Catalogue Chain electric hoists
Catalogue Chain electric hoists
CHAIN ELECTRIC HOISTS The chain hoists produced by SKLADOVA TEHNIKA Jsc are one of the most famous and best sold loading devices on the four continents – Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. For more than 50 years production, the chain hoists of Bulgarian origin have become a synonym of quality, reliability, long term operation and easy maintenance. The models of SKLADOVA TEHNIKA Jsc are with capacities from 125 up to 10 000 kg, with various hoisting height and hoisting speed, and wide range of travelling speeds. The electric hoists are equipped with three-phase electric motors, load limiter and limit switch, that prevent overloading and failure of the loading device. For manufacturing of every single component we are using only high quality materials with proved origin, supplied by certified producers. Our chain electric hoists fully conform to the highest international standards for quality, which combined with their technical characteristics make them applicable in many fields of activity. Technical data ТCapacity: 125 ÷ 10000kg Hoisting height: as per client’s specification Reeving : single 1/1; double 2/1; fourfold 4/1 Chain: conforms to DIN 685, EN 818 Hoisting speed: up to 10 m/min, double or single speed Travelling speed: from 4 up to 32 m/min Control : contactor control, pendant control switch, remote control Supply voltage: three-phase 220/380/400V Frequency : 50Hz (60Hz) Operating voltage: 24V (42V) Degree of protection: IP54 (БДС EN 60529) Temperature range: from -25°С up to +40 °С КЛАСИФИКАЦИЯ НА ПОДЕМНИТЕ МЕХАНИЗМИ CLASSIFICATION OF HOISTING MECHANISMS Критерии избор на Features forза choosing anелектротелфер: electric hoist – maximum load capacity – Максимална товароподемност – maximum hoisting height – Максимална височина на подем – suspension type – Начинspeed на горно окачване – hoisting – Скоростspeed на подем – travelling – exploitation conditions – Скорост на придвижване – working rate group – Условията на експлоатация – Режим Despite this, на theработа type of electric hoist can be defined according to the load duty and average Освен time товаof типа на електротелфера machine the mechanism in twenty- fourсе hours period –Tm. определя в зависимост от режима на натоварване и средно машинно време на Example : механизма в денонощие – ТМ.- 2t Capacity Hoisting height H - 3,2m ПРИМЕР: Hoisting speed V - 4m/min Товароподемност – 2t Reeving - 2/1 Височина H - middle 3,2m Load duty на подем Скорост подемper hour V 4m/min Number of на switching Кратност на полиспаста (hoisting-pause-loweringpause) –N - 92/1 Daily working duration Режим на натоварване –Т - 8hсреден Брой цикли в час You can calculate the average machine (подем-пауза-спуск-пауза) N 9time for twentyfour hours period: Дневна продължителност на работа Т 8 часа Изчислява се средното машинно време за денонощие: 2 H N T 2 3,2 9 8 h TM 1,92часа 60 V 60 4 Average machine time in Load duty twenty- four hours period Tm Средно машинно време в денонощие ТМ Режим на натоварването LIGHT ЛЕК Operation with с товари loadsРабота lighter than много the maximum, very rare with от по-леки maximal максималните, <2 hours 2-4 4-8 hours hours <2 часа MEDIUM <1 hours Operation with light loads, rarely с леки СРЕДЕН withРабота maximal 2-4 hours <1 час товари, рядко с максимални Operation mainly with medium loads, frequently Работа with maximal HEAVY 1-2 hours <0,5 hours предимно със средни товари, ТЕЖЪК често с Constant operation with VERY максимални maximal or near HEAVY 0,5-1 1-2 hours <0,5 часа <0,25 Постоянна работа с МНОГО максимални Cycling duration ПВ, % -1 или до ТЕЖЪК Switching frequency ЧВ,близки h максимални FEM 9.511/DIN15020 товари ISO 4301 Group 25 120 1Bm M3 1M 0,5-1 hours hours <0,25 30 часа 180 1Аm M4 2M 25 1 2-4 часа 0,5-1 часа 0,25-0,5 hours to maximal loads 1-2 часа hours 1-2 часа 0,25-0,5 40 часа 0,5-1 часа 240 2m M5 3M 30 ГОСТ 25835 ПВ, % Продължителност на включване 40 -1 Upper suspension Честота на включванията ЧВ, h 120 180 240 Push Gear Capacity fixed hook Група trolley trolley FEMEl.trolley 9.511/DIN15020 1Bm (kg) 1Аm 2m режим ISO 4301 M3 M4 M5 El. hoists type В…(М) на работа ГОСТ 25835 1M 2M 3M В011 В031 В051 В071 В091 125 100 Горно окачване 1/1 Кратност – В012 В032 В052 В072 В092 250 200 на на своб. ръчна ел. на полиТовароподемност (kg) В013 В033 В053 В073 В093 500 400 палци кука количка количка количка спаст В021 В041 В061 В081 В022 В042 В062 В082 В101 Ел.телфери 2/1 тип В…(М) – В102 В023В011В043В031В063 В051В083 В071 В103 В012 В032 В052 В091 1/1 В072 В092ВУ…(М) El. hoists type В013ВУ 034В033 ВУ 014 ВУ 054В053 ВУ 074 В073 ВУ 094 В093 1/1 В021 – В041 – В061 ВУ 017А ВУ 077А В081 ВУ 097А В101 250 200 500 400 1000 – 125 800 100 250 200 1250 1000 500 800 400 2000 1600 1280 250 200 1600 500 400 2000 1000 800 За режим на натоварване „среден” и при изчислено машинно време за денонощие 1,92 часа по таблицата се определя групата на режима на работа по FEM 2/1 For load duty “middle” and at calculated ma2500 084 type ВУ 104 EВ…(М4)… 9.511 – 1Аm. За товароподемност 2t, ВУ 024 ВУ 044 ВУ 064 El.ВУhoists 3125 chine time for twenty- four hours period, of 1.92 EB101 ВУ 017 – – ВУ 077 ВУ 097 EB101 К EB101 SК EB101 RК EB101 EК 125 1/1 полиспаст 2/1 и група на режим на работа ВУ 018 1/1 – 4000 – – ВУ 078 ВУ 098 hours you can define according to the table, the EB202 EB202 К EB202 SК EB202 RК EB202 EК 250 1Аm избира сеFEM един9.511 от телферите: 4000 ВУ 027А ВУ 087А EB305 EB305 К –EB305 SК –EB305 RК EB305 EКВУ 107А 500 duty mode acc. to – 1Аm. 2/1 6250 ВУ024, ВУ044, ВУ064, ВУ084 или ВУ104 ВУ 027 – – ВУ 087 ВУ 107 EB101 EB101 К EB101 SК EB101 RК EB101 EК 250 For capacity of 2t, reeving 2/1 and duty mode 2/1 4/1– 10000 EB201 К –EB201 SК –EB201 RК EB201 EКВУ 109 500 ВУ 029 – в зависимост от желаният тип на горното EB201 1Аm you can choose one from the following: EB305 EB305 К EB305 SК EB305 RК Ел.телфери EB305 EК 1000 тип EВ…(М4)… окачване палци, кука или dependколичка ВУ024, ВУ044,–ВУ064, ВУ084 or ВУ104 El. hoists EB101 EB101 К EB101 SК EB101 RК type EB101BDH…(M) EК ing(свободна, on the desired type of suspension – ръчна, електрическа). fixed, BDH014 1/1 1/1– – BDH034 – – BDH094 500+500 EB202 EB202 К EB202 SК EB202 RК EB202 EК CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 4-8 часа много рядко с максималните 2/12500 –2000 2/1 ВУ 024 ВУ 064В062 ВУ 104 В102 ВУ 084 В082 В022ВУ 044В042 3125 2500 ВУ 017 ВУ 097 В103 ВУ 077 В083 В023 – В043 – В063 1/1 4000 ВУ 018 – – ВУ 078 ВУ 098 Ел.телфери тип ВУ…(М) 3200 4000 3200 ВУ 027А – – ВУ 087А ВУ 107А 1250 2/1 ВУ 014 ВУ 034 ВУ 054 ВУ 074 ВУ 094 1/1 6250 5000 ВУ 027 – – ВУ 087 ВУ 107 2000 ВУ 017А – – ВУ 077А ВУ 097А 4/1 10000 8000 ВУ 029 – – – ВУ 109 upper hook or trolley (push, geared, electric). 2-4 часа 2560 2560 1000 800 1600 1280 2000 1600 2500 100 2000 3200 200 2560 3200 400 2560 5000 200 4000 8000 400 6400 4000 6400 800 125 100 400+400 250 200 500 400 EB101 EB101 К EB101 SК EB101 RК EB101 EК 250 200 EB305 EB305 К EB305 SК EB305 RК EB305 EК 1000 BDH024 BDH044 – – BDH104 2/1 EB305 EB305 К EB305 SК EB305 RК EB305 EК – 1000+1000 800+800 2/1 – CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88EB201 921 88 15, e-mail:, EB201 К EB201 SК EB201 RК EB201 EК 500 Ел.телфери тип BDH…(M) BDH014 BDH034 – – BDH094 1/1 – 500+500 400 2 800 400+400 CATALOGUE OF CHAIN ELECTRIC HOISTS TYPE В.... MODIFICATIONS OF ELECTRIC HOISTS type В (chain) with capacity 125÷1000kg Designation Type В... * – The data is for hoisting height h=3.2m at reeving 2/1, or h=6.4m at reeving 1/1; at request other hoisting heights can be ordered – up to 100m at 1/1 reeving. **– At client specification other travelling speeds are possible, and optional microspeed in ratio 1:2 or 1:3 reducers cross-section of el.hoist CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 3 Fixed On hook On push trolley On geared trolley On electric trolley CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 4 CATALOGUE OF CHAIN ELECTRIC HOISTS TYPE ЕВ.... MODIFICATIONS OF ELECTRIC HOISTS type ЕВ (chain) with capacity 125÷1000kg Designation Type ЕВ... * – The data is for hoisting height h=3.2m at reeving 2/1, or h=6.4m at reeving 1/1; at request other hoisting heights can be ordered – up to 100m at 1/1 reeving. **– At client specification other travelling speeds are possible, and optional microspeed in ratio 1:2 or 1:3. Pendant control Fixed CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 5 On upper hook On push trolley On geared trolley On el.trolley CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 6 CATALOGUE OF CHAIN ELECTRIC HOISTS TYPE ВУ.... MODIFICATIONS OF ELECTRIC HOISTS type BY with capacity 1000 ÷10 000kg Designation Type ВY... * The data is for hoisting height h=3.2m at reeving 2/1, or h=6.4m at reeving 1/1; at request other hoisting heights can be ordered: – up to 36m at reeving 2/1 and capacity up to 2000kg; – up to 45m at reeving 2/1 and capacity up to 5000kg; – up to 22m at reeving 4/1 and capacity up to 10000kg ** At client specification other travelling speeds are possible, and optional microspeed in ratio 1:2 or 1:3. TYPES OF HOISTING HOOKS reeving 1/1 reeving 2/1 reeving 4/1 BY 109 on el.trolleys CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 7 fixed on hook on push trolley on geared trolley on el.trolley BY 109 on el.trolley CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 8 CATALOGUE OF CHAIN ELECTRIC HOISTS TYPE ВDH Designation Type ВDH... Warranty, after sale and service maintenance. MODIFICATIONS OF ELECTRIC HOISTS type ВDH with capacity 500+500kg and 1000+1000kg 1,5 1,5 – m/min m/min BDH 014M BDH 034M 8 1,8 BDH 094M BDH 024M BDH 044M 4 0,9 BDH 104M mm 1,5 0,33 7х22 1,5 0,33 7х22 m/min – – 10; 20 – – 12; 20 Profile width kW Electric motor power kW Speed ** Loading chain dxt micro Electric motor power kW mm – – – – 0,06; 0,12 90÷130 – – – – 0,12; 0,18 110÷130 Minimum curve radius kW Type basic Electric motor power Hoisting speed – m/min BDH 014 500+500 1/1 BDH 034 8 BDH 094 BDH 024 1000+1000 2/1 BDH 044 4 BDH 104 Hoisting speed micro – Type Electric trolley travelling Double hoisting speed basic kg Reeving Capacity Single hoisting speed Upper suspension type m – – 1,5 – – 2 – on plates on upper hook on el.trolley on plates on upper hook on el.trolley SKLADOVA TEHNIKA Jsc, provides quick and quality service of wide range of products. The service offers: • Warranty and after sale service and repair of all types of electric hoists • Available on stock spare parts • Quick and professional reaction from service specialists, ensuring adequate and on time service of electric hoists. • Reliability, durability and competitive prices Our goal is to combine our knowledge and experience when meeting the clients requests. All our efforts are devoted to the best servicing, that will help you to reduce your expenses and protect your investments. The servicing we offer, is performed at SKLADOVA TEHNIKA Jsc – Gorna Oryahvitsa, and on spot –at client’s warehouse. *– At client specification other travelling speeds are possible, and optional microspeed in ratio 1:2 or 1:3. – Hoisting height – up to 60m at reeving 1/1. – Span between the hooks – from 625mm up to 3000mm CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 9 CONTACTS: phone: +359 618 60576, +359 88 921 88 15, e-mail:, 10 ! s e tri 2000B-V-2016 El d e t ec c n s J u a o k c i n 50 h e T r e a v v o o d n a i l k S ner t r a p phone: 0618 60 364 e-mail:
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