October 2015 - Winnipeg School Division


October 2015 - Winnipeg School Division
L. Krosney
D. Di Fabrizio
2 Sargent Park Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 0V8
Phone: 204-775-8985
Fax: 204-786-5859
V. Big George
Sargent Park is off to another great start to the school
year. Staff and students have settled back into daily
school routines and our students have enthusiastically
embraced the extra-curricular activities and events being
offered by our dedicated staff. The Junior and Senior
High Students were out running daily preparing for their
first Cross Country meet at Kildonan Park. Junior/Senior
High volleyball season is also well underway with
tournaments in October for both the Junior/Senior High
girls and Junior/Senior High boys. Our school
fundraising activities kicked off with Junior/Senior High
Activity Day and the Terry Fox run which were a huge
success. Our students continue to demonstrate their
dedication and support to cancer research by raising
funds through their active participation in the Terry Fox
their dedication to learning, and for coming to school
prepared to do their best. Our students always represent
Sargent Park with distinction. We currently have three
grade six students attending the STEAM Enrichment
Centre Program. The STEAM Enrichment Centre
Program invites students from the Winnipeg School
Division to participate in an experiential learning
program that focuses on excellence in Science,
Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math Education.
Congratulations to our outstanding grade two teacher,
Mrs. S. Macfarlane Penner who will be presented with
the 2015 University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education
Alumni Association, Excellence in Teaching Award.
Her commitment to providing quality instruction for
students is commendable.
Families, please take note of the important dates and
events happening in October. Some of these events
include Digital Citizenship week, “Everybody has the
Right” week, volleyball, cross country, Halloween and
Thanksgiving. It will be another month of exciting
sporting events and fun learning activities.
It was wonderful to see the teacher-family connections
being made at our Meet-the-Staff night. It was nice to see
families take advantage of the opportunity to meet their
child’s classroom teacher and to learn about their child’s
educational programming for the year. We believe in
working with our Sargent Park families to provide the
best possible school experiences for their child and
encourage involvement in our school programs. Our
Sargent Park Parent Teacher Association plays an active
role in our school and supports many school activities.
The next Parent Teacher Association meeting is on
October 7 at 6:00 PM in the staffroom with child care
being provided. Thank you to all our Sargent Park
families who support the school in a variety of ways such
as volunteering in classrooms, supporting fund raising
activities and attending school events.
We also want to acknowledge our incredible students for
Yours in education,
Vera Big George, Vice Principal
Luba Krosney, Principal
Dino Di Fabrizio, Vice Principal
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use
to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
Elementary French
Music grades 1,2,3,7
Welcome back to school. It is a joy to see the
hallways of Sargent Park, once again brimming over
with enthusiastic students!
Welcome to another year of French! Each grade
4-6 class has three periods of French a cycle. We
are using a program called "Histoires en Action". In
this program vocabulary is taught with the use of
actions/gestures. Each grade will be learning a play
as the year progresses. We will also be learning or
reviewing the alphabet, numbers, colours and other
basic vocabulary through activities, songs and
games. Students are encouraged to participate and
speak French as much as possible. I hope that your
child is able to share some of the vocabulary which
he/she has learned, with you.
Welcome to the grade one students. It is a pleasure
to get reacquainted with the grade 2s and 3s. We are
starting the year with rhythm and note value.
Grade 7 classes are beginning to learn the first "E"
string on the guitar followed by the "A" chord. They
will also be learning the history of Rock and Roll beginning with the 50s.
Sargent Park rocks!
Stay tuned......
Mme. Koots
Ms. Fink
Elementary Physical
Elementary Soccer
Hello Sargent Park Families! It’s
great to be back at school and working with your
children in the elementary gym. In September,
students have been getting back into the routines and
activities in the gym. The primary grades have been
focusing on spatial awareness by learning to
participate in activities safely with and without
equipment. The intermediate grades have learned
how to complete Workout of the Day, which improves
cardiovascular endurance and strength. They are
also focusing on kicking, through participation in
various kicking activities and soccer type games.
In October, all kindergarten to grade 5 students will
complete the Fundamental Movement Skills
Assessment program. They will be assessed on
transport skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping,
and skipping), manipulative skills (rolling, bouncing,
catching, throwing, striking, and kicking), and balance
skills (static and dynamic). The goal of this
assessment program is to help students develop the
movement skills and improve their confidence to
participate in a variety of physical activities.
A reminder that all students in grades 4 to 6 are
required to change into gym clothes for every class
and extra-curricular activity. A t-shirt and shorts
should be brought to school on Monday and taken
home on Friday to be washed. For safety reasons, no
jewelry should be worn in the gym.
Mrs. Florendo & Ms. Grosbrink
The grade 5 and 6 soccer program is well underway.
Players that have been attending mandatory
practices at lunch and fulfilling their responsibilities in
the classroom, will be invited to represent Sargent
Park at the divisional tournaments to be held at the
Tec Voc fields this month. Permission slips will be
sent home and required to be signed and returned to
school in order for your child to participate.
The tournament dates are as follows:
Grade 5 Boys – Mon., Oct. 5 morning (day 2)
Grade 5 girls – Wed. Oct. 7 morning (day 4)
Grade 6 girls – Wed., Oct. 14 afternoon (day 2)
Grade 6 boys – Fri., Oct. 16 morning (day 4)
We thank all the students who have come out to
work hard to improve their skills.
Go Flames Go!
Mrs. Florendo & Mrs. Boyd
We are off to another great start in the Sargent
Park band program. Our new grade 7 players
should have instruments assigned to them now and
you should be hearing some interesting sounds at
home. This is an exciting time as we all figure out
how to get the best tone on our instruments; please
have patience with students as they work through
their first sounds - we all started this way!
Our uniform for band (and choir) is the Sargent
Park Music shirt. It is a long-sleeved green cotton
shirt with our flame/music crest on it. It is the
standard uniform expected at all concerts, festivals
and other appearances. Music shirts are $16,
which you may bring to Mrs. Martens or
Miss Allard. The shirts will arrive in a few weeks'
time. Students may wear any dark-coloured pants
with the shirt.
Also in grade 7 we ask for an $8 band fee. A letter
was sent home with grade 7 students explaining
this fee and how it helps us replenish the many
band accessories and cleaning supplies our
students need.
Grade 9 students first appearance will be at our
school's Remembrance Day service in November. Band students of all ages should be playing
OUT side of class once or twice a week in order to
make progress in their playing!
Ms. Martens, Junior High Band
We have all heard that "Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day." It is the meal that you
have first thing in the morning and it can be as
simple or as complicated as you make it. When
everyone is in a hurry to get a good start on the
day, parents and caregivers would like the
members of their household eat a nutritious meal
that is simple and doesn't take a long time to
make. You can involve all members of the
household to participate in help making breakfast.
Below is a recipe that our Grade 8 students will be
making in the Foods & Nutrition course. Hopefully,
you will give this recipe a sample and have your
child make it for breakfast on the weekend. This
recipe covers all four food groups and has many
nutrients in it. Enjoy, and remember to give
compliments to the cook for making it.
2 - 3 large hamburger buns
(1/2 per person)
tbsp. tomato sauce
1/4 tsp. oregano
tbsp. shredded
mozzarella cheese
slice ham diced
small roma tomato diced
extra large eggs, scrambled
1/4 green pepper diced
We would like to
invite all parents/
guardians to come
out to our first Parent
Teacher Association
meeting and Annual
General meeting on
Wednesday, October the 7th at 6:00 pm in the staff
room. Babysitting is provided at no charge and coffee
and refreshments are served. It is a wonderful way
to meet and talk with other parents and school administration, in a relaxed atmosphere. We hope to
see new and familiar faces at this years meeting.
Lilja Tonnellier
P.T.A. Chair
Toast hamburger buns under broiler until it is a
light golden brown and remove from oven.
Mix together tomato sauce and oregano in a
small bowl.
Spoon 1 tbsp. of sauce mixture onto each
toasted hamburger bun half spreading right
to the edges.
Top each toasted bun half with scrambled egg,
diced tomato, diced green pepper, diced
ham and shredded mozzarella cheese.
Bake at 350°F for approx. 3 to 5 mins. or until
cheese is melted and toppings are heated
Serves 4 to 6 people. Enjoy!
Safety of our students is a priority at Sargent
Park School, and we would like to make you and
your children aware of some of the hazards
around the school. In order to help keep our
students safe, and minimize traffic congestion,
we are asking those who drive their children to
school to approach the school from Wellington
Avenue on Dominion Street towards Sargent
Avenue. Those who drop off Elementary
students would continue to Sargent Avenue, and
those who drop off Junior/Senior High students
would turn right (West) on Sargent Park Place to
then turn right onto Downing, travelling North
towards Wellington Avenue.
A reminder that the speed limit around school
zones is 30 km per hour from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30
p.m. There is signage indicating the speed limit
at the Sargent and Dominion intersection.
Please think safety when driving through school
Sargent Park School
Sargent Park Pl.
School patrols will be on duty at the
corners of Sargent and Dominion,
Dominion and Sargent Park Place, and Dominion and
Wellington at 8:40 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Please do not
send your children earlier than patrol times for safety
reasons. For more information or severe weather
conditions, please refer to the Handbook.
Families, please watch for the Student Description
Form which will be sent home with students in early
September. It is important for the school to have
up-to-date contact information. Families are asked
to ensure all information on the Student Description
Form is correct and the form is signed.
The school also needs families to review and sign the
consent forms attached to the Student Description
The signed forms must be returned promptly to the
Celebrating diversity
and making the world
a better place
October 13 - 16, 2015
The Sargent Park PTA Lunch
Program welcomes all returning and
new registered lunch program
For those parents who are not aware
of the Lunch Program and why it
exists I hope the following explanation will help. The
Winnipeg School Division does not provide child care for
your children during the lunch hour. No elementary
students are allowed at school during the lunch hour
unless they are at a supervised activity (like intramural
sports, special interest club) or are registered in the Lunch
Program. The Lunch Program at Sargent Park is owned
and operated by the Sargent Park PTA. We provide a
child care service for those parents in need of care and
supervision for their children during the lunch hour. The
fees charged cover the salaries paid to the staff who
provide daily supervision each and every school day; as
well as other expenses the Lunch Program incurs caring
for the children. The fees charged are in-line with other
school lunch programs in the Winnipeg School Division
and have not increased for full time users in almost 20
Now that I have explained why we exist I must advise
that our Lunch Program is not accepting any more
registrations. Unless you have already registered this
year or have made arrangements pending your finalized
registration with Mrs. Pooley, you must find alternative
lunch hour child care. We have limited physical space and
it is currently full. For those parents who have not
finalized their payment methods or whose fees are unpaid,
your child’s space cannot be held. Payment of fees must
be met for your registration to be considered finalized.
REMINDER: Please do not send peanut/nut products
or fish/shellfish to the Lunch Program with your child.
Due to life threatening food allergies we request that these
items not be included in your child's Lunch. Your
cooperation is appreciated.
REHEATING OF LUNCHES: This is an important
issue and parents need to make changes to the types of
lunches they send with their children. The Lunch
Program is a lunch
service. The fees
charged are for the
child supervision that
is provided. Please do
not send food that
needs to be reheated
every day. Our lunch program is huge and your child
should only be requiring microwave services once a week
at most. The time just does not allow for large numbers of
children needing their lunches reheated every day. Also,
please do not send food that is frozen. All food to be
reheated should be thawed. We suggest that parents/
guardians heat the food at home and send it in a thermos
type container to keep it hot.
If reheating food is interfering with our ability to
provide quality supervision then we will choose quality
supervision over reheating food. We have sent notes
home in the past regarding this issue and there are
those who cooperate but the message is not getting to
Parents/guardians should be providing their children with
everything they need to eat their lunch such as forks,
spoons, plates, containers etc…,the Lunch Program will
not be providing those type of items.
Please come: All parents who use this child care service
should try to attend the scheduled PTA meetings held a
few times throughout the year. This will allow you to not
only stay involved with your child's school and informed
about your child's education, but also meet other parents
in a supportive friendly atmosphere. The PTA meetings
are important in ensuring that the Sargent Park PTA can
continue operating the Lunch Program that you need.
Milk: In the past the Lunch Program was able to provide
a subsidized milk program through the school division.
The program will start on Monday October 5th and notes
regarding this program and the fees due will have already
been given to the Lunch Program students by the time
you are reading this newsletter. Orders and payments for
this program must be made on time to be included in the
milk program.
Thank you for your time,
Barb Pooley
Coordinator of the Sargent Park
PTA Lunch Program
Bell Schedule
8:40 a.m.
8:50 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:10-10:25 a.m.
10:40-10:55 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:00 noon
12:45 p.m.
12:55 p.m.
2:10-2:25 p.m.
2:40-2:55 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Adult supervision on school grounds
Elementary students enter school
O’ Canada/Announcements
Gr. 1, 3, 5 Recess
Gr. 2, 4, 6 Recess
N/K dismissal
Gr. 1-6 dismissal
Adult supervision on school grounds
Elementary students enter school
Gr. 1, 3, 5 recess
Gr. 2, 4, 6 recess
N-Gr. 6 dismissal
Junior/Senior High
8:50 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
12:40 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Jr/Sr High students enter school
O’ Canada/Announcements
Jr/Sr High lunch starts
Jr/Sr High students enter school
Jr/Sr High classes start
8:40- 8:55 a.m.
12:00-12:10 p.m.
12:45-12:55 p.m.
3:30- 3:45 p.m.
Patrols on Duty
Patrols on Duty
Patrols on Duty
Patrols on Duty
Please impress upon your children the importance of
crossing the street with the patrols. Our students patrol at
the intersections of Sargent and Dominion, Sargent Park
Place and Dominion, and at Wellington and Dominion.
Attendance/Call Back
Student attendance is important! Consistent attendance is
an essential component of a student’s success.
Commitment to school attendance not only sets a positive
tone for all students, but also helps them to efficiently
manage their time, meet assignment deadlines, and
develop good work habits.
In the event that your child must be absent from school
on a given day or part of a day, please notify the school
before 9:00 a.m. Please identify yourself, giving your
child’s name, teacher’s name, and reason for the absence.
A call home may be made by school personnel during
school hours if parents have failed to notify the school of
a student’s absence.
Students are expected to report to class on time.
Attendance is taken both in the morning and the
If your student requires early dismissal for an
appointment, please send a note on the day of the
appointment stating the time by which the student
should be waiting in the office and who will be picking up
the student.
Newsletter Information
The monthly newsletter contains information about the
school including a monthly calendar of school events.
The newsletter is sent home on the last day of each
month and is posted on our website. Our school agenda
also gives you pertinent data about Sargent Park School.
Please review this information together with your
School Arrival
Outdoor supervision for elementary students begins at
8:40 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Children should arrive five
minutes before bell times which are 8:50 a.m. and 12:55
p.m. Please do not send children back early after lunch to
play. Lunch room staff supervise only those children who
pay to stay in the lunch program.
It is expected that students will go directly home or to a
designated location at dismissal time. Please have a 3:30
p.m. plan for your children in case your regular routine
Student Pick-Up and Drop-off
Parents and guardians who are stopping or parking their
vehicles while dropping their children off are reminded to
do so in an appropriate and legal fashion.
Stop signs on buses picking up and dropping off children
must always be respected. Anyone not stopping when a
school bus has its stop sign and lights activated may be
subject to a fine under the Highway Traffic Act.
Health Concerns
If your child has any health concerns, for example, an
EPIPEN, puffer, or medication, please inform the office so
we can be prepared to act promptly if required. Parents
who wish the school to administer medication must get a
form from the school office for their doctor to complete.
All medication is to be left in the school office. It is the
parent’s responsibility to refill prescriptions and to notify
the office if there is a change in the medication.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Please note that cell phones and all personal electronic
devices are not to be used in the school and should be
locked in each student’s locker. When possible we ask
that these items not be brought to school and remain
safely at home.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Day 2
Day 1 3
Pizza Day
Gr 4-6 Girls
HPV #1
Day 7
Gr 4&6
Elementary, Junior
and Senior High
Run Week
PTA Meeting @
6:00 staffroom
Day 9
Day 6 10
Pizza Day
Fundraising &
Cross Country
Jr. Girls Volleyball
Digital Citizenship Week
13 Day 1
14 Day 2
15 Day 3
Bus Ridership
9:30 - 11:00
Rm 24, 26 & 27
to - 2:00
J. H. Volleyball
season begins
Thanksgiving Day
Day 4 11
Pizza Day
Deer Meadow Farm
7 -8 Interim
Reports Home
Gr 7-8 Interim
Reports Home
Gr. 7 Boys
Volleyball Tournament
E v er yb od y H as T he Rig h t Wee k
21 Day 1
22 Day 2
Pizza Day
Day 3 12
J R .B OYS 2
26 Day 4 27 Day 5
28 Day 6
29 Day 1
Day 2
Jr/Sr High Dance
Gr. 7 Pumpkin
1-6 Parade
Pizza Day
19 Day 5 20 Day 6