Indo Asian Price List
Indo Asian Price List
2014 Effective 1st January 2014 Contents MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCBs) 01 RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS (RCCBs) 01 GOLDLINE MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCBs) 02 GOLDLINE RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS (RCCBs) 02 DiZeit 04 TIME SWITCHES DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) Super Plus DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) 06 - 07 08 - 09 SUPERLINE DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) 10 - 11 TIMELITE DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 12 Armour AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS (ACBs) 13 Armour MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCCBs) - V-TEC SERIES 15 Armour MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCCBs) - X-TEC SERIES 16 Armour MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCCBs) - Accessories 17 SWITCH DISCONNECTOR FUSES 18 Ambidex CHANGEOVER SWITCHES 20 HRC FUSE LINKS & BASES 21 Icon CONTACTORS, ACCESSORIES & OVERLOAD RELAYS 22 - 26 Icon MOTOR PROTECTION CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MPCBs) 27 REWIRABLE SWITCH FUSE UNITS 28 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCBs) Gold Plus MCBs upto 240/415V, 50 Hz, conforms to IS/IEC : 60898-1 Unit Price (`) Rating Gold Plus MCB B curve 10kA BREAKING CAPACITY Gold Plus MCB C curve 10kA BREAKING CAPACITY Gold Plus MCB D curve 10kA BREAKING CAPACITY Gold Plus MCB Accessories are Factory Fitted* SP SPN DP TP TPN FP 6 to 32A 202 576 610 - - - 40A 434 842 932 - - - 0.5 to 5A 306 774 850 1218 1612 1642 6 to 32A 214 616 644 1006 1316 1382 40A 436 962 980 1462 1834 1952 50, 63A 462 964 1030 1488 1884 1990 0.5 to 5A 336 - 924 1382 - 1756 6 to 32A 284 - 704 1104 - 1448 40A 496 - 1102 1714 - 2136 50, 63A 512 - 1116 1738 - 2170 Shunt Trip 24V, 48V, 110V DC/AC in one module 550 Shunt Trip 240V in one module 550 Auxiliary Contact (1NO + 1NC) 434 * For ordering please contact nearest branch. DC MCBs Unit Price (`) Gold Plus DC MCB Conforms to IEC : 60898-2. Suitable for DC voltages upto 220V DC. Rating SP DP 0.5 to 5A 366 864 6 to 32A 338 664 40A 468 974 63A 564 1062 ISOLATORS Unit Price (`) Conforms to IS : 13947-3, IEC 60947-3 Rating Gold Plus Isolator • Rated voltage upto 240/415V • AC-23A Cat Ref. DP Cat Ref. TP Cat Ref. FP 40A NBDPI040 390 NBTPI040 746 NBFPI040 892 63A NBDPI063 516 NBTPI063 830 NBFPI063 958 80A NBDPI080 614 NBTPI080 924 NBFPI080 1124 100A NBDPI100 638 NBTPI100 976 NBFPI100 1148 125A NBDPI125 674 NBTPI125 1024 NBFPI125 1236 RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS (RCCBs) Unit Price (`) Conforms to IS : 12640 - 1, IEC : 61008-1 Gold Plus RCCB • IP : 20 Protection • 10kA Breaking Capacity with SCPD Rating Sensitivity mA 30 NRD25031 2504 NRF25031 3220 25A 100 NRD25101 2504 NRF25101 3220 300 NRD25301 2528 NRF25301 3252 40A 63A For MCB Cat Ref. Please refer page no. 3. 01 Cat Ref. DP Cat Ref. FP 30 NRD40031 2798 NRF40031 3286 100 NRD40101 2798 NRF40101 3286 300 NRD40301 2824 NRF40301 3316 30 NRD63031 3496 NRF63031 3742 100 NRD63101 3496 NRF63101 3742 300 NRD63301 3530 NRF63301 3776 Minimum Standard Packing For All MCBs/Isolators 12 Poles. MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 GOLDLINE MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS All Indo Kopp Goldline MCBs upto 240/415V, 50 Hz, conforms to IS/IEC : 60898-1 Goldline MCBs B Series 10kA Short Circuit Breaking Capacity "B" Goldline MCBs C Series 10kA Short Circuit Breaking Capacity "C" Goldline MCB Accessories are Factory Fitted* Unit Price (`) Rating SP SPN DP TP TPN FP 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32A 178 530 584 - - - 40A 404 762 818 - - - 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5A 294 678 806 1084 1468 1600 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32A 192 604 636 970 1246 1380 40A 420 836 892 1334 1712 1794 Shunt Trip 24V, 48V, 110V DC/AC in one module 550 Shunt Trip 240V, AC in one module 550 * For ordering please contact nearest branch. GOLDLINE DC SERIES MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCBs) Goldline MCBs DC-6 Conforms to IEC : 60898-2. Suitable for DC voltages upto 220V DC. Goldline MCBs DC-6R Suitable for Rail Coaches & Locomotives. Specification No. SPEC/E-12/1/04. Unit Price (`) Rating SP DP 0.5, 2.5, 4, 5A 352 862 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32A 324 654 40A 436 954 2.5, 5A 412 - 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32A 394 - 40A 530 - (DC-6R) GOLDLINE ISOLATORS Unit Price (`) All Indo Kopp Goldline Isolator upto 240/415V, 50 Hz, conforms to IS: 13947-3, IEC 60947-3 Goldline Isolator Rating Cat Ref. DP Cat Ref. TP Cat Ref. FP 40A GBDPI040 386 GBTPI040 726 GBFPI040 870 63A GBDPI063 486 GBTPI063 818 GBFPI063 912 GOLDLINE RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS (RCCBs) Unit Price (`) Rating 25A Conforms to IS 12640 (Part 1) Conforms to IEC 61008 -1 IP : 20 protection 10kA Breaking Capacity with SCPD 40A 63A For MCB Cat Ref. Please refer page no. 3. Sensitivity mA Cat Ref. DP Cat Ref. FP 30 IDD25031 2420 IDF25031 3078 100 IDD25101 2420 IDF25101 3078 300 IDD25301 2442 IDF25301 3108 30 IDD40031 2532 IDF40031 3118 100 IDD40101 2532 IDF40101 3118 300 IDD40301 2556 IDF40301 3148 30 IDD63031 3338 IDF63031 3578 100 IDD63101 3338 IDF63101 3578 300 IDD63301 3370 IDF63301 3610 Minimum Standard Packing For All MCBs/Isolators 12 Poles. 02 ODERING CODES W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 CAT REF. FOR GOLD PLUS MCB AC MCBs DC MCBs CURRENT SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE POLE TRIPLE TRIPLE POLE FOUR SINGLE (in Amp) POLE POLE & NEUTRAL POLE & NEUTRAL POLE POLE DOUBLE POLE 0.5 N#SP00P5 N#DP00P5 N#SPN0P5 N#TP00P5 N#TPN0P5 N#FP00P5 NDSPC0P5 NDDPC0P5 1.0 N#SP0001 N#DP0001 N#SPN001 N#TP0001 N#TPN001 N#FP0001 NDSPC001 NDDPC001 1.5 N#SP01P5 N#DP01P5 N#SPN1P5 N#TP01P5 N#TPN1P5 N#FP01P5 NDSPC1P5 NDDPC1P5 1.6 N#SP01P6 N#DP01P6 N#SPN1P6 N#TP01P6 N#TPN1P6 N#FP01P6 NDSPC1P6 NDDPC1P6 2.0 N#SP0002 N#DP0002 N#SPN002 N#TP0002 N#TPN002 N#FP0002 NDSPC002 NDDPC002 2.5 N#SP02P5 N#DP02P5 N#SPN2P5 N#TP02P5 N#TPN2P5 N#FP02P5 NDSPC2P5 NDDPC2P5 3.0 N#SP0003 N#DP0003 N#SPN003 N#TP0003 N#TPN003 N#FP0003 NDSPC003 NDDPC003 4.0 N#SP0004 N#DP0004 N#SPN004 N#TP0004 N#TPN004 N#FP0004 NDSPC004 NDDPC004 5.0 N#SP0005 N#DP0005 N#SPN005 N#TP0005 N#TPN005 N#FP0005 NDSPC005 NDDPC005 6.0 N*SP0006 N*DP0006 N*SPN006 N*TP0006 N*TPN006 N*FP0006 NDSPC006 NDDPC006 7.5 N*SP07P5 N*DP07P5 N*SPN7P5 N*TP07P5 N*TPN7P5 N*FP07P5 NDSPC7P5 NDDPC7P5 10.0 N*SP0010 N*DP0010 N*SPN010 N*TP0010 N*TPN010 N*FP0010 NDSPC010 NDDPC010 16.0 N*SP0016 N*DP0016 N*SPN016 N*TP0016 N*TPN016 N*FP0016 NDSPC016 NDDPC016 20.0 N*SP0020 N*DP0020 N*SPN020 N*TP0020 N*TPN020 N*FP0020 NDSPC020 NDDPC020 25.0 N*SP0025 N*DP0025 N*SPN025 N*TP0025 N*TPN025 N*FP0025 NDSPC025 NDDPC025 32.0 N*SP0032 N*DP0032 N*SPN032 N*TP0032 N*TPN032 N*FP0032 NDSPC032 NDDPC032 40.0 N*SP0040 N*DP0040 N*SPN040 N*TP0040 N*TPN040 N*FP0040 NDSPC040 NDDPC040 50.0 N*SP0050 N*DP0050 N*SPN050 N*TP0050 N*TPN050 N*FP0050 - - 63.0 N*SP0063 N*DP0063 N*SPN063 N*TP0063 N*TPN063 N*FP0063 - - B Series : 6A to 40A For 6A to 40A replace “*” in the Cat Ref. with “B” C Series : 0.5A to 63A For Under rating 0.5A to 6A replace “#” with “C” For 6A to 63A replace “*” with “C” D Series : 0.5A to 32A For Under rating 0.5A to 6A replace “#” with “D” For 6A to 63A replace “*” with “D” CAT REF. FOR GOLDLINE MCB AC MCBs CURRENT (in Amp) SINGLE POLE DOUBLE POLE SINGLE POLE & NEUTRAL TRIPLE POLE TRIPLE POLE & NEUTRAL FOUR POLE SINGLE POLE DOUBLE POLE GDDPC0P5 DC MCB for Railways (DC-6R) SINGLE POLE GDSFR0P5 0.5 G#SP00P5 G#DP00P5 G#SPN0P5 G#TP00P5 G#TPN0P5 G#FP00P5 GDSPC0P5 1.0 G#SP0001 G#DP0001 G#SPN001 G#TP0001 G#TPN001 G#FP0001 GDSPC001 GDDPC001 GDSFR001 1.5 G#SP01P5 G#DP01P5 G#SPN1P5 G#TP01P5 G#TPN1P5 G#FP01P5 GDSPC1P5 GDDPC1P5 GDSFR1P5 1.6 G#SP01P6 G#DP01P6 G#SPN1P6 G#TP01P6 G#TPN1P6 G#FP01P6 GDSPC1P6 GDDPC1P6 GDSFR1P6 G#FP0002 GDSPC002 GDDPC002 GDSFR002 2.0 G#SP0002 G#DP0002 G#SPN002 G#TP0002 G#TPN002 2.5 G#SP02P5 G#DP02P5 G#SPN2P5 G#TP02P5 G#TPN2P5 G#FP02P5 GDSPC2P5 GDDPC2P5 GDSFR2P5 3.0 G#SP0003 G#DP0003 G#SPN003 G#TP0003 G#TPN003 G#FP0003 GDSPC003 GDDPC003 GDSFR003 4.0 G#SP0004 G#DP0004 G#SPN004 G#TP0004 G#TPN004 G#FP0004 GDSPC004 GDDPC004 GDSFR004 5.0 G#SP0005 G#DP0005 G#SPN005 G#TP0005 G#TPN005 G#FP0005 GDSPC005 GDDPC005 GDSFR005 6.0 G*SP0006 G*DP0006 G*SPN006 G*TP0006 G*TPN006 G*FP0006 GDSPC006 GDDPC006 GDSFR006 7.5 G*SP07P5 G*DP07P5 G*SPN7P5 G*TP07P5 G*TPN7P5 G*FP07P5 GDSPC7P5 GDDPC7P5 GDSFR7P5 10.0 G*SP0010 G*DP0010 G*SPN010 G*TP0010 G*TPN010 G*FP0010 GDSPC010 GDDPC010 GDSFR010 16.0 G*SP0016 G*DP0016 G*SPN016 G*TP0016 G*TPN016 G*FP0016 GDSPC016 GDDPC016 GDSFR016 20.0 G*SP0020 G*DP0020 G*SPN020 G*TP0020 G*TPN020 G*FP0020 GDSPC020 GDDPC020 GDSFR020 25.0 G*SP0025 G*DP0025 G*SPN025 G*TP0025 G*TPN025 G*FP0025 GDSPC025 GDDPC025 GDSFR025 32.0 G*SP0032 G*DP0032 G*SPN032 G*TP0032 G*TPN032 G*FP0032 GDSPC032 GDDPC032 GDSFR032 40.0 G*SP0040 G*DP0040 G*SPN040 G*TP0040 G*TPN040 G*FP0040 GDSPC040 GDDPC040 GDSFR040 B Series : 03 DC MCBs (DC-6) 6A to 40A For 6A to 40A replace “*” in the Cat Ref. with “B” C Series : 0.5A to 40A For Under rating 0.5A to 6A replace “#” with “C” For 6A to 40A replace “*” with “C” MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 DiZeit TIME SWITCHES ANALOG TIME SWITCHES (with battery back up) Model Name Description Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 1mod DIN Daily 1P Module, 24 hours program, Programmable every 15 min., backup of 100 hours, current capacity 16A, with 1 changeover (1 CO) TA916422 2522 3mod DIN Daily 3P Module, 24 hours program, Programmable every 30 min., backup of 100 hrs., current capacity 16A, with 1 changeover (1 CO) TA926453 2748 Front Mounted Daily Front Mounting, 24 hours program, Programmable every 20 min., back up of100 hrs., current capacity 16A, with 1 changeover (1 CO) TA912472 2522 3mod DIN Weekly Weekly program, Programmable every 4 hrs., with back up of100 hrs., current capacity 16A, with 1 changeover (1 CO) TA926129 2974 ANALOG TIME SWITCHES (without battery back up) Model Name Description Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 3mod DIN Daily 3P Module, 24 hours program, Programmable every 30 min., current capacity 16A, with 1 changeover (1 CO) TA925450 2316 Front Mounted Daily Front Mounting, 24 hours program, Programmable every 20 min., current capacity 16A, with 1 changeover (1 CO) TA912473 2086 DIGITAL TIME SWITCHES Model Name Description Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) DIN Type Daily / Weekly with 1 CO Programmable every 1 min., with backup of 6 years, 28 memory locations, current capacity 16A, weekly program, with 1 changeover (1 CO), Total 28 programs TDA43110 3342 DIN Type Daily / Weekly with 2 CO Programmable every 1 min., with backup of 6 years, 28 memory locations, current capacity 16A, weekly program, with 2 changeover (2 CO), Total 14 programs per channel TDA43111 5012 DIN Type Astronomical with 1 CO Astronomical Programmable every 1 min., backup of 6 years, 28 memory locations, current capacity 16A, with 1 changeover (1 CO), Total 28 programs TDA45194 6948 DIN Type Astronomical with 2 CO Astronomical year Programmable every 1 min., backup of 6 years, 28 memory locations, current capacity 16A, with 2 changeover (2 CO), Total 14 programs per channel TDA45193 8686 DIN Type Annual with 2 CO Annual digital time switch with 1 deg. resolution with back up of 6 years. Current capacity 16A, Annual program, with 2 changeovers (2 CO), Total 168 programs TDA41110 17372 NEW NEW LIGHT SENSITIVE SWITCHES Model Name Description Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 1mod DIN Light Sensitive Light sensitive switch with outer sensor, sensitive distance 50m, current capacity 16A & control from 1 lux to 100K lux. TSA58107 5792 04 Whatever be the application we have a DB for it. VTPN DB PPI DB FLEXY TIER DB TPN PHASE SEGREGATED DB • Flexible for Single Phase / Three Phase Application. • To Prevent Isolation of Total Outage. • Individual Compartments for Complete Isolation. • Compact Bus Bar Arrangement. • Neat & Complete Wiring Set. • Bare enclosure which provides complete flexibility to outgoing circuit. MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) Conforms to IS : 13032 SPN DBs - DOUBLE DOOR • IP : 43 Protection • Shrouded Neutral Bar & Bus Bar • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing TPN DBs - DOUBLE DOOR • IP : 43 Protection • Shrouded Neutral Bar & Bus Bar • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 4 NSPN0004 1352 6 6 NSPN0006 1458 8 8 NSPN0008 1618 12 12 NSPN0012 1970 16 16 NSPN0016 2450 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 4 +12 NTPN0004 3050 4 8 +12 NTPN0048 3270 6 8 + 18 NTPN0006 3900 8 8 +24 NTPN0008 4668 12 8 + 36 NTPN0012 6596 16 8 + 48 NTPN0016 8854 VERTICAL DBs - DOUBLE DOOR - VTPN Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) • IP : 43 Protection • Shrouded Neutral Bar & Pan assembly with connecting link • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing 4 8+12 NVMCB004 7836 6 8+18 NVMCB006 9230 VERTICAL DBs - PROVISION FOR TP MCCB (V-TEC) N2 FRAME UPTO 125A in 16kA, 25kA as Incomer • IP : 43 Protection • Shrouded Neutral Bar & Pan assembly with flexible connecting link • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing VERTICAL DBs - PROVISION FOR FP MCCB (V-TEC) N3 FRAME UPTO 200A in 25kA, 35kA, 50kA as Incomer • IP : 43 Protection • Shrouded Neutral Bar & Pan assembly with flexible connecting link • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing PPI IN FOUR QUADRANT VERSION Ways 8 8+24 NVMCB008 10562 12 8+36 NVMCB012 13206 Ways Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 12 NVMCCB04 9242 6 18 NVMCCB06 10254 8 24 NVMCCB08 11868 12 36 NVMCCB12 14612 Ways Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 12 NVMCCF04 12892 6 18 NVMCCF06 13968 8 24 NVMCCF08 19386 12 36 NVMCCF12 20138 PER PHASE ISOLATION (PPI) DBs - DOUBLE DOOR Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) • IP : 43 Protection • Individual Neutral Bar for each phase • Shrouded Neutral Bar & bus bar • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing 2+4 8+6+12 NPPIH004 5420 2+6 8+6+18 NPPIH006 6646 2+8 8+6+24 NPPIH008 7872 PER PHASE ISOLATION (PPI) DBs - TIER Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) • IP : 43 Protection • Individual Neutral Bar for each phase • Shrouded Neutral Bar & bus bar • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing 2+6 8+6+18 NPPIT006 6772 2+8 8+6+24 NPPIT008 8378 2+12 8+6+36 NPPIT012 9926 06 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) FLEXY TIER DBs • IP : 43 Protection • Customised DBs • Earth Bar • Shrouded Neutral Bar • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing TPN PHASE SEGREGATED DBs • IP : 43 Protection • Shrouded Neutral Bar & bus bar • Cement Spill Protector • Door Earthing TPN PHASE SELECTOR • IP : 43 Protection • Shrouded Neutral Bar & bus bar • Fitted with 3 nos. rotary switches & indicator lamp • Vertical design TV & TEL SOCKET DBs • IP : 43 Protection • Mounting of TV & TEL socket is on right hand side of DB • Provision to fit KRONE type TV & TEL socket (mounting bracket provided) • Shrouded neutral bar and bus bar • Earth bar • Cement spill protector • Door earthing PLASTIC PLUG AND SOCKET IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURE • IP : 30 Protection • Without MCBs AC BOX (without MCBs) • Neutral link 07 Ways Module Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 2 2 Row x 14 NFDT0002 4132 3 3 Row x 14 NFDT0003 5022 4 4 Row x 14 NFDT0004 5442 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 8+12+12 NTPNS004 7482 6 8+12+18 NTPNS006 8406 8 8+12+24 NTPNS008 9562 12 8+12+36 NTPNS012 12062 Ways/Rating Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4W/63A 8+12 NTPNSS04 11090 6W/63A 8+18 NTPNSS06 11348 8W/63A 8+24 NTPNSS08 12322 12W/63A 8+36 NTPNSS12 13618 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) SPN - DOUBLE DOOR 4 2+4 NSBNPR04 2968 6 2+6 NSBNPR06 3118 8 2+8 NSBNPR08 3154 10 2+10 NSBNPR10 3448 12 2+12 NSBNPR12 3650 14 2+14 NSBNPR14 4146 8+12 NTBNPR04 4748 TPN - DOUBLE DOOR 4 6 8+18 NTBNPR06 5374 8 8+24 NTBNPR08 6098 12 8+36 NTBNPR12 7768 Ways Module Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 16 Amp 3 Pin 4 NIPS0316 2192 32 Amp 3 Pin 4 NIPS0332 3256 32 Amp 5 Pin 6 NIPS0532 3588 63 Amp 5 Pin 8 NIPS0563 9910 Ways Module Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) - SP NACBSP20 1022 - DP NACBDP20 1022 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Super Plus DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) SPN DBs - SINGLE DOOR • IP – 30 protection • Neutral Bar • Earth Bar • Bus Bar Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. 4 4 SSPESD04 672 6 6 SSPESD06 814 8 8 SSPESD08 866 12 12 SSPESD12 1254 16 16 SSPESD16 1488 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 4 SSPEDD04 1244 6 6 SSPEDD06 1336 8 8 SSPEDD08 1460 12 12 SSPEDD12 1776 16 16 SSPEDD16 2268 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 8+12 STPESD04 2236 6 8+18 STPESD06 2568 Unit Price (`) SPN DBs - DOUBLE DOOR • IP – 43 protection • Door Earthing • Neutral Bar • Earth Bar • Bus Bar TPN DBs - SINGLE DOOR • IP – 30 protection • Neutral Bar • Earth Bar • Bus Bar 8 8+24 STPESD08 3138 12 8+36 STPESD12 4532 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 8+12 STPEDD04 2962 6 8+18 STPEDD06 3626 TPN DBs - DOUBLE DOOR • IP – 43 protection • Door Earthing • Neutral Bar • Earth Bar • Bus Bar 8 8+24 STPEDD08 4418 12 8+36 STPEDD12 6330 16 8+48 STPEDD16 7696 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 8+12 SVMEP004 7224 6 8+18 SVMEP006 8176 8 8+24 SVMEP008 9450 12 8+36 SVMEP012 12074 VERTICAL DBs - DOUBLE DOOR (VTPN) - MCB INCOMER • IP – 43 protection • Door Earthing • Provision to fit SP/TP MCBs as outgoing • Neutral Bar & Earth Bar 08 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Super Plus DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) TPN DBs - DOUBLE DOOR (PPI) - FOUR QUADRANT DESIGN PPI IN FOUR QUADRANT VERSION • IP – 43 protection • Door Earthing • Neutral Bar • Earth Bar • Bus Bar Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. 2+4 8+6+12 SHPPED04 4570 2+6 8+6+18 SHPPED06 5672 2+8 8+6+24 SHPPEDO8 6822 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 2+6 8+6+18 STPPED06 6132 2+8 8+6+24 STPPED08 7582 2+12 8+6+36 STPPED12 8910 Unit Price (`) TPN DBs - DOUBLE DOOR (PPI) - TIER DESIGN • IP – 43 protection • Door Earthing • Neutral Bar • Earth Bar • Bus Bar FLEXY TIER DBs - DOUBLE DOOR • IP – 43 protection • Door Earthing • Neutral Bar • Earth Bar Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. 2 2 Row x 14 SF2EP014 3704 3 3 Row x 14 SF3EP014 4396 4 4 Row x 14 SF4EP014 4862 Unit Price (`) TPN PHASE SELECTOR DBs - DOUBLE DOOR • IP – 43 protection • Door Earthing • Neutral Bar & Earth Bar • Fitted with 3 nos. rotary switches & indicator lamp 09 Ways Incomer + Outgoing Cat Ref. 4W/40A 8+12 NRVND004 7712 6W/40A 8+18 NRVND006 8032 Unit Price (`) 8W/40A 8+24 NRVND008 8932 4W/63A 8+12 NRVNQ004 8978 6W/63A 8+18 NRVNQ006 9368 8W/63A 8+24 NRVNQ008 10170 12W/63A 8+36 NRVNQ012 11454 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 SUPERLINE DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) ABS ENCLOSURE All Insulated (ABS) enclosures. Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 1&2 KPSP01C2 128 3&4 KPSP03C4 202 Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Price is excluding MCBs & does not include neutral link. SHEET METAL ENCLOSURE Ways Powder coated sheet steel enclosures for MCBs. 1 KSSP0001 260 2 KSSP0002 260 3 KSSP0003 312 4 KSSP0004 312 Price is excluding MCBs & does not include neutral link. AC BOX / P&S BOARD Sheet steel enclosure fitted with plug & socket (without MCBs). Module Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Single Phase 20A KSPSAN20 (AC Box) 802 Three Phase 20A KSPSTP20 1626 Three Phase 32A KSPSTP30 2288 SPN - SINGLE DOOR Ways Powder coated sheet steel enclosure for surface mounting fitted with bus bar, DIN channel, neutral link and incoming contact. Incomer+Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 4 KSSW0004 606 6 6 KSSW0006 668 8 8 KSSW0008 736 10 10 KSSW0010 898 12 12 KSSW0012 1032 16 16 KSSW0016 1254 Ways Incomer+Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 4 KSLS0004 990 SUPERLINE SPN - DOUBLE DOOR Powder coated sheet steel enclosure fitted with bus bar, DIN channel, neutral link & earth link. 6 6 KSLS0006 1198 8 8 KSLS0008 1290 12 12 KSLS0012 1664 16 16 KSLS0016 2100 WHITELINE SPN WITH ACRYLIC WINDOW Whiteline series fitted with ABS frame and acrylic window. Ways Incomer+Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 4 KSCWIW04 760 6 6 KSCWIW06 842 8 8 KSCWIW08 946 10 10 KSCWIW10 1104 12 12 KSCWIW12 1224 16 16 KSCWIW16 1556 10 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 SUPERLINE DISTRIBUTION BOARDS (DBs) HORIZONTAL TPN - SINGLE DOOR Ways Powder coated sheet steel enclosure, surface mounted, fitted with bus bar, DIN channel, neutral link and incoming contact. Incomer+Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 6+12 KSTIW004 1940 6 6+18 KSTIW006 2308 8 8+24 KSTIW008 2736 12 8+36 KSTIW012 3712 Ways Incomer+Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) HORIZONTAL TRIMLINE TPN - SINGLE DOOR Compact, Economical & popular version of TP&N single door DB. 4 4+12 KSTIT004 1894 6 6+18 KSTIT006 2212 8 8+24 KSTIT008 2572 12 8+36 KSTIT012 3254 SUPERLINE TPN - DOUBLE DOOR Ways Incomer+Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 6+12 KSLT0004 2740 Powder coated sheet steel enclosure fitted with bus bar, DIN channel, neutral link & earth link. 6 8+18 KSLT0006 3426 8 8+24 KSLT0008 4218 12 8+36 KSLT0012 6044 VERTICAL TPN - SINGLE DOOR Vertical design with powder coated sheet steel enclosure fitted with DIN channel, copper bus bar, neutral link, earth links, suitable for TP/SP MCBs as outgoing. Ways Incomer+Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 8+12 KSTVW004 4688 8 8+24 KSTVW008 6438 12 8+36 KSTVW012 8282 Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) VERTICAL TPN - DOUBLE DOOR Ways Powder coated sheet steel enclosure fitted with bus bar, DIN channel & neutral link & earth link. Incomer+Outgoing 4 8+12 KSLTV004 6832 8 8+24 KSLTV008 8600 12 8+36 KSLTV012 10914 Ways Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 12 KSLTVM04 11378 8 24 KSLTVM08 12558 12 36 KSLTVM12 14622 VERTICAL MCCBs AS INCOMER - DOUBLE DOOR Incomer is 3 pole V-Tec MCCB of 100A rating & 16kA breaking capacity. MCCB is pre-fitted at factory & included in price list. VERTICAL MCCBs AS INCOMER WITHOUT MCCBs - DOUBLE DOOR With provision to mount 3 Pole V-Tec 16kA MCCB upto 125A as incomer. 11 Ways Outgoing Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 4 12 KSLTVN04 7664 8 24 KSLTVN08 8772 12 36 KSLTVN12 10272 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 TIMELITE DISTRIBUTION BOARDS Description Timelite-16A 3Pole/230V-Analog Time switch Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) TL016AB0 15672 Timelite-32A 3Pole/230V-Analog Time switch TL032AB0 16954 Timelite-32A 3Pole/230V-Digital Time Switch TL032DB0 18502 Timelite-32A 3Pole/230V-Astronomical Time Switch TL032AS0 21592 Timelite-40A 3Pole/230V-Analog Time Switch TL040AB0 18262 Timelite-40A 3Pole/230V-Digital Time Switch TL040DB0 19778 Timelite-40A 3Pole/230V-Astronomical Time Switch TL040AS0 22872 Timelite-65A 3Pole/230V-Analog Time Switch TL065AB0 23378 Timelite-65A 3Pole/230V-Digital Time Switch TL065DB0 24924 Timelite-65A 3Pole/230V-Astronomical Time Switch TL065AS0 28018 38782 Timelite-110A 3Pole/230V-Analog Time Switch TL110AB0 Timelite-110A 3Pole/230V-Digital Time Switch TL110DB0 40328 Timelite-110A 3Pole/230V-Astronomical Time Switch TL110AS0 43422 The analog time switch which will be used in Timelite DBs is TA926453 The digital time switch which will be used in Timelite DBs is TDA43110 The astronomical time switch which will be used in Timelite DBs is TDA45194 SOME APPLICATIONS OF TIME SWITCHES Street Lights Fountain Control Pump Control Park Illumination Control of School Bells / Factory Siren ATM Illumination Shop Illumination Climate Control Industrial Illumination 12 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Armour AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS (ACBs) WITH MICROPROCESSOR BASED RELEASE UPTO 6300A Na1 series of ACB : l Rated Current 630Ato 6300A. l Compact and modular design-space saving. l Fixed Manual Fixed Electrical Drawout Manual Drawout Electrical Microprocessor release Microprocessor release Microprocessor release Microprocessor release Auxiliary Switch-4 NO+4 NC. Auxiliary Switch-4 NO+4 NC. Auxiliary Switch-4 NO+4 NC. Auxiliary Switch-4 NO+4 NC. Main CT's for 3 Phase only. Main CT's for 3 Phase only. Main CT's for 3 Phase only. Main CT's for 3 Phase only. Closing coil. 51 way auxiliary isolating contact. Closing coil. Shunt Trip. Safety shutter. Shunt Trip. Suitable for varied operation conditions upto 65OC. Versions : l Motor driven mechanism. 3 pole / 4 pole. l Fixed / with-drawable. l Manual / Electrical operated. Motor driven mechanism. 51 way auxiliary isolating contact. Safety shutter. 3 POLE ACB WITH MICROPROCESSOR BASED RELEASE (O/L, S/C & E/F PROTECTION & METERING DISPLAY) Rating (A) Fixed Manual Cat Ref. Unit Price ( `) Fixed Electrical Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Draw-out Manual Cat Ref. Unit Price ( `) Draw-out Electrical Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 630A A6303PMF 81190 A6303PEF 116286 A6303PMD 121370 A6303PED 156466 800A A8003PMF 98840 A8003PEF 133936 A8003PMD 142900 A8003PED 177996 1000A AOOA3PMF 101310 AOOA3PEF 136406 AOOA3PMD 147400 AOOA3PED 182496 1250A AOOB3PMF 128494 AOOB3PEF 163590 AOOB3PMD 173282 AOOB3PED 208378 1600A AOOC3PMF 132198 AOOC3PEF 167294 AOOC3PMD 189032 AOOC3PED 224128 2000A AOOD3PMF 148262 AOOD3PEF 183358 AOOD3PMD 230664 AOOD3PED 265762 2500A AOOE3PMF 166792 AOOE3PEF 201888 AOOE3PMD 263296 AOOE3PED 300590 3200A AOOF3PMF 237218 AOOF3PEF 272314 AOOF3PMD 338682 AOOF3PED 375978 4000A AOOG3PMF 357062 AOOG3PEF 392158 AOOG3PMD 406194 AOOG3PED 443490 4 POLE ACB WITH MICROPROCESSOR BASED RELEASE (O/L, S/C & E/F PROTECTION & METERING DISPLAY) Rating (A) Fixed Manual Cat Ref. Unit Price ( `) Fixed Electrical Cat Ref. Unit Price ( `) Draw-out Manual Cat Ref. Unit Price ( `) Draw-out Electrical Cat Ref. Unit Price ( `) 630A A6304PMF 105292 A6304PEF 140388 A6304PMD 161502 A6304PED 196600 800A A8004PMF 112430 A8004PEF 147526 A8004PMD 177782 A8004PED 212878 1000A AOOA4PMF 119844 AOOA4PEF 154940 AOOA4PMD 185656 AOOA4PED 220754 1250A AOOB4PMF 145790 AOOB4PEF 180886 AOOB4PMD 213788 AOOB4PED 248884 1600A AOOC4PMF 153202 AOOC4PEF 188298 AOOC4PMD 230664 AOOC4PED 265762 2000A AOOD4PMF 191502 AOOD4PEF 226600 AOOD4PMD 285800 AOOD4PED 320896 2500A AOOE4PMF 222390 AOOE4PEF 257486 AOOE4PMD 335308 AOOE4PED 372602 3200A AOOF4PMF 285402 AOOF4PEF 320498 AOOF4PMD 415198 AOOF4PED 452490 4000A AOOG4PMF - AOOG4PEF - AOOG4PMD 500712 AOOG4PED 538006 ACCESSORIES FOR ARMOUR AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER Cat Ref. Description A***ASHT Shunt Release 3752 A***ACLO Closing Coil for ACB 3752 A***AUVT Under Voltage Release for ACB 3752 AO4NO4NC Auxiliary Contact 4NO + 4NC 3752 AOOC3L2K Castle Lock 3 Lock by 2 Key 8734 AOOC2L1K Castle Lock 2 Lock by 1 Key 6404 A***AM20 Motor Mechanism for 630A - 2000A ACB 27594 A***AM25 Motor Mechanism for 2500A - 6300A ACB 29790 Replace *** with required rated voltage 230/415V AC for example A230ASHT for Shunt Release 230V AC. 13 Unit Price (`) • Air Circuit breaker type INA1 • X-Tec Adjustable Release MCCB • 3/4 Pole, 630-6300A in 3 frames • Thermal-magnetic / Microprocessor • Icu > Ics = Icw (1 sec) • 3/4 Pole, 25-1250A, Ics 25/35/50kA • Wide range of accessories • Double break Roto-active contacts • Microprocessor based release • Wide range of accessories Single version - high-end functions LED display and indicators In-built release testing facility True fault level sensing up to 50kA • Also available V-Tec MCCB with Fixed TM release MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Armour MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCCBs) - V-TEC SERIES 2 POLE MCCB WITH FIXED THERMAL MAGNETIC RELEASE Breaking Capacity (Icu) Frame Rating (A) 415V 50Hz Two Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 16kA N2 25,32,40,50,63 N2***D2P 2014 16kA 80,100 N2***D2P 2082 125 N2125D2P 4976 N3 160 N3160D2P 5264 200 N3200D2P 6996 Replace *** with required rated current for example 025 for 25A i.e. N2025D2P, 100 for 100A i.e. N2100D2P. # From 16-63A MCCBs are supplied without spreaders. Spreaders prices are available on request. WITH FIXED THERMAL MAGNETIC RELEASE UPTO 16kA BREAKING CAPACITY Breaking Capacity (Icu) Frame Rating (A) 415V 50Hz Three Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Four Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 16kA N2 25,32,40,50, 63 N2***D3P 2120 N2***D4P 5282 16kA N3 80,100 N2***D3P 2240 N2***D4P 5338 125 N2125D3P 5216 N2125D4P 8350 160 N3160D3P 5734 - - 200 N3200D3P 7510 - - Four Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Replace *** with required rated current for example 025 for 25A i.e. N2025D3P, 100 for 100A i.e. N2100D3P. # From 16-63A MCCBs are supplied without spreaders. Spreaders prices are available on request. WITH FIXED THERMAL MAGNETIC RELEASE UPTO 50kA BREAKING CAPACITY Breaking Capacity (Icu) 25kA 25kA 35kA Ics = 50% Icu 35kA Frame Rating (A) 415V 50Hz N2 25,32,40,50,63 N2***S3P 4644 N2***S4P 6360 80,100 N2***S3P 4806 N2***S4P 6588 N3 N2 N3 Three Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 125 N2125S3P 6772 N2125S4P 8914 160 N3160S3P 8740 N3160S4P 10790 200 N3200S3P 10432 N3200S4P 12834 250 N3250S3P 12846 N3250S4P 15220 25,32,40,50,63 N2***M3P 6424 N2***M4P 7610 80,100 N2***M3P 6766 N2***M4P 7892 125 N2125M3P 7684 N2125M4P 9426 160 N3160M3P 9290 N3160M4P 11244 200 N3200M3P 11816 N3200M4P 14652 250 N3250M3P 16658 N3250M4P 20554 35kA N4 315,400 N4***M3P 22252 N4***M4P 27258 35kA N5 500,630 N5***M3P 27530 N5***M4P 32142 50kA N2 25,32,40,50,63 N2***H3P 8488 N2***H4P 11016 50kA 50kA N3 N4 80,100 N2***H3P 8834 N2***H4P 11188 125 N2***H3P 9866 N2***H4P 11812 160 N3160H3P 11816 N3160H4P 13970 200 N3200H3P 13306 N3200H4P 15674 250 N3250H3P 19498 N3250H4P 21978 315-400 N4315H3P 23516 - - N4400H3P 25338 - - 50kA N5 500-630 N5***H3P 29664 - - 50kA N6 800 N6800H3P 37574 N6800H4P 39720 Replace *** with required rated current for example 025 for 25A i.e. N1025S3P, 100 for 100A i.e. N2100S3P. 15 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Armour MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCCBs) - X-TEC SERIES WITH ADJUSTABLE THERMAL & ADJUSTABLE MAGNETIC SETTING (O/L 0.8 - 1In; S/C 5-10In*) Breaking Capacity (Icu) Frame Rating (A) 415V 50Hz Three Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Four Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 25kA X1 16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100 X1***S3T 5792 X1***S4T 7164 125 X1125S3T 7268 X1125S4T 9692 160 X2160S3T 9506 X2160S4T 11700 200 X2200S3T 11278 X2200S4T 13882 25kA X2 250 X2250S3T 13846 X2250S4T 16604 25kA X3 315,400 X3***S3T 17720 X3***S4T 24278 35kA X1 16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100 X1***M3T 7242 X1***M4T 8568 125 X1125M3T 8236 X1125M4T 10254 160 X2160M3T 10108 X2160M4T 12216 35kA X2 X2200M4T 15964 X2250M4T 22300 X3 315,400 X3***M3T 23798 X3***M4T 29690 X5 800 X5800M3T 39090 X5800M4T 50932 35kA X6 1250 X6OOAM3T 66026 X6OOAM4T 81898 50kA X1 16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100 X1***H3T 9476 X1***H4T 12138 125 X1125H3T 10574 X1125H4T 12866 50kA X2 160 X2160H3T 12834 X2160H4T 15226 200 X2200H3T 14310 X2200H4T 17038 250 X2250H3T 20966 X2250H4T 23958 X3315H3T 25350 X3315H4T 31690 50kA X3 315 400 X3400H3T 27254 X3400H4T 32598 50kA X3 500 X3500H3T 31802 X3500H4T 38618 Double break Roto-active * Except X1 Frame, where S/C is fixed at 10In 12684 17926 35kA Line-Load reversibility. mechanism. X2200M3T X2250M3T 35kA Ics=100% Icu (630A & above Ics=50% Icu) 200 250 50kA X5 800 X5800H3T 40422 X5800H4T 53462 50kA X6 1250 X6OOAH3T 77968 X6OOAH4T 93752 Replace *** with required rated current for example 025 for 25A i.e. X1025S3T, 100 for 100A i.e. X1100S3T. X-TEC MCCB WITH ELECTRONIC RELEASE (MICROPROCESSOR BASED) Breaking Capacity (Icu) LSIG protection Long time protection Ir=0.4-1 In Ground fault protection Ig=0.5&1 In 50kA Frame Rating (A) 415V 50Hz Three Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Four Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) X2 40, 100, 125 X2***H3E 13824 X2***H4E 18430 X2 160, 200, 250 X2***H3E 26432 X2***H4E 33346 X3 315, 350, 400 X3***H3E 29706 X3***H4E 39406 X3 500, 630 X3***H3E 32132 X3***H4E 48018 X5 700, 800 X5***H3E 48258 X5***H4E 62446 Replace *** with required rated current for example 040 for 40A i.e. X2040H3E, 100 for 100A i.e. X2100H3E. MCCB ENCLOSURE SUITABLE FOR V-TEC MCCB N2 FRAME & X-TEC MCCB X1 FRAME 3P/4P MCCB Frame Pole Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) N2, X1 3P, 4P ENCLN2X1 1592 16 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Armour MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES FOR V-TEC SERIES MCCB (3 POLE/4 POLE) N2 Items Cat Ref. Voltage Shunt Trip Under Voltage Trip N3 Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) N4 Unit Price (`) Cat Ref. N5 N6 Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Unit Price (`) Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 230 N2SHT230 898 N3SHT230 1000 N4SHT230 1808 N5SH230* 2010 N6SHT230 2152 415 N2SHT415 898 N3SHT415 1000 N4SHT415 1808 N5SH415* 2010 N6SHT415 2152 230 N2UVT230 1378 N3UVT230 1552 N4UVT230 1896 N5UV230* 2120 N6UVT230 2296 415 N2UVT415 1378 N3UVT415 1552 N4UVT415 1896 N5UV415* 2120 N6UVT415 2296 Auxiliary Switch Left N2AX001L 732 N3AX001L 732 N4AXSW1L 984 N5AXSW*L 984 N6AXSW1L 1378 Auxiliary Switch Right N2AX001R 732 N3AX001R 732 N4AXSW1R 984 N5AXSW*R 984 N6AXSW1R 1378 Alarm Switch Left N2AL001L 732 N3AL001L 732 N4ALSW1L 984 N5ALSW*L 984 N6ALSW1L 1378 Rotary Handle TP N2RHOM03 918 N3RHOM03 1218 N4RHON03 1378 N5RHON03 1578 N6RHON03 1890 FP N2RHOM04 950 N3RHOM04 1260 N4RHON04 1378 N5RHON04 1578 N6RHON04 1890 * Complete the reference with 3 or 4 for 3 Pole or 4 Pole MCCB. NOTE :• Maximum 3 nos. internal accessories can be selected for one breaker, consisting one Shunt or UV & a combination of Auxiliary Contact & Alarm Contact. ACCESSORIES FOR X-TEC SERIES MCCB (3 POLE/4 POLE) Items Voltage X1 Cat Ref. Shunt Release Under Voltage Release Auxiliary Switch X2 Unit Price (`) Cat Ref. X3 Unit Price (`) Cat Ref. X5 Unit Price (`) Cat Ref. X6 Unit Price (`) Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 230 X1230ASH 1552 X2230ASH 1722 X2230ASH 1722 X5230ASH 4246 X5230ASH 4246 415 X1415ASH 1552 X2415ASH 1722 X2415ASH 1722 X5415ASH 4246 X5415ASH 4246 230 X1230AUV 2524 X2230AUV 2752 X2230AUV 2752 X5230AUV 7226 X5230AUV 7226 415 X1415AUV 2524 X2415AUV 2752 X2415AUV 2752 X5415AUV 7226 X5415AUV 7226 Left XL000AUX 1032 XL000AUX 1032 XL000AUX 1032 XL000AUX 1032 XL000AUX 1032 Right XR000AUX 1032 XR000AUX 1032 XR000AUX 1032 XR000AUX 1032 XR000AUX 1032 Alarm Switch Left XL000ALC 1032 XL000ALC 1032 XL000ALC 1032 XL000ALC 1032 XL000ALC 1032 Direct Rotary Handle TP X1RH0MD3 2064 X2RH0MD3 2296 X3RH0MD3 3096 - - - - Extended Rotary Handle TP X1RH0MX3 2064 X2RH0MX3 2296 X3RH0MX3 3096 X5RH0MX3 5964 X6RH0MX3 5964 Extended Rotary Handle FP X1RH0MX4 2410 X2RH0MX4 2638 X3RH0MX4 3328 X5RH0MX4 6196 - - 17 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 SWITCH DISCONNECTOR FUSES IN OPEN EXECUTION* Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURE Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) TPN INO1A032 1548 INS1A032 3126 Rated Current Type 32A BS Recommended HRC Fuse Indo Asian Make FSA 63A BS TPN INO1A063 2158 INS1A063 3914 FSS 100A BS TPN INO1A100 4954 INS1A100 6850 FSDCP 125A BS TPN INO1A125 5738 INS1A125 7504 FSDCP 160A BS TPN INO1A160 6248 INS1A160 8652 FSDCP 200A BS TPN INO1A200 7114 INS1A200 9760 FSF 250A BS TPN INO1A250 8834 INS1A250 11692 FSF 315A BS TPN INO1A315 11190 INS1A315 14500 FSK 400A BS TPN INO1A400 13538 INS1A400 16722 FMF 32A BS TPSN INO1B032 2158 INS1B032 P.O.R. FSA 63A BS TPSN INO1B063 2638 INS1B063 P.O.R. FSS 100A BS TPSN INO1B100 5708 INS1B100 P.O.R. FSDCP 125A BS TPSN INO1B125 7000 INS1B125 P.O.R. FSDCP 160A BS TPSN INO1B160 7914 INS1B160 P.O.R. FSDCP 200A BS TPSN INO1B200 8604 INS1B200 P.O.R. FSF 250A BS TPSN INO1B250 10554 INS1B250 P.O.R. FSF 315A BS TPSN INO1B315 13766 INS1B315 P.O.R. FSK 400A BS TPSN INO1B400 15834 INS1B400 P.O.R. FMF * Price Does Not Include HRC Fuse IN OPEN EXECUTION* Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURE Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) TPN IN10A032 1548 IN1SA032 3118 Size 000 TPN IN10A063 2186 IN1SA063 3914 Size 000 100A DIN TPN IN10A100 4954 IN1SA100 6854 Size 00 125A DIN TPN IN10A125 5790 IN1SA125 7566 Size 00 160A DIN TPN IN10A160 6310 IN1SA160 8676 Size 00 200A DIN TPN IN10A200 7166 IN1SA200 9824 Size 01 250A DIN TPN IN10A250 8896 IN1SA250 11692 Size 01 315A DIN TPN IN10A315 11788 IN1SA315 14774 Size 02 400A DIN TPN IN10A400 14194 IN1SA400 17036 Size 02 630A DIN TPN IN10A630 23028 IN1SA630 27878 Size 03 800A DIN TPN IN10A800 28664 IN1SA800 P.O.R. Size 03 32A DIN TPSN IN10B032 2158 IN1SB032 P.O.R. Size 000 Rated Current Type 32A DIN 63A DIN Recommended HRC Fuse Indo Asian Make 63A DIN TPSN IN10B063 2638 IN1SB063 P.O.R. Size 000 100A DIN TPSN IN10B100 5852 IN1SB100 P.O.R. Size 00 125A DIN TPSN IN10B125 7000 IN1SB125 P.O.R. Size 00 160A DIN TPSN IN10B160 7976 IN1SB160 P.O.R. Size 00 200A DIN TPSN IN10B200 8664 IN1SB200 P.O.R. Size 01 250A DIN TPSN IN10B250 10616 IN1SB250 P.O.R. Size 01 315A DIN TPSN IN10B315 14032 IN1SB315 P.O.R. Size 02 400A DIN TPSN IN10B400 16138 IN1SB400 P.O.R. Size 02 630A DIN TPSN IN10B630 24868 IN1SB630 P.O.R. Size 03 800A DIN TPSN IN10B800 30378 IN1SB800 P.O.R. Size 03 * Price Does Not Include HRC Fuse 18 • Low Temperature Rise • Staggered Terminals suitable for AI links • Low Opening Force • Shorting Link Reversibility at Site MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 SWITCH DISCONNECTOR 4 POLE IN OPEN EXECUTION* Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURE Unit Price (`) Rated Current Cat Ref. 63A IN1SD063 2010 IN1ED063 2736 100A IN1SD100 3724 IN1ED100 5434 6024 125A IN1SD125 4934 IN1ED125 200A IN1SD200 6426 IN2ED200 13098 250A IN1SD250 7914 IN2ED250 13564 315A IN1SD315 10670 IN3ED315 13914 400A IN1SD400 13766 IN3ED400 15668 18656 25546 630A IN1SD630 16406 IN4ED630 800A IN1SD800 21568 IN4ED800 Ambidex CHANGEOVER SWITCHES ON-LOAD CHANGEOVER SWITCHES 4 POLE IN OPEN EXECUTION Rated Current NEW IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURE Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) Unit Price (`) Cat Ref. 63A INAE0063 4590 INAS0063 6372 100A INAE0100 6082 INAS0100 8224 125A ICAE0125 9084 ICAS0125 12558 160A ICAE0160 10190 ICAS0160 13730 200A ICAE0200 12334 ICAS0200 15884 250A ICAE0250 17800 ICAS0250 22306 320A ICAE0320 18996 ICAS0320 23590 400A ICAE0400 27448 ICAS0400 34570 630A ICAE0630 32716 ICAS0630 39814 800A ITAE0800 49832 ITAS0800 60494 1000A ITAE1000 82052 ITAS1000 104370 1250A ITAE1250 116490 ITAS1250 138376 1600A ITAE1600 163086 ITAS1600 187148 2000A ITAE2000 198034 ITAS2000 246442 2500A ITAE2500 262750 ITAS2500 317584 3150A ITAE3150 355944 ITAS3150 429626 ACCESSORIES FOR AMBIDEX CHANGEOVER SWITCHES Cat Ref. Auxiliary Switch 200A-630A (1NO + 1NC) Spreader Links for Frame00 - 1 set (4 links) ICA00AUX ICA00SPL Unit Price (`) 140 310 ON-LOAD SWITCH FUSE CHANGEOVER Rated Current Cat Ref. 125A ITBE0125 IN OPEN EXECUTION Unit Price (`) 12152 IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURE Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) ITBS0125 15932 Recommended HRC Fuse Indo Asian Make FSF 200A ITBE0200 21804 ITBS0200 28430 FSF 250A ITBE0250 22518 ITBS0250 29288 FSK 320A ITBE0320 23114 ITBS0320 30636 FSK 400A ITBE0400 32882 ITBS0400 44114 FTS 630A ITBE0630 38840 ITBS0630 51224 FTS Price does not include HRC Fuses. ON-LOAD BY-PASS SWITCHES IN OPEN EXECUTION Rated Current Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURE Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 125A ITCE0125 14416 ITCS0125 19362 200A ITCE0200 18824 ITCS0200 23284 250A ITCE0250 26092 ITCS0250 33086 320A ITCE0320 27164 ITCS0320 34314 400A ITCE0400 41222 ITCS0400 49384 630A ITCE0630 46942 ITCS0630 57594 20 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 HRC FUSE LINKS & BASES BOLTED TYPE (BS) BREAKING CAPACITY > 80kA 500 V AC 50 Hz. Rating 2, 4, 6, 10, 16A 20, 25, 32A 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32A 35, 40, 50, 63A 50, 63, 80, 100,1 25, 160A 125, 160, 200A 50, 63, 80, 100, 125A 125, 160, 200, 250A 250, 315A 355, 400A 400, 500, 630A 400, 500A 630A Type FGN FGN FSA FSS FSDCP FSFP FSDC FSF FSK FMF FTS FTM FTM Tag Type Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Offset Central Central Central Central Central 2 Central 2 Central Cat Ref. IEFGN*** IEFGN*** IEFSA*** IEFSS*** IEDCP*** IESFP*** IESDC*** IEFSF*** IEFSK*** IEFMF*** IEFTS*** IEFTM*** IEFTM*** Unit Price (`) 50 58 80 92 192 274 192 280 406 784 900 1180 1608 Unit/Carton 20 20 10 10 10 3 10 3 3 3 1 1 1 DIN TYPE BREAKING CAPACITY > 80kA 500 V AC 50 Hz. Rating Amps 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 50, 63A 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 50, 63A 80, 100A 125, 160A 32, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200A 250A 250, 315A 400A 315, 425A 500, 630A Type Size 000 Size 00 Unit Price (`) 236 252 272 288 476 542 686 758 940 1118 Cat Ref. IWS00*** IW000*** IW000*** IW000*** IW001*** IW001*** IW002*** IW002*** IW003*** IW003*** Size 01 Size 02 Size 03 Unit/Carton 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 CYLINDRICAL TYPE (IFRH) BREAKING CAPACITY > 80kA 415 V AC. Rating 2 to 25A Cat Ref. IFRHO*** Unit Price (`) 100 32 to 40A IFRHO*** 108 50A IFRHO050 196 63A IFRHO063 202 Fuse Holder Fr type (2 to 63A) IFROO*** 186 FUSE FITTINGS FOR BOLTED (BS) TYPE / DIN TYPE HRC FUSE LINKS Rating 20A 32A 63A 100A 20A (Stud Type) Rating Amps 6-160A 32-250A 100-400A 315-630A Front Connection BFFC 0020 BFFC 0032 BFFC 0063 BFFC 0100 Unit Price (`) 114 200 290 744 Suitable for Size - 00 Size - 1 Size - 2 Size - 3 Back Busbar Connection BFBC 0020 BFBC 0032 BFBC 0063 BFBC 0100 BFFCS 020 Cat Ref. IWFB0*** IWFB1*** IWFB2*** IWFB3*** Unit Price (`) 124 210 306 766 164 Unit Price (`) 326 624 848 1184 Unit/Carton 10 10 5 3 1 Unit/Carton 6 2 2 2 FUSE STRIPS Rating Fuse Strip Unit Price (`) Vertical Fuse Strip Vertical Fuse Strip Unit Price (`) 250A AFSTR250 7888 VFSWT250 9830 400A 630A AFSTR400 AFSTR630 8128 10072 VFSWT400 VFSWT630 11528 14320 Replace *** with required rated current for example 002 for 2A. 21 Fuse Strip MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Icon CONTACTORS MINI CONTACTORS C6 Series 3 pole, AC [Ie] Rated current (A) AC1 Auxiliary Contacts Power @ 415V AC3 Kw (AC3) 6 2.2 9 4 1 NO 1 NC 1 NO 1 NC 20 With AC Coil Cat Ref. C600610* C600601* C600910* C600901* Unit Price [`] 728 778 C6 Series 4 pole, AC [Ie] Rated current (A) Pole Contact AC1 Composition 4 NO 2NO + 2NC 20 With AC Coil Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] C602004* C602008* 796 796 Coil Voltage Code Volts AC 50/60Hz* 24 E 48 G THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAY R2 Series Direct Mounting for C6 Series Contactors Thermal Protection For Use with Adjustment Range 0.1~0.16 0.16~0.25 0.25~0.4 0.4~0.63 0.63~1 1-~1.6 1.25 ~ 2 1.6 ~ 2.5 2.5 ~ 4 4~6 5.5 ~ 8 7 ~ 10 9 ~ 13 C6006 C6009 Unit Price [`] Cat Ref. R2011V16 R2011V25 R2011V4T R2011V63 R20111VT R20111V6 R20112VT R20112V5 R20114VT R20116VT R20118VT R201110T R201113T 110 H 230 J 415 M ACCESSORIES For C6 Series Mini Contactor Description Contacts Cat Ref. Front Mounted Add-on Block 2NO 1NO+1NC 2NC 4NO 3NO+1NC 2NO+2NC 1NO+3NC 4NC IACF6-20 IACF6-11 IACF6-02 IACF6-40 IACF6-31 IACF6-22 IACF6-13 IACF6-04 1112 Unit Price [`] 186 322 For R2011 Series Thermal Overload Relay For Use With 1176 Independent Mounting Bracket Unit Price [`] Cat Ref. 224 IARMBR11 CONTROL CONTACTOR [Ie] Rated current (A) AC1 AC3 Long Life 20 9 Power @ 415V kW (AC3) 4 Contact Combination 2NO + 2NC With DC Coil With AC Coil Unit Price [`] Cat Ref. Cat Ref. C102022* Z102022* 1104 Unit Price [`] P.O.R. 22 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Icon CONTACTORS POWER CONTACTORS WITH AUXILIARY CONTACT C1 Series 3 pole, AC & DC [Ie] Rated current (A) Power @ 415V Auxiliary AC1 AC3 Long Life kW (AC3) 20 9 4 20 12 5.5 32 18 7.5 40 25 11 50 32 15 60 80 80 95 110 40 50 65 80 95 18.5 22 30 37 45 Contacts 1 NO 1 NC 1 NO 1 NC 1 NO 1 NC 1 NO 1 NC 1 NO 1 NC 1NO+1NC 1NO+1NC 1NO+1NC 1NO+1NC 1NO+1NC With AC Coil With DC Coil Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] C100910* 798 C100901* C101210* 894 C101201* C101810* 1026 C101801* C102510* 1358 C102501* C103210* 2838 C103201* C104011* 4292 C105011* 5432 C106511* 7196 C108011* 9296 C109511* 10866 Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] Z100910* P.O.R. Z100901* Z101210* P.O.R. Z101201* Z101810* P.O.R. Z101801* Z102510* P.O.R. Z102501* Z103210* P.O.R. Z103201* Z104011* P.O.R. Z105011* P.O.R. Z106511* P.O.R. Z108011* P.O.R. Z109511* P.O.R. • *For coil voltage, please refer to coil voltage code table on page no. 22. • For additional auxiliary block & accessories please refer to page no. 22 & 23. C2 Series 3 pole, AC & DC [Ie] Rated current (A) Power @ 415V Auxiliary With DC Coil AC3 Long Life kW (AC3) 200 115 50 2NO+2NC C211532* 12718 Z211532* P.O.R. 200 150 75 2NO+2NC C215032* 16660 Z215032* P.O.R. 275 185 90 2NO+2NC C218532* 22892 Z218532* P.O.R. 275 225 110 2NO+2NC C222532* 25438 Z222532* P.O.R. 315 265 132 2NO+2NC C226532* 28198 Z226532* P.O.R. 380 330 160 450 400 200 630 500 250 800 630 335 • For additional auxiliary block & accessories please refer to page no. 22 & 23. 23 With AC Coil AC1 Contacts Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] 35102 Z233032* P.O.R. 2NO+2NC C233032* 41364 Z240032* P.O.R. 2NO+2NC C240032* 58960 Z250032* P.O.R. 2NO+2NC C250032* 74706 Z263032* P.O.R. 2NO+2NC C263032* • *For coil voltage, please refer to coil voltage code table on page no. 22. MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Icon CONTACTORS POWER CONTACTORS WITH AUXILIARY CONTACT C1 Series 4 pole, AC & DC [Ie] Rated current (A) AC3 [Ie] Rated Power @ 415V current (A) AC1 kW (AC3) 12 20 5.5 25 40 11 40 60 18.5 65 80 30 95 110 45 Pole Contact Composition 4 NO 2NO + 2NC 4 NO 2NO + 2NC 4 NO 2NO + 2NC 4 NO 2NO + 2NC 4 NO 2NO + 2NC Auxiliary Contacts - With AC Coil Unit Price [`] Cat Ref. 1166 C102004* C102008* 1316 1944 C104004* C104008* 2366 C106004* 4684 C106008* 5578 6872 C108004* C108008* 8116 9124 C109504* C109508* 10814 With DC Coil Unit Price [`] Cat Ref. Z102004* P.O.R. Z102008* P.O.R. Z104004* P.O.R. Z104008* P.O.R. P.O.R. Z106004* P.O.R. - Z109504* - P.O.R. - • *For coil voltage, please refer to coil voltage code table on page no. 22. • For additional auxiliary block & other accessories please refer to page no. 22 & 23. C2 Series 4 pole, AC & DC [Ie] Rated [Ie] Rated current (A) AC3 current (A) AC1 115 150 185 265 330 400 500 630 150 200 275 315 380 450 630 800 Power @ 415V kW (AC3) 55 75 90 132 160 200 250 335 Pole Contact Composition Auxiliary Contacts 4NO 4NO 4NO 4NO 4NO 4NO 4NO 4NO 2NO + 2NC 2NO + 2NC 2NO + 2NC 2NO + 2NC 2NO + 2NC 2NO + 2NC 2NO + 2NC 2NO + 2NC • For additional auxiliary block & accessories please refer to page no. 22 & 23. With AC Coil Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] C215042* 16740 C220042* 18248 C227542* 23394 C231542* 34062 C238042* 37712 C245042* 46228 C263042* 71574 78466 C280042* With DC Coil Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] Z215042* P.O.R. Z220042* P.O.R. Z227542* P.O.R. Z231542* P.O.R. Z238042* P.O.R. Z245042* P.O.R. Z263042* P.O.R. P.O.R. Z280042* • *For coil voltage, please refer to coil voltage code table on page no. 22. CAPACITOR DUTY CONTACTORS J1 Series 3 pole, AC [Ie] Rated current (A) (@415V) 17 23 29 43 63 • For additional auxiliary block & other accessories please refer to page no. 22. KVAR Rating @415V 50Hz 12 18 20 30 40 Auxilliary Contacts 1NO + 1NC 1NO + 1NC 1NO + 1NC 2NO + 1NC 2NO + 1NC With AC Coil Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] J101211* J101811* J102011* J103021* J104021* 2094 2806 3334 6410 11124 • *For coil voltage, please refer to coil voltage code table on page no. 22. 24 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Icon CONTACTORS Coils For C1 Series Contactors AC Coils For C2 Series Contactors Unit Price [`] Product Compatibility Cat Ref. C1009-C1012-C1018 IACC1AA* 428 IACC1AB* 566 IACC1AC* 1134 AC C1025-C1032 C1040-C1050-C1065-C1080-C1095 • *For Coil voltage code please refer to coil voltage table Product Compatibility Cat Ref. C2115-C2150 C2185-C2225 C2265 C2330 C2400 C2500 C2630 IACC2AD* IACC2AE* IACC2AF* IACC2AG* IACC2AH* IACC2AI* IACC2AJ* Unit Price [`] 2114 3530 3812 3812 7178 11720 13414 • *For Coil voltage code please refer to coil voltage table COIL VOLTAGE CODE Volts AC 50/60Hz 24 48 110 230 E G H DC E G H ACCESSORIES C1 Series Mechanical Interlock (Horizontally Mounted) For Use With Contactors C1009 C1012 C1018 C1025 C1032 C1040 C1050 C1065 C1080 C1095 25 Cat Ref. IACJ0932 Unit Price [`] Description Front Mounted 688 IACJ8095 916 J - - M Add on Block for C1 / C2 / Z1 / Z2 Series Contactors 380 IACJ4065 415 J 380 L Side Mounted** ** Not applicable for C2 &Z2 Contacts Cat Ref. 2NO 1NO+1NC 2NC 4NO 3NO+1NC 2NO+2NC 1NO+3NC 4NC IACF4-20 IACF4-11 IACF4-02 IACF4-40 IACF4-31 IACF4-22 IACF4-13 IACF4-04 1NO+1NC IACF1-11 Unit Price [`] 214 354 358 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 ACCESSORIES C2 Series Mechanical Interlock (Horizontally Mounted) For Use With Contactors C2115 C2150 C2185 C2225 C2265 C2330 C2400 C2500 C2630 Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] IACJ150T 2144 IACJ225T 2518 IACJ500T 2958 For C1 / C2 Series Pneumatic Timer Blocks Contactors Description ON Delay Front Mounted OFF Delay IACJ630T 4020 Contacts 0.1s~3s 1NO+1NC 0.1s~30s 1NO+1NC 10s~180s 1NO+1NC 0.1s~3s 1NO+1NC 0.1s~30s 1NO+1NC 10s~180s 1NO+1NC Cat Ref. IACF5-T0 IACF5-T2 IACF5-T4 IACF5-D0 IACF5-D2 IACF5-D4 Unit Price [`] 1258 1258 • For C2 Model contactor Vertical mechnaical Interlock also available on request Icon THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAY R2 Series Direct Mounting for C1 Series Contactors Thermal Protection Adjustment Range 0.1~0.16 0.16~0.25 0.25~0.4 0.4~0.63 0.63~1 1-~1.6 1.25 ~ 2 1.6 ~ 2.5 2.5 ~ 4 4~6 5.5 ~ 8 7 ~ 10 9 ~ 13 12 ~ 18 17 ~ 25 23 ~ 32 28 ~ 36 23 ~ 32 30 ~ 40 37 ~ 50 48 ~ 65 55 ~ 70 63 ~ 80 80 ~ 93 For Use with C1009 C1012 C1018 C1025 C1032 C1032 C1040 C1050 C1065 C1080 C1095 Cat Ref. R2025V16 R2025V25 R2025V4T R2025V63 R20251VT R20251V6 R20252VT R20252V5 R20254VT R20256VT R20258VT R202510T R202513T R202518T R202525T R203632T R203636T R209332T R209340T R209350T R209365T R209370T R209380T R209393T Independent Mounting for C2 Series Contactors Unit Price [`] 1176 Thermal Protection Adjustment Range For Use with 80 ~ 104 95 ~ 120 110 ~ 150 80 ~ 125 100 ~ 160 125 ~ 200 160 ~ 250 200 ~ 315 250 ~ 400 315 ~ 500 400 ~ 630 C2115 C2150 C2185 C2225 C2265 C2330 C2400 C2500 C2630 Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] R2150104 R2150120 R2150150 R2200125 R2200160 R2200200 R2630250 R2630315 R2630400 R2630500 R2630630 6282 6282 6282 7102 7102 7102 7102 7716 7824 P.O.R P.O.R 1306 1922 ACCESSORIES For R2 Series Independent Mounting Bracket 2164 2704 3364 3486 For Use With Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] For R2025 thermal overload relay IARMBR25 312 For R2036 thermal overload relay For R2093 thermal overload relay IARMBR36 332 IARMBR93 1358 26 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 Icon MOTOR PROTECTION CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MPCBs) NS2 Series Push Button Type Icu @ 415V (kA) Ics @ 415V (kA) 100 100 7.5 15 6 35 17.5 Motor Power @ 415V (kW) Thermal Protection Adj. Range Cat Ref. Unit Price [`] 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11 11 11 18.5 30 0.1 ~0.16 0.16 ~ 0.25 0.25 ~ 0.4 0.4 ~ 0.63 0.63 ~ 1.0 1.0 ~ 1.6 1.6 ~ 2.5 2.5 ~ 4.0 4.0 ~ 6.3 6.0 ~ 10.0 9.0 ~ 14.0 13.0 ~ 18.0 17.0 ~ 23.0 20.0 ~ 25.0 16.0 ~ 25.0 25.0 ~ 40.0 40.0 ~ 63.0 S2B25V16 S2B25V25 S2B25V4T S2B25V63 S2B251VT S2B251V6 S2B252V5 S2B254VT S2B256V3 S2B2510T S2B2514T S2B2518T S2B2523T S2B2525T S280B25T S280B40T S280B63T 2246 2246 2246 2452 2452 2546 2546 2608 2608 2752 2998 3520 3820 3820 8128 8128 9704 40 56.0 ~ 80.0 S280B80T 11282 ACCESSORIES For NS2 Series Motor Protection Circuit Breaker Description Aux. Contacts Cat Ref. 2NO 1NO+1NC 2NO 1NO+1NC S2IAE-20 S2IAE-11 S2IAU-20 S2IAU-11 Side Mounting for B80 Frame 2NO 1NO+1NC S2180-20 S2180-11 110 ~115V 50Hz 220 ~240V 50Hz 380 ~415V 50Hz 110 ~115V 50Hz 220 ~240V 50Hz 380 ~415V 50Hz - S2IUVH5Z S2IUVL5Z S2IUVM5Z S2ISHH5Z S2ISHL5Z S2ISHM5Z Front Mounting for B25 Frame Auxiliary Block Under Voltage Release Shunt Release 27 Side Mounting for B25 Frame Unit Price [`] 530 578 604 1340 1340 MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE W.E.F. 1st January’ 14 REWIRABLE SWITCH FUSE UNIT Rating Type Cat Ref. Rated Voltage Unit Price* (`) 240 V 528 1304 • Single Pole & Neutral/Double Pole 240/415 VAC 50 Hz 16A SPN RCSPN016 32A SPN RCSPN032 240 V • Conforms to IS/IEC 13947-3 16A DP RCDP0016 240 V 544 32A DP RCDP0032 240 V 1422 32A DP #DDP0032 415 V 1840 63A DP #DDP0063 415 V 3668 # For Rewirable type carrier, prefix R, for HRC type carrier, prefix H. * These prices are without wire & HRC. COMBINATION FUSE SWITCH Rating • Double Break in Sheet steel enclosure • Conforms to IS/IEC 13947-3 • Rated Voltage - 415V AC 50 Hz HRC Fuse Type Cat Ref. Unit Price* (`) 63A FSDCP DDTPN063 6552 100A FSDCP DDTPN100 8800 200A FSF DDTPN200 13096 300A FSK DDTPN300 16526 400A FTS DDTPN400 24212 Rating HRC Fuse Type Cat Ref. Unit Price* (`) 16A FSA #DTPN016 1588 32A FSA #DTPN032 2138 63A FSS #DTPN063 4552 100A FSDCP #DTPN100 8298 • Type - TPN * These prices are without HRC. TRIPLE POLE NEUTRAL HRC TYPE REWIRABLE SWITCH FUSE UNIT • Rated Voltage - 415V-AC 50Hz • Type - TPN # For Rewirable type carrier, prefix R, for HRC type carrier, prefix H. * These prices are without wire & HRC. OFF LOAD CHANGEOVER SWITCH NEW Rating Cat Ref. Unit Price (`) 32A (DP) OFDP0032 1514 16A OFFP0016 2374 2810 32A OFFP0032 63A OFFP0063 5616 • Rated Voltage - 415V-AC 50Hz 100A OFFPO100 11306 • Type - FP 125A OFFPO125 12104 • With enclosure 200A OFFPO200 16656 250A OFFPO250 17290 315A OFFPO315 21612 400A OFFPO400 28706 Prices for spares of Rewirable Switch Fuse Unit like Action Bar, Base Plate, End Shield, Bakelite Contact Shrouds are available on request. 28 CORPORATE OFFICE: B-24, Phase - II, Noida - 201305, U.P., India Ph.: +91-120-3853000 Fax: +91-120-3853002 E-mail:, Website: CONSUMER CARE CELL: B-24, Phase - II, Noida - 201305, U.P., India Ph.: +91-120-3042222 E-mail: NORTH DELHI 721-722, 7th Floor, DLF Tower B, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi-110044 Ph.: 011-30821773-74 E-Mail: JAIPUR 433, Ganpati Plaza, M. I. Road, Jaipur-302001 Ph.: 0141-4113528 E-Mail: LUCKNOW 301, Chintel House, Station Road, Lucknow-226001 Ph.: 0522-4013210 TeleFax: 0522-4013210 E-Mail: COCHIN 35/1403 B, 1st Floor, M. K. M. Building, Palarivattom, Cochin-682025 Ph.: 0484-4055581-88 Fax: 0484-4055589 E-Mail: COIMBATORE D. No. 83, Dr. Nanjappa Road, Coimbatore-641018 Ph.: 0422-2302715 Fax: 0422-2302715 E-Mail: CHENNAI Ambal Building, st 1 Floor, 727, Anna Salai, Chennai-600006 Ph.: 044-28297527, 28297143 E-Mail: HYDERABAD 312, 3rd Floor, Amrutha Estates, Himayath Nagar, Hyderabad-500029, Ph.: 040-66742425-29 E-Mail: AHMEDABAD 203-204, Shreedhar Avenue, 11, Sardar Patel Colony, Near Sardar Patel Statue, Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380014 Ph.: 079-30002092-94 Fax: 079-27680439 E-Mail: GOA No. 606, 6th Floor, Unitech City Center, M.G. Road, Panjim, Goa-403501 Ph.: 0832-2420934, 9422445501 E-Mail: INDORE C-18, Block B, New Siyaganj Market, Indore-452007 Ph.: 0731-4064064, 8889211108 Fax: 0731-4064064 E-Mail: MUMBAI G-6, Nahar & Seth Industrial Estate, Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai-400099 Ph.: 022-28390072, 28301987 Fax: 022-66922831 E-Mail: PUNE Rajadwar Building, 4th Floor, 1307, Shivaji Nagar, Off. J. M. Road, Pune-411005 Ph.: 020-30116638-39, 60501144 Fax: 020-25520659 E-Mail: SURAT 306, Golden Point, Ring Road, Surat-395003 Ph.: 0261-3990890, 9825224054 E-Mail: JAMSHEDPUR 9, Rustomji Mansion Main Road, Near Signal Light, Bistupur, Jamshedpur-831001 Ph.: 09830893435 E-Mail: CHANDIGARH S.C.O.-11, 2nd Floor, Madhya Marg, Sector-26, Chandigarh-160002 Ph.: 0172-3934651-64 Telefax: 0172-3934656 E-Mail: SOUTH BANGALORE 402, 4th Floor, Blue Cross Chambers, Infantry Road Cross, Bangalore-560001 Ph.: 080-25585043, 25591677 Fax: 080-25591546 E-Mail: EAST KOLKATA 61/B, Palm Avenue, Kolkata-700019 Ph.: 033-32934121, 32609475 E-Mail: IA/Price List/12-13/10000 WEST
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