palynological assemblage from aptian/albian of the sergipe basin


palynological assemblage from aptian/albian of the sergipe basin
Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 7(2):159-168, Julho/Agosto 2004
© 2004 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia
Depto. de Geologia e Paleontologia, MNRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista s/n, 20940-040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
ABSTRACT - Palynological analysis was carried out on 272 core samples from two wells (GTP-17-SE and
GTP-24-SE) in the Sergipe basin with the aim of reconstruction the paleoenvironment of the upper Aptian–
middle Albian interval. The Paleoecological studies based on the abundance and composition of all palynomorph
genera revealed four assemblages. The stratigraphic distribution of these assemblages allowed the definition of
seven ecophases. The palynological assemblage reflects the paleoenvironmental history of the succession that is
marked by the progressive late Aptian-middle Albian transgression into the area. The data, in particular the
ecophases, confirm that the change from a brackish lagoon to open marine environment was controlled by sealevel during deposition of Muribeca Formation, and dominantly by a progressive sea-level rise during the
beginning of the Riachuelo Formation deposition.
Key words: palynology, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, Cretaceous.
RESUMO - Com a finalidade de reconstruir os ambientes deposicionais com base em análise palinológica de uma
seção aptiana-albiana da plataforma carbonática-siliciclástica da bacia de Sergipe, foram identificadas e analisadas
quatro associações palinológicas de 253 amostras de dois poços. A distribuição estratigráfica das quatro associações
permitiu identificar sete ecozonas que refletem uma progressiva transgressão marinha aptina-albiana na área
estudada. Esses dados confirmam uma mudança paleoambiental de laguna para marinho aberto controlada pela
variação do nível do mar durante a deposição da Formação Muribeca e dominantemente por uma subida do nível
do mar durante o começo da deposição da Formação Riachuelo.
Palavras-chave: palinologia, reconstrução paleoambiental, Cretáceo.
The Sergipe basin belongs to the class of sedimentary
basins related to passive continental margins. According to
Ojeda & Fugita (1976) and Ojeda (1982) the tectonic evolution
of the Sergipe basin can be divided into five main phases:
intracratonic, pre-rift, rift (earliest Cretaceous to early
?Aptian), transitional (Aptian), and a marine drift phase (late
Aptian to Recent).
The Aptian-Albian succession of the Sergipe basin is
represented by a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic platform system
(Muribeca and Riachuelo formations), corresponding to a
transitional phase between the rift phase and the beginning
of the open marine phase. These phases reflect the
progressive separation of the African and South American
continents, which led to sea-level changes basins of the
continental margin. However, on a short-term view variations
of the sea-level curve are observed and hence variations in
local paleoenvironments. The interpretation of these different
paleoenvironments based on composition and diversity of
palynomorph indicates a transgressive trend upward.
Study succession
The succession studied in wells GTP-17-SE and GTP-24SE comprises part of the Muribeca (transitional phase) and
Riachuelo (open marine phase) formations (Figure 2).
In well GTP-17-SE (Figure 3) the succession has a
thickness of ca. 450 m and is subdivided into: (1) the Muribeca
Formation, represented by the evaporitic Ibura Member (63
m) and the carbonate-siliciclastic platform system of
Oiteirinhos Member (80 m); and (2) the Riachuelo Formation,
represented by the fine to conglomeratic sandstones
intercalated with greenish grey shales of Angico Member
(312 m).
In well GTP-24-SE, the succession reaches 400 m and is
subdivided into (1) the Muribeca Formation, with the Ibura
Member (26.9 m) and the Oiteirinhos Member (126.9 m); and
The Sergipe basin, which forms the southern part of the
Sergipe-Alagoas basin in northeastern Brazil, is a structurally
elongated marginal basin between coordinates 9o - 11o30' S
and 37o - 35 o 30' W. Onshore the basin is 16-50 km wide and
170 km long and covers an area of 6000 km2 and the offshore
portion comprises an area of about 5000 km2 (Figure 1).
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(2) the Riachuelo Formation with the intercalations of shales
and calcilutites of the Taquari Member (247 m).
The biostratigraphical information used in this study was
derived from the studied wells and the biostratigraphical
framework of Regali & Santos (1999). Four successive
biostratigraphic intervals are identified for the upper Aptian–
middle Albian of the studied succession.
The Sergipea variverrucata zone and the
Equisetosporites maculosus and Dejaxpollenites
microfoveolatus sub-zones from the Regali & Santos
(1999) were recognized herein (Figure 3). The major
difference from the study by Regali & Santos (1999) for
the two studied wells, is the recognition of the middle
Albian (Classopollis echinatus Zone) characterized by the
first occurrence of Elaterosporites klaszi? (Carvalho,
2001). However, it was recorded from samples that were
not studied by Regali & Santos (1999).
Erdtman (1969), and Faegri & Iversen (1966), where all the
mineral constituents are destroyed by hydrochloric and
hydrofluoric acids before heavy-liquid separation. The
remaining organic matter is sieved through a 10 µm mesh
prior to mounting on slides.
Palynological analysis
The qualitative analysis consisted basically of the
identification and recording of the palynomorphs in the
samples. The samples were analyzed under a transmitted light
microscope. The quantitative analysis was based on the first
200 palynomorphs counted for each slide. This analysis was
the basis for the establishment of the palynomorph
Paleoecological analysis
The paleoecological analysis was carried out using
multivariate statistical methods (cluster analysis and Pearson
correlation) to identify the ecological similarity between
palynomorph assemblages from different depositional
settings. In addition, the Palynological Marine Index (PMI)
was employed.
The study was carried out using 253 core samples from
two wells (101 from GTP-17-SE and 152 from GTP-24-SE)
drilled by Petromisa/Petrobras (the Brazilian state-owned oil
company) in the Santa Rosa de Lima and Carmópolis areas in
Sergipe (see Figure 1).
The method applied of palynological preparation used
by Petrobras was compiled by Uesugui (1979) after, e.g.,
Cluster analysis and Pearson coefficient
Cluster analysis was employed based on abundance and
composition, in order to establish groupings and to recognize
the relationship between the taxa (palynological analysis).
To identify the divisions of the studied succession based on
palynology approach, Q- and R-mode cluster analyses were
performed on counts of palynomorphs. This cluster analysis
Figure 1. Location map of the marginal basins of northeastern Brazil, including the studied wells (adapted from Seeling, 1999).
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Figure 2. Lithostratigraphie scheme for the Aptian-Albian of the Sergipe basin (adapted from Mendes, 1994).
forms discrete groupings that are based on the characteristics
(abundance) of the objects. The results are clearly displayed
in dendrograms which, when combined, allowed assessment
reasons for clustering. The Pearson coefficient (+/- 1)
obtained from the relative abundance of palynomorphs, is
used to yield a correlation matrix and to identify the relationship
between the taxa. This coefficient reflects the presence or
absence of similarity among the taxa. If coefficient approaching
1 implies a positive correlation and approaching -1, a negative
correlation among the palynomorphs. Only the numerically
and paleoecologically important taxa were used herein.
Palynological Marine Index (PMI)
This index was created by Helenes et al. (1998) to support
in the interpretation of depositional environments. PMI is
calculated using the formula: PMI= (Rm/Rt + 1)100, where
Rm is richness of marine palynomorphs (dinocysts, acritarchs
and foraminiferal test linings) and Rt is the richness of
terrestrial palynomorphs (pollens and spores) counted per
sample. In the present study, the Rm and Rt were expressed
as number of genera per sample. The genus level preferred
because genera are more easily identified than species and
the genera identified herein show the same environmental
significance as species. The high values of PMI are
interpreted as indicative of normal marine depositional
conditions. When the samples have no marine palynomorphs
the PMI value is 100.00.
Figure 3. Correlation of the identified palynological zones and
sub-zones between the two studied wells.
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The succession studied yielded a rich palynomorph
assemblage, in particular of terrestrial components. However,
the marine palynomorphs, notably in the upper part of the
section of well GTP-24-SE, also show relatively high
The succession is strongly dominated by terrestrial
palynomorphs (Figure 4). The pollen group, in particular
gymnosperms, is by far the most abundant taxa. This group
forms 84.7% of the total palynomorph assemblage in GTP17-SE and 61.8% in GTP-24-SE. In well GTP-17-SE the second
most abundant group is the spores, which reach 8.9% of all
palynomorphs. Well GTP-24-SE is characterized by a relatively
high abundance of marine palynomorphs with 31.7% of the
total palynomorphs. Fresh-water palynomorphs are rare,
comprising less than 0.1% in both wells.
Palynological assemblages
R-mode cluster analysis, based on the abundance and
composition of all 64 palynomorph genera found in wells
GTP-17-SE and GTP-24-SE, revealed four superclusters that
represent the palynological assemblages (PA) 1-4 (Figure 4).
The major break between clusters 1 and 2 reflects clearly the
separation of marine and terrestrial palynomorphs.
exception of the fern spore genus Antulsporites. The
assemblages contains Pseudoceratium, Prolixosphaeridium
Cyclonephelium, Exochosphaeridium, Florentina,
Trichodinium, scolecodonts, Spiniferites, palynoforaminifera,
Oligosphaeridium, Systematophora and Antulsporites.
Nine out of seventeen genera of the dinocysts recorded
in the succession are included in this assemblage, the majority
of them belonging to the gonyaulacoid group. Generally, these
genera indicate an open marine environment (neritic setting).
Spiniferites is the most abundant dinoflagellate and, together
with associated dinocysts such as Exochosphaeridium,
Trichodinium and, Oligosphaeridium, indicative of open
neritic conditions (Downie et al., 1971; Williams, 1977; Masure,
1984; Marshall & Batten, 1988; Lana, 1997). However, the
most abundant marine palynomorph is the palynoforaminifera
group, which generally, is present in great abundance in
nearshore environments (Tyson, 1995). However, according
to Lana (1997), which analyzed Cenomanian-Turonian
sediments from Potiguar Basin, northeast Brazil, this group
shows higher abundance in middle and deep neritic than
dinocysts. On other hand, the dinoflagellates were more
abundant in shallow marine environments. Like the
palynoforaminifera, Cyclonephelium are found in different
bathymetry (shallow to middle neritic) (Lana, 1997). However,
it seems an agreement among researchers (e.g. (Eshet et al.,
1992; Lana, 1997), which high abundances of the genus
Cyclonephelium are related to restricted marine environments
under stress conditions.
Palynological Assemblage 1. Palynological Assemblage 1
assemblage is composed of marine palynomorphs, with the
Figure 4. Dendrogram (r-mode) of 64 genera from the two wells studied showing the four palynological assemblages.
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Figure 5. Stratigraphic distribution of palynological assemblages showing the Ecophases, PMI and paleoenvironments for well GTP-17
(A) and well GTP-24 (B).
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Palynological Assemblage 2. PA2 is composed only of
terrestrial palynomorphs (e.g. Gnetaceaepollenites,
Bennettitaepollenites, Cycadopites, Equisetosporites,
Cyathidites). This assemblage has the lowest palynomorph
abundance of the assemblages, with ephedroid types
(Gnetaceaepollenites and Equisetosporites) being the most
abundant. Their pollen grains are related to the modern
gymnosperms Ephedra and Welwitschia (Gnetales), which
are found in arid to semi-arid environments (Doyle et al.,
1982; Arai & Coelho, in press). As observed by Doyle et al.
(1982), the correlation of Gnetaceaepollenites and
Equisetosporites with Classopollis is negative (-0,19 and –
0,15 respectively), which suggests that these genera are less
tolerant of saline conditions than Classopollis.
Palynological Assemblage 3. PA3 shows the highest
palynomorph abundance among the assemblages, with a
dominance of Classopollis grains. The assemblage is mainly
consisted of terrestrial palynomorphs (e.g. Brenneripollis,
Tricolpites, Classopollis, bisaccates, Striatopollis,
megaspore, Vitreisporites, Echitriletes). Classopollis was
produced by the extinct conifer family Cheirolepidiaceae
(Doyle et al., 1982) and dominated in regions with arid
climates. Classopollis is most commonly recorded in
nearshore marine-lagoonal environments and often
associated with evaporites (Vakhrameev, 1970; Doyle et al.,
1982; Hashimoto, 1995; Arai & Coelho, in press). Classopollis
shows low correlation with the other palynomorphs.
The presence of bisaccate (bisaccate-types and
Vitreisporites) pollen in PA3 is contradictory because these
pollen types are normally associated with temperate highland
climates. However, Arai & Coelho (in press) investigated
samples from the Aptian–Albian of the Araripe Basin (north
of the Sergipe basin) and observed a relatively high
correlation between the bisaccate group and Classopollis.
According to them, the bisaccates were transported by trade
winds and that its abundance was influenced by a minor
dilution in the arid periods (weaker terrestrial supply), whereas
the terrestrial influx responsible for transport of the other
palynomorphs was relatively weak.
The fern spores are also present in this assemblage, but
in low abundances. The presence of megaspores reflects a
nearshore environment. These spores are large, dense and
thick-walled and not easily transported, so in general they
are deposited near their source (Speelman & Hills, 1980).
Four genera of dinocysts are recorded in PA3:
Palaeoperidinium, Dinopterygium?, Cribroperidinium, and
Subtilisphaera. Among them, the genus Subtilisphaera is
by far the most abundant, being the second most abundant
dinocyst genus in the assemblage. Generally, this genus is
associated with marine environments with low salinity (Jain
and Millepied, 1975). Moreover, the Subtilisphaera
frequently occurs in restricted marine environments. This
genus is also abundant in assemblages of low diversity (Arai
et al., 1994; Lana, 1997). It represents 98% of the total of the
four genera recorded in PA3, and correlation with other marine
palynomorphs is very low.
Arai et al. (1994, 2000) proposed Subtilisphaera
euecozones for the Early Cretaceous of the proto-Atlantic
Ocean. These euecozones were originally identified in the
Aptian–Albian of the Ceará basin (northern Brazil) and later
in other continental marginal basins of Brazil. The
Subtilisphaera Euecozone represents a predominance of the
genus Subtilisphaera cysts making up an almost
monospecific assemblage which reflects a worldwide
dinoflagellates bloom in mid-Cretaceous epicontinental seas.
However, according to Arai et al. (1994, 2000) this euecozone
has not been confirmed in the Sergipe basin. Within five
euecozones proposed by Arai et al. (1994), the Subtilisphaera
spp. diluted by terrestrial palynomorphs Euecozone (type 5)
would be the most comparable with the PA3. However, in the
GTP-17-SE, the genus Subtilisphaera reaches 70.2% of all
palynomorphs at 61.70 m characterizing the Subtilisphaera
Euecozone (type 1). Like Subtilisphaera, Palaeoperidinium
supports restricted marine conditions. Dinopterygium? and
Cribroperidinium shows very low abundances.
Palynological Assemblage 4. PA4 is distinguished by the
high diversity of fern spores and the high abundance of the
genus Araucariacites. It is composed mainly of terrestrial
palynomorphs (e.g. Callialasporites, Afropollis,
Steevesipollenites, Leptolepidites, Sergipea, Klukisporites,
Araucariacites, Verrucosisporites, Cicatricosisporites,
Araucariacites is the second most abundant genus of
the terrestrial palynomorphs. According to Doyle et al. (1982)
it is related to a tropically-centered group, which is found in
lowland deposits of the Early Cretaceous age. These authors
mentioned that an increase in aridity resulted in a decline of
Araucariacites abundance. This was also suggested by Arai
& Coelho (in press), who mentioned the fact that
Araucariacites is characteristic of humid and subtropical to
tropical climates. The genus shows a negative correlation
with Classopollis (-0,30), thus confirming this hypothesis.
PA4 contains the highest number of pteridophyte genera
with Cicatricosisporites and Cyathidites being the most
abundant. The fern spores have been largely related to humid
conditions, based on modern distributions of the
pteridophytes (Doyle et al., 1982; Lima, 1983; Arai & Coelho,
in press). Generally, high abundance of these spores is
recorded in nearshore environments (Hughes & MoodyStuart, 1967; Tschudy, 1969; Heusser & Balsam, 1977, Mudie,
1982; Tyson, 1993). The genera Cicatricosisporites and
Cyathidites have a negative correlation with Classopollis
and ephedroid pollen.
Afropollis is the most abundant angiosperm pollen genus
in the succession, although, it is recorded only in small
amounts. This genus has been interpreted as typical of arid
environments; however; just as the ephedroid group,
Afropollis was less tolerant to saline soil conditions (Doyle
et al., 1982). Afropollis also shows a negative correlation
with Classopollis (-0,24).
Four genera of dinocysts are found in PA4:
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Tanyosphaeridium, Circulodinium, Apteodinium, and
Odontochitina, with Apteodinium being the most abundant.
It has been interpreted as indicative of inner neritic
conditions (Wilpshaar & Leereveld, 1994), but others have
suggested it could be found in open marine environments
(Leckie et al., 1990). Like Cyclonephelium, the
Circulodinium species are found in different bathymetry
(shallow to middle neritic) (Lana, 1997), but they occur
mainly in restricted marine environments under stress
conditions. The other two genera are rare.
In this assemblage is included the only fresh-water
palynomorph found in the succession, the genus
Botryococcus. This genus is characteristic of fresh-water
lacustrine, fluvial, lagoonal and deltaic facies (Traverse, 1955;
Pocock, 1972; Herngreen et al., 1980; Batten & Lister, 1988;
Williams, 1992). According to Tyson (1995), the abundance
of Botryococcus in marine sediments is usually low.
The application of ecophases was first introduced by
Schuurman (1977), who defined as a recognizable step of the
successive development of (palynological) assemblages (in
Brugman et al., 1994). According to Brugman et al. (1994) the
ecophases are characterized by the distribution of
palynomorph taxa that reflect developments in the local
vegetation or phytoplankton communities.
The stratigraphic distribution of the palynological
assemblages allowed the definition of seven ecophases
(Appendix 1 and Figure 5). These are recognized in both
wells, but with some differences that are showed below in
Appendix 1.
recognizable in the data from palynological assemblages and
the ecophases, and forms the basis for the subdivision of the
succession into these major paleoenvironments. These two
paleoenvironments are subdivided into six events that were
mainly controlled by sea-level changes. The boundary
between the two major paleoenvironments is marked by the
first major transgression in the area.
The data confirm that the change from a brackish lagoon
to open marine environment was controlled by sea-level
during the deposition of the Muribeca Formation, and
dominantly by a progressive sea-level rise during the
beginning of the Riachuelo Formation deposition.
The succession studied in wells GTP-17-SE and GTP-24SE yielded a rich palynomorph assemblage, mainly
represented by terrestrial components. The marine
palynomorphs show high abundances in the upper part of
well GTP-24-SE. Preservation of the palynomorphs is variable,
ranging from moderate to well-preserved for the miospores
and from poorly to moderately well-preserved for the
The gymnosperms are the most abundant group, as a
consequence of the high abundances of the genus
Classopollis in well GTP-17-SE. In well GTP-24-SE a relatively
high abundance of marine palynomorphs is observed. Freshwater palynomorphs are rare.
The cluster analysis based on the abundance and
composition of all 68 palynomorph genera revealed four
superclusters, which represent different palynological
assemblages (PA). The stratigraphic distribution of these
assemblages allowed the definition of seven ecophases.
The Palynological Marine Index (PMI) curves confirm the
progressively increasing marine influence in the region.
However, the strong fluctuations of the curve reflect a
continuous terrestrial influx to the area.
The paleoenvironmental history is strongly marked by
the progressive late Aptian–middle Albian transgression into
the area. The data confirm that the change from a brackish
lagoon to open marine environment was controlled by sealevel during the deposition of the Muribeca Formation, and
dominantly by a progressive sea-level rise during the
beginning of the Riachuelo Formation deposition.
Palynological Marine Index (PMI)
The PMI curves of both wells show strong fluctuations
(see Figure 5). The index ranges from 100.0, where marine
palynomorphs are absent to 250.00 (in GTP-24-SE). This
fluctuation reflects the major (low PMI values) and minor
(high PMI values) influx in the area. However, in both curves
there is an increase in abundance of marine palynomorphs
upward. The average abundance in well GTP-24-SE is higher
(138.90) than in GTP-17-SE (122.90). Most peaks of the PMI
from both wells are related to an increase in abundance of
palynoforaminifera and/or Spiniferites. However, in well GTP17-SE some of these peaks are related also to the presence of
High values of PMI are found in ecophases where PA3 shows
moderate abundance (see Figure 5A). This is best observed in
well GTP-17-SE (ecophases 1 and 5). In well GTP-24-SE high
PMI values are also found in ecophases characterized by PA1
(e.g., ecophases 1, 4, 5 and 7) (see Figure 5B).
The paleoenvironmental reconstruction is based on an
integration of data from palynological assemblages and the
ecophases (Figure 5). The Aptian-Albian of the Sergipe Basin
is characterized by a transgressional trend. The transition
from a brackish lagoon to an open marine environment is
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Appendix 1. The identified ecophases of the wells GTP-17 and GTP-24.
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