacher interviews and meet the teacher events) b) returned an unscheduled or informal call you made to discuss this child’s progress or behaviour? In your opinion, how involved is (are) the parent(s) or guardian(s) in this child’s education? n 09 on d) volunteered in your class/for class activities? ly c) contacted you in writing, by phone, or in any other manner to discuss this child’s progress or behaviour? Somewhat involved Not involved Fo ri nf or m I do not know / no opinion at io Very involved Page 4 8-5300-467 SECTION 2 10 This Child’s Development and Performance In your opinion, how important is it to this child to do well in class? Very important Somewhat important Of little importance In this section, please assess this child’s language, reading and writing skills in English or French. In which language will you assess these skills? on 11 ly I do not know English at io 12 n French For the following areas of development, how would you rate this child? or m Near the top of the class Above the middle of the class, but not at the top In the middle of the class Below the middle of the class, but above the bottom Near the bottom of the class nf a) Social / emotional development (e.g., adaptability, cooperation, interaction, responsibility, self-control) ri b) Gross motor skills (e.g., balance, strength, locomotor skills, and coordination) Fo c) Fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination (e.g., manual dexterity, holding and using a crayon or pencil) d) Learning skills (e.g., attention, experimentation, observation, organization, problem solving) e) Expressive language / communication skills (e.g., using language effectively, talking with others, ability to communicate ideas) f) 8-5300-467 Receptive language / communication skills (e.g., understanding, interpreting, listening) Page 5 13 How would you rate this child’s ability to: Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor a) share an experience b) tell a story (characters, time sequence, plot, conclusion) c) take part in imaginative play ly d) clearly convey his/her needs f) on e) articulate clearly, without sound substitutions understand on first try what is being said to him/her Considering reading skills, this child: (Mark all that apply) or m 14 at io h) pass simple messages from one person to another without getting the message mixed up n g) follow a conversation and stay on the same topic is generally interested in books (pictures and print) nf is interested in reading (inquisitive/curious about the meaning of printed materials) knows how to handle a book (e.g. turn a page, right side up, distinguish between front and back) ri is able to identify some letters of the alphabet is able to attach sounds to letters Fo shows an awareness of rhyming words is able to participate in group reading activities is able to read simple words is able to read complex words is able to read simple sentences is unable to read is uninterested in reading I do not know Page 6 8-5300-467 15 Considering writing skills, this child is: (Mark all that apply) experimenting with writing tools aware of writing directions (left to right, top to bottom) interested in writing voluntarily (not only under the teacher’s direction) able to print his/her name able to print simple words ly able to print simple sentences on unable to print uninterested in printing Considering mathematical skills, this child is: (Mark all that apply) at io 16 n I do not know interested in games involving numbers or m able to sort and classify objects (e.g., by shape, colour, size) able to make one-to-one correspondence nf able to count to 20 able to recognize numbers 1 to 10 ri able to say which number is the bigger of two Fo showing an understanding of relationship between quantities (e.g., more versus less) able to recognize geometric shapes knowledgeable about time concepts (e.g., today, summer, bedtime) unable to do any of the above uninterested in mathematics I do not know 8-5300-467 Page 7 17 Compared with other classes at the same grade in your school, do you feel that this child’s class generally has: a lower overall ability than the other classes a similar overall ability to the other classes a higher overall ability than the other classes a greater diversity of abilities than the other classes How physically active is this child compared to other children of the same age and sex? on 18 ly there are no other classes at the same grade Much more active Moderately less active Fo ri nf or m Much less active at io Equally active n Moderately more active Page 8 8-5300-467 SECTION 3 19 This child’s classroom behaviour and work habits Listed below are various social and personal skills. Please indicate how often this child: Never Rarely a) works and plays cooperatively with other children Sometimes Often Always comforts another child who is crying or upset on c) ly b) tries to help someone who has been hurt d) makes friends easily will invite others to join in a game g) respects the property of others demonstrates self-control j) shows self-confidence k) shows creativity demonstrates problem-solving ability ri l) nf i) or m h) keeps his/her temper at io f) n e) willingly plays with various children (including those who may be left out by others) Fo m) shows respect for adults n) shows respect for other children o) responds appropriately to the feelings of others p) accepts responsibility for his/her actions q) shows curiosity about the world r) enjoys learning s) likes to try new things 8-5300-467 Page 9 20 The following statements describe work and classroom habits. Please indicate how often this child: Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always a) follows rules and instructions b) listens attentively ly c) works independently on d) takes care of materials adjusts well to changes in routine g) challenges the teacher in a positive way or m h) puts a lot of effort into work at io f) n e) works neatly and carefully concentrates on a task and ignores distractions j) finishes things he/she starts ri nf i) l) Page 10 Fo k) persists with solving a problem even when things go wrong shows independence in washroom habits 8-5300-467 21 How often would you say this child: b) seems to be unhappy or sad c) gets into many fights d) is easily distracted, has trouble sticking to any activity e) when mad at someone, tries to get others to dislike that person f) is not as happy as other children g) is disobedient h) cannot concentrate, cannot pay attention for long i) is too fearful or nervous j) when mad at someone, becomes friends with another as revenge k) is impulsive, acts without thinking l) is worried Don’t know on can’t sit still or is restless Often or very true ri nf or m at io n a) Sometimes or somewhat true ly Never or not true n) when somebody accidentally hurts him/her, he/she reacts with anger and fighting o) tends to do things on his/her own, is rather solitary p) when mad at someone, says bad things behind the other’s back q) physically attacks people 8-5300-467 Fo m) has difficulty waiting for his/her turn in games or groups Page 11 21 How often would you say this child: - Concluded t) bullies or is mean to others u) when mad at someone, says to others: let’s not be with him/her v) is nervous, high-strung or tense w) kicks or hits other children x) is inattentive y) cannot settle on anything for more than a few moments z) has trouble enjoying him/herself on threatens people n s) Don’t know at io cries a lot Often or very true nf or m r) Sometimes or somewhat true ly Never or not true ri aa) when mad at someone, tells that person’s secrets to a third person Fo bb) is excessively shy Page 12 8-5300-467 22 How frequently does this child: Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always a) seem to enjoy being in the class you teach? b) seem bored in the class you teach? on 23 In your class, how often does this child use educational software? n Never at io Rarely Sometimes Always (every day) or m Often How many minutes per week does this child spend using a computer in your class (including class time spent in a computer lab)? ri None nf 24 ly c) seem comfortable with the level of difficulty of the materials that are presented in class? Fo 1 to 29 minutes per week 30 to 59 minutes per week 60 minutes or more per week 8-5300-467 Page 13 SECTION 4 25 This child’s class Approximately what percentage of instruction time in this class is in: a) English? % b) French? % c) Other? (specify) % 1 0 0 How many children are enrolled in this child’s class? at io Please estimate the percentage of total instruction time when a qualified teaching assistant, (including student teachers) and/or an adult volunteer is available in this child’s class. Never 1 to 25% 26 to 50% 51 to 75% More than 75% of total instructional time nf or m 27 n children % on 26 ly TOTAL Total for a, b and c must equal 100% a) Qualified Teaching Assistant 28 Page 14 Fo ri b) Adult volunteer In this child’s class, how many children (including this child) have any of the following long-term problems, whether or not the problem has been officially identified? (Some children may belong to more than one category) a) A speech, hearing, vision, mobility or other health impairment that affects their learning? children b) An emotional or behavioural problem? children c) A learning disability? children 8-5300-467 In this child’s class, how many children: (Some children may belong to more than one category.) a) are boys? children b) are girls? children c) have a first language other than English or French? children d) have a limited knowledge of the main language of instruction that affects his/her classroom performance? children ly 29 In this child’s class, the children: a) move smoothly from one classroom activity to another Sometimes Often children Always or m b) are easily distracted by the disruptive behaviour of a few Rarely at io Never n 30 on e) have arrived in Canada within the last year? nf c) work well together on group activities Fo ri d) misbehave when you are called to the door or must attend to other interruptions 8-5300-467 Page 15 31 The following statements describe various attributes about you and the children in this child’s class. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree ly a) Many of the children in this class are not capable of mastering the curriculum at their grade. on b) Classroom activities are affected by difficulties some children have with the language of instruction. I feel competent in dealing with children’s behavioural problems. nf f) or m e) I have a strong effect on the academic achievement of the children I teach. at io d) An important aspect of our program is the development of social skills. n c) An important aspect of our program is beginning the development of academic skills. ri g) I feel competent in dealing with children’s learning problems. i) j) Page 16 Fo h) I feel that children’s success at school is determined mainly by their home environment. I have high expectations for the academic success of the children I teach. I strongly encourage children to achieve their full academic potential. 8-5300-467 SECTION 5 32 School Characteristics Is your school reserved for: physically impaired students only mentally/emotionally disabled students only both of the above none of the above ly What was the total enrollment of your school at the beginning of this academic year? on 33 students How would you describe the economic background of the students attending your school? (Please specify the percentage of families in each category) a) Family income above $50,000 per year at io n 34 % or m b) Family income between $30,000 and $50,000 per year % c) Family income $30,000 per year or below % Fo ri I do not know 1 0 0 nf TOTAL Total for a, b and c must equal 100% % 8-5300-467 Page 17 SECTION 6 35 Perceptions of your School Below are a number of statements that may describe the climate of your school. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree ly a) The administrative, support and teaching staff work together as a team. on b) All staff are involved in decision making. c) School staff know what is expected of them in terms of their roles and responsibilities. Teachers have a strong influence on how resources (e.g. money, staff, instructional materials) are allocated. or m f) at io e) Teachers have considerable influence on school policies. n d) Staff clearly understand school policies and procedures. g) Children clearly understand school rules. nf h) The principal and/or vice-principal(s) provide(s) support to teachers. Teachers receive positive feedback from the principal and/or vice-principal(s). j) The principal and/or vice-principal(s) circulate in the school to talk with staff. Fo ri i) k) The principal and/or vice-principal(s) spend(s) time getting to know the children. l) The school provides a positive working environment for teachers. m) The school provides a positive working environment for children. Page 18 8-5300-467 36 Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your school’s disciplinary policies. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree ly a) Teachers in this school have reached a consensus about how to discipline children who break rules. on b) All children who break rules in this school face the same consequences. Fo ri nf or m e) Teachers feel there is insufficient support within the school for managing disciplinary problems. at io d) Teachers in this school rarely overlook verbal aggression among children. n c) Teachers in this school rarely overlook physical aggression among children. 8-5300-467 Page 19 SECTION 7 37 Personal Information Are you: Female? Male? 38 To which age group do you belong? ly 20 to 29 30 to 39 on 40 to 49 50 to 59 How much experience do you have in the following capacities: (Specify the number of years and months of experience; e.g., 1 year and 5 months.) at io 39 n 60 or older a) as a teacher? month(s) b) as a teacher at the grade level of this child? year(s) month(s) c) as a teacher at this school? year(s) month(s) On average, how often do you use a computer (or a terminal connected to a computer) in the following ways: Fo ri 40 nf or m year(s) a) as a teaching tool for children (inside or outside your classroom but during class time)? Never Rarely (1 or 2 times a week) Sometimes (3 or 4 times a week Often (5 or 6 times a week) Always (Daily) b) as a learning/professional development tool for yourself (e.g. education discussion groups on the Internet)? c) as a communication tool (e.g. Internet, e-mail, or other communications software)? Page 20 8-5300-467 41 Please specify the highest level of education you have attained. Early Childhood Education Certificate Some course work towards a Bachelor’s degree A teaching certificate, diploma or license A Bachelor’s degree A Bachelor of Education degree Some post-Baccalaureate course work ly A post-Baccalaureate diploma or certificate Some course work towards a Master’s degree on A Master’s degree Some course work towards a Doctorate n A Doctorate degree Other (please specify) 42 at io Trade/vocational certification (including journeyperson certification) Please indicate your field(s) of study. (Mark all that apply) or m English language and/or literature French language and/or literature Mathematics nf Computer Science/Informatics ri Science (e.g. physics, chemistry, biology) Trade/vocational Fo Social Sciences (e.g. psychology, history, geography, economics, journalism, family studies) Environmental Studies Fine Arts Physical Education/Recreation Education Special Education Early Childhood Education General (no specialization/concentration, e.g. B.A. General) Other (please specify) 8-5300-467 Page 21 43 Have you obtained any of the following advanced qualifications in special education? (Mark all that apply) One class in, or part of, a special education program A special education certificate A graduate degree in special education Other (please specify) Have you obtained any of the following advanced qualifications in second language instruction? (Mark all that apply) One class in, or part of, a second language program Other (please specify) 45 or m None of the above at io A graduate degree in second language education n A certificate in second language education on 44 ly None of the above Have you obtained advanced qualifications in areas other than your highest level of education, special education or second language education? Fo ri No nf Yes (please specify) Thank you for completing this questionnaire Page 22 8-5300-467 National Longitudinal Survey of Children & Youth Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 BOOKLET 20 Self-complete Questionnaire for 10- and 11-year-olds National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Booklet 20E Cycle 5 Confidential when completed Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, revised statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. or m at io n on ly Aussi disponible en français Fo ri nf Please read instructions on next page before beginning. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Person ID – – – Child's First Name Assignment No. Time Started : 8-5300-464.1: 2002-05-09 STC/ENM-040-75020 – E – S 0 Questionnaire No. I NST RUCTIONS This is a survey with questions about you, your family, friends, how you feel and what you like to do. Your answers will help the government to plan programs and services for young people like yourself. on ly This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Some questions may seem personal and some are about things not everybody does. Take your time and please be sure to answer each question based on what you really think. You can choose whether or not to fill out this questionnaire. If you need help with any questions, you may ask the interviewer. Example 1 B1 Example 2 How do you feel about school? 0 2 3 X A6 How many close friends do you have? 93 None I like school quite a bit. I like school a bit. I don't like school very much. OR 0 3 number of close friends I hate school. ri nf 4 I like school very much. or m 1 at io n When you answer these questions, you can mark your answers like this ⊗ or fill in the circle , or write a number in the boxes, as in the examples below. When you write your answers, make sure you press hard with your pencil. Fo Remember that the KIDS HELP PHONE is available to help you at any time if you feel like you would like to talk to someone about a problem. 1-(800) 668-6868 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! Page 02 8-5300-464.1 SECTION A Friends and Family Please answer the following statements about your friends and others your age. A2 I get along easily with others my age. A3 Others my age want me to be their friend. A4 Most others my age like me. Mostly true True 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ly I have many friends. Sometimes true / Sometimes false on A1 Mostly false False About how many days a week do you do things with close friends outside of school hours? 01 02 03 04 ) 06 Less than once a week 1 day a week 2-3 days a week 4-5 days a week 6-7 days a week None Number of close friends 93 OR nf How many close friends do you have? ri How many of your close friends do the following: Fo A7 or m 05 A6 Never at io A5 n For the rest of this questionnaire, by "close friends", we mean the people that you trust and confide in. They may be friends that you hang out with at school or outside school. None A few Most All a. smoke cigarettes? 0 1 2 3 b. drink alcohol? 4 5 6 7 c. have tried marijuana? 0 1 2 3 d. have tried drugs other than marijuana? 4 5 6 7 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 03 9 A9 What is their relationship to you? (Mark everyone you feel you can talk to about yourself or your problems.) 01 02 03 04 05 06 YesÎ Go to question A9 No Î Go to question A10 Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather ly 8 Brother Sister 07 Grandparent 08 Other relative 09 A friend of the family 10 Sitter or babysitter 11 Parent's boyfriend/girlfriend 12 Teacher on Other than your close friends, do you have anyone else in particular you can talk to about yourself or your problems? or m at io n A8 A10 In the past 6 months, how well have you ri nf gotten along with other young people such as friends or classmates? A11 In the past 6 months, how well have you Fo gotten along with your brothers and sisters, step brothers and sisters, or foster brothers and sisters? (Answer about the ones you spend the most time with.) ) Page 13 Coach or leader (e.g. Scout, Guide or church leader) 14 Other (e.g. family doctor) 15 Very well, no problems 16 Quite well, hardly any problems 17 Pretty well, some problems 18 Not too well, many problems 19 Not well at all, constant problems 34 Very well, no problems 35 Quite well, hardly any problems 36 Pretty well, some problems 37 Not too well, many problems 38 Not well at all, constant problems 39 I am not in touch with my brothers and sisters 40 I don't have brothers and sisters Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 04 8-5300-464.1 B3 How important is it to you to do the following in school: 1 Fo a. Math b. English c. French ) 2 I like school a bit 3 I don't like school very much 4 I hate school 09 Very well 10 Well 11 Average 12 Poorly 13 Very poorly I hate it Not very important Not important at all 3 4 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or m nf How do you like the following subjects: ri B4 I like school quite a bit 2 5 c. participate in extra-curricular activities? d. learn new things? 1 Somewhat important Very important a. make friends? b. get good grades? I like school very much ly How well do you think you are doing in your school work? 0 n B2 How do you feel about school? at io B1 School on SECTION B I don't like it very much I like it a little I like it a lot I don't take it 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 05 B5 Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes how you feel. All the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never 0 1 2 3 4 b. I feel safe on my way to and from school. 5 6 7 8 9 c. Other young people say mean things to me at school. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. I feel safe at school. f. I feel like an outsider (or left out of things) at my school. About my teachers and homework. 01 or m b. If I need extra help, my teachers give it to me. 00 nf c. I have a place at home to do homework or study. B7 Fo Page 06 01 07 07 03 Never 04 Don't need help 08 09 10 No homework 02 03 04 05 No homework 08 09 10 11 In the next statements, parents include guardians. They are the ones who live with you at home and influence your life. a. If I have problems at school, my parents are ready to help. ) 00 06 02 Rarely ri d. When my teachers give me homework, I do it. 05 Some of the time at io a. In general my teachers treat me fairly. Most of the time n B6 All the time 9 on e. I am bullied on my way to and from school. ly d. I am bullied in school. All the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never 00 01 02 03 04 b. My parents encourage me to do well at school. 06 07 08 09 10 c. My parents expect too much of me at school. 00 01 02 03 04 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 06 No problems at school 05 8-5300-464.1 SECTION C Choose the answer that best describes how you feel. Mostly false False True 01 02 03 04 b. Overall I have a lot to be proud of. 05 06 07 08 09 c. A lot of things about me are good. 00 01 02 03 04 d. When I do something, I do it well. 05 06 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 ly 00 on 04 Now you will be asked about yourself and how you relate to other people at home and at school. (Choose only one answer for each sentence.) Rarely True Of Me 1 Sometimes True Of Me 2 at io a. It is easy to tell people how I feel. Often True Of Me Very Often True Of Me 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m. When I get angry, I act without thinking. 1 2 3 4 n. When answering hard questions, I try to think of many solutions. 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 b. I like doing things for others. c. I get angry easily. or m d. I can understand hard questions. e. I think that most things I do will turn out OK. I can talk easily about my feelings. nf f. i. ri g. I feel bad when other people have their feelings hurt. j. I hope for the best. h. I get upset easily. Fo I can come up with many ways of answering a hard question when I want to. k. I can easily describe my feelings. l. I know when people are upset, even when they say nothing. o. I enjoy the things I do. ) Mostly true a. In general, I like the way I am. e. I like the way I look. C2 Sometimes false/ Sometimes true n C1 About Me Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 07 SECTION D Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. Never or not true c. I destroy my own things. d. I try to help someone who has been hurt. 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 i. I am easily distracted. I have trouble sticking to any activity. 7 8 9 j. When I am mad at someone, I try to get others to dislike him/her. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 7 g. I get into many fights. nf or m h. I offer to help clear up a mess someone else has made. at io f. I am unhappy or sad. ri k. I am not as happy as other people my age. Fo l. I destroy things belonging to my family or other young people. m. If there is an argument, I try to stop it. n. I can't concentrate, I can't pay attention. o. I am too fearful or nervous. p. When I am mad at someone, I become friends with another as revenge. Page 3 4 e. I steal at home. ) 2 ly b. I can't sit still, I am restless. Often or very true 1 on a. I show sympathy to (I feel sorry for) someone who has made a mistake. Sometimes or somewhat true n D1 Feelings and Behaviours Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 08 8-5300-464.1 I am impulsive, I act without thinking. r. I tell lies or cheat. s. I offer to help other young people (friend, brother or sister) who are having difficulty with a task. 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 u. I have difficulty waiting for my turn in games or group activities. 7 v. When another young person accidentally hurts me, I assume that the he/she kid meant to do it, and I react with anger and fighting. 1 y. I comfort another young person (friend, brother or sister) who is crying or upset. z. I cry a lot. aa. I vandalize. bb. I threaten people. nf ri Fo cc. I help to pick up things that another young person has dropped. dd. I bully or am mean to others. ee. I cannot settle to anything for more than a few moments. ff. 4 2 When I am mad at someone, I say to others: let's not be with him/her. 9 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 at io I physically attack people. or m x. ) 5 I worry a lot. When I am mad at someone, I say bad things behind his/her back. Often or very true 4 t. w. Sometimes or somewhat true ly q. Never or not true on Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. n D1 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 09 Never or not true hh. I kick or hit other people my age. ii. jj. When I am playing with others, I invite bystanders to join in a game. I steal outside my home. kk. I am inattentive, I have difficulty paying attention to someone. ll. I have trouble enjoying myself. 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 4 5 7 nn. When I am mad at someone, I tell that person's secrets to a third person. 1 or m have you stayed out later than your parents said you should? b. have you stayed out all night without permission? nf a. have you skipped a day of school without permission? Fo c. D3 4 Page 9 2 3 5 6 d. have you been drunk? e. were you questioned by the police about anything they thought you did? f. have you run away from home? In the past 12 months were you part of a group that did bad things? Once or twice 3 or 4 times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Never Yes No Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 10 5 times or more 1 2 ) 6 In the past 12 months, about how many times ... ri D2 3 8 at io mm. I help other people my age (friends, brother or sister) who are feeling sick. oo. I encourage other people my age who cannot do things as well as I can. Often or very true 7 on gg. I am nervous, highstrung or tense. Sometimes or somewhat true ly Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. n D1 8-5300-464.1 SECTION E My Parent(s) My mother E1 Think of the mother you spend the most time with. Is she ... (Mark one only.) 01 your biological/birth mother? 02 your adoptive mother? 03 your stepmother? 04 your foster mother? 05 another person? OR 06 Go to Î question E4 Thinking of the mother you have identified in the previous question: on E2 ly I am not in touch with my mother A great deal 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 at io b. How much fairness do you receive from your mother? Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your mother? My Father ri Now think of the father you spend the most time with. Is he ... (Mark one only.) Fo E4 1 Very close 2 Somewhat close 3 Not very close nf E3 or m c. How much affection do you receive from your mother? Very little/Not at all 1 n a. How well do you feel that your mother understands you? Some 01 your biological/birth father? 02 your adoptive father? 03 your stepfather? 04 your foster father? 05 another person? OR 06 ) I am not in touch with my father Go to Î question E7 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 11 E5 Thinking of the father you have identified in the previous question: A great deal Very little/Not at all a. How well do you feel that your father understands you? 0 1 2 b. How much fairness do you receive from your father? 3 4 5 6 7 8 c. How much affection do you receive from your father? E6 Some Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your father? 5 Very close 6 Somewhat close 7 Not very close How well do you think your parents get along with each other? 0 Very well 1 Fairly well 2 Not very well 3 on E7 ly Answer the following questions thinking of the father and mother you have identified in the previous questions. How often do your parents disagree about how to deal with you and your brother(s) and sister(s)? 01 Never at io E8 n My parents are not in touch with each other 02 Rarely 03 Sometimes 04 Often How often do your parents get upset with one another, including times when they are mad but don't say much? nf E9 or m 05 Always 06 I don't know 07 My parents are not in touch with each other 08 Never 09 Rarely 10 Sometimes 11 Often ri 12 Always 13 I don't know 14 Fo My parents are not in touch with each other E10 For each of the following statements, use the choice that best describes the way your parent(s) (or stepparent(s), foster parent(s) or guardian(s)) in general have acted toward you in the past 6 months. My parent(s) ... Never Often Always 7 8 9 b. want to know exactly where I am and what I am doing. 0 1 2 3 4 c. soon forget a rule they have made. 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d. praise me (say nice things about me). e. let me go out any evening I want. Page Sometimes 6 a. smile at me. ) Rarely 5 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 12 8-5300-464.1 E10 For each of the following statements, use the choice that best describes the way your parent(s) (or stepparent(s), foster parent(s) or guardian(s)) in general have acted toward you in the last 6 months. My parent(s) ... Never f. tell me what time to be home when I go out. Sometimes Often Always 1 2 3 4 g. nag me about little things. 5 6 7 8 9 h. listen to my ideas and opinions. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 k. get angry and yell at me. 5 6 7 l. 0 1 make sure I know I am appreciated. m. threaten punishment more often than they use it. 5 n. speak of the good things I do. 0 on n only keep rules when it suits them. 2 at io j. and I solve a problem together whenever we disagree about something. ly 0 i. 9 3 4 8 9 3 4 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 s. seem too busy to spend as much time with me as I'd like. 5 6 7 8 9 take an interest in where I am going and who I am with. 0 1 2 3 4 or m 6 o. find out about my misbehaviour. nf p. enforce a rule or do not enforce a rule depending upon their mood. q. hit me or threaten to do so. Fo ri r. seem proud of the things I do. t. E11 How often do your parents let you decide ... ) Rarely Almost never Sometimes Often Always a. the time you go to bed on weeknights? 5 6 7 8 b. the people you hang around with? 1 2 3 4 c. how much television you watch? 5 6 7 8 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 13 SECTION F Puberty We know that the following questions might be difficult, but would appreciate you answering them as well as you can. Changes in young people's bodies can affect many different aspects of their lives. F1 Would you say that your body hair ("body hair" means underarm and pubic hair) has begun to grow? 1 2 3 4 Has not yet started growing Has barely started growing Growth of body hair is definitely underway Growth of body hair seems completed ly Boys go to question F4 Girls go to question F2 Have your breasts begun to grow? 5 6 8 Have you begun to menstruate (your monthly periods)? Breast growth is definitely underway 1 2 Breast growth seems completed Yes No Girls go to section G nf or m F3 Have barely started growing at io 7 Have not yet started growing n F2 on For girls only Have you noticed a deepening of your voice? Fo F4 ri For boys only F5 Have you begun to grow hair on your face? 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 ) Page Has not yet started changing Has barely started changing Voice is definitely changing Voice change seems completed Has not yet started growing Has barely started growing Facial hair growth is definitely underway Facial hair growth seems completed Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 14 8-5300-464.1 SECTION G Smoking, Drinking and Drugs In this section, we would like to ask you some questions about your experiences with smoking, drinking and drugs. Some of the questions will apply to you even if you have not smoked, had a drink or used drugs. Please be as honest as you can – your answers are private and Statistics Canada will make sure no one will find out who filled out each questionnaire. 01 02 03 I have never smoked I have only had a few puffs I do not smoke anymore OR to Î Go queston G2 n I smoke ... A few times a year at io 04 to Î Go question G3 ly Which of the following best describes your experience with smoking cigarettes: on G1 05 06 If you have smoked one or more cigarettes every day for at least 7 days in a row, how old were you when you first did so? 08 98 About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week I have never done this OR I was years old Fo ri G2 nf or m 07 About once or twice a month ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 15 The next questions are about drinking alcohol. A drink of alcohol is, for example: 9 one bottle of beer or 9 one glass of wine, or 9 one shot of liquor. G3 Have you ever had a drink of alcohol? 01 to Î Go question G4 Yes, at least one drink 02 I have only had a few sips 03 to Î Go question G5 G4 How old were you when you first had a drink of alcohol? on ly No years old I was G5 Have you ever tried drugs or sniffed glue or solvents? (Drugs include marijuana, cocaine, acid, or uppers, downers, etc.) at io n The next questions are about drug use. Please answer even if you do not use drugs. 1 If you have used drugs, how old were you when you first did so? (Drugs include marijuana, cocaine, acid, or uppers downers, etc.) No Î Go to section H I was years old Fo ri nf G6 or m 2 Yes ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 16 8-5300-464.1 In the past 12 months, how often have you... Never a. played sports or done physical activities without a coach or an instructor (biking, skateboarding, etc.)? b. played sports with a coach or instructor, other than in gym class (swimming lessons, baseball, hockey, etc.)? d. taken part in art, drama or music groups, clubs or lessons outside of class? e. taken part in clubs or groups such as Guides or Scouts, 4-H club, community, church or other religious groups? done a hobby or craft (drawing, model building, etc.)? Thinking of the one sport or physical activity that you do the most often, how long do you usually spend being active in one session? This may be an activity with or without a coach or instructor, but does not include gym class. ri Fo H3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 5 nf H2 2 6 1 or m g. done odd jobs (a paper route, babysitting, etc.)? On average, about how many hours a day do you watch TV or videos or play video games? 2 7 8 3 4 7 8 3 4 01 I do not do physical activities 02 03 04 05 06 01 02 03 04 05 06 ) 4 or more times a week 1 at io f. 1 to 3 times a week ly c. taken part in dance, gymnastics, karate or other groups or lessons, other than in gym class? Less than once a week on H1 Activities n SECTION H 1 to 15 minutes 16 to 30 minutes 31 to 59 minutes 1 to 2 hours more than 2 hours I don't watch TV or videos or play video games Less than one hour a day 1 to 2 hours a day 3 to 4 hours a day 5 to 6 hours a day 7 or more hours a day Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 17 SECTION H How often do you read for fun (not for school)? 07 08 09 10 11 12 A few times a week Once a week A few times a month Less than once a month Almost never Do you use the Internet ... Yes 1 2 b. at school? 3 4 c. somewhere else? 5 6 n a. at home? Not including Internet use, do you use a computer ... at io H6 No Yes a. at home? c. somewhere else? On average, about how many hours a day do you spend on a computer (doing work, playing games, e-mailing, chatting, surfing the Internet, etc.)? Fo ri nf H7 or m b. at school? H8 Is there a computer in your home? (Even if you dont use it.) Page 18 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 07 08 09 10 11 12 1 2 ) ly H5 Every day on H4 Activities I don't use a computer Less than 1 hour a day 1 or 2 hours a day 3 or 4 hours a day 5 or 6 hours a day 7 or more hours a day Yes No Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 J1 Thank you. What time was it when you finished? When you finish this survey: : Put this questionnaire in the envelope. Return it to the interviewer. Fo ri nf or m at io n on Thank you very much for helping us. ly SECTION J ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-464.1 Page 19 National Longitudinal Survey of Children & Youth Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 BOOKLET 21 Self-complete Questionnaire for 12- and 13-year-olds National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Booklet 21E Cycle 5 Confidential when completed Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, revised statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. or m at io n on ly Aussi disponible en français Fo ri nf Please read instructions on next page before beginning. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Person ID – – – Child's First Name Assignment No. Time Started : 8-5300-447.1: 2002-05-09 STC/ENM-040-75020 – E – S 1 Questionnaire No. I NST RUCTIONS This is a survey with questions about you, your family, friends, how you feel and what you like to do. Your answers will help the government to plan programs and services for young people like yourself. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Some questions may seem personal and some are about things not everybody does. Take your time and please be sure to answer each question based on what you really think. You can choose whether or not to on ly fill out this questionnaire. If you need help with any questions, you may ask the interviewer. n When you answer these questions, you can mark your answers like this ⊗ or fill in the circle , or write a number in the boxes, as in the examples below. When you write your answers, make sure you press hard with your pencil. Example 1 How do you feel about school? 0 2 3 I like school quite a bit. I like school a bit. A6 How many of your close friends are girls? 93 None OR 0 3 number of girls I don't like school very much. I hate school. ri nf 4 X or m 1 I like school very much. at io B1 Example 2 Fo Remember that the KIDS HELP PHONE is available to help you at any time if you feel like you would like to talk to someone about a problem. 1-(800) 668-6868 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! Page 02 8-5300-447.1 SECTION A Friends and Family Please answer the following statements about your friends and others your age. I have many friends. A2 I get along easily with others my age. A3 Others my age want me to be their friend. A4 Most others my age like me. Sometimes true/ Sometimes false Mostly false Mostly true True 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ly A1 False 01 Never 02 Less than once a week 03 1 day a week n About how many days a week do you do things with close friends outside of school hours? at io A5 on For the rest of this questionnaire, by "close friends", we mean the people that you trust and confide in. They may be friends that you hang out with at school or outside school. 04 2 - 3 days a week 05 4 - 5 days a week or m 06 6 - 7 days a week ... girls? A7 ... boys? Fo ri A6 A8 ) nf How many of your close friends are: How often do you share your secrets and private feelings with your close friends? None Number 93 OR 94 OR 0 All the time 1 Most of the time 2 Some of the time 3 Rarely 4 Never Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 03 A9 How many of your close friends do the following: None A few Most a. smoke cigarettes? 0 1 2 3 b. drink alcohol? 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 break the law by stealing, hurting someone or damaging property? c. d. have tried marijuana? e. have tried drugs other than marijuana? 9 A11 What is their relationship to you? 01 02 03 04 05 Fo ri nf or m 06 A12 In the past 6 months, how well have you gotten along with other young people such as friends or classmates? ) Go to question A11 Î Go to question A12 No Mother at io (Mark everyone you feel you can talk to about yourself or your problems.) Yes Î on 8 n anyone else in particular you can talk to about yourself or your problems? ly A10 Other than your close friends, do you have Page All 07 08 Father Stepmother Stepfather Brother Sister Grandparent Other relative 09 A friend of the family 10 11 12 13 Sitter or babysitter Parent's boyfriend/girlfriend Teacher Coach or leader (e.g. Scout, Guide or church leader) 14 Other (e.g. family doctor) 15 Very well, no problems 16 Quite well, hardly any problems 17 Pretty well, some problems 18 Not too well, many problems 19 Not well at all, constant problems Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 04 8-5300-447.1 A13 In the past 6 months, how well have you 1 Very well, no problems 2 Quite well, hardly any problems 3 Pretty well, some problems 4 Not too well, many problems 5 Not well at all, constant problems 6 I am not in touch with my brothers and sisters 7 I don't have brothers and sisters Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly gotten along with your brothers and sisters, step brothers and sisters, or foster brothers and sisters? (Answer about the ones you spend the most time with.) ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 05 SECTION B How do you feel about school? 0 I like school very much 1 I like school quite a bit 2 I like school a bit 3 I don't like school very much 4 Are you in the same school that you were in two years ago? 9 B3 For your most recent change in schools, why did you change schools? (Please mark all that apply.) 1 2 Go to question B5 No Î Go to question B3 I changed from elementary school to high school I changed from elementary school to middle school or junior high I changed from middle school or junior high to high school at io 3 YesÎ ly 8 on B2 I hate school n B1 School 4 What did you find hard to get used to about your new school? (Please mark all that apply.) Fo ri nf B4 or m 5 B5 How well do you think you are doing in your school work? 6 01 Other reason I did not find it hard to get used to my new school Organizing homework 03 New teachers 04 Changing classes 05 Having to make new friends 06 Finding my way around 07 Taking the bus to a new school 08 Other 09 11 12 13 Page I was expelled 02 10 ) I moved Very well Well Average Poorly Very poorly Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 06 8-5300-447.1 Very important a. make friends? b. get good grades? c. participate in extracurricular activities? Somewhat important 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 d. learn new things? e. always show up for class on time? f. express your opinion in class? g. take part in student council or other similar groups? a. Math b. English 01 02 06 07 09 10 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 nf f. Arts (art, music, drama) How often do you feel like an outsider (or left out of things) at school? ri Since the beginning of this school year, how many times have you ... a. skipped a day of school without permission? b. been suspended from school? ) 0 1 2 Fo B9 03 I don't take it 08 or m e. Gym/Phys. Ed. I like it a lot 05 06 d. Science I like it a little 4 04 01 c. French B8 I don't like it very much I hate it n How do you like the following subjects: at io B7 Not important at all Not very important ly How important is it to you to do the following in school: on B6 Never All the time Most of the time Some of the time 3 Rarely 4 Never Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 07 B10 The next statements are about All the time teachers and homework. a. In general, my teachers treat me fairly. 00 Most of the time 01 Some of the time Rarely 02 03 Never 04 Don't need help b. If I need extra help, my teachers give it to me. 05 06 07 08 09 10 No homework c. I have a place at home to do homework or study. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 B11 How often do you talk to a teacher outside of 08 09 0 class? 10 11 on d. When my teachers give me homework, I do it. ly No homework Every day 1 A few times a week Once a week n 2 3 at io A few times a month 4 Less than once a month 5 Almost never In the next statements, parents include guardians. They are the ones who live with you at home and influence your life. or m B12 All the time a. If I have problems at school, my parents are ready to help. Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never 01 02 03 04 b. My parents encourage me to do well at school. 06 07 08 09 10 c. My parents expect too much of me at school. 00 01 02 03 04 Fo ri nf 00 B13 How far do you hope to go in school? I hope to complete ... 0 No problems at school 05 middle school/junior high 1 high school 2 college or CEGEP 3 a university degree 4 more than one university degree 5 I don't know 6 other ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 08 8-5300-447.1 SECTION C Choose the answer that best describes how you feel. Mostly false False True 01 02 03 04 b. Overall I have a lot to be proud of. 05 06 07 08 09 c. A lot of things about me are good. 00 01 02 03 04 d. When I do something, I do it well. 05 06 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 ly 00 04 Now you will be asked about yourself and how you relate to other people at home and at school. (Choose only one answer for each sentence.) Sometimes True Of Me Often True Of Me Very Often True Of Me 3 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m. When I get angry, I act without thinking. 1 2 3 4 n. When answering hard questions, I try to think of many solutions. 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 2 4 at io n Rarely True Of Me 1 a. It is easy to tell people how I feel. b. I like doing things for others. c. I get angry easily. or m d. I can understand hard questions. e. I think that most things I do will turn out OK. I can talk easily about my feelings. nf f. ri g. I feel bad when other people have their feelings hurt. h. I get upset easily. I can come up with many ways of answering a hard question when I want to. Fo i. j. I hope for the best. k. I can easily describe my feelings. l. I know when people are upset, even when they say nothing. o. I enjoy the things I do. ) Mostly true a. In general, I like the way I am. e. I like the way I look. C2 Sometimes false/ Sometimes true on C1 About me Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 09 In general, I am happy with how things are for me in my life now. 5 6 7 8 C4 The next five years look good to me. 5 6 7 8 Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree ly C3 C6 a. While at school or on a school bus. 01 b. Elsewhere (including at home). 05 threaten to hurt you but not actually hurt you? a. While at school or on a school bus. Once or twice 02 or m 3 or 4 times 5 times or more 03 04 07 08 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 09 b. Elsewhere (including at home). C7 Never n say something personal about you that made you feel extremely uncomfortable? 06 at io C5 on In the past 12 months, how many times did someone ... physically attack or assault you? nf a. While at school or on a school bus. Fo ri b. Elsewhere (including at home). ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 10 8-5300-447.1 SECTION D Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. a. I show sympathy to (I feel sorry for) someone who has made a mistake. Sometimes or somewhat true Often or very true 2 3 b. I can't sit still, I am restless. 4 5 6 c. I destroy my own things. 7 8 9 d. I try to help someone who has been hurt. 1 2 3 e. I steal at home. 4 5 1 h. I offer to help clear up a mess someone else has made. or m j. When I am mad at someone, I try to get others to dislike him/her. 4 k. I am not as happy as other people my age. nf l. I destroy things belonging to my family or other young people. ri m. If there is an argument, I try to stop it. Fo n. I can't concentrate, I can't pay attention. o. I am too fearful or nervous. p. When I am mad at someone, I become friends with another as revenge. q. I am impulsive, I act without thinking. 6 8 9 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 at io i. I am easily distracted. I have trouble sticking to any activity. on 7 g. I get into many fights. ly 1 f. I am unhappy or sad. ) Never or not true n D1 Feelings and Behaviours Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 11 D1 Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. Never or not true Sometimes or somewhat true Often or very true 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t. I worry a lot. u. I have difficulty waiting for my turn in games or group activities. v. When another young person accidentally hurts me, I assume that he/she meant to do it, and I react with anger and fighting. z. I cry a lot. nf aa. I vandalize. bb. I threaten people. Fo ri cc. I help to pick up things that another young person has dropped. dd. I bully or am mean to others. ee. I cannot settle to anything for more than a few moments. ff. When I am mad at someone, I say to others: let's not be with him/her. 9 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 at io or m y. I comfort another young person (friend, brother or sister) who is crying or upset. 4 2 n 1 w. When I am mad at someone, I say bad things behind his/her back. x. I physically attack people. on s. I offer to help other young people (friend, brother or sister) who are having difficulty with a task. ly r. I tell lies or cheat. gg. I am nervous, highstrung or tense. hh. I kick or hit other people my age. ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 12 8-5300-447.1 Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. Never or not true jj. I steal outside my home. kk. I am inattentive, I have difficulty paying attention to someone. ll. I have trouble enjoying myself. mm. I help other people my age (friends, brother or sister) who are feeling sick. 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 2 3 n 1 at io oo. I encourage other people my age who cannot do things as well as I can. 4 7 nn. When I am mad at someone, I tell that person's secrets to a third person. Often or very true on ii. When I am playing with others, I invite bystanders to join in a game. Sometimes or somewhat true ly D1 4 5 6 Has anyone in your school committed suicide? Fo ri nf D2 or m Some of the following questions might be hard for you to answer. If you feel like you need support, we encourage you to talk to your family doctor or nurse, or use the resources provided to you by the interviewer. D3 D4 Has anyone that you have personally known committed suicide? In the past 12 months, did you seriously consider attempting suicide? 0 Yes, within the last year 1 Yes, more than a year ago 2 No, never 3 I don't know 4 Yes, within the last year 5 Yes, more than a year ago 6 No, never 7 I don't know 1 Yes 2 No ) Î Go to question D7 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 13 3 4 5 D6 D7 If you attempted suicide during the past 12 months, did you have to be treated by a doctor, nurse or other health professional (for a physical injury or counselling)? Never/ Î Go to question D7 none Once More than once 6 Yes 7 No During the past 12 months, about how many times ... Once or twice Never b. were you questioned by the police about anything that they thought you did? d. have you intentionally damaged or destroyed anything that didn't belong to you? g. nf f. have you carried a weapon for the purpose of defending yourself or using it in a fight? have you sold any drugs? Fo ri h. have you attempted to touch anyone in a sexual way while knowing that they would probably object to this? D8 ) Page In the past 12 months, were you part of a gang that broke the law by stealing, hurting someone, damaging property, etc.? 5 6 1 or m e. have you fought with someone to the point where they needed care for their injuries? 2 2 at io c. have you run away from home? 1 n a. have you stayed out all night without permission? 3 or 4 times 4 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Yes 2 No Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 14 3 5 times or more ly In the past 12 months, how many times did you attempt suicide? on D5 8-5300-447.1 In the past 12 months, how often have you ... a. played sports or done physical activities without a coach or an instructor (e.g. biking, skateboarding, etc.)? b. played sports with a coach or instructor, other than in gym class? (swimming lessons, baseball, hockey, etc.)? d. taken part in art, drama or music groups, clubs or lessons, outside of class? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 5 or m Thinking of the one sport or physical activity that you do the most often, how long do you usually spend being active in one session? This may be an activity with or without a coach or instructor, but does not include gym class. E4 How often do you read for fun (not for school)? 6 8 3 4 7 8 I do not do physical activities 02 1 to 15 minutes 16 to 30 minutes 04 31 to 59 minutes 05 1 to 2 hours 06 More than 2 hours 1 Yes 2 No 07 Every day 08 A few times a week 09 ) 7 01 03 nf ri In any of your activities, do you have special responsibilities, such as team leader, captain, secretary, etc.? Fo E3 4 or more times a week 1 at io e. taken part in clubs or groups such as Guides or Scouts, 4-H club, community, church or other religious groups? E2 1 to 3 times a week ly c. taken part in dance, gymnastics, karate or other groups or lessons, other than in gym class? f. done a hobby or craft (drawing, model building, etc.)? Less than once a week Never on E1 Activities n SECTION E Once a week 10 A few times a month 11 Less than once a month 12 Almost never Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 15 1 doing activities at school (yearbook committee, school patrol, student council, etc.) 2 supporting a cause (food bank, environmental group, etc.) 3 fund raising (a charity, school trips, etc.) 4 helping in your community (hospital volunteering, work in a community organization, etc.) 5 helping neighbours or relatives (cutting grass, babysitting or shovelling snow for a neighbour, etc.) 6 doing another volunteer activity (without pay) 7 During the past 12 months, how often have you volunteered or helped without pay? 01 Everyday 02 A few times a week 03 E7 On average, about how many hours a day do you watch TV or videos, or play video games? ly E6 I have not done any of these activities without pay. Î Go to question E7 Once a week 04 A few times a month 05 Less than once a month 01 I don't watch TV or videos or play video games 02 Less than 1 hour a day 1 to 2 hours a day 04 3 to 4 hours a day 05 5 to 6 hours a day 06 7 or more hours a day Do you use the Internet ... a. at home? ri b. at school? nf E8 or m at io 03 on During the past 12 months, have you volunteered or helped without pay by ... (Include volunteer work done for credit at school) (Please mark all that apply.) n E5 E9 ) Page No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fo c. somewhere else? Yes Not including Internet use, do you use a computer ... Yes No a. at home? 1 2 b. at school? 3 4 c. somewhere else? 5 6 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 16 8-5300-447.1 E10 On average, about how many hours a day do 07 08 09 10 11 12 1 No I don't have a younger brother or sister I don't spend any time at home looking after a younger brother or sister while my parents are not home Less than 1 hour a day 1 to 2 hours a day 3 to 4 hours a day 06 5 to 6 hours a day or m at io 05 07 7 or more hours a day 08 I don't spend time alone while nobody else is home 09 10 Less than 1 hour a day 1 to 2 hours a day 11 3 to 4 hours a day 12 5 to 6 hours a day 13 7 or more hours a day Fo ri nf 7 or more hours a day 02 04 do you spend alone at home while nobody else is home? 5 or 6 hours a day 01 03 E13 On average, how much time in a day 3 or 4 hours a day ly 2 do you spend at home looking after a younger brother or sister while your parents are not home? 1 or 2 hours a day Yes (Even if you don't use it.) E12 On average, how much time in a day Less than 1 hour a day on E11 Is there a computer in your home? I don't use a computer n you spend on a computer (doing work, playing games, e-mailing, chatting, surfing the Internet, etc.)? ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 17 SECTION F Smoking, Drinking and Drugs In this section, we would like to ask you some questions about your experiences with smoking, drinking and drugs. Some of the questions will apply to you even if you have not smoked, had a drink or used drugs. Please be as honest as you can – your answers are private and Statistics Canada will make sure no one will find out who filled out each questionnaire. 01 02 03 I have never smoked I have only had a few puffs I do not smoke anymore Î Go to question F3 OR n I smoke ... A few times a year at io 04 to Î Go question F4 ly Which of the following best describes your experience with smoking cigarettes: on F1 05 06 About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week On the days that you smoke, about how many cigarettes do you usually smoke? number of cigarettes Fo ri F2 08 About 1-2 days a week nf or m 07 About once or twice a month F3 If you have smoked one or more cigarettes every day for at least 7 days in a row, how old were you when you first did so? 98 I have never done this OR I was ) Page years old Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 18 8-5300-447.1 The next questions are about drinking alcohol. A drink of alcohol is, for example: ' one bottle of beer or ' one glass of wine or ' one shot of liquor. Which of the following best describes your experience with drinking alcohol: 01 I have never had a drink of alcohol 02 to Î Go question F9 I have only had a few sips 03 I only tried once or twice (at least one drink) 04 I do not drink alcohol anymore ly F4 OR 06 07 08 F7 or m 1 2 How old were you when you were drunk for the first time? In the past 12 months, how often have you been drunk? Fo F8 Have you ever been drunk? About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week 01 02 03 04 06 years old. Yes No Î Go to question F9 I was 05 ) About 1-2 days a week I was nf F6 How old were you when you first had a drink of alcohol? ri F5 About once or twice a month at io 09 A few times a year n 05 on I drink (at least one drink) ... years old. Never A few times About once or twice a month About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 19 The next questions are about drug use. Please answer even if you do not use drugs. F9 01 Which of the following best describes your experience with using marijuana and cannabis products (also known as a joint, pot, grass or hash) in the past 12 months? 02 I have never done it I have done it, but not during the past 12 months OR In the past 12 months, I have used marijuana ... 04 05 06 About once or twice a month About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week on 07 A few times F10 Which best describes your ri 1 to 2 times 3 to 5 times 6 to 9 times 10 times or more 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 07 Fo d. Other drugs like ecstasy, crack, cocaine, heroin, speed etc. In the past 12 months I have used it ... 03 nf c. Drugs without a prescription or advice from a doctor: downers, uppers, tranquilizers, ritalin, etc. 02 or m b. Glue or solvents 01 I have done it, but not in the past 12 months at io I have never done it n experience with the following drugs in the past 12 months: a. Hallucinogens like LSD/acid, magic mushrooms ly 03 If you have never tried any of the above drugs, GO TO SECTION G. ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 20 8-5300-447.1 F11 How old were you when you did the following drugs for the first time? I have never done it 99 b. Hallucinogens like LSD/acid, magic mushrooms 99 99 c. Glue or solvents d. Drugs without a prescription or advice from a doctor: downers, uppers, tranquilizers, ritalin, etc. e. Other drugs like ecstasy, crack, cocaine, heroin, or speed etc. 99 years old OR years old OR years old OR years old on 99 OR ly a. Marijuana and cannabis products I first did it when I was ... years old Fo ri nf or m at io n OR ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 21 SECTION G My Parent(s) My mother G1 Think of the mother you spend the most time with. Is she ... (Mark only one.) 01 02 03 04 05 your biological/birth mother? your adoptive mother? your stepmother? your foster mother? another person (a mother figure)? OR Go to I am not in touch with Î question G4 my mother G2 on ly 06 Thinking of the mother you have identified in the previous question: b. How much fairness do you receive from your mother? Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your mother? 1 2 3 Very little/ Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Very close Somewhat close Not very close Fo ri nf G3 or m c. How much affection do you receive from your mother? Some 0 at io a. How well do you feel that your mother understands you? n A great deal ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 22 8-5300-447.1 My Father G4 Now think of the father you spend the most time with. Is he ... (Mark only one.) 01 02 03 04 05 your biological/birth father? your adoptive father? your stepfather? your foster father? another person (a father figure)? OR Thinking about the father you have identified in the previous question: on G5 Go to I am not in touch with Î question G7 my father ly 06 A great deal a. How well do you feel that your father understands you? n 0 b. How much fairness do you receive from your father? Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your father? or m G6 at io c. How much affection do you receive from your father? 3 6 1 2 3 Some Very little/ Not at all 1 2 4 5 7 8 Very close Somewhat close Not very close How well do you think your parents get along with each other? Fo ri G7 nf Answer the following questions thinking of the father and mother you have identified in the previous questions. G8 How often do your parents disagree about how to deal with you and your brother(s) and sister(s)? 0 1 2 3 01 Very well Fairly well Not very well My parents are not in touch with each other Never 02 Rarely 03 Sometimes 04 Often 05 Always 06 I don't know 07 ) My parents are not in touch with each other Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 23 G9 How often do your parents get upset with one another, including times when they are mad but don’t say much? 08 Never 09 Rarely 10 Sometimes 11 Often 12 Always 13 I don't know 14 My parents are not in touch with each other G10 For each of the following statements, use the choice that best describes the way your parent(s) (or stepparent(s), foster parent(s) or guardian(s)) in general have acted towards you in the past 6 months. My parent(s) ... Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always e. let me go out any evening I want. f. tell me what time to be home when I go out. g. nag me about little things. h. listen to my ideas and opinions. 8 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 0 1 2 5 6 7 0 1 5 0 9 ly 7 on c. soon forget a rule they have made. d. praise me (say nice things about me). 6 4 8 9 3 4 8 9 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 n b. want to know exactly where I am and what I am doing. 5 at io a. smile at me. 5 6 7 8 9 j. only keep rules when it suits them. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 o. find out about my misbehaviour. 5 6 7 8 9 p. enforce a rule or do not enforce a rule depending upon their mood. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 or m i. and I solve a problem together whenever we disagree about something. nf k. get angry and yell at me. ri l. make sure I know I am appreciated. m. threaten punishment more often than they use it. Fo n. speak of the good things I do. q. hit me or threaten to do so. r. seem proud of the things I do. s. seem too busy to spend as much time with me as I'd like. t. take an interest in where I am going and who I am with. ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 24 8-5300-447.1 G11 Your parents let you decide... Almost never a. the time you go to bed on weeknights. b. the people you hang around with. Sometimes Often Always 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly c. how much television you watch. ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 25 SECTION H H1 Health 1 In general, would you say your health is ... excellent? 2 very good? 3 good? 4 fair? 5 H2 poor? How tall are you? (Please estimate if you are not sure) Feet Inches Metre Centimetres How much do you weigh? (Please estimate if you are not sure) Pounds on H3 ly OR OR During the past 6 months, how often have you had the following? a. Headache d. Difficulties in getting to sleep How often do you use a seat belt when you ride in a car? Fo ri nf H5 H6 How often do you wear a helmet when you ride your bicycle? 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 0 5 Always 6 Often 7 Sometimes 8 Seldom or never 9 Usually there is no seat belt where I sit 0 3 4 Always Often Sometimes Seldom or never I do not ride a bicycle Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 26 Most days 7 2 Page More than once a week 6 1 ) About once a week 5 or m b. Stomach ache c. Backache About once a month Seldom or never at io H4 n Kilograms 8-5300-447.1 H7 During a school week (Monday to Friday), how many days do you normally eat breakfast? 5 Never 6 1 or 2 days 7 3 or 4 days 8 Every school day H8 Would you say you are ... 1 2 3 Trying to gain weight? Trying to stay the same weight? Not trying to do anything about your weight? on ly 4 Trying to lose weight? Puberty Would you say that your body hair ("body hair" means underarm and pubic hair) has begun to grow? at io H9 n We know that the following questions might be difficult, but would appreciate you answering them as well as you can. Changes in young people's bodies can affect many different aspects of their lives. 1 Has not yet started growing 2 Has barely started growing 3 Growth of body hair is definitely underway 4 For girls only nf or m Growth of body hair seems completed Fo ri H10 Have your breasts begun to grow? H11 Have you begun to menstruate Boys go to question H12 Girls go to question H10 5 6 Have not yet started growing Have barely started growing 7 Breast growth is definitely underway 8 Breast growth seems completed 1 Yes (your monthly periods)? 2 No Girls go to question H14 ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-447.1 Page 27 For boys only 5 H12 Have you noticed a deepening of Has not yet started changing your voice? 6 Has barely started changing 7 Voice is definitely changing 8 Voice change seems completed 1 H13 Have you begun to grow hair on Has not yet started growing your face? 2 Has barely started growing 3 Facial hair growth is definitely underway 4 on ly Facial hair growth seems completed Dating (for boys and girls) 93 first boyfriend/girlfriend? I've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend Î Go to section I n H14 How old were you when you had your at io OR I was nf now? or m H15 Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend right 1 Yes Î 2 No years old Go to question H16 Î Go to question H17 H16 Outside of school hours, about how Fo ri many days a week do you see your boyfriend/girlfriend? ) Page 05 Never 06 Less than once a week 07 One day a week 08 09 10 2 or 3 days a week 4 or 5 days a week 6 or 7 days a week Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write 28 8-5300-447.1 H17 How often have you had the following experiences with a boyfriend/girlfriend? Never A few times Once Often 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. Kissing. b. Petting above the waist. c. Petting below the waist. Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly d. Sexual intercourse (going all the way). ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write 8-5300-447.1 Page 29 Does this work cause you to study less or do less school work than you would like? Î Go to section J 1 I have not worked since September 2 1 to 4 hours a week 3 5 to 9 hours a week 4 10 to 14 hours a week 5 15 or more hours a week 1 Yes, a great deal 2 Yes, somewhat 3 No, not at all less Fo ri nf or m at io n I2 Since September, on average, how many hours per week have you worked for pay? ly I1 Work on SECTION I ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write 30 8-5300-447.1 J1 Thank you. What time was it when you finished this questionnaire. When you finish this survey: : Put this questionnaire in the envelope. Return it to the Interviewer. Fo ri nf or m at io n on Thank you very much for helping us. ly SECTION J ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write 8-5300-447.1 Page 31 National Longitudinal Survey of Children & Youth Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 BOOKLET 22 Self-complete Questionnaire for 14- and 15-year-olds National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Booklet 22E Cycle 5 Confidential when completed Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, revised statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. or m at io n on ly Aussi disponible en français Fo ri nf Please read instructions on next page before beginning. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Person ID – – – Child's First Name Assignment No. Time Started : 8-5300-448.1: 2002-05130 STC/HLD-040-75020 – E – S 2 Questionnaire No. I NSTRUCTIONS This is a survey with questions about you, your family, friends, how you feel and what you like to do. Your answers will help the government to plan programs and services for young people like yourself. on ly This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Some questions may seem personal and some are about things not everybody does. Take your time and please be sure to answer each question based on what you really think. You can choose whether or not to fill out this questionnaire. If you need help with any questions, you may ask the interviewer. Example 1 B1 Example 2 How do you feel about school? 0 2 3 X I like school quite a bit. I like school a bit. A6 How many of your close friends are girls? 93 None OR 0 3 number of girls I don't like school very much. I hate school. ri nf 4 I like school very much. or m 1 at io n When you answer these questions, you can mark your answers like this ⊗ or fill in the circle , or write a number in the boxes, as in the examples below. When you write your answers, make sure you press hard with your pencil. Fo Remember that the KIDS HELP PHONE is available to help you at any time if you feel like you would like to talk to someone about a problem. 1-(800) 668-6868 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! Page 02 8-5300-448.1 SECTION A Friends and Family Please answer the following statements about your friends and others your age. I have many friends. A2 I get along easily with others my age. A3 Others my age want me to be their friend. A4 Most others my age like me. Sometimes true/ Sometimes false Mostly false Mostly true True 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ly A1 False I feel that my close friends really know who I am. 0 1 Mostly false Sometimes false/Sometimes true at io 2 False n A5 on For the rest of this questionnaire, by "close friends", we mean the people that you trust and confide in. They may be friends that you hang out with at school or outside school. 3 Mostly true 4 About how many days a week do you do things with close friends outside of school hours? Fo ri nf A6 or m True 01 02 03 04 Never Less than once a week 1 day a week 2-3 days a week 05 4-5 days a week 06 6-7 days a week How many of your close friends are: A7 ... girls? A8 ... boys? ) None 93 94 Number OR OR Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 03 A9 How often do you share your secrets and private feelings with your close friends? 0 1 2 All the time Most of the time Some of the time 3 Rarely 4 Never A10 How many of your close friends do the following: None A few Most 0 1 2 4 5 6 0 1 4 5 0 1 All 3 ly a. smoke cigarettes? 7 c. break the law by stealing, hurting someone or damaging property? on b. drink alcohol? A11 Since the beginning of this None or m school year, how many of your close friends have done the following: 3 6 7 2 3 at io e. have tried drugs other than marijuana? n d. have tried marijuana? 2 A few Most All 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 a. worked for an employer or at odd jobs? b. cut or skipped a day at school without permission? nf c. been suspended from school? ri d. dropped out of school for more than one week? A12 For each of the following Fo statements, mark the circle that best corresponds to your situation with your close friends. a. My close friends push me to succeed and to do interesting things that I would not do by myself. ) Rarely or Never Some of the Time Most of the Time All the Time 4 5 6 7 b. When I make a decision, I take my close friends' opinion into account. 0 1 2 3 c. My close friends push me to do foolish or stupid things. 4 5 6 7 Page 04 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 A13 Other than your close friends, do you have anyone else in particular you can talk to about yourself or your problems? 8 9 A14 What is their relationship to you? Yes Î Go to question A14 No Î Go to question A15 01 Mother (Mark everyone you feel you can talk to about yourself or your problems.) 02 Father 03 Stepmother 05 06 07 Stepfather Brother Sister Grandparent 08 on Other relative ly 04 09 A friend of the family 10 Parent's boyfriend/girlfriend 12 A15 Overall, how would you describe your Coach or leader (e.g. Scout, Guide or church leader) at io 13 Teacher/Counsellor at school n 11 14 Very close 15 Somewhat close 16 Not very close 17 18 I am not in touch with my brother(s) and sister(s) I don't have brothers and sisters Fo ri nf or m relationship with your brother(s) and sister(s)? (Include step or foster siblings). Other (e.g. family doctor) ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 05 SECTION B B1 School How do you feel about school? 0 I like school very much 1 I like school quite a bit 2 3 I like school a bit I don't like school very much 4 I hate school 9 B3 For your most recent change in schools, why did you change schools? (Please mark all that apply.) 1 2 Go to question B5 No Î Go to question B3 I changed from elementary school to high school I changed from elementary school to middle school or junior high I changed from middle school or junior high to high school at io 3 Yes Î ly 8 on Are you in the same school that you were in two years ago? n B2 4 I moved 5 I was expelled What did you find hard to get used to about your new school? (Please mark all that apply.) Fo ri nf B4 or m 6 B5 How well do you think you are doing in your school work? Other reason 01 I did not find it hard to get used to my new school 02 Organizing homework 03 New teachers 04 Changing classes 05 Having to make new friends 06 Finding my way around 07 Taking the bus to a new school 08 Other 09 Very well 10 Well 11 Average 12 Poorly 13 Very poorly ) Page 06 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 B6 How important is it to you to do the following in school: Somewhat important Very important Not very important Not important at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 5 6 a. make friends? b. get good grades? c. participate in extra-curricular activities? d. learn new things? e. always show up for class on time? 7 I hate it 01 a. Math 05 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 or m How much school spirit does your school have? Fo B8 06 ri f. Arts (art, music, drama) B9 I don't take it 04 nf e. Gym/Phys. Ed. I like it a lot 03 06 d. Science I like it a little 8 02 b. English c. French I don't like it very much at io How do you like the following subjects: n h. hand in assignments on time? B7 4 on g. take part in student council or other similar groups? ly f. express your opinion in class? How much school spirit do you have? 0 Almost all students have a lot of school spirit 1 Most students have a lot of school spirit 2 Some students have a lot of school spirit 3 Very few students have a lot of school spirit 01 A great deal 02 03 04 ) Some Very little None Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 07 B10 How often do you feel like an outsider (or left out of things) at school? 0 All the time 1 Most of the time 2 Some of the time 3 Rarely 4 Never Less than once a week Never b. Played sports with a coach or instructor, other than for gym class (e.g., school teams)? c. Taken part in dance, gymnastics, karate or other groups or lessons, other than in gym class? 03 05 06 07 09 10 01 02 05 or m e. Taken part in a school club or group such as yearbook club, photography club or student council? 02 at io d. Taken part in art, drama or music groups, clubs or lessons, outside of class? 01 n a. Played sports or done physical activities without a coach or an instructor (e.g., softball at lunch)? 1 to 3 times a week 4 or more times a week 04 08 on year, how often have you taken part in the following school-based activities (other than in class)? ly B11 Since the beginning of the school 06 11 12 03 04 07 08 B12 Since the beginning of this school year, how many times have you ... nf a. skipped a day of school without permission? Once or twice Never 3 or 4 times 5 times or more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ri b. been suspended from school? B13 Have you ever dropped out of school for more Fo than a week? ) Page 08 01 02 Yes Î Go to question B14 No Î Go to question B15 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 B14 The last time you dropped out of school, how 1 Less than a month long was it for? 2 1-3 months 3 4-6 months 4 More than 6 months B15 The next statements are about teachers and homework. c. I have a place at home to do homework or study. 00 06 B16 How often do you talk to a teacher outside of Fo ri nf class? ) 03 07 01 02 07 08 08 0 03 04 09 Don't need help 10 No homework 04 05 No homework 09 10 11 Everyday 1 A few times a week 2 3 Once a week A few times a month 4 Less than once a month 5 Almost never Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Never ly 02 06 or m d. When my teachers give me homework, I do it. 05 01 Rarely on b. If I need extra help, my teachers give it to me. 00 Some of the time n a. In general my teachers treat me fairly. Most of the time at io All the time Page 09 B17 In the next statements, parents include guardians. They are the ones who live with you at home and influence your life. All the time c. My parents expect too much of me at school. Rarely Never No problems at school 05 00 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 00 01 02 03 04 ly b. My parents encourage me to do well at school. Some of the time B18 How far do you hope to go in school? I hope 0 to complete ... on a. If I have problems at school, my parents are ready to help. Most of the time middle school/junior high 1 n high school 2 at io college or CEGEP 3 4 more than one university degree I don't know 6 Other Fo ri nf or m 5 a university degree ) Page 10 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 SECTION C C1 About me Choose the answer that best describes how you feel. Mostly false False Sometimes false/ Sometimes true Mostly true True 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 a. In general, I like the way I am. b. Overall I have a lot to be proud of. c. A lot of things about me are good. ly d. When I do something, I do it well. 04 Now you will be asked about yourself and how you relate to other people at home and at school. (Choose only one answer for each sentence.) Rarely True Of Me 1 Often True Of Me Very Often True Of Me 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m. When I get angry, I act without thinking. 1 2 3 4 n. When answering hard questions, I try to think of many solutions. 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 b. I like doing things for others. c. I get angry easily. or m d. I can understand hard questions. e. I think that most things I do will turn out OK. I can talk easily about my feelings. nf f. ri g. I feel bad when other people have their feelings hurt. h. I get upset easily. I can come up with many ways of answering a hard question when I want to. Fo i. j. I hope for the best. k. I can easily describe my feelings. l. I know when people are upset, even when they say nothing. o. I enjoy the things I do. ) 2 at io a. It is easy to tell people how I feel. Sometimes True Of Me n C2 on e. I like the way I look. Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 11 C3 In general, I am happy with how things are for me in my life now. 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 4 C4 The next five years look good to me. 5 6 7 Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree ly 8 Agree may directly affect youths. Have you personally ever been through any of these events? Yes 1 or m c. A pregnancy or an abortion. No 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 at io b. A serious problem in school. n a. A painful break-up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. on C5 The following is a series of events that d. The death of someone close to you. In the past 12 months, have you personally been treated unfairly because of ... Fo C6 ri nf e. Another difficult event; specify: Yes No I don't know 01 02 03 04 05 06 01 02 03 04 05 06 a. your sex/gender? b. your race, skin colour, or ethnic group? c. your religion? d. another reason? ) Page 12 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 In the past 12 months, how many times did someone ... C7 say something personal about you that made you feel extremely uncomfortable? Never Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 a. While at school or on a school bus. b. Elsewhere (including at home). threaten to hurt you but not actually hurt you? a. While at school or on a school bus. 16 C9 physically attack or assault you? 21 19 20 22 23 24 Fo ri nf or m b. Elsewhere (including at home). 18 at io 17 a. While at school or on a school bus. n on b. Elsewhere (including at home). ly C8 ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 13 SECTION D D1 Feelings and Behaviours Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. Never or not true a. I show sympathy to (I feel sorry for) someone who has made a mistake. Sometimes or somewhat true Often or very true 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 4 5 b. I can't sit still, I am restless. on d. I try to help someone who has been hurt. e. I steal at home. 7 f. I am unhappy or sad. 3 6 8 9 2 3 n 1 at io g. I get into many fights. h. I offer to help clear up a mess someone else has made. ly c. I destroy my own things. or m i. I am easily distracted. I have trouble sticking to any activity. j. When I am mad at someone, I try to get others to dislike him/her. 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 k. I am not as happy as other people my age. nf l. I destroy things belonging to my family or other young people. ri m. If there is an argument, I try to stop it. Fo n. I can't concentrate, I can't pay attention. o. I am too fearful or nervous. p. When I am mad at someone, I become friends with another as revenge. q. I am impulsive, I act without thinking. r. I tell lies or cheat. s. I offer to help other young people (friend, brother or sister) who are having difficulty with a task. ) Page 14 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 D1 Read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. Never or not true Sometimes or somewhat true Often or very true 4 5 6 7 8 9 v. When another young person accidentally hurts me, I 1 assume that he/she meant to do it, and I react with anger and fighting. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 w. When I am mad at someone, I say bad things behind his/her back. x. I physically attack people. y. I comfort another young person (friend, brother or sister) who is crying or upset. on u. I have difficulty waiting for my turn in games or group activities. ly t. I worry a lot. 4 z. I cry a lot. 7 3 5 6 8 9 cc. I help to pick up things which another young person has dropped. or m dd. I bully or am mean to others. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 at io 1 bb. I threaten people. n aa. I vandalize. ee. I cannot settle to anything for more than a few moments. ff. When I am mad at someone, I say to others: let's not be with him/her. nf gg. I am nervous, highstrung or tense. ri hh. I kick or hit other people my age. Fo ii. When I am playing with others, I invite bystanders to join in a game. jj. I steal outside my home. kk. I am inattentive, I have difficulty paying attention to someone. ll. I have trouble enjoying myself. mm. I help other people my age (friends, brother or sister) who are feeling sick. nn. When I am mad at someone, I tell that person's secrets to a third person. oo. I encourage other people my age who cannot do things as well as I can. ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 15 Some of the following questions might be hard for you to answer. If you feel like you need support, we encourage you to talk to your family doctor or nurse, or use the resources provided to you by the interviewer. 1 2 3 D3 Has anyone that you have personally known committed suicide? 4 5 6 7 D4 1 In the past 12 months, did you seriously consider attempting suicide? Yes, within the last year Yes, more than a year ago No, never I don't know Yes, within the last year Yes, more than a year ago No, never I don't know Yes 2 D5 In the past 12 months, how many times did you attempt suicide? Î Go to question D7 at io No 3 ly 0 on Has anyone in your school committed suicide? n D2 Never/ Î none Go to question D7 4 or m nf In the past 12 months, about how many times ... Fo D7 More than once If you attempted suicide during the past 12 months, did you have to be treated by a doctor, nurse or other health professional (for a physical injury or counselling)? ri D6 Once 5 6 Yes 7 No Never Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more a. have you stayed out all night without permission? 1 2 3 4 b. were you questioned by the police about anything that they thought you did? 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c. have you run away from home? d. have you intentionally damaged or destroyed anything that didn't belong to you? ) Page 16 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 D7 In the past 12 months, about how many times ... Once or twice Never 3 or 4 times 5 times or more e. have you fought with someone to the point where they needed care for their injuries? 1 2 3 4 f. have you carried a weapon for the purpose of defending yourself or using it in a fight? 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g. have you sold any drugs? In the past 12 months, were you part of a gang that broke the law by stealing, hurting someone, damaging property, etc.? 1 2 Yes No Fo ri nf or m at io n D8 on ly h. have you attempted to touch anyone in a sexual way while knowing that they would probably object to this? ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 17 SECTION E Outside of school, during the past 12 months, how often have you ... Less than once a week Never a. played sports or done physical activities without a coach or an instructor (e.g. biking, skateboarding, etc.)? 3 4 5 6 7 8 c. taken part in dance, gymnastics, karate or other groups or lessons (always organized outside of school)? 1 2 3 4 d. taken part in art, drama or music groups, clubs or lessons (again outside of school)? 5 6 7 e. taken part in clubs or groups such as Guides or Scouts, 4-H club, community, church or other religious groups? 1 2 f. done a hobby or craft (drawing, model building, etc.)? 5 6 8 n 3 4 7 8 at io Thinking of the one sport or physical activity that you do the most often, how long do you usually spend being active in one session? This may be an activity with or without a coach or instructor, but does not include gym class. or m nf ri In any of your activities, at school or outside school, do you have special responsibilities such as team leader, captain, secretary, etc.? Excluding for school or for work, how often do you ... Fo E4 ly 2 01 I do not do physical activities 02 1 to 15 minutes 03 E3 4 or more times a week 1 b. played sports with a coach or instructor (swimming lessons, baseball, hockey, etc.)? E2 1 to 3 times a week on E1 Activities 16 to 30 minutes 04 31 to 59 minutes 05 1 to 2 hours 06 More than 2 hours 1 Yes 2 Daily No Weekly Monthly Several times a year Never 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a. use a public library? write letters, poetry, stories, b. journals, etc.? c. read newspapers or magazines? d. read books? ) Page 18 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 1 doing activities at school (yearbook committee, student council, etc.) 2 supporting a cause (food bank, environmental group, etc.) 3 fund raising (a charity, school trips, etc.) 4 helping in your community (hospital volunteering, work in a community organization, etc.) 5 helping neighbours or relatives (cutting grass, babysitting or shovelling snow for a neighbour, etc.) 6 doing another volunteer activity (without pay) 7 E6 In the past 12 months, how often have you volunteered or helped without pay? I have not done any of these activities without pay 01 Everyday 02 A few times a week 03 Once a week 04 n A few times a month 05 Less than once a month at io E7 On average, about how many hours a day do you watch TV or videos, or play video games? 01 I don't watch TV or videos or play video games 02 Less than 1 hour a day 04 3 or 4 hours a day 05 5 or 6 hours a day 06 7 or more hours a day ri Do you use the Internet ... Yes No 1 2 b. at school? 3 4 c. somewhere else? 5 6 Fo a. at home? E9 1 or 2 hours a day nf or m 03 E8 Not including Internet use, do you use a computer ... Yes ) Î Go to E7 ly In the past 12 months, have you volunteered or helped without pay by ... (Include volunteer work done for credit at school) (Mark all that apply.) on E5 No a. at home? 1 2 b. at school? 3 4 c. somewhere else? 5 6 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 19 E10 On average, about how many hours a day do 08 09 10 11 12 1 (Even if you don't use it.) 2 E12 On average, how much time in a day do you spend at home looking after a younger brother or sister while your parents are not home? Less than 1 hour a day 1 or 2 hours a day 3 or 4 hours a day 5 or 6 hours a day 7 or more hours a day Yes No 01 I don't have a younger brother or sister 02 I don't spend any time at home looking after a younger brother or sister while my parents are not home 03 04 on E11 Is there a computer in your home? I don't use a computer ly 07 Less than 1 hour a day 1 to 2 hours a day n you spend on a computer (doing work, playing games, e-mailing, chatting, surfing the Internet, etc.)? 3 to 4 hours a day 06 5 to 6 hours a day 07 7 or more hours a day Fo ri nf or m at io 05 ) Page 20 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 SECTION F Smoking, Drinking and Drugs In this section, we would like to ask you some questions about your experiences with smoking, drinking and drugs. Some of the questions will apply to you even if you have not smoked, had a drink or used drugs. Please be as honest as you can – your answers are private and Statistics Canada will make sure no one will find out who filled out each questionnaire. Which of the following best describes your experience with smoking cigarettes: 01 I have never smoked 02 I have only had a few puffs 03 OR I smoke... Î Go to question F3 on I do not smoke anymore Î Go to question F4 ly F1 04 05 n A few times a year at io About once or twice a month 06 About 1-2 days a week 07 About 3-5 days a week 08 or m If you have smoked one or more cigarettes every day for at least 7 days in a row, how old were you when you did so? Fo ri F3 On the days that you smoke, about how many cigarettes do you usually smoke? nf F2 ) About 6-7 days a week number of cigarettes 98 I have never done this OR I was Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 years old Page 21 The next questions are about drinking alcohol. A drink of alcohol is, for example: ' one bottle of beer or ' one glass of wine, or ' one shot of liquor. F4 Which of the following best describes your experience with drinking alcohol: 01 I have never had a drink of alcohol 02 I have only had a few sips Go to Î question F9 03 I only tried once or twice (at least one drink) ly 04 I do not drink alcohol anymore on OR I drink (at least one drink)... 06 About once or twice a month at io 07 A few times a year n 05 08 About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week 09 F5 How old were you when you first had a drink of alcohol? Have you ever been drunk? F8 In the past 12 months, how often have you been drunk? years old. 1 Yes 2 No How old were you when you were drunk for the first time? Fo F7 I was ri nf F6 or m About 6-7 days a week Î Go to question F9 I was years old. 01 Never 02 A few times 03 About once or twice a month 04 About 1-2 days a week 05 About 3-5 days a week 06 About 6-7 days a week ) Page 22 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 The next questions are about drug use. Please answer even if you do not use drugs F9 Which of the following best describes your experience with using marijuana and cannabis products (also known as a joint, pot, grass or hash) in the past 12 months? 01 I have never done it 02 I have done it, but not during the past 12 months OR In the past 12 months, I have used marijuana ... 03 A few times 04 About once or twice a month 05 About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week on 07 F10 Which best describes your a. Hallucinogens like LSD/acid, magic mushrooms 01 07 b. Glue or solvents 1 or 2 times 3 to 5 times 6 to 9 times 10 times or more 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 nf d. Other drugs like ecstasy, crack, cocaine, heroin, speed, etc. In the past 12 months I have used it... 02 or m c. Drugs without a prescription or advice from a doctor: downers, uppers, tranquilizers, ritalin, etc. I have done it, but not in the past 12 months n I have never done it at io experience with the following drugs in the past 12 months: ly About 1-2 days a week 06 ri If you have never tried any of the above drugs, go to section G. F11 How old were you when you did the Fo following drugs for the first time? a. Marijuana and cannabis products b. Hallucinogens like LSD/acid, magic mushrooms c. Glue or solvents d. Drugs without a prescription or advice from a doctor: downers, uppers, tranquilizers, ritalin, etc. I have never done it I first did it when I was... OR years old OR years old OR years old OR years old OR years old 99 99 99 e. ) Other drugs like ecstasy, crack, cocaine, heroin, speed, etc. 99 99 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 23 SECTION G My Parent(s) My mother G1 01 Think of the mother you spend the most time with. Is she ... (Mark one only.) your biological/birth mother? 02 03 04 05 your adoptive mother? your stepmother? your foster mother? another person / (a mother figure)? G2 I am not in touch with my mother Î Thinking of the mother you have identified in the previous question: Some or m b. How much fairness do you receive from your mother? at io n A great deal a. How well do you feel that your mother understands you? c. How much affection do you receive from your mother? Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your mother? Very little/ Not at all 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Very close 2 3 Somewhat close Not very close Fo ri nf G3 Go to question G4 on 06 ly OR ) Page 24 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 My Father G4 01 Now think of the father you spend the most time with. Is he ... (Mark one only.) your biological/birth father? 02 03 04 05 your adoptive father? your stepfather? your foster father? another person / ( a father figure)? OR Thinking about the father you have identified in the previous question: A great deal a. How well do you feel that your father understands you? 0 b. How much fairness do you receive from your father? Very little/ Not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n or m Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your father? Some 1 at io c. How much affection do you receive from your father? G6 Go to Î question G7 on G5 I am not in touch with my father ly 06 1 Very close 2 3 Somewhat close Not very close How well do you think your parents get along with each other? Fo ri G7 nf Answer the following questions thinking of the father and mother you have identified in the previous questions. G8 How often do your parents disagree about how to deal with you and your brother(s) and sister(s)? 0 1 2 3 01 Very well Fairly well Not very well My parents are not in touch with each other Never 02 Rarely 03 Sometimes 04 Often 05 Always 06 I don't know 07 ) My parents are not in touch with each other Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 25 G9 How often do your parents get upset 08 with one another, including times when they are mad but don’t say much? Never 09 Rarely 10 Sometimes 11 Often 12 Always 13 I don't know 14 My parents are not in touch with each other G10 For each of the following statements, use the choice that best describes the way your parent(s ) (or stepparent(s), foster parent(s) or guardian(s)) in general have acted toward you in the past 6 months. Never Rarely Sometimes 7 0 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 i. and I solve a problem together whenever we disagree about something. 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 or m h. listen to my ideas and opinions. at io g. nag me about little things. n d. praise me (say good things about me). f. tell me what time to be home when I go out. 3 on c. soon forget a rule they have made. e. let me go out any evening I want. 8 Always 6 a. smile at me. b. want to know exactly where I am and what I am doing. Often 5 ly My parent(s) ... j. only keep rules when it suits them. nf k. get angry and yell at me. ri l. make sure I know I am appreciated. Fo m. threaten punishment more often than they use it. n. speak of the good things I do. o. find out about my misbehaviour. p. enforce a rule or do not enforce a rule depending upon their mood. q. hit me or threaten to do so. r. seem proud of the things I do. s. seem too busy to spend as much time with me as I'd like. t. take an interest in where I am going and who I am with. ) Page 26 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 SECTION H H1 Health In general, would you say your health is ... 1 excellent? 2 very good? 3 good? 4 fair? 5 poor? H2 How tall are you? (Please estimate if you are not sure.) Inches Feet ly OR Metre on H3 Centimetres How much do you weigh? (Please estimate if you are not sure.) Pounds n OR During the past 6 months, how often have you had the following? 5 a. Headache b. Stomach ache nf c. Backache d. Difficulties in getting to sleep ri In a school week (Monday to Friday), how many days do you normally eat breakfast? Fo H5 H6 About once a month Seldom or never Would you say you are ... Most days 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 Never 6 1 or 2 days a week 7 3 or 4 days a week 8 Every school day 1 3 4 trying to lose weight? trying to gain weight? trying to stay the same weight? not trying to do anything about your weight? Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 More than once a week 7 2 ) About once a week 6 or m H4 at io Kilograms Page 27 Puberty We know that the following questions might be difficult, but would appreciate you answering them as well as you can. Changes in young people's bodies can affect many different aspects of their lives. H7 Would you say that your body hair ("body hair" means underarm and pubic hair) has begun to grow? 1 Has not yet started growing 2 Has barely started growing 3 Growth of body hair is definitely underway 4 Growth of body hair seems completed on ly Boys go to question H10 Girls go to question H8 For girls only H8 5 Have your breasts begun to grow? Have not yet started growing 6 n Have barely started growing 7 at io Breast growth is definitely underway 8 Breast growth seems completed If you have begun to menstruate (your monthly periods), at what age did you start? I was years and months old. OR 99 Have not yet started Girls go to question H12 ri nf or m H9 For boys only Fo H10 Have you noticed a deepening of your voice? 5 Has not yet started changing 6 Has barely started changing 7 Voice is definitely changing 8 Voice change seems completed H11 Have you begun to grow hair on your face? 1 Has not yet started growing 2 Has barely started growing 3 Facial hair growth is definitely underway 4 Facial hair growth seems completed ) Page 28 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Dating (for boys and girls) H12 How old were you when you had your first 93 boyfriend/girlfriend? I've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend Go to Î question H17 OR years old I was H13 Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now? Î Go to question H14 No Î Go to question H16 H14 How long have you been dating him/her? 01 n 2 ly Yes on 1 Less than 1 month 02 at io 1 to 5 months 03 6 months to a year 04 or m Over a year H15 Outside of school hours, about how many days 05 Never 06 Less than once a week 07 08 09 10 One day a week 2 or 3 days a week 4 or 5 days a week 6 or 7 days a week Fo ri nf a week do you see your boyfriend/girlfriend? ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 29 H16 In the past 12 months, how many 11 boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? None in the past 12 months 12 1 13 2 or 3 14 4 or 5 15 6 or more We know that the following questions might be sensitive, but would appreciate you answering them as well as you can. Your answers will help us to better understand the concerns of youth your age. ly Please remember that Statistics Canada will make sure no one will find out who filled out each questionnaire. intercourse? on H17 Have you ever had consentual sexual 8 Yes Î Go to question H18 No Î Go to section I H18 How old were you when you first had consentual sexual intercourse? H19 How old was the partner with whom you first or m had consentual sexual intercourse? at io n 9 H20 Did you or your partner use a condom the last ri nf time you had consentual sexual intercourse? H21 Did you or your partner use other methods of Fo birth control (birth control pills, diaphragm, etc.) the last time you had consentual sexual intercourse? ) Page 30 I was He or she was years old years old OR 99 I don't know 1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 No 5 I don't know Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 SECTION I Work The following questions are about all types of work experiences including odd jobs (such as babysiting or mowing lawns), jobs for employers (including restaurant server, cashier or sales assistant), both part-time and full-time work, paid or unpaid. Work during this school year I1 Î Are you currently doing any work ... Yes a. for pay for an employer (for example, at a store or restaurant)? No b. for pay at odd jobs (babysitting, mowing a neighbour's lawn or delivering flyers)? 11 on c. at your family's farm or business (with or without pay)? 10 ly 09 13 14 15 16 n d. without pay (for example, CO-OP Program)? 12 I2 at io If you are not currently working Î Go to question I5 Thinking of all the jobs you currently have: what type of work are you doing? (Mark all that apply.) 1 2 4 Working in a store (convenience store, grocery store, gas station, clothing or shoe store, etc.) Working in another type of service (for example, construction, hospital, office, arena, etc.) Doing odd jobs (babysitting, mowing a neighbour's lawn or delivering flyers, etc.) 5 Working at my family's business or farm 6 Other type of work. Specify: Fo ri nf or m 3 Working in a restaurant or fast food outlet, etc. ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 31 I3 Now think of all the jobs you do in a average school week. How many hours in total do you usually work? None 95 a. Monday to Friday? b. Saturday and Sunday? I4 I usually do not work Number of hours 96 97 OR OR OR OR Does this work cause you to study less or do less school work than you would like? 98 3 Yes, a great deal less 4 Yes, somewhat less 5 ly No, not at all less I do not go to school anymore on 6 Summer Work I5 Yes This past summer, did you do any work ... a. for pay for an employer (for example, at a store or restaurant)? n 12 c. at your family's farm or business (with or without pay)? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 at io b. for pay at odd jobs (for example, babysitting, mowing a neighbour's lawn or delivering flyers)? No or m d. without pay (for example, CO-OP program)? If you did not work last summer Î Go to section J nf Think of all the jobs you had this past summer; what types of work did you do? (Mark all that apply) Fo ri I6 1 Working in a restaurant or fast food outlet, etc. 2 3 Working in a store (grocery or convenience store, clothing or shoe store, etc.) Working in a gas station 4 Working in a camp 5 Working in another type of service (for example, hospital, office, arena, etc.) 6 Working in construction, landscaping or painting 7 Doing odd jobs (cutting grass, house-sitting, babysitting, delivery flyers, newspapers, running errands, etc.) 8 Working at my family business or farm 9 ) Page 32 Other type of work. Specify: Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 J1 Thank you. What time was it when you finished? When you finish this survey: : Put this questionnaire in the envelope. Return it to the interviewer. Fo ri nf or m at io n on Thank you very much for helping us. ly SECTION J ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-448.1 Page 33 National Longitudinal Survey of Children & Youth Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 BOOKLET 23 Self-complete Questionnaire for 16- and 17-year-olds National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Booklet 23E Cycle 5 Confidential when completed Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, revised statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. or m at io n on ly Aussi disponible en français Fo ri nf Please read instructions on next page before beginning. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Person ID – – – E – S 3 Questionnaire No. Child's First Name Assignment No. Time Started : 8-5300-449.1: 2002-05-14 – STC/ENM-040-75020 INSTRUCTIONS This is a survey with questions about you, your family, friends, how you feel and what you like to do. Your answers will help the government to plan programs and services for young people like yourself. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Some questions may seem personal and some are about things not everybody does. Take your time and please be sure to answer each question based on what you really think. You can choose whether or not to on ly fill out this questionnaire. If you need help with any questions, you may ask the interviewer. n When you answer these questions, you can mark your answers like this ⊗ or fill in the circle , or write a number in the boxes, as in the examples below. When you write your answers, make sure you press hard with your pencil. Example 1 How do you feel about school? 1 2 3 A6 How many close friends do you have? 93 None X I like school quite a bit. I like school a bit. I don't like school very much. OR 0 3 number of close friends I hate school. ri nf 4 I like school very much. or m 0 at io B1 Example 2 Fo Remember that the KIDS HELP PHONE is available to help you at any time if you feel like you would like to talk to someone about a problem. 1-(800) 668-6868 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! Page 02 8-5300-449.1 SECTION A Friends and Family Please answer the following statements about your friends and others your age. False Mostly false Sometimes false / Sometimes true Mostly true True 1 2 3 4 I get along easily with others my age. 5 6 7 8 9 A3 Others my age want me to be their friend. 0 1 2 3 4 A4 5 6 7 8 9 Most others my age like me. A2 on I have many friends. ly 0 A1 A5 I feel that my close friends really know who I am. 0 False Mostly false at io 1 n For the rest of this questionnaire, by "close friends", we mean the people that you trust and confide in. They may be friends that you hang out with at school or outside school. 2 3 About how many days a week do you do things with close friends outside of school hours? ri nf A6 or m 4 Fo How many of your close friends are: 01 02 03 04 05 06 Sometimes false/Sometimes true Mostly true True Never Less than once a week 1 day a week 2-3 days a week 4-5 days a week 6-7 days a week None Number A7 …female? 93 OR A8 …male? 94 OR A9 How often do you share your secrets and private feelings with your close friends? 0 1 2 3 4 ) All the time Most of the time Some of the time Rarely Never Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 03 A10 How many of your close friends do the following: None A few Most All 0 1 2 3 b. Drink alcohol? 4 5 6 7 c. Break the law by stealing, hurting someone or damaging property? 0 1 2 3 d. Have tried marijuana? 4 5 6 7 e. Have tried drugs other than marijuana? 0 1 2 3 ly a. Smoke cigarettes? A11 Since September 1st, how many of your a. Worked for an employer or at odd jobs? A few 5 b. Cut or skipped a day at school without permission? 0 1 c. Been suspended from school? 4 d. Dropped out of school for more than one week? 0 or m All 6 7 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 at io 4 Most n None on close friends have done the following: A12 For each of the following statements, mark the circle that corresponds to your situation with your close friends. nf Rarely or Never ri a. My close friends push me to succeed and to do interesting things that I would not do by myself. Fo b. When I make a decision, I take my close friends’ opinion into account. c. My close friends push me to do foolish or stupid things. Some of the time Most of the time All the time 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A13 Other than your close friends, do you have anyone else in particular you can talk to about yourself or your problems? ) Page 8 Yes Î Go to question A14 9 No Î Go to question A15 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 04 8-5300-449.1 Mother 02 Father 03 Stepmother 04 Stepfather 05 Brother 06 Sister 07 Grandparent 08 Other relative 10 11 12 13 A15 Overall, how would you describe your 14 Parent's boyfriend/girlfriend Teacher / counsellor at school Coach or leader (e.g. sports coach or spiritual leader) Other (eg., family doctor) Very close 15 Somewhat close 16 Not very close 17 I am not in touch with my brother(s) and sister(s) 18 I don’t have brothers and sisters Fo ri nf or m at io relationship with your brother(s) and sister(s)? (Include step or foster siblings). A friend of the family ly 09 on (Mark everyone you feel you can talk to about yourself or your problems.) 01 n A14 What is their relationship to you? ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 05 SECTION B Choose the answer that best describes how you feel. Mostly false False 02 03 04 b. Overall I have a lot to be proud of. 05 06 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 04 d. When I do something, I do it well. 05 06 07 08 09 e. I like the way I look. 00 01 02 03 ly 01 on 04 Now you will be asked about yourself and how you relate to other people at home, school and work. (Choose only one answer for each sentence.) 1 Sometimes True Of Me 2 at io a. It is easy to tell people how I feel. Often True Of Me Very Often True Of Me 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m. When I get angry, I act without thinking. 1 2 3 4 n. When answering hard questions, I try to think of many solutions. 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 b. I like doing things for others. or m c. I get angry easily. d. I can understand hard questions. e. I think that most things I do will turn out OK. I can talk easily about my feelings. nf f. ri g. I feel bad when other people have their feelings hurt. h. I get upset easily. I can come up with many ways of answering a hard question when I want to. Fo i. j. I hope for the best. k. I can easily describe my feelings. l. I know when people are upset, even when they say nothing. o. I enjoy the things I do. Page True 00 Rarely True Of Me ) Mostly true a. In general, I like the way I am. c. A lot of things about me are good. B2 Sometimes false/ Sometimes true n B1 About Me Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 06 8-5300-449.1 B4 B5 In general, I am happy with how things are for me in my life now. The next five years look good to me. 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 Strongly disagree 6 Disagree 7 Agree 8 Strongly agree In the past 2 years, have you personally been through any of these events? on B3 About Me ly SECTION B b. A serious problem in school or at work. c. A pregnancy or an abortion. d. The death of someone close to you. Fo ) 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 In the past 12 months, have you personally been treated unfairly because of… ri B6 1 3 Another difficult event; specify: No nf f. or m e. The divorce or separation of your parents. at io a. A painful break-up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. n Yes Yes No I don't know a. your sex/gender? 01 02 03 b. your race, skin colour, or ethnic group? 04 05 06 c. your religion? 01 02 03 d. another reason? 04 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 05 06 Page 07 (If you no longer go to school, please refer to the last time you were in school) 01 All the time 02 Most of the time 03 04 05 Never Once or twice Never 3 or 4 times a. say something personal about you that made you feel extremely uncomfortable? 0 1 2 b. threaten to hurt you but not actually hurt you? 4 5 6 c. physically attack or assault you? 0 1 2 5 times or more 3 7 3 n How often do you see adults in your house physically fighting, hitting or otherwise trying to hurt each other? or m B9 In the past 12 months, how many times did someone… Rarely at io B8 Some of the time ly How often do you feel like an outsider (or left out of things) at your school? on B7 1 Often 2 Sometimes 3 Seldom 4 Never 1 Often 2 Sometimes 3 Seldom 4 Never B10 How often do you watch television shows or Fo ri nf movies that have a lot of violence in them? ) Page 08 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 SECTION C Feelings and Behaviours Please read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. How often have you felt or behaved this way during the past week (7 days)? Some or little of the time (1 to 2 days) Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3 to 4 days) a. I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. 1 2 3 b. I felt I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends. 5 6 7 1 2 d. I felt depressed. 5 6 e. I felt that everything I did was an effort. 1 f. I felt hopeful about the future. h. I was happy. I felt lonely. j. I enjoyed life. nf i. or m g. My sleep was restless. I felt people disliked me. 4 n 8 3 4 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fo l. ri k. I had crying spells. 2 at io c. I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. Most or all of the time (5 to 7 days) ly Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) on C1 Some of the following questions might be hard for you to answer. If you feel like you need support, we encourage you to talk to your family doctor or nurse. C2 ) Has anyone in your school committed suicide? 0 Yes, within the last year 1 Yes, more than a year ago 2 No, never 3 I don't know Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 09 C5 In the past 12 months, did you seriously consider attempting suicide? 4 Yes, within the last year 5 Yes, more than a year ago 6 No, never 7 I don’t know 1 In the past 12 months, how many times did you attempt suicide? 2 No Î 3 Never/none Î 4 6 or m 7 In the past 12 months, about how many times ... nf C7 ri a. have you stayed out all night without permission? Fo b. were you questioned by the police about anything they thought you did? c. have you run away from home? d. have you stolen something from a store or school? ) Page 10 Go to question C7 Once More than once at io If you attempted suicide during the past 12 months, did you have to be treated by a doctor, nurse or other health professional (for a physical injury or counselling)? Go to question C7 n 5 C6 Yes ly C4 Has anyone that you have personally known committed suicide? on C3 Never Yes No Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 In the past 12 months, about how many times ... Once or twice Never 5 times or more 1 2 3 4 f. 5 6 7 8 g. have you attacked soemone with the idea of seriously hurting him / her? 1 2 3 4 h. have you carried a weapon for the purpose of defending yourself or using it in a fight? 5 6 7 1 2 5 6 Have you sold any drugs? j. have you attempted to touch anyone in any sexual way while knowing that they would probably object to this? 3 4 7 8 at io i. 8 n have you fought with someone to the point where they needed care for their injuries? ly e. have you intentionally damaged or destroyed anything that didn't belong to you? In the past 12 months, were you part of a gang that broke the law by stealing, hurting someone, damaging property, etc.? 1 2 Yes No Fo ri nf or m C8 3 or 4 times on C7 ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 11 SECTION D Smoking, Drinking and Drugs The next questions are about smoking cigarettes. D1 Which of the following best describes your experience with smoking cigarettes: 01 02 03 I have never smoked I only tried once or twice to Î Go question D3 I do not smoke anymore OR 05 A few times a year on 04 ly I smoke ... About once or twice a month 06 About 1-2 days a week About 6-7 days a week at io 08 About 3-5 days a week n 07 D2 On the days that you smoke, about how many cigarettes do you usually smoke? or m Number of cigarettes Which of the following best describes your experience with drinking alcohol: Fo ri D3 nf The next questions are about drinking alcohol. A drink of alcohol is, for example: 9 one bottle of beer or 9 one glass of wine or 9 one shot of liquor. 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 Page 12 to Î Go question D5 I have only had a few sips I only tried once or twice (at least one drink) I do not drink alcohol anymore OR I drink (at least one drink)... 05 ) I have never had a drink of alcohol A few times a year About once or twice a month About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 D4 In the past 12 months, how often have you been drunk? 01 02 03 04 05 06 Never A few times About once or twice a month About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week 01 Which of the following best describes your experience with using marijuana and cannabis products (also known as a joint, pot, grass or hash) in the past 12 months? 02 I have never done it on D5 ly The next questions are about drug use. Please answer even if you do not use drugs. I have done it, but not during the past 12 months OR at io 03 n In the past 12 months, I have used marijuana … 04 05 Which best describes your experience with the following drugs in the past 12 months: ri nf D6 or m 06 Fo a. Hallucinogens like LSD/acid, magic mushroom b. Glue or solvents c. Drugs without a prescription or advice from a doctor: downers, uppers, tranquilizers, ritalin, etc. d. Other drugs like ecstasy, crack, cocaine, heroin or speed, etc. ) I have never done it 07 I have done it, but not in the past 12 months A few times About once or twice a month About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week In the past 12 months I have used it... 1 or 2 times 3 to 5 times 10 times or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 6 to 9 times Page 13 D7 In the past 12 months, how many times have you operated a motorized vehicle (eg. car, motorcycle, boat) after you have been drinking alcohol or doing drugs? 1 2 3 4 D8 In the past 12 months, how many times have you been a passenger in a vehicle when the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs? 5 6 7 Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more Never Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly 8 Never ) Page 14 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 SECTION E Health Adolescence is a time when there are many changes to your body. In this section, we would like to know more about these changes. Please answer this section as honestly as possible and remember, Statistics Canada will keep your answers confidential. E1 How tall are you? (Please estimate if you are not sure) Inches Feet OR Metres Pounds ly How much do you weigh? (Please estimate if you are not sure) on E2 Centimetres OR Would you say that your body hair (“body hair” means underarm and pubic hair) has begun to grow? 1 Has not yet started growing at io E3 n Kilograms 2 3 or m 4 Has barely started growing Growth of body hair is definitely underway Growth of body hair seems completed Ö For young women only: Have your breasts begun to grow? If you have begun to menstruate (your monthly periods), at what age did you start? Fo E5 ri nf E4 5 Have not yet started growing 6 Have barely started growing 7 Breast growth is definitely underway 8 Breast growth seems completed months Î years and I was Go to Question E8 OR 93 Have not yet started Î Go to Question E8 Ö For young men only: E6 Have you noticed a deepening of your voice? 5 6 7 8 ) Has not yet started changing Has barely started changing Voice is definitely changing Voice change seems completed Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 15 E7 Have you begun to grow hair on your face? 1 2 3 4 Has not yet started growing Has barely started growing Facial hair is definitely underway Facial hair growth seems completed Ö For young men and young women: E8 Would you say you are... (Mark one) 01 02 03 04 05 2 Trying to gain weight? Î OR 06 09 01 Fo 4 ) Page Not trying to do anything about your weight? 02 03 04 05 Î smoked? other? Specify: ate more food or took food supplements? lifted weights or exercised to build muscle? used steroids? Go to Î Section F other? Specify: dieted (ate less or differently)? exercised (to burn calories or fat)? took diet pills (i.e., Dexatrim)? Go to Î Section F smoked? other? Specify: Go to Section F Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 16 Go to Î Section F In the past 7 days, did you do any of the following to stay the same weight? (Mark all that apply.) nf Î ri OR took diet pills (i.e., Dexatrim)? or m 08 Trying to stay the same weight? exercised (to burn calories or fat)? In the past 7 days, did you do any of the following things in order to gain weight or muscle? (Mark all that apply.) 07 3 dieted (ate less or differently)? ly OR In the past 7 days, did you do any of the following things to lose weight? (Mark all that apply.) on Î n Trying to lose weight? at io 1 8-5300-449.1 SECTION F F1 My Relationships (for young men and young women): How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? I’ve never had a boyfriend/girlfriend 93 to Î Go question F5 OR years old I was 02 03 04 05 F3 Outside of school or work hours, about how many days a week do you see your boyfriend/girlfriend? 06 07 08 09 10 F4 In the past 12 months, how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? to Î Go question F4 Less than 1 month 1 to 5 months 6 months to a year Over a year Never Less than once a week One day a week 2 or 3 days a week 4 or 5 days a week 6 or 7 days a week at io 11 I do not currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend ly 01 on If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now, how long have you been going out with him/her? n F2 12 13 or m 14 15 16 None 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 6 or more Have you ever had consensual sexual intercourse? 8 9 Yes No Î Go to Section G Fo ri F5 nf We know that the following questions might be sensitive, but would appreciate you answering them as well as you can. ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 17 F6 F7 How old were you when you first had consensual sexual intercourse? years old I was How old was the partner with whom you first had consensual sexual intercourse? years old He or she was OR 99 Are you currently sexually active? F9 What kind of birth control or protection do you and/or your partner use most often? (Mark all that apply) 01 02 Î Go to Section G No Condoms (rubbers) Birth control pills Birth control injection (i.e. Depo-Provera, “the shot”) at io 03 ly 9 Yes on 8 n F8 I don't know 04 05 or m 06 F10 Have there been any times when you and a 08 8 9 10 Emergency contraception (“the morning after pill”) Some other method Not sure None Yes No Î Go to Section G I don't know Î Go to Section G Fo ri nf partner did not use any form of birth control or protection? 07 Withdrawal (pull-out) ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 18 8-5300-449.1 F11 What was the main reason for not using any birth control or protection? 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sex was unexpected (no time to prepare) I didn’t think I (or she) would get pregnant I wanted (she wanted) to get pregnant My partner did not want to use it It’s my partner’s problem, not mine It reduces the pleasure It's too expensive It's morally wrong I am too embarrassed to get/use birth control/protection Other (specify:) n OR We always use birth control/protection Fo ri nf or m at io 19 ly 10 on 09 (Mark one only) ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 19 G1 My Parent(s) Think of the mother you are most involved with. Is she... 01 your biological/birth mother? 02 your adoptive mother? 03 your step-mother? 04 your foster mother? 05 another person (a mother figure)? ly SECTION G OR 06 Go to Î question G6 Thinking of the mother you have identified in the previous question: n G2 on I am not in touch with my mother A great deal at io a. How well do you feel that your mother understands you? or m b. How much fairness do you receive from your mother? c. How much affection do you receive from your mother? Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your mother? nf G3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Very close 2 Somewhat close ri Not very close Tell us how often per week you do the following activities with your mother: Fo G4 0 1 3 Very little/Not at all Some Never Less than once a week 1 or 2 days 3 or 4 days 5 or 6 days Every day 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 a. Eat a meal together? b. Have a discussion together? ) Page Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 20 8-5300-449.1 G5 People often disagree with each other. The following sentences describe disagreements. Tell us how often you and your mother do the following things. Never e. When we argue we stay angry for a very long time. f. When we disagree, we refuse to talk to each other. g. When we disagree, one of us stomps out of the room, or house, or yard. h. When we disagree about something, we solve problems together. j. When we disagree, another person comes in to settle things or find a solution. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 0 1 2 5 0 or m When we disagree about something, I give in just to end the argument. nf Think of the father you are most involved with. Is he... Fo ri G6 i. 1 5 4 8 9 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 01 your biological/birth father 02 your adoptive father 03 your step-father 04 your foster father 05 another person (a father figure) OR 06 ) ly d. We yell at each other. Always 0 on c. We bug each other or get on each other’s nerves. Often n b. We disagree and fight. Sometimes at io a. We make up easily when we have a fight. Rarely I am not in touch with my father Go to Î question G11 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 21 G7 Thinking of the father you have identified in the previous question: A great deal 0 1 2 b. How much fairness do you receive from your father? 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 Very close 6 Somewhat close on Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your father? 7 Not very close Tell us how often per week you do the following activities with your father: 01 a. Eat a meal together? b. Have a discussion together? Less than once a week 1 or 2 days 3 or 4 days at io Never or m 07 5 or 6 days n G9 ly a. How well do you feel that your father understands you? c. How much affection do you receive from your father? G8 Very little/Not at all Some Every day 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 G10 People often disagree with each other. The following sentences describe disagreements. Tell us how often you and your father do the following things. nf Never ri a. We make up easily when we have a fight. b. We disagree and fight. Fo c. We bug each other or get on each other’s nerves. f. When we disagree, we refuse to talk to each other. g. When we disagree, one of us stomps out of the room, or house, or yard. ) Page Sometimes Always 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 22 Often 0 d. We yell at each other. e. When we argue we stay angry for a very long time. Rarely 8-5300-449.1 G10 People often disagree with each other. The following sentences describe disagreements. Tell us how often you and your father do the following things. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always h. When we disagree about something, we solve problems together. 5 6 7 8 9 When we disagree about something, I give in just to end the argument. 0 1 2 3 4 When we disagree, another person comes in to settle things or find a solution. 5 6 7 8 9 i. ly j. G11 Thinking about the mother and/or father you have identified in the previous questions, for each of the following on statements, use the choice that best describes the way they have acted toward you in the past 6 months. My parent(s) ... b. Take an interest in where I am going and who I am with. 5 0 1 or m c. Ask me to leave a note or call to let them know where I am going. 0 nf d. Let me know how to get in touch with them when they are not at home. G12 How well do you think your parents Fo ri get along with each other? G13 How often do your parents disagree about how to deal with you and your brother(s) and sister(s)? 5 0 1 2 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 ) 2 at io a. Tell me what time to be home when I go out. Sometimes Rarely n Never Often Always 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Very well Fairly well Not very well My parents are not in touch with each other Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always I don't know My parents are not in touch with each other Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 23 G14 How often do your parents get upset 07 with one another, including times when they are mad but don’t say much? Never 08 Rarely 09 Sometimes 10 Often 11 Always 12 I don't know 13 My parents are not in touch with each other 2 G16 How often has this occurred? No Î Go to Section H More often than end of each month at io 3 Yes on hungry because there was no food in the house or money to buy food? n 1 G15 Have you ever experienced being ly Sometimes different situations or circumstances arise which may affect family life. The next few questions are about one of these situations. 4 5 or m 6 G17 How do you or your family cope when this happens? Fo ri nf (Mark all that apply) 00 01 02 03 04 05 Page 24 Every few months Occasionally, not a regular occurrence My parent/guardian skips meals or eats less I skip meals or eat less I make sure that others in the house eat before I do Cut down on variety of foods usually eaten Seek help from relatives Seek help from friends 06 Seek help from social worker/government office 07 Seek help from food bank (emergency food program) 08 Use school meal program 09 ) Regularly, end of the month Other Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 H1 Thank you. What time was it when you finished this questionnaire? When you finish this survey: : Put this questionnaire in the envelope. Return it to the interviewer. Fo ri nf or m at io n on Thank you very much for helping us. ly SECTION H ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. No one from your home or your school will see what you write. 8-5300-449.1 Page 25 National Longitudinal Survey of Children & Youth Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 BOOKLET 24 Self-complete Questionnaire for 18- and 19-year-olds National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Booklet 24E Cycle 5 Confidential when completed Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, revised statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. or m at io n on ly Aussi disponible en français Fo ri nf Please read instructions on next page before beginning. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Person ID – – – Child's First Name Assignment No. Time Started : 8-5300-450.1: 2002-05-14 STC/ENM-040-75020 – E – S 4 Questionnaire No. INSTRUCTIONS This is a survey with questions about you, your family, friends, how you feel and what you like to do. Your answers will help the government to plan programs and services for young people like yourself. on ly This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers. Some questions may seem personal and some are about things not everybody does. Take your time and please be sure to answer each question based on what you really think. You can choose whether or not to fill out this questionnaire. If you need help with any questions, you may ask the interviewer. Example 1 B1 Example 2 How do you feel about school? 0 2 3 X A6 How many close friends do you have? 93 None I like school quite a bit. I like school a bit. I don't like school very much. OR 0 3 number of close friends I hate school. ri nf 4 I like school very much. or m 1 at io n When you answer these questions, you can mark your answers like this ⊗ or fill in the circle , or write a number in the boxes, as in the examples below. When you write your answers, make sure you press hard with your pencil. Fo Remember that the KIDS HELP PHONE is available to help you at any time if you feel like you would like to talk to someone about a problem. 1-(800) 668-6868 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! Page 02 8-5300-450.1 SECTION A Choose the answer that best describes how you feel. Mostly false False True 01 02 03 04 b. Overall I have a lot to be proud of. 05 06 07 08 09 c. A lot of things about me are good. 00 01 02 03 04 d. When I do something, I do it well. 05 06 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 ly 00 04 Now you will be asked about yourself and how you relate to other people at home, school and work. (Choose only one answer for each sentence.) Rarely True Of Me Sometimes True Of Me n 1 2 at io a. It is easy to tell people how I feel. Often True Of Me Very Often True Of Me 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m. When I get angry, I act without thinking. 1 2 3 4 n. When answering hard questions, I try to think of many solutions. 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 b. I like doing things for others. c. I get angry easily. or m d. I can understand hard questions. e. I think that most things I do will turn out OK. I can talk easily about my feelings. nf f. ri g. I feel bad when other people have their feelings hurt. h. I get upset easily. I can come up with many ways of answering a hard question when I want to. Fo i. j. I hope for the best. k. I can easily describe my feelings. l. I know when people are upset, even when they say nothing. o. I enjoy the things I do. ) Mostly true a. In general, I like the way I am. e. I like the way I look. A2 Sometimes false/ Sometimes true on A1 About Me Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 Page 03 A3 In general, I am happy with how things are for me in my life now. 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 A4 The next five years look good to me. Strongly agree 5 Strongly disagree 6 Disagree 7 Agree 8 ly Strongly Agree a. ...... ability to use a computer? For example, using software applications, programming, or using a computer to find or process information. b. ... writing abilities? For example, writing to get across information or ideas to others, or editing writing to improve it. Fair 00 05 01 02 Very good Excellent 03 04 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 nf d. ... oral communication abilities? For example, explaining ideas to others, speaking to an audience, or participating in discussions. Good 06 or m c. ... reading abilities? For example, understanding what you read and identifying the most important issues, or using written material to find information. Poor n How would you rate your... at io A5 on 8 The next few questions ask you to evaluate your various skills. Strongly agree Please respond using Poor, Fair, Good, Very good, or Excellent. Fo ri e. ... ability to solve new problems? For example, identifying problems and possible causes, planning strategies to solve problems, or thinking of new ways to solve problems. f. ... mathematical abilities? For example, using formulas to solve problems, interpreting graphs or tables, or using math to figure out practical things in everyday life. The following are events that may directly affect youths. A6 ) Have you ever been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant? 1 Yes 2 No Î 7 I don't know Î Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. Page 04 Go to question A10 Go to question A10 8-5300-450.1 A7 A8 A9 How many times have you been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant? number of times How old were you the first time that you were pregnant or got someone pregnant? I was Did any of these pregnancies end with an abortion? years old. 1 Yes 2 No A10 In the past 2 years, have you personally been through any of these events? 1 b. A serious problem in school or at work. 3 c. The death of someone close to you. n d. The divorce or separation of your parents. 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 or m at io e. Another difficult event; specify: A11 In the past 12 months, have you personally 2 on a. A painful break-up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. No ly Yes been treated unfairly because of… Yes I don't know 01 02 03 b. your race, skin colour, or ethnic group? 04 05 06 c. your religion? 01 02 03 d. another reason? 04 Fo ri nf a. your sex/gender? A12 In the past 12 months, how many times did someone… a. say something personal about you that made you feel extremely uncomfortable? ) No Never Once or twice 05 3 or 4 times 06 5 times or more 0 1 2 3 b. threaten to hurt you but not actually hurt you? 4 5 6 7 c. physically attack or assault you? 0 1 2 3 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 Page 05 SECTION B Feelings and Behaviours Please read the following statements and choose the answer that best describes you. How often have you felt or behaved this way during the past week (7 days)? Some or little of the time (1 to 2 days) Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3 to 4 days) Most or all of the time (5 to 7 days) 1 2 3 4 b. I felt I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends. 5 6 7 8 c. I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 e. I felt that everything I did was an effort. f. I felt hopeful about the future. h. I was happy. I felt lonely. j. I enjoyed life. nf i. or m g. My sleep was restless. 4 I felt people disliked me. Fo l. ri k. I had crying spells. 5 at io d. I felt depressed. n a. I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. on Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) ly B1 Some of the following questions might be hard for you to answer. If you feel like you need support, we encourage you to talk to your family doctor or nurse. B2 Has anyone that you have personally known committed suicide? 4 5 6 7 ) Yes, within the last year Yes, more than a year ago No, never I don’t know Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. Page 06 8-5300-450.1 1 2 No Î 3 Never/none Î 4 5 B5 If you attempted suicide during the past 12 months, did you have to be treated by a doctor, nurse or other health professional (for a physical injury or counselling)? 6 7 In the past 12 months, about how many times ... a. were you questioned by the police about anything they thought you did? c. have you intentionally damaged or destroyed anything that didn’t belong to you? nf d. have you fought with someone to the point where they needed care for their injuries? ri e. have you attacked someone with the idea of seriously hurting him/her? have you carried a weapon for the purpose of defending yourself or using it in a fight? Fo f. g. have you sold any drugs? h. have you attempted to touch anyone in a sexual way while knowing that they would probably object to this? B7 More than once Yes No Once or twice In the past 12 months, were you part of a gang that broke the law by stealing, hurting someone, damaging property, etc.? 5 times or more 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Yes No Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 3 or 4 times 1 2 ) Once Never or m b. have you stolen something? Go to question B6 at io B6 Go to question B6 ly In the past 12 months, how many times did you attempt suicide? Yes on B4 In the past 12 months, did you seriously consider attempting suicide? n B3 Page 07 SECTION C C1 My Relationships How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? 93 to Î Go question C5 I’ve never had a boyfriend/girlfriend OR years old I was 02 03 04 05 C3 Outside of school or work hours, about how many days a week do you see your boyfriend/girlfriend? 06 07 08 09 10 C4 In the past 12 months, how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? to Î Go question C4 Less than 1 month 1 to 5 months 6 months to a year Over a year Never Less than once a week One day a week 2 or 3 days a week 4 or 5 days a week 6 or 7 days a week at io 11 I do not currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend ly 01 on If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now, how long have you been going out with him/her? n C2 12 13 or m 14 15 16 None 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 6 or more Have you ever had consensual sexual intercourse? 8 9 Fo ri C5 nf We know that the following questions might be sensitive, but would appreciate you answering them as well as you can. C6 C7 How old were you when you first had consensual sexual intercourse? Yes No Î Go to section D I was How old was the partner with whom you first had consensual sexual intercourse? He or she was years old years old OR 99 ) I don't know Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. Page 08 8-5300-450.1 9 C9 What kind of birth control or protection do you and/or your partner use most often? (Mark all that apply) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 C10 Have there been any times when you and a 8 Î Go to section D No Condoms (rubbers) Birth control pills Birth control injection (i.e. Depo-Provera, “the shot”) Withdrawal (pull-out) Emergency contraception (“the morning after pill”) Some other method Not sure None Yes at io partner did not use any form of birth control or protection? Yes 9 or m 10 ly 8 on Are you currently sexually active? n C8 No Î Go to section D I don't know Î Go to section D C11 What was the main reason for not using any birth control or protection? Fo ri nf (Mark one only) 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sex was unexpected (no time to prepare) I didn’t think I (or she) would get pregnant I wanted (she wanted) to get pregnant My partner did not want to use it It’s my partner’s problem, not mine It reduces the pleasure It's too expensive It's morally wrong I am too embarrassed to get/use birth control/protection Other (specify:) OR 19 ) We always use birth control/protection Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 Page 09 SECTION D D1 My Parent(s) Think of the mother you are most involved with. Is she… 01 Your biological/birth mother? 02 Your adoptive mother? 03 Your step-mother? 04 Your foster mother? 05 Another person (a mother figure)? OR 06 Go to Î question D6 Thinking of the mother you have identified in the previous question: on D2 ly I am not in touch with my mother A great deal a. How well do you feel that your mother understands you? 0 Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your mother? nf 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n or m c. How much affection do you receive from your mother? 1 Very close 2 Somewhat close 3 Not very close Tell us how often per week you do the following activities with your mother: Fo ri D4 Very little/Not at all 1 at io b. How much fairness do you receive from your mother? D3 Some Never Less than once a week 1 or 2 days 3 or 4 days 5 or 6 days Every day 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 a. Eat a meal together? b. Have a discussion together? ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. Page 10 8-5300-450.1 People often disagree with each other. The following sentences describe disagreements. Tell us how often you and your mother do the following things. Never d. We yell at each other. e. When we argue we stay angry for a very long time. f. When we disagree, we refuse to talk to each other. g. When we disagree, one of us stomps out of the room, or house, or yard. h. When we disagree about something, we solve problems together. j. When we disagree, another person comes in to settle things or find a solution. nf Think of the father you are most involved with. Is he... Fo ri D6 When we disagree about something, I give in just to end the argument. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 0 1 5 0 or m i. 5 9 4 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Your biological/birth father 02 Your adoptive father Your step-father 04 Your foster father 05 Another person (a father figure)? OR I am not in touch with my father Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 8 6 01 03 4 3 2 06 ) Always ly c. We bug each other or get on each other’s nerves. Often on b. We disagree and fight. Sometimes at io a. We make up easily when we have a fight. Rarely n D5 Go to Î question D11 Page 11 D7 Thinking of the father you have identified in the previous question: A great deal 0 1 2 b. How much fairness do you receive from your father? 3 4 5 c. How much affection do you receive from your father? 6 7 8 5 Very close 6 Somewhat close on Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your father? 7 D9 Not very close Tell us how often per week you do the following activities with your father: 01 a. Eat a meal together? b. Have a discussion together? Less than once a week 1 or 2 days 3 or 4 days at io Never ly a. How well do you feel that your father understands you? or m 07 5 or 6 days n D8 Very little/Not at all Some Every day 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 D10 People often disagree with each other. The following sentences describe disagreements. Tell us how often you and your father do the following things. nf Never ri a. We make up easily when we have a fight. b. We disagree and fight. Fo c. We bug each other or get on each other’s nerves. d. We yell at each other. e. When we argue we stay angry for a very long time. f. When we disagree, we refuse to talk to each other. g. When we disagree, one of us stomps out of the room, or house, or yard. ) Rarely Often Always 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. Page 12 Sometimes 8-5300-450.1 D10 People often disagree with each other. The following sentences describe disagreements. Tell us how often you and your father do the following things. Never h. When we disagree about something, we solve problems together. i. j. When we disagree about something, I give in just to end the argument. When we disagree, another person comes in to settle things or find a solution. Rarely Sometimes Often Always 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D11 Thinking about the mother and/or father you have identified in the previous questions, for each of the following ly statements, use the choice that best describes the way they have acted toward you during the past 6 months. My parent(s) ... Sometimes Rarely 0 1 2 b. Take an interest in where I am going and who I am with. 5 6 7 c. Ask me to leave a note or call to let them know where I am going. 0 1 or m D12 How well do you think your parents 5 nf get along with each other? D13 How often do your parents disagree Fo ri about how to deal with you and your brother(s) and sister(s)? D14 How often do your parents get upset with one another, including times when they are mad but don’t say much? 3 4 8 9 3 4 7 8 9 2 at io d. Let me know how to get in touch with them when they are not at home. 6 0 Always n a. Tell me what time to be home when I go out. Often on Never Very well 1 Fairly well 2 Not very well 3 My parents are not in touch with each other 01 Never 02 Rarely 03 Sometimes 04 Often 05 Always 06 I don't know 07 My parents are not in touch with each other 07 Never 08 Rarely 09 Sometimes 10 Often 11 Always 12 I don't know 13 My parents are not in touch with each other ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 Page 13 SECTION E Smoking, Drinking and Drugs The next questions are about smoking cigarettes. E1 Which of the following best describes your experience with smoking cigarettes: 01 02 03 I have never smoked I only tried once or twice to Î Go question E3 I do not smoke anymore I smoke ... 05 A few times a year on 04 ly OR About once or twice a month 06 07 About 3-5 days a week at io 08 n About 1-2 days a week E2 About 6-7 days a week On the days that you smoke, about how many cigarettes do you usually smoke? or m Number of cigarettes Which of the following best describes your experience with drinking alcohol: Fo ri E3 nf The next questions are about drinking alcohol. A drink of alcohol is, for example: 9 one bottle of beer or 9 one glass of wine or 9 one shot of liquor. 01 02 03 04 I have never had a drink of alcohol to Î Go question E5 I have only had a few sips I only tried once or twice (at least one drink) I do not drink alcohol anymore OR I drink (at least one drink)... 05 06 07 08 09 ) A few times a year About once or twice a month About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. Page 14 8-5300-450.1 E4 In the past 12 months, how often have you been drunk? 01 02 03 04 05 06 Never A few times About once or twice a month About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week E5 01 Which of the following best describes your experience with using marijuana and cannabis products (also known as a joint, pot, grass or hash) in the past 12 months? I have done it, but not during the past 12 months on 02 I have never done it ly The next questions are about drug use. Please answer even if you do not use drugs. OR In the past 12 months, I have used marijuana … 04 06 07 Which best describes your experience with the following drugs In the past 12 months: or m E6 nf I have never done it ri a. Hallucinogens like LSD/acid, magic mushroom Fo b. Glue or solvents c. Drugs without a prescription or advice from a doctor: downers, uppers, tranquilizers, ritalin, etc. d. Other drugs like ecstasy, crack, cocaine, heroin or speed, etc. ) About once or twice a month at io 05 A few times n 03 I have done it, but not in the past 12 months About 1-2 days a week About 3-5 days a week About 6-7 days a week In the past 12 months I have used it... 1 or 2 times 6 to 9 times 10 times or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 3 to 5 times Page 15 E7 In the past 12 months, how many times have you operated a motorized vehicle (eg. car, motorcycle, boat) after you have been drinking alcohol or doing drugs? 1 2 3 4 E8 In the past 12 months, how many times have you been a passenger in a vehicle when the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs? 5 6 7 Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more Never Once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly 8 Never ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. Page 16 8-5300-450.1 F1 Thank you. What time was it when you finished this questionnaire? When you finish this survey: : Put this questionnaire in the envelope. Return it to the interviewer. Fo ri nf or m at io n on Thank you very much for helping us. ly SECTION F ) Statistics Canada will keep your answers PRIVATE. 8-5300-450.1 Page 17 National Longitudinal Survey of Children & Youth Fo ri nf or m at io n on ly Cycle 5 Survey Instruments 2002-2003 INFORMED CONSENT FORM Informed Consent Consentement éclairé National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Cycle 5 Enquête longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes Cycle 5 Confidential when completed Confidentiel une fois rempli To be completed by Interviewer - À être rempli par l'intervieweur Person ID. N° de la personne – – ly – E – Ι 0 – on Assignment No. N° de tâche – n Date (Month-day-year) Date (Mois-jour-année) – at io Child's First Name Prénom de l'enfant Parent/Legal Guardian's Full Name Nom du parent ou du tuteur légal or m Child's Surname Nom de famille de l'enfant nf First name / Prénom ri Last name / Nom de famille Yes / Oui 1 No / Non 2 Fo Consent to Contact Teacher(s) Consentement à communiquer avec le(s) professeur(s) 3 Consent obtained over the telephone – Consentement obtenu au téléphone To be signed by parent or legal guardian - À faire signer par le parent ou le tuteur légal I understand that this is a voluntary survey and that the information my child's teacher provides will be kept strictly confidential under the Statistics Act. This means that my name and my child's name will not be associated in any way with the results of the survey. Je comprends que la participation à cette enquête est volontaire et que les renseignements fournis par le professeur de mon enfant resteront strictement confidentiels en vertu de la Loi sur la Statistique. Cela veut dire que mon nom et le nom de mon enfant ne seront reliés d'aucune façon aux résultats de l'enquête. X Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian – Signature du parent ou du tuteur légal 8-5300-472: 2002-04-24 STC/HLD-040-75020 SQC/ENM-040-75020 White: Regional Office Blanche : Bureau régional Pink: Regional Office (#2) Rose : Bureau régional (#2) Yellow: Parent Jaune : Parent Formulaire de consentement éclairé I understand that this consent form is part of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. Statistics Canada is carrying out this national study on behalf of Human Resources Development Canada. Je comprends que ce formulaire fait partie de l'Enquête longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes. Statistique Canada mène cette enquête au nom de Développement des ressources humaines Canada. I understand that this survey is voluntary and that any information that Statistics Canada collects from me, my child and my child's teacher will remain strictly confidential under the Statistics Act. Je comprends que la participation à cette enquête est volontaire et que tous les renseignements obtenus par Statistique Canada de moi, de mon enfant et du professeur de mon enfant resteront strictement confidentiels en vertu de la Loi sur la statistique. What is the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth? Qu'est-ce que l'Enquête nationale longitudinale sur les enfants et les jeunes? The National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth has been developed jointly by Statistics Canada and Human Resources Development Canada. The purpose of the survey is to collect information that will help us understand the factors affecting the development of children in Canada. These findings will improve the prospects and conditions for all children. L'Enquête longitudinale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes a été élaborée conjointement par Statistique Canada et par Développement des ressources humaines Canada. Son but est de recueillir des renseignements qui nous aideront à mieux comprendre les facteurs qui influencent le développement des enfants au Canada. Ces connaissances serviront à élaborer des programmes efficaces qui amélioreront les possibilités d'avenir de tous les enfants. on n at io Why does my child's teacher need to be contacted? ly Informed Consent Form Pourquoi le professeur de mon enfant doit-il être contacté? Les enfants passent une grande partie de leur temps à l'école. Le professeur de votre enfant fournira d'importants renseignements se rapportant à la vie de votre enfant à l'école. What does my consent mean? Qu'est-ce que mon consentement veut dire? nf or m Children spend much of their time at school. Your child's teacher will provide us with valuable information regarding your child's school experiences. Fo ri Your consent to contact the teacher means that your child's teacher will receive a questionnaire that will ask questions about your child's school achievement and behaviour, and about his/her classroom. Par votre consentement à communiquer avec le professeur, vous acceptez que le professeur de votre enfant reçoive un questionnaire portant sur le rendement scolaire de votre enfant, sur son comportement à l'école et sur sa classe. What happens to the survey information I have provided if I do not consent? Que se passe-t-il si je décide de ne pas signer le formulaire de consentement éclairé? The information you have provided in the interview is very valuable on its own. It will still permit important research to be conducted and influence future policies and programs. Les renseignements que vous avez déjà fournis lors de l'interview sont très importants. Ils permettront quand même de faire d'importantes recherches et d'influencer les politiques et les programmes futurs.
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