Barony of Loch Soilleir 4


Barony of Loch Soilleir 4
The Serpent’s Tale
Master Caelan MacRob processing with members of the
Barony at the Gulf Wars Opening Ceremonies
April 2016
A.S. L
Baron & Baroness
Page 3-4
Officer Reports
Page 5
News in the Loch
Page 6
Loch & Stargate Co-Baronial Needs
Page 7
Co-Baronial A&S Display and Docu-Match
Page 8
Loch Soilleir Baronial Awards
Page 9-14
The Serpent versus Gulfnado
Page 15-16
The Pilum
Page 17-18
Youth Chivalric Practices
Page 19
Kingdom News: Notes from the Black Star
Page 20-22
Kingdom News: Kingdom Job Openings
Page 23
Handy Links
Page 24
Baronial Officers & Champions
Page 25
Guilds & Practices
Page 26
Baronial Calendar
Page 27
Loch on the Web
Publication Information & Disclaimer
Disclaimer: This is the The Serpent’s Tale, a publication
of the Barony of Loch Soilleir in the Kingdom of Ansteorra, of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and Does not delineate SCA policies.
The Serpent’s Tale is available from the Baronial Chronicler (Rachel Little, 1315 NASA Parkway #459, Houston, TX 77058).
April 2016
Loch on Facebook
Copyright: ©2016 Society for Creative Anachronism,
Inc. For information on reprinting articles and/or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of
our contributors.
Photo Credits:
Border - Letter of Four Verses… page 27
Cover (pg 1) - Bastienne d’Arcis
Baron & Baroness (pg 3) - Michael Dudley
Pilum (pg 17-18) - Marcus Norwood
The Serpent’s Tale
Page 2
Their Serpentine Excellencies
Master Caelan MacRob
Mistress Rhiannon verch Bryan
(832) 541‐9892
(281) 788‐9531
Dearest Loch We are pleased everyone made it home from Gulf Wars safe and with
many tales to tell. Although Mother Nature saw fit to shorten the war
and modify some of our fun, it was still a great time. We had melees on
both fields where Ansteorra and our own fighters excelled. We had Arts
& Sciences, where Loch artisans were being talked about by people from
all over the Known World. We had great shopping and feasting. And we
had a little bit of wind and rain that didn't really seem to bother the
hearty coastal folk. Shortly after the "blow" on Thursday evening, I
ventured out to see if any other groups needed assistance and found
many who did. There was broken camping equipment and shocked
faces, but there were also friendly faces lending help and dry cloths and
food. A great many of these helpers were from Loch Soilleir and our
good neighbors in Coastal Ansteorra. We are used to a bit of wind and
rain here and it was obvious that many parts of the world are not. My
thanks (and the thanks of many, many more) go out to everyone that
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Note from Their Serpentine Excellencies
lent a hand or a dry tunic or a place to sleep above water to those that
got the brunt of the weather.
Thank you to Roland and Maherra for organizing the camp and being
the first on and last off. Thank you to Magdelena and Maherra and
the Thursday group for the camp beautification. Thank you to William
and Lessa for all the wonderful food and thank you to Hennessey for
organizing the food group and setting up the shower. Thank you to
everyone that camped with the Loch and made our camp a haven of
good cheer and merriment (but not Neassa because she is a chili
When the weather was nicer, we saw Oliver and Allister win their
champions battles and at the conclusion of Oliver's match, he was
offered a belt and chain. Although the weather delayed his response, we
are happy to host his vigil and knighting at Co-Baronials in May.
This month we will co-host Bards and Cooks Collegium with Stargate
and they will co-host Co-Baronial Championships in May with us. Please
lend a hand with these fine events and show the Kingdom why the
hospitality of Loch Soilleir is legendary.
We hope to see everyone at Coronation to witness the crowning of new
sovereigns and see the house of Ansteorra continue.
In Service,
Caelan & Rhiannon
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Officer Reports
From the Seneschal: Hello fellow Lochians. I From the Hospitaler: Happy April, Loch! We
have had serval newcomers and inquiries the
hope everyone who went to Gulf Wars has
past month. I am so grateful to you all for
dried out, cleaned up, and recovered. I just
welcoming those who came to practice,
finished washing everything that got flooded
activities, and events. Keep up the great work!
but that's only because my drain from the
if you are interested in being our next
washing machine got plugged and I had to
hospitaler don't forget to send in your
call a plumber. All in all it was a good GW
application! Please send applications to the
and I look forward to staying with the Loch
B&B and the Seneschal as well as the
encampment next year.
Southern Regional Hospitaler.
I'm looking forward to our upcoming events
and I hope we can make a good showing for From the Chronicler: I need your articles!
Your reviews! Your Interests! We also need
the championships.
your A&S or Marshalate articles for the
special editions!
From the Reeve: In last month’s newsletter I
encouraged the populace to submit ideas to
make the Loch a better place. I have received Minister of Arts & Sciences: People are
making things despite mother nature's mood
several suggestions – here they are.
swings. Some are even starting to work on
1) Replace the current trailer.
things for Co-Baronials in May. Its’ great to
2) Don’t buy a trailer and get a cleaner
see many of our members involved in
storage unit instead – one where
teaching and helping run Cooks & Bards with
food preparation items, banners, and Stargate, and I expect the Loch will have a
other things can safely be stored.
great showing in the A&S display at Co3) Build a new list field.
4) Buy a baronial pavilion.
From the Webminister: If you have content
5) Replace roasters.
or information that you would like shared on
6) Build/repair archery targets
the new website, let me know!
7) Buy chivalric loaner gear.
From the Missile Marshal: Until further
8) Make tabard-style loaner garb.
notice: all loch archery practices will be held at
To make any of these things happen, we need
Saltgrass Archery Range until we find another
volunteers to explore options and present
location. Practices will be held (weather
recommendations to the Financial Committee.
permitting) on the 1st. And 3rd. Sunday of
Let me know if you’re interested in helping by
each month from1:00 til 3:00 pm. Come out
sending an email to exchequer@lochand have some fun with us. Saltgrass Archery or catch me at the next
is in Jack Brooks Park in Hitchcock Texas.
populace meeting.
From the Chivalric Marshal: Great job at
Gulf Wars. The fighting and post Gulfnado.
April 2016
From the Rapier Marshal: We had a great
showing at Gulf Wars, keep it up!
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Congratulations to Centurion Oliver the Faithful - put on vigil for the Order of
Chivalry at Gulf Wars!
Congratulations also go to Centurion Oliver for winning his Champion's Point
bout at Gulf Wars!
Congrats to Lord Alister for winning his Champions point bout at Gulf Wars!
Congrats also to Lord Alister for successfully winning the Iron Ring from Don
Mahdi and defending it once before passing it to Don Trevor..
Vivat to HE Katya for coordinating classes at Gulf Wars Al Mahala, HL Maggie
for her work as Artisan’s Row’s Lecture Coordinator, and to the many members
of the barony who taught classes and volunteered!
Cooks and Bards Collegium, to be held in Stargate April 16th! Master Krag
could use kitchen and clean-up help.
Co-Baronials May 7th - start preparing now! Lady Karen will be running gate
and needs YOU! to volunteer. Co-Baronials is just around the corner! Exciting things are
afoot and you can be a part of it! I know that several of you have already volunteered to help
but, for those of you who would still like to volunteer we will be asking for assistance with
several items including set up, tear down, marshaling, gate, etc. The more people who can
help the more we can all enjoy the rest of the event. Thank you in advance for your help. You
always make our events fantastic and make our Barony shine. See page 7 for details!
Royal Huntsman will be held at Namron’s Beltane Games event, April 30th, in
Wichita Falls.
Laurel’s Prize Tournament will be held by the Canton of Kynge’s Creke
September 9-11.
SCA 50th Year - Registration is still open! You have until May 17 to pre-register
for land and to pre-register groups. For details, or to register, see
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Loch Soilleir and Stargate Co-Baronials
Help make Co-Baronials a big success! Please take a look and see if there is
something you can do:
Join the Site Token effort. Ask Lady Sicillia how
Come early and help us set up tents, hang banners and make the site look great! Get
with Lady Talia or HL Maggie
Work a gate shift. Ask Lady Karen how
Help with the Youth Combat fundraiser. Ask Lady Henecy how
Act as a Herald. We need someone to Herald the Equestrian and Archery finals.
Haul something, got a van or truck? The tables and list and water need to go.
We need a person to be in charge of water. It’s set up and take down, with some
monitoring throughout the day.
We need all the tables brought to the feast areas and someone to wrangle set up. Easy
but needs someone to make sure it happens.
Take down help, take the stuff you brought and help others
Nasticrat. Great bathrooms & showers. We need someone to check in periodically.
Scorekeeper. HL Maggie will provide a prize if someone would like to devise
scorekeeping for Bocce and Croquet.
Bring a leaf blower Friday. It’s a fast way to sweep the covered pavilions and
bathhouse areas.
Don’t see anything here? Still want to help? Ask Mistress Rhi and Master Cael how
you can help
All questions should be posted on the Facebook Co-Baronial planning page or
emailed to
Join today!
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Co-Baronials A&S Display and Docu-Match!
Their Excellencies Loch Soilleir and Stargate, along with Their A&S Champions,
invite one and all to the Co-Baronial A&S display! Both completed and in-progress
projects are welcomed!
There will not one, but TWO Populace Choice contests: 1. Best Display and 2. Best
Documentation. There will be prizes and word fame for both categories!
The display will be held under one of the main permanent pavilions on site, which
means it will be outside, but covered, so please keep this in mind when planning
your display. Set up will begin Saturday morning after Court and close
at 11AM. All entries must be picked up by 4PM.
Aside from this great display, there is an opportunity to get help with
documentation. Introducing Docu-Match!
Are you a Laurel looking to help others with their documentation? Are you an
artisan looking to up your documentation game? We would love to hear from you!
We would like to host a Docu-Match program, helping artisans and laurels come
together for the betterment of SCA documentation. Please let us know if you are
willing to help out or interested in finding a Docu-Match!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lady Elena
at or Lord Rolff at
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Loch Soilleir Baronial Awards
Master Brian O’hUilliam
The Barony of Loch Soilleir has three baronial awards: one for service, one for arts &
sciences, and one for youth.
Order of the Serpent’s Toils of Loch Soilleir
The Order of the Serpent’s Toils (sometimes simply called the “Toils”) is the Baronial Service
Order. This means that it is granted by the Baron and Baroness with permission from the
Crown. The Toils carries with it an Award of Arms and entitles the recipient to use the title of
“Lord” or “Lady.” They rank above holders of the Sable Coemt and Compass Rose, but below
those who hold Talons, Thistles, or Cranes.
Members of the order are also the only ones who may display the heraldry “(Fieldless) A sea-serpent
in annulo head to chief and vorant of its own tail vert.” In English, this is the green Loch Serpent in
a circle biting its own tail and it can be put on any field.
Ultimately, what qualifies an individual to join the order is up to the Baron and Baroness. However,
those who have received the order typically have performed years of service for our Barony,
including holding office, stewarding events, and countless hours of labor in making our events
succeed and our Barony thrive.
Recipients may be found in the Order of Precedence.
Order of the Otter
The Order of the Otter is the Baronial award for the arts and sciences. It is given at the discretion
of Their Excellencies without the need for permission from the Crown. It grants neither rank nor
Again, what qualifies an individual to join the order is up to the Baron and Baroness. The Otter is
generally granted for the contributions to the Barony through the arts and sciences or in bringing
recognition and fame to the Barony through the arts and sciences.
Order of the Urchin
The Order of the Urchin if the Baronial award for youth and children. It is given at the discretion of
Their Excellencies without the need for permission from the Crown. It grants neither rank nor title.
Again, what qualifies an individual to join the order is up to the Baron and Baroness. The Urchin is
granted to children and youth for efforts to enrich the Barony.
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Loch Soilleir Baronial Awards
WHEREAS the Crown of Ansteorra is greatly pleased by faithful service rendered into
Their vassals, and
WHEREAS it is the duty of said vassals to suitably reward deeds pleasing unto their
NOW THEREFORE let it be known that there shall exist henceforward in the Barony
of Loch Soilleir an award called THE ORDER OF THE SERPENT’S TOILS, which
shall be granted to those who have distinguished themselves in service to that Barony.
I. This award shall be armigerous.
II. This award shall be given at the discretion of the Baron and Baroness of Loch
Soilleir, with the prior approval of the Crown of Ansteorra.
III. This award shall be presented in Baronial, Royal, or Combined Court at an event of
the Society for Creative Anachronism.
IV. The text of the scroll accompanying the award shall read as follows:
“Whereas you have labored long and faithfully in service to our Barony of Loch
Soilleir, we are now minded to bestow upon you the Order of the Serpent’s Toils.
We at this time grant you such rights and charge you with such responsibilities as
are fit for this rank, and as may be found in the Charter of the Order, the Laws
of the Realm, and the customs of gentle conduct.”
V. The recipient shall be entitled to display the registered Badge of the Order.
--Master Cadfan ap Morgan Godrudd
AS XXIV (1991 CE)
As transcribed by Countess Sara Penrose
AS XLI (2006 CE)
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Loch Soilleir Baronial Awards
WHEREAS the encouragement of the Arts and Sciences in the Kingdom of Ansteorra
has been ever the special care of the Crown, and
WHEREAS it is the duty of all the Crown’s vassals to aid their Lieges in such endeavors,
NOW THEREFORE let it be known that there shall exist henceforward in the Barony
of Loch Soilleir an award called THE ORDER OF THE OTTER, which shall be
granted to those residents of the Barony who have distinguished themselves in the Arts
and Sciences.
I. This award shall be non-armigerous.
II. This award shall be given at the discretion of the Baron and Baroness of Loch Soilleir,
after consultation with the other members of the Order.
III. This award shall be presented in Baronial, Royal, or Combined Court at an event of
the Society for Creative Anachronism.
IV. The text of the scroll accompanying the award shall read as follows:
“Whereas through diverse works of wit, skill, and grace you have considerably
enriched our Barony of Loch Soilleir, it is now our pleasure to accord you the
Order of the Otter. We at this time grant you such rights and charge you with such
responsibilities as are fit for this rank, and as may be found in the Charter of the
Order, the Laws of the Realm, and the customs of gentle conduct.”
V. The recipient shall be entitled to display the registered Badge of the Order.
--Master Cadfan ap Morgan Godrudd
AS XXIV (1991 CE)
As transcribed by Countess Sara Penrose
AS XLI (2006 CE)
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Loch Soilleir Baronial Awards
Charter Design by Mistress Sara Penrose
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Loch Soilleir Baronial Awards
Charter Design by Master Brian O’hUilliam
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Loch Soilleir Baronial Awards
Charter Design by Mistress Sara Penrose
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The Serpent Versus Gulfnado (or: Not the Pizza!!!)
Master Brian O’hUilliam
Gulf Wars XXV was held, as usual, in the River Valley lands of our neighbors in Gleann
Abhann. This War was tough as bad weather had plagued the trips of many Ansteorrans. As
waters rose, many roads closed, making it difficult to leave our fair Kingdom. Normally, this
wouldn’t be a problem because who wants to LEAVE Ansteorra? But we answered the call of
the Crown and found alternate routes to represent and defend our Kingdom against that
Triskelion foe!
Sadly, Elena and I were only able to join the Loch party on Thursday of War. However, the
Loch had already made great strides in displaying how massively awesome we are as a
Barony. Lord Roland and Lady Mahearra had staked out the camping area as our stewards and,
once again, Honorable Lady Magdalena (Maggie) worked to create a truly wonderful display with
Loch flags surrounding our camp at the top of the hill.
Loch Soilleir’s fighters were incredible! Both Lord Alister and Centurion Oliver were selected
for the Champions Battle. The Champions Battle pits Ansteorra and her allies against Trimaris
and her allies in a series of one-on-one bouts. Traditionally, each side will send five allies to face
each other in single combat and then that process is repeated with five non-Chivalry (for
armoured) or non-White Scarves (for rapier) and then five Chivalry or White Scarves. Rapier
and Armoured are each worth 1 point for the overall war point count. The first to eight points
for each field will win.
Lord Alister MacRoger, our Rapier Marshal, represented Loch Soilleir and Ansteorra well as he
soundly won his bout. Loch’s Rapier Champion and the Queen’s Champion, Master John
Drake, was also victorious in his Champions bout.
Additionally, Lord Alister won the Iron Ring from Duke Mahdi. The Iron Ring is a pass down
prize for rapier that is simply about bragging rights. If you defeat the current ring-bearer in a
best of five match, you get to keep the ring until you lose it or can no longer defend it. Alister
defended the Ring once before losing it to Don Trevor.
Centurion Oliver the Faithful, our Knight Marshal, showed skill as he won his bout cleanly and
with great honor. After his display on the field, Their Majesties announced Oliver to join the
Order of Chivalry! The elevation was scheduled for the next day at the Deed of
Arms. However, bad weather cancelled those activities and Oliver’s Knighting will now take
place at the Co-Baronial in May.
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The Serpent Versus Gulfnado
The artisans of Loch Soilleir were also out and about! HL Maggie was a coordinator for Artisan’s
Row and HE Katya worked to help coordinate Al-Mahala (Middle Eastern
Dancing). Additionally, Baroness Rhiannon, HL Maggie, and Lady Mahearra all taught classes. In
the A&S Champions Battle, HL Biatrichi and Master Krag, Kingdom Artisan, displayed their arts
to represent the Kingdom. Our artisans are incredible!
Thursday evening started as a fantastic night. Baron William manned his usual post – the
oven! It was pizza night in the Loch! Baroness Rhiannon even delivered Baron Cael a pizza
during the Order of Defense circle. He, of course, shared it with the Crown and Heirs, reminding
them exactly why the Loch needs to keep camping on the corner at the top of the hill.
Unfortunately, it was during the Scrumptious Serpentine Pizza Party that we were stuck by
Gulfnado! Massive winds battered the camps and heavy rains quickly drenched the entire
site. Everyone came together and acted quickly to hold down the communal and kitchen
pavilions. While unhappy with the weather, spirits were as high as they could be as we came
together to help each other as a family. Even better were the numerous camps which provided
warmth and shelter to those who lost their pavilions and tents. Several tents were destroyed and a
few period pavilions had broken ridge poles, at least one of which did strike someone in another
camp. Despite the negative of the weather, it was inspiring to see so many people help one
another, both in our camp and throughout site.
We sought to clean up after such a devastating storm. Several people decided to leave site and
others had to find alternate shelter. The Loch, seemingly, had only two casualties. Bia’s small
cot/tent was destroyed and Diego’s pizza was left in the oven and burned. According to Baron
Cael, we will rebuild. Friday’sactivities were canceled and the Crown’s met to decide what to do
with the rest of the War. Ultimately, it was decided to cancel the War as many were already
packing and leaving. Sadly, Gulf Wars XXV joins Gulf Wars VIII as a canceled War. But hey, at
least it was historic!
Remember how I said Elena and I arrived on Thursday? BEST WAR EVER! We wound up
staying until Saturday as I had other commitments to which I needed to attend. We were part of
the resilient Loch crew who stayed along with Roland and Mahearra, Maggie, and
Aodhan. By Saturday afternoon, however, we were all packed up, headed out, and said farewell to
Gulf Wars XXV.
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The Pilum
Lord Marcvs Aqvilo Lignvm
hrough the ages, great armies have distinguished themselves by deeds of conquest,
specialized tactics and by having a distinctive set of arms/armor. One such
signature weapon of the Roman army was the throwing javelin known as the pilum. The
first reference in the classical sources regarding the pilum was by Livy in his description of
the third Samnite War in 293 B.C. Other theories suggest that the pilum was not adopted
by the Romans until they suffered from its use against them by Iberian mercenaries
fighting for Carthage in the first Punic War (264-241 BC) as chronicled by the classical
historian Polybius.
he pilum was comprised of an iron shaft with a sharp pyramid type point on its end.
The bottom of the iron shaft was a flattened square tang that was slid into a haft
cap and held in place by wooden dowels. The pilum’s design was to accomplish two goals.
First the intent of the tip was to penetrate the shield of the enemy. If the impact did not
cause injury or death the hope was that the soft iron shaft would bend after contact
making it difficult to remove thus rendering the enemy shield more difficult to wield. The
second intention was for the haft to break away from the iron shaft so the enemy could
not throw the pilum back at the Roman line. The effectiveness of the pilum was
maximized by throwing them in a mass volley when the enemy was within a range of 5 to
20 yards. The technique for throwing the pilum is similar to that of throwing a modern
javelin but the pilum is thrown standing in place without the benefit of a running start.
he pilum was
produced in many
weights, sizes, and designs.
A typical legionnaire would
carry 3 pila with his
marching kit and would
train daily in their use. As
the Roman Empire entered
the third century it was
beset by economic and
political unrest as well as
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The Pilum
Lord Marcvs Aqvilo Lignvm
nearly constant invasion and civil war. By
the accession of the Emperor Aurelian,
the Roman army began to evolve. The
Emperor Diocletian would institute a
series of economic, political and military
reforms that would ultimately rescue the
empire but would mark the end of the use
of the pilum within the legions. The pilum
represented a large financial expenditure
for a single use weapon. The army would
adopt the plumbata which was a smaller less expensive alternative to the pilum. The
plumbata was essentially a weighted dart that soldiers could easily throw. Diocletian also
sought to reduce the weight carried by legionaries in order to make the army more
mobile. Heavy items that were difficult to carry and maintenance like the lorica
segmentata, the large rectangular shield known as the scutum and the pilum were retired
in favor of cheaper lighter arms and armor. The pilum also required much more training
on the part of the army for it to be effective. The plumbata was self stabilizing and could
be thrown from horseback. The combination of reduced cost and less skill on the part of
the individual soldier made the plumbata more attractive to the army.
n my experience with throwing the pilum I have come to appreciate its effectiveness as
a short range missile weapon. The pilum that I am holding in the picture is known in
the Roman living history world as the chunker pilum or practice pilum. Although it is not
entirely authentic from a historical standpoint it is much more durable for thrown
weapons practice. In order to demonstrate the power of the pilum I made a throw
through a ¾ inch board at short range as shown in the second picture. At Clash of Iron
2015, I managed to win a first place torc for throwing the pilum for distance and accuracy
at the expense of my shoulder being completely worn out. I also taught a class in pilum
throwing at the War of the Rams 2015 (BAM) which was enjoyed by all involved . I
occasionally bring my pilum to thrown weapons practice for Loch Soillier and would be
glad to offer classes in the future.
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Youth Chivalric Practices
Below are the dates and places for the budding Youth Chivalric Practices in the
Practice will be held at 4PM on Sundays. All interested youth are encouraged to
attend. All adults are welcome to donate their time and knowledge to the proceedings. Check out the Facebook Page for what supplies to bring
04/03/16 Clear Lake - Sylvan Rodriguez Park, 1201
Clear Lake City Blvd, Houston, 77062
04/10/16 Baytown/Mont Belvieu - Lee College
200 Lee Drive, Baytown, 77520
04/17/16 Atascocita - 12303 Sonnier St., Houston, 77044
04/24/16 Kingwood
05/01/16 Cypress
For more information on these practices, contact Lady Hennesey.
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Kingdom News:
Notes from the Black Star
From Their Majesties: What an amazing War!! Gulf War XXV was outstanding in
every way. The fighting was fierce, the art and pageantry was spectacular and
memories were made that will be treasured forever. Thank you all for attending and
making this anniversary War the best one yet. Special thanks to all the gentlefolk that
contributed to the War effort by volunteering your time, donating largess, marshalling,
making chili, party wrangling, entourage­ing, and camp mom-ing! You are the
backbone of the war effort and the event could not happen without you.
From Their Highnesses: We invite all to join us at Coronation. All will celebrate the
reign of Their Majesties Creppin and Toryn. We look forward to seeing who will seize
the position of King's Champion. Our first journeys will take us to Wiesenfeuer to see
the new Baron and Baroness invested, followed by Defender of the Flame in Glaslyn,
and then on to Beltane in Namron, where We will find the new Royal Huntsman.
From the Kingdom Seneschal: .The Barony of Namron will be hosting King’s
College. The Barony of Eldern Hills will host a Kingdom Fiber Arts Symposium on
July 2, 2016. Thank you to these groups and all others who have put in bids for
Kingdom events! It is greatly appreciated!
Congratulations to the Incipient Shire of Graywood on recognition of their status at
Raven’s Fort War College. Keep up the good work!
We are accepting bids for July Round Table. Additionally, as was previously
announced, applications for Kingdom Seneschal are being accepted until June 30,
2016. If you have any questions, please contact me.
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Kingdom News:
Notes from the Black Star
From the Kingdom Hospitaler: .The hospitaler's office has worked diligently to
create new promotional materials. These materials will be distributed to the various
groups over the coming weeks. If you have any suggestions please feel free to email
me. We are looking for artisans, and scribes to contribute design materials for
As we reach out to newcomers let us also reach out to those who may have stopped
playing for whatever reason. Let's find out what we can do to bring them back to our
game. They possess a wealth of knowledge and experience that is a treasure.
From the Exchequer: Following the bid request posted in the February Black Star,
the Kingdom Financial Committee has accepted a commission from Master
Aethelstan for the creation of insignia collars for eight Great Officers of State. These
collars will have the badge of the relevant office, and Black Stars. They''ll function as
garb­appropriate "name tags" for these officers who are responsible for top­level
administration of several important functions within our Kingdom.
These pieces are due for delivery at Summer Round Table, 7­2016. The full total is
$3,000 for the lot, which comes to $375 each. The finished items will be the
responsibility of their respective Offices to track and maintain.
—From the Star Signet: At Gulf Wars many scribes came together to paint much
needed charters for our Kingdom. I appreciate the work of everyone who visited
Scribe's Point to spend some time painting in service to Ansteorra! At this time I also
still have open commissions for the upcoming reign of Gabriel and Sonja. If you are
interested in taking on a prize scroll commission for this reign, please email me at star­
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Kingdom News:
Notes from the Black Star
From the Zodiacus Herald: .I’d like to talk a moment about the “Group from” field
that you see when you look people up in the OP. The most important thing you can
know about this field is that it’s not very reliable information, and that’s a hard
admission to make. But it’s not automatic (for one thing, this office has no access to
SCA membership information, and if we did, so what? That only helps with members,
and it’s not entirely reliable either.) People get their first awards at all kinds of events,
not just their home group’s, and there’s just no way for this office to know where
you’re from unless you or someone else (preferably someone that we have reason to
believe knows what they’re talking about) tells us.
Which brings me to this thought: if as an officer of a group, in particular perhaps the
seneschal, the herald, or someone else who has an obvious stake in the matter, wants
to be able to go to the OP and do search by group and get a list of OP links for your
folks, you need to make sure that the OP has correct group information for everyone
who is, in fact, in your group.
Oh wait… you can’t search the OP by group. Yet.
The online Order of Precedence is accessible at
index.php. Please send court reports, edits, updates, or corrections to
—The new Society Youth Combat Handbook has been released. For more information
and to read up on the new rules, check the Documents and Forms section of the SCA
Youth Combat page.
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Kingdom News:
Kingdom Job Openings
The office of Kingdom Seneschal is now accepting applications! Applications are
due by June 30th, and should be sent to the Crown, Heirs, Kingdom Seneschal and the
Society Seneschal.
Not quite Kingdom: Gulf Wars Grand Council is now taking applications for
Autocrats for Gulf Wars 27 (2018) and Gulf Wars 28 (2019). Please send a brief
letter of introduction, your Mundane and SCA Resume
Hello everyone! I'm the Sign Herald Deputy in Ansteorra and I'm still looking for
people who would like to sign during courts! If anyone is interested or you know
someone who is please email me - Thank you, Kearra Galt
I just wanted to announce that there are two positions open for application in the
education branch of the college of heralds.
Armillary Herald (CoH Librarian). Armillary is the heraldic officer responsible for
facilitating heraldic consulting tables at events and keeping up with the library of
resources that the College of Heralds maintains for that purpose. Armillary
reports to Tressure Pursuivant, the Education Deputy.
Actuarius Herald- Actuarius is primarily responsible for assisting Tressure with
the education and warranting of heralds and online educational resources.
Actuarius also reports to Tressure Pursuivant, the Education Deputy.
Please send applications to me at and be sure to cc
our Star Principle Herald
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Handy Links
The motherload of all links can be found at:
forms/ This is the home base for everything from Applications for office and Award
Recommendations to Minor waivers and SCA model/photographer release forms.
Officer Application form! With this PDF form, you can apply for everything from local
positions (like chronicler!) to regional and kingdom level positions. Save the form to
your desktop before entering your information.
Award Recommendations are currently being collected in an easy to use google survey
form (linked). However! If you’d prefer to have a form for more of a paper trail, here’s
a PDF:
Perhaps you’ve heard of some awards, but aren’t sure what they represent? Or just
curious about what active awards we have in Ansteorra? Check out the Award
But how do you know what awards someone has already been received? The College
of Heralds have an interactive Roll of Awards for Ansteorra! With this, you can search
by Name, Award, or Event.
Release forms for photos! Whether you’re the photographer or the model, if you’d like
to see your photos in the next copy of the Serpent’s Tales (or other SCA media) you’ll
likely be asked if you have already signed a release. These are what they’re talking about!
Been talking with Lord Diego, and have an idea for name, device, or badge to register?
You can find those forms at the bottom of the Heraldic Submissions page.
Not sure what you’ve got to look forward to this weekend? You’re in luck! You can
check our baronial calendar listed on page 13, the google calendar linked on our website
(which also features events hosted by non-SCA groups in the area) or the Kingdom
Not sure if your membership is current? Need a new Blue Card? Maybe you want to
purchase the latest copy of the Known World Handbook or Tournament’s Illuminated?
Check out the recently revamped SCA Membership and Marketplace!
And if you ever have questions about how things run at the Kingdom or Society level,
here’s links to Ansteorran Kingdom Law and the SCA Governing Documents.
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Baronial Officers
Her Excellency Narkissa “Katya”
Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Minister of Arts & Sciences
Herald ‐ Serpentine Persuivant
Lady Sicilia Bielby
Lord Diego Fortuna
Virtual Scribe/Webminister
Lady Talia diʹGrazia diʹAmadore
Lord Yuki Tarou Harumasa
Minister of Children: Open
To apply, email Their Excellencies the Seneschal.
Lady Elena Wyth
Officers: Remember to get your reports in to HE Katya by the 5th of each month.
Baronial Marshallate
Knight Marshal: Lord Oliver the Faithful
Equestrian: Lady Robin of Cambria
Rapier Marshal: Lord Alister Rousseau
Missile Marshal: Lord Boðvarr Bogsveiger
Lord Wilhelm Von Bellatrix
Don John Drake
Lord Faolan MacCairbre
Trista of Hellsgate
Lady Elena Wyth
Don Brian O’hUilliam
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Guilds & Practices
A&S Nights
Lady Sicillia Bielby will be hosting UFO nights at her home intermittently due to
scheduling conflicts. Please contact her for more information. Lord Marcus is also
hosting UFO nights Fridays 6-8PM, please contact him for more information.
Brewer’s Guild
Brewer’s Guild meets once a month on the Friday following populace. Come by to learn
how to brew and taste delicious ways to ensure that your water is safe to drink! Contact
Centurion Madog of Glastonbury for meeting details.
Charter Painting
Charter painting is currently on hiatus until after Gulf War. It is hosted Monday nights,
7PM at HE Katya’s home. No experience is required and supplies are provided. Contact
her for more details.
Equestrian, Archery & Thrown Weapons Practice
For Archery and Thrown Weapons: Currently meeting at Saltgrass Archery Range at Jack
Brooks State Park. Every skill level is welcome and loaner gear is available. Contact Lord
Boðvar Bogsveiger for information. Equestrian is currently by appointment only, please
contact Lady Robin of Cambria.
Fiber Arts and Armorer’s Guild
Fiber Arts and Armorer’s Guild is held at the home of Master Krag and Lady Henecy on
second and third Sundays. Contact Krag or Henecy for directions.
Fighter Practice (Chivalric and Rapier)
Chivalric and Rapier fighter practice is held every Tuesday at Centennial Park in Pearland
(3219 McLean Rd., Pearland, TX 77581) and begins at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Lord
Oliver for more information about Chivalric & Lord Alister for Rapier.
Populace is held on the 1st Tuesday at every month. Populace Meetings are open to all.
They are held at 7:30 p.m. at the Clear Lake Park Civic Center (5002 NASA Road 1,
Seabrook, TX 77586). Contact HE Katya for more details.
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April 2016
*POPULACE is on the FIRST Tuesday of the month*
Please confirm times with the person in charge of the activity.
Activities may change times or be cancelled for various reasons.
Keep an eye on e-mail lists & Facebook groups for changes & updates.
A&S Marcus
A&S Marcus
Coronation &
Champion Elfsea
A&S Marcus
Cooks and
Bards - Stargate
Archery &
Youth Chiv
Youth Chiv Charter
Red Plains
Baronial Wiesenfeuer
Archery &
A&S Marcus
Defender of
the Flame
Beltane Namron
Youth Chiv
Youth Chiv Charter
April 2016
A&S Marcus
The Serpent’s Tale
Festival of the
Flower &
Guardian of
the Gauntlet Bjornsborg
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