Seismic isolation system and room temperature payload for KAGRA NAOJ, ICRRA, ERIB, Univ. SannioC, INFN RomeD, NIKHEFE Fabián Erasmo Peña Arellano, Takanori SekiguchiA, Yoshinori Fujii, Ryutaro Takahashi, Mark Barton, Naoatsu Hirata, Ayaka Shoda, Hideharu Ishizaki, Naoko Ohishi, Kazuhiro YamamotoA, Takashi UchiyamaA, Tomotada Akutsu, Yoichi Aso, Osamu MiyakawaA, Masahiro KamiizumiA, Akiteru TakamoriB, Riccardo DeSalvoC,Ettore MajoranaD,Eric HennesE,Jo van den BrandE,Alessandro BertoliniE,Kazuhiro AgatsumaE, J. van HeijningenE Outline • Description of the Type B prototype. • Vibration isolation chain. • Payload. • The prototype in TAMA300 • Damping the resonances of the suspension. • Alignment range of the payload. • Performance. • Work at Kamioka. • Conclusion Elites Meeting 2015 2 Requirements • Vibration isolation requirement: 1 × 10−17 m Hz. • RMS velocity of the mirror: less than 0.5 𝜇m s (depends on the bandwidth of the control system.) • RMS angular displacement: less than 1 𝜇rad. • Increase of observation time: short recovery time after an unexpected excitation of the system (e.g. an earthquake). Elites Meeting 2015 3 Type B prototype Top GAS filter Pre-isolator Inverted pendulum Standard GAS filter Bottom GAS filter Intermediate mass assembly Payload Optic assembly Elites Meeting 2015 4 Pre-isolator GAS blade springs Geophones and Seismometers on top (not pictured) LVDT and coil-magnet Actuator. • IP: three flexures. • Geophones: output proportional to velocity above 0.3 Hz. • LVDT: used below 0.3 Hz. • Signal blending of both signals. • Actuator IP: coil-magnet actuator. • Resonant frequency IP: less than 0.1 Hz. • Resonant frequency TF: 0.37 Hz. Inverted pendulum flexure Elites Meeting 2015 5 Magnetic damper Standard Filter Blade springs • Sensor: calibrated LVDT. • Actuator: coil-magnet actuator. • Resonant frequency: 0.38 Hz. • Damper: For yaw and pendulum LVDT and coilMagnet actuator modes of the chain. Elites Meeting 2015 6 Bottom Filter Fine tilt adjustment Blade springs • Sensor: calibrated LVDT. • Actuator: coil-magnet actuator. • Resonant frequency: 0.44 Hz. • This filter can be tilted by moving massive bodies on top: for fine LVDT and coilmagnet actuator alignment of the payload only. Elites Meeting 2015 7 The payload prototype (1) • Test mass • Recoil mass • Intermediate mass (marionette) • Intermediate recoil mass • 10 OSEMs Test mass: 200 μm steel wire. Recoil mass: 600 μm tungsten wire. Elites Meeting 2015 8 The payload prototype (2) • Test mass • Recoil mass • Intermediate mass (marionette) • Intermediate recoil mass • 10 OSEMs Test mass: 200 μm steel wire. Recoil mass: 600 μm tungsten wire. Elites Meeting 2015 9 The payload prototype (3) • Test mass • Recoil mass • Intermediate mass (marionette) • Intermediate recoil mass • 10 OSEMs Test mass: 200 μm steel wire. Recoil mass: 600 μm tungsten wire. Elites Meeting 2015 10 Intermediate mass (1) Elites Meeting 2015 It was calculated that this system provides roll and pitch adjustment of approximately ±2.5 degrees. 11 OSEM (1) • OSEM: Optical sensor and electromagnetic actuator. • shadow sensor. • Coil-magnet actuator. Elites Meeting 2015 12 OSEM (2) • OSEM: Optical sensor and electromagnetic actuator. • shadow sensor. • Coil-magnet actuator. Elites Meeting 2015 13 OSEM calibration Measurement range (linear regime along Y): 1 mm. Alignment tolerance (along X): ± 400 μm for a ±5% error. Sensitivity: 𝟎. 𝟓𝟓 𝐧𝐦 𝐇𝐳 at 1 Hz. Elites Meeting 2015 14 Alignment range Elites Meeting 2015 15 Three stage usage of the system in KAGRA • Calm-down phase: the resonances are damped with decay times of 60 s and shorter. • Lock acquisition: 0.5 𝜇m s is needed. • Observation: keeping the lock. Elites Meeting 2015 16 Calm-down phase Coil-magnet actuators at IP, TF, SF and BF. Damping control Seismometer at IP Control system Displacement sensors. (LVDT at IP, TF, SF and BF.) Actuators (OSEM at RM and IRM) Displacement sensor (OSEMs at RM and IRM) Optical lever at the optic Elites Meeting 2015 Damping control 17 Damping the suspension resonances (1) We used the traditional method: 1. The modes were excited separately using the OSEMs. 2. An exponentially damped sinusoidal function was fitted to the ringdown. 3. The quality factor was calculated as 𝑄 = 𝜋𝑓0 𝜏. Elites Meeting 2015 18 Damping the suspension resonances (2) • When the control system was on the decay times were less than 60 seconds for all the modes considered. • The coil driver amplification after the DAC after the control system was too large: we could not acquire data when the amplitudes were small. Elites Meeting 2015 19 Lock acquisition Coil-magnet Actuators at IP Damping control Actuators (OSEM at the IRM) DC and damping control Seismometer at IP Control system Displacement sensors at IP. Displacement sensor (damping control except in pitch and yaw) Optical lever at the optic (pitch and yaw) Elites Meeting 2015 DC and damping control 20 Lock acquisition: on top of the IP 1 𝜇m s • RMS values are in 𝜇m s. • Along the optic axis the velocity 0.5 𝜇m s was reduced: 1 𝜇m s ⇒ 0.5 𝜇m s Elites Meeting 2015 21 𝐻𝑧) Pitch and yaw RMS is above the requirement: pitch: ~2 𝜇rad (𝜇rad (𝜇rad 𝐻𝑧) (um/rtHz) Lock acquisition: control of the optic yaw: almost 3 𝜇rad The micro-seismic motion may have been particularly bad when the measurement was taken. Elites Meeting 2015 22 Observation mode DC and damping control Coil-magnet actuators at IP Damping control Actuators at the IRM Actuators at the RM Seismometer at IP Control system Displacement sensors at IP. OSEM sensors not used Optical lever at the optic (pitch and yaw) Main interferometer Along the optic axis Elites Meeting 2015 DC and damping control 23 Observation mode Ground vibrations: the sensor is supported by the EQ stop • The lock was Damping control off maintained for 5 days. • After an earthquake the lock was recovered in 5 minutes. Elites Meeting 2015 24 For iKAGRA Support • The Type Bp does not have a damper to damp the pendulum mode at 0.45 Hz • The translational velocity is larger than the requirement for Type Bp: 1 𝜇m s. • A temporary solution is to remove the SF in order to come close to the requirement: 1.3 𝜇m s (at the price of a smaller vertical vibration isolation and a larger bandwidth). Cite Shoda-san. Elites Meeting 2015 25 Assembly test using the spare mirror RM RM PR3 Elites Meeting 2015 26 Assembly test using the spare mirror Elites Meeting 2015 27 Conclusions • The payload prototype was assembled and tested at NAOJ. • Values of quality factors were measured: most of the decay times are lower then 60 seconds.* • Alignment range of the payload was given. • Velocity at the top of the IP was reduced to 𝟎. 𝟓 𝝁𝒎 𝒔. • RMS pitch and yaw of the optic are ~𝟐 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟑 𝝁𝐫𝐚𝐝 respectively.* • The lock was achieved and maintained for 5 days. The recovery time after an earthquake was 5 minutes. • The procedure for hanging the optics for iKAGRA was tested in Kamioka with the spare mirror. Elites Meeting 2015 28
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