Annual Report 2006 - Pit Bull Rescue Central
Annual Report 2006 - Pit Bull Rescue Central
Annual Report 2006 Our Vision: Pit Bull Rescue Central envisions a compassionate world where pit bulls and pit bull mixes reside in responsible, loving homes and where their honor and positive image is restored and preserved. Our Mission: As an organization, Pit Bull Rescue Central (PBRC) will: • Help relieve suffering of and prevent cruelty to dogs identified as pit bulls and mixes thereof, through the public dissemination of educational information • Help reduce the number of homeless pit bulls and mixes thereof, through the public dissemination of educational information • Facilitate the rescue and placement of homeless dogs identified primarily as pit bulls and mixes thereof, into responsible homes • Participate in fundraising in order to provide caretakers of pit bulls and mixes thereof, with the means to: 1. seek veterinary treatment 2. spay or neuter 3. provide food, shelter, and other basic necessities 4. assist a dog to prevent it from being treated in a cruel or inhumane fashion This is Tonka! I found Tonka's bio on PBRC back in the summer of 2005. I had been researching the adoption of a homeless Bully for some time. Tonka, and his brother Jake, were losing their home because their dad was moving to the island of Granada - which has BSL - and he couldn't take either dog with him. Two weeks before his dad was due to leave (thereby taking both Tonka and Jake to the local shelter) I went to meet them both. I was met at the door by a 75-pound goof ball, with a tennis ball in his mouth. I recognized it as being Tonka, since I had seen his picture already on PBRC's website. I spent about an hour with him and his brother Jake, but I knew from the moment I went in through the door that Tonka would be the dog I wanted to adopt. Once we confirmed the adoption of Tonka, I began to panic because Jake was just as sweet and wonderful as Tonka, and I couldn't bear the thought of him going to the shelter (a shelter that doesn't even do home visits and is just outside of Baltimore City). By a stroke of luck, a good friend's mother and father were interested in meeting Jake, and adopted him! They love him to death. Tonka is a 4 y.o. brindle and while APBT. He lives with 9 cats and an 8 year old APBT named Gracie (also a rescue). He is a wonderful ambassador for the breed. I can't imagine my life without him. Message from the Board of Directors: 2006 was a special year for Pit Bull Rescue Central. The organization was founded in 1996, making 2006 our 10 year anniversary! It’s hard to believe PBRC started off as a single webpage. We owe a debt of gratitude to founder Veronique Chesser for her vision and hard work. We kicked off our anniversary with a limited edition PBRC key ring whose theme says it all--Respect the Past, Educate the Present, Protect the Future. Throughout the year we had some special offerings celebrating our 10th anniversary. Treasure the Moments was an online photo album where dogs could be honored by the humans in their lives. Our “Pitty the Fool” and “Howl-O-Ween” photo contests were big fun and we hope to offer them again in 2007. And, special 10th Anniversary t-shirt designs were launched for our CafePress store. At the end of the year, PBRC offered a very special 10th Anniversary flash presentation to our supporters, which can still be viewed from our home page. Very special thanks go to Diana McKay of A Better Place, for developing this presentation for PBRC. We had great fun recognizing this special year. In 2006, PBRC also finished up the disbursement of close to $33,000 in order to assist humans and pit bulls affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Special thanks go to Animal Farm Foundation and the ASCPA whose support allowed us to better respond to this tragic situation. As in prior years 2006 saw even more homeless dogs become available for adoption, landing in shelters and rescues across the country through no fault of their own. We continue to strongly emphasize spay and neuter as well as education and outreach in order to addresses the challenges facing all of us daily. We hope you enjoy this review of 2006. We look forward to a successful 2007 as we work together to improve the lives of the dogs we love. The PBRC Board of Directors ***** PBRC Board of Directors 2006: President – Holly Bukes Vice President – Dawn Carroll Secretary – Michelle Daigle / Stephanie Feldstein Treasurer – Arlene Ehrlich Director of Fundraising – Cynthia Castillo / Dawn Carroll Director of Marketing/PR – Marcy Setter Director Education/Outreach – Marcy Setter Director of Volunteers – Pam Fradkin and Amy McGarrigle 2006 in Review: Daily Operations: The PBRC organization is 100% volunteer and consistently "employs" around 30 people situated primarily in the U.S. with a few volunteers in Canada and abroad. Application processing, drafting responses to inquiries generated through the website, and editorial letters continue to be a primary activity. Volunteers answered an average of 150 emails each month with an average response rate of 12 hours. Approximately 5,600 applications for dogs were reviewed and processed. In August, our new, custom-designed dog-listing application came to fruition. Prior to this, our web team spent hours each day creating and maintaining individual dog-listings by hand. With the new application in place, shelters and caretakers upload their information and photos and edit their own listings. This saves the web team 20-30 hours/week. All organizations wishing to list dogs go through an approval process. Each dog posted must be also be approved by the PBRC web team prior to being available on the site. This ensures all dogs listed are sterilized prior to adoption. At the end of 2006, the site hosted listings for 1,300 dogs and this number continues to grow. Our web team spends 10-15 hours per week on the approval process and technical support. The interactive program was largely made possible by a generous grant from Animal Farm Foundation and we thank them for their dedication to PBRC and its mission. PBRC thanks programmer Christopher Krug for devoting countless hours to this project. Shortly after the new dog-listing application went live, the look of the site was updated. Melissa Zarda, owner/operator of Pixel Lunch and PBRC volunteer, donated her time and skills to create a fresh new look and an easy-to-navigate format. Because the new look was created within the original site format, the current web team can easily maintain it. The team continually strives to keep the site up-to-date and to respond promptly to user issues. Marketing: PBRC volunteers were interviewed for several newspaper articles, radio and television news reports. We appeared on a segment of CNN’s “Nancy Grace” as well as a radio show in Texas. During 2006 we also did several email interviews with students for research papers, ranging from middle school to college. It was very encouraging to us that so many young people wrote about their desire to educate their peers. The Marketing team worked hard on completing a PBRC Informational Packet that will be used to educate potential donors about PBRC’s history and mission. Education & Outreach: In 2006 we launched our first Poppy’s Adventures story, “A Puppy’s Journey,” at Poppy’s Place. Poppy’s Place was updated with some additional content and interactive games. Children and adults sent emails to Poppy with their questions, about Poppy’s life and the breed in general, and we answered them with the goal of providing information and education. Two editions of the official PBRC newsletter, “Bully Buzz” were released! The Shelter packet was updated and posted in the education flyers section of the website. In October, three volunteers from Pit Bull Rescue Central attended BadRap’s annual conference in Oakland, California. PBRC was invited to present and we were able to let conference attendees know about all that is available to them at the PBRC website. Thank you to BadRap for giving us this opportunity and for putting on an excellent conference. Thank you so much for your donation toward Orion’s surgery. With your help he will once again be a happy, running dog playing in the snow and collecting sticks. He is healing well as much as he hates the Elizabethan Collar and the crate—he is trying to be a good boy! Fundraising: The year began with the release of our annual Happy Endings calendar designed by PBRC volunteers. Close to 500 calendars were sold with all proceeds benefiting PBRC and our favorite canines. We continued to offer PBRC Spay/Neuter magnetic car ribbons due to their ongoing popularity and very important message. Our most successful fundraiser for the year was the third annual Poppy Mart online auction, held in September. The auction offered over 500 items from more than 100 donors. Thanks to the generosity of donors and participants over $10,000 was raised to help dogs in need. Author Ken Foster offered PBRC a unique fundraising opportunity just in time for the holidays. PBRC offered Ken’s book The Dogs Who Found Me for sale and received a portion of the proceeds. Over 200 books have been sold. We appreciate Ken’s commitment to pit bulls and his support of PBRC’s work. Spay/Neuter: The Spay/Neuter Committee provided spay/neuter assistance that resulted in the altering of 125 dogs during 2006. An additional 57 surgeries were funded through the Affiliate Program which provides funding to spay/neuter nonprofits offering their services to the general public. In recognition of Spay Day USA, we introduced a poster featuring a professional boxer posing with his pit bull and the message “Neuter Your Dog.” The color poster can be downloaded and printed in two different sizes, and customized for use by any individual, rescue or shelter. Medical Fund Committee: During 2006, the name of PBRC’s longstanding Fund Committee was changed to better reflect the nature of its work. The Medical Fund Committee worked hard this year processing numerous requests for financial assistance in the care of pit bulls and pit bull mixes. The Committee receives applications from owners, foster homes, rescue groups, and shelters seeking help with anything from temporary boarding and routine care for a new rescue, to heartworm treatment and complicated surgical procedures. In addition, this year the Medical Fund Committee continued to process applications from the Katrina fund to assist those groups and individuals caring for the pit bulls displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The Committee also spent a good deal of time and care revising its guidelines to ensure that we make the best use of the donations entrusted to us and use the Fund to best promote our organizational mission. In 2006, the following disbursements were made: To Individual Owners - $ 9,732.33 To Rescuers - $12,560.56 To Shelters - $1,700.00 Volunteers: As an online organization with 33 volunteers in 19 states around the US, and 2 volunteers located internationally, PBRC is a unique non-profit organization in many ways. Although this unique status is what allows our organization to work so effectively, it also creates many challenges. One way we overcome these challenges is by meeting once a year for the PBRC Gathering. Hosted, planned, and attended by volunteers at their own expense, the Gathering serves to enable us to get to know each other better. This face to face interaction fosters a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie that carries through to the work we do. In accordance with our non-profit status, an annual meeting is also held amidst the festivities. In September of 2006, 13 of our volunteers met in Connecticut for lots of food, lots of fun and of course, pit bulls! Volunteers: Megan Alexander, Teal Alt, Jessica Benko, Amiela Brooks, Rob Chesser, Amanda Clase, Michelle Daigle, Sanya Dunn, Melinda Fayette, Stephanie Feldstein, Sarah Finney, Noreen Ford, Georganne Gundlach, Amy Hendrickson, Andrea Jones, Alexis Kelly, Andrea Kilkenney, Arlene Larsson, Steve McBee, Sharon Medearis, Nely Mendoza, Pauline Mercier, Ilene Reid, Sue Scime, Lindsey Smink-Evans, Gina Taei, Merry Young, Melissa Zarda Savannah Banana came into rescue in the winter 2006. She was a pup that came into the Humane Society as a stray with an injured back leg. How she received her injury is a mystery but one can only image what this little girl might have gone through. Savannah won the hearts of the shelter staff and they took turns fostering her until a space became available in rescue. It became clear that Savannah needed to see an orthopedic vet, and possible have surgery. As with most rescues, we did not have that kind of money - so thank goodness for PBRC, with their help she received a hip joint replacement and within 2 weeks she was up and using her leg! Savannah was adopted to her forever family in the spring of 2006. This was all possible due to PBRC's financial help as well as the free listing service where Savannah’s forever family found her! Thanks PBRC!! 2006 Income & Expenses Income Sources 2006 Fundraising P rojects 36% M erchandise 30% Grants 3% Donations 31% Expenses 2006 Fundraising P rojects 9% Operational 5% M erchandise 3% Animal Care Assistance 63% Spay/ Neuter Assistance 20% Donors: Adrian & Connie Saxe, Albert Maiorano, Alexis Kelly, Allison Hoha, Amanda & Chris Garufo, Amanda Clase, Amber Lohbrandt, Amy McGarrigle, Andrea Dion, Andrea Shiman, Animal Farm Foundation, Antoinette Mathiasen, Aprajita Chawla, April Smith, Arlene Larsson, ASPCA, Barry Morgan, Benjamin Christensen, Bonita Brandt, Brandalynn Jones, Brandie Wilson, Brandy Demetroff, Briar Segal, Calvin Malone, Carla Holusha, Carla Benoist, Carolyn Cruz, Carrie Weinberg, Carron Leon, Casey Griffin, Celeste & Terry Rodriguez, Charles Myrtle, Jr., Cheryl Hulstine, Christine Ekblad, Christine Guttilla, Christopher & Traci Richard, Columbia High School , Connie Nordstedt, Cynthia Castillo, Cynthis McNiss-Arters, Danielle Lowrie, Darcy Moreno, David & Cindy Van Landegen, Dawn Carroll, Dawn Hamilton, Debra Haddad, Devon Perry, Dina Hitchcock, Dolores Metzger, Dominique Allion, Donna Marshall, E. Ann Matthews, Edward & Sue Ann Schneiderman, Elaine Hahne, Elizabeth Rice, Ellen Halsey, Elyse Myers, Erica Clipner, Eugene & Jolinda Grace, Eve Sauve, Flavia Downs, Frank & Elaine Hahne, Frank DiMatteo, Freddy Roman, Cleo was a little 14 week old puppy that was surrendered to the Johnston County Animal Shelter by her breeder. She had a birth defect and he no longer wanted her. The shelter contacted Annabelle's Second Chance hoping that we could evaluate the puppy and be able to fix her medical problems. X-rays were taken and it was determined that she had a hole in her diaphragm AND pericardium where her intestines had traveled through into her chest cavity. She would not have been able to survive with that birth defect. Luckily for Cleo we had an open foster home willing to foster her though her surgery and after care. We decided that she was a very nice puppy and worth trying to raise the money for her care. Between PBRC, IMOM and private donations we were able to raise the full amount for Cleo's surgery and she had the procedure on December 22. It was very successful. Cleo's prognosis post surgery was very good. At the age of 5 months, she was adopted into a new home. G. Vandenbosch, Gayle Connolly, George & Patricia Goward, Gina Tamburri, Glena Brady, Gregory Thornton, Gulsebnem Bishop, Harvey Sherrod, Heather & Lawrence Kren, Helen Smith, Helene Manos, Holly Brand & Gustin Seawell, Holly Bukes & David Wemmer, Home Title Company, Inc., Howard & Cindi Goldberg, Irving Foundation, Jaimy Jackson, James & Lenore Whitmore, James & Elaine Bradley, James & Judith McMillan, James Weston, Janet McMillan, Jay & Louise Bell, Jeanne Henderscheid, Jeff Nichols, Jennifer Morrow, Jennifer Young, Jennifer Zech, Jenny Short, Jessica Hayes, Jo Blassingame, Joseph & Frances Podgorski, Joseph Marshall, Judith Frazier, Julie Starr & Michael Peebles, Karen Krebs, Karen Long, Karen Mountain, Karin Adams, Kat Oros, Katherine Guerin, Kathleen Hildenbrandt, Katie Metcalf, Kelly Credille & Robert Maier, Kelly Paulk, Kenneth Taliercio, Kim's Ark Rodent Rescue, Kristin Johnson, Laura Hollin, Laurie MacAdam, Lee Morrow, Lena Lang, Leona Li, Lexie Longstreet, Linda Wilson, Marcy Setter, Maria Reppy, Marianne & Ronald Kurz, Mark Evers, Mauri Stott, Mavis Ware, Megan Alexander, Melinda Fayette, Melissa Callahan, Merry Young, Michael Massey, Michaeline Zavala, Michele Munster, Michele Riordan, Michelle Ranous, Microsoft Giving Campaign, Mikel Miller, Military Pawn & Payday, Milton & Janet Bukes, Donors continued: Mona Conover, Nathaniel Gladding, Navy Searth, Neil Donnelly, Nicole Wright, Online Resources/Bart & Leah Robley, Paco Collars, Pamela Fradkin, Pamela Sebree, Pat McGuinness, Paul Schlichting, Perry Dawson, Philip Higgs, Phillip Kenny, Pro Realty Concepts, Project Pet, Inc., Ralph Monserrat, Richards & Associates, Inc., Robert Karn, Robert Perona, Roberta Lindsey, Robin Monserrat, Rocket Sportbike, Roy Mraz, Sabrina Nicholson, Sally Tye, Sarah Simon, Sarah Duda, Sarah Simon, Scott & Jennifer Berlin and family, Sharon Clark, Sisters Of Charity Ministry Development Corp., Stacey Beall, Stephanie Feldstein, Steven & Patricia Perrott, Stuart Schwertok, Sue Ellen Marston, Sue Morrow, SunHe Bray, Suzanne Higginbottom, Tanya Lamarre, The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift & Volunteer Programs, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Tiffany McBee, Timothy Smith, Thank you for the donation to have Jewel spayed, you dont know how much it is appreciated. Being a single mom of 3 it is difficult to come up with extra money to have her spayed. I will be calling the vet to schedule an appointment for her. I have attached a picture for you too see. She is such a sweet puppy. Thank you again. Tina Roberts, Tracy Reynolds, Victoria Cohen, William & Sandra Crews, Yvonne & Rick Adkins Auction Donors: 442nd 1st Sgt. Assoc. @ Whiteman AFB - MO, Adopt-A-Bull, Almost Human, Ameme Designs, Amiela Ciontos, Andrea Jones, Andrew Finkel,, Arlene Larsson, Art Itself, Aspen Pets, B. A. Barker, Bark Natural Pet Care, Barkology, Bellomano, Big Dog Spa, Big Shrimpy, Blocky Dogs, Blue Dog Bakery, Boomer Ball, Braveheart Rescue, Canine Hardware, Central MO Human Society, Chilly Dogs,, Christine Winship, Chuck It, Collar Corner, Cook County Canines, Cottage Collars, Coyote's Game, Crazy Dog Lady, Cynthia Castillo, Dawn Carroll, Deb Fang, Dog ID Collar, Dog Sweaters by Elaine, Doggie Empawrium, Doggie Nation, Dogwise, Dr. Becker's Bites, Drs. Foster & Smith, Esquivel & Fees Sterling, Etta Says,, Fauxpaw Productions, Flying Panda, For Your Dogs Only, Four Paws Design, Glass By Rox, Holistic Pet Center, Holly Bukes, Homeo Pet, J&J Dog Supply, Janet Beres, Jennifer Beres, Jessica's Biscuits, John Beres, Kamala Dolphin-Kingsley, Karen Delise, Kennel Club Books, Kenneth James Publishers, Kerry O'Conner, Kristalas Imports, Lady Churchwell's, Inc., Larry Polite, Leash on Life, Lex Kelly, Liquid Health, Auction Donors continued: Lizzie Tish, Lupine Collars, Majestic Collars, Minimum, Inc., MooreStuff Pop Art, Muttluks, ,No Voice Unheard, Nylabone, Paco Collars, PBRC Volunteers, Pei PerCo., Pet Pro, Pet Sport USA , Pete's Treats, Petsakes, Pittie Love Rescue, Pretty N Pit, Purple Pebble, Inc., Regis & Kelly, Renea Erickson, Retro Pets, Ron Krajewski, S & M Nutec, LLC - Greenies, Sally Mitchell Fine Arts, Sandi Gold, Sandra Webster Jewelry, Sanya Dunn, SeaYu Enterprises, ShiDog Films, Sleeping Bear Co., Sticky Pets, Teckelklub, Terry Meltzer, The Rusty Dog, The Woof Gang, Tiffany McBee, Urban Dogs, Valley Vet, West Paw Design, Wonderbull Designs. The Year Ahead: In 2007, our goal is to bring our message to even more people. With our newly automated dog-listing program, it’s easier for caretakers to use our services to help re-home their fostered or sheltered dogs. We hope to be able to increase awareness of the services that we offer, allowing more individuals to become educated about the plight of the pit bull, as well as about their true and good-hearted nature. We want to thank all of you for your continued support of Pit Bull Rescue Central. We also thank you for being there for the dogs. We know that in today’s environment all pit bull owners, foster parents, shelter workers, rescuers and volunteers must work tirelessly and endlessly to bring dignity, love and respect back into these dogs’ lives. Pit Bull Rescue Central, Inc. a 501(c)3 Organization PO Box 335 Fulton, MO 65251 All of the dogs pictured in this annual report were either listed for adoption on our site or were assisted financially through PBRC’s Fund.
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