Alpha Natural Resources`s Roman C. Lawson and Rick Nida
Alpha Natural Resources`s Roman C. Lawson and Rick Nida
A Publication Dedicated to Coal People Worldwide JULY 2011 Vol. 33 No. 5 Surface Mining and Reclamation Buyer’s Guide Issue Magazine Chris Stanley with Knight Hawk Coal Alpha Natural Resources’s Roman C. Lawson and Rick Nida overlook Alpha’s Hawk’s Nest Project near Grundy, Virginia. Dave Arnold and Bill Raney Reclamation Recreation RE RE E V EN SOLUTIO ASH HANDLIN RESOUR ENERGY EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS SUPERC CRITIC CAL TECHNOLOGY CONTROL UTILITIES TEC CHNOLOGY REACH EQUIPMENT CARBON CA APTU EMIS EM IIS SSI SION O S CO ON CONT CON NTR RO OL PROFESSIONALS P WE PO WER R PR PROD ODUC OD UCE UC ERS ERS ONS MISSION NS CONTROL ABUNDANT RESOURCE MISSIONS ONTROL EL SOURCE FUE SUPPLIE ERS R SE RE SEAR RCH H AND AND DEV DEVELOPME MENT NT CONT CO NTRO NT ROL RO L SY STEM SYS S T EMS S GASIFICATION GLOBAL MARKET August 17-19, 2011 Conference & Exhibition Columbus, Ohio Greater Columbus Convention Center Save the Date. With a decade of service to the coal sector, COAL-GEN is the industry’s most dynamic event covering the latest topics affecting the design, development, upgrading, operation and maintenance of coal-fueled power plants. With an anticipated attendance of over 4,500 industry professionals and more than 350 exhibitors, COAL-GEN is the industry’s largest event focused on the solutions of today and the technologies of tomorrow. COAL-GEN earned the distinction of being named one of the 50 Fastest Growing Tradeshows by Tradeshow Week magazine in 2009, emphasizing the event’s importance to the coal-fueled industry. You won’t want to miss COAL-GEN 2011 in Columbus! Owned & Produced By: EQUIPMENT DISC SCU SC USSIO ONS ONS CONTROL INDEP PENDENT PANEL EMISSION RESPONSIB BLE KILOWATTS LESSONS LEARNED M AT E R I A L S HANDLING ALL YOUR GOALS POWER PLANTS CARBON CAPTURE FUEL COST P WE PO WE R NG RIIN FIR O--F GL G GLO LOBA OBAL MARK MARK MA RKET DEVELOPMENT RELIABILITY DEV DE VELO OPMEN NT COAL-FIRED GROWING T PROJECT GENERATION GENERATIION UTILITIES EMISSIONS ABUNDAN NT EGULATIONS RESOUR RCE GASIFICATION NVIRONMENTAL IOMASS RETROFITS REDUCING O PE E EXPE E UPDATES Flagship Media Sponsor: Visit for more information. SETCO Offers Complete Tire Assembly to HAUL THE HEAVIEST LOADS Published by Al Skinner, Inc. TOUGH TESTED PROVEN Editor/Publisher Al Skinner E-mail: Managing Editor Christina Karawan E-mail: Corporate Office Phone (304) 342-4129 Toll Free (800) 235-5188 Fax (304) 343-3124 Contributing Editor Art Sanda E-mail: Solving Your Toughest Tire Problems Contributing Writers Bill Archer James Stevens Christine Pietryla Lynn Seldon Circulation Manager Angela McNealy E-mail: (address changes and corrections) Production Department E-mail Artwork or Inquiries to: or call (800) 235-5188 Advertising Sales Call Toll Free (800) 235-5188 Lisa Roper Phone (864) 278-8227 E-mail: Chuck Roper Phone (864) 546-8978 E-mail: Web Designer Chuck Jelderks Mailing Address • P.O. Box 6247 • Charleston, WV 25362 • 629 Virginia St., W • Charleston, WV 25302 Web Portal Subscribe on-line when visiting Web site. Subscription rate $25 annually within the United States. $50 for Canadian and overseas subscriptions. Send payment to above address. Coal People Magazine is mailed direct to coal executives with buying power in the United States, Canada, Mexico and overseas. Each copy is mailed specifically to company presidents, CEO’s, vice presidents, engineers, purchasing agents, and mine supervisors. Additional copies are distributed at coal shows, conferences and meetings. Editorial material should be submitted to the editor at the address above by the 15th of the month prior to publication. All original material including advertising design, copy illustrations and signatures conceived and developed by Al Skinner Inc for use by its publication are for express use of this publication. All rights reserved.© Advertising rates and editorial calendars are available upon request by calling (800) 235-5188. JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue SETCO’s newest design, the S-Mine tire, has improved shape and tread design which will provide the best traction as well as longevity and productivity. Air holes are molded into the sidewalls for a much softer ride. SETCO CAN EASILY • Change the entire dimension on a tire • Vary the rubber depth for maximum load and carry • Utilize its custom heat dissipating compound to minimize heat throughout the assembly to maximize load capacities while minimizing fatigue on the machines and operators. THE RUBBER IS UNDER NO PRESSURE • No cord body pumped up to 200 psi that will explode with the slightest cut or puncture • No internal pressure attempting to escape at the first sign of weakness Phone (580) 286-6531 Toll Free (800) 634-2381 Authorized Distributor: R.M. Wilson Co. Wheeling, WV (800) 624-5460 Beckley, WV (800) 232-5539 Price, UT (435) 637-6950 3 Next Issue: AUGUST- Bluefield Pre-Show Issue JULY 2011 Vol. 33 No. 5 Dedicated to Coal People Worldwide Features Alpha Takes the High Road Featuring Roman C. Lawson .........................30 By Bill Archer Photos by Tim Cox and Bill Archer Coal People Magazine 2011 JULY Issue Magazine On the cover...: Alpha Natural Resources’s Roman C. Lawson and Rick Nida, manager of external communications, overlooking Arch’s Hawk’s Nest Project near Grundy, Virginia. A Publication Dedicated to Coal People Worldwide JULY 2011 Vol. 33 No. 5 Surface Mining and Reclamation Buyer’s Guide Issue Magazine Chris Stanley with Knight Hawk Coal Dave Arnold and Bill Raney Reclamation Recreation photo by Bill Archer. Alpha Natural Resources’s Roman C. Lawson and Rick Nida overlook Arch’s Hawk’s Nest Project near Grundy, Virginia. The Value of Any System Is Not in the Owning of It, It’s in the Using of it Nigel Nugent of Enviance By Art Sanda 20 Reclamation Recreation A Right-on Reclamation Project that Really Zips Along ................................................................16 By Lynn Seldon Deepwater Drilling: Offshore Oil Progress Delayed Under “Slowmatorium” ....................................................... 19 By Michael Gray, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. Knight Hawk Coal Steams Forward Through Devastating Mississippi River Flooding............................. 20 28 By Christine Pietryla Coal Land Reclamation in Pennsylvania County..............................28 By James Stevens Reclamation News Patriot Coal Wins IMCC Reclamation Award...................................12 Peabody’s Farmersburg Mine Recognized for Stream Restoration........................................................................13 Arch Coal’s Coal-Mac Cited for Excellence in Reforestation...........14 Reclamation is a Serious Business in North Dakota .......................14 Advertisers in Action Elgin Equipment Group ...................................................................10 Carroll Technologies Group .............................................................35 Lockheed Martin & Carroll Technologies Sign Agreement ..............58 4 Departments Editorial.............................................................................................. 6 Buyer-Friendly Ad Index “Find it Fast” ............................................... 5 Coal People Comments..................................................................... 7 Coal / Energy Events ......................................................................... 9 Mine’ing Our Business..................................................................... 27 Capsule News ................................................................................. 34 Coal News Worldwide ..................................................................... 38 Coal People in the News ................................................................. 41 Energy News ................................................................................... 36 Product News .................................................................................. 58 Advertising Index ............................................................................ 66 Classified .................................................................................... 62-65 Coal People Magazine ast!Buyer-Friendly Products and Services F t i Find Looking for a Specific Product Fast? Use Coal People’s “Find it Fast” Index In Print or On-line. This comprehensive, interactive index has been compiled for readers to Quickly Locate Products and Services. Available in print with page number reference or on-line with a direct link to each company’s Web site. ABRASION / IMPACT RESISTANT MATERIALS American Utility Metals ............................................................ 66 CBP Engineering Corp. ........................................................... 62 HardSteel, Inc. ......................................................................... 66 Wear Services ......................................................................... 62 AUTOMATED SAMPLING SYSTEMS James A. Redding Company ................................................... 62 Precision Samplers, Inc. .......................................................... 62 BATTERY CHARGERS / MINE LaMarche Manufacturing ......................................................... 63 BELT CLEANERS Richwood ................................................................................. 62 CABLE FAULT LOCATORS Innovative Utility Products Corp .............................................. 62 CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE WIRELESS CTB Wireless, Inc. .................................................................. 63 COAL PREPARATION PLANTS Lincoln Contracting & Equipment ............................................ 62 COAL PREPARATION / PREPARATION EQUIPMENT American Pulverizer Co ........................................................... 63 Elgin Equipment Group ............................................................11 Industrial Resources, Inc ......................................................... 62 Powerscreen Mid-Atlantic ........................................................ 63 COAL SHOWS / EVENTS Bluefield Coal Show .................................................................. 8 Coal-Gen Expo .......................................................................... 2 CONSULTING SERVICES GIW Industries ......................................................................... 64 CONSULTING SERVICES / ENGINEERS Cowin & Company, Inc ............................................................ 64 CONTRACTORS Rock & Coal Construction ....................................................... 63 CONVEYOR ACCESSORIES Richwood ................................................................................. 63 CONVEYOR BACKSTOPS Formsprag Clutch .................................................................... 65 Marland Clutch ........................................................................ 63 DISTRIBUTORS / ENGINEERED PRODUCTS RM Wilson Co., Inc. ................................................................. 13 ELECTRICAL / CABLE PRODUCTS Corky Wells Electric................................................................. 64 Pemco Corporation.................................................................. 64 EMERGENCY ESCAPE HOISTING SYSTEMS Coalfield Services, Inc. ............................................................ 64 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Strata Safety Products............................................................. 64 ENGINEERING SERVICES Farnham & Pfile Eng. & Construction ...................................... 63 Skelly and Loy Engineering .................................................... 64 FANS Paul’s Repair Shop, Inc ........................................................... 64 FILTERS Peterson Filters Corporation.................................................... 65 MINING MACHINERY The Tractor Company .............................................................. 64 MOTORIZED CONVEYOR PULLEYS Rulmeca Corporation............................................................... 65 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Whayne Supply Co., Inc. .......................................................... 9 PAINTING / COATING SERVICES Gardner Paint Services, Inc.................................................... 63 PIPING / FABRICATION JABO Supply Corporation ....................................................... 65 PIPING & PUMPING SYSTEMS Lee Supply Co., Inc. ................................................................ 65 PUMPS SCHURCO SLURRY ............................................................... 65 ROOF SUPPORT / BOLTERS / SYSTEMS DSI.......................................................................................... 64 SEAMLESS ALUMINUM MINE PIPE SYSTEMS Lee Supply Co., Inc. ........................................................ 68 (BC) SILOS-STACKING TABLES San-Con Industries, Inc. .......................................................... 66 SWITCHES MarTek Ltd ............................................................................... 65 TIRES Setco Tire & Rim Assembly ....................................................... 3 TIRE PROTECTION CHAINS RUD Chain / Erlau ..................................................................... 7 The Most Unique Blend of Editorial and News in the Coal Mining / Energy Industry...In-Print and On-Line To receive Coal People electronically at no extra charge Send request to: or call (800) 235-5188 Look for Coal People’s Monthly e-Newsletters highlighting • Current Issue on-Line in Flip-Page Format • Advertisers’ Current Logo Links • Upcoming Issue Promotions • Links to Advertisers’ in Action • Links to Upcoming Coal Events To receive the e-version of Coal People Magazine send request to: To view on-line issues log-on to: JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue 5 By Al Skinner Publisher / Editor THE PRIDE OF RECLAMATION When we speak of reclamation in the coal industry, we speak of a pride of accomplishment where the positives far outnumber the negatives. As a matter of fact, one would be hard-pressed to find a negative when looking at all the great reclamation work that has been done. Within these pages, Coal People has gathered reclamation stories that would make anti-coal people blush with shame. Outstanding is the superlative that immediately comes to mind when one reviews the pictures and stories that tell of these great works. Actually, what CPM presents here is a mere sampling of the thousands of acres of land that has been restored to usable levels, everything from cow pastures and rolling meadows to shopping centers, housing developments, airports, golf courses, and many, many more works of greatness. Here’s a Readers-Digest version of beneficial use of post-mountaintop mining, the most controversial subject in the coal industry: A short drive up a side road through dense Appalachian forest ends at a vast, flat clearing where a mountaintop used to be. The peak that stood for an eon is gone, replaced by a giant recreation area that was built after a COAL COMPANY scraped away thousands of tons of earth, lowering the mountain by 200 feet. Coal industry supporters say the Knott County Sportsplex in eastern Kentucky is one of many examples of economic opportunity created by strip mining techniques that include the often-vilified method known as mountaintop removal. But data obtained by The Associated Press indicates that just a small percentage of the leveled Appalachian mountain landscape has been transformed into new developments such as businesses, prisons, golf courses and subdivisions. Because of the extreme mountainous areas of West Virginia and Kentucky, Appalachia has become “land poor.” The WV Dept. of Commerce points out that developments on former mining sites have created more than 13,000 jobs in 12 counties. In reality, this barely touches the full impact that post mining reclamation has had on remote areas that would never have been accessible. Read the stories inside these pages and if you’re not impressed, you’re from the EPA! POETIC JUSTICE? ENVIRONmental groups continue to fight the construction of new coal-fired power plants, advocating the construction of alternative forms of energy such as solar and wind farms. The construction of 100 wind turbines over 20,000 acres in Florida has created a stir among various environmental groups seeking to minimize the ecological cost of “green power.” The National Audubon Society’s Florida affiliate is clamoring over the size of the turbines and its potential detrimental effect to the native wild birds that could be harmed by the large turbines. Each wind turbine can be as large as the Statue of Liberty. Environmental groups are quickly finding out that no matter what is chosen to provide energy, everything has an economic and environmental cost associated with its development. 6 Coal People Magazine coal people comments “We all want a clean and healthy environment. But the EPA’s inflexible approach that is driving our Nation’s energy policy is wrong, and it will permanently damage industries, businesses, and cause significant negative impacts on consumers and workers. It needs to Stop” – WV Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. “Mining is socially responsible. While it’s true that we have legacy issues from the past, mining has made great strides forward. We have reclamation excellence that continues to reform disturbed land into productive habitats. We have close to 200 metal and non-metal mines in Canada, but cumulative emissions are less than 1 percent of Canada’s total emissions. Canadian mining firms have implemented a number of reclamation schemes that have won awards for excellence in their efforts. Mining is looking to minimize its environmental impact while, at the same time, asserting that it is a necessary and important part of our industrial landscape.” – Gord Winkel, chairperson of the Surface Mining Association for Research and Technology (SMART) industry association. “Increased emphasis on renewable energy poses a threat to coal in the longterm, but for now, coal is still the number one source for electricity in the world. Coal may still be able to compete with renewable energy as more companies invest in “clean coal” technologies. Greater steel demand is helping companies that produce metallurgical coal. Coal is still used in roughly 70 percent of all steel production.” – HELP REIN IN THE EPA! The EPA has been rewriting the rules for far too long, and it’s time to return primary responsibility over Appalachian land and water resources – to Appalachia! “What EPA is doing is outside the scope of its authority and the law, and it represents a fundamental departure from the permitting process as originally envisioned by Congress. And it’s time for Congress to rein in the EPA. The EPA is changing the rules in the middle of the game with a burdensome permitting process designed to stymie the industry.“ – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The Obama administration’s anti-coal EPA has made it quite clear that it does not consider the importance of coal jobs, coal communities or even states’ rights in their decision making process. Over the past two years the EPA has issued onerous and unreachable guidance, held dozens of permits in regulatory limbo and revoked a permit that was already-approved on the state and federal level. It’s time to rein in the EPA – and we need your help! Last week, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John L. Mica (R-FL) and the Committee’s Ranking Member Nick Rahall (D-WV), along with cosponsors Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-OH) and Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) introduced H.R. 2018, the “Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011,” to rein in the EPA by amending the Clean Water Act (CWA) with a host of needed provisions designed to return a balance to the relationship between the federal government and the states. - The bill includes common sense protections for states’ already EPAapproved water quality standards and permitting authority under the CWA. The EPA would be unable to withdraw an existing permit like the unprecedented revocation of the Spruce No. 1 mine permit. - The bill includes reasonable time limits for agency comments and helps reduce pointless bureaucratic delays in the section 404 permitting process. Putting an end to the nearly two-year hold of dozens of mining permits. - The bill places limits on EPA’s ability to veto dredge and fill permits issued by the Army Corps of Engineers and gives states more flexibility to administer these permitting programs. Reducing uncertainty over arbitrary continue World Leader in Tire Protection and Traction Chains Granit Plus X22 Tr a d i t i o n i n L e a d e r s h i p Garant 10 Terra Plus X11, X14, X16, X19 & X22 Phone: 800-553-7993 • • JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue 7 coal people comments vetoes. -- Please help ensure that the decisions made by Appalachian residents, aren’t overruled by the whims of Washington bureaucrats – please TAKE ACTION ext/167230.aspx, now by sending a letter to your lawmakers in support of H.R. 2018, the “Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011.” Thank you for your support, Federation for American Coal, Energy and Security (FACES of Coal) Reclamation.” The airport’s manager, Gary Cox, said the general aviation facility that handles mostly coal industryrelated private aircraft and a nearby state prison with 400 employees wouldn’t have been built if mining companies hadn’t flattened the ills. Post-mining lands have provided places for elk herds to roam in eastern Kentucky. The animals were reintroduced in 1997 after being gone from the state for 150 years. State official say they now number 11,000” – Phil Osborne, FACES of Coal. Send comments to “A home in Prestonsburg, KY, stands near a manicured, 18-hole Stone Crest Golf Course, built on top of a reclaimed mine. It’s the same golf course where coal supporters posted a sign in July mocking actress Ashley Judd for her outspoken opposition to mountaintop mining. About 20 miles northeast of the course is the Big Sandy Regional Airport, which was built after the removal of a 10foot high coal seam. In mid-August, a private jet owned by Massey Energy, was docked on the runway near an airport sign that reads “Made Possible By Coal Reach Your Market In the Heart of Coal Country Coal People Magazine’s 2011 Bluefield Coal Show Issues In PRINT and ON-LINE Coverage Before, During and After the Show! AUGUST - Pre-Show Issue PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY BEFORE THE SHOW! SUPPLEMENT-Centerfold-Sept. Issue © “A CoalAdvertising Show For Coal People” 1/2-Price Opportunity Showcase your company by advertising in the August issue. with Display Ad Aug. 16, or Sept. issue September 14,in 15, 2011 In print and on-line. Take this opportunity to let readers Distributed exclusively at the Show! know what to look for at the show. Articles, news sections Armory-Civic Center Brushfork are available to highlight the upcoming event. ThisVirginia centerfold insert will highlight exhibitors, Bluefield, West Sponsoredto by:plan This preview index will give viewers the opportunity and include business profile articles. their visits with customers. A complete Exhibitor Profile is featured in print and on-line with company information, OCT NOV - Post-Show Issue booth number and a description of what will be onPOdisplay. Box 4098 • 619 Bland Street • Bluefield,/WV 24701 SEPTEMBER - Show Issue t 304.327.7184 • f 304.325.3085 PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY AFTER THE SHOW! Extended “Mine’ing Our Business” including post-show photos, articles, and exhibitor comments. ALSO Featuring: Industry-Wide Buyer’s Guide PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY DURING THE SHOW! Showcase company advertising “Ayour Coal Show ForbyCoal People” in the Sept. issue. © September 14,globally 15, 16, mailed 2011 circulation, thousands In addition to CPM’s be distributed at the show! An on-line version will also be available. Contact Your Sales Rep Today! or call Call (800) 235-5188 Brushfork Armory-Civic Center of additional copies will Bluefield, West Virginia Sponsored by: PO Box 4098 • 619 Bland Street • Bluefield, WV 24701 t 304.327.7184 • f 304.325.3085 © “A Coal Show For Coal People” September 14, 15, 16, 2011 Brushfork Armory-Civic Center Bluefield, West Virginia Sponsored by: © “A Coal Show For Coal People” September 14, 15, 16, 2011 Brushfork Armory-Civic Center Bluefield, West Virginia PO Box 4098 • 619 Bland Street • Bluefield, WV 24701 t 304.327.7184 • f 304.325.3085 Sponsored by: 8 PO Box 4098 • 619 Bland Street • Bluefield, WV 24701 t 304.327.7184 • f 304.325.3085 Coal People Magazine related issues, will be held August 5-6 at Best Western Genetti Inn & Suites at Hazleton, PA. Registration is open for conference discounts on lodging, exhibits and sponsorship. Program highlights include tour options in the Anthracite Region AMD treatment systems, AML reclamation projects, Panther Valley’s No. 9 Mine tour or Eckley Miners’ Village Tour. Workshop sessions include the Marcellus “gas rush” and ties to AMD/ Mine Pool Use +AMD treatment system operation, maintenance and repair. Call Michael Hewitt at 570/371-3522 or visit Coal / Energy Events The West Virginia Coal Association, Charleston, WV, announces the following events/shows, in which WVCA will participate: July 15-17, 8th Annual Friends of Coal Auto Fair; August 4-6, WVCA Annual Meeting, The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, WV; September 4, The Coal Bowl –WVU vs. Marshall, Morgantown, WV; and September 14-16, The Bluefield Coal Show. Contact Sandi at sdavison@ or call 304/342-4153. Twenty eight CBM expert speakers and 13+ regulatory, project and investment updates will highlight the 4th Annual CBM Conference this July 1114 in Singapore. Special focus will be on key CBM markets: Indonesia, China, Australia and India. Call +65 6508 2401 or visit The 3rd Annual Argus Petroleum Coke Summit Americas is scheduled for September 19-21 at Houston, TX. A market-focused agenda will look at key issues in refining, competing fuels economics, global supply and demand, pricing, spotlights on key regions, transportation and logistics and more. Visit americas. The 13th Annual PA AMR Conference, Pennsylvania’s longest running annual conference on abandoned mine On-line Classified section is located on CPM’s Home page and categorized alphabetically by product or service. Each banner is actively linked to advertiser’s Web site. Call 800/235-5188 • Affordable Stainless Steel • Corrosion and Abrasion Resistant • 45% Stronger than 304L SS* • 250 times more corrosion resistant than mild steel E-mail: Phone: 225-343-4219 *(for thickness <8mm) ABRASION RESISTANT • Affordable Stainless Steel • Corrosion and Abrasion Resistant • 45% Stronger than 304L SS* • 250 times more corrosion resistant than mild steel Phone: 225-343-4219 *(for thickness <8mm) CHARGERS-BATTERY La Marche Mine Battery Charger Combines rugged components with circuit simplicity for unmatched reliability 847-299-1188 COAL PREPARATION Lincoln Contracting & Equipment Coal Prep Plant Design Engineering Construction 814/629-6641 ABRASION RESISTANT AUTOMATED SAMPLING AbrasionResistant Lining Materials 800-468-1180 COAL PREPARATION FARNHAM & PFILE ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Preparation Plants Material Handling Systems BELT CLEANERS James A. Redding Company REDUCE DOWNTIME! Automated Sampling Specialists Rely on Increase productivity with clean and dry return belts. Call today for site-specific assistance with your application 1800-237-6951. ® Rely on RICHWOOD impact CONSTRUCTION CONVEYOR ACCESSORIES reliable Rock &protection Coal impact Construction, Inc. COAL PREPARATION • Engineering • Manufacturing • Construction • Renovations WV (304) 363-4100 PA (412) 279-8834 ELECTRICAL COAL PREPARATION Now have instant access to Whayne Supply’s large inventory of quality, used Caterpillar – POWERSCREEN MOBILE MID-ATLANTIC, INC. CRUSHING, SCREENING & WASHING and other branded equipment – right from Mobile Crushing Screening & Washing your own computer! Check out photos, 800/797-7276 ® RICHWOOD 1.800.237.6951 ® RICHWOOD 1.800.237.6951 (304) 683-5600 ENGINEERING / CONSULTING SERVICES Serving the Mining Industry Worldwide Since 1969 This is GIW. From industrial local service & parts support. CALL NOW FOR INFORMATION & PRICING. 1-800-PWR-SCRN ELECTRICAL MACHINES, PARTS & SERVICE PH: 1-800-797-7276 Email: protection Cowin & Company Inc. Mining Engineers and Contractors Powerscreen Mid-Atlantic, Inc. is your local Powerscreen dealer for West 814-444-7200 • Fax: 814-445-1320 • Email: Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina & South Carolina. We sell, rent & lease mobile crushing, screening & washing equipment. NEW & USED available! We provide Sand Blasting Painting – Coatings for Coal Prep Facilities 821-5709 reliable (800) (423) 928-8351 724-653-1010 Specializing in Prep Plant and Material Handling Design CABLE FAULT LOCATORS Increase productivity with clean and dry return belts. Call today for site-specific assistance with your application 1800-237-6951. COAL PREPARATION The International Society of Explosives Engineers, Cleveland, OH, will hold its 38th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Nashville, TN, February 12-15, 2012. Exhibit booth space assignments are underway. To reserve exhibit space, contact Lynn Mangol at the ISEE office at 440/349-4400, or visit here for Proven Solutions. Expert Advice. Proven Solutions. The James A. Redding Company has over 45 years experience Expert Advise. and installation of bulk material in the design, manufacture Automated Increase productivity with clean Call IUP Today! RICHWOOD sampling equipment. We custom sampling components andProven dry return belts. Call provide for siteSampling Solutions. Expert Advice. and systemsspecific thatassistance meet with ouryourcustomers’ specific needs and current Specialists application 800-237-6951 Utility Products Corp. 814/444-7200 sampling standards. Call us for aInnovative quote today! 479-410-2098 POWERSCREEN MID-ATLANTIC, INC. ® The ASTM International Committee D05 on Coal and Coke is scheduled for October 30 to November 2 at the Tampa Marriott Waterside in Tampa, FL. Contact Scott Orthey at 610/832-9730 or email at Click CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In-Print and On-line Package Includes Full Color Classified Ad In-Print and On-Line Each Month for One year. Registration is now open for the 22nd Annual Hatfield Scramble Golf Outing, hosted by the Kanawha Valley Mining Institute. The scramble will be Tuesday, September 20, at the Brier Patch Golf Course in Beckley, WV. Monies collected from hole sponsorships support KVMI’s scholarship program. For more information, call 304/414-4500. One Source Solution for Industrial Electrical Contracting Needs (606) 928-2074 EQUIPMENT SALES Call for Your Equipment Needs! 800-428-7800 FABRICATION REBUILD FABRICATION /REBUILD specs, condition and availability with a click of your mouse! Internet site also links to other CAT dealers nationwide for a broader search on Easy! Fast! Current! Fabrication/ Rebuild • Structural Steel • Crane & Rigging • Bins • Hoppers-Shuttle Cars/Buggys • Fans • Custom Structure minerals to heavy metals, GIW Harrisburg, PA Morgantown, WV Harrisburg, PA Solutions for Pittsburgh, PA Hagerstown, MD ThisNon-Stop is GIW. From industrial • Raise Boring delivers non-stop solutionsWise, for VA State College, PA Boosting Productivity •Locations in to heavy metals, GIW Pittsburgh, PA • Shafts • Slopes minerals boosting productivity and profits. and Profits State College, PA delivers non-stop solutions for 800-892-6532 ● WV and IN •Underground ANYTIME FABRICATION SHOP Construction boosting productivity and profits. Morgantown, WV •US-wide GIW Industries, Inc. MD Hagerstown, Inventory GIW Industries, Inc. Wise, VA Coalfield Services, Inc. 304-252-2401 (205) 945-1300 800/892-6532 706.863.1011 Wytheville, VA 276-228-3167 FILTERS / DISC GROUND SUPPORT MOTORIZED CONVEYOR PULLEYS PIPING & PUMPING SYSTEMS PULVERIZING EQUIPMENT Mechanical Rock Bolts Peterson Extension Bolts Stelpipe Bolts WE KNOW Rebar Rock Bolts Filters Cable Bolts Friction Stabilizers & Corp. Expandable Bolts Ring Granulators Trusses & Slings Fiberglass Bolts Reversible Resins & Cement Cartridges Hammermills Mesh, Straps & Plate Washers Eyebolts, Scaling Bars & Ground Support Double Roll Crushers, Utility Hangers Lattice Girders Products & Services for the 1.800.353.3747 Frozen Coal Crackers for Steel Arches & Props High Performance Grouts Mining & Tunneling Piping & Pumping Drilling Fluids crushing coal, Rulmeca Motorized Specializing inDust Vacuum Suppression Industries Adhesives Systems limestone and slag Anchors Filter Equipment POWERS SinceTools1943 Pulleys-Since 1953 801-487-7761 Ph: (314) 781-6100 800/327-7169 800.353.3747 910/794-9294 800-327-7169 2011 COAL EVENTS SAFETY SWITCHES Your SINGLE used equipment source! MINING Salt Lake City, UT / Martinsburg, WV / Cambridge, OH / Louisville, KY / Abingdon, VA / Jalisco, Mexico/ Saskatoon , SK/ Rouyn, QC/ Sudbury, ON Local Presence – Global Competence WHAYNE SUPPLIES CONFIDENCE Or, call us direct at 1-800-4-WHAYNE. JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue • Portable • Battery Powered • Easy to use • Made in USA Operate Outside the ARC-FLASH Zone 3.25” x 5.75” 9 Elgin Equipment Group… Quality Products and Performance Excellence You Can Rely On Elgin Equipment Group (EEG), one of two operating groups of Elgin National Industries, is a worldwide leader in the manufacture and service of coal, mineral processing and industrial equipment. Products and Services EEG offers a broad array of products and services including new and rebuilt centrifuges; cyclones; mine electrical products; substations; mine lighting systems; high- and low-voltage electrical products; rotary breakers; vibrating screens and feeders; Teeter Bed Separators; profile wire and urethane screen panels; sieve bends; Coanda hydro intake and diversion screens; specialized metal fabrication; electrical system analysis; vacuum pump and blower repair services; and replacement parts. EEG products are recognized throughout the industries they serve for their outstanding quality, reliability, low maintenance, high operating efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. CMI EBR 48 Scroll Screen Familiar Brands EEG companies- CMI, CSI, Tabor Machine, Norris Screen, Mining Controls, and Clinch River – are known throughout the industries they serve for products and services of the highest design integrity and performance excellence. EEG companies serve a wide spectrum of industries including coal production and preparation; oil and gas drilling; electric power utilities; mineral processing; aggregate; precious and base metals; industrial minerals; industrial machining; and, chemical. CSI Rotary Breaker Service Commitment EEG product and service expertise has developed over decades of meeting the specialized needs of the industries we serve. Their challenges became our challenges! We responded to the demands of our industrial customers with unmatched research and development efforts and an unwavering commitment to total service including 24/7 availability, emergency repair parts accessibility, and unequaled quality replacement parts. Look to the Elgin Equipment Group to meet your toughest coal and mineral processing needs. To learn more, please visit our website at Tabor Machine Horizontal Conveyor Norris Screen Profile wire Poly Screen 10 Coal People Magazine A Global Leader In Coal and Mineral Processing Since 1938, CMI centrifuges have been the industry standard in coal dewatering. A Full Line of High Efficiency Centrifuges With four high efficiency dryers to choose from in a wide range of sizes and capacities, you’ll find the optimum CMI centrifuge to meet your most demanding application. Dedicated to Quality and Service We take great pride in the quality products we’ve designed and built in the U. S. for nearly three-quarters of a century! Model EBR vertical screen-scroll centrifuge Model EBW vertical screen-scroll centrifuge Model VC vertical vibratory centrifuge Model HVC horizontal vibratory centrifuge Every CMI centrifuge is backed by uncompromising 24/7 service and technical expertise developed over years of working with our clients to better respond to their specialized needs. Performance Excellence You Can Rely On CMI is committed to providing clients with excellence in product design, quality and reliability. Count on our service and technical assistance before and after the sale. Rely on CMI to help achieve the demands for performance and productivity encountered everyday in your challenging work environment! JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Centrifugal & Mechanical Industries LLC 201 President Street St. Louis, Missouri 63118 USA Phone: (314) 776-2848 email: 11 NEWS PATRIOT COAL Wins IMCC Reclamation Award Patriot Coal Company, LP, Patriot Surface Mine near Henderson County, Henderson, KY, is the 2011 recipient of the Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC) national reclamation award. The reclamation includes acreage that is part of the land being developed into Sandy Lee Watkins County Park near Hebbardsville and nearly 800 acres of prime farmland. “Patriot is committed to restoring land to benefit neighboring communities for future generations,” Patriot President and CEO Richard M. Whiting said. The new county park will be located on a former surface mine reclaimed by Patriot on the south side of Kentucky 351. The approximately 500acre park consists of reclaimed mine land sold to the county for $1 by Penn-Virginia Operating Company, along with some road frontage owned by another landowner. Atkins Park eventually will include hiking, bicycling and horseback riding trails, fishing lakes and an outdoor archery range. The county hopes to develop a specialneeds playground area to be named after Brittany Hubiak – the late daughter of County Engineer Bill Hubiak – as well as a fishing lake that will be accessible for disabled or elderly persons. Boy and Girl Scouts as well as environmental science classes from Henderson County High School will develop areas for use. At one time, the Patriot permit totaled 1,013 acres divided into eight separate bond increments. All reclamation of the disturbed area has been completed and all reclamation bonds released, with the exception of one increment covering 97.37 acres, which remains active. After two previous permit holders declared bankruptcy, the permit area was transferred to Patriot Coal Company, Ltd in 2001. Patriot purchased the property as part of a larger acquisition to increase its coal reserves at nearby sites. Patriot finished the major reclamation projects 12 Coal People Magazine left behind by the bankrupt companies, thereby saving valuable abandoned land reclamation fees. The post-mining land uses for the permit included cropland, pastureland, and ”fish and wildlife.” A notable feature of the reclamation work completed by Patriot is the amount of prime farmland that has been restored on the permit. Of the 841.3 prime farmland acres, all but around 63 acres have been completely reclaimed. A highlighted feature of the area is a 32-acre final pit impoundment that Patriot Coal reclaimed from the final pit left behind. The Vigo Coal operating Co., Inc., Friendsville Mine in Wabash County, Mt. Carmel, IL, received honorable mention by the IMCC. PEABODY’S Farmersburg Mine Recognized for Stream Restoration By Meg Gallagher, Peabody Energy A flourishing watershed at Peabody Energy’s Farmersburg Mine has earned the 2010 Indiana Excellence in Mining and Reclamation award for Natural Stream Restoration from the Indiana Society of Mining and Reclamation. The award honors the company’s successful work to reconstruct a nearly 6,000-foot section of the West Fork Busseron Creek, in Sullivan County, IN. Forrest Crowe, environmental engineer at Peabody Energy’s Bear Run Mine in Indiana, also was recognized with the 2010 Vance “Pat” Wiram Award for innovation in land restoration. “Watersheds are vital to the environmental health of any community, and the Peabody team’s work at West Fork Busseron Creek is a model for the Midwest. The team restored a stream and floodplain that sustains wildlife, enhances water quality and provides excellent habitat for fish and other species,” said Peabody Energy Executive VP/Chief Operating Officer Eric Ford. “This recognition reinforces our enduring commitment to stewardship, innovation and sustainability.” Peabody employed state-of-the-art techniques in natural stream restoration, designing and constructing a stream JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue channel that improves stability while providing essential biological habitat. Natural rock and wood materials promote in-stream stability, while an adjacent floodplain stores water during peak flow events. Construction was initiated in 2005. Since then, the creek has flourished amid multiple natural challenges, including nearly 15 inches of rainfall during a 24-hour period in 2008. Many local roads, levees and flood control structures failed at the time, but the stream required no repair. The stream and watershed are improving water quality and contributing to a flourishing ecosystem. Similarly, the team’s work to embed rock in the channel bottom and install structures including log vanes, root wads and large boulders created vital habitat. In many instances, the restored section of West Fork Busseron Creek is more stable and enjoys a higher density of aquatic life then in nearby sections of the stream that were not part of the mining operation. “Modern coal mining and restoration is truly a sustainable process,” said Mark Yingling, Peabody Energy’s Vice President of Environment and Conservancy. “The prevalence of sensitive species in the restored West Fork Busseron Creek further demonstrates that mining is a temporary use of the land, and that energy resources can be continue 13 NEWS recovered while creating superior postmine habitat.” Peabody’s Farmersburg Mine has previously been recognized for its prime farmland restoration and Good Neighbor practices by the US Department of the Interior. The honor is the fourth major award Peabody received in 2010 for excellence in safety, environmental practices and social responsibility in Indiana. During the Year, the company has earned more than a dozen environmental and safety honors nationwide while restoring nearly 3,700 acres of mine lands, often to a condition that is better than before mining occurred. Arch Coal’s Coal-Mac Cited for Excellence in Reforestation Arch Coal, Inc., Charleston, WV, has earned the Excellence in Reforestation in West Virginia Award at its Coal-Mac, Inc. operation, presented by OSM and the WV Department of Environmental Protection. Coal-Mac planted more than 100,000 trees in 2010. “The re-establishment of forests ensures the availability of nesting sites for countless birds; provides food and shelter for our native wildlife; and can provide wood products to meet our future needs,” said OSM Branch Chief Rick Buckley. “We are deeply committed to workplace safety and environmental care,” said Chris Sykes, Coal-Mac’s general manager. “We are honored to receive statewide recognition for our surface mining reclamation practices.” Coal-Mac, Inc. is a subsidiary of Arch Coal, Inc., near Holden, WV, and employs approximately 300 people. Earlier this year, Coal-Mac earned the state’s top safety and environmental awards among West Virginia coal mines for the calendar year 2010. In the past five years, the employees of Coal-Mac have received 11 national and state awards for environmental excellence, including a US Department of Interior National Award for excellence in surface mine reclamation and a National Good Neighbor Award. 14 Recently respread subsoil (to the left) and topsoil (to the right) on land being reclaimed at BNI Coal, Ltd’s Center Mine Reclamation is a Serious Business in “People traveling will not notice land has been mined when fully reclaimed,” says Steve Van Dyke, Director of Communications for the Lignite Energy Council, a coalition that supports coalbased electricity. “The feeling I get from mining companies is that long after it is gone, reclaimed land is going to stand as a testament as to how well they did. I think they take that job very seriously.” Jim Deutsch, Director of Reclamation and Abandoned Mine Lands divisions for the State of North Dakota Public Service Commission, agrees that the mining companies take reclamation seriously. “This speaks highly of the mining industry and the work that they do,” he explains. David Straley, Manager of Government and Public Affairs for North American Coal, adds, “We reclaim in a manner that is safest and maximizes our return to the state. There is a financial interest for us to reclaim more. We treat it with the highest priority.” Straley estimates his companies in North Dakota disturb 2,000 acres a year and they touch with equipment approximately 1,500 to 2,000 acres per year. It is estimated that more than three full-time employees do nothing but reclaim land that has been disturbed. BNI Coal does not view reclamation as simply a regulatory requirement, but more importantly, a commitment to the environment, landowners, neighbors, county, and customers, explains Jay Volk, environmental manager for the company. “BNI strives to reclaim land that is functional, stable, diverse, and productive,” he says. “BNI values the wildlife (game and non-game species) and does many enhancements to promote a diversified habitat for a large range of species. Additionally, BNI is constantly looking for a way of better reclaiming land.” BNI Coal started mining southeast of Center, ND, in 1970. Today, BNI Coal mines between 4 and 4.5 million tons of coal each year, which consists of slightly more than 200 acres per year. BNI Coal Coal People Magazine Reclaimed cropland being disked at the Falkirk Mining Company’s Falkirk Mine Cattle grazing on reclaimed native grasslands at the Coteau Properties Company’s Freedom Mine North Dakota reclaims the same amount each year. Currently there are four active mines in North Dakota. The largest surface mine in North Dakota, as well as the US, is the Freedom Mine, which produces 15 million tons per year, followed by the Falkirk Mine, 8 million tons per year. BNI Mine at Center, ND, 4 to 4.5 million tons per year, and the Beulah Mine, 3 million tons per year. Eighty percent of the coal produced is used to make electricity, while 20 percent of coal produced at the Freedom Mine is used for a synfuels plant. The North Dakota coal mining reclamation program has aspects that go beyond federal standards. The program has two main components. The first involves mine permitting including the approval of detailed mining and reclamation plans. The second is inspection enforcement, which requires the state to monitor the mining and reclamation operations. The key is that the land must be restored back to productivity to pre-mine levels. An JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue estimated 95 percent of the reclamation has been returned to agriculture. In addition, land has been reclaimed for other purposes. For example, the city of Underwood turned 150 acres into a golf course. Others have been turned into industrial uses, as well as recreation areas. Since 1986, mining companies have received 15 national reclamation awards. Straley sees reclamation having a positive light on the land in the state. “We have been able to correct Mother Nature’s harsher moments,” he says. “With equipment, we can design topography to curtail erosion. We mine and have kept in natural tree features, as well as habitat for wildlife. We believe we have a very positive impact on the land.” Jay Volk, BNI environmental manager, adds that one of the largest impacts reclamation has on the land is the reduction of steep contours. “Post mine topography usually has gentler slopes than the pre-mine land,” he says. “The reason for this is the post mine topography is directly related to the landowner’s preference statements which dictate how land should be reclaimed after mining. For example, the landowners may request cropland or hay land to be returned, which could require a gentler slope than was there pre-mine. Likewise, state regulation does not promote slopes greater than nine percent.” In addition, Volk explains that if the soil resources are available a landowner can change the land use from the pre-mine use to a different post mine land use. One example he uses is if a landowner has a rocky steep sloped, shallow soiled pasture, they could, resource dependent, change the land use to a more productive land use. “In return, reclamation could provide a gentler slope, uniform soil re-spread, and minimal rocks, which would support a variety of different land uses including cropland and hay land, pastureland, or native grassland,” he says. “This could add value to the land and make it more profitable to the producer.” 15 Dave Arnold and Bill Raney Reclamation Recreation A Right-on Reclamation Project that Really Zips Along By Lynn Seldon C oal country reclamation has included golf courses, ATV trails, a soccer complex, and The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, but West Virginia’s Fayette County can claim to contain the first zipline tour that takes place on and over a former working surface mine. Quite simply, it’s a zipping right-on reclamation. Open last fall, the Adventures on the Gorge “Gravity” open-air zipline tour zigzags across the ridgeline and crosses a scenic mountain landscape, bringing economic benefit and tourism use to lands that once brought dollars to the area through mining. Bill Raney, president of the West Virginia Coal Association, says, “There is a special synergy between the tourism and coal mining industries in West Virginia. This is an exceptional example of how reclaimed land can continue to bring economic vitality to an area when it is repurposed for tourism.” The land is owned by Neil Redman, a former coal miner and local entrepreneur who built Gravity. “The property was a working surface mine in the 1970s and was reclaimed in the 1980s,” says Dave Arnold, director of public relations for Adventures on the Gorge. “It has been restored to its natural contours and is a good example of how quickly nature heals itself.” Elevated above the trees, participants have unspoiled views of the ever-changing reclaimed mountainside land during their twohour ride in the sky. continue 16 Coal People Magazine JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue 17 The Gravity tour takes riders soaring 200 feet above the ground at its highest point. Riders start from a platform on one of the highest points above the valley on two consecutive “warm-up” zips—each about 500 feet long. The third zip crosses a distance of 1,800 feet over the bowl of the mountain, while the fourth and fifth zips stretch 1,600 and 1,300 feet respectively—reaching heights of 200 feet and speeds up to 45 miles an hour! “The valley drops out below quicker than the cables are descending the ridge, so you keep getting higher and further away from the mountainside,” says Brian Campbell, vice president of marketing for Adventures on the Gorge. “I’m not afraid of heights and even I was surprised at my adrenaline rush.” Gravity tours are typically available on the hour. They can also be paired with the original Adventures on the Gorge TreeTops Canopy tour to create a fullday outing in the sky. The TreeTops Canopy Tour remains the state’s longest zipline tour, with ten zips running through the forest canopy crossing the Mill Creek gorge landscape—which features rhododendron, old-growth Eastern Hemlock, and numerous other hardwood species. The Gravity tour is open to those 12 and older who meet the required weight range of 100-250 pounds, while the TreeTops option is for those ten and older weighing 90-250 pounds. All-inclusive packages are available to those who book both zipline tours, as well as packages that include other adventures, accommodations, dining, and more with Adventures on the Gorge. Located high above the New River in Lansing and bordering three miles of the New River Gorge National River, Adventures on the Gorge features a diverse selection of activities, including: the aforementioned zipline tours; whitewater rafting on the New and Gauley Rivers; a Bridge Walk; kayaking; fishing; mountain biking; hiking; mountain climbing; disc golf; and paintball. Lodging options include tent and cabin selections ranging from rustic to luxury. The 1,000-acre campus also includes three restaurants. To experience ziplining on reclaimed land, along with many other adventures, contact Adventures on the Gorge at (888) 782-9982 or visit Lynn Seldon, a Virginia native grew up in Winchester near the West Virginia line in the Shenandoah Valley and has pursued many feature stories about the Mountain State. He loves West Virginia’s varied adventures—including the new one in coal country. 18 Coal People Magazine Michael Gray Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. Deepwater Drilling: Offshore Oil Progress Delayed Under “Slowmatorium J ust over a year ago, in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon accident, the future of offshore oil exploration looked bleak. With the nation fixated on video of crude oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama quickly instituted a six-month deepwater drilling moratorium. Obama lifted the moratorium last October; however, many claim that the moratorium has not gone away, but was replaced by a de facto moratorium, colorfully called the “permitorium” or “slowmatorium.” While the Obama Administration no longer blocks all deepwater drilling permits, new permits are still rare. The Administration denies that it is purposefully delaying the issuance of deepwater drilling permits. Instead, Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (“BOEMRE”), Michael Bromwich, claims the delays result from the enforcement of new strict environmental and safety rules. These new rules have sent companies scrambling to comply, while at the same time attempting to anticipate what new rules are coming. Critics also claim that BOEMRE is taking too long to issue permits. According to Bromwich, the delays “may be frustrating to some in the industry, but the additional rules and heightened scrutiny are completely appropriate and in the best interests of the nation.” With gas prices hovering around $4 per gallon and 30 percent of the United State’s domestic oil production coming from offshore sites, many political leaders have began to question the wisdom of further delays. Congressman Darrell Issa, believes that because of “President Obama’s ban and subsequent ‘permitorium’ against all drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, American production has dropped, and our country’s energy needs have become increasingly dependent on foreign governments . . . .” On May 11th, The House of Representatives passed two bills aimed at speeding up the deepwater drilling permit process and increasing offshore production. The first gives BOEMRE a maximum of 60 days to decide whether to approve or reject a deepwater permit application. The second bill would open up the Atlantic and California Coasts for drilling. Prior to the Deepwater Horizon accident, Obama pledged to expand offshore drilling to Atlantic Coast from Delaware down to and including the Eastern Coast of Florida. Obama reversed his position after the accident. Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is pushing to open his state’s coast up to drilling, so Virginia can become “the energy capital of the East Coast . . . .” Some in Congress also blame the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) for blocking permits. According to Rep. Fred Upton, “bureaucratic uncertainty and confusion under current federal law” has made the EPA’s permitting processes for deepwater drilling permits unmanageable. Over the last five years, Shell Oil has spent over $3.5 billion attempting to obtain permits to drill in the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea, north of Alaska. On June 2nd, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted in favor of a bill that will give the EPA six months to approve or deny a permit. The bill would also mandate that the EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board would no longer hear permit appeals. Critics accuse the Environmental Appeals Board of needlessly delaying the issuance of permits. The conflict over deepwater drilling permits has spilled over to the courts. In New Orleans, U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman gave the Administration until June 20th to act on six deepwater drilling permit applications that Ensco Oil claims were unreasonably delayed by regulators. Feldman describes the Administrations pace of issuing permits as “unreasonable, unacceptable, and unjustified.” Earlier, Judge Feldman found the Obama Administration in contempt of court for failing to issue the permits. Judge Feldman also chastised the Administration for its handling of the deepwater moratoriums because “an important White House official had changed the Safety Report before its public release, which created the misleading appearance of scientific peer review.” The controversy surrounding the issuance of deepwater permits will not go away soon. In late February, the Obama Administration approved its first permit since the Deepwater Horizon accident. The Administrations action on permits is unlikely to placate critics. Senate Democrats have voiced opposition to the bills passed in the House. In April, Bromwich announced that major new offshore drilling safety rules are in the works. Bromwich recently reiterated that BOEMRE “will continue to search for additional ways to improve our processes without in any way modifying or relaxing the more stringent safety and environmental rules we have implemented over the past year.” Michael Gray is an environmental attorney with Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. He is an Iraq veteran and former Air Force officer. Mike can be reached at (513) 977-8361 or JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue 19 Knight hawK Coal SteamS Forward through devastating mississippi river Flooding By Christine Pietryla t hroughout May 2011, severe weather and snow melting pelted the Mississippi River regions of Southeastern Iowa, Illinois and Northern Missouri. The flooding slowed US coal exports as both upstream and downstream operations were affected. On May 24, Reuters reported anywhere from 300,000 to 600,000 tons had been delayed between May 2 and May 24, and the number was expected to climb if the weather did not hold back before the water reached New Orleans. The flooding continued into June when record rainfalls in Iowa and Illinois pushed the river’s crest back up over 25 feet. Throughout the ordeal, many residents along the river bank lost their homes, the US Army Corp of Engineers had to destroy a levee in Cairo, IL, and another in Missouri to protect the surrounding areas from flooding, and several industries from Minnesota to Louisiana suffered terribly as a result of the high water. The last time the Mississippi River flooded to this extent was in 1993, which created more than $20 billion in losses but did not have much of an effect on our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The economic impact of the 2011 flood is also expected to be in the billions. Unlike its predecessor in 1993, this flood could potentially hit GDP expenditures, which rely heavily on crude, as the flooding threatens refineries in Louisiana accounting for nearly 14 percent of the country’s operating capacity. Still, Wells Fargo economist Mark Vitner estimated in an April 28, 2011, Associated Press article that the disasters might knock 0.1 percentage point off US economic growth during the second quarter, with the majority of the damage occurring in local economies. Less than 100 miles north of the levee destroyed in Cairo, IL is Chester, IL, where Knight Hawk Coal’s Lone Eagle Dock is located. Lone Eagle features a mile of barge docking cells and has a capacity of 2.7 million tons a year. The operation employs nine people, including river pilots and is overseen by Chris Stanley, who also runs Knight Hawk’s three preparation plants and two loading facilities. In May 2011, loading at the dock was suspended for seven days as the company waited for the water to recede. Making up for this delay has required extra shifts on Saturdays for more than a month. Stanley said the biggest problem having to do with flooding was not on the river, but the road, Route 3, next to the dock that supplies the barges with coal. It floods out on the north end of the dock at approximately 38.3 feet 20 Coal People Magazine Chris Stanley has worked with Knight Hawk Coal for six years of his 22-year career in the Southeastern Illinois coal industry. He is pictured here at the Lone Eagle loading dock. JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue 21 of water, and on the south end at about 37.2 feet of water, stopping truck traffic. He says the Coast Guard, Corps of Engineers and weather services usually keep him and his crews well informed, and these services are pretty good about controlling the river levels as needed. The surveillance provides Stanley and his crew with advance warning enough to take action. “We typically get about five days warning if something is working its way to us,” he explained. “But, when Route 3 gets flooded it stops all truck traffic. They won’t close the road until the water gets up half-way across each lane. However, they will not open the road back up until it’s about a foot and a half off of the pavement. Knight Hawk Coal’s Lone Eagle facility features a mile-long stretch of barge docking cells. A 1,200 horsepower tugboat and a 500 horsepower tugboat are used to maneuver 50 barges a week. “So, this time, we had to wait for about three and a half feet to go down for the road to open up. It may take the water a day or two to get to that level, but it takes two to five days for it to go down. We lost seven full days of shipping and the road was closed for a total of nine days including the weekend.” Stanley says they do not ship on weekends but since the flood have added Saturday shifts to make up for the delay. Still he says it was not the worst they have seen. In 1993, the water level reached 49 feet three inches, relative to this year where it was highest at 40 feet six inches. While he says the river gets high enough to reach the road maybe once every year, this year’s delay was the longest. “It seems like some years are worse than others. This year’s seven days lost was large in comparison to others,” he said. The fluctuating water levels also challenge the dock crews. “It also means we have to do a lot more inspection of our docks, our equipment, and the barges in our fleet—our empty fleet and our loaded fleet. We have to monitor them more closely because as the river fluctuates, we have to readjust the rigging including the wires connecting the barges, the shore wires that connect the fleet to the shore and the rigging that connects the barges to the steel and concrete cells in the river.” In 2010, Knight Hawk’s Lone Eagle loading facility shipped approximately 2.7 million tons of its more than three million ton annual production via the Mississippi River. Its customers are spread across the country, from Minnesota to Tampa, Fla. They constantly update the river stages and, he said, can deploy another shift or have people on-call if they anticipate the river level changing. Throughout the flooding, the dock shifts continued to protect the equipment with regular inspections and adjustments made to the rigging. However, because the coal couldn’t make it to the dock, the loading crew’s work was washed out with the roads. The dock will rise with the water but the barges need to be readjusted to follow suit. This is manually done, usually in two shifts by a pilot and a deck hand from 5:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and then 1:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. But Stanley says when there is an emergency, the shifts change. “Day shift, while we’re loading barges, we have two crews on—a loading crew and a maintenance crew. Generally, the loading crew takes care of barges in and out of the load-out facility. As we’re loading coal, the maintenance crew takes care of repairs and/or they will service mainline boats that bring in empty barges dropped off for us to load, or they will pick up loaded barges to take down river or up river. Depending on how busy we are, both boats may be running all day long until we quit loading at the facility then there will just be one boat and one crew working throughout the night.” “We monitor the river stages at, pretty much, every hour and rely on reports from the Coast Guard and NAOO—they generally update the river levels three or four times a day,” he explained. As the Knight Hawk team recovers from the delays and operations challenges, Stanley says it is all in a day’s work. “You have mother nature issues on the surface. A lot of old 22 Coal People Magazine NASA satellite shots of the flooding timers might tell you that they prefer underground because of the constant temperatures year-round, whereas at the surface and on the dock you have to deal with the whole range of the thermometer. I prefer surface mining. A lot of it, for me, is mentality. There were months at a time I seldom saw the sunshine except on my days off.” Stanley has been with Knight Hawk Coal for six years, beginning as a plant manager at the company’s Creek Paum facility. He has been manager of preparation and load out facilities since September 2010. His career spans over 22 years, beginning with a job as a general underground laborer. He says of his mining experience, “Pretty much through the years, I progressed through every facet of the job, from underground to surface. I shoveled on belts, built ventilation stopping, did belt maintenance, roof bolted, ran a continuous miner, was on a long-wall section for three and a half years, ran a stage loader advancing shields and running sheer and got my examiners papers and mine managers papers—all underground. Then, I was transferred to a prep plant. There I went from loading trains, to running the floor, to running the plant in the control room. I then went on to serve as shift supervisor and, from there I took the operations manager position at that plant.” The operations manager role lead him to a job at Knight Hawk, where he started at Creek Paum and recently worked his way up to supervising Knight Hawk’s preparation plants and two load-out facilities—one that is a rail load-out located north of Carbondale, IL, and the other Lone Eagle Dock on the Mississippi River. He relies on Rodney Kribs as his dock manager and says he looks to him to help manage the day-today operations at Lone Eagle. It is not a small operation. “In 2010, we shipped approximately 2,788,000 tons through Lone Eagle,” he confirmed, and says that other than a very large JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue transport facility just south of them on the river, Knight Hawk is probably among the largest privately-owned coal companies in the area using the river for its own coal transport. He says of the dock’s activity, “All of our shipments at the Lone Eagle dock are for our customers. We don’t contract anything for other producers, all the coal that comes to the dock is from our facilities being shipped to our customers.” Stanley credits his team for helping make sure the elements of the situation that they could control were handled well. “Rodney Kribs and Rodney Gendron, our dock manager and assistant dock manager, were invaluable as we worked through this situation.” Knight Hawk Coal is headquartered in Percy, IL, and employs approximately 350 people producing more than 3.6 million tons of coal each year. The company has three surface mines, two underground mines, three prep plants and two load-out facilities. Christine Pietryla is a Chicagobased freelance energy writer and communications consultant. Sources: Josh Carter, Operations Manager at Knight Hawk Coal 618-426-3662 Chris Stanley, Site Manager at Knight Hawk Coal 618-426-3662 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Impact of Mississippi River Floods on the Economy Mississippi River flood slows US coal exports Disasters Make Small Economic Dent 23 The Value of Any System Is not in the Owning of It It’s in the using of it N ot exactly a better mouse trap and those marketing it still are knocking on doors rather than having others knocking theirs down, but it’s an idea that certainly has caught on in the utility industry, as well as other fields, and now is being tried by some of the country’s largest coal companies. “What we have,” offered Nigel Nugent (left), vice president worldwide sales for Enviance, Inc., “is an automated process of making sure you comply with a permit or specific regulation or rule in ways your business effects the environment and, perhaps of greater application within the mining industry, health and safety.” Enviance—derived from “environment” and “compliance”—describes itself as the leading provider of environmental ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software with more than 20,000 users worldwide involved in electric generation, chemicals, manufacturing, commercial activities and government agencies. “Closer to home,” Nugent offered, “47 percent of all North American utilities now are using our system, along with many other industries and agencies. It’s a fact of life for any organization; part of doing business today is the need for permits. In manufacturing, use water, make it dirty, have to discharge; emissions in the air; just plain waste disposal. And you’re okay if you handle those correctly, that you do what is required and report to the appropriate agencies in timely manner, and you can prove it; the necessity of which almost is inevitable. Nigel Nugent Vice President Worldwide Sales By Art Sanda “What we offer,” he continued, is a complete automated solution to dealing with rules and regulations across an operation, from environmental concerns to health and safety which, for a coal operator, would include unique things such as mandatory training, mine inspections and monitoring; anything that requires action by an individual or individuals, one time or repetitively. “The capability of the system is unlike any other,” Nugent said, “and how it does it also is one of a kind. We don’t sell hardware; we employ it. What we sell is software. Let me explain. There are two ways of buying software, the old way and the new way. The old way is to go to a provider and buy a package in a box and then buy hardware and the people to run it, as well as the operating systems that have to be put together so they can operate it. Companies buy, install, operate, and maintain systems, spending millions and millions of dollars, including millions of dollars for software. It’s disgraceful. “The new way,” he continued, “is what we do; we sell software as a service using cloud computing, which is the term used for the next generation of 24 Coal People Magazine Environmental ERP Dashboard—a comprehensive overview of compliance tasks, and graphs that shows supply chain emissions, electricity usage, carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions against regulatory allowance caps. SaaS (software as a service). The value of any system is in the using of it, not in the owning of it. A company has to ask itself: ‘Why buy one when you can contract with a company who can do that for me and, with the Internet, simply access it at a monthly fee?’ Software as a service, rather than at an exorbitant price, where we do all the updates, provide disaster recovery, manage all hardware and operating systems—all the customer does is use the system. Twelve years ago we were one of the first, or the first, to adopt this new method. “The Enviance system is tailored to each companies particular needs, whether that is conforming to EPA regulations or consent agreements, Federal or state mining regulations, even local ordinances, whatever strictures a company is required to meet. Once those parameters are established, our system incorporates what needs to be done, exactly what step-by-step actions are required, by whom, and exactly when.” As explained by Nugent, prior to that scheduled time, the system initiates alerts to those of whom action is required, together with the sequential steps to be followed in completing the action. “The system,” he said, “automatically records what was done and by whom, all of which is time stamped. “Further,” he said, “the system has an escalation feature whereby the next designated person up the line is notified of failure to act at the time needed or that the action was not appropriate or complete, resulting in an auditable report on the JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue steps taken to reach compliance, which can prove invaluable when that compliance or the methods used are challenged. “This is proving to be of extreme interest in the mining sector. With the Government paying more and more attention to what is being done in the areas of water and emission issues, not to mention the constant pressure in the area of health and safety. “As the mining industry knows all too well, the Government’s mantra is: ‘If you don’t adhere to the restrictions and comply to them, we’ll fine you and, working with the Justice Department, will hand you a consent decree under which you will have to show you are addressing issues impacting the environment. “What our system does,” he said, “and why we are having the level of traction we are experiencing in mining, is that first it alerts the people responsible —as well those to whom they are responsible—what has to be done when and how to do it, then it tracks and monitors those things until they are accomplished, records those results and, finally, reports them in a format everybody can see and is defensible not only in environmental hearings but in courts of law. “Anyone within a company with access to the system can obtain status reports at any time, confirming what has or has not been completed up to that point on whatever action is of concern to that person. And,” he added, “access also can be continue 25 had in real time from anywhere a person has Internet access—using anything that runs Microsoft Windows—with the report appearing on a dashboard, or window, “One major coal producer currently is working with our system and a hardware supplier using ruggedized tablets underground. The concept is to record data in real time and then transfer it once they are on the surface at a computer station or anywhere where there is access to WIFI. Both the military and heavy industrials have been using this partnering successfully. “A second major coal operator,” Nugent related, “has been under an order with obligations and requirements put on them by the EPA. When the EPA received the company’s report, they supposedly told the company: ‘That’s exactly what we wanted, just as it is. Where did you get it?’ The company told them it was a system they bought, our system. We saw immediately that there had to be value here to other mining organizations. “As a result, we went to other mining companies, asking if they were interested. Most assuredly, we were told, because what was needed was a means of generating very precise reports giving precisely the actions taken to attain mitigation, auditable reporting,” Nugent said. “Additionally, we stressed the value of these reports when applied to risk management, as well as the importance of demonstrating to the community the steps being taken to mitigate as much as possible the effects of mining on the environment; it shows the company’s social responsiveness. In all, we’ve met with some 20 mining companies. Three now are using our system and with another six we are in significant communications. “One area typically of interest are training records,” Nugent said. “Already in the utility area our system interfaces with their human resources systems. It is programmed to red flag anyone coming up for training, automatically emailing that person and his or her supervisor for scheduling. If they fail to schedule, it’s escalated and the system continues reminders and escalations further up the ladder until the training has been scheduled, then completed, then recorded. I don’t know if that’s being done in mining yet, but is the system capable 26 of it? Absolutely. Anything that needs to be tracked and recorded can be tracked and recorded with the Enviance system. “Operationally of course, mining companies constantly are dealing with mine health and safety rules and regulations,” Nugent continued. “Here again, our system has the ability to alert, to direct, track and monitor everything with which a mining company must comply; anything that requires recording, anything that currently is put on a spreadsheet, our system can handle. Two major problems with spreadsheets are that first, get one cell wrong on a spreadsheet, the error is compounded and the data worthless and two, and more importantly, a spreadsheet is not sufficient evidence of something required of permit having been done if challenged. With our system the data is time stamped and auditable, it stands up to challenge. Going beyond working with what is required by permits or rules and regulations, Nugent said the Enviance system is an invaluable tool in the general management of the business. “The system provides checks and balances; that whatever was to be done was scheduled by whomever was responsible to accomplish it, that it was accomplished, and when it was accomplished. Or, conversely, wasn’t accomplished, in which case the system sends out reminders and then kicks in the escalation ever higher up the chain of command until it is reported back that the situation had been resolved and again, by whom, how, and when. And it’s all time-stamped recorded. “Coal is our first entrance into mining,” Nugent said. “We wanted to start there because, in coal mining, there are so many more requirements, it’s so much more involved, but certainly our system is applicable to all mining.” According to Nugent, cost depends on the number of users within a company. “Depending on the number of users involved, our service carries a $150 to $200 monthly charge per user. But again, there’s nothing to buy—no software packages, no hardware—and nothing to maintain; we handle all the system maintenance, all the upgrades. It’s the same principle as using Google Mail or Yahoo email. “With 20-25,000 users around the world, our system is 99.7 percent up all the time,” he said, “outside of planned outages for upgrades every six months or so, and that’s usually around midnight. That’s higher than any in-house system ever has attained. Two data back-ups are made daily, some even hourly, with two secure back-up systems, one in our Carlsbad, CA, headquarters, the other in a secret location and, of course, a company can maintain its own backup as well. “Finally,” he added, “the Enviance system is 100 percent secure. In the 12 years we have been in business, we never have crashed, never lost any data, and never, not once, have we been hacked into. I wonder how many other systems can make that claim? Not even the U.S. Government. We’re proud of that, very proud.” CPM August Pre-Show Issue See “What’s on Display” at the Bluefield Coal Show both In Print and On-Line before the Show! Available in August Pre-Show Issue: Bluefield Pre-Show Coverage Including a complete profile of pre-show articles and company profiles. Coal People Magazine will Simplify Your Plans by Providing Information to Readers Early. The August Pre-Show Issue will Highlight Companies Exhibiting and What Each Has to Offer the Industry. Call (800) 235-5188 Coal People Magazine Working Past the Locusts Mine’ing Our Business about as natural as one would expect. An island formed by highwalls was at the very top of the mountain, and I can remember saying, “I wonder how many animals are trapped on that forsaken island.” Actually, none. We left that area without too much of a liking for the works. Firstly, in our view, locusts are no more than giant weeds with nasty, sticky burrs. At that time, I was as green and new to this environment as the very saplings that were being planted. Ben Greene was featured on the 1982 August issue cover. “....a chip off the old ‘reclamation block.’ A country boy who spent his boyhood days on the farm in scenic Jackson County, WV, Ben’s involvement in reclamation didn’t come by accident. It was almost pre-destined!” – Al Skinner, excerpts, Aug. ‘82 editorial. Way back when locust trees were the main staple for reclamation efforts and the venerable Ben Greene was overseeing these operations for the state, we were working as editor of the state conservation magazine and we had the good fortune to take many trips with Ben during that time. Our very first trip was to a reclamation site near Buckhannon, West Virginia. Frankly, it was a mess and we were not impressed. Huge mounds of dirt and rock lined along a dirt road cut a crude path to the top of the hill, where we could oversee the entire operation. Men with sacks of black locust saplings were punching the little fellows into the ground at intervals of every two to three feet. This covered acres of ground, and, eventually, gave it the typical ornamental look of a white -flowered locust forest a year or so down the road. As we all know, one could sit on a stump and watch a locust tree grow. They mature that fast. The idea back then was a “quick fix” that stabilized the bank and stopped any erosion problems. It worked, but locusts aren’t the prettiest trees to look at. Still, as we drove over the terrain, we viewed trees that were a few years older and the area looked JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue The awakening to good reclamation came about a year later, when Ben and I made our second trip to the very same site. It was amazing. The highwalls had been sloped to give passage to roaming wildlife, and the black locusts were flourishing along the hillside. The gawdawful hills of dirt and rock were gone, and the old, dirt road was a grassy wide spot through a freshly sprouting new forest. asked the great question: “When I look at this beautiful site, I wonder why you would want to come in here and tear all this up to mine your coal?” Wow! And as comedian Howie Mandell of America’s Got Talent might say this is the “wow factor.” My reclamationist friend jumped at this opportunity. His answer: “Ma’am, you are standing on reclaimed land.” Does that not say a lot? You could say, ignorance is bliss, or some other cliché that might fit the situation. But we’ve often wondered if that very same teacher ever came to realize and/or appreciate good reclamation. I, for one, am impressed with today’s reclamation. And so are the prideful reclamationists! Ben was happy and I was happy. And from that point on, I had a special feeling of confidence for reclamationists. ***** One story on reclamation that we keep repeating is worth repeating. It’s the most beautiful remark we’ve ever heard and it tells a big story within the story. This time around, we were up in northern West Virginia at a reclamation site that featured a manmade lake where beaver had built their own quarters, and an expanse of greenery that was worthy of a postcard. Oh yeah, back to the remark. Our reclamationist friend was leading a tour of schoolteachers, expounding on the worthiness of good reclamation. As they walked through the green meadows, one of the teachers stopped the guide to ask a question. She looked out over the greenery, framed by a forest of tall, scenic trees, she 27 Coal Land Reclamation N orthumberland County in Northeastern Pennsylvania was one of the first counties established in that state. It is where Joseph Priestly discovered the existence of oxygen during colonial times. It is also the site of one of the first findings of thick veins of anthracite in what is called the Western end of the Middle Anthracite Coal Field. The mines and collieries that made the County a major producer of coal that fueled the Industrial Revolution, and two world wars, have long gone, and just a few traces remain of old workings. But, there are still sites needing to be reclaimed and the land restored. Those locations fall under the office of Mr. Pat Mack, Director of Planning, Northumberland County Planning Department, Sunbury, PA. Mack explains, “We are always concerned with reclamation of coal lands and the economic benefits of the program. We work closely with the PA Department of Environmental Protection and the companies that acquire permits for the reclamation work. Although the pace of reclamation has slowed recently, we still have some interesting success stories.” One notable example of successful land renewal happened at 28 the site of the now abandoned Richard’s Colliery on Natalie Mountain near the small city of Mt. Carmel. The rocky debris left behind so covered the soil that nothing would grow on the slopes. The solution to reinvigorating the land came from the owners of J&E Trucking Enterprises. Ed Linkus of J&E arranged to truck in yard waste from New York transit stations on Long Island. After a vigorous cleaning of waste, like pieces of fences and discarded trash, the soil from some high-end estates, along with a seeding mixture from the PA DEP, was spread over the leveled ground. Several months later, passing motorists noticed significant greenery emerging from the hillside. Soon residents of the area were picking tomatoes, cucumbers, even watermelons. At one point, 15 foot sunflowers appeared, along with the thickest grass in the area. In the fall, the hillside was a free pumpkin patch. ´The area on the green pictures includes the areas up to any higher tree line that you see,” said Linkus. “Take notice to the locust trees that are flourishing. One concern presented to me by some Bucknell agricultural students and a professor that I was giving a tour to, was the life of the vegetation. They were Coal People Magazine Senator John Gordner (green jacket) was on site for a tour of the proposed Outdoor Adventure Area. Pat Mack shows him the plans. in Pennsylvania County By James Stevens wondering if the acidity of the rock below the mulch would eventually kill the plant life once the roots got deep enough. As you can see, this is not a concern. The area is abundant with deer, bear, grouse, pheasant, fox and just about any other little one of God’s creatures you can think of.” “We also had some teachers and students from Penn State come down to study this very fertile ground,” said Linkus. “After a few years, the vegetables disappeared, but the land is still thick with growth. It looks great.” A more recent project involved the extinguishing and removal of an underground fire that began in dumped compost near the village of Excelsior east of the city of Shamokin. After the fire debris was removed, a mixture of lime and water was sprayed on the land, which was then reseeded from material supplied by the DEP. Ken Snyder, Inc. was responsible for the final cleanup at the Excelsior site, and is now working on a three year project at an abandoned mine near Burnside, south of Shamokin. Coal is currently being removed to a Co-Gen plant prior to the JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue environmental cleaning and reseeding, which is expected to take another year. “We’re taking out the coal now, but later we’ll be doing a big project involving reclamation and water relocation,” Snyder said. “These projects aren’t major in size,” said Mack,” but they’re all important to our county. Our contractors follow stringent rules, with many legal complications. They are all locals, with much coal industry experience. We remember coal built this county, and it’s a major part of our Mission Statement.” The Northumberland County Planning Commission was formed to provide quality planning services that balance the desire to preserve the uniqueness of the county with the need to improve the economy, ecology, and environment, while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the citizenry. This is accomplished through the dissemination of information, preparation of plans, development of programs, and providing technical services that support and promote the implementation of the Northumberland County Comprehensive Plan. 29 Alpha Takes the By Bill Archer W hen Roman C. Lawson, P.E.(left), looks out from his office high atop the Cumberland Plateau near Grundy, Virginia, he can envision a world of possibilities. “When we started working on this Hawks Nest Project, people couldn’t really see what it was going to become,” Lawson said. Lawson, 33, senior mining engineer/Coalfields Expressway project manager for Alpha Natural Resources joined Alpha in May 2006 when he first heard that Alpha was going to be involved in one of the most unique surface mine reclamation projects in a century. Alpha is the private sector partner in a private-public partnership with the Virginia Department of Transportation to build the Coalfields Expressway through some of the most geographically challenging terrain in the Appalachian Mountain Range, and unlock the beauty and potential of Southwest Virginia. “When we first came up here to Lovers’ Gap – Hold that, the Buchanan County (Virginia) Industrial Development Authority calls it Southern Gap now -- it was a mess,” Lawson said. “You had the surface mine lease where we (Alpha) were permitted to mine the coal and leave the roadbed for the Coalfields Expressway. 30 Coal People Magazine High Road But there were also several pre-law strip line jobs up here left untouched.” The “pre-law” surface mines that Lawson talked about are strip mine operations that were worked prior to passage of the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977. Prior to that time, strip mine operators could work a mine to extract coal right up to the high wall and simply leave the mining site without completing any reclamation at all. SMCRA in 1977, as well as additional amendments through the years, has placed new imperatives on surface mine companies to return the mining site to its approximate original contour, to be sensitive to the mined area’s ecological balance and to include a post-mining use component in the initial planning stages. The surface coal mining industry hasn’t been stagnant since 1977 in terms of mine reclamation efforts. Virginia Tech’s showcase Powell River Project has been demonstrating since 1980 how surface mining can be done in a responsible manner, leaving the land in a productive state when the coal is gone. Powell River’s continue JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Photos by Tim Cox 31 Hawk’s Nest Project map scholars have led the way in reforestation methods for mine reclamation, but Alpha’s partnerships with VDOT and the Buchanan County IDA transcends returning land to forest. Alpha is in the process of building a 30mile section of the Coalfields Expressway that will extend from the initial two-mile section that is now completed to Pound, Virginia where it will connect with another four-lane highway, U.S. Route 23. The U.S. Congress designated the Coalfields Expressway through southern West Virginia and southwestern Virginia as a “Congressional High Priority Highway” in 1995, at a time when the late U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, D-West Virginia was nearing the peak of his political influence. Owing to Byrd’s clout and the work of U.S. Representative Nick Rahall, D-West Virginia, construction of the highway got underway early in West Virginia in Sophia, near Beckley, West Virginia and near Welch, West Virginia, where Byrd lent his support to a federal prison project. Early on, Virginia’s section of the Coalfields Expressway didn’t fare as well in terms of start-up construction funding. With major highway transportation challenges in the gridlocked northern Virginia area as well as in the Virginia Beach bottleneck and the jammed I-81 corridor through the Valley of the Virginias, VDOT faced and still faces major transportation issues statewide. A new highway project through the sparsely populated region of Virginia’s coalfields wasn’t ready for prime time until Alpha and the Pioneer Group Inc., entered the field in 2006 with the idea of mining a little 32 coal and leaving a pavement-ready – not shovel-ready – highway as part of it’s post mining land use. “When Alpha got involved, it really enhanced our position,” Virginia State Senator Phillip P. Puckett, D-Russell County said. “We couldn’t have done it just from a dollar prospective. This is such a great project. It will benefit future generations of Southwest Virginians.” Due to the illness of State Senator Yvonne Miller, D-Norfolk, Virginia, chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, Puckett, the next ranking Democrat on the committee served as Interim Chair of Transportation during most of the 2011 session of the Virginia General Assembly. As a result, Puckett worked closely with Virginia Governor Robert (Bob) McDonnell, a Republican, as McDonnell crafted an ambitious $4 billion transportation program -- a package that includes about $450 million for the Coalfields Expressway. That $450 million wouldn’t mean a great deal in a project that VDOT estimates will cost $2.3 billion alone, except for the coal companies that can mine the available coal reserves and build a fourlane highway reclamation project. “We know that not every section is going to have the same savings as the Hawks Nest section, but there, we are saying our savings are $90 million as a result of the coal synergy program,” Michelle Earl, public affairs spokesperson for VDOT’s Abingdon, Virginia-based Bristol District said. “We projected the cost of that section at $100 million and now, it will cost us just $10 million to complete the work we need to complete the road.. “We have multiple public-projects through the Commonwealth, but I have to say that this one is unique,” Earl said. “This is advantageous to both the coal company and to VDOT. They’re doing what they do and we’re doing what we do.” “We have some of the best equipment operators in the world,” Lawson said of Alpha’s heavy equipment operators. “After 30 years of doing what they do, the machines appear to become an extension of themselves. It is amazing to watch them work. When we were cutting through a new access road on Route 718, people from all around here came to watch them work. People were lined up on the old road taking pictures or just watching. It’s an amazing thing to see.” As he tours the project that is nearing completion, Lawson can’t help from pausing along the way to admire the incredible vistas that travelers along the Coalfields Expressway will witness as they travel along the completed highway. “When I designed all of this, I did it with the concept of looking out on the tops of the mountains to see what few people have ever seen before,” Lawson said. “I’ve always thought of it as a scenic ride. It is beautiful, but nobody knew it was up here because people travel along the river beds.” The Coalfields Expressway at Grundy is about 1,000 feet higher in elevation than U.S. Route 460 that shadows the course of the Levisa Fork of the Big Sandy River. The narrow Levisa Fork valley has a Coal People Magazine long history of flooding -- a reality that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and VDOT have tried to address by relocating several town businesses above the flood plain and carving out a spot on the side of a mountain that is big enough for commercial development. Buchanan County had too few level acres to recruit any industrial prospects. “We were able to reclaim several prelaw strip mine sites up here at Southern Gap,” Lawson said. “Now the Industrial Development Authority has over 1,000 acres of developable land here.” Craig Horn, executive director of the county IDA said he has been working with Alpha to open up new potential economic development sites for about eight years. “We’re happy with the relationship,” he said. “It’s fantastic.” Horn said he had spent 21 years looking for a surface mining company that would work with the IDA to develop sites at Southern Gap, but they couldn’t get any takers due to the regulatory challenges. However, when the IDA found a partner in Alpha, it enabled the authority to connect with funds from the Coalfields Economic Development Authority, the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification Commission, the Appalachian Region Commission and others to prepare sites, bring public water and sewer services to the industrial park, and start bringing businesses to the location. Sykes has a customer contact center that employs about 200 people. The Russell Prater Volunteer Fire Department is now JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue located in the heart of the development area. Several lots have already been sold at auction for a relatively large development while wild turkey, deer and black bears have been seen. At Poplar Gap Park (above), the county now has two first class baseball fields and a large football-soccer-track field for local sports teams. For the first time in the county’s history, Buchanan County had fields to host a baseball tournament in late June 2011. “I can’t say enough good things about Alpha,” Horn said. Lawson was born and raised in Yukon, McDowell County, West Virginia, not far from the Buchanan County, Virginia line. He graduated from Big Creek High School at War, West Virginia in 1996, earned an undergraduate degree in civil engineering from Bluefield State College and a master’s degree in the same field from Virginia Tech. He and his wife, Roxie, a dental hygienist, have one son, Charlie, 2, named for Lawson’s father. They live in Hansonville, Virginia. Lawson is a fourth generation coal man. His father and his father’s family worked in the U.S. Steel coal mines in Gary, while his mother’s family worked in the Olga Coal and Bartley mines. His father, the late Charlie Lawson, even operated his own mine up Carswell Hollow near Kimball, West Virginia prior to his death. Roman Lawson has been in and around coal mining all of his life. When he graduated from BSC, he spent three years working for the West Virginia Department of Highways, and was with Massey prior to joining Alpha in 2006. “If you come in on the front end of a project, you can really make a difference as you’re going out,” Lawson said. “I can tell you about every rock on this project. The exciting part of this project has been taking old coal miners and making them into road builders, but these guys are the best in the business. I am blessed to have been able to visualize this project and to see it through to completion.” Lawson said Alpha mined the Clintwood, two Eagle, two Blair and Dorchester seams at Hawks Nest -- about 70 percent thermal and 30 percent metallurgical coal. VDOT had a ribbon cutting event at Hawks Nest on July 19, 2011. From here, Alpha will keep moving west into the Doe Branch section of the expressway. Hawks Nest is ready for the construction of a connector road from U.S. Route 460 coming in from Kentucky. “Yukon’s on Route 83 in McDowell County,” Lawson said. “I tease the guys here about coming to see me when they get the Yukon exit done.” The Coalfields Expressway will be a limited access, 60 miles-per-hour four-lane highway when it is completed. 33 CAPSULE news 2011 around the world to test and evaluate pre – and post-combustion carbon capture technologies, Using realistic conditions, the work is helping to make CO2 capture technologies more affordable as quickly as possible. Denbury Resources is working with a number of companies to transport carbon dioxide once it is captured, and currently working on a 320-mile 24” pipeline, Green Pipeline, from Donaldsville, LA, to Hastings Field, south of Houston, TX. Pictured from left to right: Ray Scites, TVMI Treasurer; Courtney Blackburn, Belfry; Aimee Williamson, Belfry; Sara Mullins, Belfry; Alexandria Workman, Belfry; Amber Hopkins, Tug Valley; Dr. Stephen J. Kopp, Marshall University President; and Andy Ashurst, TVMI President (not pictured, Logan Bartley, Pike Central High) TVMI Awards $15,000 In Scholarships Tug Valley Mining Institute has awarded six scholarships at its last meeting. The two top $6,000 scholarship awards went to Aimee Williamson, Belfry High School and Alexandria Workman, Belfry High School. Four $750 scholarship awards went to Logan Bartley, Pike Central High School; Courtney Blackburn, Belfry High School; Amber Hopkins, Tug Valley High School; and Sara Mullins, Belfry High School. Over the last fifteen years, TVMI has awarded 90 students $198,250 in scholarship monies. The TVMI scholarship is open to students from Mingo, Logan, Wayne, Pike, and Martin counties. The applications are available in November of each year and may be obtained from Marsha Williams at the First National Bank of Williamson (WV) or from the TVMI website at Coal Use And Production In US Rose In 2010 Coal production in the US increased to 1,085.3 million short tons in 2010, according to data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Overall coal production increased by 1 percent in 2010. The Interior and Western regions increased production by 7.4 percent and 1.1 percent, respectively, while the Appalachian Region decreased 2.1 percent. Improvements in the US economy led to an increase in the use of coal, along with a cold winter and warm summer in coal-consuming regions. Total coal consumption increased by 5.1 percent from 2009 levels to 1,048.3 million short tons. Coal-fired generation increased by 42 million short tons in the electric power sector and by 13.9 percent in all other sectors. Total US exports of coal in 2010 increased by 38.3 percent to 81.7 million short tons, 34 largely due to heavy rains and flooding in Australia, Indonesia and Colombia and a shortage of coal in China and India. The average price of coal exports increased to $120.41 per short ton. CO2 Storage Beginning to Emerge Southern Company’s Plant Barry, near Mobile, AL, a 25-megawatt carbon capture and storage facility has begun capturing carbon dioxide. It is the world’s largest coal-fired generating power plant with carbon capture and storage. The plant will capture some 150,000 tons of CO2 annually for permanent underground storage in a deep saline geologic formation – the equivalent of emissions from 25 megawatts of electricity generation. Skelly and Loy, Harrisburg, PA, has been awarded two open-end contracts with West Virginia Division of Highways, one for natural resources services and one for cultural resources services. Both are two-year, $1.5 million contracts. Freedom Energy Diesel LLC is proposing a $400 million coal liquifaction plant in Cumberland County’s Plateau Partnership Park in Knoxville, TN. The company would convert coal into clean-burning fuels. The company is asking the Industrial Development Board of Cumberland, Morgan and Roane counties to donate 120 acres in the industrial park, which is off Interstate 40 near Westel Road in Cumberland County. Freedom also wants a railroad spur to be built for the plant and an option to buy an additional 20 acres for future expansion. The Cumberland County plant would be the first of a number for the company it is reported, adding that the process is 99.5 percent pollution-free. Freedom plans a 550,000 square-foot facility and wants to have it operational by August 2012. Joy Global Inc. has acquired a drillingand-mining equipment business from Rowan Cos. Inc. for $1.1 billion. The business, LeTourneau Technologies, makes large wheel loaders for surface mining operations and equipment for oil and gas drilling. It reported $815 million in revenue last year. Joy Global had $3.5 billion in revenue in its latest full fiscal year. Rowan said it expected about $875 million in after-tax proceeds from selling LeTourneau. Southern Company is managing the US Department of Energy’s National Carbon Capture Center in Alabama, testing the next generation of technologies to The Rocky Mountain Coal Mining capture carbon dioxide emissions. The Institute announces a new website, center works with technology developers easier to use and full of valuable Coal People Magazine Advertisers in Action information. Additional information/ improvements will be added in the future. Visit the “Whole New Look” at www. and enjoy the new site. United Coal Company, Blountville, TN, a subsidiary of Ukrainian integrated mining and steel holding company Metinvest Holding LLC, Donetsk, Ukraine, is developing $350 million in coal mine projects in the eastern US. United Coal plans to add at least 4 million tons per year of coal mining capacity for use at US locations and for export to Metinvest’s steel mills in Europe and Ukraine. Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College’s Academy for Mine Training and Energy Technologies received the H.L. Boling Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Award at the 2011 Critical Issues Conference in Daytona Beach, FL, sponsored by the International Society of Mine Safety Professionals. The award recognizes institutions of higher learning for leadership, vision, integrity and trust. The award is given to only one organization each year, from among many that are nominated throughout the world, and the academy has demonstrated an outstanding dedication to safety and health, said H.L. Boling. Since the Academy established the program in 2006, over 18,000 individuals have received training including surface mining, underground mining and oil and gas. The Academy has developed and maintained professional relationships and/or partnerships with more than 60 countries, federal, state and academic representatives including 13 states and 10 foreign countries. Friends of Coal license plates are now available from the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles. To order a new plate or for more information call Sandi at the West Virginia Coal Association office at 304/342-4153 or email at For an application call 800/642-9066 or visit or go to WVCA web page. Complete the form and submit it with a $70 check payable to the West Virginia Coal Foundation, PO Box 3923, Charleston, WV 25330. Global Earth Energy, Inc. and joint venture partner Modern Coal, LLC have completed the first payment to acquire Samuel Coal, Inc. of Kentucky. The JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Carroll Technologies Roars Ahead in 2011 New Proposed Safety Legislation Spurring Investments Carroll Technologies Group has reported significant year-over-year growth in its business operations at the close of the first calendar quarter of 2011. According to Mike Hastings, President of Carroll Technologies, “We have seen over across-the board growth in our product line sales. All of our safety related products have really taken off, particularly our Mine Central Communications Control Room product line and our line of Safe Refuge safety chambers. Customers are telling us that they want to get ahead of the new safety regulations being proposed. It’s good business and good for the people working underground.” Carroll Technologies Group and its two operating companies—Carroll Engineering Co. and Delta Electric Inc.—bring a wide variety of safety-related products to mine operators in addition to their electrical and electronic component product lines. Recently, the company has expanded its safety product lines to include an integrated communications command and control room that ties together voice and data communications, location tracking and atmospheric monitoring systems. The product architecture provides a fully redundant set of command posts capable of acting independently in the event of an emergency or catastrophe. The companies also provide location tracking to find miners in the event of an underground incident while also protecting and securing the investment in underground equipment. A line of safe refuge safety chambers provides shelter, food, water and clothing for up to 96 hours. All of the products provided by the companies are backed by Carroll’s industry-leading MinerCare 24/7™ service team. Carroll CEO Mike Hastings commented, “To us, our business growth early this year is reflecting industry-wide confidence in the prospects looking down the line. We are very optimistic about the business going forward and are looking to expand both our product lines and geographic markets served. We think 2011 is going to a great year.” Carroll Technologies Group consisting of Delta Electric, Inc. and Carroll Engineering Co. has been servicing the mining industry in North America for over 30 years. From its early history in the coalfields of West Virginia and Kentucky, Carroll Technologies Group has expanded to become the largest privately held and best electronic services group in the U.S.A., providing over 800 mines with advanced technology communications, employee and equipment tracking systems, safety monitoring systems, and a broad range of other safety equipment. Today Carroll Technologies Group and its two operating subsidiaries – Carroll Engineering Co. and Delta Electric Inc.—service the needs of mining companies with a network of 12 distribution centers and Miner Care 24/7™ support offices strategically located in 7 states. For more information about our companies you can refer to our web sites: Carroll Technologies Group Corporate Site: Carroll Engineering Co. Site: Delta Electric Inc. purchase includes all of Samuel Coal’s existing properties, multiple permits, operations and mineral resources. The acquisition will enable Abundance Coal to fulfill its mining contract agreement with Samuel Coal. The joint venture will now be able to ramp up production. The mines are located on approximately 5,000 acres near Hindman, in the eastern part of Kentucky. Alpha Natural Resources has donated $250,000 toward construction of a memorial to the 29 men who died in an explosion last year at the UBB mine. Alpha said its leadership saw plans for the memorial project while visiting Whitesville, WV, before it sealed the Massey deal and found it to be a deserving project. Alpha hopes to raise visibility for the fund-raising efforts. The Upper Big Branch mining Memorial Group still needs about $225,000. Martin Engineering was the first corporate donor with a $25,000 gift. Send news to: 35 ENERGY news 2011 Bank of America Spends Billions on Solar The Bank of America has helped finance up to $2.6 billion in commercial and industrial rooftop solar arrays through a partnership with Merrill Lynch, Prologis and NRG. The investment represents a significant boost to the renewable energy industry in the US, as installations are expected to provide approximately 733 megawatts of distributed solar energy, which is enough to power approximately 100,000 homes. The deal is part of Bank of America’s 10year, $20 billion Environmental Business Initiative, launched in 2007, and adds to a growing list of recent commitments including a newly established goal by the company to reduce its global green house gas emissions 15 percent by 2015, and the launch of a $55 million energy efficiency finance program. This distributed solar project will generate employment across 28 states and the equivalent of more than 10,000 full-year jobs, giving a huge boost to the amount of grid-connect solar online in the US today. ***** Most new electric power generators built between 1950 and 1990 were coal-fired. Seventy-three percent of coal-fired electric generators existing at the end of 2010 were at least 30 years old. Nearly half of U.S. electric power generation comes from coal. Some older coal-fired generators were retrofitted with various environmental controls. In 2009, 53 percent of the operating coal-fired capacity (or 27 percent of coal-fired generators) had scrubbers. Global solar thermal cumulative installed capacity has grown from 354 MW in 2001 to 697 MW in 2009 at a CAGR of 9$ per annum. In 2020, the solar thermal power capacity is expected to reach 122,252 MW from 2,715 MW in 2010, a 46 percent increase per annum. Suzlon Energy has signed a contract with African Clean Energy Developments (ACED) for an initial 76 turbines for the Cookhouse project 36 proposed for South Africa’s eastern cape province. An engineering, procurement and construction contract, as well as an option for an additional 124 turbines for Cookhouse, has also been concluded. Based on current expectations for the satisfaction of the main conditions, ACED and Suzlon believe that installation could commence in late 2011 or early 2012. U.S. coal exports rose 49 percent during the first quarter of 2011 compared to the same quarter a year ago, reaching 26.6 million short tons, double the first-quarter 2009 levels. This is the highest level of quarterly coal exports since 1992, when exports were 27 million short tons. While coking coal remains the primary coal export, comprising 64 percent of exports, the main driver of growth has been a surge in steam coal, which increased 160 percent in the first quarter of 2011 compared to the same period in 2010. Coking coal exports increased 21 percent over that same period. The City of Johannesburg has commissioned its first landfill gasto-energy project, with a further four sites to follow over the next 12 months. Through the Infrastructure and Services Department (ISD), Johannesburg initiated the landfill gas-to-energy Clean Development Mechanism project in 2007. The Robinson Deep landfill project, which was to be fully operational by June, was the first to be completed, followed by the commissioning of Marie Louise landfill in August and the rest by June 2012. An estimated 19 MW of power would be generated from the project, comparable to electricity usage by about 12,500 households. New Zealand Blenheim’s Carbonscape has developed a onestep process to turn sawmill waste into pure coal and other valuable materials. Carbonscape’s industrial microwave heats waste at up to 3000C, creating a process called pyrolysisation. Carbonscape’s pyrolysis basically creates three product sets – charcoal or carbon, bio oil and syngas. One of the products – activated carbon – could be used to filter water or soak up polluting industrial waste gases, and sold for up to $5000 a ton. The process could also turn pine sawdust into anthracite coal, a pure form of the mineral used in steel production. The company hopes to be making sales within the next 12 to 15 months, depending on access to capital. Freedom Energy Diesel has chosen Morristown, TN, as the site for a new coal gasification plant that is expected to be operational late next year. The $405 million plant will employ about 450 people when completed and add another 150 jobs in a second phase 18 months later. The plant will use new plasma technology to create extremely high temperatures to turn coal into gas, which will then be converted to diesel fuel. The process removes harmful byproducts such as mercury and sulfur. It retains valuable ones such as zinc, platinum, iridium, etcetera, which will be sold. The new plant will be 570,000 square feet on 115-plus acres in the East Tennessee Progress Center near Interstate 81. The construction of 100 wind turbines over 20,000 acres in Florida has created a stir among various environmental groups seeking to minimize the ecological cost of “green power.” The National Audubon Society’s Florida affiliate is clamoring over the size of the turbines and its potential detrimental effect to the native wild birds that could be harmed by the large turbines. Each wind turbine can be as large as the Statue of Liberty. DTE Energy Services has approval from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to modify its coal-using power facility at the Port of Stockton into a biomass fuel-powered plant. The company had a similar conversion at its plant in Cassville, WI, and its plant in Bakersfield, CA, is undergoing conversion. It operates biomass powered plants in Mobile, AL and Woodland, CA. The Stockton plant will be redesigned to use 100 percent biomass, mainly wood fuel obtained from agricultural residues, tree trimmings and urban wood waste. It will generate around 45 MW of clean power. Send News and Comments to Log on to to download 2011 Editorial Calendar Coal People Magazine WORLDWIDE news 2011 L&L Energy has established a wholesale operation, the Yunnan L&L Tai Fung Coal Company, in China’s Yunnan province. Tai Fung includes a newly established coal wholesale operation as well as its existing Hong Xing washing facility. The wholesale operation will move 100,000 tons of coal per year. L&L has contracts that total 700,000 tons of coal. It will be made of 300,000 tons from a China operation and 400,000 of US coal when it is available. PHI Energy Corp., Los Angeles, CA, and Jakarta, Indonesia, have closed a coal asset purchase agreement with PT Dian Anugah Pratama, an Indonesian corporation in Jakarta. The purchase includes estimate mineable coal reserves of 33,000,000 metric tons located in West Sumatra, Kampar, and South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The pre-production estimated value of the reserves is approximately $85,000,000, whereas current market price of steam coal GCV6300-6100 FOB Indonesia is approximately $80 per metric ton. China may more than double thermal coal imports to 200 million metric tons by 2015 from 90 million last year, said Executive VP Neil Dhar of Noble Group. India’s overseas purchases may increase to 67 million tons this year and 100 million by 2015, from 58 million in 2010. China’s domestic consumption will be 3.5 billion tons and India may use 1 billion tons by 2015. Australia and Indonesia will mainly supply China and India. ESCO Corporation has established a sales and service base at Rutherford to target Australia’s Hunter Valley coal industry. ESCO Asia Pacific managing director Jeff Kershaw reports the equipment maker will supply a range of gear for open cut mines in the region, including its full line of ground engaging tools featuring its tooth systems, along with buckets and related wear parts. ESCO Rutherford will also host a complete range of manganese-rich steel crusher products, bi-metallic wear buttons and blocks, plus sell new ESCO truck bodies. While plans for 150 new coal plants have been abandoned in the US since 2004, India approved a coal plant every JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue other day in 2010 alone – 173 coal projects. The demand for coal-fired power in China is even larger. Much of that coal is exported from Australia and Indonesia, which have established mining industries. But new mines also are being developed in countries like Mozambique and Mongolia. Years of organized opposition in pushing coalfired power generation out of the US and Europe has been successful, but the coal industry is not dying, it’s moving to developing countries. Stanmore Coal has been granted another tenement for its Kerlong underground coking coal project in Queensland’s Bowen Basin, with the expanded project area within 5 kilometers of a lease held by Vale’s Carborough Downs longwall mine. The Kerlong project is surrounded by mines and projects within a 15km radius due to the Rangal Coal Measures in the region. Sable Mining, Johannesburg, has acquired a 49 percent stake in Liberation Mining, which owns the Lubimbi coal project in Zimbabwe. The Lubimbi project had shown on site coal tonnage in excess of one billion tons. Drilling is also underway on an existing 786-million-tons resource, which could bring the total resource to over two billion tons between the two projects. China’s Meijin Energy is planning a multi-billion-dollar thermal coal mine in Queensland’s frontier Galilee Basin. Operating as Macmines AustAsia, Meijin outlined its first coal resource at what it is calling the China Stone Project. Studies show it has a resource of 3.7 billion tons of thermal coal. Meijin has plans to add to the resource as it aims to build a mining operation that would export between 30 million and 60 million tons a year of coal from 2014 or 2015. The Jammu and Kashmir government plans to develop a new coal mine in Rajouri district as part of efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in the state. The new coal mine will be developed at Badhog in the Kalakota area, where initial production is estimated to be 4,000 to 6,000 metric tons a year. Compliance Energy Corporation has completed a feasibility study for the construction and operation of the Raven Underground Coal project in the Comox coal basin on Vancouver Island. The project life is about 17 years, with a 12-month construction phase, expected to cost $250 million, followed by a 15.5-year mining period and a site reclamation in the final year. The report says infrastructure construction should start in 2012 after all necessary permits are obtained. Mongolian Mining Corporation has signed an agreement with QGX Holdings to buy the Baruun Naran coking coal mine in Southern Mongolia for $464.5 million. QGX is 90 percent owned indirectly by Kerry Mining (Mongolia) and 10 percent by MCS Minerals LLC. According to pre-feasibility studies, the Baruum Naran mine has approximately 253 million tons of measured and indicated coal resources and 193 mt of potentail mineable coal. Continental Coal has approval from the South African Department of Minerals and Resources to acquire the Vlakplaats coal project in South Africa. Continental and its project partners, Korea’s State Mining and Exploration Company and Masawu Investments completed the financial settlement last year. Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has started development of two coking coal reserves Tasra and Sitanalla, which form part of the Jharia coalfields in the eastern Indian province of Jharkhand. The company will invest $379 million to produce four-million tons of coking coal a year from Tasra and 50,000 t/y from Sitanalla, including a pithead beneficiation plant a Tasra. SAIL consumes some 14 million tons of coking coal a year to produce 16 million tons of hot metal, and coal consumption is forecast to increase to 21 million tons by 2013. China’s total coal consumption reached 1,310,000,000 billion tons, making it the world’s biggest coal consumer. According to the World Nuclear Organization, 68.7 percent of China’s electric energy is produced from coal. A review done by BP in 2007 shows China with 62 billion tons of anthracite continue 37 Worldwide news and 52 billion tons of lignite coal, third behind the US and Russia in terms of total coal reserves. At current level of production, the reserves are forecasted to be able to sustain China’s needs for the net 48 years. Dingo has a multi-year, multi-site contract with Anglo American’s Metallurgical Coal business to provide Dingo’s Condition Based Asset Management (CBAM) program to all of the company’s Queensland coal mine sites. In addition to the CBAM program, three Dingo program managers will be focused full-time on Anglo American programs and will reside at the Metallurgical Coal Brisbane head office. GVK Power and Infrastructure Ltd, New Delhi, plans to purchase two of Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd.’s thermal coal mines in Australia for around $2.4 billion. GVK Group plans to expand its power-generation capacity of 901 megawatts to 10,000 megawatts by 2013. The two coal mines, Tad’s Corner and Kevin’s Corner, are owned by Hancock Coal and Hancock Galilee and are located in Queensland. The two mines have a capacity of 30 million tons per year each and Tad’s Corner and Kevin’s Corner have recoverable resource bases of 3.6 billion tons and 4.27 billion tons, respectively. Australia’s Central Petroleum Limited reports a coal field discovered in the Simpson Desert could be the biggest in the world. The coal seam stretches across 400 kilometers. The company has signed an agreement with Allied Resource Partners (ARP) to work towards setting up a coal production plant in the Great Artesian Basin area. ARP say the plan is to make liquid fuel without mining, by heating the coal underground, turning it into a gas, and then turning that gas into a liquid. The operations could last for 100 years because the field is so big. Mercator Lines Ltd. plans to raise $150 million by January via an initial share sale of its Singapore-based coal exploration and mining unit, the managing director of the Indian shipping and logistics company said. “We will not look at divesting more than 30 percent of the company’s shareholding to the public,” Atul Agarwal said recently. The unit, called Oorja HoldingsPte. Ltd., owns coal mines in Mozambique and Indonesia. 38 COAL PEOPLE in the news 2011 Michael Culbert promoted to chief financial officer of United Central Industrial Supply, Bristol, TN. Culbert will be responsible for company-wide financial interests including the accounting, information technology and credit departments for United Central’s North American mining and industrial business and its two subsidiary companies, National Mine Service of Canada and Gooding Rubber, Inc. Culbert has served UC for the past four years, most recently as controller. He has a BBA in accounting from East Tennessee State University. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants. marketing for BHP Billiton in Singapore and also served as vice president of marketing at Fording Coal Limited. Jerry Fitzgerald has joined ElectroMechanical Corporation as a field service representative based out of Morgantown, WV. His primary coverage area will be northeast Appalachian Region with assignments to other geographic regions as needed. Fitzgerald began his career as a mine electrician in 1977 and has been maintenance supervisor or maintenance superintendent at several major coal companies including Dana Mining, International Coal, Eastern Associated and Island Creek. He has 25 years experience in troubleshooting and maintaining mining electrical equipment and has extensive knowledge and experience in the maintenance of Line Power equipment. He is a certified electrician and mine foreman in Virginia. In West Virginia, he is a certified mine foreman, certified electrician for both surface and underground and a certified EMT. Arch Coal, Inc., St. Louis, MO, has named three group presidents: Ken Cochran, Gary Bennett and Charles Snavely, as well as Samuel Kitts to director of operational development. Cochran named group president with responsibility for Thunder Basin Coal Company, the Arch Western Bituminous Group, Arch of Wyoming and the Otter Creek development. Cochran served as president of Thunder Basin for six years and previously worked 20 years for TXU. Bennett is group president with responsibility for the Mountain Laurel, Beckley, Coal-Mac, Cumberland River, Lone Mountain/Powell Mountain and Eastern mining complexes. He will also have responsibility for the eastern engineering, environmental and coal preparation groups at the company’s office in Teays Valley, WV. Snavely named group president with responsibility for the Vindex, Patriot, Wolf Run, Flint Ridge, Knott County, Hazard, East Kentucky, and Viper mining complexes as well as the ADDCAR business unit and the Tygart Valley longwall development. Most recently, he served as ICG’s executive vice president of mining operations. Kitts served as ICG’s senior vice president of business development and asset management and previously served as senior VP, planning and organizational development. Boyd Payne appointed to the Dingo board of directors. Boyd recently retired as CEO/President of Teck Coal Limited and brings over 35 years of expertise in the coal business. Boyd has been president of Fording ULC and Fording Canadian Coal Trust since January 2007, and, prior to that, was vice president Ray Kranzusch appointed product manager, oil and gas drills, for Atlas Copco Construction & Mining, Commerce City, CO. Kranzusch’s primary focus will be the RD20, RD20 XC and Predator rigs, and related Atlas Copco drilling consumables in the US oil and gas industry. He will be involved in sales support, technical training, the product development and engineering process, and new product launches. He will also assist in sales efforts in the western territory, and will be based in Sacramento, CA. Murilo Pinto de Oliveira Ferreira named chief executive officer of Brazil’s Vale, Coal People Magazine succeeding Roger Agnelli. Ferreira has more than 30 years of experience in the mining industry. He began working for Vale in 1998 as director of Vale do Rio Doce Aluminio-Aluvale, serving in several senior management positions. In 2008, he became CEO of Vale Inco and executive director of Vale’s Nickel and Base Metals Sales. on the job, with no explanation. Golsby, who was part of the team developing the 4FCT as a continuous haulage system at Clarence and who led an emergency response, and rescue group exercise at the Mine Rescue and Emergency Management conference in Brisbane, is leaving Australia’s most productive longwall mine. John Liperote, Daniel Geiger, John Sabine, Peter Mordaunt, Richard Liperote and David Warner re-elected to the board of directors of Lipari Energy, Inc., Toronto, Canada. John Liperote had more than 30 years experience in the coal industry, while Richard Liperote has over 15 years of coal industry experience. Geiger and Mordaunt have over 35 years and 25 years of experience in mining, respectively. Sabine is recognized as a leading mining practitioner in Canada. Warner was a partner of KPMG LLP from 1980 to 2010, and will serve as an independent director. Elmer Whitaker of Whitaker Coal Corporation, Don Duff (posthumously) of Pine Branch Coal, and J.C. Lewis, a coal miner from Leslie County, KY, have been named to the newly-created Appalachian Mountain Coalfields Hall of Fame, during a Coal Appreciation Dinner at Hazard Community and Technical College, Hazard, KY. Sipho Maseko named MD of Vodacom South Africa, beginning in September. Maseko has been at the helm of BP Southern Africa since 2008, and held a number of senior executive positions in the past 14 years at BP. He will also be a member of the Vodacom Group Board. Maseko replaces Shameel Joosub, who took a position as CEO of Vodafone in Spain. Doug White, former Pike River Coal general manager, has joined Centennial Coal as mine manager of its new Airly underground mine in New South Wales. Steve Bracken has been promoted to chief operating officer, and will be replaced by Andy Myors, who previously was GM of business support and GM of Centennial Coal’s west operations. Mark Levy named general manager of business support while Mick Cairney becomes general manager of health, safety, environment and community. Terry O’Brien is now mine/project manager of Newstan Lochiel, while Graham Pryor has been appointed temporary mine manager of Springvale. Allison Golsby has resigned from her position as technical services manager at Xstrata’s Oaky North mine in Queensland after less than eight months JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Frederick Chi Ming Yu appointed to the board of directors of Endocoal as a non-executive director. Yu is president of Hidili Asset Management, which is Endocoal’s 15 percent shareholder. Yu has worked for a number of investment banks and was investment director for Microsoft in the Greater China region. named director of accounting in April 2008, Previously, he worked for nine years in public accounting. Eriez, Erie, PA, has combined its US and Canadian sales organization into a consolidated North American sales team: Dave Huebel promoted to the newly-created position of director – North American sales, responsible for managing all sales efforts for the light and heavy industry markets in the US and Canada; Darrell Milton promoted to market manager – metals recycling, and will lead Eriez efforts in the metals recycling market for all of the US and Canada; Dan Zimmerman, director of business development, will manage all Eriez sales efforts for the metalworking market in both the US and Canada. Thomas H. Stoner Jr., chief executive of Evergreen Energy Inc., has resigned – almost two years in the job – as he said the clean-energy-technology company needs to build a management team with more credentials in coal upgrading and beneficiation. Tonya Skinner appointed president of Hydroflo Pumps USA, Fairview, TN, and will manage the day-today responsibilities of the company, as well as expanding the sales and distribution of Hydroflo’s pumps across the country. Skinner has more than 25 years of experience working in various sales and marketing roles for different organizations. She has established a strong background in international business, business sourcing, joint venture partnerships and logistics. Wesley Nichols named general manager of exploration for Stanmore Coal, responsible for progressing the exploration and evaluation of Stanmore’s key development and exploration projects. He will play a key role in implementing and overseeing Stanmore Coal’s safety program. Nichols has 22 years of senior exploration and mining experience, mostly at Anglo Coal. Since 2008 Nichols was geology manager at New Hope Coal and, before that, spent 18 years at Anglo Coal. Joseph Micheletti, former mine manager of Westmoreland Coal Company’s Jewitt Mine, promoted to senior vice president-coal operations overseeing mining operations; and Russell Werner, former director of accounting, promoted to corporate controller. Micheletti joined Westmoreland in August 1998 and has held several key positions at the company’s mining projects. He has worked in production, maintenance, processing, and engineering disciplines of the mining industry for 24 years and is director of the Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute. Werner joined Westmoreland in June 2006 and was Shelby Docken promoted to customer service manager for Sioux Corporation, Beresford, SD. Docken began his career with Sioux in 1988 as an inside sales manager, and later to concrete market segment manager and product manager as the position developed. He has 23 years of experience and extensive knowledge of Sioux equipment. To receive the e-version of Coal People Magazine send request to: To view on-line issues log-on to: 39 National Mining Hall of Fame Names 2011 Inductees & Prazen Award Winner The National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum (NMHFM) announced the 2011 National Mining Hall Of Fame inductees. Representing the coal, metallurgical/processing R&D, marble, and lead industries, this year’s inductees cover a diverse cross-section of the mining industry. William Diamond, Wayne Hazen, Redfield Proctor and Jeffrey Zelms will join 210 other mining industry pioneers when they are formally inducted into the National Mining Hall of Fame at the 24th Annual Induction Banquet & Ceremony on Sept. 10 of this year. They were selected for being visionaries, leaders and ambassadors both within their own sectors and across the industry at large. 2011 National Mining Hall of Fame Inductees: William Francis Diamond (1914 - ) Had an illustrious engineering and managerial career that spanned four decades with Island Creek Coal Company. During that time, he was responsible for the engineering and construction of the deepest coal mines producing in North America at the time. Wayne Colby Hazen (1917 - 2009) Founded Hazen Research, Inc. in Golden, Colorado. He served as President and CEO of the company for 22 years and grew it from a onebuilding laboratory to the largest private metallurgical and processing R&D contractor in the United States. Redfield Proctor (1831 - 1903) Founded the Vermont Marble Company, which became the world’s largest marble company by the beginning of the 20th century. He also had a notable career as a public servant, serving as Governor of Vermont, Secretary of War in the cabinet of President Harrison, and Senator from Vermont. Jeffrey L. Zelms (1944 - ) Helped keep the US lead industry alive during the most volatile period in its modern history. As CEO of The Doe Run Company, he guided the company through the collapse of the lead market in the 1980s and the recession in the 1990s, ensuring that lead mining remained a viable industry in the United States. NMHFM Executive Director, Bob Hartzell said: “We are very proud to have the opportunity to honor these luminaries of the mining industry by inducting them into our Hall of Fame. Each has made an indelible contribution to mining, and they join the 40 company of some legendary mining figures in the Hall of Fame.” “The Hall of Fame Induction Banquet and Ceremony is a marquee event for the NMHFM each year and is not only a celebration of the inductees, but of the mining industry as a whole,” said Hartzell. “It is a real thrill to see people from all corners of the industry and the country come together to recognize the outstanding achievements of the inductees.”The 2011 Prazen Living Legend of Mining Award will also be presented at the September event. This year’s recipient is the Ohio Aggregates & Industrial Minerals Association, which undertakes a wide variety of programs and projects all designed to educate the public about the minerals industry. The Prazen Award recognizes organizations and individuals who excel in informing the public of the vital importance of mining and minerals. 2011 Prazen Award Recipient: Ohio Aggregates & Industrial Minerals Association A primary example of OAIMA’s commitment to educating the public on the importance of the minerals industry is its Project STONE (Science Teaching for Ohio’s New Economy) program, developed in partnership with Wright State University. Project STONE is an earth and space science inquiry-based professional development program for Ohio earth science teachers that is based on real-world situations, while also informing teachers about science careers available to their students. During this two-week program, teachers learn of the critical role that mining plays in the civic, cultural, environmental and economic life of our communities. An exciting addition to Project STONE program has been the OAIMA Scholarship Program, which to date has awarded more than $20,000 to students taking courses relating to exploration, excavation, engineering, acquisition, production or other areas of the industrial minerals industry, for use in pursuit of their degree. “It is through the excellent work of organizations such as OAIMA that the industry can continue to increase public awareness, perception and understanding of the impact that mining has on everyday life,” said Hartzell. The National Mining Hall of Fame inductees and Prazen Award recipient will be honored at the 24th Annual Hall of Fame Induction Banquet and Ceremony to be held on September 10, 2011 at the historic NMHFM campus in Leadville, Colorado. Coal People Magazine 2011 Surface Mining / Reclamation Buyer’s Guide Big Wirtgen 4200 SM helps coal surface mines attain high productivity. photo credit: JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue 41 Buyer’s Guide Index American Mine Research (AMR) Ph: 276/928-1712 Fax: 276/928-1814 12187 North Scenic Highway PO Box 234 Rocky Gap, VA 24366 E-mail: Web site: Founded in 1975, American Mine Research, Inc. is the leading manufacturer of monitoring and control electronics for the underground and surface mining industries. From ground monitors to electronic circuit breakers and atmospheric gas sensors, improving both mine safety and productivity is foremost in the development of all AMR’s product lines. AMR’s MC-4000 Ethernet Mine Monitoring System utilizes a fiber optic backbone and Modbus Gateway Remote stations to make gas/belt monitoring easier and faster than ever. AMR’s latest product line, Mine NetTM, is a tagging, tracking, and communication system that tracks miners underground and provides two-way communication to the surface through text messaging. By combining the latest technology with a mine’s needs, AMR is the source for all of your operation’s monitoring and control needs. American Pulverizer Company Ph: 314/781-6100 Fax: 314/781-9209 1319 Macklind Ave. St Louis, MO 63110 E-mail: Web site: Since 1908, American Pulverizer manufactures and sells crushers including: ring granulators, double roll crushers, sample crushers, hammermills, trommels and frozen coal crushers. American Utility Metals Ph: 225/343-4219 Fax: 225/343-6033 341 Third St. Baton Rouge, LA 70801 E-mail: Web site: American Utility Metals is the premier supplier of Cromgard utility stainless steel in both North and South America. Unlike traditional stainless steel, this 12 percent Chromium-grade product is both low cost and price stable, and can be easily welded and fabricated. With sales offices and stocking locations throughout the country, we consistently provide our customers a high quality product and timely service. ASGCO Manufacturing, Inc. Ph: 800/344-4000 Fax: 610/778-8991 301 Gordon Street Allentown, PA 18102 E-mail: 42 Web site: Engineered Conveyor Products for Bulk Material Handling Systems Becker Wholesale Mine Supply, LLC Ph: 724/515-4993 Fax: 724/864-7582 358 Main St North Huntingdon, PA 15642 E-mail: Web site: Becker Wholesale Mine Supply, LLC is the world leader in sales and service of underground and surface communication systems. We supply the industry with Becker and Varis Leaky Feeder Systems, Tagging and Tracking Systems, Proximity Detection Systems, Two-Way Portable Radios and Waterproof Radios. Borton, LC Ph: 620/669-8211 Fax: 620/662-3225 200 East First Ave. Hutchinson, KS 67501 E-mail: Web site: Design and engineering firm, since 1926, specializing in slip form construction. Expertise in barge, rail, and truck loadouts, large conveying systems, coal, cement and grain facilities. Chimneys, stacks, mechanical and structural installation. Continental United States, international experience. Brookville Equipment Corp. Ph: 814/849-2000 Fax: 814/849-2010 175 Evans Street Brookville, PA 15825 E-mail: Web site: Brookville Equipment Corporation manufactures a wide variety of rail-mounted and rubber-tired haulage equipment for underground coal mining, hard rock and precious metal mining, tunnel construction, industrial rail car switching, and mass transit applications worldwide. Our rail-mounted locomotives, personnel carriers, combination units, and specialty vehicles are available in diesel, battery, trolley, or battery/trolley. Rubber-tired equipment, rigid or articulated, is available in diesel or battery powered. BECs personnel carriers have a 4-18 person capacity, haulage tractors weigh 8-50 tons, rail-mounted locomotives weigh 4-45 tons, and scoops have a 4.5 yd (heaped) bucket capacity. Bucyrus Ph: 414/768-4000 1100 Milwaukee Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172 Web site: Bucyrus is a world leader in the design and manufacture of high-productivity surface and underground mining equipment used for mining coal, copper, iron ore, oil sands and other minerals. Bucyrus also manufactures high-quality OE parts and provides worldclass support services for their machines. CBP Engineering Corp. Ph: 800/468-1180 Fax: 724/229-1185 185 Plumpton Ave. Washington, PA 15301 E-mail: Web site: CBP’s abrasion resistant lining materials are custom designed and installed in pipe, chutes and other material handling equipment. Linings include, basalt, ceramic, silicon carbide, rubber/ceramic composites, and Aluma-Plate trowelables. CBP provides design/build controlled flow chutes through our new materials handling division. CTB Wireless, Inc. Toll Free: 888/345-9705 Ph: 626/345-9705 Fax: 626/345-9709 1668 E. Washington Blvd. Suite 203 Pasadena, CA 91104-2757 E-mail: Web site: CTB Wireless, Inc. is a Wholesale distributor of cellular phones, accessories and parts since 1998. Global leaders in Bluetooth and install hands free car kits. Leading distributor of SmoothTalker and Bury Technologies hands free car kits. Leading distributor of ProClip in-vehicle device mounting solutions in the United States. Specializing in new, as well as hard to find and obsolete OEM accessories and parts. GPS car navigation systems and two way radios. Special order requests. All major brands. CW Electric, Inc. Ph: 606/928-2074 Fax: 606/928-0093 279 CW Ave. Ashland, KY E-mail: Web site: Leader in industrial electrical design & installation that constantly exceeds customer expectations in quality and performance. Camber Corporation Ph: 724/933-6040 Fax: 724/933-6058 2559 Brandt School Road Wexford, PA 15090 E-mail: Web site: Serving the mining industry since 1982, Camber is a recognized leader in innovative solutions to difficult roof support problems. Products include arch supports, lagging, overcasts, retaining walls, monorail systems, and fabricated products from steel and concrete. Coal People Magazine Carroll Engineering Co. Ph: 606/573-1000 Fax: 606/573-4444 131 Carroll Dr. Harlan, KY 40831 E-mail: Web site: Providing Mining Companies a One-Stop Shop for Safety, Communications, Network Design, Power and Electrical Needs. Ceramic Technology, Inc. Ph: 276/964-6724 Fax: 276/964-2936 606 Wardell Industrial Park Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 E-mail: Web site: Ceramic Technology Inc. is the manufacturer of ceramic lined process equipment! Rely on its engineering and manufacturing team to deliver innovative products to make future upgrades or capital expansions greater successes! Cincinnati Mine Machinery Company Ph: 800/543-4607 Fax: 513/728-4041 2950 Jonrose Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45239 E-mail: Web site: Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co. has served the mining industry for more than 80 years and is recognized world wide for products that combine high performance and reliability for cutting and conveying solutions. Coalfield Services, Inc. Ph: 276/228-3167 Fax: 276/228-7912 2942 Peppers Ferry Road Wytheville, VA 24382 E-mail: Web site: Industrial contractor since 1977, specializing in steel erection, crane and rigging work with cranes to 120 tons, elevators, emergency escape hoists, ventilation fans, material handling systems, prep plant maintenance, and rebuilding various mining equipment. Cowin & Company, Inc. Ph: 205/945-1300 Fax: 205/945-1441 P.O. Box 19009 Birmingham, AL 35219 E-mail: Web site: Providing the mining industry with contracting services for drilling shafts, slopes & tunnels. DSI Underground Systems Ph: 801/973-7169 Fax: 801/973-7172 3900 West 700 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Web site: JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue DSI Underground Systems Inc. is a leading manufacturer & supplier of specialist ground support products to the underground industry. With customers in 95 countries it is a leader in the development, production and application of underground products including bolts, mesh, steel arches and resin cartridges. North American headquarters are in Salt Lake City, Utah with six manufacturing facilities, as well as heavy fabrication facilities, and distribution centers in the U.S. DSI is close by to deliver quality products, superior customer service, advanced technology, and real solutions to the mining and tunneling industry. Duraline, LLC. Ph: 412/429-0335 Fax: 412/429-0336 P.O. Box 13130 Pittsburgh, PA 15243 E-mail: Web site: Duraline has been producing abrasion and corrosion resistant lining materials for mining and industrial applications for 40 years. The largest coal preparation plant in the USA used Duraline Z-100 Heavy Duty Wear Lining in the sumps and underflow bed pans of its recent major plant expansion. Duraline also produces a complete line of “trowel-on” Ceramic Beaded Epoxy Resins including a revolutionary (15/30 min) Fast Set. Elgin Equipment Group Ph: 314/776-2848 Fax: 314/776-2918 201 President St. St. Louis, MO 63118 E-mail: Web site: For nearly 75 years you’ve trusted your coal prep needs to the Elgin Equipment Group. EEG is committed to delivering performance excellence and earning your trust on every project. The EEG consists of CMI, CSI, MCI, Tabor Machine, Norris Screen and Clinch River. EnerSys Ph: 800/443-9433 Fax: 610/372-8457 2366 Bernville Road Reading, PA 19605 Web site: EnerSys® offers a complete line of MSHA certified batteries, chargers and accessories and supports them with the largest companybacked service and support team in the industry. ERIEZ Minerals Flotation Group, Canada, Inc. Ph: 604/952-2300 Unit 1 – 7168 Honeymoon Street Delta, BC, Canada V4G-1G1 Web site: Ask the experts at Eriez | Flotation Group. Eriez HydroFloat hybrid density separation technology combines the advantages of density-based separators with the flexibility and selectivity of the flotation process. Benefits include high capacity, low operating costs and low maintenance. Farnham & Pfile Construction Ph: 724/653-1010 Fax: 724/653-1020 Monessen Riverfront Industrial Park 1200 Maronda Way, Suite 301 Monessen, PA 15062 E-mail: Web site: Farnham & Pfile is an industrial construction firm specializing in the design/build of coal processing facilities. It’s engineering and construction division is focused on turnkey negotiated design-build projects in the mineral processing and energy production industry. A full scope of work is performed including new construction, retrofitting, and existing facility upgrades. Online digital plant maintenance support is offered as a portion of its approach to state-of-the-art industry technology. Flexco Ph: 630/971-0150 2525 Wisconsin Avenue Downers Grove, IL 60515 E-mail: Web site: Flexco, the global leader in belt splice technology, featuring its Mineline® Belt Cleaners, specifically designed to work in demanding mining applications along with an array of tools to make conveyor belt maintenance easy and safe. We can make your conveyors more productive at a lower cost per ton! FKC-Lake Shore A Division of Frontier-Kemper Constructors, Inc. Ph: 877/554-8600 Fax: 812/402-5075 1695 Allen Road Evansville, IN 47710 E-mail: Web site: Frontier-Kemper’s FKC-Lake Shore Division is the premier U.S. supplier of hoists, hoist ancillary equipment, man and material elevators, and vertical conveyance systems. Ford Steel Co. Ph: 800/325-4012 Fax: 314/567-5762 P.O. Box 54 Maryland Heights, MO 63043 E-mail: Web site: Providing high quality wear resistant steel products. Formsprag Clutch Ph: 586/758-5000 Fax: 586/758-5204 continue 43 23601 Hoover Rd. Warren, MI 48089 E-mail: Web site: Formsprag Clutch is the world leader in overrunning, indexing and holdback clutches by offering the largest number of designs with torque capacities from 0.5 to 700,000 lb.ft. and bore ranges up to 20.0 inches. Formsprag offers both sprag and ramp/roller technology in one way driving and holdback clutches. Holdbacks are used on inclined conveyors and bucket elevators to prevent reverse rotation (rollbacks) due to a power or drive component failure, also on pumps and fans to prevent reverse rotation. Overrunning clutches are used in two-speed or creep drive applications and on dual drive applications where down time must be minimized. Frontier-Kemper Constructors, Inc. Ph: 877/554-8600 Fax: 812/428-0337 1695 Allen Road Evansville, IN 47710 P.O. Box 6690 47719 E-mail: Web site: Frontier-Kemper Constructors, Inc. (FKCI) is a leader in the underground mining and heavy civil construction industries. FKCI constructs tunnels, shafts (conventional, raise bored, and blind drilled), and slopes. GIW Industries Ph: 706/863-1011 Fax: 706/860-5897 5000 Wrightsboro Road Grovetown, GA 30813 E-mail: Web site: GIW, a leading manufacturer of highperformance, low-maintenance slurry pumps, introduces the MDX (Mill Duty Xtra Heavy) pump series for mill discharge applications. GIW pumps have been used to pump phosphate rock in Florida, oil sands in Canada and hundreds of different materials in between -- everywhere in the world. GIW serves industries such as mining and mineral beneficiation, industrial process, dredge, aggregate and coal preparation. Another innovation is the newly designed GIW rubber impellers for maximum wear resistance in heavier slurries. “GIW pumps & impellers – we are better by design.” Gardner Paint Services Ph: 423/928-8351 Fax: 423/928-0322 P.O. Box 5096 Johnson City, TN 37602 Website: Gardner Paint Services, Inc. is a full service painting and industrial cleaning contractor serving the coal industry since 1975. Our services include sandblasting and the applicaton of paint and special coatings, as well as a surface preparation service called ICE CLEANing. 44 GUNDLACH Equipment Corporation Ph: 618/233-7208 Fax: 618/641-6974 One Freedom Drive Belleville, IL 62226 E-mail: bettercrushers@gundlachcrushers. com Web site: GUNDLACH Crushers manufactures a full line of crushers specifically designed for precise product sizing with fewer fines and maximized yield for the coal industry and thermal power plants around the world. coating, parts refurbishing & salvage, Thermal Spray coatings, Screen coating, machine shop services, large capacity. HSC Industrial Ph: 304/252-1918 Fax: 304/252-6411 300 Rural Acres Drive Beckley, WV 25801 E-mail: Web site: HSC Industrial offers a variety of services to the mining industry including: above- and below-ground communication system design, installation and repair; electrical distribution and motor controls; industrial tool pick-up and repair; and water management or system design, installation and maintenance. We are distributors for Tunnel Radio leaky-feeder systems and Kenwood Communications. Hansen Transmissions, Inc. Ph: 540/213-2442 33 Lakeview CT Verona,VA 24482 E-mail: Web site: Hansen Transmissions North America, based in Verona, VA., is a world class manufacturer of gear reducers since 1923. We will be exhibiting our UNIMINER alignment free conveyor drive. Hansen supplies drive solutions for a wide range of applications in the mining, cement, mixing and grain industries. Gear capacities - Torque -10,000,000”lbs. and HP to 10,000. HardSteel, Inc. Ph: 205/343-9100 Fax: 205/343-0073 P.O. Box 2266 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 E-mail: Web site: HardSteel is a manufacturer of chromiumcarbide overlay plate and abrasion resistant products. Complete line of wear plate products, complete cutting, forming, and fabrication services. AR-400 and AR-500 distributor. Hausner Hard-Chrome, Inc. Ph: 270/713-8224 Fax: 270/713-8247 3094 Medley Road Owensboro, KY 42301 E-mail: Web site: Industrial Hard chrome, wear resistant Industrial Resources, Inc. Ph: 304/363-4100 Fax: 304/363-0799 P.O. Box 2648 Fairmont, WV 26555-2648 E-mail: Web site: INDUSTRIAL has served the coal industry Since 1946. They continue to be a premier contractor for complete preparation facilities, conveyance systems and renovations, with total in-house capability for engineering, fabrication and erection with a high level of flexibility to perform projects on time and within budget. Innovative Utility Products Corp. Ph: 479/410-2098 Fax: 479/410-3260 P.O. Box 1667 Van Buren, AR 72957 E-mail: Web site: The Fault Wizard by IUP Corp. locates failures in HV primary and trailing cable. It shows an accurate digital distance to the fault while being compact, full featured and portable. Irwin Car and Equipment Ph: 724/864-8900 Fax: 724/864-8909 9953 Broadway P.O. Box 409 Irwin, PA 15642 E-mail: Web site: Irwin Car and Equipment provides: locomotives; personnel and low boy equipment carriers; explosive, ballast, pump and roof support cars; ventilation and safety products; conveyor equipment; tensioning products; and Schroeder Filters. JABO Supply Corporation Ph: 304/736-8333 Fax: 304/736-8551 P.O. Box 238 Huntington, WV 25707 E-mail: Web site: JABO Supply is a full-line pipe, valve and fitting distributor with locations in Huntington, Parkersburg, and Beckley, WV. JABO is a master distributor for Poly Pipe® (polyethylene pipe and fittings) specializing in custom shop fabrication, field fusion services and fusion equipment rental. JADCO Manufacturing Ph: 724/452-5252 Fax: 724/452-1318 P.O. Box 465 Zelienople, PA 16063 E-mail: Coal People Magazine Web site: JADCO is an abrasion steel manufacturer/ fabricator specializing in engineered solutions for abrasion and wear challenges. JADCO’s proprietary through hardened steel, QTPlus®, offers unparalleled wear life (up to 10 times the industry standard!) and amazing ductility, even with parts manufactured to maximum hardness. ChromeWeld 600™ is an overlay plate manufactured by JADCO to last in the most severe abrasion applications. With tight tolerances and a proprietary chemistry, ChromeWeld 600™ is an industry leader. James A. Redding Co. Ph: 814/444-7200 Fax: 814/445-1320 733 S. Center Ave. Somerset, PA 15501 E-mail: Web site: For more than 40 years, James A Redding Co. has been the pioneer in design, production, and supply of bulk material handling systems and components. Jeffrey Rader Corporation Ph: 800/615-9296 Fax: 864/476-7510 398 Willis Road Woodruff, SC 29388 E-mail: Web site: Jeffrey Rader is a leading manufacturer of Vibratory Feeders, Conveyors and Flextooth® Crushers for the Coal Mining Industry. Our line of Electromagnetic, Electromechanical and Brute Force Feeders are unsurpassed in quality and output. With unit capacities of up to 2,500 TPH and one of the quickest delivery schedules in the industry, we can build and ship your equipment when you need it and guarantee it to work. L-3 Communications / Global Security & Engineering Solutions Ph: 877/505-3092 Fax: 703/464-7969 3750 Centerview Dr. Chantilly, VA 20151 E-mail: Web site: The L-3 ACCOLADE Wireless Mesh Communications System is an MSHA-approved, integrated wireless communications and tracking solution that was developed to enhance safety and increase operational efficiencies for underground coal mines. La Marche Manufacturing Ph: 847/299-1188 Fax: 847/299-3061 106 Bradrock Dr. Des Plaines, IL 60018 E-mail: Web site: Since 1945, La Marche has been designing JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue and manufacturing reliable power conversion products, including rectifiers, power supplies, inverters, etc. for a wide variety of applications and markets. Lee Supply Company, Inc. Ph: 800/353-3747 Fax: 724/483-0577 305 1st Street Charleroi, PA 15022 E-mail: Web site: Since 1954, Lee Supply is proud to offer the mining industry the best engineered products for improving productivity, safety, and cost. Lee Supply remains committed to quality solutions, supply, and service. Lincoln Contracting & Equipment Co. Ph: 800/229-5205 Fax: 814/629-6588 P.O. Box 96 Boswell, PA 15531 E-mail: Web site: Lincoln Contracting provides complete turnkey construction of coal preparation plants, engineering and design, materialhandling systems, and piping and electrical work. Marland Clutch Ph: 630/455-1752 Fax: 630/455-1794 485 S. Frontage Rd., Suite 330 Burr Ridge, IL 60521 E-mail: Web site: Marland Clutch is the recognized world leader in backstopping and overrunning clutches. Marland has optimized Ramp and Roller technology to make the most robust Backstops in the market with over 70 years of experience and torque capacity up to 1,200,00 lb.ft. and bore sizes up to 23 inches. In addition to Backstops, Marland manufactures the CECON clutches which provide an overrunning function in a protected housing for uninterrupted, continuous operatios and other applications needing: complete disconnect capability, higher speed requirements, extremely wet, dusty, abrasive or other adverse environments. Mine Radio Systems, Inc. Ph: 905/640-1839 Fax: 905/640-1649 394 Highway 47, R.R.1 Goodwood, Ontario L0C 1A0 Canada E-mail: Web site: Mine Radio Systems, Inc. (MRS) is the world leader in design, development and installation of mining and tunneling communication technologies for confined spaces. An industry leader, MRS has perfected “Underground Intelligence” through state-of-the-art components and customized integrated systems, which are manufactured to the highest quality standards. MRS is ISO 9001-2000-registered. Minesafe Electronics, Inc. Ph: 800-523-1579 or 270-333-5581 P.O. Box 281 501 N. Adams Street Sturgis, KY 42459 E-mail: Web site: Minesafe Electronics has been providing electronic and electo-mechanical sales and services to the Coal Mining Industry for 36 Years! Minesafe sells and services Two Way Radios, and is an authorized distributor for Kenwood and Motorola. Mohler Technology Ph: 812/897-2900 Fax: 812/897-2686 P.O. Box 669 Boonville, IN 47601 E-mail: Web site: Mohler Technology manufactures longwall mining water cooled electric motors through 1650 HP. Services include: electric motor repair; rewinding; electric motor design; and predictive maintenance services. Mohler Technology repairs longwall power units. This includes reconditioning the water cooled electric motors, tunnel housings and the fluid couplings. It also offers Dyne testing, vibration testing, and laser alignment. PEMCO Corporation Ph: 276/326-2611 Fax: 276/326-2616 P.O. Box 1319 Bluefield, VA 24605 E-mail: Web site: PEMCO produces a quality line of mining and tunneling products. Using durable components and materials, our products provide superior performance at reasonable cost. Peterson Filters Corporation Ph: 801/487-7761 Fax: 801/487-1904 1949 South 300 West Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 E-mail: Web site: Design, Manufacture and Service “Viking Mark” state of the art continuous rotary vacuum filtration equipment and specialize in design and development of equipment for fine coal dewatering and recovery applications. Polydeck Screen Corporation Ph: 864/579-4594 1790 Dewberry Road Spartanburg SC 29307 E-mail: Web site: continue 45 Surface and underground mining operations in the U.S. produce more than one billion tons of coal and, in recent years, have become safer and much more efficient, thanks in part to the screening products and systems offered by Polydeck. Mining producers trust Polydeck to provide them with solutions that keep their screening operation running at peak efficiency. We offer a complete line of screening products and systems in a variety of stock and custom designs and sizes. Powerscreen Mid-Atlantic, Inc Ph: 1/800-797-7276 715 Indeneer Drive Kernersville, NC 27284 E mail: Web site: Powerscreen Mid-Atlantic, Inc. is your local Powerscreen dealer for West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. We sell, rent and lease mobile crushing, screening & washing equipment. NEW and USED available. Precision Samplers, Inc. Ph: 304/744-5534 Fax: 304/744-3113 147 Eleventh Avenue South Charleston, WV 25303 E-mail: Web site: PSI specializes in the design and turnkey installation of custom designed automated mechanical sampling systems including truck augers and belt samplers. PSI services include sampling system operation, maintenance, and inspections. Phillips Machine Service Ph: 970/874-9900 Fax: 970/874-9912 1440 Highway 50 Delta, CO 81416 Ph: 304/255-0537 Fax: 304/255-0565 367 George Street Beckley, WV 25801 Web site: Phillips Machine is involved in nearly all phases of mining equipment including rebuilding of miners, roof bolters, scoops and feeder breakers; manufacture of the Freedom Car shuttle coal hauler and remanufacture of shuttle cars; and repair and remanufacturing of cutter drums. Phillips is equipped with a precision machine shop and component exchange program, and welding and fabrication services. Phillips has offices in China and South Africa and has built a facility in Delta, Colorado to better serve our western and mid-western United States customers. Pioneer Conveyor Ph: 301/334-8186 Fax: 301/334-8698 242 Resource Avenue Mountain Lake Park, MD 21550 E-mail: 46 Web site: Pioneer Conveyor is a leading bulk material conveyor manufacturing firm serving customers throughout North America. Pioneer has designed and manufactured thousands of standard and custom conveyor systems for a multitude of applications. PrepTech, Inc. Ph: 724/727-3439 Fax: 724/727-2532 4412 Route 66 Apollo, PA 15613 E-mail: Web site: PrepTech offers coal cleaning engineering services and represents Multotec Process Equipment (cyclones/spirals), PrepQuip (column flotation/filterpress), CLIMAXx mag seps, and the SizeTec dewatering screens. R.M. Wilson Company, Inc. Ph: 800/624-5460 Fax: 304/232-3642 3434 Market Street Wheeling, WV 26003 Ph: 800/232-5539 Fax: 304/255-4806 Airport Industrial Park Beckley, WV 25801 Phone: 435/637-6950 - Price, UT Phone: 618/997-5060 - Marion IL Web site: Raco International, L.P. Ph: 412/835-5744 Fax: 412/835-0338 3350 Industrial Boulevard Bethel Park, PA 15102 E-mail: Web site: RACO manufactures a full line of environmentally safe Electric Linear Actuators with Ball screws or ACME screws with thrusts up to 200,000 lbs., speeds up to 30/sec. and strokes up to 20 ft. Our fast belt driven actuators offer speeds to 100/sec. Renold Inc. Ph: 716/326-7666 Toll Free: 800/879-2529 Ext. 242 Fax: 716/326-8229 51 Crandall Street Westfield, NY 14787 E-mail: Web site: Renold Couplings and Gears – Sprag Clutch – Conveyor and Elevator Backstops. Richwood Ph: 304/525-5436 Fax: 304/525-8018 P.O. Box 1298 Huntington, WV 25714 E-mail: Web site: Richwood develops and manufactures premium conveyor accessories for the world’s busiest material handling companies. They help customers optimize production, increase safety, and improve profitability. Rely on Richwood. Rock & Coal Construction Ph: 304/683-5600 Fax: 304/683-5601 P.O. Box 1457 Crab Orchard, WV 25827 E-mail: Specializing in preparation plant and material handling design for the coal and aggregate industries, maintenance and upgrade of existing systems, emergency projects and “turnkey” installations. Rud-Chain, Inc./Erlau Ph: 319/294-0001 P.O. Box 367 Hiawatha, IA 52233 E-mail: Web site: Founded in 1828, Erlau, the inventor of the tire protection chain (tpc) is the world’s leading manufacturer of tire protection chains. Erlau, under the banner Rud-Erlau, is renowned for its expertise and state-ofthe-art manufacturing facilities. Erlau’s tire protection chains are found in leading mines and quarries across the globe. Rulmeca Corporation Ph: 910/794-9294 Fax: 910/794-9296 6508 Windmill Way, Suite B Wilmington, NC 28405 E-mail: Web site: Rulmeca internally-powered motorized pulleys are now assembled in the US and available in 48 hrs. These conveyor belt drives increase conveyor reliability, extend service life, reduce maintenance expense, and improve safety because Rulmeca hermetically seals the motor and gearbox within the pulley shell. All standard belt widths and speeds are available in powers up to 180 HP. Pulley sizes range from 8.5” to 31.5” in diameter., LLC Ph: 602/424-2520 2115 W Mountain View Rd. Phoenix, Arizona 85021 E-mail: Web site: Safety Whips manufactures LED Vehicle Displays, Steel Whips, Fiberglass Whips, Heavy Duty Mounts, Flags, LED Lights San-Con Industries Inc. Ph: 419/294-5609 Fax: 419/294-6963 320 W Maple St. Suite A Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 E-mail: Web site: San-Con Industries, Inc. specializes in the Coal People Magazine construction of concrete jump-form and slipform storage silos, foundations, tunnels, stacking, support tubes and smoke stacks. It also offers post tensioning, maintenance, repairs and silo inspections. Sandvik Mining and Construction Ph: 404/589-3800 Fax: 404/589-2900 300 Technology Ct Smyrna, GA 30082 Web site: www.miningandconstruction. Sandvik Mining and Construction offers a full assortment of products and services for mining, construction, and aggregate industries including crushers, drills, consumables, cutting, and conveying systems. Sandvik offers an array of other services and offerings including after-market parts as well as service support and finance programs. Schurco Slurry Pumps Ph: 904/356-6840 Fax: 904/356-4401 532 East Seventh Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 Web site: Schurco Slurry Pumps™ are available in both horizontal and vertical cantilever arrangements. They are fully lined and built for abrasive slurry applications. Available in both Hi-Chrome and various elastomers. Our pumps are also interchangeable with the Warman® AH and SP lines. Schur and Company does not represent, or is not in any way affiliated with Weir (Warman) pumps. All names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference purpose only and do not imply that any part or pump listed is the product of Weir pumps. SETCO Solid Tire and Rim Ph: 800/634-2381 Fax: 580/286-6743 P.O. Box 809 Idabel, OK 74745 E-mail: Web site: Tires and Rims Skelly and Loy Ph: 717/232-0593 Fax: 717/232-1799 2601 N. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17710 E-mail: Web site: Skelly and Loy has 39 years experience serving the mining industry. Applying its engineering and environmental expertise, Skelly and Loy finds innovative solutions to the challenges facing its clients today. Strata Mine Services, LLC. Ph: 740/695-6880 Fax: 740/695-6883 67925 Bayberry Dr. St. Clairsville, OH 43950 E-mail: Web site: Strata Mine Services specializes in JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue contracting services, construction, ventilation seals, overcasts, rock consolidation injection, foam rock dust, gunite, concrete pumping and general labor. Taggart Global Ph: 724/754-9800 Fax: 724/754-9801 4000 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 200 Canonsburg, PA 15317 E-mail: Web site: Taggart Global, LLC is an international engineering company with expertise in turnkey design, supply, construction and commissioning of coal processing plants and material handling systems. Tapeswitch Corporation Ph: 631/630-0442 Fax: 631/630-0454 100 Schmitt Blvd Farmingdale, NY 11735 E-mail: Web site: Tapeswitch has been protecting miners for over 25 years with our safety edges. We are now proud to offer Trapped Key Interlocks through a new partnership with Castell. Trapped Key Interlocks are a simple, yet highly effective way to ensure your personnel will follow a safety system of work flow when operating dangerous machinery or working with dangerous process. The Tractor Company Ph: 304/252-2401 703 Industrial Park Rd. Beaver, WV 25813 E-mail: Web-site: Contact The Tractor Company for all of your used heavy equipment needs & questions. Hard work and repeat customers are the foundation of our business. The used heavy equipment for sale in our inventory is described in real terms and in honest terms. Tunnel Radio of America Ph: 541/758-5637 6435 NE Hyslop Rd. Corvallis, OR 97330 E-mail:, Web site: Tunnel Radio of America provides wireless underground, two-way radio communication and tracking systems using world class technologies. Utilizing Distributed Antenna Networks (DAS) and leaky feeder cables we build and install systems worldwide. We integrate Motorola® Kenwood® and Icom America® radios over conventional networks or via IP and utilize RoIP, Broadband, RF over Fiber Optic, RF over fiber and leaky feeder technologies to meet the customers needs. The company’s MSHA approved and patented products can help your mine become Miner Act 2006 and WV compliant. Deployed with its MineAx personnel tracking system your mine will have a complete communications and tracking solution. United Central Industrial Supply Company Ph: 423/573-7300 Fax: 423/573-7392 1241 Volunteer Parkway Suite 1000 Bristol, TN 37620 E-mail: Web site: With 25 locations, United Central Industrial Supply is North America’s largest distributor of mining supplies. After 25 years of service, their mission remains: Helping mine operators meet their production goals. Wear Services, Inc. PO Box 164 Bessemer, AL 35021 Ph: 205/425-6868 Fax: 205/425-7511 E-mail: Web site: Wear Services engineers high quality solutions for budget conscious maintenance professionals. We serve the mining industry as well as fossil fuel generating stations, cement plants, and pulp and paper plants. We offer pulverizer grinding table overlay, roll wheel rebuilds, clad pipe on the O. D. and I. D. and chromium carbide overlay plate. Whayne Supply Co., Inc. Ph: 800/494-2963 PO Box 35900 Louisville, KY 40232 Web site: Whayne strives to be the customer-preferred supplier of quality products and superior value-added support services in all markets they serve. Business conduct reflects the highest ethical standards while enhancing the professional, economic, and personal growth of employees, stockholders, suppliers, and community. Wirtgen Group, The Ph: 615/501-0600 Fax: 615/501-7450 6030 Dana Way Antioch, TN 37013 Web site: Wirtgen America is the North American subsidiary of the Wirtgen Group, an expanding and international group of companies doing business in the construction equipment industry. The group includes the four well-known brands of Wirtgen, Vögele, Hamm and Kleemann with headquarters and production facilities in Germany. Continue for Category Section 47 AbrAsion-resistAnt MAteriAls CBP Engineering Corp. World leader in the application & fabrication of abrasion resistant lining materials. • Increase efficiency • Reduce downtime • Extend life of key processing equipment 800-468-1180 Steel Nation (7)................................ 724/873-7533 Tricon Metals ................................... 800/633-6054 United Central Industrial Supply (2, 3, 4, 7)............ ..........................................................276/466-0511 Wear-Concepts,Inc. ......................... 816/587-1923 Wescott Steel, Inc. (7) ..................... 800/223-3887 ACiD DrAinAGe Aquafix............................................. 304/329-1056 JRW Bioremediation LLC ................ 913/438-5544 ACtUAtors & sYsteMs DESIGN • MANUFACTURING • INSTALLATION AbrAsion-resistAnt MAteriAls 1 basalt 2 ceramic 3 coatings 4 hard-surfacing 5 rubber-urethane 6 stainless steel 7 steel 8 steel piping A.W. Chesterton Co. ........................ 617/481-2378 Adalet-PLM ...................................... 216/267-9000 ABL Services, Inc. (4) ...................... 903/509-2256 American Utility Metals (6, 7, 8)....... 225/343-4219 Argonics,Inc. (5) .............................. 800/991-2746 Bailey-Parks Urethane..................... 800/238-7638 Beltservice Corp. ............................. 314/344-8500 CBP Engineering ..............................800/468-1180 C.U.E.,Inc. (5) .................................. 800/283-4621 Ceramic Technology Inc. (2, 8) ........ 276/964-6724 Chromium Corporation (3, 4) ........... 972/851-0487 Columbia Steel Casting Co. (7) ....... 800/547-9471 Corrosion Engineering (5) ............... 412/849-0363 Cronatron Welding Sys., Inc. (2, 3, 6, 7) ................ ......................................................... 704/598-1225 DEVCON (3) .................................... 800/933-8266 Duraline LLC (2, 3) .......................... 412/429-0335 Elgin Equipment Group (5, 6, 7) ...... 630/434-7200 Ford Steel Co.(4, 7, 8) ..................... 800/325-4012 Garlock Sealing Technologies (4) .... 315/597-7129 GIW Industries Inc ............................706/863-1011 HardSteel, Inc. (4, 7) ....................... 205/343-9100 Hausner Hard-Chrome,Inc. (3, 4, 6, 7, 8) ............... ......................................................... 270/684-2279 Industrial Rubber Products .............. 218/263-8831 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC (5) .............. ......................................................... 502/957-1998 Jabo Supply Corp. (8)...................... 304/736-8333 JADCO,Inc. (4, 6, 7) ........................ 724/452-5252 Linatex ............................................. 615/230-2100 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .... 814/444-3452 Logan Corp. (7) ............................... 304/343-8801 Longwall Services, Inc. .................... 724/228-9898 Ludowici-USA (2, 3, 5, 6, 7) ............. 304/855-7880 Master Bond,Inc. (3) ........................ 201/343-8983 Mechanical & Ceramic Solutions, Inc. .................... 412/429-8991 Naylor Pipe Co. (8) .......................... 773/721-9400 Partsmaster (2-7)............................. 800/336-0450 Richwood (2) ................................... 800/237-6951 S & S Urethane & Ceramics (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) ......................................................... 800/237-6336 SSAB Hardox .................................. 412/269-3231 48 4 section 5 temperature American Mine Research ................ 276/928-1712 Carroll Technologies Group (3, 4, 5) 304/252-2381 Conspec Controls ............................ 412/489-8450 Delta Electric Inc. (1-5) .................... 304/752-4625 Electric Motor Service...................... 304/752-6070 Elgin Equipment Group (3) .............. 630/434-7200 Industrial Scientific Corp. ................. 412/788-4353 S & S Urethane & Ceramics ............ 800/237-6336 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (3) 724/864-8900 Logi-Tec,Inc. .................................... 724/337-0407 Longwall Services, Inc. (2, 3, 4, 5) .. 724/228-9898 Pyott-Boone Electronics .................. 540/988-5505 RM Wilson Co., Inc. ......................... 304/232-5860 River Consulting (1-5)...................... 614/890-3456 Superior Signals, Inc. (1) ................. 913/780-1440 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc..................... 704/786-9400 United Central Industrial Supply .......276/466-0511 Wallace Diesel Mining Equipment (1)618/268-4446 AnAlYZers-MAteriAl James Instruments Inc .................... 773-463-6565 Metso Minerals Industries Inc ......... 262-717-2500 Rigaku Americas Corp .................... 281-363-1033 AUGers-sUrFACe ACtUAtors AnD sYsteMs Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC ................... ......................................................502/957-1998 Jabo Supply Corp. ............................304/736-8333 Kerry Co., The ..................................412/486-3388 Kraft Power Corp. .............................770/962-6288 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .....814/444-3452 Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 MICO, Inc. ........................................800/477-6426 RM Wilson Co., Inc. ..........................304/232-5860 RACO International, L.P. ..................412/835-5744 Tapeswitch ........................................800/234-8273 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 Air ConDitioninG-MininG eQUiPMent Electric Motor Service...................... 304/752-6070 Justice Glass & Supply Co.,Inc. ...... 800/624-3420 Pillar Innovations, LLC..................... 301/245-4007 Air ConDitioninG PArts & serViCe Electric Motor Service...................... 304/752-6070 Justice Glass & Supply Co.,Inc. ...... 800/624-3420 Pillar Innovations, LLC..................... 301/245-4007 Air CoMPressors / ACCessories Amstom Supply Inc.......................... 262/835-4700 EVAPAR, Inc.................................... 812/867-9900 Irwin Mine & Tunneling Supply ........ 724/864-8900 Jenny Products, Inc. ........................ 814/445-3400 Logan Corp. ..................................... 304/343-8801 McAllister Equipment ....................... 708/297-3523 AlArMs 1 back-up 2 bearing 3 safety General Kinematics ......................... 815/455-3222 Hausner Hard-Chrome,Inc. ............ 270/684-2279 Jeffrey Machine, Inc. ....................... 205/841-8600 James A. Redding ........................... 814/445-9313 AUtoMAtion 1 bagging 2 bin level indicators 3 computers & terminals 4 controls & panels 5 plant 6 radio control devices 4B Components LTD (2, 4) ...............309/698-5611 AMI Crushers (2, 4, 5) ..................... 765/349-5319 ASI Instruments (4).......................... 713/461-4535 American Mine Research (AMR) (2) 540/928-1712 Bernhard, Inc. (2)............................. 610/444-1949 Besser (4) ........................................ 830/626-7500 CR Technology (5) ........................... 502/561-3459 Cattron Group Intl (6)....................... 724/962-3571 Command Alkon, Inc (6) .................. 205/879-6550 Engineered Software Products (6) .. 770/682-8259 Ensco (1) ......................................... 303/758-4465 Gemcom Software Intl (3)................ 604/684-6550 Hamer LLC (1) ................................. 763/231-0100 Jabo Supply Corp. ........................... 800/334-5226 MARCO North America ................... 304/733-0977 Metso Minerals Industries (4, 5) ...... 262/717-2500 Mine & Process Service (2) ............. 309/852-6529 Packaging Systems Intl. (1) ............. 303/296-4445 PEBCO ............................................ 270/442-1996 Pillar Innovations, LLC..................... 301/245-4007 RM WIlson Co. Inc. (4) .................... 304/232-5860 Rel Tek Corp. ................................... 800/783-9228 Richwood (2) ................................... 800/237-6951 River Consulting .............................. 614/890-3456 Sandvik Mining & Construction (3, 4)920/734-7600 Stedman (5) ..................................... 812/926-0038 T & N Electric Motor Exchange ....... 800/513-7931 Coal People Magazine Tapeswitch ....................................... 800/234-8273 Trivaco (2) ....................................... 513/697-9890 United Central Industrial Supply (4)..276/466-0511 BACKHOES Allmand Brothers, Inc. ..................... 800/562-1373 Liebherr Mining Equipment Co. ....... 757/245-5251 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 BACKSTOPS Marland Clutch ................................ 800/216-3515 Renold ............................................. 800/879-2529 BATTERIES / CHARGERS Batteries & Chargers for Mining Equipment Bluefield, WV 1-800-443-9433 BATTERIES/CHARGERS Cableform,Inc ...................................434/589-8224 Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 Damascus Corp ................................276/676-2376 Electric Motor Service.......................304/752-6070 EnerSys ............................................800/443-9433 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 LaMarche.......................................... 847/299-1188 Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 Miller Electric Mfg. Co...................... 800-4-A-Miller NL Technologies ...............................416/425-6559 Pillar Innovations, LLC......................301/245-4007 Saminco Inc. .....................................239/561-1561 Superior Signals, Inc ........................913/780-1440 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 Wallace Diesel Mining Equipment ....618/268-4446 BATTERIES-SHOTFIRING Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 BATTERIES-STORAGE NL Technologies ...............................416/425-6559 Saminco Inc. .....................................239/561-1561 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 Wallace Diesel Mining Equipment ....618/268-4446 BELT-ALIGNMENT DEVICES Airmatic, Inc. .................................... 215/333-5600 AMI Crushers................................... 765/349-5319 Conveyor Components Co. ..............810/679-4211 FLEXCO .......................................... 630/971-0150 Martin Engineering .......................... 309/852-2384 Vibralign........................................... 800/394-3279 BELT CLEANERS-SKIRTING Drive Stations / Installation Parts / Switches and Trippers / Take-Ups / Vulcanizers / Belting AMI Crushers................................... 765/349-5319 ASGCO Manufacturing, Inc. ............ 610/778-8943 Douglas Manufacturing.................... 205/884-1200 FLEXCO .......................................... 630/971-0150 Logan Corp ...................................... 304/343-8801 Martin Engineering .......................... 309/852-2384 Metso Minerals Industries, Inc. ........ 262/717-2500 Precision Pulley & Idler.....................515/628-3115 RM Wilson Co., Inc. ......................... 304/232-5860 Richwood ......................................... 800/237-6951 United Central Industrial Supply .......276/466-0511 BELTING Concrete Equipment, Inc. ................ 858/775-7800 Conviber, Inc.................................... 724/274-6300 Fenner Dunlop Americas ................. 404/297-3170 Martin Engineering .......................... 309/852-2384 Tesco ............................................... 931/788-5698 BLADES 1 belt scraper 2 bulldozer & grader ASGCO Manufacturing,Inc. (1)........ 610/778-8943 C.U.E. of West Virginia, LLC (1) ...... 304/877-6464 ESCO Corporation (2) ..................... 800/446-3726 FLEXCO (1) ..................................... 630/971-0150 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC (1) .............. ......................................................... 502/957-1998 Kennametal Inc (2) .......................... 724/539-5000 Logan Corp. (2) ............................... 304/343-8801 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc. ......... ......................................................... 304/872-2950 Rockland Manufacturing .................. 800/458-3773 S & S Urethane & Ceramics (1)....... 800/237-6336 United Central Industrial Supply (1)..276/466-0511 Whayne Supply Co (2) .................... 502/774-4441 BATTERY CHARGING EQUIPMENT BREAKERS 1 coal, rotary 2 electrical 3 frozen coal 4 lump, mine 5 pick-type 6 preparation Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 Atlas Copco Construction Tools, LLC800/760-4049 American Pulverizer Co. (3) ............ 314/781-6100 B & M Repair, Inc. (2) ...................... 304/752-1651 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (1, 4, 5, 6) 276/964-6724 Combs Group, Inc., The, CBJ (1) .... 423/869-4757 Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 Partsmaster ......................................800/336-0450 Saminco Inc ......................................239/561-1561 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Elgin Equipment Group (1, 6) .......... 630/434-7200 FFE Minerals (3, 5) .......................... 610/264-6900 Gundlach Equipment Corp .............. 618/233-7208 Hausner Hard-Chrome,Inc. ............ 270/684-2279 Imperial Technologies (1, 2, 3, 4) .... 330/305-2100 Joy Mining Machine/Stamler ........... 859/484-3431 Line Power (2) ................................. 276/466-8200 McLanahan Corp. (1)....................... 814/695-9807 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc. (5).... ......................................................... 304/872-2950 Minesafe Electronics (2) .................. 800/523-1579 Sandvik Mining & Construction........ 920/734-7600 BUCKET PRODUCTS 1 bases 2 bucket & dipper teeth 3 bucket teeth repointers 4 Inserts 5 liners 6 rigging ABL Services, Inc. (6) ...................... 903/509-2256 Combs Group, Inc., The, CBJ (2) .... 423/869-4757 Fairmont Supply Co ......................... 800/245-9900 Ford Steel Co. ................................. 800/325-4012 Hard Steel, Inc. (5) .......................... 205/343-9100 SRJ, Inc. .......................................... 630/351-0639 Wescott Steel, Inc. (6) ..................... 800/223-3887 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 BUCKETS 1 aerial-tramway 2 archless 3 backhoe 4 clamshell 5 dragline 6 dragline-arch 7 elevators 8 excavator 9 tractor & wheel loader ABL Services, Inc. (5) ...................... 903/509-2256 Combs Group, Inc., The, CBJ (3, 8, 9) ................... 423/869-4757 ESCO Corporation........................... 800/446-3726 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................... 800/245-9900 Liebherr Mining Equipment Co.(3, 4)757/245-5251 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc.(3, 5, 9) ............................................................................ ......................................................... 304/872-2950 River Consulting (7) ......................... 614/890-3456 Rockland Manufacturing .................. 800/458-3773 Whayne Supply Co (3, 8, 9) ............ 502/774-4441 BULK STORAGE 1.Air Cannons 2.Bin Aeration Devices 3.Bin Vibrators 4.Bins, Hoppers and Silos 5.Bucket Elevators and Components 6.Discharge Devices 7.Feeders 8.Rotor Weighfeeders 9.Storage Cleaning Devices Advantage Precision Products (7) ... 304/872-2448 Airmatic, Inc. (1) .............................. 215/333-5600 Apex Bulk Technologies (4) ............. 270/994-4329 49 Borton LC (3, 4) ................................620/669-8211 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (3, 4, 7) ... 276/964-6724 Coalfield Services, Inc (4, 7)............ 276/228-3167 Cogar Manufacturing, Inc (7) ........... 304/252-4435 Combs Group, Inc., The, CBJ (7) .... 423/869-4757 Elgin Equipment Group (7) .............. 630/434-7200 Eriez Magnetics (7).......................... 800/345-4946 FMC Technologies (3, 4, 7) ..............662/869-5711 Gundlach Equipment Corp (7) ......... 618/233-7208 Kanawha Mfg. Co. ........................... 304/342-6127 Kinergy Corp.................................... 502/366-5685 James A. Redding (7) ...................... 814/445-9313 Jeffrey Rader (7).............................. 864/476-7530 Logan Corp. (7) ............................... 800/340-8801 Ludowici-USA (7) ............................. 304/855-7880 Martin Engineering (1) ................... : 800/544-2947 Material Control Inc. (2) ................... 630/892-4274 Mine & Process Service (2) ............. 309/852-6529 RM Wilson Co Inc (3) ...................... 304/232-5860 River Consulting (3) ......................... 614/890-3456 San-Con Industries Inc. ................... 419/294-5609 Stedman (1) ..................................... 812/926-0038 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 HSC Industrial ..................................304/252-1918 Intermountain Electronics .................435/820-2351 L-3 Communications.........................877/505-3092 Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 Longwall Services, Inc. ....................724/228-9898 MARCO North America ....................304/733-0977 Minecom .........................................613 9896 3000 Mine Radio Systems.........................905/640-1839 Mine Site Technologies.....................303/951-0570 MineSafe Electronics ........................270/333-5581 Pillar Innovations, LLC......................301/245-4007 Pyott-Boone Electronics ...................276/988-5505 SMC Electrical ..................................304/736-8933 Tunnel Radio of America ..................541/758-5637 United Central Industrial Supply ...... 276/466-0511 Dover Conveyor............................... 740/922-9390 Ensco............................................... 303/758-4465 Eriez Magnetics ............................... 814/835-6000 FMC Technologies/Material Handling Solutions ..........................................................662/869-5711 Goodman Conveyor Co ................... 864/338-7793 James A. Redding ........................... 814/445-9313 Packaging Systems Intl. .................. 303/296-4445 Pebco, Inc........................................ 270/442-1996 Pioneer Conveyor, LLC ................... 301/334-8186 Rock Systems, Inc. .......................... 916/921-9000 Sandvik Mining & Construction........ 920/734-7600 Southern Machinery Co. .................. 615/832-3365 Stedman .......................................... 812/926-0038 CONTRACTORS COMMUNICATIONS COAL PREPARATION DESIGN-ERECTION Lincoln Contracting & Equipment SERVING OUR Co. Inc. CUSTOMERS FOR OVER 30 YEARS √ Turnkey Coal Preparation Plants (Process, Design & Layout) √ Bulk Material Handling Systems √ Engineering Services √ Fabrication Phone: 800-229-5205 Fax: (814) 629-7127 • COAL PREPARATION PLANT/DESIGN & ERECTION/PREPARATION PLANTS 1 build/erection 2 construction 3 design 4 modular Borton LC (1, 2) ................................ 620/669-8211 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (3, 4) ........276/964-6724 Coalfield Services, Inc. (1)................276/228-3167 Daniels Co., The (1-4) ......................304/327-8161 Electric Motor Repair & Sales...........276/669-9428 Farnham & Pfile (1, 2, 3) ..................724/653-1010 James A. Redding ............................814/445-9313 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .....814/444-3452 Norwest Corporation (3) ...................801/539-0044 PrepTech, Inc.(3) ..............................724/727-3439 River Consulting (3) ..........................614/890-3456 Steel Nation (1, 2, 3, 4).....................724/873-7533 Taggart Global (1, 2, 3, 4) .................724/754-9800 COMMUNICATIONS American Mine Research (AMR) ......276/928-1712 Austdac.............................................888/254-9155 Becker Wholesale Mine Supply ........724/515-4993 Bradford Stuart Industries.................276/688-4921 Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 50 CONSULTING SERVICES / ENGINEERS COMPUTER SERVICES-SOFTWARE/ HARDWARE/MINE PLANNING Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Industrial Scientific Corp. ..................412/788-4353 L-3 Communications.........................877/505-3092 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .....814/444-3452 Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 River Consulting ...............................614/890-3456 SMC Electrical ..................................304/736-8933 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology ......................................................605/394-1973 CONSULTING SERVICES / CONTRACTORSRECLAMATION CRANE & RIGGING & MILLWRIGHT WORK Coalfield Services,Inc. ......................276/228-3167 Cowin & Company, Inc. ................... 205/945-1300 Gannett Fleming ...............................727/763-7211 Lexington Mine Reclamation Services ................... ......................................................... 859/246-4220 Marston............................................ 314/984-8800 RMC Consultants, Inc...................... 303/980-4101 Ta Hart Resources ........................... 888/434-1245 Warner Construction, Inc. ................ 208/333-0189 CONVEYOR SYSTEMS Abco Engineering Corp. .................. 319/283-5652 Aggregate Machinery, Inc. ............... 503/390-6284 Balzer Pacific Equipent Co. ............. 503/232-5141 Carrier Vibrating Equipment ............ 502/969-3171 Coalfield Services, Inc. .................... 276/228-3167 Crisp Industries, Inc. ........................ 940/603-4070 CRANES-MOBILE, TRUCK & CRAWLER Beitzel Corporation ...........................301/245-4107 Coalfield Services, Inc. .....................276/228-3167 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc......................704/786-9400 CRANES-SHOP & PLANT Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Steel Nation ......................................724/873-7533 CRAWLER CHAIN Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co. .........513/728-4040 Joy Mining Machinery .......................724/779-4500 Columbia Steel Casting Co. .............800/547-9471 Coal People Magazine CRAWLER PADS-SHOES Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co. .........513/728-4040 Columbia Steel Casting Co. .............800/547-9471 CRUSHER REPLACEMENT PARTS American Pulverizer .........................314/781-6100 Astralloy Wear Technology ...............205/853-0300 Columbia Steel Casting ....................800/547-9471 Ford Steel Co. ..................................800/325-4012 Gundlach Equipment Corp ...............618/233-7208 Hard Steel, Inc. .................................205/343-9100 Jadco Mfg. Co. .................................724/452-5252 Jeffrey Rader ....................................864/476-7530 Joy Mining Machine/Stamler ............859/484-3431 McLanahan Corp. .............................814/695-9807 RTM ..................................................423/245-7786 Rish Equipment Co...........................304/327-5124 Screen Technology Group Inc ..........360/835-8936 Stedman Machine Co .......................812/926-0038 Svedala Industries Inc ......................414/798-6200 Universal Eng. Corp .........................319/365-0441 XTEK Inc ..........................................513/733-7800 CRUSHERS 1.Cage Mills 2.Cone Crushers 3.Gyratory Crushers 4.Hammermills 5.Impactors-Horizontal Shaft 6.Impactors-Vertical Shaft 7.Jaw Crushers 8.Parts and Accessories 9.Pulverizers 10.Repair/Rebuild Services 11.Roll Crushers 12.Wear Parts A.M. King (1).................................... 800/334-6699 American Pulverizer (1-12) .............. 314/781-6100 Bedeschi America, Inc. .................... 954/602-2175 Ceramic Technology, Inc. ................ 276/964-6724 FLSmidth (4) .................................... 801/871-7000 Ford Steel Co .................................. 800/325-4012 General Kinamatics (4) .................... 815/455-3222 Gundlach Equipment Corp. ............. 618/233-7208 Jeffrey Rader ................................... 864/476-7530 Penn Crusher (1) ............................. 610/544-7200 R.M. Wilson Co., Inc. ....................... 304/232-5860 Sandvik Mining & Construction (1) .. 920/734-7600 Schutte Buffalo (4) ........................... 716/855-1555 Stedman (1, 4, 8) ............................. 800/262-5401 Parker Hannifin Corp. ...................... 216/896-3000 RACO International, LP ................... 412/835-5744 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 502/774-4441 Sandvik Mining & Construction........ 920/734-7600 CYLINDERS Dust Control Technology ................. 309/693-8600 Dustex Corp..................................... 770/429-5575 GE Energy ....................................... 816/356-8400 GeoSonics ....................................... 724/934-2900 Martin Engineering .......................... 309/852-2384 Midwest Industrial Supply ................ 330/456-3121 Pebco, Inc........................................ 270/442-1996 Phoenix Process Equipment ........... 636/441-9708 Vibra-Tech Engineers ..................... `314/837-7182 DUST CONTROL TECHNOLOGY EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS / MATTING DOZERS - WHEEL Case Construction Equipment ......... 262/636-6044 Komatsu America Corp.................... 847/437-4019 LeTourneau Inc. ............................... 903/237-7156 DRAGLINES 1 crawler mounted 2 operating controls 3 replacement parts 4 rubber-tired 5 walking ABL Services, Inc. (3) ...................... 903/509-2256 Bucyrus............................................ 414/768-4000 Columbia Steel Casting ................... 800/547-9471 Hausner Hard-Chrome,Inc. (3) ........ 270/684-2279 P & H Mining Equipment ................. 414/670-4400 R. Bunch Machinery .........................317/508-2118 Wescott Steel, Inc. (3) ..................... 800/223-3887 DRAGLINE RIGGING, CHAIN, TEETH AND BUCKET COMPONENTS A.M. Leornard .................................. 800/543-8955 Arkansas Valley Seed...................... 877/957-3337 Enviroscape ..................................... 419/594-3210 Seedmasters, Inc............................. 719/302-4724 Shooting Star Native Seeds ............ 507/498-3944 TENSAR .......................................... 800/772-2040 US Construction Fabrics, Inc. .......... 603/893-5480 Wind River Seed.............................. 800/967-1798 EXCAVATORS-BACKHOE Caterpillar, Inc.................................. 309/675-8995 Coleman Equipment Inc. ................. 913/422-3040 Construction machinery Co. ............ 270/683-2000 Hitachi Construction & Mining Products ................. 866/973-0394 Hoss Equipment .............................. 972/257-1244 Liebherr Mining Equipment Co. ....... 757/245-5251 McAllister Used Equipment ............. 800/323-8761 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 EXCAVATORS-BUCKET WHEEL Northern Process Systems .............. 810/714-5200 Siemens........................................... 800/241-4453 EXCAVATORS -HYDRAULIC DREDGES Caterpillar Inc. ................................. 309/675-8995 Hitachi Construction ........................ 866/973-0394 Hoss Equipment .............................. 972/257-1244 Komatsu America Corp.................... 847/437-4019 Liebherr Mining Equipment.............. 757/245-5251 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 Liquid Waste Technology ................. 715/247-5464 EXCAVATORS-ROPE DREDGING EQUIPMENT / DREDGE PUMPS Sennebogen, LLC............................ 704/347-4910 EXPLOSIVES AND BLASTING SUPPLIES McAllister Used Equipment (1) ........ 800/323-8761 Sandvik Mining & Construction (1-6) 920/734-7600 Burch Material & Supplies ............... 610/640-4877 Davidson-Swett Pumps & Supplies, Inc. ................ 225/567-5564 Dredge Technology Corp. ................ 615/696-1559 Ellicott Dredges ............................... 410/545-0232 Godwin Pumps ................................ 856/467-3636 Line Power....................................... 276/466-8200 Liquid Waste Technology ................. 715/247-5464 Northern Process Systems, Inc. ...... 810/714-5200 Service Pump & Supply, Inc. ........... 304/429-6731 Twinkle Co. ...................................... 319/627-6655 CYLINDERS DRILL RIGS AND ROCK DRILLS Eaton Hydraulics ............................. 952/937-9800 Frontier-Kemper Constructors, Inc. . 877/554-8600 CRUSHERS / DEMOLITION TOOLS 1 hydraulic hammers 2 cutter-crusher 3 pulverizers 4 boom systems 5 accessories 6 tools and spare parts JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Caterpillar ........................................ 309/675-1000 Columbia Steel ................................ 800/547-9471 HMC, Inc.......................................... 866/990-9462 1 bag filling equipment 2 blast initiation products 3 blast-control plugs 4 blasthole liners 5 blasting agents-anfo and blends 6 blasting machines 7 explosives-dynamites 8 explosives-emulsions and blends 9 explosives-water gels and slurries 10 packaging machinery 11 palletizers 12 roof bolts 13 scaling equipment 51 14 seismometers 15 software-blasting & inventory management 16 surveying equipment- borehole deviation 17 surveying equipment-face profiling 18 vibration monitors American-Newlong Inc. (11) ............ 317/787-9421 Austin Powder (2, 3, 4, 7) ................ 216/464-2400 Davey Bickford USA Inc. (2, 6) ........ 801/562-3045 Dyno Nobel (2, 7) ............................ 800/732-7534 Instantel (14).................................... 613/592-4642 GeoSonics (14)................................ 724/934-2900 Orica USA (2, 7) .............................. 303/268-5205 Houston Vibrator (1) ........................ 713/939-0404 MTI Group LLC (3, 4) ...................... 303/990-2574 Nomis Seismographs (14, 18) ......... 205/592-2488 Packaging Systems Intl. (1, 11) ....... 303/296-4445 Vibra-Tech Engineers, Inc. (14) ....... 314/837-7182 FABRICATION Camber Corp. ...................................724/933-6040 Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 Coalfield Services, Inc. .....................276/228-3167 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC ................... ......................................................502/957-1998 Jabo Supply Corp. ............................304/736-8333 JADCO,Inc........................................724/452-5252 Lee Supply Co. .................................800/353-3747 Logan Corp. ......................................304/343-8801 Longwall Associates,Inc. ..................276/646-2004 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc. ........ ......................................................304/872-2950 Petitto Mine Equipment,Inc...............304/292-3936 Philippi-Hagenbuch,Inc.....................309/697-9200 S & S Urethane & Ceramics .............800/237-6336 Talladega Castings & Machine .........800/766-6708 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc......................704/786-9400 Wear-Concepts,Inc. ..........................816/587-1923 FABRICATORS 1 bin 2 steel & structure 3 tanks & hoppers ABL Services, Inc. (2) .......................903/509-2256 Advantage Precision Products (2) ....304/872-2448 Apex Bulk Technologies (1, 2, 3) ......270/994-4329 Beitzel Corporation ...........................301/245-4107 CBP Engineering (1, 3)..................... 800/468-1180 Camber Corp. (2)..............................724/933-6040 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (1, 2, 3) ....276/964-6724 Coalfield Services, Inc. (1, 2, 3)........276/228-3167 Combs Group, Inc., The, CBJ (1, 2, 3) ................... ......................................................423/869-4757 Ford Steel Co.(1, 3) ..........................800/325-4012 Industrial Resources, Inc. (2)............304/363-4100 Innovative Conveyor Technology......502/957-1998 Intermountain Electronics (2)............435/820-2351 Jennmar Corp. ..................................412/963-9071 Lee Supply Co. .................................800/353-3747 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .....814/444-3452 Logan Corp.(2) .................................800/340-8801 Ludowici-USA (1, 2, 3) .....................304/855-7880 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc. (1, 2, 3) ...................................................304/872-2950 McLanahan Corp. .............................814/695-9807 Peters Equipment .............................276/322-5451 S & S Urethane & Ceramics (1, 2, 3) 800/237-6336 Steel Nation (2).................................724/873-7533 52 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc......................704/786-9400 Wallace Diesel Mining Equipment (2,3).................. ......................................................618/268-4446 GRADERS FILTERS 1 air-line 2 centrifugal 3 disc 4 drum 5 engine & compressor intake 6 filter presses 7 fuel & lube oils 8 horizontal 9 hydraulic fluids 10 pressure 11 vacuum 12 vacuum belt 13 water GROuND SuPPORT Elgin Equipment Group (2) ...............630/434-7200 Fluid Power Solutions .......................604/777-8954 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (6, 9, 10, 11, 13) ......................................................724/864-8900 J.K. Hydraulics (9) ............................888/552-6251 Jabo Supply Corp. (1).......................304/736-8333 Logan Corp. (1, 11)...........................800/340-8801 Peterson Filters Corp. (3, 4, 10, 11) .801/487-7761 Pillar Innovations, LLC (5) ................301/245-4007 Service Pump & Supply, Inc. (13) .....304/429-6731 Superior Signals, Inc ........................913/780-1440 Wallace Diesel Mining Equipment (1, 5, 7, 9, 11) ... ......................................................618/268-4446 WesTech Engineering, Inc. (3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12) ........................................................801/265-1000 Whayne Supply Co (5, 7) .................502/774-4441 Wooster Hydrostatics .......................330/263-6555 FITTINGS 1 aluminum cable 2 chain 3 feeder 4 grease 5 lubricants 6 lubricating fittings 7 tube 8 wire-rope Whayne Supply Co ...........................502/774-4441 GROuND CONTROL SOLuTIONS / SuPPORT DSI Underground Systems, Inc. .......801/973-7169 hAMMERS 1 air 2 electric 3 hydraulic Atlas Copco Construction Tools LLC (3)................. ......................................................800/760-4049 Chicago Pneumatic Construction Tools (1) ............ ......................................................413/746-0020 Fairmont Supply Co ..........................800/245-9900 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (1, 3) ................. ......................................................724/864-8900 Sandvik Mining & Construction (3) .. 920/734-7600 Whayne Supply Co (3) .....................502/774-4441 hAuLAGE EQuIPMENT Sandvik Mining & Construction........ 920/734-7600 hOISTING SYSTEMS Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 JABO Supply Corp. ......................... 304/736-8333 Lee Supply Co. .................................800/353-3747 Logan Corp. (4, 5) ............................304/343-8801 Partsmaster ......................................800/336-0450 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc......................704/786-9400 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 Wire Rope Corp. of America (8) .......816/233-0287 Victaulic ............................................276/614-5718 FOREST MAChINES Whayne Supply Co. ......................... 800/494-2963 GEARS & CLuTChES Formsprag Clutch ............................ 800/927-3262 Marland Clutch ................................ 800/216-3515 Renold ............................................. 800/879-2529 Carroll Engineering ...........................606/573-1000 Coalfield Services, Inc. .....................276/228-3167 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 FKC-Lake Shore ...............................877/554-8600 Harrington Hoists and Cranes ..........800/233-3010 T & N Electric Motor Exchange ........800/513-7931 hOISTING EQuIPMENT FKC-Lakeshore ................................812/426-2741 Siemag,Inc........................................414/2725-728 hOISTS Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 Coalfield Services, Inc. .....................276/228-3167 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Dover Conveyor,Inc. .........................740/922-9390 FKC-Lake Shore ...............................877/554-8600 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 Logi-Tec,Inc. .....................................724/337-0407 Siemag,Inc........................................414/272-5728 T & N Electric Motor Exchange ........800/513-7931 Coal People Magazine United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 IDLERS AND PULLEYS ASGCO Manufacturing,Inc. ..............610/778-8943 Douglas Manufacturing.....................205/884-1200 Fairmont Supply Co. .........................800/245-9900 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC ........................................................502/957-1998 Precismeca Limited ..........................800/661-4065 West River Conveyors & Machinery Co. ................ ......................................................276/259-5353 IMPACT BARS/BEDS/BED PROTECTION ASGCO Manufacturing,Inc. ..............610/778-8943 Argonics,Inc. .....................................800/991-2746 Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 C.U.E. of West Virginia, LLC ............304/877-6464 Corrosion Engineering ......................412/849-0363 Douglas Manufacturing.....................800/884-0064 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC ................... ......................................................502/957-1998 JADCO,Inc........................................724/452-5252 S & S Urethane & Ceramics .............800/237-6336 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 West River Conveyors & Machinery Co. ................ ......................................................276/259-5353 LABORATORIES 1 analytical 2 coal analysis 3 environmental 4 rock mechanics Agapito Associates, Inc.(4) ...............970/242-4220 Bowser-Morner (1)............................859/233-0250 Cronatron Welding Systems, Inc (1).704/598-1225 Polaris Laboratories (1) ....................877/808-3750 Roberts & Schaefer ..........................312/236-2872 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology ......................................................605/394-1973 LeTourneau Inc. ............................... 903/237-7156 McAllister Used Equipment ............. 800/323-8761 Sandvik Mining & Construction........ 920/734-7600 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 LUBRICANTS Chevron Global Lubricants ...............800/533-6571 ConocoPhillips, Inc. ............................800/255-955 International Lubricants,Inc. .............800/333-5823 Logan Corp. ......................................800/340-8801 Midwest Industrial Supply Inc ...........330/456-3121 Petronomics Ind. Products Group,Inc..................... ......................................................620/663-8567 Petron Plus Intl.,Inc. .........................620/663-8338 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 Whayne Supply Co ...........................502/774-4441 LUBRICATING SYSTEMS Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 Farval Lubrication Systems ..............800/227-1063 Logan Corp. ......................................304/343-8801 Petronomics Ind. Products Group,Inc..................... 620/663-8567 Polaris Laboratories, LLC .................317/808-3750 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc......................704/786-9400 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 LUBRICATORS Petronomics Ind. Products Group,Inc..................... ......................................................620/663-8567 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc......................704/786-9400 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 MATERIAL HANDLING Lincoln Contracting & Equipment SERVING OUR Co. Inc. CUSTOMERS FOR OVER 30 YEARS LABORATORY EqUIPMENT Kanawha Scales & Systems.............800/955-8321 Peterson Filters Corp........................801/487-7761 Romquest Technologies ...................888/742-9068 LABORATORY TESTING Polaris Laboratories, LLC .................317/808-3750 √ Turnkey Coal Preparation Plants (Process, Design & Layout) √ Bulk Material Handling Systems √ Engineering Services √ Fabrication Phone: 800-229-5205 Fax: (814) 629-7127 • LOADERS-SKID STEER MATERIAL HANDLING Case Construction Equipment ......... 262/636-6044 Coleman Equipment ........................ 913/422-3040 Komatsu America Corp.................... 847/437-4019 Pewag Chain Inc. ............................ 630/323-4342 Sandvik Mining & Construction........ 920/734-7600 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 ASGCO Manufacturing, Inc. ....................... 800/344-4000 Borton LC ................................................... 620/669-8211 Coalfield Services, Inc. .............................. 276/228-3167 FMC Technologies .......................................662/869-5711 Fairmont Supply Co. ................................... 800/245-9900 Farnham & Pfile Construction..................... 724/929-3151 FLEXCO ..................................................... 630/971-0150 Innovative Processing Solutions, LLC ........ 877/926-0040 Kinergy Corp............................................... 502/366-5685 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment Co.......... 800/229-5205 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders, Inc. ................. ................................................................ 304/872-2950 Philippi-Hagenbuch, Inc.............................. 309/697-9200 Industrial Resources, Inc. ........................... 304/363-4100 Ohio Magnetics, Inc .................................... 800/486-6446 LOADERS-WHEEL Case Construction Equipment ......... 262/636-6044 Construction Machinery Inc. ............ 270/683-2000 Honnen Equipment .......................... 303/287-7506 Hoss Equipment Co......................... 972/257-1244 Komatsu America Corp.................... 847/437-4019 JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue R.M. Wilson Co., Inc ................................... 304/232-5860 Robertson Process & Electrical .................. 304/755-6912 SAS Global Corp. ....................................... 248/414-4470 S & S Urethene........................................... 800/237-6336 Sandvik Mining and Construction ............... 800/826-2900 United Central Industrial Supply Co ............276/466-0511 MATERIAL HANDLERS Coalfield Services ............................ 276/228-3167 Sennebogen, LLC............................ 704/347-4910 Stedman .......................................... 800/262-5401 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 MOTORS Mohler Technology 800-258-5258 Fax: 812-897-2686 Longwall Motors New Electric Motors Motor Rewinding & Repair Vibration Analysis Services One Stop for all Your Electric Motor Needs... MOTORS Davis Electric Co.,Inc .......................304/363-8730 Electro-Mec ......................................800/537-0097 Electric Motor Repair & Sales...........276/669-9428 Electric Motor Service.......................304/752-6070 Linde Hydraulics Corp. .....................330/533-6801 Logi-Tec,Inc ......................................724/337-0407 Longwall Services, Inc. .....................724/228-9898 Mohler Technology,Inc. .....................800/258-5258 Ohio Electric Motors,Inc. ..................828/626-2901 Peerless Electric ...............................800/676-3651 Powertec Industrial Motors,Inc .........803/328-1888 Rulmeca Corp...................................910/794-9294 Saminco,Inc ......................................239/561-1561 Service Pump & Supply, Inc .............304/429-6731 T & N Electric Motor Exchange ........800/513-7931 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 West River Conveyors & Machinery Co. ................ ......................................................276/259-5353 OIL ANALYSIS Polaris Laboratories..........................877/808-3750 continue 53 PAINTINGS / COATINGS PAINTING/COATINGS Fairmont Supply Co. .........................800/245-9900 Gardner Paint Services ....................423/928-8351 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .....814/444-3452 S & S Urethane & Ceramics .............800/237-6336 PAINTING / SANDBLASTING Beam Blasting ..................................800/345-3964 PIPE-CERAMIC LINED CBP Engineering Corp. World leader in the application & fabrication of abrasion resistant lining materials. • Increase efficiency • Reduce downtime • Extend life of key processing equipment 800-468-1180 DESIGN • MANUFACTURING • INSTALLATION PIPE 1 abrasion resistant 2 aluminum 3 aluminum-plastic 4 aluminum, steam traced 5 asbestos-cement 6 basalt lined 7 bronze, copper, red brass 8 cast-iron, wroughtIron 9 ceramic lined 10 concrete 11 corrosion resistant 12 corrugated 13 drive & driving winches 14 glass fiber reinforcement 15 lined 16 patch 17 plastic 18 polyethylene 19 polyurethane 20 rubber 21 rubber-lined 22 seamless 23 spiral-welded 24 stainless steel 54 25 steel, steel-welded 26 steel, plastic-coated 27 wood, wood-stave American Utility Metals (1, 11, 24) ....225/343-4219 CBP Engineering (1, 6, 9, 15, 22, 23, 24, 26)......... ........................................................ 800/468-1180 Camber Corp. (10, 12)......................724/933-6040 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (1, 6, 9, 15, 20, 23) ........................................................276/964-6724 CeramX Products (9) ........................877/465-6155 Certainteed Pipe & Plastics Group (11, 16) ............ ........................................................866/284-7473 Chromium Corporation (1) ................972/851-0487 CWS, Inc. (1, 9) ................................412/999-0565 Duraline LLC (1, 9, 10, 11, 15) .........412/429-0335 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 GSE Lining Technology, Inc. (15) .....888/473-2741 HardSteel, Inc. (1) ............................205/343-9100 Hausner Hard-Chrome,Inc. (1, 11) ...270/713-8224 ISCO Industries, LLC (12, 18) ..........919/270-8340 Jabo Supply Corp. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26) ......................................................800/334-5226 Jennmar Corp. (12) ..........................412/963-9071 Lee Supply Co. (2, 16, 18, 19, 22, 26).................... ......................................................800/353-3747 Logan Corp. (3, 12, 17, 19) ..............304/343-8801 Ludowici-USA (15) ............................304/855-7880 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc. (26).. ......................................................304/872-2950 Naylor Pipe Co. (1, 6, 9, 21, 23, 26) .773/721-9400 River Consulting ...............................614/890-3456 S & S Urethane & Ceramics (1, 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24) .........................800/237-6336 Service Pump & Supply, Inc. (16) .....304/429-6731 United Central Industrial Supply (2, 3, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25) ............................... 276/466-0511 PIPE ACCESSORIES/FITTINGS 1 couplings 2 couplings, flexible 3 couplings, grooved 4 fittings, brass & bronze 5 fittings, ceramic-lined 6 fittings, flanges-fabrication, welding 7 fittings, forged steel 8 fittings, malleable-iron 9 fittings, plastic 10 fittings, polyurethane-lined 11 fittings, polyvinyl chloride 12 fittings, rubber 13 fittings, rubber-lined 14 fittings, stainless steel 15 flanges, forged, stainless, alloy 16 groovers 17 hangers 18 pipeInstallation 19 repair, sleeves 20 valves CWS, Inc. (5) ....................................412/999-0565 Jabo Supply Corp. (1-20) .................800/334-5226 Lee Supply Co.(1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17) ............... ......................................................800/353-3747 Logan Corp. (1) ................................304/343-8801 ISCO Industries, LLC (1, 2, 7, 19, 20) .................... 919/270-8340 Naylor Pipe Co. (1,3, 7) ....................773/721-9400 Partsmaster (4, 6) .............................800/336-0450 Pillar Innovations, LLC (3, 16) ..........301/245-4007 Service Pump & Supply, Inc. (1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 16, 20) ......................................................304/429-6731 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 PIPE FABRICATION/INSTALLATION Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 ISCO Industries, LLC........................919/270-8340 Jabo Supply Corp. ............................304/736-8333 Lee Supply Co. .................................800/353-3747 Naylor Pipe Co. ................................773/721-9400 S & S Urethane & Ceramics .............800/237-6336 PORTABLE PLANTS 1 concrete and asphalt recycling 2 crushing, screening and sand-processing plants 3 lifting jacks 4 portable plants-track 5 portable plants-wheel CBMW/Continental Mfg. Co., Inc. ... 713/947-2600 Crisp Industries................................ 940/683-4070 Dews Foundry Co., Inc. ................... 601/582-4427 Eagle Crusher Company, Inc......... 800/25-EAGLE Exel Machinery, LTD ....................... 800/858-4002 Fraser Mining & Industrial Supply Co., Inc. ............ ......................................................... 817/477-2900 G.W. Van Keppel Co........................ 817/996-6333 Gamble Equipment Co., Inc. .......... 210/648-4488 McCourt & Sons Equipment, Inc. ... 979/242-5298 MPS Machinery Co., Inc. ................. 469/586-2900 Plant Fabricators, Inc. ..................... 830/393-3064 Recycled Aggregates, Inc. .............. 940/683-4154 PULLEY LAGGING ASGCO Manufacturing,Inc. ..............610/778-8943 FLEXCO ...........................................630/971-0150 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC ................... ......................................................502/957-1998 R.M. Wilson Co.,Inc ..........................304/232-5860 Richwood .........................................800/237-6951 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 West River Conveyors & Machinery Co. ................ ......................................................276/259-5353 Boone Supply (17) ............................ 888/440-2811 CAB (17) .......................................... 814/472-5077 Camber Corp.(6)...............................724/933-6040 CBP Engineering (5)......................... 800/468-1180 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18) .......................................276/964-6724 Certainteed Pipe & Plastics Group (3, 9, 11) .......... ........................................................866/284-7473 PULLEYS 1 cast-iron 2 conveyor 3 motorized 4 rubber-covered 5 self-cleaning 6 semi-steel 7 steel ASGCO Manufacturing,Inc. (2)..............610/778-8943 Emerson Power Transmission (1) .........859/342-7900 Douglas Manufacturing (2, 5) ................800/884-0064 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products.......... ...........................................................800/245-9900 Coal People Magazine Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC (1-7)................ ...........................................................502/957-1998 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment ..........814/444-3452 Precismeca Limited (2, 3, 4, 7) ..............800/661-4065 R.M. Wilson Co.,Inc (2) .........................304/232-5860 Rulmeca Corporation (2, 3, 4, 7) ...........910/794-9294 United Central Industrial Supply (2, 5)...276/466-0511 West River Conveyors & Machinery Co. ..................... ...........................................................276/259-5353 PUMPS 1 air 2 booster design 3 centrifugal 4 centrifugal horizontal 5 corrosion-resistant 6 diaphragm 7 drum 8 explosion-proof 9 froth-handling 10 fuel injection 11 gear 12 high pressure 13 metering 14 piston & plunger 15 powerHydraulic 16 pressure-testing 17 priming 18 replacement parts 19 sand & abrasive handling 20 slurry, solids-handling 21 submersible 22 sump 23 transfer 24 trash & sludge 25 vacuum 26 vertical centrifugal & turbine B & M Repair, Inc. (1,2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26) .............................................304/752-1651 BJM Pumps (19, 20, 21) ...................860/399-5937 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (23) ..........276/964-6724 Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co.(2) ....800/543-4607 Electric Motor Repair & Sales (5, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24) .....................................276/669-9428 Elgin Equipment Group (20, 25) .......630/434-7200 EVAPAR, Inc (24, 25) .......................812/867-9900 Fairmont Supply Co/Fairmont Rubber Products..... ......................................................800/245-9900 Farval Lubrication Systems (1) .........800/227-1063 GIW Industries (20) .......................... 706/863-1011 Godwin Pumps (3, 17, 21) ................304/984-0200 Gorman Rupp (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24) ........................................... 419/755-1011 Grindex (21)............................................................ Hausner Hard-Chrome,Inc. (18) .......270/713-8224 Hydraserve,Inc. (20, 21) ...................812/421-2486 Industrial Service and Electronics, Inc (2, 3, 4, 12, 13) ...................................................270/830-0074 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (24) .................... ......................................................724/864-8900 ISCO Industries, LLC (21) ................919/270-8340 ITT Water & Wastewater USA (8, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24) ....................................................................... ......................................................203/380-4700 Lee Supply Co.(3, 6, 20, 21, 26).......800/353-3747 Logan Corp. (6, 12, 17, 21, 24, 25) ..304/343-8801 Methane Buster-KSD Enterprises, LLC (25) .......... ......................................................304/624-7452 Minova (1, 3).....................................800/520-6621 JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue River Consulting ...............................614/890-3456 SRS Crisafulli,Inc (20, 24) ................800/442-7867 Schurco Slurry (2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26) .................................................904/353-8075 Service Pump & Supply, Inc. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26) ......................................................304/429-6731 Subaru Industrial Power Products (21)................... ......................................................847/540-7300 T & N Electric Motor Exchange (3, 4, 12, 13, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26) ...................800/513-7931 T and T Pump ...................................304/366-1300 Taylor Pump & Lift, Inc. (1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 23) .................................................704/786-9400 Wallace Diesel Mining Equipment (1, 6, 10, 23)..... ......................................................618/268-4446 Weir Minerals North America (20, 21) .................... ......................................................608/221-2261 WILD EMU USA LLC ........................866/476-0323 RAIL ACCESSORIES 1 benders 2 bolts 3 bond terminals 4 bonds 5 braces 6 clamps 7 contact devices 8 derailers 9 dollies 10 drills 11 frogs 12 levelers, spot boards 13 punches 14 signal systems, manual, automatic 15 spike drivers 16 spikes 17 splice bars, plates 18 switch-positionIndicators 19 switchthrowers 20 switchthrowers automatics 21 tie plates & rail anchors 22 ties, treated 23 ties, steel 24 trackwork 25 turnouts, switches, stands 26 welding materials 27 guard rails 28 transition rails 29 thermal rail-welding kits 30 track switchHeaters 31 track cleaners 32 underground ballaster Appalachian Timber Services (22)....304/765-7393 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (19, 20) ......................................................724/864-8900 Minova (23).......................................800/520-6621 Railworks ..........................................866/905-7245 RAIL/TRACK Appalachian Timber Services ...........304/765-7393 Atlas Railroad Construction Co. .......724/350-5171 Security Locknut, Inc (2, 11) .............847/970-4050 Railworks ..........................................866/905-7245 Steel Nation ......................................724/873-7533 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 2 cable-reel 3 diesel 4 diesel-electric 5 monorail 6 trolley A.L. Lee Corp (1, 3) ..........................304/934-5361 Brookville Equipment Corp. (1, 3, 6) 814/849-2000 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (1, 3, 6) ............. ......................................................724/864-8900 Mountain States Contracting ............623/842-0743 RAILROAD SERVICES Mountain States Contracting ............623/842-0743 Railworks ..........................................866/905-7245 Tunnel Radio of America ..................541/758-5637 RECLAMATION / LAND MANAGEMENT Bedeschi America, Inc. .....................954/602-2175 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology ......................................................605/394-1973 SAFETY SIGNS 1 banners 2 markers 3 signs 4 specialty items Austdac (4) .......................................888/254-9155 CAB (1, 3, 4) .....................................812/472-5077 Safety Whips ....................................602/424-2500 United Central Industrial Supply (2, 3, 4) ...................................................... 276/466-0511 AUTOMATED SAMPLING SYSTEMS SAMPLING SYSTEMS-AUTOMATED Automated Sampling Specialists • Tertiary samplers and three• Belt feeders stage sampling • Sample crushing systems • Final sample • Auger sampling collectors systems • Electrical controls • Primary and • And more! secondary 814-445-9313 samplers Fax: 814-445-1320 • Two SAMPLING EQUIPMENT recision amplers nc. THE SOURCE FOR YOUR MECHANICAL SAMPLING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Phone: 304-744-5534 Email: RAILROAD CARS/LOCOMOTIVES 1 battery 55 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT James A. Redding ............................814/445-9313 Jeffrey Specialty Equipment .............864/476-7530 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .....814/444-3452 Precision Samplers, Inc. ...................304/744-5534 RTM ..................................................423/245-7786 SAMPLING SYSTEMS 1 automated 2 mechanical James A. Redding Co (1) .................814/445-9313 JBL Company ...................................865/522-8686 Jeffrey Rader ....................................864/476-7530 Kanawha Scales & Systems.............800/955-8321 McLanahan Corp. (1)........................814/695-9807 RTM (1,2) ........................................ 423/245-7786 SCALE-TRUCKS Cardinal Scale Mfg. Co.................... 417/673-4631 Fairbanks Scales ............................. 816/471-0231 James Instruments, Inc. .................. 773/463-6565 Rice Lake Weighing Systems .......... 715/234-9171 SCALE & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE/ SYSTEMS Cardinal Scale Mfg. Co.....................800/441-4237 Kanawha Scales & Systems.............800/955-8321 Phoenix Scale Technologies.............865/522-8686 Shamrock Scale Co. .........................865/522-8686 SCALE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Cardinal Scale Mfg. Co.....................800/441-4237 SCALES, WEIGHT RECORDERS 1 belt 2 computerized 3 highway vehicle 4 loader 5 mine car weighing 6 rr car weighing 7 truck 8 weight recorders ASGCO Manufacturing,Inc. (1).........610/778-8943 APEX Bulk Technologies, Inc (6, 7) ..270/395-4121 Brechbuhler Scales, Inc....................330/453-2424 Cardinal Scale Mfg. Co. (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) ........................................................800/441-4237 Carroll Technologies Group (1, 3).....304/252-2381 Kanawha Scales & Systems (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) . ........................................................800/955-8321 Phoenix Scale Technologies.............865/522-8686 Ronan Engineering (1) .....................859/342-8500 Shamrock Scale Co. .........................865/522-8686 Thurman Scale .................................800/688-9741 SCREEN-MEDIA AMI Crushers................................... 765/349-5319 Derrick Corp. ................................... 716/683-9010 Durex Products, Inc. .........................715/472-2111 Extec USA Inc.................................. 610/521-1448 Kemper Equipment .......................... 610/273-2066 Major Wire Industries, LTD .............. 450/659-7681 56 Metso Minerals ................................ 412/269-5000 Ohio Wire Cloth ............................... 937/836-3201 Polydeck Screen Corp. .................... 864/579-4594 Quality Product Sales ...................... 717/285-7772 Richwood ......................................... 304/525-5436 Tandem Products, Inc. ......................612/721-2911 APEX Bulk Technologies, Inc ...........270/395-4121 Borton LC ........................................ 620/669-8211 Steel Nation ......................................724/873-7533 SCREEN-MEDIA STORAGE & RECLAIMING SYSTEMS STORAGE & LOADING FACILITIES-UNIT TRAIN APEX Bulk Technologies, Inc ...........270/395-4121 Bedeschi America, Inc. .....................954/602-2175 Borton LC ........................................ 620/669-8211 Camber Corp. ...................................724/933-6040 Cowin & Co., Inc. ..............................205/945-1300 FFE Minerals ....................................610/264-6900 Lincoln Contracting & Equipment .....814/444-3452 River Consulting ...............................614/890-3456 Roberts & Schaefer Co.....................312/236-2872 Rulmeca Corp...................................910/794-9294 Steel Nation ......................................724/873-7533 The industry leader in modular synthetic screen media solutions. 1790 Dewberry Rd., Spartanburg, SC 29307 Tel: 1-864-579-4594 Fax: 1-864-579-4173 E-mail: STRUCTURAL STEEL SCREENS-DEWATERING Aggregate Machinery, Inc. ............... 503/390-6284 Balzer Pacific Equipment Co. .......... 503/232-5141 Carrier Vibrating Equipment, Inc. .... 502/969-3171 Classification and Flotation Systems, Inc. .............. ......................................................... 810/714-5200 Derrick Corp. ................................... 716/683-9010 Kinergy Corp.................................... 502/366-5685 McLanahan Corp. ............................ 814/695-9807 PHOENIX Process Equipment Co... 502/499-6198 SCREENS-VIBRATING / WASH Abco Engineering Corp. .................. 319/283-5652 Aggregate Machinery, Inc. ............... 503/390-6284 AMI Crushers................................... 765/349-5319 Carrier Vibrating Equip .................... 502/969-3171 Deister Machine Co. ........................ 260/426-7495 Derrick Corp. ................................... 716/683-9010 Eastern Screens & Drives Inc.......... 606/789-6252 Extec USA Inc.................................. 610/521-1448 Houston Vibrator LTD ...................... 713/939-0404 Kemper Equipment .......................... 610/273-2066 Kinergy Corp.................................... 502/366-5685 Rolans Machinery ............................ 314/291-1330 Tandem Products..............................612/721-2911 Telsmith Inc...................................... 262/242-6600 Texas Crusher Systems................... 806/983-2397 Valley Equipment ............................. 503/364-4491 SILOS-ASH, COAL, ROCK-DUST & SAND STORAGE 1 clean-out 2 construction Camber Corp ....................................724/933-6040 Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 Ludowici-USA ..................................304/855-7880 River Consulting ...............................614/890-3456 Steel Nation ......................................724/873-7533 STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION Camber Corp ....................................724/933-6040 Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 Coalfield Services, Inc. .....................276/228-3167 Ludowici-USA ..................................304/855-7880 River Consulting ...............................614/890-3456 Steel Nation ......................................724/873-7533 SUBSTATIONS Ceramic Technology, Inc. .................276/964-6724 Elgin Equipment Group ....................630/434-7200 Intermountain Electronics .................435/820-2351 Line Power........................................276/466-8200 SMC Electrical ..................................304/736-8933 SURFACE MINER cutting / crushing / loading Wirtgen America .............................. 615/501-0600 SURFACE MINING, MOVING EQUIPMENT James A. Redding ............................814/445-9313 Sennebogen, LLC............................ 704/347-4910 Whayne Supply Co ...........................800/494-2963 Wirtgen America .............................. 615/501-0600 SILOS/CONSTRUCTION SWEEPERS/MAGNETIC TESTERS 1 carbon monoxide 2 circuit breaker 3 electrical-relay 4 electrical tool 5 ground resistant 6 insulation 7 rail-bond 8 voltage Borton, LC ........................................ 620/669-8211 Marietta Silos ....................................740/373-2822 Bradford Stuart Industries.................276/688-4921 Logi-Tec,Inc. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) ............724/337-0407 Borton, LC ........................................ 620/669-8211 Ceramic Technology, Inc. (1, 2) ........276/964-6724 Duraline LLC (3) ...............................412/429-0335 Preiser Scientific, Inc. .......................304/727-2902 San-Con Industries Inc. (2)...............419/294-5609 Coal People Magazine United Central Industrial Supply (1-9)276/466-0511 SWITCHBOARDS Logi-Tec, Inc .....................................724/337-0407 SWITCHGEAR switch houses-portable Elgin Equipment Group ....................630/434-7200 Intermountain Electronics .................435/820-2351 Line Power........................................276/466-8200 Logi-Tec, Inc .....................................724/337-0407 SMC Electrical ..................................304/736-8933 SWITCHES Carroll Engineering ...........................606/573-1000 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Elgin Equipment Group (2) ...............630/434-7200 Line Power .......................................276/466-8200 Logi-Tec, Inc .....................................724/337-0407 Material Control, Inc .........................630/892-4274 SMC Electrical ..................................304/736-8933 Superior Signals, Inc ........................913/780-1440 Tapeswitch ........................................800/234-8273 TIRES American Industrial Tire Corp ......... 214/638-5555. Michelin Earthmover Tires ............... 864/458-5000 SETCO Solid Tire ............................ 580/286-6531 Trojan Tire, Inc................................. 905/633-6886 TIRE PROTECTION CHAINS RUD / Erlau ..................................... 800/553-7993 TRANSFORMERS Rye Valley Gear................................866/793-6451 SMC Electrical ..................................304/736-8933 West River Conveyors & Machinery Co. ................ ......................................................276/259-5353 Whayne Supply Co. ..........................800/494-2963 WELDING MACHINES-ELECTRIC ARC TRUCK LIGHTS WELDING SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT/REPAIR Carroll Engineering ...........................606/573-1000 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Superior Signals, Inc ........................913/780-1440 Carroll Engineering ...........................606/573-1000 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Electric Motor Service.......................304/752-6070 Logi-Tec, Inc .....................................724/337-0407 Metabo..............................................800/638-2264 Partsmaster ......................................800/336-0450 Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Logi-Tec, Inc .....................................724/337-0407 TRUCKS & TRACTOR-TRAILERS 1 off-highway 2 on-highway 3 parts 4 specialized 5 service WHEELS 1 locomotive 2 mine car 3 mobile equipment Liebherr Mining Equipment Co. (1)...757/245-5251 Whayne Supply Co. (1, 3, 5) ............800/494-2963 Advantage Precision Products (1, 2, 3) .................. ......................................................304/872-2448 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (1-3) ................... ......................................................724/864-8900 Logan Corp. (1) ................................304/343-8801 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc. ........ ......................................................304/872-2950 SETCO Solid Tire (2) ........................580/286-6531 UNLOADERS 1 barge 2 ship FFE Minerals (1,2) ............................610/264-6900 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC ................... ........................................................502/957-1998 Sennebogen, LLC............................ 704/347-4910 WINCHES 1 bulk material handling 2 car puller 3 constant belt tensioning 4 conventional belt tensioning winches 5 conveyor lift 6 radial stacker 7 rocker arm chute USED MINING EQUIPMENT-SURFACE The Tractor Company .......................304/252-2401 Whayne Supply Co .......................... 800/494-2963 WATER-CLARIFICATION & RECLAMATION SySTEMS Carroll Technologies Group ..............304/252-2381 Delta Electric Inc...............................304/752-4625 Elgin Equipment Group ....................630/434-7200 Electric Motor Repair & Sales...........276/669-9428 Intermountain Electronics .................435/820-2351 Line Power........................................276/466-8200 Logi-Tec, Inc .....................................724/337-0407 Alfa Laval ..........................................414/947-4700 Megator Corp....................................412/963-9200 WesTech Engineering, Inc. ...............801/265-1000 TRANSMISSIONS WATER TREATMENT-DRINKING WATER Hansen Transmission .......................540/337-4846 WesTech Engineering, Inc. ...............801/265-1000 APEX Bulk Technologies, Inc (1, 2, 6) .................... ......................................................270/395-4121 Innovative Conveyor Technology, LLC ................... ......................................................502/957-1998 Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply (3, 4) .................. ......................................................724/864-8900 MAP Enterprises,Inc .........................336/228-1722 Metalcraft Mining Equipment Rebuilders,Inc. ........ ......................................................304/872-2950 United Central Industrial Supply ....... 276/466-0511 WATER TESTING EQUIPMENT Preiser Scientific, Inc. .......................304/727-2902 Advertise in Coal People Magazine’s Buyer’s Guide Advertising Index Serving the Coal Mining, Energy and Processing Industry The Most Comprehensive and Unique Editorial Blend of Human Interest and News in the Coal Mining Industry In Print and On-Line Considered the Industry’s Best Read Publication, Coal People Magazine is delivered to your desk in print each publication month as well as available on-line for alternative accessibility. The entire current issue is available in flip-page format with active links to advertisers, news and special features. In addition, the current issue is e-mailed to on-line viewers for quick access. call (800) 235-5188 JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue ▼ October/November: Industry-Wide Buyers Guide GIW INDUSTRIES TAGGING TRACKING Tunnel Radio’s&NEW Eastern location 490 Village Lane • Hazard, KY 41701 PEACE of MINE Reliable wireless communications and tracking for the underground miner 5000 Wrightsboro Road Grovetown, GA 30813 VALVES 706-863-1011 1 air E-mail: 2 air-hydraulic-motor operated TIRES 6435 NE Hyslop Road, Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Wheeling Beckley (800) 624-5460 (800) 232-5539 TAGGING & TRACKING AMR/American Mine Research .................. 276/928-1712 Carroll Technologies Group ........................ 304/252-2381 HSC Industrial ............................................ 304/252-1918 Tunnel Radio of America ............................ 541/758-5637 THICKENERS S LL CE R- AI SOFT CORES TUFFIL TIRES U.S. Toll Free: 1.866.844.0144 TOILETS underground/portable Rezplast Manufacturing .............................. 705/673-3824 United Central Industrial Supply Co ............276/466-0511 TESTERS 1 carbon-monoxide 2 circuit-breaker 3 electrical-relay 4 electrical tool 5 ground resistant 6 insulation 7 rail-bond 8 voltage Bradford Stuart Industries (2) ..................... 276/688-4921 Fairmont Supply Co. ................................... 800/245-9900 Logi-Tec, Inc. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8) ................. 724/337-0407 United Central Industrial Supply (1-8) .........276/466-0511 Overcasts - Metal THICKENERS 3 ball 4 blow-off 5 butterfly 6 check 7 control 8 diaphragm 9 foot 10 gate 11 globe 12 hydraulic 13 knife gate 14 needle 15 orifice 16 pinch 17 plug 18 pump 19 relief 20 slurry TIRES MSHA and West Virginia Safety approved (541) 758-5637 tion system design, installation and repair; electrical distribution and motor controls; industrial tool pick-up and repair; and water management or system design, installation and maintenance. We are distributors for Tunnel Radio leaky-feeder systems and Kenwood Communications. See BG ads under: Communications/ Mobile; Electrical/Electronic Repair Service • Rugged Slurry Pumps • Long-Wearing OEM Parts • Dependable Service TRANSFORMERS Line Power.................................................. 276/466-8200 TUNNELS AND RETAINING WALLS Camber Corp .............................................. 724/933-6040 Coalfield Services, Inc. ............................... 276/228-3167 Dywidag-Systems International .................. 801/973-7169 TUNNELS AND SHAFT SUPPORTS American Commercial ................................ 276/466-2743 Camber Corp .............................................. 724/933-6040 Dywidag-Systems International .................. 801/973-7169 TUNNELS AND RETAINING WALLS Pre-cast Concrete GIW Industries Ph: 706/863-1011 Fax: 706/860-5897 5000 Wrightsboro Road Grovetown, GA 30813 E-mail: Web site: GIW, a leading manufacturer of highperformance, low-maintenance slurry pumps, introduces the MDX (Mill Duty Xtra Heavy) pump series for mill discharge applications. GIW pumps have been used to pump phosphate rock in Florida, oil sands in Canada and hunBelo Mine Supply........................................ 304/235-4977 Fairmont Supply Co. ................................... 800/245-9900 dreds of different materials in between Industrial Service and Electronics, Inc. (1, 2, in 3, 6,the 7, 8,world. GIW serves -- everywhere 18, 19)..................................................... 270/830-0074 industries such as mining and mineral Jabo Supply Corp.(1-20) ............................ 800/334-5226 beneficiation, industrial process, dredge, Lee Supply Co. (1-11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20)... 800/353-3747 aggregate and270/442-1996 coal preparation. AnPEBCO, Inc. (10, 12) .................................. Shoap Process Equipment Inc. (6, 16, 18) . 804/897-9260 other innovation is the newly designed Weir Minerals North America ..............impellers 608/221-2261 GIW(13) rubber for maximum wear United Central Industrial Supply .................276/466-0511 resistance in heavier slurries. GIW pumps VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES& impellers – we are better by design. Industrial Service and Electronics, ............. 270/830-0074 See Classified ad on page 116 See BG ad under: Pumps-Slurry VENTILATION BRATTICE Gardner Paint Services Ph: 423/928-8351 Fax: 423/928-0322 P.O. Box 5096 VENTILATION BRATTICE Johnson City, TN 37602 Website: Gardner Paint Services, Inc. is a full service painting and industrial cleaning contractor serving the coal industry since 1975. Our services include sandblasting and the applicaton of paint and special coatings, as well as a surface preparation service called ICE CLEANing. VENTILATION BRATTICE See Classified ad on page 114 Lay Flat & Flexible Suction Duct Fittings See BG ad under: Painting/Prep Plant Coatings Schauenburg Flexadux Corp. ..................... 970/245-9400 74 VENTILATION CURTAINS Harsco Minerals.......................................... 800/850-0527 WesTech Engineering, Inc. ........................ 801/265-1000 GUNDLACH Equipment Corporation Ph: 618/233-7208 Fax: 618/641-6974 One Freedom Drive Belleville, IL 62226 USA E-mail: Web site: GUNDLACH Crushers manufactures a full line of crushers specifically designed for precise product sizing with fewer fines and maximized yield for the coal industry and thermal power plants around the world. See Display ad on page 21 See BG ad under: Crushers HSC Industrial Authorized Dealer of Kenwood Radios HardSteel, Inc. Ph: 205/343-9100 Fax: 205/343-0073 P.O. Box 2266 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 E-mail: Web site: HardSteel is a manufacturer of chromium-carbide overlay plate and abrasion HSC Industrial resistant products. Complete line of MSHA Approved wear plate products, complete cutting, Tunnel forming, and fabrication services. AR-Radio Leaky Feeder Systems 400 and AR-500 distributor. See Classified ad on page 117 304-252-1918 • Beckley WV See BG304-284-0193 ads under: Abrasion-Resistant • Morgantown, WV Materials; Steel; Wear Steel E-mail: Hausner Hard-Chrome, Inc. Ph: 270/713-8224 HSC Industrial Fax: 270/713-8247 Ph: 304/252-1918 3094 Medley Road Fax: 304/252-6411 Owensboro, KY 42301 300 Rural Acres Drive E-mail: Beckley, WV HSC 25801 Industrial Web site: E-mail: HSC Industrial Industrial Hard-Chrome, wear resistant Repair for Communications Web site:Service coating, parts refurbishing & salvage, MineAX – MSHA Approved and Electrical HSC Industrial offers a Products variety of serThermal SprayRadio coatings, Screen coatCall for more information on specific product repairs Tunnel vices to the mining industry including: ing, machine shop services, large • Beckley WV above-304-252-1918 and below-ground communicacapacity. 304-252-1918 • Beckley WV 304-284-0193 • Morgantown, WV 304-284-0193 • Morgantown, WV E-mail: Coal People Magazine E-mail: 304-252-1918 • Beckley WV 304-284-0193 • Morgantown, WV E-mail: TIRES For TighT PreFab. McLaren Industries ..................................... 800/836-0040 R.M. Wilson Co., Inc ................................... 304/232-5860 overcasTs SETCO Solid Tire ....................................... 580/286-6531 Trojan Tire Inc............................................. 905/633-6886 and overcasT ToPs TIRE & RIM ASSEMBLY (800) 894-4559 R.M. Wilson Co., Inc ................................... 304/232-5860 SETCO Solid Tire ....................................... 580/286-6531 • reTaining Walls • Median barrier • cusToM Pre-casT Wireless Communications & Tracking Cap Lamps Mine Refuge Chambers (800) 894-4559 1-800-691-6601 Trojan Tire Inc............................................. 905/633-6886 84 Roof Supports sTeel arches, lagging and accessories (800) 894-4559 BUYER’S GUIDE Coal People Magazine Structural Steel Fabrication • PreP PlanTs • conveyors • cusToM FabricaTion & design (800) 894-4559 57 PRODUCT news 2011 Superior Industries, Morris, MN, introduces the Exterra SFL Dual Belt Cleaner, designed to nearly eliminate material carry-back from the top cover of conveyor belting after it passes over the head pulley. A unique tensioning system is designed to create a pressure that is set once, for the life of the blade, during installation. Packed with more urethane, the blade has one of the bulkiest profiles. Mounted on the same pole as the primary, the secondary cleaner is available in either AR steel or tungsten carbide. Designed with segmented blades to withstand vibration and impact from belt splices during operation. Call Corey Poppe at 320/589-7985. Intercomp Company, Minneapolis, MN, now features an improved PT20 RFX CPU that incorporates integrated RFX Advertisers in Action Advertisers in Action Advertisers in Action Wireless Weighing technology in the CPU. Other new features include an upgraded rugged casing and a new thermal printer, which is efficient and easy to use. USB and RS232 output allow for uploading information to a PC or score board and the new, east-to-read, graphic LCD display allows the records to be recalled directly on the indicator. Works with any Intercomp Wheel Load or Axle Scale System. Call 800/328-3336. Ergodyne, St. Paul, MN, announces the Arsenal Gear Bags, including a two-bag line expansion (Arsenal FB5120 Large Wheeled Duffle Bag and Arsenal GB5135 Laptop Messenger Bag) as well as several redesigned products. Contact Lindsay Herda at 651/642-5862. Gateway Safety, Cleveland, OH, introduces the Conqueror protective eyewear, an upgrade over existing design technologies. Conqueror features Lockheed Martin and Carroll Technologies Sign Agreement Lockheed Martin and Carroll Technologies Group have signed a distribution agreement for a new wireless, through-the-earth communications system designed specifically to help the mining industry improve post-accident emergency communications. Lockheed will provide technology and manufacturing of the MagneLink Magnetic Communication System (MCS), which delivers voice communication and texting to trapped miners during a disaster. Carroll Technologies, through its two operating subsidiaries – Carroll Engineering Co. and Delta Electric, Inc., – will act as the distributor, sales and service supplier of the system. MagneLink is a self-contained, portable communications system that provides two-way voice and text communications by transmitting magnetic waves through the earth. The technology eliminates the need for transmission wires and in-ground infrastructure required for standard radio communications. MagneLink also is capable of interfacing with miners’ hand-held emergency radios. “Lockheed Martin’s technology, paired with Carroll Technologies presence and experience in the mining industry, provides trapped miners the means to communicate with rescuers when no other form of contact is possible,” said Richard Holmberg, Lockheed Martin’s vice president who oversees the program.” Mike Hastings, chief executive officer of Carroll Technologies, said: “One of the reasons for our more than three decades of success is that we continually seek to build relationships with companies who are leaders in their field, such as Lockheed Martin.” Lockheed Martin has conducted several successful in-mine demonstrations of the system and is working with the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to approve the equipment for use in mines. MSHA approval is anticipated this summer, at which time MagneLink systems can be ordered. Contact: 58 a soft rubber nosepiece and ergonomic, contoured temple tips that don’t pinch, ensuring all-day wearability with no slipping. A strong frame is lightweight and available in glossy black as well as Gateway’s new “Camo” frame pattern. Call Matthew Love at 216/889-2000. Sioux Corporation, Beresford, SD, introduces the Sioux Descaler, which removes scale on systems with existing scale build-up. This biodegradable liquid is available in 5 gallon jugs and 30 gallon drums and is formulated to economically and effectively dissolve scale build up in machines. The Descaler can and should be used to remove scale built-up when needed on all hot water equipment including water heaters, solution heaters, pressure washers, steam cleaners and steam generators. Call Jessica Morrison at 888/763-8833. Industrial Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, introduces the iNet InSite, a plugand-play docking station solution for its portable gas detectors that provides critical functionality and information needed to keep people safer. The new solution is designed for end users who own their gas detectors and have the means of servicing and maintaining them, but are challenged with gaining the necessary visibility into their overall gas detection program to improve the safety of their employees. Call 800/338-3287. Remember the Miners announced a fundraising partnership with Little General Stores, which will become the point of sale for Remember the Miners’ Awareness Magnets shaped like the helmet of a West Virginia coal miner. Sale of these magnets will go toward RTM Scholars Program. Each helmet retails for $5 and can be used to display support for the people of the mining industry. Little General Stores of West Virginia have over 80 locations. For a listing of Little General Stores and where Greenbrier Classic badges benefiting Remember the Miners may be purchased, click on < locator.aspx>. RTM is a public awareness campaign dedicated to honoring the legacy of all miners and the mining industry. Ergodyne, St. Paul, MN, introduces the ProFlex710CR Cut-Resistant Trades Glove and ProFlex820CR CutResistant PVC Handler Glove. Both gloves are lined with 100 percent Kevlar Coal People Magazine OAQDA Authorizes Funding for Babcock & Wilcox Clean Coal Technology Project to provide cut resistant protection throughout the entirety of the glove while maintaining dexterity and flexibility. 710CR features a gel polymer palm to dampen shock and impact, while the 820CR provides textures PVC on the palm and fingertips for a more secure grip in both wet and dry conditions. Call Lindsay Herda at 651/6425862. RIDGID, Elyria, OH, introduces the Model TC-40, a powered plastic pipe and tube cutter and the new rugged SeeSnake CS-10 digital monitor. The powered plastic pipe and tube cutter provides fast, easy cuts without the need for ratcheting, and is intended for polyethylene, polypropylene, PEX, rubber hose, PVC and CPVC. The SeeSnake offers simple, full-feature digital recording, and provides a one-touch feature that enables the CS-10 to record still images and video. Call Laura Pierce at 216/5891175. Amtech Drives, Atlanta, GA, introduces the Eazy Series Variable Frequency Drive system, designed to precisely manage the electrical current for ultra high-speed motors and spindles. Eazy utilizes a proprietary PWM sinusoidal waveform. Combines with 5th generation IGBT devices to create improved bearing and spindle life as well as production up-time. Easy to install, operate, control, maintain, and safe guard while providing complete control and protection to AC induction motors in the 40 to 1875 horsepower range. Call Charles F. Geraldi at 770/469-5240. Godwin Pumps, Elko, NV, manufacturer of the Dri-Prime automatic self-priming, dry-running pump, announces availability of Flygt electric submersible pumps for mining at its companyowned stores throughout the US. With Flygt as the originator of electric submersible pumps and Godwin as the originator of automatic selfpriming pump technology, ITT’s mine dewatering offering covers all mine dewatering touch points with products engineered specifically for mining applications. Call Kristen C. Gurick at 856/4673636 ext 3449. Quaker Chemical of Pennsylvania introduces Dustgrip Turbo, a blend of wetting agents that accelerate water penetration where dust is a hazard, including longwall mining areas, stockpiles and haul roads. The product mixes with water and can be used with an operation’s current equipment and no rinsing of equipment is necessary after an application is complete. Dustgrip reduces the water volume an operation needs to consume for dust suppression. Also, repeated applications have a cumulative effect, maintaining subsoil moisture content for long periods in certain conditions. JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Project to study environmentally sound methods for utilizing high-sulfur Ohio coal A proposal aimed at reducing sulfur emissions during coal combustion – and thereby enhancing the desirability of Ohio’s high-sulfur coal – was approved at the June meeting of the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority (OAQDA). OAQDA authorized a grant of $538,887 from its Ohio Coal Development Office program to Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, Inc. (B&W PGG), for a project to further develop oxycoal combustion technology for high-sulfur Ohio coal in new and existing boilers. The project is part of the $150 million Ohio Advanced Energy Stimulus Program. Oxy-combustion technology involves the replacement of combustion air inside boilers at coal-based power plants by nearly pure oxygen diluted in recycled flue gases. B&W PGG has been developing the technology for the past decade, and it now seeks to address the issue of elevated SO3 concentrations at its 1.8 MW pilot-scale facility, SBS-II, in Barberton. A “dry scrubber” system will be employed to aid in the reduction of SO2, SO3 and particulate emissions into the air. The oxy-combustion process also provides an efficient and cost-effective means for controlling and capturing carbon dioxide produced during coal combustion. In addition, it addresses concerns regarding boiler corrosion caused by the high-sulfur content of Ohio coal. “Today’s action by OAQDA is significant in that the approved B&W PGG project is the only one in Ohio at this time evaluating this critical use of oxy-combustion technology. The goal here is to make Ohio coal more desirable for use at coal plants in this state, throughout the region,” said Todd Nein, OAQDA interim executive director. B&W PGG and its partner, Air Liquide Process & Construction, Inc., will provide the remaining funding, equivalent to the OAQDA portion, bringing in the total project cost to $1,077,775. “We appreciate the support and partnership from OAQDA to help us build on a decade of hard work to find better and environmentally friendlier ways for using Ohio coal. Oxy-coal combustion technology offers great promise for the future, and we are proud to play a role in helping Ohio find additional methods for using our abundant supplies of energy-producing coal,” said Don Langley, vice president and chief technology officer for B&W PGG’s parent company, The Babcock & Wilcox Company. Senator Frank LaRose (R-27), whose district encompasses the project’s Summit County location, said “I applaud the work B&W is doing to expand their research efforts in using Ohio’s abundant coal reserves to provide cleaner energy to Ohioans. They should be commended for their work on reducing the effects of one of the most corrosive byproducts, SO3, in the coal combustion process.” “This project is further proof of Ohio’s continued leadership in the arena of clean coal technology research, development and deployment. I commend the public-private partnership behind this ‘next step’ in our understanding of how to expand the use of Ohio coal in ways that respect our environment,” said State Representative Zack Milkovich (D45) of Summit County. 59 Coal People Magazine ...linking readers to A Publication Dedicated to Coal People Worldwide March 2010 Vol. 32 No. 2 Coal Technology Issue Magazine A Publication Dedicated to Coal People Worldwide JULY 2010 Vol. 32 No. 6 Magazine Surface Mining & Reclamation Jeff Kravitz of MSHA Gerald Finfinger of NIOSH Magazine CHARLESTON, WV 25301 PRESORT STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2310 P.O. BOX 6247 Charleston, West Virginia 25362 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Mike Quillen The Man Who Grew Alpha Natural Resources Bill Hensler Becker Wholesale Mine Supply, LLC CHARLESTON, WV 25301 PRESORT STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2310 60 Coal People Magazine The Most Unique Blend of Editorial and News in the Coal Mining / Energy Industry... Comparable to No Other! In-Print and On-Line Whether you want to kick up your feet and read a relaxing article, or be updated on the latest news and happenings in the industry, COAL PEOPLE IS YOUR MAGAZINE! Available in-print and on-line to suit any reader’s preference. Readers’ favorite since 1976, CPM is dedicated to coal and energy people worldwide with a unique, informative and entertaining format. Focus is on personalities and news, highlighting present issues and events, business profile articles, future forecasts, new product and service technology, and historical articles and human interest features. Advertisers benefit by reaching coal and energy executives worldwide, in addition to bonus show distribution. *Verified Audit is currently conducting an in-print and e-circulation audit. CPM participates in coal shows by exhibiting and partnering with show sponsors/management to assist in promoting the most effective shows in the coal / energy industry with premium show coverage before, during, and after the shows. Four segmented buyer’s guides published annually: April - Coal Preparation; June - Underground/Longwall Mining; July: Surface/Reclamation & Aggregates; and October/November - Industry-Wide. coal industry people, technology and news A Publication Dedicated to Coal People Worldwid Magazine March 2011 Vol. 32 No. 12 CONEXPO-CON/AGG Event Coverage Coal Technology Issue Magazine Coal People Magazine 2011 March Issue Coal People Magazine 2011 January / February Issue A Publication Dedicated to Coal People Worldwide A Publication Dedicated to Coal People Worldwide SEPTEMBER 2010 Vol. 32 No. 8 Phil Mullins Mine Communication Technology Coal Guy Extraordinaire P.O. BOX 6247 Charleston, West Virginia 25362 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Mine Fire Brigade Team Training 61 ABRASION RESISTANT MATERIALS CBP Engineering Corp. World leader in the application & fabrication W of abrasion resistant lining materials. • Increase efficiency • Reduce downtime • Extend life of key processing equipment 800-468-1180 DESIGN • MANUFACTURING • INSTALLATION WEAR SERVICES OLD PROBLEMS, NEW SOLUTIONS OVERLAY PLATE & PIPE Straight from the manufacturer (20 5) 42 5-6 86 8 www.WearSe BELT CLEANERS AUTOMATED SAMPLING SYSTEMS PRECISION SAMPLERS PRECISION SAMPLERS INC INC. PSI specializes in the design and PSI Specializes in the Design turnkey installation of custom designed automated mechanical sampling of and Turnkey Installation systems including truck augers Custom Designed Automated and belt samplers. PSI services include sampling Sampling system operation, Mechanical Systems maintenance, and inspections. including Truck Augers and Belt THE SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR MECHANICAL SAMPLING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Samplers. PSI services include Phone: 304-744-5534 Fax:304-744-3113 sampling system operation, Email: maintenance, and inspections. The Source for ALL Your Mechanical Sampling System Requirements Phone: 304 / 744-5534 Fax: 304 / 744-3113 Automated Sampling Specialists The James A. Redding Company has over 45 years experience in the design, manufacture and installation of bulk material sampling equipment. We provide custom sampling components and systems that meet our customers’ specific needs and current sampling standards. Call us for a quote today! 814-444-7200 • Fax: 814-445-1320 • Email: COAL PREPARATION Corporate Headquarters Fairmont, West Virginia Ph (304) 363-4100 Fax (304) 363-0799 Engineering Office Proven Solutions. Expert Advice. Increase productivity with clean and dry return belts. Call today for site-specific assistance with your application 1800-237-6951. ® Rely on RICHWOOD Carnegie, Pennsylvania Ph (412) 279-8834 Fax (412) 279-3720 • Engineering • Manufacturing • Construction • Renovations CABLE FAULT LOCATORS Lincoln Contracting & Equipment DESIGN ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION • Complete turnkey construction • Plant automation and evaluations • Bulk material handling systems • Mine ventilation and bleeder fans • Unit truck and train loadouts • Structural steel, fabrication and welding Call Today! 814-629-6641 / Serving our customers for over 35 years. 62 Coal People Magazine CELLULAR PHONES / ACCESSORIES AND PARTS ANYTHING CELL PHONE RELATED (except activations) • Wholesale distributor / government & police contractor since 1998 CHARGERS / MINE BATTERY La Marche Mine Battery Charger combines rugged components with circuit simplicity for unmatched reliability • Full install hands free car kit specialists • Bluetooth and GPS units • Cellular phones, accessories, parts and mounts • Vehicle and in-building amplifiers • Eco-friendly line of chargers • Charging solutions for 6 cell phones at once! CTB Wireless, Inc. 1668 E. Washington Blvd., Suite 203 Pasadena, CA 91104-2757 888.345.9705 • COAL PREPARATION-PAINTING POL0111ctbwirelesspsg Sand Blasting Painting – Coatings for Coal Prep Facilities Toll Free: (800) 821-5709 Phone: (423) 928-8351 COAL PREPARATION FARNHAM & PFILE ENGINEERING & 2.1875 CONSTRUCTION 4.375 • For Scoops and other equipment • Controlled charging cycle • Ground shielding and ground check circuitry provides added safety measures • Low profile towable enclosure-convection cooled • Class H insulation on transformers and reactors • Terminal board for easy hookup of AC & DC cables • Automatic AC input voltage compensation • Automatic surge suppression 847-299-1188 Preparation Plants Material Handling Systems 724-653-1010 Fax: 724-653-1025 COAL PREPARATION-PULVERIZING Quality and Service Since 1908 POWERSCREEN MID-ATLANTIC, INC. Powerscreen Mid-Atlantic, Inc. is your local Powerscreen dealer for West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina & South Carolina. We sell, rent & lease mobile crushing, screening & washing equipment. NEW & USED available! We provide local service & parts support. CALL NOW FOR INFORMATION & PRICING. 1-800-PWR-SCRN MOBILE CRUSHING, SCREENING & WASHING Ring Granulators, Reversible Hammermills, Double Roll Crushers, Frozen Coal Crackers for crushing coal, limstone and slag. 1319 Macklind Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110 Ph: (314) 781-6100 / Fax: (314) 781-9209 / E-Mail: Ring Granulators Reversible Hammermills Double Roll Crushers, Frozen Coal Crackers for crushing coal, limestone and slag Ph: (314) 781-6100 MACHINES, PARTS & SERVICE PH: 1-800-797-7276 Email: CONVEYOR BACKSTOPS CONTRACTORS CONVEYOR ACCESSORIES ROCK & COAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. reliable impact P.O. Box 1457 Crab Orchard, WV 25827 1.800.216.3515 Ph: 304-683-5600 / Fax: 304-683-5601 E-mail: JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue protection Specializing in Preparation Plant and Material Handling Design for the Coal and Aggregate Industries, maintenance and upgrade of existing systems, emergency projects and “turnkey” installations. ® RICHWOOD 1.800.237.6951 63 EQUIPMENT / MINING NEW & USED ElECTRICal One Source Solution For All Your Industrial Electrical Contracting Needs “Leader in Industrial Electrical Design & Installation That Constantly Exceeds Customer Expectations In Quality and Performance” Ashland, Kentucky Phone: 606/928-2074 Fax: 606/928-0093 ENGINEERING/CONSulTING/ FINaNCIal SERvICES Serving the Mining Industry Worldwide Since 1969 Harrisburg, PA Pittsburgh, PA State College, PA Morgantown, WV Hagerstown, MD Wise, VA • Raise Boring • Shafts • Slopes • Underground Construction 205 / 945-1300 GIW Industries, Inc. 800-892-6532 ● EMERGENCY HOIST SYSTEMS Construction Equipment Installation Meeting general and specialized contracting needs since 1977. • Conveyor Systems • Elevators • Hoisting Equipment • Hoists Escape • Deep Mine • Fans • Steel Fabrication • Consulting Services/Engineering Coalfield Services, Inc. Wytheville, VA 276-228-3167 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Strata Safety Products, LLC Specializes in underground mine safety and communications. Seeks Support Services Manager for Southern Appalachian Region - based in Swords Creek, VA. Responsible for area Support Division; ensures high level technical support provided to customers; manages daily activities of Support Center and Warehouse. Experience: 10 years in underground coal mining–maintenance preferred; 5 years management; strong technical and troubleshooting background; strong safety focus. Please e-mail Resume and cover letter to: GROUND SUPPORT FaNS We sell, RePaiR and Buy Fans •Low, Medium & High Pressure • Most Sizes and Blades in Stock •Over 5,000 Fans Manufactured Paul’s RePaiR shoP, inc. Call Paul Elswick, President Ph (276) 530-7311 Fax (276) 530-7315 Home (276) 530-7711 E-mail: 64 This is GIW. From industrial minerals to heavy metals, GIW delivers non-stop solutions for boosting productivity and profits. Mechanical Rock Bolts Extension Bolts Stelpipe Bolts Rebar Rock Bolts Cable Bolts Friction Stabilizers & Expandable Bolts Trusses & Slings Fiberglass Bolts Resins & Cement Cartridges Mesh, Straps & Plate Washers Eyebolts, Scaling Bars & Utility Hangers Lattice Girders Steel Arches & Props High Performance Grouts Drilling Fluids Dust Suppression Adhesives Salt Lake City, UT / Martinsburg, WV / Cambridge, OH / Louisville, KY / Anchors Abingdon, VA / Jalisco, Mexico/ Saskatoon , SK/ Rouyn, QC/ Sudbury, ON POWERS Tools Ground Support Products & Services for the Mining & Tunneling Industries Local Presence – Global Competence 800-327-7169 Coal People Magazine HOLDbaCKS FILTERS / DISC Peterson Filters Corp. • Specializing in Vacuum Filter Equipment Since 1943 • Experienced specialists • Economical solutions • Rapid on-time delivery • Filtration laboratory testing • Engineering report preparation New Solutions to Old Problems Fine coal preparation circuits for filtering clean coal & refuse slurries 1.800.927.3262 CALL TODAY! 801-487-7761 - Corp • 304-469-2978 - Eastern US MOTORIZED CONVEYOR PULLEYS PIPING / FabRICaTION Polyethylene Piping Headquarters 20 Million Tons, No Problem RULMECA CORPORATION 6508 Windmill Way Suite B Wilmington, NC 28405 910-794-9294 Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys - since 1953 “Service is more than a promise.” PUMPS The words “HEAVY DUTY” just took on a new meaning for your harsh coal prep applications (904) 356-6840 Telephone (800) 334-5226 Fax (304) 736-8551 • Large inventory of Hi-chrome pumps and parts. • 100 percent Dimensional inspection on all parts. • Significant cost savings. • Upgraded bearing seal design available. • Extensive distribution network. • Interchangeable with Warman® AH series. • Master stocking distributor • Fusion equipment rental • Complete technical assistance • Custom fabrication • Technicians available • Field fusion services 24 hours a day Schurco Slurry Pumps does not represent, or is not in any way affiliated with Warman ™ a registered trade mark of Weir Slurry Group LLC. All names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference purpose only and do not imply that any part or pump listed is the product of Weir pumps. PIPING & PUMPING SYSTEMS SaFETY SWITCHES WE KNOW Great Electrical Safety Tool !! MINING Remote operation of pistol grip control switches Great for Station Breakers 1.800.353.3747 JULY - Surface Mining / Reclamation Issue Huntington • Parkersburg • Beckley • Portable • Battery Powered • Easy to use • Made in USA Operate Outside the ARC-FLASH Zone Place your Classified ad Here! Call 800-235-5188 and ask about in print and on-line bundle packages. 1-800-248-4958 65 SILOS - STACKING TABLES STEEL HARDSTEEL, INC. SILOS – STACKING TUBES • Affordable Stainless Steel • Corrosion and Abrasion Resistant • 45% Stronger than 304L SS* • 250 times more corrosion resistant than mild steel New construction, repairs & inspections 419-294-5609 419-294-6963 fax e-mail: E-mail: Phone: 225-343-4219 *(for thickness <8mm) Manufacturers of Chromium-Carbide Overlay Plate 205.343.9100 overlay Abrasion never quits. Neither do we. Solutions. Service. Satisfaction. • Affordable Stainless Steel Issue CPM August Pre-Show • Corrosion and See “What’s on Display” at the Bluefield Coal Show both In Print and On-Line before the Show! Abrasion Resistant • 45% Stronger 304L Available in August Pre-Show Issue:than Bluefield Pre-Show Coverage SS* Including a complete profile of pre-show articles and company profiles. • 250 times more Coal People Magazine will Simplify Your Plans by Providing Information to Readers Early. The August Pre-Show Issue corrosion resistant than will Highlight Companies Exhibiting and What Each Has to Offer the Industry. Call (800) 235-5188 mild steel Phone: 225-343-4219 JULY 2011 Advertising Index *(for thickness <8mm) This issue of Coal People Magazine is brought to you by the following leading industry vendors and service providers. Log-on to for a direct link to advertisers listed. DISPLAY ADVERTISING Advertiser ...........................................Pg. # ..................................................Website Advertiser ...........................................Pg. # ..................................................Website Bluefield Coal Show .................................. 8 Gardner Paint Services, Inc..................... 63 GIW Industries ......................................... 64 .......................... HardSteel, Inc. ......................................... 66 ................................ Industrial Resources, Inc ......................... 62 ..................................... Innovative Utility Products Corp .............. 62 ................................... Jabo Supply Corporation ......................... 65 .............................. James A. Redding Co .............................. 62 ....................... La Marche Manufacturing ........................ 63 .......................... Lee Supply Co., Inc. ................................ 65 ................................ Lincoln Contracting & Equip .................... 62 ................... Marland Clutch ........................................ 63 .................................. MarTek Ltd ............................................... 65 Paul’s Repair Shop .................................. 64 Pemco Corporation.................................. 64 ...................................... Peterson Filters Corp............................... 65 ........................ Powerscreen Mid-Atlantic ........................ 63 Precision Samplers, Inc. .......................... 62 .................. Richwood Industries ........................ 62 & 63 Rock & Coal Construction ....................... 63 Rulmeca Corporation............................... 65 ........................... San-Con Industries, Inc ........................... 66 .................................. SCHURCO SLURRY ............................... 65 Skelly and Loy Engineering ..................... 64 Strata Safety Products, LLC .................... 64 ........................... The Tractor Company .............................. 64 ................. Wear Services ......................................... 62 .......................... Coal-Gen Expo .......................................... 2 ................................. Elgin Equipment Group ............................11 ........................ Lee Supply, Inc. ............................... (BC) 68 ................................ RM Wilson Co., Inc. ................................. 13 RUD Chain / Erlau ..................................... 7 ....................................... Setco Tire & Rim Assembly ....................... 3 .......................... Whayne Supply, Inc. .................................. 9 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED American Utility Metals ............................ 66 ...................................... American Pulverizer Co ........................... 63 CBP Engineering Corporation ................. 62 ...................... CTB Wireless, Inc. ................................... 63 ............................. Coalfield Services, Inc. ............................ 64 Corky Wells Electric................................. 64 Cowin & Co., Inc. ..................................... 64 DSI........................................................... 64 ...................... Farnham & Pfile Engineering & Cont....... 63 .......................... Formsprag Clutch .................................... 65 66 Coal People Magazine R N L T U O TI OP T MI M ZA Z TI TION O S ON L N There is a Lot to See at the Bluefield Coal Simplifying Loading Show! Station/Tailpiece Areas Coal People Magazine will Simplify Your Plans by Providing Information to Readers Early. The August Pre-Show Issue will Highlight Companies Exhibiting and What Each Has to Offer the Industry. See “What’s on Display” at the Bluefield Coal Show both In Print and On-Line before the Show! When A Company Needs To Know… Available in August Pre-Show Issue: Bluefield Pre-Show Coverage Including a complete profile of pre-show articles and company profiles. PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY BEFORE THE SHOW! Showcase your company by advertising in the August issue, In print and on-line. Take this opportunity to let readers know what to look for at the show. Articles, news sections are available to highlight the upcoming event. This preview index will give viewers the opportunity to plan their visits with customers. A complete Exhibitor Profile is featured in print and on-line with company information, booth number and a description of what will be on display. Toll Free Call (800) 235-5188 or visit to download a 2011 Editorial Calendar. Lisa Roper 864/278-8227 Chuck Roper 864/546-8978 Business as usual at Brookville No one can say that the recent dip in the global markets hasn’t made everyone check their production schedules and reassess how daily business operations could be improved. At BEC, a few adjustments to better meet production needs and improve the bottom line have also been made. Brookville has been busy during the last few months implementing product improvements and employing an after sales support annual survey. In their efforts to be more customer oriented, they annually review and improve the product line as well as ways of doing business, and this year has been no exception. The Brookville team has continued to look at product improvements over the past year in order to offer customers equipment that incorporates the best advancements in technology that can improve the underground units manufactured. The engineering department has been working with a manufacturer of an LED display that can be installed on all of their electronically controlled low emission Tier 3 engines. This unit will allow the operator and maintenance personnel to use a water-tight dash-mounted LED display screen to view many standard engine parameters as well as active and stored trouble codes. This display will read the CANBUS from the engine computer and display short messages instead of flash codes, which had been the previous standard. This will greatly improve the operation personnel’s diagnostic capabilities with the engine fault codes by providing a text translation for the most common fault conditions. An example warning may be: “Engine oil pressure low,” which can lead to significantly faster maintenance repairs and less chance of problems going untreated. The unit also features an enhanced alarm indication with an ultra-bright alarm and shutdown LEDs (amber and red). Brookville will begin installing this display unit on some models scheduled in the latter part of 2009. Brookville recently completed rail mounted personnel carriers using a newly designed engine exhaust discharge system. The company’s research and development focused on re-directing the high-pressure engine exhaust down and away from the operator and passengers. Providing a way to funnel the hot exhaust away from the people aboard the equipment keeps them cooler, and it also keeps high pressure air from blowing dust in to the air which can be inhaled, get into their eyes, or reduce tunnel visibility. BEC engineers found a delicate balance of shielding and diffusers that did not create airflow restrictions for the engine or further raise engine air temperatures. A unit featuring this new design was recently shipped from the facility after an extensive test and approval period. (see photo top right) The company is also concerned with after sales input from customers to assist in improving their experience with Brookville. This year as part of an annual internal review, the marketing department designed a new customer survey that can be electronically sent to and returned by a global customer base. The survey allows each recipient to grade Brookville on their interaction with sales, service, and parts department staff. These surveys are then tallied and weighted on the Likert Scale to use in evaluating the effectiveness of the departments and for inclusion in their annual auditing process. Improving communication with their customer base will improve their value as a supplier. This Brookville rail-mounted personnel carrier shows how the exhaust gases are funneled from the engine compartment down to the bottom of the car body. Brookville’s dual-purpose 15- ton 16- man battery unit Brookville has also been working on expanding its market share in other areas of the United States. The hard rock and precious metal mining sectors continue to be new areas for the company to explore new equipment designs made for narrower and higher mines than typically found in Appalachian coal seams. There has been a large increase in requests for rubber tired tractors and personnel carriers. BEC offers stout units built on rigid or articulated frames with high flotation tires. Brookville also offers all of its rubber tired units with four wheel drive, and rigid units come with optional crab and coordinated steering for better maneuverability. The Brookville facility continues to be bustling with activity on all four of its product lines and looking positively toward the remainder of 2009. As the economy rebounds, BEC has continued to forge ahead with product and process improvements that will make their equipment a better value for customers. After 91 years of continuous operation, Brookville Equipment Corp. stands poised to meet the challenges of increasing demand for their products for years to come. Stop by Bluefield Coal Show Booth #107 to learn more about Brookville’s continued growth. Can’t make the show? Contact the company at or call (814) 849-2000. 87 SEPTEMBER Bluefield Coal Show Issue 83 SEPTEMBER Bluefield Coal Show Issue Delta and Carroll Launch Power Factor Correction Services Delta Electric, Inc. and Carroll Engineering Co. are leaders in the mining distribution industry with over 30-plus years experience. A new product service will be introduced by both companies at the Bluefield Coal Show, Booths 306 and 308. The new service product is Power Factor Correction. The service evaluates existing electric bills and penalties utilizing software programs and analysis to minimize the possibility of the increase in electric bills. The Power Factor analysis will enable the coal company to add the savings to their profit margin. These services are capable of monitoring and analyzing electric bills on a period basis to determine effectiveness and efficiency of corrective measures, while serving as an advocate for their customers regarding conflict resolution with equipment manufacturers. Delta and Carroll are leaders in providing MSHA-approved and field-tested communication, tracking, and atmospheric monitoring systems to the mining industry. Both companies provide services on a 24 hour basis to their customers, while other distributors only provide the products. Delta Electric, Inc. and Carroll Engineering Co. provide repair and service exchange programs to keep their customers in the coal. The new central communication system provided by both companies presents to Friends of Coal SEPTEMBER Bluefield Coal Show Issue the mining industry the state of the art communication utilizing CISCO system technology. This system provides immediate access to senior supervisors, employees, and regulators, if necessary, with on-the-spot communications by one mouse click on their computer. Delta Electric, Inc. and Carroll Engineering Co. are factory authorized repair facilities for over 77 different product lines. They are leaders in distribution with Pyott-Boone Atmospheric Monitoring Systems, Matrix (METS) Tracking Systems, Eaton/ Cutler-Hammer Electrical Components, VARIS Communication Systems, Comtrol Systems, SMC Electrical Products Inc., and many other product lines specializing in safety to the mining industry. Delta Electric, Inc. and Carroll Engineering Co. maintain over 7 million dollars worth of spare parts from 77 different manufacturers at 11 conveniently located distribution centers. There are over 100 experienced employees dedicated to customer service. Our motto is “Right Products at the Right Time.” Visit their websites:, www., and www.carrolltechnologiesgroup. com. West Virginia Coal Association Kentucky Coal Association 111 WE SUPPLY Utilizes a unique, proprietary alloy that allows a consistent, quality groove resulting in a stronger, more durable pipe that exceeds industry standards The structural integrity of the seamless technology is matched by no other high pressure mine service pipe The pipe is corrosion and UV resistant The weight of the pipe allows for safe handling and installation The seamless piping and coupling system alleviate the worry associated with weak seams and inferior endurance Exclusively Distributed by 1-800-353-3747 QUALITY PEOPLE PRODUCTS SERVICE Since 1954
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