Coota Hoota September 2015 - Cootamundra Antique Motor Club


Coota Hoota September 2015 - Cootamundra Antique Motor Club
Newsletter of
Antique Motor Club
AUGUST 2015 -- ATTRACTIVE CLUB CARS have delivered the
Debutantes to The Ball at the Town Hall.
Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Antique Vehicles
Printed at Cootamundra by Atlas Printing Works
MEETINGS are held on the first Monday of each month at Cootamundra Library, 8 p.m.
Club Colours
Green & Gold
Vice President
Events Co-ordinator
Plates Registrar
Club Captain
Keeper of Club Album
Membership Officer
Public Officer
Swap Meet Co-ordinator
Web Master
Registration Inspectors
Malcolm Chaplin
Ray Douglas
Alan Thompson
Garry Metcalfe
Mark (Zeke) Loiterton
Kevin Jarrett
Paul Fuller
Ken Harrison
Ken Harrison
Tim O’Keeffe
Betsy Harrison
Sue McCarthy
Betsy Harrison
Alan Thompson
Paul Andreatta
John Collins
Gwen Livingstone
John Collins
Barry Gavin
John Collins
6942 2309
6386 2164
6942 2309
0408 603364
0412 457860
0408 603364
6386 3365
6942 2309
6942 1181
6942 1741
6942 1496
6942 1039
6942 1496
0408 603364
0400 128016
0421 497189
0428 421496
0428 421039
0428 421 496
6942 1282
6942 1496
0488 421976
0428 421496
Joan Collins
Betsy Harrison
John Milnes
6942 1496
6942 2309
6942 4140
0408 603 364
0432 606293
6942 4406
6942 1508
6942 1181
0411 484530
6942 1836
6942 2939
0269 434 416
6942 2309- 0408603364
Membership Fee
Movement Book
Alan Thompson
Ken McKay
6942 1181
6386 3526
PHONE in to record in
the Movement Book.
State clearly –
1. Who you are
2. Where you’re going
3. When
4. And what car!
$30 annually -- January to December
Windscreen Banners $10.00 Contact Paul Andreatta
CAMC Coffee Mugs $6.00 each or Two for $10.00
01 Barry Gavin
04 Dick Bates
11 Garry Metcalfe
11 Joyce Richards
11 Miriam Bradly
12 Brian Morgan
15 Royce Finlay
15 Amber McKay
22 Keith Berryman
25 Peter Kelly
28 Emma Hulbert
26 Alex and Lynn Joss
29 John and Wendy Rickett
30 Garry and Janelle Metcalfe
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A reminder to all prospective participant in C.A.M.C.’s
5 September 2015 at the Cootamundra Airport---The weekend, which is FATHERS DAY WEEKEND, will also include the NSW Vintage Sports Car
Club of Australia SPRINT MEETING at the Airport on Saturday.
On Sunday the weekend also includes Cootamundra Antique Motor Club’s SWAP MEET at
the Showground. - - and a HOT-ROD DISPLAY at Albert Park -- and a visit of a couple of dozen
MODEL A FORDS for Morning Tea, Sunday at the SWAP MEET.
Bring your British bike, car, truck . . . . and enjoy the weekend’s activities in
Minutes of Cootamundra Antique Motor Club MeetingAUGUST 2015
Meeting was opened by President Ken Harrison at 8pm
and Ken welcomed Our Visitors – Karl Bailey – Lin Ying Ferg and Hu Yi Wen. – This was a
special welcome as they are Ting’s Mother and Niece all the way from China.
Members Present were :- Ken & Betsy Harrison – Paul Andreatta – John & Joan Collins – Gwen
Livingstone – Trish Stewart – John Simpfendorfer – Brian Morgan –
Tim & Ting O’Keeffe – Peter & Sue McCarthy – Barry & Lynn Gavin – Alan Thompson –
Paul & Janet Ballard – John Speechley – John Rickett – Hugh McMinn – Malcolm Chaplin – Geoff
Boyd – John Mackie – Alex Joss.
Apologies :- Geoff & Barbara Armour – Colin Stewart – Rob Cram –
David, Joel & Regan Bartholomew – Helen Morgan – Karen McMinn – Lynn Joss –
Doug Wright – Gary & Denis Webb.
The minutes of the July meeting were confirmed on the Motion of Paul Andreatta
Seconded by John Simpfendorfer – Carried
Business arising from July minutes - Nil
1. C/Wealth Bank Statement
2. Atlas Printing Statement & Invoice
1. Display at Cootamundra High School to inspire young people– Thursday 5th November
- Let Betsy know if you can spare a short time there, talking to the students
2. Central Coast HCC – Hit the Road Magazine – July edition is available on Line
3. Young HCC July edition is available on Line
4. Retroautos July Magazine – available on Line
1. 10th Annual Devonport Motor Show
2. Canobolas Country Rally – 3rd – 4th & 5th October at Orange
3. Cootamundra Public School Fete – Saturday 7th November
4. Kangaroo Recruitment March Re-enactment – Sunday 13th September at Wallendbeen.
5. Deniliquin Ute Muster – 2nd & 3rd October
Moved by Alan Thompson and Seconded by Trish Stewart that the correspondence be
accepted and the above Invitations be accepted as club runs, - Carried
Treasurer’s Report: The monthly report was circulated and Moved by Sue McCarthy and
Seconded by Trish Stewart that it be accepted and the accounts be approved for payment as
received – Carried
Swap Meet Report: Everything is proceeding well – Betsy will write letter to Wattle Hire –
asking them to have the two pavilions at the showground cleared by 4 th September. Also we
would like to hire two portable toilets for the weekend of the event.
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Another letter to the Council asking to borrow six ROAD CLOSED signs & supports to be
used across the trotting track at the Swap Meet. Tim reported that the Council does not
require a DUMP at the showground for campers.
Plate Registrar: John Lyne’s Austin 7 has been registered.
Editors Report: Magazine going well – your articles & photos would be helpful and he
would like any articles in by 20th of August for the September Coota Hoota.
Events Co-ordinator: We have had some excellent events last month. August is looking the
same. – For our Swap Meet we need workers on Friday & Saturday for set up.
And many duties on Sunday – Thank you all who have put your hands up for jobs already.
Web Master’s Report: Web Master is still enjoying himself travelling around Australia –
Jealous !
Club Captain’s Report: Paul reported that he has sent a card to John Finucane as he isn’t
very well. Also a card to Ted & Joan Strachan for their 60th Wedding Anniversary .
Also a Thinking of You card to Lyn & Kevin Jarrett – a Get Well to Colin Stewart - and a
Grandparents card to Linley and Malcolm Chaplin – Welcome to Oliver Thomas Chaplin.
2 people for Meals on Wheels 8 Aug. -- Chris and Heather Cooper have volunteered.
Malcolm asked how many members would be having the Spit Roast at the All British Day on
Saturday 5th September as he has to let caterers know numbers by 17th August and the
minimum is 30 lunches.
Kevin White brought a map of the directions to the run to the Tierney’s Ridge Railway at
Our Club will go to Wallendbeen to spectate the Kangaroo March Re-enactment on Sunday
13th September -see coming events (back page)
Saturday 29 August - Don’t forget the Cootamundra 2015 Wattle-Time Fair – after
participating in the Parade down Parker Street.
Saturday is also Stockinbingal Pie night – Great Night & Great Pies - Let Betsy know if you
are going by Thursday 27th August - see Coming Events (back page)
Ken closed the meeting at 9.10pm
September already ! Blimey how time flies.
The end of July and the month of August were busy – Christmas in July at Stockinbingal Bowling Club
was a great night with good company.
The Casserole lunch and afternoon at Colin & Trish Stewart’s was excellent.
The Sunday run with the Young Club to Margaret & Allan Schutz’s Miniature Trains at Young was an
excellent day, sitting in the sun surrounded by those beautiful trains, was something special.
Coming up is Ganmain Show, the Wattle Time Parade and at the end of September - the French Night
at Stockinbingal Bowling Club. Let Betsy know if you are going to the French Night and don’t forget
that ...........................
Friday 4th is a Working Bee to get all arrangements well on the way – marking out the sites and
numbering them –
Saturday 5th is also a Working Bee for setting up,
so everything is ready to start selling at 6am on Sunday morning.
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For those helping on Friday and Saturday – some goodies would be appreciated.
Ladies - we need some cakes and slices etc. for Saturday & Sunday for workers ( not sandwiches as
we have the RDA supplying them).
Thank you to all the members who have put their names down to help at the Swap Meet..
This year our Gate Rosters are looking good.
Some more gate helpers are always welcome.
So, if anyone else can spare an hour or two -- please ring Joan (6942 1496) and she’ll give you a
On the Saturday of the Swap weekend, the “Cootamundra Rule Britannia All British Display” will
be held at the Airport, in conjunction with the Sprints.
Malcolm Chaplin is organising this event, so if you are interested in anything on that day give Malcolm
a ring (6942 4406).
Sunday 13th September is the re-enactment World War 1 Kangaroo March at Wallendbeen with our
cars on display. The Kangaroo March will leave Wallendbeen cemetery gates at 12 noon, proceed to
Wallendbeen Oval and later to the Cenotaph.
We will need to leave Cootamundra (Mowall’s) 10.30 a.m. We will have Morning Tea at Mackay Park
Then follow directions about the Kangaroo March which probably has ceremonies at Wallendbeen Oval
and the cenotaph.
This is also a memorial run for our friend Ken Frost who passed away earlier this year.
Ken’s wife Lorna will join us for this run where we will remember him and his many talents.
See you during September,
Thank You to those HELPERS who have put their names on The Roster.
The Rosters will be on display in the Office and the Lions Club caravan which are near the new toilets
on the Berthong Street side.
Another Roster will be on display in The Club Tent which will be located near the Car Display area at
the Pinkerton Road gate.
If you are not rostered on - but are able to help over the weekend - please check The Rosters to see if
you can relieve someone on a gate to give them a break.
Check your rostered times. If you cannot be available please let us know as soon as possible.
STALL HOLDER GUIDES: Please call at the club tent before 6.00 am to get your
instructions and a safety vest.
We have six safety vests, but it would help if you can bring one along.
Also a head torch would be handy if you have one.
You will find a reminder note with your newsletter showing your rostered times for
the weekend.
Page 5
FOR SALE : 1980 CHRYSLER ROYAL CM 265 cu. in., 6 cylinder sedan -- $8000
On LPG & petrol. Auto A/C, P/S tinted windows. Bucket seats, sunvisor, tow bar. No rust.
Restored. On club rego.
At Young. Phone (02) 6382 1520 or 0421 275 369.
WANTED : Five Speed gear-box – suit 1969 FORD F360 6 cyl. Phone Harvey @ 6386 2313
WANTED : Main Foot Brake CROSS SHAFT for Model A Ford. Mal Bradley 0431 764 103
WANTED : Foot Starter Mechanism situated in the centre of firewall. It activates the Starter
For a Model A Ford. -- Barry Rose -- 0409 490 223
FOR SALE : Art deco Oil Co. Display Stand -- 4’ high 4’wide. 4 shelves. $138.80
Contact John Mackie -- 0427 233 237
1939 STUDEBAKER President 8 – Restoration commenced. Only rust is in floor of boot.
Doors, guards stripped of paint. Includes engine gasket set. In shed last 40 years. Engine #29792.
Offers around $2500. More details : John Mackie – (02) 6967 2241
0427 233 237
Sixty years married:
The diamond Jubilee Anniversary of Ted and Joan Strachan’s wedding 16 July, 1955 went off with
great celebrations in July 2015.
5 & 6 SEPTEMBER -- Col Harmer of Young Heritage Motor Club is running a Rally for Model A FORDS. The FORDS
will visit COOTAMUNDRA SWAP MEET on Sunday 6 Sept. for Morning Tea - so there will be a Parking Spot reserved
for the FORDS.
The photo is the 1928 FORD Tudor of Barry Rose. Barry Rose and the above-mentioned Col Harmer in the 1960s were
members of Cootamundra branch of the Antique & Classic Motor Club.
The Model A Fords leave YOUNG 8.30 a.m. to drive to Cootamundra, check out The Airport and
arrive at the SWAP MEET about 10 a.m. for Morning Tea.
Then they motor on to Harden by the back roads to have Lunch at Harden Golf Club.
Page 6
In 1925 a Pianola cost 300 pounds. At the same time . . . Bartley & Perry – Motor, Electrical,
Mechanical and Cycle Engineers – had the FORD Agency in Cootamundra. They advertised
Ford roadsters @ 190 pounds and Ford tourers @ 210 pounds.
This means that pianolas were expensive. Fords were cheap.
I was told by a Cootamundra old-timer (Hope Ward) the following facts that I find hard to believe:
In the early 1920s FORD chassis with all mechanical parts fastened were delivered by train to
Cootamundra railway freight yard for the Ford Dealer. From here the chassis was towed by a horse to
The Army Drill Hall which was hired by the Ford Dealer. Coach builders here fashioned a body onto
the chassis as per customers’ orders. The cheapest body was a simple wood tray on a truck chassis. All
the driver got was a box fastened on the tray – to sit on and drive - same as a dray or wagon.
Extra payments got proper bodies with windscreen, seats, doors, roof, etc. That’s how you got a cheap
There will be a big display of Holdens on Canberra’s West Lawns King Edward Terrace Sunday 20 September.
There will be a big cruise from Dickson College to Crookwell Sunday 25 October. The event is called “The
Crookwell Charity Cruise”. Information :
Springtime -- John and Joan Collins are participating in the Wangaratta Annual Spring Rally - 25, 26 & 27 September 2015.
This rally has been run by the Veteran, Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club of Wangaratta Inc. for the past 44 years. About time we tried it.
The weekend of 7 & 8 November is the COOMA MOTORFEST -- arranged by Cooma Heritage Automobile Club.
Thursday 5 November – 60 Veteran cars will be displayed at the park in Goulburn. Well worth a look.
These announcements are made anticipating you might like to join with us for these weekends away trips -to Wangaratta, Goulburn and Cooma. Entry forms available from John Collins.
THE BAY TO BIRDWOOD this year is for vehicles – 1956 to 1977.
Adelaide hosts THE BAY TO BIRDWOOD each year in the last weekend in September.
THE BAY TO BIRDWOOD grew to become Australia’s Biggest Parade of Heritage Vehicles.
Many clubs throughout Australia organise holiday tours to Adelaide for THE BAY TO BIRDWOOD.
This year - Participants of Wagga Wagga Classic Motoring Club depart Sunday 20 September, overnighting at Echuca, then meander
visiting places like “the Spanner Man’s Exhibits” on the way to Adelaide.
They return to Wagga via Victor Harbour, Goolwa and The Great Ocean Road, etc.
There is a 4 cylinder Chevrolet Rally at Wagga Wagga 27 September to 2 October.
There is a Model T Ford Rally at Condobolin 2 – 5 October.
Two dozen DAIMLER SP 250s are rallying at Gundagai during the last weekend in October. They will be on display and checking in to
their rally - opposite the GUNDAGAI RSL Saturday 31 October. Worth a look.
For Pre-1948 MOTORCYCLES : The Vintage Motor Cycle Club of Australia (NSW) is holding their 60 th (60th!)
Anniversary Rally -- 30 October 2015 at COWRA.
The VVMCA held its first rally in 1955 at Parramatta Park.
This year it’s their diamond jubilee! John Simpfendorfer has Entry Forms.
The Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (VSCCA) is one of the oldest car clubs in Australia and has celebrated its 70 th
birthday. This means the VSCCA was started during the 2nd World War?
For the last five years the VSSCA has been hiring Cootamundra Airport for Sprint Events.
Cootamundra Airport becomes a Vintage car enthusiasts’ paradise on Saturday.
Pre–1961 vehicles are invited to test their acceleration down a quarter mile strip marked out on the runway.
Frank Matich, a motorsport legend, passed away aged 80, in May.
One of his legendary race-cars – the MATICH SR3 – resides in our district.
Member, Keith Berryman, preserves and sometimes demonstrates - this open wheeler (constructed by Frank) in
which Frank won the Australian Tourist Trophy.
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VETERAN car rally
This year the annual Shannons National ALL VETERAN TOUR will be at GOULBURN 1-6 November.
During the tour 60 Veteran cars visit Collector, Taralga, Crookwell, Bungonia, Windellama, Gunning and Tarago.
The distance travelled each day will be between 80 and 120 kms over undulating country roads very well suited
to Veteran vehicles.
Thursday afternoon, 5 November, after visiting Goulburn Waterworks, the Railway Heritage Centre and
“Riversdale” Homestead, the Veteran Cars will be on display at Belmore Park, Goulburn. Worth a look!
Yours in antique motoring,
A June Jaunt
Participants in a June Jaunt of the Wagga Wagga Classic Motoring Club visited the Tarcutta Truckies’ Memorial.
It was pointed out to them that Gundagai is geared up to establish THE AUSTRALIAN ROAD TRANSPORT
HERITAGE CENTRE (A.R.T.H.C.) at Gundagai.
It will be a national museum dedicated to the preservation, upkeep and display of vehicles and equipment that
played a role in the development of Australian roads.
Already in storage for the museum is a DIAMOND T from Judds of Wagga, a fire-truck and a STUDEBAKER
from Wollongong Electricity.
Gundagai Antique Motor Club hosted a rally for those who wanted a nostalgic drive through the abandoned
section of the Hume Highway known as Sylvias Gap.
The Entry Fee created a good profit to go towards the Museum which is proposed to be built at South Gundagai.
To continue raising funds - another Truck Rally is planned for next year. Some of our members attended this
Saturday 15 August -- Chauffeuring The Debs
When Julianne Phillips requested a dozen attractive cars to take the Debutantes to The Ball I found it a big
worry to commit a dozen of my colleagues to give up a Saturday afternoon.
However, after many phone calls I got these attractive cars to take these eleven lovely young ladies (and their partner) - to The Ball :
Maddison Baker and Aden Newman
Kamika Bell and Jayden Brinkley
Janine Lambert and Chris Tomic
Lily Hardy and Shaun Parker
Kya Godbier and Zac Craw
Alyssa Parkinson and Pat Doidge
Zoe Armstrong and Jake Turner
Olivia McDermott and Charlie Annetts
Emily Webb and Jayden Sutton
Alecia Slavin and Josh Thompson
Jorja Holder and Ned Steinke
I am sure our special cars gave their passengers a novel and memorable ride to The Ball.
I thank the drivers for giving up their Saturday to this community service.
I trusted the above drivers’ reliability . . . . and I was off to the Hay Plains . . . . . . .
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Hugh McMinn’s 1950 Armstrong Siddeley and Lynn Gavin’s ‘77 Torana
chauffeured Debs to The Ball.
Deb Ball photos by Barry Gavin
Saturday 15 August --- Off to The Hay Plains
When I announced that I was going to a VW Club event to
visit the Altina Wildlife Park – this venue interested some
C.A.M.C. members who signed up for the event.
The best way to visit this Zoo is an overnight stay at
Saturday : So we arrived Saturday and spent a pleasant
afternoon exploring the wetlands of Narrandera . . .
… . .where we managed to spot one Koala
near Lake Talbot.
THE SPOTTERS: Peter, John, Sue, Ting, and - Amy, visiting from China.
Sunday : Leaving our Narrandera motel early in the
morning our convoy of cars drove out to the Hay Plains
where this Zoo is situated alongside the Murrumbidgee
River. At The Zoo you see lots of cute and lots of scary
animals. I hope the River doesn’t flood and knock down
the fences . . . . . .
Sunday afternoon we drove home. At a pleasant
Afternoon Tea at Coolamon we agreed that the Altina
Wildlife Park is deserving of more patronage.
Participants from Cootamundra Antique Motor Club:
Me and Joan Collins in our 1958 VOLKSWAGEN [PHOTO : Me and Joan and Peter Josling from Griffith]
Peter and Sue McCarthy in their 1976 TRIUMPH DOLOMITE Sprint
Tim and Ting O’Keeffe and Ting’s mother and Niece - in Tim’s modern Mitsubishi.
Paul and Janet Ballard -- in their modern Citroen.
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Sunday 16th August -- Miniature Trains at Young
Eleven Coota members travelled to Young to visit the Tierney’s Ridge Railway.
This is just before Young – turn Right into Tierney Street (not Tierney Lane which is first).
Kevin White of Young was waiting to direct us in. We got out of the car and walked into a
fantastic rail journey.
Margaret and Allan Schutz are the owners and have done a marvellous job with these trains.
They have developed a great complex of Tracks - with lots of different Engines & Carriages &
Cargo Trains pulling a variety of Cars – Construction Equipment – Animals and more. The
railway lines wind through their garden. There is a Lake – Bridges and even Sheep & Cattle
grazing in the paddocks – Horses and Kangaroos munching on the grass as well.
Photos by John Simp. which show only a
fraction of what we saw.
Jimmy and Jackie Berrell were there.
[Jimmy is having a rest from restoring a
Simca Vedette. He’s already restored a
couple of Vintage T Fords and a Buick.]
Also an inside display of more tracks wandering through all sorts of country and tunnels with
some tracks going up high above the mountains and lower through different country. There
was a caravan park by the tracks – a circus with elephants and dancing girls – just to mention
a few.
Upstairs Allan has a Man Cave with memorabilia and heaps of models of all sorts of things.
I am sure most of the men would like an area like this.
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Allan told me that he collects the models and Margaret designs and makes the displays. Allan
controls the busy rolling stock. Their son has done the electrical work – a very well done
family project.
Enjoying the day at Young from our club - were –
Lynn & Barry & Young Fella –
in Lynn’s TORANA
Mavis & Denis in their MORGAN
Denis’s Son & Wife in Modern
Hugh & Karen McMinn in their
Kevin White in his
Betsy & Ken Harrison driving their MORRIS MAJOR Elite
John Simpfendorfer Modern
Tuesday 18 August ---- A Past Event: (which was in the Coming Events.)
The Event : An extraordinary Unveiling at The Cootamundra Museum
Only two cars from our club went to this event:
1. Our president and Secretary in a Wolseley
And 2. Ace Reporter with his secretary(slave) - in a Volkswagen beetle.
This event was a gathering of people in front of the Museum on a Tuesday. A new exhibit was unveiled.
The audience clapped. . . . Thanks were given to the donors.
Thanks were given to the exhibit’s restorer (– a past member of our club, Robert Newman) . .
. and . . . Morning Tea was enjoyed.
The exhibit now stands in front of The Heritage Centre. Go have a look.
Unveiled was the statue, called “The Giant” which in the 1970s was a landmark standing
above the entrance of Cootamundra’s biggest grocery shop.
The grocery shop was siuated opposite the Post Office, pictured here:
August 2015 : Another Cootamundra Landmark Restoration:
$20,000 in donations for the refurbishment of the Post Office Clock has the clock chiming again.
The more than 100 year old Post Office Clock is keeping time again.
Photo by John Simpfendorfer
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Fri 4
Set up Swap Meet:
Sat 5
9 a.m.
Sprints and All-British Display at Cootamundra Airport -- 9.00 am
Sat 5
9 a.m. Swap Meet Working-Bee at Cootamundra Showground -- Stall holders arriving.
Sun 6
6 a.m.
Mon 7
Monthly Meeting at Cootamundra Library -- 8 p.m.
Sat 12
10 a.m. – HARDEN SHOW - Display of Club Vehicles
Sun 13
Ken Frost Memorial Run - Display at Wallendbeen to spectate Re-enactment of WW1
Kangaroo March. Meet Mowall’s 10.15 a.m. to drive to Mackay Park Rest-Stop to have
Morning Tea and await the Wallendbeen ceremonies.
Fri 18
TORANAFEST at Newcastle
Sat 19
Your FILMS NIGHT - Stephen Ward Room Cootamundra Library 6 pm. – 9pm.
Club supplies Pizzas.
Fri 25
Wangaratta Spring Rally -- a weekend away.
Sat 26
GRENFELL Gold Trail Festival & Motor Show -- Display your car and watch the festivities.
Sat 26
6.30 p.m. Saturday Dinner at Stockinbingal Bowling Club . . . . . is “ French cuisine nuit”.
But not for those going to the Wangaratta Rally . . . Bookings to Betsy by Wednesday .
Work-Bee at Cootamundra Showground 9.30 am
-- return Monday 28 to Cootamundra.
Fri 2
Long-Weekend Rally at Condobolin for Model T Fords
Long-Weekend Rally at Kempsey for Morris Minors
Long-Weekend Rally at Orange for club vehicles -- Canobolas Country Rally
Sat 3
Pop-The-Top Festival for convertibles – at Jindera. Sunday’s run is to Dartmouth Hotel.
Sun 4
Running of the Sheep at Boorowa – be there by 11 am
3, 4 & 5
Motor Cycle rally at Parkes – Entry forms from John Simpfendorfer
Mon 5
Coolamon Scarecrow Festival 10 a.m. Go for a drive to Coolamon.
Mon 5
Monthly Meeting at Cootamundra 8 p.m.
10 & 11
Deliver Lunches for Meals on Wheels – 11.45 to 1 p.m. - One car wanted.
Sat 10
Display at HARDEN Kite Festival - 10 a.m. onwards. Kites, food and refreshments on sale.
Sat 17
Sun 18
Sun 18
ARIAH PARK Mary Gilmore Festival - 9.30 a.m. onwards – Amusements and Club Vehicles
Sun 18
Young Club’s DAMPER DAY -- at John Drum’s at Morangerell.
(From Stockinbingal take the Grogan Road (towards Quandialla) to the locality of Morangerell)
Fri 30
Diamond Jubilee Rally of the Sydney V&V Motor Cycle Club – at COWRA
Sat 31
6 p.m. Saturday Dinner --Steak Night at Stockinbingal Bowling Club
Are you free this time?
Mon 2
Monthly Meeting - venue is Harden Bowling Club
Thurs 5
Display your club vehicle to publicise our hobby at Cootamundra High School.
Meet opposite Gwen Livingstone’s 12.15 p.m. Depart 12.25 to display during school Lunch Hour.
Sat 7