2016 FINAL Packet 1 State Conference Information final2


2016 FINAL Packet 1 State Conference Information final2
2016 2016 State Conference Information
April 14-16, 2016
Bloomington, MN
State Conference Information for Chapters
A youth-lead comprehensive
educational, leadership-training
event sponsored by
Minnesota Family, Career and
Community Leaders of America
PO Box 131386
Roseville, MN 55113-0012
Adviser instructions for 2016
Thank you to the Regional STAR Coordinators for their work in handling your region midwinter meetings. Thank you Margie BergPine Island Sr, Jill Curry– New Ulm Sr, Tammy Borman– RTR, Ashley Nelson and Katie Pollock– Hinckley, Addie Stark– West Central Area, Jayne Oachs-Wheaton, and Krystal Peterson-Lancaster for your work!
In 2016, we are using a Online System tied to the National FCCLA Chapter affiliations data base for registrations.
You will go to this conference web portal to register for state conference.
The State Conference Web portal link will be sent to all advisers in an email.
Payment may be made in check to MN FCCLA or as a Credit Card payment through Pay Pal.
Advisers will register students based on grades for workshops and speaker sessions. Exact timing of these will be determined later
as the schedule develops. Some sessions are for all and you do not need to designate those sessions.
Candidates and other items such as Talent, Lip sync, and Dance Showcase will also be registered per student delegate. This will
help build the chapter schedule. PLEASE GO ALL THE WAY UNTIL YOU SEE “FINISH REGISTRATION” as there are two steps: Please
Regional qualified for STAR Events and State Events will be already in the system and locked. You can remove students who are
not attending but you cannot add STAR Event students without help from the STATE FCCLA Office. Qualifiers from Region level will
be pre set. You do not need to re register your STAR Event or State Event students. REGISTRATION FOR SKILLS EVENTS: Skills
Events students will be entered for state for the first time by you. These events were not held at regional level.
III. OCCUPATIONAL CHAPTERS: Occupational chapters not attending mid winter will be working with the State Office to enter your
Once you check over your list of qualifiers, you can suggest needed changes to the State Office. A FORM is provided in the Forms
packet ( word documents) with information we need in order to work with any exceptions to what has been provided by the Regional STAR Coordinators. This FORM must be used. (Names– exactly spelled as they are on the affiliation membership, events–
specific information, grade level is needed is on that form.)
We WILL NOT take voice messages, random emails as “data” for changes.
You must provide the information on the form.
This will help us get your correct qualifiers into the system prior to opening the system for your state conference registration.
The online system will be able to predict schedule conflicts, therefore less scheduling adjustments will be needed prior to state
After March 15, schedules will be available to look at. Once you receive the chapter’s schedule, please check it over. This scheduling will not be available until March 15 or after.
STAR Events– If previously registered for region midwinter– no additional charge for STAR Events entry.
Skill Events- $15.00
State Conference Students registration : $90.00 ( Same as in 2015)
Includes a polo shirt for all delegates, speakers and expenses, insurance, programs, Av , meeting room rentals.
State Conference Adviser, Chaperone, Adult $95.00 (same as in 2015)
Includes a polo shirt for all delegates, speakers and expenses, insurance, programs, Av , meeting room rentals and reception.
Chapter Fee: $50.00 per school. Reimbursed if Adviser is a Lead Consultant.
Adult to student ratio: Must be 6 students to 1 adult.
IX: Other fees:
Celebration Supper: Chapters can purchase meal ticket, State officers and their parents, guests. Cost $35.00
Saturday Luncheon: Chapters can purchase meal ticket, State officers and advisers, Guests, Alumni Cost $35.00
X. HOTEL: The hotel we are using is the Bloomington Doubletree Hotel. Chapters should be registered at the hotel with their
delegation. A fee will be assessed for chapters not staying at this hotel and the chapter is further than 25 miles from the location.
This is because our contract is based on rooming guarantees.
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
1.State Conference webportal registration window: February 10 to February 24
State Conference registration closes Feb 24
2. February 19, 2016
Applications for candidates due
3. February 19, 2016
Award applications for State FCCLA awards due
4. March 1, 2016
National Programs awards are due to National FCCLA
5. March 1, 2016
Lip Sync song/lyrics form and approval for Talent Showcase
6. March 15, 2016
Master Advisor Award applications and Mentor
Adviser Award applications due to State Office.
7. After March 15, 2016 Chapters will receive or view STAR Event schedules
8. April 14, 2016
Timberwolves Career Day and Game
9. April 14-16, 2016
State FCCLA Conference
10. April 16, 2016
National Advancers to STAR Events
Commit to attend National Conference in San Diego
11. April 15-17, 2016
2016 Global Youth Service Day
12. April 25, 2016
Strengthening FCCLA Scholarship application due
13. July 2-7, 2016
National FCCLA Conference in San Diego
probable travel dates-July 2–7
Page 2
2016 2016 Conference Features
Regional Officer
and JHC Elections
Speakers names will be “secret” until they
are revealed on the FCCLA Website!
Thursday Region Meetings
Installation on Friday evening
Regional Officers and JHC will be elected on Thursday and installed Friday evening of State Conference. Installation of State
Officers will occur on Friday evening.
Regions with less than 4 candidates by the application deadline
will be notified. Within one week, if the region does not have 4
candidates, regions will be told to request the move to another
region and the region will be dissolved.
Hotel Registration and Hotel Use
By renting a number of hotel sleeping rooms, FCCLA can use
conference rooms. This is part of our contract. Our agreement
with hotels includes utilizing a block of sleeping rooms in order
to get the use of conference room spaces. Our ability to use
conference space is based on sleeping room occupancy.
A surcharge will be assessed for delegates and chapters not
staying in the hotel rooms of state conference hotel:
Doubletree Hotel.
MN FCCLA will pay an “attrition fee” if we do not make our
room block use and anticipated revenue to the hotel. Therefore, chapters must use the hotels we have secured.
Notice: Due to the high number of rooms requesting 3 or 4
people per room, the hotels may not always have the availability to assign you a double/double room. Your room may have a
king bed and roll away beds.
Speakers names will be revealed starting February 4
Here are some hints!!!
 Music, Fun, Laughter!
 You will be inspired!
 Celebrate who you
 Been in TV shows!
Speakers names will
be revealed starting
February 4. Stay tuned
to #MNFCCLA, Facebook and Twitter for
Be part of the celebration of service on Thursday General Session with the Service Parade. Submit 1 or 2 chapter delegate’s
names per service project to carry a art foam board poster into
the General Session. See form for details.
They will represent your service project. 1 or 2 per project but
no limit to the number of service parade posters your chapter
sends to represent your projects. Poster will be displayed
throughout the conference.
Page 3
Service Parade
Show off your service projects to the whole conference this year with our service parade. Bring in a 20" x 30" display board full of pictures and information for each of
the projects you've completed this year. This is a great way to show the other chapters what you've done. It's also a good chance to get ideas from other chapters to
see what you might want to do next year. Check your emails for more details to
come on the Service Parade and information to be included on your poster board.
Speaker will focus on helping youth be resilient
Two special sessions for Junior high and one for Senior High will be held Thursday afternoon in the Ballroom to highlight their impact on their schools and
community. We know that youth sometimes have tough stuff to deal with
and as a service to our members, a speaker will highlight how to be the light in
your school with your attitudes and your service.
Submit your Lead 2 Feed projects by April 8 for reporting on what your
chapter has done.
Support your local food shelves.
Two Global Efforts
In support of two service projects in Africa, MN FCCLA members at State Conference will have opportunities to raise funds
through a “pie in the face challenge” during General Sessions. Bring your change and dollars to donate to two African projects.
Happiness Home (Kilimanjaro Volunteer Foundation) http://www.thekvf.com/ provides a connection between you and the
Tanzanian people in the greatest need. Happiness Home: In mid-2015 KVF found an abandoned children’s center called the
Home for Future Happiness and took on full operation of what is now Happiness Home paying rent and providing food, hygiene,
and school needs. There is currently a Tanzanian Housekeeper and seven bright young girls ages 12-16 and one who is five are
living in the house. Six of the girls have been in the house for roughly Ten years five of which are in/entering Secondary School
and one still in primary school.
Little Dresses for Africa, founded in 2008 by Rachel O’Neill is a registered non-profit 501c3 Christian organization. Our mission
is to provide relief to vulnerable children throughout the Continent of Africa and beyond. Volunteers from all over the
world join together to make little dresses out of pillow cases or other simple patterns. Some sew. Some donate. Some go to Africa, and some send others. Little Dresses for Africa sends the donated dresses through missions teams, mails them directly to
verified communities and takes them personally with their short term teams. Your donations are distributed through orphanages, churches, and schools.
2016 2016 State FCCLA Conference Information
Dress Code:
Dress to represent the image of a young professional organization. No Blue Jeans!
Leggings are not a substitute for slacks.
The Board of Directors has determined this is the dress code for MN FCCLA events
will follow the National FCCLA guidelines for events. Student dress should contribute
to the positive, professional image of FCCLA.
STAR Events participants are expected to adhere to the published dress code for all general sessions, and workshops. For participation in competition, follow event specifications for dress, and wear appropriate clothing for the nature of the presentation. If
attending conference activities prior to or immediately after a STAR Events presentation, be prepared to change into clothing that
meets the conference dress code.
All Officers wear uniforms.
Red, White or black polo shirt, white, red or black oxford shirt and black slacks or khaki
slacks or black skirts (knee length or longer) . Shoes: No flip flops. No Blue Jeans! Leggings
are not a substitute for slacks.
Thursday evening
White t –shirts (you bring) and black or khaki slacks. Shoes: No flip flops.
After General sessions and workshops, and Regional meetings: FCCLA t shirt and slacks.
Swim wear and cover ups for pool use.
No shorts. Skirts and Capri’s must be below the knee. No “midriff showing” shirts. No
Blue Jeans! Leggings are not a substitute for slacks.
All Officers wear uniforms.
Red, White or black polo shirt, white, red or black oxford shirt and black slacks or khaki
slacks or black skirts (knee length or longer) . Shoes: No flip flops . No Blue Jeans! Leggings are not a substitute for slacks.
Friday evening
Academy Awards– The above organizational clothing or formal or semi formal wear that
is modest. Dresses should not be extremely short or low cut.
After General sessions and workshops, and Regional meetings: FCCLA t shirt and slacks.
Swim wear and cover ups for pool use.
No shorts. Skirts and Capri’s must be below the knee. No “midriff showing” shirts.
STAR Event participants may follow their STAR Event dress guidelines.
Violators of the dress code will be asked to change and may not be allowed on stage.
This event you can wear your FCCLA state conference t shirt, conference polo and black
or khaki slacks or your Academy Awards dress or slacks
Dress to represent the image of a young professional organization. No Blue Jeans! Leggings are not a substitute for slacks
The State Conference polo , conference t shirt, on Saturday, black or khaki slacks for Saturday’s Awards Session.
Dress to represent the image of a young professional organization. No Blue Jeans! Leggings are not a substitute for slacks.
Violators of the dress code will be asked to change and may not be allowed on stage, or
allowed to stay at conference venue.
UNACCEPTABLE ATTIRE AT FCCLA SESSIONS • Skin-tight or revealing clothing • Midriff-baring clothing • Extremely short skirts
(shorter than 2 inches above the knee) • Clothing with printing that is suggestive, obscene or promotes illegal substances •
Athletic clothing • Swimwear • Rubber, beach type flip flops • Night wear (pajamas) should not be worn outside of your hotel
room. When going to the pool in a swim suit a cover-up is needed.
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
Adviser Recognition
Are you a Master Adviser? Its time to fill out the form and
apply for this recognition. See the application on the
www.mnfccla.org website. Application due Feb 19
Have you helped new advisers? Then you are a Mentor Adviser and we want to honor you. But, you need to fill out
the application. JUST do IT! Application due Feb 19.
New on the Horizon Adviser Award
Nominate a new adviser in your region or area. The New On
The Horizon Award is for advisers who have been an adviser
for less than 5 years. Application due Feb 29.
Other Awards– applications on the www.mnfccla.org
website. Due March 1
State and National Administrator Award
Alumni Contribution Award
Alumni Achievement Award
Honorary Membership for MN FCCLA
Core Academics National Adviser Award
Quote from one of our State Officers:
“What I have learned in FCCLA so far? …
Well the list is long, to be honest.
Believe it or not, this organization showed
up out of the blue and changed the way I
lived my life completely. ”
Courtney Dinsmore-State Officer.
Page 4
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
There are many awards and applications available from FCCLA.
Some are posted on the national website www.fcclainc.org.
On the National Website are the following in “Downloads” or
“Awards and Scholarships”
State Awards: Send to State FCCLA Office
Administrators Award
Alumni Achievements
Alumni Contribution
Honorary Membership
Deadline-Feb 19, 2016
Deadline-Feb 19, 2016
Deadline-Feb 19, 2016
Deadline-Feb 19, 2016
National Awards: To complete
the application process, chapters must
create a user-profile; Chapter ID is required. All applications listed above must
be submitted by the March 1, 2016
deadline to be considered. No paper applications will be accepted for these programs-- awards must be submitted via the
online system. System will freeze to stop accepting applications
after 11:59 p.m. on March 1.
Chapters who submit national award applications receive
nametags ribbons at state conference.
National Public Relations Chapter Award The award recognizes
chapters who have excelled in planning and implementing exemplary public relations campaign to increase public awareness
State Awards see www.mnfccla.org
of FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences Education.
National Outstanding Media To honor a media outlet whose
responsibilities are not related to Family, Career and CommuniNational Awards deadlines
ty Leaders of America (FCCLA) that has covered significant
Applications must be submitted online to FCCLA national head- FCCLA activities and is giving continued service through press
quarters by March 1. The online award system will automatical- coverage to the local, state, and/or national organization.
ly close March 1, 11:59 p.m. EST.
New on the Horizon-Advisor Award- Deadline-Feb 19, 2016
For award deadlines please check the National FCCLA Website
at www.fcclainc.org
To complete the application process, chapters must create a
user-profile; Chapter ID is required. All applications listed
above must be submitted by the March 1, 2016 deadline to be
considered. No paper applications will be accepted for these
programs-- awards must be submitted via the online system.
System will freeze to stop accepting applications after 11:59
p.m. on March 1.
Awards often include a $1000 chapter award or $500 chapter
award for national winners and runners up.
National Program Award applications- due to National FCCLA
by March 1:
Career Connection
Leadership Service in Action
Families First
Financial Fitness
STOP the Violence
Student Body
Beth Middleton Scholarship
Frank W.H. Fort Leadership Award
Colleene Jossey Memorial Scholarship
Jossey-Bass Leadership
Nat’l Tech Honor Society
Prestige Scholarship
Raye Virginia Allen State president Scholarship
Wiley Publishing Scholarship
New! State Scholarships
Occupational Student Scholarship for post secondary or college
Power of One- Give yourself the power to make a positive
change in your families, careers, and communities, one goal at
a time. Completed recognition forms should be sent to your
state adviser by March 1.
National FCCLA Youth Scholarships- Due April 1. Found on
www.fcclainc.org website
Occupational student financial award for attending National
In Memory of Lois Hagel– National Conference scholarship
Page 5
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
set of new candidates will be selected for State Officer and
repeating State Officers will be in additional positions (New
roles which help the organization fulfill the Strategic Plans.)
The two processes are separate and not in competition with
each other. The repeating State Officers will have different
assignments and different election committee interviews.
Youth Leadership See the awesome energetic
youth of FCCLA! The exceptional and enthusias- Reg. Officers and JHC 2016-2017 Regional Officers and JHC
tic youth delegates will impress you with their help lead state efforts for education about FCCLA in their reoutstanding projects!
gion. Applicants may be grades 6-11. JHC candidates will be in
Elections of Officers Regional Elections are grades 6-8 and regional candidates may be any grade 7-11.
held in April at the state conference. Regional meetings will be They will serve a term from April 2016 to April 2017. They will
held on Thursday evening. Regional Officers will be installed on attend leadership camp training in July. Skills needed will include ability to plan workshops, speak about a variety of topics,
communicate to their peers and conduct projects in their own
Interviews of State Peer Ed Team Candidates, State Officer school. The team member’s Advisors work along side of the
Elections will be held at the State Conference on Thursday and team and attend training.
Friday. These Officers will be installed throughout the conference. National Officer Candidates will be interviewed on What do regions do if they do not have a full slate of candidates? By the Feb 19 deadline, any region without candidates
for a full team of officers will be notified. A one week extension
Peer Education Team Peer Education team will help lead will be granted to gather applicants. By March 2, the region not
state efforts for peer education and chapter public relations. having 4 or more candidates will be contacted and told that
Applicants may be grades 6-12. They will serve a term from their region is being merged into adjoining regions. A chapter
April 2016 to April 2017 They will attend training in July. Skills may choose which region they will be joining. The chapters will
needed include the ability to plan workshops, speak about the meet with the new region at state conference. The previous
topic, communicate to their peers and conduct projects in their region will no longer exist and will not meet as a region. Curown school. Advisors work alongside of the team and attend rent regional officers will attend and participate in conducting
training also.
the Region meeting they are joining. The regional funds will be
State Officers 2016-2017 State Officers are the governance of dispersed by a formula of the chapter’s intent to go to the new
FCCLA with the Board of Directors for their year in office. Chap- region.
ters may have one candidate for a new State Officer. State Silent Auction-Silent Auction
Officers attend Executive Councils in June, September, November, and January and conduct the annual conference in 2017. The State Conference is once again hosting the annual Silent
State Officer Candidates must not be a current senior. Since Auction. We can achieve new heights with your chapter’s help.
combining with HERO, MN FCCLA also has Occupational State To help make this even successful, we are asking each chapter
Officer positions as a pilot. State Officer Advisors will have a list to donate at least one theme basket or unique item. These
of expected dates and events to attend with the State Officer. could include games, music, movies, electronics, sports or anySkills needed to be successful include the ability to plan work- thing appealing to youth or adults. Another opportunity is to
shops, to speak about a variety of topics, to communicate to donate new or gently used CD’s or DVD’s or books. Those
their peers and to conduct projects on a state basis. Current or items will be on sale for $1.00. Please come to the Silent Aucreturning State Officers may apply for year 2. The Board of Di- tion room and make several bids on some items. Wit your help,
rectors has determined that returning state officer candidates we will have the most baskets ever! Please help make the 2016
may also apply for national officer candidate. Should that offic- State Conference memorable with your generous donation.
ers become a successful national officer candidate, the by laws If you have questions, contact State officer Brekah Baker %
will be followed for replacing a current state officer who is Goodhue HS and her adviser Sandy LaGosh.
elected to National Officer in July.
New: Officers who have completed a year as a State Officer
may apply for an additional year. These officers will not be in
the same process as the other state officer candidates. A full
Page 6
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
Global Youth Service Day
MN FCCLA is a Lead State Agency. We are cheerleaders for the
service projects in our state and with FCCLA chapters that occur Thursday– THURSDAY AFTERNOON
before and after April 14-16, 2016. See www.ysa.org for more SPEAKER SESSIONS FOR GRADES 7-9 and grades 10-12
Friday-- Workshops for each grade level will be held.
Delta Dental Serve A Smile Grants
Grade 6-7
Earn up to $1000 for your chapter project. Grants to chapters Grade 8
are available from SERVE A SMILE Delta Dental grants. Deadline Grade 9
Grade 10
is in January.
Grade 11
Note: All candidates for Region Officer, JHC, State Peer Ed Grade 12
Team, State Officer and National Officer are required to submit Tickets will be created for your chapter’s delegates in these
a grant proposal for Serve A Smile or complete plans for a grades from the registration system
GYSDAY project/ campaign in their community or school. (2
Workshops/ Training Session/ Speaker Sessions
Candidates will be asked about their proposal for a Serve-ASmile grant or their GYSDAY Plans in your candidate interviews
and questions. The mini grant proposal need not be successful,
but candidates need to go through the process of submitting.
Candidates may work together with other chapter members for
the proposal, or submit one alone.
Are two locations for mini grants.
Conference Highlights
Thursday First General Session:
Celebrate the 70th year of FCCLA
Opening session- state theme presentation,
Service Parade, Candidate speeches
Thursday evening Regional Meetings
Regions will select officers, celebrate the year.
Mix and Mingle with other delegates,
Nat’l candidate presentations
Battle of the Generations and Battle of the Genders! FCCLA’s
Got Talent! Talent and Lip Sync & Dance Showcase and Lip Sync
Showcase for everyone to enjoy on the Garden Court
7-Up Party for invited chapters (Membership incentive)
Friday mid-day: Summit for Safe Teen Driving
Friday Evening
Academy Awards Session, Installation of State
Officers. STAR Event awards.
Saturday Award Session
STAR Event Awards announced, Chapter
Trophies, National Advancers
Many of the sessions will be in the Ballroom and accommodate many members.
Advisors will be notified of the training schedules later in
Attention chapters! If you
have a senior in your chapter, we ask that
you make a senior poster to recognize them
at state conference. These
posters will be made out of foam board and approximately
15 inches X 20 inches ( ½ of artfoam board) in dimensions.
They should include a picture of the senior and what
school they’re from. Put the photo on a magnifying glass
drawing. Chapters should drop off their senior posters in
the silent auction room. The senior posters will be displayed in the state conference. Chapters should pick up
the posters after Academy
Senior name
Chapter, Future plans
Page 7
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
7- Up Challenge for
Membership Incentive!
The purpose of this challenge is to
encourage a state-wide member increase annually.
Along with the Talent, Dance and Lip
Sync Showcase
State Conference Highlighter Party Event
7- Up Challenge for Membership Incentive!
The purpose of this challenge is to encourage a state-wide
Join the fun and see guys vs girls and then advisers vs members member increase annually.
in the Battle of the Genders in a wild time on the garden court
Incentives Categories:
led by Patrick Grady. We will also feature entries from chapters
1. If your chapter increased your membership by 7 more
in these categories. Since we did not have
members than your last year’s numbers, you have alregional Run offs for these entertainment spots, chapters may
ready achieved the 7-Up Challenge. For example- if you
NOW submit entries for talent, Dance and Lip sync. See the
chapter had 14 members last year, your chapter would
need to increase to 21 members this year!
Thursday evening chapters will showcase their talent, dance and
2. If 33.3% of students in your school are members of your
lip sync entries.
FCCLA chapter you have already completed the 7-Up
Challenge. Chapter advisors must notify the state office
Talent: Chapter showcase entries from Jr and Sr ( see rules)
of this before March 1st.
Dance: Region entries in Jr and Sr high levels.
3. If you chapter retained the same number of members
that it had last year your chapter has the option of purLip Syncs: Chapter Entries to State Conference ( see Rules)
chasing tickets for $5.00 per person for the State ConMandatory Rehearsal Meeting. Participants will be notified of
ference event.
their time to meet with the MCs on Thursday afternoon.
4. If your chapter is affiliated as a Middle Level or CoA PIANO WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. Please bring your keyboard to
Curricular chapter, you have already completed the 7-Up
meet your needs.
Challenge. By affiliating all classroom students in FCCLA.
Come and watch FCCLA’ers as they showcase their talents,
 On Thursday night of the State Conference, your chapter
dances and lip syncs during this energetic and exciting event.
and other chapters that are eligible to attend the 7-Up
Challenge event will be invited to the exclusive Highlighter Party!
Jr or Sr Chapter entries directly to state conference.
 Members will need to wear a white t-shirt and will be
given highlighters!
1.Lip Sync consists of 4-8 people preforming a lip sync to a song
There will be black lights, music and members will have a great
time at this party!
2. Your will perform one song.
Bring a white t shirt. T shirts will be available for $5.00 at the
conference in limited supply.
3. Each lip sync is required to bring their own costumes. We
There will be black lights, music and members will have a great
cannot provide anything but the sound system.
time at this party! Eligible chapters will be notified. This event is
4. Appropriate attire is required. Performers should dress modfor invited chapters only.
estly and No Cross gender dressing.
Black lights, signature shirts and fun with other high energy del5. All music must be submitted to MN FCCLA state staff
egates….Thursday night after curfew….
Members will be given highlighters.
(lyrics and song titles) by March 1, 2016 for approval.
BRING A WHITE t-shirt to decorate! There will be black lights,
See forms section.
music and members will have a great time at this party!
There is a dress code for this party. Black or Khaki slacks,
Lip Sync Chapter Entries
white shirts and no tank tops or flip flop shoes.
Page 8
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
STAR Events-participant sessions
Alumni Evaluators
The Lead Consultants will be seeking alumni judges.
1. Must have at least two years STAR event experience.
2. Have an understanding of FCCLA programs
Session I
Thursday 12:00 noon-4:00 pm
3. Ability to understand and interpret the STAR event rubric.
Session II
Thursday 7:30 pm-10:00 pm
4. As a judge, alumni must have the ability to remain unbiased and keep all discussions between judges confidential.
Session III
Friday 9:00 am-12:30 pm
Procedure for the STAR Event Awards
* times may vary as we work the speaker sessions
Gold medals will be announced on stage on Friday evening and
Saturday morning. Medals will be put in the advisor packets by
Session IV
Friday 1:30 pm-5:00 pm
the lead consultants.
Call Backs-- The top Illustrated Talk participants will receive a
STAR Events Recognition
“Call Back”.
Friday Evening (STAR Event Session 1, 2, 3 Gold medals) and
MN FCCLA has Call Backs to determine who will advance to Naalso Saturday morning (Session 4 STAR Event Gold Medals and tional STAR Events. Following each session, a Call Back list will
advancers, chapter awards.)
be posted near the registration table or outside the STAR
Events Headquarters room. You are responsible for checking
Evaluators: An expert in the topic area, and a student or
the lists. If you miss your call back time, you are eliminated.
alumni will judge each event. Some alumni, past officers and
These will be posted as soon as results are double-checked and
past participants serve as judges. The State Officer coordinating tabulated.
STAR Events will contact them.
Thursday Call Back Events-- Posted on Thursday.
System of securing evaluators for 2016
Call Back judging begins 8:00 AM Friday.
Expert Evaluator- Contacted by a STAR Event Committee
Friday Call Back Events-- Posted as they come in. Call Back
Alumni Evaluator-Contacted by a Lead Consultant*.
Judging will begin as early as is needed.
Student Evaluator- Contacted by the State Officer.
Re-interviews- These occur for some events participants that
A student Evaluator must already be a delegate. These student may have a re-interview if the judges need to see teams again
to make final decisions. This is more likely to occur if the even
Evaluators must not have a STAR Event to participate in. STUDENT Evaluators MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN THE STAR EVENT has more than two rooms of competition in a JR or SR division.
The Posting of the STAR Events Call Backs and re-interviews will
be outside of Atrium 1.
*The Lead Consultant secures the Alumni Evaluators and Rooms National Advancers--If you are a State STAR Event advancer,
Consultant for their event.
you must decide on Saturday, April 12 if you are going to particThere will be four+ blocks of time for STAR
Requirements for Student Evaluators
Must be senior high age with at least two years STAR Event
Experience and have an understanding of FCCLA programs,
have the ability to understand and interpret the STAR Event
rubric. As a judge, students must have the ability to remain u
Biased and keep all discussions between judges confidential.
ipate in the national STAR Event competition! All national advancers must attend a conference following Saturday’s General
Expert Evaluators
New: A State STAR Event Volunteer Committee will find expert
Evaluators for every STAR event category. This is a change from
past years. The committee will seek out Evaluators that have
adequate expertise in the STAR Event area. The role of the expert judge is to evaluate the validity and relevancy of the content area of the STAR event. The expert judge need not have
extensive FCCLA background. The alumni and the student judges will provide the FCCLA expertise.
The National FCCLA deadline for STAR Event registration is
shortly after the FCCLA State Conference. We need to know on
April 18 if you can go. National Advancers will pay the national
STAR Event fee and also a State Management fee determined
by the Board of Directors. Because all paperwork must be
completed very quickly, you must be able to tell MN FCCLA at
the State Conference if you can go. If you are not able to attend,
the alternate must be contacted and submit the proper forms
for us to meet the deadline.
Advisors, if you have students in a state contest that has the
potential to go to National Level, MN FCCLA needs to know if
you will accept the trip opportunity at the State Conference.
Page 10
2016 2016 National FCCLA Conference
National FCCLA Conference
July 2-7, 2016 San Diego, California
Attending the national FCCLA conference is an exciting and educational experience for
members, advisers and chaperones. More information about the national conference will be coming in the
next few weeks and months. The anticipated attendance for 2016 will be 8,000 youth and adults!
The MN Delegates who are National STAR Event Advancers in various categories will be asked to indicate
on Saturday, April 16 if they are going to take the opportunity to go to National Conference. Registration
for National STAR Event advancers will be collected on April 16.
Registration collected on April 16 will include forms and information to register state advancers for National FCCLA.
You must attend the National STAR Advancers meeting if you intend to go or consider going to San Diego.
This is a mandatory meeting with much information.
The Board of Directors has determined this policy for 2016: “Each participant will pay the National STAR
event fee ($40)and each event entry fee $50 for a national STAR event fee. Event participation will be withdrawn with a non payment of the fee.”
Participants should be prepared to register and leave a check of $40 per person and $50 per event that day
with informational forms. Each event entry should have ONE Adult volunteer for judging or room consulting at the national conference. Minnesota FCCLA will need to meet a quota for volunteers and the
board has determined that events will need to designate their adult and also student volunteers) on April
13. Volunteering is an expectation for each entry.
Advisers may want to communicate with parents prior to April 14 and get some indication of the intent to
go to National Conference.
The conference registration, hotel, airfare and MN Package for a person to attend National FCCLA is about
$800 –$1200. This varies with on ground transportation, airfare costs, and hotel costs. The state delegation
will stay in the hotel determined for our state delegates. STAR Event and Candidates must be registered in
that hotel to be eligible to complete.
In 2016, the Board of Directors has determined that the mode of transportation or airfare will be determined by the chapter. The hotel will be a coordinated service by The Meeting Connection for MN FCCLA.
The hotel will be determined in February for the MN delegation. An arrival date /time and departure time /
date will be listed for Minnesota delegates to adhere to. Minnesota FCCLA State Officers will be conducting
3 state meetings which are mandatory for delegates to attend during the conference.
Participation in the FCCLA Leadership Conference is the first priority. Sightseeing and tours should be made
a secondary priority.
Board of Directors intends to strengthen STAR Event management and advisors to attend National Leadership Conference and assist with National STAR event volunteers. The Board may annually decide to offer
potential scholarships.
Sample letter for asking for parent permission
to attend the National FCCLA Conference
prior to coming to the State FCCLA Conference.
April 2016
FCCLA member parents
From: Your FCCLA Advisor
National FCCLA Conference
July 2-7, 2016 San Diego, California
Your child will be attending the State FCCLA Conference at the end of April. The top team or individual in each category
will qualify for National FCCLA competition. The time line for registration for national STAR Events after the State
FCCLA Conference is very short and so delegates must come to State FCCLA Conference knowing whether they would
be able to attend national meeting. Some fees of about $100 per person will need to be collected on April 16, 2016, the
last day of the State FCCLA conference.
The National FCCLA Conference will be about 8,000 youth and advisers, chaperones at one of the finest leadership
conferences for learning, competing and hearing motivational speakers and FCCLA national program workshops. It will
be an outstanding experience for your son or daughter to attend.
We can assume that we will leave on July 52 but do not know the exact details. I do not know the exact cost as of yet,
but the do know that the school will contribute toward the cost of transportation. That leaves the remained of the travel,
registration and hotel to be paid by the student. Hotel will cost approximately $300 per person for a quad room for 6
nights. We will be taking airline flights to San Diego. In the past the cost of the trip has been around $900 to $1100.
If students earn a trip to the National FCCLA meeting, we will do fund raising, although I cannot guarantee that the entire
cost will be covered. It will depend on the number of students going, the effort put forth in fund raising and the final cost.
I do need to know if going is a possibility and so I would like to have this form signed and returned. The information on
this form will indicate a final decision.
Thank you so much for your help in this matter,
FCCLA Advisor
FCCLA Name _______________________
_____ Yes, my child would be able to go to the National FCCLA Conference
_____ No, my child would not go to National FCCLA Conference
Parent’s signature
2016 2016 State FCCLA Information
Did you know?
Frequently asked questions about the conference.
The State Conference is a revenue producing event of the organization and helps to fund
leadership activities of the state organization. The consistent level of registered delegates is
a budget concern for the organization.
Did you know that MN FCCLA is a 501(C)3 non- profit organization that does not rely solely
on state funding?
Did you know that State Meeting Registration covers the cost of Meeting space, Printed
Program, T-Shirt, Keynote Speakers, (air fare, accommodations and speaking fee), Workshops Presenters, Stage/ Sound Equipment and workers, Name Tags, Trainings and Materials, STAR Event materials, (medals, certificates, trophies, buzzers, copies of evaluations,
rules and specifications), Project Supplies, State Officer, speakers and staff accommodations, Postage and materials for mailings regarding State Meeting and STAR Events?
Did you know to rent out meeting space for 4 days at the Doubletree Hotel could cost an
upwards of $35,000?
Did you know that the average keynote speaker fee averages between $3,000 and $6,000?
Did you know that stage/ sound equipment and technical workers cost $17,000 for their
work at State Conference?
Did you know 2,000 complete name tags cost $1200?
Did you know STAR Event competition takes 10 volunteers’ time and a weekend of work to
schedule 1,200 delegates in 50 events?
Did you know it costs over $2,400 to copy off 4,200 copies of STAR Event
evaluation forms for over 1,200 participants?
Page 11
Chapter’s Guide to Creating a Silent Auction Basket
Step 1 – Decide on a theme for your basket
This should be a quality item or activity that FCCLA members or advisors will find interesting
Ex: Spa day, Movie night, midnight snacks
Step 2 – Collect items that complement the central item
Step 3 – Come up with an attention drawing title for the basket
This should be more than the name of the central item
with an exclamation point. Try to make it fun and creative
so that people are drawn to the basket
Step 4 – Complete the silent auction basket form
Complete the form that is attached below per
*Items can also be hand made
Ex: hats, quilt, etc.
Silent Auction Basket Form
Contribute an item or a basket from your
chapter. Join in the fun of silently bidding
on items.
Chapter Name _____________________________________________________
Basket Name ______________________________________________________
Basket Contents ____________________________________________________
Approximate Value of Basket __________________________________________
Complete this form, separate, and attach to your silent auction basket
MUST BE RECIEVED PRIOR TO MARCH 30 to be considered.
Send to: Shelly.Barrett@mnfccla.org
Name of person (s):
Category Jr, Sr, Occ
Reason for change: