We have only fresh and savory news! Don’t miss! 3 june – Holy Trinity Day 12 june – Russia Day 27 june – Youth Day More news and photos at HYPERLINK «» ith ra in ia Project manager – Yuriy Beloyvan Hotline: 778 3430 w Uk lov e BULBA June 2012 | №06(105) e nc d a uisine – m EURO 2012 in Ukraine Road map for Russian guests COFFEE MINE Underground coffee better than traditional DEMOCRACY LESSONS History of opening a KORCHMA restaurant in New-York VASYL POPADIUK: «it is prestigious to be Ukrainian» Wi-Fi available all through KORCHMA 2| VASYL POPADIUK: WORLD’S «GOLDEN VIOLIN» The birthday of Nikas Safronov: Vladimir Nazarov (left), Nikas Safronov, Alla Pugacheva, Maksim Galkin and Vasyl Popadiuk Text: Roksolana Gnatiuk VASYL POPADIUK VIRTUOSO VIOLIN PLAYER VASYL POPADIUK IS OF UKRAINIAN DECENT, RESIDENT OF CANADA AND CITIZEN OF THE WORLD BY TALENT, WHICH IS ADMIRED ALL OVER THE WORLD. AS SOON AS YOU HEAR THE FIRST SOUNDS OF HIS VIOLIN YOU IMMEDIATELY BECOME A PASSIONATE ADMIRER OF HIS MUSICAL TALENT. THIS PLEASANT IMPRESSION BECOMES MUCH STRONGER AFTER MEETING VASYL IN PERSON – THE BRILLIANT VIOLIN PLAYER FROM THE VERY START PROPOSES TO COMMUNICATE ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS AND CORRECTS THE PERSON HE TALKS TO IN AN EMPHATIC MANNER WHENEVER HE OR SHE FORGETS AND BECOMES TOO OFFICIAL. AS SOON AS VASYL MEETS BULBA NEWS DURING HIS YET ANOTHER TRIP TO MOSCOW HE ORDERS FOR LUNCH IN KORCHMA TARAS BULBA GREEN BORSHCH AND VARENIKI WITH SALTY COTTAGE CHEESE AS BEFITS A TRUE UKRAINIAN. HOWEVER, TALKING LIVELY ABOUT HIS LIFE AND SPICING UP THE TALK WITH AMUSING STORIES HE ONLY MANAGES TO TRY A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING. MOREOVER, HE IS AWAITED IN ANOTHER PLACE BY HIS NUMEROUS MOSCOW FRIENDS. Born to an artistic family in Lviv. Soon after his birth the family moved to Kyiv. His father (also Vasyl Popadiuk) was head of famous musical band “Triyisty muziki”, national artist of State Academic chorus of F. Verevka. His mother, Svetlana Popadiuk was a choreographer. Even before Vasyl was born a rather interesting or even mystical story happened. When his mother being pregnant performed with a dancing band in Slovakia, a woman approached her who was also a Ukrainian by birth. She presented Svetlana with a small iron violin and said: “You will have a boy and he will become a famous violin player.” And this is exactly what happened later. Vasyl studied in a musical school for gifted children of N.V. Lysenko and graduated from Kyiv music conservatory in violin. Later he worked in Kyiv, Moscow... For many years now Vasyl has been living in Canada and was awarded the title of “Golden violin of Canada” but still always and everywhere calls himself a Ukrainian. class (known as Muller in TV series “Seventeen moments of spring”), Pasha Zibrov, Vladimir Shainskiy. It was a rather liberal school. Once the pupils of our class were asked after whom our pioneer organization was named. We all thought tensely for a while and then our head boy gladly lifted up his hand and said: “I know! The pioneer organization of Lysenko!” thirty five musicians with rather specific tempers. We were all different but similar in our passion for music. This was a very interesting period of my life because I worked with musicians of different nationalities and we taught each other different music styles. After Nazarov’s theater I can easily play Armenian, Azerbaijan, Greek, and Arab music. I also worked in Evgeniy Vakhtangov’s Theater. At the same time with me there performed actor Sergey Makovetskiy (he is also my fellow countryman from Kyiv) at that time he substituted famous Alexander Georievitch Filipenko. I still visit Moscow often. Here I am treated well and heartily, I associate with many creative people, I am often invited to perform here, I come to visit my friends. In the early childhood you played the piano, how did it happen that you ended up playing the violin? For four years I took piano lessons. On the third floor of the building we lived in lived a boy, German Safonov, who brilliantly played the violin. At home he was called simply Gera. Today he is a famous violin player in Ukraine. My father even organized a peculiar band consisting of us, kids, and it was called “Troyisti muziki”: German played the violin, his brother played the pipe and I played a sopilka (a folk Ukrainian pipe). When I was six I told my dad that I also wanted to play violin. My parents sent me to study to the Kyiv musical boarding school for gifted children of N.V. Lysenko. Nearby there was a specialized art school and choreographic school. I studied from 9 A.M. till six-seven P.M. In the morning we had general lessons, and later specialized lessons. It is incredible that I managed to endure such tough schedule while a kid. Many famous personalities graduated from our school. Leonid Bronevoy graduated from the violin Moscow is the city where you lived and worked for a long time. What memories do you have of the capital built of white stone? Only the brightest memories thanks to the head of “Musical Theater of Nations” Vladimir Nazarov. He treated his artists on the principle of “His Majesty the Artist.” Previously in Ukraine my director was king, however in Moscow it was visa versa – the director was running errands for the artists. In the theater every musician represented a certain republic of the Soviet Union. Naturally, I represented Ukraine. Once Nazarov recruited to his theater In spite of internationality you always call yourself a Ukrainian. How do you manage to keep your identity in the era of multiculturalism? In Canada the Ukrainians feel at home and are high up on the social ladder. Here being a Ukrainian is |3 sician who plays flamenco brilliantly, and you can play it well only if you listened to this music since you were a child, because this is not just music, it is philosophy. And this brilliant flamenco player cannot play a simple polka. You perform a lot on tours all over the world. Are you concerts often attended by heads of state? Yes. Especially in Spain – once we performed for the Queen of Spain. In Canada and USA many senators attend our performances and thank us for the evening after the concert. On another occasion we performed for Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. It is interesting how strict the safety measures were – everyone had to go through metal detectors, the security was checking absolutely everyone. But I had a violin in my hand and was admitted immediately. It is a pity that the Prime Minister was eventually assassinated. We played for the King of Jordan too – he presented us all with wrist watches. normal and prestigious. The state helps each nation to develop and creates all necessary means for this. For instance, there are 13 or 14 Ukrainian schools in Toronto, and many Ukrainian churches. During holidays or festivals that take place regularly everybody put on their embroidered national shirts and celebrate these dates with their families. Other nationalities feel well in Canada, too. We do not have problems with each other: people respect each other and state respects its citizens. Therefore, Ukrainians make their feasible contribution to the development of Canada. During many years (from 1990 to 1995) the Governor General of Canada was Roman Gnatyshin, a Ukrainian. The prime minister of Alverta from 2006 to 2011 was Edward Stelmakh – a Canadian politician of Ukrainian descent. And there are many examples of this. A similar situation is in the USA. Once, about six years ago, I received a phone call from Brooklyn “Vasili, we would like to invite you to a Ukrainian festival.” When I arrived I got very surprised because it was a Jewish community that invited me. But they insisted that although Jewish they were of Ukrainian descent. What is your favorite cuisine? Most of all I love steaks. I love and know how to cook. Only I cook the Ukrainian borsch in our family! Once I was cooking in a Canadian TV show Fuji hosted by Lesya Buriak, a famous Canadian chef. It was in summer and I was slicing products for salads. I was doing it so emotionally waving the knife about that program director cried out: “Take away his knife!” He was afraid that I could unintentionally hurt myself or someone else. In April I visited a birthday party of my good friend and artist Nikas Safronov. We have a lot of creative things in common. Have you noticed Moscow change? Moscow changed as has the world around us. First, the people changed. Moscow has not become better or worse – it has become different. It is an interesting place to visit and perform but I would not be able to come back here to live: for 17 years I have been living in Canada, this is where my family is, my children grew up there. How did you get abroad? In the aftermath of the breakdown of the USSR the Moscow-based Musical Theater of Nations dissolved. I returned to Kyiv and worked in my father’s collective. Sadly, my father died in 1991. For the first time I was in Canada during the Olympic Games in Calgary, later I revisited in 1993, and when the Canadian diaspora invited me for a solo concert I visited for the third time and never came back. My first work there was ridiculous: I was a piano player in the National ballet of Canada. The Musicians would come to work with packages of music scores and I would come with a package of cigarettes and improvise for five hours. They did not know all of our music and danced adagio to the melody of the song “Lenin lives forever.” The stars of the Canadian ballet danced to the song “Three tank crewmen.” I used to entertain myself because otherwise it was too difficult for me to be with ballet people, I played jazz and made their lessons easier. Your Papa Duke band is international. What each of the musicians brings in to the band? I worked with many musicians from all over the world representing diverse music styles. I had met musicians who later joined Papa Duke during musical parties in Canada. We have a performer from Ecuador David Veist who plays excellent blues. Robby Botosh and his brother Frank are Gypsies from Hungary. Robby is quite unique. He was invited to Canada by Oscar Piterson and later he played with all famous musicians. However, he cannot read the music scores! Usually without knowledge of music scores you can learn to play some simple melodies on a guitar, but playing a concert of Rakhmaninov by ear – it seems a bit steep. Once during a concert we stood behind the scene and his brother Frank who listened joyously to Robby perform said: “I remember how I brought him to a musical school for the first time to a piano lesson…». And added after some silence: “For the first and the last time.” Another Ukrainian in our band is Victor Khomenko. He made a revolution in bass guitar by marking a fingerboard where you can force hide stops and then the guitar plays like a double bass. Also, he made a guitar for David Veist which includes four guitars: has 18 strings, the rows can be hidden as well and strings are both metallic and soft. He makes his guitars himself and many famous musicians play his instruments. But we are all alike – not by our nationality but by spirit. We are all multi-instrumentalists and our style is multinational. Often they call us performers of World Music. It is not easy to be a multi-instrumentalist. For instance, I know a famous Spanish mu- What are your next creative plans? We do 60 – 120 concerts a year. Recently we have moved under the umbrella of another production agency and hope there will be more. Naturally, we do most of our concerts in USA and Canada. By the way, there are many famous bands here that have never been in Europe because USA with its 300 million people offers a huge market. Once there you may be on a tour for ten years without repeating your program once. Add another 30 million people in Canada. We have a common concert program for all countries. But in Ukraine we add some Ukrainian music pieces – the people ask us and it is interesting to us. On June 3 we will take part in international annual jazz and classical music festival “Stairway to heaven” which takes place on Evropeyskaya Square in Kyiv. Before that on May 10 we performed in Ivano-Frankovsk together with Ukrainian band Vopli Vidopliassova. Photo: Vadim Dmitriev; personal archive of VASYL POPADIUK VASYL POPADIUK believes that being Ukrainian is prestigious What is the recipe of success? By chance - I was really lucky to play with a Greek by the name of Pablo – thanks to him I became famous. We have met by accident during a festival and he suggested playing with him at a concert as an invited guest. Later he suggested recording a disk together. And after that I accompanied him in his tours and performed as an invited musician. 4 | EURO 2012 ROAD MAP June 1 International Children’s Day Day of the Northern Fleet of Russia June 2 No to Gluttony Day SPORTS IN KYIV PLACES TO STAY, TO SEE, WHERE TO HAVE A SNACK DURING EURO 2012 June 3 Text: Antonina Tsimbaliuk June 4 F The Holy Trinity Day Pentecost Trinity Monday June 5 World Environment Day June 6 Day of the Russian language Day of Journalism in Ukraine June 8 Day of Social Workers World Ocean Day June 9 International Accreditation Day Day of Brewers in Russia International Friend Day June 10 Day of Light Industry Workers June 12 Day of Russia June 14 International Blood Donor Day Day of Migration Service Workers June 17 Day of Medical Workers Father’s Day June 20 International Refugee Day June 21 Cynologist’s Day International Skateboarding Day June 23 International Olympic Day June 24 Nativity of St. John the Baptist Day of Youth of Ukraine and Belarus June 25 Sailor’s Day Day of Customs Service of Ukraine rom June 8 to July 1 Ukraine will be visited by many football fans – the country co-hosts EURO 2012. The main host cities are Kyiv, Lviv, Donetsk and Kharkiv. On July 1 the metropolitan Olympic Stadium will receive the final of EURO 2012 and grand closing show. Ukraine has been preparing for the main European football event for several years: the host cities built new stadiums, airfields, road junctions and hotels to make football fans feel comfortable. According to experts there will be above one million fans visiting Ukraine during EURO 2012, and many of them will be Russians. Although the National team of Russia conducts the first three games in Poland (on June 8 Russia plays in Wroclaw with Czech Republic, on June with other co-host, Poland, in Warsaw and on June 16 with Greece), there are many arguments in favor of the trip to Ukraine. First, Russians and Europeans do not require a visa to Ukraine (unlike Poland). Second, prices in Ukraine are lower and it is closer to Russia. Lack of language barrier is also important: in Ukraine you will easily communicate without an interpreter. Kyiv will receive most of the guests. Apart from the final game, the metropolitan arena will receive three more games: on June 11 (Ukraine – Sweden), on June 15 (Sweden – England) and June 19 (Sweden – France). Kyiv may offer much more than just football. The capital has plenty of interesting places to offer where you can spend quality time before and even instead of the games making your impressions of visiting Ukraine even better. For Russian fans traveling to attend Kyiv games we prepared a Kyiv road map. With its help you will learn how to get here, where to stay and places to go apart from football in one of the most interesting cities of the world. OFFICIAL UKRAINIAN EURO-2012 WEBSITE– UKRAINIAN FAN WEBSITE OF EURO-2012– BREAKING NEWS OF EURO-2012, LIVE BROADCAST ONLINE – OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL– www. HOW TO GET HERE BY TRAIN OR BY PLANE Two most convenient ways of getting to Kyiv from Moscow is by night train departing from Kievskiy Railway Station in Moscow or an hour by plane. The choice of flights is huge. Every day above 20 trains and at least as many planes head off to the capital of Ukraine from Moscow. The railroad tickets cost about 3000 rubles (sleeping compartments) and 1500–2000 rubles (economy class). Aviation tickets are much more expensive but if you book early the price can be comparable with railroad tickets. For those wishing to save money we recommend to start searching for tickets right away. For instance, using the aggregator website for all existing tickets: BY CAR If you travel to Kyiv by car, the shortest route lies through border entry point “Troebortnoye” (Bryansk oblast). According to drivers, this section offers the best road quality of all roads leading to Kyiv. Before approaching the border we recommend visiting the official website of the Central Customs Administration of Russia (www., section “Information for individuals”) where you can learn the up-to-date information about the situation at specific crossing points: length of the line, traffic speed, etc. Furthermore, the frontier services of Russian and Ukraine intend to launch a special green line for fans, which should simplify entry into Ukraine during EURO-2012. June 26 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking June 27 WHERE TO STAY Day of Youth of Russia International Fishing Day used to less pretentious places to stay we recommend considering the following available options during the European forum: leasing an apartment, hostels and camping grounds for football fans. June 28 Day of Ukrainian Constitution June 29 Day of Partisans and Members of the Underground June 30 Day of Inventor and Efficiency Expert Unless you have a grandmother, grandfather, aunt or just goods friends in Kyiv, you will have to pay for accommodation. Fortunately, during the last several years the number of hotels in Kyiv increased dramatically, although most of them are 4* or 5*. For those who are APARTMENTS The apartment rental market in Kyiv is much better developed and affordable than hotel market. For instance, you can rent a nice one room apartment in downtown Kyiv within walking distance of all places of importance, including the Olympic Stadium, for about $45 per day with air conditioner, wireless Internet, all necessary kitchenware and often even Jacuzzi – this is the standard apartment. You can reduce the price by booking for a week or more. Naturally, during EURO-2012 the rent may go up, but still it will be cheaper than a five-star hotel. EURO 2012 ROAD MAP | 5 Booking can be done on the following websites:,,, HOSTELS Hostels offer another option of economy class European accommodation. There have been built many more such economy class hostels in Kyiv, including downtown. If you are ready to share a room with another traveller, feel free to contact any of Kyiv hostels. Hostel prices are 7 EURO per night and above. Visit the following websites for more information on hostels:,,, и др. CAMPING GROUNDS There are several camping grounds equipped specifically for EURO-2012. Some of them are located near Kyiv and are designed for those who travel by car. The cost of accommodation is $25 per night and above. Some of the most famous camping grounds are those located on Trukhanovskiy Island, in Podgortsy and Litvinovka. Check out the complete list of camping grounds on or,,, In any case remember that there will be more tourists than usual during EURO-2012 games in Ukraine. Which means the sooner you start searching for accommodation, the more chances you will have to find the one that suits you. The trips last 50 minutes and more and cost 50 UAH and more (about 200 RUR). You can check trip schedule at We also recommend walking along the following route: Khreschatyi Park – Mariinka – Park of Eternal Glory – Slovichnoye Pole. As you walk you will enjoy breathtaking views of Kyiv and a panoramic view of the Dnepr River. Another landmark of Kyiv is Podol, one of the oldest districts of the capital. You can get there right from Andrew’s Descent. For centuries Podol housed artisan quarters, its architecture and winding narrow streets hold particular charm. It is on Podol that you can find the famous Zhitniy market selling famous Ukrainian gastronomic souvenirs: fresh salo (cured slabs of fatback rarely pork belly) and sausages. Even if you do not intend to buy, there is no escaping free tasting. And once you try, you won’t leave the market empty-handed. Besides, prices here are much lower than on famous Bessarabskiy market. “Mamajeva sloboda” ( is another noteworthy ethnographic scanscene site. Only 7 kilometers from Khreschatyk you can find a true Cossack settlement with a church, mill, ponds, pottery, tavern, bee garden, town square, stables and even a small wheat field. The scanscene is so popular for its folk flavor that recently it has also become a place of marriage celebrations. You can attend Elton John’s concert in the main live site which will be located on Maidan Nezalezhnosti from May 28 to June 7 during EURO-2012. PLACES TO GO Well-known Kyiv tourist attractions include Khreschatyk, Vladimirskaya Gorka, Mariyinsky Park , Andrew’s Descent, Golden Gates of Kyiv, Pechersk Lavra, St Sophia’s Cathedral, St Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery, Pirogovo museum and Old Podol. These landmarks have long become tourist classics. However, we will take the liberty to recommend a couple more mandatory places and routes that will make your summer stay in Kyiv unforgettable. Kyiv is beautiful any time of the year, but in summer the vicinity of the Dnepr River and presence of metropolitan sand beaches turns Kyiv into a resort. The best places for sunbathing in Kyiv are islands on the Dnepr River between left and right banks of the river. On Trukhanovskiy Island there is famous beach “Central,” on Dolobetskiy Island there is “Venetzia” beach, which is particularly popular among youth. You can also go on a motor boat trip along the Dnepr River. Motor boats cruise from the River Boat Station near Metro station Pochtovaya Ploschad. This place is one of the most favored places among residents of Kyiv and city guests. The list of travel routes includes a panoramic view of Kyiv, estuary of Desna River, Kyiv basin, Obolon Riviera and even aqua-disco. WE RECOMMEND VISITING “Kraina Mriy” ( is the most popular ethnic outdoor festival in the heart of Kyiv which will take place on June 22–23 exactly during EURO-2012. Diverse stages offering all sorts of Ukrainian music will be spread over Spivoche Pole (behind the complex of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra), and guests of the festival will be able to learn folk crafts in the Alley of craftsmen or learn traditional folk dances. The ethno stage offers collections of Ukrainian ethnical and ancient clothes. Highly recommended! Best Ukrainian Cuisine of Kyiv KYIV TOURIST PORTAL – LEISURE IN KYIV – METROPOLITAN NIGHT-LIFE – ALL ENTERTAINMENTS OF KYIV – EVENT CATALOGUE – PLACES TO EAT It would not be wise to go for a snack in a fast-food restaurant or Japanese sushi bar in the birthplace of vareniki, gorilka and borsch. Although you can find both in abundance in Kyiv. However, traditional Ukrainian cuisine is a hands-down winner. You will not spend a lot of time looking for a restaurant with the national cuisine, just enter any and you will love it. On our part we recommend Korchma Taras Bulba which has opened recently on Pushkinskaya Street, 2–4/7 (Metro station “Khreschatyk,” “Teatralnaya” or “Golden Gates”). Korchma Taras Bulba is more than a restaurant, it is a museum-restaurant with true Ukrainian flavor. Here you will get the freshest dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. For its rare combination of traditional flavor, high quality of service and acceptable prices Korchma has long been recognized the best restaurant in Moscow, and is very popular among foreign guests. Korchma is the place where Moscovites go to feast, and recently we have opened in Kyiv. 6 | SMACHNOSTI THE ALTAR OF NATIONS COMPOSED IN KYIV T he Altar of Nations is a gigantic composition consisting of 250 000 painted Easter eggs (pysankas) and constructed in Kyiv on Sofiyskaya Square, which later was taken on a tour of Ukraine. The Kyiv premiere provided an impetus to a nation-wide roadshow of the Altar of Nations. The work of Oksana Mas’ recreates the Ghent Altarpiece – a Renaissance masterpiece of van Eyck brothers. Human sins, desires, fears and complexes are depicted on wooden elements in the form of eggs of which the Altar is made. Different people from 42 countries - convicts and monks, pensioners and children painted the wooden elements. According to the artist, everyone trying to understand this piece of art will undergo transformation of soul and worldview. Residents and guests of Ukrainian capital enjoyed this grandiose sight from May 11 to 13, after which the fragments of the altar were installed on central squares of largest Ukrainian cities: first in Odessa and Yalta, and later in Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Lviv and Zaporizhya. The installation consists of 15 fragments and while in Kyiv was 22 meter high and 38 meters wide. The completed work constitutes a large piece of art consisting of 302 panels with overall dimensions of 92 х 134 meters. 25 (58) SHOE SIZE IS WORN BY THE TALLEST CITIZEN OF THE USA OF UKRAINIAN DESCENT I 14 film studios There are and almost 100 production and postproduction studios in Ukraine, 13 distribution companies, about 10 cinema institutions, 15 film festivals and film conferences. B y EURO-2012 Ukraine launched high speed trains: 10 Hyundai were purchased in South Korea, and double-decker Škodas were purchased in the Czech Republic. The first six Hyundais will connect four EURO2012 host cities: Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv and Donetsk, and two Czech trains will cruise along the ring Kharkiv – Dnepropetrovsk – Donetsk – Kharkiv connecting the three metropolises in eastern Ukraine. Škoda trains consist of six cars each with 126 seats (636 overall). There are first class (second deck) and second class seats. The hulls made of special aluminum have anti-noise and anti-vibration coating. The cars are equipped with automatic doors and video surveillance systems, driver’s cabins have high-end equipment. Today, the main cities of Ukraine are connected with comfortable and speedy trains that travel day and night. HYUNDAI TRAVEL TIMES: Kharkiv - Kyiv (488 km) – 4 h 25 min Lviv – Kyiv (572 km) – 4 h 55 min Donetsk – Kyiv (747 km) – 6 h 30 min s worn by the tallest USA national of Ukrainian descent. 29-year old Igor Vovkovinskiy of Ukrainian descent is 2 m 30 cm tall. When he was seven he moved with his mother to Minnessota hoping to cure pituitary gigantism. At that time he was 1,8 meters tall. The illness of Vovkinskiy made him a prisoner in his own home. “The doctors allow me to walk, but I cannot do it because the shoes hurt so much. Tight shoes deform my feet and toes. Doctors say that it would be much cheaper to tailor shoes to fit me rather than to have me undergo constant surgeries,” says Igor. Recently he flew from one state to another in order for experts of a man’s shoe company to make a shoetree to tailor shoes of 25 (58) size. In the headquarters of the shoe company the unusual client’s feet were measured, scanned in a three-dimensional format and footprints were taken using a special biological foam. FAST TRAINS WILL CONNECT UKRAINIAN CITIES After measurements were taken, the experts made an accurate footprint and manufactured the shoetree. According to the experts the cost of manufacturing one pair of 25 (58) shoes will be 12-20 thousand USD. Igor Vovkovinskiy asked the community to help him gather the money necessary for this via social networks and mass media. He said that his request was answered by many people. Now he has enough money to buy several pairs of shoes. Igor Vovkovinskiy was acknowledged the tallest citizen of USA in 2010. SKODA TRAVEL TIMES: Kharkiv – Dnepropetrovsk (299 km) – 3 h Dnepropetrovsk – Donetsk (69 km) – 3 h Donetsk – Lugansk (162 km) – 2 h 30 min Donetsk – Kharkiv (364 km) – 3 h 40 min Donetsk – Mariupol (132 km) – 1 h 50 min The new train schedule took effect on May 27 and will be valid until September 1 2012. During this time the railroad companies will analyze passenger traffic flows along the routes and will study in detail the functionality of new trains to adjust the schedules if necessary. It is presumed that right after the experimental schedule their travel times will be reduced by additional 15–30 minutes. The ticket costs will vary if you acquire round-trip tickets, by calendar days and days of the week. For instance, a trip from Kyiv to Kharkiv in second class of Hyundai train will cost 222 UAH (about 900 RUR), and 379 UAH (about 1500 RUR) in the first class. Ticket costs in electric trains Škoda along routes Kharkiv – Donetsk in second class will be above 57 UAH (about 250 RUR) and above 125 UAH in second class (about 500 RUR). On the average each woman in Ukraine gives birth to 1,2 children 52,5 kilos of meat Per capita meat consumption in 2012 will be SMACHNOSTI | 7 TOP-10 UKRAINIAN RECIPES FOR EURO-2012 T he Ukrainians have selected their 10 most favorite recipes of Ukrainian cuisine – they will be part of the menu offered to visitors of EURO-2012 in restaurants of host cities. The National menu will include: Ukrainian borsch, Zaporizhya cabbage soup, salo with garlic, holodets, traditional potatoe deruni, home-made sausage, nalistniki with cheese, roasted young pig with buckweat, vareniki with cabbage and mushrooms, and apple-pie. According to the official website of the competition dedicated to selecting the best Ukrainian dish “Taste Ukraine!” all ten winners will be on the menus of project partner restaurants as National menu. Taste Ukraine competition was launched on February 15. During one month members of the competition were sending recipes of dishes that they believe represented Ukrainian national cuisine. The jury of the competition consisting of restaurant keepers, ethnographers, historians and chefs selected ten most delicious recipes and included them into the National menu. CHERNOVTSY UNIVERSITY WAS DRESSED INTO A SIX-METER TALL EMBROIDERED NATIONAL SHIRT A municipal holiday was celebrated in Chernivtsy – The Day of the Vyshivanka (embroidered national Ukrainian shirt) which during five years of its existence developed from a simple initiative of students into a festival. In the morning a vyshivanka was presented to a newly born resident of Chernivtsy who was born the first on that day. During the official opening of the holiday in Chernivtsy National University students dressed in vyshivankas formed a live symbol of UNESCO commemorated to the fact that this year UNESCO acknowledged the residence of Bukovina Metropolitans (currently the central building of the Chernivtsy National University) a historic global heritage. Hundreds of students, lecturers, representatives of regional and municipal authorities, deputies, representatives of religious confessions and residents of the city gathered to celebrate near the central building of the university dressed in embroidered shirts. The balcony of the building was adorned with a huge 6 m long vyshivanka. In conclusion, the students of the Chernivtsy National University conducted a performance in town hall gallery (municipal council) who presented 40 ancient Bukovina costumes from a personal collection of Nikolay Shkriblyak, honored arts worker of Ukraine. According to Nikolay Shkriblyak, he has been collecting antique Bukovina clothes for many years and continues to collect them. The collection includes vyshivankas from the end of 19-th century and until the post-war years. THIS UNIQUE NATURAL PRODUCT SERVES PEOPLE FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND BRINGS HEALTH AND YOUTH BACK TO THEM ROUND-THE-CLOCK HOTLINE: 778-3430 FOOD DELIVERY: 363-0971 238 satellites of 19 countries were brought to orbit by Ukrainian rockets. The number of mobile communication subscribers in Ukraine is 54(the020 894 number of SIM-cards). % 61 Ukrainians consider their work creative. In Russia, for instance, this number is 47%. 8 | УКРАїНЦі світу «У мене немає жодної світлини, на якій я була б без посмішки» текст: Ассоль Овсянникова-Мелентьєва Як торувався Ваш шлях до успіху? Я – корінна киянка. Музичну школу закінчувала по класу фортепіано й уявляла себе виключно піаністкою, але керівник хору – Галина Горбатенко, заслужена артистка України, побачила в мені потенціал хормейстера. Я була її першою ученицею по диригуванню. Закінчуючи школу, переді мною постав вибір, що робити далі. І тоді мій педагог по фортепіано Нонна Іванівна сказала: «Уяви – як тобі більш комфортно – бути одній на сцені за фортепіано чи стояти перед шістдесятьма дорослими людьми». І виявилося, що бути однією за роялем мені менш комфортно. Потім були хормейстерські відділення Київського державного музичного училища ім. Р. М. Глієра та Київської державної консерваторії ім. П. І. Чайковського Розпочинала трудову діяльність в Києві як керівник хорових ансамблів та хормейстер. У 1985 році переїхала до Москви й стала працювати в Апараті правління Всеросійського музич- Серед найвагоміших посад , які обіймає Вікторія Скопенко - співголова Регіональної громадської організації «Українці Москви», член президіуму Ради у справах національностей при Уряді Москви, член Ради Асамблеї народів Росії, член Правління Російського фонду миру, генеральний директор Центру міжнародних культурних програм «Москва – місто миру», начальник відділу інформації та діаспори Національного культурного центру України в Москві. ного товариства. Саме в ті роки й розпочала створювати Українську хорову капелу, якій паралельно з іншою громадською та адміністративною роботою, віддаю все своє життя. Коли Ви починали, чи був попит на українську музичну культуру? Тоді був дуже цікавий час. Всі хотіли відчути себе українцями, а тому виникало багато молодіжних ініціатив. Збиралася молодь на базі Палацу молоді на Комсомольському проспекті. При МІСІСі були курси української мови та український клуб. От на їх базі й виник наш колектив. Мене відразу запитали, які пісні будемо співати, мовляв, їм треба патріотичних пісень, з якими можна було б виборювати свою незалежність. Я ж запропонувала розпочати з українських народних обрядів, які відроджують українську народну пісню. Мені дуже запам’яталися перші репетиції. Тоді був виключно молодіжний склад. Мабуть, чоловік десять хлопців-українців з Західної України, Москва музична Музичний український рух в Москві бере свій початок у 20-х роках минулого століття, коли при Центральному українському клубі ім. Т. Г. Шевченка виник хоровий гурток, а в травні 1929 року була заснована хорова студія, на базі якої пізніше створили хорову капелу. У 30-х з об’єктивних причин разом з іншими національними громадськими організаціями капела розпалася, і довгі роки в Москві не було українського хору. І тільки на початку 90-х років поява українського вокального колективу отримала підтримку створеного в ті ж роки Об’єднання українців Москви (нині – Регіональна громадська організація «Українці Москви»), яке об’єднало відомих представників української інтелігенції – вчених, космонавтів, діячів культури та мистецтв. Українську хорову капелу очолила випускниця Київської державної консерваторії ім. П.Чайковського Вікторія Скопенко (на фото – в центрі), а вже два роки потому колектив отримав звання «народний». Сьогодні в складі Капели – понад сто чоловік, серед яких не тільки етнічні українці, але й росіяни, вірмени, євреї, білоруси. В Капелі є солісти, вокальні ансамблі, а в музичних програмах беруть участь інструменталісти-баяністи, скрипалі та бандуристи. Капела веде активну концертну діяльність та виступає на провідних сценах російської столиці (Кремлівському палаці, Центральному концертному залі «Росія», Колонному залі, Концертному залі ім. П. Чайковського, Великому й Рахманіновському залах Московської консерваторії) та за кордоном – Польщі, Франції, Швеції, Італії, Фінляндії, Канаді, США, Австрії, Іспанії, Німеччині й, звісно, рідної Україні. а у мене вся освіта була російською мовою! Мені складно було навіть вимовити кілька професійних термінів українською. До занять готувалася дуже ретельно. По-перше, привезла величезний російсько-український словник, яким користуюся й досі, й перед кожною репетицією своєму малому сину Сергію та перед дзеркалом з півгодини читала українські тексти і потім уже з цим «українським зарядом» йшла на репетиції. Ось такими були мої життєві університети. Ви щаслива людина? Думаю, що так. У мене є рецепт, як бути щасливою: у хмарні хвилини сісти й переглянути фотоальбоми. І що там бачу? Немає жодної світлини, на якій я була б без посмішки. А це щось, а таки значить. А які хвилини були найщасливішими? На це питання дуже складно відповісти. Дуалізм мого життя дозволяє негатив компенсувати позитивом: коли не лагодиться в адміністративній галузі, заспокоюю себе тим, що у мене є Капела. Коли в чомусь розчаровує Капела, серце розраджує сім’я. І так по безкінечному колу. І в цьому моє щастя. До речі, у кожної людини є власна формула життя, хоча далеко не всі, мабуть, про це замислюються. Моя така: я знаходжуся в центрі всесвіту і навколо мене – любов. І все ж таки, не повірю, що не було хоча б кількох епізодів, які згадуються… Це, безумовно, всі виступи в концертному залі ім. П. Чайковського та Свєтланівському залі Московського міжнародного будинку музики. Кожен виступ, коли диригуєш величезним хором, і все звучить – це найвище моє щастя як хормейстера. А як для жінки, найщасливішими моментами було народження синів – Сергія та Пилипа, а тепер уже й онуки Аліси. Чого чекаєте від творчого майбутнього? Оновлення та поповнення Капели. Хочеться більше гастролювати. До речі, днями отримали запрошення виступити на Красній площі на хоровому святі «Москва співає». Капела – це наша велика родина. Вона й лікує, й нерви треплить, але все ж таки позитивного енергообміну більше. Ми – аматорський колектив, а тому всі приходять не за гроші й не примусово, а значить, все, що робимо, нам на радість. І слухачам, безумовно. Буває, приходиш на репетицію й руки не піднімаються, але вже через 20 хвилин хочеться творити дива. І твориш! Після всього викладеного у мене залишилося єдине питання без відповіді: як ця жінка встигає все це творити? Спостерігаючи за нею кожного дня, можу сказати, що Господь Бог її всім нагородив – талантами, чоловіком, який її розуміє, добрими та розумними дітьми й онуками, дарує їй зустрічі з людьми, що поділяють її погляди й дивляться з нею в один бік, а головне – наділив її даром радіти життю й знаходити позитив у будь-якій ситуації. І так хотілося б у неї цього навчитися! Многая літа Вам, Вікторіє Іванівно, та усім очолюваним Вами колективам! фото: із архіву В.Скопенко Для Української народної хорової капели Москви 2012-й рік ювілейний. Рівно 20 років тому її перший склад вийшов на сцену Московського інституту сплавів і сталі й показав театралізоване різдвяне дійство «Добрий вечір тобі, пане господарю». А 29 травня 2012 року в Національному культурному центрі України в Москві відбувся ювілейний концерт Капели, який наочно показав, чого досяг творчий колектив. Головною метою Капели є популяризація української пісеннохорової культури і всім цим складним процесом керує чарівна жінка – заслужений працівник культури України, заслужений працівник культури Росії Вікторія Скопенко. УКРАїНЦі світу | 9 «Мої роботи були у колекції Рея Бредбері…» В ін створив цілі фантастичні світи і вважався найкращим книжковим оформлювачем у Радянському Союзі. Ілюстрував Рея Бредбері, Станіслава Лема, Герберта Уелса, Кліфорда Саймака і Жюля Верна. Цей художник добрий приклад того, як треба йти до своєї мрії: з дитинства його примушували вчитися в музичній школі, а він втікав з уроків і вперто малював. Ні батькам, ні вчителям погасити Божу іскру не вдалося. Світ втратив ще одного скрипаля чи піаніста, але отримав прекрасного графіка. Тепер саме життя Володимира Пінігіна здається фантастикою. Аби побачити це досить лише зайти у його крихітну квартиру. На стінах скелети тварин і мумії, химерні інсталяції, центром яких часто є дитячі іграшки, замість традиційних шпалер — малюнки з дивними істотами. Художник Володимир Пінігін виглядає значно старішим за свій вік. І це може мати щонайменше дві причини. По-перше, великі брови, пожовтіла від диму борода чи погано зачесане кошлате волосся. По-друге, вибрики долі, яка кидала цим чоловіком. Сама його поява на світ Божий ознаменувалася нещастям. Володю мама народила у найстрахітливіші часи для Ленінграду — початок його блокади німецькими військами. — Я народився 21 вересня 1941 року, а блокада міста розпочалася за кілька днів перед цим. Звичайно, що з тих часів не пам’ятаю нічого. Коли ж вдалося вирватися з Ленінграду, — розповідає Пінігін, — моя сім’я втекла до Магнітогорська. Але і там ми затрималися не довго. Далі наша дорога пролягла в Україну, до Дніпропетровська, де мешкала моя тітка. Я вже тоді був більш-менш дорослим, то пам’ятаю, що добиралися до неї поїздом більш, ніж два місяці. Батько Пінігіна був лейтенантом зв’язку тому і у Дніпропетровську сім’я довго не затримується. У 1946 році вони переїжджають до Львова. Зараз чоловік згадує як доводилося спати на підлозі і цілими днями ходити голодному. У повоєнному місті навіть не було світла, тож вечорами палили керосинові лампи. Постійно чулася стрілянина. З окопів і бліндажів війна перейшла у протистояння між бійцями Української Повстанської Армії та НКВС. Хто мав можливість на вулицю без пістолета не виходив. Далі знову дорога. Німеччина, де на «доджах» і «віллісах» хлопець вчився в автошколі просто над лігвом Гітлера, знову Ленінград, і знову Львів... Пінігіни на одному місці затримуються мало, але незважаючи на це у кожному новому місті мама вперто водить малого у музичну школу. — Мати хотіла зробити з мене Додіка Ойстріха, — сміється Пінігін, — вчила грати на скрипці, але нічого не вийшло. Запам’ятайте одне — добрі художники, якщо в сім’ї художники. Добрі музиканти, якщо в сім’ї музиканти. То є дисципліна, знання і найголовніше — результат! Бо якщо батьки інтелігенти, то і ви мусите бути інтелігентом. Хоча… буває і навпаки, але то вже генетична мутація. Мамочка мене мучила, але я сказав — усе, відстань, не буду я музикантом, малювати хочу. У 1958 році Пінігін, зрештою, знову переїжджає до Львова і цього разу на усе життя. Там він поступає у Поліграфічний університет. Приносить свої роботи і його зараховують першим. Саме на парах студент малює свої перші вдалі роботи, що згодом ляжуть в ілюстрацію книг. — Здебільшого, — розповідає він, — я малював на парах з філософії. Як я мав слухати про Леніна і Маркса, коли любив Ніцше і Канта? Тож викладачі там щось говорили, а я сидів і малював. Так вийшло кілька книжок — «Планета мавп» П’єра Буля, оповідання Бредбері. Одразу після цього молодого художника помічають у книжковій індустрії. Перше серйозне замовлення до нього надходить із Кишинева. Одне із тамтешніх видавництв запустило серію «Аеліта», яка мала складатися з 22 томів. 7 з них доручили оформлювати Пінігіну. Так він створює ілюстрації до Жюля Верна, Джерома К. Джерома, Бєляєва. І там же ж стикається з недобросовісністю видавців. Однак, халтура халтурою, а фантастика — вічна. Пінігін продовжує ілюструвати своїх улюблених авторів. Аби передати текст на візійному рівні проникається кожною книгою, за яку береться. Робота складна, бо як кількома малюнками передати усього Бредбері? Тож оформлюючи, скажімо, хрестоматію фантастичної літератури — «Вино з кульбаб», він замовляє з Америки купу старих журналів і газет. Аби зрозуміти чим жили люди, які вони мали захоплення тощо, повертається на кілька десятиліть назад. Взагалі 70-80 роки — це золота доба Пінігіна. Його роботи їдуть на виставки за кордон — до Китаю, Америки, країн Європи. Про нього пише іноземна преса. Показовим є 1970 рік, коли угорський журнал «Faklya» на першу сторінку у кольорі виносить секс-символ СРСР Світлану Світличну, а останню віддає графіку. Його фотограф знімає у творчій майстерні. З часом про Пінігіна почали забувати. Невідомо чи змінилися уподобання читачів і фантастика їм стала не потрібною, чи сам майстер вирішив нарешті утекти від світу. Зараз він живе у маленькій львівській квартирі, про нього фактично нікому нічого не відомо. Малює для душі і трішки для заробітків, створюючи європейським багатіям екслібриси. Його рисунками забита фактично уся домівка. Взагалі квартира нагадує декорації до трилерів. Від підлоги і до стелі вона заповнена кістяками тварин, їхніми засушеними тілами. Чого варта одна вішалка для одягу, де замість гачків козячі ноги. Тож потрапляючи туди сам ніби опиняєшся у якомусь фантастичному світі. — Знаєте, що найцікавіше? Можна матюкатися? Був всесоюзний конкурс і ті падлюки відправили туди мої роботи. Вони там отримали почесну премію, як за найкращу фантастику СРСР. Мені про це нічого не сказали, диплом вставили в рамочку, а гроші пропили. Я про це дізнався тільки через вісім років. У 1974 році Пінігіна беруть у Спілку художників CРСР. Замовлення ростуть ніби на дріжджах. Художник малює портрети науковців, літераторів, політиків. Вони розходяться величезними тиражами на усі 15 республік. Створює ілюстрації до дитячих книг. Тоді ж приходять і перші великі гроші. — На книжках я заробляв копійки, — зізнається художник. Які ілюстратори найдорожчі в Америці? Ті, що оформлюють комікси. Зате як я заробляв на халтурах! Був у Спілці художників СРСР, отримував замовлення, і малював, скажімо, дитячі малюнки, які потім висіли по усіх садочках Союзу. За місяць мав більш ніж 500 рублів. — Скелети і мумії, то моя пристрасть, — зізнається художник. — Трохи колись купував в зоологічних магазинах, трохи робив сам. Їх у квартирі дуже багато, але мені так комфортно. Жаби, летючі миші, ящірки, риби — це життя. А ще Пінігін сам пише фантастичні оповідання. Переконує, що усі вони мають під собою реальне підґрунтя. Як факт наводить з’яву велетенського чудовища у Криму, якого на початку ХХ бачили багато людей. Багато курить і грає на синтезаторі джаз. Мовляв, музикантом не став, але музику любить. Купляє на блошиних ринках старі платівки. — Так, мене носило світом, — каже наостанок він, — осів у Львові, але з цього не шкодую зовсім, бо це прекрасне місто і ніяка не провінція. Сиджу собі, малюю, дивлюся у вікно, а там гаражі і яблуні. П’ю вино. Беріть от, подарую вам кілька своїх робіт, але поставте їх обов’язково під скло, бо прийду з молотком і зубилом. Беріть по три, бо Бог любить трійцю, я це точно знаю — мій дід був священиком… фото: Юрій Гелитович текст: Степан Грицюк 10 | a la карта The Ukrainian East: Or a bicycle trip from Zaporizhya to Vladivostok The monument in Birobidzhan is devoted to frontiersmen, most of whom were Ukrainians Part 3, concluding part (beginning in No. 04, 2012.) text: Vladimir Suprunenko THE CRIMEAN LATITUDE AND KOLYMA LONGITUDE A fter three months I finally smelled the ocean. Ukraine was ten thousand miles away from me across unthinkable Eurasian expanses of Russia, even China is to the west now. I am in the Far East. It welcomed me with warmth and fruit and vegetable abundance which reminded me of our small southern marketplaces. Melons and watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, ropes of onions and garlic, sweet pepper and blue eggplants, peas and grapes, bacon and cooked corn, I felt as if I was somewhere in Podolia or Kherson region again. As the local joke goes, “we have Crimean latitude,” and often it is added “But Kolyma longitude.” Comparing the climates, landscapes, tempers and cuisine, as well as household habits, I felt like changing the words of the Russian poet from whose monument I started out in Zaporizhya: “There is Ukrainian spirit here, I can smell Ukraine in the air.” It is here, at the outskirts of the Russian empire on one of small seaside markets I heard from a boisterous tradeswoman: “Long live free Ukraine from Brest to Sakhalin.” This joke had a share of truth which is almost one hundred and fifty years old. On a railroad square in Birobidzhan I noticed a bronze horse which wearily pulled a cart with riders. This is a monument to frontiersmen who reclaimed this harsh land. Most of them were Ukrainians. At the turn of the 20-th century the family of my grandfather left its flood plains of the Dnieper region and moved to the steppes of Orenburg “for enrichment” as my grandmother remembered. The idea turned out a failure and the family soon returned, but the memory of a failed attempt to move to the east remained in the family. However, many other Ukrainian families settled in the wide Russian expanses. Near an Ussuriysk Regional Museum of Local Lore there is a modest monument with an inscription that says: “To the first settlers of the town of Ussuriysk.” In the museum I was told how the resettlement of Ukrainians took place. The demarcation of Far East between Russian and China was almost over after signing of the Beijing Treaty in 1860. Due to this Russia needed to expand into new territories. It was at that time that Ukrainians started colonizing the southern Ussuriysk region (as the Primorskiy Region was called at that time). Thousands of landless Ukrainian countrymen moved east hoping to start their own farmsteads and fully realize their “will” (the descendants of Cossacks never lost their carving for it). The colonists received free 100 arpents per family, they were forever exempt of head tax and of recruitment homage for 10 years. “The Patriotic People’s Volunteer Fleet” was created in 1880 with the money of voluntary contributions. The steamboats of voluntary fleet where most passengers were Ukrainian families plied between Odessa and Vladivostok. At «CHERRY ORCHARD NEAR THE…OCEAN» “The Ukrainians remained such even in a foreign land, they did not hurry to adopt the local customs,” says director of the museum Svetlana Gyrkalo (this is her husband’s last name, and after her father her last name is Vorushilo and she is descendant from Zaporozhye Cossacks). At first their homes were built following the Ukrainian tradition. In spite of abundance of construction timber the Ukrainian colonists built clay-wall houses using poles or wicker frame covered with clay as basis. In the event of a log house (often in the form of a wooden stockade), it was made of thin curved logs of any kind of trees. The forest was chopped down in summer, when it was sappy, due to which the wood substance decayed and crumbled away fast. Due to moist climate the clay plaster failed, too. Later they learned how to pick the right sorts of trees and fell timber and make proper log-houses. But they continued to plaster their buildings with clay and bleach them. You should have noticed that almost all buildings in villages are white and tidy…” “The Ukrainians remained such even in a foreign land, they did not hurry to adopt the local customs,” The most popular tourist attraction of Ukraine is castle Founder of Davidoff brand Zinoviy Davidov was born in в 1906 in Novgorod-Severskiy (Chernigov region). In 1911 his family moved to Switzerland where it changed name to Davidoff. the turn of the 20th century, when Trans-Siberian Railroad was commissioned, and Ukrainian colonists of the Far East started visiting their homeland regularly to get brides. Lads would often bring not only young wives for themselves but also “custom” wives for their friends. The first official international football match with participation of a Ukrainian football team took place in 1914 in Odessa. At that time the Odessa British Athletic Club (OBAC) played Turkish Fenerbahce. palace: Lastochkino Gnezdo (Swallow’s Nest) in the Crimea. It received a prestigious award “Ukrainian TravelAward – Discover Ukraine.” a la карта| 11 says director of the museum Svetlana Gyrkalo (this is her husband’s last name, and after her father her last name is Vorushilo and she is descendant from Zaporozhye Cossacks). At first their homes were built following the Ukrainian tradition. In spite of abundance of construction timber the Ukrainian colonists built clay-wall houses using poles or wicker frame covered with clay as basis. In the event of a log house (often in the form of a wooden stockade), it was made of thin curved logs of any kind of trees. The forest was chopped down in summer, when it was sappy, due to which the wood substance decayed and crumbled away fast. Due to moist climate the clay plaster failed, too. Later they learned how to pick the right sorts of trees and fell timber and make proper log-houses. But they continued to plaster their buildings with clay and bleach them. You should have noticed that almost all buildings in villages are white and tidy…” old man in a straw hat; splendid sunflowers hiding a neatly bleached house or many luxurious hollyhocks under the windows. There are many Ukrainian names, too. Rivers Otadarka, Kuleshovka, villages Ukrainka, Khorol, Priluki, Poltavka, Tavricheskoye. I encountered villages with similar names all over Siberia. In regional capital Chernigovka I went to the local Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary where I was given cookies, bread and spice cakes after people learned of the goal of my trip. After that I visited a small museum of regional history. After I was shown the exhibits I was taken into the hall with the culture of Ukrainian colonists. Methodologist Valentina Skvortsova told me that last names Glushko, Korzh, Lutiy, Koval, Saenko (which you can still come across in the village) and other peasants from village Mutino of Chernigov province arrived to the southern Ussuriysk region in 1886. For colonization they chose this THE USSURIYSK FLAVOR OF FAR EAST VILLAGES WAS SO STIKING THAT FOR A WHILE THIS LAND WAS CALLED GREEN UKRAINE OR NEW UKRAINE Monument to border guard Karatsupa in Pogranichnoye homelike plane not far from Khanka lake, took up husbandry and livestock breeding. During the first congregation the people called the new village Chernigovka. Besides, Valentine confessed that although she was Russian but preferred singing Ukrainian songs, which ring here during holidays in almost every household. …The first steam bath I visited behind the Urals was where I was invited by Oleg Chaurko, the director of a village school in Omsk region, a Siberian Ukrainian. My trip ended in village Pogranichniy near Vladivostok. To the last and hottest steam bath here I was invited by my countryman Nikolay Yakushevskiy. We graduated from the same school in Zaporizhya (with a ten years’ difference, though). After graduating from a border guard military school Nikolay did military service on the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and later became a counterintelligence officer, fought in Chechnya. Now he is a successful local entrepreneur. The most famous soviet spy Nikita Karatsupa served in Pogranichnoye (located several kilometers from Chinese border) in his day. It turned out that he, too, was a Ukrainian born in Dnepropetrovsk region. Ivan Lapshun, a local poet, believes that correctly his name should be pronounced in Ukrainian not Karatsupa but Karatsiupa and this is how he names him in his essays on regional natural history. A certain Shevchenko distinguished himself in these parts as well. No, he was not the poet Taras Shevchenko, but partisan Andrey Shevchenko. He was a daring fighter. He was called a far east Chapayev for a reason. Today his bust is installed in one of Pogranichnoye’s squares. There is a Ukrainian consulate office in Vladivostok. I thought that it would be nice after such a trip to send symbolic regards from homeland to all far east Ukrainians. However I tried to call the consulate office for several days in vain. Maybe I was dialing the wrong numbers? However, when I arrived at Vladivostok I managed to get to the consulate office in Svetlanskaya street under pouring rain, the officer on duty informed me through a peephole in the door that it was a non-visiting day, the telephone numbers were correct but nobody could get through. And this is how bureaucrats represent our country abroad. Well now. Under cold rain (to which I am no stranger) I went to the railway station from where I had to repeat my Eurasian route backwards. Residents of the Far East traveled to Ukraine to bring back brides Bozhenka street in Goloseevskiy district of Kyiv will be renamed to bear the name of Kazimir Malevich, the author of the famous “Black Square” painting. While Ukrainian Pola Dobryanski worked as deputy to previous US State Secretary Condoleeza Rice, Melanie Verveer of Ukrainian descent became part of the democratic administration and deputy to State Secretary Hillary Clinton. Nikolay Yakushevskiy from Zaporizhya successfully changed profession from a military man to a businessman Elton John’s concert will be held in Kyiv fan zone during EURO-2012. The concert of the world star will be held by organizers of the fan zone together with “ANTI-AIDS” fund of Elena Pinchuk. Photo: Vladimir Suprunenko People wear the same Ukrainian clothes. You can hear boisterous and joyful Ukrainian dialect everywhere, and on a hot day you may feel that you are somewhere in Mirgorod, Reshetilovka or Sorochintsy of Gogol epoch.” The Ukrainian flavor of far east villages is so striking that that for a while this land was called Green Ukraine or New Ukraine. At the turn of the 20th century the southern part of the Far East, some lands of the Amur River basin, Trans-Baikal, Khabarovsk Territory and Sakhalin received the historic Ukrainian name of Green Klin (green wedge), which is still used in some documents of Russian associations of Ukrainians. A Klin or Wedge is a historic name the Ukrainians gave to colonized land. There also are Yellow Klin (Middle and Lower Volga Region), Crimson Klin (Kuban), Grey Klin (south of Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan). The modern town of Ussuriysk today has a completely “European” face in which the Ukrainian traces have faded away. However, on its outskirts you still can find many nooks and corners reminiscent of our Poltava, Kharkiv and Zaporizhya villages in which white houses snooze away among lush orchards. You can find Ukraine almost in every Primorye village – be it a melon field guarded by an 12 | a la карта «COFFEE PRODUCED UNDERGROUND TASTES BETTER THAN TRADITIONAL COFFEE» Text: Stepan Grytsiuk ROCK DRILL IN YOUR HAND, A PROTECTIVE HELMET WITH A FLASHLIGHT ON YOUR HEAD, THE WALLS HAVE WARNING NOTICES: “BEWARE OF GAS!” IT ALL LOOKS LIKE A COMMON MINE, BUT INSTEAD OF COAL YOU GET COFFEE BEANS. THIS IS HOW THEY PRODUCE THE MAIN INGREDIENT OF THE MOST POPULAR DRINK IN THE WORLD IN LVIV AT THE DEPTH OF EIGHT METERS. THE OWNERS OF THE MINE SAY: COFFEE BEANS GROW ON TREES ONLY IN INDIA OR BRAZIL. TO GET THEM IN LVIV YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD UNDER THE GROUND.” THE DEPOSITS ARE RICH; THEREFORE, THE WORK IS CONDUCTED IN SEVERAL SHIFTS. FOR HARMFUL WORKING CONDITIONS THE WORKERS GET FREE MILK EVERY DAY, AS IN THE OLD SOVIET TIMES WAS THE CASE WITH MEMBERS WITH STAKHANOV MOVEMENT.” D o you want to see how coffee is made? No problem. The only condition – you have to wear overalls and metallic protective helmets. The coffee rock is unstable, as is coal, and can collapse at any time. We have miners from Donetsk coming to visit us and they say that the mine looks very much like a coal mine in Donbas. To be honest, we operate similar equipment under special certificates and before taking you down into the mine the coffee foreman makes a short briefing. The descent by a steep ladder into the mine is breathtaking! The turmoil of a big city is left far behind and we get into a different world: the darkness around is poorly lit by dim lamps under the ceiling, miners (let’s call them that) shuttle along special tracks with carts in their hands, the ears pop due to noise created by heavy machinery. “The coffee production process is identical to all other mines,” continues foreman Rostislav Cavchak, “there it is produced in a bottom-hole, after that the rock is processed in a special system and is filled into the cart via special pipes. After that the guys transport the beans to the belt elevator from where they move upwards and totally different other people prepackage them, roast and ready them. This is how we make coffee. These are not famous coffee brands, not Arabica or Robusta coffee, but it is nevertheless very good coffee. We even export it.” The heady flavor of this coffee produced underground signifies that it is really good. In spite of such “culinary environment” the production of coffee is qualified as unhealthy for workers. Therefore the working day is broken down into shifts and workers traditionally get free milk. The 21-year old Maxim Svistun has been working in the mine for several weeks and assures us that despite all the inconveniences he likes the job: “No matter which way you look at it, working with coffee is better than working with coal. Now, I get my coffee through a special pipe, and later I throw it with a shovel to the belt conveyor. It smells very nice. Imagine what the smell would be if the beans were roasted.” While under the ground the photographer does not miss his chance to make some good pictures of miners who ask to send the photos to them by email. As a token of gratitude they offer us several signature recipes of in-house production. We began with the most exotic, the so-called fire coffee. This brings back the memories of conquistadores, Indians and fire-water. Boris Vitovets says, “into this drink we add finely ground coffee beans and gas that we produce here in the mine. But first we liquefy it. The gas has strange properties – it not only burns, but besots, too. We submitted the gas to a lab for expert analysis and there the experts identified that it is 10 degrees stiffer than vodka! Not to scare away the clients we say that this is simply coffee with liquor. We recommend drinking such exotics only in the afternoon when all work is done. Or in the morning, but only on weekends. Be it as it may, coffee with gas is heady and you can get bright in the eye... Although after it burns away the degrees drop, naturally...” When Boris Vitovets starts making coffee, he appears as an alchemist from a fantasy movie. He works his magic for several minutes above the cup of coffee and the drink is first set on fire and then begins to sparkle vehemently. In the shadows this process looks very spectacular. But this is just the beginning of miracles. Seeing the genuine interest of journalists the workers share another recipe. The attention grabber is that this drink is made by relative of Yuriy Kulchitskiy who started producing coffee under the ground in Lviv several centuries ago. Miners from Donetsk who come here say that Lviv coffee mine looks very much like their Donbas coal mines “Now, watch carefully,” says Semen Kotlyar, “I am about to make light coffee and you can even drink it before going to bed. This is for those whose nerves are out of order. First, I add caramelized syrup, then add some milk. I sprinkle the foam with various minerals that we also dig up here. Now we take a lamp and start scorching these here stones. Now we can see that a firm crust formed above the coffee. This is done in order to be able to drink it under the ground. When the dust drops from above it settles on minerals, we remove the dusty upper layer and drink pure coffee.” Having made the coffee the boy gets back to work. Foreman Rostislav Savchak continues the story about the guy’s famous relative, who follows us around from the moment we got under the ground. “They have been producing coffee beans here since XVII century,” says the foreman. “Namely Kulchitskiy started this business. First, he opened a mine in Lviv and then taught the entire Europe to drink coffee (indeed, Kulchitskiy in due time opened the first coffee house in Vienna, which was called “Hof zur Blauen Flasche” (“Courtyard under a blue bottle”). a la карта| 13 There is still a street in Austria named after him. – editor). After that coffee here was produced by his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. This is how the business dynasty appeared. You can see for yourself – centuries have passed but the coffee is still being dug out. And this is not surprising – its entire history coffee has been a strategic commodity not only for Lviv, but for entire Ukraine. It was produced even during WWII and transported in shells and casings. At the time of Taras Shevchenko coffee beans were transported in special caches in books. It was similar to modern-day cocaine mafia. Therefore, when in XVII Lviv was captured by Turks, they not only dream of capturing the city, they coveted to lay their hand on coffee mines. They were paid some of the coffee as contribution and the conquerors left in peace. Yuri Kulchitskiy visited Turkey, too, and there he learned how to make this drink masterfully. After that he went to Vienna. It happened that at that time Turkish sultans went to a holy war against Europe. The campaign was called “For true Islamic faith against infidel Christians.” In 1683 the Turkish army besieged imperial Vienna. The city should have fallen to the enemy, everybody foreboded so. But a lone courier (Yuri Kulchitskiy) who knew the Turkish language managed to get through the siege and send word to the army of Yan III Sobeskiy. This is how Christians won and for this the municipal authorities entitled Yuri Kulchitskiy to open a coffee shop in the city. The business empire created in Lviv expanded fast.” With these words we finally move upwards. There is a huge coffee house above the mines. It is here that some of coffee beans get after being dug up. We order another coffee pot and view the photographs made under the ground while savoring it. “The assertion that Lviv and coffee are relatives appeared during the Soviet Union,” says restaurant-keeper Yuri Nazarchuk who joined us at our table, “and this is exactly so. When people come to visit us they do not know what they would be doing but they are convinced that they would be drinking coffee. It turns out that this drink is a part of atmosphere of Lviv. And this is true. We sit here and enjoy its flavor, and right beneath our feet several meters below the ground the workers are producing the beans. Where else can you see a thing like this? Nowhere!” Photo: Yuri Gelitovich UKRAINIAN KULCHITSKIY TAUGHT THE ENTIRE EUROPE TO DRINK COFFEE. IN DUE TIME HE OPENED THE FIRST COFFEE HOUSE IN VIENNA, WHICH WAS CALLED “HOF ZUR BLAUEN FLASCHE” (“COURTYARD UNDER A BLUE BOTTLE”). THERE IS STILL A STREET IN AUSTRIA NAMED AFTER HIM. F our and a half tough years of war are long gone and more than for 67 years we have lived under peaceful skies above our country! The Great Patriotic War left a trail in the hearts of all Soviet people. As many others I volunteered to the front and went all the way from Stalingrad to Berlin. All sorts of things happened during wartime. There was fighting and few minutes of rest, difficult trials and loss of friends and loved ones... The hardest fight for me was the heroic battle of Stalingrad. We spared no effort and if the enemy managed to break through – it was in those places where not a single soldier was left. But we never had a doubt of winning over the Nazi Germany! And how glad we all were when the Victory Day finally came! It was the most joyful day of my life! Now our family traditionally meets every year on May 9 at a round table. We remember all those people who won in that horrible war, sing war songs, and look through war photographs. This year my family made me a surprise and decided to celebrate this day in KorchmaTarasBulba on Bakuninskaya Street. What a wonderful festivity it was! The entire personnel of Korchma encompassed me with their care and attention. We, the veterans, do not need much, just for people to remember us and our Victory. The respect and care I felt in Korchma warmed my heart! I was touched that Marina Gerasimenko, the director of Korchma on Bochkova Street came to pay her homage to me. We are remembered, respected and given thanks to! Looking at my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and young employees of Korchma who show sincere interest in the events of those war years and display infinite respect to the veterans I feel glad that our youth did not go in vain, that the great Victory was well deserved and proud that we became the VICTORS! I wish to express my thanks to all those who organized this wonderful festive and sincere celebration for me! With the best wishes, Sevostianova Maria Petrovna, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, participant of the Stalingrad battle. 14 | Taras said, Taras did DO IT WITH US, DO IT AS WE DO IT, DO IT BETTER THAN WE DO IT ON MAY 11, KORCHMA ON MYASNITSKAYA STREET, 47 BECAME TWICE THE VIP-RESTAURANT: DISTINGUISHED GUESTS WERE SERVED BY DISTINGUISHED PERSONNEL. FOR ONE DAY DIRECTORS OF KORCHMA TARAS BULBA NETWORK OF UKRAINIAN CUISINE RESTAURANTS BECAME WAITERS AND BARMEN, HOSTESSES AND DISTRIBUTERS OF FLYERS. HAVING SHOWN TO THEIR EMPLOYEES HOW YOU NEED TO WORK USING THEIR OWN EXAMPLE THE MANAGERS HAVE PROVEN THAT THEY ARE EXPERTS AT IT AND DESERVEDLY SUPERVISE THEIR COLLECTIVES. Jacks-of-all-trades Left to right: AnastasiyaIvanova (Bakuninskaya, 23/41), Tatyana Prokhorova, AsyaBelousova (Pyatnitskaya, 14) photo: VadimDmytriev Bottoms up! Tatyana Prokhorova– director on Petrobvka, 30/7 Ласкаво просимо до нас в «Корчму» Marina Gerasimenko – director on Bochkova, 3 NikolayVolodin – director on Leninskiy Avenue, 37 MISS «PERFECT TASTE» THE BEST WAITERS WORK IN KORCHMA T he prettiest female employees of Moscow restaurants competed during the 1st Moscow Waitress Beauty Contest with finals held on April 25 in MDM-Hall. Miss “Perfect Taste” is not a common beauty contest. There were publicity tests for girls during which jury members asked them tricky questions while the girls paraded in front of the audience. But it was not only their looks the beauties demonstrated, but their professional qualities as well. For instance, they had to tell about their restaurant in such a way as to make all in the audience to want to visit it right away. To be honest, the guests will hardly refuse to spend an evening in KorchmaTarasBulba after Anastasia Tsedrik told them a poem about it. Besides, the girls prepared dance routines and appeared in different images: from femme fatale or oriental dancers to romantic damsels. Some were good at professional choreography or sense of rhythm; others “turned the audience on” with their energy and unconditional will to win. According to the organizers of the event, Nastya performed very well. Although she did not make it to the top three, she won the “Miss Professionalism” award based on the results of the Staff-Party. While competing for this nomination Nastya had to demonstrate her ability to quickly and politely take an order from a client, advise certain dishes, ask for his drinking preferences and, naturally, find a way out of a difficult situation with a picky client. For this Nastya received an award from general sponsor of Global Foods – a 10 000 ruble certificate. Besides, she will be presenting Korchma Taras Bulba at the All-Russian waitress beauty contest that will take place in Sochi this summer. You can view more photos from the competition at www. Since the site started accepting applications for participation in new beauty contest “Perfect taste” we can hope that many other girls working in the network of Ukrainian Korchma Taras Bulba restaurants prepare to follow in the footsteps of NastyaTsedrik Taras said, Taras did | 15 DEMOCRACY LESSONS HOW I OPENED A KORCHMA IN NEW YORK Text: Yuriy Beloyvan THE FACT THAT I, A GUY FROM A FAR AWAY KYIV OPENED A RESTAURANT THAT I INVENTED MYSELF IN MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, IS NO SMALL NEWS. JUST THINK ABOUT IT – HOW MANY KYIVANS OPENED NETWORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK? AND HOW MANY MUSCOVITES? BUT WHAT IS ONE RESTAURANT COMPARED WITH GLOBAL PROBLEMS? NOTHING OR ALMOST NOTHING. BUT I STILL HOPE THAT IT IS IMPORTANT FOR SOMEONE OTHER THAN MYSELF. I WROTE THIS STORY FOR THOSE PEOPLE Soho is the most fashionable and popular district of New York ME O C EL R U ! O TEAM E O L T TAB W HOSPI New Yorkers voted FOR a restaurant with strange cuisine from faraway Moscow. The rest is up to us! Photo: Yuri Gelitovitch S omeday I will probably write about searching for building for my restaurant or how I decided to open a Korchma restaurant in New York. But today I will try to tell you something else. I believe that it would be much more interesting to learn how people who live in Manhattan solve their problems. In Moscow I have big experience of relations with (or fight against) residents of buildings or districts in which I opened my restaurants. In Moscow everyone is against someone making money right in front of them, be it a bank, office or something else. Itseems that Moscow is so cramped and uncomfortable that anybody who buys a car invokes a single thought from neighbors: “Even less room in our yard.” Therefore, when I learned that local community is against a restaurant in this place my spirits sank. I thought: “Maybe it is not worth it.” But my American lawyer smiled and said that if they would not agree we would go to court and would possibly win the case within a year. “If we are lucky,” he added smiling. “But at first you, sir, have to visit their community board – a monthly meeting. Deliver a presentation, speak in front of the community and maybe we will get our permit.” A presentation? But I do not speak English! “Maybe someone else will speak for me?” I asked. “Only the owner should speak – this is how we do it,” answered the lawyer. I understood that I got into a tough spot but there was no way back. After a month we prepared a presentation with photographs, took our menus and our newspapers. I flew to New York. The meeting took place in a big hall under an old catholic cathedral of St. Anthony from Padova on Salivan Street, 154 in Soho. The hall reminded me of a school gym or assembly hall. There were about 150–200 people. About thirty people sat in presidium and the rest were audience. Who were those people? It would be easier to just say that there were resident of Manhattan. They were of all colors, nationalities, professions and confessions. They did not knit their eyebrows with self –importance, did not pretend that they were the only ones who decided the fate of Korchma on Broadway. But it did depend on them. There were many issues on their agenda – from car alarms at night to cleaning garbage and construction of a new park. Our issue was somewhere in the middle. They called me. I stepped onto the stage with a lawyer/ interpreter, introduced myself; we handed out menus and photographs with the presentation. The New Yorkers looked at me with interest. This was their first Ukrainian restaurant in the district. They asked questions and checked out the photos and the menus. They were really interested. It was their city, their district. I also understood that they had not one goal – how to prohibit (as I thought at first), but two. The first – how to allow people to do business and two – how to serve the interests of district residents. It turned out that Italians who worked here before violated several laws and sold liquor to teenagers. Their business visa was canceled and restaurant closed. The assembly liked our photos and menus. They could not believe the menu would be so big. I agreed to some restrictions. After several days we received out permission to open the restaurant. After this strange assembly approved us, no other instance denied us. And those were simple people living in the district whodid not get paid for community effort. I felt as if I passed an exam at school and also it was a very strange sensation: for the first time I really saw the actual rule of people. And most importantly, I understood that residents of this strange city voted FOR a restaurant with strange cuisine from faraway Moscow. Now I know that the rest is up to us. We are always on the lookout for young, energetic boys and girls who like to work and are willing to become professionals. With us, every result-oriented employee has opportunities for professional development. The unique feature of our HRstrategy is not only to choose experienced personnel but also capable young workers, creating an effective team of professionals. Our vacancies: ADMINISTRATOR COOK HOSTESS CASHIER WAITER DELIVERY OPERATOR BARTENDER PORTER We offer: convenient shifts + free meals + benefits package+ superannuation benefits + developed corporate culture + competitive salaries. Perfect candidate: citizenship of Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, age 18 - 50. Willingness to work, grow and develop professionally HR department: Metro station “Aeroport” Chernyakovskogo Street, 3 Tel.: 8(499) 151-4451 Attention! Open vacancies in Korchma Taras Bulba restaurants in Kyiv and New York EVERYBODY READS US! Advertising: +7(926) 5-91-92-13 You can send your materials for publication in our newspaper and leave your comments to our articles at: gazeta@deiz. NEW RECIPES IN KORCHMA OKROSHKA KYIV-STYLE SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE, THERE WILL BE MANY SUNNY DAYS WHEN YOU WILL WANT SOMETHING LIGHT AND COOL FOR LUNCH. THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR THIS IS OKROSHKA: FIRST, IT IS PERFECT REFRESHER ON A HOT DAY AND SECOND, YOU DO NOT BOIL IT, SO THAT ALL VITAMINS IN VEGETABLES ARE PRESERVED INTACT. THIS IS THE RECIPE OF OUR FAVORITE SUMMER SOUP Boiled and peeled potatoes and eggs, as well as pork ham (sold in edible coating) are sliced in small cubes. Small reddish (with fruit stem removed) is sliced thin. Green onion and fennel are finely sliced. All components are put together, poured over with cool home-made kvass and mixed. Okroshka is served in a chilled plate. Sour cream (20%) is served separately in sour cream holders together with white horse reddish and mustard. LOOK FOR THIS DELICACY IN OUR MENUS! SMILE! Teacher of Russian language wept bitterly reading her pupils’ compositions “How I spent the summer.” Now she knew what to do, but she was too old for that. Every summer for one month all start to get to know each other, visit each other, have family, house and district parties, remember about their relatives: mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers... But it lasts only one month. Then they turn the hot water back on. A Ukrainian comes to a confession in a church: – Forgive me, father for I have sinned. I repent, for during Lent I ate pork. Once I was in a market and saw that pork was only 15 hryvnas per kilo, and I could not resist it and bought some pork... – Son, do you say that pork was at 15 per kilo?! – Yes, father... – Son, it was not a sin, it was a miracle! Do you know how to check if Ukrainian money is real or forged? Put a bill on the table facing upward. Then throw a piece of bacon into a plastic bag and start waving it above the bill. If the face on the bill locks bacon with its eyes – the bill is real! – Why the plastic bag? – So that it doesn’t lick! I used to love summer, but then I understood that summer can be any time of the year if you have money... Now I love money. A wonderful summer day is when sun is shining, soft breeze is blowing and neighbor’s lawnmower broke down. Ukrainian salad: slice bacon with large and small cubes, mix thoroughly, adorn with thin slices of bacon on top. 1 7 9 0 3 6 3 (495) Ukraine cuisine – prepared with love Restaurants’ location: Aviamotornaya metro station, 6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741 Avtozavodskaya metro station, 6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532 Akademicheskaya metro station, 16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877 Alekseyavskaya metro station, 3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754 Airport metro station, 64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011 Baumanskaya metro station, 23/41 Bakuninskaya St., (495) 956 5580 Borovitskaya metro station, 8 Mokhovaya St., 24-hour, (495) 644 8020 Krasnye Vorota metro station, 47 Myasnitskaya St., (495) 607 1762 Leninskiy Prospekt metro station, 37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466 Novokuznetskaya metro station, 14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153 Novye Cheryomushki metro station, Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211 Smolenskaya metro station, 12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902 Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station, 13 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., 24-hour, (495) 694 0056 Chekhovskaya metro station, 30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082 Юго-Западная metro station, 6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051 Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year, 27 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660 «Teatralnaya», «Zolotye Vorota», «Kreschatik» metro station 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St., Kiev Laskavo prosimo! Certificate of registration PI № FS 77 — 19940.Publisher OOO «De Ay». Circulation is 50,000 copies. Printed by OAO PK «PushkinskayaPloschad».