Dido This interview with Dido first appeared in
Dido This interview with Dido first appeared in
q, . -3il':S r ::l "r'r'". F\ idofl -{nHeF!;}IT',rl'8,e,- Faithless n€rruE*"'T Ll ff"a=;, T 6 f ;'#l€ . VoicellRibBi rtUffiffii^ trt^W1+.li . The H' - +14.t t-iffi H!DidoA[ Et€.frftffi',f B!,H " tffi+Et+tE-X*=E nEhE,-JiLJL+xE+EH, l tb'trd : tH tsE$t+ tE )iil ffi EklF ft,tr 6'!'lE)E, X@+C + h-+ F.,'fe , m+nrEHHF,f ?f F! !E H al AtF,{H+i,j., tr tL{Fi f^6EE X, yi+t++c€ - E f,lHB' . *^Wt+ L ET ?ffi + ? frB fl+ 4+' AJ e&fia tr rE,+ H! HE a\ -A +THEH' #(E1.- E+t 7 ++ E+ F"l 7tidi, +tlgYSDAit l X@' tr H F,ErF F E, {\t as UE?E't-:.J{iriHHlq fIEFE r€ g ,|,'r'fF. i t&Xiit : tHE+iTtFf ,1. ' trH +i TLc*$a€E€, EH'#ffi 7 trt4E fl! -FS fl+ F=1 " filif,r,\ft )*E H E H! E A)F- H g fE€+iR F!)E*, E5!eFR, tr-rr*F#f+tE-ft] " J "-=EA.E raplE fi11 gri nem {E ft i-€.E!lld ftlThankyou (AF-F.==!, Ti*6'mEE+ I B!+ffi tk,E= tr ^Hl F:' H), ittr)^A€d' FtrHEHlrEH+rr.l'tr E $f H!sample, mDidotrEStanH!MTVt+tB Htr " D id o ER'ftb A 1E r,tr ? ttuXBin I Eminem€trQ]ElEl-H-E tltrE 7 ! Stan E - EH @H!1Fffi ' l.grtt -lp, tR+ffi ffi 9f +l,\rrri f+ ,yi+ix'#Ht*EtT+ a.ErtC* , : " E H -FisampleF*1lfi ' lE+tF rE +t6!€* J t,I*fe^AIg. EltEtrltrJrH!tr€, tEEffi*j+TE . Eminem €+{;tqetil' Aft E+ &. + h- 1TER' ZH-'-,F.' *.4'tr, 6 L':nl?+ 2^ E -ffii- " €,F"ri i*. +n l e + F! -FNEFfi,EfE. ] ,t"to Anselfi{}tE-tEHE}EH ,CTC HEF;tiRE!fi*E? tEf C, I i&#, : le?tr H e H! H aA't)fi1i+FH,t.,E E *Frrq€, 9X iqt&ft)qE-E;ts E etE+@Ff Hfl)ffi-+n " t+nH€ F E rE+EHCtr * . *,1+Et)1R Tffi rR EE ' mE[?EfilEBr-n&iR&* " EX (ft8) 14 ' +te+16it*t ' ++trF9.n+F":crTbt+nf affiluE)-aH ' trtE+$tirb+iff. l E rl.t)F' 4;+t a t1H Dido.tREFT* $H 7 . tuE rt!+ff ?i++16r t+t:rECEEl=E fi€EEl)4rtl ,+ H+Fd H lTt+1^,-€.-crs' ffi. trH!;f iE€5US;rlt .. ffiffiffs$*E-E +, +t.lFlRE-T,f €+= 6)+,AAE+ -y'A . rF.E _5 tanH'f.+;F. *,t.?.Ez.E#g{BT -3F e;o= -€-iEfii+ffi 7\ fi!ilts ?l&rE= : t-tr-lFrEHH! !Erd4llErrE=:E -, Ei E -l-#.i* # " ' i4)FE * )iE FsE,L. l! X A! CEeE EIAE . iEtrtFH! 'E)flT , +trEffiElt).Ef*EEttg,t ^Y.i+tHTE.IEIB!,Efi+ Hfli . E L.tr.rtCPB1fri -X,L.iETE'*JU*BFrtEX The Voice \,- IF, " #t z.€4"1.^€^€1t ffiTHgig,t .F-*i"e €E : Ep916U= Al A.{ H! flt6[ F *,, Ib iFleEd*tr,L8*f 4Ftffi? J -tqElJtr'l-!. /.trg ^+LtX:d 2^,L.. ] E - hffi , € HlEFItdff TE€{E€^#tr1+ Erst!Esf EtFtr' . ERii-r/ Eenp x-,ii m ? tEH! " FD{Ft,itfl €HtrE+, *+ti EE F Fl rrJ E rt + flt ,]- ffi + 6! r fFF r! f!1, 1fiErxF1*rdEFt6Er E, eEF* ffiFH{fi . J _IEfrIbKI+H,!H=E g . n €ffi '*rww. .fF DidoAlt-q cJ icl om u s frfift , ESllHFffi ic. ca m ijF | !i€= : insome singer and former Fatih,ess member Dido released her debut solo album in the UK. No Anoel. not so long ago, despite the fact that;r v/as released in the US way back in 1999. The Voice caught up wiih her to finci out how she is enjoying her new success. It's unusual for a British artist to release a debut CD in the US before ihe UK. but for 29- year-old Dido this has been the case. "Basically I first went to America a couple of years ago. The album came out there in June 1999," she explains. "Because I was on a very small label in England, it would have helped if I could go to America, spend a few months there. create a story and then come back 10 England. Nobody expected me to be there for almost two years. The label I was on in England started being sold and that deal took a year-and-a-half to do and I basically got exiled in America because that was the only place I could work while all of this was going on-" She continues, "l was a bit upset about it because I didn't want to be so far away from home for quite such a long time, and lt was very frustrating that I couldn,t do shows in my own country but obviously it,s completely worked to my advantage.,, It was while she was in the US that rap star Eminem came across her now highly acclaimed track'Thankyou,, which wai originally featured in the hit movie Sliding Doors. He liked the song so much that h6 sampled it on his record, ,Stan,, and Dido even appeared in the video. How did she enjoy working with him? She gushes, ,,The Eminem thing was just great. iStan, is this amazing track and it created a lot of press hype for me which was good. lt,s definitely been weird that I sort ;f started oft as I sample basically. but I think it,s amazing how many people have shown an interest liierally from me singing six lines. Eminem made me very welcome and very relaxed and to be quite frank we_ have really good fun on stage. It was a sort of personal adventure." But now No Angel has eventually been released in the UK, was she nervous about its reception? "Yeah," she agrees. ,,1 mean it,s always going to be more emotional to go to number one in your own country and it means an extraordinary amount. I feel like I have come home in a really nice way.,, Not that she is quick to dismiss the lessons she learned touring in the US. "l feel I went to America and I learned a lot," she explains. ,,1 was so well looked after and the audiences were lovely. I got back [to England] and was ready for it. i,m getting to tour nearer to home for some of this year and that's obviously nicer for me.,, Having been touring for so long, you would think that Dido would prefer to lust sit back tor a litlle while but no, she,s off overseas again soon. "l'm going back to America in Junelnd then jet off to Australia and the Far East hopef ully by September,', she says. The complete itinerary hasn't been released just yet, but here's hoping Hong Kong is included. Now that she has made it, she must have started thinking about her second album, commonly agreed to be the hardest album for an artist to write" Does she feel under pressure? "Yeah, there's definitely pressure on the next album," she concedes. ,;l mean when about having to actually think about it. I have to be careful to write songs that I want to listen to and make music that I like. you can,t start thinking, "Oh my God there are all these fans and will they like it?,, your head can get turned by that sort of thingl, All of this aside, fame and success can be a difficult thing for an artist to come to terms with. Has tt been everything Dido hoped for? "Yeah. This whole success and fame thing? lt took me about five minutes to work outlhat our jobs are made easier by success and you can get things done quicker and people are more helpful." Wise words from a wise I wrote this one nobody cared what I was woman. out and nobody had any expectations. That was great for me because I could sit in the studio and just write. l'm slightly nervous Fans can keep an eye on Dido,s travel plans by logging on to her website roru,iw.didomr:si*.ccm by Melindu Earsdon doing. Nobody cared what was going to come rhevoiceh{MV,,