Tuning SU Carburetters including full needle charts
Tuning SU Carburetters including full needle charts
,I '1\ : '-77L .; TUNING • 'I CARBURETTERS INCLUDING FULL NEEDLE CHARTS .1 CONTENTS SECTION 1 A four-point guide to getting the best performance Page 6 and economy from your S.U.(s). SECTION 2 Servicing, dismantling and reassembly. Page 12 SECTION 3 Tuning twin carburetters. Page24 APPENDIX 1 Carburetter specifications Page 31 APPENDIX 2 Needle charts Page 38 3 . 11 h ~ PEED S PDRT MOTOBOOKS THE PERFORMANCE PAPERBACKS INTRODUCTION TO TUNING Martyn Watkins The first in a series of tuning companions designed to give the novice a complete guide to all aspects of the tuning and modification of the production car. This book covers the theory of how a car works and the methods by which it can be made to work more efficiently. 37%p (7/6) TUNING COMPANION VOL. 2. ENGINES AND TRANSMISSIONS Martyn Watkins Following on from the preliminaries of 'Introduction to Tuning' this. second book explains the tuning possibilities for cylinder heads. valves, camshafts, carburetters, cranks and transmissions. 50p(10H Tuning Companion Vol. 3Suspension and brakes by Martyn Watkins This book is the third and final volume in the series of Tuning Companions by Martyn Watkins. It enlarges on the details given in volume 1 and covers suspension and its modifications, wheels and tyres, brakes, bodywork modification instruments and lights. 50p (10/...Yj . ! .. The Speed Sport Motobooks series is designed to present the performance and motor sport enthusiast with inexpensive guides to their particular enthusiasm, The books are constantly re-edited to keep up with modern trends and innovations, and are written by accredited experts backed by the editorial team from the monthly magazine Cars and Car Conversions. 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Hudson-Evans HOW TO START MOTOR RACING by Wally Hall HOW TO START AUTOCROSS AND RALLYCROSS AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO TUNING ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS SUSPENSION & BRAKES AUTO ELECTRICS by David Westgate MODIFYING PRODUCTION CYLINDER HEADS RACING ENGINE PREPARATION by Clive Trickey CAR CUSTOMISING by Paul Cockburn :-.. -.J -..-J' 37%p ~ 50p U 50p [J 90p C 40p C 80p L. 90p Ll These and other advertised Speedsport Motobooks should be obtainable from all good booksellers. If you have any difficulty please tick the appropriate box and send your remittance for the purchase price plus 7 %p for postage and packing direct to us. SPEEDSPORT MOTOBOOKS ACORN HOUSE, VICTORIA ROAD, ACTON. LONDON W3. FIRST IMPRESSION APRIL 1968 SECOND IMPRESSION JULY 1970 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We should like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance given by the S.U. Carburetter Company in letting us reproduce so much of their literature. In particular we thank them for the information on their carburetter specifications and needles - which will be of so much help to readers of this book. We hope that this book will serve as a trusty guide to millions of motorists running cars with S.U. carburetters. IMPORTANT The tuning procedure described in this publication does not apply to vehicles sold in the U.S.A. after October, 1968, and which are made to satisfy the U.S.A. statutory regulations regarding exhaust emission. These carburetters must not be dismantled or the settings altered without reference to the relevant manufactur~rs' servicing instructions. Printed and Published by SPEED AND SPORTS PUBLICATIONS LTD Acorn House, Victoria Road, Acton, London W.3. © Copyright 1968 by Speed and Sports Publications Ltd. All rights reserved 6 SECTION I iii Entry of air into carburetter. Le:-The fitting of an air cleaner system or the selection of a size and type of ram pipe, or the decision to use open-intakes. iv Profile of jet needle. Size of jet and range of jet needles is governed by the size of carburetter. To be certain of obtaining the correct solutions to the above points, the engine has to be mounted on a test bed and a series of set procedures carried out. However, it is possible to arrive at a carburation setting which is reasonably close to the optimum by careful road testing and applying a given sequence to the operation. It is advisable, after a long run with an experimental jet needle fitted, to check both spark plug appearance and condition of the tail pipe bore. In both cases 'whiteness' is a sign of weak mixture. Having oQ,tained a jet needle which allows the car to accelerate smoothly up to maximum revs, is steady under part throttle conditions and is also satisfactory at the top end, then consumption tests can be carried out. These should be undertaken in good weather conditions and if the standard fuel system is used (sometimes a separate gallon tank is fitted for this purpose), fill the tank to the brim, note the mileage carefully and refill to the brim. This will give the exact quantity of SINCE so many people have been writing in asking what needles, and jets to use in such and such car or induction set-up, and in view of the fact that it is impossible in most cases to give a clear cut answer we have attempted to explain just how one can obtain the correct answers. First let us consider why it is usually impossible to give a c1earcut answer to reader's carburation problems. As explained in the recent Mini Tuning series and book, even small variations in engine specification can radically alter the carburation requirements of an engine. These variations can be as obscure as small differences in port or chamber shape, or as obvious as the fitting of larger valves and different manifolds and camshafts. Thus it is quite possible that two identical motors with outwardly similar conversions, and identical written specifications, can in fact have quite different carburation requirements. To complicate matters even further there is still the human factor of the fuel-consumption-toperformance-ratio preference of the individual. Tuning an S.U. Carburetter installation to match an engine specification is, a matter of selecting the following items:i Size and number of carburetter(s) to be used. ii Strength of piston spring fitted above the carburetter piston. 7 fuel used. To obtain the best m.p.g. figures without sacrificing performance, these consumption checks should be done at steady speeds, (say 30, 40 and 50 m.p.h.), and also at top speed; then if there is excessive consumption at particular points on the needle then a closer setting can be looked for. (See back of this book), bearing in mind what part of the needle is affected. Two last points to remember are:When going from weak to rich on the setting it is usual to try a dimension about ·002" (two 'thou') smaller at a time, but when going from rich to weak at a point on the needle, it is advisable to go no more than ·0(\1" (one 'thou') larger on the dimensions, unless there are signs of excessive richness. If these methods are to be used for jet needle determination please use the utmost care whilst carrying out checks on the public highways -really such road testing requires a test track. ing carburetter size. If larger instruments are to be fitted then the next size should be used; it is very rare that an engine's breathing capacity is increased to the stage where it requires an increase of two sizes. Remember if a larger instrument is fitted to a power unit which does not really merit this increase in carburetter size, the piston will not reach its full travel-the only benefit achieved will be a more impressive underbonnet appearance! Piston spring Piston springs are identified by a colour code and this can be found painted on the end coils of the spring. The range for carburetters up to and including 1£" bore size is:2t oz. blue. 4t oz. red. 8 oz. yellow and 12 oz. green. It is best to use the red spring but if the carburetters are suspected of being on the large sizt> for an engine then the blue should be tried. Conversely if the instrument is only just large enough, a stronger yellow spring might be required. A correct strength of piston spring will be one which allows the pis10n to reach its maximum travel at the point in the speed range where maximum power is obtained. In the paper on the S.U. Carburetter given to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers by Mr. P. G. G. Knight, Technical Manager of S.U. Carburetter Co. Ltd., there is a description of a simple Size of Carburetter. An alteration in size of carburetter should only be necessary if the breathing capacity of the engine has been substantially increased. To improve the breathing will require possibly larger inlet valves, alteration to the head or ports, a change of camshaft or an increase in engine capacity. Polishing and lining-up the ports and increasing compression by about one ratio is not really sufficient fustification for increas- 8 db Removal of an air cleaner system will tend to weaken the mixture supplied to the engine and the effect will be greater at the top end of the speed range. The degree of weakening will depend upon the type of air cleaner and this will be governed by how much restriction the cleaner offers-the greater the restriction, the greater the weakening effect when removed. In general, oil bath type cleaners offer more restriction than the paper element types. Fitting ram pipes to the intake flange of the carburetter(s) can also affect the mixture requirement (usually weakening the mixture slightly in the mid-speed range). The effect on power curve varies with type, and length. There is no simple formula for ram pipe length, but in general a length of between 2 to 3 inches is used. The effect of these pipes is to boost power very slightly in the mid-speed range. piston height indicator which can be used whilst the vehicle is in motion. This device can be extremely useful in determining, both piston spring and needle profile by road test methods. (See footnote*) It should be noted that the change from a medium spring (say the red) to a weaker one (blue), will have the effect of weakening the mixture throughout the range. The effect of going to a stronger one will be to enrich the mixture throughout the range. A way of getting a rough guide as to which spring to use is to refer to the S.U. Leaflet AUC.9631. This lists carburetter specifications for both current and earlier models. Look down the list of vehicles and find a power unit which gives about the same power with the same number and size of carburetter fitted. This will give a piston spring/jet needle combination which can be used as a good starting point. See also appendix 1. Jet needle profile. Two leaflets which are obtainable from S.U. Carburetter Co. Ltd., or their agents, are extremely useful for jet needle determination; one is the Carburetter Specification booklet already mentioned and the other is the list of needle sizes (AUC.9618). See Appendix 2. The book of needle sizes gives a list of diameters for each needle starting with the diameter immediately under the. shank or head of the needle and working down the length in increments of one eighth of an inch. The smaller the dia- Carburetterair intake The way by which the air reaches the carburetter intake can greatly affect the mixture requirements. In addition to this manometer device Mr. Knight also refers to checking piston lift by means of a rod inserted jn a hole drilled vertically through the suction chamber cap. The rod is cut off flush with the top of the cap when piston is resting on the carbllretter brid ge and is therefore at its lowest point. As the piston rises, it carries the rod with it and a simple measurement reveals the extent of lift. A device of this type is actually available on the market-the PSW tool set, manufactured by PSW Test Equipment (P. M. Schleyer) of Western Germany, and imported into this country by Motor Books and Accessories, 33 St. Martins Court, St. Martin's Lane, London W.C.2. Sets are available for S.U. carburettors and for Strombergs, they cost 36s 6d. As well as piston lift. they permit immediate checks to be made of jet centralisation, synchronisation of twin carhs. mixture strength and fuel level. 9 ~ C E ISTlankl ,dia. ~ ~ --~ -- - ~ 2nd ... 3rd ... - 4th 5th ... r" idling ---, L r pick -- I up& I cruis Ing 6th L. r --- 7th top 8th 9th spe~d - - --- " I~ ·089 ·085" - ·082" - ·0795" -- ... - 10th - - 11th -- --- N B. 1st -- 12th 13th The above bracketing applies 1" for 1'4 (H2 or HS2 ) carburetters 10 ,. ·0777 ·076" 0745" 0735" '072" ·071 " 0695 " 0682" ·067" size of carburetter) between the second and third dimensions on the diagram; a steady 50 m.p.h. will occur around the fifth portion. Dimensions from the seventh (·0745) to the ninth (·072) affect the top end full throttle conditions. The last three dimensions (with 1*,' diameter carburetters) do not take part in the metering. meter at any particu1ar point the richer the needle will be at that point. To illustrate what the needle dimensions in the book actually represent we will take an example, (a diagram of this needle appears on page10)the eE, list the dimensions and discuss which part affects which driving condition. Referring to diagram (1) the first two dimensions are given as 1). .089 2). .085: these are the idling or datum positions and it is advisable when changing from one needle to another to choose one with the same idling dimensions. If this is not possible then bear in mind that if the new needle has weaker or larger idling dimensions (say .089-.0855) the rest of the needle will give slightly richer results than suggested by the dimensions. If the idling dimensions are richer or smaller (say ·089-·0845) the needle will give slightly weaker results than one would expect. This is due to the alteration in the jet position required by the new . idling dimensions. The next four dimensions\govern the pick up in top' gear from about 20 m.p.h. to 50 m.p.h. These are 3) ·082 4) ·0795 5) ·0777 6) ·076 and are also the part of the needle which meters fuel for the part throttle or cruising conditions. A cruising speed of 30 m.p.h. will lie approximately (depending on Testing procedure With the carburetter(s) correctly set for mixture at idle conditions (see S.U. Service Literature) and the engine oil and water at normal temperatures, carry out a number of acceleration tests and part throttle tests. First accelerate from about 20 m.p.h. in top gear to about 50 m.p.h. If there is hesitation or a pulling back, repeat test with the choke pulled out about iff. If there is an improvement, make a note that the third, fourth and fifth, and possibly the sixth needle dimensions require to be a little richer. Now try driving at a steady 30, 40 and 50 m.p.h., if there is a slight see-sawing action, try to cure this by richening the mixture control slightly. If weakness is suspected at these cruising speeds then again the third, fourth and fifth dimensions will require richening. A similar test can be carried out for high speed in top gear. Here it is very important to ensure that there is no weakness. 11 SECTION II Adjusting and Servicing 4 5 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Baffle plate. Inlet nozzle. Suction chamber. Carburetter body. Marks for replacement. 6. 7. 8. 9. Damper. Damper washer. Chamber retaining screws. Direction of removal. A. Remove the baffle plate from the inlet nozzle. B. Thoroughly clean the outside of the carburetter. C. Mark the relative positions of the suction chamber and the carburetter body. D. Remove the damper and its washer. Unscrew the chamber retaining screws. E. Lift off the chamber without tilting it. 12 I I 2 1. Piston spring. 2. Alternative spring with washer. 3. Piston assembly. 4. Piston rod. 5. Needle locking screw. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Needle. Piston lifting pin. Circlip for pin. Spring for pin. Alternative lifting pin. A. Remove the piston spring and washer (when fitted). B. Carefully lift out the piston assembly and empty the damper oil from the piston rod. C. Remove the needle locking screw and withdraw the needle. If it cannot easily be removed, tap the needle inwards first and then pull outwards. Do not bend th'e needle. D. If a piston lifting pin with an external sprihg is fitted, remove the spring retaining circlip and spring. then push the lifting pin upwards to remove it from its guide. With the concealed spring type. press the pin upwards, detach the circlip from its upper end, and withdraw the pin and spring downwards. --------_.... 13 17 3 A. B. C. D. 14-l1 / '------J/ 1. Jet assembly. 10. GI~d. 2. Pick-up link. 11. Washer. 3. Link retaining screw. 12. Ferrule. 4. Pick-up lever return spring. 13. Jet adjusting nut. S. Brass bush. 14. Spring for nut. 6. Sleeve nut. 1S. Jet bearing. 7. Flexible Jet tube. 16. Brass washer. 8. Float-chamber. 17. Jet locking nut. 9. Carburetter body. 18. Piston key. Support the moulded base of the Jet and slacken the screw retaining the Jet pick-up link. Relieve the tension of the pick-up lever return spring from the screw and remove screw and brass bush (when fitted). Unscrew the brass sleeve nut retaining the flexible Jet tube to the float-chamber and withdraw the Jet assembly from the carbu~etter body. Note the gland, washer, and ferrule, at the end of the Jet tube. Remove the Jet adjusting nut and screw. Unscrew the Jet locking nut and detach the nut and Jet bearing. Withdraw the bearing from the nut, noting the brass washer under the shoulder of the bearing. 14 4 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. A. B. Pick-up lever. Lever return spring. Lever pivot bolt. Double-coil spring washer. Spacer (alternative). Cam lever. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Lever spring. Pivot bolt tube. Skid washer. Cam lever spring location. Pick-up lever spring location. Note the location points of the two ends of the pick-up lever return spring. Unscrew the lever pivot bolt together with Its double-coil spring washer, or spacer. Detach the lever assembly and return spring. Note the location of the two ends of the cam lever spring and push out the pivot bolt tube or tubes, taking care not to lose the spring. Lift off the cam lever. noting the skid washer between the two levers. 15 ~II ...... 2 12 /~~~ @ ijJ" ~--II 5 .' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Float-chamber. Retaining bolt. Float-chamber lid. Marks for replacement. Lid retaining screws. Lid gasket. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Float assembly. Float hinge pin. Float needle. Needle seating. Alternative f1oat-ehamber. Alternative spacers. A. Slacken and remove the bolt retaining the f1oat-ehamber to the carburetter body. Note the component sequence with flexibly mounted chambers. B. Mark the location of the float-chamber lid. Unscrew the lid retaining screws and detach the lid and its gasket, complete with float assembly. C. Push out the float hinge pin from the end opposite Its serrations and detach the float. D. Extract the float needle from Its seating and unscrew the seating from the lid, using a box spanner ·338 In. (8·58 mm.) across the flats. Do not distort the seating. 16 6 1. 2. 3. 4. Throttle disc. Carburetter flange. Marks for replacement. Disc retaining screws. 5. 6. 7. 8. Throttle spindle. Tab washer. Spindle nut. Lever arm. • A. Close the throttle and mark the relative positions of the throttle disc and the carburetter flange. B. Unscrew the two disc retaining screws. Open the throttle and ease out the disc from its slot In the throttle spindle. The disc is oval and will jam If care is not taken. C. Tap back the tabs of the tab washer securing the spindle nut. Note the location ofthe l!lver arm in relation to the spindle and carburetter body; remove the nut and detach the arm. NOTE_Before reassemblln,. examine all components for dama,e and/or wear. Unserviceable components must be renewed. B 17 5 -- 1. Piston rod. 2. Transfer holes. 3. Needle. -- 3 4. Needle locking screw. 5. Alternative needle. 7 18 A. 8 Examine the throttle spindle and its bearings In the carburetter body. Check for excessive play. Renew parts as necessary. B. Refit the spindle to the body. Assemble the operating lever with tab washer and spindle nut, to the spindle. Ensure that when the stop on the lever is against the abutment on the carburetter body, I.e. throttle closed position, the countersunk ends of the holes in the spindle face outwards. Tighten the spindle nut and lock with the tab washer. C. Insert the throttle disc in the slot in the spindle in its original position as marked. Manoeuvre the disc in its slot until the throttle can be closed and fit two new retaining screws, but do not fully tighten. Check visually that the disc closes fully, and adjust Its position as necessary. With the throttle closed there must be clearance between the throttle lever and the carburetter body. Tighten the screws fully and spread their split ends just enough to prevent turning. A. Examine the float needle and seating for damage. Check that the spring-loaded plunger in the end of the plastic-bodied needle operates freely. B. Screw the seating into the float-chamber carefully. Do not overtighten. Replace the needle in the seating, coned end first. Test the assembly for leakage with air pressure. C. Refit the float and lever to the lid and insert the hinge pin. Check the float level as described in item 15 D. Examine the lid gasket for re-use. Assemble the gasket on the lid and refit the lid to the float-chamber In the position marked on dismantling. Tighten the securing screws evenly. E. Refit the float-chamber assembly to the carburetter body and tighten the retaining bolt fully, making sure that the registers on the body and the chamber engage correctly. A. B. 10 9 Refit the piston lifting pin, spring, and circlip. Examine the piston assembly for damage on the piston rod and the outside surface of the piston. The piston assembly must be scrupulously clean. Use petrol or methylated spirit as a cleaning agent. Do not use abrasives. Lightly oil the outside of the piston rod. C. Clean inside the suction chamber and piston rod guide using petrol or methylated spirit. Refit the damper assembly and washer. Seal the transfer holes in the piston assembly with rubber plugs or Plasticine and fit the assembly to the suction chamber. Invert the complete assembly and allow the suction chamber to fall away from the piston. Check the time this takes, which should be 3 to 5 seconds for HS2-type carburetters of 11 19 in. (31,75 mm.) bore, or 5 to 7 seconds for larger carburetters. If the time taken is in excess of that quoted, the cause will be thick oil on the piston rod, or an oil film on the piston or inside the suction chamber. Remove the oil from the points indicated and re-check. D. Refit the needle to the piston assembly. The shoulder or lower edge of the groove must be level with the bottom face of the piston rod. Fit a new needle locking screw and tighten. Invert the suction chamber and spin the piston assembly inside it to check for concentricity of the needle. E. Check the piston key for security in the carburetter body. Refit the piston assembly to the body and replace the piston spring over the piston rod. Fit the suction chamber and retaining screws. Tighten the screws evenly. A. Refit the let bearing, washer, and locking nut: do not tighten the nut. Refit the jet in its bearing and the flexible tube to the base of the float-chamber without the gland and washer. B. Centralize the jet as described in item 13 C. Withdraw the let and tube; refit the spring and let adjusting nut. Fit the gland washer and ferrule to the flexible tube. The end of the tube should project a minimum of /r in. (4·8 mm.) beyond the gland. Refit the jet and tube. Tighten the sleeve nut until the neoprene' gland is compressed. Overtightening can cause leakage. D. Refit the damper and washer. A. 12 11 Reassemble the pick-up lever, cam lever, cam lever spring, skid washer, and pivot bolt tube or tubes In the positions noted on dismantling. B. Place the pick-up lever return spring in position over Its boss and secure the lever assembly to thecarburetter body with the pivot bolt. Ensure that the double-coil spring"\lAsher or spacer fits over the projecting end of the pivot bolt tube. C. Register the angled end of the return spring in the groove In the pick-up lever, and hook the other end of the spring around the moulded peg on the carburetter body. D. Fit the brass ferrule to the hole In the end of the pick-up link. Relieve the tension of the return spring and fit the link to the let with its retaining screw. When finally tightening the screw, support the moulded end of the jet. E. Refit the baffle plate to the float-chamber lid nozzle. 20 JET CENTREING 13 The piston should fan freely onto the carburetter bridge with a click when the lifting pin is released with the jet In the fully up position. If It will only do this with the jet lowered then the let unit requires re-centrlng. This Is done as follows: A. Remove the jet head screw to release the control linkage. B. Withdraw t,he jet, disconnecting the fuel feed pipe union in the ~~at-~er;;i.j1n'dremoving the rubber sealing washer. Remove ~.ne jetlotll.lrti'spring and adjusting nut. C. Replace the let and insert the fuel feed pipe connection into the f1oat-ehaiiiber. D. Slacken the Jet locklns nut until the assembly is free to rotate. 21 A. Remove the piston damper and apply pressure to the top of the piston rod with a pencil. B. Tighten the jet locking nut keeping the jet hard up against the ---~-~~~ jet bearing. C. Finally check again as In item 13. D. Re-fit the jet locking spring and adjusting nut. Before replacing "_ / the fuel feed pipe into the float-chamber, fit the rubber sealing ~""i-_.~ washer over the end of the plastic pipe so that at least in. (4,8 mm.) of pipe protrudes (see Inset). Reassemble the controls. E. Refill the piston dampers with the recommended engine oil (see item 26 ). * 14 Float-chamber fuel level A. Remove and Invert the float-chamber lid. B. With the needle valve held in the shut-off position by the weight of the float only, there should be a 1 to in. (3,2 to 4·8 mm.) gap between the float lever and the rim of the float-chamber lid. C. The float may be set by bending at the crank. * 22 15 ROUTINE CLEANING 16 A. At the recommended intervals mark for reassembly and carefully remove the piston/suction chamber unit. B. Using a petrol-moistened cloth, clean the inside bore of the suction chamber and the two diameters of the piston. C. Lightly oil the piston rod only and reassemble as marked. D. Refill piston damper (see item 26) 23 1 ~. I ;~~ SECTION III Tuning Multi Carburetters The Type HS Carburetter 1. Jet adjusting nut. 2. Jet locking nut. 3. Piston/suction chamber. 4. Fast-idle adjusting screw. 5. Throttle adjusting screw. 6. Piston lifting pin. 24 r L I 17 A Warm engine up to normal temperature. B. Switch off engine. C. Unscrew the throttle adjusting screw until it is Just clear of its stop and the throttle is closed. D. Set each throttle adjusting screw i of a turn open. A. Mark for reassembly and remove piston/suction chamber unit. B. Dlsconrtect mixture control wire. C. Screw the jet adjusting nut (1) until the jet Is flush with the bridge of the carbu retter or fully up If this position cannot be obtained. D. Replace the piston/suction chamber unit as marked. E. Turn down the jet adjusting nut (1) two complete turns. 25 18 7 ovU 19 A. Slacken both of the clamping bolts (7) on the throttle spindle Interconnections. B. Disconnect the jet control interconnection by slackening the clamping bolts (8). \ !~,~\II ' / A. 8. 20 Restart the engine and adjust the throttle adjusting screws on each carburetter to give the desired Idling speed as Indicated by the glow of the Ignition warning light. Compare the Intensity of the intake 'hiss' on all carburetters and alter the throttle .adjusting screws until the 'hiss' Is the same. 26 "J .t". 21 A. Turn the jet adjusting nuts (1) on all carburetten up to weaken or down to rlchen the same amount until the fastest idling speed consistent with even running is obtained. B. Readjust the throttle adjusting screws (5) to give correct idling If necessary. 500~~---'~. :::.. • - .~ ENGINE I.p.m '\ .",-- ...-..,.---r--r----,.--------TIME A. Check for correct mixture by gently pushing the lifting pin of the front carburetter up in. (,8 mm.) after free movement has been taken up. The graph illustrates the possible effect on engine r.p.m. Readjust the mixture strength If necessary. B. Repeat the operation on the other carlluretters and after adjustment re-check since they are all inter-dependent. C. Item 25. shows the correct type of exhaust smoke. n 27 23 A. Set the throttle interconnection clamping levers (7) so that the link pin is ·012 in. (,30 mm.) away from the lower edge of the-. fork (see Inset). Tighten the clamp bolts. B. With both jet levers at their lowest position, set the jet interconnection lever clamp bolts (8) so that both jets commence to move simultaneously. Reconnect the mixture control wire with about ttln. (1,6 mm.) free movement before It starts to pull on the jet levers. B. Pull the mixture control knob until the linkage is ab.out to move the carburetter jets, and adjust the fast Idle screws, comparing the Intensity of the air intake 'hiss' to give an engine speed ofabout 1.000 r.p.m. when hot. C. Refit the air cleaners. A. 24 28 25 th on exh aust smoke The effect.0 f mixture streng I hy misfire. an d colourless. TOO WEAK: I note, sp as Irregu ar n note. k' h A. CORRECT: Regular eV:hmical misfire, blac IS • B. TOO RICH: C. Regular and or rhy 29 26 Finally top up the piston damper with the recommended engine oil until the level Is tin. (13 mm.) above the top of the hollow piston rod. Note On dust-proofed carburetters. Identified by a transverse hole drilled in the nl\ck of the suction chambers and no vent hole in the damper cap. the oil level should be tin. (13 mm.) below the top ofthe hollow piston rod. 30 , Appendix1 contd CAR MODEL YEAR TYPE No. RICH Co) N CONVERSION SETS M.G.-Elva B.M.C. A Series-Turner Minor 1000-Speedwell B.M.C. A Series-Turner Sprite-Sebring F2 Cooper Climax SIC B.M.C.-FJ Cooper Alexander Herald 948 c.c. Sprite 948 c.c. Mangoletsi Remix Healey 3000 Competition Mini Cooper (Thermo jets) 997 c.c. Sprite-Speedwell Mini competition Mini-Cooper S Group 2 970 c.c. Mini-Cooper S Group 2 1070 c.c. Mini-Cooper S Group 2 12'75 c.c. Formula 3 B.M.C.-Cooper Morris 1100 (Downton) 1098 c.c. COVENTRY CLIMAX 1100 c.c. F.W.A. Stage I F.W.A. Stage II Lotus Elite 1220 c.c. Lotus Elite 1220 c.c. F.P.F. 1500 c.c. FORD (CONVERSIONS) 1172 c.c. E93A 100E Aquasport 1172 c.c. 100E Prefect and Anglia 1172 c.c. 1172 c.c. 100E Lotus ~:.'.'."'~"~; 1959/61 1959/6-1 1959/61 1959/61 1960 1960 1960 1960/1 1960 1961/3 1961 1961/3 1962/3 1962/3 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 Pair H4 Pair H1 Pair H2 Pair H2 Pair H2 Single H8 Pair H4 Pair H2 Pair H4 Pair HI Three HD8 Pair H4 Pair H4 Pair H4 Pair H4 Pair H4 Pair H4 Single HS6 Pair H4 1954/8 Pair H4 Pair H4 Pair H4 Pair H4 Single H4 Pair DU6 1949/53 1953/7 1953 1954/60 -.~.". Pair Pair Pair Pair HV1 MC2 H1 H2 NEEDLE STD. WK. GS BXI M8 M6 GX SPRING COLOUR Red Blue Red Blue AM M6 A5 M8 UH MME AO MME CP4 MME BG SS AM Blue Blue Blue Blue/Black Blue Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue R6 BE BE BF BO BF ZB 6 M9 MI EK A5 M6 M6 MOW HA Red M7 Red M5 Blue Blue Blue Blue Yellow -_'-".F""Y··~~ CAR MODEL FORD (CONVERSIONS) Consul-Aquaplane (Series 1) Consult-W.H.M.B. Ltd. Zephyr-Aquaplane (Series 1) W W 30 h.p. hs··' YEAR TYPE No. 1954/1 1955/1 1954/7 Pair H4 Pair H2 Three H4 Zephyr-W.H.M.B. Ltd. Zephyr-Raymond Mays (Series 1) Zephyr-Raymond Mays (Series 2) Consul-R. Owen (Series 2) 4 port head Consul-R. Owen (Series 2) 6 port head 105E FJ 100E Aquaplane 105E/1 07E Aquaplane Consul-R. Owen (Series 2) 4 port head Zephyr-Raymond Mays E93A-Dellow Consul (Series 1)-Dellow Zephry (Series 1)-Dellow 100E Prefect and Anglia-Dellow V.8 (Special adaptor) Consul (Series 1) 1955/7 1954/6 1957/62 1958/60 1958/60 1060/2 1960/2 1960/2 1962 1962 1950 1953 1954 1955 1950 1952 Three H2 Pair H4 Pair H4 Single H6 Pair H6 Pair H4 Pair H2 Pair H2 Single H6 Pair H4 Single HV3 Pair H2 Three H2 Pair H1 Pair H4 Pair H4 DO Consul (Series 1) Zephyr (Series 1) Lotus 105E Turner/Classic Reliant Ford Reliant Zephyr 4 Formula 3 (Holbay-Ford) 1953 1953 1961/2 1961/2 1962/3 Pair H2 DO Three H2 DO Pair H2 Single HS4 Pair HS4 Pair HS4 Single HS6 Y r ' SF T5 -1 .""......-~~ 1963/4 1964 NEEDLE RICH STD. 4 3 H2 OA 4 3 WK. L OW L EM CN MME AP GE AO M9 RO ES 5 7 RB RB AM GX A5 RB AY RLS M5 M5 EK 6 61 62 WX A5 OJ CZ DH UVP SPRING COLOUR Red Red Red/Centre Yellow front and rear Red Yellow Yellow Red Red Blue Blue Blue Red Yellow Red Red Red MOW Red Yellow Yellow Yellow Blue Red Red Red Red .J p Appendix 1 contd CAR MODEL YEAR TYPE No. RICH Co) ~ HILLMAN Imp (Conversion) 875 c.c. Minx (Conversion) 1600 c.c. Minx (Conversion) 1390 c.c. Alexander Minx (Conversion) JAGUAR XK 120 XK 120 XK 120 (Remote air cleaner) XK 1207:1 and 8:1 C.R.C. Type XK 1208:1 C.R.C. Type XK 120 8:1 C.R. (Remote air cleaner) XK 120 9:1 C.R.C. Type XK 1407:1 and 8:1 C.R. XK 130 C 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. (C Type head) XK 140C 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. (C Type Head) disc air cleaners XK 140C 8:1 and 9:1 C.R. (C head) XK140C 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. D/H Coupe and standard XK 140C 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. R.H.D. F/H Coupe XK 140C 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. L.H.D. F/H Coupe XK 140 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. L.H.D. F/H Coupe XK 140 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. R.H.D. F/H Coupe XK 140 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. Borg-Warner XK 1407:1 and 8:1 C.R Borg-Warner R.H.D. F/H Coupe XK 140 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. Borg-Warner L.H.D. D/H Coupe XK 140 7:1 and 8:1 C.R. Borg-Warner R.H.D. D/H Coupe XK 150 S 3·4 litre XK 150 XK 150 3·4 litre 3·8 litre XK 150 E Type 3·8 litre E Type 4·2 litre 1964 1964 1956/8 1959/61 Pair Pair Pair Pair HS2 H4 H2 H2 1949/50 1951/4 1951/4 1952 1952 1952 1952 1954 1954 Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair H6 H6 H6 H8 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 1954 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1959/62 1959 1960/2 1960/2 1961/4 1965 Pair H6 Thermo Pair H8 Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Pair H6 Thermo Three HD8 Thermo Pair H D6 Thermo Pair H D6 Thermo Pair H D6 Thermo Three HD8 Three HD8 Thermo Thermo Thermo Thermo Thermo Thermo Thermo Thermo CU 53 W04 75 SA 75 SA SA SA SA SA SA W03 W03 NEEDLE STD. WK. H4 QA CZ GR RB RF W02 VR RG DG RC SJ SR W02 VR W02 W02 W02 SJ SJ SJ SJ SJ SJ UE TL TL TU UM UM cr RG W03 VE LBA VE LBA LBA LBA LBA LBA LBA SJ SJ SPRING COLOUR Blue Red Blue Blue Red Red Red Black/Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Black/Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Blue/Black Red Red Red Blue/Black Blue/Black ~:A!!>r- x ..... A works Mini Cooper S: within the engine department lurk these twin 1 ina SUs in place of the standard 1t ina. carbs. Note the carb bellmouths and the re-routed oil breather pipe all very neatly done. t Below: these twin 1i ins. SUs were fitted to an MGB tuned by Bill Nicholson of Northampton. Together with other mods they helped propel it to a 0-60 time of 8.8 sees. Above: twin 1! ins. SUs as supplied by Nerus for the Imp, other well known tuners sell this type of conversion for about £30 and results are ge'nerally good. Below: HS6 S (1i ins.) as fitted to the MGC; Its sister the MGB uses the visually similar 1! ins. twin HS4 carbs. 36 ------------------------~---------------------=-=--====----=~----=-=-~-~~-~--~- ~ Appendix I c,ontd CAR MODEL RILEY 1489 c.c. One-Point-Five 1489 c.c. One-Point-Five (L.H.D.) 1498 C.c. 4/68 848 C.c. Elf 1622 C.c. 4/72 Saloon 998 C.c. Elf 1098 c.c. Ke6trel 1275 c.c. Kestrel ROVER 2 litre 2000 2 litre 2000 (Smith's valve) 2 litre 2000 TC STANDARD 9 h.p. and 10 h.p. TRIUMP'TR2 1991 C.c. TR3 948 c.c. Herald 1991 C.c. TR3; TR3A and TR4 1147 C.c Spitfire 4 2·2 litre TR4A 1147 c.c. ~pitfire Group II Vitesse (Conversion) YEAR TYPE & No. RICH NEEDLE STD. WK. 1957/64 1957/62 1959/61 1961/2 1961/4 1963/4 1965/6 1967 Pair H4 Pair H4 Pair HD4 Single HS2 Pair HD4 Single HS2 Pair HS2 Single HS4 1963/4 1963/4 1966 Single HS6 Single HS6 Pair HD8 RN RR U1 1955/6 Pair H1 D3 1953/5 1956/8 1959/61 1959/62 1962/3 1965/6 1966 1963/4 Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair H4 H6 H1 H6 HS2 HS6 H4 HS2 AR AR FT M FU M D6 BO GER RH EB RH H6 SW AD AD FU EB HB GX D3 DZ FV SM GV SM AN TW DB MO HA HA M9 GG FK GG GV CF SPRING COLOUR Red Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red Green Green Black/Blue ~ C') CR SL CA SL EB CIW Red Red Red Red Red Blue Red ~-~-~ ·090 JET NEEDLES AS AA AB Ac ACI AD AE AY APPENDIX 2 AZ AAA ·089 ·085 ·0815 ·079 ·0755 -071 ·0662 ·0615 ·0575 ·0532 ·0490 ·0445 ·0405 ·089 ·085 ·0814 ·0785 ·0755 ·072 -0674 ·063 ·060 ·058 ·056 ·0540 ·052 AAA cont. --- --- --------------- --------- --- --- --- ---089 ·085 ·0826 ·080 ·0782 ·0765 -0746 ·073 ·0711 ·0694 ·0676 ·066 ·089 ·0845 ·080 ·0767 ·ons ·071 ·0689 ·0661 ·0638 ·0614 ·0591 ·0566 ·054 ·089 ·085 ·080 ·0785 ·0768 ·075 ·0732 ·0718 ·0702 ·0688 ·0671 ·0657 ·064 ·089 ·085 ·082 ·080 ·0783 ·0765 ·0746 ·073 ·071 ·0694 '0676 ·066 ·064 ·088 '084 ·082 ·080 ·0783 ·0765 -0746 ·073 ·071 ·0694 ·0676 ·066 ·064 '089 '085 '082 '080 '0780 '0760 '0740 ·0720 ·070 ·0680 ·066 ·064 '062 ·089 ·085 ·0805 ·0768 ·0741 ·072 ·0694 ·0669 '0643 ·0617 -059 ·0565 ·0538 -089 ·085 ·081 ·078 ·0763 ·0754 -0745 ·0737 ·0728 ·0718 -071 ·070 - - - ------------------ ·050 ·048 ·046 --- - - - ------ - - - ------ BH BE BF BG BB BD BA AHI AG AH AHI Al AI AF ------ --- --- --------- --- --- --- --- ------ --·089 ·085 ·0814 ·078 ·0758 ·0727 ·071 ·0695 ·068 ·0665 ·065 ·0632 -089 ·085 ·0795 ·0745 ·0702 ·0665 ·063 ·0598 ·0567 ·054 ·OS1 ·0485 -046 -088 ·0862 ·083 ·0803 ·0775 ·0756 ·0733 ·0711 ·069 ·067 ·065 ·063 ·061 ·088 ·086 ·082 ·079 ·0765 ·075 ·073 ·071 ·069 -067 ·065 ·063 ·061 ·089 ·085 ·082 ·0794 ·077 ·0748 ·0726 ·0704 ·0683 ·0662 ·064 ·062 ·060 ·089 '085 ·0817 ·0798 ·078 '0765 ·075 '0732 '0712 '0693 '0685 '0675 ·090 ·0856 ·0822 ·0305 ·0794 ·0777 0760 ·0743 ·0727 ·0710 ·0694 ·0677 ·089 ·085 ·0815 ·079 ·0767 ·0745 ·0723 ·0703 ·0683 ·0663 '064 ·062 ·089 ·085 ·0825 ·080 ·0775 ·075 ·0725 ·070 ·0675 -065 ·0625 ·060 ·0575 ·090 ·0856 ·0822 ·0805 ·0794 ·0777 ·0760 ·0750 ·0740 ·0730 ·0720 ·0710 ·089 ·084 ·0805 ·0773 ·074 ·0705 ·067 ·0634 ·060 ·0565 ·053 ·0495 ·046 '089 ·085 ·082 ·0796 ·0764 ·072 ·068 ·0635 ·0591 ·0549 ·0505 ·0463 ·042 ·089 '085 '0815 ·0782 '0745 ·0695 ·0647 '060 ·0557 '0515 '0474 ·043 '039 ·089 ·085 ·0812 ·0775 ·0753 ·074 ·0731 ·0722 ·0714 ·0705 ·0696 ·0688 '068 ------ --- - 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I" shank ·099 ·095 ·0905 ·0875 ·08<7 ·0822 '060 ·0778 ·0758 ·0737 ·071 ·0675 ·063 ·0585 ·05< ..,.... I I ·125 JET NEEDLES 15 U15 35 U35 45 U45 50 U50 59 U59 60 U60 70 U70 '12.. ·123 ·116 ·109 ·100 ·092 .0&4 '076 ·067 ·059 ·051 ·00t2 'OH ·025 '12.. ·123 ·116 ·109 ·100 ·092 ·085 ·078 ·071 ·06.. ·057 ·050 ·00t2 ·035 ·IH ·123 ·116 ·109 ·101 ·09.. ·089 '082 '076 '.070 ·06.. ·057 ·051 ·00t5 ·12.. ·117 ·111 ·100t ·099 ·092 ·086 ·080 ·073 ·068 ·062 ·056 ·050 .Oof<f ·038 ·12.. ·116 ·111 ·106 ·101 ·096 ·091 ·087 ·083 ·079 ·075 ·071 0067 0063 ·059 '12.. ·117 '111 '100t ·099 ·09.. ·089 .08<f ·0795 ·075 -070 ·065 ·060 ·055 ·050 ·125 ·119 ·113 ·1085 ·100t ·0995 ·095 ·0905 --- ------ ------ ------ '086 ·081 ·on ·on ·068 ·063 '059 --- --- --- --- --------74 U74 75 U75 76 U76 71 U71 79 U79 01 UOI ·117 ·112 ·108 ·100t ·100 ·097 ·09.. ·090 ·087 '0&4 -OSl ·078 ·076 ·07.. '119 ·113 ·1087 ·105 ·1101 '097 ·093 ·089 ·085 ·081 ·117 ·112 ,109· ·1055 ·1022 ·099 ·0958 ·092.. ·0892 ·117 ·112 ·109 ·107 ·100t ·101 ·0978 '09.. ·091 ·088 ·085 ·082 ·080 ·078 '076 ·1178 ·1,..7 ·1115 ·108<f ·1053 ·1022 ·0991 ·096 ·093 ·090 '087 .0&4 ·082 ·080 ·078 ·123 '1175 ·1115 ·1065 ·1015 ·097 ·092 '087 ·082 --- ----------------·12.. '12.. ·12.. '12.. '125 '12.. ·on ·on ·073 ·069 ·065 oQ86 '083 ·080 ·078 ·076 '07.. -on5 ·0725 ·0675 '063 ·058 NOTE. Numbered Series, '156" shank. 'U' Series ,125 shank 48 1 r ANGLO AMERICAN I Electrical & Carburettor Services Ltd. 134 Norwood Road, London, S.E.24 Tel: 01-6744477 If I REPLACEMENT S.U. CONVERSIONS Replacement downdraught carburetters Prices from 5 gns. ZENITH - SOLEX - CARTER - WEBER - STROMBERG FOR FURTHER DETAILS FILL IN THIS FORM AND POST TO: NAME ADDRESS MAKE OF CAR. MODEL & YEAR TYPE OF CARS FITTED.. Tel: 0272 551558 WESTE.RN SERVICES (BRISTOL) LTD Shaftsbury Buildings . Kingsland Road St. Philips . 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