Sirius Satellite Radio Unveils New Incentive


Sirius Satellite Radio Unveils New Incentive
Sirius Satellite Radio Unveils New
Incentive Program for Dealers
PM 40014105
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When the Going Gets tough…
6, 29
industry News
MaNUFactUrer spotLiGht
For the ‘iN croWD’
the Future of Fleet
the ZeNN is coming!
esc – 3 Letters For FLeet saFetY
FUeL seNse
Why You should always choose electronic
stability control
Fuel efficient cars
Make sense
aMpLiFY YoUr DriVe
sirius satellite radio
Unveils incentive
program for Dealers
More thaN eXpecteD!
North american
international auto show
a Great NeW LooK
the Mazda6 is More
exciting than ever
MaJor pLaYer iN the
aUto iNDUstrY
audi, a success story
DeaLer spotLiGht
iNDUstrY eVeNts
VehicLe DeBUt
Federal Fleet Workshop
ready for the autobahn
the Man With 2 hats
JeFF sittLer
Fleet’s MVp
Y O U R F I R S T- H A N D S O U R C E
a NeW pLaYer
Nissan, the New Brand of commercial Vehicles | February 2009 |
Don’t wait; make changes
We can sit around waiting for the economy to change
or we can make changes in order to prosper in difficult times. instead of waiting for clients to pick up
the phone and call you, get on the phone and make
the calls yourself. Be proactive. contact your current
and past customers to see if you can stir up business
and call on new prospects to see if they want what
you’re offering.
Work harder and smarter
the laws of physics dictate that for every action
there’s an equal and opposite reaction. the laws of
business are the same. put in 20 hours of work and
you’ll get 20 hours of benefit. increase that to 40,
50, 60 or more hours a week, and the return on your
investment will be that much greater.
Spend time with the right people
Whatever amount of time you’re able to invest in your
business, invest it with the right people in order to
see a return. Don’t waste your time with gloom-anddoomers who will get you down, and don’t waste your
time with prospects who can’t or won’t buy. Make sure
you’re spending your precious time with people who
When the Going Gets Tough…
Don’t let the economy get you
down or force you into survival
mode. Instead, be determined to
succeed and to thrive.
imes are tough and they might get even
tougher. To say otherwise would be to
ignore reality. Likewise, to ignore the fact
that you can do something about it would be
to ignore possibility.
are just as eager as you to succeed in this slowdown,
as well as with buyers who are in a position to place
an order now.
if your old ways of doing business aren’t working then
improve, adapt and learn new techniques by reading
more, attending industry events, and investing in
yourself. a slower economy means all of us will have
new buying habits, higher expectations and differing
demands. Learn to adapt to these changes and you’ll
prosper. stubbornly hold on to your old ways and you
likely won’t.
Rémy L. Rousseau
Contributing Editors
Shirley Brown, Éric Descarries, Jack
Kazmierski, Glen Nicholson, Paul Panabaker
Wendy Allain
Danielle Boivin
Valérie St-Cyr
Graphic Design
Monique Desbiens
Shirley Brown
Nancy Belleville
Jean Boutzis
Luc Champagne
Nathalie Plouffe
Garth Vogan
One year: $27.95 Two years: $49.95 Three years: $59.95
Published by
Publications Rousseau
2938 Terrasse Abenaquis, Suite 110
Longueuil (Quebec)
J4M 2B3
T: 450-448-2220
F: 450-448-1041
Log onto
One of the first things you learn at an advanced
This bit of advice may be a somewhat self-
driver training course is that when a car starts
serving, but our portal – www.autosphere.
to skid you want to focus your attention not on
ca – is a great place to begin the journey that
the car you’re about to hit, but on the direction
will see you through this economic slowdown.
you want the car to go to avoid an accident.
Our automotive portal connects leaders in
The principal is simple: look at the solution and
the auto industry like no other, bringing great
not the problem.
advice, timely information and valuable in-
Canadian Business Fleet is dedicated to serving the business interests of the Canadian fleet industry. It is published
6 times a year by Publications Rousseau & Associés Inc.
Material in Canadian Business Fleet may not be reproduced
in any form without written consent from the publisher. The
publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising and
disclaims all responsibilities for claims or statements made
by its advertisers or independent columnists. All facts, opinions and statements appearing within this publication are
those of the writers and editors themselves, and are in no
way to be construed as statements, positions or endorsement by Publications Rousseau & Associés Inc.
sight to your desktop with one simple click of
The same applies to the current economic
the mouse.
situation. We can spend out time focusing on
Printed in Canada
ISSN no. 1918-6223
Publications Mail Agreement no. 40014105. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Publications Rousseau/
Circulation Department, 2938 Terrasse Abenaquis, Suite
110, Longueuil (Quebec) J4M 2B3
the problem or we look for solutions. You can
also tell yourself that you “just want to survive,” or you can set your sites on thriving and
Rémy L. Rousseau
less travelled consider these options:
succeeding when others fail. To take the road
| February 2009 |
Few things are as attractive as the perfect combination of style and substance. Then again, few
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choose from the sporty Lancer and Galant, or the rugged Outlander and Endeavor, and you can’t
go wrong. Of course, with options this good, we won’t be surprised if you choose all four.
Interested? Call Shawn Bryan at 905-214-9010, or email
Browse our full line-up at
* Whichever comes first. Regular maintenance not included. New Vehicle Limited Warranty covers most vehicle parts under normal use and maintenance. ** Best Backed claim
based on competitors’ information for 08/09 vehicles (Lancer Evolution and Ralliart excluded from Best Backed claim). See dealer or for Warranty and
Roadside Assistance terms and conditions and other details. Important program restrictions apply and not all customers will qualify.
New Emergency Vehicles
Coming From Ford
According to Automotive News, Ford Motor Co. is still very interested in building vehicles that will serve such emergency needs as police cars, ambulances,
and even fire engines. For now, Ford will
continue providing traditional rear-wheel
driven sedans like its Crown Victoria for
such uses—until at least 2011. For Ford,
the police car business represents the
sale of 65,000 Crown Victorias a year.
But that car and its siblings rear-drive,
body-on-frame so-called big cars, the Mercury Grand Marquis and Lincoln Town Car,
might very well disappear in 2011. Ford
has not unveiled any plan yet concerning
the Crown Victoria’s successor, not even
the all-new Taurus recently unveiled at the
Detroit Auto Show. Yet, expect the auto
maker to bounce back.
The Connected Cockpit from The Suzuki Mid-sized
Sedan Is Coming to
It used to be that a car was an extension
of your right foot—in the future, it will become an extension of your brain. So says
Chrysler LLC; motorists will be able to
stay in touch with everyone and the world
just with a fingertip!
Chrysler’s UConnect suite of electronic
features gives you all kinds of features
from hands-free phones to wireless Internet access—it provides “unprecedented
convenience to consumers,” said Frank
Klegon, executive vice president, Product
In addition, the cockpit concept can be
reconfigured to suit the occupants’ aesthetic tastes, and can accommodate personal preferences in music via MP3 compatibility. Keyboards will be available for
all passengers, too.
A few weeks ago, Japanese Nikkei business newspaper reported that production
plans for the upcoming Suzuki mid-sized
sedans had been shelved by the auto
maker. Fortunately, Suzuki refuted the
information, saying it still planned to release a mid-sized sedan based on the
Kizashi 3 concept in North America. Suzuki even said it would announce when
the 2010 sedan would hit the showrooms
at the Spring New York Auto Show. The
car does not yet have an official name
(Kizashi means “prelude” in Japanese)
but it will be built in Sagara, Japan.
suzuki’s Kizashi 3 concept car unveiled last year
could very well preview the Japanese manufacturer’s
upcoming mid-sized sedan.
Telematics Refined
Ford will end the production of the now commercial
crown Victoria after 2011.
GE Capital Solutions Fleet Services will be offering Canadian fleet operators access
to the company’s impressive suite of telematics solutions, formerly available only in
the U.S. GE not only provides fleet operators with vital data in real time, but also analyzes that data in order to boost worker productivity, expand business capacity, as well
as decrease fuel consumption, carbon emissions, accident rates, and overtime costs.
The ONE Number
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Canada’s Leading
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| February 2009 |
Manufacturer spotlight
Jack Kazmierski
The Future of Fleet
advantage of our Crew Chief application,”
Vejgman says. “It can be accessed from any
Ford has an exciting year planned for fleet buyers. New products are in the pipeline, new services will make fleets easier to
manage, and new packages will enhance the way fleet customers use their vehicles.
Internet-connected computer, including the
Ford Work Solutions in-dash computer, and
can be used to track all the vehicles in a
fleet, dispatch vehicles to a work location,
and keep an eye on key data such as excessive speed, fuel consumption, idle time,
driver performance, and more.”
ord will soon be launching an excit-
“Our truck team spent a lot of time study-
ing feature that many fleet buy-
ing our customers to see how they use
Ford has also come up with a way to keep
ers are sure to take advantage of.
their vehicle,” says Marc Vejgman, busi-
expensive tools safe. Cable Lock is a super
Known as Ford Work Solutions, this line
ness development manager in the Fleet
tough lock down system that deters theft by
of high- and low-tech solutions is sure to
Sales department at Ford of Canada.
fastening large items to the bed of a pick-
make life easier for those working in the
“They noticed that many of our customers
up truck via thick braided steel cables.
service industry and for the trades.
use their work trucks as mobile offices,
Ford Work Solutions will be available on
and wondered how Ford could make their
Simplified service
work day more efficient.”
A new service system for fleet vehicles is
2010 model year F150, E-Series, F-Super
sure to make life easier for fleet managers.
Duty, and the new Ford Transit Connect
The answer to that question: Ford Work
“We call it Quality Fleet Care,” Vejgman
commercial van coming out this summer.
Solutions suite of specialized tools. “Many
says. “This is centralized billing for our fleet
of our customers use their laptops, so we
customers, which enables them to have
wondered what computing solutions we
their vehicles serviced at any Ford dealer
could give them and came up with an
in North America and receive one monthly
in-dash computer designed for
invoice from Ford.”
automotive use,” Vejgman says.
“We also have a wireless key-
Besides reducing administration costs,
board and an optional printer
Quality Fleet Care also offers reports to
with a suite of productivity applications
from Microsoft called
Contractors can print
“Our truck team spent a lot of time
studying our customers to see how they
use their vehicle.” – Marc Vejgman
an invoice inside
their vehicle, access the desk-
track and monitor the repair expense his-
top computer from their
tory of fleet vehicles. “We also have parts
vehicle, take advantage of
billing,” Vejgman says. “Since some of our
navigation tools provided by
fleet customers maintain their own vehicles,
Garmin, and enjoy hands-free
they can go to our Ford dealers, purchase
control of their Bluetooth phone.”
the parts they need and also receive one
monthly invoice.”
Ford also included an application
called Tool Link, which uses radio
Quality Fleet Care is launching in the first
frequency identification technol-
quarter of this year. The nice thing about
ogy to track the tools contractors
the program is that you can take advantage
might need for a job, so that when
of it even if your fleet has other makes on it.
they get to the worksite they have
“If a fleet customer has, in addition to their
the tools they’ll need for the day.
Ford vehicles, a competitive make, they can
enroll their competitive make vehicles, ser-
Marc Vejgman rests on one of the new features available on
the new Ford F-150—an industry-exclusive tailgate step.
| February 2009 |
“Companies that have many ser-
vice them at our Ford dealers and receive
vice vehicles on the road can take
one monthly invoice,” Vejgman says.
photo: JacK KaZMiersKi
François Charron
For the ‘in crowd’
The ZENN Is Coming!
Last October was the official launch of the ZENN car at the Saint-Jérôme,
Québec plant, where it has been assembled for the last two years.
ver 300 visitors accepted the invi-
sales manager, the car’s future is promis-
next few years, and the plant can
tation from ZENN Motor Company
ing: “Due to the public’s obvious interest
take the relevant load,” confirms
management, whose head office is
in the ZENN, we have proceeded with the
Stiller. “The sales and 12-month
located in Toronto. Visits to the plant were
development of the car by adding options
or 8,000 km warranty services
organized, and those who wished could
such as air conditioning. Eventually, we
will also be assumed by staff on
test drive the car on a track set up to that
anticipate improving driving autonomy,
which is presently around 56 km, through
the use of super condensers to replace
Among its benefits, the ZENN requires
batteries. Since the vehicle doesn’t re-
no maintenance, except tire pressure
Marketing of the ZENN, the retail price
lease polluting emissions, this is a benefit
and an occasional battery, light, and ac-
of which will be around $17,000, is part
to all companies that eventually will have
cessory check. For those wishing to en-
of the 3-year pilot project announced by
to pay a carbon tax.” The average monthly
hance company image while reducing
Transports Québec for this low speed
operating cost of the ZENN falls between
operation costs for short distance driving,
vehicle (LSV), which will only be driven on
$5 and $10.
it’s a solution to consider.
Sales forecast
“We foresee an increase in sales in the
traNsLateD FroM its oriGiNaL FreNch BY Marc-aLaiN NaNteL.
Pilot project
side roads with a speed limit of 50 km/h.
According to Daniel Stiller, North American
Dave Smith
Fleet Commercial Accounts Manager
Ram, Sprinter, Charger, F250
Cargo Van, Flex & Mustang
Summit Dodge 10 Simons Drive, Bolton, ON Tel.: 905-857-2744 | Summit Ford 12 Carrier Drive, Rexdale, ON Tel.: 416-741-6221
SummitAutoGroup1-3.indd 1
9:52:55 AM | | February 2009
esc – 3 Letters for Fleet safety
Why You Should Always
Choose Electronic
Stability Control
If your company policy is “Safety First,”
will you spend $450 to save a life?
hat is the retail price of Electronic
IIHS estimates that ESC will save up to
ESC can also make crashes safer. Skidding
Stability Control (ESC), the most
10,000 U.S. lives per year, ranking as
sideways into an object exposes heads
important vehicle safety innovation
the most important safety device after
and torsos to deadly crushing injuries. If
since the invention of the seatbelt. ESC
seatbelts. This translates into nearly
a crash is inevitable, ESC helps the vehicle
detects and prevents many skids by auto-
1,000 lives per year saved in Canada.
crash frontally so the bumper, body struc-
matically braking individual wheels to help
ture, seat belts, and other passive safety
steer the vehicle where the driver intends
How does ESC work?
to go.
ESC does what no driver can do, detecting
devices can protect occupants.
and correcting skids in 1/25th of a second,
ESC does not improve traction or enable
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
applying individual brakes and reducing
vehicles to corner faster. Traction de-
(IIHS) reports that ESC prevents:
engine power, often before the
• 40% of single-vehicle crashes
• 56% of fatal single-vehicle crashes
• 77 to 80% of fatal single-vehicle rollovers
driver realizes the vehicle has
skidded. ESC is profoundly effective for cars, vans, pickups,
and SUVs, and is even more
Although ESC is now available in most
valuable for eighteen-wheelers
vehicle models, many buyers are still opt-
or buses.
ing not to purchase ESC. They may say
their vehicles are driven at low speeds.
ESC helps drivers recover from
Some rely on driver training. Others com-
human errors. Passive safety
plain that manufacturers sometimes bun-
devices such as seatbelts or air-
dle ESC with other costly options.
bags help you survive a crash.
However, the safest crash is one
These reasons pale compared to the bene-
that never happens. ESC is an
fits of ESC. Transport Canada reports that
active safety device that helps
48% of serious crashes are caused by
keep vehicles on the road, in
skidding. ESC helps prevent skidding at
their lanes, and under control.
ESC is sold under many trade names such
as Electronic Stability Program, Vehicle
Stability Assist, Vehicle Dynamic Control,
Stabilitrak, and Advance Trac. You can
Google “Names of ESC” for a complete list.
The following links take you to more information or videos on ESC:
pends on tires gripping the road surface.
high or low speeds, on bare pavement or
slippery roads, in summer or winter, and
ESC is most effective in reducing loss of
Transport Canada cautions, “Even if your
for all vehicle types.
control crashes that cause serious injury
vehicle is equipped with ESC, you must
or death. Rollovers account for one-third
continue to drive prudently.” ESC helps
Transport Canada estimates that, if all
of all fatalities. By maintaining forward
drivers maintain control within the limits
passenger vehicles had ESC in 2006,
direction, ESC prevents 70 to 90% of fatal
of available traction. Proper tires enable
there would have been 225 fewer deaths
ESC to achieve its full potential.
and 755 fewer serious injuries. The
| February 2009 |
rear wheels skid
Vehicle spins around
Front wheels skid
Vehicle plows straight
Glen Nicholson is a prince George lawyer working to mandate
and raise awareness of esc in canada. he is an independent safety
advocate with no financial interest in esc.
Glen Nicholson
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety
ESC market
in Sweden, Denmark, and Germany now
Administration was so impressed with
Worldwide demand for ESC components
have ESC. Some U.S. and Australian insur-
ESC that it fast-tracked a new regula-
is exploding as auto makers rush to equip
ers are now offering premium discounts
tion. Starting in September 2008, 55%
all their vehicles with ESC. ESC costs
for vehicles with ESC. A few Canadian
of all new passenger vehicles must have
them only $100 per passenger vehicle,
auto retailers are already expressing re-
ESC, and that percentage will be phased
and computer chips are being developed
luctance to accept trade-ins without ESC.
upward annually to 100% in three years.
to integrate new additional stability sys-
By then, Canada, Australia, and much of
tems such as Roll Stability Control and
Why buy ESC?
Europe will also have ESC laws. Quebec
Trailer Stability Control.
• ESC saves lives.
• ESC reduces injuries and human downtime.
enacted the world’s first ESC law, mandating ESC in 2005 for carriers of dangerous
Although ESC has been available since
• ESC reduces vehicle downtime.
goods without data recorders. Canada’s
1995, public awareness in Canada has
• ESC reduces repair costs.
ESC law for passenger vehicles is ex-
been very low. However, retail demand
• ESC reduces insurance costs.
pected by September 1, 2011.
will grow. About 90% of new vehicles sold
• ESC may increase resale value. | February 2009 |
Fuel efficient cars
like toyota’s small
Yaris will continue to
make sense in 2009.
photo: aUtoDeaDLiNe.coM
Fuel sense
Fuel Efficient Cars Make Sense
Paul Panabaker
Even with unforeseen low fuel costs, simple, higher mileage vehicles make the most sense.
he major changes affecting all areas
efficient cars that were previously being
early efforts in this area. The new goal is
of the automotive business have
forced by record high fuel costs still trans-
to insure we can guide the retooling of our
never come so fast, and with such
late into overall cost savings to operators.
economic and business efficiencies such
profound disruption to decades of indus-
These vehicles cost less to buy or lease,
that there will be significant spin-off gains
try status quo. Having gone through the
and continue their saving by using less
in reducing fuel related GHG emissions.
“cause” events of 2008, we are now in the
fuel and having less engine to maintain.
first steps of managing and dealing with
This is straight common sense and good
This means businesses will see significant
the many “effects” that will lead into an up
value in today’s situation, and provides for
incentives for reducing their GHG emissions
and down industry recovery over the next
future saving during the life of the vehicle.
that can be then directed into other areas
few years.
As we know, fuel costs will rise directly in
of business recovery. With proper support,
parallel to any economic recovery—it’s
the much maligned carbon “tax” will be re-
just a little early to know when.
worked into a more positively received car-
One thing is certain, even though we suddenly have record low fuel prices, we will
What about the environment?
consumption and horsepower is King.
Beyond the obvious operating savings
Many fresh and powerful forces will shape
gains of fuel efficient vehicles is a more
the next era of the automotive world,
subtle gain that will provide much more
Provincial governments, along with the
guiding it down many new paths.
opportunity and payback in the next few
Feds, have been clear in stating their
years. Although the recession moved one
intent to combine recession fighting ex-
Economic issues
fleets will stand to gain the most here and
be best positioned for the future.
of Canadian’s previously “most important
penditures with climate change initiatives.
All companies are in a belt tightening—
issues”—that of climate change and green
Given that automobiles account for rough-
and even survival—mode, with serious
house gases—quickly down the list of im-
ly half of our personal GHG emissions, the
directives given to cutting operating costs
mediate importance, the issue is far from
link to reducing fuel consumption in busi-
with the least impact to their business.
going away and will resurface quickly once
ness and personal use will be rewarded,
While fast rising and record breaking gas
the U.S. political landscape changes with
and should work towards countering our
costs became a major concern earlier in
Obama’s presidency.
long standing apathy with fuel efficiency
during times of low gas prices.
2008, this has all but evaporated with
bon “refund.” Companies running efficient
not be jumping back into a world where
the sudden and dramatic recession arrival
One of the ironies of our current economic
and crude oil price crash.
situation is that the unwelcome reduction
The survivors and winners of the next few
in oil, gas, and coal consumption will do
years will be those who can quickly turn
Today’s business focus is towards cost
more for reducing our current greenhouse
up their efficiency while turning down
reduction in all areas of operations, and
gas (GHG) emissions than all the costly
their GHG emissions—an ideal setup for
the smaller size engines and more fuel
“feel good” initiatives that marked our
the next economic era.
| February 2009 |
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*Claims are with respect to comparisons against similarly equipped conventional gasoline powered vehicles. Based on North American sales data, Federal Tier 2 engine emission standards.
amplify Your Drive
Sirius Satellite Radio
Unveils Incentive
Program for Dealers
New Sirius Plus program lets dealers sell Sirius subscriptions
at the time of vehicle purchase.
ith more than 750,000 subscrib-
automotive executive Mike Mazgay to de-
ers in Canada, SIRIUS Satellite
velop and run the program.
Radio has become one of the
most popular features in new vehicle mod-
Dealer incentive program
els. We spoke with Sirius to learn about
According to Mazgay, the new Web-based
the company’s success to-date and under-
dealer incentive program—Sirius Plus—
stand the details of a newly launched in-
provides a competitive advantage for par-
centive program for dealers that lets them
ticipating dealers because it allows them
sell subscriptions at the time of vehicle
to sell a Sirius subscription at the time of
a vehicle’s sale.
What is Sirius?
“It took more than a year to launch the
“Sirius Satellite Radio is far beyond regu-
Sirius Plus program because we under-
lar radio and provides an unparalleled
took extensive research and worked close-
entertainment experience for drivers that
ly with dealer focus groups,” said Mazgay.
features 120 channels of sports, talk, en-
“Dealers told us that their customers were
tertainment, and commercial-free music
excited about Sirius and wanted a chance
programming,” said James Byun, Vice
to extend their subscriptions at the time
President, Automotive, SIRIUS Canada
of vehicle purchase.”
Inc. “Our first step at launch was to work
closely with automotive partners to inte-
Mazgay says that dealers view the Sirius
grate Sirius radios into their vehicles. Now
Plus program as a perfect fit for their
that Sirius is widely available and most
business office and would complement
new vehicles offer trial subscriptions, the
their current suite of products. “Feedback
next step is to involve our dealer network
from dealers was that customers are more
and give them the
apt to purchase any type of accessory or
tools they need
service—including Sirius—at the time of
to sell Sirius sub-
Dealers view the Sirius Plus
program as a perfect fit for
their business office and
would complement their
current suite of products.
scriptions directly
to customers.”
This type of incentive program for satellite
radio is the first of its kind in Canada and
Knowing that the
Sirius expects to roll it out quickly over the
key to any suc-
next few months.
cessful dealer-
| February 2009 |
focused program was strong relationships
Sirius knew that ease-of-use was critical to
at the dealer level, Sirius tapped seasoned
the program’s success.
Shirley Brown
Details on the sale
Dealers are already seeing the benefits of
When the dealer signs into the secure
the Sirius Plus program.
portal, they are prompted for details of the
sale. The program then determines the opti-
Completing the relationship
mal Sirius subscription term that should be
“The Sirius Plus program completes the
offered to the customer. For example, if a
relationship between Sirius and the deal-
customer receives a 6-month bundled sub-
er,” said Kent Magnuson, Sales Manager
scription with a new vehicle purchase and
at Metro Motors in Vancouver. “Because
is leasing over 36 months, the Sirius Plus
this program rewards dealers and allows
program will suggest a 30-month term.
customers to purchase their subscription
With Sirius Plus, the goal is to ensure that
right at the dealership and roll the cost
the customer is listening to Sirius for the
into their monthly payment, everyone
duration of their ownership.
wins. It’s just the natural evolution of a
wonderful friendship. We can’t wait to get
But the key for Sirius was to give the cus-
tomer the ability to roll-up the cost of the
subscription into their monthly payment
Since its launch in Canada in December
which would eliminate the need for separ-
2005, Sirius has already become the
ate monthly bills.
country’s leading satellite radio company.
The company’s quick growth and industry
“Bundling the subscription with the vehicle
leadership is due to a unique offering of
payment is more convenient for the cus-
120 channels featuring sports, news, talk
tomer and eliminates monthly credit card
and commercial-free music programming
charges,” said Mazgay.
from North America’s best-known enter-
So what’s in it for the
tainment brands.
Sirius offers drivers coverage and recep-
Based on feedback from focus groups,
tion across Canada and the United States.
Sirius Plus includes an incentive com-
With Sirius in their vehicles, listeners can
ponent to reward dealers who sell Sirius
drive from Victoria to Charlottetown or
subscriptions. The company selected ‘I
Winnipeg to Miami without ever having to
Love Rewards’ as a partner to manage its
change the channel.
program because of its auto industry experience and its easy-to-use interface.
For more information on Sirius
With the program, dealers earn points
for every Sirius subscription sold and the
points can be redeemed using the ‘I Love
Rewards’ catalogue for items including
travel, golf equipment, electronics, and
prepaid credit cards. ‘I Love Rewards’
partners include Apple, Golf Town, Sony,
TAG Heuer, and Xbox, among others.
Sales staff can compete internally and
dealers can compete against others in
their region with the ‘I Love Rewards
Leaderboard’ for additional prizing. | February 2009 |
More than expected!
North American
International Auto Show
The economic situation in the
United States made a lot of observers think that the annual Detroit
Auto Show—which is always very
spectacular—would almost be
meaningless this year. They were
wrong! Granted, there weren’t
that many flashy concept cars,
presentations were more businesslike, and there were very few new
trucks. But there were a lot of new
cars unveiled, most of them easily adaptable to business use. And
though hybrid electrics were the
stars, most new products are also
available as more conventional
(though less fuel thirsty than their
predecessors) configurations.
| February 2009 |
photos: Éric Descarries
Éric Descarries
[1] surprise, Lincoln unveiled
a compact concept car called
concept c. Would you believe a
four-cylinder Lincoln? [2] chevrolet announced that its Beat
mini concept car would soon be
marketed around the world—
including North america—as
the spark. [3] honda took advantage of the Detroit auto show to
launch its all-new insight hybridelectric car. [4] chrysler unveiled
its concept car of what it believes
to be its future sedan, the hybridelectric 200c. [5] chinese automaker BYD (Build Your Dream)
unveiled a prototype all-electric
car, the e6, with an announced
range of about 650 km. Not seen
on this picture, a big set of batteries hangs underneath the car.
[6] toyota’s pride, the popular
hybrid electric prius, is now in
its third generation, though it
retains its familiar silhouette.
[7] Ford made quite an impression with its newly redesigned
taurus full-size sedan. a new
ecoBoost V6 engine will soon
be offered. [8] though chinese
manufacturer Brilliance was at
the Detroit auto show, don’t expect its vehicles in america for
another year or so! [9] Lincoln
now has its own touring version
of the MKs, renamed MKt for obvious reasons. [10] audi unveiled
its concept car sportback that
could make it as the A7. [11]
cadillac introduced a station
wagon version of its popular cts
sedan but it would rather have
it known as a touring version
[12] Korean auto manufacturer
Kia will be marketing this smaller
soul car in america this spring.
[13] Japanese manufacturer
subaru unveiled a concept car
announcing the upcoming generation of the Legacy. [14] the
Blue Zero concept car previews
a hybrid-electric or all-electric
compact car by Mercedes-Benz.
it could replace the actual B200.
[15] Lexus launched in Detroit its
first ever fully dedicated hybridelectric sedan, the hs 250h.
15 | February 2009 |
Éric Descarries
the new Mazda6 Gs.
(photos: Éric Descarries)
our four-cylinder powered Gt had the single but dual tipped exhaust.
a Great New Look
The Mazda6
Is More Exciting
Than Ever
For years, Japanese manufacturer Mazda has built a great
medium sized sedan that
was reliable and fun to drive,
the Mazda6, formerly called
the Mazda 626.
he only problem? Compared to
its direct competition (mostly the
Honda Accord and the Toyota
the trunk is roomy but the opening
could be tight in some situations.
a very modern-looking dashboard
matches the new design.
automatic transmission, the second one
passenger compartment. The trunk is
an even better equipped GT, this time with
also roomy enough, but the opening could
the new 2.5-litre four-cylinder engine but
have been bigger if the car didn’t have
hooked up to a five-speed automatic trans-
such a slopping roofline.
mission. Both cars are front-wheel driven.
It’s easy to recognize one from the other—
the four banger has a single exhaust with
Driving the Mazda6 is a great experience,
dual tips, while the V6 has two separate
as the car still offers road handling char-
exhaust tips set in the rear bumper… just
acteristics. But the V6, a 272-horsepower
like in the fifties!
mill similar to the Lincoln MKS engine,
A comfortable interior
is much more powerful and quieter than
the 170-horsepower four-cylinder engine,
Camry), it never had very exciting looks.
The interior of the new Mazda6 has also
but will require more fuel per 100 kilo-
So, for 2009, Mazda designers went back
been redone. The dashboard bears a
metres. However, both cars had automatic
to the drawing board and came out with
sporty look that matches the car’s design.
transmissions that shifted smoothly and
a stunning new Mazda6. Unfortunately,
For the driver, the instrumentation is
reacted quickly during kick downs.
in the process, the station-wagon and
easily readable. Our GS tester had the
the hatchback versions were lost in the
regular ignition key, but our GT came with
Let’s mention here that the Mazda6 was
process. Consequently, the 2009 Mazda6
the “intelligent” key that just needs to be
chosen as best 2009 family sedan by the
comes only as a sedan... but what a great
in the driver’s pocket to unlock the doors
members of the Automobile Journalist
looking sedan!
and fire up the engine.
Association of Canada (AJAC). Our V6
Mazda Canada provided us with two ver-
There is a lot of room in the new Mazda6
while the GT came in at $ 30,335. Add
sions of the new Mazda6, the first one
and it is fairly comfortable and quiet,
$1,395 for delivery and preparation fee.
being a well equipped GS powered by the
though we would have appreciated a
new 3.7-litre V6 combined to a six-speed
little more sound insulation for the rear
powered GS had a $29,120 price tag,
| February 2009 |
L’Association de Gestion de parcs
Canadian Fleet Conference
21st, 22nd AND 23rd
Doubletree International Plaza Hotel
Toronto Airport
655 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario
Canada’s Wonderland
9740 Jane Street
Toronto, Ontario
Mark your calendar now!
audi’s latest sUV, the Q5
crossover, was introduced at
the Montreal auto show.
(photo: Éric Descarries)
Éric Descarries
Major player in the auto industry
Audi, a Success
To most automotive observers in North America, Audi
is a popular German brand that appeared in the late
1970s. Actually, Audi AG from Ingolstatd, Bavaria
(Germany) began in 1909 when August Horch, who had
founded A. Horch Motorwagen in 1889, was expelled
from the board of directors of his own company and decided to set up Audi (which means “Listen!” in latin).
audi unveiled its sportback prototype at the Detroit auto show,
probably forecasting the upcoming A7. (photo: Éric Descarries)
inancial problems forced Horch
as a five-door hatchback powered by a
to sell his company to DKW in
four-cylinder or V-6 engine. This model is
1928 but Audi, DKW, Horch, and
followed by the very popular and recently
Wanderer decided to team up in 1932,
redesigned A4, available as a sedan,
thus the four rings in the Audi logo. World
wagon, or convertible, the latter offered in
War II dismantled the company but in
an S4 performance version. Last fall, the
1964, Volkswagen bought the Ingolstatd
A4 was voted “Best luxury car over $50K”
plant and brought the name Audi back to
by AJAC members. Recently, Audi intro-
life. In 1980, Audi introduced the quattro,
duced a coupe version of the car, the A5,
the world’s first high-production all-wheel
also available in a performance S5 ver-
driven car.
sion. The bigger A6 comes as a sedan or
a wagon, with front or all-wheel drive, and
Since then, Audi has grown into one of
a S6 V10 powered performance version.
the industry’s major players. It now has
The biggest Audi is the A8, also avail-
a vast line-up of vehicles to offer auto en-
able in an extended L version powered
thusiasts all around the world, including
by a W12 engine and even a performance
Canada. Canadian Business Fleet caught
S8 version. Sports car lovers will go for
up with Martin Sander, Audi Canada’s
the unique Audi TT, whether as a coupe,
new president, at the North American
convertible, or the performance TTS ver-
International Auto Show in Detroit, and
sion. The ultimate Audi is the spectacular
then at the Montreal Auto Show. Though
all-wheel drive mid-engine R8 powered by
still learning about our country, Sander
a healthy V8 or, coming soon, an incred-
is already looking forward to a great ca-
ible V10.
reer in Canada. He was impressed by the
Sportback prototype unveiled at Detroit,
Audi is also into SUVs and it now has two
which probably forecasts an upcoming
crossover models, the impressive V8 pow-
Audi A7.
ered Q7, soon available with a V12 turbo-
The line-up
Martin sander, audi canada’s new president, was at the Montreal
auto show. (photo: Marie-JosÉe roUsseaU)
| February 2009 |
diesel powerplant, and the new smaller V6
powered Q5 which was introduced at the
Audi’s smallest car in our country is the
Montreal Auto Show. There must be an
Volkswagen-based A3 which is available
Audi somewhere in there for you!
Dealer spotlight
Jack Kazmierski
The Man With 2 Hats
Dave Smith finds himself in the enviable position of being able to offer his customers vehicles
from two of the main players in the fleet market—Ford and Chrysler.
working over 60 hours
which vehicle they want, I can sit down
a we e k d u r i n g t h e
with them, go through the benefits of
summer and off for a
both brands and let the customers decide
couple of months dur-
which is best for them.”
ing the winter,” Smith
says. “One winter I
Despite the sagging economy, Smith says
decided to take some
sales are steady. His top sellers are the
computer and account-
trucks—the F-Series trucks on the Ford
ing courses and that’s
side, and the Caravans on the Dodge
how I eventually got
side. But that might change in the com-
into accounting at a
ing months since Ford has a few hot fleet
car dealership. From
vehicles up their corporate sleeve that are
there I moved into
sure to be big sellers.
sales and then eventually into fleet.”
In the pipeline
By the summer of 2009, the Ford Transit
O n c e S m i t h ta s t e d
Connect should be on display in Canadian
the wonderful world
showrooms. “This truck is going to appeal
of fleet, he decided to
to our fleet customers, I’m sure,” Smith
embrace it and never
says. “It’s a small cargo-type truck, it’s been
look back. “I got into
big over in Europe for quite some time, and
fleet about 6 years
Ford is finally going to bring it here.”
ago and I love it,” he
photo: JacK KaZMiersKi
sometimes Dave smith wears his Ford hat.
other times he’s a Jeep, Dodge or chrysler man.
says. “I hope to be
Smith says the Transit Connect boasts
working in fleet until
a fuel-efficient 4-cylinder gas engine,
I’m 65-years-old and
which should appeal to many fleet buy-
ready to retire.”
ers concerned with the high cost of fuel.
hile many over-achievers plot
Fleet consultant
their entire career path and plan
Since Smith’s employer, Summit Auto
a full-size cargo van will want to take a
closer look at the Transit Connect.
every moment with a view to
Group, has both Summit Dodge Chrysler
finally landing the perfect job, others
Jeep and Summit Ford under a single cor-
“The Transit Connect is ideal for delivery
seem to stumble onto their dream jobs
porate umbrella, Smith finds himself in the
companies as well as for contractors work-
almost by accident. The latter is certainly
enviable position of representing all these
ing in places like downtown Toronto where
the case with Dave Smith, fleet com-
leading brands as Summit Auto Group’s
they need a van that can easily fit into
mercial account manger for Summit Auto
sole fleet commercial account manger.
underground garages—places where a tall
truck like the Sprinter won’t fit,” Smith
So instead of simply selling fleet vehicles,
Smith had no idea he’d love working in
Smith finds himself wearing the hat of a
fleet. In fact, he got his first job in the
fleet consultant. “I’m one of only a handful
Fourteen years ago Smith decided he
automotive industry almost by accident.
of people who represent more than one
needed a change. Fast forward to 2009
That was over 14 years ago.
make,” he says. “It’s got some advantages
and it’s clear that he’s found a satisfying
in that I can service my customers on both
career in an exciting industry with the
sides. When customers come in not sure
promise of an even more exciting future.
“I was in the structural steel business,
Companies that don’t necessarily need
| February 2009 |
It’s all about efficiency, safety and affordability. That’s what makes adding
the all-new 2010 MAZDA3 to your team a no-brainer. Along with its 167-hp,
fuel-efficient, 6.9 L/100 km (6MT) highway engine, you’ll find 481 L
of trunk space (Sport model). Power-assisted, four-wheel Anti-lock
Brake System (ABS) disc brakes with Electronic Brake Force Distribution
(EBFD) offer improved stopping power and dual front and side air bags and
side air curtains give genuine peace of mind. Its aggressive exterior styling
and cutting-edge aerodynamics say you mean business. And the surprising
array of class-exclusive features, including Bluetooth® Audio Profile
with MP3 capability and 10-speaker Bose ® Centerpoint ®
Surround Sound, makes taking your business on the
road a genuine pleasure. Fuel-efficient, budgetfriendly and fun to drive. That’s the all-new
MAZDA3. So if you’re looking for some
d go
good help, you’ve just found it.
Zoom-Zoom. Forever.
To learn more, visit and contact David Murphy, Manager, Fleet Operations at Mazda Canada Inc. at 905-787-7055.
ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Ask about the Mazda peace-of-mind promise, standard on every new Mazda. MAZDA LEADERSHIP WARRANTY 3 years or 80,000 km comprehensive
warranty, 5 years or 100,000 km powertrain warranty.
industry events
Federal Fleet Workshop
Federal fleet managers get together once a year to
compare notes, learn about innovative technologies,
and plan for the future.
he annual Federal Fleet Workshop
many of our questions and proved to be
is always a successful event and
more than knowledgeable.”
attendance numbers are normally
high. But attendance at the most recent
Fryer also discussed the value of biodiesel,
workshop, held in Barrie, Ontario, was
including handling, storage, distribution,
better than ever. The 3-day event at-
safety, and operational issues, as well as
tracted more federal fleet managers than
the impact alternative fuels have on the
expected, and by all accounts the event
was well organized and very informative.
Chris Hill, from the City of Hamilton talked
“We had 121 attendees and 37 suppli-
about how his city’s fleet services division
ers and service providers,” says Serge
has gone through major changes in the
Joanisse, one of
the organizers of
the event, and sen-
harry Jodoin and Lisa Bouchard of
Nissan canada
ior policy analyst
with the Treasury
Board of Canada,
John Gallant,
hyundai auto
canada corp.
Secretariat. “We
were very happy
peter Johnson and
Lorraine smith of
subaru canada
with the turnout.
It’s the largest
we’ve ever had.”
past few years and explained, “how they
Bureau of Canada discussed driver fatigue,
went from being one of the worst per-
cell phone use and other distractions such
forming service providers in the city to be-
as the radio, kids in the back seat, etc.
Publication Rousseau’s very own president
coming an award winning leader engaged
He also brought with him the D.U.M.B.
and publisher, Rémy Rousseau, gave an
in many projects of national significance,”
ve h i c l e ( D i s t ra c t i o n s U n d e r m i n i n g
informative and insightful presentation on
Joanisse says.
Motorist Behaviour)—a driver-distraction
Event highlights
simulator. “It was an interesting experi-
communicating in challenging times, with
a focus on finding solutions. “He discussed
The City of Toronto was represented by
ence to see our colleagues’ reactions to
the subject in detail and was very enter-
Steve Plaskos who spoke about how his
the various distractions that were put
taining,” Joanisse says.
department is greening their fleet. Plaskos
before them,” Joanisse says.
went into detail outlining the buying proFuel management issues were discussed
cess, disposing of older vehicles, and
Belron Canada was represented by Jean-
by Dale Peters and Ken Fryer from 4Refuel
other factors that need to be considered
Marc Carrier and Robert Guaiani, who
Canada. “Fryer came from B.C. to talk
when green is the goal.
discussed the importance of properly
replacing a windshield. “There are some
about biodiesel technology and its applications,” Joanisse says. “He answered
| February 2009 |
Robert Tremblay, director of the Insurance
risks and dangers if it’s not done properly,”
Jack Kazmierski
Super Ultra-Low Emission
Snowmobiles were on display and a couple
Vehicle standard (SULEV)
of 3-wheel vehicles called the T3 Series
and eliminate fuel-system
were available for all to test drive. “They
evaporative emission.
can go up to 40 km/hr,” Joanisse says.
Compared to an average
“You don’t sit on them. Rather, you have
new vehicle, Subaru PZEV
to stand. A number of police forces are
vehicles have 90% cleaner
already using them.”
Joanisse says everyone had a chance to
“We also had experts from
try the T3s and “were quite impressed by
Arctic Cat who discussed
their performance. Mind you, we strive for
their new two-rider vehicles
safety, and many people got themselves
a n d u t i l i t y t y p e s n ow -
into the way of oncoming cars in the large
mobiles, as well as special-
parking lot used to test drive the T3s, so
ists from Peterbilt who dis-
we had to keep reminding everyone to
cussed their medium duty
stay out of traffic.”
the t3 is a zero emission, clean energy vehicle
that operates for less than ten cents a day.
photo: t3
electric hybrid configurations and stationary power
ta ke - o f f a p p l i c a t i o n s, ”
The annual Federal Fleet Workshop also
Joanisse says.
gives everyone an opportunity to socialize
photos : JeaN BoUtZis
p.J. Jim thompson of rcMp
– Whitehorse, Yukon
David Murphy of Mazda canada and harry Jodoin of Nissan
canada at the ride and drive—it was freezing!
Joanisse says, “such as the airbags going
Fleet management policy issues were
after business hours, get to know one an-
off and the windshield not containing
addressed by Joanisse during his pres-
other and build relationships. “Our meet
them properly. We actually went outside
entation entitled “Discussion on TBS
and greet event was a great success,”
and they gave us a live demonstration of
Fleet Policies and Guidance Tools.” He
Joanisse says. “We had an opportunity
how they test automotive glass.”
addressed questions such as, “Who is
to get to know one another in a less for-
allowed to drive or be a passenger in a
mal setting. Everyone always appreciates
government vehicle?”
these opportunities.”
in the automotive industry. Lisa Bouchard
Trade show
The next Federal Fleet Workshop will
and Harry Jodoin from Nissan Canada
The trade show event displayed exhib-
be taking place late October or early
discussed their new CVT transmis-
itors from key segments of the auto in-
November, 2009. The date and place
sion and global green initiatives, while
dustry including manufacturing, service,
have not been determined yet, but like all
Peter Johnson from Subaru Canada
repairs and technology. More than 50
other Workshops, this one is much antici-
talked about their PZEV (Partial Zero
vehicles were on hand for participants to
Emissions Vehicle) cars. Subaru says
examine and try out. A number of ATVs
their PZEV vehicles in Canada meet the
were also available for off-road sessions.
A number of carmakers were invited to
discuss new technologies and advances | February 2009 |
Jack Kazmierski
Big sellers
The most popular vehicles
Fleet’s MVP
with Jeff’s fleet customers
Jeff sittler started his
automotive career
with Nissan, and has
never strayed from
the brand.
While his brother pursued a career
in sports, Jeff Sittler embraced the
auto industry and now serves as
one of Nissan’s MVPs.
are the Rogue, Altima,
Murano, and Versa, with
the Altima taking the top
spot on the Nissan end
of the spectrum. Infiniti
buyers looking for a bigger “Wow!” factor tend to
gravitate toward the sexy
G37. “Our Infiniti line is
popular with executives,”
Jeff says.
Future fleet
Nissan has a number of
exciting vehicles in the
pipeline, some of which
fleet buyers will be able
to get their hands on
later this year. One of the
most impressive models
is the new Nissan Cube.
“Cube stands for Casual
Unique Lounge for bold
Nissan’s new cube is sure to be a hit with fleet buyers.
Entertainment,” Jeff says,
rowing up, Jeff spent much of his
ambitions on the automotive industry.
“and I think this will be a niche vehicle that
time answering the question that
His career started over 21 years ago at
should be popular with fleet buyers in the
delivery business.”
almost instantly begs to be asked
a Nissan dealership where he worked
when strangers hear his last name: “Are
in retail sales, as a sales manager, and
you Darryl Sittler’s brother?”
then moved over to the fleet department
Whether delivering flowers, pizza or dry
13 years ago upon joining the 401 Dixie
cleaning, companies with a fleet of Cubes
Today, Jeff runs the fleet department at
will be able to take ad-
Infiniti Nissan team.
401 Dixie Infiniti Nissan in Toronto, and
finds that his last name opens a lot of
Jeff started his auto-
doors. “Yes, he’s my brother,” he says. “A
motive career with
lot of people ask me about that, it cer-
Nissan, and has
tainly helps here in the Toronto market,
never strayed from
and it’s a great ice-breaker.”
the brand. And hav-
“My brother is a good guy so
I don’t mind being asked if
we’re related.” – Jeff Sittler
unique shape and styling to attract attention.
“I think of the Cube as
a moving billboard,”
Jeff says. “The side of
ing tasted the fleet end of the business,
the vehicle is a great place for a logo. It’s a
The Sittler name is good as gold in the
he’s decided that this is where he wants
great way to advertise.”
Toronto area—almost as impressive as
to be.
Looking even further into the future, by
‘Bond, James Bond.’ “My brother is a
good guy so I don’t mind being asked if
“I love the hours,” he says, “and I think
2010 or 2011 Nissan will be importing a
we’re related,” Jeff says. “If he wasn’t a
that fleet offers the best of both worlds
line of light commercial vehicles ideal for
good guy it would be a different story.”
with some retail where you’re dealing with
the fleet market. Details and pricing are
presidents and vice-presidents of compan-
still sketchy, but if these vehicles are as
ies or their kids and spouses, as well as
impressive as the current Infiniti/Nissan
While his brother pursued a career in the
the fleet experience where you’re working
lineup, and as innovative as the Cube,
hockey world, Jeff decided to focus his
with large volumes.”
they should be hot sellers.
From hockey to fleet
vantage of the vehicle’s
| February 2009 |
Jack Kazmierski
Vehicle Debut
Ready for the Autobahn
A bold design, solid ride, quality engineering,
and a more-than-reasonable MSRP combine
to set the new GLK apart from the pack.
Like all Mercedes-Benz
vehicles, the GLK is refined
and luxurious.
the square cut of the GLK allows it
to stand out in a market where round
and curvy are the norm.
“i can tell by the inquires
we’ve had already that
it’s going to be a big hit,”
says allison scarangella,
manager of national fleet
sales with Mercedes-Benz
canada, about the GLK.
Mercedes-Benz Canada.
might not expect. “It comes with an MSRP
“We’ve actually got some
of $41,800 with a $1,500 fleet discount,”
fleet demos that we’re
Scarangella says. “At this price, it comes
loaning out to fleet cus-
very well equipped with pretty much all
tomers and the first one
the features one needs.”
we sent out was to a fleet
buyer who doesn’t want
Executive market
to give it back. He wants
Like other M-B models, the GLK is not a
to buy it.”
vehicle designed for the masses. “We’re
Build and quality
not going to get onto any entry level selectors,” Scarangella says. “However, at
The new GLK is built on
this price point, manager level selectors
the C-Class chassis, which
are very attainable.”
photo: Marie-JosÉe roUsseaU
is M-B’s number one fleet
seller. It’s also built in
Although you typically need a minimum of
Germany, which speaks
five vehicles registered to your company
volumes about the build
before you can qualify for fleet pricing
quality of the GLK. Fleet
with M-B, the company is offering fleet
buyers can rest assured
discounts to other buyers as well. “We’re
they’re getting a German-
targeting executives who receive a car
engineered vehicle built
allowance as we have a fleet program
ecently released at the 2009
by professionals to some of the highest
designed with them in mind as well,”
Montreal International Auto Show,
standards in the industry.
Scarangella says.
ready making headlines and creating a stir
The long list of standard equipment in-
At a time when vehicles are getting round-
among fleet buyers. Mercedes-Benz has
cludes a two-zone automatic climate con-
er and lines are getting smoother, M-B
set out to conquer the mid-size premium
trol system; adjustable steering column;
designed the GLK to buck the trend. “With
SUV segment with this model, and if initial
front seats with electrically adjustable
the square cut of the vehicle we purpose-
interest is any indicator, they might just be
height and backrest angle (including seat
fully differentiated ourselves from all the
able to pull off their planned coup.
inclination adjustment) and manual lum-
other vehicles out there so we don’t just
bar support; an integrated Bluetooth
blend in,” Scarangella says. “We want to
Showcasing a bold exterior design, gen-
interface for mobile phones; a microphone
stand out.”
erous cargo capacity, a 268-horsepower
for the hands-free system; front, side and
3.5-litre V6, and standard 19-inch 10-
window air bags; an eight-speaker, 100-
The company knows that buyers will
spoke wheels with 235/50 tires the 2010
watt audio system with a CD/MP3 player,
snatch the GLK off showroom floors and
GLK350 4MATIC is a real head-turner.
telephone keypad, an MP3 plug in the
has planned accordingly with plenty of
Step inside, take it for a spin, and rumour
glove box and a Bluetooth interface; and
stock available for fleet buyers. “This
has it you’ll be sold.
much more.
vehicle is going to be a great success for
“Almost every other email I get nowadays is
Realizing that we’re living at a time of eco-
by the inquires we’ve had already that it’s
about the GLK,” says Allison Scarangella,
nomic slowdown, M-B is offering the well-
going to be a big hit.”
manager of national fleet sales with
equipped ‘base’ model GLK at a price you
the new Mercedes-Benz GLK is al-
us in fleet,” Scarangella says. “I can tell
| February 2009 |
Industry News
Advertisers Index
Atlas Tire Wholesale
Audi Canada
Chrysler Canada
Ford of Canada
Maaco Systems Canada
Ford of Europe Will Create the
Manufacturer’s New Mid-sized Platform
Mazda Canada
According to Automotive News, Ford Motor Co.’s global
mid-sized car will be derived from its actual European
Mondeo. And that might very well be the replacement for
the upcoming North American Fusion. The decision was
confirmed at the Detroit Auto show by Derrick Kuzak, Ford’s
group vice president of global product development. Code
named the EUCD, the newer platform supersedes the actual
CD3 platform found under the U.S. Ford Fusion, Mercury
Milan, Lincoln MKZ, Ford Edge, and Lincoln MKX. It is derived from the same CD3 platform used for the Mazda6. The
next generation Fusion should be built for the 2012 or 2013
model year.
Mitsubishi Canada
Sirius Satellite
14, 15
Speedy Glass
Subaru Canada
Summit Auto Group
A New Jeep
Grand Cherokee
Is on the Way
the next Jeep Grand cherokee
will get styling cues from the
Jeep trailhawk concept vehicle.
Toyota Canada
Van City Truck Outfitters
Spy pictures of the upcoming 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee
have been shown recently in many specialized publications,
while observers think it will share its platform with a next
generation Dodge Durango and probably Mercedes-Benz
ML. The platform might even be flexible enough to accommodate five or seven passengers. Spy photographers say the
camouflaged Jeeps seem to look like the Trailhawk concept
car with sharper lines. The new Phoenix V6 engine developed
by Chrysler could show up in a 3.3 or 3.6 L displacement
but no diesel seems expected though the GM/Chrysler/BMWdeveloped hybrid powertrain is expected. | February 2009 |
the smaller NV 200 had been unveiled earlier at the tokyo Motor show.
the NV 2500 concept van rides on a titan chassis.
Éric Descarries
a New player
Nissan, the New Brand
of Commercial Vehicles
Actually, the title is false.
Japanese manufacturer Nissan
has been offering commercial
vehicles for quite a while just
about everywhere in the world,
except in North America. But
that is about to change. Last
December, Nissan unveiled, at
its design studios in Farmington
Hill, Michigan, an upcoming line
of commercial vehicles that will
be made available in 2010.
the dashboard of
the NV 2500 really
presents its show
car status.
turbodiesel engines combined to ZF transmissions. However, it is well known that
Nissan has come to an agreement with
Chrysler to eventually build its Titan pickup on a Dodge Ram architecture. Though
it has neither been confirmed nor denied
by Nissan, chances are that its bigger
commercial vehicles might also be based
on Dodge products.
The NV 200 prototype
Other than the bigger NV 2500, Nissan’s
North American design studios also had
the smaller NV 200 concept vehicle on
hand, a smaller commercial van that was
oe Castelli, a former Ford commercial
first shown at the latest Tokyo Motor
vehicle executive now in charge of
Show. In this case, Nissan designers from
Nissan’s Light Commercial Vehicle
Japan had chosen to illustrate how such a
business, announced that in the coming
vehicle could be useful for a marine biolo-
years, Nissan should have a complete
gist and photographer. Consequently, the
array of commercial vehicles from Class
NV 200 was equipped with a sliding cargo
1 to 5. During the introduction, Castelli
pod holding the entire photographer’s
unveiled a first prototype, the NV 2500,
a concept delivery van squarely aimed
at Ford’s E-Series formerly known as the
As far as the NV 2500 was concerned,
it came with three different zones, the
Diesel engine and ZF gearboxes
Joe castelli, vice-president commercial and fleet vehicles for Nissan
in North america unveiled the new NV 2500 concept truck (left) along
with the already well-known NV 200 concept van.
| February 2009 |
driver’s zone, the work zone, and a small
meeting zone. Though the layout is not ne-
The NV 2500 concept truck is based on
cessarily typical to such a vehicle, it could
the actual Titan Alpha platform. According
very well be very representative. It’s now
to Nissan’s people, this type of commer-
up to a few Nissan dealers to gear up for
cial vehicle will be powered by Cummins
such commercial vehicles.
Subaru entirely redesigned the Forester 2.5X to make it a versatile SUV with an athletic style that fulfils, more than ever,
all the needs and expectations of commercial users.
The new 2009 Subaru Forester 2.5X offers a new platform that improves security and driving dynamics as it increases
the available interior space, which received a completely new design for more comfort.
Of course, the new 2009 Subaru Forester 2.5X still offers you the unique combination of its legendary symmetrical
full-time All-Wheel Drive system and the highly-efficient 170 horsepower SUBARU BOXER engine’s renowned
performance and fuel economy.
The 2009 Subaru Forester 2.5X : more reliable, safer and sexier than ever.
For more information and product updates, please call 1-877-293-7272 for the Subaru National Fleet Sales Department.
Top Safety Pick†
Crash Test Rating ††
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s
(NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program
† Top Safety Pick for 2009 Forester 2.5X. Rating of ˝Good˝ is the highest rating awarded for 40-mph front offset, 31-mph side-impact and 20-mph rear
impact crash tests conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) ( A ˝Good˝ rating obtained in all three crash tests and the
availability of the Electronic stability control (ESC) (Vehicle Dynamic Control) is necessary to achieve a ˝Top Safety Pick˝. †† 5 star front and side-impact
ratings for the 2009 Forester 2.5X. U.S. Government star crash-test ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA’s) New
Car Assessment Program ( A five-star crash-test rating is the highest government rating for a) Driver and right front seating positions in
frontal crash tests and b) Front and rear seating position in side-impact crash tests.
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Chrysler, Dodge are registered trademarks of Chrysler Canada Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Chrysler llC. RamBox is a trademark of Chrysler llC. Fleet operations is a division of Chrysler motors llC.