Winfoil Manual
Winfoil Manual
Winfoil Manual Winfoil Manual Version 3.0 - FOR MODEL AIRCRAFT - Copyright © 1993 - 2012 MALCOLM HARDY All rights reserved. 3D Rendering Module Copyright © 1998 – 2012 Gregg Kelly RELEASE DATE - AUGUST 1998 UPDATED – APRIL 2012 Page 1 Of 236 Winfoil Manual CONTENTS OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 8 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 12 WHAT’S NEW IN WINFOIL V3.0 ....................................................................... 13 VERSION HISTORY ........................................................................................... 14 USER INTERFACE ............................................................................................ 21 MENU COMMANDS ........................................................................................... 23 AIRFOIL LIST ..................................................................................................... 24 AIRFOIL TAB ..................................................................................................... 25 AIRFOIL SEARCH ............................................................................................. 28 COPY AIRFOIL SCREEN................................................................................... 29 NACA AIRFOIL WIZARD ................................................................................... 30 RENAME AIRFOIL SCREEN ............................................................................. 32 AIRFOIL COMMENTS ........................................................................................ 33 POLAR ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 34 JAVAFOIL PARAMETERS ................................................................................ 36 AIRFOIL COORDINATES TAB .......................................................................... 38 ADD AIRFOIL COORDINATES ......................................................................... 41 AIRFOIL POLAR GRAPH TAB .......................................................................... 43 AIRFOIL COMPARISON .................................................................................... 45 LOOKUP AIRFOIL PERFORMANCE DATA ..................................................... 47 LIFT DRAG DATA MAINTENANCE TAB .......................................................... 50 LIFT/DRAG DATA MAINTENANCE SCREEN................................................... 52 AIRFOIL CAD TAB ............................................................................................ 54 AIRFOIL CAD TOOLBAR FUNCTIONS ............................................................ 55 CAMBER MODIFICATION SCREEN ................................................................. 57 Page 2 Of 236 Winfoil Manual THICKNESS MODIFICATION SCREEN ............................................................ 58 MIRROR AIRFOIL SURFACE SCREEN ............................................................ 59 OVERLAY AIRFOIL SCREEN ........................................................................... 60 HOW TO ADD AIRFOIL COORDINATES - AIRFOIL CAD................................ 61 COORDINATE PAIR MODIFICATION ............................................................... 63 COORDINATE PAIR DELETION ....................................................................... 64 ENTER AIRFOIL COORDINATES IN AIRFOIL CAD ........................................ 65 PRINT AIRFOIL SCREEN .................................................................................. 66 DESIGN LIST ..................................................................................................... 69 DESIGN LIST TABS ........................................................................................... 72 DETAIL TAB....................................................................................................... 74 DESIGN PICTURE SCREEN.............................................................................. 76 WING WIZARD ................................................................................................... 77 ADD DESIGN SCREEN...................................................................................... 78 CHANGE WING SCREEN .................................................................................. 79 DRAG BREAKDOWN TAB ................................................................................ 80 DRAG COEFFICIENT LOOKUP FOR FUSELAGE SCREEN ........................... 82 EDIT DRAG BREAKDOWN ITEM...................................................................... 83 PERFORMANCE TAB........................................................................................ 84 POWER REQUIRED TAB .................................................................................. 86 LIFT TO DRAG RATIO TAB .............................................................................. 87 PERFORMANCE POPUP BOX .......................................................................... 88 DESIGN CAD TAB ............................................................................................. 89 DESIGN CAD TOOL BAR FUNCTIONS ............................................................ 92 HOW TO DESIGN A WING IN DESIGN CAD .................................................... 95 DESIGN SCALING OPTION .............................................................................. 98 DESIGN ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES TAB SCREEN ....................................... 99 Page 3 Of 236 Winfoil Manual TRAILING EDGE THICKNESS ........................................................................ 100 DESIGN TARGETS .......................................................................................... 101 RIB VIEW.......................................................................................................... 102 WING SWEEP .................................................................................................. 104 3D VIEW ........................................................................................................... 105 VARIABLE RIB SPACING ............................................................................... 107 VERTICAL TAIL SIZING GRAPH SCREEN .................................................... 108 HORIZONTAL TAIL SIZING GRAPH SCREEN ............................................... 110 REYNOLDS NUMBER GRAPH SCREEN........................................................ 112 WING PANEL PRINT SELECTION .................................................................. 114 SOARTECH AIRFOIL DATA............................................................................ 115 ABOUT SOARTECH ........................................................................................ 117 LIFT/DRAG DATA SCREEN ............................................................................ 122 COPY WING SCREEN ..................................................................................... 124 DESIGN SEARCH SCREEN ............................................................................ 125 SPAR DETAIL DESIGN SCREEN ................................................................... 126 SPAR DESIGN ................................................................................................. 128 AIRFOIL VERIFICATION SCREEN ................................................................. 130 PRINT COMMAND ........................................................................................... 131 DESIGN COORDINATES SCREEN ................................................................. 132 PRINT DESIGN SCREEN................................................................................. 133 IMPORT DATA ................................................................................................. 137 SELECT IMPORT DIRECTORY ....................................................................... 139 IMPORT EPPLER 100 FORMAT AIRFOIL COORDINATES ........................... 140 EXPORT DATA ................................................................................................ 141 IMPORT AIRFOIL PERFORMANCE DATA ..................................................... 143 PRINTER SETUP COMMAND ......................................................................... 144 Page 4 Of 236 Winfoil Manual JAVAFOIL AIRFOIL PEF FILE IMPORT ......................................................... 145 IMPORT WINFOIL DESIGN ............................................................................. 147 WINFOIL AIRFOIL COORDINATE IMPORT .................................................... 150 EPPLER FORMAT AIRFOIL COORDINATE IMPORT .................................... 151 SOARTECH LIFT & DRAG DATA IMPORT .................................................... 153 EXPORT AIRFOIL COORDINATES IN WINFOIL FORMAT............................ 155 EXPORT AIRFOIL COORDINATES IN SOARTECH FORMAT ....................... 157 EXPORT AIRFOIL COORDINATES IN EPPLER FORMAT ............................ 158 EXPORT AIRFOIL COORDINATES IN EPPLER 100 FORMAT ..................... 160 EXPORT PERFORMANCE DATA TO AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET .............. 161 EXPORT AIRFOIL PERFORMANCE DATA IN WINFOIL FORMAT ............... 163 EXPORT DESIGN ............................................................................................ 164 HPGL EXPORT ................................................................................................ 167 EXPORT TO DXF FILE .................................................................................... 168 PRINT TO DXF FILE ........................................................................................ 169 EXIT COMMAND .............................................................................................. 170 UNDO COMMAND ........................................................................................... 171 CUT COMMAND .............................................................................................. 172 COPY COMMAND ............................................................................................ 173 PASTE COMMAND .......................................................................................... 174 HELP INDEX .................................................................................................... 175 REGISTRATION COMMAND ........................................................................... 176 REGISTRATION BENEFITS ............................................................................ 178 ABOUT COMMAND ......................................................................................... 180 DATA BACKUP ................................................................................................ 182 WING CAD EXAMPLE ..................................................................................... 183 SPAR DESIGN EXAMPLE ............................................................................... 188 Page 5 Of 236 Winfoil Manual PREFERENCES ............................................................................................... 191 TOOLS TAB ..................................................................................................... 194 TOOL SETUP SCREEN ................................................................................... 195 PARAMETER MAINTENANCE SCREEN ........................................................ 198 HOW TO CREATE NEW DESIGN COMPONENTS ......................................... 200 HOW TO TRACE A PICTURE .......................................................................... 206 PRINT PREVIEW .............................................................................................. 208 VARIABLE RIB SPACING AND THICKNESS DISTRIBUTION TAB .............. 209 HOW TO MODIFY AN EXISTING WING DESIGN ........................................... 211 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 213 WINFOIL 4.0 ..................................................................................................... 232 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ................................................................................... 233 INDEX ............................................................................................................... 235 Page 6 Of 236 Winfoil Manual DISCLAIMER Users of WINFOIL must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "WINFOIL is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of WINFOIL." Please Note this program is Shareware. It is not Freeware. You are permitted to try the program for a maximum of 30 days after which continued use will require payment of the registration fee. For details about Registration see REGISTRATION COMMAND . For details on planned features for the next version see WINFOIL VERSION 4.0. TRADEMARKS VISUAL BASIC, ACCESS and WINDOWS are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. AutoCAD is a trademark of AutoDesk Inc. INTERNET The unregistered version of this software can now be downloaded from the Internet from Page 7 Of 236 Winfoil Manual OVERVIEW Winfoil is a windows program which provides the capability to design model aircraft and print the resulting design components. Features In Alphabetical Order 3D View now available for Wing and Tail designs. Zoom in or out , rotate in 3 dimensions , show wire frame, solid mesh or fully rendered. Add up to 10 favourite programs to the Tool Menu for easy access from Winfoil .Tools Tab Airfoil camber and chord lines plotted on screen. Airfoil cambercan be altered. Airfoil Comparison Airfoil data import capability. Airfoil Lift/Drag Maintenance Screen Airfoil thickness shown Airfoil thicknesscan be altered. Airfoil thickness variation allowed for when printing Airfoil top or bottom surfaces can be mirrored Airfoil verification in Reynolds Number graph. Verifies calculated performance with airfoil lift/drag data. All screens are resizeable and sizes and positions are saved on exit so that screens will be restored the next time Winfoil is run. Alter Aspect Ratio or maintain Aspect Ratio for a design item in the Design CAD Tab . Automatic calculation of Wing area, aspect ratio and mean aerodynamic chord and aerodynamic centre in the Design CAD Tab CAD like user interface screens to design wings and airfoils Page 8 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Calculate Aircraft performance . Power required , stall speed, max. L/D, sink speed and max. speed. Comments can be entered for airfoils and design .items. Connect to the Winfoil Web Site Context sensitive Help. Press the Function Key F1 to select help on the currently selected feature within WINFOIL or press the HELP button. Copy and rename Airfoils. Copy. and rename Design Items. Create simple fuselage and fuselage former shapes . Define own types of components . Database can be shared over a network for multi user access Design Targets entered in the Drag Breakdown screen can now be viewed in the Design CAD screen. Use these to select the appropriate airfoil, set the correct span and arrive at a shape which meets the Aspect Ratio requirements. Design wings or tails of any shape. Winfoil will automatically determine rib lengths Different airfoil sections can be selected for a wing design . Winfoil will automatically print the airfoil sections along the span. DXF Airfoil, Rib, Wing, tail and fuselage plan Edit airfoil coordinates and design item coordinatesTab directly with a mouse. Enter wing coordinates using the keyboard in the Design CAD Tab Estimate Airfoil pitching moment and angle of attack at zero lift Expanded range of measurement units (metric and imperial) Export selected airfoils for input into other programs. Export design performance data to Excel spreadsheets Grouping of design components. Components such as wing, tail, specifications are grouped by design name for ease of reference. Horizontal and vertical tail sizing calculations for conventional aircraft . Import automatic number format conversion for European countries using American or British airfoil coordinates. Import Eppler format airfoil coordinates. Import Soartech lift and drag data. Multiple airfoils can be compared Import Stuttgart format airfoil coordinates. Page 9 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Menu shortcut keys. NACA Airfoil Wizard. Generate 4,5 and 6 Digit NACA Airfoils New airfoil sort/search facility. Overlay airfoils , input airfoil coordinates using the keyboard and select points. Parameter tables can be configured to add new design types, drag breakdown items and aircraft configurations . Print airfoil sections in metric or imperial dimensions Print one airfoil per page or automatically adjust to print more than one per page. Print airfoils for a range of chord lengths. Print airfoil name, grid, chord length and coordinates. Print design item specifications Print airfoils to the windows clipboard Print airfoils larger than page size. Print wing planforms , fuselage formers, fuselage sides (. Left , right or both panels.) Popup menus. Recalculate airfoil thickness and camber for every airfoil. Reynolds number calculation in air and water. Rib View is now available in the Design CAD screen. View each rib in a Wing or Tail design. See Spar, Shear Web and wing skin thickness. Automatically redraw when a spar is added, changed or deleted. Shows interpolated airfoil section if different airfoils have been selected for the root and tip. Search/Sort screen for quickly locating airfoils or design items. Support for Eppler and Eppler 100 style airfoil coordinate formats Scanned pictures and comments can be added to design components Pictures can be zoomed, saved and printed. Soartech airfoil import capability. Spar design facility. Any number of spars and shear webs can be placed at any position along the chord of a wing or tail. Store airfoil lift, , drag and pitching moment coefficients for airfoil comparison and selection. Page 10 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Use windows calculator from within Winfoil to perform scaling calculations Windows 95 style user interface. Tab windows, floating and dockable toolbars. Explorer style windows. Wing Sweep can now be set in the Design CAD screen. A sweepback chord position can be entered as well as a sweepback angle. Wing wizard to simplify wing design. The Registered version of this software includes all features. The following features are disabled in the unregistered version; Airfoil Import and Export Soartech wind tunnel data import capability DXF export Multi user database sharing. The number of Airfoils and design items are limited to 20 each. See Registration details for further information. Page 11 Of 236 Winfoil Manual System Requirements Winfoil runs on any IBM or 100% compatible with the Intel or AMD CPU. The following operating systems are supported. Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows ME Microsoft Windows NT 4 Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP (Home and Professional) Microsoft Vista Microsoft Windows 7 At least 64 MB of memory and 25 MB of hard disk space are required. Winfoil will print to any Windows supported printer and can run on a network. Page 12 Of 236 Winfoil Manual What’s New in Winfoil V3.0 Full support for Microsoft 32 bit Operating Systems Microsoft Access 2000 database Support for multiple high resolution images for Design Specifications Print Preview for all printing JavaFoil can now be called directly from within Winfoil to perform polar analysis of Airfoils JavaFoil Import has been modified to support the latest PEF format Additional Polar data has been generated for most of the airfoils using JavaFoil Variable Rib spacing and Spanwise Thickness adjustment is now supported The Trailing Edge thickness can be fixed for a wing or tail design Improved error handling and logging Export Designs Import Winfoil Designs CL Max and propeller efficiency can now be set at the design specification level in the Drag Breakdown tab. Spar position can now be fixed in relation to the chord instead of following a chord position along the span. Export Ribs to DXF has been enhanced to allow the skin to be omitted for CNC rib cutting. Added new help topic covering Performance Analysis. Note: JavaFoil must be installed prior to running the polar analysis. Page 13 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Version History Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.7 30/4/2012 Added new help topic covering Performance Analysis. Fixed error with HTML export for design reports. CL Max and propeller efficiency can now be set at the design specification level. Previously these settings could only be set globally and applied to all designs. Initial values are set from the Performance settings in the Preferences screen. Specification reports have been modified to display these settings. Import and export of designs have been updated for these settings. Fixed update error in Design screen. Spar position can now be fixed in relation to the chord instead of following a chord position along the span. Design picture zoom has been changed to maintain picture aspect ratio when zooming in and out. Fixed issue where print preview required two button clicks to view. Fixed print skin checkbox when printing specification Fixed print of performance data so that speed and power required match selected units. Previously would display speed in ft/sec and power required in HP. Fixed issue with the saving of Design and Airfoil screen positions when closing Winfoil using the Close Window button. Fixed performance chart speed ranges. Previously these charts were plotted for speeds many magnitudes greater than the estimated maximum speed of the design. JavaFoil airfoil analysis now writes to the CommonAppData folder. This is required for Vista and Windows 7 when running Winfoil as a non Administrator user. Export Ribs to DXF has been enhanced to allow the skin to be omitted for CNC rib cutting. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.6 31/12/2010 The DXF export for ribs where a trailing edge thickness was specified has been fixed. Previously this was incorrectly scaling the rib y coordinates due to an error in the calculation of the maximum thickness. The installation program has been updated using the latest version of Installshield (2011). Previously installations in non-English versions of Windows 7 or Windows Page 14 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Vista would fail due to a permission error 1609 when setting the permissions on the program data folder (Common Application Data). This folder is used to store the database and configuration files in accordance with Microsoft installation guidelines. 22/12/2010 Fixed display of airfoil profiles in Wing Wizard. Fixed display of ribs in Rib View of Design Properties screen. Rib view was not catering for variable rib spacing. Fixed issue with airfoil interpolation for DXF rib export. Fixed issue with interpolation when variable rib spacing was used. Fixed issue with change to skin thickness in the Print Design screen it would reset the rib spacing in the design cad screen. You may need to reset the rib thickness for an existing design. You can check it by opening the design properties screen and clicking on the Rib Spacing and Thickness Distribution tab. The rib thickness is displayed in mm or inches. You need to make sure that none of these have been incorrectly set. You can quickly reset them by clicking on the Reset Rib Thickness button. Press the Apply button to complete the update. There was a problem in V3.0.34 where changes to the thickness were not happening automatically as a wing design changed. Fixed issue for change to dimension units in the Design Cad screen. Changing dimensions was not updating the spar sizes and rib spacing. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.5 25/05/2010 Fix overflow error when printing large (span > 8 Feet) wing designs. 11/05/2010 Add validation to Design XML import to check that data is valid. Fix zoom in Airfoil CAD screen. Previously when zooming to a large size an error would occur. 26/04/2010 Fixed Winfoil wing design import. Spar depths were not being loaded. Fixed overflow error when printing large wing designs. Fixed help for spar design screens. 09/02/2010 Fix for import of airfoil coordinates from a folder. Page 15 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 29/03/2010 Wing and tail design import fixed. Was not creating ribs with correct thickness during the import. Warning is now displayed if airfoil of imported design is not found in Winfoil 3 database. Design Cad screen has been modified to automatically recalculate rib thickness if either of the root or tip airfoils are changed. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.4 24/09/2009 Fixed error in design list screen when clicking on the tabs after using the Design wizard. Added links to DXF generation in the How To topic of the help file. 7/8/2009 Fixed Test Print in Winfoil Preferences screen. Removed winfoil manifest to eliminate screen repainting problem in Import and Export screens. Fixed width of import airfoil coordinates screen when importing files from a directory. Modified Winfoil to cater for airfoils with an apostrophe in the name. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.3 14/11/2009 Fixed airfoil import. In cases where there were more coordinates on the lower surface, the airfoil coordinates would not be correctly imported. Fixed error "Field 'AEROPERF.NAME' cannot be a zero-length string" when calculating performance. Fixed error when changing the number of ribs in the Design Cad screen whilst the Page 16 Of 236 Winfoil Manual design properties screen was open. Fixed error Invalid procedure call or argument when viewing the design cad screen. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.2 25/9/2008 Fixed problem with dimensions being hidden in Wing Wizard screen when Winfoil was run in XP. Fixed problem with Wing Wizard labels not being hidden when fields to enter dimensions was hidden. Fixed save for Polar Graph screen. Save button was saving the graph as a Windows Metafile instead of a Bitmap file. Fixed error which would occur if nothing was entered in the maximum or minimum speed in the Reynolds Number Graph screen. Fixed error when changing coordinates in Print Airfoil screen. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.1 17/9/2008 Fixed airfoil print to Clipboard. 15/9/2008 Enhanced Soartech Airfoil import to cater for different airfoil coordinate format in UIUC Airfoil Database Web Site. Fixed various errors which would occur when altering a design in the Design Cad screen with the Design Preferences screen open at the same time. 29/8/2008 Added validation to Javafoil analysis to check for the existance of the java runtime and javafoil program files before starting the analysis. Added calculation of thickness and camber after import of airfoil coordinates. Values are updated in the database after calculation. Page 17 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 20/8/2008 Fixed export of coordinate files for Javafoil analysis. Winfoil will now export the coordinate file in the selected country's number format. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.3.0 20/06/2008 Fixed checking of file format when importing Winfoil type airfoil coordinate files. Was previously raising a Type Mismatch (13) error if the file was the incorrect format. Fix import of coordinate files for countries which do not have the English formatted numbers. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.9 02/04/2008 Fixed error when cancelling export of any item in the Export screen. Fixed setting of span value in the design specification tab. Added new Export design option in the Export screen. Export does not export design pictures. Export function will export all components and performance data for a selected design. Added new Import design option in the Import screen. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.8 18/04/2008 Fixed error in Design Properties screen when changing rib spacing. Fixed resizing of 3D view when Design Properties screen was resized. Page 18 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Fixed panning and zoom functions in 3D view. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.7 23/03/2008 Fix Print Design screen. If any key was pressed the online help was being displayed. Screen has been fixed so that only when the F1 function key is pressed the online help is displayed. Fix Design Properties screen to prevent intermittent program crash when screen was closed. Add XP Style manifest file. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.5 03/03/2008 Fix UpdateSpecification errors which were occurring when a new Design item was being created. Remove Beta labels. Make version number match file version number. Fix printing of Design Specifications. Added Trial Licensing so that all features of the program can be accessed prior to purchase. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.2 24/07/2007 error. Added check for exclusive file access for JavaFoil interface to resolve import Added file masks to labels on import and export screens. Fixes and Enhancements for V3.2.2 Page 19 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 28/06/2007 Fixed Airfoil print. Fixed former size changing when switching from CAD to details tabs. Fixed Zoom in Wing Cad screen. Fixed update of codes. When creating new design components, if nothing was entered for the description, data or extra fields an error would occur. Trace picture load has been enhanced to allow the loading of JPG and GIF files. Fixed JavaFoil Interface. Now compatible with the latest version 1.95 and Java runtime. Help converted to HTML help so that it is compatible with Vista. Page 20 Of 236 Winfoil Manual USER INTERFACE The Winfoil user interface has been enhanced to include a Tool Bar which provides quick access to some of the menu commands. This button opens the Airfoil List screen. This button opens the Design List screen. This button selects; 1. Print Airfoil screen if the currently selected screen is the Airfoil List screen 2. Print Design screen if the currently selected screen is the Design List screen. 3. Print airfoil coordinates if the currently selected screen is the Airfoil Coordinates tab. This button opens the Import Data screen. This button opens the Export Data screen. This button selects Winfoil Help. This button will allow you to quit from Winfoil This button will close the current active screen At the bottom of the screen is a region called the Status Bar. The left indented panel of the Status Bar indicates the function of a button on the Tool Bar when the mouse pointer passes over a button. The right indented panels indicate the current date and time. Winfoil is an MDI application . You may view the Airfoil List , Airfoil Coordinates and Design List screens all at once or you may view one screen with all other screens minimised. You may also tile the screens by selecting the Tile menu option from the Windows menu. By selecting the Cascade menu option from the Windows menu you can view the three screens as overlapping screens. Popup menus are now supported on all screens. These may be accessed by clicking the right mouse button and selecting the appropriate menu item. This feature reduces the need to move the mouse pointer to the menu or tool bar in order to select a particular program function. Page 21 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Menu short cut keys have also been introduced. These are as follows; CTRL+ A Airfoil List Screen CTRL+ D Design List Screen CTRL+I Import Airfoil Data CTRL+ E Export Airfoil Data CTRL+ P Print CTRL+ H Help ALT+F4 Exit For example, to access the Design List screen press the Ctrl key and the D key at the same time. MDI stands for Multiple Document Interface. An MDI application contains multiple screens within one container screen. This allows the user to display multiple screens at the same time with each screen displayed in its own window. Page 22 Of 236 Winfoil Manual MENU COMMANDS FILE MENU EDIT MENU AIRFOIL LIST CUT COMMAND DESIGN LIST COPY COMMAND IMPORT PASTE COMMAND EXPORT PRINT COMMAND VIEW MENU PRINTER SETUP COMMAND Toolbar - Click to display the toolbar PREFERENCES EXIT COMMAND TOOL MENU CALCULATOR HELP MENU RECALC AIRFOIL PROPERTIES Using Help - How to use Windows Help WHAT'S NEW WINDOW MENU WINFOIL HELP - This Help Cascade - Cascade the open screens REGISTRATION Tile Horizontal - Tile the open screens/windows horizontally WINFOIL WEB SITE - Connect to the Winfoil Web Site Tile Vertical - Tile the open screens/windows vertically ABOUT COMMAND Arrange Icons - Arrange minimised screens/windows Page 23 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Airfoil List This screen is accessed by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or by clicking on the Airfoil List toolbar button. The Airfoil List screen which was available in version 2.1 has been converted to an explorer style screen with a number of tabs. On the left is a pane containing a list of all airfoils, lift coefficients, drag coefficients, thickness to chord ratios , maximum camber and maximum camber location. This screen is resizeable and the left pane may be resized individually by clicking and dragging on the black vertical border just like Explorer in Windows 95. The size of the pane is stored by Winfoil so that the next time the screen is opened the pane will be restored to its originally selected size and position. Creating a New Airfoil 1. Open the Airfoil List screen by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or click on the Airfoil List toolbar button. 2. Click on the Airfoil tab. 3. Click on the New button. 4. You will then be prompted to either add an airfoil manually or to select the NACA airfoil wizard. If you are creating a new airfoil manually you must enter the name of the airfoil. If you enter the name of an airfoil which already exists an error message will be displayed and Winfoil will prevent you creating an airfoil with the same name. If you select the NACA Wizard option you will be shown the NACA Wizard screen. If you selected the manual option you have two ways of creating the new airfoil. You can either enter the coordinates by typing in values in the Coordinates Tab or enter coordinates in the CAD Tab. Available Tabs; Airfoil Tab Airfoil Coordinates Tab Airfoil Polar Graph Lift Graph Tab Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab Airfoil CAD Tab Page 24 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Airfoil Tab Airfoil List Other Available Tabs; Airfoil Coordinates Tab Airfoil Polar Graph Lift Graph Tab Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab Airfoil CAD Tab This tab lists all available Airfoils stored in the Winfoil Database. Selection of an airfoil from the list will make Winfoil Plot the airfoil section in the box provided. Any comments about the airfoil will be listed in the box directly under the airfoil plot. If Lift and Drag data is available for the selected airfoil then the following picture will be displayed to the right of the airfoil name on this tab; The List on the left side of the screen contains the following information; Airfoil Name CL MAX is the maximum lift coefficient of the airfoil. The higher this value the greater the amount of lift that the airfoil generates. A short take off and landing aircraft requires a high lift airfoil therefore one would select an airfoil with a very high CL ( Coefficient of lift). CD MIN is the minimum drag coefficient. An airfoil with a low drag coefficient and good lift coefficient will provide excellent gliding performance. A high drag airfoil will provide poor glide performance ,acceleration and climb performance. CM MAX is the maximum pitching moment coefficient. A positive value means that the airfoil will pitch up , a negative value means that the airfoil will pitch down. Tailless aircraft require a positive pitching moment for pitch stability. Therefore one would choose an airfoil with a positive pitching moment . This can also be achieved with an airfoil with zero pitching moment (eg; symmetrical) and a control deflection upwards eg; up elevator. The larger the pitching coefficient the greater the force required to balance the aircraft. To minimise tail areas for minimal drag on conventional wing and tail designs one would select an airfoil with a low pitching moment. Thickness is the maximum thickness of the airfoil. ie; a Thickness = 10.00 means that the airfoils maximum thickness is ten percent. Thickness Position is the chordwise location of the airfoils maximum thickness (expressed as a percentage of the chord). Camber is the maximum camber of the airfoil expressed as a percentage of the chord. Camber Position is the chordwise position of the airfoils maximum camber (expressed as a percentage) Page 25 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The airfoil performance data has been obtained with permission from SOARTECH .Data in the airfoil list screen is for the lowest Reynolds number. Typically airfoil performance improves with higher Reynolds numbers therefore it is more important to have details on performance at low Reynolds numbers. This screen can also be accessed quickly from the toolbar by clicking on the button or pressing the Ctrl key and the A key at the same time. Adding a new Airfoil See Airfoil List To Edit an Airfoil Select the airfoil as above and click on the Airfoil Coordinates Tab or the Airfoil CAD Tab . To Print an Airfoil Select an airfoil by clicking on an airfoil in the list then select PRINT COMMAND from the FILE MENU .or click on the PRINT button in the toolbar. Delete an Airfoil Click on the DELETE button. To search for a particular Airfoil Click on the SEARCH button. This action will display the AIRFOIL SEARCH screen. To add or amend Airfoil Comments Click on the Comments button to display the Airfoil Comments screen. To rename an Airfoil Click on the RENAME button. To analyze an Airfoil Click on the ANALYZE button. Page 26 Of 236 Winfoil Manual To select another screen Select from the FILE menu or click on a button in the toolbar. The function of the button will be shown on the status bar at the left side of the bottom of the screen. Page 27 Of 236 Winfoil Manual AIRFOIL SEARCH This screen is used to locate an airfoil. To search on a airfoil name click in the name column with the mouse and type into the yellow text box the name of the airfoil to search for. As you type the list of airfoils will reduce until a perfect match is found or not found. Similarly for the other airfoil attributes by clicking on a column with the mouse you can initiate a search on any selected column. The other powerful feature of this search screen is the ability to sort in any order for a selected column. For example; Suppose you wish to search for an airfoil with the highest maximum lift coefficient. Click on the Clmax column with the mouse. Then click on the Descending option for the sort order. All airfoils will be sorted on Clmax in descending order. Selecting the first airfoil will give you the airfoil with the maximum lift coefficient. After selecting an airfoil, click on the OK button to return to the Airfoil List Press the CANCEL button to return without performing a search. Double clicking on a selection will automatically cause the OK button to be pressed. Page 28 Of 236 Winfoil Manual COPY AIRFOIL SCREEN This screen provides the capability to copy an existing airfoil as a new airfoil for further modification or experimentation. Steps; 1. Select an airfoil to copy from the drop down list by clicking on the down arrow or type the first character of the name of the airfoil you wish to copy. 2. Click on the appropriate check boxes to select data to be copied. All are selected by default. 3. Enter the name of the new airfoil If you enter the name of an existing airfoil in the New Airfoil Name box then you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to overwrite the existing airfoil. Warning The modification of existing airfoils is not recommended. Without a thorough knowledge of aerodynamics and extensive wind tunnel testing modifications will in most cases reduce the performance and could lead to poor aircraft flight and stability characteristics. Page 29 Of 236 Winfoil Manual NACA Airfoil Wizard The wizard can generate one of three types of NACA airfoil; 4 Digit 5 Digit 6 Digit Any number of coordinates may be generated for the 4 or 5 digit airfoil types. The six digit airfoil has a fixed number of coordinates generated. 6 Digit Six digit airfoils are generated using the meanline a=1.0. Thickness forms are supplied for the following types; 63 63A 64 64A 65 65A 66 67,1 The majority of the thickness forms are for thicknesses of 10%. To derive airfoils of different thicknesses the Naca Wizard will apply a scaling factor. For small differences in thickness this approach is acceptable, however large thickness ratios may result in some inaccuracy. To create a new NACA Airfoil; 1. Open the Airfoil List screen by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or click on the Airfoil List toolbar button at the top of the screen. 2. Click on the New button on the Airfoil tab 3. Click on the Use Naca Airfoil Wizard radio button. 4. Click on the Ok button. 5. Select an airfoil type by scrolling and clicking on the desired type. Page 30 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 6. Click on the Next button. 7. Either enter the numeric values as listed or simply enter the airfoil number then click on the Generate button. 8. Click on the Ok button to save the airfoil or click on the Cancel button to exit. If at any time you wish to change your selection then click on the Back button. Page 31 Of 236 Winfoil Manual RENAME AIRFOIL SCREEN This screen is used to rename an airfoil. Type the new name and click on the OK button to change the name. Click on the CANCEL button to exit without changing the name. You cannot change the name to a name which is currently being used by another airfoil. Page 32 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Airfoil Comments This screen allows Airfoil comments to be maintained. A maximum of 255 characters can be entered. Multiple lines of comments may be added. To Save the Comments Click on the Update button To Clear the Comments Select the text and delete it. Then click on the Update button. To Exit without Saving the Comments Click on the Close Button Page 33 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Polar Analysis Winfoil now supports airfoil polar analysis. Winfoil calls the JavaFoil program to perform the analysis and imports the generated data. JavaFoil must be installed prior to calling this function. JavaFoil can be downloaded from The currently supported version is V1.95 dated 9/6/2007. JavaFoil must be installed correctly for this feature to work. JavaFoil requires the Java Runtime Environment to run. It can be downloaded from Winfoil will validate the JavaFoil parameters prior to running the Airfoil Analysis and will report an error if any of the files (Java or JavaFoil) do not exist. This feature is accessed by clicking on the Analyze button in the Airfoil Tab on the Airfoil List screen. The first time the analysis is run a JavaFoil Parameter screen will be displayed. The parameters on this screen must be completed so that Winfoil can interface with JavaFoil. Please see the JavaFoil Parameters link for details. The parameters are stored in the Winfoil Configuration File Winfoil.ini. The files Winfoil searches for are javafoil.jar, mhclasses.jar and java.exe. After determining the location of the JavaFoil files it will display the Analyze Airfoil Screen. This screen is used to enter the following parameters. Page 34 Of 236 Winfoil Manual First Angle of Attack Start Angle of attack in degrees Last Angle of Attack End Angle of Attack in degrees Angle of Attack Step Angle of Attack step in degrees First Reynolds Number Start Reynolds Number Last Reynolds Number End Reynolds Number Reynolds Number Step Reynolds Number step Transition Upper Surface Location of transition strip on upper surface % of chord Transition Lower Surface Location of transition strip on lower surface % of chord Surface Finish higher Surface finish description. The smoother the surface the Performance of the airfoil. To continue the analysis click on the Ok button. To cancel the analysis click on the Cancel button. To display this Help topic click on the Help button or press the F1 function key. If the Ok button is pressed then Winfoil will start JavaFoil to perform the analysis. It will wait until the analysis is finished then it will import the polar data and update the data in Winfoil. If an error occurs in JavaFoil, Winfoil will wait until the user closes JavaFoil and the analysis will be terminated. Winfoil retains the stores the parameters entered into the Analyze Airfoil Screen for later use. Troubleshooting If JavaFoil is not displayed after clicking on the Ok button then JavaFoil may not be correctly installed or one of the files it requires is missing. Sometimes the analysis will fail due to invalid parameter ranges and JavaFoil will terminate. If this happens then the parameters should be amended and the analysis should be run again. Page 35 Of 236 Winfoil Manual JavaFoil Parameters The first time the airfoil analysis is run the following pop-up screen will be displayed. The parameters on this screen must be completed so that Winfoil can interface with JavaFoil. Parameters Country This is the country which JavaFoil is being run. This is used tro set the language and format the numeric values. Java Runtime This is the Java Runtime file name (java.exe). Typically this file is found in the following directory c:\Program Files\Java\jre 1.5.0\bin JavaFoil Jar File This is the JavaFoil jar file name (JavaFoil.jar). Typically this file is found in the following directory c:\Program Files\MH AeroTools\JavaFoil\Java MHClasses Jar File This is the MHClasses jar file name (MHClasses.jar). Typically this file is found in the following directory c:\Program Files\MH AeroTools\JavaFoil\Java These settings can be changed in the Preferences Screen Page 36 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Winfoil will validate these parameters prior to running the Airfoil Analysis and will report an error if any of the files do not exist. Page 37 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Airfoil Coordinates Tab Airfoil List Other Available Tabs; Airfoil Tab Airfoil Polar Graph Lift Graph Tab Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab Airfoil CAD Tab To get to this Tab 1. Open the Airfoil List screen by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or click on the Airfoil List toolbar button. 2. Click on the Coordinates Tab. This tab is provided to allow airfoil coordinates to be entered, deleted or changed. Three different formats are provided; 1. NACA 2. EPPLER 3. EPPLER 100 To change format you must click on the appropriate radio button at the bottom of the Tab. NACA Format Naca airfoil coordinate format is as follows; Xupper Yupper Xlower YLower Where; Xupper is the upper surface x coordinate measured as a percentage of the chord from the leading edge. A value of 0 indicates that the coordinate is at the leading edge and a value of 100 indicates that the coordinate is at the trailing edge. Yupper is the upper surface y coordinate measured as a percentage of the chord. Xlower is the lower surface x coordinate and is measured as a percentage of the chord from the leading edge. Ylower is the lower surface y coordinate measured as a percentage of the chord. Page 38 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The Xlower coordinate does not have to match the Xupper coordinate. Coordinates start from the leading edge of the airfoil for both top and bottom surfaces and continue to the trailing edge. EPPLER Format Eppler airfoil coordinate format is as follows; X Y Where; X is the X coordinate expressed as a ratio of the chord from the leading edge. A value of 0 indicates that the coordinate is at the leading edge. A value of 1.0 indicates that the coordinate is at the trailing edge. Y is the y coordinate expressed as a ratio of the chord. Coordinates start from the trailing edge of the airfoil continuing along the top surface to the leading edge then along the lower surface to the trailing edge. EPPLER 100 Format This format is identical to the EPPLER format above except that the coordinates are expressed as a percentage. A value of 0 represents the start or leading edge and 100 represents the end or trailing edge. To Add a New Coordinate; Click on the New button or press the Insert key To Change or Edit an existing Coordinate; Double click on the coordinate or select the coordinate by clicking on it then click on the Change button or press the Enter key. To Delete a Coordinate; Select the coordinate by clicking on it then click on the Delete button or press the Delete key. If the Eppler or Eppler 100 format airfoil coordinates are selected then an additional button will be presented. This is the Insert button which is used to insert a coordinate before the currently selected coordinate. Three additional boxes are provided to enter; Cl Max. Maximum Lift Coefficient Page 39 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Cd Min Minimum Drag Coefficient Cm Max Maximum Pitching Momement To update, amend or clear these values , type the value into the box and select another airfoil from the list of airfoils. You can now copy airfoil coordinates to the clipboard in this tab.This feature is activated by right clicking on the coordinate grid and clicking on the Copy Coordinates to Clipboard popup menu item. This data can then be used to populate web page input fields or as a means to transfer data to other programs. Page 40 Of 236 Winfoil Manual ADD AIRFOIL COORDINATES This screen is used to add new airfoil coordinates. You must enter data in pairs ie; upper and lower coordinate pair. The x coordinate pairs do not have to match. All coordinates are expressed as a percentage of the chord. The X axis is the axis running lengthways along the chord of the airfoil. The Y axis is the axis running perpendicular to the X axis. Xupper : Upper surface x coordinate (distance from the leading edge) Yupper : Upper surface y coordinate (height above datum line) Xlower : Lower surface x coordinate (distance from the leading edge) Ylower : Lower surface y coordinate (height above the datum line) Note : negative values lie below the datum line. To exit this screen click on the CLOSE button. Update Options These options are used to speed up data entry. Auto Update This option when checked will automatically update the database when you tab off the last Page 41 Of 236 Winfoil Manual field in this screen (YLOWER). If this option is not checked then you must click on the ADD button to add the coordinates. Normal This option when set will require data to be entered in each field. Xupper=XLower When this option is set the Xlower field will be set to the value in the Xupper field. Symmetrical Section When this option is set the Ylower field will be set to the negative value of the Yupper field. Page 42 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Airfoil Polar Graph Tab Airfoil List Other Available Tabs; Airfoil Tab Airfoil Coordinates Tab Lift Graph Tab Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab Airfoil CAD Tab To get to this Tab 1. Open the Airfoil List screen by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or click on the Airfoil List toolbar button. 2. Click on the Polar Graph Tab. This graph displays lift coefficient vs. drag coefficient for the selected airfoil. Data is provided for a number of Reynolds number readings. Data for this tab can be entered through the Lift/Drag Data Tab or can be imported from the SOARTECH LIFT/DRAG DATA IMPORT screen. As model aircraft typically fly at low Reynolds numbers (ie; small wing chords at low speeds) an airfoil which has a high lift coefficient and low drag coefficient at a low Reynolds number will have the best all-round performance. In general most airfoils suffer a loss in performance with a reduction in Reynolds numbers. If you choose an airfoil which performs well at a low Reynolds number , the same airfoil will typically perform much better at higher Reynolds numbers. To determine the reynolds number for a wing or tail design use the REYNOLDS NUMBER GRAPH facility provided with the WING CAD SCREEN The higher the lift coefficient(Cl) the greater the lift produced by an airfoil and the lower the stall speed for a given wing area. The lower the drag coefficient(Cd) , the lower the profile drag for a given wing or tail area. Low drag is required for Pylon and Sailplane designs. Funfly designs rely on high drag sections for even speed through manoeuvres. Please note that this data is for infinite aspect ratios . The actual lift and drag coefficients for real designs will be lower and higher depending on the Aspect Ratio of the wing or tail. Aspect ratio is calculated as follows; Ratio = ( Wing Span)2 / Wing Area High Aspect Ratio (long narrow wings) reduces Induced drag but lowers Reynolds Number (low airfoil performance) and increases structural loading (good for gliding). Reduces roll rate (high inertia). Low Aspect Ratio (short wide wings) increases Induced drag but increases Reynolds Number (good airfoil performance) and reduces structural loading ( good for aerobatics). Improves roll rate. The higher the Aspect Ratio the closer the performance of the wing or tail will match the test data. Page 43 Of 236 Winfoil Manual There are two buttons on this screen. Save Button This button provides the capability to save the currently viewed graph as a windows bitmap graphic file. The graphic file can be viewed at a later date or pasted into a document. Compare Button This button provides the capability to perform an Airfoil Comparison . To print the graph Select the PRINT menu item in the FILE menu or click on the tool bar button. Page 44 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Airfoil Comparison This feature is accessed from the Compare button on the Airfoil Polar Graph Tab or from the Lift Graph Tab on the Airfoil List screen. This feature provides the ability to ; Select Reynolds numbers for Polar and Lift Graphs for a selected Airfoil. Compare an Airfoil against another selected Airfoil and Reynolds number. Compare an Airfoil against a number of airfoils with the data for the same Reynolds number. When the Compare button is pressed the Graph Properties screen will displayed. To select one or multiple Reynolds numbers to graph for either the Polar or Lift Graph; Click on one or more Reynolds numbers in the Select Reynolds Number list and then click on the Ok button. Do not click on the Compare check box if you wish to select more than one Reynolds number. To compare with other Airfoils; Click on the Compare check box. Click on the Show all Airfoils to select an Airfoil from the list of all Airfoils in the database with performance data. If you choose this option you must select an Airfoil for the comparison and a Reynolds number. Click on the Show Airfoils option to select an Airfoil for comparison which has data that matches the selected Reynolds number. You must then select an Airfoil then a Reynolds number. If you also click on the Cycle checkbox then there is no need to select an Airfoil for the comparison or Reynolds number. Winfoil will automatically cycle through each matching airfoil. The Pause textbox is Page 45 Of 236 Winfoil Manual the delay in seconds between redrawing the graph for each Airfoil comparison. If the Cycle checkbox is selected then when the Ok button is clicked and the Graph is displayed the an additional toolbar will be displayed to control the cycle. The buttons on this toolbar perform the following actions; Pause Pauses the cycle to allow the user to Save the displayed graph as a bitmap or Print the graph or take a note of the airfoils being compared. Cycle Restarts the cycle process. End Ends the cycle process and returns to the Graph screen. You must click on this button so that you can continue using Winfoil and to exit this special mode. Save This button is used to save the currently displayed graph as a bitmap. This button is only enabled after the Pause button is pressed. Print This button is used to print the currently displayed graph. This button is only enabled after the Pause button is pressed. Page 46 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Lookup Airfoil Performance Data This new feature provides the capability to lookup the maximum lift coefficient, minimum drag coefficient and maximum pitching moment data from the Winfoil database for one of the selected criteria; 1. For all reynolds Numbers 2. For the lowest Reynolds Number 3. For one of the listed Reynolds Numbers for the selected airfoil. This enables the user to quickly obtain this data from the database and set these for the airfoil. These values can then be used later for searching for an airfoil for a new design. How to use this feature; 1. Select one of the criteria for the lookup. 2. Click on the OK button to process or click on the Cancel button to exit. Page 47 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Lift Graph Tab Airfoil List Other Available Tabs; Airfoil Tab Airfoil Coordinates Tab Airfoil Polar Graph Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab Airfoil CAD Tab To get to this Tab 1. Open the Airfoil List screen by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or click on the Airfoil List toolbar button. 2. Click on the Lift Graph Tab. This graph displays lift coefficient vs. angle of attack for the selected airfoil. Data is provided for a number of Reynolds number readings. Data for this tab can be entered through the Lift/Drag Data Tab or can be imported from the SOARTECH LIFT/DRAG DATA IMPORT screen. As model aircraft typically fly at low Reynolds numbers (ie; small wing chords at low speeds) an airfoil which has a high lift coefficient and low drag coefficient at a low Reynolds number will have the best all-round performance. In general most airfoils suffer a loss in performance with a reduction in Reynolds numbers. If you choose an airfoil which performs well at a low Reynolds number , the same airfoil will typically perform much better at higher Reynolds numbers. To determine the reynolds number for a wing or tail design use the REYNOLDS NUMBER GRAPH facility provided with the WING CAD SCREEN The higher the lift coefficient(Cl) the greater the lift produced by an airfoil and the lower the stall speed for a given wing area. The lower the drag coefficient(Cd) , the lower the profile drag for a given wing or tail area. Low drag is required for Pylon and Sailplane designs. Funfly designs rely on high drag sections for even speed through manoeuvres. Please note that this data is for infinite aspect ratios . The actual lift and drag coefficients for real designs will be lower depending on the Aspect Ratio of the wing or tail. Aspect ratio is calculated as follows; Ratio = ( Wing Span)2 / Wing Area High Aspect Ratio (long narrow wings) reduces Induced drag but lowers Reynolds Number (low airfoil performance) and increases structural loading (good for gliding). Reduces roll rate (high inertia). Low Aspect Ratio (short wide wings) increases Induced drag but increases Reynolds Number (good airfoil performance) and reduces structural loading ( good for aerobatics). Improves roll rate. The higher the Aspect Ratio the closer the performance of the wing or tail will match the test data. Page 48 Of 236 Winfoil Manual There are two buttons on this screen. Save Button This button provides the capability to save the currently viewed graph as a windows bitmap graphic file. The graphic file can be viewed at a later date or pasted into a document. Compare Button This button provides the capability to perform an Airfoil Comparison . To print the graph Select the PRINT menu item in the FILE menu or click on the tool bar button. Page 49 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab Airfoil List Other Available Tabs; Airfoil Tab Airfoil Coordinates Tab Airfoil Polar Graph Lift Graph Tab Airfoil CAD Tab To get to this Tab 1. Open the Airfoil List screen by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or click on the Airfoil List toolbar button. 2. Click on the Lift/Drag Data Tab. This tab is used to add, change or delete airfoil lift and drag wind tunnel data for any number of Reynolds numbers. To add data; 1. Add a new Reynolds number grouping by clicking on the ADD REYNOLDS button. Enter the Reynolds number and click on the OK button. 2. Add lift and drag coefficient data by clicking on the ADD button on the lower right section of this screen. This will cause the Add Lift/Drag data screen to appear. Enter the data as required. To enable auto updating of data, click on the AUTO UPDATE checkbox. This will cause data to be updated automatically after you tab off the drag coefficient text box. This saves you the effort in clicking on the UPDATE button each time you want to save data. To change data; Click on the CHANGE button on the lower right of the screen. To delete lift/drag data; Click on the DELETE button on the lower right of the screen. To print data; Click on the PRINT button on the toolbar or select the Print menu item from the File menu. To view a graph of the data; Page 50 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Click on the GRAPH Button. Tip Data is always entered for a Reynolds number set. To add a new set you must add the Reynolds number first , followed by the lift, drag and angle of attack data. To view the data for a different Reynolds number, click on the Reynolds Number Grid at the upper left of the screen. A quick way to edit existing lift/drag data is to double click on the data row in the lower grid. Page 51 Of 236 Winfoil Manual LIFT/DRAG DATA MAINTENANCE SCREEN This screen is used to add, change or delete airfoil lift and drag wind tunnel data for any number of Reynolds numbers. To add data; 1. Add a new Reynolds number grouping by clicking on the ADD REYNOLDS button. Enter the Reynolds number and click on the OK button. 2. Add lift and drag coefficient data by clicking on the ADD button on the lower right section of this screen. This will cause the Add Lift/Drag data screen to appear. Enter the data as required. To enable auto updating of data, click on the AUTO UPDATE checkbox. This will cause data to be updated automatically after you tab off the drag coefficient text box. This saves you the effort in clicking on the UPDATE button each time you want to save data. To change data; Click on the CHANGE button on the lower right of the screen. To delete lift/drag data; Click on the DELETE button on the lower right of the screen. To print data; Click on the PRINT button. Page 52 Of 236 Winfoil Manual To view a graph of the data; Click on the GRAPH Button. Tip Data is always entered for a Reynolds number set. To add a new set you must add the Reynolds number first , followed by the lift, drag and angle of attack data. To view the data for a different Reynolds number, click on the Reynolds Number Grid at the upper left of the screen. A quick way to edit existing lift/drag data is to double click on the data row in the lower grid. Page 53 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Airfoil CAD Tab This screen is accessed by selecting the Airfoil List menu item from the File Menu or clicking on the Airfoil List toolbar button, followed by clicking on the CAD Tab. Airfoil List Other Available Tabs; Airfoil Tab Airfoil Coordinates Tab Airfoil Polar Graph Lift Graph Tab Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab This screen is used to correct and/or modify an airfoil using a mouse. This screen consists of a scrollable region (airfoil window) on which the airfoil is plotted, status bar and tool bar. The status bar is used to inform the user of the functions of each button on the toolbar and to show the date and time. The buttons on the toolbar are used to enter new coordinates, delete coordinates, increase and decrease the size of the airfoil plot and to toggle on and off the visibility of the data coordinates. The position of the mouse pointer within the airfoil window is shown as a percentage of the chord length (X% & Y%). The x axis is the axis running along the chord of the airfoil. The y axis is the axis perpendicular to the x axis with its origin at the leading edge of the airfoil. A template facility is provided to accurately set the position of the coordinates for the leading edge. Tool Bar Functions How to add Coordinates How to modify Coordinates How to delete Coordinates Page 54 Of 236 Winfoil Manual AIRFOIL CAD TOOLBAR FUNCTIONS Listed below are the functions performed by each of the toolbar buttons for this screen; Redraw airfoil section Show airfoil coordinate points. The red points indicate existing data. The blue points indicate new airfoil coordinates added whilst in this screen. Clicking on this button will toggle this feature on and off. This button increases the size of the airfoil. This button reduces the size of the airfoil. This button is used to select the Leading Edge Radius Template feature. When this button is clicked , any movement of the mouse within the airfoil window will cause a circle to move about over the plot of the airfoil. The position of this template can be set with a click on the left mouse button. Coordinates can then be set by using the mouse. The size of the circle is dependant on the radius set in the LE RADIUS box. This is expressed as a percentage of the thickness of the airfoil. The default value is 2%. This button is used to toggle the Leading Edge Radius Template on and off. This button is used to modify the camber of an airfoil. If you click on this button it will open the CAMBER modification screen. This button is used to modify the thickness of an airfoil. If you click on this button it will open the THICKNESS modification screen. This button is used to mirror one of the surfaces of an airfoil. If you click on this button it will open the MIRROR airfoil surface screen. This button is used to identify a coordinate pair. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the airfoil window. Click in the airfoil window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. This button is used to add new coordinates. If the left mouse button is pushed whilst the mouse pointer in the airfoil window then a coordinate will be placed at that position. Clicking on the right mouse button will cancel this operation. All coordinates are entered as a pair, ie; a top coordinate and a bottom coordinate. Once the position of the top coordinate is set, then the lower coordinate x position will be restrained by the upper coordinate x position. However you are free to vary the y position of the lower coordinate. This button is used to discard all changes made. All new coordinates will be deleted. If a coordinate pair is selected (Framed with a grey rectangle) then this button will delete the selected coordinate pair. This button is used to accept the new coordinates and redraw the airfoil. This button is used to open the Enter Airfoil Coordinates in Airfoil CAD screen to enable coordinates to be added or amended using the keyboard. This button is used to open the Overlay Airfoil screen to select an airfoil to overlay over the selected airfoil. Page 55 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The Leading Edge Radius Template is used as a guide to the positioning of coordinates to ensure that an accurate leading edge radius is obtained. Most airfoil data includes information on the size of the leading edge radius as a percentage of the thickness and a position. Page 56 Of 236 Winfoil Manual CAMBER MODIFICATION SCREEN CAMBER is the maximum deviation from a datum line and a line passing through the leading and trailing edge of an airfoil. The datum line being a line running from the leading edge to the trailing edge and located midway between the upper and lower surface of the airfoil. A symmetrical airfoil has no camber. Increasing the camber of an airfoil will increase the maximum lift coefficient and shift the minimum drag point to a higher lift coefficient. This screen is used to modify the camber of an airfoil. Camber cannot be altered for symmetrical airfoils as these have no camber. Camber is expressed as a percentage of the chord of an airfoil. The location of the point of maximum camber can not be altered by this screen. To modify the camber; Enter the amount of camber and click on the OK button. To exit without making a change, click on the CANCEL button. The RESET button is used to reset the camber to the original camber for the airfoil. The linked image canno t be displa y ed. … Tip To undo your change , click on the on the AIRFOIL CAD toolbar. Th e lin ke d im ag Warning The modification of existing airfoils is not recommended. Without a thorough knowledge of aerodynamics and extensive wind tunnel testing modifications will in most cases reduce the performance and could lead to poor aircraft flight and stability characteristics. Page 57 Of 236 Winfoil Manual THICKNESS MODIFICATION SCREEN THICKNESS is the maximum top-to-bottom depth of an airfoil section. It is expressed as a percentage of the airfoil chord. The thickness of an airfoil affects the profile drag of an airfoil. The greater the thickness, the higher the profile drag. Profile drag is drag not produced by lift from an airfoil. High thickness ratios tend to cause stalling at lower lift coefficients. A forward location of maximum thickness tends to cause higher drag than an aft location. This screen is used to modify the thickness of an airfoil. Thickness is expressed as a percentage of the chord of an airfoil. The location of the maximum thickness point is not altered by this screen. To modify the thickness; Enter the amount of thickness and click on the OK button. To exit without making a change, click on the CANCEL button. The RESET button is used to reset the camber to the original thickness for the airfoil. Tip To undo your change , click on the on the AIRFOIL CAD toolbar. Warning The modification of existing airfoils is not recommended. Without a thorough knowledge of aerodynamics and extensive wind tunnel testing modifications will in most cases reduce the performance and could lead to poor aircraft flight and stability characteristics. Page 58 Of 236 Winfoil Manual MIRROR AIRFOIL SURFACE SCREEN This screen is used to mirror an upper or lower surface of an airfoil. Select UPPER to make the lower surface a reflection of the upper surface. Select LOWER to make the upper surface a reflection of the lower surface. Click on the OK button to make the change. Click on the CANCEL button to exit without making a change. Tip To undo your change , click on the on the AIRFOIL CAD toolbar. Warning The modification of existing airfoils is not recommended. Without a thorough knowledge of aerodynamics and extensive wind tunnel testing modifications will in most cases reduce the performance and could lead to poor aircraft flight and stability characteristics. Page 59 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Overlay Airfoil Screen This screen is used to select an airfoil to overlay in the Airfoil CAD Tab .The overlayed airfoil will appear as a blue outline in the Airfoil CAD Tab To overlay an airfoil; Select an airfoil in the list and click on the OK Button. To remove the overlayed airfoil; Select <none> in the list and click on the OK Button. To exit without making any changes click on the Cancel Button. Page 60 Of 236 Winfoil Manual HOW TO ADD AIRFOIL COORDINATES AIRFOIL CAD This is a step by step guide to adding/modifying airfoil coordinates in Airfoil CAD. 1. Increase the size of the airfoil by clicking on the leading button. Scroll the airfoil so that the edge is in the centre of the airfoil window. The size of the airfoil should be such that accurate placing of coordinates can be made. If the size of the airfoil is too large click on the button to reduce the size. If you wish to modify the leading edge radius proceed to step 2 otherwise to step 3. 2.Select a leading edge radius. If this is unknown try the default setting of 2%. Click on the button. Move the mouse pointer within the airfoil window and position the Leading Edge Radius Templatein an appropriate position. 3. Click on the pointer button. Start adding coordinates, one pair at a time by moving the mouse in the airfoil window to the position required eg; top of Leading Edge Radius Template. Click on the left mouse button. Move the mouse pointer down, eg; bottom of Leading Edge Template and click on the left mouse button. The new coordinate pair will be shown as 2 blue spheres. Continue to add coordinate pairs starting with the top coordinate then the bottom repeating the process as many times as required. 4. Click on the changes are to T h e l button to save the new coordinates and to redraw the airfoil. If the your satisfaction then click on the CLOSE button to accept the changes. Important - At any time you wish to end coordinate addition because you have made a mistake , simply click on the right mouse button whilst in the airfoil window or click on the to T h e l button Page 61 Of 236 Winfoil Manual discard the changes Modification of a coordinate pair can be achieved by clicking on the button. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the airfoil window. Click in the airfoil window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. To move one of the coordinates belonging to the pair (you may only shift the coordinate up or down) click on the grey HANDLE and drag it up or down to the desired position. This action will automatically save the change. To undo the change, click on the Deletion of a coordinate pair can be achieved by clicking on the coordinate pair. button. button. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the airfoil window. Click in the airfoil window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. Click on the button to delete the coordinate pair. Page 62 Of 236 Winfoil Manual COORDINATE PAIR MODIFICATION Modification of a coordinate pair can be achieved by clicking on the button. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the airfoil window. Click in the airfoil window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. To move one of the coordinates belonging to the pair (you may only shift the coordinate up or down) click on the grey HANDLE and drag it up or down to the desired position. This action will automatically save the change. To undo the change, click on the button. Page 63 Of 236 Winfoil Manual COORDINATE PAIR DELETION Deletion of a coordinate pair can be achieved by clicking on the button. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the airfoil window. Click in the airfoil window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. Click on the button to delete the coordinate pair. Page 64 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Enter Airfoil Coordinates in Airfoil CAD This screen is used to either add new airfoil coordinates or amend existing airfoil coordinates in the Airfoil CAD Tab . To select a particular coordinate pair, click on the spin buttons. The left spin button searches to the left towards the leading edge of the airfoil and the right spin button searches towards the right of the airfoil(trailing edge). To Add New Coordinates; Type in the coordinates and click on the Save button. To Amend Existing Coordinate Either select using the spin buttons or type in the coordinates then click on the Save button. Auto Insert after Save Option Check this box if you want to automatically clear all the coordinate boxes after clicking on the Save button. This option speeds up data entry by automatically clearing the boxes and repositioning the cursor on the Upper X text box. Symmetrical Airfoil Option This option is enabled when the above Auto Insert Option is selected. This option also speeds up data entry by copying the value in the Upper Y box to the Lower Y Box and multiplies it by -1 to get a mirror position. Page 65 Of 236 Winfoil Manual PRINT AIRFOIL SCREEN This screen controls the printing of the airfoil(s). Airfoil Name Airfoil name of currently selected airfoil. Measurement Units select millimetres or inches by clicking on the appropriate radio button. Airfoil Chords to Print Enter different airfoil chord lengths to print .These chord lengths are stored in a database table within WINFOIL. T/C% Airfoil Thickness as a percentage Enter a different thickness percentage to vary the thickness of the printed airfoil. To reset the thickness to the original value, click on the RESET button. Page 66 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Print Resolution Varying this will alter the degree of accuracy of the airfoil plot. 10 - rough plot , 100 - fine plot. Increasing this number will also increase the time required to plot the airfoil. Skin Thickness Depending on the value given an outline will be plotted on the airfoil indicating a wing skin. Print Options Print Airfoil Name Select this option to print the Airfoil Name. Print Grid Select this option to print a grid on the airfoil indicating the chordwise stations in 10 percent intervals. Print X Station Select this option to label the chord wise station intervals. Print Chord Length Select this option to print the chord length in the selected unit of measurement. New Page after each Select this option to print a new page after each airfoil is plotted. If this option is not checked then Winfoil will automatically print each airfoil one after the other and start printing on a new page when necessary. Print Preview This feature allows the airfoils to be previewed before printing. Print to Clipboard Button This feature enables airfoils to be sent to the clipboard. Airfoil size is limited to screen size so if multiple airfoils are printed only those which fit on one screen size will be captured. Page 67 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Print to DXF File Button This feature was added in Version 2.0.4 DXF FILE Cancelling the Print Job A dialogue box will appear after the PRINT BUTTON is clicked on indicating the progress of printing. You may cancel the print job at any time by clicking on the CANCEL button or if this dialogue box has disappeared by deleting the print job in PRINT MANAGER. Winfoil can now cater for airfoils longer than the paper size. It will automatically 'tile' the printed airfoil over multiple pages. Use the PRINT SETUP COMMAND in the File menu to change the print orientation to Landscape or Portrait . Page 68 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design List This screen is accessed by selecting the File Design List Menu item or by clicking on the Design List toolbar button. The Wing List screen which was available in version 2.1 has been replaced by the Design List screen. This screen is an explorer style screen. On the left is a pane containing a tree directory list of all designs stored in the Winfoil database. This screen is resizeable and the left pane may be resized individually by clicking and dragging on the black vertical border just like Explorer in Windows 95. You can now create specifications and fuselage components. Specifications, fuselage components, wings and tail planes are grouped together by name (design items). Wing Design Steps 1. Determine airfoil sections to be used based on Lift , Drag & Pitching moment data if available or base on other successful aircraft designs. If the airfoil is not in Winfoil then obtain and enter Airfoil coordinates. 2. Determine required wing area. Base on other designs. Also determine the required Aspect Ratio. This can be calculated as follows; Aspect Ratio = ( Wing Span)2 / Wing Area High Aspect Ratio (long narrow wings) reduces Induced drag but lowers Reynolds Number (low airfoil performance) and increases structural loading (good for gliding). Reduces roll rate (high inertia). Low Aspect Ratio (short wide wings) increases Induced drag but increases Reynolds Number (good airfoil performance) and reduces structural loading ( good for aerobatics). Improves roll rate. Typical values; Glider 12 Trainer 6 Pylon racer 5 Funfly 3 Tail Aspect ratios are typically 3-4 Notes on Wing / tail shapes Elliptical shape is the optimum for minimum induced drag but is hard to build. Tapered wing approximates elliptical shape without the structural complexity. Gliders typically use a multi tapered/section wing Swept back wings increase dihedral effect ( increase roll stability) but also increase roll rate. Also prone to tip stall and require washout. Tips tend to twist downwards. Page 69 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Swept forward wings reduce dihedral effect and can be known to eliminate tip stalling. Require additional torsional stiffness as tips will twist upwards increasing the angle of attack resulting in wing failure. Straight non tapered wing will in most cases stall at the root first. This shape is used on most trainer aircraft. Creating a New Design (General) 1. Open the Design List screen by selecting the Design List menu item from the File Menu or click on the Design List toolbar button. 2. Click on the Details tab. 3. Click on the New button. 4. You will then be asked if you wish to use the Wing Wizard to create either a wing or tail. Items belonging to a design may be created in any order. You do not have to create a specification first. After an item is created a design group will automatically be created with the same name as the created item. For example; To create a new design called Spitfire, create all items with the name Spitfire and the appropriate type. The following types of Design Items are supported; Specification Wing Vertical Tail Horizontal Tail Fuselage Former Fuselage Top Fuselage Bottom Fuselage Side Registered users are provided with a screen to define new Design Items. The unregistered version of Winfoil has a limited number of design items. For more information see How to Create New Design Components 5. If you did not select the Wing Wizard then you will be presented with the Add Design Item Page 70 Of 236 Winfoil Manual screen for entering preliminary details about your design item. All items are grouped by name so if you wish to group items for a design you must name each item with the same name. 6. Fill in each tab window as required to complete the design item. Design List Tabs Page 71 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design List Tabs The available tabs vary according to the selected design item. Design Item Available Tabs Specification Detail, Drag Breakdown, Performance, Power Required and Lift to Drag Ratio Wing Detail, CAD Horizontal Tail Detail, CAD Vertical Tail Detail, CAD Fuselage Side Detail, CAD Fuselage Top Detail, CAD Fuselage Bottom Detail, CAD Fuselage Former Detail, CAD All design items other than type specification will always only have the Detail and CAD tabs, this includes any user defined design items. All design items must belong to a Component Grouping. If a new design item is defined it must also be added to a Component Grouping. The predefined component groupings are as follows; All Fuselage Components All Wing Components Fuselage Formers Specification Wing Components which Stability Graphs are calculated for Design Items and Component Groupings cannot be modified in the unregistered version of Winfoil. Available Tabs Detail Tab Drag Breakdown Tab Performance Tab Power Required Tab Lift to Drag Ratio Tab Page 72 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design CAD Tab Page 73 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Detail Tab Design List Other Available Tabs Drag Breakdown Tab Performance Tab Power Required Tab Lift to Drag Ratio Tab Design CAD Tab This tab displays basic specification details, allows comments to be maintained and a picture of the design item to be viewed. If the picture of the design item was captured in a higher resolution than the current screen resolution then a message box will be displayed indicating that the picture cannot be viewed whilst in the current screen resolution. For example, if the picture was saved when the screen resolution was 256 colours then the picture will only be viewable in environments where the screen resolution is a least 256 colours. The following buttons are provided; New This button is used to add a new design item. Delete This button is used to delete the selected design item. Search This button is used to search for a particular design item. Copy This button is used to copy a design item to another design item with a new name. Rename This button is used to rename a design item. Picture Page 74 Of 236 Winfoil Manual This button is used to add, clear or reselect the picture attached to the design item. When this button is pressed it will open the Design Picture Screen . Comments are entered directly into this screen. The maximum size of the comments is virtually unlimited. Changes made to the comments are saved when a different design item is selected from the list on the left of the screen. Page 75 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design Picture Screen This screen has been enhanced in Winfoil 3.0 to support multiple high resolution images. This screen provides a convenient way to view the picture as a larger image. The following features are provided; Zoom in on the Image Right click on the picture to zoom in Zoom out on the Image Left click on the picture to zoom out Scroll the picture Click on the scroll bars to scroll the picture about View the picture full screen Click on the maximise button in the top right of the screen. You may also stretch the borders of the screen using the mouse. The picture will stretch automatically to fill the new screen size. Insert Click on this button to add a new picture. The picture must be in bitmap, jpg or gif format. Click on the OK button to select the picture. The picture will be loaded into the database. Print Click on this button to print the picture. If your printer supports coloured printing then the picture will be printed in colour. Save As... Click on this button to save the picture as a bitmap file. Delete Click on this button to delete the selected picture from the database. This does not delete the original bitmap file. Scroll through the images Click on the VCR style navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen. Page 76 Of 236 Winfoil Manual WING WIZARD This new feature provides an easy way to create new wing or tail designs if the dimensions are already known. The wizard consists of three screens which are navigated by clicking on the BACK and NEXT buttons. The BACK button is used to scroll back to the previous screen and the NEXT button is used to move onto the next screen. Step by step instructions are listed on each screen. Follow these instructions and click on the NEXT button to progress. The Registered version of Winfoil includes 7 wing shapes, future upgrades will include more. To create the design click on the OK button. To exit the wizard without creating a design click on the CANCEL button. Page 77 Of 236 Winfoil Manual ADD DESIGN SCREEN This screen is used to add/create a new design item. 1. Enter the name of the design. 2. Select the type of design item eg; wing, horizontal tail, vertical tail, specification etc. The registered version of Winfoil provides the ability to define your own items or component types. See How to Create New Design Components for details. 3. Select the measurement units eg; Inches, Millimetres etc. 4. If the design item is a wing or tail you will be required to select a Root chord airfoil. (Inner most airfoil section - fuselage centre or junction between fuselage and wing. 5. If the design item is a wing or tail you will be required to select a Tip chord airfoil. All available airfoils will be listed in the drop down boxes for the airfoil selections. For choices 2,3,4 and 5 select a setting by clicking on the down arrow at the right of each box, then scroll through the entries by moving the slider bar on the right. Finally , click on the entry you require. If you wish to continue with the add action, click on the ADD button. Selecting this button will cause the Design CAD Tab to appear. If you wish to exit this screen without adding a new design item, click on the CANCEL button. Page 78 Of 236 Winfoil Manual CHANGE WING SCREEN This screen is used to change a wing or tail design. Any item can be changed. You can not change any item which will result in a wing or tail design being overwritten. If you wish to continue with the change action, click on the CHANGE button. Selecting this button will cause the WING CAD SCREEN to appear. If you wish to exit this screen without changing a wing design , click on the CANCEL button. Page 79 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Drag Breakdown Tab Design List Other Available Tabs Detail Tab Performance Tab Power Required Tab Lift to Drag Ratio Tab Design CAD Tab This tab is used to define items of an aircraft for which the drag will be calculated to determine aircraft performance. These items have been predefined in the system parameters setup and may be altered for any design configuration. Please note that modification of these items for an aircraft configuration is only possible in the registered version of Winfoil. The available aircraft configurations are; Monoplane Biplane Canard Flying Wing Tandem Wing The following information is displayed for each item; Item Name eg; Wing Description This is a comment on what type of area is needed for the drag calculation. This varies according to the item and the available drag coefficients. For example; Wing Wing Area Wheel Frontal Area Cd Drag Coefficient. This can either be automatically obtained from data stored in Winfoil or entered manually. Area This is the area used to calculate drag for the item. This is calculated in the units which are selected at the bottom of the Tab. All areas use the same units of measurement. Page 80 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Flat Plate Area This is the calculated drag of an item. Flat Plate Area = Cd (Drag Coefficient) X Area At the bottom of the tab the total Flat Plate Area is displayed. This is a summation of the flat plate area for each item. This value will be used to calculate the performance of an aircraft. The Cl Max text box contains the estimated maximum lift coefficient for the wing and is used to determine the stall speed of the design. This value initially defaults to the Maxmium Lift Coefficient value in the Performance tab of the Preferences screen. The Propeller Efficiency text box contains the estimated maximum propeller efficiency and is used in determining the maximum speed of a design. This value initially defaults to the Maxmium Propeller Efficiency value in the Performance tab of the Preferences screen. The two buttons provided on this tab are; Change Used to change the currently selected drag items area, drag coefficient and if a Wing, the aspect ratio. Click on this button to open the Edit Drag Breakdown Item screen. You may also access this screen by double clicking on a drag item. Default This button is used to reset the drag items. This button will clear the drag items and recreate them based on the definitions for the aircraft configuration. This button is useful if the items have been changed. The Units dropdown list at the bottom of the screen is used to set the units of measurement used for the area for each drag item. The units selected in this screen do not have to match the units used in other tabs. Winfoil will automatically convert the units between tabs. Page 81 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Drag Coefficient Lookup for Fuselage Screen This screen is used to determine the drag coefficient for a fuselage. You must enter; 1. Fuselage length 2. Maximum Fuselage Diameter The units are the units selected in the Drag Breakdown Tab After the above dimensions are entered the drag coefficient will be derived. if the Ok button is pressed then the derived drag coefficient will be returned to the Edit Drag Breakdown Item screen. If the Cancel button is pressed then the Edit Drag Breakdown Item screen will remain unchanged. Page 82 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Edit Drag Breakdown Item This screen is used to edit a drag breakdown item. The following details are recorded; Item The item is predefined and is display only. This defines the type of drag item and is used by the Lookup button to determine what darg coefficient data to obtain. Description This is a description of the item. Typically this describes what area is used in the Area field. This may be altered. Drag Coefficient This is the drag coefficient used for performance calculations. This may be entered manually or may be automatically obtained by clicking on the Lockup button. Area This is the area used in the drag calculations. This varies according to the way the drag coefficients were derived. Aspect Ratio This field will be shown if the item is a main wing for the selected design. A value must be entered if this field is visible. It is used in the performance calculations. To automatically load aerodynamic data and the area from a wing or tail section which has already been designed, click on the Lookup button. If the drag coefficient cannot be obtained for the airfoil selected for the wing or tail section then an airfoil search screen will be displayed. This screen will allow for the selection of an airfoil and Drag Coefficient. Once selected this data will be copied into this screen. If the item is a fuselage then the Drag Coefficient Lookup for Fuselage Screen screen will be displayed. To accept the entered or changed values click on the Ok button. To exit without saving click on the Cancel button. To access Help on this screen press the Help button or press the function key F1. Page 83 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Performance Tab Design List Other Available Tabs Detail Tab Drag Breakdown Tab Power Required Tab Lift to Drag Ratio Tab Design CAD Tab This tab shows a list of the following; Speed Speed of the aircraft CL Calculated Lift Coefficient based on the aircraft weight and wing area CD Calculated Drag Coefficient based on the total flat plate area of the aircraft L/D Lift to Drag Ratio. The ratio of the Lift Coefficient and Drag Coefficient. Power Required Calculated power required in the units of the Maximum Power multiplied by the maximum propeller efficiency. The maximum propeller efficiency is set in the Winfoil Preferences screen. A good starting point is 80%. Propeller efficiency does vary with speed. The simplified calculation provided here is a guide to maximum performance. The calculation of propeller efficiency and selection of propellers will be provided in a later version of Winfoil. At the bottom of the screen is a dropdown list box containing speed units. The selected units do not have to match the units used in other tab screens. Winfoil will automatically convert from unit to unit. Each time this tab is accessed, Winfoil will automatically recalculate the performance of the design. The following performance items are calculated based on the data entered; Stall Speed Estimated Maximum Speed Maximum Lift to Drag Ratio Minimum Sink Speed at speed These values will be shown automatically by moving the mouse over the tab in a Tool Tip Page 84 Of 236 Winfoil Manual style window(Performance Popup Box ). Printing Performance Details These details may be printed by clicking on the Print menu item in the File menu or by clicking on the Print toolbar button. Page 85 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Power Required Tab Design List Other Available Tabs Detail Tab Drag Breakdown Tab Performance Tab Lift to Drag Ratio Tab Design CAD Tab This tab displays a graph of the Power required vs. speed for the selected design. The units used in the graph are selected as follows; Power Required Detail Tab Speed Performance Tab If these units are changed in the other tabs then the power required calculations will be redone to reflect the change. If the mouse is moved over this tab then a Performance Popup Box will be displayed showing other calculated data. Printing the Graph This graph may be printed by clicking on the Print menu item in the File menu or by clicking on the Print toolbar button. Page 86 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Lift to Drag Ratio Tab Design List Other Available Tabs Detail Tab Drag Breakdown Tab Performance Tab Power Required Tab Design CAD Tab This tab displays a graph of the Lift to Drag ratio vs. speed for the selected design. The only units used in this graph is speed. These units are set in the Performance Tab . If the mouse is moved over this tab then a Performance Popup Box will be displayed showing other calculated data. Printing the Graph This graph may be printed by clicking on the Print menu item in the File menu or by clicking on the Print toolbar button. Page 87 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Performance Popup Box This box displays the following calculated data; Stall Speed Calculated using the maximum lift coefficient, estimated maximum lift coefficient, estimated gross weight at sea level. The maximum lift coefficient is set in the Preferences Screen which is accessible from the File Menu. The estimated gross weight is entered in the Detail Tab . Estimated Maximum Speed Calculated using the flat plate area obtained from the Drag Breakdown Tab , total wing area also obtained from theDrag Breakdown Tab , maximum power available obtained from the Detail Tab , maximum propeller efficiency obtained from the Performance Tab in the Preferences Screen which is accessible from the File Menu. Maximum L/D (Lift to Drag Ratio) Calculated using the flat plate area obtained from the Drag Breakdown Tab , total wing area and aspect ratio which are also obtained from the Drag Breakdown Tab Minimum Sink Speed Calculated using the flat plate area obtained from the Drag Breakdown Tab , total wing area and aspect ratio which are also obtained from the Drag Breakdown Tab All units are based on the selected units in the Detail Tab , Drag Breakdown Tab and Performance Tab . Page 88 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design CAD Tab Design List Other Available Tabs Detail Tab Drag Breakdown Tab Performance Tab Power Required Tab Lift to Drag Ratio Tab This tab displays a plan view of a design item and provides tools to create and modify a design item. The view provided varies according to the selected design item. The following design items and views are provided; Wing, Tail A plan view of half of the wing or tail and end view is plotted in a scrollable window The wing or tail end view has been simplified to speed up screen redraws. If different airfoil sections are selected for the root and tip chords, only the root chord section will be used for the plotting of each rib section. Allowing the transition of airfoil sections along the span would reduce the plotting speed to an unbearable speed. All dimensions are based on the span of the item. Fuselage Side, Top or Bottom An elevation view is provided in a scrollable window. The nose or firewall position is at the left most extremity of the item (referred to as Datum 1) and the tail or fuselage end is at the right most extremity (referred to as Datum 2). All dimensions are based on the length of the item. Fuselage Former An elevation view is provided in a scrollable window. The left side is at the left most extremity of the item (referred to as Datum 1) and the right side of the former is at the right most extremity (referred to as Datum 2). All dimensions are based on the width of the item. The plot may be increased or decreased in size by clicking on the magnify or reduce buttons in the tool bar running along the bottom of the screen. The plot may also be scrolled up and down or left and right so as to position the plot as required. A design item is input by either using the mouse or by entering the coordinates of the design item through the keyboard. The position of the mouse pointer is shown as a dimension based on the distance from the top edge point of the left most coordinate of the design item. Coordinates of a design item are entered as pairs, ie; upper coordinate (top edge) first then lower coordinate (lower edge). Typically a simple tapered wing will only need two coordinate pairs. One pair for the root of the wing and one pair for the tip of the wing. If you wish to design an elliptical wing , a number of coordinate pairs will need to be entered, with a close distribution of coordinate pairs at the tip to capture the rounded tip shape. The CAD interface provides the capability to select coordinate points with the mouse. Once selected a coordinate pair can be moved about or stretched apart to alter the shape of a wing, tail or fuselage component. Page 89 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Items which can be changed on this screen are; Measurement Units Select or click on the dropdown list of measurement units to change. When the units are changed all dimensions are recalculated for the selected units. Root Airfoil Select or click on the dropdown list of airfoils to change the airfoil at the root of the wing or tail design. Tip Airfoil Select or click on the dropdown list of airfoils to change the airfoil at the tip of the wing or tail design. Span or Length Enter a new value in this box to change the span or fuselage length or former width. Next to this box is a button called . This is used to select the type of scaling applied when the span, length or width is changed. An Option button is provided to allow one of two options; 1. To scale the design and maintain the Aspect Ratio. The design will be scaled proportionally. 2. Do not scale design. Span or length will be increased however new points must be either deleted if the span is reduced or added if the span is increased. No. of Ribs Enter a value in this box to change the number of ribs. Click on the Redraw Design Toolbar button for this to take effect. This will cause the wing or tail design to be redrawn and the rib lengths recalculated. The Windows Calculator can be accessed from the Tool Menu or by pressing the function key F5 to perform scaling calculations as required. Whenever an item is modified Winfoil will recalculate the following; Wing, Tail Area, Aspect Ratio, Mean Aerodynamic Centre (25% chord position) and rib lengths. The mean aerodynamic chord position (25%) can be used to determine tail sizes for adequate stability also it can be used as a guide to positioning the centre of gravity for conventional configured aircraft (noncanard). This is very useful for aircraft with swept wings. A safe centre of gravity range is typically 15% to 33% of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord of the wing (Assuming an adequate horizontal tail area has been selected). Positions further aft or forward cannot be confirmed as being safe without a full stability analysis. Fuselage Area Page 90 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Side, Top or Bottom Fuselage Former Area Other capabilities provided in this screen; Graph of Reynolds number distribution along the semi span of a wing or tail for a range of selected speeds in air or water. This could highlight problems with sharply tapered wings which could be prone to tip stalling. A checking facility is also provided to verify airfoil selection with aerodynamic data. Spar Design for Wings and tails Design CAD Tool Bar Functions How to design a wing in the Design CAD Screen Page 91 Of 236 Winfoil Manual DESIGN CAD TOOL BAR FUNCTIONS Listed below are each of the functions performed by buttons on the tool bar; This button is used to redraw the wing or tail. This button when selected will cause the ribs to be drawn when the wing or tail is redrawn. It is recommended that this function be toggled off if your PC is low or there are a large number of ribs to be drawn. This process can be quite slow. This button toggles on and off the visibility of the coordinates of the wing or tail. New coordinates are shown as blue spheres. Old coordinates are shown as red spheres. This button is used to increase the size of the wing plot. Clicking on this button is the same as increasing the SCALE setting by 0.1 and clicking on the button. This button is used to decrease the size of the wing plot. Clicking on this button is the same as decreasing the SCALE setting by 0.1 and clicking on the T h e l button. This button is used to select the HORIZONTAL TAIL SIZING GRAPH .This button is not visible if the type of wing is a VERTICAL TAIL or HORIZONTAL TAIL. This button is used to select the VERTICAL TAIL SIZING GRAPHThis button is not visible if the type of wing is a VERTICAL TAIL or HORIZONTAL TAIL. T h e l This button is used to select the REYNOLDS NUMBER GRAPH Page 92 Of 236 Winfoil Manual This button is used to design SPARS & SHEAR WEBS. This button is used to perform the following calculations; wing area, wing aspect ratio, mean aerodynamic chord length and location. This button is used to identify a coordinate pair. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the wing window. Click in the wing window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. The coordinate pair can then be modified using a mouse. This button is used to add new wing coordinates with a mouse. If the left mouse button is pushed whilst the mouse pointer in the wing window then a coordinate will be placed at that position. Clicking on the right mouse button will cancel this operation. All coordinates are entered as a pair, ie; a top coordinate and a bottom coordinate. Once the position of the top coordinate is set, then the lower coordinate x position will be restrained by the upper coordinate x position. However you are free to vary the y position of the lower coordinate. This button is used to accept the new coordinates and redraw the wing. This button is used to discard all changes made. All new coordinates will be deleted. This button is used to enter wing coordinates using the keyboard. Clicking on this button will bring up the Design Coordinates Screen Page 93 Of 236 Winfoil Manual This button is used to access additional properties for a design. It is only available for Wing or Tail designs. This tab provides access to; Design Targets , Rib View and Skin Thickness, Wing Sweep and 3D View. See A HANDLE is a graphic object used to indicate a hook with which one can stretch an objects size by clicking and dragging. Page 94 Of 236 Winfoil Manual HOW TO DESIGN A WING IN DESIGN CAD Steps to create a new design with a mouse; Detail Example 1. Select the NEW button in the Design List Tab 2. Enter or select the appropriate data in the ADD WING SCREEN. 3. Click on the ADD button in the ADD WING SCREEN. 4. The WING CAD SCREEN will appear. 5. Input the full SPAN of the wing or tail in the SPAN box. 6. Click on the button to turn off rib redrawing. 7. Click on the button to start adding wing coordinates using the mouse. 8. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button when the selected position has been achieved for a leading edge coordinate. 9. Move the mouse pointer down to add the trailing edge coordinate. Click with the left mouse button again. Remember if you wish to undo or cancel these operations , click on the right mouse button. 10. Continue to repeat steps 8 & 9 until all the necessary points have been added to define the wing or tail shape. 11. Click on the button to accept the changes and redraw the wing or tail. 12. Enter the required number of ribs per wing half in the RIB NO. box. Click on the button to redraw the wing or tail. 13. Click on the button to perform area, aspect ratio and mac calculations. Remember; at any time you wish to scroll or enlarge or decrease the size of the plot , either move the horizontal and vertical scroll bars either side of the wing window or click on the button to enlarge Page 95 Of 236 Winfoil Manual the plot or the button to reduce the size of the plot. Steps to modify an existing design using a mouse; 1. Position the plot and scale such that the points which need to be modified can clearly be seen. button to identify a coordinate pair. 2. Click on the 3. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button near the coordinate pair you wish to modify. 4. A grey rectangle will appear framing the coordinate pair. 5. To move the coordinate pair , position the mouse pointer within the frame. Whilst holding the left mouse button down, drag the frame to the desired position, then let go of the left mouse button . This action will shift the position of the wing coordinate pair. 6. To move one of the coordinates belonging to the pair (you may only shift the coordinate up or down) click on the grey HANDLE and drag it up or down to the desired position. Either of the above actions will automatically save the changes. To undo the change, click on the button. To move the entire wing or tail ; 1. Position the plot and scale such that the wing or tail root is visible. (Rib 1) 2. Click on the T h e l button to identify a coordinate pair. 3. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button near the wing or tail root (Rib 1). 4. A grey rectangle will appear framing the coordinate pair. 5. Position the mouse pointer within the frame. Whilst holding the left mouse button down, drag the frame to the desired position, then let go of the left mouse button . This action will shift the position of the entire wing or tail. Steps to create a new design using keyboard data entry; 1. Select the NEW button in the Design List screen. 2. Enter or select the appropriate data in the ADD WING SCREEN. 3. Click on the ADD button in the ADD WING SCREEN. 4. The WING CAD SCREEN will appear. Page 96 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 5. Input the full SPAN of the wing or tail in the SPAN box. 6. Click on the button to turn off rib redrawing. 7. Click on the button to show the wing coordinates screen. 8. Enter the coordinates for the coordinate pair based on the distance from the LEADING EDGE REFERENCE LINE.. Click on the UPDATE button to accept the coordinates. 9. Continue step 8 until all the necessary coordinates are entered, then click on the CLOSE button. 10. Enter the required number of ribs per wing half in the RIB NO. box. Click on the button to redraw the wing or tail. 11. Click on the calculations. button to perform area, aspect ratio and mean aerodynamic chord Steps to modify an existing design using keyboard data entry; 1. Position the plot and scale such that the points which need to be modified can clearly be seen. 2. Click on the 3. Click on the button to identify a coordinate pair. button to show the wing coordinates screen. 4. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button near the coordinate pair you wish to modify. 5. A grey rectangle will appear framing the coordinate pair and the coordinates will automatically be displayed in the WING COORDINATES SCREEN 6 Change these coordinates as required and click on the UPDATE button. 7. When finished, click on the CLOSE button in the WING COORDINATES SCREEN. Page 97 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design Scaling Option This option is activated by clicking on the Option button in the Design CAD Tab The two options provided for scaling are; 1. Scale - maintain Aspect Ratio 2. Do not scale Option 1 will result in the design being scaled proportionally when the span, length or width of a design item is changed. Option 2 will not scale the design. This option could be used to extend the wing span of a wing design and allow a different tip style to be added. To accept an option; Click on the OK button To cancel or exit this screen; Click on the Cancel button. Page 98 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design Additional Properties Tab Screen This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button Design CAD Tab . on the This screen contains the following tabs; Design Targets Rib View Wing Sweep 3D View Variable Rib Spacing and Spanwise Thickness Distribution The currently selected tab, screen position and size of this screen is stored so that the next time it is opened these settings are restored. Page 99 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Trailing Edge Thickness The trailing edge for a wing or tail design can now be set to a desired thickness. The rib trailing edge functionality is accessed from the Rib View tab on the Design Additional Properties Tab Screen Page 100 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Design Targets This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button on the Design CAD Tab . Other Available Tabs Design Additional Properties Tab Screen Design Targets Rib View Wing Sweep 3D View Variable Rib Spacing Tab This tab displays information entered in the Drag Breakdown Tab and which was used to calculate the performance of the design. Typical information displayed for a wing design is; Area Span Aspect Ratio Airfoil selected For a Fuselage Design Length Diameter Page 101 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Rib View This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button on the Design CAD Tab . Other Available Tabs Design Targets Wing Sweep 3D View Variable Rib Spacing Tab This tab displays a Wing or Tail rib. Spars and shear webs are also displayed. This view is redrawn whenever a spar is changed or the wing or tail design is changed. Interpolated ribs may also be viewed if different airfoils have been selected for the root and tip. The skin thickness and rib length is also able to be set for each rib in this tab. The skin thickness may also be set in the Print Design Screen . To zoom in, zoom out or redraw the rib; Click on one of the three toolbar buttons. The linked image cannot be display ed. T he file may hav e been mov ed, renam ed, or deleted. V erify that the link points to the correct file and loc The first button is used to zoom in on a rib. The second button is used to zoom out. The third button is used to redraw the rib. To select a different rib; Either type in the rib number or click on the Up arrow button to increase the rib number or click on the down arrow button to decrease the rib number. To set the rib length; Type in the new value in the rib chord box then click on the Redraw toolbar button. To make this change permanent you must click on the Save button in the Design CAD Tab . Page 102 Of 236 Winfoil Manual To set the rib length for all ribs; Type in the new value in the rib chord box then click on the Apply button. You will prompted to confirm the change before it takes place. To make this change permanent you must click on the Save button in the Design CAD Tab . To change the skin thickness; Type in the new value in the skin thickness box then click on the Redraw toolbar button. To make this change permanent you must click on the Save button in the Design CAD Tab . To set the skin thickness for all ribs; Type in the new value in the skin thickness box then click on the Apply button. You will prompted to confirm the change before it takes place. To make this change permanent you must click on the Save button in the Design CAD Tab . To set the trailing edge thickness for all ribs; Type in the new value in the trailing edge thickness box then click on the Apply button. You will prompted to confirm the change before it takes place. To make this change permanent you must click on the Save button in the Design CAD Tab . Page 103 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Wing Sweep This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button on the Design CAD Tab . Other Available Tabs Design Additional Properties Tab Screen Design Targets Rib View Wing Sweep 3D View Variable Rib Spacing Tab This tab is used to alter the sweep back of a Wing or Tail design. To alter the sweep angle; Enter a value for the % chord position to apply the sweep angle. For example to have a 30 degree sweep back measured from the leading edge, enter 0. Enter the sweep angle in degrees. To have sweep back enter a positive value. To have sweep forward enter a negative value. Click on the Update button to update the value in the Design CAD Tab . To make the change permanent, click on the Save toolbar button in the Design CAD Tab . Page 104 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 3D View This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button on the Design CAD Tab . Other Available Tabs Design Additional Properties Tab Screen Design Targets Rib View Wing Sweep 3D View Variable Rib Spacing Tab This tab displays a 3D view of the Wing or Tail Design. The 3D view may be rotated in all three dimensions and can be displayed in 3 modes; wireframe, solid mesh and fully rendered. The following Toolbar buttons are provided; Toolbar Button Toolbar Button and Keyboard Equivalent Rotate Left - Left Arrow Key Page 105 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Rotate Right - Right Arrow key Rotate Up - Up Arrow Key Rotate Down - Down Arrow Key Rotate Left about the X Axis - Page Up Key Rotate Right about the X Axis - Page Down Key Zoom In - Z Key Zoom Out - Shift Z Key Wire Frame View Solid Mesh View Rendered Solid View Page 106 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Variable Rib Spacing Rib spacing can be varied for a Wing or Tail design in Winfoil. The rib spacing functionality is accessed from the Design Additional Properties Tab Screen Page 107 Of 236 Winfoil Manual VERTICAL TAIL SIZING GRAPH SCREEN This screen is used to determine the vertical tail size for adequate static stability for conventionally configured aircraft. The value Lv is the distance from the quarter chord of the vertical tail Mean Aerodynamic Chord to the centre of gravity of the aircraft. The value Vv is the vertical tail volume coefficient. The higher this value is , the higher the degree of yaw stability. Typical light aircraft have a value of 0.04. The practical range is between 0.03 and 0.06. The Y axis of the graph is the required vertical tail area. The X axis of the graph is the ratio of the wing span and Lv. The higher this ratio the less vertical tail area is required for a given vertical tail volume coefficient ie; a vertical tail along way from the centre of gravity of the aircraft has more effect than a similar sized tail closer to the centre of gravity. Values may be read off the graph by clicking anywhere within the boundaries of the graph. Repeatedly clicking on one spot will cause the value for the tail area to be shown for each of the tail volume coefficients plotted. The diagram below shows the relationship of the dimensions. The linked image cannot be display ed. T he file may hav e been mov ed, renam ed, or deleted. V erify that the link points to the correct file and location. Page 108 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The selection of a suitable tail area would be performed as follows; 1. Select a suitable Vv value eg; 0.04 2. Determine the distance between the tail quarter chord of the tail MAC and the aircraft . 3. Click on the graph at the value for the SPAN/Lv. Continue to click until the value for a Vv equal to 0.04 is obtained. Alternatively, print out the graph and interpolate for the SPAN/Lv and Vv equal to 0.04. To print the graph; Click on the PRINT button. To save the graph as a bitmap picture file; Click on the SAVE button. To exit this screen; Click on the CLOSE button. Page 109 Of 236 Winfoil Manual HORIZONTAL TAIL SIZING GRAPH SCREEN This screen is used to determine the horizontal tail size for adequate static stability for conventionally configured aircraft. The value Lh is the distance from the quarter chord of the horizontal tail Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) to the centre of gravity of the aircraft. The value Vh is the tail volume coefficient. The higher this value is , the higher the degree of pitch stability. Typical light aircraft have a value of 0.5. The practical range is between 0.3 and 0.6. The value MAC is the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing. The Y axis of the graph is the required horizontal tail area. The X axis of the graph is the ratio of the Lh and the wing MAC. The higher this ratio the less horizontal tail area is required for a given horizontal tail volume coefficient ie; a horizontal tail along way from the centre of gravity of the aircraft has more effect than a similar sized tail closer to the centre of gravity. Values may be read off the graph by clicking anywhere within the boundaries of the graph. Repeatedly clicking on one spot will cause the value for the tail area to be shown for each of the tail volume coefficients plotted. The diagram below shows the relationship of the dimensions. Page 110 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The selection of a suitable tail area would be performed as follows; 1.Select a suitable Vh value eg; 0.4 2. Determine the distance between the tail quarter chord of the tail Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) and the aircraft Centre of Gravity. 3. Click on the graph at the value for the Lh/MAC. Continue to click until the value for a Vh equal to 0.4 is obtained. Alternatively, print out the graph and interpolate for the Lh/MAC and Vh equal to 0.4. To print the graph; Click on the PRINT button. To save the graph as a bitmap picture file; Click on the SAVE button. To exit this screen; Click on the CLOSE button Page 111 Of 236 Winfoil Manual REYNOLDS NUMBER GRAPH SCREEN This screen is used to determine the Reynolds number distribution along the span of a wing or tail. Graphing Steps; 1. Select a unit of measurement from KPH(Kilometres per hour), MPH (Miles per hour) and KNOTS (Nautical miles per hour). Typical maximum speeds in MPH for model aircraft are; Glider 80 Traine r 10 0 Sport 10 0 Patter n 12 0 Page 112 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 2. Enter maximum and minimum speeds . 3. Select fluid medium from Air, Fresh Water or Salt Water. 4. Click on the REDRAW GRAPH button. Clicking on the graph will cause the reading to be displayed at the bottom of this screen. Multiple clicks at the same position will toggle between the minimum and maximum speed ranges. To print the graph; Click on the PRINT button. To save the graph as a bitmap picture file; Click on the SAVE button. To verify airfoil selection with graph; Click on the CHECK button. This action will cause the AIRFOIL SELECTION VERIFICATIONscreen to appear. To exit this screen; Click on the CLOSE button Page 113 Of 236 Winfoil Manual WING PANEL PRINT SELECTION This screen is used to select how much of a wing or tail is to be printed. A choice is provided for printing the left, right or both wing panels. Click on the OK button to accept the selection. Click on the CANCEL button to ignore any change and to exit this screen. Page 114 Of 236 Winfoil Manual SOARTECH AIRFOIL DATA INFORMATION ABOUT SOARTECH Soartech Airfoil coordinate data can be imported using this facility. The format of the Soartech airfoil data is the 'Eppler' format, ie; coordinates start at the trailing edge on the upper surface of the airfoil, continuing around the leading edge and back to the trailing edge along the lower surface. A sample is shown below; CLARK-Y 1.00000 0.00000 0.99572 0.00115 0.98296 0.00448 0.96194 0.00972 0.93301 0.01656 0.89668 0.02475 0.85355 0.03400 0.80438 0.04394 0.75000 0.05412 0.69134 0.06405 0.62941 0.07319 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 0.00000 0.00000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 1.00000 0.00000 The first line is always the airfoil name . Following lines are the coordinates (x and y). Page 115 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Any airfoil data which follows this format can be imported using this facility. The data must appear in the same sequence when viewed using a text editor such as the windows Notepad (ie. carriage returns at the end of each line). This feature has been enhanced to verify the format. Winfoil can now correct the format on import if the top surface coordinate order has been reversed which is the case for some airfoils on the UIUC web site. Page 116 Of 236 Winfoil Manual ABOUT SOARTECH The airfoil coordinate data and wind tunnel test data has been obtained from the Soartech data disk. This data is copyright by Michael S. Selig, James J. Guglielmo, Andy P. Broeren, and Philippe Giguere. 1995 All rights reserved. This data was originally compiled at the Princeton University and is now being compiled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). UIUC Low-Speed Airfoil Tests Manifesto We are searching for a group of experienced modelers to build a variety of airfoil wind-tunnel models for tests at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). A low-speed, lowturbulence wind tunnel has been instrumented to take lift and drag measurements on airfoils at low speeds over the Reynolds number range from 40,000 to 500,000 (40k to 500k). The scope of the airfoil wind-tunnel tests will be limited only by the number of wind-tunnel models provided and the amount of funding received. Hopefully, the proposed modeller-supported airfoil test program will become self-sustaining. Your support and help of any kind will be acknowledged in reports on the project to be published through SoarTech Publications (Herk Stokely). We plan to publish the results through SoarTech frequently - possibly twice per year. A similar undertaking (with substantial support from modellers) was started by Michael Selig, John Donovan and the late David Fraser in 1987 at Princeton University. In a two year period, over 60 various low-speed airfoils were wind-tunnel tested, involving over 1200 hours of wind-tunnel test time. The results were published in SoarTech 8 in 1989, and many of the new airfoil designs produced and tested during the program are now widely used on R/C sailplanes. As of November 1993, over 2200 copies of SoarTech 8 are in circulation worldwide. SoarTech 8 is available from SoarTech Publications c/o Herk Stokely 1504 N. Horseshoe Circle Virginia Beach, VA 23451 email At the present time, there is a need for new airfoils for R/C sailplanes. For example, R/C handlaunch soaring is booming, but few good airfoils (e.g., E387 and SD7037) presently exist for such sailplanes. Sailplanes for the new F3J competition are just beginning to evolve, and new airfoils will probably be required. What will they look like? In the past, only a few airfoils (e.g., HQ 1.5/8.5, RG15 and SD7003) have been favored for F3B competition. In shape, handling and performance the SD7003 is quite different from the other airfoils mentioned. These significant differences suggest that it may be possible to design new airfoils that have better overall characteristics for F3B competition. In addition to the design Page 117 Of 236 Winfoil Manual and wind-tunnel testing of new airfoils, several existing airfoils should be tested. The SD7037 and RG15 are quite popular and often used with flaps. The flap effectiveness of these airfoils should be quantified through wind-tunnel tests, and the results should be used in the design of new airfoils. There is also a need for new airfoils for R/C sport, aerobatic, and electric planes, as well as R/C helicopters. Often, NACA airfoils are used for these applications, but as compared with airfoils that could be designed today, many of the NACA airfoils (which were designed decades ago mostly by trial and error) are inferior. At the time the NACA airfoils were designed, little was known about the complex aerodynamics of airfoils operating at low Reynolds numbers. (Airfoils with small chords at low speeds, such as those on model aircraft, are said to operate in the low Reynolds number flight regime). In recent years, much has been learned about low Reynolds number aerodynamics, and this knowledge has successfully been applied to the design of new airfoils for R/C sailplanes, ushering in a new era in R/C soaring. Overall, R/C sailplane performance has improved dramatically. Older airfoils are no longer used. R/C power aircraft performance could likewise be dramatically improved through the use of newly designed, specially tailored airfoils. Unique airfoil design requirements also exist for other categories of model aircraft. For example, FAI free flight aircraft (which incorporate both a powered launch segment and gliding flight) operate over a wide range of speeds. In the past, many airfoils with good performance characteristics have been designed for FAI free flight. These airfoils should be wind-tunnel tested to quantify their performance. The results gleaned from the tests could then be applied in the design process in an effort to develop new airfoils with improved performance. Also, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) sponsors an annual model airplane design competition in which university student teams design, build and fly an R/C cargo aircraft. The record cargo weight that has been carried now stands at 24 3/4 lb for a model with a 60-size engine and 1200 in^2 total projected area. Conceivably, this record could be broken by an aircraft with an airfoil (or airfoils) specifically designed for the competition. Clearly, the need for new airfoils and data on existing airfoils is not limited just to R/C sailplanes, but applies to any type of model aircraft where better handling qualities and overall performance are desired. Other topics of interest include the effects of turbulators and contour accuracy. Are boundary layer trips simply "repairs" to otherwise bad airfoils, or can trips be integrated with the airfoil and result in improvements over, say, the SD7037? The Princeton tests began to address this issue, but many questions still remain. For example, what is the best trip height for a given airfoil? Also, what is the best trip geometry, where should the trip be located for best performance, and what type of airfoils respond best to trips? The Princeton tests also shed some light on how accurate airfoils must be in order to achieve expected performance, but a more systematic effort should be made to test the best airfoils for sensitivity to contour accuracy. Also, we are interested in designing and testing families of airfoils for use in, say, transitioning from one airfoil at the root to a different airfoil at the tip. It is unlikely that the best performance can be obtained from a single airfoil used along the entire wing span. This is especially true for flying wings. Companion airfoils for blending should be designed for use with the most popular existing airfoils, e.g., SD7037 and RG15. It is expected that the practice of blending airfoils along the span will become much more popular than it is today. In an effort to maximize low Reynolds number airfoil performance for model aircraft, all of these topics should be addressed. Page 118 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Overall, the UIUC test objectives will be to design and wind-tunnel test new airfoils for each category of aircraft listed above and also to examine the effects of flaps, turbulators and contour accuracy. We are especially interested in testing existing airfoils that are known to have superior performance. Wind-tunnel data on such airfoils will be used during the design of new and better airfoils. If you believe that we have overlooked an important area, we would be interested in your input and may consider expanding the scope of the project. The number of airfoil models to be tested has not been predefined; rather, it will be depend on the level of interest and support from the modeling community. The wind-tunnel models should have a 33 5/8 in span with a 12 in chord and can either be built-up or foam core. To insure a uniform contour, the built-up models need to be fully sheeted. For the foam core models, we may be able to supply two 12 inch chord wing templates. The surface finish can either be fibreglass or monokote; however, we are interested in the effects of surface finish and will consider testing models with non-smooth surfaces. The models will be attached to the wind-tunnel balance by standard model wing rods. Standard model construction techniques should provide the necessary strength (supporting 15-20 lb of lift when pinned at both ends). The brass tubing and collars for the models will be supplied along with full-scale plots and/or coordinates of the airfoil, if requested. (Please contact us before starting any construction on a wind-tunnel model.) The airfoils will be tested in the UIUC open-circuit 3x4 ft subsonic wind tunnel. The turbulence intensity level is minimal and more than sufficient to ensure good flow integrity at low Reynolds numbers. The experimental apparatus used at Princeton will be modified for the UIUC tests. Lift and drag measurements for each airfoil will be taken at Reynolds numbers of 60k, 100k, 200k and 300k. In some instances, it may be possible to take limited data over an expanded range (40k-500k). The lift characteristics will be determined through force-balance measurements, while the drag will be evaluated by the momentum method through the use of pitot-static probes traversed through the airfoil wake at several spanwise locations. We are also interested in airfoil pitching moment measurements, but the current apparatus does not have such a capability. However, a pitching moment balance has been recently designed and should provide pitching moment data in the near future. If you are interested in building wind-tunnel models for the tests or wish to request information, please write, fax or send e-mail to the coordinator. UIUC LSATs Coordinator c/o Prof. Michael Selig Dept. of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 306 Talbot Laboratory 104 S. Wright St. Urbana, IL 61801-2935 Page 119 Of 236 Winfoil Manual email fax: (217) 244-0720 The program will be self-sustaining so long as funds are made available for equipment maintenance/upgrades and graduate student stipend support and tuition and fees (approximately $16,000/yr per student). The initial goal is to raise enough money to support at least two graduate students for a three year period. It is envisioned that a small level of support from a large number of modeling enthusiasts could sustain the airfoil design windtunnel test program indefinitely. The impact on model aviation could be tremendous. Donations can be mailed to Prof. Michael Selig Dept. of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 306 Talbot Laboratory 104 S. Wright St. Urbana, IL 61801-2935 email; Please make checks payable to "University of Illinois, AAE Dept." Also, please write on the check "Selig - Wind Tunnel Testing/AAE Unrestricted Funds," and provide a letter stating that your contribution is to be used by Prof. Selig and his group of students (both undergraduate and graduate) in support of the airfoil wind-tunnel tests. Finally, for a suggested donation of $18 in US, Canada, and Mexico (or $22 in other countries) you can receive a UIUC LSATs white short-sleeve shirt. All proceeds will go toward the continuation of the project. Page 120 Of 236 Winfoil Manual COORDINATE PAIR MODIFICATION Modification of a coordinate pair can be achieved by clicking on the button. Click on this button then move the mouse pointer over the airfoil window. Click in the airfoil window near or on a coordinate pair with the left mouse button. Winfoil will search for the nearest coordinate pair and will when found , highlight the pair with a grey rectangle. To move one of the coordinates belonging to the pair (you may only shift the coordinate up or down) click on the grey HANDLE and drag it up or down to the desired position. This action will automatically save the change. To undo the change, click on the button. Page 121 Of 236 Winfoil Manual LIFT/DRAG DATA SCREEN This screen is a tab MDI style screen. To change from viewing lift data to drag data simply click on the tab at the top of the screen. To compare multiple airfoils a number of these screens can be opened for each airfoil. The data shown is for the currently selected airfoil in the airfoil list. To view the data of another airfoil, select an airfoil from the airfoil list screen using the mouse and click on the GRAPH button next to the comments. The thick black line indicates that the screen can be altered by the user to size the portion of the screen which contains the graph. To increase the area for the graph, move the mouse pointer over the black line and drag the line up or down . The mouse pointer will change as you move over this line. The graph size is proportional to the window size. It will automatically change size as the screen changes in size. The data on this screen is supplied as two separate graphs. The first is the lift coefficient (Cl) vs. angle of attack (Alpha) in degrees. The second is lift coefficient vs. drag coefficient. Data is provided for a number of Reynolds number readings. As model aircraft typically fly at low Reynolds numbers (ie; small wing chords at low speeds) an airfoil which has a high lift coefficient and low drag coefficient at a low Reynolds number will have the best all-round performance. In general most airfoils suffer a loss in performance with a reduction in Reynolds numbers. If you choose an airfoil which performs well at a low Reynolds number , the same airfoil will typically perform much better at higher Reynolds numbers. To determine the reynolds number for a wing or tail design use the REYNOLDS NUMBER GRAPH facility provided with the WING CAD SCREEN The higher the lift coefficient(Cl) the greater the lift produced by an airfoil and the lower the stall speed for a given wing area. The lower the drag coefficient(Cd) , the lower the profile drag for a given wing or tail area. Low drag is required for Pylon and Sailplane designs. Funfly designs rely on high drag sections for even speed through manoeuvres. Please note that this data is for infinite aspect ratios . Page 122 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The actual lift and drag coefficients for real designs will be lower and higher depending on the Aspect Ratio of the wing or tail. Aspect ratio is calculated as follows; Ratio = ( Wing Span)2 / Wing Area High Aspect Ratio (long narrow wings) reduces Induced drag but lowers Reynolds Number (low airfoil performance) and increases structural loading (good for gliding). Reduces roll rate (high inertia). Low Aspect Ratio (short wide wings) increases Induced drag but increases Reynolds Number (good airfoil performance) and reduces structural loading ( good for aerobatics). Improves roll rate. The higher the Aspect Ratio the closer the performance of the wing or tail will match the test data. There are three buttons on this screen. Save Button This button provides the capability to save the currently viewed graph as a windows bitmap graphic file. The graphic file can be viewed at a later date or pasted into a document. Help Button This button invokes on-line Help for this screen. Close Button This button closes this screen. To print a graph Select the PRINT menu item in the FILE menu or click on the tool bar button. The linked image canno t be displa y ed. … Tip A good way of viewing and comparing airfoils is to open this screen for 4 different airfoils. Close or minimize the Airfoil List screen and any other screens apart from the Lift/drag Graph screens. Click on the Window Tile Vertical menu. You can then easily view data for all 4 airfoils. Page 123 Of 236 Winfoil Manual COPY WING SCREEN This screen is used to copy an existing wing/tail design as a new wing/tail. Enter the new wing or tail name and click on the OK button to copy . Click on the CANCEL button to exit without copying. The new name must not be the same as any currently in use. Dimensions, specifications and spars will be copied. Page 124 Of 236 Winfoil Manual DESIGN SEARCH SCREEN This screen is used to search for a wing or tail design. To search on a wing or tail name click in the name column with the mouse and type into the yellow text box the name of the wing/tail to search for. As you type the list of wings will reduce until a perfect match is found or not found. Similarly for the other wing attributes by clicking on a column with the mouse you can initiate a search on any selected column. The other powerful feature of this search screen is the ability to sort in any order for a selected column. For example; Suppose you wish to search for an wing with the largest wing area. Click on the Area column with the mouse. Then click on the Descending option for the sort order. All wings will be sorted on Area in descending order. Selecting the first wing will give you the wing with the largest wing area. After selecting a wing or tail, click on the OK button to return to the Design List Press the CANCEL button to return without performing a search. Double clicking on a selection will automatically cause the OK button to be pressed. Page 125 Of 236 Winfoil Manual SPAR DETAIL DESIGN SCREEN Detailed Example This screen is used to specify the spar and shear web details. The items on this screen are as follows; Number is automatically assigned by WINFOIL when a spar is created. Units default to the units selected for the wing or tail design. Type is the type of spar. This can be either of the following; leading edge, trailing edge or intermediate. Root and Tip are the Root and Tip chord lengths respectively. These are expressed in the dimensional units selected for the wing or tail design. Chord Position % is the location of the spar as a percentage of the root chord. At Max. Thickness places the spar location at the position of maximum thickness based on the root airfoil selected. Click on this to position at this point. From a structural viewpoint the maximum thickness point is the ideal placement for an intermediate spar as spar strength is proportional to the vertical depth. The greater the depth the greater the bending strength. Check Root/Tip Depths button. Click on this button to determine the depth at the root and tip at the chord position selected. If the depth of the spar exceeds these measurements then the spar depth will default to full depth. Root Width is the width of the spar in units defined by the wing or tail design. Depth is the depth of the spar at the root. Leading and trailing edge spars default to a depth of zero as these are full depth. Web thickness is the thickness of the shear web. Intermediate spars have two shear webs. One on each facing side of the spar. Leading and trailing edge spars can only have one web on the inboard side of the spar. The units for the shear web are the same as for the wing or tail design. Page 126 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Fixed chord position Select this option to fix the spar position to a selected chord location at the root rib. If this option is not selected the spar will be located at the entered chord position along the span of the wing. Depending on the wing plan if this option is not selected the spar may adopt a swept back or swept forward position on the wing. Tip Depth is the depth of the spar at the tip. This is in the same units selected for the wing or tail design. Click on the UPDATE button to update the data or click on the CLOSE button to exit without making any changes. Tip Reducing the depth of the spar at the tip will reduce the weight of a cantilever wing without sacrificing strength as the bending moment at the tip is zero. Page 127 Of 236 Winfoil Manual SPAR DESIGN This screen is used to design spars and shear webs for wings or tails. Three types of spar are supported; Leading Edge (any width full depth) Intermediate (any depth or width) Trailing Edge (any width full depth) Leading and trailing edge spars are always full depth. Shear webs can be added to all types. Shear webs can be placed on both sides of intermediate spars whereas shear webs can only be placed on the inboard end of a leading or trailing edge spar. Only one leading and one trailing edge spar can be created for a wing or tail design. An unlimited number of intermediate spars can be added for a wing or tail design. If the depth of an intermediate spar is less than the depth of the wing or tail at the selected chordwise position then an upper and lower spar will be created. A list of spars for the selected design are shown in this screen. To add a new spar ; Click on the ADD button. This action will cause the SPAR DETAIL DESIGN screen to appear. Page 128 Of 236 Winfoil Manual To change an existing spar; Click on the spar to be modified , then click on the CHANGE button or double click on the spar to be modified. This action will cause the SPAR DETAIL DESIGN screen to appear. To delete a spar; Click on the spar to be deleted then click on the DELETE button. Page 129 Of 236 Winfoil Manual AIRFOIL VERIFICATION SCREEN This screen is used to verify airfoil selection with the Reynolds number graph for the selected design speeds. Listed on this screen is airfoils which are suitable for the design speeds. A cross check is made with the graph and data stored in Winfoil and the results are displayed. To change the airfoil selection , select an airfoil by clicking on the appropriate grid, click on the CHANGE ROOT button to change the root airfoil. Click on the CHANGE TIP button to change the tip airfoil. To view lift and drag performance graphs; Double click on an airfoil. Page 130 Of 236 Winfoil Manual PRINT COMMAND This command prints; 1. Airfoil if the currently selected screen is the Airfoil List screen. The PRINT AIRFOIL SCREEN. will be shown if this menu item is selected. 2. Airfoil coordinates if the currently selected screen is the Airfoil Coordinates screen. 3. Design if the currently selected screen is the Design List screen. The PRINT WING SCREENwill be shown if this menu item is selected. Page 131 Of 236 Winfoil Manual DESIGN COORDINATES SCREEN This screen is used to enter new or change existing design component coordinates. This screen floats above the Design CAD Screen To update the coordinates click on the UPDATE button. To close or exit this screen click on the CLOSE button. To modify an existing set of coordinates, click on the Select Points toolbar button and click on some coordinates in design component in the CAD screen. Page 132 Of 236 Winfoil Manual PRINT DESIGN SCREEN This screen controls the printing of ; 1. Wing Ribs 2. Wing Specifications 3. Wing Planform 4. DXF Export You may select to print all or any combination of the above. This screen also is used to export ribs and wing/tail designs to DXF files for import into CAD programs such as AutoCAD. Name This is the name of the currently selected wing. Type This is the type of wing. Eg; Vertical Tail, Horizontal Tail or Wing. Page 133 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Units Measurement units. Eg; Inches or Millimetres. Root Airfoil The airfoil section selected for the wing root. Tip Airfoil The airfoil selected for the wing tip. T/C% This is the airfoil maximum thickness. You may vary this by entering a new value for the thickness. Winfoil will automatically calculate the new coordinates for the airfoil based on the ratio of the new thickness and the original thickness. To reset the thickness to its original value , click on the Reset button. A list of the Ribs for the wing is listed on the screen. If there are more ribs than will fit in the grid then you can scroll the grid by moving the vertical scroll bar on the right of the grid. The Print column of the grid indicates if the rib is to be printed. This is toggled on and off by clicking in the appropriate cell. A tick means print, a cross means do not print. There are three buttons immediately below the grid. Print All Ribs Click on this button to tick all ribs to be printed. Print No Ribs Click on this button to mark all ribs to not be printed. Skin Thickness Click on this button to edit the skin thickness of a rib. Select a rib by first clicking on a rib in the list. Alternatively double click on a rib. The Edit Skin Thickness screen is shown below. Page 134 Of 236 Winfoil Manual To apply the skin thickness to all ribs, click on the Update all Ribs checkbox. Click on the Ok button to accept the change or click on the Cancel button to exit without making any changes. The changes will be applied to the database so that the changes are permanent. The Skin Thickness can also be set in the Rib View screen. There are a number of print options available. These are as follows; Rib Number Print the number of the Rib. Ribs are numbered sequentially starting from the root of the wing and ending at the tip of the wing. Rib Length The length of the Rib is printed with the selected units of measurement. Wing Specifications The wing specifications are printed. These include; 1. Wing area 2. Wing aspect ratio. 3. Mean aerodynamic chord length and position. 4. Measurement units. 5. Type. 6. Wing root airfoil section. 7. Wing tip airfoil section. 8. Number of ribs per wing half. 9. Rib spacing. 10. Each rib number, length and distance from the leading edge reference line X Station This is the distance horizontal distance spanwise from the wing root. Grid Selecting this option prints a grid over each rib with stations marked at ten percent intervals. New Page after Each Selecting this option will result in each rib being printed on separate pages. Page 135 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Start Distance Select this option to print the distance from the leading edge reference line Print skin Select this option to print the skin line for wing or tail ribs. This feature is handy for DXF export and CNC cutting. Wing Planform Select this option to print the wing planform with the mean aerodynamic chord position and the rib positions. Selecting this option will cause the WING PANEL PRINT SELECTION SCREEN to appear. Print Resolution Varying this will alter the degree of accuracy of the airfoil plot. 10 - rough plot , 100 - fine plot. Increasing this number will also increase the time required to plot the airfoil. Print Preview This feature allows the specification, wing or tail design and ribs to be previewed before printing. Print to DXF File Button Please see DXF FILE topic Cancelling the Print Job A dialogue box will appear after the PRINT BUTTON is clicked on indicating the progress of printing. You may cancel the print job at any time by clicking on the CANCEL button or if this dialog box has disappeared by deleting the print job in PRINT MANAGER. Use the PRINT SETUP COMMAND in the File menu to change the print orientation to Landscape or Portrait . Page 136 Of 236 Winfoil Manual IMPORT DATA This screen is accessed by selecting the File Import Menu item or by clicking on the Import toolbar button. This feature allows Winfoil to load airfoil data in the form of ascii text files into the Winfoil airfoil database. This feature is disabled in the unregistered version of Winfoil. The following formats are supported; The import function has been enhanced to automatically perform the following when importing files; 1. Convert input files to DOS ascii format. This is required when files are downloaded from the Internet and have not been transferred as ascii format. 2. Convert numeric values to match the numeric formatting defined in the International settings on the users computer. Previously if you were running Winfoil in a European country which uses a comma as the decimal point symbol and you were trying to import data from an American source ( full stop as the decimal point symbol) , Winfoil would report a number formatting error. Page 137 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 3. Cater for partially corrupted files. If extra blank lines or lines with non-numeric data are detected then these lines will be skipped. This screen now has a checkbox to allow the selection of a directory of files to perform the import. This feature is only available for the import of Eppler and Soartech airfoil coordinate files. When the box is checked and the Ok button is pressed a new screen will be displayed to allow a directory to be selected. Tip The import screens have been enhanced to allow all file types to be searched for. In the "Files of type" dropdown list, select the "All files (*.*)" item. Airfoil Coordinates from another Winfoil database Wing/Tail designs from another Winfoil V2.1 database. Winfoil airfoil coordinates. Airfoil Performance Data Eppler airfoil coordinates. Eppler 100 format airfoil coordinates. Soartech airfoil coordinates. Soartech airfoil lift and drag data. Stuttgart format airfoil coordinates. Stuttgart airfoil performance data. JavaFoil airfoil PEF File Winfoil Design Please Note if you are using Winfoil in Germany or France or any other country which uses thousand separator or decimal point characters which are different to the default English characters then a unique delimiter character will need to be selected. Please see Preferences screen for details. Page 138 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Select Import Directory This new feature allows a directory of airfoil coordinate files to be selected so that a user can quickly import a large number of airfoil coordinate files. It is important that the correct type of files are selected to insure that valid data is imported. If a File name of "*.*" is entered and files are selected which do not contain airfoil data then there is a possiblity of errors occuring when the import process occurs. The two check boxes are provided to allow the data to be overridden if found in the database during the import process and to automatically set the airfoil name based on the name found in the file (Soartech) or the file name (Eppler). The Files box displays the files which will be imported based on the selected file pattern, disk drive and directory. To proceed with the import after selecting the files the user must click on the Ok button. To exit without importing any files the user must click on the Cancel button. Page 139 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Import Eppler 100 Format Airfoil Coordinates Eppler 100 format Airfoil coordinate data can be imported using this facility. Coordinates start at the trailing edge on the upper surface of the airfoil, continuing around the leading edge and back to the trailing edge along the lower surface. A sample is shown below; 100.00 0 0.000 99.572 0.115 98.296 0.448 96.194 0.972 93.301 1.656 89.668 2.475 85.355 3.400 80.438 4.394 75.000 5.412 69.134 6.405 62.941 7.319 Each line represents an x and y coordinate. Any airfoil data which follows this format can be imported using this facility. Th e lin ke d im The data must appear in the same sequence when viewed using a text editor such as the windows Notepad (ie. carriage returns at the end of each line). The name of the airfoil will default to the file name. A screen is presented to allow for the name to be changed. Page 140 Of 236 Winfoil Manual EXPORT DATA This screen is accessed by selecting the File Export Menu item or by clicking on the Export toolbar button. This feature allows Winfoil to export airfoil data in the form of ascii text files. This data can then be used in spreadsheets or other applications. This feature is disabled in the unregistered version of Winfoil. The following formats are supported; Winfoil format airfoil coordinates Soartech format airfoil coordinates Eppler format airfoil coordinates Eppler 100 format airfoil coordinates Design performance data to an Excel spreadsheet Airfoil Performance Data HPGL Export Winfoil Design Page 141 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Please Note if you are using Winfoil in Germany or France or any other country which uses thousand separator or decimal point characters which are different to the default English characters then a unique delimiter character will need to be selected. Please see Preferences screen for details. Page 142 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Import Airfoil Performance Data This function provides the ability to import Airfoil performance data from an ascii file. To import; 1. Select click on the Winfoil Airfoil Performance Data radio button. 2. Click on the Ok button. The import data file must follow the format shown below. 1. Performance Airfoil Data File This file contains the airfoil name, reynolds number, lift coefficient, drag coefficient, angle of attack and pitching moment coefficient. An example of the file layout is shown below. Please note the comma after each value. AQUILA,59400,0.2610,0.0238,-1.8600,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.3520,0.0224,-0.8300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.4450,0.0213,0.1800,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.5250,0.0224,1.2000,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.6070,0.0298,2.2300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.6860,0.0291,3.2300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.7640,0.0354,4.2600,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.8390,0.0358,5.2700,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.9110,0.0404,6.2800,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.9890,0.0373,7.3000,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,1.0610,0.0383,8.3300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,1.1200,0.0422,9.3400,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,1.1480,0.0507,10.3400,0.0000 Th e lin ke d im ag The data must appear in the same sequence when viewed using a text editor such as the windows Notepad (ie. carriage returns at the end of each line). After this data is loaded the maximum lift coefficient, minimum drag coefficient and maximum pitching moment can be quickly found and set for the airfoil by clicking on the airfoil coordinates tab and clicking on the Lookup button at the bottom of the tab. Page 143 Of 236 Winfoil Manual PRINTER SETUP COMMAND Selecting this command will display a setup Dialog box containing currently installed printers. To change printers, select a printer and click on the OK button. To change printing options click on the SETUP button. You can then change any options as required. To obtain help on the available options click on the HELP button. Page 144 Of 236 Winfoil Manual JavaFoil Airfoil PEF File Import JavaFoil has replaced CalcFoil. The PEF file format has changed and Winfoil 3.0 has been modified to support the new format. Martin Hepperle’s JavaFoil program can analyse an airfoil given the airfoil coordinates and selected Reynolds Number(s) for the analysis. Winfoil can now call JavaFoil directly to perform the analysis and once completed can load the generated data back into Winfoil. For details on how to do this please see; JavaFoil Polar Analysis Alternatively JavaFoil can be run manually to generate a PEF file. You can then import the file using this facility. To import; 1. Select click on the JavaFoil airfoil PEF File radio button. 2. Click on the Ok button. 3. Select the appropriate file from a directory on your computer and click on the OK button. Winfoil will validate the contents of the file and if the data is found to be invalid you will be notified as to the cause of the error. Winfoil will also automatically format the data to match your Regional settings for numbers. Therefore if your number format uses commas for the decimal point Winfoil will automatically convert all numeric values in the file to use commas for the decimal point. If Winfoil cannot find an airfoil with the same name then you will be prompted to select an airfoil from the Winfoil database so that the data can be linked and loaded for that airfoil. A sample of a PEF file is shown below; [Airfoil] Description1=SD5060 NumberSets=1 [Set1] Origin=CalcFoil Analysis Description1=Copyright 1996 Martin Hepperle NumberPolars=1 [Set1-Polar1] ReynoldsNumber=100000 NumberPoints=21 Values=Alpha Cl Cd Cm xtu xtl Value01=-10.000000 -0.623419 0.078998 -0.026668 0.851780 0.057911 Value02=-9.000000 -0.572535 0.068058 -0.026804 0.832877 0.058310 Value03=-8.000000 -0.503818 0.060154 -0.025343 0.821254 0.042124 Page 145 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Value04=-7.000000 -0.427679 0.052219 -0.025529 0.805105 0.042640 Value05=-6.000000 -0.345242 0.045709 -0.025751 0.776997 0.043298 Value06=-5.000000 -0.257124 0.041230 -0.024598 0.756258 0.031911 Value07=-4.000000 -0.166486 0.037077 -0.025061 0.735154 0.033615 Value08=-3.000000 -0.090704 0.014372 -0.047755 0.715523 0.036887 Value09=-2.000000 0.026349 0.013531 -0.048152 0.688946 0.186104 Value10=-1.000000 0.144228 0.013109 -0.048216 0.656919 0.276494 Value11=0.000000 0.262014 0.011852 -0.048402 0.611257 0.741718 Value12=1.000000 0.379504 0.012065 -0.048603 0.576781 0.840401 Value13=2.000000 0.496609 0.012662 -0.048800 0.484321 0.978305 Value14=3.000000 0.612911 0.013901 -0.049012 0.375018 0.997373 Value15=4.000000 0.727511 0.015399 -0.049223 0.285638 0.997796 Value16=5.000000 0.836784 0.018537 -0.049260 0.055103 0.998148 Value17=6.000000 0.936203 0.020175 -0.049181 0.049242 0.998459 Value18=7.000000 1.021604 0.022141 -0.049055 0.039942 0.998713 Value19=8.000000 0.903033 0.051736 -0.026528 0.037774 0.998965 Value20=9.000000 0.950730 0.059744 -0.026419 0.036580 0.999188 Value21=10.000000 0.985629 0.067253 -0.028651 0.055417 0.999374 After this data is loaded the maximum lift coefficient, minimum drag coefficient and maximum picthing moment can be quickly found and set for the airfoil by clicking on the airfoil coordinates tab and clicking on the Lookup button at the bottom of the tab. Page 146 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Import Winfoil Design Winfoil designs can be imported using this facility. A design file contains all components. The components imported are listed below. Specification Wing coordinates Ribs Design performance Design comments Drag breakdown Design pictures are not imported. Part of a sample is shown below; <DESIGNS> <WINGS> <NAME>QuickT500</NAME> <SPAN>4.48</SPAN> <AREA>10.05</AREA> <ASPECTRATIO>2</ASPECTRATIO> <CHORDR>0</CHORDR> <CHORDT>0</CHORDT> <SWEEP>0</SWEEP> <TWIST>0</TWIST> <UNITS>INCHES</UNITS> <TYPE>1</TYPE> <AIRFOILR>AQUILA</AIRFOILR> <AIRFOILT>AQUILA</AIRFOILT> <NRIBS>2</NRIBS> <SPANSTARTX>84</SPANSTARTX> <SPANSTARTY>87</SPANSTARTY> Page 147 Of 236 Winfoil Manual <MAC>2.21</MAC> <SCALE>0</SCALE> <MACX>1.1</MACX> <SWEEPANGLE>0</SWEEPANGLE> <PICID></PICID> <TRAILEDGETHICKNESS>0</TRAILEDGETHICKNESS> <WCOORD> <NAME>QuickT500</NAME> <TYPE>1</TYPE> <XUPPER>0</XUPPER> <YUPPER>0</YUPPER> <XLOWER>0</XLOWER> <YLOWER>1</YLOWER> <SPLINE>Y</SPLINE> </WCOORD> <WCOORD> <NAME>QuickT500</NAME> <TYPE>1</TYPE> <XUPPER>1</XUPPER> <YUPPER>0</YUPPER> <XLOWER>1</XLOWER> <YLOWER>1</YLOWER> <SPLINE>Y</SPLINE> </WCOORD> <RIBS> The format of the file is XML. To import; 1. Select click on the Winfoil Design radio button. 2. Click on the Ok button. 3. Browse and select the xml design file to be imported. Page 148 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 4. Click on the Ok button. If the design already exists you will be asked if you would like to overwrite the existing design. Page 149 Of 236 Winfoil Manual WINFOIL AIRFOIL COORDINATE IMPORT The format of the Winfoil data must be as follows; Two data files are required : 1. Airfoil Data File This file contains the airfoil name, clmax, cdmin and cmmax. Example shown below. Note the comma after each value and as the last character on each line. CLARK Y,0.00,0.0000,0.0000, CLARK YH,0.00,0.0000,0.0000, Winfoil will automatically verify the formatting of the file before attempting to load the data. An error message will be displayed if the formatting is invalid. This data format is identical to the export format of the earlier versions of Winfoil so that you can export the data you have entered in previous versions and import it into the new version. 2. Airfoil Coordinate Data File This file contains the airfoil name, upper x coordinate, upper y coordinate, lower x coordinate and lower y coordinate. All coordinates are expressed as percentages and all values are separated by commas with a comma signifying the end of each line. Example shown below. CLARK Y,000.0000,003.5000,000.0000,003.5000, CLARK Y,000.5000,004.5500,000.5000,002.8000, CLARK Y,001.0000,005.2000,001.0000,002.3000, Winfoil will check if the airfoil that is imported already exists. If the airfoil already exists then you will be prompted to whether you want the data in Winfoil overwritten by the imported data. You can select to overwrite , skip or cancel the import operation. Page 150 Of 236 Winfoil Manual EPPLER FORMAT AIRFOIL COORDINATE IMPORT Eppler format Airfoil coordinate data can be imported using this facility. Coordinates start at the trailing edge on the upper surface of the airfoil, continuing around the leading edge and back to the trailing edge along the lower surface. A sample is shown below; 1.00000 0.00000 0.99572 0.00115 0.98296 0.00448 0.96194 0.00972 0.93301 0.01656 0.89668 0.02475 0.85355 0.03400 0.80438 0.04394 0.75000 0.05412 0.69134 0.06405 0.62941 0.07319 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 0.00000 0.00000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 1.00000 0.00000 Each line represents an x and y coordinate. Any airfoil data which follows this format can be imported using this facility. Th e lin ke d im ag The data must appear in the same sequence when viewed using a text editor such as the windows Notepad (ie. carriage returns at the end of each line). This feature has been enhanced to verify the format. Winfoil can now correct the Page 151 Of 236 Winfoil Manual format on import if the top surface coordinate order has been reversed which is the case for some airfoils on the UIUC web site. The name of the airfoil will default to the file name. A screen is presented to allow for the name to be changed. Page 152 Of 236 Winfoil Manual SOARTECH LIFT & DRAG DATA IMPORT INFORMATION ABOUT SOARTECH Soartech Airfoil performance data can be imported using this facility. There are three volumes of performance data. Each file is named dragnn.txt, where nn = volume number. Eg; drag01.txt is volume one of the Airfoil Data Files. Please note that this format is different to the previous format (prior to 1998). Winfoil was modified to cater for this change in version 2.2.7. Registered users can download the latest version of Winfoil from the Winfoil website at; The file coordnn.txt (nn = volume number) is also provided with this data. To import the coordinates you will need to manually extract each airfoil and save each to a separate file. See Soartech Airfoil Import topic on the format of the data. A sample of the Lift/Drag data format of this data is shown below; :::::::::::::: A18.DRG :::::::::::::: Airfoil: A18 Builder: R. Cooney Comment: clean Number of Reynolds #'s: 7 Average Reynolds #: 40000 Number of angles of attack: 7 alpha / Cl / Cd / Spanwise Cd's >>> -1.16 0.117 0.0244 0.0247 0.0203 0.0290 0.0236 0.93 0.324 0.0202 0.0155 0.0237 0.0253 0.0164 2.82 0.540 0.0349 0.0363 0.0353 0.0396 0.0286 5.05 0.842 0.0405 0.0350 0.0401 0.0471 0.0397 7.04 1.007 0.0314 0.0316 0.0402 0.0284 0.0256 9.08 1.108 0.0283 0.0254 0.0371 0.0270 0.0237 Page 153 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 11.10 1.155 0.0572 0.0516 0.0734 0.0510 0.0525 Tabulated from data in file MS00278.DAT & reduced using program Q01.00L This data format repeats for each set. The data must appear in the same sequence when viewed using a text editor such as the windows Notepad (ie. carriage returns at the end of each line). Winfoil will attempt to match the data with existing airfoils. If the airfoil is found it will then load the data otherwise you will be prompted to select an airfoil that matches. You are provided with an option to skip the import for a selected airfoil. After this data is loaded the maximum lift coefficient, minimum drag coefficient and maximum picthing moment can be quickly found and set for the airfoil by clicking on the airfoil coordinates tab and clicking on the Lookup button at the bottom of the tab. Page 154 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export Airfoil Coordinates in Winfoil Format This function allows airfoil coordinates stored in the Winfoil Database to be exported to comma delimited ascii files for use in other programs or for transferring data between different versions of Winfoil. Two options are provided with this function; 1. select a particular airfoil - select from the dropdown list 2. select all airfoils for export - click on the check box To export; 1. Select click on the Winfoil Coordinates radio button. 2. Select an airfoil from the dropdown list or click on the All checkbox. 3. Click on the Ok button. Two data files are produced by this function; 1. Airfoil Data File This file contains the airfoil name, maximum lift coefficient, minimum drag coefficient and maximum pitching moment coefficient. An example of the file layout is shown below. Please note the comma after each value and the comma at the end of each line. CLARK Y,0.00,0.0000,0.0000, CLARK YH,0.00,0.0000,0.0000, This data format is identical to the export format of the earlier versions of Winfoil. 2. Airfoil Coordinate Data File This file contains the airfoil name, upper x coordinate, upper y coordinate, lower x coordinate and lower y coordinate. All coordinates are expressed as percentages and all values are separated by commas with a comma signifying the end of each line. Example shown below. CLARK Y,000.0000,003.5000,000.0000,003.5000, CLARK Y,000.5000,004.5500,000.5000,002.8000, CLARK Y,001.0000,005.2000,001.0000,002.3000, Page 155 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Data can be saved as a back-up for future use. This data can be used to recover in the case of hard disk failure or other hardware problems which cause data loss. Page 156 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export Airfoil Coordinates in Soartech Format INFORMATION ABOUT SOARTECH Soartech Airfoil coordinate data can be exported using this facility. The format of the Soartech airfoil data is the 'Eppler' format, ie; coordinates start at the trailing edge on the upper surface of the airfoil, continuing around the leading edge and back to the trailing edge along the lower surface. The first line in the file is the name of the airfoil. To export; 1. Select click on the Soartech Coordinates radio button. 2. Select an airfoil from the dropdown list. 3. Click on the Ok button. A sample is shown below; CLARK-Y 1.00000 0.00000 0.99572 0.00115 0.98296 0.00448 0.96194 0.00972 0.93301 0.01656 0.89668 0.02475 0.85355 0.03400 0.80438 0.04394 0.75000 0.05412 0.69134 0.06405 0.62941 0.07319 The first line is always the airfoil name . Following lines are the coordinates (x and y). Page 157 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export Airfoil Coordinates in Eppler Format Eppler format Airfoil coordinate data can be exported using this facility. Only one airfoil at a time may be exported. Each airfoil export is saved as an individual file. To export; 1. Select click on the Eppler Coordinates radio button. 2. Select an airfoil from the dropdown list. 3. Click on the Ok button. The format of the data is as follows; Coordinates start at the trailing edge on the upper surface of the airfoil, continuing around the leading edge and back to the trailing edge along the lower surface. A sample is shown below; 1.00000 0.00000 0.99572 0.00115 0.98296 0.00448 0.96194 0.00972 0.93301 0.01656 0.89668 0.02475 0.85355 0.03400 0.80438 0.04394 0.75000 0.05412 0.69134 0.06405 0.62941 0.07319 Each line represents an x and y coordinate. The file name will default to the first 8 characters of the airfoil name followed by the extension cor. eg; Page 158 Of 236 Winfoil Manual You are provided with the option to change this. naca2302.cor Page 159 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export Airfoil Coordinates in Eppler 100 Format Eppler 100 format Airfoil coordinate data can be exported using this facility. Coordinates start at the trailing edge on the upper surface of the airfoil, continuing around the leading edge and back to the trailing edge along the lower surface. To export; 1. Select click on the Eppler 100 Coordinates radio button. 2. Select an airfoil from the dropdown list. 3. Click on the Ok button. A sample is shown below; 100.00 0 0.000 99.572 0.115 98.296 0.448 96.194 0.972 93.301 1.656 89.668 2.475 85.355 3.400 80.438 4.394 75.000 5.412 69.134 6.405 62.941 7.319 Each line represents an x and y coordinate. The file name will default to the first 8 characters of the airfoil name followed by the extension cor. eg; NACA 23012 Airfoil You are provided with the option to change this. naca2302.cor Page 160 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export Performance Data to an Excel Spreadsheet This function provides the ability to export performance calculations for a particular aircraft design to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. You must have an excel spreadsheet template available before attempting to use this function. A sample spreadsheet is provided with the installation files for Winfoil. You must also configure Winfoil to point to the spreadsheet template. This is performed through the Preferences screen. You must also have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer. Winfoil starts Excel and transfers data from Winfoil to Excel. Once the data transfer is complete you can then ALT-TAB to Excel manipulate the data and save the spreadsheet. The following data is transferred to Excel; Aircraft Type Configuration Weight Engine Max. Power Stall Speed Estimated Max Speed Max L/D Min Sink Speed Speed Lift Coefficient Page 161 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Drag Coefficient Lift to Drag Ratio Power Required To Export; 1. Select Design Performance Data to Excel Spreadsheet. 2. Select a design form the dropdown list at the upper right of the screen. 3. Click on the Ok button. Page 162 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export Airfoil Performance Data in Winfoil Format This function provides the ability to export Airfoil performance data as an ascii file for import into another Winfoil program or other programs such as spreadsheets. Two options are provided with this function; 1. select a particular airfoil - select from the dropdown list 2. select all airfoils for export - click on the check box To export; 1. Select click on the Winfoil Airfoil Performance Data radio button. 2. Select an airfoil from the dropdown list or click on the All checkbox. 3. Click on the Ok button. One data file is produced by this function; 1. Performance Airfoil Data File This file contains the airfoil name, reynolds number, lift coefficient, drag coefficient, angle of attack and pitching moment coefficient. An example of the file layout is shown below. Please note the comma after each value. AQUILA,59400,0.2610,0.0238,-1.8600,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.3520,0.0224,-0.8300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.4450,0.0213,0.1800,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.5250,0.0224,1.2000,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.6070,0.0298,2.2300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.6860,0.0291,3.2300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.7640,0.0354,4.2600,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.8390,0.0358,5.2700,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.9110,0.0404,6.2800,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,0.9890,0.0373,7.3000,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,1.0610,0.0383,8.3300,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,1.1200,0.0422,9.3400,0.0000 AQUILA,59400,1.1480,0.0507,10.3400,0.0000 Page 163 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export Design A selected design can be exported using this facility. The items exported when a design is selected are listed below. Specification Wing coordinates Ribs Design performance Design comments Drag breakdown All components belonging to a design are exported. To export; 1. Select click on the Winfoil Design radio button. 2. Select a design from the dropdown list. 3. Click on the Ok button. Part of a sample is shown below; <DESIGNS> <WINGS> <NAME>QuickT500</NAME> <SPAN>4.48</SPAN> <AREA>10.05</AREA> <ASPECTRATIO>2</ASPECTRATIO> <CHORDR>0</CHORDR> <CHORDT>0</CHORDT> <SWEEP>0</SWEEP> <TWIST>0</TWIST> Page 164 Of 236 Winfoil Manual <UNITS>INCHES</UNITS> <TYPE>1</TYPE> <AIRFOILR>AQUILA</AIRFOILR> <AIRFOILT>AQUILA</AIRFOILT> <NRIBS>2</NRIBS> <SPANSTARTX>84</SPANSTARTX> <SPANSTARTY>87</SPANSTARTY> <MAC>2.21</MAC> <SCALE>0</SCALE> <MACX>1.1</MACX> <SWEEPANGLE>0</SWEEPANGLE> <PICID></PICID> <TRAILEDGETHICKNESS>0</TRAILEDGETHICKNESS> <WCOORD> <NAME>QuickT500</NAME> <TYPE>1</TYPE> <XUPPER>0</XUPPER> <YUPPER>0</YUPPER> <XLOWER>0</XLOWER> <YLOWER>1</YLOWER> <SPLINE>Y</SPLINE> </WCOORD> <WCOORD> <NAME>QuickT500</NAME> <TYPE>1</TYPE> <XUPPER>1</XUPPER> <YUPPER>0</YUPPER> <XLOWER>1</XLOWER> <YLOWER>1</YLOWER> <SPLINE>Y</SPLINE> </WCOORD> <RIBS> Page 165 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The format of the file is XML. The file name will default to the design name followed by the extension xml. eg; QuickT500.xml Page 166 Of 236 Winfoil Manual HPGL Export Airfoils can now be exported in HPGL format. This export option allows the length of the airfoil to be entered so that a plotter or cutter that supports HPGL can read the exported file. To export; 1. Select click on the HPGL Export radio button. 2. Select an airfoil from the dropdown list. 3. Click on the Ok button. 4. Enter airfoil length in millimeters or inches. 5. Click on the Ok button. Please note that this feature is only available if the Winfoil Utility option has been selected in the Preferences screen. Page 167 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Export to DXF File See PRINT AIRFOIL FORM PRINT WING SCREEN Page 168 Of 236 Winfoil Manual PRINT TO DXF FILE This option will output an airfoil or rib as a DXF file for import into other CAD programs. The options selected in the PRINT AIRFOIL SCREEN or the PRINT WING SCREEN control the output of the DXF file. Separate files are produced for each airfoil or rib. You must select corresponding measurement units in the CAD program when setting up the drawing size before importing the DXF file.; eg; INCHES for INCH units and a scale of 1:1. A DXF file is a file which meets the Drawing Interchange Format specifications developed by Autodesk for use with AutoCAD and other CAD programs. AutoCAD is a trademark of Autodesk Inc. Page 169 Of 236 Winfoil Manual EXIT COMMAND This command ends WINFOIL and returns to Program Manager. Page 170 Of 236 Winfoil Manual UNDO COMMAND This command undoes any edit Cut, Paste or Copy previously performed. Page 171 Of 236 Winfoil Manual CUT COMMAND This command allows data to be cut from a selected data field on a screen to the Windows Clipboard for pasting into another field within WINFOIL or to any other windows application. Page 172 Of 236 Winfoil Manual COPY COMMAND This command allows selected data fields to be copied to the Windows clipboard. This data can then be pasted back into a field within WINFOIL or to another Windows Application. Page 173 Of 236 Winfoil Manual PASTE COMMAND This command allows text that has been placed in the Windows Clipboard to be pasted in any selected data field within WINFOIL. Text may be placed into the clipboard from WINFOIL or from any other Windows application. Only text may be pasted into WINFOIL. Page 174 Of 236 Winfoil Manual HELP INDEX This command selects invokes WINFOIL Help. Page 175 Of 236 Winfoil Manual REGISTRATION COMMAND This screen is accessed from the Help Registration menu item. This program is shareware. You are permitted to use this program for a period of 30 days after which continued use will require payment of the registration fee. Registration can be made as follows; Credit Card Payments Internet Web Site $USD 40 All SWREG's orders are automatically processed at the web site and the registered version of the software is available immediately for download. SWREG also provide the facility to pay by Fax, Phone or Mail. Click on this link to purchase Winfoil now. Please read the instructions in the file readme.txt in the registered package before installation. Other Payment Options; 1. Mail order Australia only Cheque, Money Order or Credit Card only (Includes GST) $A 40 2. International Mail order Bank Cheque or International Money Order only New Zealand $A 44 All other countries $A 50 Page 176 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Please Make Cheques or Money Orders payable to Winfoil Mailing Address 6 TIBOOBURRA ST ENGADINE NSW 2233 AUSTRALIA A.B.N. 94 003 343 824 Unlocking Winfoil After payment start Winfoil. A Trial Status dialog will popup. Click on the Register tab. Send an email to with your name and the Registration Number displayed on the screen. On receipt of the email the Author will email you an Unlock code to be entered in this screen. Page 177 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Enter the Unlock code and press the Ok button. Registration Benefits Registered users will receive the latest registered version of Winfoil with 200 airfoils, airfoil lift and drag data for a majority of the airfoil (over 5000 data readings!), free technical support and will be sent one free upgrade to the next version when it becomes available. Minor updates can be downloaded free from the Winfoil Web Site at Additional features are also provided with the registered version these include; No limit on the number of airfoils or designs which can be stored in the database DXF export Capability to add own design components Airfoil import & export capability Soartech wind tunnel data import capability Multi User database. Access to the minor upgrades from the Winfoil Web Site. These will be made available only to Registered Users. Upgrades are not backwards compatible. Import functions are provided to import data from previous versions of Winfoil. Only registered users are given access to the import functions. An enormous amount of work has been put into the development of Winfoil and without the support of registered users and their feedback the development of this software would not be possible. The registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time. Anyone distributing WINFOIL for any kind of remuneration must first contact MALCOLM HARDY at the address below for authorisation. You are encouraged to pass an unregistered (only) copy of WINFOIL along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. Please see Registration details and order form in the HELP menu in Winfoil or write to Page 178 Of 236 Winfoil Manual MALCOLM HARDY 6 TIBOOBURRA ST ENGADINE NSW 2233 AUSTRALIA Phone (AH) 61 2 9548 2982 Fax 61 2 9548 2986 or; Internet World Wide Web DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details - some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. Page 179 Of 236 Winfoil Manual ABOUT COMMAND This command displays Copyright information and details on the Software products used to create this program. This screen has been enhanced to also show the mode of operation, memory available and free system resources. Page 180 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Page 181 Of 236 Winfoil Manual DATA BACKUP It is recommended that regular data backups are performed to protect and preserve your data. Data is stored in a Microsoft Access database file. To create a backup; Exit WINFOIL Copy the file WINFOIL.MDB to a floppy disk or another hard disk through File Manager or at the DOS prompt type; COPY WINFOIL.MDB A:\ To recover from a hardware crash or software corruption; Reinstall Winfoil from the original disks. Restore WINFOIL.MDB from your backup floppy disk or another hard disk. Tip If the file is larger than a floppy disk, compress the file using a compression program such as PKZIP or ARJ. These can be downloaded from any Bulletin Board Service or from the Internet. Page 182 Of 236 Winfoil Manual WING CAD EXAMPLE Constant Chord Wing Please note this example assumes that theWing Wizard has not been used, ie it is a new wing or tail design. This simple example illustrates the techniques required to design a wing or tail in Wing CAD using a mouse. In this example a constant chord wing will be designed. As this wing is a constant chord rectangular planform only four points are needed to be defined. These are as follows; 1. Root Leading Edge 2. Root Trailing Edge 3. Tip Leading Edge 4. Tip Trailing Edge It is in this order that the design will be constructed. The wing is designed by adding a chord coordinate pair. Therefore for this design two sets of points are required. One for the root chord and one for the tip chord. For a new design the first set of points is always the root chord. Steps are follows; 1. Enter the wing/tail span. This is the full span of the wing or tail. 2. Select the measurement units by clicking on the appropriate unit of measurement Page 183 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 3. Click on the Add Points Button. 4. Point 1. Move the mouse over the wing design window. Click on the mouse to place the leading edge position of the root chord. It is best to place this near the left upper region of the design window. 5. Point 2. Move the mouse down and click at the desired position for the trailing edge of the root chord. The distance y is the distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge. To obtain a 300 mm root chord, move the mouse down until the y dimension = 300. Each chord of the wing is set as a pair the first or upper point is the leading edge. The lower point is the trailing edge. The vertical direction is the direction to the front of the aircraft. The horizontal direction is the spanwise direction. The wing or tail is always plotted as a half wing or tail (right half). Page 184 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 6. Point 3. Move the mouse in the horizontal direction (to the right) until the x distance is half the span of the wing or tail. Click on the mouse when the vertical position is level with the root chord leading edge. 7. Point 4. Move the mouse in the vertical direction downwards to place the trailing edge tip chord position. Click on the mouse when the vertical position is level with the root chord trailing edge. Page 185 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 8. Click on the wing Save button to save the changes 9. Enter the desired number of ribs per wing/tail half. The minimum number is 2 (root and tip ribs). Spacing is limited to equal spacing. 10.Click on the Redraw button to redraw the wing. The wing layout should look something like this. The linked image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renam ed, or deleted. V erify that the link points to the correct file and location. Page 186 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 11. Click on the Calculate button to calculate the wing area, aspect ratio and mean aerodynamic chord. Other wing shapes are simply a variation of the technique used in the above example. Eg; Swept wing 4 points. Follow the numbering order to add points. Tapered wing 6 points. Follow the numbering order to add points. Th e lin ke d im ag Always add points as a set, Leading Edge first followed by Trailing Edge. Page 187 Of 236 Winfoil Manual SPAR DESIGN EXAMPLE This screen is accessed by selecting the Design List menu item or by clicking on the Design List toolbar button, followed by selecting the CAD Tab and clicking on the Spar Design toolbar button. Simple Three Spar Wing This example illustrates the steps required to design a simple three spar wing. These techniques can be extended to create more complex structures. The wing will consist of three spars; 1. Leading Edge spar. 2. One intermediate spar (Main spar). 3. Trailing Edge spar. The intermediate spar will also have shear webs facing each side of the spar. These transfer shear loads through the spar. The intermediate spar will consist of an upper and lower spar section. The following diagram shows the detail of this design; The design steps are as follows; 1. Add leading edge spar. Select Leading Edge from the spar type dropdown list. This spar is placed at the start of the wing therefore the position is 0%. This spar is full depth and is defaulted to 0. The width set to 0.5 inch No spar web is specified for this spar. If a spar web is required , enter a value for the web thickness. The web will then be placed on the inner face of the spar. To save any changes click on the UPDATE button. To exit without changing , click on the CLOSE button. To view help click on the HELP button. Page 188 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 2. Add intermediate spar. Select Intermediate from the spar type dropdown list. This spar is placed at the point of maximum thickness. This provides the greatest strength for the least weight. To find this location, Click on the At Max. Thickness checkbox . The spar has a depth and width set to 0.25 inch (standard spruce spar stock ie; 6 mm). Because this depth is less than the depth of the airfoil , an upper and lower spar section will be created. Spar webs have been specified as 1/16 inch or 1.5 mm. If this dimension is left as zero , no spar webs will be plotted. To save any changes click on the UPDATE button. To exit without changing , click on the CLOSE button. To view help click on the HELP button. 3. Add trailing edge spar. The linked image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renam ed, or deleted. V erify that the link points to the correct file and location. Page 189 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Select Trailing Edge from the spar type dropdown list. This spar is placed at the desired position. This spar depth defaults to zero as it is a trailing edge spar. The spar width is calculated automatically based on the chordwise starting position. A single spar web is specified as 1/4 inch. This will serve as an aileron spar for the strip ailerons. By default , if a spar web thickness is specified then a single web will be plotted. If this dimension is left as zero , no spar webs will be plotted. To save any changes click on the UPDATE button. To exit without changing , click on the CLOSE button. To view help click on the HELP button. Page 190 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Preferences This screen is accessed from the File Preferences Menu. The following settings can be maintained; Performance Parameters used in the calculation of aircraft performance. Max. Propeller Efficiency is used to calculate Power Available. The typical values are 0.75 (75%) to 0.85 (85%). Max. Lift Coefficient is used to calculate the stall speed. This varies according to the airfoil selected for the design. For non flapped wings this is typically 1.2 to 1.4. For flapped wings this can be in the order of 2.0 to as much as 3.0 where leading edge slats and double slotted flaps are used. Database File name of the database. This setting tells Winfoil where the database file WINFOIL.MDB is located. This enables the database file to be shared over a network for multi user use. By default Winfoil will look for the database in the directory where it was installed if this is not set otherwise it will use the location specified. To select a different file click on the Browse button. If the database cannot be found then you will be prompted to select a valid V2.2 database file. If a valid database is selected this setting will be updated. Printing Printer calibration may be necessary due to the age of the printer or some printer driver inaccuracy. Winfoil V2.2 provides the ability to apply both vertical and horizontal adjustments to Rib and Wing,Fuselage Plan printing. Correction factors for rib and airfoil printing. These are normally set to 1. To increase the length of a rib if the printed output is too short, divide the measured length by the required length. Use this value for the horizontal correction factor. To decrease the length of a rib, divide the measured length by the required length. Use this value for the horizontal correction factor. Similarly for the vertical size enter the appropriate correction factor if incorrect. Page 191 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Before changing the correction factors you should do a Test Print. Select the measurement units either Inches or Millimetres then click on the Test Print button. This action will cause a special test page to be printed. This page has a horizontal line and a vertical line. If Inches was the selected measurement units then each line will marked by one inch intervals. If Millimetres was selected then each line will be marked by 10 millimetre intervals. You will need to measure these to ensure that the intervals are the correct length. If not then enter the appropriate correction factor in the Preferences screen and reprint. Repeat this process until it is correct. Example; Examining the Vertical Line in the Test Print we find that; 1 Interval (10 millimetres) is actually 8 millimetres. Therefore we need to correct the printing in the vertical axis as it is 2 millimetres short. To derive the correction factor; Correction factor = Required length divided by test print length 1.25 = 10 / 8 Therefore we must enter 1.25 as the vertical correction factor. Click on the OK button once set. DXF Export Accuracy of numeric values in DXF exported data. This value is used to format the numbers produced by the DXF export. The default is 4. For Example; 4 decimal places = 1.0000 2 decimal places = 1.00 The Use DOT Line Type checkbox is used in the DXF export for ribs and airfoils. If the CAD program you are using to import the DXF files does not support the DOT line type then you should uncheck this option. The DOT line type is used to plot the airfoil or rib datum line. If this option is unchecked then a Continuous line type will be used for the datum line. The US English Number Format checkbox is used to force the DXF exported file to format all numbers as the English number format. There are a number of Windows CAD programs on the market which do not support international number formats. Winfoil exports numeric data in a format according to the Regional Settings for the PC on which it is run. You may need to check this option if the CAD program you are using to import the DXF file does not support International number formatting. Tools Additional programs which can be run from the Tools Menu. See Tools Tab for more detail. Import/Expor t This setting is used to specify the template Excel spreadsheet file used to export performance data from Winfoil. Winfoil establishes a DDE connection with Excel to export the data to the spreadsheet. You must have Excel installed on your computer for this function to work. If Excel cannot be found an error message will be displayed. The sample excel spreadsheet may be customised to your liking if Page 192 Of 236 Winfoil Manual required. To select a different file click on the Browse button. A new option has been added to select a delimiter character for the export files. This option is required for some countries as numbers are formatted with commas for decimal points and the Winfoil default export delimiter is a comma. In Germany or France a character should be selected which does not represent a thousand seperator or a decimal point. Other This tab enables the Winfoil Utility feature. This feature provides support for long file names and HPGL Export . This feature will only work if the Winfoil Utility has been loaded. It is not provided with the base installation package but can be downloaded from the Winfoil web site at JavaFoil Parameters This tab is used to set the JavaFoil Parameters for the airfoil analysis. To change the settings click on the Change button. To accept the changes made; Click on the OK button. To exit without making any changes; Click on the Cancel button. To modify Winfoil Program Parameters; Click on the Advanced button Page 193 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Tools Tab This tab is used to select other programs as Tool Menu entries in Winfoil. The maximum number of programs which can be selected is 10. The first entry is always Calculator and by default this points to the windows calculator. This entry has a menu shortcut key of Function Key F5. To add or change an entry ; Click on the Change button. This action will open the Tool Setup Screen Page 194 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Tool Setup Screen This screen is used to select a program to be added to the Tool Menu. Two fixed tools are provided. These are; 1. Calculator 2. Recalc Airfoil Properties The calculator can be modified to use whichever calculator program you wish. You cannot delete this tool. The recalc airfoil properties tool cannot be modified. This is used to recalculate the airfoil thickness and camber for every airfoil in the database. If this tool is selected then a prompt will be displayed to confirm that you wish to recalculate the thickness and camber for every airfoil. The following details need to be entered; Name This is the name of the program which will appear in the Tool Menu. If you do not enter this then it will default to the name of the Exe file selected in the Command Line. Command Line This is the file name of the program including the path. To select this you can click on the Browse button to open a Windows File Selection Dialog Box. Working Directory This is an optional parameter. This entry specifies where the working directory for the program will be. In most cases this will not be required to be entered. All settings are saved so that the next time Winfoil is started these programs are available in the Tool menu. Page 195 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Import Winfoil Airfoil Coordinates from another Winfoil Database This function provides the capability to import airfoil coordinates from another Winfoil database. Steps; 1. Select the option and click on the Ok button. 2. Select the registered Winfoil database file. The file name is called winfoil.mdb. If you do not select a valid database file an error message will be displayed and the process will be cancelled. Once selected click on the Ok button. If the import process detects that the airfoil already exists then you will be prompted to either overwrite or skip the airfoil. Page 196 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Import Wing/Tail Designs from another Winfoil V2.1 Database This function provides the capability to import wing and tail designs from a Winfoil V2.1 database. The following data is imported; Wing or Tail coordinates Spar designs Steps; 1. Select the option and click on the Ok button. 2. Select the registered Winfoil database file. The file name is called winfoil.mdb. If you do not select a valid database file an error message will be displayed and the process will be cancelled. Once selected click on the Ok button. If the import process detects that the wing or tail airfoil already exists then you will be prompted to either overwrite or skip the wing or tail. Page 197 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Parameter Maintenance Screen This screen is used to maintain the parameters. The top section of the screen displays the parameter type name and description. Two buttons are provided in this section. Close Button This button closes the screen. Search Button This button is used to search for parameter types. The VCR style buttons are used to scroll through each parameter type. The buttons on the lower half of the screen are used to maintain entries for each parameter. The buttons are; New Button This button is used to create a new entry for a parameter. Page 198 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Edit Button This button is used to edit a parameter entry. This can also be performed by double clicking on an entry. Delete Button This button is used to delete an entry. These buttons are enabled or disabled depending on the type of parameter. Some parameters are allowed to be modified or appended to whilst others are not allowed to be edited at all. Page 199 Of 236 Winfoil Manual How to Create New Design Components The capability to create new design components is provided in the Winfoil Parameter Configuration screen. This feature permits a user to define a new component such as a fuselage former, keel, mast or any type of component they wish. This feature is disabled in the unregistered version of Winfoil. Design components must be assigned to component categories or groups before they can be used. The following table lists which component categories a new type must be added to in order for it to be used in the Design List and CAD screens. Component Type Component Category(Group) which it must be added to Wing eg; wing, tail, spoiler, keel, rudder, windmill blade, propeller blade etc. All Components Fuselage eg; side, top, bottom, hull, body etc. All Components All Wing Components Wing Components if static stability graphs are to be displayed All Fuselage Comps Fuselage Formers eg; bulkhead, former etc. All Components All Fuselage Comps Fuselage Formers Each design component is given a unique identification number which is automatically generated by Winfoil. The identification number is used as a cross reference for the various parameters. It is this number which must be added to each of the Component Categories above. Typically there is a list of items. Each item in the list is delimited by a comma. There must always be a comma separating items in the list. It is recommended that for novice users the database be copied before attempting to modify or add components in case settings are corrupted. For instructions on backing up the database please see Winfoil Database Backup notes. Example 1 - How to create a Fuselage Former Component In this example we are going to create a new fuselage former type which can be selected from the dropdown list of component types in the New Design Screen Page 200 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 1. Open the Preferences screen from the File Preferences menu. 2. Click on the Advanced button. 3. Click on the Search button in the Winfoil Parameter Maintenance screen. 4. Select the Design Components entry and click on the Ok button. 5. Click on the New button in the lower half of the Winfoil Parameter Maintenance screen. 6. In the Parameter Type Screen enter a Short Description for the new component. This component will be called Fuselage Former 5. Page 201 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 7. We will note that the identification number for the new component in this example is 12. We need to enter this number in the appropriate component group. This number will vary depending on the total number of parameters in the database. It is a unique number and is automatically generated by Winfoil. We now click on the Save button to make the change permanent. 8. We will now need to modify the Component Grouping Parameter. In the Winfoil Parameter Maintenance screen we click on the Search button then select Component Grouping and click on the Ok button. 9. We will now select the entry All Components in the Winfoil Parameter Maintenance screen. This category is used for grouping all components used in a design. Page 202 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Click on the Edit button to modify this category. 10. In the Data column we will add the Identification Number of the component that we added in step 7 which was 12. Note that the Items must be separated by commas. We then click on the Save button to make the change permanent. 11. We will now select the entry All Fuselage Comps in the Winfoil Parameter Maintenance . This category is used for grouping all components used in a fuselage. Page 203 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Click on the Edit button to modify this category. 12. We now repeat step 10 and add the identification number for the new component. 13. Finally we will now select the entry Fuselage Formers in the Winfoil Parameter Maintenance screen. This category is for grouping all Fuselage Former components. Page 204 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 14. We again repeat step 10 and add the identification number for the new component in the Parameter Type Maintenance screen. It is now possible to create a Fuselage Former 5 component for a design as shown below. Page 205 Of 236 Winfoil Manual HOW TO TRACE A PICTURE This new feature allows a picture to be loaded into the Design CAD Tab screen to allow a user to trace the picture for a wing, tail or fuselage design. The first example is for a wing or tail design. 1. Select the NEW button in the Design List Tab 2. Enter or select the appropriate data in the ADD WING SCREEN. 3. Click on the ADD button in the ADD WING SCREEN. 4. The WING CAD SCREEN will appear. 5. Input the dimension of the full SPAN of the wing or tail in the SPAN box. 6. Click on the button to load a picture. The picture must be a windows bitmap file. 7. Click on the button to turn off rib redrawing. 8. Click on the button to start adding wing coordinates using the mouse. 9. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button when the selected position has been achieved for a leading edge coordinate using the loaded background picture as a guide. 10. Move the mouse pointer down to add the trailing edge coordinate using the loaded background picture as a guide. Click with the left mouse button again. Remember if you wish to undo or cancel these operations , click on the right mouse button. 11. Continue to repeat steps 8 & 9 until all the necessary points have been added to define the wing or tail shape. 12. Click on the button to accept the changes and redraw the wing or tail. It is quite likely that the wing or tail that has been traced does not have the dimensions required. To rescale the design to match the required dimensions it will be necessary to perform the following steps. 1. Move the mouse pointer over the design and line the pointer up with the wing or tail tip. Page 206 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 2. Read off the x coordinate. 3. Click on the Option button next to the Span box and select the 'Do not Scale' option and click on the Ok button. 4. Enter a number which is double the number recorded in step 2. 5. Click on the Redraw button to redraw the wing or tail. 6. The Wing or tail design should now have the required span. 7. Click on the Save button to save the design. If the design is not in the required horizontal or vertical position on the Design CAD screen you can shift the design to a different position using the following steps. 1. Click on the Select button on the Design CAD toolbar. 2. Click on the Wing or Tail root coordinates. 3. Click and drag the selected coordinates to the desired position. When the mouse button is released the Wing or Tail design will be redrawn in the new position. You can now click on the Save button to save the design. The steps outlined above can also be used to trace a fuselage side or fuselage formers. A screen shot of a fuselage being traced is shown below. Page 207 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Print Preview Winfoil now supports print preview for reports, ribs, wing and tail designs and specifications. Print Preview is available in the Print Airfoil Screen and Print Wing Screen Page 208 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Variable Rib Spacing and Thickness Distribution Tab This tab screen is accessed from the Additional Design Properties toolbar button on the Design CAD Tab . Other Available Tabs Design Additional Properties Tab Screen Design Targets Rib View Wing Sweep 3D View This tab displays the rib number, span wise position (distance along the span from the root of the wing or tail design), spacing between each rib and the rib (airfoil) thickness. The measurement units are those which have been selected for the design. To change the spacing, click on the rib spacing cell and type in the new spacing. The spanwise rib position will automatically be recalculated. To apply the change, click on the Apply button or click on the Close button. To make the rib spacing even click on the Even Spacing button then either click on the Apply or Close buttons. To change the rib (airfoil) thickness, click on the Rib Thickness cell and type in the new thickness. The default thicknesses will be displayed when the screen is first opened. To reset the thickness back to the original, click on the Reset Rib Thickness button. To generate an Elliptical thickness distribution, click on the Elliptical Rib Thickness button. After clicking on the button a screen will be presented prompting the user to enter a tip thickness as a percentage. Page 209 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The elliptical thickness distribution will override the Trailing Edge thickness as the trailing edge thickness is obtained by altering the thickness of the airfoil. Page 210 Of 236 Winfoil Manual How to Modify an Existing Wing Design Steps to modify an existing design using a mouse; 1. Position the plot and scale such that the points which need to be modified can clearly be seen. 2. Click on the button to identify a coordinate pair. 3. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button near the coordinate pair you wish to modify. 4. A grey rectangle will appear framing the coordinate pair. 5. To move the coordinate pair, position the mouse pointer within the frame. Whilst holding the left mouse button down, drag the frame to the desired position, then let go of the left mouse button. This action will shift the position of the wing coordinate pair. 6. To move one of the coordinates belonging to the pair (you may only shift the coordinate up or down) click on the grey HANDLE and drag it up or down to the desired position. Either of the above actions will automatically save the changes. To undo the change, click on the button. To move the entire wing or tail ; 1. Position the plot and scale such that the wing or tail root is visible. (Rib 1) 2. Click on the button to identify a coordinate pair. 3. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button near the wing or tail root (Rib 1). 4. A grey rectangle will appear framing the coordinate pair. 5. Position the mouse pointer within the frame. Whilst holding the left mouse button down, drag the frame to the desired position, then let go of the left mouse button . This action will shift the position of the entire wing or tail. Steps to modify an existing design using keyboard data entry; 1. Position the plot and scale such that the points which need to be modified can clearly be seen. 2. Click on the button to identify a coordinate pair. Page 211 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 3. Click on the button to show the wing coordinates screen. 4. Move the mouse pointer over the wing window and click with the left mouse button near the coordinate pair you wish to modify. 5. A grey rectangle will appear framing the coordinate pair and the coordinates will automatically be displayed in the WING COORDINATES SCREEN 6 Change these coordinates as required and click on the UPDATE button. 7. When finished, click on the CLOSE button in the WING COORDINATES SCREEN. Page 212 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Performance Analysis Winfoil has the ability to determine the performance of an aircraft design. The performance characteristics that are calculated are Stall Speed Maximum Speed Maximum Lift to Drag ratio and speed Minimum Sink Speed Wing Loading Power Loading The performance can be determined before or after the aircraft components are designed. If the performance is determined after the components are designed then the wing, tail areas and drag coefficients can be loaded from the designs otherwise these have to be manually entered. The Design Properties screen in the Design Cad screen will display the values entered in the Drag Breakdown for the matching component. This is useful when designing a wing, tail or fuselage component to match the required design performance. The calculation units can be changed at any time by selecting different units in the Drag Breakdown screen. Calculation units can be a combination of metric and imperial so you can have metric units on the Details tab and imperial on the Drag Breakdown tab. Winfoil will automatically cater for the different units. The performance of the design can be printed from the File Print menu item or by clicking on the Print Toolbar button. The performance calculation relies on input of the following parameters Aircraft Configuration (Details Tab) Aircraft Weight (Details Tab) Maximum Engine Power (Details Tab) Maximum Wing Lift Coefficient (Drag Breakdown Tab) Propeller Efficiency (Drag Breakdown Tab) Flat Plate Area (Drag Breakdown Tab) The Maximum Wing Lift Coefficient is the estimated maximum for the wing and is used to calculate the stall speed. Typically for an un-flapped wing this would be around 1.3. It will be higher if the wing has leading edge and/or trailing edge flaps or slots. Winfoil will default this value to 1.3. The Propeller Efficiency is the estimated maximum propeller efficiency for the maximum speed calculation. This value is typically around 0.75. Winfoil will default this value to 0.8. The Aircraft Configuration is used to determine which items appear in the Drag Breakdown tab. Therefore it is important to select the correct configuration. Page 213 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Determining the performance of a scale Gee-Bee Z Electric R/C Pylon Racer This tutorial will describe the steps required to estimate the performance. The performance is determined after creating the design components (Wing, Horizontal and Vertical Tail surfaces). The dimensions of the model and power requirements were determined prior to creating the components and are based on an existing R/C design. Create a Wing Design Open the Design List screen. (File -> Design List menu item or CTRL D keys or click on the Design List toolbar button ) Click on the No button when prompted to use the Wing Design Wizard. The wing design will be traced from a 3 view drawing of the Gee Bee Z Wing. Enter the Design name as Gee Bee Z. All design components must use the same name so that they are grouped together. Select Wing type form the Type dropdown list. Select inches as the measurement units. Select the root and tip airfoils (Clark Y) Press the Add button. Click on the CAD tab to draw the wing design. After clicking on the CAD tab you will be prompted to enter the wing span. Enter 60 in the Span box. Click on the Add Points toolbar button the popup menu. or right click and select Add Wing Points from Click on the CAD screen to add the points which will define the outline of the wing. Points are always added as pairs beginning with the leading edge and ending with the trailing edge. Once the first point is added two guide lines will be displayed. The first will indicate the root chord position and the last the tip chord position. Add the second pair of points at the tip chord position. It does not matter if this coordinate pair is not exactly at the tip. Page 214 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The CAD screen should look like this picture below. Next we will adjust the tip coordinate. Click on the Enter Points from Keyboard toolbar button Wing Coords from KeyBoard menu item. Click on the Select Points keyboard button menu item. or right click and select Enter or right click and select the Select Points Next click on the CAD tab pane to select the tip wing coordinates. Page 215 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The screen should look like the picture below. Enter 30 for the X value and press the Update button. This action will move the tip coordinate pair to the tip of the wing design. Next step is to get a picture of the wing to trace. A screen shot of a DXF drawing of the Gee Bee is captured using the ALT-PRTSCRN buttons and this image is pasted into Windows Paint. This image is cropped to a size that would fit within the pane of the CAD tab. The size of this image does not have to be precise. The CAD pane can be scrolled if required. Page 216 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The trace image looks like this The picture is loaded into the CAD tab pane by pressing the Load Picture toolbar button The CAD pane will look like the following. Page 217 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Next step is to align the wing design with the picture. Press the Select Points toolbar button then select the root rib. The CAD pane will look like the following. Click the mouse once within the grey bounding rectangle and drag this so that it lines up with the centerline of the wing picture. After releasing the button the wing will move to the new position lining up with the centerline of the picture. Page 218 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The next task is to rescale the wing so that the tip will match the wing picture. This is done by setting the span to the appropriate size. Moving the mouse over the CAD pane so that it is over the furthest extremity of the tip gives an X value of 81.496 inches. This is the distance from the centerline to the wing tip. Page 219 Of 236 Winfoil Manual The span needs to be increased to 2 times the X value which is 162.99. This value is entered as the span. The default setting for the span changes is to rescale the wing and maintain the aspect ratio. Click on the Redraw Wing toolbar button the wing drawing. to refresh Page 220 Of 236 Winfoil Manual After doing this the CAD pane will look like the picture below. The wing tip reference line now lines up with the wing picture wing tip. Now we can add wing coordinates and adjust the existing coordinates so that the wing shape matches the picture. Click on the Add Wing Points toolbar button to add new points. Coordinates are added as pairs starting with the leading edge and finishing with the trailing edge. To edit a coordinate pair press the Select toolbar button . Click on the coordinates you wish to alter then click on the grey handles to move the leading or trailing edge coordinate. Alternatively open the Enter Points from the Keyboard toolbar button. Select the points and change them in this screen. Page 221 Of 236 Winfoil Manual After adding the remaining points the CAD pane will look like the picture below. The next step is to rescale the wing so that it has the wing span that was originally required of 60 inches. To do this the span is changed back to 60 inches and the Save toolbar button The wing design can then be magnified by pressing the Zoom In button appropriate size on the screen. is pressed. so that it is an Page 222 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Winfoil will have calculated the wing area, aspect ratio and Mean Aerodynamic Chord location. Create a Vertical Tail Design The steps taken to design the wing are repeated for the vertical tail resulting in the design shown below. Page 223 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Create a Horizontal Tail Design Similarly for the horizontal tail resulting in the design shown below. Page 224 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Create a Specification for the Gee Bee Z This design is available from the Winfoil web site from the following link Click on one of the items in the Design List screen and click on the New button in the Details Tab. Click on the No button when prompted to use the Wing Design Wizard. Enter the name (same name as the components eg; Gee Bee Z). Select Specification as the type from the Type dropdown list. Select the measurement units. Click Ok. A blank Details tab will be displayed. Select the type of aircraft (Pylon Racer) Select the configuration (Monoplane) Enter the estimated gross weight of the design (3.5 Kg) Enter the maximum power that the engine will provide (1.5 Kw ) Complete the Drag Breakdown Click on the Drag Breakdown tab. Items are edited/changed by double clicking or selecting an item and pressing the Change button. Page 225 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Pressing the Default button will reset the list and clear any settings that you have entered. Wing Item Double click on this item. Press the Lookup button. Winfoil will automatically load the drag coefficient and wing area values from the wing design for the Gee Bee Z. You can manually override these values and can select a different airfoil if required. Press the Ok button to save the details. Fuselage Item Double click on this item. Press the Lookup button. Winfoil will display a popup screen for determining the drag coefficient for a fuselage. The length of the fuselage is 37 inches and the maximum diameter is 10 inches. Entering these values results in a drag coefficient of 0.05. The area is manually calculated based on the maximum fuselage cross section which is circular. As with the other drag breakdown items the drag coefficient and area can be overridden. Press the Ok button to save the details. Page 226 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Undercarraige Legs Double click on this item. Press the Lookup button. Winfoil will display a message box with the a question regarding the fairing around the undercarriage leg. The Gee Bee Z undercarriage has a streamline fairing and wheel pants. The Yes button is pressed and the drag coefficient of 0.3 is selected. The frontal area of the undercarriage legs is estimated as 12.59 sq. inches and entered. Press the Ok button to save the details. Page 227 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Wheels Double click on this item. Press the Lookup button. Winfoil will automatically determine a drag coefficient for a wheel of 0.7 The exposed frontal area of the wheels is estimated as 1 sq. inch and entered. Press the Ok button to save the details. Control Horns Double click on this item. Press the Lookup button. Winfoil will automatically determine a drag coefficient for a control horn of 1.0 The exposed frontal area of the control horns is estimated as 0.2 sq. inches and entered. Press the Ok button to save the details. Horizontal Tail Double click on this item. Press the Lookup button. Winfoil will automatically load the drag coefficient and wing area values from the horizontal tail design for the Gee Bee Z. Press the Ok button to save the details. Vertical Tail Double click on this item. Press the Lookup button. Winfoil will automatically load the drag coefficient and wing area values from the vertical tail design for the Gee Bee Z. Press the Ok button to save the details. As each item is entered the performance is automatically calculated. None of the drag items are mandatory however the more detail that is entered, the more accurate the performance analysis. Leaving the mouse pointer over the Drag Breakdown list will display a popup window displaying the calculated performance of the design. Page 228 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Report A report can be printed from the File Print menu item or by clicking on the Print toolbar button. Export Performance Analysis The performance data can be exported two different ways. 1. Export directly to Excel. You must have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer to use this feature. Click on the Export toolbar button or select the File Export menu item. Select the Design Performance Data to Excel Spreadsheet option. Select the name of the design from the dropdown name list. Page 229 Of 236 Winfoil Manual Click on the Ok button. You will then be prompted to select the Excel program file Excel.exe. This will normally be installed in the c:\Program Files\Microsoft\Office folder on your computer. You will need to select this file. After doing this Excel will be started and the data will be transferred to a new Excel Worksheet as shown below Page 230 Of 236 Winfoil Manual 2. Export performance report to PDF, Excel, Text, RTF, HTML or TIFF. Open the Design List screen. Select the design specification in the tree list on the left most side of the screen. Click on the Drag Breakdown tab. Click on the Print toolbar button or Select the File Print menu item. This action will generate the Performance Report. Press the F6 function key. You will then be able to select the required export format. The Excel export option does not need Excel to be installed on the computer in order to generate the output. If you are going to apply additional formatting or wish to edit the exported data it is recommended that you export the data using option 2 and select the HTML export. You can then open the HTML file in Excel 2007 or 2010 and apply the formatting. You can then save it in Excel format or copy and paste it into Microsoft Word or other Word processing software. Page 231 Of 236 Winfoil Manual WINFOIL 4.0 This version of WINFOIL is planned to be developed using Microsoft Visual Basic.Net and will support the new capabilities which will be available in the Microsoft Longhorn Operating System. Page 232 Of 236 Winfoil Manual TECHNICAL SUPPORT Data Backups Error Handling in Winfoil 3.0 has been enhanced to provide the capability for the user to either abort Winfoil, ignore the error and continue or retry the same program instruction when an error occurs. There is now also an option to send an email to the Author containing the error information. This information includes the data that the variables contained at the time to help the Author investigate the cause of the error. A screen shot of the Error dialogue box is shown below. Support is available by phone or mail to the address / telephone number as stated below for Registered Users. Any serious program bugs will be fixed free of charge. In the case of specific hardware or software problems , the author may choose not to modify the program. In that case , if a problem is reported within three months after purchase , the author will refund the user's purchase price. Updates for the registered version of Winfoil are available from the Winfoil Updates Page Page 233 Of 236 Winfoil Manual If you have any problems with WINFOIL please contact ; Malcolm Hardy Week Days After Hours (weekends anytime) on (02) 9548 2982 (International 61 2 95482982) Fax (02) 95482986 (International 61 2 95482986) Internet or write to the following address; 6 Tibooburra St Engadine NSW 2233 Australia Please provide information on your PC Hardware configuration; eg type 486 ,version of Windows software, AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS files and error message when the fault occurred. Please also supply the version number and build number. These are displayed on the ABOUT COMMAND screen. Winfoil has extensive error trapping routines built in. If an error does occur which is trappable then a messagebox will appear with a reference to the subroutine or function , module name and error condition . Page 234 Of 236 Winfoil Manual INDEX 3D View, 105 ABOUT, 180 ADD WING, 78 Airfoil CAD Tab, 54 AIRFOIL CAD TOOLBAR FUNCTIONS, 55 Airfoil Comments, 33 Airfoil Comparison, 46 Airfoil Coordinates Tab, 38 Airfoil List, 24 Airfoil Performance, 47 Airfoil Polar Graph, 43 AIRFOIL SEARCH, 28 Airfoil Tab, 25 CalcFoil airfoil PEF File Import, 145 CAMBER, 57 CHANGE WING, 79 COPY, 173 COPY AIRFOIL, 29 COPY WING, 124 COPYRIGHT, 180 CUT, 172 DATA BACKUP, 182 DATA RECOVERY, 182 Delete Coordinate Pair in AIRFOIL CAD, 64 Design Additional Properties Tab Screen, 99 Design CAD Tab, 89 Design List, 69, 70, 71 Design List Tabs, 72 Design Picture Screen, 76 Design Scaling Option, 98 Design Targets, 101 Detail Tab, 74 Directory, 139 Drag Breakdown Tab, 80 Drag Coefficient Lookup for Fuselage Screen, 82 DXF DEFINITION, 169 DXF Export, 133 DXF FILE, 169 Edit Drag Breakdown Item, 83 Enter Airfoil Coordinates in Airfoil CAD, 65 EXIT, 170 Export Airfoil Coordinates in Eppler 100 Format, 160 Export Airfoil Coordinates in Eppler Format, 158 Export Airfoil Coordinates in Soartech Format, 157 Export Airfoil Coordinates in Winfoil Format, 155 Export Airfoil Performance Data in Winfoil Format, 163 EXPORT DATA, 141 Export Design, 164 Export Performance Analysis, 229 Export Performance Data to an Excel Spreadsheet, 161 Export to DXF, 168 EXPORT TO DXF FILE, 169 FIND, 28 Fixed chord position, 127 HANDLE, 94 HELP, 175 HORIZONTAL TAIL DESIGN, 110 HORIZONTAL TAIL SIZING, 110 HOW TO ADD COORDINATES, 61 How to Create New Design Components, 200 How to Modify an Existing Wing Design, 211 How_to_trace_a_picture, 206 HPGL Export, 167 Import, 139 Import Airfoil Performance Data, 143 IMPORT DATA, 137 Import Eppler 100 Format Airfoil Coordinates, 140 IMPORT EPPLER FORMAT, 151 Import Files, 139 IMPORT WINFOIL AIRFOIL COORDINATES, 150 Import Winfoil airfoil coordinates from another Winfoil database, 196 Import Winfoil Design, 147 Import Wing/Tail designs from another Winfoil V2.1 database, 197 Index, 1 INTRODUCTION, 8 JavaFoil Airfoil PEF File Import, 145 JavaFoil Parameters, 36 Lift Drag Data Maintenance Tab, 50 Lift Graph Tab, 48 Lift to Drag Ratio Tab, 87 LIFT/DRAG DATA, 122 LIFT/DRAG DATA IMPORT, 153 LIFT/DRAG DATA MAINTENANCE, 52 LOCATE, 28 Lookup Airfoil Performance Data, 47 Page 235 Of 236 Winfoil Manual MDI, 62 MENU COMMANDS, 23 MIRROR, 59 Modification of an Airfoil Coordinate Pair in AIRFOIL CAD, 63, 121 MODIFY AIRFOIL, 57 MODIFYING AIRFOIL THICKNESS, 58 NACA Wizard, 30 Overlay Airfoil, 60 OVERVIEW, 8 PASTE, 174 Performance Analysis, 213 Performance Popup Box, 88 Performance Tab, 84 polar analysis, 34 Power Required Tab, 86 Preferences, 191 PRINT, 131 PRINT AIRFOIL, 131 PRINT AIRFOIL TO CLIPBOARD, 66 PRINT COORDINATES, 131 Print Preview, 208 PRINT RIBS, 133 Print skin, 136 PRINT WING, 133 PRINT WING PANEL, 114 PRINT WING PLANFORM, 133 PRINT WING SPECS, 133 PRINT/PLOT AIRFOIL, 66 PRINTER SETUP, 144 PROGRAM FAULTS, 233 REGISTRATION, 176, 177, 178, 179 RENAME AIRFOIL, 32 REYNOLDS NUMBER GRAPH, 112 Rib View, 102 SAFEGUARD, 182 SEARCH, 28 SEARCH FOR WING, 125 Select, 139 Select Import Directory, 139 SELECT WING PANEL, 114 SHEAR WEBS, 128 Soartech, 115 SPAR DESIGN, 128 Spar Design Example, 188 SPAR DETAIL DESIGN, 126 System Requirements, 12 TECHNICAL SUPPORT, 233 THICKNESS, 58 Tool Setup Screen, 195 TOOLBAR, 21 Tools Tab, 194 Trailing Edge thickness, 100 TROUBLESHOOTING, 233 UIUC Low Speed Airfoil Tests, 115 UNDO EDIT, 171 Unlocking Winfoil, 177 Variable Rib spacing, 107 Variable Rib Spacing Tab, 209 VERIFY AIRFOIL SELECTION, 130 Version History, 16 VERTICAL TAIL SIZING, 108 WINFOIL 2.1, 232 Wing CAD Example, 183 WING CAD TOOL BAR, 92 WING COORDINATES, 132 WING DESIGN, 95 WING SEARCH, 125 Wing Sweep, 104 WING WIZARD, 77 Page 236 Of 236