Mar 2014 - Sculptors Queensland
Mar 2014 - Sculptors Queensland
March 2014 Vice-President’s message: I would like firstly to say how much we all appreciate the fantastic job Peter Steller has done as President of SQ in the last two years. He made a huge contribution to the SQ organisation by encouraging members to become involved and by putting in place many positive changes, such as upgrading our equipment, applying for grants to further promote sculpture and by enthusiastically organising a second major exhibition for SQ members at Waterfront Place in November last year. Constitutionally, after two years, Peter is no longer able to hold the position of President, and as no-one has stepped forward to take up that role , we, (myself in the role of Vice President, with Peter’s assistance as ‘acting President’) with the very positive support of our wonderful committee members, will endeavour to steer SQ through another interesting and successful year. We would like to welcome our two new committee members, Tracy Beachell and Jane Prasser. We look forward to their involvement & contribution to help SQ grow. The dates of the annual Shillam Mt Coot-tha exhibition are: July 4th – 13th, which will require more input from members but will allow much greater exposure, with the exhibition being held for 9 days rather than 2. As last year’s opening night was such a success, we plan to hold another Gala evening on Friday 4th July, so we hope that members will again invite many of their friends & lovers of art! The prizes this year will be for indoor & outdoor work combined: 1st: Shillam Prize, $2000, 2nd: Perides Foundry prize $1000, 3rd: Chalkos Foundry prize $500 worth of foundry work Forum March 4 Gregg Greinke We thank Phillip and Dean for their wonderful support in sponsoring these prizes. Will be our special guest. There will also be Highly Commended & Gregg is completing a residency at “The Shed” Commended certificates awarded. Memberships are now due (March 31 at latest). Only members who have paid their fees are eligible to participate in the Shillam Mt Coot-tha Competition/ Exhibition. Membership information Page 2 of this newsletter. Time to get those exciting new pieces for both the indoor & outdoor and this will be a great opportunity for you to meet the artist and check out his amazing drawing technique. 7.30 pm “The Shed” Sculptors Queensland Studio sections ready now! Behind Old Museum Building Cnr Gregory Tce Happy sculpting! Mela Cooke & Bowen Bridge Rd Please bring a plate of supper (Vice-President) 1 Calendar of interesting events Date Speaker April 1 Gregg Greinke About his work & the residency at SQ Check for more detailed information Membership is now due It is easy to renew your membership on the SQ website. Go to: and follow the instructions. All payments can be done online : either by EFT, BPay, PayPal ~ safely. OR you can download the Application Form. Then you have the option to fill it in on your computer. Then email it to and pay by credit card. OR you can print it, fill it in with a pen and bring it [with cheque or cash] to the next meeting; or post it, with a cheque to: The Treasurer, Rudy Mazar, at 55 Raeside Street, Westlake, 4074 Rudy Mazar, the Treasurer, reminds you that ~ When you are paying your membership fees by Direct Debit ~ put your name with the deposit so he can identify the payment. Please! It would help record keeping if you could confirm your payment by email/post. This will ensure that the List of Members is correct and up-to-date. Please Note: The fee structure has changed — Individual Member subscription is $50 until 31 March. After that date an overdue penalty will apply. This subscription then becomes $75 for the year. A Membership Renewal Form is available on the website Shillam Mt Coot-tha Members’ Exhibition Opening July 4 Concluding July 13 Important Dates : Entries close for indoor and outdoor exhibition Friday 30th May 2014 Artists notified of successful pre-selection Friday 13th June 2014 Bump In Outdoor exhibition Thursday 26th June between 9am-12pm Bump in Indoor exhibition / Set-up & Installation Thursday 3 rd July between 10am - 12pm Official Opening…in Auditorium Friday 4 th July 2014 at 7.30pm Bump out & Dismantle Indoor Exhibition Sunday 13 th July between 3pm – 4pm Dismantle Outdoor Exhibition Tuesday15 th July between 9am – 12pm Extended Outdoor Invitation sculptures selected Thursday 7 th July 2014 Dismantle Extended Outdoor Exhibition Monday 25th August 2014 between 9am-12pm 2 Time for a New Look Time for a new SQ Logo SQ is calling on members to submit their design ideas for a new Logo. Submissions will be judged by the committee and the winner will receive three free passes to Thursday Night’s life drawing group at the Shed, an A3 sketchpad and charcoal. Submissions are open to all current SQ members. Closing date for submissions is 31st March 2014. Enter as many times as you like. Make a drawing, build or carve a model Photograph it or 3D digitise it Send it to 3 Dear Drawers! Recently the payment rates for models was increased. You will see this reflected in the new costs for the life drawing sessions. From the Committee LIFE DRAWING SESSIONS short po se Friendliest life drawing group in town. Short and extended poses. Artist tables and easels supplied. BYO drawing materials. All levels of drawing experience welcome Drawing by Cameron Eaton every Thursday 6.30 - 9.30pm Cost $15 members $20 non members Enquiries: Val Waring phone: 3378 0436 or 0422 976 255 LIFE SCULPTING/SCULPTING SESSIONS Saturday—March 8 lon g Sessions specially created to provide Long poses ideal for Sculptors … also great for Drawers and Painters! * Three hours – 10am to 1pm * Friendly and relaxed atmosphere * Great heritage listed venue * Morning tea provided * $25 for members * $30 for nonmembrs Head Study by Susan Kaden Bookings essential by Wednesday 5 Email Graham on or Message or call 0409 449 017 If you have never tried sculpting before … This is your chance …. beginners welcome ! 4 pos e Excerpt from the project document for statues designed by Rhyl Hinwood AM for the West End of St John ’ s Cathedral, Brisbane. 5 In these examples from Rhyl’s project, she explains the symbolism she has used. 6 7 SCULPTING / STONEWORK / BRICKWORK BOOKS For further information, please phone Cath McMurchy – 0409 240 144 SCULPTING - TITLE EHRLICH, Doreen, HENRY MOORE, PRC Publishing Ltd, 2004 COST $5 LIEBSON, Milt, DIRECT STONE SCULPTURE (A Guide to Technique and Creativity), Schiffer Publishing Ltd, 2001 $20 MIDGLEY, Barry, THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SCULPTURE, MODELLING & CERAMICS (Techniques and Materials), Phaidon Press Limited, 1982 $10 ORLANDI, Danilo, PIETRASANTA (la storia I monumenti gli artigiani), 2001 $10 PUGLIESE, Domenico, PIETRASANTA SCULTURE & SCULTORI, La Ver- $5 SIMPOSIA DI SCULTURA, M&Q Italia Free SIMPOSIO DI SCULTURA, Gruglia Scolpita, Grugliasco, Italy 18-28 Free SMITH, Stan & HOLT, Prof. H.F.Ten, THE SCULPTOR’S HANDBOOK, Quantum Publishing Ltd, 2004 $5 TEIXIDO I CAMI, Josepmaria, SANTAMERA, Jacinto Chicharro, SCULP- $10 MARBLE - TITLE COST BRADLEY, Frederick, GUIDA ALLE CAVE DI MARMO DI CARRARA (Guide to the Markble Quarries in Carrara), Internazionale Marmi e Macchine Carrara 1997 $10 CANALI, Daniele, CARRARA (The Quarries, the Marble, the Sea), $5 CARRARA IMMAGINI (Photographic volume 1980-2000), Studio Cameroni, Carrara, 2000 $10 LEIVICK, Joel, CARRARA (The Marble Quarries of Tuscany), Stanford $15 MARBLE IN THE WORLD (The Stone Industry and its Trade), Societa Editrice Apuana, Carrara, Italy (2 copies) $5 MARTA, Roberto, TECNICA COSTRUTTIVA ROMANA (Roman Building Techniques), Edizioni Kappa, 1991 $5 STONE SECTOR 2005, Internazionale Marmi e Macchine Carrara Free VARIOUS BROCHURES on Carrara from Commune de Carrara Free STONE - TITLE DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCE INDUSTRIES, QLD, BUILDING STONES, ENGRAVED BRICKS IN HUIZHOU DISTRICT, 1990 COST $5 $10 HUI ZHOU BRICK CARVING, The Chinese Folk Art Pithy Volumes $5 PARSONS, Christine, DECORATING WITH MARBLE, STONE AND GRAN- $5 STONE ASSOCIATION OF IRAN – colour brochure on stone Free STONE GUIDE, (a global stone guide) Free WAGNER, JH & Sons (Master Stone Masons Toowoomba), ALL ABOUT Free 8 Wildlife Art @ Discovery 2014 A national exhibition presented by Wildlife and Botanical Artists Inc. Bringing Artists, Scientists and Conservationists together Exhibition: Friday 16 May to Saturday 31 May 2014 Official opening: 6pm Thursday 15 May 2014 Exhibition hours: Mon‐‐Fri 9am‐‐5pm; Sat 11am‐‐3pm Clunies Ross Street, Acton, Canberra, ACT CALL FOR ENTRIES This national exhibition promotes Australia’s wildlife artists and their artwork, fostering an appreciation and understanding of Australian wildlife. It aims to strengthen networks, and encourage relationships between artists, scientists, conservationists and the public. ‘Wildlife Art @ Discovery’ offers a range of categories in which to submit works for juried exhibition, sale and award. Professional, hobbyist and student artists are eligible to enter. Artists’ work must depict Australian wildlife and may include traditional or contemporary approaches and techniques. A special category for 2014 is ‘Vanishing Species’ with a focus on threatened Australian fauna. This includes wildlife conservation issues, threatened Australian native fauna, their habitat, and impacts of introduced feral species. Artists are invited to reflect these issues in their artwork. A list of threatened species can be found at: All Australian artists are invited to submit up to 3 works in the following categories: Category 2: Three Dimensional Sculpture, paper, textiles, marquetry etc and must be able to fit through a standard doorway and not exceed 20kg weight. HOW TO ENTER 1. Download the entry form: 2. Read the Terms and Conditions 3. Complete Part A Entry Form, Part B GST Declaration and Part C Artist’s Declaration. 4. Include: (a). One quality A4 colour photograph of each work (b). Stamped self---addressed A4 envelope (for return of photo graph). (c). Short description or notes about work (up to 100 words) (d). artist’s biography (up to 1 A4 page) (e. Entry fee --- $20 for each work entered (non---refundable) cheque payable to WABA Inc. OR o direct debit by EFT to WABA Inc., Beyond Bank, BSB 805---022 Account Number 03417639 – please include your surname in transaction Entries close: 5pm Friday 5 APRIL 2014 Post completed entry form and photograph/s to: Wildlife Art @ Discovery PO Box 2020 WODEN ACT 2606 9 thank you - our sponsors Harbour Sculpture We are a group of volunteers running this not-for-profit organisation to showcase contemporary Australian sculpture through an exhibition on the Sydney Harbour foreshore. The exhibition will be held from 17-27 July 2014 and follows on from our very successful event in 2013. 13A 23 James Street, Fortitude Valley Phone: 3852 5069 Email: In 2013, HarbourSculpture exhibited 75 works, which were viewed by around 5,000 people. Over 35% of these works were sold. This year, our major sponsor Deckhouse has doubled the internal exhibition space to showcase the talents of sculptors working on a smaller scale. We are also very excited about the external exhibition which has the magnificent Sydney Harbour as its backdrop. Anthony Bond OAM will curate and judge the exhibition, and will be assisted this year by Macushla Robinson, Assistant Curator of Contemporary International Art at the Art Gallery of NSW. Through generous sponsorship, we are offering a $5,000 prize for the best external work and $2,00 for the best internal work. Entries close on Monday 17 March and we are having an open day for potential entrants on Monday March 3 to answer any questions or to assist with the lodgement of entries. We are hoping that you will promote the exhibition to your staff, artists, clients and students as widely as possible to encourage their involvement in the event. FOR SALE SOLID GRANITE & MARBLE for a sculpture base For size and price details contact Rudy's Pots Ceramicx phone : 0448794219 Studio Garage: 55 Raeside Street, Westlake. 4074 10 thank you Winery, Vineyard and Cellar Door 329 Donges Road, Severnlea on Queensland’s Granite Belt Phone: 07 4683 6365 email: out sponsors SUMMIT ESTATE WINES 291 Granite Belt Drive Thulimbah Phone: (07) 4683 2011 email: Where creative people shop (07) 3304 6010 1/16 Nile Street Woolloongabba Email: Casita de Campo Cottages Holiday Accommodation Granite Belt Stanthorpe Wine Country Our 2 Cottages offer Luxury accommodation for up to 6 people. Marble spa! "millions of stars" ! “A glass of local wine …” Email: 11 Sculptors Queensland Committee and Contacts Sculptors Queensland Committee Address all Correspondence to: President: vacant Vice President Mela Cooke 0414 384 466 Vice President vacant Secretary Darryl Larkin 0409 287 456 Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Exhibition Lynda Shapcott Coordinator 0413 580 323 Life Drawing Val Waring 3378 0436 Graham Marshall 0409 449 017 Rudy Mazar 0448 794 219 Susan Margaret 0401 744 865 Exhibition Coordinator Cameron Eaton 0415 419 940 Website Coordinator Mark Andrews 0417 134 679 Media Peter Steller 3822 6924 Workshop Coordinator/ Librarian Ros Haydon 07 3349 8485 General Tracey Beachnell Margaret Klucis Jane Prasser Pat Steller Angelos Sariyiannis Jan Williams Advertising If you are a member and have an exhibition or a workshop coming up, you can have free advertising in the newsletter or on the website. If you have a business associated with sculpture or a gallery, $50 will secure a small advertisement for the year. If you are interested or would like more information Contact Susan email: Good Year Autocare Cnr Spine & Neon Streets Sumner Park Phone: 33762000 Email: Sculptors Queensland’s Newsletter provides information, and topical news and views considered to be of interest to our readers. Nothing written here is intended as a substitute for professional advice, and no liability arising from our publication is accepted. We make all attempts to ensure the accuracy of our information. Information from websites is acknowledged. Articles and reviews submitted may be edited at the discretion of the editor. 12