1311-1312_F22-03-9 cENG 3rd For Pricing and Days to Ship,Please Configure Online. Locating Pins - Large Head, Tapered Standard P Selectable Type D Tolerance and Shape Material No. MMaterial SSurface Treatment HHardness 1 O1 Tool Steel - Treated Hardness: 60~63HRC 2 O1 Tool Steel Hard Chrome Plating: Plating Thickness 3µm or more 3 O1 Tool Steel - - BJP 4 304 Stainless Steel - - SJP 5 304 Stainless Steel Hard Chrome Plating: Plating Thickness 3µm or more Plating Hardness: 750HV~ HJP 6 440C Stainless Steel - Treated Hardness: 50~55HRC CJP Hardness: 50~55HRC Plating Hardness: 750HV~ JP <Round> BB (m6) BPB (p6) GJP P Configurable Type D Tolerance and Shape JP GJP <Diamond> DB (m6) DPB (p6) <Round> BA (m6) BPA (p6) BG (g6) GFP BJP BFP SJP SFP <Diamond> BD (m6) BPD (p6) HJP CJP ESome combinations are not available. Refer to the price list to select the available combination. -0.01 (Diamond) (Round) * Insertion Guide D -0.03 G P Ø0.01 A G A <Diamond> BD (m6) BPD (p6) DG (g6) HFP CFP 6.3 QP Selectable G 0.4 (W) 0.4 15° G 0 D P -0.01 0.4 FP <Round> BA (m6) BPA (p6) 0.4 L C L +0.3 0 B +0.3 0 m (60°) * The insertion guide is applicable to tolerance p6 only. E440C Stainless Steel has an identification groove on D part. EPolished, centering hole is sometimes not available for 304 Stainless Steel. Part Number D Tolerance D and Shape 1 2 <Round> 3 (m6) BB 4 BPB (p6) 5 6 8 <Diamond> 10 DB (m6) 12 DPB (p6) 13 EApplicable when 16 D≥2 20 D Tolerance m6 p6 +0.008 +0.002 +0.012 +0.006 +0.012 +0.004 +0.020 +0.012 +0.015 +0.006 +0.024 +0.015 +0.018 +0.007 +0.029 +0.018 +0.021 +0.008 +0.035 +0.022 P 2 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 13 12 13 15 13 15 16 15 16 L B 3 4 3 5 5 6 10 8 15 10 22 20 25 25 30 30 15 C m 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 L 0 3 1 1.5 2 3 4 2 5 (W) 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 3 3.5 4 5 5.5 7 9 JP GJP BJP SJP HJP CJP Part Number D Tolerance D and Shape 1 2 <Round> 3 BA (m6) 4 BPA (p6) 5 6 8 <Diamond> 10 BD (m6) 12 BPD (p6) 13 EApplicable when 16 D≥2 20 P 0.01mm Increment D Tolerance m6 p6 +0.008 +0.002 +0.012 +0.006 +0.012 +0.004 +0.020 +0.012 +0.015 +0.006 +0.024 +0.015 +0.018 +0.007 +0.029 +0.018 +0.021 +0.008 +0.035 +0.022 1.20~2.50 2.50~4.00 3.50~6.00 4.50~7.00 5.50~8.00 6.50~10.00 9.00~13.00 11.00~15.00 13.00~16.00 14.00~18.00 17.00~25.00 22.00~30.00 L B 3 4 3 5 5 6 10 8 15 10 22 30 15 C m FP GFP BFP SFP HFP CFP Part Number D Tolerance D and Shape 1 2 <Round> 3 BA (m6) 4 BPA (p6) 5 BG (g6) 6 8 10 <Diamond> 12 BD (m6) 13 BPD (p6) 16 DG (g6) 20 Unit Price Round Shape 5Hard 304 3O1 Tool Steel 4304 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 6440C Stainless Steel CJPBA SJPBA BJPBA GJPBA HJPBA CJPBPA SJPBPA BJPBPA GJPBPA HJPBPA 1O1 Tool Steel 2O1 Tool Steel Hardened (Hardened) JPBA JPBPA Unit Price Diamond Shape 5Hard 304 3O1 Tool Steel 4304 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 6440C Stainless Steel CJPBD SJPBD BJPBD HJPBD GJPBD CJPBPD SJPBPD BJPBPD HJPBPD GJPBPD - 1O1 Tool Steel 2O1 Tool Steel Hardened (Hardened) JPBD JPBPD 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 16 20 - 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 3 1 1.5 2 3 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 3 3.5 4 5 5.5 7 0 4 2 5 9 m6 D Tolerance p6 g6 +0.008 +0.002 +0.012 +0.006 -0.002 -0.008 +0.012 +0.004 +0.020 +0.012 -0.004 -0.012 +0.015 +0.006 +0.024 +0.015 -0.005 -0.014 +0.018 +0.007 +0.029 +0.018 -0.006 -0.017 +0.021 +0.008 +0.035 +0.022 -0.007 -0.020 P L B 0.01mm Increment 1mm Increment 0.1mm Increment 1.20 (1.50)~2.50 2.50~4.00 3.50~6.00 4.50~7.00 5.50~8.00 6.50~10.00 9.00~13.00 11.00~15.00 13.00~16.00 14.00~18.00 17.00~25.00 2, 3 2~6 3~6 4~8 5~10 6~12 8~16 10~20 12~24 13~26 16~32 1.0~5.0 1.0~10.0 1.0~10.0 1.0~10.0 1.0~10.0 1.0~12.0 1.0~15.0 3.0~20.0 3.0~20.0 5.0~20.0 5.0~20.0 22.00~30.00 20~40 5.0~20.0 C m 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 3 1.5 2 3 L 0 1 4 5 2 (W) 0.6 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 3 3.5 4 5 5.5 7 D Unit Price Round Shape 5Hard 304 3O1 Tool Steel 4304 Stainless Steel Stainless Stainless Steel Steel 6440C BFPBA SFPBA CFPBA GFPBA HFPBA CFPBPA SFPBPA BFPBPA GFPBPA HFPBPA CFPBG SFPBG BFPBG GFPBG HFPBG 1O1 Tool Steel 2O1 Tool Steel Hardened (Hardened) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 16 20 FPBA FPBPA FPBG Part Number P FPBPA10 - P11.01 - Part Number D Tol. Shape BB BD BA BD D 6 8 10 12 - P - - 10 - 11.98 - P12.02 - P13.97 - L - B Tapping MH Long Tapping NTK Adds a tapped hole. Ordering Code MH MH 9 Adds longer tapped hole Ordering Code NTK Mx3 FPBD FPBPD FPDG B - (MH, NTK, TC, RC) - B6.4 - TC6 Configure Online - B3.2 - B5 EApplicable when D≥6 EB≥L2+4 D 6 8~13 16, 20 M (Coarse) L2 4 6 9 M Length of Tapered Point TC Changes the m dimension. Ordering Code TC8 (1mm increment) Bm (Coarse Thread) L L2 Configure Online Spec. L10 L12 L L12 Unit Price Diamond Shape 5Hard 304 6440C Stainless Steel 3O1 Tool Steel 4304 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel BFPBD SFPBD CFPBD HFPBD GFPBD CFPBPD SFPBPD BFPBPD HFPBPD GFPBPD CFPDG SFPDG BFPDG HFPDG GFPDG 1O1 Tool Steel 2O1 Tool Steel Hardened (Hardened) XAlterations are not available for P Selectable Type. Alterations Code EP dimension in ( ) is applicable to Diamond Shape. Type JP JP FP FP - QP Configurable (W) L QP, L, B Configurable Type Unit Price Diamond Shape 5Hard 304 6440C Stainless Steel 3O1 Tool Steel 4304 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CJPDB SJPDB BJPDB HJPDB CJPDPB SJPDPB BJPDPB HJPDPB - 1O1 Tool Steel 2O1 Tool Steel (Hardened) Hardened JPDB GJPDB JPDPB GJPDPB QP, L, B Configurable QP Configurable Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 16 20 Unit Price Round Shape 5Hard 304 6440C Stainless Steel 3O1 Tool Steel 4304 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CJPBB SJPBB BJPBB HJPBB CJPBPB SJPBPB BJPBPB HJPBPB 1O1 Tool Steel 2O1 Tool Steel (Hardened) Hardened JPBB GJPBB JPBPB GJPBPB D JP GJP BJP SJP HJP CJP D D QP Selectable Type Configure Online P, L, B Configurable Type D Tolerance and Shape B m D M (Coarse) 6 3 8 4 10, 12 5 13~20 8 B 1.0~4.5 1.0~5.9 3.0~8.6 5.0~15.2 TC D 1 2 3 4 5 6 TC 1~2 2~5 3~9 4~11 4~11 4~13 Changes the relief to R0.5. Ordering Code RC D 8 10 12 13 16 20 TC 5~16 5~22 RC (R0.5) The combination of Round and Diamond Shape enables to locate accurately in A direction, and of mounting hole pitch errors in B direction. 5~22 A 6~23 EB+m≥TC+2 (Straight Section min. 2mm) EApplicable when P≥2.00. P, L, B Dimension Configurable E P/2-TC x tan15°(≈0.27)>0.5 (Tip Ø1.0min.) E Type Applicable when D≥6 only. B dimension changes when TC is specified. XCombination with MH, TC is not available. E XCombination with E ffective tap length of D depends E (Changed B dimension = B+m-TC) NTK is not available. on B dimension specifiable range. C ombination with NTK is not available. X When L+B+m≤Mx3, the tapped E M3 M4 M6 Spherical Tip RC EApplicable when P-D≥2. Diamond Shape Round Shape B holes go through. When L+B+m≤Mx5, the pilot holes E for tapping may go through. 1 -1311 Price Adder 1 -1312
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