Sandra Esteves, University of South Wales
Sandra Esteves, University of South Wales
12/6/2013 Importance of Process Monitoring in Optimising Biogas Production BIOGAS13 Congress 4th December 2013 - St Pölten , Austria Dr. Sandra Esteves © University of South Wales Anaerobic Digestion Waste and Wastewater Treatment Bio Energy Systems Monitoring and Control Environmental Analysis Biohydrogen Systems Bioelectrochemical Devices Hydrogen Energy The Hydrogen Centre Advanced Nanomaterials Bioplastics Production Biogas upgrading and utilisation 1 12/6/2013 Wales Centre of Excellence for Anaerobic Digestion • • • Established in 2008 with financial support from WG and ERDF Expand knowledge and expertise for a rapid and successful deployment of AD The Centre acts as a process development platform and delivers: – Industrial focus R&D – feasibility studies – feedstock and digestate analysis – system monitoring, diagnostics and optimisation – analytical method development – development of new of improved products/processes – funding available to SMEs – regulatory and policy development support – awareness raising and training events 1. Establishing the current situation and strategies for actions 2. Encouraging and facilitating new AD and biomethane plants 3. Developing positive environment for biomethane production 4. Quality management for efficient operation and increased gas yields 5. Communication 2 12/6/2013 Full-Scale Plants Optimisation Increase methane production in full-scale AD plants through the deployment of monitoring and management strategies 2011-2013 Made improvements (almost doubled biogas) at Insource Energy AD Plant in Rogerstone treating food wastes 2012 - 2013 Evaluating the scope for improvements at Cardiff Sewage Treatment Plant Investigations are continuing © University of South Wales Full-Scale Plants Optimisation Increase methane production in full-scale AD plants through the deployment of monitoring and management strategies 2012-2013 Evaluating the scope for improvement at the Wrexham AD plant - animal slurries Investigations are continuing 2011 - 2013 Evaluating the scope for improvements at Thornton and Leyland Plants - Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes © University of South Wales 3 12/6/2013 Monitoring Matrices TS VS COD C:H:N:P:K:S ratios Trace Elements Organic Nitrogen and Ammonium Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Metals (including light and heavy) Temperature pH and Alkalinity Pathogens Biocides Biogas or Methane Potential Particle Size Organic and Hydraulic Loading Rates Retention time TS and VS C:N ratio Organic Nitrogen and Ammonium Metal Ions (Na, Ca, K, Mg) pH/ Buffering Capacity Temperature Redox Potential (ORP) VFAs and longer chain fatty acids Macro and Micronutrients Biogas Flowrate and Composition (CH4, CO2, O2, NH3, H2S and H2) Dissolved Hydrogen Microbial Enzyme Activity & Populations TS VS COD and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) pH N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg and S content Pathogens BMP VFAs Physical contaminants (glass / plastic, etc) Potential toxic elements or inhibitors to plants, animals and microbial receptors (e.g. heavy metals) Biogas and Biomethane Flow Rate Gas content in terms of CH4, CO2, O2, H2S, H2O and NH3 Other content – particulates, siloxanes, volatile organics, mercaptans, oxygen and halogens Calorific value and Wobbe Index Microbial agents Esteves et al. (2012) Monitoring Review and Guide For the Optimisation of AD and Biomethane Plants Esteves et al. (2012) Deliverable of IEE Biomethane Regions Project 4 12/6/2013 Monitoring AD systems for Control..... Feedstocks digestates biogas In-situ monitor Ex-situ analysis In-line or in-loop monitor Digester Data received on-line (in real-time or past data) Data received/input off-line External lab analysis On-site analysis Data fluxes Sample fluxes Esteves et al. (2012) Near Infrared Spectroscopy In Feedstock/Bioreactor Performance Monitoring (Sewage Sludge) Absorbance 2.0 Primary/Secondary Ratios 1.8 100/0 70/30 40/60 20/80 0/100 1.6 3.9 1.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.7 1.2 g.L -1 3.5 Total Solids 3.3 1.0 12000 10000 8000 Wavenumber (cm 6000 ) -1 3.1 4000 2.5 g.L-1 Volatile Solids 2.3 2.1 4000 3500 mg.L-1 3000 Bicarbonate Alkalinity 2500 2000 1500 1600 1400 1200 1000 mg.L-1 800 Volatile Fatty Acids 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 Data Point Reed et al. (2011) 5 12/6/2013 Tracking Digester Performance (Sewage Sludge) (Reed et al, 2011) Process Monitoring with PCA (Sewage Sludge) Model created using “steadystate” spectra Model applied to new spectra T2 scores monitored as basis of alarm Halved HRT (OC 7,8) Feed Disturbance (OC 2) Reed et al. (2013) 6 12/6/2013 Use of FT-NIR for Measuring Solids Content, BMP ..... Reed et al. In preparation R&D and Optimisation at Full Scale AD plants Rogerstone - food waste 500 kWe 7 12/6/2013 Flow chart of Full-scale AD plant Food Wastes MECHANICAL SEPARATION Plastics Removed for recycling DAF Sludge HEAT PASTEURISATION Waste Potato Pasteurised Slurry RF BROOKES HEAT Volume 3090 m3 Load 30-50 m3 /d HRT 60-100 d ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Biogas CHP ELECTRICITY Electricity DEWATERING Solid fraction Applied to land Liquid effluent © University of South Wales Variation in the chemical parameters of the digester Acetate Propionate © University of South Wales 8 12/6/2013 Quantitative PCR (qPCR) Sample DNA extraction Selection of primers & probes Amplification Yu Y, Lee C, Kim J & Hwang S (2005). Group- Specific Primer and Probe Sets to detect Methanogenic Communities Using Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 89: 670-679. Quantification © University of South Wales Microbial Populations Present in the Sewage Sludge Seed Microbial Target Group Number of gene copies ml-1 Total eubacteria Methanosaetaceae Methanosarcinaceae Methanococcales 3.8 x 1010 4.6 x 108 n.d n.d Methanomicrobiales 2.6 x106 Methanobacteriales 3.2 x 106 n.d not detected (< 200 gene copies ml-1) © University of South Wales 9 12/6/2013 1200 MST 1,00E+09 1000 Propionate 800 8,00E+08 600 6,00E+08 seed 4,00E+08 400 2,00E+08 200 VFAs (mg/l) Methanosaetaceae (gene copies /ml) 1,20E+09 0 0,00E+00 0 40 80 120 Time (d) 160 200 240 © University of South Wales 2500 MST Acetate 1,00E+09 2000 Propionate 8,00E+08 1500 6,00E+08 1000 4,00E+08 VFAs (mg/l) Methanosaetaceae (gene copies /ml) 1,20E+09 500 2,00E+08 0 0,00E+00 0 40 80 120 Time (d) 160 200 240 © University of South Wales 10 12/6/2013 2500 MST Acetate 1,00E+09 2000 Propionate 8,00E+08 1500 6,00E+08 1000 4,00E+08 VFAs (mg/l) Methanosaetaceae (gene copies /ml) 1,20E+09 500 2,00E+08 0 0,00E+00 0 40 80 120 Time (d) 160 200 240 © University of South Wales Acetate Propionate Eubacteria Methanosaetaceae Methanobacteriales Methanomicrobiales Methanosarcinaceae © University of South Wales 11 12/6/2013 Characteristics of Methanosarcina & Methanosaeta sp. Parameter μmax (d−1) Ks (mg COD L−1) NH4+ (mg L−1) Na+ (mg L−1) pH-range pH-shock Temperature range (°C) Methanosaeta 0.20 10–50 <3000 <10,000 6.5–8.5 <0.5 7–65 Acetate concentration (mg L−1) Methanosarcina 0.60 200–280 <7000 <18,000 5–8 0.8–1 1–70 <3000 <15,000 De Vrieze et al., 2012 Ammonium inhibition 5,0E+08 NH4 MST MBT 2.400 2.200 4,5E+08 4,0E+08 3,5E+08 2.000 3,0E+08 1.800 2,5E+08 1.600 2,0E+08 1,5E+08 1.400 1,0E+08 1.200 5,0E+07 1.000 0,0E+00 300 330 360 390 420 450 Time (days) 480 Methanogens (gene copies / ml) Ammonium concentration (mg /l) 2.600 510 © University of South Wales 12 12/6/2013 1,6E+11 1,2E+11 8,0E+10 4,0E+10 0,0E+00 3,0E+07 1200 1000 3,0E+06 800 3,0E+05 600 400 MMB MBT Propionic acid Propionate 3,0E+04 VFA (mg / l) Methanogens (gene copies ml-1) Eubacteria Propionate & Lithotrophic Methanogens 2,0E+11 200 3,0E+03 0 140 170 200 230 260 Time (days) 290 320 © University of South Wales R&D and Optimisation at Full Scale AD plants Cardiff STWs TH Pretreatment 4.5 MW 13 12/6/2013 AD of Sewage Sludges • >70% VS red. for primary sludges • Secondary sludge is more difficult to digest than primary – 30-45% VS destruction – Much of the organics are within the extracellular polymers and encased within the cell wall – The cell is protected from lysis by a semi-rigid structure of the cell wall (glycan and peptide strands are cross-linked) – Hydrolysis is the limiting step for secondary sludge digestion Microscope image (x100) of stained pre-thermal hydrolysis SAS sample Microscope image (x100) of stained post-thermal hydrolysis SAS sample ~ 5 µm ~ 5 µm University of Glamorgan, Feb 2013 University of Glamorgan, Feb 2013 TH and Acid Pretreatment of Mixed Sludges Type of Sludge Untreated pH2 Thermal Hydrolysis Biogas ml/g VS added 346 295 %CH4 End of trial 472 63 59 56 TH had a greater effect when sludge have a high proportion of WAS, with up to 47% increased in biogas yield OLR ~ 3.5 kg/m3.d and HRT of 12 days Devlin et al. In preparation 14 12/6/2013 Pretreatments Impact on Methanogens Lab. Experiments (Mixed Sludges) TH resulted in higher level of methanogens, Methanosaeta (2-fold), Methanosarcina (6-fold) and Methanomicrobium (0.6 fold) compared to untreated Devlin et al. In preparation Not detected Differences in Microbial Populations in Digesters Operating on Mixed Sludges and Secondary Sludges Thermally Hydrolysed <150 mg/l VFAs <1300 mg/l ammonium 300 - 500 mg/l VFAs ~3600 mg/l ammonium Oliveira et al. In preparation 15 12/6/2013 Characteristics of Methanosarcina & Methanosaeta sp. Parameter μmax (d−1) Ks (mg COD L−1) NH4+ (mg L−1) Na+ (mg L−1) pH-range pH-shock Temperature range (°C) Acetate concentration (mg L−1) Methanosaeta 0.20 10–50 <3000 <10,000 6.5–8.5 <0.5 7–65 Methanosarcina 0.60 200–280 <7000 <18,000 5–8 0.8–1 1–70 <3000 <15,000 De Vrieze et al., 2012 Differences in Secondary Digestions of Digestate and Mixture of Digestates Mixture - More than double than the separate digestates; 20% of current Plant recovery; Why: Dilution of Inhibition? Population Profile, Diversity and Activity? Others? © University of South Wales 16 12/6/2013 Ammonia Removal for Cardiff STWs Effect of pH at constant temperature: digestate 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 pH 8 pH 10 24h 48h Time (hours) Potential consumption of alkali (for pH 10-10.5): 249-299 kg NaOH / Ton TS 100 5,0 90 4,5 80 4,0 70 3,5 60 3,0 50 2,5 40 30 2,0 1,5 20 1,0 10 0,5 0 0,0 0 10 20 30 40 % removed at 60 C pH10 [NH4+] (g/kg FM) 6h NH4+ removal (%) % removed at 60 C pH 8 [NH4+] at pH 8 and 60 C [NH4+] at pH 10 and 60 C 50 Time (hours) © University of South Wales Ammonia Removal for Cardiff STWs Effect of pH at constant temperature: Thermally hydrolysed WAS At constant temperature of 60o C 100 70 1,00 0,90 60 80 70 6h 60 24h 48h 50 40 30 20 0,80 [NH4+] (g/kg FM) NH4+ removal (%) 90 % NH4+ removal NH4+ removal (%) At constant temperature of 60o C 50 0,70 40 0,60 30 0,40 0,50 0,30 20 0,20 10 10 0,10 0 0 0,00 0 pH 10 20 pH 10.5 40 pH 10 at 60 C pH 10.5 at 60 C [NH4+] at pH 10 and 60 C [NH4+] at pH 10.5 and 60 C 60 Time(h) Potential consumption of alkali (for pH 10 or 10.5): 68-80 kg NaOH /Ton TS © University of South Wales 17 12/6/2013 R&D and Optimisation at Full Scale AD plants Wrexham AD Plant for Animal Slurries 160 kWe ADBA (Anaerobic Digester & Biogas Association) 2012 Award for the “Best Integration of AD into a Farming Business” 35 © University of South Wales Microbes and Energy Loss Due to De-gritting Removal of grit and inerts from feedstocks or digesters is essential However digester degritting strategies should be evaluated and optimised to avoid important losses ½ microbial culture lost; de-gritting occurs ~ 3 weeks Immediate reduction of conversion but afterwards improved performance Esteves et al. In preparation 18 12/6/2013 R&D and Optimisation at Full Scale AD plants Thornton and Leyland OFMSW 2*1 MW Enzyme Enhanced VFA and Biogas Production 19 12/6/2013 Soluble COD Released To 70000 Percolate Liquor water control water control 0.03% Cellulase N11/12 0.03% Cellulase N11/12 0.03% Cellulase N11/12 0.1% Cellulase N11/12 0.1% Cellulase N11/12 0.1% Cellulase N11/12 0.3% Cellulase N11/12 0.3% Cellulase N11/12 0.3% Cellulase N11/12 1% Cellulase N11/12 1% Cellulase N11/12 0.3% Protease N11/11 0.3% Celluclast 60000 sCOD (mg/l) 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 20 40 Time (h) 60 80 Williams et al. (2011) Methane Yield From Batch Tests 20 12/6/2013 VFAs in Percolate (Full Scale) Double solubilisation or organics to be digested instead of composted Oliveira et al. In preparation Conclusions • Routine monitoring of microbial populations and VFAs provide valuable insights into the digestion process and can be used to predict digester stability and manage performance • Microbial consortia is important to the outcome of digester performance • Early warning of instability can be provided by measuring the actual workers ‘bacteria and archae’ • Control actions e.g. reduction of OLR and the timing for the addition of trace elements and alkalinity based on microbial abundance and diversity allowed maintenance of digester stability, which led to an allowed increased load and resulting additional biogas production 42 © University of South Wales 21 12/6/2013 Conclusions • Feedstock characteristics and pre-treatments influence digester population and performance • Inhibition such as from ammonia may need to be reduced in order to increase digester performance • De-gritting is essential to maintain a digester, which takes in inert material operational in the long run, but de-gritting strategies can be optimised based on microbial measurements • Solubilisation of organics via the use of enzymes in a pre-leaching process can increase biogas production 43 © University of South Wales Acknowledgments Dr. Julie Williams, Dr. Des Devlin, Ivo Oliveira, Dr, James Reed, Ikechukwu Tolefe, Fergal Hegarty, Dr. Gregg Williams, Prof. Richard Dinsdale, and Prof. Alan Guwy The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the funders opinion. Neither the authors or the funders are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. © University of South Wales 22