- The Clarion
- The Clarion
April 10, 2012 Volume 35 Number 22 Family matters Sinclair’s primary goal is student completion Tartan Pride Affordable childcare through Sinclair Heading into conference play with momentum Check out SinclairClarion.com for all your campus news — pg.3 Visit our facebook page at www.facebook.com/sinclairclarion/ Service learning provides benefits to the community Talya Flowers Editor clarion@sinclair.edu Not wanting to back down from a challenge, Sinclair aims to increase graduation rates among low-income students and students of color through the Achieving the Dream initiative. “Achieving the Dream is a challenge to colleges like Sinclair,” said Helen Grove, senior vice president and provost. “It is a challenge to us to do things differently to help our students succeed. It’s not about blaming students, but looking at how we can change our policies and practices to help more of our students learn and demonstrate what they know.” Since Achieving the Dream’s inception in 2006, Sinclair has seen improvements in student success in gatekeeper courses. These courses often prevent students from moving toward the college level or on to their degree program. “It is an issue that we take seriously, trying to reduce the failure and repeat rates of students in gatekeeper courses,” Grove said. Sinclair’s data on gatekeeper courses shows that developmental mathematics, elementary algebra and anatomy and physiology courses were a hindrance for many students. “We are trying to make those courses less of an obstacle for students,” Grove said. “We have changed the ways in which we teach the courses, and the ways in which we advise. And indeed we are seeing some really good improvements and that has been exciting.” To help students navigate through their obstacles, Sinclair requires the SCC 101 course. The course teaches students the basics of college including time management, good study habits and preparation for exams. Th is course, Grove said, will serve as the foundation for students once they begin their courses at Sinclair. The Urban African-American Mentor Program is another program that aims to help African-American students boost their GPA, complete their courses and graduate. The mentor program is designed to help second-year African-American students attain a college degree or credential with the help of a mentor. The students are assigned two mentors, one faculty member and one staff member. Students of color have a tougher time achieving their dream and obtaining a degree, but it’s a challenge that Sinclair won’t back down from, Grove said. “It is really one of the most wonderful initiatives in the community college landscape,” Grove said. “We want students to stick with school, obtain a degree and then take it either to the work place and earn a good living or on to a university for further study.” —pg.10 “Produced by students for students” Pam Winston and two students at the Honors symposium. Steven Schwerin Reporter clarion@sinclair.edu Even for students who head to college with the goal of attaining a career that allows them to serve their community, the service aspect can seem like a distant goal. The classroom is for learning; service comes later. For roughly eight years, Sinclair Community College’s Service Learning Department has been challenging this paradigm. The Service Learning Department provides educational service experiences that augment whatever classes a student might be taking. The idea is that students can learn about topics pertinent to what they are learning in class while serving in their community. “Service learning is an engaged way to connect academic learning with the community, because the services are provided to the community,” says Service Learning Faculty Associate David Bodary. The Service Learning Department has seen student participation grow from 100 students in 2007, to more than 300 current participants. The department presently offers a variety of learning opportunities in over 23 agencies. “I would suggest that you have to think in terms of this continuum from volunteerism to employment,” says Bodary. “We volunteer and that leads us to career photo contributed by David Bodary ideas… we get a degree and then we show on our resume that we have done this kind of work and that makes us more attractive to employers.” The outcomes are different for every project, but there is a central theme: Putting into practice what is learned in the classroom while accomplishing something of value for an organization. One English professor had her students editing a League of Women Voters voting guide. “Some of the content they couldn’t change, but they could identify errors,” says Bodary. As the students pour over the political material, they become familiar with candidates and details of the political process while exercising their editing skills from the classroom. “So the students are connecting academic learning with the community and then they begin to pay more attention when an election comes up,” says Bodary. Some teachers require a service learning component, but students can also ask their teachers about replacing some class work with a service learning project. Another possibility for service learning is doing the project to fulfi ll the extra requirement if a class is taken for honors. There is no set limit to how often students can participate in the program, says Bodary. “In service learning, you could do it in every course or in no courses,”he said. One professor who requires service learning as part of her class is Dott ie Bely who teaches many sections of developmental reading every quarter. Bely herself works with the nonprofit organization Compassion First, and though her students are not required to do their service learning with Compassion First, many do. “I wanted the students to connect that we are studying about a topic and that we are connecting that topic to our service,” says Bely. Bely’s student, Monique Robinson, 32, in her second quarter at Sinclair volunteered at Compassion First as part of DEV 065. Part of her task while volunteering was to sort clothing items into gender and age categories such as men’s, women’s or children’s. Afterward, she had to write a report as well as update the Service Learning database concerning the volunteer needs of Compassion First. The projects are not always for non-profit organizations. Professor David Meyer, who has been at Sinclair since 2000, uses service learning in his Six Sigma class, OPT 240, which is a process development class. Meyer encourages students to come up with processes that they can improve at their current work places, but for those who don’t have an idea to work on he suggests service learning. “I use service learning as a vehicle in my Six Sigma class when they don’t have a project that they can relate to,” says Meyer. Over the years, he has had students improve accounting systems at their churches, improve floor layouts in grocery stores, study traffic patterns in parking lots and even improve how retirement homes process laundry. At the end of the quarter, students show the quantitative results of their projects. “Everyone has got to have a project, and they have to come up with a return on investment,” says Meyer. Though it is volunteerism outside of class, service learning is not an unconnected, extra activity. Ideally, students would fi nish their service learning project saying to themselves that there is no other way that they could have learned what they had just learned, says Bodary. For more information about service learning, visit www.sinclair.edu/about/ learning/slearning. Sinclair’s Linux Installfest promotes a growing OS option Mark Fahey Assistant Editor clarion@sinclair.edu Some Sinclair students may not realize that there are more operating system options than just Windows and Mac. The Linux operating system (OS) is free, open source, and gaining market share in a variety of applications. The Computer Information Systems (CIS) Department at Sinclair is holding its annual Linux Installfest on April 14 to introduce students to the operating system and reinforce their existing Linux skills. The event will be from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. in Building 5 Room 043. “It’s used on desktops, global positioning devices, routers and gaming systems,” said Dr. Shirley Stallworth, the event’s organizer and a CIS professor. “The marketability of it and the user friendliness of it almost demand that they have some type of knowledge about this.” The OS is used in about 33 percent of servers, according to Stallworth, and is growing in popularity because it is free and easy to use. “The demand is growing, but there is a moderate percentage of individuals that don’t know anything about Linux,” she said. The event will be gett ing technical support from the Dayton Linux Users Group (DLUG), which promotes and informs about the OS. The group has been assisting with the Installfest for the four years that the CIS Department has been holding the event. The event was fi rst organized more than 10 years ago by the Sinclair Physics Department before it was turned over to Stallworth and the CIS Department. The DLUG professionals will be working in rotations of at least 10 people, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Participants looking to install Linux on their laptop or desktop computers should start the installation before 3 p.m. The Installfest will have installation CDs available for three popular Linux distributions, including Fedora and Ubuntu, but students can bring and get assistance with their preferred distributions. “That’s the beauty of this,” said Stallworth. “They can bring whatever distro they want, and there are greater than 500 distros of Linux.” The event will have several breakout sessions, including one on Linux security by Cliff Brust from Computer Troubleshooters in Beavercreek. “It’s a lot of fun, a lot of sharing of ideas, and the participants love the breakout sessions,” Stallworth said. The event will have free pizza and refreshments and is open to the public. The format is “revolving door,” with participants coming and going throughout the day. “It’s an open, collaborative environment,” Stallworth said. “We’re working with people that want to share their knowledge with others.” Fair’s focus is low cost health care Mark Fahey Assistant Editor clarion@sinclair.edu The cost of health care in the United States prevents many people from getting the care they need. Sinclair’s Multicultural Health Fair on April 11 will offer free information to help students maintain their own health and gain access to low-cost services. The event, sponsored by Student Leadership Association (SLA), Brite-Signal Alliance and the Diversity Office, will bring variety of speakers, organizations and performers to the basement of Building 8 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Some of the organizations present will be the Kettering Health Centers, the AIDS Resource Center, the Community Blood Center, Planned Parenthood and the Small Smiles Dental Clinic. “A lot of our students don’t have insurance,” said Karen Williams , advisor for SLA. “The people we do have here, they either go by your income or there’s some kind of fee scale where it’s either free or if you have some kind of assistance they’ll work with you.” The event, which has been held annually for three years, was inspired by a health fair organized by Sinclair’s Human Resources for faculty and staff . “Students will gain a necessary understanding of how important health is, and I think they’ll learn how to go to these places and get the help that they need,” said Miesha Russell, student event coordinator for SLA. “The multicultural aspect is that health is not just for one set of people, it’s for everyone, and all these places are willing to help.” The event will feature performances by Sinclair’s Zumba Club, Jukado Club and Capoeria Club and talks by speakers from Premier Health Services, Life Connections and Sinclair’s Psychology Department. The keynote speaker for the fair will be Dr. Gary LeRoy, an associate professor of Family Medicine at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine and associate dean of student affairs and admissions. LeRoy will be speaking about health issues facing minority populations and “simple, inexpensive ways to stay healthy,” he said. “You need to start at your age, so when you reach my age you’re not all broken down and decrepit,” said LeRoy. “Come to [the event] with lots of questions and an open mind and be read to participate.” Multicultural Health Fair Schedule 11 a.m. Welcome 11:05 a.m. Zumba 11:30 a.m. Lea Wilcox from Premier Health 12 p.m. Dr. Gary LeRoy from Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine 12:30 p.m. Jukado Demonstration 1 p.m. Life Connections – Stephanie Burianek 1:30 p.m. Stress Management by Jessica Demming from Psychology Department 2 p.m. Sinclair Capoeria Demonstration On Campus Page 2 | the Clarion marketplace menu campus calendar April 10 April 19 • Coffee and Conversation 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Building 8, Ponnie Kendall Center basement Monday • Sinclair Theatre Presents The Complete Works of William Shakespeare 10:00 a.m. Building 2, Blair Hall Theatre April 14 • Chili Con Carne • Chicken And Okra Creole Soup • Broccoli Cheddar Chowder • Baked Potato Bar • Pesto Chicken Panini • Red Beans And Rice • Parsley Potatoes • Veggie Medley • Grilled Green Beans • Kung Pao Chicken • Calzone, Pepperoni • Grilled Chicken Quesadilla • Southwestern Chicken Chipotle Wrap April 20 • DPO Piano Competition Registration Building 2, Blair Hall Theatre Lobby • Sinclair Theatre Presents The Complete Works of William Shakespeare 7:00 p.m. Building 2, Blair Hall Theatre April 17 • Coffee and Conversation 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Building 8, Ponnie Kendall Center basement April 21 • Concerto Competition 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Building 2, Blair Hall Theatre April 18 • Sinclair Talks: Sacred India 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Building 8, stage area April 10, 2012 Tuesday • • • • • • Sinclair Theatre Presents The Complete Works of William Shakespeare 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Building 2, Blair Hall Theatre • • • • Chili Con Carne Beef Vegetable Soup Broccoli Cheddar Chowder Carved Turkey Breast Grilled Chicken Summer Berry Salad Potatoes Au Gratin Fresh Mashed Potatoes Fresh Steamed Green Beans Squash, Yellow, Zucchini, Fresh, Sauteed • Orange Chicken over Rice • Flatbread, Turkey, Smoked • Deluxe Grilled Cheese W/ Bacon • Southwestern Chicken Chipotle Wrap • Grilled Chicken Burrito With Mango Salsa • Fresh Mashed Potatoes • Buttered Noodles • Braised Cabbage • Sauteed Green Beans & Peppers • Mongolian Stir fry over Rice • 300 Calorie over Rice • Grilled Ham & Cheese • Southwestern Chicken Chipotle Wrap Wednesday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chili Con Carne Beef Vegetable Soup Black Bean Soup Beef Taco Salad Make it healthy-sub yogurt dip for sour cream Vegetable Lasagna Spanish Rice Santa Fe Potatoes Mexi-Corn Refried Beans Beef Lo Mein with Egg Roll Italian Hot Sub Bistro Slider Southwestern Chicken Chipotle Wrap Friday • • • • • • • • • • • • Chili Con Carne Brown Rice Turkey Soup Mushroom Vegetable Soup Baked Tilapia Stacked Chicken Mash Bowl Wild Rice Roasted Red Potatoes Veggie Medley Steamed Spinach Closed on Friday Meatball Roma Round Chicken Cordon Bleu Hot Ciabatta • Southwestern Chicken Chipotle Wrap Thursday • • • • Chili Con Carne Brown Rice Turkey Soup Black Bean Soup Chicken Cordon Bleu Visit our facebook page at www.facebook.com/sinclairclarion Do you know a member of the Sinclair community with an interesting or unique quality? Send your suggestions to: clarion@sinclair.edu. weekly crossword weekly sudoku The objective of the game is to fill all the blank squares in a game with the correct numbers. There are three very simple constraints to follow. In a 9 by 9 square Sudoku game: • Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. • Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. • Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9. Every Sudoku games begins with some squares already filled in, and the difficulty of each game is due to how many squares are filled in. The more squares that are known, the easier it is to figure out which numbers go in the open squares. As you fill in squares correctly, options for the remaining squares are narrowed and it becomes easier to fill them in. Sudoku Tips: Start by looking for numbers that occur frequently in the initial puzzle. For example, say you have a lot of 5’s in the initial puzzle. Look for the 3x3 box where there is no 5. Look for 5’s in other rows and columns that can help you eliminate where the 5 might go in that box. If there is a 5 in column’s 1 and 2, then there can’t be a 5 any- Across where else in either of those columns. You know then that whatever leftmost 3x3 box that is missing a 5 must have it go in column 3. If you can eliminate all the possibilities in that box except for 1 square, you’ve got it down! 1 Puts behind bars 6 Opera headliners 11 Dairy creature 14 Stan’s sidekick, in old comedy 15 Call forth 16 Hubbub 17 Dish that’s thrown together? 19 Fix a button, say 20 PDQ, in the ICU 21 “__ I a stinker?”: Bugs Bunny 22 Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa 24 Belted out 26 __ B’rith: Jewish org. 27 Phone bk. info 30 Where 6-Across often are when performing 35 Most of 34-Down’s surface 37 Sugar suffix 38 Visiting Hollywood, say 39 Protective feature of most power strips 43 Ticklish Muppet 44 Bearded grassland grazer 45 Rib cage locale 46 Wall protector near a room entrance 50 Campfire residue 51 Catches some Z’s 52 Musical work 54 Traveler’s entry document 55 Woman’s sleeveless undergarment, for short 57 Watchman’s order 61 Tasseled headgear 62 One who follows tornadoes ... or an apt description of the starts of 17-, 30-, 39- and 46-Across 65 Get along in years 66 “Casablanca,” for one 67 Protein-building acid 68 Low-quality 69 Make off with 70 Liberal voter, slangily Down 1 Scribbles (down) 2 “That’s __ of hooey!” 3 “Casablanca” heroine 4 Leans to port or to starboard 5 “Get it?” 6 Draw up plans for 7 “Fathers and Sons” novelist Turgenev 8 Chevy’s plug-in hybrid 9 Rap sheet abbr. 10 Some Avis rentals 11 The Volga River flows into it 12 Dedicated poetry 13 “Holy guacamole!” 18 Copenhagen native 23 Not quite timely 25 Skin breakout 26 Uncle Remus title 27 Hard-__: very strict 28 Eye-related prefix 29 Spoke from the pulpit 31 Refresh, as a cup of coffee 32 Psychic hotline “skill,” briefly 33 Shine 34 Fifth-largest planet 36 Old Greek markets 40 Capt. saluters 41 “__ momento!” 42 Neutral shade 47 Cricks and tics 48 Saddle knob 49 Sweeping in scope 53 Disgrace 54 Folk singer Suzanne 55 Sheltered inlet 56 “The Marriage of Figaro” highlight 58 “In your dreams!” 59 Pre-Easter time 60 City tricked by a wooden horse 61 “Marvy!” 63 Trike rider 64 Actor Holbrook Answers on page 7 Answers on page 9 Contacts Newsroom Room 8027 (937) 512-4577 email: clarion@sinclair.edu Photographer Jonathan Hammond Editor (937) 512-2958 clarion@sinclair.edu Advertising phone: (937) 512-2744 fax: (937) 512-4590 Editor Sports Editor Assistant Editor Graphic Designer Assistant Graphic Designer Reporters The Clarion retains the right to refuse any advertisement for any reason. The Clarion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Columbia Scholastic Press Association and Ohio Newspaper Association. Advertising Representative Adviser Talya Flowers Giustino Bovenzi Mark Fahey Jonathan Hammond John Swain JonVelle McCray Steve Schwerin Leah Baxley Chris Voudris Sandy Hilt Established March 15, 1977 ‘The Clarion’ is published as a designated public forum for the students of Sinclair Community College by a student staff every Tuesday during the regular academic year, and once in July during the summer. ‘The Clarion’ retains the right to all original artwork, logos and business letter marks used within this publication, and is protected by the laws governing U.S.A.’s copyright materials. ‘The Clarion’ is distributed free to the faculty, staff and students of Sinclair Community College each Tuesday. Single copies are free, additional copies are 50 cents each which can be paid in Room 8027. Page 3 | the Clarion Life Sinclair offers affordable childcare for students April 10, 2012 tartan spotlight Talya Flowers Editor clarion@sinclair.edu photo by Talya Flowers meet Dr. Helen Grove Talya Flowers Editor What makes her interesting? Witt y, soft-spoken and well-dressed, Senior Vice President and Provost Helen Grove started at Sinclair as one of several academic deans. She became the senior vice president and provost on July 1, 2006. “It has been a great opportunity,” Grove said. “I count myself very fortunate to have had this chance to work in a community college as an administrator.” Growing up in Logan, W. Va., Grove said that her town didn’t have a community college, so she had to leave home to attend West Virginia Wesleyan College. “I had a great time as an undergraduate. I sort of hit my stride as a student and figured out how to do college. I loved it. It thought that this was so much fun and thought I’d get a Master’s in Child Development,” Grove said. “I did that and the faculty in my program said, ‘you ought to think about going for a doctorate,’ so I kept going.” She then moved to Tennessee to continue her education. While in graduate school studying Child and Family Studies at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, she taught part-time sociology and social problems courses for police officers. “It was really wonderful. I did ride-alongs with them so that I could understand their work,” Grove said. “I was very young and female and these were tough guys in Tennessee. I had to prove to them that I was committed to connecting our class and their learning to their work.” She also worked part-time at a Psychiatric Hospital with a program for emotionally disturbed children and adolescents. “That was a very good experience. It taught me a lot about the range of human experience. It taught me a great deal of empathy for people that struggle with illness and hardship in their lives,” she said. Behind the scenes at Sinclair, her role is to work with the deans, department chairs and faculty to ensure that students receive a high quality education. She also makes sure that the right programs are offered for students, so that they have a smooth transition to a four-year college. But her favorite role is when she gets to hire new faculty to the Sinclair family. “They are the ones that work closely with students,” Grove said. “It is really the most important thing that we do here—hiring good faculty. We want to hire faculty that are very committed to Sinclair and to the students. We work really hard to match respective faculty with this institution and its goals.” Grove has been married for nine years to sociology Professor Ted Wagenaar, who teaches at Miami University. As a couple, they like to garden, travel, read and hang out together. In 2005, the couple took a “spectacular trip” to raft down the Colorado River. “The white water was as big and scary as you hear,” Grove said. “The thing that surprised me was the stars at night, you could see the heavens. I would lay awake in my sleeping bag and look at the stars. It was stunning.” Eight years ago, the couple visited the Netherlands because her husband is Dutch. During the trip, Grove said she heard stories about her husbands’ life. She said that her husband’s mom sailed to the United States with five children in tow. The trip to the Netherlands brought the couple closer together. “I think you know a person better when you know where somebody has come from,” she said. Three weeks ago, they went parasailing over the ocean. Being afraid of heights, Grove said that she was nervous but then quickly figured out that she was safe. Next on her list is to try zip lining, and this summer she wants to learn how to kayak. “I think it is a good thing in this life is to try new things,” she said. “When I went to college, I was scared to death, but it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And so maybe that’s one of my most important lessons: sometimes when things scare you just screw up your courage and go for it.” Do you know a member of the Sinclair community with an interesting or unique quality? Send your suggestions to clarion@sinclair.edu. Laughter can be heard from children having fun in the playground outside of Building 9. “We are the best kept secret in the city,” said Carla Rhoades, director of the Sinclair Early Childhood Education Centers. Located on the fi rst floor of Building 9 Room 101, the Early Childhood Education Centers provides childcare for children ages 3 to 5. The center has 83 students: 61 of the children belong to Sinclair students, 19 to faculty and staff and three children are from the Dayton community. The Early Childhood Education Centers also serve as a laboratory school for Early Childhood Education majors. The students gain hands-on experience with what they have been taught in the program with support and guidance from the teachers, Rhoades said. “The biggest benefit of the Early Childhood Education Centers is that many of our families wouldn’t be able to attend Sinclair if we weren’t here,” she said. “Sinclair students have affordable childcare and it is right here on campus. So the family has a sense of security knowing that their child is close.” There are two different learning centers; the Early Learning Center provides childcare all day and children must be in the center by 9:30 a.m. The Flex-Time Learning Center is for short-term childcare during the day. Both centers are open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Enrollment into the Centers occurs every quarter. All children must be pott y trained and 3 years old before the quarter starts. All paperwork and physicals must be completed before their first day. “‘We are not a drop-off, and we do not provide drop off childcare services,” Rhoades said. “We are a center of education and care. We do intentional experience to help the children develop skills for life—we are not a drop-off . There is a schedule and a contract.” Megan Edmonds-Wert, a philosophy instructor at Sinclair, uses the childcare program for her 4 year-old daughter Dharma. “I think after meeting the director and teachers, I was really comfortable leaving my daughter with them because they exude care and responsibility. There is also a good balance between structure and play.” Edmonds-Wert said that she has never had a complaint with the childcare program and will be sending her child back next quarter. “She always seems to have a really good time,” Edmonds-Wert said. “She will stay there until she is ready for kindergarten.” The Centers are an accredited institution through the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The children are taught pre-writing skills, pre-reading, letter recognition, phonetics, colors and shapes as well as social and motor skills. The curriculum is built around the children’s interest, and Rhoades said it makes learning more enjoyable and meaningful for them. “We focus on all areas of the child’s development,” Rhoades said. “We offer real hands-on meaningful experience.” The ECE center received a 3-Star rating, the highest rating, from Step Up to Quality in 2011, which is Ohio’s voluntary rating system for Ohio Department of Family and Job Services licensed childcare programs. “We don’t have to do it, but we choose to do it, to go above and beyond the minimum requirements as established by the state of Ohio,” she said. But many students, faculty and staff don’t know that there is a childcare center in Building 9. It is a secret that Rhoades said everyone should know about. “A lot of people don’t know that we are here, we are truly a jewel of downtown Dayton. We are high quality, and we strive to be excellent,” Rhoades said. The Centers are currently full for Spring Quarter, but are accepting enrollment applications for Fall Semester. For more information contact the Centers at 512-2234. The ECE center provides a full playground for children to exercise and play during recess. photo by Giustino Bovenzi SSP support soft ware a success Daniel Ritchie Contributing Writer clarion@sinclair.edu More than 10 years of research and development have gone into Sinclair Community College’s soon-to-be open source soft ware project: Student Success Plan (SSP). SSP is used across campus for recordkeeping, counseling, self-help and intervention for students needing help with completing their goals. Participating students have been identified as “at-risk” of being unlikely to complete college. Among Sinclair students participating in SSP are those who test into developmental courses in two or more subjects, students with documented disabilities, displaced workers, high school students, distance learning students and others. The SSP soft ware, developed in collaboration with Student Services, allows staff, faculty and the student to list the student’s goals and record challenges they are facing. Working from that, action plans and reports are made to lead the student toward success while the student’s progress is managed. Information entered into SSP is shared across departments but can be controlled, explained Russ Little, manager of Sinclair’s Web Systems, Sinclair graduate and employee for more than 17 years. “If you’re an academic advisor and the student has a disability, but you don’t have a need to know, then you simply won’t know,” said Little. The program received $1.825 million across five years from a U.S. Department of Education Title III grant, which funded its research and development. The SSP project received an additional $250,000 grant from Next Generation Learning Challenge, in 2011, funding a transition of the soft ware from its current form to open source. “Soft ware is not magic; people are the magic. Soft ware is enabling,” Little said, during a teleconference and online presentation of SSP to representatives of Michigan’s Lansing Community College. According to Little’s presentation, five other colleges are using Sinclair’s SSP soft ware, which has won 11 national awards since 2004, and has served over 35,000 students. More than 10 schools are reviewing it for use, including Lansing. Between fall 2010 and winter 2011, Sinclair students that qualified and participated in pathways to completion coaching through SSP experienced a “quarter to quarter” retention rate that was 37 percent higher than qualified non-participating students, and 26 percent higher than students not considered “at-risk,” according to SSP presentation data. SSP participants from 2005 to 2011 were five times more likely to graduate within six years. Sinclair’s rate for first-time, full-time students receiving their degree within three years of enrollment was 9 percent in 2011, according to Complete College America, a national nonprofit specializing in state-level college completion statistics. Their data for 2011, from the U.S. Department of Education, shows that across Ohio 9.4 percent of full-time students received an associate degree within three years, and 16.5 percent of them fi nished the degree in four years. “Most people need a systemic counseling,” said Litt le. Unlike Sinclair’s current approach to academic advising, where a dedicated advisor isn’t necessarily guaranteed, current SSP participants, “are assigned to an individual, so that the assigned person is accountable for that student.” Little’s future plans for SSP include possibly implementing it for Sinclair Honors students, integrating it with My Academic Plan (MAP) and discovering ways to leverage SSP in helping connect students to their career field sooner. The My Guide to Planning Success (GPS) component of SSP can be found online at resources.sinclair.edu. Dean’s List Page 4 | the Clarion Last Name First Name Abbott, Amy L. Abbott, Julie A. Abbruzzese, Hannah M. Abdalla, Amel I. Abdallah, Rashad R. Abdellatif, Mahmoud M. Abele, Joseph F. Abernathy, Jamie Abner, William L. Abrams, Lora E. Accrocco, Anthony P. Achor, Leah L. Ackah, Dorothy Adams, Alyssa A. Adams, Amber L. Adams, Amy E. Adams, Benjamin T. Adams, Catherine A. Adams, Christine S. Adams, Elizabeth A. Adams, Eric C. Adams, Jeffrey D. Adams, Lisa M. Adams, Nate N. Adams, Nathaniel D. Adams, Regina P. Adesanya, Ajibola A. Adjoum Green, Solange Adkins, Elisha A. Adkins, Kristy Adkins, Sarah J. Adleta, Brittney N. Agamah, Christine A. Aggarwal, Aditiya Agoston, Emily M. Ahlstrom, Elizabeth Ahmad, Lina A. Ahmed, America G. Aiken, Allison M. Akakpo, Katya S. Akers, Amie M. Akilan, Layla M. Al-Ghanimi, Ali F. Albanna, Fady W. Albers, Cody R. Albright, Monica L. Albro, Brandon S. Alderman, Chelsea M. Aldstadt, Alexandria C. Alexander, Donald R. Alflen, John R. Alford, April M. Algren, Devin A. Ali, Charlotte A. Ali, Zakaria M. Alimonos, Constadina Allamby, Patrick S. Allen, Carla Y. Allen, Cheryl L. Allen, Cody W. Allen, Jenelle I. Allen, John M. Allen, Jullian K. Allen, Lindsey M. Allen, Olivia A. Allen, Ryan L. Allen, Shevon M. Allen, Tina L. Alley, Jeanette R. Allison, Crystal L. Allison, Nicole A. Alloush-Karadsheh, Maha Alsup, Holly J. Altfeder, Olena G. Altic, Kelly L. Altman, Troy A. Amaritchayakarn, Ravik Amend, Katheryn S. Ames, Dylan E. Andersen, Jacob M. Anderson, Craig D. Anderson, Gary L. Anderson, Isaac B. Anderson, Joshua L. Anderson, Keisha T. Anderson, Lori L. Anderson, Trisha L. Andres, Brittany J. Andress, Jeremy C. Andrew, Lee R. Andrews, Cheyenne E. Andrews, Derek V. Andrews, Hunter A. Andrews, Jacqueline M. Andrews, Jamie S. Andrews, Joseph P. Andrews, Tarah Angel, Cassandra J. Angel, Jacqueline C. Angi, Lindsay R. Angles, Denah N. Ankrom, Debrah W. Ankrom, Matt R. Annas, Stephen L. Appleby, Angela M. Aqrabawi, Mohammed Arevalo, Natalyn L. Argabright, Justin E. Argumedo, Yira M.. Armour, Rachel C. Armstrong, Catherine Armstrong, Charles E. Armstrong, Denise R. Armstrong, Ethan K. Armstrong, Nichole Mae. Armstrong, Noelle C. Armstrong, Philip Brian. Armstrong, Therese M. Arndts, Jordan E. Arndts, Kelly D. Arnold, Amanda A. Arnold, Antonio D. Arnold, Carolyn A. Arnold, Kimberly K. Arnold, Lexxie R. Arroyo, Meiling L. Arthur, Craig T. Artz, Christopher K. Artz, Emily N. Arvai, Julie R. Arwood, Timothy J. Asbury, Cheryl L. Ashcraft, Ian B. Asher, Megan K. Ashley, Christy D. Ashmore, Lyell J. Asper, Charles A. Athey, Brandon L. Austin, Nathan C. Avery, Antoinette C. Avery, Benjamin S. Avery, Sydney L. Avotri, Alice Axt, Aaron Axt, Jennifer L. Axt, Patrick P. Ayokosok, Catherine N. Ayres, Nathan M. Babb, William R. Bach, Brad J. Bachman, Patricia L. Bachmann, Jessica Back, Ashley N. Badiei, Shahin Bailey, Amelia D. Bailey, Annjanette E. Bailey, Bobbi O. Bailey, Cameron M. Bailey, Christopher M. Bailey, Crystal J. Bailey, Dustin C. Bailey, Golda L. Bailey, Katelynn R. Bailey, Rayshawn D. Bailey, Shelly R. Bailey, Thomas R. Baines, Daniel M. Baird, Cinda L. Baird, Cindy A. Baji, Najat Baker, Amanda E. Baker, Anthony A. Baker, Caitlin C. Baker, Cheranee’ L. Baker, Corey D. Baker, Donald L. Baker, Gregory A. Baker, Jamie L. Baker, Janet A. Baker, Kamila D. Baker, Kristine V. Baker, Laura E. Baker, Megan E. Baker, Michael A. Baker, Michelle L. Baker, Nathaniel L. Baker, Richard P. Baker, Samantha L. Baker, Stacy M. Baker, Tamara J. Baker, Teresa L. Baker, Zachary D. Balazs, Mitchell J. Baldwin, Bradley C. Balek, Mykha D. Ball, Ashley N. Ball, Caleb M. Ball, Meghan R. Ballard, Eli N. Ballinger, Kristen N. Balon, Angelique Balsink, Bruce A. Bamberg, Katelynn M. Bange, Kevyn C. Banner, Angela L. Banner, Shaelene Banty, Samuel R. Bantz, Brad W. Barbian, Sara A. Barclay, Shannon L. Barga, Heather S. Barga, Jaci C. Barger, Angel A. Barham, Abby D. Barker, Jason L. Barker, Karen D. Barker, Katie E. Barker, Tyra A. Barker, Victoria R. Barkneh, Senait H. Barley, Brittany D. Barley, Dillon L. Barlow, Daniel L. Barlow, Nathaniel J. Barnes, Alicia D. Barnes, Davon E. Barnes, Kimberly A. Barnes, Steve M. Barnes, Teri J. Barnett, Brittany M. Barrett, Benjamin C. Barrett, Hubert D. Barrett, Jason D. Barrett, Tim J. Barri, Raneem A. Barrie, Aaron D. Barron, Fayetta J. Bartenberger, Kevin T. Barton, Amanda P. Barton, Michael J. Basista, Kenneth M. Bates, Lisa M. Bates, Michael C. Bates, Michael D. Battson, Ryan M. Baudendistel, Kathleen M. Bauer, Robert Baugh, Carol A. Baughn, Phyllicia M. Baxley, Leah J. Bayliff, Lindsay C. Beach, Allison M. Beach, Candice Renee. Beach, Christopher P. Beal, Keith L. Beal, Timothy J. Beall, Gary J. Beam, Jennifer L. Beam, Neal Beane, Michael S. Bear, Michelle L. Bear, Philip S. Beasley, William H. Beatty, Jamie R. Beauregard, Jennifer M. Bechtolt, Matthew A. Beck, Kristen N. Becker, Jessica L. Becker, Stephen E. Beckett, Tammy L. Beckmann, Anna R. Becks, Katelin M. Beculheimer, Michael J. Bedwell, Lori K. Beediwala, Sabrina I. Beegle, Joshua E. Begley, Heather D. Behr, Lisa M. Beiring, Sara E. Belden, Sarah Bell, Carin N. Bell, Chris D. Bell, Cory L. Bell, Gregory R. Bell, Linda M. Bell, Philip G. Bell, Trevor A. Bellar, April L. Bellingar, Tyler M. Bellinger, Rachel A. Bellotti, Melissa Bellus, Michael G. Beltran, Alexander N. Bendall, Katherine Sue. Benimana, Alice B. Bennett, Britnay N. Bennington, Beth L. Benton, Emily J. Benton, Mary E. Benton, Vincent B. Berberich, Melissa D. Berent, Jessica E. Berger, Steven D. Bergman, Gretchen I. Bergman, Lucas J. Berhow, Annessa D. Berhow, Shawn J. Berk, Jennifer E. Bermick, Amy L. Bermudez, Eric A. Bernal, Henry J. Bernard, Cory D. Berroa, Matthew R. Berry, Alexander D. Berry, Christina L. Berry, Jessica J. Berry, Kyle K. Berry, Nathan M. Berryhill, Edward E. Bertini, Ashlei D. Bertke, Kayla M. Bertoia, Nick R. Best, Dustin P. Best, Susan M. Bester, Tracy Louisa. Betancourt, Kevin J. Bettendorf, Jessica A. Beu, Samantha M. Bever, Robert E. Bey, Anna M. Beyoglides, Kathleen R. Bicknell, Paul M. Bienhoff, Stephanie R. Bierly, Sara L. Biggs, Janet A. Binalla, Corey M. Bir, Matthew R. Birr, Joseph C. Bisgaard, Nevin K. Bishop, Alaura R. Bisignano, Nicole Bixler, Amanda N. Black, Alan T. Black, Carol S. Black, Eric R. Black, Kristin L. Blackburn, Arthur W. Blackford, Stacy A. Blackwell, Kelly M. Blair, Brittany R. Blair, David D. Blair, Jeffrey S. Blair, Jesse L. Blair, Lucas G. Blake, Joanne Blake, Stewart P. Blakley, Garrett S. Blakley, Tim C. Bland, Kristin Marie. Blankenship, Brandy N. Blankenship, Malisa A. Blanton, Jeffrey A. Blazer, Amanda Blazer, Lisa J. Blommel, Daniel F. Bloomer, Alvin H. Bloomer, David J. Bloomer, Jeffrey M. Blossom, Anne K. Blount, John L. Blumenstock, Amanda M. Blythe, Lauren E. Boatman, Rebecca A. Bobbitt, Amanda K. Bobosh, Seth M. Bochenek, Nadya T. Bockhorn, Laura Ann. Bodnar, Thomas J. Boeckman, Sarah E. Boedeker, Ashley N. Boeke, Bridget A. Boerger, Mitchell J. Boerkoel, Cheryl A. Boettcher, Erin E. Bogart, Carla Jo. Boger, Ashley A. Boggs, Gary D. Boggs, Wendi L. Bohannon, Stacey Jo. Bohn, Sean A. Boland, Peter A. Bolds, Zenique F. Bolek, Michael G. Boling, Vanessa R. Bolinger, Ellen M. Bollinger, Kimberly A. Bolmida, Rebeka S. Bolte, Jessica L. Bond, Emily M. Bonfield, Troy J. Boniella, Heather N. Boniella, Jeremy L. Bons, Nathan P. Bookheimer, Shelley M. Boone, Courtney R. Booth, Benjamin B. Borders, Elizabeth M. Borgerding, Nicole M. Boroff, Kari L. Borror, Holly N. Borton, Steven T. Borum, Kevarris J. Bosch, Jennifer L. Boshart, Nick L. Bosscher, Nate Bostic, Mycal A. Bostic, Sarah E. Boston, Eric S. Bostwick, Danielle E. Bottles, Rick L. Bouchair, Melissa L. Boucher, Ashley M. Boudreau, Michael J. Boulis, Diane J. Bourke, Lydia G. Bouschard, Mary G. Boussaha, Fatma B. Boussaha, Widad Bowens, Christina A. Bower, Daniel S. Bowerman, Todd M. Bowermaster, Amara R. Bowersock, Matthew L. Bowles, Jeremy W. Bowling, Jennifer R. Bowling, Jerry Bowling, Mindy S. Bowling, Stacy Marie. Bowling, Troy A. Bowser, Britton M. Bowser, Michael E. Boyd, Aime L. Boyd, Charles D. Boyd, Lori M. Boykin, Amanda D. Braddy, Jamie L. Bradley, Amanda K. Bradley, Amanda M. Bradley, David W. Bradley, Eric K. Brainard, Courtney M. Bramel, Emily M. Brandenburg, Kristen L. Brandenburg, Michelle N. Brandenburg, Valerie C. Branham, Jay W. Brannan, Chelsea E. Bray, Greg T. Brazille, Bobby K. Breeding, Thomas M. Brehm, Dennis D. Breig, Nicole L. Breisch, Steven A. Breitzman, Lesley Breslin, Joseph M. Bressler, Arion C. Bretz, Tammy S. Brewer, Alyson L. Brewer, Antoinette M. Brewer, Camilia T. Brewer, Clare R. Brewer, Donald R. Brewer, Rachael G. Brewer, Wesley A. Brewster, Frank J. Brewster, Katherine A. Bright, Cynthia M. Brim, Christopher A. Britton, Caitlin J. Britton, Sarah A. Bro, Ronni L. Brock, Amanda G. Brock, Angela M. Brock, Ashley N. Brock, Raquel V. Broderick, Patricia A. Bronson, Rebecca A. Brook, Elizabeth G. Brook, Vanessa K. Brooks, Aaron C. Brooks, Cynthia H. Brooks, Karie A. Brooks, Marquis S. Broome, Alex J. Brossart, Anna S. Brothers, Melissa Ann. Brothers, Sean M. Brotherton, Jeremy D. Brouwer, Brittany N. Brown, Alaina J. Brown, Amberly J. Brown, Ashley D. Brown, Ayesha M. Brown, Barry A. Brown, Brittni M. Brown, Christina L. Brown, Christopher Brown, Christopher S. Brown, Danielle L. Brown, Diane M. Brown, Dietrina D. Brown, Doug P. Brown, Hannah N. Brown, Jerica E. Brown, Joshua B. Brown, Julie C. Brown, Justin A. Brown, Karla A. Brown, Katherine L. Brown, Lisa K. Brown, Marshall A. Brown, Mary E. Brown, Mollie E. Brown, Nicole D. Brown, Paris Brown, Rachael L. Brown, Ransom J. Brown, Rory R. Brown, Sara E. Brown, Tamara A. Brown, Tina L. Brown, Wesley T. Browne, Maureen T. Browne, Verne O. Browning, Frank E. Brubaker, Alysse M. Brueggemann, John M. Brueggen, Eric B. Brun, Justin K. Brun, Rachel E. Brunotte, Elizabeth A. Bruser-Brown, Natalie M. Bryan, Deborah C. Bryan, Nathan D. Bryant, Heather M. Bryant, Karon Bryant, Sharon M. Bryant, Susan M. Buccalo, Deanna D. Buchanan, Charles E. Buchanan, Sharon E. Bucher, Benjamin T. Bucher, Melissa L. Bucher, Sherry L. Buchhalter, Lisa M. Buchholz, Abby L. Buchsbaum, Robert M. Buck, Ronald Keith. Buehler, Rhonda K. Buehner, Amanda L. Buentello, Alma D. Buhrman, Nicole M. Bullard, Cameron S. Bullitt, Toni C. Bullock, Steven L. Bulmer, Elizabeth G. Bumgardner, Lesley Ann. Bumgarner, Barbara A. Bumpers, Tanisha R. Bundenthal, Tabitha L. Bunn, Wade T. Bunnell, Jenny R. Burden, Heather M. Burdette, Brandon M. Burdette, Pamela M. Burgan, Sidney M. Burge, Amy L. Burger, Gretchen M. Burger, Nicholas A. Burke, Ethan J. Burkhart, David A. Burkhart, Sarah J. Burks, Kyle Burleson, Amanda L. Burnam, Martin A. Burneka, Angela L. Burnett, Amanda L. Burnette, Jenna V. Burns, Amanda L. Burns, Christine E. Burns, Christopher S. Burns, Emily M. Burns, Hannah M. Burns, Joseph R. Burns, Latoya M. Burns, Lyndsey M. Burns, Mandy J. Burns, Mike F. Burns, Nakai Burns, Paul A. Burroughs, Courtney M. Burrowes, Jordan T. Burton, Brooke A. Burton, Raenette L. Burwick, Jessica R. Bush, Alicia N. Bush, Allegro J. Bussard, Larry D. Bussey, Vicki L. Bustillos, May D. Butcher, Heather M. Butcher, Michael P. Butler, Jerad S. Butler, Melissa M. Butler, Rebekah A. Butler, Stacy L. Butler, Stewart C. Butterbaugh, Nanette Button, Jessica Lynn. Buttrey, Brian K. Buttrey, Cynthia L. Bybee, Dalton A. Byers, Carli J. Byrd, Dionne M. Byrd, Emily L. Byrd, LaDora A K. Byrd, Reba S. Byrd, Steven V. Cable, Richard A. Caden, Debora K. Caes, E Mark Caldwell, Crystal M. Caldwell, Lindsey M. Calin, Ion Callon, John M. Cammel, Melissa L. Campanella, Kirsten R. Campbell, Amanda L. Campbell, Anna K. Campbell, Danielle R. Campbell, Darlene G. Campbell, Holly R. Campbell, Janean E. Campbell, Katherine T. Campbell, Samuel D. Campbell, Shannon Campbell, Stephanie A. Campbell, Yvonne M. Campos, Brian M. Canfield, Kristin A. Cannon, Anthony R. Cantrell, Justin L. Capehart, Camie M. Caplinger, Patrick B. Caplinger, Robyn L. Cardona Nieves, Manuel Carey, Lashandra D. Carico, Jacob M. Carlisle, Jamey E. Carlson, Lindsay M. Carlson, Ryan D. Carmack, Katelyn N. Carman, Jacob Carnes, Bryan R. Carnes, Bryan Scott. Carnes, Jeremy A. Carney, Shaun L. Carpenter, Daniel B. Carpenter, Erica M. Carpenter, Kenneth D. Carpenter, Lonnie K. Carpenter, Shelby R. Carpenter, Steven E. Carpenter, Thomas B. Carrigan, Shannon L. Carrillo-Svobodny, Anne-Marie Carroll, Bethany A. Carroll, Toni L. Carroll, Tyler M. Carson, Angela R. Carson, Daniel J. Carson, Matthew S. Carter, Jacob A. Carter, Michael J. Carter, Niki G. Carter, Pamela J. Cartolano, Mario J. Casanova, Jon L. Casebolt, Heather J. Casey, Christina M. Casey, Heather R. Cassel, Adrienne Cassel, Kerry S. Cassidy, Holly M. Casteel, Michael D. Castillo, Alexia R. Cates, Holly L. Cates, Neal P. Cates, Sandra K. Cathcart, Laura Catron, Kristie L. Caudill, Lisa M. Caufield, Katherine L. Caupp, Monica M. Cavagnaro, Nalma D. Cavender, Sarah E. Cebelak, Erin E. Cefaratti, Jason M. Celis, Luis M. Centeno, Mercedes M. Cerrezin, Paul M. Chagoya, Teri M. Chamberlain, Brian K. Chambers, Clarence E. Chambers, Joshua D. Chan, Yu Sum Chandler, Elizabeth M. Chaney, Cameron C. Chaney, Charles R. Chaney, Mark E. Chaney, Timothy W. Channels, Wilma J. Chapman, John A. Chapman, Latonia N. Chappie, Amy E. Charbonneau, Brittany P. Charles, Brittany A. Chase, Christopher D. Chase, Kathryn K. Chase, Patsy J. Chenault, Sarah J. Cherry, Michael R. Chester, Karen S. Childers, Naomi S. Childers, Preston J. Childress, Anthony M. Chin, Lisa Chmiel, Brianna K. Chockey, Matthew A. Chou, Frank Christensen, Mary C. Christman, Christopher D. Christophel, Jennifer L. Christopher, Bethany B. Christopherson, Travis A. Church, Tyler C. Cicatello, Maria K. Ciupak, Olivia L. Clark, Benjamin J. Clark, Colby J. Clark, Courtney A. Clark, Jasmin C. Clark, Lisa M. Clark, Mary Jane. Clark, Michael W. Clark, Michele L. Clark, Stacey N. Clark, Virgil G. Clary, Tabitha M. Class, Brent W. Clegg, Matthew S. Clem, April A. Clemans, Nathan G. Clemens, Robin L. Clements, Precious J. Clendenen, Amber L. Clenney, Robin L. Clevelle, Shauna M. Clevinger, Michael L.. Cline, April L. Cline, Jennifer M. Cline, Matthew A. Cline, Roxanne M. Clippinger, Kathryn E. Close, Sarah E. Cobb, Victor L. Cobb-DiPaola, Saundra Cochran, Ashton T. Cochran, Dan R. Cochran, Jennifer A. Cochran, Mathew A. Cockrell, Jane E. Cockrell, Janet L. Coffey, David F. Coffey, Kristin B. Coffey, Pamela S. Coghill, Brent G. Colbert, James M. Cole, Alice C. Cole, Matthew N. Cole, Nikolea A. Cole, Timothy R. Coleman, Lauren A. Collar, Steven R. Collier, Darius M. Collier-Hess, Donna C. Collins, Brian J. Collins, Dustin A. Collins, Matthew J. Collins, Matthew W. Collins, Michael G. Collins, Misty D. Collins, Robert P. Collins-Stratton, Barbara Collinsworth, Kevin M. Colliver, Scott T. Colter, Therasa L. Columbe, Laura N. Colwell, Josette M. Colwell, William Colyer, Jimmy N. Combs, Amanda K. Combs, Andrea L. Combs, Andrew P. Combs, Maria E. Combs, Shawn J. Comer, Brie A. Commons, Douglas E. Compaleo, Joshua D. Compston, Jacob I. Condit, Cathy J. Conkel, Martha A. Conley, Alicia D. Conley, Angela N. Conley, Benjamin B. Conley, Jeffrey B. Conley, Yvonne M. Connors, Jessica L. Constable, Melissa G. Constable, Susan D. Conte, Josh A. Cook, Andrew R. Cook, Sean R. Cooks, Donald B.. Cooksey, Angela D. Cool, James Coomer, Samantha J. Cooper, Bethany R. Cooper, Chloe A. Cooper, Danielle B. Cooper, Melinda D. Cooper, Nicole Cooper, Wesley L. Cope, Keith R. Cope, Kristen M. Cope, Samantha A. Copeland, Alan T. Copes, Candis D. Copner, Shannon L. Corbeil, Alyssa A. Corbin, Courtney L. Corbin, Donald D. Cornwell, Sara M. Cosby, Sarah N. Coterel, Mark D. Coterel, Nathan W. Cotterman, Amy M. Cotterman, Tiffany R. Cottom, Renee F. Cotton, Jennifer I. Cottrell, Theresa A. Cottrill, Jennifer C. Couch, Jaycob T. Coudell, Glenna J. Cousino, Christen A. Coutu, Joseph T. Couzins, Joshua P. Covey, Adrien C. Covill, Tyler Cowan, Stephanie L. Cox, Brittany N. Cox, Cierra R. Cox, Emily M. Cox, Jessica L. Cox, Jessica N. Cox, Sandra E. Cox, Steve V. Cox, Tammy L. Coy, Leslie A. Crabill, Christine L. Crabtree, Brian S. Crabtree, Jeffrey V. Crabtree, Leesia K. Crabtree, Patricia A. Craft, Danielle R. Craft, Jason D. Craft, Mae A. Craft, Travis W. Crafton, Andrea E. Craig, Adam Craig, Audrey R. Craig, Carolyn R. Craig, Delbert G. Craig, Jennifer R. Craig, Jill A. Cramer, Duane G. Cramer, Jason M. Crane, Miriam A. Crank, Mary N. Craves, Christopher P. Crawford, William D. Craycraft, Sarah A. Craycraft, Terry R. Crayton, Cori M. Creager, Ian T. Creech, Erica L. Creech, Jean N. Creech, Stacey L. Crews, Ashley N. Crickmore, John A. Criner, Chelsea N. Cripps, Jonathan R. Crist, Sara A. Crites, Cassie M. Crompton, Tamie L. Crooks, Alexandra L. Crosby, Nathan A. Crosby, Ronald B. Crosley, Nikkole M. Cross, Adam V. Cross, Michael Cross, Timothy D. Crouch, Donovan E. Croucher, Sheri R. Crowder, Camryn Crowe, Zachary L. Crutcher, Aaron L. Cuellar, Maritza G. Cummings, Alexandra J. Cummings, Kayla R. Cummings, Patricia C. Cummins, Joshua A. Cunningham, Alan M. Cunningham, Kristin M. Cupp, Kathy M. Curl, Patrick W. Curry, Jennifer L. Curtis, Megan N. Custer, Adam S. Cyphers, Britteny R. Czikra, Thomas J. Dabbs, Robert W. Dabney, Brandon Dahlinghaus, Kelly A. Dahm, Brian J. Dailey, Ryan T. Dale, Alex S. Dale, Cynthia G. Daley, Jessica R. Dalton, Tracy L. Damnjanovic, Ankica Damron, Kristyn T. Daneshvarnejad, Azarmidokht Daniel, Joyce A. Daniel, Matthew A. Daniels, Aaron S. Daniels, Linda J. Dankworth, James A. Dant, Linda S. Dantzler, Jennifer J. Daoud, George E. Daoud, Helal R. Darcy, Timothy J. Darden, LaWona M. Dargie, Tammy S. Darling, Joann E. Darner, Dianna L. Darr, Aaron T. Daum, Alexander B. Dauner, Brent E. April 10, 2012 Dause, Jessica Davell, Christian L. Davenport, Ebony D. Davidson, Austin C. Davidson, Christopher Davidson, Gary L. Davidson, Tiffany L. Davidson, Tracy L. Davis, Emily E. Davis, Jacob R. Davis, Jessica L. Davis, Joseph M. Davis, Kayla E. Davis, Kelly J. Davis, Kendra L. Davis, Kristen M. Davis, Quentin L. Davis, Stephen A. Davis, Timothy R. Davis, Tyler J. Davy, Kenneth A. Davy, Sally M. Dawson, Brittany E. Dawson, Chad C. Dawson, Shelby C. Day, Jeffrey A. De Los Santos, Carlos A. De Sonia, Zachary M. DeAngelo, Christopher DeBorde, Derrick A. DeBoy, Joseph M. DeBrosse, Brian J. DeBrosse, Mark A. DeCamp, Shannon D. DeMange, Kelley J. DeSaro, Jennifer A. DeSpain, Laurie M. DeWall, Dianne L. Deady, Amanda M. Dean, Toni M. Deardorff, Alicia K. Dearth, Jason L. Deaton, Jeremy B. Deaton, Leslie E. Deaton, Michael F. Deaton, Regina L. Deck, Douglas S. Decker, Drew D. Deem, Nyketa D. Deen, Kyle E. Deeter, Jonathon M. Deichert, Daniel J. Dekelaita, David M. Delacruz, Catherine Delay, R. Yvonne Delgado, Ruben A. Delisle, David A. Delman, Emily E. Dement, Julia K. Denney, Brandi L. Dennis, Chelsee L. Denniston, Chloe J. Denton, Jan E. Derringer, Andrew G. Desalvo, Sarah M. Deskins, Molly E. Desotelle, Stephanie J. Desroches, Raquel T. Detamore, Nichole M. Detter, Stuart J. Devanan, Deon Dewey, Stephanie N. Dewitt, Shannon M. Di Stefano, Sophie Dickard, Angela R. Dickerson, Ray E. Dickey, Adrian N. Dickey, Donna L. Dickey, Lauren E. Dicus, Taylor M. Dietrich, Kimberly A. Dilger, Kimberly D. Dillabaugh, Rachel A. Dillahunt, Rachel A. Dillon, Christopher E. Dillon, Gregory S. Dillon, Melissa A. Dils, James R. Diment, David J. Diop, Magatte Ditmer, Alexander D. Dixon, Dana R. Dixon, Jayvahn Dixon, Ryan R. Dixon, Sherri L. Dixon, Wendy L. Dobrovolc, Joe J. Dobrozsi, Bridgette C. Dodgen, Bianca H. Dodsworth, Sean P. Dolphin, Megan D. Donald, Lori S. Donegia, Christina M. Donnelly, Sean F. Dop, Laura B. Doria, Charlotte L. Dornbusch, Evan L. Doster, Logan R. Dotson, Lindsay J. Doudoun, Zouhayr Dougan, Ashley E. Drake, Lynnia A. Draper, Zachary M. Dray, Brandy N. Drew, William E. Driver, Brandy L. Dross, Megan A. Druin, Amanda M. Drumm, Melinda Leighann. DuColi, Tara L. Ducker, Howard Dues, Shawn J. Duff, Eugene F. Duff, James A. Duff, Michelle L. Duffy, Christopher M. Duffy, Jonathan E. Duffy, Karen A. Dufresne, Janelle M. Dugan, Gary L. Duggan, Gerald F. Duke, Kari E. Dunaway, Natasha N. Duncan, Matthew W. Dunford, Derick A. Dunithan, Dawn R. Dunn, John D. Dunnaway, Andrew T. Durcan, Tami A. Durham, Hilary D. Durian, Amber L. Duritsch, Eric A. Dursch, Christina M. Duthie, Megan E. Dutton, James R. Dyer, Christy M. Dyke, Mary E. Dyke, Timothy E. Eads, Nicole M. Eakins, Richard L. Earnhart, Randall L. Easterly, Richard G. Eastman, John M. Eastridge, John E. Eblin, Brian J. Ebright, Marquita Eby, Lawrence D. Eccleston, Breanna M. Eck, Kristin S. Ecker, Dianna D. Eckhardt, Alia G. Eckhardt, Brittany N. Eckman, Christina F. Edens, Heather E. Edmonds, Andrew C. Edmonds, Raymond S. Edwards, Brody P. Edwards, Charles R. Edwards, Douglas A. Edwards, Faith N. Edwards, Michael W. Edwards, Robin E. Eglian, Nichole E. Eicher, Terry G. Eid, Micheline J. Eisele, Richard Eisentrager, Kristen N. Eisert, Fred J. Ekberg, Matthew G. El Honi, Abdalwahab A Mohamed. El Sabagh, Safia M. Elam, Andrea D. Elder, Michael Eldridge, Matthew T. Eldridge, Philip R. Elhadi, Samir A. Elkins, Brandon M. Elkins, Caleb I. Elkins, Jeffrey S. Elliott, Jason L. Elliott, Jereme W. Elliott, Michele L. Ellis, Susan D. Elmore, Linda E. Elson, Elizabeth G. Elzey, Jordan A. Emerson, Amy S. Emerson, Dave W. Emerson, Patricia A. Emmanuelli, Jessmar Emmons, Cathy L. Emmrich, Thomas K. Emrick, Scarlett L. English, Elizabeth D. English, Kimberly Y. English, Vernita N. Eodice, Sarah M. Epperley, John L. Epperson, Katie E. Epperson, Kelly M. Erazo, Cristina E. Erbacher, Cathrine J. Erbaugh, Erin L. Ergashev, Akmaljon Erkhembayar, Bolor Erman, Kevin M. Ernst, Danielle E. Ernst, Gary F. Ervin, Elijah M. Ervin, Katie E. Erwin, Chelsea L. Erwin, Michael A. Esparza, Lorena Espino, Alvino Esquivel-Ruiz, Amber N. Estep, Deborah H. Estepp, Holly J. Estepp, Joshua M. Estes, Cierra A. Estes, David T. Estle, Charity D. Etienne, Joseph P. Evans, Abraham C. Evans, Bethani J. Evans, David S. Evans, Harry Evans, Jennifer L. Evans, Lindsay M. Evans, Mark D. Evans, Megan R. Evans, Patricia D. Evans, Ryan J. Everett, Amber C. Everhart, Matthew D. Everitt, Brandon W. Evers, Monique A. Eversole, Chelsea L. Eversole, Sondra R. Ewing, Casey L. Ewry, Melissa L. Exner, McKenzie L. Eyre, Chase T. Eysoldt, Heather M. Faber, Christina J. Fagan, Raven N. Fahey, Mark T. Fahrenholz, Jessie L. Faile, Mary Beth Fakhratova, Fatima D. Falco, Frank A. Falco, Vince Falk, Jeremy R. Falkner, Jessica H. Fallen, Taryn S. Fanberg, Jeremy M. Fannin, Zachary W. Farahay, Steven R. Farler, Annette M. Farley, Tyler R. Farmer, Christina E. Farmer, Joshua A. Farrell, Carrie A. Farrell, Holly R. Farrell, Shanna-Beth P. Farrow, Gregory A. Farwell, Michael L. Faulkner, Cody X. Faulkner, Jesica L. Faulkner, Sheila J. Faust, Gary R. Favors, Kysiah H. Fay, Ryan M. Fecke, Jessica L. Fecke, Kurt A. Feeman, Alex R. Feeser, Megan A. Feldkamp, Cassie J. Fellows, Deanna L. Feltner, Angela D. Fenstermaker, Samantha Ferguson, Christina N. Ferguson, Jennifer L. Ferguson, Kenneth M. Ferguson, Mindy M. Ferguson, Sean C. Ferrara, Michael J. Ferrell, Stephen J. Ferris, Joseph M. Ferris, Mark William. Ferryman, Kenneth K. Fessler, Michael A. Fewlass, Melissa A. Fiedler, Dustin J. Figgins, Todd M. Filbrun, Seth L. Filloon, Benjamin P. Fink, Christopher D. Fink, Michael J. Finkbeiner, Crisnell E. Fiora, Holly M. Fischer, Bethany P. Fischer, Sherri A. Fishbein, Sara Fisher, Melanie L. Fisher, Tracey L. Fite, Eric R. Fite, Jacob L. Fite, Louise A. Fitzpatrick, Meghan M. Flach, Mark A. Flanders, Susan R. Flaugher, Sierra B. Fleming, Faith H. Fletcher, Amanda B. Flohre, Stephanie S. Florence, Roosevelt H. Florkey, Tasha M. Flory, Nancy Flory-Anderson, Denise E. Flowers, Ann E. Flowers, Talya A. Flynn, Jonathan M. Fogg, Grace E. Foley, Rebecca L. Folker, Christopher L. Folsom, Hillary A. Foltz, Eric M. Fondoh, Jude M. Foose, Patrick F. Ford, Breanna J. Ford, Nathan D. Forest, Shelby N. Forrer, Danielle L. Forrest, Lindsay R. Forsythe, Andrea S. Forsythe, Cody D. Forwerck, Lacosta R. Foster, Cecily N. Foster, Cindy M. Foster, Israel Allen. Foster, Lisa R. Fourman, Benjamin S. Fourman, Mary K. Foust, Heather L. Foust, Susan L. Fouts, Rosemary C. Fowles, Rebecca A. Fox, Amanda C. Fox, Ashley N. Fox, Emma S. Fox, Melissa R. Fox, Vanessa I. Frabotta, Mary E. Fraker, Stephanie L. France, Lindsay N. Francis, John R. Francis, Kimberly S. Francis, Lindsay M. Francis, Megan N. Francis, Victoria A. Franklin, Anne M. Franklin, Sarah Frawley, Concetta C. Frazier, Jessica R. Frazier, Kevin J. Frebis, Katelyn M. Freckman, Kevin T. Fredette, Damara J. Freeders, Lisa C. Freeland, Coartney J. Freeland, Shari Freeman, Austin G. Freeman, Eric M. Freeman, Holley S. Freeman, Matt S. Freeman, Theresa M. Freiberger, Darcie C. Freiwan, Abdullah K. French, Donald E. French, Jessica L. Fries, Keeley C. Friesz, Megan K. Frilling, Craig A. Frilling, Joseph T. Fritzsche, Courtney G. Frizol, Elizabeth C. Frost, Jonathan M. Fry, Jeness M. Fry, Jeremy R. Fry, Rebecca A. Frye, Mindy R. Frye, Russel V. Fryer, Kayla D. Fryman, Andrew C. Fudge, Kyle P. Fugate, Felicia R. Fugate, Sofey E. Fullam, Wendela J. Fullenkamp, Deborah A. Fuller, Gregory W. Fullmer, Kamron B. Fultz, Kersti S. Funderburk, Bobby R. Funston, Cody T. Furlong, Danielle N. Furnas, Brent A. Fuson, Kara R. Gabbard, Seth E. Gaddie, Sonja J. Gaeke, Alexandria V. Gaerke, Melissa M. Gaertner, Jennifer S. Gagan, Nilofar R. Gaines, Alexia C. Gaines, Alison M. Gaines, Amia A. Gaines, Michele L. Gaker, Caroline Gall, Joshua Gallaher, Gerald H. Gallet, Theresa L. Galliher, Wayne C. Galt, Shane M. Gambale, Monica L. Gambill, Casey A. Gamboa, Donnamay D. Gan, Weldon L. Ganion, Amy R. Gannon, Joshua S. Gantner-Cooper, Danielle Garber, Danielle N. Garber, Kassandra M. Garcia, Danielle S. Gardner, Katlyn D. Garippo, Alison L. Garman, Andrew L. Garrett, Felicia M. Garrett, Lindsay N. Garrett, Matthew A. Garrett, Tristan J. Garrison, Berniece L. Garrison, Harley D. Garvey, Michelle E. Garwood, Mark A. Gaskell, Marjorie C. Gates, Stacy E. Gatza, Chris N. Gausel, Cassie L. Gausel, Eric A. Gazzaway, William A. Geering, Daniel P. Geib, Kaitlyn M. Geiger, David P. Geiger, Jennifer N. Geiger, Stacey M. Geiger, Stephanie L. Geise, Mark Geisel, Dustin C. General, Chico Mendez E. General, Joshua Gentry, Jeremy M. George, Adam W. George, Alyssa D. George, Megan A. Gerald, Saskia F. Gerhard, Heidi D. Germain, Hannah M. Gersbacher, Holly C. Getchell, Bobbie J. Gevedon, Joy R. Ghouleh, Samira K. Gibbs, Ann J. Gibbs, Karen P. Gibson, Amanda S. Gibson, Jennifer L. The Administration, Faculty, and congratulates the students in the Dean’s List Page 5 | the Clarion Gibson, Jennifer Nicole. Gibson, Kirsten M. Gibson, Lori M. Gibson, Rachel A. Gibson, Shane D. Giffin, William H. Gifford, Ashley L. Gilbert, Elizabeth A. Gilbert, Lowell J. Gill, Lesley A. Gillespie, Aaron J. Gilliam, Armistead W. Gilliam, Samantha D. Gillis, Michael S. Gilmer, Barry L. Gingell, Amber N. Ginter, Seth D. Girard, Joyce D. Givens, Dychi A. Givens, Nicole L. Glagola, Brian J. Glass, Steven A. Gleckler, Carey R. Gleitsmann, Mareike I. Glover, Sherry Glovinsky, Kelsey R. Glueckert, Kevin R. Glynn, Sarah E. Gnau, Ashley J. Gnau, David L. Goad, Heather A. Godbey, Lori L. Goddard, Carl R. Godown, Hannah J. Godsey, Jared D. Goecke, Crystal J. Goenner, Deborah A. Goessl, Christopher I. Goetze, Steven A. Gohmann, Jonathon M. Goins, Dorian L. Goins, Monte E. S.. Gold, Vicki L. Golden, Theresa M. Goldschmidt, Jodi C. Goldsmith, Jamie P. Golson, Brandon L. Goltzene, Heather K. Gomez, Justin M. Gonzalez, Ariana M. Gonzalez, Cristal Good, Ashley N. Goodpaster, Anthony S. Goodpaster, Bobby W. Goodwin, Samantha N. Goody, Danielle N. Gopperton, Hannah E. Gordon, Donald D. Gordon, Jeffrey T. Gorska, Jadwiga Z. Gory, Diana L. Gose, Christina M. Gould, Eric D. Grabowski, Sheila A. Grace, Alexander W. Graeser, Morgan E. Graf, Perry B. Graf, Shannon M. Graham, Adam R. Graham, Kasey E. Graham, Laura J. Graham, Rebecca G. Graham, Robin P. Graham, Sarah Granby, Jonathan M. Granger, Leslie M. Grant, Jessica D. Graves, Ashley N. Gray, Brent K. Gray, Charlotte L. Gray, Courtney D. Gray, Elizabeth N. Gray, Gina Y. Gray, James D. Gray, Tevin L. Gray, Zaria C. Grayson, Jameka L. Greaney, Maureen E. Green, Alton D.. Green, Andrew C. Green, Elizabeth M. Green, Kellee D. Green, Logan T. Green, Marianne M. Green, Marsha L. Green, Wesley M. Greene, Barbara A. Greene, Jason R. Greene, Kathrine Greenfield, Rachel F. Greenwood, Caitlyn E. Greer, Elsie D. Greer, Jeffrey E. Greer, Kasey D. Greer, Zoila E. Gregg, Joseph A. Gregory, Steven C. Griffin, Brooke C. Griffin, James R. Griffin, Tevonte’ J. Griffin-Lamb, Dana E. Griffis, Jason C. Griffith, David E. Griffith, Joanne M. Griffiths, Laura A. Griffiths, Ray P. Griggs, Alexis A. Grigsby, Danielle M. Grigsby, Matthew M. Grile, Barbara Grilliot, Chase P. Grilliot, Douglas J. Grimes, Jeremy S. Grimes, Kari M. Grimes, Luke M. Grogean, Emily M. Grogg, Lori L. Grooms, Erica A. Grooms, Eva C. Grosch, Chad M. Gross, Astrid A. Gross, Geraldine Gross, Ronald G. Grosso, Jacob A. Groves, Tina L. Grubb, Beth A. Grubbs, Justin R. Gruber, Jeanette R. Gruden, Melissa M. Gu, Weijie Gudorf, Gabriel L. Gudorf, Kylie M. Guerrero, Karla V. Gumbert, Devan J. Gump, Kelsey L. Gunder, Michael K. Gutierrez, Charles K. Haarmeyer, Michael J. Haas, Erin M. Hachey, Samantha M. Haddix, Jana M. Haddix, Tracey L. Hadley, Kathrine M. Haenel, Lynsey M. Hafle, Devan V. Hagan, William T. Hagenbuch, Christopher J. Hagerman, Zana K. Haggerty, Brian A. Hahn, Megan L. Haile, John C. Haines, Elvis A. Haines, Parey G. Hale, Myron K. Hale, Robert A. Hall, Adam T. Hall, Alicia A. Hall, Andrew K. Hall, Christopher B. Hall, Dudley D. Hall, Elizabeth R. Hall, Heidi M. Hall, Justin L. Hall, Lance C. Hall, Phillip L. Hall, Rayna M. Hall, Tracy L. Hall, Yvonne R. Halladay, Laura L. Haller, Mary E. Halsey, Jessica L. Ham, Kasandra D. Hamblin, James A. Hamdan, Rawan S. Hamiel, Julie A. Hamilton, Eric K. Hamilton, Kirstie M. Hamilton, Michael D. Hamm, Erica L. Hammergren, Kristopher Hammond, Dennis Hammond, Jennifer C. Hammond, Jonathan D. Hammond, LaToya N. Hammond, Timothy L. Hammons, Kelsey K. Hampton, Cydnie A. Hampton, Debbie Hampton, Tabitha L. Hamric, Christina Hancock, Sunny J. Handorf, Philip A. Haney, Erin L. Hanisch, Amanda P. Hankins, Liza C. Hanks, Derek B. Hanley, Lisa P. Hanna, Deborah L. Hannah, Amy L. Hansen, Benjamin L. Hansen, Brittney G. Hapner, Chadwick J. Hapner, Rachel L. Hapner, Stephanie N. Hardin, James B. Hardin, Michael T. Harkless, Chris A. Harleman, Julie D. Harmeling, Clark A. Harmon, Lawrence B. Harpenau, Alison A. Harper, Darla F. Harper, Jacquel D. Harrington, Danielle L. Harris, Amanda R. Harris, Amber D. Harris, Amber N. Harris, James A. Harris, La’mia M. Harris, Lanitra R. Harris, Laura R. Harris, Loren T. Harris, Tammie S. Harrison, Donald L. Harrison, Stephanie M. Harshman, Dean R. Hart, Nathan B. Hart, Tracie L. Harter, Shannon R. Hartkemeyer, Carla D. Hartley, Michael A. Hartman, Nicholas A. Hartman, Travis A. Hartman, Travis M. Harvey, Alexander D. Harvey, David M. Harvey, Deborah J. Harvey, Eric E. Harvey, Jasmin P. Harvey, Steven D. Harville, Tabitha D. Harworth, Claire O. Haskell, Margarrette M. Hassell, Jayson A. Hasty, Brittany J. Hasty, Julie M. Hatch, Jourdan L. Hater, Deborah K. Hatfield, Christopher D. Hatton, Jeffrey A. Hauck, Karen D. Haugen, McKenzie K. Hause, Mark T. Hauser, Joshua D. Hauser, William H. Hawes, Edna N. Hawk, Michael R. Hawkey, Douglas G. Hawkins, Cindy D. Hawkins, Elizabeth M. Hawkins, Patrick R. Hawley, Robert P. Haworth, Todd M. Hayden, Garry Timothy. Hayden, James M. Hayden, Janera M. Hayes, Alexander Hayes, Brittany F. Hayes, Douglas M. Hayes, Kimberly M. Hayes, Patrick A. Hayes, Tina M. Haynes, Marcellus A. Hayre, Dallas C. Hays, Janette R. Heard, Marinda S. Heard, Stacy A. Hearl, Claudia Hearlihy, Jamie A. Heath, Anna M. Hebert, Christina M. Heckman, Anthony J. Hedlund, Jennifer D. Heeb, Jolene D. Heerdt, Kayla L. Hefner, Heather E. Heggem, Jill E. Hehl, Erin R. Heidenreich, Ruth E. Heier, Jodie L.m. Heindl, Beverly E. Heiner, Tara A. Heinig, Sarah A. Heintzman, Mary K. Helfferich, Ashley A. Helke, Jon D. Helmer, Shea R. Helmick, Ross E. Helton, Emily R. Helton, Seth A. Hemelgarn, Reed J. Hemmelgarn, Joshua M. Hemsworth, Douglas G. Henderson, Elaine Henderson, Kayla R. Henderson, Leanne M. Henderson, Nicki Marie. Henderson, Ricardo Henderson, Shayaunna S. Hendon, Daniel A. Hendricks, Dara J. Hendricks, Laina M. Hendrickson, Adam W. Hendrickson, Zalin W. Henneeke, Cierra J. Hennen, Jennica E. Hennen, Matthew J. Hennessy, Michael F. Henning, Robert B. Henry, Abbey L. Henry, Erika L. Henry, Heather M. Henterly, Amanda L. Herbert, Kristina M. Herd, Lisa A. Hergenrather, Kristopher Herick, Ellen M. Hernandez Vega, Maria G. Hernandez, Laura E. Hernandez, Zachary D. Herre, Donald P. Herrera, Virna C. Herrle, Reuben A. Herrmann, Caleb J. Herron, Diana M. Herron, Kristin L. Hetzler, Nicholas C.. Hiatt, Daniel J. Hickman, Robert T. Hicks, Amber M. Hicks, Hayden L. Hicks, Julia E. Hiehle, Amanda R. Higgins, Kevin R. Higgins, Michael J. Highfield, Elaine H. Hildebolt, John M. Hilden, Nicholas M. Hilderbrandt, Maggie D. Hill, Adam D. Hill, Alexandra N. Hill, Catherine E. Hill, Clarence W. Hill, John J. Hill, Mercedes E. Hill, Rachel Hill, Rebekah S. Hill, Sashelle E. Hills, Ryan E. Hilsdorf, Thomas C. Hilty, Carla R. Hilty, Jennifer L. Himes, Joseph M. Hindson, Gretchen N. Hindson, Patrick L. Hineline, Tammy N. Hinkle, Emily M. Hintze, Steven E. Hipsher, Jonathan Hirsch, Alan L. Hixenbaugh, John W. Hixon, Olga V. Ho, Hau Q. Hoaja, Nicholas E. Hoban, Ian A. Hoban, Sarah D. Hobby, Christopher D. Hockenberry, Ashley D. Hockett, Allena’ J. Hodge, Jodi L. Hodge, Shelly M. Hodgson, Sarah A. Hoekstra, Jacob E. Hofacre, Carolyn M. Hofacre, Kelly A. Hoffer, Rita L. Hogan, Rebecca S. Hohl, Courtney E. Hohne, Joel A. Hoke, Brittany D. Hoke, Joshua J. Holbrook, Gregory J. Holbrook, Sheila M. Holdeman, Sarah N. Holden, Amy L. Holden, William W. Holland, Douglas M. Holland, Dwayne A. Holland, Kimberly I. Holland, Lisa M. Hollen, Jordan L. Holley, Anthony F. Holley, David P. Holley, Sarah E. Holliday, Michael J. Hollinger, Jenna A. Holmes, Mark W. Holtzman, Daniel S. Holway, Ryan C. Honaker, James P. Honan, Jason D. Honigford, Allison M. Honious, Samantha L. Honkanen, Nicholas M. Hood, Nichole M. Hood, Ranita M. Hooker, Susan E. Hooven-Fernandez, Kassandra L. Hoover, Katherine S. Hopkins, Brittany A. Hopkins, Julie L. Hopper, Kelly J. Hopper, Ryan E. Hopson, Marchelle L. Hord, Danette M. Hord, Samuel J. Horrigan, Tonya S. Horton, Yolanda S. Horvat, Elizabeth K. Horvath, Joshua S. Horvath, Lindsie P. Hoskins, Amy B. Hostetler, Travis L. Hounshell, Nicole C. Hountz, Abigail R. House, Sandra Kay. Houser, Crystal L. Houston, LaTasha D. Houston, Timothy A. Howard, Andrew M. Howard, Angela M. Howard, Emily K. Howard, James M. Howard, Jane L. Howard, Thomas A. Howell, Jeanette E. Howell, Jennifer S. Howey, Teresa C. Hoy, Julia C. Hoyng, Chris E. Hozhabr, Maryam Hsu, Anne Hsu, Jerry J. Huber, Kelly R. Huber, Mickey J. Hubler, Carl E. Hudson, Laura M. Hudson, Megan R. Huelskamp, Paul G. Huelsman, John C. Huelsman, Kayla M. Huereca, Elizabeth Huerta, Ekaterina Huerta, Sarangelica Huffman, Brandon M. Huffman, Henry Huffman, Laura M. Hughes, Anthony G. Hughes, Elizabeth I. Hughes, Emma L. Hughes, Erin N. Hughes, Kristen N. Huitt, Julia M. Hujo, Alicia M. Hull, Melissa L. Hull, Shelby N. Hulshult, Stacy M. Humerick, Haley R. Humphrey, Terry J. Humphreys, Rachel K. Hundt, Marilee A. Hunsaker, Michael R. Hunsicker, Daniel L. Hunt, Julie S. Hunter, Donielle L. Hunter, Jason R. Hunterman, Emily A. Huntington, Caleb J. Huntsberger, Jacob B. Hupp, Jennifer L. Hurley, Chelsea N. Hurley, Sharon M. Hurst, Angela M. Hurst, Katie Lynn. Hutchison, Pamela Y. Huthmacher, Justin D. Huthmacher, Stephanie Susan. Hutson, Ronald C. Huynh, Khanh K. Huynh, Khoa D. Huynh, Quyen T. Hyder, Scott A. Hyer, Brian M. Hyer, Chad M. Hyzy, Courtney D. Imes, Amanda I. Ingle, Robert E. Ingram, Michael H. Inlow, Destre M. Ireland, Jesse G. Isaac, Nanette Isaacs, Jasmyne L. Isaacs, Kellie M. Isabell, Joshua R. Isel, Crystal M. Ison, Tyler M. Israfilova, Rakhima P. Issa, Adnan Issa, Rima Issa, Rula Ivery, Ebony Ann. Ivey, Erica L. Jaber, Khaled I. Jackson, Christopher S. Jackson, Courtney L. Jackson, Dominique T. Jackson, Jessie R. Jackson, Linda S. Jackson, Millicent A. Jackson, Molly M. Jackson, Sarah T. Jackson, Tamara S. Jackson, Theron L. Jackson, Toni E. Jacob, Sanju S. Jacobs, Jason Lee. Jacobs, Marilyn F. Jacobs, Shannon N. Jahns, Niki M. James, Jennifer R. James, Lamar N. James, Margueree James, Matthew P. James, Trent D. Jankowski, Sarah S. Jarrells, Miriam M. Jarvis, Leslie R. Jasper, Kwanza A. Jasper, Stanyale E. Jay, Rebecca W. Jaye, Marilyn E. Jeffery, Michael S. Jeffries, Stephen A. Jenkins, Carolyn S. Jenkins, Casey A. Jenkins, Mark L. Jenkins, Rhonda A. Jenkins, Robin L. Jenkins, Seth M. Jennings, Amanda M. Jennings, Justin C. Jensen, Melody L. Jensen, Mystee D. Jensen, Robert C. Jenson, Steven A. Jernigan, Mark R. Jervis, Adam T. Jessen, Tobi M. Jessie, Jennifer K. Jester, Andrew J. Jimenez, Virginia A. Johansing, Erin Johns, Christina R. Johnson, Allison A. Johnson, Andrew W. Johnson, Ariana S. Johnson, Ashley N. Johnson, Brandon M. Johnson, Charles W. Johnson, Christopher T. Johnson, Corey J. Johnson, Curtis M. Johnson, Dawna G. Johnson, Eliza O. Johnson, Floyd S. Johnson, Fredrick Johnson, Heather M. Johnson, Jason L. Johnson, Jessica S. Johnson, Kenneth B. Johnson, Lola J. Johnson, Lora E. Johnson, Mariah N. Johnson, Nichole A. Johnson, Paul J. Johnson, Rebecca J. Johnson, Rhine L. Johnson, Ronald G. Johnson, Sara A. Johnson, Shaft E. Johnson, Terrianica R. Johnson, Tony E. Johnston, Megan N. Johnston, Pamela S. Johnston, Sonia L. Jonas, Matthew A. Jonas, Michelle M. Jones, Amanda M. Jones, Anthony R. Jones, Candace M. Jones, Charles H. Jones, Danielle L. Jones, Derek B. Jones, Derek M. Jones, Emily A. Jones, Erin L. Jones, Erin R. Jones, Jameson L. Jones, Lance E. Jones, Marsha J. Jones, Pamela D. Jones, Richard J. Jones, Thomas D. Jones, Toni M. Jones, Valerie C. Jones, Victoria J. Jones, Virginia E. Jones-Richardson, Gwen Jordan, Deborah L. Jordan, Gwendolyn Jordan, Myles A. Joslin-Knapp, Sydney M. Judd, Rufus W. Juhar, Mohammedamin A. Juhas, Brittany Juhl, Kevin C. Julien, Michelle R. Jundi, Roann K. Justice, Katherine R. Jutte, Michelle R. Kain, Debra L. Kaiser, Kaitlin E. Kakas, George D. Kalfas, Katie M. Kall, Yolanda V. Kaltenbach, Krisha C. Karacia, Charlene Kariuki, Edwin K. Karkoutly, Lina Kash, Rebecca D. Kastle, Kevin A. Kauffman, Dana E. Kaufman, Chelsea B. Kaur, Amanpreet Kaur, Supinder Kaur, Tarandeep Kaveney, Matthew J. Kay, Alex Kearney, James R. Kearney, Kelsie N. Kearney, Tracy Kearns, Mitchell D. Keaton, Emily K. Keaton, Matthew J. Keeble, Jennifer N. Keech, Douglas J. Keehner, Shawna J. Keene, Stephen C. Keener, Brian J. Keesler, Kaylene M. Keeton, Elizabeth M. Keeton, Melissa L. Kegley, Jason M. Kegley, Jeffrey D. Kell, Zachary A. Keller, Cathaleen M. Keller, Cory Keller, Justin P. Keller, Kimberly A. Keller, Paula J. Kelley, Dillon J. Kelley, Sarah E. Kellie, Jessa A. Kelly, Angela M. Kelly, Darlene A. Kelly, Stephanie N. Kelly, Travis M. Kelty, Brandon S. Kelty, Christopher E. Kemp, David A. Kemp, Wendy B. Kemper, Michael P. Kendall, Stephanie R. Kennard, Christopher T. Kenney, Michelle M. Kenworthy-Byers, Amberdawn E. Keplinger, Holly J. Keplinger, Terry A. Kern, Jacob A. Kessler, Emily L. Kessler, Trisha L. Kesson, Shannon N. Ketcham, Amanda L. Ketner, Amanda R. Key, Jane O. Keyser, John C. Khalilova, Sariya S. Khan, Mirlaiq A. Khudher, Najlaa M. Kidd, Jordan M. Kiefer, Tyler T. Kiesewetter, Lester C. Kiesewetter, Roseland J. Kiger, Christopher R. Kilbane, Gina L. Kim, Pamela Jo. Kimble, Jeffrey L. Kimbler, David M. Kinder, Kinsey A. Kindle, William L. Kindrick, Charles R. King, Adrienne R. King, Alexander F. King, Dawn L. King, Elizabeth A. King, Gene B. King, James W. King, Jeremy D. King, Kasey W. King, Kristi M. King, Rebecca D. King, Samuel P. King, Sarah E. King, Sinda T. Kinley, Teresa R. Kinner, Lora Kirby, Andrew M. Kirchoff, Jillian A. Kirkendall, Kevin D. Kirkland, Patricia L. Kisanga, Damaress D. Kissell, Robert W. Kitchen, Anthony M. Kitchin, Dana S. Kitta, Brianna M. Klarer, Kacie J. Klaus, Nathan A. Klein, Kenton D. Kleinhenz, Paul J. Klepinger, Olga V. Klimek, Emily R. Kline, Darren K. Klosterman, Carol L. Klosterman, Dulcey M. Knapke, Grace N. Knapp, Catherine H. Knauf, Jennifer L. Knight, Robert L. Knipfer, Jeanette Marie. Knisley, Michael S. Knodle, Roberta J. Knoll, Jennifer M. Knotts, Johna M. Knouse, Elizabeth A. Knowles, Wanda B. Knox, Jonathan M. Knull, Jennifer L. Kochaliyeva, Gulgaz B. Koehl, Dennis P. Koehler, Craig T. Koehler, Diane M. Koehler, Sheryl L. Koester, Joshua S. Kohls, Olena I. Kohorst, Jason E. Kollai, Elizabeth S. Koller, James L. Kondas, Sydney N. Kong, Adriel Kontnier, Zack G. Konya, Trevor T. Koon, Arianne C. Koon, Derek M. Koons, Mark D. Korn, Gary L. Korner, John F. Korte, James M. Koslow, Shana R. Kott, Linda M. Koznarski, Kyle W. Kozuch, Kristina J. Kraft, Sarah N. Krall, Noah W. Kraus, Kenneth D. Kremer, Jennifer E. Krenz-Manley, Tanja Krimm, William K. Kroger, Holli Kroll, Kimberly A. Kronenberger, Cassandra Krull, Theresa L. Kruse, Brittany C. Kruse, Kristy M. Kubicki, Jeff Robert. Kuchar, Abigail F. Kuchar, Bethany H. Kuchciak, Scott A. Kuck, Tonia E. Kuepper, Danielle M. Kuhbander, Pamela A. Kuhnwald, Rianon M. Kulp, Michael P. Kunk, Trevor D. Kuns, Larry E. Kuras, Erik P. Kushmaul, Tammy A. Kuykendall, Christina M. Kuzminski, Laura A. Kvidera, Angela R. La Brusco, Paola C. LaCaze, Melissa G. LaLonde, Lori R. LaPlante, Summer F. LaRue, Todd J. Labelle, Gretchen E. Laberman, Chelsea M. Lachut, Tim M. Lackey, Melissa A. Ladd, Christopher A. Laferty, Penny M. Lai, Jessica B. Lair, Aaron M. Laird, Brian J. Lairmore, Christopher D. Lake, Nicholas J. Lakins, Jay C. Lakner, Szilvia Lally, Cynthia M. Lamb, Lloyd L.. Lambdin, Derek A. Lambes, Jamie L. Lamm, Paul M. Landando, Danielle A. Landando, Demi C. Landers, Kim Landes, Clinton G. Landolfi, Nicholas J. Landrum, Joseph III. Lane, Patricia S. Lang, Jessica E. Lange, Nicole Lannom, Steve L. Lansford, Jacob E. Lansford, Julia A. Lanum, Richard D. Lark, Karmen K. Larkin, Jannice P. Larkins, Ann-Sofie G. Larson, Telisia M. Lash, Natalie H. Lattimore, Nancy J. Lau, Yuenman Laubner, Nathaniel B. Lauderback, Kirsten D. Laufnick, Stacy J. Lavezzi, Elizabeth L. Lawhorn, Charles R. Lawrence, Daniel J. Lawrence, Elizabeth Lawrence, Lauren K. Lawson, Luke P. Lawson, Shawn S. Lawson, Theresa L. Layne, Barbara G. LeBlanc, Theresa C. Leach, Jane M. Leach, Tonya M. Leavitt, Jacob A. Lecaros, Cesar Lecompte, Rachel L. Ledbetter, Laura Lee, Jeffrey K. Lee, Matt C. Lee, Mika J. Lee, Shaquez J. Leedy, William R. Leeman, Rebecca A. Lees, Erin E. Leet, Harold D. Lefeld, Craig H. Lehman, Jennifer L. Lehman, Stacy M. Lehmkuhl, Kathryn A. Lehn, Toni L. Leisure, Elizabeth N. Leiva, Jaime A. Lembke, Amy B. Lemieux, Amanda L. Lemke, Lora M. Lemons, Erika M. Lenz, Sarah E. Leonard, Amanda J. Leonard, Crystal A. Leroy, Beverly A. Leser, Jeffrey P. Lesher, Jacob D. Lesher, Jesse L. Leskow, Randall S. Lester, Christopher T. Lester, Natalie R. Levalley, Joshua A. Levier, Jason D. Levine, Andrew D. Levingston, Thomas T. Lewis, Amy K. Lewis, Amy M. Lewis, Gillian A. Lewis, Jaron M. Lewis, Kimberlee M. Lewis, Kimberly Y. Lewis, Lacey N. Lewis, Lisa M. Lewis, Patricia M. Lewis, Rachel F. Lewis, Theodore P. Lewis, Thomas A. Li, Mieko Li, Qite Lieswyn, Chris J. Liffick, Jeffrey I. Light, Ronny A. Lim, Mei Leng. Limbachia, Chirag B. Limbachia, Dawal B. Lincks-Whitlatch, Susan A. Lincoln, Samuel R. Lindberg, Benjamin A. Linden, James M. Lindholm, Kristen M. Lindon, April C. Lindsey, Clarissa M. Lindsey, Joseph S. Lineberger, Kyle D. Lingenfelter, D Cole C. Lingg, James T. Link, Kristina R. Linnell, Eric N. Lippke, Yelena Lipsey, Kashif A. Lisse, Nicole M. Little, Charles T. Little, Laura A. Little, Stefanie F. Littlejohn, Heather M. Littlejohn, Loren P. Livingston, Camellia A. Loaiza, Alejandro Locke, Jessica L. Lockhart, Barrett E. Lofland, Brian S. April 10, 2012 Loftus, Alyssa C. Logan, Daniel M. Lohr, Christopher J. Lokai, Alyssa N. Lolli, Felicity A. Londergan, Patrick D. Long, Daniel K. Long, Hien Long, Sharonda N. Long-Baker, Mari E. Longendelpher, Jeffrey G. Longeway, Tabatha S. Longstreath, Meredith R. Lopez, Emily A. Lopez, Giovanni A. Lotspaih, Michele L. Louderback, Elizabeth A. Love, Lisette Love, Monique R. Lovely, Dayna R. Lovett, Tanya M. Lowe, Brandon C. Lowe, Robert R. Lowery, Jeffery C. Loxley, Lucas R. Loy, Hallie A. Loyd, Amy M. Luburgh, Emily N. Lucas, Joshua R. Lucas, Kristan E. Lucente, Julia J. Luck, Robert S. Luckoski, Kurt S. Luckoski, Melissa D. Lucous, Tammy L. Lucy, Joseph L. Luersman, Kelly M. Luff, Julia M. Luft, Monica L. Lugay, Tina M. Lumpkin, Craig S. Lunsford, Matthew A. Luo, Yu Lutter, Ben D. Luttrull-Hopkins, Paula J. Lutz, James L. Lutz, Kyle E. Luzuriaga, Gabriel A. Lyden, Audrey E. Lynch, Sarah N. Lyninger, Kelly M. Lyons, Lori Lyons, Star R. Lysakowski, Jason R. Lytle, Erica D. Lytle, Thomas W. MacAllister, Angi M. MacK, Dwayne T. MacKellar, Justin D. MacLennan, Lindsey A. Mace, Phillip R. Mackoway, Megan M. Maddox, Clarissa M. Madera, Carole A. Madewell, Carol A. Magley, Lauren E. Magomedov, Timur M. Majerle, Patricia J. Major, Douglas A. Makki, Hamed S. Maksachova, Kseniya A. Maleky, Heidi N. Malhi, Sunil Mallare, Zachary D. Malloy, Michael J. Malone, Scott A. Malott, Gerald L. Malott, Leigh A. Mam, Charia Mancuso, Maria B. Manders, Emily N. Manente, Rachel L. Manfreda, Whitney A. Manfredi, Anthony P. Mangold, Zachary D. Manning, Adam M. Mansoor, Hasan Y. Manuel, Jeffrey A. Marchal, Denise L. Marcum, Todd A. Marker, Alison M. Marker, Daniel L. Marker, Rachel M. Markland, Brian P. Markland, Ryan G. Markland, Sheila K. Marks, Michael E. Marlow, Chrystyan A. Marlow, Tari L. Marshall, Alicia R. Marshall, Amy S. Marshall, Jerry L. Marshall, Kimberly M. Marticello, Susan K. Martimyan, Anastasia Martin, Andrea R. Martin, Edward J. Martin, Eve C. Martin, Jennifer M. Martin, Leda M. Martin, Maria L. Martin, Melissa A. Martin, Michael J. Martin, Nicole A. Martin, Rebecca L. Martin, Tawana S. Martin, Trevor W. Martinez, Gloria A. Martinez, Mariola Marvin, Michael L. Marx, Genevieve S. Masden, Rebecca E. Mason, Maurice A. Mason, Veto J. Massullo, Alexandra M. Matheny, Colin A. Matheny, Jon D. Matheson, Anthony M. Mathewson, Justin M. Mathis, Ammie J. Mathis, Mark D. Matlock, Alexander M. Matsumura, Misako Matteoli, Lisa M. Mattes, John W. Matteson, David W. Matthew, Tom L. Matthews, Megan P. Mattix, Kelly J. Maulana, Dimas Q. Mauntler, Rachel M. Maurer, Christopher G. Maurice, Matthew R. Maxwell, Anthony A. Maxwell, Kiley J. May, Inyoung L. May, Jack D. May, Sherry L. Mayle, Chelsea M. Maynard, Luke B. Mays, Audrey L. Mays, Robert Q. Mbabazi, Olivia McArthur, Kristopher D. McAuliffe, Hannah N. McAuliffe, Nicholas C. McCabe, Carly S. McCain, Crayton C. McCallister, Terry D. McCann, Shawna J. McCannon, Matthew N. McCarty, Brenda S. McClellan, Meghan E. McClelland, Anthony A. McCloskey, Chelsie L. McCloud, Drake A. McCloud, Joshua R. McCollom, Juen McConnell, Gregory T. McConnell, Max B. McConnell, Rebecca S. McCormick, Emily M. McCoy, Matthew D. McCoy, Sarah D. McCullah, Sarah E. McCullough, Anna M. McCullough, Bryan S. McDade, Christopher J. McDaniel, Sara A. McDonald, Megan M. McDonald, Phillip A. McElrath, Janice M. McElroy, Kelly R. McElroy, Ryan J. McEwen, Jennifer R. McFadden, Andrew D. McFarland, Betsy B. McFarren, Tannis L. McGahee, Sarah N. McGee, Amanda E. McGee, Matthew K. McGhee, Alendre D. McGinnis, Michael S. McGovern, Melanie M. McGraw, Justine J. McGriff, June L. McGuffin, Leah M. McGuire, Jennifer M. McGuire, Laura E. McHaffie, Rebecca M. McIntosh, Benjamin M. McKay, Daniel N. McKeever, Jacob D. McKenzie, Gary L. McKinney, Ben A. McKinney, John L. McKinney, Michelle L. McKinney, Natalya D. McKinzie, Christopher M. McKnight, Darlene E. McKowen, Marie N. McLaughlin, Travis J. McMahan, Paul C. McMahan, Shelby R. McNamee, Courtney L. McNew, Darren P. McNew, Jennifer N. McPeek, Nathanuel D. McPheron, Micah D. McPherson, Danielle B. McPherson, Natalie J. McRae, Nikki C. McStay, Bernie McVey, Ryan C. Meade, Benjamin C. Meadors, Caroline M. Meadows, Loren P. Meadows, Melinda S. Medsker, Thomas A. Meenach, Kevin S. Mehaffie, Mollie G. Meininger, Mark A. Mejia, Gustavo A. Melampy, Shelby D. Melvin, Michael C. Merkle, Katrina G. Merrill, Michael D. Merris, David A. Merritt, Alisha C. Merritt, Tangela D. Mescher, Amy A. Messer, Jaelyn Metter, Kimberly B. Meyer, Kathleen E. Michael, Julie A. Michalak, Jessica N. Michels, Justin J. Mildon, Christie A. Miles, Ann M. Miles, Christina L. Miles, Christopher B. Miles, Jordan T. Millar, Matt Miller, Adam M. Miller, Adam T. Miller, Anthony H. Miller, Barbara A. Miller, Bradley E. Miller, Cheryl L. Miller, Christie M. Miller, Deborah S. Miller, Geoffrey D. Miller, Gregory E. Miller, Hannah G. Miller, Jaime L. Miller, Janet E. Miller, Joseph G. Miller, Karna J. Miller, Lindsay M. Miller, Rachel E. Miller, Rebekah A. Miller, Stacey A. Miller, Taylor L. Milligan, Max A. Mills, Allison M. Mills, Bobbette L. Mills, Gina G. Mills, Rebecca R. Mills-Fitts, Susan M. Minamyer, Michael A. Mink, Belinda G. Minton, Kaitlin N. Mishler, Nathan P. Mitchell, Daniel W. Mitchell, David S. Mitchell, Elizabeth A. Mitchell, Gil-Lana J. Mitchell, Lisa L. Mitchell, Misty M. Mitchell, Rocquel A. Mitchell, Stephanie M. Mitchell, William D. Mitolo, Joseph N. Mitter, Maria N. Mix, Jeremy L. Mobley, Sonya N. Mock, Raymond J. Modi, Cirilo S. Moe, Dwayne A. Moehn, Cyndi L. Moeller, Chelsey L. Mohammed Hassan, Huda Mohler, Jenilee A. Molton, Jeffery A. Monds, Jessica M. Money, Yvonne R. Monroe, Jessica N. Montalbano, Brian T. Montgomery, Carly A. Montgomery, Carrie M. Montgomery, Dion L. Montgomery, Nichole M. Mooers, James M. Moore, Anne E. Moore, Bruce E. Moore, Cevin M. Moore, Chyna P. Moore, Colleen P. Moore, Drew H. Moore, Emily H. Moore, Garrett J. Moore, Jamie R. Moore, Jarek B. Moore, Jeremy R. Moore, Karen S. Moore, Kyle R. Moore, Latoya D. Moore, Symonette L. Moorehead, Jamie M. Moran, Jonathan D. Moreda, Barbara L. Moreland, Ross A. Moreno, Debra D. Moreno, Melissa M. Morgan, David A. Morgan, Ella L. Morgan, Jeffrey N. Morgan, Shawn A. Morgan, Steven R. Morgensen, Nathanael H. Morrin, Michael J. Morris, Brenda L. Morris, Dustin W. Morris, Kerri J. Morris, Margaret A. Morris, Melissa J. Morris, William G. Morrison, Margaret R. Morriss, Lisa I. Morrissette, Bethany R. Morrow, Amber D. Morton, David M. Moser, Anna M. Moses, Brian J. Moses, Zachary R. Mosley, Angela L. Mosley, Jill L. Moss, Dayana J. Moss, Katelyn H. Motes, Ciara R. Mouser, Ashley J. Mowry, Andrew L. Moyer, Kelly C. Mueller, Joanna M. Mueller, Shana R. Mukes, Mary E. Mulcahey, Deborah A. Mulkey, Heather M. Muller, Jennifer A. Mullin, Leah D. Mullis, Ryan C. Mumford, Angela M. Mumford, Patrick Mumma, Lily E. Mumma, Tara N. Muncy, Bethany G. Muncy, Todd E. Mundhenk, Paula G. Munezero, Gilles Munguia, Gerald A. Munoz, Lynda A. Munroe, Katherine M. Munroe, Kathryn A. Munyankindi, Hubert Muran, Lauren M. Murphy, Chad M. Murphy, Chirie S. Murphy, Shawn H. Murray, Derek C. Murray, Lynn N. Murray, Melanie G. Murthy, Champa Murua, Judy W. Muslar, Audrey L. Mustovich, Tawney R. Mwizerwa, Honore V. Myers, Carole E. Myers, Christopher A. Myers, Craig R. Myers, Jana L. Myers, Mark A. Myers, Rainbow R. Mygatt, Jacob D. Myszka, Jordan M. Nagel, Kayla A. Naguy, Benjamin T. Napier, Ashley N. Nartker, John A. Nash, Tayalia L. Nawman, Crystal D. Naylor, Clayton R. Ndimubanzi, Servilien Neal, Brittani E. Neal, Christina E. Neale, Jonathan K. Neargarder, Jill E. Needham, Coleman D. Needham, Treska S. Neeley, Julie L. Nelson, Christa L. Nelson, James J. Nelson, Loren J. Nelson, Melissa N. Nemec, Charity L. Nemeth, Robert F. Neuner, Melanie B. Neville, Alicia A. Newell, Alyssa R. Newell, Ashley M. Newkold, Nicholas C. Newnam, Rachel M. Newport, William B. Newsome, Kevin L. Nguyen, Ngan L. Nguyen, Nhu T. Nguyen, Phuoc Huu. Nguyen, Sy H. Nguyen, Tri Q. Nguyen, Van T. Nguyen, Vy T. Nichols, Candace R. Nichols, Kyle J. Nichols, Sabrina N. Nickerson, Kathryn L. Nicorean, Lucia Niekamp, Barrett A. Niese, Michelle C. Nihizer, Richard J. Nilson, Emily D. Nissen, Nicholas R. Noack, Daniela Noble, Eugene J. Noble, Jesse T. Nock, Kathleen M. Noffsinger, Marie E. Nolan, Gail T. Nolan, Kate C. Noreikas, Shannon L. Norman, Brenda S. Norman, Gabriel N. Norman, Mallerie K. Norris, Cody C. Norris, Natalie I. Norrod, Wendy A. North, Blair D. North, Tanya L. Norton, Garrett R. Norton, Jeffrey A. Norvell, Jennifer L. Nourse, Miranda C. Novak, Edward J. Novak, Kayla M. Nunamaker, Nicole R. Nyamdorj, Maral Nyamjav, Enkhjargal Nye, Jared L. Nystrom, Leah E. O Connell Carne, Christina O’Brien, Daniel R. O’Brien, Jennifer L. O’Brien, Stephanie L. O’Bryan, David E. O’Callaghan, Sean J. O’Connor, Kristopher M. O’Connor, Robert A. O’Hara, Katherine M. Staff of Sinclair Community College 2012 Winter Dean’s List. Dean’s List Page 6 | the Clarion O’Neal, Aaron C. O’Neal, Kimberly L. Oakes, Kimberly D. Oberle, Alexandra S. Ocampo, Hannah E. Ochs, Mitzi G. Ogan, Evelyn R. Ogden, Jessica R. Ogletree, Dorian G. Ohaegbu, Kennedy E. Okafor, Adaeze B. Olekas, Tracey B. Oliver, April M. Oliver, Kelly C. Oliver, Rachel A. Oliver, Robyn D. Olsen, Jacob A. Olson, Constance E. Omer, Bryan S. Oney, Jeffrey D. Oney, Kimberly K. Ooten, Okey W. Oppong, Kofi Orahood, Josh S. Oross, Cayla M. Ortiz, Cassandra L. Ortiz, Dionicio Osborne, Carla C. Osborne, Cheri N. Osborne, Pamela A. Osborne, Samuel S. Osborne-Hicks, Janet Osburn, Jake R. Osgood, Tiffany A. Osswald, Aaron R. Osswald, Beth J. Osterberg, Jerod J. Osterhues, Matthew R. Otis, Heather M. Ott, Amber K. Outcalt, Kimberly L. Ovenshire, Jeremy K. Overman, Terry A. Overmeyer, Toni D. Owen, Cynthia M. Owen, Kimberly A. Owens, Pierre T. Owens, Ross K. Owens, Savannah B. Owens, Tracy L. Owens, Wesley C. Owensby, Cynthia A. Owings, Joseph D. Oyler, Frederick S. Ozvath, Andrew B. Pace, Emily L. Pacifico, Nicole I. Packet, Taylor M. Paeg, Stefanie E. Paige, Christina D. Paine, Anastasia D. Palmer, Allyn L. Palmer, Eric A. Palmer, Gregg A. Palmer, Lena A. Palmer, Mary E. Palmer, Shane A. Panday, Nisha Pankey, Theresa A. Parcells, Michael D. Park, Amos D. Parker, Shequita D. Parker, Tammy L. Parkinson, Cynthia A. Parks, Lois G. Parlett, Kenneth E. Parmer, Edward A. Parrett, Jessica L. Parris, Christopher E. Parson, Daenique I. Parsons, Tyler J. Partin, Brian K. Partin, Elizabeth K. Paschal, Pamela D. Pastiva, Charlie M. Patch, Aubrie L. Pate, Jeremiah S. Pate, John L. Pate, Virginia R. Patel, Monica Patrick, Corrie M. Patrick, Robin Patrick, Yvonnia M. Patten, Matthew A. Patterson, Craig S. Patton, Christine L. Patton, Miranda D. Patton, Nichole A. Paul, Meghan D. Pavelka, Adrienne D. Pavlyak, Paula E. Payne, Dale Payne, Sebastian M. Paynter, Stephanie Jo. Payton, Robyn L. Peacock, Christina M. Peak, Lucinda J. Peak, Shannon K. Pearson, Gregg W. Peck, Daniel D. Peck, Dayan K. Pederson, Hilary C. Peele, Gerald E. Peffly, Darlene M. Pegram, Tawamda M. Peiffer, Kesha M. Pelaez, Michael J. Pelfrey, Ryan K. Pemberton, Bobbi J. Pemberton, Deborah L. Pence, Louise Pence, Pamela J. Penn, Sharia K.. Penn, Shartia L H. Penny, Matthew C. Penquite, Kerianne L. Penrod, Randall P. Penrod, Sondra A. Pepiot, Kathleen G. Pequignot, Amy R. Pequignot, Chelsea Pequignot, Paul N. Perdue, Bethany R. Perel, Maxim M. Perez, Jose A. Perkins, Caleb J. Perkins, James E. Perkins, Jonathan L. Perry, James R. Petac, Dawn L. Peterangelo, Davina A. Peters, Carley J. Peters, Cheryl L. Peters, Dottie Sue. Peterson, Anna M. Peterson, Clinton N. Peterson, Ian E. Peterson, Joseph W. Peterson, Kristen M. Peterson, Sandra K. Petkewitz, Jami L. Petonke, Dylan J. Petrey, Michael Pettiford, Stephen M. Petty, John A. Peyton, Morgan C. Pfeffenberger, Josephine Pfeffenberger, Rozen A. Pfuntner, Marah E. Pham, Viet M. Phelps, Angela C. Phelps, Sarah E. Phelps, Stevie T. Phillabaum, Allyson M. Phillips, Charles T. Phillips, Emma N. Phillips, Gina S. Phillips, Jeffrey S. Phillips, Lisa M. Phillips, Olivia A. Phillips, Rachael E. Phillips, Roberta L. Phillips, Sydney M. Phipps, Ian D. Piatt, Ronald T. Pickney, Tyler J. Pierce, Ashley N. Pierce, Janae L. Pierce, Marissa K. Piergies, Robert Pierson, Shelbi B. Pierstorff, Sarah L. Pignotti, Berna K. Pina, Demian Pinkston, Amy G. Pinkston, Olivia D. Pinney, Melissa L. Piper, Douglas D. Pitman, Terry W. Pitsenbarger, Kyle A. Pittman, Kimberly S. Pitts, Johnita L. Pitzer, Madison M. Place, Melissa J. Planitzer, Leslie E. Plante, Phyllis K. Platt, Rick A. Plowman, Michael S. Plummer, Crista Kay. Plummer, Kelli R.. Poffenberger, Sonja M. Pohlman, Jamie N. Pointer, Brandi L. Pointer, Lawrence D. Poland, Harold M. Polete, Carrie E. Poling, Robert S. Pollard, Rhonda M. Pollock, Lisa M. Pomp, Rebecca F. Ponder, Kevin W. Pontius, Zeb C. Pope, Jessica E. Pope, Rachael L. Pope, Whitney L. Porter, Derek A. Porter, Julie L. Porter, Martha K. Portis-Aikens, Janita J. Potter, Vannessa Y. Potterf, William H. Pottkotter, Theresa M. Potts, Sara M. Potts, Summer M. Powell, Aaron J. Powell, John D. Powell, Marcia Powell, Michelle M. Powell, Steven C. Powers, Savanah M. Prall, Ana C. Prather, Jessica M. Pratt, Elisabeth T. Pratt, Lisa Prell, Terence S. Prenger, Todd A. Presley, Bryant J. Presley, Jason T. Preston, Amanda C. Prewitt, Nancy J. Prewitt, Sheree C. Price, Brently S. Price, Jason B. Price, Jonathan M. Price, Mitchell R. Price, Robert M. Price, Tammy E. Price, Tedd A. Pride, Christina A. Pridemore, Cynthia L. Prince, Adrienne L. Prince, Peyton R. Prindle, Goldie M. Priser, Daniel L. Proctor, Patricia J. Proeschel, Andrew K. Proia, Grant S. Protos, Alexander N. Protzman, Andrew D. Pruitt, Aaron A. Pruitt, Benjamin J. Pryor, Shannon R. Ptacek, Robert J. Ptacek, Robert N. Puckett, Amanda L. Puckett, Tracie D. Pumphrey, Christina Purcell, Nicolette A. Purpura, Jeffrey T. Puthoff, Jennifer E. Puthoff, Victoria A. Putman, Ryan Pyles, Sarah J. Quick, Matthew J. Quillen, Cheyenne N. Quillen, Keith E. Quinlan, Brooke R. Quinn, Evelyn Rababah, Farah M. Rabon, Ciara T. Raczak, Tracy A. Radcliffe, Kelsey T. Rader, Penelope S. Radford, Andrew B. Rado, Kayleigh N. Rai, Ruchi S. Railsback, Courtney L. Raines, Floyd M. Rains, Miranda K. Raja, Mehreen A. Ram, Saranya Ramirez, Crissea G. Ramke, Allison M. Randall, Sherrie L. Randolph, Justin M. Raney, Michelle L. Ranly, Benjamin D. Ranly, Monica J. Rarick, Brad M. Ras, Gregory V. Ratliff, Kyle R. Ravencraft, Miranda E. Ray, Diana K. Ray, John H. Ray, John M. Ray-Schmidt, Bonnie M. Rayford, Jermar A. Rayford, Richard E. Reardon, Debra S. Redmon, Tacoyia M. Reed, Andrea M. Reed, Ariel L. Reed, Bradley M. Reed, Carla L. Reed, Chasity L. Reed, Christopher W. Reed, Jailen D.. Reed, Katie L. Reed, Melissa M. Reed, Michael C. Reed, Molly A. Reed, Sara M. Reed, Tiffinnie Y. Reese, Ashton R. Reese, Matthew T. Reeves, Mari M. Reeves, Nicholas J. Reeves, Stacy L. Regner, Mark G. Regulski, Douglas Reherman, Loria D. Rehmke, Rhonda K. Reid, Brittanie Y. Reid, Christopher L. Reis, Nicholas J. Reissig, Jodi L. Reitter, Shahanna M. Reliford, Tanner R. Rembold, Jennifer Remenowsky, Emily M. Rench, Terry L. Renk, Michael C. Renken, Kelcee B. Renner, Amanda F. Renner, Kenneth E. Reno, Madison S. Rensch, Robert E. Rentz, Elisabeth A. Reser, Kelleen M. Ressa, Heather N. Reyes, Hester K. Reyes, Leigh A. Reynolds, Janae Reynolds, Jennifer L. Reynolds, Mason L. Rice, Angela Rice, Darryll A. Rice, Emily D. Rice, Mary R. Rice, Ryan P. Rich, Dennis R. Richards Bailor, Duncan Richards, David L. Richardson, De’Andre A. Richardson, Nicole L. Richter, Ben Ricker, Lindsey R. Ricks, Jasmine K. Riedel, Jerry W. Riege, Kevin L. Riegle, John C. Rieser, Christopher R. Riffe, Angela L. Rigdon, Terra A. Riggs, Carrie R. Riggs, Danielle N. Rigney, Kristian M. Rigsbee, Cassandra J. Riley, Holly R. Riley, Michelle S. Rinehart, Shawn A. Ring, William N. Rippey, Jennifer M. Ritchie, Christopher A. Ritchie, Daniel L. Ritchie, Jennifer M. Ritter, Jeremy Ritter, Tamara L. Rittinger, Hailee J. Ritz, David A. Rivera, Ana Maria. Rivera, Angel A. Rivera-Clack, Stefan A. Rivers, Garland P. Roach, John E. Robellard, Ashley M. Roberts, Aprill R. Roberts, Benjamin D. Roberts, Dawn D. Roberts, Dawn M. Roberts, Denise L. Roberts, Elise E. Roberts, Isabelle K. Roberts, Jenna R. Roberts, Kristin P. Roberts, Leah E. Roberts, Terrell D. Roberts, Tiffany C. Roberts, Winter D. Robertson, Christa M. Robertson, Richard W. Robertson, Robin D. Robinette, Jeffrey S. Robinette, Kylee A. Robinson, Casey J. Robinson, David S. Robinson, Deanna D. Robinson, Jennifer A. Robinson, John T. Robinson, Marcelious Robinson, Michelle L. Robinson, Vitoria L. Robson, Aimee M. Rocheleau, Rebekah M. Rock, Justin D. Rock, Sebastian Roddy, Alexa L. Rodgers, Matthew A. Rodriguez Perez, Julio C. Rodriguez, Carmen S. Roe, Chris Roe, Tammy L. Rogers, Brent J. Rogers, Rhawnie E. Rogers, Yelena V. Rohl, Amber A. Rolfe, Grace K. Roll, Brian P. Rolph, Charles D. Roman, Anthony M. Romer, Christianna J. Romer, Georgia G. Romero, Christopher D. Rooks, Amanda I. Rooney, Aarika B. Rooney, Alicia M. Root, Sara Roper, Beth A. Rose, Amanda S. Rose, Catherine M. Rose, John R. Rose, Jordan R. Rose, Lisa M. Rose, Tammy A. Rosengarten, Amy E. Rosengarten, Elyse N. Ross, Cheryl F. Ross, Garry A. Ross, Kathryn J. Ross, Thomas C. Ross, Tyler S. Rossman, Justine A. Roth, Zachary J. Rother, Nicole A. Rothwell, Sheena M. Rotterman, Keith A. Rountree, Hazel G. Rouse, Julianne R. Rousseau, Viki L. Routson, Logan T. Rovi-Mosley, Cas A. Rowe, Barry J. Rowekamp, Cody M. Rowekamp, Monica Rowley, Erin D. Ruble, Gabrielle J. Ruby, Michelle M. Rucker, Elmer D.. Rudolph, Lillian D. Rue, Cindy R. Ruef, Michael J. Ruiz, Suleima Rumsey, Elisha S. Runion, Micah J. Rushlow, Danielle C. Russell, Andrea N. Russo, Emily R. Rust, Ryan J. Ruthers, Denise K. Rutledge, David A. Ruvuzandekwe, PierreClave Ryan, Justin R. Ryan, Kelli M. Ryan, Lisa M. Rybka, Billie L. Rydalch, Jeralyn N. Ryoke, Mai Ryon, Scott A. Sabin, Amy L. Sacksteder, David Z. Sacksteder, Matt T. Sadler-Holmes, Kelly Sagness, Connor M. Sagraves, Wayne G. Sakosky, Brian P. Saleh, Ahmad M. Saleh, Iba A. Salehi, Reona A. Salley, Taja A. Salsbury, Analicia N. Salwe, Nuradin Y. Salyer, Destiny L. Salyer, Rose M. Salyer, Scott M. Salyers, Amber R. Salyers, Daniel J. Salyers, Kathleen M. Samb, Seydina M. Sammon, Daniel J. Sample, Eric E. Samples, Christine M. Sams, Angela I. Sams, Nicholas A. Sanchez, Joel Sanchez, Morgan A. Sanders, Jenna L. Sanders, Jill C. Sanders, Kody W. Sanders, Victoria N. Sanderson, Benjamin R. Sandifer, Michele A. Sandry, Jerod J. Sandstrom, Morgan D. Sandusky, Jonathan A. Sanford, Dajuan T. Sanning, Carla M. Santana, Alba C. Santel, John E. Santoro, Briana M. Sapp, Cole M. Sarber, Lynore Sath, Buna Sato, Anne R. Satterfield, Hollyann M. Satterthwaite, Hannah E. Saulnier, Vincent M. Saunders, Lana J. Savage, Michelle N. Sawada, Hakkie M. Sawchek, Samuel R. Sax, Leah T. Saxon, Warren N. Scarberry, Kelsey A. Schaefer, Abigail E. Scheiding, Kevin A. Schell, Steven R. Schellhase, Joshua C. Schepers, Joan L. Schiller, Robert F. Schirack, Laura E. Schirtzinger, John G. Schirtzinger, Melissa Schlater, Abigail N. Schlein, Racheal E. Schmaltz, Tammy Schmidt, Joseph E. Schmidt, Joseph G. Schmidt, Michele L. Schmidt, Stacy N. Schneider, Ashley N. Schneider, Jon C. Schneider, Rachel E. Schneider, Steven J. Schnipke, Jennifer M. Schoch, Richard M. Schock, Richard T. Schoellman, Adam J. Schommer, Elizabeth S. Schrader, Glenn R. Schreiver, Albert J. Schroeder, Jenny R. Schubert, Megan M. Schuler, Joshua P. Schulte, Michelle M. Schulz, Christen L. Schulz, Jenny S. Schumaker, Seth L. Schwab, Katherine M. Schwartz, Amber E. Schwer, Cheryl M. Schwerdtfeger, James A. Schwerin, Steven R. Schwieterman, Ben A. Schwieterman, Jessica M. Scope, Antoinette D. Scott, Amber N. Scott, Brittney N. Scott, Crystal M. Scott, Emmalai P. Scott, Joan M. Scott, Jordan D. Scott, Lindsey B. Scott, Madison L. Scott, Maria Scott, Terry W. Seale, Casey N. Seals, Lindsay Sears, Amber D. Sebastinas, Allison L. Secrist, Leah A. Sedam, Sara A. Sedlack, Timothy S. Seebach, Danielle C. Seeloff, Jeffrey A. Seiber, Jonathan R. Seibert, John N. Seiter, Lindsey N. Seitz, Rebecca L. Selhorst, Brianna R. Sellassie, Amaha Selleck, Kimberly M. Selogic, Sarah E. Seniours, Peggy L. Sereda, Noelle K. Serenius, Michael A. Serger, Jane M. Severyn, Kristine M. Seward, Brandi R. Sexton, Jessica L. Shade, Douglas A. Shade, Mark T. Shade, Zachary M. Shafer, Cristina Shafer, Justin M. Shaffer, Andrew R. Shaffer, Joseph C. Shaffer, Kevin A. Shakhbandarov, Ismat B. Shanks, Pamela S. Shannon, Raymond L. Sharkey, Emily M. Sharkey, Kevin B. Sharkey, Peter W. Sharma, Minakshi Sharp, Laura A. Sharp, Lauren T. Sharp, Melissa E. Sharp, Patricia K. Sharp, Randall S. Sharrett, Eric G. Sharritt, Jo Dona L. Shatto, Amber R. Shaw, Christina N. Shaw, Danielle A. Shaw, James A. Shaw, Megan L. Shaw, Sally J. Shearer, Maria I. Sheets, Christopher R. Sheets, Destiny N. Sheets, Shannon D. Shellabarger, Abagail E. Shelton, Cynthia M. Shelton, Pamela M. Shelton, Stephen A. Shelton, Steven J. Shenefield, Dusty S. Shepherd, Jeremy L. Shepherd, Tina S. Sherman, Ebony E. Sherrill, Stephanie A. Sherwood, Kimberly J. Shevlin, Camela Sheward, Leslie E. Shields, Charlotte M. Shields, Destinee A. Shields, James C. Shier, Charles R. Shifflett, Tresa M. Shilt, Kristyn D. Shindeldecker, Heather D. Shinkle, Amanda W. Shippley, Benjamin S. Shively, Crystal M. Shiver, Randall A. Shivler, Paul A. Shockley, Cynthia L. Shoen, Angela S. Shomper, Rebecca M. Shores, Lindsey B. Short, Andrea M. Short, Christopher J. Shorter, Gary L. Shoup, Lauren O. Shouse, Keith S. Shover, Gayle A. Shrout, Rebecca A. Shroyer, Kristin R. Shurts, Mallory L. Shurubko, Vlas Sieben, Joseph E. Sieben, Laura B. Siefert, Linda R. Silcott, Jeffery A. Simeliunaite, Gabriele Simerson, Charla J. Simmons, Christine A. Simonich, Juliana M. Simonich, Sara N. Simons, John A. Simonson, Jennifer M. Simpson, Evan F. Sims, Dillon E. Sineff, Kari L. Singh, Shweta Singleton, Jamie E. Sisco, Craig M. Siska, Staci L. Sisson, Ryan N. Sizemore, Jennifer L. Sizemore, Jeremy D. Sizemore, Kayla J. Sizemore, Lydia R. Sizemore, Phillip M. Skalley, Megan E. Skapik, Wendy L. Skidmore, Jonathan C. Skinner, Kelsey R. Skipper, Margaret R. Slade, Larry L. Slade, Sandra D. Slagel, Miranda L. Slagle, Jeremy S. Slemker, Aaron F. Sloop, William C. Slupe, Megan E. Slusser, Linda A. Smiley, Katrina K. Smith, Adam L. Smith, Alisha D. Smith, Andrew C. Smith, Andrew J. Smith, Anthony M. Smith, Barbara P. Smith, Bradley N. Smith, Brittany M. Smith, Caitlin M. Smith, Chase D. Smith, Christina E. Smith, Cindy M. Smith, Derek S. Smith, Ebony S. Smith, Gretchen Smith, James F. Smith, Jamie L. Smith, Jasmine P. Smith, Jennifer L. Smith, Jenny M. Smith, Jeremiah J. Smith, Jessica L. Smith, Jordan D. Smith, Julie S. Smith, Karen R. Smith, Katherine G. Smith, Kirk Smith, Krista M. Smith, Larry Wayne. Smith, Matthew S. Smith, Michelle R. Smith, Naqasia L. Smith, Nicholas D. Smith, Patricia E. Smith, Randy B. Smith, Rebecca A. Smith, Robert D. Smith, Ronney G. Smith, Shane T. Smith, Shawna D. Smith, Shirley D. Smith, Stacy N. Smith, Steven L. Smith, Tahirah B. Smith, Takesha M. Smith, Tammy J. Smith, Tara L. Smith, Taylor W. Smith, Zachary D. Smithson, Andrea K. Smrtnik, Evan J. Snell, William Q. Snelling, Thomas D. Snider, Daniel K. Snider, Mary K. Snowden, Justin G. Snyder, Angela M. Snyder, Brettney S. Snyder, Kevin J. Solmni, Rackvin Sommerkorn, Rachel A. Sonko, Bubacarr Soper, Jeffrey W. Sopiwnik, Andrea L. Sorge, Christopher E. Sorrell, Shawna M. Sortman, Jeffrey L. South, Caroline E. South, Darcey N. Southerland, Benjamin K. Sove, Daniel J. Spain, Jennifer A. Sparks, David B. Sparks, Julie Sparks, Robert J. Spaulding, Dawn M. Spaw, Kaitlyn D. Speaker, David C. Spears, Amanda I. Spears, Reyna C. Specht, Eric J. Specter, Daniel Speed, Michelle C. Spellman, Heather M. Spence, Kaylee J. Spencer, Lori A. Spencer, Symantha P. Speyrer, Julia M. Spicer, Amanda R. Spinks, Benjamin J. Spirnak, Stephen A. Spitler, Amanda D. Spitz, Cassandra J. Spitz, Samantha J. Spitzig, Dennis M. Spivey, Rebekah E. Sponsler, Rebecca L. Spoonamore, Beth A. Spradling, Hailie A. Spreckelmeier, Laura A. Spreher, Tiffany E. Spriegel, Nathan E. Sprinkle, Anna E. Sprinkle, Tammy K. Stacey, Kathleen L. Stacy, Anthony W. Stacy, Joshua W. Stafford, Jessica R. Stafford, Justin T. Stahl, Constanza K. Stahl, Katherine J. Stahl, Kelsey C. Staker, Trevor S. Stalhood, Megan E. Stallard, John J. Stalter, Megan M. Stamper, Christopher L. Stamper, Kenneth G. Stamps, Anila T. Stang, Renay Stanley, Kristal D. Stansell, Shawn D. Stanton, Sarah B. Stanton, Tana A. Stapleton, Bradley Starkey, Jacob R. Starks, Christopher P. Staton, Bethany L. Staton, Stephanie N. Staup, Jenna M. Stebbins, Brian N. Stedron, Christopher D. Steed, Laura E. Steele, Kimberly A. Steele, Mary E. Steffenson, Elyssa M. Stein, Christine M. Stein, Margarett E. Steiner, Amy E. Steiner, Christine A. Steiner, Nathaniel R. Steinhauer, Rebecca L. Stemberski, Kaitlyn R. Stemley, Megan A. Stemp, David E. Stephens, Angila J. Stephens, April M. Stephens, Shaun T. Stephenson, Kortnie D. Stepp, Daniel C. Stern, Sarah R. Stevens, Denyse Stevens, John M. Stevens, Lila A. Stevens, Mark H. Stevenson, Craig A. Stewart, Anthony W. Stewart, Chloeasiah R. Stewart, Madison T. Stewart, Marcy A. Stewart, Michelle K. Stewart, Sequoia S. Stewart, Yvonne M. Stickley, Amy E. Stiles, Neal J. Stillwell, Steven D. Stinnett, Jamarr R. Stinson, Jessica N. Stock, Bradley J. Stockman, Timothy A. Stocks, Mary L. Stoddard, Stephen T. Stone, Dustin J. Stone, Kyle J. Stone, Shari N. Stone, Travis M. Stoner, Hannah E. Stonerock, Ali J. Stookey, Andrea J. Storar, Savannah L. Stover, Jon J. Stover, Melissa D. Stover, Nathan R. Stowe, Christina C. Strahan, Elise N. Strain, Pamela D. Straka, Laura A. Stratford, Mark R. Stratton, Sara A. Straub-Haskins, Tamelee J. Strayer, Lee A. Streator, Nathan Z. Streb, Ryan T. Street, Daniel L. Strehle, Traves J. Streuli, Samantha A. Strickland, Valerie G. Stringfellow, Russel L. Stringfield, Damian G. Stringfield, Erin M. Strong, Randall E. Stubblefield, Heather M. Stuckey, Joseph T. Studebaker, Brandon E. Studebaker, Quan Stull, Luann M. Stull, Lyndsey E. Stultz, Kendra L. Stump, Kelsey D. Stupak, Alan C. Sturm, Kimberly M. Sturr, Zariah A. Stutzman, Beverly Styn, Brandi M. Suber, Jeniece A. Suda, Angela L. Suder, Ruby A. Suel, Rachel R. Suiter, Chris M. Summers, Heather Sue. Sumner, Kelly E. Sumner, Nicole L. Sumra, Kulraj S. Sunderland, Holly A. Sunderland, Lauren A. Sunnatcheva, Zulfinari I. Suter, Billy J. Suters, Amber R. Sutherland, Sara A. Sutter, Kayla C. Suttles, Jessica D. Suttman, Megan E. Sutton, Gloria A. Sutton, Heather Sutton, Rachel M. Swader, Holly L. Swain, John K. Swallows, Todd M. Swank, Mary C. Swann, Joshua R. Swartwout, Andrea N. Swartz, Elizabeth M. Swartz, Mark D. Sweeney, Bryan L. Sweet, Angela M. Swiger, Rachel Swisher, Gary A. Swisher, Patsy L. Swob, Jamie L. Swope, MacKenzie L. Sylvester, Melikia S. Symes, Robert J. Szanto, Rebecca J. Szeman, Jessica R. Szenay, Samantha J. Szymanski, Pamula A. Tabor, Nancy L. Tackett, Jacquelyn A. Tackett, Jason A. Tait, Shaun R. Talbot, Kathryn L. Talley, Micheal E. Tangeman, Erin L. Tankersley, Alyssa R. Tartaro, Linda Tarulli, Cassie L. Tate, Valerie L. Tateman, Joshua A. Taulbee, Granvel P. Taylor, Barbara J. Taylor, Bennie S. Taylor, Cecelia M. Taylor, Charles E. Taylor, Gregory D. Taylor, Jeremy D. Taylor, Kyle J. Taylor, Maria L. Taylor, Matthew R. Taylor, Michael A. Taylor, Penny E. Taylor, Seth G. Taylor, Sherita D. Taylor, Toriano L. Taylor, Traves L. Taylor-Blake, Lettrice M. Teal, Sharon A. Teeter, Benjamin R. Temme, James M. Temple, Karyn S. Temple, Nicholas A. Teniente, Alberto Terrell, Kristen R. Terry, Bryan D. Terry, Latoya D. Terry, Luke Terry, Nicole M. Terry, Rachel L. Terzin, Bethaney D. Texter, Kyle R. Thacker, Jonathan A. Thacker, Kimberlie E. Tharp, Marivic C. Thatcher, Jessie L. Thaxton, Matthew A. Thibodeau, Linda Thiede, Maria N. Thomas, Angelina M. Thomas, Ashley N. Thomas, Beverly K. Thomas, Briana L. Thomas, Dawn H. Thomas, Lori A. Thomas, Nicholas B. Thomas, Sarah E. Thomas, Scott D. Thomas, Staci L. Thomas, Weslin F. April 10, 2012 Thomason, Desteny M. Thomason, Kayla R. Thompson, Andrea D. Thompson, Andrew S. Thompson, Charles R. Thompson, Courtney L. Thompson, David L. Thompson, Jacqueline C. Thompson, John D. Thompson, Justin T. Thompson, Marvin L. Thompson, Stephanie C. Thompson, Terrance C. Thorn, Matthew A. Thornburg, Victor D. Thornton, Catherine A. Thorpe, Sarah A. Threlkeld, Jennifer N. Tidd, Nickolaus M. Tielbur, Kiel W. Till, William C. Tillberry, Tyler J. Tilley, Sueronna N. Timberman, Tabatha N. Timmer, William S. Tinch, Veronica L. Tindall, Heather Lea. Tingler, Robert B. Tipton, Amber E. Tipton, Emily F. Tipton, Olivia A. Titcombe, David M. Titus, Jessica M. To, Terumi Tobe, Christina M. Todd, Marcus N. Todd, Travis L. Tohill, Eva C. Tolle, Lisann M. Tomlin, Shawn M. Tomlinson, Heather R. Tompkins, David R. Tompkins, Micah N. Toops, Jenna L. Toops, Morgan R. Tope, Tyler J. Toro-Wooten, Carmen M. Towe, Kevin A. Towe, Kimberly N. Towery, Madie E. Tozier, Nicholas D. Tracy, Denise L. Tracy, Robert M. Trammell, Brandon A.. Trammell, Joshua N. Tran, Ly N. Tran, Phuong T. Tran, Thi D. Trapp, Kevin D. Travis, Stephanie L. Traylor, James F. Trego, Sydney M. Trent, Beth A. Tresslar, Kirk A. Trick, Samantha E. Trimbach, Janet L. Triplett, Chloe R. Tripp, Ryan A. Trochelman, Emily J. Troidl, Julia A. Trosper, Joei L. Trowbridge, Ryan Troxell, Brittany N. Trusty, Wilson T. Truxal, Thomas W. Tschirhart, John R. Tuck, Dakota L. Tucker, Daniel P. Tucker, Steven M. Tudor, Andrew J. Tuey, Charles D. Tull, Natalie R. Turner, Andrew J. Turner, Dionta E. Turner, Joshua M. Turner, Kimberly J. Turner, Stephen C. Turner-Price, Joyce E. Turpin, Brittainy G. Turton, Jacob M. Twine, Aimee E. Twomey, Beverly J. Tyler, Brett A. Tynes, Pamela K. Tyson, Carla N. Ueckert, Chantel M. Updyke, Colleen M. Uptegraft, Gretchen M. Uzzel, Lisa W. Vadnais, Emily E. Valenzuela, Joseph D. Valiquette, Lawrence E. Van Brunt, Andrea L. Van Doren, Eric W. Van Oss, Cassandra N. Van Winkle, Bobby J. Van Zant, Shelley A. VanPelt, Andrew S. Vance, Cory Daniel. Vance, Jenna R. Vander Ark, Kyle J. Vanderburgh, Ellen Marie Vann, Constance M. Vann, Jeffrey A. Vargas, Leslie K. Varner, Sara E. Varvel, Mark J. Varvel, Rachael G. Vasfiev, Svetlana B. Vasquez, Brandon M. Vaughn, Cheryl Lynn. Velez, Ashley N. Veliz, Nicole M. Vencill, Kyle S. Verlin, Carine Vermillion, Kasey M. Vermillion, Ryan M. Via, Shanna G. Via, Taylor J. Vickers, Whitney N. Vieth, Andrew T. Vignon, Erin R. Vilches, Kaye A. Vincent, Aaron M. Vinson, Faye M. Vlasic, Amanda L. Vo, Toan Q. Vollmer, Cynthia A. Volpatti, Katherine I. Von Lehmden, Katherine Von Maluski, Barbara J. Vorhees, Amanda A. Voris, Michelle L. Voshall, Mary L. Vostad, Derek W. Votaw, Jenna L. Vozel, Alexandria N. Vue, Por Soua Waddell, Leslie M. Wade, Nichole A. Wadkins, Timothy J. Wagers, Nancy D. Wagers, Scott C. Wages, Benjamin W. Wagner, Anthony L. Wagoner, Caleb M. Wahdan, Saja M. Wahl, Kendra K. Wailes, Candice L. Waite, Ariel S. Waizmann, David M. Walden, Megan A. Walden, Sharon A. Walker, Chasity J. Walker, Hadley J. Walker, Jessica J. Walker, Jill A. Walker, Julie D. Walker, Lora M. Walker, Troy T. Walkup, Kathy D. Wall, Taylor M. Wallace, Amanda M. Wallace, Brandon Wallace, Brittany L. Wallace, Christan M. Wallace, Hope R. Wallace, Kyle A. Wallace, Lauren E. Wallace, Sara A. Wallace, Shelbi C. Wallen, Trisha D. Walls, Tracey L. Walters, Brian J. Walters, Kenneth E. Walton, Melanie Walton, Tuangrat Walton, Zachary T. Wameling, Jennifer A. Wamsley, Brandon M. Wanamaker, Christopher Wang, Yihong Ward, Amanda O. Ward, Brandy L. Ward, Judy A. Ward, Kaitlynd A. Ward, Sarah B. Warden, Christopher D. Warden, Phyllis J. Ware, William J. Warmoth, Carrie A. Warner, Bethany J. Warner, Brennan D. Warren, Bradley M. Warren, Joe P. Warvel, Deven R. Warwick, Debra Warych, George F. Washington, LaDonia A. Wasik, Anna E. Watamaniuk, Spencer N. Watkins, Calvin F. Watkins, Candace L. Watkins, Daniel R. Watkins, Heather A. Watkins, Tiffany R. Watson, Anna M. Watson, Jason A. Watson, Jessica L. Watson, Kathleen A. Watson, Krystal L. Watson, Lyndsey N. Watson, Spencer C. Watt, Jennie M. Watts, Christopher M. Watts, Heather N. Waymire, Joshua D. Weaver, Shawna G. Webb, Carmen Webb, Rebecca M. Webb, Shana L. Weber, Angela D. Weber, Charlotte A. Webster, Kimberly L. Webster, Thomas A. Weeks, Justin C. Weems, Seth D. Weidlich, Amy J. Weihing, Tyler J. Weikert, Krystle A. Weikert, Mary L. Weimer, Stacey L. Weingartner, Julie Weir Thorpe, Christina M. Weisenborn, Chris M. Weiss, Samantha R. Weitz, Toni L. Welch, Nancy A. Welch, Sheryl J. Wellman, Matthew A. Wells, April L. Wells, Ayla N. Wells, Catlin M. Wells, Eddy A. Wells, Emily N. Wells, Ian R. Wells, Jennifer L. Wells, Joseph M. Wells, Kristen E. Wells, Sheila J. Wemple, Cathy S. Wende, Carla M. Weneck, Adam D. Wentz, Luke W. Werling, Holly A. Wermert, Christa C. Wertz, Kasie M. Wesche, Kristen L. West, Alexander B. West, Allison N. West, Derrick S. West, Jesse D. West, Whitney N. Westbeld, Amanda A. Westbeld, Joseph T. Westover, Claudia Westover, Marc A. Weyhrauch, Michele L. Weyrauch, Robert A. Whalen, Kathryn M. Wharton, Paul S. Wheatley, Alyssa P. Wheatley, Kaelah B. Wheeldon, Tara M. Wheeler, Aaron M. Wheeler, Barbara L. Wheeler, Candy A. Wheeler, Evan J. Wheeler, Garion M. Wheeler, Jason Matthew. Wheeler, Jessica M. Wheeler, Mike J. Wheeler, Nancy T. Whetstone, Julianne M. Whipp, Ethan C. Whitaker, Dakota D. Whitaker, Mark S. Whitby, Michael F. White, Adam M. White, Adrian J. White, Blaine A. White, Bryant L. White, Cristina White, Daniel J. White, George H. White, Jennifer M. White, Lorinda A. White, Melissa D. White, Vanessa M. Whiteaker, Oscar N. Whitehead, Jacqueline M. Whitehead, Kim M. Whitehouse, Jeffrey M. Whitfield, James M. Whiting, Crystal L. Whitley, Traci N. Whitmeyer, Jaime M. Whitmore, Brandi N. Whitt, Jacob W. Whittaker, Eric R. Whittaker, Michael J. Whittemore, Kim A. Whitten, Lisa N. Whitten, William J. Whittle, Lindsay C. Whittle, Tahtanisha A. Whitworth, Bruce E. Widau, Terri L. Wiechmann, Benjamin R. Wiedenhaupt, Lance R. Wiederhold, Leslie R. Wiederhold, Stephanie L. Wiesemann, Amanda D. Wiesman, James K. Wiest, Michelle R. Wiggins, Raevene N. Wight, Gregory C. Wilcox, Melany A. Wild, Laura E. Wilds, Sabrina K. Wiley, Andrew V. Wilhite, Rachel L. Wilkerson, Brian G. Wilkes, Sheree J. Wilkie, Kathryn D. Willett, Abigail J. Willett, Bethany M. Williams, Acacia Ayn L. Williams, Alexander L. Williams, Andrea L. Williams, Ashley N. Williams, Bethany R. B Williams, Brenda L. Williams, Charmaine J. Williams, Courtney L. Williams, Denise M. Williams, Hannah M. Williams, Holden C. Williams, Jachlin R. Williams, Jamie D. Williams, Kaitlyn E. Williams, Maxie M. Williams, Melaina S. Williams, Michele R. Williams, Nakeita K. Williams, Porscha S. Williams, Rachel S. Williams, Rhonda L. Williams, Robert M. Williams, Sally L. Williams, Sarah D. Williams, Sarah E. Williams, Shawna M. Williams, Stephanie L. Williams, Tamara S. Williams, Traci L. Williams, Tracy L. Williams, Zach A. Williamson, Andrew L. Williamson, Breanna C. Williamson, Karlene D. Willis, Daniel J. Willis, Pete L. Willmann, Janelle L. Wills, Michael T. Wilson, Ashley L. Wilson, Brittney S. C Wilson, Christopher A. Wilson, Dennis E. C Wilson, Diana M. Wilson, Edward J. c Wilson, Hannah K. Wilson, Jason L. Wilson, Jeffrey A. Wilson, Joel D. Wilson, Marlin K. Wilson, Nicole A. Wilson, Paul C. Wilson, Sara K. Wilson, ShaRhonda T. Wilson, Tyler R. Wilson-Poole, Tonicia M. Wiltberger, Rachel F. Winblad, Stuart M. Winburn, Donald G. Wines, Alexandra M. Winfield, Angela K. Winfield, Nicholas B. Wing, Joshua R. Winkfield, Gregory DeVaughn. Winkler, Sarah E. Winterbotham, Michael A. Winteregg, Jordan P. Wintermute, Kyle J. Winters, Chloe L. Winton, Kevin D. Wirthlin, Teresa M. Wise, Curtis J. Wise, Paul D. Wise, Robert D. Wisebaker, Aaron E. Wisecup, Curtis R. Wisecup, Jacqueline Danielle. Wiser, Abigail C. Wissinger, Suellen Wisvari, Jennifer Witker, Kalli L. Wolanczyk, Nicholas M. Wolfe, Clint C. Wolfe, Donald E. Wolfe, Eric C. Wolfe, Rodney A. Wolford, Ian M. Wong, Suanne I. Wood, Johna M. Wood, Nicole D. Woodall, Andrea D. Woodgeard, Shirlene Woodin, Daniel S. Woods, Bradley D. Woods, Brett Michael. Woods, Garrett A. Woods, Jessica N. Woods, Stephanie A. Wooldridge, Amy H. Woolery, Shawna L. Wooten-Ratliff, Tracy Worl, Kaylee M. Worley, David E. Worrell, Micah D. Worthington, Laura A. Woxman, John C. Wright, Catherine L. Wright, David A. Wright, Demichael N. Wright, Edward J. Wright, Eyglo V. Wright, Heather A. Wright, Heather J. Wright, Kelsey C. Wright, Leslie K. Wright, Melissa S. Wright, Rebecca L. Wright, Robert B. Wuebker, Steven M. Wunder, Christina E. Wurst, Kayla M. Wyman, Terri A. Yancey, Erica R. Yarbrough, Alexis D.. Yates, Kimberly A. Yeager, Katherine D. Yoder, Robin D. Yones, Gregory S. Yoon, Jinyeol York, Danielle M. Yost, Gail A. Younce, Marilynn L. Young, Adrian R. Young, Dorothy L. Young, Jennifer R. Young, Julie A. Young, Stacy N. Young, Trevor D. Youngerman, Matthew D. Yount, Camille J. Yousif, Amira A. Yuhasz, Yvette L. Yunker, Desiree’ J. Yurchison, Kathryn R. Zacharias, Terri J. Zahir, Sabry Z. Zaroba, John A. Zartman, Donna J. Zavakos, Zachary N. Zehnder, Joshua B. Zehnder, Sara E. Zehring, Greg S. Zehring, Megan B. Zengel, Cassandra J. Zepernick, Richard J. Zhang, Libao Zhu, Chao Zhu, Libo Zickefoose, Cody R. Ziemer, Stephanie A. Zilli, Gregory W. Zimmer, Nina M. Zimmer, Robert L. Zimmer, Shelby A. Zimmerly, Katlin M. Zimmerman, Daniel V. Zimmerman, Taylor L. Zimmick, Donald M. Zink, Susan M. Zinnecker, Sarah E. Zins, Alan F. Zomaya, Patricia Zornes, Kerri L. Zornes, Zachariah S. Zuber, Danielle C. Zuber, Steven G. Zuehlke, Johnathan M. Zwissler, Colton W. Zwissler, Shantel M. ter Haar, Sterre F. Life Page 7 | the Clarion April 10, 2012 Bluegrass course offered for students of all ages The Sinclair Bluegrass ensemble perform in the basement of Building 2 on Saturday mornings. Cody Lewis Contributing Writer clarion@sinclair.edu If you happen to be in the basement of Building 2 at Sinclair Community College on a Saturday morning, you might hear something you might not have expected—a 30-instrument Bluegrass ensemble. The Sinclair Bluegrass ensemble is a class of musicians who get together on Saturday and jam on bluegrass tunes. Beforehand there is an instructional course for all of the participants involved. photo by Cody Lewis Bluegrass is a subgenre of country music, which was inspired by the music of the Appalachian region. It often incorporates eclectic instrumentation including banjos, mandolin, the dobro (lap guitar) and the fiddle along with more traditional instruments like the guitar and bass. In the Bluegrass ensemble, many of the participants are not actual students. “The class is mostly older folks, who are just auditing. It’s not really so much a class as it is a jam session,” says John Cummings, a student who has been taking the class every Winter and Fall Quarter since 2000. This does not mean that there aren’t younger students who take the class for credit, or that there aren’t students who play in the ensemble who aren’t even of college age. Evan Lanier, 14, has been playing bluegrass instruments since before he can remember and often participates in the class. He is described by the other students as a “prodigy” and often helps the other students, especially the newcomers to stay in sync with the rest of the group. Lanier has also won the Indiana State Banjo Championship in the past and plays in a band called The Bluegrass Express. The class has four instructors that are dedicated to teaching individual students the instruments that are present in the ensemble. A bass player who uses an upright bass is usually present and participants also take turns singing songs for the ensemble. Students have the option of learning from any of the four instructors who will work with the players before the ensemble comes together. Students also ask each other for advice and help as well as the instructors. The teachers involved are Willard “Red” Spurlock (banjo), Ralph Brags (fiddle), Noel Bolen (guitar), Joe Bowman (mandolin) and Bob Hamblin who instructs the ensemble. Even though many of the ensemble’s players are 60 or older, Hamblin is confident that the art form will continue on throughout future generations. “[Bluegrass is] more popular now than it’s ever been, there are 24- hour bluegrass stations on XM Radio these days,” Hamblin says. “And many of our players just keep coming back. It’s a lot of fun.” Hamblin grew up with a family that played bluegrass, and is a self-taught musician who started playing at an early age. He can be seen playing shows around Ohio in his group The Dixie Riders. “It’s an interesting class in that there’s a varying level of experience amongst the players,” says Steve Jones, a banjo player who is in his fifth year of playing with the group. “We all get together and we learn from each other, it’s just pure enjoyment for me. Most of the music is written down in tabs, and a lot of improvisation is added by the players themselves as they see fit.” In the past, students interested in taking the course were able to register in Winter or Fall Quarter under the course number MUS 298. The class is often only offered from September to March because in the spring and summer, the orchestra’s teachers and participants are often busy playing at Mountain Days Festival or other bluegrass events. And while the schedule for semesters has not been finalized, the class will still be offered under MUS 298 W6. “No experience is required and we spend more time with the students taking it for course credit than the auditors who have been here a while,” Hamblin says. “We are always looking for new players.” Facebook impacts user’s lives, for better or for worse Whitney N. Vickers Contributing Writer clarion@sinclair.edu Once upon a time, people wrote letters to stay in contact with distant friends or loved ones. When the telephone was invented and regularly used, people converted to calling one another to stay in touch. Meanwhile, the internet was born, and users would email other users to converse; nowadays, “Friending” someone on Facebook is a new way to connect. Whether using it to stay in touch, meet new people or as a hobby, social networking sites such as Facebook offers a new realm of opportunities while also presenting many dangers to individual user’s lives. Social networking not only affects an individual’s daily routine, but also one’s relationships, way of planning or seeking events, and even hobbies. Fourteen percent of social network- ers are said to unite through a hobby, such as role playing. “Role playing means inhabiting skin as another person; same as writing a novel about another person, as well as being an actor. You create this life for a character and you live it out as you dictate their personality to imaginary circumstances,” said Audrey Spears, 19. When a person uses Facebook to role play, the user will create an account under a different name than their own, create a character, and send messages back and forth to other characters, creating different scenes that the role players will type out and create between the different characters. Throughout the process of role-playing, the users may become very empathetic toward their character. “It’s very stress relieving,” said Carolyn Palmer, 18. “If I’m in a bad mood, I’ll have my character be in a bad mood. Your character will sometimes reflect your thoughts and emotions.” Palmer has been role playing for six years now, and has 11 different role playing accounts. “I love role playing, and I hate when people say it’s a waste of time,” said Palmer. Samuel Brown, 20, once used Facebook to plan and arrange a snowboarding trip. He explains that he didn’t have everyone’s number, so it was easier to plan through Facebook. Brown also adds that he feels that Facebook is a good idea, but doesn’t want to spend too much time on it. “If you spend too much time on Facebook managing your friends, you’re not out meeting new people,” said Brown. 61 percent of users feel closer to another person due to social networking. This is especially true for Nate Mahaffy, 19, whose girlfriend lives an hour and a half away. Mahaffy feels that Facebook is positive for relationships. He said that texting Clarion Be creative. Work at the Clarion. The Clarion is hiring a... Ad Representative Requirements: Minimum of six credit hours on campus 2.0 GPA or above hourly wage and a commission excellent communication and computer skills dependable and detail oriented. 6 to 10 hours per week. Build your portfolio while gaining real life experience. Applications for these positions are on the door at the Clarion office at 8027. and face-to-face communication feels more literal, while Facebook allows more flirting. Kaitlyn Macpherson, 19, whose boyfriend lives in a different state, feels the same way; although adding that Facebook once caused fights between her and her beau. Macpherson has also experienced social networking problems of her own. Macpherson once gained more than 20,000 Myspace friends. Her pictures were being exposed to various websites all around the Internet. She explains that multiple times, different users stole her pictures, her account was “faked” and another user pretended to be her. Macpherson says that her Myspace account was hacked at least four times. Eventually, she gave up on Myspace, and created a Facebook account, where she experienced the same disturbances. She said that her account was hacked again, multiple times. At that point, Macpherson gave up social networking altogether for six months. Now that she’s back online, she points out that she uses Facebook to display her photography pictures and that was her goal all along. Macpherson said that now she watches herself more, has a trickier password and doesn’t “friend” just anybody. With 800 friend requests waiting for her, she no longer bothers to accept the request. “Do what you want to do, but there’s always going to be consequences no matter what. It can happen to anyone,” said Macpherson. Page 8 | the Clarion April 10, 2012 Opinion Page 9 | the Clarion your voice Robert Grote Physical Education April 10, 2012 Q. How do you feel about the Trayvon Martin news story? “As the facts have started to play out, I’ve sort of been torn between who’s side I’m really on. It’s hard to really tell because the media can swing you toward one side, whether it’s right or wrong. It’s funny how that works, but it happens everyday.” Photos by Giustino Bovenzi and Mark Fahey “It’s sad to see somebody that young being shot just for carrying a bag of skittles and walking down the street. For dude to just pull out a gun—it’s [expletive] up.” Curtis Booker “I think it’s ridiculous, to be honest, that this guy’s going to get away with whatever he did, for shooting the guy. I think our justice system is whack.” Missy Ebans Music Education Music Education “I think it was very wrong for him to shoot him over some skittles and some coke. I really do feel bad for the kid, he was really talented too.” Jerica Henderson Nursing Facebook could prevent you from getting hired McClatchy-Tribune News Service (MCT) Be careful about the personal information and opinions you broadcast online, we are wisely and repeatedly told. Anyone from a prospective employer to an insurance company might be interested in details that you’ll regret divulging someday. But employers cross a bright, hard line when they demand, as some do, that job applicants divulge their passwords to Facebook and other social media sites, or have them log on so the interviewer can scrutinize their likes and dislikes, their relationships, their photos, their friends’ personal information. Of course, employers for years have scanned social media and other online sites for information about applicants, including the sometimes impolitic statements or opinions that Facebook users post in public forums or without creating privacy settings that keep their personal profiles privy only to their “friends.” Those postings are fair game. Employers have the same right to peruse publicly available information as anyone else does. Now some are going further, looking into details of applicants’ lives that they’ve divulged only to people they trust (even if those “friends” number 1,000 or more). Although employers assert that their demand for passwords is perfectly legal, we have our doubts. Employers are not allowed to ask a wide range of personal questions about job applicants their age, marital or family status, sexual orientation, religion and so forth, aspects of life that are commonly included in Facebook users’ personal profiles, posts or uploaded photos. Not to mention that access to the applicant’s list of friends allows them to view personal details on people who never gave their permission. Facebook’s response, that its user agreement forbids the sharing or solicitation of passwords, isn’t much help. People who need to pay the rent are usually going to do what it takes to get the job, and the employer might not even be a Facebook subscriber, so it wouldn’t have to abide by the agreement. Employers understandably want to minimize the risk of hiring someone who lacks ordinary discretion or honesty. But the easy availability of information online does not give them the right to digitally enter people’s homes and examine their possessions, family, friends and records. If this is acceptable, why not demand passwords to email accounts? People can be indiscreet in those as well. Several states have moved to pass laws outlawing this practice. Bans on these inquiries are a necessary response to an egregious intrusion. sudoku crossword puzzle solutions Editor Talya Flowers Graphic Designer Jonathan Hammond Spring cleaning inside and out JonVelle McCray Commentary clarion@sinclair.edu Cookouts. Pollen. Allergies. Rain. Life. All of these things come to mind when one thinks of spring and its wondrous elements. Another traditional spring fixation is cleaning. As spring represents the conception of new life, a new perspective is often in the works as well. In Psychology, I learned that often times we express our innermost feelings with an outward display of cleaning. What do we do when we spring-clean our houses or cars? We get rid of all the junk that we don’t need and replace them with things that may actually be of use (until the next year of course). Spring cleaning is important for many reasons. Namely, it allows room for newer tangible items, as it also allows the person cleaning to reconsider what they value. In life, we are taught to place value on things that cost a lot, or provide us with social status. The vanity of this kind of thinking is what retailers rely on. Why don’t you outsmart the salesman this spring and focus on what’s really important to keep in your spring cleaning. The things that should be treasured are things that can’t be thrown out or shined back up with a bottle of Pledge. This year, try upgrading the company you keep and your goals. We often wait until the end of the year to create a resolution, but truthfully, just as we can clean house any time, we can also re-arrange our priorities. The fact is, no matter how much dust you brush off books and furniture, if you’re not also straightening up your life you are starting off spring with the wrong mentality. Race: It’s gotten personal for Obama By Erin Aubry Kaplan Los Angeles Times (MCT) Finally, President Obama has spoken as a black man. It wasn’t entirely on his own initiative, but a question he was asked about Trayvon Martin left him no choice. When he finally spoke, he began haltingly, as if his words were taking him out on a high wire with no net below. This was risky. He said the safe things first: that the death of 17-year-old Martin at the hands of George Zimmerman in a Florida suburb was a tragedy. He said he sympathized with the parents, and that various law enforcement agencies should diligently investigate the matter. Then he took the plunge: “If I had a son,” Obama said, “he’d look like Trayvon.” In other words, there but for the grace of God goes my son, another young black man likely to be put in harm’s way simply because of his skin color. In front of the cameras and microphones, Obama acknowledged not only that he is black but that even the president isn’t immune to stereotypes that can sometimes turn deadly. And it’s true. If Obama himself had been walking through a gated Florida community dressed in a hoodie with his face hidden, it’s not hard to imagine an overzealous neighborhood watch captain reporting his presence to the cops and trailing him as a suspicious-looking black guy. Identifying as black is risky for Obama always, but identifying with working-class blacks the kind the country sees as criminal, or at the very least potentially criminal is risky on a whole other scale. That breaks the fantasy (if there’s any fantasy left) of Obama as the magic black “other,” a man who has little in common with young black men in hoodies with names like Trayvon. For Obama to embrace Trayvon Martin linking him with his own children and calling him “this boy” with fatherly concern gives the racially anxious one more reason for concern about the president. The last time Obama commented publicly on a case of possible racial profiling was after Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested trying to force open the jammed door of his Cambridge home in 2009. After criticizing the arrest as “stupid,” the president got an avalanche of criticism and wound up sitting down for a beer in the White House garden with Gates and the white cop who arrested him. That meeting sent the wrong message, implying that racial profiling is an individual problem rather than a systemic one. This time, Obama was speaking clearly to the systemic. But his almost physical struggle to strike the right tone was evidence of the kind of “double consciousness” that W.E.B. DuBois identified more than a century ago as the peculiar burden black folks bear in trying to be both black and American at the same time. Watching Obama trying to resolve that age-old conflict was truly historic and unexpectedly poignant. The first time I heard Obama speak on this issue was in 2007, when he came to Letters to the Editor policy Letters to the editor may be submitted to the Clarion in Room 8027 or email: clarion@sinclair.edu. All submissions are subject to editing without changing content. No anonymous submissions will be accepted. Letters to the editor must be submitted with the author’s name and phone number. The Clarion reserves the right to edit all letters. The Clarion reserves the right to This publication is printed by Ohio Community Media of Tipp City, Ohio. refuse any letters for publication, especially those that may contain vulgarity, obscenities (as defined by the supreme court and explained in Law of the Student Press), or that may be potentially libelous. It is the policy of the Clarion to acknowledge errors in letters with published correction statements. Deadline is noon Tuesday for the following Tuesday publication. There will be no exceptions to this policy. Submission does not guarantee publication. Space availability determines publication. When space is limited, articles Los Angeles’ Crenshaw district to hold a campaign rally. I had watched his celebrated Philadelphia speech at the Democratic convention, the speech that put him on the map of national politics. It was brilliantly delivered but too soft-focus for my taste. But one of the things he said that day in Crenshaw was that voters were rightly fed up with the fact that too many people were in prison. He was partly telling the blacks in the crowd what they wanted to hear, but he was also giving voice to a long-standing racial grievance rarely expressed by any elected officials, much less presidential candidates. Obama didn’t quite go all the way he didn’t say “too many people of color are in prison” but the implication was clear. He went further in his Trayvon Martin remarks by implying that a son of his who looked like Trayvon could have met the same end. He never used the word “black.” But his grave tone and choice of words had the ring of morality, stressing the idea of justice being done, advising us all to do some soul-searching. Most striking was how rattled the president appeared to be; for the master of cool, this truly seemed personal. It was a rare moment in which the normally abstract issues of black American injustice had a face, one of the most famous in the world. But it was only a moment. Obama will now retreat from the fray and sincerely hope that he won’t be pressed to say anything else about Trayvon Martin, not in a re-election year. But the damage or the liberation has happened: the truth about Obama the black man has been revealed. may be filed for publication at a later date. The Clarion c/o Sinclair Community College 444 W. Third Street Dayton, OH 45402-1460 (937)512-2744 E-mail: clarion@sinclair.edu All ‘Clarion’ editorials are the opinions of the Clarion editorial board and do not represent the opinions of Sinclair Community College. Sports Page 10 | the Clarion Catching up with the Tartan Pride after spring break photo contributed by Jeff Vander Ark Tartan Pride players celebrate after scoring some runs in a game last month. Giustino Bovenzi Sports Editor clarion@sinclair.edu Th rough the month of April, the Sinclair baseball team is switching into high gear with a new quarter and 25 games left on the schedule. Head coach Steve Dintaman said his guys are prepared, not only for the season to get serious, but for the things to get serious in the classroom as well. “Last quarter the overall team GPA was 3.13,” Dintaman said. “We had 15 guys over 3.0 and 10 guys on the Dean’s list and two had 4.0’s. These guys really care about their academics. If they get a B in a class, they’re pissed. I’m very happy with them.” The stellar classroom performance relieves some of the stress from the shoulders of Dintaman, not having to worry about players being eligible, but Dintaman has more cause for concern—his team staying healthy. “It’s been a weird year with a lot of injuries,” Dintaman said. “It seems like it’s just been one after another. Four or five starters have been banged up. Our starting right fielder hurt himself in batt ing practice. It’s been rough.” But despite the adversity, the team has managed to stay in fi rst-place in Ohio Community College Athletic Conference play with a record of 21-10 overall and 6-2 in conference. Sinclair is one game ahead of their rivals from Toledo, Owens Community College and Dintaman said the series that they will play in Toledo on April 13, 14 will be the deciding factor toward which school will win the conference championship. Yet, Dintaman’s confidence is unwavering and he feels that on paper, position by position, his team is the best in the conference. “I feel like all the teams [in conference] are similar,” Dintaman said. “I thought Owens was one of the better teams we’ve seen so far. But it really just comes down to execution and if we’re healthy enough to play.” A way for the team to showcase their talents for a large audience is the game they will play against the University of Northwestern Ohio (JV) at Fift h Th ird Field, home to the Dayton Dragons. The game is on April 15 at 12:30 p.m. and allows the team to play on the big stage. Before the game, former Sinclair pitcher Chris Spurling will have his jersey retired for his success with Sinclair and his accolades thereafter. Spurling was selected by the New York Yankees in the 41st round of the 1997 amateur draft . His journeyman career peaked during the 2006 season while he was playing for the Detroit Tigers, during which they appeared in that year’s World Series. In addition to the pregame ceremony, Spurling will also throw out the fi rst pitch. Another Former Sinclair pitcher, Dan Jensen, will start the season out with the Dragons after being selected by the Reds in last season’s draft . Dintaman said the game should be a nice family environment and hopefully the baseball side will be entertaining as well. Tickets for the game are available at sinclair.edu/baseball and can be reserved until April 10. April 10, 2012 Dintaman makes the difference Brian Fields Contributing Writer clarion@sinclair.edu The baseball season is upon us and head coach Steve Dintaman believes that this team can go a long way. “If healthy, this team should compete to win another conference,” he said. “There’s no reason why if our guys can buy into what we’re doing, that we can’t win regionals this year.” To get ready for the conference schedule, Dintaman likes to give his team some challenges early on. “We like to play some of the best teams during our non-conference schedule,” Dintaman said. “Th is helps prepare our guys for conference play and helps us see what we have.” Dintaman and the rest of his staff have incorporated a coaching philosophy that most baseball teams never use. “We base our coaching style on sports psychology,” he said. “You can only work on what you can control and not worry about what you cannot.” Their sports psychology strategy is based from Brian Cain’s Peak Performance System. Pride, as many refer it to, is a series of DVDs and videos that help the players develop mental toughness and unlock their potential as student athletes. Team meetings feature not only Cain’s sports psychology, but also a book called “Heads Up Baseball.” The “Team Bible,” as Dintaman describes it, teaches his players to keep under control in pressure situations and to focus on one pitch at a time. “We need to only worry about fi rst winning the pitches, then winning the innings, then we have a chance to win the game,” Dintaman said. “[I tell our guys] control what you can, do your best as possible. My philosophy is that if something is done incorrectly, we’re not teaching it well enough.” Community service is another aspect that Dintaman and his coaches teach their players. “We tell all of our guys that community service is the best thing you can do,” he said. “In say five years from now, you might have to be behind a desk and have no time to give back to the community. These are the years that they can give back the most and be positive role models.” Dintaman’s drive to become involved in community service began when his former player and friend Dan Jensen (currently with the Dragons) needed blood after a surgery went wrong. “It’s kind of funny–I used to duck those kinds of things all the time,” Dintaman said. “I felt like I never had time with all the sports I was in. He needed blood, so I started to give to help him, and then we started making a tradition out of it.” Today, Dintaman avidly takes part in community service projects such as, the Cincinnati Reds Community Fund Baseball Camp, Hal McCoy’s Building Bridges Baseball Camp and team blood donations at the Community Blood Center. Out of everything he’s done, Dintaman is most proud of the difference he makes in his players lives. “One of my favorite lines that I have hanging up in my office reads, ‘It’s not about how many championships you win, but rather how many weddings you get invited to and how many of your former players become coaches.’” photo illustration by Jonathan Hammond
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