Doberman P M the inscher Volume 7, Issue 3 agazine National Issue October 2013 TOP 20 WINNER, BIS, MBIS, GCH FRANCESCA’S HOUSE OF BLUES Dakota congratulates all his show puppies and owners VWD - Clear Hips - Excellent Elbows - Excellent Thyroid - Normal Heart - Echo (Normal) 10/2/12 CERF - Normal Color - #7 bbDD See pedigree in the Stud Dog Register D DAKOTA Owner - Robert Hennessey email - phone - 219-663-2960 BISS CH ELEMENT ROCK STAR Thank you Faye Strauss for this Best in Specialty! Black #3 vWD Clear OFA Echo Normal OFA Thyroid Normal Full and Proper Dentition OFA Hips excellent, OFA Elbows normal, OFA Eyes normal Ch Briarwood Storms’ A Brewin LC-11D Ch Kaywood’s Clear Nite Mission Kaywood’s Clear Nite Broadcast Ch A-List N Moa’s Knight Strike Ch Cambria’s Highly Regarded Bfl-1 U-Ch Moa’s Diamond Tiarra Ch Moa’s Have You Ever Lc-10D Ozzy Ch Cha-Rish The Rain Storm Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s Ch Blu-J’s Wind Star Cha-Rish Element Reach For The Stars Ch Durke’s Bubba Just Moved In LC-11D Bfl-1 Ch Bruda Moonlight Over Paris Bfl-1 U-Ch Bruda Here N There LC-10L ©photo Linda Beam Breeders/Owners: Denise Kusey and Leah Kusey 262-391-4819 October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 3 Manorie Dobe’s Fandango Flame .Owned & bred by Marj Brooks Santa Rosa, California 707-539-2050 4 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Ch. Foxfire’s Love Monster x Ch. Manorie Dobe’s Lola Montez WAC Flame is shown here with a nice win with her new handler Catherine Collins. Thank you judge is Carmen Battaglia for this major Specialty Reserve! Watch Catherine & Flame’s winning ways at the all-breed shows. Flame will be shown in the bred by exhibitor class at the National. October, 2013 AKC GCh/CAN/UKC Ch Gorrmae’s Rock The Rim CGC (Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow X Ch Gorrmae’s Absolutely D’Vine LC12L) Jordan Jordan won a BOB and Group First his last day showing with Kathy Eiler. What a grand HOORAH! He won over 12 very nice Specials in the Breed ring and some top dogs in the Group!! What a day!! A big Thank You to judge Douglas Windsor. He will now retire as he is nearing veteran age (DOB 2-17-07). He will be shown at select shows next year as a veteran. He sends lots of slurpy kisses to his handler Kathy. Another exciting event that day was... his neice GrAKC/GrUKC/CKC/Intl Ch Gorrmae’s Singular Sensation CGC TDI RA NA, aka Elle, shown by her owner Marilyn Mannino took BOS next to Jordan then went on to a Group II in Owner Handler Group competition...what a thrill for their breeder!!!! Jordans Mom and Breeder Lori Gorr • Gorrmae Dobermans 586-727-9753 • • October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 5 DPCA REGIONALS EVENTS - TENTATIVE Friday, October 11, 2013 UDC IPO Fall Classic field practice Infield 9a-4p UDC IPO Fall Classic Draw Host hotel 7p Saturday, October 12, 2013 Conformation Show #1 All Day Bldg 4 Conformation judge: Sheila DiNardo Sweeps judge: Karin DeGrazia-Fox Obedience Trial #1 8:00 AM - Noon Bldg 4 Judge: TBD Rally Trial #1 8:00 AM - Noon Bldg 4 Agility Trial #1 All Day Bldg 4 Judge: Beverly Morgan Lewis Obedience Trial #2 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Bldg 4 Rally Trial #2 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Bldg 4 Sunday, October 13, 2013 Conformation Show #2 All Day Bldg 4 Conformation Judge: George Marquis Sweeps Judge: Carol Petruzzo Obedience Trial #3 8:00 AM - Noon Bldg 4 Rally Trial #3 8:00 AM - Noon Bldg 4 Agility Trial #2 All Day Bldg 4 Beverly Morgan Lewis Obedience Trial #4 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Bldg 4 Rally Trial #4 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Bldg 4 WAE Time: Tbd Location: Infield Welcome Party Sunday Night!!!!! Watch for details about the welcome party to be held on Sunday, October 13, 2013 after Best of Breed. A celebration to welcome Dobermans, good friends and great competition to the west coast. DPCA EVENTS - TENTATIVE Monday, October 14, 2013 Agility Trial All Day Bldg 4 Judge: Beverly Morgan Lewis WAE 8:00 AM - Noon Track Infield Board Meeting All Day Merlot Room Exhibitors’ Seminar 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Vineyard 1 & 2 Annual Meeting/Awards 2:00 PM 5:00 PM Vineyard 1 & 2 Judges/Stewards Top 20 Mtg 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Garden Room Conformation Top 20 Event 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Bldg 4 Top 20 Judges’ Reception 9:30 PM - Midnight Garden Room Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Obedience Trial All Day Bldg 4 Rally Trial All Day Bldg 4 CGC Testing 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Bldg 4 Futurity Competition, Judge: Andy Linton And Veteran Sweeps, Judge: TBD All Day Bldg 4 Cardiology Testing All Day Vineyard 3 & 4 Board Meeting All Day Merlot Room Breeder/Exhibitor Seminar 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Vineyard 1 & 2 Chapter Club Meeting 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Pinot Noir Agility Top 20 Event 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Bldg 4 Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Dog Judging All Day Bldg 4 Judge: Nedda Vorzimer 6 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Veteran Dog After Winners Dog Bldg 4 Agility Seminar All Day Bldg 4 Obedience Seminar All Day Bldg 4 Cardiology Testing All Day Vineyard 3 & 4 Board Meeting All Day Merlot Room International Meeting 3:00 PM Garden Patio Mentors’ Meeting 3:00 PM Pinot Noir Room ROM Meeting 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Syrah Room Health Seminar 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Vineyard 1 & 2 Obedience Top 20 Event 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Bldg 4 Thursday, October 17, 2013 Bitch Judging All Day Bldg 4 Judge: Philip Martin Veteran Bitch After Winners Bitch Bldg 4 Judges’ Education Seminar All Day Vineyard 1 & 2 Cardiology Testing All Day Vineyard 3 & 4 Board Meeting All Day Merlot Room Health/Rescue Fundraiser 6:00 PM - ??? California Ballroom Friday, October 18, 2013 Best Veteran / Intersex All Day Bldg 4 Judge: Janet Van Wormer Best Puppy / Best BBE / Stud Dog & Brood Bitch After Intersex Judges’ Education All Day Ringside Bldg 4 Board Meeting All Day Merlot Room October, 2013 October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 7 Int’l. Champion Darkstar’s ka-Ching WAC, CGC CH Foxfire’s Triple “X” x Int/Cn Ch. Charlotte’s Lily of Suncliff, WAC, CGC Breeder: Barbara Roth 623-435-1986 8 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Owners: Barbara Roth Raquel (LuLu) Wright Handler: Memo Cavazos 480-677-1687 October, 2013 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Int’l. Champion Darkstar’s ka-Ching WAC, CGC CH Foxfire’s Triple “X” x Int/Cn Ch. Charlotte’s Lily of Suncliff, WAC, CGC Ok, so we couldn’t beat ‘em! What is DPI and why we can’t use the photos from your web page. DPI stands for dots per inch, which indicates the resolution of images. A dot is a single point, the smallest identifiable part of an image. Printers and monitors, for example, create characters and images by printing patterns of dots. The more dots per inch, the higher the resolution. The industry standard for photos in print advertising is 300 dots per inch. At this resolution the dots in the photos are just small enough that they are barely detectable with the naked eye. Industry standard for the web is from 72 to 90 dots per inch. In print at this resolution, the dots are clearly visible. In this case the imagine is said to be pixelated. Pixelated, describes an image in which individual pixels are apparent to the naked eye. When you “do the math” it becomes clear in images with 300 dots per square inch, the dots will be smaller and more condensed than images with 72 dots per inch. These smaller, more compact dots give us an image with more “information” per inch. We then come to the answer of why we cannot pull photos from your web site. Compare the photos below. The high resolution, 300 dpi. photo gives us more detail and clarity. Whereas the 72 dpi photo lacks quality and is pixelated. The quality of your advertisements and the articles we bring to you is very important to us. We want you to be happy with the product we deliver to your mailbox. At times, it may seem that we are “difficult” when it comes to image quality, but the reality is we are very picky for a reason – YOU! left: Giraffe photo at 300 dpi Bottom: Giraffe photo at 72 dpi But we still had a really good time! Thank you, Bahia Sur Kennel Club! Breeder: Barbara Roth 623-435-1986 October, 2013 Owners: Barbara Roth Raquel (LuLu) Wright The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 9 WHAT'S INSIDE 16 DPCA National Events . . . 6 Someone You Should Know... GRACE MOORE GRA-LEMOR DOBEMANS On The Cover . . . . . . . . 12 From The Publisher. . . . . 14 28 34 46 52 55 60 MY TRIPLE D’S ADVENTURE by Darlene Young DPM Candids. . . . . . . . . 51 DPM Featured Handler LINDA HOFF SEIGEL Who Dat? . . . . . . . . . . . 65 From Marj Brooks. . . . . . 58 Dings DNA Test Info . . . 65 DPM Featured Handler ANN RAMSBOTTOM WHITE New Title Holders. . . . . . 66 Top Twenty Conformation Stats DPM Featured Handler ELAINE HOPPER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Top Twenty Agility Stats TOP TWENTY FINALISTS GALLERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Top Twenty Obedience Stats. Doberman History PEGGY ADAMSON part two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Rates & Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Business Card Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Index to Advertisers . . . . 82 34 60 16 10 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine August, 2013 Pinkus U-CH AM-CH QuArtets speCtACulAr MoMent, WAe “FIESTY” AM CH/U-GRCH Pawshere Never A Dull Moment CDX RE MX MXJ NF CGC U-CD U-R01-U-AG1 CL-3 X “RAFA” Sunburgs Spectacular Bid Beautiful Pinkus has been busy working toward GCH earning several Select Bitch-2BOB Owner Handler and a VERY PROUD Best In Show Owner Handler in Marion, Ohio. Pinkus is currently #3 OH bitch what an honor! Pinkus has passed her WAE testing and continues to train for more performance titles. Thank you judges: Skip Thielen- Select & BOBOH • Larry Mackai- OH Group 1 Gerard Penta - Best in Show Owner Handler James White-Select & BOBOH & OH Group 3rd QuArtet DoberMAns “The Perfect Harmony of Beauty & Brains” Always Proudly Breeder-Owner handled & loved by Wende Call Quartet Dobermans • Dayton, Ohio • • October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 11 ON THE COVER Bella We would like to thank John and Addy Dolan from the bottom of our hearts for entrusting us with this amazing girl. We knew from the moment we saw her picture when she was 12 weeks old that she was special. She has been a wonderful addition to our home and has graced our home with beauty, incredible temperament and intelligence. We just can’t imagine life without her wonderful presence. She has taken us on an incredible journey, to unimaginable heights, far beyond anything we could ever have imagined beginning with her first entrance into the show ring at 6 months old, winning 2 majors her first weekend. It became very evident to us that she was born to be in the ring. Within 2 months of beginning her competition as a special, Bella had already earned a spot in the top 15 and has continued to rise in the rankings with each passing month, presently reaching #1 Doberman ranking. We would like to say to Esteban Farias, her beloved handler, thank you for showing Bella to perfection. You have become an amazing friend and part of our families. Your belief in Bella, and your friendship and guidance have meant more to us than you will ever know. ©photo The Winning Image The team would like to thank all the judges for recognizing Bella as a true representative of our breed standard. Thank you to all Bella’s friends and supporters as well, your support is deeply appreciated and means so very much to the whole team! 12 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 MBIS MBISS GCH TIBuron ArIel BellA DonA BISS CH Ravenswoods Azure Sky, RA x BIS BISS CH Aquarius’ Garbo V Tiburon Best In Show thank you breeder judge Luiz Ribas Silva Best In Show thank you breeder judge Dr. Anthony DiNardo Group First thank you breeder judge Ms Bonnie Linnell Clark Group First thank you judge Mrs. Chris Walkowicz Breeders: JOHN DOLAN and SALLI GORMAN Exclusively Handled by: Owners: TOMMY and MELINDA MOYER ESTEBAN and JENNIFER FARIAS JERRY and KATHY DRAKE Assisted by: HERNAN MATIAS PACHECO visit Bella’s facebook page Bella - The Doberman October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 13 T FROM THE PUBLISHER . The dog community can be amazing and the Goldfein’s will need your amazing support. The Goldfein’s house was destroyed in a fire on Monday Sept. 29th. Newspaper accounts state they lost 3 dogs, breed unspecified, and the house was a total loss. I’ve known them for as long as I’ve been in dogs, Dave was my first handler and continues to handle for me on occasion. I am so saddened by this news. In some way I hope you can reach out to them and give them your support through this very trying time. They lost all their belongings. I didn’t expect my editor’s letter to start with such tragic news. In fact I had planned on a rather “chipper” column. Celebrating another National Convention for the Doberman. It just isn’t in me right now, knowing people who I have been close to for so long are suffering. So pardon me for now. Thank you for your letters to the editor, feel free to write in with suggestions for articles or features. We want to know what you think and what you want to see in the magazine. Good luck and safe travels for all attending this year’s National. ‘Til next time.... Marcy — ADVERTISING RATES — COLOR $ ADS 299 BW ADS 125 $ NEW CONTRACT ADVERTISING Just $124.58* per month buys you 6 consecutive color ads. Do the math -- that's 6 ads for the price of 5! *Set up as an auto pay to your credit or debit card and charged monthly. Submit a fresh ad each issue. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website 14 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine The Doberman Pinscher Magazine is published 6 times a year, in February, April, June, August, October and December. by McGuire Magazines 2811 Milton Ave. #368 Janesville, WI 53544 visit us on the web! Ad Sales: Marj Brooks 608-359-6519 Graphic Design & Page Layouts: Marcy McGuire Deadline for editorial copy is 45 days prior to publication. Unsolicited editorial copy is welcome, however we cannot guarantee its use in the magazine. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertising. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine is mailed to all active U.S. AKC judges approved for Dobermans on a complimentary basis who wish to receive it. SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICES TO: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2811 Milton Ave. #368 Janesville, WI 53545 Printed in the US © 2007-2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 ‘Jimi’ New Champion Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man We wish to thank Dr. Carmen Battaglia for Jimi’s final major earned at the Redwood Empire Doberman Pinscher Club Specialty. A special Thank You to Moe Miyagawa for believing in our boy and moving him so beautifully and quickly across the finish line. g Bred, owned, and loved by JUANITA and JEFF FAGAN AKC Breeder of Merit October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 15 SOMEONE YOU SHOULD KNOW... Grace Moore Gra-Lemor Dobemrmans The first time I saw a Doberman, it was love at first sight, I had to have one. In 1959 I bought my first Doberman, Boo, from Jerry Run Kennels of Mrs Eleanor Houston Carpenter. Ventures Blue Waltz was a blue bitch with a great blue coat, even with spending summers in the pond with my kids. Boo was my kid’s baby sitter when I was inside the house or barn. She was three months old when I got her, the same age as my youngest daughter, Tami. Boo slept under Tami’s crib and later then her bed. They were the best of pals through Boo’s life. When I purchased her I had no intention of breeding her. Eleanor was my mentor and friend, she took me to my first shows and decided we should breed Boo. 16 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Grace and Ch. Gra-Lemor’s Demetruis vd Victor affectionately called ‘Meats’ and Grace’s favorite picture of them. October, 2013 She was bred to Ch Stebs Top Skipper twice, her first litter of nine black males produced my first champion, BIS Ch Skippers Pilot Of Jerry Run, the repeat to Top Skipper gave me two black bitches, one of which was the dam of Demetrius, Jerry Run’s Boo Sprite. Sprite was bred to Ch Damasyn Derringer. Of the offspring who were shown there was Demetrius, a Best In Show champion and sire of over 60 champions; his litter brother a blue male Ch Gra-Lemor Erick Hans also a champion producing sire; Ch Gra-Lemor Plain N Fancy Lil Eva, dam of champion producing get, both Boo and her daughter Sprite produced a Best in Show champion in their first litter. I also bred to Ch Egothels All American which gave me Ch. Gra-Lemor Inga V Brandywine she in turn gave me a Best in Show daughter Ch Ebonaires Touchdown. Joanna Walker bred several bitches to Demetrius finishing a number of them including Ch. Marks-Tey Vale, Ch. Marks-Tey Valika and Ch. Marks-Tey Vixen. Boo was a fantastic bitch with great lay back of shoulder lovely head, front and rear but she also had bad feet and pasterns, which Top Skipper helped to correct. I’ve managed to keep her great shoulders in my line, from my first litter to what I have on the ground now, which may very well be my last. From what I see at 8 weeks it could very well be an all champion litter. This makes it very hard to let them go to strictly pet homes. I did grand daughter to grand sire litter to get what they are, so would be a waste to be spayed and neutered. It’s hard to be a breeder who looks to the future when planning a litter, and I hate to admit it but age is creeping up on me as well. Guess I am one of the old timers now and I want to see someone continue the line, its been a long time since I bought Boo, she left quite a legacy to build on. She died at an old age too and came from a longevity line. Ch. Gra-Lemor Plain N Fancy Lil Eva at 3 years of age. Ch. Gra-Lemor N Manarjj Solid Gold Knight It was Mrs C decided I needed to have my own kennel name. So Gra-Lemor was born from a combination of my husband Lemuel and my name Grace. She took me to shows and had me judge classes from ringside. One judge was a Peter Knoop and I placed all but one class as he did except one I had switched third and fourth place. In addition to Eleanor, I was also mentored by Monroe and Natalie Stebbins, and Chuck O Neill, if not for them I would have gotten out of the breed. And Mike Shea who took Meats back to California, he loved Ch. Gra-Lemor Fire Dragon Glenayr, ‘Hootch’ at 6 ½ yrs October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 17 Ch Gra-lemor N Manarjj Ms Goody2shoes, Dam of Sizzling Spitfire, & Jessy Sutton Ch. Gra-Lemor Sizzling Spitfire, presented by Gwen DeMilta that dog. He sent him home with Best of Breed wins, Specialty Best in Shows and all breed Best in Shows. He was also bred to some top bitches from all over the country. Joanna walker was the first to use him and bred several Marks-Tey bitches to him producing a number of lovely champions. Mary Rodgers used him as he stayed at her kennel when she and Mike were married. Mike had come to my home to breed the great bitch Marienburgs Sultana to Demetrius. I consider everything before doing a breeding — temperament, conformation, attitude, fronts and rears, top lines, etc. I love a great head piece. As for the success of a top sire like Demetrius, credit has to go to all the breeders who bred to him and their owners who did right by the sons and daughters, their show careers and careful breeding of the get. I do have to admit have mixed feelings about all the testing out there. I want more concrete results. I do vWD, thyroid, hips and I bought a holter monitor. I went halves with my vet to do our own dogs. I think we lose way too many dogs to cancer along with cardio, when these things are cured in humans I will be a believer. 18 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Grandaughter Alexia with the latest litter of puppies. October, 2013 I also do a lot of research and make up pedigrees on several dogs and then go over it to see where any help was needed and who was the best candidate. My pedigrees list the faults and virtues of every dog I know about. I then see how to work it in as line breeding I try to double up on the best sides and bring it all together. In all my years of breeding I think I have managed to keep a certain look and keep my good fronts and rears when I first started I worked on each thing that needed to be better then kept it. First was tighter feet then smaller darker markings, then showmanship. I was lucky most of the good things came from the good breeders laying the ground work before me, they are all a part of my own success. Westphalia, Damasyn, Jerry Run, Top Skipper and so on. I give credit where is due. I had success with combining the lines of Westphalia and Jerry Run with Damasyn. I was told it was not a good way to go and Demetrius was a fluke and would not produce. Well the rest, as they say, is history. Over the years I have learned to watch and listen and keep my mouth shut and never stop learning. You must be open to all suggestions, then you can do your own thing. I think what has worked for me speaks for itself. What I also learned was how spiteful and cruel the dog world can be, when you have something good out there winning and producing, it brings out the best and the worst in some people. Jealousy is a hateful thing in the hands of some, who have never achieved the goals and high standards you set for yourself. I try to treat people as I myself want to be treated I go out of my way to help new comers. Some of them can bite the helping hand as well and suddenly they wrote the book. Ch. Gra-Lemor Fire Power, Joker finished in one month guided by Gwen DeMilta Writing this has awakened the memories. There is so much new comers will never know about the great Dobes from the past. Their lives and what they left as legacy, the real true Dobermans who gave so much more than a record. When I go back in time I remember the Dobes whose lives touched our families, with unconditional love and devotion. g UKC/AKC Ch. Memories Magic Cost-ALot shown here with Karin Fox October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 19 Ch. Gra-Lemor Demitruis vd Victor champion get Their breeders and owners are to be commended. Ch Al-Lin’s Regina Ch Alisaton Bewitched Ch Alisaton Bornastar CD ROM Ch Alisaton Citation WAC Ch Alisaton Damascus CD Ch Alisaton Gallorette CD, ROM Ch Alisaton the Assault WAC Arg/Uru Ch Brz GRCh Altar’s Midas by Demetrius Ch Barchet Lyric v of Gra-Lemor Ch Barchet Maverick CD Ch Barrierdobes Lotus Red Ch Carosel in the Spotlight CD ROM Ch Cedar Knoll Churondola Ch Churondola’s Brass Knuckles Ch Churondola’s Electra Glide Ch David’s Dolf Del Oeste Ch Fell’s Diablo of Longlands Ch Florowill Crimson Clover Ch Florowill Damascus Ch Florowill T.N.T. Ch Gemae Brass N’Sass Ch Glenayr Dufferinand Ch Gra-Lemor Front Page Ch Gra-Lemor Hanky Panky Ch Gra-Lemor Hundred Proof Ch Gra-Lemor Princessnesian Ch Gra-Lemor Tinnish Wil-Dee Ch Hollywill’s Heather Can Ch Kai Esa’s Passing Dream Ch Kai Esa’s Passing Parade CD Ch Kino’s Giesia v Victor Am Can Ch Kismet Cord Phaeton Ch Lisitza’s Gilligan Ch Lutzyn’s Damon Ch Marienburg’s Genghis Khan Ch Marienburg’s Red Baron Am/Can Ch Marienburg’s True Grit Ch Marks-Tey Vale Am/Can Ch Marks-Tey Valika CDX Ch Marks-Tey Vixen Ch Marks-Tey Yasmine Ch Marks-Tey Ye Royal Ch Marks-Tey Yvette Ch Mattappany Blowing Wind Ch Meisterdobes Grand Slam WAC Ch Montwood Midnight Madrigal Can Ch Montwood Midnight Marauder Ch Montwood Midnight Mariner Ch Queen Tara Boru Del Oeste Ch Redyns Fan-Tastic Ch Rosencroft the Victorian Ch Stacy’s Deborah of Marks-Tey LC-10D Ch Stacy’s Rachel of Marks-Tey Ch Stacy’s Taurus of Marks-Tey Ch Tedell Barcarolle Am/Can Ch The Initiator v Bross CD Ch Kai Esa’s Cameo From Mary Rodgers book on co-efficientcy Demetrius was a black type 4 his inbred coefficient was 14.67 %Looking closer at his genetic makeup you find he had Dictator 10 x at 19.145 Ch Blank Vdomstadt 36 x at 16.60 % As well as Muck Von Brunia 68 xat 15.72 % Ch Jessyvd Sonnenhoehe 50x at 14.16 %. He was a large dog with great side gait he had a successful show career, although he is long gone he still figures prominently in the sires currently and in recent past. 20 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 Grace, Thank You for all you have contributed to the breed. Our foundation bitch CH Stacy’s Deborah of Marks-Tey who was a Demetrius daughter. She was our first champion, our first special and is behind all of our dogs today. We also truly appreciate the part you played in Sitka’s life, all your support throughout the years and your great friendship David, Jennifer,& Barbara Goldfein BISS CH Manarjj N GRA-Lemor Doozie WAC Sire: Am/Can/Int’l Ch Aeolus’ Arabian Knight WAC CGC TDI RN Dam CH Manarjj’s Hiheel Tootsie Sitka is a multiple Group winner Award of Merit Winner at the DPCA Regional and National 2006 & 2007 Top Twenty Contender 2007 & 2008 Breeders: Nancy & Mark Johnson - Manarjj Grace I Moore - Gra-Lemore October, 2013 Owners Jennifer & Barbara Goldfein -Rahdy Mary Leahy - Wyndem Sally Campbell The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 21 CH. Rahdy’s On The Floor “J LO” Sire BIS., BISS. GCH. CH. D’s Remember When Dam BISS. CH Manarjj N Gra-Lemore Doozie WAC JLO is well on her way to her Grand Championship! Breeders Jennifer & Barbara Goldfein Rahdy Dobermans Mary Leahy-Wyndem Dobermans Sally Campbell 22 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Owners Lylila Glezer-Goldfein & Randy Goldfein David & Jennifer Goldfein Handled By David & Jennifer Goldfein 847-274-1569 August, 2013 October, Rahdy’s Rolling In The Deep “Adele” Sire BIS., BISS. GCH. CH. D’s Remember When Dam BISS. CH Manarjj N Gra-Lemore Doozie WAC Breeders Jennifer & Barbara Goldfein Rahdy Dobermans Mary Leahy-Wyndem Dobermans Sally Campbell August, October,2013 2013 Owners Lylila Glezer-Goldfein & Randy Goldfein David & Jennifer Goldfein Handled By David & Jennifer Goldfein 847-274-1569 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 23 CH. Rahdy’s Forget You “Cee LO Green” Sire BIS., BISS. GCH. CH. D’s Remember When Dam BISS. CH Manarjj N Gra-Lemore Doozie WAC Cee Lo Finshed at 14 months with 3 majors in very limited showing. Breeders Jennifer & Barbara Goldfein - Rahdy Dobermans Mary Leahy-Wyndem Dobermans Sally Campbell 24 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Owned & Handled by David & Jennifer Goldfein 847-274-1569 Co-owned by Barbara Goldfein October, 2013 NEW CHAMPION Bellisa THUNDERBALL CH Foxfire Smoke On The Water & GCH Moa’s Bizzy Edition BACK TO BACK MAJOR WINS! Thank you judges Mr. Dana P. Cline and Mrs. R. Ellen Fetter. THUNDER is a new champion a 10 months old! Thank you Mr. Donavon Thompson A special Thank you to Dave Goldfein for his expert presentation of Thunder . Lisa Henke • • 608.751.4471 •Janesville, WI or follow us on Facebook at Bellisa Dobermans October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 25 Heart Clinic - Oct 15-17, 2013 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM FREE cardiac screening clinics will once again be offered for up to 200300 Dobermans age 4 and up at the 2013 National! WHEN: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday October 15, 16 and 17, 2013 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day WHERE: Vineyard Ballroom Sections 1 & 2 WHO: Testing will be performed by a team of veterinary cardiologists: Dr. Sonya Gordon DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) Dr. Nancy Morris DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) Dr. Amara Estrada DVM Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) Dr. Mike O’Grady DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) Dr. Luis Braz-Ruvio DVS, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) Dr. Mark Oyama DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) WHAT: Tests will include the following: Physical exam Blood sample: 15 ml (1 tablespoon) for biomarkers (NT-proBNP, ultrasensitive troponin I) Echocardiogram and ECG- 3 minutes The cardiologists will evaluate any Doberman 4 years of age or older; they are PARTICULARLY interested in evaluating dogs seen at the screening clinics at the 2012 National. ALL RESULTS ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL CONTRACT ADVERTISING NOW AVAILABLE Just $124.58* per month buys you 6 consecutive color ads. Do the math -- that's 6 ads for the price of 5! *Set up as an auto pay to your credit or debit card and charged monthly. Submit a fresh ad each issue. plus EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website 26 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 GCh. Rolin’s No Reservations GCH Sunburg’s Street Sense x CH Abadie’s Crystal Vision FLASH! Elgin KC 8-24 BOB & Group 1 judge Mr Donavon Thompson Elgin KC 8-25 BOB & Group 2 Judge Mrs. Karen McFarlane Kenosha KC 9-7 BOB & Group 1 Judge Mrs. Evie Sullivan Kenosha KC 9-8 BOB, Judge Dr. Sylvia J. Kerr & Group 3 Judge Francine W. Schwartz eno R Reno made a quick finish with his Championship at only 10 months of age and then went home to mature. He has now come back to the ring as a Special with his handler Dave Goldfien winning Best of Breed under Mr. Robin L. Stansell (pictured) and Mr Erick J Ringle. Thank You to the judges who recognized the quality in this young dog. Owners & Breeders Rolin Dobermans • Roland & Linda Hagmann Pekin, IL 309.241.3978 • October, 2013 Exclusive Handler Dave Goldfein • Barrington Hills, IL 847.274.1569 • The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 27 ry very ve . , a y la a hack a mb Pasta J Joe’s Crab S g ood at Etoffouee Virgils Frog Legs My Triple D’s Adventure by Darlene Young Creole Shrimp Virgils ta Virg ils Shrimp/Pas 28 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine When I got the call from Marcy asking I write this up for the next issue of the magazine, I thought to myself “It’s not dog related but I think some folks just might find it fun”. When I was invited to judge bitches at the national in Ft. Mitchell, my husband Alex wanted to come along too and we were making a vacation of it. On the way to the National we would stop in Kansas and see my brother who I had not seen in a few years and on the way home we would stop at as many Guy Fieri “Diners, Drive-In’s and Dives” restaurants as we could get in. We watch the show all the time so we started writing down names of restaurants near or in the towns we would be driving through starting with one in Bellevue near the National itself. So the first restaurant was “Virgils” a very small Diner located in Bellevue, Ohio very near Cincinnati. We planned to go there on Tuesday as it was a down day at the National. We drove there for lunch and found out they were closed on Tuesday so we ate at Joe’s Crab Shack instead. So when the National was basically over a group of us decided to try Virgil’s again and I’m glad we did here are some of the dishes we had and they were excellent. Everyone was thrilled with their meals at Virgil’s we give it an A+ and well worth the trip. I liked it so much I went back there on my return trip in May to judge again. We left the National and the first location we visited was Nashville. We had a couple of restaurants we wanted to go to but some were not open when we wanted to visit them so we added a couple to our list. First stop was Bro’s and when we arrived at the location I questioned whether or not we actually wanted to go in. This restaurant is truly in the “dive” category, but we decided to Andouille give it a try and I’m so glad we did. Stuffed Pork Ch The food was excellent. I had the o p October, 2013 Gumbo Johnny A’s Steak Gumbo and Alex had the stuffed Pork Chop. Both were melt in your mouth meals with a lot of flavor. We had two more meals we documented in Nashville. One was Johnny A’s which is a great local diner with a lot of great food and entertainment. I had a simple steak and potato dinner and was delighted in its taste. We stayed several hours listening to the local band play a lot of great country songs. The last meal we documented in Nashville was at Santa Fe Steak house. This was a great restaurant with a great ambiance. There were peanut shells on the floor and all. I had chicken with black bean chili and rice. It was very good too. Now on to Memphis. We visited Elvis’ home and there was a diner near by that had pink Cadillacs parked in front and they would pick you up at local hotels and drive you to their restaurant. I think this was called Corky’s from Guy’s Triple D visits. Unfortunately it was not opened when we tried to go there so on to Cozy Corner. This restaurant looked like a great diner from the outside and there were a lot of people lined up outside to get food. We were lucky enough to get a seat. I had the BBQ Game Hen and Alex had Beef Brisket. Before we sat down we ordered Ribs to go for dinner that night. We were extremely disappointed in our lunches, both were dry. However, having said that, the ribs for dinner were excellent. They were very flavorful and moist, glad we ordered them before we ate our lunch. The rest of the trip we were on our own since we did not document any other stops from Guy’s list. It was fun and interesting to not only visit all the tourist stops but also as many of Guy’s restaurants as we could get in. I would highly recommend this kind of trip to anyone traveling to and from the National and making a vacation of it at the same time. We not only saw restaurants we visited Churchill Down’s, downtown Nashville, Grand Ole Opry, Graceland, Louisville Slugger, Belle Meade Plantation and other great sites. It was a trip to remember. On the last leg of our trip was the Balloon events being held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. g October, 2013 Chicken Santa F e Grilled Shrimp Sant a Fe Balloon events in Albuquerque Alex The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 29 Ch. Soquel’s Rising Son, NA, ROM & Soquel’s Don’t Stop Believin’ Sonny is now 10 1/2 years old and welcomes his great grandaughter , Amoure, into the family. What can we say, but “a picture paints a thousand words” Sonny and Amoure love: co owners: Jane and Fred Baclig, 30 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Sonny romps around Linda, Leo and Elias Siegel’s home. October, 2013 Linda, twenty some years ago, you trusted me with my first Soquel, a beautiful Chocolate Soldier grandson who became my first champion: STORMY CH Soquel’s Thunder Storm WAC (CH Angel’s Dark Thunder x Soquel’s Tucana’s Symphony) Owned by: Tammy Del Conte, Linda Hoff, John & Shirley Hoff Fast forward to today, and we co-own another beautiful Chocolate Soldier grandson, this time in red: DJ GCH Soquel’s Chocolate Rocks! CA (CH MyDobe’s Crown Royal v Soquel x CH Soquel’s Spirit of the Rose CD BN CGC) Owned by: Tammy Del Conte, Linda Hoff, Jane & Fred Baclig It has been a blast - Thanks for making me part of the Soquel family – I can’t wait to see what the next twenty years bring!! Tammy Del Conte • October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 31 GCh. Soquel’s Last Dance, AX, AXJ, NF Ch Soquel’s Catch The Son x Ch Soquel’s Tangled Web ‘Tango’ Danced his way to his championship with Linda Siegel. Finished his Grand Championship owner handled. Soquel Dobermans Linda, Leo and Elias Siegel 831 768 9092 32 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Owned By Diane and Jack Sudori Fred and Jane Baclig October, 2013 Ch. Soquel’s Into The Storm, CA, WAC (Ch. Soquel’s Catch The Son x Ch. Soquel’s Spirit Of The Rose, CD, CGC, BN) KANE Always a professional in her presentation, Linda is committed, and believes in every dog she takes into the ring. Thank you Linda, Leo and especially Elias for all your loving care, conditioning, and play time with Kane while he was in your home. Bred by: Tammy Del Conte and Linda & Leo Siegel u u Owner: Lisa Hart u u (520) 638-6740 u Co-Owner: Linda Siegel October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 33 Ch, Angel’s Dark Thunder, trying to get a Top Twenty picture Am/Can Ch Angels Dark Thunder, WAC my first BIS, and we were in a thunderstorm DPM FEATURED HANDLER Linda Hoff Seigel The first dog I ever showed was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I was 12 years old when my Grandmother purchased a beautiful Corgi puppy from a breeder in the Midwest, whose the kennel was advertised in Dog World. We originally didn’t get him to show, but the breeder wanted us to, and he was such a nice puppy; he actually looked like a small adult and we did wonder how we had been so lucky. So we agreed to show him. I took him to training class, got him all ready to go and when we went into our first show, we were promptly disqualified – our beautiful puppy only had one testicle! All the breeders that we showed him off to must have never checked. I can’t imagine that the breeder herself would have sent him to us with one testicle, however it happened, I don’t know. Being disqualified was a shock! I left the ring just devastated; I loved that little dog. The breeder took my puppy back and replaced him with another puppy. Although he had both 34 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine testicles, he was not as good as the first one and he couldn’t win. The whole experience was just devastating; the excitement of getting him, training him, waiting for our first show, being disqualified, then having to send him back, it was just not right. I’m never giving back another pet that I love. My parents had Boxers before Dobermans. After they lost their last Boxer, they decided to get a Doberman Pinscher. We looked through Dog World again, but this time, decided to get a dog locally, instead of shipping a puppy. Our puppy was “pick” of the litter, but he really wasn’t good enough conformationally. Since he couldn’t make it in the ring, my Mom and I took him to Schutzhund training. We had the only Doberman at the training class, with a bunch of very intense German Shepherds. The Schutzhund trainers didn’t take our Doberman seriously, and he didn’t succeed in that venue either. We then decided to get a “show” puppy, and we got another pick of a lit- ter, whose breeder was in our area. We didn’t know what we were looking at; we had faith in the breeder and took the puppy that was selected for us. This second puppy became my own first “show dog.” If she didn’t make it in the show ring, we knew we would still keep her, she was never going to leave our home. It turned out that Grita wasn’t show quality either, but we did try with her. I trained her to a “T,” and became the queen of the fun matches. We loved going to those shows. They were relaxing, fun to do, and it was where I honed my handling skills. Grita had a lot of faults, so I became adept at fixing them to bring out the best in her, and then we would win at our beloved matches. We really had a great time, no professionals, no politics, just my dog and myself, in the ring, doing the best that we could do. I think this is similar now to the UKC shows, and those are great opportunities. These shows encourage you to keep on trying; you have a chance, you can win one of October, 2013 those big ribbons. I never went to a training class, just watched at the fun matches and learned how to show a dog there. No one came forward to help us with Grita, but that was ok. When we finally moved into the AKC shows, we didn’t last long with Grita. We didn’t know anything about the shows then, but we tried our best. We put Grita in Open Black, and I remember watching Gene Haupt and thinking to myself, “hey, I can beat him, look at how old he is!” Well, we never beat anyone; my dog was not groomed, and she wasn’t a very good Doberman conformationally. I remember looking at Gene’s dog and noticing that he had no whiskers or hair in her ears, while mine was pretty hairy. No one ever said anything to us about grooming, or made other suggestions. In the end, since we never beat anyone, and no one offered to help us, so we just quit. I missed the shows after a few months and found a training class to go to, I started to do obedience with Grita and put her in a conformation class just because I missed showing her. That was how we connected with Larry Worth. He helped me to under- stand what was causing Grita to lose, and he was kind enough about it that I didn’t get upset. In retrospect, I’m sure he didn’t tell me everything, knowing I probably would never have come back! Larry said he would help me find a really good show dog, one that I could win with. He said that I should look for an older puppy, not an 8 week old one, and he started taking us to shows to look at dogs that other breeders had for sale. That landed us at the Golden Gate Cow Palace, where we found Terry and Denyse Lee, of Teraden Dobermans. They sold us a young adult bitch that did not have the best show attitude, although her structure was great. She was the first dog that I put points on and became Can Ch. Teraden’s Truly Scrumptious, CD. She was linebred on Kay Hill. I worked her and showed her and we even put her out with Bob Hastings, to see if he could win on her, and she won a lot of reserves but that was it. At last I put the first two points on her myself, with a BOS over specials! Denyse and Terry Lee saw that we were dedicated and offered us another young dog, Teraden’s The Chocolate Soldier, Cody. It was through Cody that I met Marj Brooks, who became my true Award of Merit Winning, Ch. Soquel’s Thunderstorm, sire of 4 BIS winners October, 2013 mentor and taught me everything about being a professional handler, and breeding Dobermans. We met Marj while she was judging a fun match. There was a big entry and Marj put up Cody’s half brother, Teraden’s Romeo. Afterwards, she came up to us to tell us how much she liked Cody. One thing led to another and before long I started working for Marj. Marj finished Cody in 10 shows, and it was so much fun! We traveled on all of the big circuits: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Arizona. We went all around the Western US, even to Texas. Everything that I know, I learned from Marj; she taught me to be ethical, to be a good sport, to take care of the dogs first. Marj taught me how to handle clients and how to condition the dogs. When we showed, we would have two strings of dogs; Marj would have the first string, and when she finished a dog, the second string dog would move up into that dog’s spot. My job was to train and show the dogs in the second string. It was great! I remember that one year we finished over 36 dogs. It was pretty incredible. This was at a DPCA Top Twenty Winner, Group Winning, Ch. Foxridges Journey to Soquel The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 35 time when the entries were big, we had a lot of majors, and there were a lot of shows. It was easy to finish them quickly back then. I showed many different breeds of dogs while I was working for Marj: Dachshunds, Giant Schnauzers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shorthaired Pointers, and a couple of different Terrier breeds, just to mention a few. It was through all that exposure that I realized that I loved Dobermans more than any other breed. While with Marj I learned how to groom, show and take care of many different breeds. I think one of the main things that Marj taught me was to be ethical and honest about your dogs and those of your clients. Marj was a consummate professional. She used to tell me to look for the good in other dogs. She always has done that and still does that today. Now, I tell my clients that they need to be able to see the good in the dogs who beat them. If you can see what the judge sees, and understand why the judge liked that dog over yours, then you can shrug off the loss, regroup and start all over again tomorrow. I never remember Marj going back to our set up, unhappy about the judging. She was always upbeat, always moving forward, looking at tomorrow, and appreciating the dogs who won that day. Those were the days of low gas prices, big entries, and a lot of breeders with a lot of dogs being shown. We were like a well oiled machine and we had a great time. I miss those good old days. I had to stop traveling so much with Marj when I went to school at the University of San Francisco. While I still went to dog shows, I couldn’t go on those wonderful long circuits anymore, so my dog showing slowed down. Under Marj’s tutelage, we researched how to best breed our Truly, and we ended up with our first homebred champion, Ch. Soquel’s Red Cypress,”Cy,” and I put all the points on him myself. His sire was Ch. Koven’s Top Brass; a dog who had been sent to Marj to show, and she had finished him rapidly. She showed us why he was the right dog for Truly, and it turned out 36 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine she was right. It was an all red litter, with two males and one bitch finishing their championships. I finished Cy from the Bred By Class and then won some breeds on him myself, including a specialty win under Judy Doniere — my first specialty win ever. Afterwards we handed him off to Marj to get him in the Top Twenty, since I was still going to school full time, and we had Andy and Indy to contend with in the Specials ring — not to mention Gene Haupt, Moe Miyagawa, Bob Hastings, Corky Vroom, just to name a few of the powerhouse handlers that we had in California. Marj did a great job with Cy and soon had him in the Top Twenty. So that is how I started handling professionally. I began by learning what I could figure out for myself, then found a mentor in Marj Brooks who taught me everything I needed to know: how to look at dogs objectively, how to see the good as well as the not so good, and to always, always, go for good temperament. Always! I am continuing to grow and learn every day, there are always opportunities to improve our skills and knowledge. Memorable dogs create memorable wins! Of course you remember the first dog you ever took points on, Can Ch. Teraden’s Truly Scrumptious, and then the first one you took puppy points with, Ch. Teraden’s The Chocolate Soldier, and the first dog you finished, Ch. Soquel’s Red Cypress, who was also my first BISS under Judy Doniere. Another special memory was winning the Top 20 with Journey, Ch. Foxridge’s Journey to Soquel. Journey finished as a puppy, qualified for the Top 20 his first year shown as a special, and ultimately won the Top 20 his first year eligible to compete, just out of the puppy classes. Then there was the dog that I took my first Best In Show with, Ch. Angel’s Dark Thunder, WAC, “ Primo.” Now that was a dog to remember as a handler. Primo was a very exuberant dog, and very smart. He was also a dog who liked to do it all himself, he achieved his best look by just stepping into his stack, and I would stand to his side. He just loved that. You really do have to find the way your dog likes to present himself. Primo would pull himself up and look like he owned the world, but Ch. Soquel’s Distant Thunder, going BIS at 10 months of age October, 2013 Group Winning, Ch. Gemini’s Rising Chaos, I put him in the Top Twenty in a few short months. Mulit BIS, BISS, Ch. Harmaquis Ma Callas Fine Flair BIS/BISS Ch, Soquel’s Distant Thunder, all grown up October, 2013 I had to stand off his head, to the side. Primo didn’t want to be inhibited, and he wanted to do it on his own. So that is how I handled him. He won a lot for me, and was a BIS winner, Multi BISS winner, and Champion producer., What I remember about him most, however, was what he put me through as a handler. Our biggest problem was when we would come back to the judge for free baiting, Primo would really, really want to jump all over me, and he only did it when we came back to the judge, because he had figured out that I couldn’t do a thing to him. That was so frustrating! Enter Frank Grover and his sage advice. He told me: “Linda, if you think you are going to win on him with him jumping all over you, you are sorely mistaken.” He added: “In fact, you will never get the chance to win under me with him acting like that.” Frank had seen us blow a BIS with Primo jumping all over me on the free baiting, and told me I had to get that under control. Well, how was I to do it? Frank told me I had to outsmart him. Frank was also judging the National that year, he told me that he would not even consider a dog that acted like that. He would let them go in the first cut. Oh, this was bad — I mean, I knew that Cyptonite, who was a beautiful dog, had the inside shot at winning the National, so Primo was a real long shot, but I definitely did not want to be let go in the first cut because he jumped on me. So back to training class we went. I treated class like a show and had no jumping from Primo. Great! Back to the dog shows — jump, jump, jump. So once more, back to class, but this time I got dressed up like I was at a show, got intense like I was showing him, and lo and behold, he jumped all over me after the down and back. I told him in no uncertain terms that he was NOT going to do that again, and he didn’t. Well, most of the time he didn’t. Then the National in Arizona came around, with Frank Grover doing the breed. I just did not want to be let go just because Primo was misbehaving and I couldn’t control him. I had practiced and practiced, but what I figured out was when Primo thought the judges were not looking at him, after the go around, he would never jump on me. So as with every National, there is multiple down and backs, free bait, go around, go around, etc etc. What I decided to do was to stop Primo a good 20 feet away from the judge, and then turn him around, so he didn’t see the judge coming. That worked! Primo had no idea the judge was looking at him, because the judge had to walk so far to get to see him, and by the time the judge got to him, Primo was settled and not in the jumping mood. I felt bad for doing that to the judge, but I had to do what I had to do, and I had to make sure Primo did not ruin our performance. Every time, we would stop so far away, turn Primo’s back to the judge and he never jumped once. He won an Award of Merit that year, while Cryptonite won the breed. It was an exciting show. Primo’s first Best In Show was on the Gridley Circuit in the middle of June, and it was hot hot hot. The day Primo won the Group, not jumping on me, by the time we landed in the BIS ring, it was storming, with thunder. Primo didn’t care, he just kept on showing. He loved it, and he never stopped. I remember seeing the Bichon, so cold, and the handler trying to keep him dry and fluffy. Then there was Primo — standing out in the ring, like he owned it. He showed like a stallion and was totally on during that cold and rainy day. I will never forget him. He taught me a lot about Dobermans and about how their minds work. And then there was my Primo grandson, Ch. Soquel’s Distant Thunder. Thunder gave me my first BISS with a puppy. He was 10 months old when he won his first BISS at the Sacramento DPC, and he went on to win that Specialty 3 times, retiring their trophies. The funny thing about Thunder was even though I only showed him a few times in the puppy classes, he never won a Best in Sweeps. The day he won his first specialty, he lost the Sweeps in the morning! He won the breed as a move up from the 6-9 class. Later that month, Thunder won his first BIS at the HangThe Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 37 Group Winning, Ch. Soquel’s Last Chance to Catch This Spy Group Winning, Ch. Delkamar’s Rising Star V Manorie town KC. It was just so exciting. We didn’t have cell phones at the time, so I sat on the pay phone, calling all of my friends, telling them what Thunder and I had done. Donavon Thompson came up to me later and told me it was so wonderful to see such true joy on my face when Thunder won that BIS. He said it was genuine and so great to see. Even with Thunder finishing fast, winning Best in Specialties and Best in Shows, his most exciting win was in Fitchburg at the Regional Specialty. That first day, Jan Van Wormer was the judge, and as is the case in all big specialties, we were in there for a long time. Thunder made it to the very end, and while we didn’t win the breed, he gave me his all. The next day, the Specialty was being judged by Theresa Hundt, and that was my most special win with Thunder. Up and back, free bait, go around, until the last two dogs in the ring standing were Thunder and Lex Luthor. It was really an incredible show down, I still can hear the banging, the cheering, the screaming. Lex had his fans, and so did Thunder, it was “thunderous!” So the judge worked and worked us, both dogs rising to the challenge, neither dog making a mistake. After I realized this was coming down to Thunder and Lex, I knew I needed different bait, in order to keep him going. Kelly Marquis was our guardian angel. I was trying to get my friends’ attention, asking for more bait, anything different, anything at all. No, no one had anything. Kelly came up to ringside and asked me what I needed. I told her liver, and raw in the middle, if possible. Kelly never faltered, she said ok, and off she went. She came back with fresh cooked liver, rare on the inside. She really saved us. Thunder smelled that and he was on again. So Terry brought both of us back in together, Thunder was in the front, Lex in the rear. We did our down and backs and free baiting, both dogs nailing it. We both went around together and she asked us to stop and let them stand on their own. I was in front, so I never saw what Lex did. I only knew I had to keep Thunder going and interested. The room got very quiet, with Ms. Hundt just standing there, staring at both dogs; all you could hear was liver being thrown. In the end, she pointed to Thunder and we won that huge regional specialty! Later she said both dogs were so spectacular, the only thing she could do was wait for one to make a mistake. I’m not sure what Lex did or didn’t do, but Thunder won it that day. It was the most exciting win I have ever had, and I will never forget it. It is the times when you are forced to rise to the occasion with your dog, whicha are really special. You are already a team, but you really become almost one. There are other memorable wins, but these are the ones that stand out in my mind, I can imagine each one like they just happened. I can relive the excitement, the thrill. You look at your dog when it is all over and realize, wow, you really did it, you brought me through this. Really, it is the dogs who give us these exciting times, these wonderful wins. If it wasn’t for their devo- 38 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine tion and strength of character, we never would have risen to the heights we did. All of the dogs I handle get the same attention, and the same level of priority, whether I bred them or not. What I love about handling other breeders’ dogs, is that I get to see first hand, generation after generation, what someone else has done with their breeding program. I can see what I like, and what I wish I had in my breeding program. I can appreciate all of the years of dedication and love that they have put into their dogs. It is one thing to look at them outside the ring, but it is exciting to be able to put your hands on them, to bring out the best in them. My son Elias, who is 6, first went into the ring when he was 4 1/2. He has shown Sonny’s daughter, Cher, Ch. Bolero Moonstruck V Deerfield, in Veterans. She is 9 years old now, we had to retire her from the ring after the removal of a tumor in her jaw. My son would attend the conformation class I teach, and then would take Cher into the ring. The first time he went in Cher went into vacuum mode and cleaned up all of the bait in the ring. Slowly but surely, Elias got a handle on Cher and they went on to become a really great team. Elias was so small he would have to lift each one of Cher’s legs with both of his hands in order to set her feet down correctly. He would hold the end of the leash, tell her to stay and start to stack her up. Cher would just stand there, waiting for him to finish. I wasn’t allowed in the ring with him, so I chose judges for him to show to whom I knew would be patient with Elias and his dog Cher, and give them the respect and time I felt they deserved. None of the judges disappointed us, every one was wonderful with both of them. Elias had a great time and now he wants “his own dog” to show. Like they say, life has a way of coming full circle, and Elias has chosen a Corgi as his first show dog. We are patiently waiting, and as they say, good things come to those who wait. Elias knows whatever dog he gets, he will keep it forever, so it is good to be patient and get the right puppy. No one is going to take his Corgi away, no matter how she turns out! October, 2013 Being a professional handler brings with it a huge responsibility. To the judges to bring them the best dogs, those who fit closest to the standard; to the breeders, to look at the dogs they have bred in the most positive light, and show them to the best of our ability; to the owners, to be as honest as possible about the faults and virtues of their dogs, to be honest about their dogs ability to win, and to know what the owner really wants to do with their dog; and to the dogs themselves, to be kind, caring, loving, treat them as their owner would, and to bring out the best in them in the ring. I always say, Dobermans show for us, they learn through positive reinforcement what we want them to do, and this enables us to bring out the beauty in them. When their handler believes in them, the dogs truly own the ground they stand on. Actually, the owner has to believe in them too. There have been many owners over the years who have come to the dog show nervous and worried and it carries right down the lead. I tell them, “Be happy, have a great time. Your dog knows if you are stressed and they won’t want to go to the place that upsets you so much.” It is true, and when the owner relaxes, their dog does too. Another important aspect of the handler’s job is to encourage good sportsmanship among the owners and the other handlers. Owners and breeders have a hard enough time when their dogs lose. They feel they have the best dog, and why not — they should feel that way. But when their dog doesn’t win, some owners lose the ability to see the good in the dog who has beaten their dog. It is important for the handler to be able to explain, in our opinion, what caused their dog to lose on that day. Yes, the other dog may not have been the best overall, but maybe that dog was compact, and yours was a little longer. Anything can happen on any day, it is just one judge’s opinion, and tomorrow is a brand new day. Of course, if the client does not like what we say, or if we didn’t win on their dog, they are always able to go to another handler, who may actually be a better fit October, 2013 for the owner — notice I said “owner,” not “dog.” Handlers have a huge responsibility; we get asked numerous questions about judges, other dogs, other owners, dog shows, and grooming. I’m often asked by owners: which class should my dog go in; will a particular judge like my dog; who should we breed her to; when should we breed her; should we keep showing her; should we stop showing her; does she have a good pedigree; what should we feed her; how should we train her; do you like so and so; is it too hot to show; too cold; should my dog have won today; does my dog need weight; Is my dog too fat; should that other dog have beaten her? A good handler will have no problem answering all of these questions, and they are all important, but it shows how much responsibility a handler has to be grounded, ethical, and honest with our evaluations of the dogs and to the owners themselves. I think one of the best compliments that I have received is, “Wow, I didn’t know my dog looked like that.” “He is beautiful in the ring.” “Thank you so much for doing such a great job.” (and even after a dog loses). Of course, when a dog doesn’t win and the owner is still happy, that frustrates me too, because I want to win on their dog, and they are being so nice about it makes me try that much harder the next time I show. Boy, you just can’t make some handlers happy! We are always trying to improve — to show better, to bring the dogs to their peak, to win more and, always, to have a great time. At least that is what I try to do at every show. I really love the dogs. I know it shows and the dogs respond to it and give me their best. We can and do make the dog shows fun and exciting, and when our dogs win, our clients are happy and the breeder is happy. When we finish a Doberman who truly deserved the title of Champion, there is nothing that makes us happier. I have had a great life showing dogs, met so many wonderful people, traveled to so many places I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for show- Elias & Cher winning the Veteran’s class at Woofstock. another BIS, Linda, Leo and Elias ing dogs. I have very dear, wonderful friends who started out as “clients,” or just “acquaintances,” and now are such a part of my world and life. Even when their dogs finish, even if they never show another dog, that special relationship is still there. My friends share my life with me, not just when it comes to dog shows and breeding, but my family and personal life too. I just can’t see it any other way. Perhaps the most important thing I try to keep in mind in my involvement in this sport is that: “People are more important than dogs.” What I mean is, dogs come into our lives for a while and then pass on. It is their owners, our friends, who stay with us for decades, if we are lucky. g The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 39 Thank You Linda!!! Cash Platinum’s Take the Money N Run, RN Cash needs a major to finish!!!! He also just got his first leg in Novice with a 197 ½. Reese Platinum’s Witchy Woman, CD, RN Reese is just starting in conformation. She got 2 HITs on the way to her CD at all breed shows!!! She also received two 199 1/2s!! Watch for Reese, Cash and their mom, Jessi, in obedience at the Nationals this year. Jessi and Reese will also be shown in Top Twenty Obedience!!! Owned 40 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine and lOved by Sue & art KOrp October, 2013 ‘Zeva’ Proudly introducing Champion Soquel’s Dazzling Wave, OA, AXJ, CA Thank you, “Team Soquel”, for your support and friendship, especially Linda - our handler extraordinaire - without whom none of this would be possible. And we had so much fun! Come see us in the Agility Ring at the California National in October! Baby Zeva’s planned for Spring 2014 - Inquiries Invited Bred with a purpose by: Yvonne Torrez & Wayne Aleshire October, 2013 Linda Siegel SOQUEL DOBERMANS Owned and Loved by: Yvonne Torrez & Wayne Aleshire Carmel, CA The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 41 BUDDY GCh Soquel’s Sum of All Fears (CH Soquel’s Catch the Sun X CH Soquel’s Spirit of the Rose BN CD CGC) All that we are or ever hope to be, “in” Dobermans — we owe to Linda and Leo Siegel. A multi-Breed winner in limited campaigning, ‘Buddy’ and I are having a blast in the specials ring. If you’re lucky enough to be part of Team Soquel, you’re lucky enough! Thank You to Linda and Leo Siegel for the time of our lives! Karl Von Ubin 42 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 Soquel’s Pennies From Heaven V Judal (CH MyDobe’s Crown Royal v Soquel x CH Von Lieb’s Moon Shot v Judal) “‘Penny’ proudly claimed her last few points, including a major, from the BBE Class here in California on a specialty weekend. Watch for her closing in on that final major, soon to become our second Soquel Champion. Karl Von Ubin All My Dobermans are bred by: SOQUEL - Linda and Leo Siegel October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 43 CH Cambria’s Tourmaline wac (Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA x Ch Cambria’s Far Niente) Ripley Believe.... Ripley possesses stunning movement and a brilliant mind. We are having a blast training in obedience — look for her debut later this year in the obedience rings. Thank you Ann and Jim for this wonderful girl, she is all I could have dreamed of and more. Thank you Linda for the beautiful job presenting Ripley. You made it look SO easy! Watch for Ripley in the breed ring with Linda and in the Rally ring with me at the Regionals and Nationals in Pomona. Bred by: Anne and Jim White (Cambria Dobermans) Handled to perfection by: Linda Hoff-Siegel Loved and owned by: Julianne and Jerry R Haugen 44 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 Z Ch. Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait Ch. Cambria’s Out For Justice X Ch. Cambria’s Main Attraction Currently #3 Doberman Owned by Glen Lajeski, Ann Wulbrecht, Karen Thompson Bred/Co-Owned/Handled by Cambria, Reg. Ann & Jim White October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 45 DPM FEATURED HANDLER Ann Ramsbottom White I grew up surrounded by the purebred cattle business. My father represented the Texas Hereford Association and I followed him around like a shadow. Because of logistics, my first 4-H steer had to be a dog. In the late 60s I followed my sister to children’s’ obedience class. I sat on the sidelines and watched and waited till it was my turn. By then, my sister had been advanced to the Fort Worth (Texas) Dog Training school and I watched and fell in love with the Dobermans working in obedience. Fate was that the school happened to also be attended by the likes of Irene Nail (Bivin), Teresa Nail, Lynn Eggers, Dorothy Nickles, Maxine Beam, and other people who eventually made their mark in dogs. My first mentor was Irene Nail. My first dog (obedience/showmanship/conformation) was Gretchen, bred by Mildred Bryant, by way of Irene Nail. Her name was Milbryan’s Gretchen Dob Mann (I believe a stud puppy of Irene’s) Warrick’s Engelbert Dobmann X Milbryan Greata Von Ottman . She earned her C.D we trained through open, but couldn’t jump later because of calcium deposits. I attempted her conformation but was only 11 years old, this is when entries were upwards to 180 in Dallas/Fort Worth-area. I was told early on (and much later on) that I wasn’t tough enough or even good enough to compete successfully in conformation. However, I am English and stubborn and I have great staying power. I enjoyed the dogs so much that they became my passion and consumed my thoughts during every waking hour. I still have a letter that Irene Nail wrote to me many years down the line (when she was an AKC rep and I had moved out of the area) that stated she believed I would someday become a noted breeder. I never forgot it. I am constantly working toward that goal. Handling has been part of my evolution in dogs. But, mostly I would like to be thought of as a breeder. Yes, I have shown other breeds. In fact, it was suggested that I get into another breed at one point since Dobermans were, it was suggested, out of my league. In the early 80s I became involved with the breeding and handling of Pointers. I have handled breeds from all the groups. My most memorable dog? Well, memories do fade and so, I suppose we think most of the dog who most recently impacted us. But, listing a favorite would be unfair. I love 46 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Ann & Gretchen them all and each is a teacher to me. But, what I love the most about our breed is the devotion and strong will to please this breed is known for. So, during the times in my life when I have been able to devote generous amounts of time to competitive obedience training I have developed incredible bonds with a few particular dogs. Their names aren’t important. You wouldn’t know them. Most memorable win would probably be the National Specialty Best of Breed win with Ch. Nova’s Zolara V Kel View. It was completely unexpected and she was only 16 months old. The judge was Linda Krukar. There have been so many great moments but I rarely think about them. I live for the future. Future goals include trying to breed that great one. Jim and I keep working at it. The icing on the cake is bringing those dogs to their potential. I am fortunate to have had some good ones on the end of my lead. I thank the people that have made my journey possible. In particular, I thank Jim (my husband) for being the great partner in Dobermans. His passion is contagious. His energy is endless. He doesn’t let me rest. g October, 2013 Thank you Ann for the beautiful presentation of ‘Charlie’ She’ll be back in the ring to complete her Grand Championship soon. Ch. Cambria’s Valiant DuCati ‘Charlie’ Ch. Cambria’s Out For Justice X Ch. Cambria’s Main Attraction and full sister to the #3 Dobe in the country, Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait Owners: Hannah & Ignatius Valmont Valiant Dobermans Derby, KS October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 47 BIS BISS GCH Cambria’s Must Be Fate Best In Show Winners and A Best In Show Relationship 48 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 BIS BISS GCH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait ©GayGlazbrook Thank you Ann & Jim, fondly Glen Lajeski October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 49 Turner Multi Group Winning 2012 Top 20 Finalist Best In Specialty Show Am GCH/Can CH Lyndobe’s Turn On Da Charm CD ROM Sire: Am/Can/U-GR CH. Cambria’s Caped Crusader Am/Can CD, ROM, ROMC, TT Dam: Can/U-Gr CH. Lyndobe’s Five Alarm Charm Am/Can CD, ROMC, TDI Breeder: Lynne Coleman Owners: Ann Wulbrecht and Lynne Coleman Thank you Ann for finishing Turner and presenting my Top 20 girls, Cambria’s Must Be Fate, Festival De Canes Queen Latifah and Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait so beautifully!!!! 50 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 DPM CANDIDS Boss’s Christmas outfit submitted by Kelly Brawner A new AKC Title? Sofa jumping? Hootch, SJ submited by Grace Moore Send your candid photos to: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine • 2811 Milton Ave. #368 • Janesville, WI 53545 or email (300 dpi please) to Please include your name, dog’s name and a brief caption. Photos will not be returned. October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 51 DPM FEATURED HANDLER Elaine Hopper How did you get your start in show dogs? Actually I started out wanting to do obedience. I was at a park one day and I saw a lady with her German Shepherd practice obedience jumps. I stopped and watched for a while and decided I really wanted to do that! It was fascinating to watch the attention and working ability of that dog and I was very excited to start trying it myself. I had always wanted a Doberman so when I was in a position to have a larger dog, I purchased “Jenna”. I started her in obedience classes and trained her through utility until wobblers sidelined her career. Jenna was Jordan’s Lady Jenna-C, CDX, Can CD, TT. She was a wonderful dog. I was lucky since I had purchased her as a complete novice from the paper, not unlike many people just starting out. In the meantime I also joined the Puget Sound Doberman Pinscher Club and got to know some of the show people. When the opportunity arose to purchase my second Doberman, I had learned enough that I wanted a well bred dog. Velour, Am Can Ch Wingate In Black Velour, CD ROM TT came with the agreement to show him and I followed though. He finished with a group one from the classes. I hired handlers, but I did put one point on him myself. From there the show obsession took hold! What lead you to professional handling? I started helping handlers at the shows and began to learn enough that I wanted to try doing more on my own. I took lots of dogs back in for winners and gained enough experience that I had a few people approach me about handling dogs for them. As my experience grew, I also began to show other breeds. I am not a full time professional handler, as I do have a regular full time job, but my schedule is such that I can attend as many shows as I like. I feel I have the best of both worlds. Have you shown other breeds? I have finished many dogs, mostly Dobermans, but I have also finished Whippets, Dachshunds, Weimeraners, 52 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine My first Top Twenty Doberman Dirk, Am Can Ch Heartwood’s Jewel Of WM Wranch, WAC CGC. Elkhounds and Belgian Sheepdogs. I have also pointed or put breed wins on other breeds as well. I feel showing other breeds has most certainly helped my overall handling skills. It’s really fun to be challenged by dogs with differences in conformation and of course coats! Who was your most memorable dog? Wow that’s a hard question. All the dogs I have shown have been so special in different ways. I am not sure I could pick just one, but one for sure one of them is my own Whippet Jada, BISS Am Can Ch Windy Day’s Jade McKenzie. She is the ultimate show dog and my first multi breed, specialty and group winning special. She qualified for the Whippet Top Twenty two years in a row and ended as the #5 whippet for 2005 receiving an invitation to Westminster. Jada is still with me, a very spry eleven year old. My ownNKailey, Am Can Ch Bluehaven’s U Got The Look, CD ROM the first dog I finished owner/breeder handled all the way. Also my first Top Twenty Doberman Dirk, Am Can Ch Heartwood’s Jewel Of WM Wranch, WAC CGC. With Dirk came a lifelong friendship with his owners, Bob, Jill and Meghan Munter who shared the thrill of each of Dirks wins. It was one heck of a ride and a time in my life I will always remember. Then there is Reka, Am Can Ch Holmrun’s Really Truly Mine, RE ROM CGC. Reka and I traveled all over the county together and we have a very special bond. With Reka I was able to not only attain the Top Twenty but also Best Of Breed at the National Host club and a National Award of Merit. She has helped me take my handling to another level. Her owners Mark and Donna Kemp have also become very dear friends. I think the bond we all have sharing the experience of showing truly special dogs is what makes the wins so much more than just a ribbon. Coming out of the ring and handing those huge ribbons to the owners, my dear friends, is truly satisfying. We all worked together to make our goals happen and sharing that experi- October, 2013 ence and realizing our dream came true is a special thing indeed. moment when all eyes were on us… priceless. What was your most memorable win? I would have to say the BOS at the 2005 Houston National. The memory is not so much for the win that day but in the final presentation when everything I hoped for happened exactly as I had envisioned. I was showing the beautiful Raven, Ch Ruby Dee’s Vosne-Romanee. May Jacobson was judging and kept us down to the final cut. When she asked me for a down and back one last time I thought this is it Elaine. I remember praying for that fantastic free bait at the end as I headed to the end of the ring. The crowd was so quiet you could hear a pin drop and all eyes were on us. Raven stopped in the most spot on free stack ever and I stepped to the very end of the lead. We just stood there. Perfect. From the crowd came the loudest whistle ever. It was one of those special moments that stay in your heart forever. Raven went on that day to BOS behind Marj Brooks and Ch Caryola’s Kendall Jackson but that What are your future goals? I want to continue to breed great representatives of the breed. I am now on my sixth generation and I am very proud of the dogs have produced. Since I breed on a very limited basis I have not had the opportunity to breed a lot of champions but I do believe in the quality I have been able to produce. My next endeavor will be judging. I am not quite ready to give up handling just yet but I am preparing for the next phase of my dog career and I look forward to evaluation the work of other great breeders all over the country. Any closing thoughts? My hope for the Doberman is that all of us can come together with a common goal of preserving the breed we all love. Hopefully in the coming years we can all put aside our differences and work together to protect what we all have worked so hard for. Super Early Bird Rate color ads just $250. Pay on line or at the booth by Friday 10/18. Plus buy 5 pages and get one free! Buy 7 pages and get a FREE bulk mail subscription too. My Group Winning Whippet Reka, Am Can Ch Holmrun’s Really Truly Mine, RE ROM CGC October, 2013 December is the DPCA Winner’s Issue If you won a ribbon you qualify! contact: Marj Brooks 608-359-6519 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 53 BACK ISSUES —only— 10 each $ Plus priority mail shipping Save postage when you buy multiple issues! see the complete list at 54 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 2013 Top Twenty Finalists Conformation 1 GCH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Veci 2 GCH D’s Remember When 3 GCH Caryola’s Antigua 4 GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona 5 GCH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie 6 GCH Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit 7 GCH Tiburon Arsenal 8 GCH Foxfires Best To Come Along 9 GCH Holly Woods Catwoman 10 GCH Cambria’s Mint Condition 11GCH Raklyn’s Talbot of Alisaton 12GCH Gallant’s First And Foremost V Ciden 13 GCH Treu’s Above Suspicion V Touchstone 14 GCH Sunburg’s Street Sense 15 GCH Carry-On Merchant Man of Ravenswood 16 GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse 17GCH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It 18GCH Tevro’s Director’s Choice 19GCH Protocol’s Flagrante Delicto 20GCH Sharjets Starr Catcher, CD, RN 21 GCH Festival de Canes Queen Latifah Obedience 1 CAMBRIA’S GOLD STANDARD, UDX OM1 RN 2 IRONGATE’S RUM DAIQUIRI, UDX2 OM2 VER RN 3 CH OTCH PLATINUM’S BLACK AGAIN, UDX5 OM8 RN 4 PHILLMAR BELLE OF THE BALL, UD 5 HOYTTS HIDDEN TREASURE, UDX2 OM1 GN GO RE 6 CH MERITAGE CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, CD OA OAJ 7 CINNAKERRY’S VALIDATION, UD OM1 MX MXJ 8 PLATINUM’S WINNER TAKES IT ALL, CD RN MX MXB MXJ MJB NF 9 ALISATON RHAPSODY SKY VIEW, CDX BN GN 10 CT WINGATE ‘N SHERLUCK’S VANADIUM, VCD2 AX,OAJ 11 CARA’S HIT MAN STASI V LEGACY, CD 12 GCH CH PROTOCOL’S SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, CD 13 DANORA’S SMELL THE ROSETTES, CD RA 14 LYNDOBE’S LEXUS V LYNMAR, CD BN 15 MACH6 FULCER’S RAVEN, VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MX G2 October, 2013 16 17 18 19 20 MJC2 XF GALLANT’S LIL’ BREES V CIDEN, CD BN RN KERWYND’S BLUE VELVET, CD TOLIVAR’S AVAJEAN DA BELL’LAVORO, CD RA PLATINUM’S WITCHY WOMAN, CD RN BLUE CHIP BRICK ROAD V ENCHANT, CD2 Agility 1 MACH7 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXB3 MJS3 MXF TQX T2B 2 MACH5 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXB2 MJG2 NF 3 MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXG2 MJC2 XF 4 MACH5 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXB2 MJB2 OF T2B 5 MACH2 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MXG MJB2 6 CH MACH4 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXB2 MJS2 XF T2B 7 MACH11 Thornwoods Flare CD MXC3 MJS4 MXF MFG TQX T2B2 WAC 8 MACH5 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXC2 MJC2 MXF MFB TQX T2B 9 Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MX MXB MXJ MJB 10 MACH Elphame’s Fairey Queen CDX RE MXG MJC MXF T2B2 WAC 11 MACH2 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXC MJC XF 12 Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MX MXB MXJ MJS WAC 13 MACH Stardust X-Men’s Spy Mistique CD MXG MJG XF WAC 14 MACH4 D’Tales Acceleration V Redlaur MXB2 MJB2 OF 15 MACH Montwood’s Magic Man V Arista MXS MJB2 MXF 16 CH MACH Pajant’s Silent Power Alisaton CDX RE MXS MJG XF T2B ROM 17 CH MACH Horizon’s Pimlico CD RN MXB MJS MXF ROM 18 Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Flirt CD MX MXB MXJ MJS XF 19 MACH2 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXG MJC OF 20 Carosel Valencia Dynamo V Brownstone MX MXB MXJ MJB OF T2B The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 55 MBIS MBISS GCH. Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici WAC 1 # I’ve always been a dreamer but Fifi has allowed me to experience moments I didn’t even dare to dream. Conformation Thank you Fifi! Appreciated, adored, very much loved and bred by Jocelyn & Kevin Mullins Also loved by Suzy and Dick Lundy GCh Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie 5 # Multiple Best in Show Winner Multiple Best in Specialty Show Winner Conformation Breeders: Karin and Steve Fox Owners: Dara Tracy, Jim Covert, Mary Dellorto & Karin Fox Handled by: Karin Fox 56 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine MBIS MBISS GCH. Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona # 4 Currently #1 Doberman and #10 Working Dog Multi Best In Show Winner Conformation Multi Reserve Best In Show Winner Multi Best in Specialty Show Winner Bred by: John Dolan and Salli Gorman Owned by: Jerry & Kathy Drake and Tommy & Melinda Moyer MBISS Gch True’s Above Suspicion V Touchstone 13 # Conformation Mia Multi Group Winning Muti Best In Specialty Breeders/Owners: Joe & Sarah Lynch Co-Breeder/Co-owner/Handler: Alisa Brotherhood October, 2013 GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse GCH. Protocol’s Flagrante Delicto ‘Guilty’ 16 # Conformation Best In Specialty Winner Multiple Working Group Winner AOM 2011 Eukanuba Championship Bred by Pat Onley Owned by Mary Ann Byrns & Pat Onley CH Meritage Catch Me If You Can, CDX, OA, OAJ, ROM 6 # Obedience October, 2013 One Picture says it all…. Congratulations to all finalists! Owner: Cindy Bohnert 19 # She is Guilty of being an exceptional show girl and being the best Conformation SMILER! Thank you Dylan for your expert care & fabulous presentation. Presented by Dylan Kipp Loved and bred by Jocelyn & Kevin Mullins Also Loved by the Davis Family BIS MBISS GCH CH Protocol’s Sic Itur Ad Astra RN,BH,ROM 12 # Obedience Our Star, is the most brilliant among all that twinkle. Top 20 Conformation 2011, Top 20 Obedience 2013 Breeder/Co-Owners: Jocelyn & Kevin Mullins Owner:: Suzy Lundy The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 57 fro m Marj Brooks Hello all, In the August issue we featured the Military Working Dog Teams National Monument. I was asked to participate as it was my Doberman, Ch. Monsoon’s Wayward Wind of Manorie, WAC who was used as the model. I lost Windy right around press time and couldn’t write the article. I’d like to share it with you now. During the summer of 2011 I received a phone from Paula Slater of Lakeport, California. She explained that she was an artist and was commissioned to do a war dog monument and described what it was to be. She explained further that she needed a Doberman Pinscher model and asked if she can come to see my Dobermans. Of course I said yes. After I got off of the phone I went to her website and took a look and I was amazed at her work to say the least! http://www. Then on her website I clicked onto the war dog website and read about the project. Needless to say, I was pretty darned excited to be a small part of this tribute. A few days later I met Paula and we went to the yard and she met my 3 Dobermans. We decided on Windy who is Ch. Monsoon’s Wayward Wind of Manorie, WAC a black bitch sired by Ch. Primary Charlie Pride and out of Monsoon’s Dark Crystal of Manorie a Thunder daughter. Paula took a ton of photos from every angle of Windy who was in a free pose and alert. 58 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Several months later Paula began to email me the work in progress. I have pictures of the project during the clay process, the patina process and the waxing process. Paula also let me know when the whole project was completed and it was going to be in the Library of Congress or something like this and there would be someday a commemorative postage stamp of the completed work. I also learned that Dick van Patton was displaying it for the first time in the Tournament of Roses parade on January 1st of this year in Pasadena California. Traditionally I try to watch this parade every year. We did this too as a family tradition when I was growing up. January 1st is my birthdate. See pictures here: http://www. roseparade2013.html The float received a lot of footage because of what it was and because of a “special” reunion. I think that you can still see the pictures on Dick van Patton’s website. Again: http://www.paulaslater. com/ if you go there scroll down the photos of her works and when you get to the pictures on the dogs click onto that. It is fascinating to see the work in progress. I did the handler too. On July 18th, I lost my Windy who was being treated for DCM. She developed a mass that was growing very fast and it required surgery. I knew that because she had DCM that her surgery was very risky. She did make it through the surgery but not the anesthesia. Windy was owned by me and co-bred by me with Nancy Sabo. Having her serve as the model for this memorial certainly is a wonderful memorial for us of Windy too. I wish that I could have been there in Texas on October 28th to see the goings on. I am very excited about being a part of the October National Issue, my first. We are featuring breeder Grace Moore of Gra-Lemor Dobermans. Grace was mentored in her early years by Eleanor Carpenter of Jerry Run Dobermans. Grace has produced many fine Dobermans that have contributed greatly to our Doberman gene pool. We are also featuring three Doberman Pinscher professional handlers, Linda Hoff, Elaine Hopper and October, 2013 Ann Ramsbottom-White. These three ladies all have interesting and educational histories as well. Also in this issue Marcy is printing part two of the Peggy Adamson story (part one ran in the June issue). Welcome to Pomona California for this year’s National Convention. It will be jam packed with the usual activities for all to enjoy. It is always fun to meet new people and again share a once a year week with friends from afar. In our next issue we feature National specialty and regional winners and meet a couple of breeders of today. Please come by the DPM booth and say hello and visit. I may be recruiting some help from other parts of the country for their local news and brags. Did you notice the new title holders in the August Issue? In the past we had always had a list of the title holders readily available to us in the AKC Gazette Awards issue and be before that in the AKC Gazette. But those are now gone. Back in the day we had more ads announcing a new champion or title holder so we got to see them at least once. If you are like me, you have kept all of your Doberman magazines, I have collected other peoples collections over the years too. This new feature can be used to study dogs for generations and to study the lines and the pedigrees too. New title holders color ads are only $250! We also have another great tool for this in our DPCA database DobeQuest which is on the DPCA website, If you have not checked out DobeQuest, you should do so. Look up your dogs and see what is there and if you are a DPCA member, you can fill in what is missing. If you are visitor, you can contact Kathy Kendrick and the Committee to help you fill in the missing information. I have been filling in older dogs (dogs form the 40s and older). It could be one day that we can trace our dogs pedigree all the way back to our beginning if we wanted to. Well I have babbled on enough and I am looking forward to having this column be better and better. I have a note from Lisa Johnson telling us of the passing of Pat McMillian. There were many Dobermans and friends to welcome Pat McMillan to the Rainbow Bridge on Friday, July 26, 2013. Pat’s world has revolved around Dobermans since she got her first Doberman in the seventies. Not only was Pat a founding member and past President of the Mount Hood Doberman Pinscher Club, she also founded Mount Hood Doberman Rescue. Pat was personally responsible for placing nearly 3,000 Dobermans in their forever homes, 800 of which stayed in her own home until they could be placed. Pat was a very special lady, friend and mentor. She will be missed very much by her husband Bob and all who had the privilege to know her. Condolence cards can be mailed to: Bob McMillan 3123 SE 129th Portland, OR 97236 Any contributions can be made to The Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, 5001 Angel Canyon Road, Kanab, UT 84741 On September 11, 2013, Rosemond Valentine of Rosevale Dobermans passed away. She was 93 and from Massachusetts. This is taken in part from her obituary. “She was a professional Doberman Pinscher breeder for 70 years, selling and shipping her AKC registered champion blood line of dogs throughout the U.S and to foreign countries. She was a charter member of the Holyoke and Springfield Kennel Clubs and was a member of the DPCA and the Quinnipiac DPC. She leaves her three beloved children Thomas Valentine and his wife Sandra, Robert Valentine and his wife Colette, and Daniel Valentine. She also leaves twelve grandchildren, twenty five great grandchildren and fourteen great grandchildren.” The is more information in her obituary. Rose led a full life that is for sure. Until next time have fun and have good holidays and lots of wins! I can be reached at or 608359-6519 or at 707-539-2050. Thank you. Marj Are you signed up for our e blasts? Subscription specials • Ad discounts • Previews of upcoming issues Do it TODAY! (be sure to put in your address book or it may end up in the spam folder!) October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 59 DOBERMAN HISTORY The Dynamic Peggy Adamson August 11, 1908 ~ December 18, 1996 Part two (part one appeared in June, 2013) by L. Ann Lanier reprinted with permission from the Doberman Quarterly 60 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 “I he truly important changes in the new standard involved teeth and coat color. Judges were not even checking the teeth and this had become a source of great concern to breeders, so the disqualification for four missing teeth was added with the purpose of requiring judges at least to LOOK. But why was it FOUR? Well, throughout the fifties, there had been great agitation to make three missing teeth a disqualification, or even two, but some opposing views contended this might straitjacket a judge. Four was agreed upon because it seemed such an unlikely number.” Yet shortly thereafter she judged a beautiful bitch who had 8 points including a major who was lacking all six small upper molars. Peggy wrote that other judges had questioned her, asking if the tooth disqualification was a result of mouth problems in Dobermans such as they observed in other breeds. She answered that because of the bite disqualification since 1948 and the missing teeth disqualification since 1969 the answer was a definite “no”. Extremely adept at finding missing teeth, Peggy was sometimes affectionately called “the Tooth Fairy”. Peggy was aware of this and sometimes good humoredly applied the appellation to herself. Actually Peggy had a strong personal reason for checking Doberman’s mouths as they came into the ring, before she evaluated the whole dog: “I am certain that most judges really suffer when they have to disqualify a good dog - this makes it less traumatic!”, she said. 1948. Headed for Bangkok, Siam, via Manilla and Hong Kong, Damasyn The Shawn and Damasyn The Aurien were purchased by The Prince of Bhanu. Aurien was in whelp to Ch. Delegate v.d. Elbe, a leading sire of the day. Peggy’s sense of public relations was uncanny. This event too was reported in the newspapers. Dictator on his 7th Birthday. Whelped August 9, 1941, he always had a special picture taken for the August (Doberman) issue of Dog News Magazine. The 1948 standard did not even mention the rarely seen fawns, either as an accepted color or as a disqualifying fault. “The fawn (Isabella) was now included in the Allowed Colors on the premise that it was genetically impossible for the Doberman to appear in three coat colors of black, brown and blue without having the fourth. (It could have been confined to black and brown or black and blue, but with all three, there had to be the fourth.)” Not always content with just words, Peggy and her engineer husband carefully measured the shoulder and hip angles of Dobermans to determine the degrees of angulation in the best moving dogs. At the time of her accident Peggy had an extremely active judging schedule, as she was much in demand in the U.S. and abroad. Nearly every weekend of the year she was away from home, doing what she loved best. Shortly before her death she wrote, “I cannot believe that fifty years have rushed away since my first judging assignment, the specialty of the Southern Doberman Club in Jacksonville, Florida. “While dog judging and dog shows have changed in many ways, the one thing that never changed for me is the October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 61 marvelous feeling I have when I put my hand on a dog’s shoulders as I begin to go over it. The sensation is hard to describe, but I’m sure it is the reason for the success of therapy dogs. “I think of the times I have returned from lunch exasperated by the distance and the difficulty of getting past the spectators. I enter the ring, send the dogs around and start to examine the first one. Suddenly I am in another world — all my annoyance forgotten, and doing something that never loses its fascination. The communion between dog and judge is something that all judges hold dear. If it is further enhanced by the excitement of finding a very special animal, the lift to the spirits cannot be described. As a fellow judge once said to me, “It’s just like finding a pot of gold!” Peggy was known for taking a dog’s head between her hands and gazing deep into its eyes. It was something she obviously enjoyed very much. Peggy often avoided ‘meeting’ dogs outside the ring, because, she said, “Once I know a dog personally, it really hurts my feelings not to be able to put him up.” AKC licensed to judge Dobermans in 1946, with all Working, Herding and Sporting breeds and best In Show following, Peggy enjoyed judging assignments around the world: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil, the Philippines, Trinidad, England, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, and Uruguay. In September 1989, she returned to Australia to judge all Gundogs, Working and Utility Dogs at the Royal Adelaide Show, judging 1700 dogs over a 5 day period, with Dictator at one year of age. 62 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine the Doberman entry doubled over the previous year. Her home was filled with awards and plaques expressing deep appreciation for her judging activities. Peggy did not confine all her efforts to Dobermans. She was very active in the Ladies Kennel Association of America, serving as Bench Show Chairman and Delegate to the AKC for many years. Says Pat Corey of that club, “ With her knowledge of dogs, shows and judging, Peggy was certainly a shot in the arm to our club. She was very wise and very thorough.” Pat Corey encouraged Peggy to add golden retrievers to her repertoire. She recounts, “When it came to learning about another breed, Peggy had an open mind. Once she arrived at a position she was very positive, but she was very careful in arriving at that position. She consulted with breeders of dogs she admired. Peggy was very interested in learning the history of each breed and the reason dogs ended up looking as they did. I watched her do this with different breeds for fifteen years.” Many changes occurred in the half century Peggy judged dogs. One loss she felt were the great dog portraits by photographers like Tauskey, Percy Jones and William Brown. In 1968 when the Doberman Quarterly began publishing what we now know as ‘win’ photographs and sending the magazine to all judges, Peggy recognized the way dogs were presented in print media had changed. She related, “We used to take all day to get a great free standing shot. The photographers always tried to snap the dogs with no handlers in them. Dictator was born in August, so Peggy enjoyed all her holidays with good friends Fred and Terry Ferrari. (Owners of Ch. Damasyn The Russian) October, 2013 every year he had a special birthday photograph taken for the August ‘Doberman’ issue of Dog News.” Frank Grover has vivid memories of working with the official AKC photographer, Tauskey. “I had the feeling I was in communication with a great artist, albeit a bit of a curmudgeon,” says Frank. Peggy seemed to miss this ritual and the beautiful photographs that resulted. Gone are the days of the great kennels, the elegance of Morris and Essex, the benched shows and the intimacy of old friendships. Peggy wrote that the victim of all this progress was the breeder-exhibitor. Always interested in people and their dogs, the last few years of Peggy’s judging career often seemed to reflect this sense of a separation occurring. More and more often she paused to encourage a novice, to help a struggling young handler place a foot here, to ask for another down and back there, to ask an inexperienced exhibitor to come chat with her after judging. She freely offered advice about exercise, grooming, diet and presentation as she reached out to include the young, the novice, the newcomer. “When I met Peggy years ago” says Carol Petruzzo, “I had never been off Long Island. She taught me everything, even how to check into a hotel. Every day I think of things she taught me.” “You could talk to Peggy for five minutes and learn something,” Marj Brooks adds. be remembered? Carol laughs, “Peggy responded, “I’m not going.” and that was that! That’s my favorite ‘Peggy story’.” To all those who knew her, Peggy’s intense interest in the world around her, and her joyful acceptance and appreciation of the people and dogs she met stand paramount in their. memories. Robert Berndt, past Chairman of the Board at AKC and a close friend of Peggy’s for thirty years recounts, “One of my fondest memories of Peggy was at the San Antonio cluster. We decided to have an early supper and talk dogs. We were the first in the restaurant at 5:00 PM. We ignored the confusion in the dining room and talked dogs and settled the problems of the dog world. We were surprised when the hostess told us that the restaurant was closed as it was after 11 :00 PM and that we would have to continue our conversation in the lobby. It was a typical Peggy evening, for her enthusiasm, her wisdom and her animation erased the passing of time.” In October 1996, when Peggy attended her fifty-first DPCA National convention, Mari-Beth O’Neill, the American Kennel Club’s Director of Judges Education, presented her an AKC award for 53 years of judging. C.T.Fulkerson, President of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, followed with a Presidential Citation for Outstanding Service. There was a standing ovation. Just days later Peggy Adamson was struck by a truck as she crossed a Long Island, New Despite all the publicity Peggy garnered for her dogs, she was shy about personal revelations. Carol Petruzzo relates how once when cornered by a videographer Adamson was asked, “When you’re gone, how would you like to Peggy was given an award for 53 years of judging by AKC’s Mari-Beth O’Neill at the 1996 DPCA National. Only days later Peggy was fatally struck by a truck while walking. October, 2013 1988. Doing what she loved best, Peggy gave top honors to Ch. Royal Tudor’s Wild As The Wind“ Indy” is one of the top winning Dobermans of all time, on Best In Show at Westminster,the Top Twenty and went Best of Breed at the DPCA National twice. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 63 York street near her home. Although she later regained consciousness, she succumbed peacefully in December. Adamson was 88 years old. A widow, Peggy was survived by two sisters, a niece and a nephew, all of whom resided in California. In the summer of 1997 her beloved sister Evelyn Smith passed away. The international dog community, and especially those in Dobermans were shocked and saddened at the unexpected tragedy. This October at the DPCA National in Houston, Peggy’s life and immeasurable contributions to the breed will be celebrated throughout the week. Mrs. Bob (Peggy) Adamson Peggy Sue, Miss Margaret Susan Lees Smith, Mrs. Bob Adamson, Peggy Adamson: in the end, she just became “Peggy” and everyone ‘in dogs’ knew who she was. g 64 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine A tribute to those that are no long with us by Mrs. Bob (Peggy) Adamson They have all gone away. The people and the dogs They have all gone away In the seventy catalogues of D.P.C.A. Very few of the names are with us today. We nostalgically note as we leaf through the pages. The lengthening list which belongs to the ages. The image we carry of people now gone Is the last time we saw them — that picture lives on. Weak and frail, perhaps ailing, a giant laid low ..... Few can know or recall how they were long ago. Strong and handsome, gay, brilliant — the image is blurred, Brought to life now and then by some words that are heard. We remember the People with great veneration, But the dogs are revived in each new generation. Through the efforts of breeders, dogs are luckier than men, For they will come back to us time and again, Young and vibrant forever ... We’ve discovered this truth: Here is REALLY the Secret of Eternal Youth! October, 2013 Doberman Pinscher DVDob (DINGS) DNA Test now available. Drs. Mark Neff and Aubrey Webb are collaborating with projectDOG to make available to breeders and owners a DNA test for carrier status of vestibular deafness in Doberman Pinscher dogs. This disorder is more commonly known as ‘DINGS’. The aim of offering this genetic test prior to publication is to allow for test results to be included in the manuscript. An expanded set of test data will help define the frequency of carriers within the population and possibly identify dogs with similar disease phenotype not impacted by this mutation. Thus the testing will continue to help advance Doberman genetic research. The test is being offered through projectDOG, a non-profit organization. projectDOG’s mission is to directly involve owners and breeders. These stakeholders provide the critical resource to drive research forward. We believe that these stakeholders (you, the Doberman community) should benefit from the results of the research. Toward that end, we offer DNA testing on a donation basis. This approach has served to democratize genetic testing for canine health concerns. All donations made to projectDOG cover the costs of testing, and allow us to re-invest in our infrastructure for engaging breeders and owners. We hope soon to offer a secure, online space for breeders and owners to maintain all of the results from genetic testing for their dogs. This space will become increasingly important as genetic testing for complex diseases becomes more common for dogs. We at projectDOG and our collaborators (such as Drs. Neff and Webb) thank you for your continued support. To request a DNA test and to support Doberman Pinscher genetic research, please visit: WHO DAT? Correctly Name 3 Who Dat features in one calendar year and win a 1 year bulk subscription to The Doberman Pinscher Magazine! Contest rules: Relatives or owners of the featured “Who Dat” are not eligible. Only one subscription per person per calendar year. Calendar year will be from October to September. Correct answers will be printed in the following issue of The Doberman Pinscher Magazine. Deadline for submissions will be the same as the ad deadlines, check the rates and deadlines page for exact dates. Send your answers by email to (bes sure to put “Who Dat?” in the subject line) or by USPS to DPM, 2811 Milton Ave #368, Janesville, WI 53545 August Who Dat? Linda Hoff Correctly named by Margie Morrison (who has 3 and has won a free subscription!) October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 65 NEW TITILE HOLDER FEATURE if you had a new title in Sept. & Oct. it will appear here in the December issue. Place your COLOR AD for only $250 contact Marj Brooks at or 608-359-6519 or Marcy at or 608-774-7435 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name Ch CH ‘Rena’Ssance Set In Stone Sheena Carrero & Bellinda Rossmiller & Wayne Rossmiller Ch CH A’Monde’s Andrea Heart Drop Of Monaco Ada M Levine Ch CH A’Monde’s Marla The Prima Donna Sergio SQ Capps Ch CH Addox’s Rock Star CGC Mrs. Judy Lee Dobler Ch CH Alisaton A Starr Is Born V Raklyn Ciden Gabriel & Jessica Montanez & Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno & Gwen DeMilta & Debbie Struff & Cynthia L Huckfeldt Ch CH Alisaton Scirocco V Raklyn Ciden John Pinna & Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno & Gwen DeMilta Ch CH Alisaton The Secret V Raklyn Ciden Karen Zaccaro & Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno & Gwen DeMilta & Debbie Struff & Cynthia L Huckfeldt & Bonnie Waseleski Ch CH Allure Fireworks! Kimberly Anne Meredith & Barry Cavanna & Carmen Pitts Ch CH Alpha’s Geisha Doll Susanne Smith Ch CH Argus’s Sir Galahad Legacy Of A Knight V A’MondesMiguel Pina & Larissa Garzon-Garnett-Pina Ch CH Bellisa Thunderball Lisa M Henke Ch CH Bruda Up Up And Away Janine M Anderson D.V.M. & Sandra G Hunter Ch CH Caleb’s You Look Like An Angel CGC Robert M Hallahan Jr. & Laura Jones & Paula K Hallahan & Bambi Libengood Ch CH Cambria’s Naughty But Nice Jennifer Scott Ch CH Cambria’s Tourmaline Julianne Haugen & Jerry R Haugen Ch CH Cambria’s Valkyrie Cambria Knl Ch CH Catawba’s Black Label Society Lynn Budd & Susan Miller Ch CH Cha-Rish She’s In Command Joan Noon & Joan W Witt Ch CH Dancing Star’s Andalusian Rose BN RN Lesley A St Pierre & Liz Gentile 66 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Dog Name CH Element A Night To Remember CH Foxfire N Ko Alltimate Madness CH Goldgrove Gift >From Heaven CH Goldgrove Mucho Macho Man CH Holmrun’s Chulo Pony Braebrook CH Holmrun’s Shelby Katet CH Horizon’s Siriusly Sinatra CH Ivy Gate’s The Devil Made Me Do It CH Jager’s Got My Mojo Working CH Kansa’s Fire It Up CH Kelview’s Hot Kiss V. Mueller CH Kinetic The Great Whodini CH Liberator’s Obsession CA CH Magis Weekend Warrior CH Majestic Black Magic Woman Lemils CH Manarjj N Gralemor Fire Power CH Manarjj’s Do Ya Think I’M Sexy V Kettle Cove CH Marquis No Shame In My Game CH Merrimac’s Out Of The Blue CH Mi-Cher’s Red Coat Commander CH Mi-Ti’s International Intrigue CH Mick Ricks Sommer To Remember CH Mistel’s Texas Two Step CH Mystikos N Kettle Cove Love Spell CH Northstar’s Pistol Annie CH Pamelot’s Xxtraordinary Gentleman CH Rauschund’s Draconis Of Autumn CH Rauschund’s Southern Comfort CH Ravensown My Foxy Latina CH Ravenswood Morgan’s Special Silver Dollar CH Rendition’s May It Be CH Rhapsody’s The Sunningdale Mystery CH Sdk’s Alpha Dug Of Sterlen CH Shamrock’s Days Of Thunder CH Sharjets Showing Some Leg For Brija CH Silvercrest Daydream Believer CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret NA NAJ CH Sunburg’s Lilo And Stitch CH Sunburg’s Sweet Tart CH Touchstone’s Rumor Has It CH Touchstone’s Something To Talk About CH Tropix Plum Crazy Mustang Sally October, 2013 Owners Name Denise Kusey & Leah Kusey Kim L Owen & Michelle Santana Sharon Pflueger John Burchfield Michelle Rowton & John M Rowton & V. Cherie Holmes Lora L Van Epp & Daniel C Van Epp Cheryl Fountain & Linda George Ms. Edith Brunner & Carol B Weiner Cindy Lane-Smith & Paul Croley Ms. Susie Brown Claudia Jupitz & Frederick Jupitz & Colleen Nicholson Steve Demko & Barbara Demko Cheryl Mehaffey & Pat Blenkey & Brian Casey James E Barrett & Nancy E Barrett & John Flynn Amy Fujinaka & Hiroko Lee Grace I Moore & Nancy Gale Johnson Sharon Duval & Mark A Johnson & Nancy Gale Johnson D Joseph Depetro & Kelly Marquis & Linda Marquis Terry Necessary & Sheila Necessary & Nikki McClendon Cheryl Hassett Judith Fleischaker D.V.M. & Shirley Baker & Carol Silverman Michele Lauzon & Karen Bahr Pat Onley Katlyn Estrada & Sharon Duval & Dawn Aunchman Lisa Carnes Bruce A Thoman Anthony Venetta & Heather Venetta Katherine Ziemke Ms. Vonnie E Blomquist & Kim L Owen Marti Kalko & Betty J Clark Karen Taylor & Lawrence Taylor Irina Sasu Jill Wright & Dane Wright Jennifer Mclean & James Mclean Mrs. Janet L Cook Darlene Weatherwax Karen Ann Fuss Barbara Delamar & Joanne Davis Deborah Johnson Marilyn Swick & Alisa Brotherhood & Todd Swick Nicole MacDonald & John MacDonald Sandy Solcz & Jana Dupre & George Solcz & Deborah Johnson The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 67 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name Ch CH Van Orman’s I Want It All Susan Claggett & Ashlee Jeanne Claggett & Charles Claggett Ch CH Veedoc’s Courage Under Fire Jane Myers & A. Leigh McBride Ch CH Veedoc’s Legally Blonde A Leigh Mcbride D.V.M. Ch CH Zane’s Tearin It Up & Burnin It Down Stephanie Stour & Angie Tucker GCh GCH Caleb’s Chasing Midnight RN CA Linda K Riley & Laura Jones GCh GCH Clariion’s Lindero Canyon V. Thunder Teresa Mahle & Robin Determan GCh GCH Esquire’s Roadhouse William Buell III & Francis Sparagna & Diana Sparagna GCh GCH Foxfire’s Easily Steller V Electron RE MX MXJ MJB OF CA Tammy Markey & Michelle Santana & Teresa Ross GCh GCH Foxfire’s Seaside Heights Deborah Sternberg & Michelle Santana & Ken Ray GCh GCH Kelviews Jewel Of The Nile V. Mueller Theresa Connors-Chan & Greg Chan & Colleen Nicholson GCh GCH Leilani’s Toughest Element Ken Hapgood & Karen Mounts GCh GCH Luna’s Liz Claiborne Helen L Kennedy & William Kennedy & Annabelle Kennedy GCh GCH Protocol’s Ordo Ab Chao Mary Jo Davis & Jocelyn Mullins & Bill Davis & kevin mullins GCh GCH Rhapsody’s Brand New Day CA Irina Sasu GCh GCH Rolin’s No Reservations Roland Hagmann & Linda Hagmann GCh GCH Soquel’s Last Dance AX AXJ NF Diane Sudori & Jack Sudori & Linda Siegel GCh GCCH Sunking’s Stopping Traffic Tracy Pounds & Judy A King & Theresa Galle GCh GCCH Tallyesynnadria’Spacificice V Kendon Mary Swords & Ann M Dunn & Maria Reilly & Donna Kenney GCh GCH CH Tiburon’s Collateral Damage Leah & Linda Ramsey GCh GCH CH Touchstone’s Innuendo Alisa Brotherhood BN Banjo BN RN Cathy Hays BN Black’s Eye Of The Hurricane V Rogue River BN RN CGC Susan R Weitz & Scott Lyter BN CH Aquarius’ Wally World V. Sandia BN RN Zelda Casanova & F Bev Casanova BN CH Majestic Black Magic Woman Lemils BN Amy Fujinaka & Hiroko Lee BN Diva’s Lucky Thirteen BN CGC Mrs. Elizabeth J Menzel BN GCH CH Deerun’s Leonidas BN RA CGC Dee Robison & Russ Robison BN GCH CH Foxfire’s Easily Steller V Electron BN RE MX MXJ MJB OF CA Tammy Markey & Michelle Santana & Teresa Ross BN GCH CH Rio’s Standing Valor BN Karen Beskau & Cindy O’Sell & Chad Loushin BN Gmc No Time For Tequilas BN RN Jessica Edgerly & Gerry Mull BN Gondor’s Whisper In The Wind BN Manuela M Entrekin BN Lyndobe’s National Treasure BN Emily Spracale BN Miramax’s Singular Sensation BN CA Gail Hartley & Cathy Ceely BN Wittrock’s Jozzzzzelle BN CA CGC Elizabeth Manning & Marc Manning CD “Barnic’s Sic Chic’s Twist”” The Wick CD BN RA NA NAJ”” Barbara L Valerio CD Busy Bee Rw Emerson CD BN Patty Beeler CD Capone Von Dodo Melanson CD BN RN Mr. Christopher Joseph Melanson CD CH Foxhall’s The First Lady CD Lynn Eggers & Jill Graves & Art Graves CD CH Marquis Eternal Soul CD CA Cheryl Asburn & Kelly Marquis & Linda Marquis 2013 Pinscher Magazine The Doberman 68 |October, The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013| NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name CD Dashn’s Day At The Races CD CD Gra-Lemor Snapdragon Glenayr CD RN CGC CD Gretta Daisy Mine CD BN CD Hoytts Electric Cowboy CD RN CD Hoytts Golden Boy CD RN CD Hoytts Law And Order CD RN CD Hoytts Son Of A Gun CD BN RN CD Jazlins Watch Your P’s And Q’S CD BN RN CD Marienburg’s Think Pink CD BN RE CD Masaya’s Call To Arms CD RN CD Masaya’s Carpe Diem CD CD Moose CD BN CGC CD Rebholzer Bad Company CD BN RA CD San Rafael’s Where Eagles Dare CD RN CD Spice Von Gurnee Croat Domobran CD RN CGC CD Zuma’s Xtra Love Echoes V Royalwood CD BN CDX CH Goldgrove Forever Yours CDX BN CDX “Dial M”” For Mischief CDX BN GN NA NAJ NAP NJP CDX Sharjets Awesome Act V Philmar CDX CGC Bel-Mar’s Like It Or Not V. A’Monde CGC CGC Bob’s Girl Rose CGC CGC Brykris Red Sonja CGC CGC CH Hq Rock My World CGC CGC Delroz’ Magic Moment V Chados CGC CGC Delroz’Red Hot Pepper CGC CGC Dixie Doodle V CGC CGC Dura Lex Polonia Frida CGC CGC Family Dobes Bd Luke Skywalker CGC CGC Family Dobes Black Tide Pearl CGC CGC Finida Del Nasi CGC CGC Gallant-Hearts Life Of Rylie CGC CGC Garidi’s Get It Got It Good BN RA CGC CGC GCH CH Jager’s Oil Slick MX MXJ OF CGC CGC GCH CH Old Drum’s Talladega Red CGC CGC Gorrmae’s Mighty Thor CGC CGC Guardian Angel No Regret CGC CGC Horizon’s Lamborghini CGC CGC “HoyttS Crazy Little Thing Called Love CGC”” CGC Hoytts Duchess Of Bridgewater CGC CGC Hoytts Hoytty Toytty Girl CGC CGC Huntress Von Tristan CGC CGC Kane Garrison Schuchard CGC October, 2013 Owners Name Deborah C Kovalchick Grace I Moore & Lenore Southam & Elaine P Hammel Kathryn Exton Barrie Hoytt Barrie Hoytt Barrie Hoytt LINDA SAMPLE Marty Silverwood Estelle Dahl Laura A Michael Sue White & Weldon White Saundra Urbacke Catherine LaBarre & Robert Armstrong Catherine Vines & Warren Vines Jr. Joseph Cvitkovic Michael Holth & Elayne Ewers & Renee Holth Ellen C Mouri & Sharon Pfleuger Linda L Gasparovic & Michael W Gasparovic Ms. Kim Tome & Cheryl Green Ada M Levine & Laurie Fite & Priscilla Bell Julius R Midgett & Mary Kay Hamlin Kenneth Steigerwald & Brenda Steigerwald Kaye Krueger & Laurel Vail Susan Machado Susan A McGaughy javon marie parker Cathy Nieuwoudt & David Nieuwoudt Taylor Smallwood Danette Hoenie Lisa Marie Guye Rebecca Floyd Heidi A Thrailkill Jenni Novelli & Greg Novelli Jacqueline Browning & Martin Doughty & Ali Doughty & Chuck Browning Keith Fishman Patricia Meltabarger Ann Scaturro Carol A Restad Dr. Jason Hall & Mrs. Mary Hall JoAnne L Hasselmann CURTIS MORTENSEN Danny Joseph Schuchard The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 69 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name CGC L’Mae Aurora Starr CGC CGC Lady Gia Von Pushka CGC CGC Manson’s Odin CGC CGC Masaya’s Empire State Of Mind CGC CGC Mystikos N Kettlecove Boy Oh Boy CGC CGC Rauschund’s School Of Hard Noxs CGC CGC Red Bull King Of Darkness CGC CGC Red To Black And Back Baxter Blue CGC CGC Royale’s Magnum Of Windsor CGC CGC Su-Mels Sun Country Kizmet CGC CGC Swift Elegance’s Mia Amor CGC CGC Swift Run Code Of Honor CGC CGC Windsong’s Luck Of The Draw CGC CGC Wr Femme Fatale Von Bjf CGC CGC Wynwood’s My Wild Irish Rosie CGC CGC Ziva Piper Indalo-Tallis CGC GN CH Triadel’s Flint N Steel CD BN GN CGC GN Mick Rick My Harleigh Girl CD GN RN Capone Von Dodo Melanson BN RN RN CH Blackjack’s Flight Of Fancy BN RN CGC RN CH Blumont’s Redemption Road V Notori RN RN CH Camee’s I’Ll Take It Black RN RN CH Emerald’s Black Jewels BN RN RN CH Emerald’s Black Pearl RN CA RN CH Fitzmar’s After Hours Cha-Rish RN RN CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck RN OA OAJ RN CH Heartfelt Fiyero Dob Mann RN THD RN CH Jalyn Xtra Oomph! Niklby BN RN RN Dedo’s Nitty Gritty RN RN Deutschland Red Raven Of Berlin RN CGC RN Dobewan’s Notorious Red Alert CD RN RN Foxhall’s Princess Diana RN RN Honeybucket’s Fire N’ Ice RN RN Honeybucket’Sreversaloffortune RN OA AXJ XF RN Hoytts Golden Boy RN RN Lyles Karden Paige Of A Storybook BN RN RN Manitou’s Shiraz With Blue Notes RN CGC RN Oppie CD RN RN Pantheon’s Shot Of Valor RN CGC RN Ravenswood Black Raven RN RN Scudamore-Lantal Dream Weaver RN RN Shelby’s Crowning Gem RN CGC 70 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Owners Name Diane Mccoy & David Carter Miss Michelle L Thomas Mr. Justin David Manson & Mrs. Briana Tiffany Manson Ashley Stursa porscha l flores & Sharon Duval Janny Lee & Carole Havener Gerald Antoine Ruth Compton Paulette Dyling Valerie Stevenson & Suzann Kincannon Robert Sanchez & Angel Sanchez Carolyn M Stanger Karin Nikopoulos Carolyn Miller Diana Minor Eva Maria Scholl-Grube Michael Berecka Raye French & Karen Bahr Mr. Christopher Joseph Melanson Marti Dill & Susan Rochester & Vern Dill Jennifer L Adams & Robyn Sparks & Elizabeth Patterson Kristine Sklenak D.V.M. Lisa Christensen Cathy Ceely Don McFatridge & Mary Jo Ansel Patricia Larkin Joe Lynch & Sara Lynch Gail Maki & Lynn Jackson & Bob Maki Suzy Howard Lundy Karin Nikopoulos & Steve Magnuson & Heidi Croft Mr. Eric James West & Mrs. Paula Sue West & Skyler Paul West Lynn Eggers Babette Barnes & Marcia Ferris Christine Matzok Barrie Hoytt Dennis David Picchi Michael Scott & Diane Scott Lori Starling Kathy Hayden Jessica Edgerly Elizabeth Long Michelle Frye October, 2013 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name RN Spice Von Gurnee Croat Domobran RN CGC Joseph Cvitkovic RN Zuma’s Xtra Love Echoes V Royalwood CD BN RN Michael Holth & Elayne Ewers & Renee Holth RA Acheron’s Beloved Simi BN RA Kathryn White RA “Barnic’s Bad To The Bone Gemma”” CD BN RA AX AXJ OF Barbara L Valerio RA CH Mick Ricks Rough And Ready RA Karen J Bahr & Michele Lauzon RA CH Perfex Versailles Afire RA OA OAJ NF Heidi Milam & Michelle Perfect RA Irongate’s Knight Of The Wind RA Armand Destefani & Trisha DeStefani RA Ravalleses Living Legend RA Lisa McCormick & Angela Ravallese RA Rebholzer Bad Company BN RA Catherine LaBarre & Robert Armstrong RA Royal Storm Of The Black Night RA Aaron Terwiske RA Tristram Forbidden Fantasy CD RA Francis Kaess & Gail C McLaughlin RA Vondalyn’s Magic Does It Again CD RA OA AXJ OF Lynn Fratello RA Wittrock’s Cebazzzzz BN RA Jaimie M Warren RE Lyndobe’s Dark Angel Lynmar UDX3 OM2 RE Carolyn Sorg RE Montwood Arista Sugar Daddy CDX BN GN RE OA AXJAndrea Gates Sanford RE Rebholzer Bad Company CD BN RE Catherine LaBarre & Robert Armstrong UD Bikila’s Why Not Of Merrimac Marks-Tey UD GN GO RAE Patricia Katayama UDX Blumont Uwharrie Highflyer UDX GN GO VER RN Elizabeth Patterson & Abigail Adams UDX6 CH OTCH Platinum’s Black Again UDX6 OM9 RN Susan Korp & Arthur Korp OM3 Hoytts Hidden Treasure UDX3 OM3 GN GO RE Carol Stephens OM9 CH OTCH Platinum’s Black Again UDX5 OM9 RN Susan Korp & Arthur Korp CA Bolero Lincoln Park After Dark V Deerfield CA Jillian Matson CA Cambria’s Put Up Or Shut Up CA Stephanie Batchelder & Leslie Batchelder CA Ddr’s Grand Prince Of Rescue CA Ms. Kimberly S Grimm CA Foxfire’s Catch My Drift CA Monica L Riley & Edward P Riley Sr. CA Idrs Little Death Star RN OA OAJ CA Amy Wukotich CA MACH3 Jerilyn’s Joint Venture CD MXG MJG NJP MXF CACindy Noland & Tammy M Weldon & Anna M Platt CA Rebholzer Iron Butterfly CA Traci Mulligan CA Rhapsody’s One Fine Day CA Irina Sasu CA Sabig’s Whisper Of Quicksilver CA Dawn R Gibas & Beth Teffner CA Smack-Dab’s No Worries RN OA OAJ CA Cheryl L Lent CA Treu’s Swift Justice V Touchstone CA CGC Josh Bradley CA Triadel’s Intrepid Hero CA CGC Leah Marie Billet & Scott Richard Shildt CA Zh-Journey Iz Gratsiano CA Susan Brown & Traci Mulligan CAA Gallery’s Life Of Riley CD RE AX AXJ CAA Cindy Tomlinson CAA Ravensown Rum Runner @ Foxfire CAA Judith Peterson & Michelle Santana & Kim L Owen CAA Sunny N Foxfire’s Starstruck CAA Charlene Dunnam & Michelle Santana CAE Titanssummerlighteningstrikestwice CAX Diane Linstrom THD Charlie THD Sandra Battaglia THD Heiko THD Jan Urbahn THD Omnia Paratus Super Hornet On Deck THD CGC Nancy S Miles & Laural Harris RATN Camee’s Hot Tamale RN RATN Kristine M Sklenak & George Clemence October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 71 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name NA CH Gallants Double Dare V Ciden NA Stephanie Rudich & Mona Fasth D.V.M. & Cynthia L Huckfeldt NA CH Niklby’s Color Me Purple NA NAJ NF Betty J Cuzzolino NA CH Winmar’s Zippity Doodah NA NAJ Nancy Ledyard & Lisa R Burroff & Christian Ledyard NA “Dial M”” For Mischief CD BN GN NA NAJ NAP NJP”” Linda L Gasparovic & Michael W Gasparovic NA Raban’s Angeleyes NA NAJ Mrs. Therese M Napoli NA Starlaine Best Kept Secret NA NAJ Karen Ann Fuss NAJ CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention NAJ Susan M Beckage & Peter J Beckage NAJ CH Winmar’s Zippity Doodah NAJ Nancy Ledyard & Lisa R Burroff & Christian Ledyard NAJ “Dial M”” For Mischief CD BN GN NA NAJ NAP NJP”” Linda L Gasparovic & Michael W Gasparovic NAJ Starlaine Best Kept Secret NA NAJ Karen Ann Fuss NAJ Wendorf’s Wildest Dreams NAJ Janet Knoll & Jacqueline Wendt NAJ Wingate’s Soul Singer NA NAJ Michelle Hibbard NAJP Cara’s Seize The Moment RN NAP NJP Carolyn Gastley OJ CH Eastwick’s Monster In My Room OA NAJ Sophia Koster D.V.M. & Bonnie Waseleski OJ CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck OA OAJ Patricia Larkin OJ CH Smack Dab’s Chance Worth Taking OA OAJ OF Gwen Gerow OJ Dedo’s Searching Angel OA NAJ Peggy Ann Buchman & Joan S Firestone OJ GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN OA NAJ NF Melissa Loflin-Park OJ Hq My Golden Dream CDX OA NAJ Christina Gremo & Laurel Vail OJ Incredible Fallon OA OAJ CGC Amanda Albretsen & Mick’l Scadden OJ Olympia Collateral Damage V Promise OA OAJ Dr. Lisa R Hill OJ Smack-Dab’s Red-E2-Roll BN RA OA OAJ Karen Benzon OJP Caliburn’s Dream Catcher OA OAJ Linda Newby Reimann OJP CH Lyndobe’s Findin Aliz Atlantis OA OAJ OAP NJP Ali Hanaway & Martin Doughty OJP CH Niklby’s Color Me Purple NA OAJ NF Betty J Cuzzolino OJP CH Phillmar She’s All That CD BN RN NA OAJ NJP Judy A Pinkevich & Mr. Philip M Martin & Cheryl Green OJP Dedo’s Searching Angel OA OAJ Peggy Ann Buchman & Joan S Firestone AX Aguilo’s No Nonsense Carosel AX AXJ Concetta Telesco AX Bell’Lavoros Regalo Di Roza RN AX OAJ NF CGC Sherry Moore & Vicky K Brachfeld AX Enchanted Vom Haus Do’Urden CD AX OAJ Catherine Waller AX Smack-Dab’s Red-E2-Roll BN RA AX OAJ Karen Benzon NF Bell’Lavoros Pieno Velocita RN NAJ NF Erica Green NF Bell’Lavoros Regalo Di Roza RN OA OAJ NF CGC Sherry Moore & Vicky K Brachfeld NF Tucker RN NA NF Andrew P. Koren OF “Barnic’s Bad To The Bone Gemma”” CD BN RN AX AXJ OF”” Barbara L Valerio OF Josef Kaiser Wilhelm MX MXJ MJB OF T2B Sara Mclarnon OF Montwood Arista’s Vegas Show Girl OA OAJ OF Jewell Dunning OF MW Ambrosia’s Northern Lights RA OA OAJ NAP OF CGC Mrs. Michelle Anne Ambrose FX CH Riverbend’s California Brut MX MXB MXJ XF T2B Joan C Pope & Kenneth R Pope FX Shim Shim Sherie MX MXJ MJB NAP NJP XF Judi Villano & Chris Villano MFX CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJB MXF Carol Moore & Jocelyn Mullins & Kevin Mullins 72 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name AXJ Aguilo’s No Nonsense Carosel OA AXJ Concetta Telesco AXJ Montwood Arista Flirtin With The Dealer AX AXJ OF Mike Delloto AXJ Smack-Dab’s Red-E2-Roll BN RA AX AXJ Karen Benzon AXJ Soquel’s Chocolate Kisses RA OA AXJ OF Janice Mitchell & Steve Mitchell & Linda Siegel MACH CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXB MJS NF Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig MACH3 MACH3 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MXC MJB2 JoAnne Brettscheider & Randy Brettschneider MACH6 MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXS2 MJC2 NF Charmaine Koenig MX Anya Of Whitaker Farms MX MXJ XF Carrie Eicher MX GCH CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning CD MX AXJ OF Melissa Loflin MX Montwood Aristas The Whole Enchilada MX MXJ OF Bettina Kimball-Cholewinski MX Smack-Dabs Pkgs Reason For Believing CD RA MX AXJ NF Patricia Golfieri & Nancy Young MXP Destiny’s Drop Dead Red CDX RE AX AXJ MXP OJP XF OFP Nicole Bailey & Josh Bailey MXP Eva XXVI NA NAJ MXP AJP OFP Cathy Hake MXP Mandre’s Gale Winds CD RA AX AXJ MXP Elaine Z Hopkins & Barbara A Ross MXB CH Adamas Shake It Up RN MX MXB MXJ XF T2B Kimberly Langley & Elizabeth M Barrett MXB CH Foxfire N Rockelle I Wanna Talk About Me RN MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF T2B Michelle Santana & Chris Christopher & Noni Palmer & Dorothy Roberts MXB Dedo’s Seven Come Eleven MX MXB MXJ MJB NJP XF NFP Kimberly Trzcinski MXB3 MACH5 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXB3 MJC2 MXF MFB TQX T2B Janice Morton MXPB MACH5 Anozira’s Arpeggio V Moria MXC2 MJC2 MXPB PAX MXF MFB TQX T2B Patricia Moorhatch MFB MACH2 Elphame’s Fairey Queen CDX RE MXG MJC MXF MFB T2B2 Janet R Chardavoyne MJB CH Adamas Shake It Up RN MX MXB MXJ MJB XF T2B Kimberly Langley & Elizabeth M Barrett MJB CH Aguilo’s Quick You’re It Carosel MX MXB MXJ MJB Rae O’Leary MJB Rhapsody’s Capitoline RE MX MXJ MJB NAP XF T2B Lorry Minor MJB Shim Shim Sherie MX MXJ MJB NAP NJP OF Judi Villano & Chris Villano MJB Smack-Dab’s All Betts Are Off CD AX MXJ MJB NF Dr. frederick c ochsner III MJB2 MACH3 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXC MJB2 XF Debra Hartsfield MJB3 MACH5 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXB3 MJB3 MXF MFB TQX T2B Janice Morton MJPB MACH5 Anozira’s Arpeggio V Moria MXC2 MJC2 MXPB MJPB PAX MXF MFB TQX T2B Patricia Moorhatch MXC2 MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXC2 MJC2 XF Lloyd Fulcer MXJ Abadie’s Swinging On A Star AX MXJ Timothy Kelber & Sherry Kelber MXJ Anya Of Whitaker Farms AX MXJ XF Carrie Eicher October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 73 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for JULY & AUGUST 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name MXJ CH Ravenswoods Macanac Fireworks CDX RE MX MXJ Pat Geske MXJ Foxfire’s Lovin’ It All! AX MXJ OF Deborah Sternberg & Michelle Santana & Ken Ray MXJ GCH CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning CD MX MXJ OF Melissa Loflin MXJ Marrich’s Special Journey RN MX MXJ Sue Gilmartin & Sheila Heffner & Andy Gilmartin MXJ Summer’s Lost Ark Raider AX MXJ OF Summer D. Melillo MXP Mandre’s Gale Winds CD RA AX AXJ MXP MJP Elaine Z Hopkins & Barbara A Ross MXP3 MACH5 Anozira’s Arpeggio V Moria MXC2 MJC2 MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX MXF MFB TQX T2B Patricia Moorhatch MXS MACH Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXS MJS Elaine Mcavoy MXS CH Dancing Star’s Born To Fly CDX RE MX MXS MXJ MJS OF Karl Getsinger & Donna Getsinger MXS2 MACH4 D’Tales Acceleration V Redlaur MXS2 MJB2 OFMary Minch MXS2 MACH6 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXS2 MJS2 OF T2B Melanie Rock MJS CH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MX MXB MXJ MJS NF Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig MJS CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJS MXF Carol Moore & Jocelyn Mullins & Kevin Mullins MJS MACH Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXB MJS Elaine Mcavoy MJS MACH Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Fancy Free MXB MJS NFKathleen Anderson & Dale Anderson MJS2 MACH4 D’Tales Acceleration V Redlaur MXS2 MJS2 OFMary Minch MJS2 MACH6 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXB2 MJS2 OF T2B Melanie Rock PACH MACH5 PACH Anozira’s Arpeggio V Moria MXC2 MJC2 MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX MXF MFB TQX T2B Patricia Moorhatch T2B CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJS MXF T2B Carol Moore & Jocelyn Mullins & Kevin Mullins T2B Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Flirt CD MX MXB MXJ MJG XF T2B Cynthia Ochsner NEW TITILE HOLDER FEATURE if you had a new title in Sept. & Oct. it will appear here in the December issue. Place your COLOR AD for only $250 contact Marj Brooks at or 608-359-6519 or Marcy at or 608-774-7435 74 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 75 Canine Holter Package $500.00 Refurbished Holter Monitor (1-year warranty) Wires and Carrying Case (5) Hook-up kits (5) Pre-paid Mailing Envelopes Breed-specific Hook-up Charts with instructions Phone in-service and training Canine Service Type I The common choice for breeders who are looking for an accurate PVC screening $30 per scan. Canine Service Type II This is a more in-depth service for customers who want a Cardiologist overview of their study. $80 per scan. Visit us at: for more information or call 877-482-1001 Toll Free (U.S.) 516-488-4777 (outside the U.S.) Alba Medical Your Complete Source For Holter Monitoring ALBA Medical is one of the largest and most trusted Canine Holter companies in the world. Our canine division has served customers in every state of the United States as well as many countries around the globe. Our customers expect accurate, fast (1-2 day) service, as well as helpful, knowledgeable support in every aspect of Holter testing for their dogs. Our Management Team Dawn D Danner CVT is the National Veterinary Division Sales Manager for ALBA Medical. Dawn is a practicing certified veterinary technician with over 15 yrs of experience in veterinary medicine and 20 yrs of devotion to the Doberman Pinscher. Her passion for the breed since childhood has led to her success as an owner, breeder and handler of numerous AKC/CKC Champions. Dawn has been actively holtering dogs since 2004 for Mount Hood DPC with both cassette and digital units. Please contact Dawn at, Have a Heart.......HOLTER! Carl D. Sammarco, BVSc, MRCVS, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) is a board certified cardiologist at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital. He received his veterinary degree from the University of Liverpool, England and completed an Internship in Small Animal Medicine & Surgery and a Residency in Cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Sammarco served as a lecturer and assistant clinical professor at the University of Pennsylvania before transitioning to private practice. Dr. Sammarco has 10 years of extensive experience using Holter Monitors to help assess and diagnose cardiomyopathy in small animals. SIGN ME UP! $ USA — 1 Year Bulk Rate, $60 2 Year Bulk Rate, $110 1 Year First Class, $85 2 Year First Class, $160 Canadian — PAYABLE IN US FUNDS ONLY 1 Year First Class Mail, $90 2 Year First Class Mail, $170 ALL Other Countries — PAYABLE IN US FUNDS ONLY 1 Year First Class Mail, $120 2 Year First Class Mail, $230 Electronic PDF Download $65 Per Year — OVERSEAS ONLY Check or money order Charge my Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express Credit Card #_________________________________________Exp. date_________ cvv#_________ Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________ State____________________ Zip +4____________________ Country_________________________________ email_____________________________________ Send completed form with payment to: DPM, 2811 Milton Ave #368, Janesville, WI 53545 phone: 608-774-7435 • fax: 866-226-8058 • 76 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Conformation Statistics 2013 DPCA Conformation Top Twenty • July 2013 - June 2014 AKC Award Gazettes. Amy Tourond • Top Twenty Conformation Statistician E-mail: Rank/Name of Dog Owner 1 GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M. & T. Moyer, K. & J. Drake 45 2 GCH Tiburon Arsenal N. Barksdale, F. & D. Sparagna, E. & L. Curtis, J. & A. Dolan 46 3 GCH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait K. Thompson, A. Wulbrecht, G. Lajeski, A. White 32 4 GCH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie K. Fox, D. Tracy, M. Dellorto 27 5 GCH Sharjets Starr Catcher, CD, RA J. & S. Marinelli, S. Kapp, G. Hanna, M. Feller 18 6 GCH Alisaton Blackbird v. Allure Beaulane R. & J. Kusumoto 24 7 GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M. Byrns, P. Onley 14 8 GCH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici* J & K Mullins, S & D Lundy 15 9 GCH Raklyn’s Talbot of Alisaton C. Shimpeno 12 10 GCH Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit R. Kelly 14 11 GCH Raindance Led Zeppelin Of Marquis H. Papazian, S. & C. James, K. Marquis 16 12 GCH Blue Max Pretty Woman V Encore B. Seielstad, J. & K. Drake 9 13 GCH Kelviews Crown Jewel V Mueller C. Nicholson, C. Kelso, R. Miller 7 14 GCH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M. Santana, S. St. John 11 15 GCH Carry-On Merchant Man of Ravenswood L. Heffernan, B. Clark 13 16 GCH Marienburg’s Spec Ops Commando R. & J. Kusumoto 8 17 GCH Kinetic Cindy Lou Who C. & B. Cassidy 7 18 GCH Tallyesynnadria’Spacificice V Kendon A. Dunn, M. Swords, M. Reilly 8 19 GCH Rio’s Fino Monster C. Haynor, K. Beskau 11 20 GCH D’Rays Grin And Bear It B. Fidler, D. Ray 4 21 GCH Holly Woods Kivuli Class Act L. Peterick, D. McGarvey, M. Thomas 5 #BOB 1168 Points 1140 945 496 373 360 318 311 249 242 223 207 205 185 154 150 145 141 127 125 123 Statistics are compiled from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results only reflect the wins reported in those Gazettes. October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 77 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Agility Statistics 2013 DPCA Agility Top Twenty • May 2013 - April 2014 AKC Automated Doberman Agility Reports Peggy Mueller • Top Twenty Agility Statistician • E-mail: RANK/NAME OF DOG (Call Name) OWNER(S) TOTAL MACH POINTS 1 MACH6 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXB2 MJB2 OF T2B (Shiloh) M. Rock 1168 2 MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXG2 MJC2 XF (Raven) L. Fulcer 721 3 MACH8 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXS3 MJG3 MXF TQX T2B (Delta) T. & S. Houg 699 4 MACH12 Thornwoods Flare CD MXC3 MJG4 MXF MFG TQX T2B2 WAC (Flare) Y. & D. Mancino 651 5 MACH5 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXC2 MJC2 MXF MFB TQX T2B (Dicey) J. Morton 543 6 CH MACH4 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXS2 MJG2 XF T2B (Grace) T. & S. Houg & B. Ross 541 7 MACH Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MXB MJG WAC (Bolt) C. Apling 532 8 MACH5 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXS2 MJC2 NF (Tamora) C. Koenig 529 9 Lh’s Heart Of A Dragon MX MXB MXJ MJB T2B (Draco) S. Houg & D. Houg 514 10 MACH Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Fancy Free MXB MJB NF K. & D. Anderson 489 11 CH Aguilo’s Quick You’Re It Carosel MX MXB MXJ R. O’Leary 434 12 MACH3 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXC MJC XF (Manfred) D. Hartsfield 428 13 MACH3 Adamas Usmc MXC MJB2 MXF T2B (Semper Fi) M & W Briant Jr 397 14 MACH Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXB MJB E. Mcavoy 391 15 CH Adamas Shake It Up RN MX MXJ XF T2B (Payton) K. Langley & E. Barrett 390 16 CH Dancing Star’s Born To Fly CDX RE MX MXB MXJ MJS OF (Lindy) K. Getsinger 355 17 MACH Jaron Von Dynasty MXB MJS XF T2B (Gunny) M. & W. Briant 354 18 Platinum’s Winner Takes It All RN MX MXB MXJ MJB NF (Milan) B. Szczygiel 323 19 CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXS MXJ MJB XF C. Moore & J. & K. Mullins 310 19 MACH Reba MXB MJS NAP NJP OF NFP T2B C. & J. Villano 310 TTA CHAIR - Carol Moore - DPCATopTwentyAG 78 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Obedience Statistics 2013 DPCA Obedience Top Twenty • July 2013 - June 2014 AKC Award Gazettes. Jeannine Charlier, Top Twenty Obedience Statistician • E-mail: RANKING NAME OWNER HIT 1 CAMBRIA’S GOLD STANDARD, UDX2 OM3 RN WAC BONUS TOTAL POINTSPOINTS J YOUNG/CAMBRIA KNL 3 92 2848 S KORP/A KORP 1 7 1579 C HERL 3 62 1237 4 HOYTTS HIDDEN TREASURE, UDX3 OM2 GN GO RE C STEPHENS 2 28 1006.5 5 CATAWBA’S SOMETHING SPECIAL, UD RA MXB MJB MCAVOY, E 0 0 785.5 6 GRA-LEMOR TARGWOOD’S MEANT TOBE, UD RE CGC L SOUTHAM/E HAMMEL 0 0 587.5 7 BUSY BEE RW EMERSON, BN P BEELER 1 59 451 J PLAGENZ 0 0 393.5 P GARIC 0 0 393 10 CH TRIADEL’S FLINT N STEEL, CD BN GN CGC M BERECKA 0 0 393 11 FLORA BETELGES, CD P MAHONEY 0 0 391.5 L GASPAROVIC 0 0 391.5 P BURNS 1 18 217 M FITZGERALD/G DEMILTA/C PITTS 1 12 209.5 T LUNSFORD/B LUNSFORD 0 0 196.5 P DELEHANTY 0 0 196 17 MACH6 FULCER’S RAVEN, VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MX G2 MJC2 XF L FULCER 0 0 195.5 18 CH MERITAGE CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, CDX OA OAJ, ROM BOHNERT, C 0 0 195.5 K TOME 0 0 195 M HEIN/C DEMILTA/ G DEMILTA 0 0 195 2 CH OTCH PLATINUM’S BLACK AGAIN, UDX5 OM8 RN 3 IRONGATE’S RUM DAIQUIRI, UDX3 OM3 VER RN 8 CT WINGATE ‘N SHERLUCK’S VANADIUM, VCD2 AX AXJ 9 KACHINA’S BLACKPEGASUS V ANNDRA, 12 DIAL “M” FOR MISCHIEF, CD BN GN 13 BLUE CHIP BRICK ROAD V ENCHANT, CD BH WAC CGC 14 CH MACH ALLURE ABSOLUTE ALISATON ROJAN, UD MXS MJS 15 CH EMERALDS ENCHANTED GALAXY TIJAC, UDX 16 CINNAKERRY’S VALIDATION, UD OM1 MX MXJ 19 SHARJETS AWESOME ACT V PHILMAR, CDX 20 ALISATON DESIRED GEMSTONE RAVENNA, UD RE Statistics are complied from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results only reflect the wins reported in those Gazettes. *Note: If you are not a current member of DPCA, please send your home address AND e-mail to the Top 20 Obedience chairperson immediately. Cindy Bohnert, 3422 Bell Line Road, Omro, WI 54963 E-Mail: You do not need to be a DPCA member to qualify for Top 20 Obedience, nor to participate in the Top 20 Obedience event at the National show in October. October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 79 RATES AND DEADLINES Full page black & white.......................................................$125 Full page color....................................................................$299 1/2 page black & white........................................................$80 1/2 page color.....................................................................$175 1/4 page black & white........................................................$50 1/4 page color.....................................................................$110 Business Card Listing -includes Bulk Mail Subscription (black & white only)����������������������������������������������� $100 per year Litter Announcements�������������������������������������� Free to subscribers Rates include up to four photos per full page ad, additional photos $10 each Covers are by reservation only call or e-mail Marcy or Marj for availability & price Front Cover includes 2 page full color inside story Inside Front Cover Full Color. . . . $600.00 Inside Front Spread (pages 2 & 3 together) . . . . $900.00 Page 3 alone (Full Color). . . . . $400.00 Outside Back Cover . . . .$700.00 Inside Back Cover . . . . $400.00 Outside and Inside Back Cover (together) . . . . $1000.00 Pages are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Reserve early for the best position. — BUILD YOUR OWN SECTION — For every 5 pages get a like page FREE! NEW CONTRACT ADVERTISING Just $124.58 per month buys you 6 consecutive color ads. Do the math -- that's 6 ads for the price of 5! All advertisers, except breeders directory, magazines will be mailed first class, photos will be returned with magazines unless other instructions are given. Full Payment must accompany all advertising. Visa • Mastercard • American Express • Discover accepted Commercial advertisers please call for rate sheet. USA bulk rate, standard mail: One year, $60.00 Two years $110.00 USA first class mail: One year $85.00 Two years $160.00 Canada surface mail: One year, $90.00 Two years $170.00 ALL Other Countries, surface mail: $150.00 Two years $280.00 NEW! DIGITAL EDITION - One Year $45.00 Single Copy Rate $15.00 USA, $25.00 ALL Other Countries AD SALES Marj Brooks • 608-359-6519 - Marcy McGuuire * 608-774-7435 Mail subscriptions, copy and advertising to: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2811 Milton Ave. #368, Janesville, WI 53545 phone: 608-774-7435 fax: 866-226-8058 visit us on the web! 80 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine JOIN US FOR OUR UPCOMING ISSUES December 2013 POST NATIONAL ISSUE deadline November 15 February 2014 FEATURE TBA Deadline January 10 April 2013 ANNUAL STUD DOG ISSUE deadline February 25 June 2013 OWNER HANDLERS BEAUTIFUL BITCHES deadline April 25 August 2013 PRE-NATIONAL deadline June 25 Unsolicited copy deadline is 45 days prior to publication. Litter Announcements Letters to the editor deadline is 30 days prior to publication. All unsolicited copy will be used on an “as space allows” basis. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertisements. Magazines are mailed on a complimentary basis to any AKC judge licensed to judge Dobermans (USA address only) who wishes to receive them. October, 2013 BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY VON MORR West Union, Ohio 419-238-1672 Foxy Dobermans AKC Breeder of Merit home of Ch. Wendorf’s Valor PUPPIES SHOW DOGS COMPANIONS Margaret E. Morrison Meg Dollinger Mass Veterinary Cardiology Services Po Box 1021, 148 River St, West Springfield, Ma 01089 Nancy Morris, DVM Diplomate ACVIM Cardiology Cardiology consultations by appointment Wed-Fri 9 am - 5 pm 413-734-1292 fax: 413-734-1294 Already have a bulk subscription? this space is only $40 per year more! David & Jennifer Goldfein Barb Goldfein Rahdy Dobermans 847-844-0607 Professional handling Did you know we send a free card with a gift subscription? $100 per year gives you a listing AND a U.S. bulk subscription! October, 2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 81 INDEX TO ADVERTISED DOGS BELLISA THUNDERBALL..................................................... 25 CAMBRIA’S MUST BE FATE ................................................. 48 CAMBRIA’S TOURMALINE ................................................. 44 CAMBRIA’S VALLIANT DUCATI .......................................... 45 CAMBRIA’S VRAIMENT PARFAIT................................... 47, 49 DARKSTAR’S KA-CHING.................................................. 8, 9 ELEMENT ROCK STAR.......................................................... 3 FRANCESCA’S HOUSE OF BLUES ......................................... 2 GORMAE’S ROCK THE RIM ................................................. 5 HEARTWOOD’S ELECTRIC BLUES MAN .............................15 LYNDOBE’S TURN ON DA CHARM ................................... 50 MANARJJ N GRA-LEMOR DOOZIE.................................... 21 MANORIE DOBE’S FANDANGO .......................................... 4 MERITAGE CATCH ME IF YOU CAN .................................. 57 O’S GODIVA DARK DEMITASSE ................................... 84, 57 PLATINUM’S TAKE THE MONEY N RUN ............................ 40 PLATINUM’S WITCHY WOMAN ........................................ 40 PROTOCOL’S FLAGRANTE DELICTO ................................. 57 PROTOCOL’S SIC ITUR AD ASTRA..................................... 57 PROTOCOL’S VENI VIDI VICI............................................. 56 QUARTETS SPECTACULAR MOMENT .................................11 RAHDY’S FORGET YOU CEE LO GREEN ............................ 24 RAHDY’S ON THE FLOOR JLO .......................................... 22 RAHDY’S ROLLING IN THE DEEP ADELE ........................... 23 ROLIN’S NO RESERVATIONS .............................................. 27 SOQUEL’S CHOCOLATE ROCKS .........................................31 SOQUEL’S DAZZLING WAVE ..............................................41 SOQUEL’S DON’T STOP BELIEVN’ ..................................... 30 SOQUEL’S INTO THE STORM .............................................. 3 SOQUEL’S LAST DANCE ..................................................... 32 SOQUEL’S PENNIES FROM HEAVEN V JUDAL.................... 43 SOQUEL’S RISING SON ...................................................... 30 SOQUEL’S THE SUM OF ALL FEARS ................................... 42 SOQUEL’S THUNDER STORM .............................................31 TIBURON ARIEL BELLA DONA ............................ 1, 12, 13, 56 TREU’S ABOVE SUSPICION V TOUCHSTONE ................7, 57 VONDURA’S XCELERATOR BELLE AMIE ............................. 56 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS ALESHIRE, WAYNE ...............................................................41 BACLIG, JANE & FRED .............................................30, 31, 32 BOHNERT, CINDY .............................................................. 57 BROOKS, MARJ .................................................................... 4 BROTHERHOOD, ALISA ....................................................... 7 CALL, WENDE .....................................................................11 CAMBRIA, REG ................................................................... 47 DEL CONTE, TAMMY ..........................................................31 DRAKE, JERRY & KATHY ..................................... 1, 12, 13, 56 FAGAN, JUANITA & JEFF ......................................................15 FOX, KARIN ........................................................................ 56 GLEZER-GOLDFEIN, LYLILA .......................................... 22. 23 GOLDFEIN, DAVID & JENNIFER ..............................22, 23, 24 GOLDFEIN, JENNIFER & BARBARA .................................... 21 GORR, LORI ......................................................................... 5 HAGMANN, ROLIND & LINDA .......................................... 27 HART, LISA ......................................................................... 33 HAUGEN, JULIANNE & JERRY ............................................ 44 HENKE, LISA ....................................................................... 25 HENNESSEY, ROBERT ........................................................... 2 KOOL KOATS ...................................................................... 64 KORP, SUE & ART ............................................................... 40 KUSEY, DENISE & LEAH ........................................................ 3 LAJESKI, GLEN ......................................................... 47, 48, 49 LUNDY, SUZY ..................................................................... 57 LYNCH, JOE & SARA .......................................................7, 56 MARY ANN BRYNS, ......................................................57, 84 MOYER, TOMMY & MELINDA ............................. 1, 12, 13, 56 MULLINS, JOCELYN & KEVIN ....................................... 56, 57 ROTH, BARBARA .............................................................. 8, 9 SIEGEL, LINDA & LEO & ELIAS........................................... 30 SIEGEL, LINDA .................................................................... 33 SUDORI, DIANE & JACK ..................................................... 32 THE WINNING IMAGE ....................................................... 83 THOMPSON, KAREN 4......................................................... 7 TORREZ, YVONNE ..............................................................41 VALMONT, HANNAH & IGNATHIUS ................................. 46 VON UBIN, KARL ..........................................................42, 43 WRIGHT, RAQUEL ........................................................... 8, 9 WULBRECHT, ANN ....................................................... 47, 50 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website 82 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine October, 2013 GUINNESS BISS GCH O’S GOdIva dark demItaSSe, CGC, WaC Ch Simmons Connoisseur CGC TT WAC LC-10L x Ch Black Diamond Glitter tOp tWenty FInalISt – dpCa 2013 tOp FIve dOBerman – dpCa 2014 tOp ten dOBerman – all Breed GrOupS Special Thanks to Teresa Nail & Ray Lively & Coleen Byrns For all your support in achieving Guinness’s Top Twenty Status. Owners: Mary Ann Byrns / Pat Onley (817) 975-6617 • Breeder: Pat Onley • Professional Handlers: Teresa Nail & Ray Lively (817) 454-7417 •
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