Program Listing 2014 - Holywood Music Festival


Program Listing 2014 - Holywood Music Festival
Music Festival
Programme 2014
Thursday 13th - Saturday 22nd
November 2014
Main venue:
Queens Leisure Complex,
Benny Crawford & Son Pianos
2 Hogstown Road
Unit 2b
Mob: 077 3730 4851
Phone: 028 9145 0870
Sales - Tuning - Hire - Renovations
Holywood Music Festival 2014
Affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals for
Music, Dance and Speech
Charity No. XR90003
Thursday 13 NOVEMBER – Saturday 22 NOVEMBER 2014
Venues: Queen’s Hall, St Patrick’s Church Hall,
St Philip & St James Parish Church
Bangor: Ballyholme Primary school
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Secretary
Barry Douglas
Michael Alexander
John Young
Alan Andrews
Marianne Underwood
Tel: 028 9076 0545
Judith Rebbeck
Marianne Underwood
Marianne Underwood
William Fox-Roberts
Jane Fox-Roberts
Kim Alexander
Joanne Boyd
Tel: 028 9042 2591
Tel: 028 9076 0545
Tel: 028 9076 0545
Tel: 028 9042 4355
Tel: 028 9042 4355
Tel: 028 9042 1369
Tel: 028 9076 1472
Section Secretaries:
Vocal and Choral
Traditional Music
Music Theatre
Music is recognised as essential to the well-being of society
Mission: Providing opportunities for the community to enjoy
engagement with music
General Adjudicator:
Traditional Music Adjudicator:
Music Theatre:
Graeme Humphrey
Robbie Hughes
David Beer
Greetings from the Patron, Barry Douglas OBE
Artistic Director - Camerata Ireland and Clandeboye Festival
I would like to congratulate the Holywood Music Festival for
all the great encouragement you have shown to young artists
over the years. This is so important for helping build
the future of the arts in our community.
We at the Clandeboye Festival have been so impressed with
the standard of our young people in our 12 festivals. I am
thrilled that over 160 young musicians have taken part in
Clandeboye. We are very happy to see these talented
musicians go on to a professional career and many play with
Camerata Ireland throughout the season.
The most important thing is to enjoy making music. I know
taking part can be stressful but I hope you can all enjoy the experience of playing live for
people who appreciate what you are doing.
Very best wishes and good luck!
North Down Borough Council
Progressive Building Society
S D Bell & Co., Tea & Coffee Specialists
d’Arcy Family
Benny Crawford & Son
Foster and Son Removals
Matchetts Music
Braeside Country House
Adrian Hall and Co
Ken McNally
AA Music
Greetings from the President
Michael Alexander
Welcome to Holywood Music Festival 2014!
Whether you're a long term friend or enjoying your first visit,
we are very grateful for your support and hope that you will
have an enjoyable and rewarding time with us.
As ever our thanks go to our hard working Festival Committee
and our wonderful army of Volunteer Stewards. We are
always on the lookout for people to help run the Festival,
please don't hesitate to give us your contact details if you are
interested in joining us!
Holywood Music Festival could not survive without the
generosity of our funders and sponsors. We are grateful again this year for the ongoing support of
NDBC who recognise the Festival as a valuable community event in Holywood.
As with all arts organisations, fundraising is an increasingly important area for us as overheads and
expenses continue to rise, we are constantly searching for new income streams, please do contact us
if you think you could help!
Michael Alexander
Greetings from the Chairman
John Young
You are very welcome to the Holywood Music Festival for 2014. We are
delighted that you have joined us and hope that you enjoy being a part of
what has become a very important and worthwhile annual event.
We have found, when we have asked people at random about the
Festival, that they tend to say that they think that it is a very good idea to
have one, which is always very encouraging, but, when we ask them
what having a music festival involves and why it is worth having, they
often struggle to find an answer.
Some see it as a competition for prizes and trophies while others see it as
a showcase for performers. And it is, of course, both of these, but it is
also so much more. What it seeks to do – and what it does – is to
encourage performers of all kinds and ages to develop their musical skills and experiences by giving
them a platform on which to appear and a sympathetic audience to watch and listen.
Every performer also has an opportunity to see how others entered in the same class as themselves
are doing and, just as important, to hear the comments of expert and experienced adjudicators on
their performance and what they might do to make it even better.
The Festival is, in other words, all about those who enter, whether they are on their own or
members of a larger group, such as a choir, and its focus is on enabling all of them to add to their
experience, build their self-confidence and extend their musical knowledge. That those who help to
organise the Festival and those who make up the audience enjoy the whole experience is a very
welcome bonus.
John Young
Holywood Music Festival Committee
P.S. A note about photographs
Please note that we are asking parents, carers, guardians and friends of the performers not to take
photographs at any time when they are in the Queen’s Hall or any other Festival venue, even of
their own children. We have appointed an official accredited photographer, who is the only person
authorised to take photographs.
If you would like to have a copy of any photographs taken by our official photographer, please let
one of the Festival stewards know and we will liaise with the photographer on your behalf. And if
you do not want your child to be part of any photograph taken by our official photographer, please
make one of the stewards aware of this as soon as you can.
Awards will be made to competitors with the most outstanding performance
in each of the following categories
1. d’Arcy Cup + £250, £100, and £50 for the three most promising instrumentalists
in the Festival
2013 awarded to Anna Maria O’Donnell, Justine Gormley and Connor White.
2. Foster Award for Vocal Solo + £100 for the most promising singer from classes B10,
B12, B14, B16, B19 and B22
2013 awarded to Thomas Copeland
3. Foster Shield and Award for Music Theatre + £100 music vouchers for the singer
with the highest mark in Music Theatre
2013 awarded to Niamh McAllistar
4. McWhirk Cup + £100 for the person with the highest mark in an instrumental class
2013 awarded to Anselm McDonald
5. John Gray Funeral Directors Holywood Award for the best Primary School
Orchestra, £50 voucher
6. Godfrey Brown Cup for the person or persons who contributes most to the Festival
2013 awarded to Judith Rebbeck
7. Buckley Shield for the senior traditional music group which gives the most
accomplished and mature performance of Traditional Music
2013 awarded to St Dominic’s Traditional Group
8. Burnside Shield for the best Secondary School Choir
2013 awarded to St Dominic’s Senior Choir
9. Barry Douglas Cup for the most accomplished pianist over 12 years
2013 awarded to Michael Hong
10. Maurice Foster Memorial Cup for the best Primary School Choir
2013 awarded to Strathearn Prep Choir
11. Laiseran Senior Trophy for the most outstanding performance of the senior soloists
in Traditional Music
2013 awarded to Catherine Beare
12. Laiseran Junior Trophy for the most outstanding performance of the junior soloists
in Traditional Music
2013 awarded to Pearse Farren
13. Montmartre Cup for the most promising singer under 15 years
2013 awarded to Anna Thompson
14. Joan Thompson Trophy for the most promising pianist 12 years and under
2013 awarded to William Rong
Graeme Humphrey – General Adjudicator
A British and International Federation of Festivals Adjudicator
Graeme Humphrey has been a teacher of piano all his professional life,
both at the Royal Academy of Music for thirty-six years from 1974 2010, and privately. He has also been very actively involved in festival
adjudicating and examining - work which has taken him to Hong Kong,
Malaysia, Singapore, Italy, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, France,
Sabah, Sri Lanka, Japan, Thailand and Ghana.
He was awarded an Associated Board Scholarship on the piano from
New Zealand to study at the Royal Academy of Music. He regularly
teaches in Hong Kong, and was external examiner at National
Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore from 2009 – 2011. He has given
classes at both the Academy of Performing Arts in Hong Kong and the National Academy of Fine Arts
in Singapore. In 1988 he founded the Blackheath Music Festival in London. From 1993 - 2010 he
tutored at the Shrewsbury International Summer School and was Music Director of the Summer
School from 2004 - 2010. In 1997 he was elected Warden of the Private Teachers’ Section of the
Incorporated Society of Musicians, and in 2002 was elected President of the Royal Academy of Music
Club. He has recently been involved in the selecting and editing of a major new piano duet project
that is republishing long out-of-print beginner and intermediate level duet material, primarily for the
pupil/teacher. This can be seen at
David Beer BA (Hons) – Music Theatre Adjudicator
A British and International Federation of Festivals Adjudicator
David Beer is a professional conductor and pianist. He studied at Hull
University where he gained a BA with Honours. While teaching in Hull, he
conducted choral and light operatic societies but, in 1980, he decided to
leave teaching and forge a career as a freelance conductor.
David has conducted many West End shows including Fame, Guys and Dolls
and Me and My Girl, played on film scores, appeared on TV and radio both
as a conductor and pianist and has recorded three original cast albums
(Fame – the Musical, Song of Singapore and The Rink by Kander and Ebb).
For some years, he worked for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Really Useful
Company conducting many of his shows, including Cats, Aspects of Love, Jesus Christ Superstar and
Joseph. He was also Sarah Brightman’s accompanist, recording the album “The Songs that Got
Away”, with her. In 2009, he was asked by Brian May of Queen to be Musical Director of the first UK
tour of ‘We Will Rock You’’.
As Director of Music at the BRIT School for Performing Arts 2000 – 2004, David discovered and
taught Katie Melua and Leona Lewis, among others. He has also taught, taken vocal workshops and
been MD of shows at Arts Educational School, Guildhall, Guilford Conservatoire, Italia Conti
Academy and RADA. David is an examiner for London College of Music, specializing in Music
Theatre, Pop Vocals and Piano and was recently awarded an FLCM for Professional Achievement. He
is a Music Mentor for Music for Youth Festivals and has adjudicated many festivals nationwide.
He lives in Bedfordshire where he teaches singing and piano and conducts several local choirs.
RJ Hughes – Traditional Music Adjudicator
Robbie Hughes was born in 1950, educated at Portora ; he later studied design
at the University of Ulster.
Having completed a post - graduate year, this led to an examination of the
construction and function of the Uilleann Pipes, a subject which at that time,
hadn't generated the current level of popular interest.
In 1976 Hughes & McLeod set up a workshop near Downpatrick specialising in
the making & exporting of Uilleann Pipes to many overseas markets.
Always looking at new materials and technological developments, the company was awarded the
DTI's SMART award stages one & two in 1990; this was for research into the double reed for musical
RJ Hughes lives near Strangford, Co. Down where he produces the Clanrye Synthetic reed for the
Scottish Highland Pipes for Hughes and McLeod Ltd, a Qubis (QUB) company, whilst maintaining a
keen interest in Irish piping and traditional music. He is a well-known adjudicator in this field.
S D Bells Ad
1. Participants
Competition in this Festival is open to any person who, in accordance with the conditions
prescribed for each Class, is qualified to compete therein, subject to the following:
This Festival is for amateurs. For the purpose of this Festival, an amateur is considered to be
a person who does not make his/her living by performing or teaching in the discipline
involved. This does not apply to conductors.
2. Entries
The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry without assigning a reason.
Age: The age of the entrant on 30 September 2014 will be deemed to be his or her age for the
purpose of entry.
Own Choice Pieces: Entries will not be accepted without full details of any Own Choice title
and composer being shown on the entry form. Under no circumstances will entrants be
allowed to change an Own Choice piece once it has been submitted and entrants can only
perform music printed in the programme.
Entry fees cannot be returned except for entries not accepted by the decision of the
The Committee reserves the right to close classes before the official closing date if sufficient
entries have not been received.
3. Repeats
Entrants should not play repeats in test pieces unless specified in the Syllabus except for Da
Capo and Dal Segno. In Own Choice pieces repeats are optional, but all works performed
must comply with the time limits for that class.
4. Time limit
Time limit for each class is shown in the Syllabus and this must be strictly adhered to. Those
who play for longer than the time limit will have marks deducted and the adjudicator may
stop the performance.
5. Set Music
Entrants must perform from the edition specified, and in the key specified, or they will be
Copies of own choice music for the Official Accompanist must be sent with the entry to
the Section Secretary or to arrive not later than 15th October 2014. A copy for the
adjudicator must be sent with the entry or brought on the day. One of these copies must be
an original, preferably that given to the accompanist. In the case of pieces taken from a
volume used by more than one competitor, each competitor must provide two copies – one
for the Adjudicator and one for the Official accompanist.
Under no circumstances may entrants perform any piece in more than one
6. Accompanists
Official Accompanists will be available to accompany classes with set pieces.
Competitors who wish to provide their own accompanist may do so but must
indicate on the entry form that they do not require the official accompanist.
Those competitors who wish to have an Official Accompanist for Own Choice pieces
must indicate this on the entry form. A copy of the music in the correct key and
clearly marked with the competitor’s name and class entry number must be received
by the Section Secretary at the time of entry or no later than 15th October 2014.
Music received after that date may not be accepted. It is important to ensure that
correct postage is observed otherwise the music may fail to arrive.
Where music is not sent in time, either the performer or teacher can contact the
accompanist and negotiate an arrangement, or can take the chance that the
accompanist would be prepared to sight read the piece. The accompanist has the
right to refuse to sight read the music.
Each competitor must provide a separate copy of music for the accompanist, even if
there are two or more competitors performing the same music. If you are sending a
photocopy, please ensure that it is of good quality.
It is not acceptable to choose another accompanist once the music has been sent to
the Section Secretary. The only exception to this is in the case of music not received
by 15th October. In these circumstances competitors may bring their own
accompanist at their own expense.
In the event of a competitor who has requested an Official Accompanist having to
withdraw from the festival, it is essential that they inform the Section Secretary so
that the Official Accompanist can be notified as soon as possible.
Rehearsals may be organized with the Official Accompanist three weeks before the
Festival begins. Such arrangements are entirely the responsibility of the competitor,
parent or person with parental responsibility, including payment of the appropriate
fee and supervision where appropriate.
The Section Secretary can provide contact details of Official Accompanists.
7. Vocal Classes
All vocal set pieces are to be sung in English, unless specified in the Syllabus as ‘may be sung
in the original text’. (This does not apply to the Traditional Music Section of the syllabus).
Boy sopranos are not eligible for female vocal classes.
8. Adjudicators
The Committee reserves the right to engage additional adjudicators, or to substitute without
notice for any adjudicator unable to appear, and to transfer classes from one session to another,
or from one day to another.
No entrant, teacher or interested party may discuss any aspect of the Festival with an
adjudicator before, during or after classes, except at the invitation of the adjudicator.
The adjudicator’s decision will be regarded as final.
9. Trophies and Awards
Adjudication reports can be collected at the end of each class from the desk outside the
main hall.
Trophies awarded are kept for eleven months (until October of the following year) and
should be returned in good and clean condition. A letter will be sent to the competitor
during September requesting the return of the cup or trophy to this address: Mrs Judith
Rebbeck, 21 Seafront Road, Holywood, BT18 0BB. It is the competitor’s responsibility to
have their trophies engraved. Awards will be presented at the discretion of the adjudicator
and the Committee.
Awards may be withheld pending settlement of any dispute as to the eligibility of the
10. Copyright
The Festival is bound by copyright law and cannot allow photography, tape or video
recordings, all of which are absolutely forbidden during performances or adjudication.
11. Complaints
Any protest about the infringement of any of these rules, or action taken following an
infringement, should be made in writing to the Secretary within one week of the date of the
Festival, and should be accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope or sent by email to
the Secretary: Mrs Marianne Underwood, 6 Knockdarragh Park, Belfast, BT4 2LE. Email
The decision of the Committee in all matters arising out of or not specifically covered in
these Rules and Regulations is final. The Festival is not responsible for the loss of any
property on the premises.
12. Safeguarding
A copy of Holywood Music Festival Safeguarding policy is displayed at all venues and can
also be found on-line. Those responsible for entries will receive a copy of the Safeguarding
policy along with the timetable details several weeks before the Festival. They must ensure
that a copy of the policy is passed on to the parent or person with parental responsibility for
children under 18 and vulnerable adults.
All children and vulnerable adults must be accompanied by a responsible
adult and are not the responsibility of Festival personnel.
13. Music Theatre Classes
All performances using music from shows in current production are subject to copyright law.
Songs from shows in current production may be sung as a concert item, i.e. with no
costume or props, without need for copyright permission. Where movement or props are
included in a performance copyright permission is required and the Festival Committee
accepts these entries on the basis that the appropriate copyright permission has been
sought. Performers or teachers with queries on how to obtain copyright permission for
performance items should contact Festivals House on 0906 302 1302 before making entries.
(Calls cost maximum of 50p per minute.)
Marks will be deducted from performers whose choice of song is not age appropriate.
14. Festival Timetable
Most classes will generally run in one and a half hour sessions in which a group of short
classes may run consecutively with the adjudication at the end. The very young classes will
last no longer than 45-60 minutes. Approximately two weeks prior to the Festival those who
are responsible for entries will receive details of the class times, e.g. 9:30am -11:00am.
N.B. There will be no classes for 10-11 year old children on Saturdays 15 and
22 November 2014.
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A festival is an occasion when you want to do your best in every way, and platform deportment is a very
important part of your performance. Performers can greatly add to the enjoyment of sessions by a
pleasing and relaxed appearance. A performer who is at ease on the platform puts the audience at ease.
A performer who has made the effort to prepare work should use care and thought when selecting
clothes to wear at the performance. Smart dress is a courtesy to the audience and flamboyant or very
casual clothes should be avoided. Skirts always look shorter on a platform so it may be more appropriate
to wear a longer skirt. Female cellists and guitarists may find trousers more comfortable than skirts.
Expensive clothes are not necessary.
Instruments should have been tuned prior to the class, so that only minor adjustment is required on the
platform. When a music stand is used it should be placed so that it does not obscure the audience’s view
of your playing. When performers play an “Own Choice” piece they will be asked to announce to the
audience what they will be performing.
A performance starts before the first note, and finishes after the last one. Wait quietly until the
adjudicator is ready, taking a few deep breaths, so that you begin your performance feeling comfortable.
A slight bow to the adjudicator and audience at the end is a courtesy, and rounds off your performance
(don’t forget to acknowledge the accompanist, if you are using one). Leave the platform without
hurrying. If you are called up to receive a prize, shake hands with the presenter before taking it.
Attention to these points helps a great deal in developing a higher standard of amateur public
A performance limited in its communication
A performance showing development of technique and/or communication
A capable performance showing some artistic appreciation and/or technical ability
A convincing performance technically and artistically
An excellent performance technically and artistically
An exceptional performance, both technically and artistically
Holywood Music Festival's Child Protection Policy is displayed at all
venues and can be found on-line
Thursday 13 November 9:00am
D1 Tin Whistle Solo Beginners
One piece from the list. Time limit 3 minutes
1 Aimee Hughes
2 Conor Hewitt
3 Jane Finnegan
4 Mark O'Connor
5 Josh Owens
6 Stephanie Bell
7 Chloe Morrison
8 Laura Dunlop
9 Amelia Hazle
10 Holly Higgins
11 Celia Buchanan
12 Rebekah Devlin
13 Jueliette Ruelland-Kennedy
14 Aoife Neeson
15 Niamh Sweeney
16 Alex Murray
17 Lorcan Fairfield
18 Clara Murray
19 Ben Brown
20 Katie Flynn
21 Charles McMahon Murray
22 Megan Brown
23 Zoe Reilly
24 Christopher J Bryce
25 Keely O'Brien
St.Patrick's Hall
Far from Home Traditional Irish Tune
Gan ainm
Gan ainm
March or Jig
March or Jig
Song of the Chanter
Kerry Polka
Roddy McSorley's March
D4 Instrumental Solo Intermediate (not including Tin Whistle)
Two contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 5 minutes.
1 Shane mclaughlin
Rocking The Boat Sharon Shannon- Jig from
Sharon Shannon- Jig
The Busted Matress Sharon Shannon - Reel
from Sharon Shannon - Reel
2 Josh Owens
Gentle Breeze (Slow Air) Traditional Irish
Merry Blacksmiths (Reel) Traditional Irish
3 Isla McKibbin
Silver Spear (Reel)
Trip to London (Jig)
D3 Instrumental Solo Beginners (not including Tin Whistle)
One piece from the list. Time limit 3 minutes
1 Alex Walsh
2 Martin Scott
3 Josh Owens
Harvest Home (hornpipe) Traditional Irish
4 Madeline Harrington
Gan ainm
5 Olivia Lappin
Gan ainm
6 Katie Veale
Gan ainm
7 Mollie Mc Alorum
Gan ainm
8 Hana Mc Alorum
Gan ainm
9 Ciaran Mc Cusker
Gan ainm
10 Bethan Russell
11 Sarah Johnston
Off to California (Hornpipe)
D5 Instrumental Duet Beginners (including Tin Whistle)
One piece from the list. Time limit 3 minutes.
1 Alex Walsh and Conor Hewitt
2 Jude Scott and Martin Scott
3 Josh Owens and Hana Mc Alorum
Gan ainm
4 Mollie Mc Alorum and Stephanie Bell
Gan ainm
5 Joseph Lord and Olivia Lappin
Gan ainm
6 St Comgall's 5 and St Comgall's 6
Gan ainm
7 Eve Rainey & Rachel Lyle
D2 Tin Whistle Solo Intermediate
Two contrasting pieces from above list. Time limit 5 minutes
1 Shane mclaughlin
The Rights Of Men Traditional Hornpipe
from Traditional Hornpipe
Three Sea Captains Traditional Set Dance
from Traditional Set Dance
2 Jude Scott
3 Ella Davey
Thursday 13 November 10:30am
Queen's Leisure Complex
F2 Song from a Musical Show 12 years and under
Own Choice of one song
1 Scarlett Mooney
Perfect Nanny
2 Mabelle Wilcox
Who will buy
3 Rachel Brett
Winnie the Pooh
4 Rachel Blair
Part of Your World Alan Menken & Howard
Ashman from The Little Mermaid
5 Georgia McKissick
Age of not believing
6 Zara Hamilton
Bare Necessities
7 Alexander Hook
When somebody loved me
8 Anna Thomson
Do you want to build a snowman?
9 Joy Simpson
Let's Go Fly a Kite Richard M Sherman &
Robert B Sherman from Walt Disney's
"Mary Poppins"
10 Amber Beckinsale
Who Will Buy Lionel Bart from Oliver Twist
11 Georgia Wells
All I Do Is Dream of You Arthur Freed &
Naico Brown
12 George Robinson
Electricity Elton John and Lee Hall
13 Ralph Robinson
Naughty Tim Minchin
14 Cassie Mallon
My Favourite Things Rodgers &
Hammerstein from The Sound of Music
15 Sara Kelly
You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
from Annie
16 Eden Haycock
Windy City David Buttolph & Howard
Jackson from Calamity Jane
17 Tamzin Johnston
Les Poissons Alan Manken & Howard
Ashman from The Litte Mermaid
18 Sophie Casement
Edelweiss Rodgers & Hammerstein from
The Sound of Music
Home from Wonderland
Candle on the Water Al Kasha & Joel
Hirschorn from Pete's Dragon
19 Emma Kee
20 Antos Wojciechowski
Thursday 13 November 1:30pm
St.Patrick's Hall
D7 Traditional Group Beginners
Two contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 3 minutes.
1 St Bernard's Irish Traditional Group
2 St Comgall's Ensemble
Gan ainm
Gan ainm
3 St Bernard's PS Traditional Group
Inis Oirr (slow air)
Boys of Wexford (march)
4 St.Patrick's P.S. Traditional Group
2 Contrasting Pieces
2 Contrasting Pieces
5 St. Finian's (9)
Seamus Cousin's Polka
Roddy McSorley's March
Fox-Roberts Cup
D12 Traditional Group Beginners
Traditional Music Cup
Two contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 3 minutes
1 St Comgall's Traditional Group
Dawning of the day/Dalaigh's Polka anon
Dawning of the day/Dalaigh's Polka anon
2 St Bernard's PS Traditional Group
Inis Oirr (slow air)
Boys of Wexford (march)
3 St.Patrick's P.S. Traditional Group
Star of the County Down Trad.
The Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls
4 St. Finian's (9)
Seamus Cousin's Polka
Roddy McSorley's March
Thursday 13 November 2:00pm
F1a Song from a Musical Show 9 years and
Own Choice of one song
1 Ciara Moore
2 Madeline Doherty
Queen's Leisure Complex
3 Velvet Meharg
4 Mia McDowell
5 Sophie Campbell
6 Jaimie Anderson-Orr
7 Teddy Geddis
8 Claudia Simms
9 Lila-Rose Tyson
10 Max Robinson
11 Charley Dougherty
12 Alana Higgins
13 Clara McWhinney
14 Daisy Johnston
15 Evie Brammer
16 Zoe Hanson
17 Elise McAuley
18 Rachel Robinson
19 Tiffany McGowan
20 Chloe Nelson
21 Molly Boomer
22 Rachel Carson
23 Ellen Eakin
Let's go fly a kite
Perfect Nanny
Where is Love
I've Got No Strings
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Da Allie Wrubel.
Be Kind to Your Parents Harold Rome
Castle on a Cloud
Let's go fly a kite
Who will buy
Castle on a Cloud
Best of friends
The Bare Necessities Terry Gilkyson
The Good Ship Lollipop Richard A. Whiting
Part of your World
Doe a Deer
A Spoonful of Sugar
Thursday 13 November 7:00pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
F5 Song from a Musical Show 18 years and under
Clarke Cup
Own Choice of one song
1 Rhianna Russell
Maybe this time
2 Davy Rowe
Sandy Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey
3 Katie Quinn
Maybe This Time Kander & Eb
4 Daisy Wormell
Still Hurting Jason Robert Brown
5 Naomi Smyth
They Just Keep Moving the Line Marc
Shaiman & Scott Whitman
6 Elanor Camplisson
How 'Bout a Dance Frank Wildhorn
7 Hannah Boal
I'm not that girl Stephen Schwartz
8 Lauren Rice
Heaven Help My Heart Ulvaeus, Anderson
& Rice
9 Katie Emerson
Pulled Andrew Lippa from The Addams
Family Musical
10 Jenna McCready
I Know The Truth Sir Elton John from Aida
11 Lucy McAdam
There's a Fine Fine Line Julie Atherton from
Avenue Q
Once More I Can See from Wonderland
12 Zara Holmes
F6 Song from a Musical Show Open
Own Choice of one song
1 Lola Bingham
2 Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon
3 Rachel Lacey
4 Naomi Smyth
5 Chris Noade
6 Brendan Mageean
7 Katie Quinn
8 Aaron Magowan
Friday 14 November 9:30am
Award - £30
Think of me Andrew Lloyd Webber
Some Enchanted Evening Rodgers and
Wishing You Were Somehow here
again Andrew Lloyd Webber
With You Dave Stewart & Glen Ballard
Anthem Anderson, Ulvaeus, Rice
I Believe Parker, Lopez & Stone
What I Did for Love Hamlisch
Anthem Benny Andersson & Bjorn Ulvaeus
from Chess
Queen's Leisure Complex
F1b Song from a Musical Show 9 years and under
Own Choice of one song
1 Abbie Thompson
Let's go fly a kite
2 Katie Brown
Castle on a Cloud
3 Tilly McWhinney
4 Saskia Brown
A Spoonful of Sugar
5 Elessa Deeny
Part of your World
6 India McNellis
Second star to the right
7 Tara Curry
Winnie the Pooh
8 Eleanor Green
Once upon a dream
9 Sarah Hylands
Castle on a Cloud
10 Darcy Blair
Winnie the Pooh
11 Lucinda Park
Doe a Deer
12 Chloe McMullan
Part of your World
13 Rebekah Devlin
In my own Little Corner
14 Hannah Bole
Winnie The Pooh Theme Song Sherman &
Sherman from Winnie The Pooh
15 Kathryn Finley
Walking in the Air Blake
16 Caitlyn Corbett
I'd do anything
17 Madalaine Wilson
18 Juliette Ruelland -Kennedy
19 Zara Conroy
20 Cerys McMurray
21 Charlotte Sittlington
22 Rory Miller
23 Tamzin McMullan
My Favourite Things
Where is love?
Beauty and the Beast
I've Got No Strings
Cruella de Vil
Be kind to your parents
Friday 14 November 9:30am
St.Patrick's Hall
D9 Instrumental Solo Beginners.
Not including Uilleann pipes. No age limit
Two contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 3 minutes
1 Alex Walsh
2 Martin Scott
D10 Instrumental Solo Intermediate.
Not including Uilleann pies. No age limit
Three contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 6 minutes
1 Jude Scott
2 Caoimhe McArdle
3 Rory Davey
D17 NEW CLASS Beginners' Uilleann Pipe.
No age limit.
Two contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 3 minutes.
1 Ella Davey
Leo Rowsome Cup
D19 NEW CLASS Advanced Uilleann Pipes.
No age limit.
Three contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 6 minutes.
1 Lachlan McKibbin
slow air
Friday 14 November 1:30pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
F3 Song from a Musical Show 14 years and under
Own Choice of one song
1 Emma Reid
Part of your world
2 Katie McVeigh
My house
3 Mary O'Mahony
Tell me on a Sunday Andrew Lloyd Webber
& Don Black
4 Rhea Melvin
Shy Mary Rodgers
5 Harry McGarrity
The Winner Takes It All Anderson &
6 Bryanne Nelson
Colors of the Wind Schwartz & Menken
7 Emma Herron
Once Upon a December Stephen Flaherty
8 Dessie Havlin
Anthem Anderson, Ulvaeus, Rice
9 Amy McCallum
Beauty And The Beast Alan Menkin
10 Mia Wheatley
What It Means to Be a Friend Jason Robert
11 Lauren Clarke
Let's Play a Love Scene Michael Gore
12 Ryan Robson-Bluer
This is the moment Frank Wildhorn
13 Anna Guest
Out Here On My Own Michael Gore
14 George Rohan
Food Glorious Food Lionel Bart from Oliver
15 Laura Shaw
Les Poissons Alan Manken & Howard
Ashman from The Litte Mermaid
16 Emily Young
Hushabye Mountain Robert Sherman &
Richard Sherman from Chitty Chitty Bang
17 Tara McBride
Different Stiles
18 Nicole Lowans
Pulled Andrew Lippa from The Addams
F7 NEW CLASS Duet 14 years and under.
Own choice of 1 song from any show. Time limit 4 minutes.
1 Alex & Rebecca Corbett
Bosom Buddies Jerry Herman
2 Georgia Wells & Dessie Havin
I Don't Need Anything But You Strouse &
3 Lila-Rose Tyson & Max Robinson
Anything You Can Do Irving Berlin
4 George & Ralph Robinson
Alone In The Universe Stephen Flaherty
5 Rhea Melvin & Harry McGarrity
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead Arlen &
6 Emma Herron & Bryanne Nelson
For Good Schwartz
7 Anna Guest & Ryan Robinson-Bluer
Come What May David Baerwald
Friday 14 November 4:30pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
F4 Song from a Musical Show 16 years and under
Own Choice of one song
1 Orla Cumming
Can't Help Loving Dat Man Kern
2 Grace Deeny
Love is a plaintive thing
3 Sophie Allen
Wishing you were somehow here again
4 Lola Bingham
Another suitcase Andrew Lloyd Webber
5 Orla Graham
I Cain't Say No Rodgers & Hammerstein
from Oklahoma
6 Orla Kearney
I Don't Know How to Love Him Andrew
Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice from Jesus Christ
7 Topaz Marshall
Somewhere That's Green Alan Menken
8 Charlotte Skipp
A Change in Me Alan Menken and Tim Rice
9 Rachel Baker
Journey to the Past Stephen Flaherty
10 Emma-Louise McCullough
There are worse things i could do Jim
Jacobs and Warren Casey
11 Amy Dean
Never never land Scott Alan
12 Chris Noade
Kiss the Air Scott Alan
13 Chloe Wills
Sixteen Going on Seventeen Rodgers and
14 Reuben Browne
Who I'd Be Jeanine Tesori & D. LindsayAbaire from Shrek
15 Alex Rees
Close Every Door To Me A.L Webber from
16 Emma Dougan
Pulled Andrew Lippa from The Addams
Family Musical
17 Joanna Brown
It's Bad For Me Cole Porter from Nymph
Defying Gravity Schwartz from Wicked
18 Chloe Davies
F8 NEW CLASS Duet 15 years and over.
Own choice of 1 song from any show. Time limit 5 minutes.
1 Topaz Marshall & Davy Rowe
Take it like a man Benjamin & O'Keefe
2 Naomi Smyth & Brendan Mageean
Almost Paradise Dean Pitchford
3 Amy Dean & Emma-Louise McCullough
What is this feeling Schwartz
Friday 14 November 1:30pm
D13 Traditional Group Intermediate
Three contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 6 minutes
1 Ards CCE Junior
2 Sullivan Upper Junior Traditional Group
Jackson's Set
3 St Columbanus Traditional Group
The Kerfunten Jig
The Broken Pledge Reel
Slow Air
St.Patrick's Hall
D14 Traditional Group Advanced
Four contrasting pieces from the list. Time limit 10 minutes.
1 St. Dominic's Grammar School for Girls
Otter's Holt
Senior Cumann Ceol
The Inver Bank Patrick Davey
Waltz of the White Lillies Kate O'Brien
The Wedding Reel
2 Sullivan Upper School Senior Traditional
Tam Lin (Glasgow Howling Wind)
Countess Cathleen
Monday 17 November 9:30am
Queen's Leisure Complex
C42 Solo String Instrument Grades 1-2
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 3 minutes.
1 Rebekah Keilty
Hedwig's Theme John Williams from Easy
Popular Movie Instrumental Solos
Venetian Gondola Song Mendelssohn from
Violin Star 3
2 Irene Ko
March Handel
Londonderry Air Trad
3 Alex Walsh
Daisy Bell Dacre
Pennsylvania 6-5000 Gray&Sigman
4 Martin Scott
Daisy Bell Dacre
Pennsylvania 6-5000 Gray&Sigman
5 Naomi Sneddon
Pensylvania 6-5000 Gray and Sigman from
ABRSM Grade 1 Violin
The Boat to Inverie Huws Jones from
ABRSM Grade 1 Violin
6 Madeleine Heawood
Mattachins Arbeau
Boat to Inverie Trad
7 Matthew Rutherford
Boat to Inverie Trad
Russia-Gopak Dawe
8 Anna Black
Londonderry Air Trad.
Mango Walk Trad
9 Lucy Stevenson
Mattachins Arbeau
Boat to Inverie Trad
10 Katie Smith
Mattachins Arbeau
Boat to Inverie Trad
11 Ashton Greer
Mattachins Arbeau
Boat to Inverie Trad
12 Daniel Jones
Mattachins Arbeau
Russia-Gopak Dawe
13 Cara Larmour
Wolsey's Wilde Byrd
Mango Walk Trad
14 Hannah Boyd
Wolsey's Wilde Byrd
Londonderry Air Trad.
15 Conor Matthews
Wolsey's Wilde Byrd
Londonderry Air Trad.
16 Daisy Landau
The Boat to Inverie Edward Huws Jones
Over the Rainbow Arlen from The Wizard
of Oz
17 Sophia Azucena
18 Ellen Douglas
19 Noah Gibson
20 Seana McRandal
21 Jessica Byrne
The Boat to Inverie Huws Jones
Russia - Gopak Margery Dawe
Mango Walk Trad Caribbean
Wolesley's Wild Trad.
The Boat to Inverie Huws Jones
Russia - Gopak Margery Dawe
Wolesley's Wild Trad.
Mango Walk Trad Caribbean
The Boat to Inverie Huws Jones
Russia - Gopak Margery Dawe
C41 Solo String Instrument Pre-Grade 1
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 2 minutes.
1 Jack McMahon
French Carol Blackwell from Fiddle Time
Scales Book 1
Mattachins Arbeau from ABRSM
2 Sam Johnston
Freres Jacques Trad. from Strings in Step
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Trad. from
Strings in Step (Oxford)
3 Isaac Edmonds
French Carol Blackwell from Fiddle Time
Scales Book 1
Mattachins Arbeau from ABRSM
4 Peter McAleer
The Old Castle Kathy & David Blackwell
Happy go Lucky Kathy & David Blackwell
5 Eleanor Peacock
The Old Castle Kathy & David Blackwell
Happy go Lucky Kathy & David Blackwell
6 Bella Maxwell
The Old Castle Kathy & David Blackwell
Happy go Lucky Kathy & David Blackwell
7 Maeve Cullen
Happy Go Lucky Blackwell
Listen to the Rhythm Blackwell
8 Eoin McElroy
Happy Go Lucky Blackwell
Listen to the Rhythm Blackwell
9 Niamh Hamill
Happy Go Lucky Blackwell
Listen to the Rhythm Blackwell
C30 Any Brass Instrument Grades 1-2
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 3 minutes.
1 Ruth Warrington
Chorale Campbell
Hot Chilli Wedgwood
2 Finlay Mitchell
Barley Break Trad, English
Hot Chilli Wedgwood
3 Boris Robinson
Barley Break Trad, English
Hot Chilli Wedgwood
Barley Break Trad, English
Hot Chilli Wedgwood
My First Hit Single Wedgwood
Barley Break William Byrd
My First Hit Single Wedgwood
Skye Boat Song Trad.
4 Alex Shaw
5 Liam Dempsey
6 Dara Murray
C29 Any Brass Instrument Pre-Grade 1
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 2 minutes.
1 Zeki Kaya
The Barley Break Trad. from The Magic
Trumpet (Boosey and Hawkes)
One Hand, One Heart Bernstein from Easy
Winners (Brass Wind Pub)
2 Rory Patterson
Song of the Volge Boatmen trad. Russian
Bright Eyes Mike Batt
3 Ben Campbell
Song of the Volge Boatmen trad. Russian
Bright Eyes Mike Batt
4 Liam Massey
Theme from Symphony No. 9 Beethoven
Good King Wenceslas Trad.
5 Gavin Murphy
Au Claire de la Lune Trad. French
Skip it, Lou Trad. American
Monday 17 November 2:00pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
C7 Flute Solo Grades 1-2
Richard Douglas Junior Cup
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time Limit: 3 minutes
1 Emily Wilson
Les Feuilles Mortes Kosma & Prévert
Study in D minor Gariboldi
2 Niamh Lawson
Rakes of Mallow Trad. Irish
Edelweiss Rodgers and Hammerstein
3 Caitlin McCullough
Rigaudon arr. Stuart from Flute Exam
Pieces Grade 1 (ABRSM)
Edelweiss arr. Thomson from Flute Exam
Pieces Grade 1 (ABRSM)
4 Brooke Simpson
Edelweiss arr. Thomson from Flute Exam
Pieces Grade 1 (ABRSM)
The Rakes O' Mallow arr. Denley from
Flute Exam Pieces Grade 1 (ABRSM)
5 Alia Cairns
6 Selena Cunningham
7 Kate McBreen
8 Chloe Harkin
9 Seren Evans
10 Eloisa Curran
Rakes of Mallow Trad. Irish
Edelweiss Rodgers and Hammerstein
Rakes of Mallow Trad. Irish
Edelweiss Rogers and Hammerstein
Rakes of Mallow Trad. Irish
Off She Goes Trad. Irish
Rakes of Mallow Trad. Irish
Edelweiss Rodgers and Hammerstein
Lupin the Pot-Bellied Pig Keith Amos
Edelweiss Rodgers and Hammerstein
Edelweiss Rogers and Hammerstein
Rakes of Mallow Trad. Irish
C6 Flute Solo Pre Grade 1
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 2 minutes.
1 Miya McClean
Little Brown Jug Joseph Winner
Yankee Doodle Boy George M Cohan
C8 Flute Solo Grade 3-4
Richard Douglas Shield
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 4 minutes
1 Orla Mulvey
Waltzer Oliver Ledbury from Flute Salad
Whistlin' Dave Stapleton
2 Sara Shinde
Sonata in G Cimarosa arr Gatti and Sogni
Lonely and Blue Paul Hart
3 Mia Harbinson
Gavotte: from The Gondoliers, arr.
Denley Gilbert&Sullivan
Sonata in G Cimarosa
C9 Flute Solo Grades 5-6
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 6 minutes
1 Rachel Simpson
Scherzo Walckiers
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes Harbach & Kern
2 Adam Watkins
Scherzo, 2nd movement from Sonata No 5
in E minor Eugène Walckiers
3 Eva McKee
Presto, 3rd Movement from Sonata in G, Op
1 No 6 JJ Quantz
Morceau Léo Delibes
4 Joshua Carson
Vivace Purcell from Flute Exam Pieces
Grade 5 (ABRSM)
Nobody Knows Norton from Flute Exam
Pieces Grade 5 (ABRSM)
C22 Clarinet/Saxophone Grades 3-4
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time Limit 4 minutes
1 Rebecca Moore
Ave Maria Schubert
Mr Benn Duncan Lamont
Monday 17 November 6:30pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
B21 Vocal Ensemble Under 18 years
One song of own choice. Time limit 4 minutes
1 Saskia Craig, Stepanie Devlin, Fiona Gibson A Gaelic Blessing John Rutter
B28 NEW CLASS Jazz Standard 15 years and over
Own choice of 1 Jazz standard song. Time limit 4 minutes.
1 Cameron Gergett
Cry me a river Hamilton
B18 Junior Repertoire Class Under 14 years
Jack Woods Cup
2 contrasting songs of own choice. Marks will be awarded for choice and range of items.
Songs selected must be stated on the entry form.
1 Connor McMullan
My Ship Kurt Weill from The ABRSM
Songbook Book 5
Maria Wiegenlied Max Reger from The
ABRSM Songbook Book 5
2 Ciara McAdam
The path to the moon Thiman
I feel pretty Bernstein
3 Jamie Howe
Amarilli, Mia Bella Caccini from 24 Italian
songs and arias
Crabbed age and youth Madeleine Dring
from Seven Shakespeare Songs
B19 Intermediate Repertoire Under 16 years
Kathleen Ferrier Cup/Harold Williams Cup
Competitors to submit two contrasting songs of own choice. Marks will be awarded for
choice and range of items. Songs selected must be stated on entry form. Time Limit: 10
1 Orla Cumming
O sleep why dost thou leave me? from
Semele Handel
Le Secret Fauré
2 Grace Deeny
Alma Del Core Caldara
La Diva de L'Empire Satie
3 Georgia Mayhew
Camptown Races
Over the rainbow Arlen
4 Georgie Greer
Star of the County Down Hughes
Fly me to the Moon Howard
Bantry Bay Molloy
Fly me to the Moon Howard
Silent Noon Vaughn Williams from The
House of Life
Revenge Timotheus Cries Handel from
Alexander's Feast
5 Sarah Gough
6 Michael Hong
Tuesday 18 November 9:45am
Holywood Parish Church
E1 Primary 1 to Primary 4
Holywood Singers Cup
Own choice of two contrasting songs. Marks will be given for choice of pieces
1 Strathearn School Prep
L'll Liza Jane
2 Ballyholme P.4 Choir
Five little mice Jenkyns
Dream sheep John Longmire
E3 Primary 4 to Primary 7
Priory Cup
Own choice of two contrasting songs. Marks will be given for choice of pieces
1 St. MacNissi's Primary School
The Lord's my shepherd Stuart Townsend
from Kingsway Thankyou Music
Days like this Van Morrison from Exile
Publishing Limited
2 Dundonald Primary School Choir
Deep Peace Rutter
Happy Pharrel Williams
3 Strathearn Preparatory Choir
Sing Andrew Lloyd Webber/Gary Barlow
Streets of London Ralph McTell
4 St. Patrick's P.S. Choir
Somewhere Out There Horner, Mann &
Ching-a-ring Chaw Copland
E5 18 Years and Under
Robinson Cup
Own choice of two contrasting songs. Marks will be given for choice of pieces
1 St. Dominic's Grammar School for Girls
You Are My Music Laura Farnell
Senior Choir
Blackbird Lennon & McCartney arr. J
2 Bangor Academy chamber choir
Like a Rainbow Bob Chilcott
Hushabye Mountain arr. Andy Beck
3 Strathearn School Chamber Choir
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho arr Brown
My Song is Love Unknown Ireland, arr Rea
Tuesday 18 November 2:00pm
A2 Piano Solo 10 years and under
Go with the Flow
Railroad Blues Pauline Hall from Piano Time Jazz, book 2
1 Ryan Joseph
3 Patrick Stewart
2 Emily Wilson
4 Katie Gibson
Queen's Leisure Complex
Hilary Crawford Cup
A3 Piano Solo 13 years and under
Margaret Gordon Cup
The Clear Stream JF Burgmüller
Study in F Loeschhorn from A Romantic Sketchbook for Piano, book 2
1 Niall Poland
3 Connor McMullan
2 Charis Mills
A14 Grade 3
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces to the standard of Grade 3 ABRSM, Trinity-Guildhall
LCM: Time limit 4 minutes
1 Claire McKane
Atlantic Rhapsody George Nevada
Beach Buggy Boogie Martha Mier
2 Niall Poland
German Dance in C Haydn
Blue Sky Blues Stapleton
3 Sarah O'Neill
German Dance in A Schubert
Blue Sky Blues Stapleton
4 Jay Wu
German Dance in A Schubert
Blue Sky Blues Stapleton
5 Brigita Zvirblyte
Zur Sonnenuntergangsstunde Manfred
German Dance in A Schubert
6 Kaifu Liu
Allegro, 1st movement Sonatina in C, Op36
no 1 Clementi
Cotton Reel Nikki Iles
7 Hannah Pollock-Chan
Poco Allegro T Kirchner
German Dance in C Haydn
8 Kerri Corbett
Toccata Smetana
Blues in Two Cornick
A21 NEW CLASS Jazz Piano 14 years and under
One or two pieces of own choice to fill the time limit of 5 minutes.
1 Helen Li
Waltz for Alice Roy Stratford
Warm Up Roy Stratford
2 Jude Kennedy
Call it a Day Pam Wedgwood
Building Bridges Pam Wedgwood
3 Jamie Howe
Wild mushrooms Milne from Pepperbox
Jazz book 2
C26 Woodwind Ensemble 11 years and under
Duo to Octet. Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time Limit: 4 minutes
1 Holywood Primary School Clarinet
Piece IV Ronald Hanmer from Easy Clarinet
Trios Book 1
Piece VI Ronald Hanmer from Easy Clarinet
Trios Book 1
C35 Brass Ensemble 11 years and under
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 5 minutes.
1 Holywood Primary School Brass Ensemble German Tune Trad.
When I First Came to This Land Trad.
C57 NEW CLASS Guitar Solo 14 years and under
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit not to exceed 6 minutes.
1 Stefan van Walstijn
Brandle d'Ecosse T Arbeau
Ode to Joy Beethoven
C31 Any Brass Instrument Grades 3-4
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces . Time limit 4 minutes.
1 Oisin McDonnell
Beaufort Allegro T Davoren
Bragtime J Firth
Tuesday 18 November 6:30pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
C23 Clarinet/Saxophone Grades 5-6
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces, Time Limit: 6 minutes
1 Eórann McCartan
Der Schottenclan Loewe
Andantino Malcolm Arnold
C44 Solo String Instrument Grades 5-6
Mahood Cup
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 6 minutes.
1 Tara Mulvey
Pastorale Op 23 no 1 Rieding
For Latin Lovers Brian Chapple
C45 Solo String Instrument Grade 7-8
Nancy McKinley Cup
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 10 minutes.
1 Sarah Doherty
Molto Allegro : 1st movement from Sonata
in A, K 526 Mozart from No 15, Mozart
Sonatas for piano and violin, Vol. 3
Remembrances John Williams from Three
Pieces from Schindler's List
2 Anna-Maria O'Donnell
Andantino, 2nd movement from Concerto
No. 4 Goltermann
Allemande Suite No. 1 in G, 2nd
movement J.S. Bach
Giga from Partita no 2 JS Bach
Mummenschanz Korngold
Giga from Partita no 2 JS Bach
Remembrances from Schindler's List John
Meditation from Thais Massenet
Allegro 1st Movement from Concerto in A
Minor Vivaldi
3 Georgia Begley
4 Bethany Hill
5 Jamie Howe
Wednesday 19 November 9:30am
Queen's Leisure Complex
A1 Piano Solo 8 years and under
Janetta Morrow Cup
Ambling Allosaurus
Stegosaurus Stomp Pauline Hall & Paul Drayton from Prehistoric Piano Time
1 Niamh Lynch
3 Amelia Kennedy
2 Emily Wilson
A11 Pre-grade 1
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces to the standard of ABRSM (prep test), Trinity (Initial),
LCM (Step 1 or 2) or Guildhall (Introductory or Preliminary). Time limit 2 minutes
1 Jackey Chen
Jogalong Alan Bullard
Homework Blues Fiona Macardle
2 Zlata Kravcenko
Boating Lake Alan Bullard
Løvet Faller Knut Nystedt
3 Azelia Robinson
4 Isabella Sands
5 Grace Yin
6 Amy Hunter
7 Amy McIlroy
Sour lemons Dennis Alexander from Trinity
College, Initial
Little playmates Franz Xaver Chwatal from
Trinity College Initial
Rocking Chair K Daxboeck from 70
Keyboard Adventures Vol 2
Sonatina Latour
Shepherd's Flute Salutrinskaya
Vivace, Op 117/8 Gurlitt
I'm a Gorilla Catherine Rollin
Jungle Fever Catherine Rollin
The Boating Lake Alan Bullard
Teddy Bear June Armstrong from Toy Box
A12 Grade 1
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces to the standard of Grade 1 ABRSM, Trinity-Guildhall
or LCM: Time limit 3 minutes.
1 Rohan Joseph
Na Tódce Rybici
Chattanooga Choo Choo Harry Warren
2 Marija Panfilova
Menuet in G Mozart
March Shostakovich
3 Qiming Fu
Arietta Clementi
The Giant's Coming Stephen Clarke
4 Sonia Stopa
Na Tódce Rybici
Das Ballet Türk
5 Alexander Hadjiev
Moderato A. F. Gedike from Grade 1 piano
Mussette in D J. S. Bach from Anna
Magdalena Back
6 Jean McComish
Dance Gurlit from The Russian School of
Piano PLaying
Quasi Adagio Bela Bartok from The best of
grade 1 piano
7 Michael Nevin
Tone gradation Duvernoy from ABRSM
technical exercises
Window Shopping Paul Drayton from Piano
Time Jazz
8 Gabriella Thompson
Das Ballett Türk
In a Boat Rybici
9 Jessica McCann
Minuet Neefe
Aquamarine June Armstrong
10 Izzy Mallon
11 Smokey Sizaret
12 Kitty McTear
13 Juliet Shaw
14 Jessica McCann
Das Ballet Türk
In a Boat Rybici
Scarborough Fair trad. arr Peter Wild
In the Hall of the Mountain Bear Pam
Chattanooga Choo Choo H Warren & M
Sailor's Song Swinstead
Trumpet Tune Duncombe
Song Without Words Spindler
Prélude Charpentier
Aquamarine June Armstrong
A7 Duets and Trios 10 years and under
Own Choice of one or two pieces to fill the time limit. Time Limit: 3 minutes
1 Angela Liu and Chloe Zhao
Sonatina in C Clementi
Tango Seiber
A8 Duets and Trios 13 years and under
Own Choice of one or two pieces to fill the time limit. Time Limit: 4 minutes
1 Claire McKane and Sophie Lockhart
Alabama Rag George Barnard
Turkish March Diabelli
A13 Grade 2
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces to the standard of Grade 2 ABRSM, Trinity-Guildhall
or LCM: Time limit 4 minutes.
1 Aisling McCabe
Lullaby CV Stanford
Polka Mátyás Seiber
2 Conor Marcus
Lullaby CV Stanford
Polka Mátyás Seiber
3 Isaac Robinson
Serenade Espagnole Jose Ferrer from
ABRSM piano grade 2
I am an old cowhand Johnny Mercer from
Grade 2 piano ABRSM
4 Emma Henderson
Minuet in A Mozart
Faraway Wedgwood
5 Omar Shinde
Allegretto Christoph Gottlob Neefe
The Clowns Kabalevsky from The Russian
School of Piano
Wednesday 19 November 2:00pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
B12 Boys and Girls 15 and 16 years Sacred Song
Barbara Foster Cup
Panis Angelicus Franck from The Art of Song, Grades 4 - 5, medium - low voice
1 Stephanie Devlin
3 Grace Deeny
2 Lola Bingham
4 Orla Kearney
B13 Folk Song Accompanied 13 and 14 years
One song of own choice.
1 Emma Reid
2 Katie McVeigh
3 Georgia Hardwicke
B14 Folk Song Accompanied 15-17 years
One song of own choice.
1 Grace Deeny
2 Orla Cumming
3 Katie McVeigh
4 Rhianna Russell
To the sky
The Water is Wide
Down by the Sally Gardens
She moved through the fair
Simple Gifts
I know where I'm going
All my trials
B6 Folk Song Unaccompanied 12 years and under
One song of own choice
1 Evie Brammer
In a cottage
2 Jaimie Anderson-Orr
Merry cobbler
3 Tamzin McMullan
Anna Marie
4 Eleanor Green
Swing low
5 Alexander Hook
Santa Lucia
6 Rory Miller
The Happy Wanderer
7 India McNellis
My father's garden
8 Georgia McKissick
Gypsy Rover
9 Anna Thomson
Miller of Dee
B17 Boys Open
One song of own choice
1 Alexander Hook
2 Reuben Curran
3 Jamie Howe
Borsada Cup
Keith Maxwell Cup
Pie Jesu from Requiem Fauré
The Dark Island arr. Carol Barratt
Die Forelle Schubert from Schubert Lieder
volume 1
B7 Non Prizewinners 12 years and under
Everyone Sang Ian Higginson from The Boosey & Hawkes 20th Century Easy Song Collection
1 Sophie Casement
2 Alex Toomath
Wednesday 19 November 6:30pm
B23 Vocal Solo 18-21 years
One song of own choice.
1 Sarah Leonard
2 Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon
Queen's Leisure Complex
Clarke Cup
If I Loved You Rodgers and Hammerstein
Silent Noon Vaughan Williams
B24 Senior Repertoire 16+ years
Katy Major Memorial Trophy + £250 First
prize, £100 Second Prize, £50 Third prize
Competitors to submit 3 contrasting songs of own choice. Marks will be awarded for choice
and range of items. Songs selected must be stated on entry form. Full programme is to last
no longer than 12 minutes.
1 William Fox-Roberts
Cold Genius aria Purcell
Les Bestiaire Poulanc
Droll Lover Warlock
2 Sarah Leonard
Vaga luna che inargenti Bellini
The Blue Hills of Antrim Hamilton Harty
Love's Philosophy Roger Quilter
3 Stephanie Devlin
Seligkeit Franz Schubert
Down by the Sally Gardens Trad Irish
Think of me from Phantom of the
Opera Lloyd Webber
4 Lola Bingham
Voi che sapete Mozart
The last rose of Summer
Wishing you were somehow here
again Andrew Lloyd Webber
5 Ellen Campbell
She moved through the fair
I'd give my life for you Claude-Michel
Ridente le calma Mozart
6 Katie McKeown
Du bist die Ruh Schubert
A hymn to the Virgin Rubbra
Rejoice greatly Handel
7 Carolyn Hill
8 Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon
Thursday 20 November 9:30am
La Scia Chio Pianga Handel
Wiegenlied Brahms
Sweet Chance that Led my Steps Abroad M
Whither Must I Wander Vaughan Williams
Die Nacht Strauss
The Star of the County Down Trad. Irish
Ballyholme Primary School
C1 Descant Recorder 11 years and under
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 3 minutes.
1 Erin Lynch
Scherzino Brian Bonsor
Menuet 1697
2 Katie Smith
Scherzino Brian Bonsor
Menuet 1697
3 Hannah Mahood
Scherzino Brian Bonsor
Menuet 1697
4 Boris Robinson
Amazing Grace Trad.
Menuet 1697
5 Ciaran McKee
Scherzino Brian Bonsor
Menuet 1697
C2 Descant or Treble Recorder 12 years and under
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 4 minutes.
1 Seren Evans
Stroll On Alan Houghton
Study in Pink Sarah Watts
2 Olivia Davidson
Stroll On Alan Houghton
Study in Pink Sarah Watts
3 Evie Banyard
Maigesang Beethoven
Study in Pink Sarah Watts
4 Cara Larmour
Allegro Mozart
Maigesang Beethoven
5 Sakura Gibson
Merry-go-round Brian Bonsor
Volte Praetorious
C4 Recorder Ensemble 11 years and under
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 5 minutes.
1 Ballyholme Primary Recorder Group (20)
A Little Canon arr. R. Smyth
Take Five arr R Smyth
C15 Bassoon/Oboe Grades 1-2
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time Limit 3 minutes
1 Evie Banyard
English Jig Anon
Harvest Time Carol Barrett
2 Olivia Davidson
Serenade Diabelli
Catchy Toon Colin Cowles
C20 Clarinet/Saxophone Pre Grade 1
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time Limit 2 minutes
1 Charlie Poots
Ar Hyd y Nôs Trad. Welsh
Podmoskovniye Vechera Solov'yoSedoy
2 Hannah Mahood
Ar Hyd y Nôs Trad. Welsh
Podmoskovniye Vechera Solov'yoSedoy
3 Roan Taylor
Ar Hyd y Nôs Trad. Welsh
Podmoskovniye Vechera Solov'yoSedoy
C21 Clarinet/Saxophone Grades 1-2
Own Choice of two contrasting pieces. Time Limit 3 minutes
1 Elijah Richmond
Lilliburlero Purcell
Shhh! Mark Cropton
2 Sophie Morrison
Ar Hyd y Nôs Trad. Welsh
Podmoskovniye Vechera Solov'yoSedoy
Thursday 20 November 2:00pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
C54 Innovative Primary
Wade Cup
Own Choice, Time limit not to exceed 10 minutes.
1 Holywood Primary School (R12)
Theme from the Flintstones Hoyt Curtin
Edelweiss Rodgers and Hammerstein
2 Holywood Primary School (R13)
Theme from Mr Benn Duncan Lamont
Ar Hyd Y Nos Trad. Welsh
C50 Orchestra 11 years and under
Norman Allin Cup
Own Choice. Time limit 10 minutes, including tuning time on platform.
1 St. Patrick's P.S. Orchestra (27)
The Dark Island Trad. Irish
Charlie Marley Trad. Carribbean
B11 Boys and Girls 13 and 14 years Sacred Song
The Coventry Carol Anon from ABRSM Songbook 2
1 Mary O'Mahony
B16 Folk Song Unaccompanied 15-17 years
One song of own choice.
1 Fiona McIlroy
2 Orla Kearney
Thursday 20 November 6:00pm
Barbara Foster Junior Cup
My Lagan Love
The Water is Wide arr. Mark Hayes
Queen's Leisure Complex
A6 Piano Solo Open
Louise McDonald Cup
Prélude, First movement from Suite bergamasque Debussy from Piano Exam Pieces, Grade
1 Michael Hong
2 Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon
A17 Piano Solo Repertoire 17 years and over
Togneri Cup
Performers to submit and be ready to perform any or all of the items in a Recital
programme of 15-20 minutes duration. Marks will be awarded for choice and range of
items. Works selected must be stated on the entry form and copies must be provided for the
1 Aoife Maguire
Sonata Op 10 no 1, first
movement Beethoven
Prelude Op 10 no 1 Lyadov
Elegy Arno Babajanian
A19 Late Intermediate (Grade 6 - 7)
Epta Cup
Own Choice of two or three contrasting pieces to the standard of Grade 6-7 ABRSM, TrinityGuildhall or LCM. Time limit 8 minutes.
1 Lucia Corrigan
1st movement Sonata Op 49 No
2 Beethoven
Chanson du Chasseur Grovlez
2 Angela Liu
Morning Bell Burgmüller
Meteor Shower Kathy Hinde
3 Chloe Zhao
Solfegietto CPE Bach
Rumba Toccata Paul Harvey
4 Tanvi Roberts
Polonaise in G Minor Chopin
Sandpipers ay Ballyquintin June Armstrong
5 Louise Li
Scherzo and Trio, Sonata in A minor, D845,
3rd movement Schubert
Sturdy Build Christopher Norton
6 Laurence Li
Invention no 14 in Bb Bach
Jingpo Shan Ge trad. Chinese arr Zhang
Waltz in Ab no 15 Brahms
Jingpo Shan Ge trad. Chinese arr Zhang
Berceuse Frank Bridge
Sturdy Build Christopher Norton
Waltz in Ab no 15 Brahms
Mr Satchmo Valerie Capers
Song without words opus 19b
no.1 Mendelssohn from Trinity grade 7
Wild mushrooms Milne from Pepperbox
Jazz book 2
Rondo alla Turka Mozart
Consolation No 1 Liszt
Allegro, 3rd movement from Sonata in C
K279 Mozart
Berceuse Bridge
Sturdy Build Christopher Norton
Berceuse Bridge
Allegro, 3rd movement from Sonata in
Ab CPE Bach
Toccata in G BWV 916 Bach
Gnossienne no 3 Satie
7 Caroline O'Hare
8 Carol Mathew
9 Jonathan Gan
10 Jamie Howe
11 Caroline McCartney
12 Rowel Friers
13 Margot MacMahon
14 Jude Kennedy
Friday 21 November 9:30am
B1 BOYS and GIRLS under 7 years
Oh Susanna Foster from Sing Together!
1 Ellie Johnston
2 Vanessa Minford
3 Grace Conroy
4 Tiffany McGowan
5 Jaimie Anderson-Orr
6 Teddy Geddis
Queen's Leisure Complex
7 Julia Cochrane
8 Erin McDowell
9 Annabel Pollin
10 Tara Curry
11 Emily Mooney
B2 BOYS and GIRLS 7 and 8 years
David McCleery Cup
Home on the Range American Traditional from ABRSM Song Book 1, any 2 verses
1 Alana Higgins
10 Charley Dougherty
2 Chloe McMullan
11 Sophie Campbell
3 Tilly McWhinney
12 Cara Logue
4 Rachel Carson
13 Clara McWhinney
5 Zoe Hanson
14 Paris Lan
6 Evie Brammer
15 Charlotte Sittlington
7 Claudia Simms
16 Rory Miller
8 Elessa Deeny
17 Katie Brown
9 Faith Hillis
B3 BOYS and GIRLS 9 and 10 years
Lesley Dennison Cup
The Cuckoo arr Charles Villiers Stanford from The Boosey & Hawkes 20th Century Easy Song
1 Caitlyn Corbett
6 Zara Conroy
2 Rebekah Devlin
7 Eleanor Green
3 India McNellis
8 Tamzin McMullan
4 Georgia McKissick
9 Ellie Curran
5 Jack McMaster
B8 Boys and Girls 12 and under
Twilight Beswick from ABRSM Songbook 2
1 Georgia McKissick
4 Rory Miller
2 Eleanor Green
5 Tamzin McMullan
3 Anna Thomson
6 Alexander Hook
Catherine Hunter Cup
B9 Girls 13 and 14 years
Sicilian River Song Anon from ABRSM Songbook 3
1 Katie McVeigh
Friday 21 November 2:00pm
Rea Cup
Queen's Leisure Complex
B4 BOYS and GIRLS 11 and 12 years
The Little Spanish Town Jenkyns from ABRSM Songbook 2
1 Orlaith Magee
6 Zara Hamilton
2 Anna Thomson
7 Ellie Matchett
3 Kara Purdy
8 Gracie Davies
4 Jenny Tate
9 Charlotte Hart
5 Anna Pentland
10 Amber Beckinsale
Gaussen Cup
B5 Folk Song Accompanied 12 years and
One song of own choice
1 Holly Humphreys
2 Eloise McKnight
3 Scarlett Mooney
4 Madalaine Wilson
5 Rebekah Devlin
6 Caitlyn Corbett
7 Zoe Hanson
8 Charlotte Sittlington
9 Tara Curry
10 Claudia Simms
11 Orlaith Magee
12 Teddy Geddis
13 Rory Miller
14 Evie Brammer
15 Zara Hamilton
16 Anna Thomson
17 Tamzin McMullan
18 Alexander Hook
19 Georgia McKissick
20 Mabelle Wilcox
21 Daniel Stewart
22 Amber Beckinsale
Friday 21 November 6:30pm
A5 Piano Solo 17 years and under
One movement from any Piano Sonata
1 Luca Burns
2 Alejandro Thompson
3 Sarah McMillian
Martin Clements Cup
Cockles and Mussels
L'll Liza Jane
The Old Man from Kilkenny
Skye Boat Song
Brian O'Linn
L'll Liza Jane
Bobby Shaftoe
Paul's little hen
Golden Slumbers
Anna Marie
Gypsy Rover
Little David play on your harp
Where are you going to?
Camptown Races
I have a bonnet
A tisket
Danny boy
Westering Home
Cockles and Mussels
Camptown Races
Let him go let him tarry
Queen's Leisure Complex
Geoffrey Pratley Cup
Sonata in F, Op 10 no 2, 1st movement
Allegro Beethoven
Allegro: 3rd movt from Sonata in Ab C.P.E.
Bach from ABRSM Grade 7
Rondo, 2nd movement from Sonata in
Eb Dussek
A16 Piano Solo Repertoire under 17 years
David McQuiston Cup
Performers to submit and be ready to perform any or all of the items in a Recital
programme of 10-12 minutes duration. Marks will be awarded for choice and range of
items. Works selected must be stated on the entry form and copies must be provided for the
1 Shannon Moulds
Sonata in F sharp KP318 Scarlatti
Sevilla Albeniz
Prelude for Piano no 1 Gershwin
2 Jake Lowry
Sonatina in D minor, HWV 581 Handel
Fürchtenmachen Schumann
Nuvole Bianche L Einaudi
3 Doireann Sheridan
Canzonetta Dohnanyi
Romance, Op 2 no 2 Joachim Raff
Cavalry Man Kabalevsky
A20 Advanced (Grade 8-8+)
Epta Senior Cup
Own Choice of two or three contrasting pieces to the standard of Grade 8-8+ ABRSM,
Trinity-Guildhall or LCM. Time limit 10 minutes.
1 Neil McKane
Clair de Lune Debussy
O Polchinello Villa Lobos
2 Maria McCartney
Sommeraband Op 71 no 2 Grieg
Hallelujah Time Oscar Peterson
3 Anna Campbell
Prelude & Fugue no 19 in A, book 2 Bach
Berceuse Ilynsky
4 Laura Dickson
5 Justine Gormley
6 Charis Mills
Sonata no 11 in B Soler
Black Coffee Webster & Burke
Prelude and Fugue in C minor, Book 1 Bach
Homage to Edith Piaf Poulenc
Bohemian Dance Debussy
Intermezzo Op 117 no 1 Brahms
Golliwog's Cake Walk Debussy
Saturday 22 November 10:00am
Queen's Leisure Complex
A18 Early Intermediate (Grade 4-5)
Epta Junior Cup
Own Choice of two or three contrasting pieces to the standard of Grade 4-5 ABRSM, TrinityGuildhall or LCM. Time limit 6 minutes.
1 Connor McMullan
Adelita Francisco Tarrega from Piano
ABRSM Grade 5
Minuet in D Ludwig van Beethoven from
Piano ABRSM Grade 5
2 Niall McNama
Adelita F Tárrega
Kavaleriiskaya Kabalevsky
3 William Rong
Sonata in G minor Scarlatti
Ne tirez pas sur le pianiste Emmanuel Oriol
4 Thomas Mathew
Sonata in G minor Scarlatti
Ne tirez pas sur le pianiste Emmanuel Oriol
5 Rebecca Hilland
The Sun is Setting William Alwyn
Ne tirez pas sur le pianiste Emmanuel Oriol
6 Grace Fung
The Sun is Setting William Alwyn
Ne tirez pas sur le pianiste Emmanuel Oriol
7 Conall Deery
To a Wild Rose MacDowell
Cavalryman Kabalevsky
8 Louis Kennedy
March in Eb Anon
The Sun is Setting William Alwyn
9 Rachel Murphy
March in Eb Anon
Alvedans Greig
10 Luisa van Walstijn
Dance no 7 from Dances of the
Dolls Shostakovich
Le Petit Nègre Debussy
11 Cás Mallon
Canción Para Dormir una Muñeca Estevez
Indian Pony Race DC Glover
12 Amelia Blamphin
Sonata in G Cimarosa
Berceuse Bergmüller
Cavalryman Kabalevsky
Saturday 22 November 7:30pm
Queen's Leisure Complex
E10 Church Choirs (any age)
Neill Cup
Own choice of two contrasting Songs. Marks will be given for choice of pieces.
1 Choristers of St.George's Parish Church
Ave Maria Elgar
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus Alan Smith
C58 NEW CLASS Guitar Solo 15 years and over
Own choice of two contrasting pieces. Time limit 8 minutes.
1 Anselm McDonnell
Prelude BMV 998 JS Bach
The Black Decameron: Harp of the
Warrior Leo Brouwer
E9 Adult Ladies' Choirs
Women’s Institute Cup
Own choice of two contrasting Songs. Marks will be given for choice of pieces.
1 Lisburn Harmony Ladies Choir
Shule Aroon Ruth Schram
I'll paint you a rainbow Greg Gilpin
E7 Adult Mixed Voice Choirs Open
KMB Shield
Own choice of two contrasting songs. Marks will be given for choice of pieces
1 Quire
Sweet Dreams Annie Lennox & Dave
Stewart arr Deke Sharon & Anne Raugh
One Day Like This Guy Garvey arr Michael
Stormont Singing AD
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