Continuation during 2016-17
Continuation during 2016-17
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Department of F]efinance Head Office : BKC, Bandra (E), Mumbai -400 051 Tel. : +91 22 2652 4926 . FaDt : +91 22 2653 0090 E-mail : . Website : EE¥¥T===9T£2o23::oogo © ±-ha : aFde : giv ri.wl.tst3ir3IT)AlFng/ 3J NABARD S^lssl l'tl 4 / 2016-17 Ref.No.NB(DOR)/GSS/3l g /DEDS -4/ 2016-17 18 H$ 2016 `pr -1,8- May 2016 qitr d. f 2jsffi3fr3FT2±3 z 2016-17 Office Circular No.fjzs /DOR2<?/2016-17 3Tt:FT7 rfu faa3ET The Chairman/Managing Director HunH5givafiTGF# All Scheduled Commercial Banks HaPr eEL HTdr #/ ii5hiiithtli/ <i=q Hgiv air/ All RRBs/ADFCs/StcBs/SCARDBs -# All Scheduled Primary Urban Co-operative Banks enPr 3TFen mTfha 3TFPr uErfu # fha FTgiv Dear Sir an.„.3Ffin faim in {©] -faEEha al Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS)- Continuation of the Scheme for the 2016-17 a7 faT in 5T 5TTft I5aT financial year 2016-17 5F EFTir enT T3®TFTPla., 3id 3ftT Htlq T]TFT fatrm, ap riT-, a]iia HitF7TT apiTT nd RETTffi 3Tap We forward herewith a copy of Administrative Approval refer No.F No.1-1/2009-DP dated teat ri.TtF.i.1-1; 2009-an far 11 3irfu 2016 fl April 2016 rfu 8tGT Ta ¥. qF tr tr FEfrFT - aft aT Agriculture, issued by DAHD&F, Government of 11 Ministry India of for 2016-17 aT ap q,]qtirdqoi a5 3TTqS apiiT 3m]¥qiF implementation of Central Sector Scheme - DEDS FT aT #T # a. rd 2016-17 aT an EHaT faT , during 2016-17 for for your information. The 3iiia 5itFTT i 140.00 rfe aT aHE q5T tme[t7FT fin budget provision of Rs.140.00 cr has7 been made JFT a. by Government of India for 2016-17. qF in rty faEan ri 201 6-i 7 aT atIT 3T5qpr The scheme is open for the entire Financial Year an al 3ir tgiv di / fafrfu H qu en. Tgiv air a St]tirfaffa 8tT # Hmi=zTy3T5qfatT =F-i;idlfa i anTTfRE aT far qF rfu 01.05.2016 tl 31.07.2016 Effi EPr EflH Ffan EPr 3Trfu * faiT qu en 3flT 3FFT 3Trfu aT an # aT FEFT qT 2016-17 in respect of SC States/Sikkim. As Category and regards, NER General/ST beneficiaries in the Non-NER/Sikkim region, the scheme is open only for period of 03 months i.e. from. 01.05.2016 to 31.07.2016 and the loan TffiTa±aleda± Gaon Badhe Toh Desh Badhe applications received by the banks during the qTca apT 3TTaF (ch aitT * fry fa5T 7iTr ¥) rfu above period (which are sanctioned later) are aT agiT tlfan * far tin an 3fl{ fRE EPr 3t]i]&]i]T * 3mm qT 5fRE nd EPr an. eligible under the scheme and subsidy will be released subject to availability of funds under the scheme. FTTTffi 3Tap aT HTaT wi rfu aT fa3TrfHQfr Other aT 3]=q q5i53ff qFT qraa fin aiaT a, annexed to the Administrative Approval has to be aspects of the followed. rfe¥FTrfu (aT€ " xp) F HFrfe fro: qthH Wuffi (Y N Reddy) General Manager Encls : as above Scheme Guidelines as Sft F.No.1-1/2009-DP Government of India Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Lepartment of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheri Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Datedthe Subject: - llthApril,2016 Administrative Approval for implerrientation f`f CeriiTa.i Sector Scheme "DAIRY ENTREPRENE'uT`Srii+ ijE`v.ELOPMENT SCHEME" during 201617. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM No 1-1/09-DP dated 9th September`, 2010 conveying first administrative for Central Sector Scheme "DAIRY ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPM.ENT SCHEME (DEDS)" implementation during 12th Plan and,last`administrative approval issued vide letter No 1-1/09-PP dated _ I-'t!.,``'-.i -.-.-: i , 10th AprH 2015 and to convey administrative approval for continuation of DEbs`s;he~in.e.. +.`- for the financial year 2016-17, during 12th Five Year Plan. 2. Objectives of the scheme • to generate Self-employment and provide infrastructure for dairy sector; • to set up modern dairy farms and irifrastructure for production of clean milk; • to encourage heifer cal`f rearing for conservation arid development of good • breeding stock; to bring structural changes in the unorganized sector, so that initial processing of • milk can be taken up at the village level; to upgrade traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale and • to provide value addition to milk through proce.ssing and production of milk products. lmplementing Agency and Area of Operation The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) will be the nodal agency for implementation of BEDS scheme in all the States and UTs throughout the country. 4. Outlaysofthescheme There is budget provision of Rs 140.00 crore during the year 2016-17, which includes Rs 110.00 crore under MH2404 (General Component), Rs 17.00 crore under M.H2404 (SC Component) and Rs 13.00 crore under MH 2552 (North Eastern Region). Page 1 of 6 t ;,o:tii`;`i9!`;:j:,:I?i::._a.a s.`.¥pJ.'a-.I,?..:``:;`,;',", V`m', 06h;:i!.t:I.;.;.a:i.a._n'"```' I-.`! I 5. Components that can be financed, indicative unit cost and pattern of assistance are given below: S.NoI ComponentEstablishment of Unit Cost Pattern of Assistance Rs 6.00 lakh small dairy units with for 10 animal crossbred cows/ unit -minimum indigenous descriptmilchcowslikeSahiwal,RedSindhi,GirRath`ietc/ unit size is 2 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC ,' ST farmers), as back ended capital subsidy. Subsidy shall be restricted on animals with an prorata basis to a maximum of upper limit of 10 animals subject to a ceiling 10 animals. of graded buffaloesupto10animals. ( for Rs.15,000 per. animal, (Rs.20,000 for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. Beneficiaries may purchase animals of higher costs, 'n.owever, the subsidy will be SHGs, Cooperatives societies , Prod`ucerCompanies unit size`wiiI7be2-1.oanimal,s. ,perinein.b`er)`~ .restricted to the Lab'6Ve`+- ceilings.25%of the project cost (33.33 ij Rearing of heifer Rs 5.30 lakh calves -cross bred, for 20 calf unit . I % for SC / ST farmers) as indigenous descript -with an upper mi!ch breeds of cattleandofgradedbijffaloes-upto20calves 'limit of 20 calvesI back ended capital subsidy. Subsidy shall be restricted on prorata basis to a ma`^`!mum of 20 calf unit subject to a ceiling of Rs.6,600/- per calf (Rs.8,800- for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower.25%oftheprojectcost(33.33 iii ' Vermi compost with Rs 22,000/-,I % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy milch animal unit ( to be considered with milch animals/smalldairyfarmandnotseparately) subjec-t to a ceiling of Rs 5,500/- (Rs 7300/- for SC/ST farmers} or actual whichever ls lower.25°/oof the project,cost (33.33 iv Purchase of milking inachines I Rs 20 lakh /mi!kotesters/bulk milk cooling units(upto5000litcapacity) % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 5.0 lakh (Rs 6.67 lakh for SC / STfa,rmers)oractualwhicheverls lower. Page 2 of 6 Minls!,ry Agricu!turo v Purchase of dairy Rs 13.20 lakh 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC/ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 3.30 Iakh (Rs 4.40 lakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 6.625 lakh (Rs 8.830 lakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is processingeqiLi pment formanut-actureofindigenousmilkproducts vi Establishment ofdairyproducttransportationfacilitiesandcoldchain Rs 26.50 lakh vii Cold storage facilities Rs 33 Iakh ( for milk and nlilk 'IJrr`. , lower. I 25% of the project cost (33.33 01^-€^r C±r\_ back ended< capital I I__ i` r` . . . -..- productsa subsidy siibject to a ceiling of Rs 8.25 lakh (Rs 11.0 lakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. Establishment of private veterinaryclinics viii III Rs 2.60 lakh and Rs 2.0 Iakh 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy for stationary subjec`t for mobile clinic clinic , to a ceiling of Rs 65,000/- and Rs 50,000/- (Rs 8?,600/- and Rs 66,600,J- for SC/ST respectively for mobile and stationary clinics or actual whichever is lower. ix II Dairy marketing outlet / Dairy parlour Rs 1.0 lakh/- 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 25,000/-(Rs 33,300/for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. ote:- The subsidy amount will be rounded off to the nearest-100----REd6€ie5S. Beneficiaries may submit project proposals without any limit. However, the back ended capit_al subsidy under the scheme will be restricted to the above ceilings. The Banks will verify the costs of components admissible under the sclheme based on the cost norms notified by NABAFRTj. Page 3 of 6 I i{ . c . p.r^.T R '+.? er Secretary vt. of india istry ofAgricij!ture t. rjf A.. i-I. D-. a Fig.heries Krishi Bhawan, N@w I)e!nl Eligible Beneficiaries i) Farmers, Individual Entrepreneurs and Groups of Unorganized and Organized Sector. Group of organized sector, includes Self-Help Groups on behal.f of their members, Dairy Cooperative Societies, Milk unions on behalf of their members, Milk federation, Panchayati Raj lrlstitutions (PRls) etc.are eligible under the scheme. ii) An appiicant will be eligible to avail assistance for all components under the scheme but only once for each comporient. ` iii) More than one member of a family can be assisted under the scheme Provided they set up separate units with separate infrastructure at different locations. The distance between the boundaries of two such farms should be at least 500 in. 7. Pattern of Assistance . a) Back ended capital subsidy @ 25% of the project cost for general category JL : r,|an`d .©+€3.€33`.%.-for -SC/ST-farmers`. The component-wise subsidy;,will. +``L-3` i;u'`-i.'^.;'- b) be slJbject tc indicative cost arrived at by NABARD from time to time. Entrepreneur contribution (Margin) for loans beyond Rs.1 lakh* -10% of proj.ect cost (Minimum) a C) Baf*ksLu°b::ci :oa:annyc:e::s:i:nin RB| guideHnes3` L 8. Financial Institutions eligible for re-finance underthe scheme~ a. Cominercial Banks b. Regional, RIJra!` and urban Banks C. State Cooperative Banks a. State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks: and e. Such other institutions, which are eligible for refinance from NABARD 9. Linkage with credit Assistance under the scheme shall be purely credit linked and subject to sanction of the Project by eligible financial institutions and as per the guidelines of the scheme enclosed herewith. 10. Priorities: NABARD should work in close liaison with the State Governments and UTs so that the proposals on priority basis in cluster mode may be implemented. NABA.RD may also instruct to banks to give priority to projects being implemented in cluster mode farmers/in/omen in SHGs, Cooperatives and Producer Companies including creation of facilities of processing, value addition and marketing of milk produced in the cluster mode. Page 4 of 6 49rlQ,Jjtt'rg c[Itt. of A. H. D-. a Fi+;-he-rle3 V-,.-L€^, 11. NABARD shaH furnish a monthly progress report to DAHD&F, regarding proposals received and sanctioned; farmers / entrepreneurs benefited; including Scheduled Caste(SC),ScheduledTribes(ST)&Womenmembers;component-wisedetailsof fund release; funds sanctioned and recovery of loan. 12. It may be ensured that 16.2% of the funds targeted for SC farmers/ beneficiaries under Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) as per the directives of Ministry Of Finance. 13. This administrative approval for continuation of the scheme during 2016" is issued with approval of Joint Secretary (C&DD) of the Department of Animal Husbandry;Dairying&FisheriesvideDyNo616/JS(CDD)datedll.04.2016 Unc!er Secfei-ar>. `..'¥;Goyt. of lr!dia DeF%':nj;t{?:{3?Tic:.i.:,7,reef,,9s Ki.ishi' Btiawan, New I:16;hj Page 5 of 6 Distribution: 1. Principal Accounts Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying,16, Akbar Road Hutments, New Delhi-110011. 2. The Accountant General, Commerce, Works and Miscellaneous, AGCR Building, Near ITO, New Delhi-110002. 3. Chief Controller of Accounts, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. 4. Advisor (Agriculture), Nm AAYOG, New Delhi. 5. Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, Deptt. of Animal Husbandry & Dairying , Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. 6. Chief General .Manager.,' Department of Refinance , NABARD, C-24, `G' Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai -400 051 7. Joint Secretary (Admn.), Room No.199, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. `. A^u-'`-:"'-t':-``. I ..8.Black,NewDeihi.+ .Joi`nt LSTecre!.€ry {PF-li), 'Ministry of Finance, Department of__Expenditure, North +-```f-+`~`Tfl`...`-. , S c 9. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, Banking Operation and Adniinistration Division, Room No.6, 3rd Floor, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi. 10.Chairman, NDDB, P.B.No.40, Anand 388001. 11.All State Governments, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying. 12. MD, Milk -Federation, States/ UTs 13. Technical Director, NIC ( With a request to Include the Administrative approval in website of the Department ) Copy for information to: PPS to Secretary (AHD&F) PPS to AS &FA PPS to AHC PS to JS (C&DD)/ Dir (DD)/Dir ( Budget)/DC(DD)t'US {Fin)t' AC (DD)/AO( Budget) . PS to JS(AN'LM)/Ps to JS(LH) Undersecretarytothei€u€;.# REndhf Secretary "'Govt, of lridia Mlnistry of Agriciilture Deptt. of A. H. D. G. F!€in€r!es •:<rishi Bhawa!`, N®w ,I Page 6 of 6 GUIDELINES FOR DAIRY ENTREPNEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT SCHEME FOR IMPLEMENTATION DURING THE 12TH FIVE YEAR PLAN. 1. Background H The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries is jmplementing Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) since 01.09.2010 with the objective of generating self employment opportunities in the dairy sector, covering activities such as enhancement of milk production, procurement, preservation, transportation, processing and marketing of milk, by providing back ended capital subsidy for bankable projects. The scheme is being implemented by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). 1.2 DEDS scheme has received overwhelming respoiise fran dairy entrepreneurs across the country. Considering the contn.bution made by the scheme in providing livelihood opportunities and gainful employment to smaH and marginal farmers and dairy entrepreneurs, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the continuation of DEDS scheme with an outlay of Rs 1400 crores during the 12t'T Five Year Plan. ( 2. Objecti`Jes of the scheme • to generate self-employment and provide infrastructure for dairy sector; • to set up modern dairy farms and infrastructure for production of clean milk; • to encourage heifer calf rearing for conservation and development of good breeding • stock; to bring structural changes jn the unorganized sector, so that initial processing of milk • can be taken up at the village level; to upgrade traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale and • to provide value addition to milk through processing and production of milk products. \, 3. Implementing Agencyand Areaofoperation The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) will be the nodal agency for implementation of DEDS scheme in aH the States and UTs throughout the Country. 4. Outlays of the scheme and implementation Period The Planning Commission has allocated an amount of Rs 1400 crores for DEDS scheme for 12th Five Year Plan for implementatjon of the scheme throughout the Country. Eligible Beneficiaries Farmers, Individual Entrepreneurs and Groups of Unorganized and Organized Sector are eligible under DEDS. Group of organized sector, includes Self-Help Groups on behalf of their members, Dairy Cooperative Societies, Milk unions on behalf of their members, Milk federation, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRls) etc. Page 1 of 8 f.'(.c.p¢TP,,`,? Und3TS€.3itf,iar}. •GoV,.. a,. `r,Jig _ .',,I o{Agr{c`|i.tu.r3 Min`,St,y i:-,`f:.t'r;:.#@F"¥,::,i:6 B'`8wh,Sn' An applicant will be eligible to avail assistance for all components under the scheme, but only once for each compor,ent. However, more than one member of a family can 5.2 be assisted under the scheme provided they set up separate units with separate infrastructure at different locations. The distance between the boundaries of two such farms should be at least 500 in. Priority shall be given to proj.ects being implemented in a cluster mode covGring dairy farmers/V\fomen in SHGs, Cooperatives and Producer Companies including creation 5.3 of facilities of processing, value addition and marketing of milk produced in the cluster. Pattern of Assistance a) Back ended capital subsidy @ 25% of the project cost for general category and @ 33.33 % for SC/ST farmers. The comporient-wise subsidy ceiling will be subject to indicative cost arrived at by NABARD from time to time. b) Entrepreneur contribution (Margin) for loans beyond Rs.1 iakh* -10% of the project cost (Minimum) ``6) Bank Loan`-Baranc6--pd'rtio`h .r -```" [* Subject to any revision in P`BI guidelines] 7. Financial Institutions eligible for re-finance under the scheme a. Commercial Banks b. Regional Rural and Urbar, Banks c. State Cooperative Banks • d. State cooperative Agriculture and'Rural Development Banks: and e. Such other institu.tions, which are eligible for refinance from NABARD 8. Linkage with credit Assistance under the scheme shall be purely credit lirlked and subject to sanction of the Project by eligibie financial institutions mentioned at para 7above. 9. Sanction of project by banks (Financial Institutions): 9.1 The entrepreneurs will prepare a project as per norms of the scheme and submit to the Bank for sanction of the project. The bank shall appraise the project as per the administrative approval issued by DADF from time to time and if found eligible, sanction the total outlay excluding the margin, as a bank loan. The loan aniount shall be disbursed in suitable installments depending on the progress of the unit. After the disbursement of the first installment of the loan, the finaricial institution /bank shall apply to the concerned Regional Office of NABARD for sanction and release of subsidy amount. 9.2 All the financing banks shall be required to forward their subsidy claims through their controlling office to the concerned NABARD Regional Office within two months of disbursement of first installment of the bank loan. {.rf`,a,.PbTF;h::,. li::ic;:r;i,i,:,``:-f: I..-.::,.::J':,.ag.f.r!5:;i`--ij*#s Page2of8 Project Sanctionjng Committee (PSC) 10. Project Sanctioning Committee (PSC) of NABARD Regional Office shaH consider proposals forwarded by the concerned financial institutions/banks and approve the subsidycasesofeligibleapplicantswithinonemonthofreceiptoftheproposals. 11. Releaseofsubsidy 11.1 Government of India win release funds in advance to NABARD to meet the committed / anticipated liabilities towards the claims received by them and funds will be recouped after balance comes below a certain level. The funds win be utilized by NABARD for providing back ended capital subsidy to eligible beneficiaries through financing banks, as per their subsidy claims. 11.2 After sanction of the subsidy by the PSC, the Regional Office :of NABARD shall release the subsidy amount, after confirming the availability of funds from NABARD Head Office. The subsidy shaH be released on first come first serve basis subject to availability of fuiids allocated to the States/UTs. 11.3. Ali the financing banks.shaH be required to kept the subsidy amount in "Subsidy Reserve Fund Account (Borrower-wise) in books of the financing' and'".-;!''` `-' adjust the subsidy amoilnt in the subsidy reserve fund account of the beneficiary within seven days of the receipt of subsidy from NABARD. In case the subsidy is not adjusted to the subsidy reserve fund account of the beneficiary within seven days of the receipt, the financing bank shaH be liable to compensate the beneficiary to the extent of the additional int6rest charged. { 11.4 After the receipt of subsidy from NABARD, the controlling office of the financing bank/ InstitutionT shall submit a utilization certificate to the effect that the amount has been credited to the reserve fund accoiint of the beneficiary alongwith details of the beneficiary. This certificate should be submitted to the concerned NABARD Regional Ot-fice within fifteen days of the receipt of subsidy. •-12. Rate oflnterestapplicable on the loan amountunderthescheme Rate of interest on loans shall be as per P`Bl guideliries and the declared policy of the concerned bank. The bank may charge interest on the entire loan amount, until the subsidy portion is received; and from the date of the receipt of the subsidy, interest shaH be charged only on the effective bank loan portion i.e. bank loan minus subsidy. Time limit for Completion of the project Time limit for completion of the project (except for calf rearing units where disbursements are expected to continue upto two years) would be as envisaged under the project, subject to a maximum period of 9 months from the date of disbursement of the first installment of loan. This maximum period may be extended by 3 months in caseswherejustificationprovidedbythebeneficiaryisfoundadequatebythefinancing bank. p^TF;A-.i Page 3 Of 8 -'V-... *t`.ni:+.iy.i{.%g.r.ici::..:;:i:::`:35 D&i.i:i:'B:.a'J.a.!``,.ire..`j.L~'¢':a.I 13.2 ln case, the project is not completed within the stipulated period, benefit of subsidy wi 11 not be available; the advance subsidy placed with the participating bank, if any, shall be refunded to NABAF.D. 14. Security/Surety 14.1 Security for availing the loan be as perthe guidelines issued by RBI from time to time. 14.2 The beneficiary contribution of 10% shall not be required for loans less than Rs.1 Iakh or any amount as specified in the RBl guidelines, as revised from time to time. 14.3 Kisan credit cards (KCC) may be used foravailing loans underthe scheme, subject to RBI guidelines. 15. Repayment 15.1. Repayment Period will vary between 3-7 years depending on the nature of the activity and cash flow. Grace period may range from 3 to 6 months in case of dairy farms to 3 years for calf rearin,g units (to be decided by the finar.cing bank.--as per- needs of individual proj-ect;). 15.2 The recovery of the loan will be based on the net loan amount only. Subsidy sha!I be adjusted by the concerns.d bank after the net bank loan (Bank loarl minus subsidy) and interest thereon has been repaid. 15.3 Repayment Schedules shall be drawn on the total bank loan taken in a manner that the subsidy amount is adjusted after liquidation of the net bank loan (excluding subsidy). 16. Adjustment of subsidy 16.1 I Capital subsidy will be back ended (adjusted agairist last few installments of repaymerlt of the bank loan) with a minimum lock-in period of 3 years, ana. shall be refunded if the account becomes a Non Performing Account (NPA). 16.2 The subsidy amount will be kept in "Subsidy Reserve Fund Account (Borrower-wise) in books of the financing institution/bank. No interest shall be payable on this amount. 17. Monitoring Mechanism 17,1 Project §anctioning Committee (PSC): PSC set up at NABARD Regional Offices shall monitor and review the progress of the scheme on quarterly basis. The participating banks shall conduct periodic inspections of the units and give a feedback to the PSC. 17.2 Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC): Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) set up under Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (DD) with representatives of NABARD, concerned Banks and State Secretaries-in-charge of AH&D of four States, on rotational basis for a period of two years, will monitor and review progress of implementation of the Scheme, at regular intervals. 17.3 The State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) and District Level Bankers Comrrlittee (DLBC) shall review and monitor the Scheme in the concerned State at regular intervals. Page 4 of 8 -aa€,§.,S.? cter :'p,r,r€.t::Try o', ,ric\',a wiin`¥l?;`;.i-An:ric`:\.`:suh':r`es 17.4 Units set up under the scheme will be monitored by conduetjng field visits on a sample basis by NABARD and major observations shall be placed before th.e PSC for c!iscussion. In case the observation is such that needs to be brought to the attention of JMC, NABARD shall do so. 17.5 NABARD shall furnish a monthly progress report to DAHD&F, regarding proposals received and sanctioned; farmers / entrepreneurs benefited; including SC, ST & Women members; component-wise details of fund release; funds sanctioned and recovery of loan in the format enclosed at Annexure I. 18. Other conditions: 18.1 Empowered Committee under the Chairmanship of.Secretary (ADF) will have discretion to modify indicative unit cost, based on inp`uts from NABARD. 18.2 As per directives of Planning C`bmmission, a Separate budgetary provision has been made in the Scheme for SC farmers/beneficiaries under the Special Component plan fo.r Scheduled Castes (SCP-SC) and for North Eastern States in BE 2013-14. 18.3 DAHD&F reserves the right to mo'dify, .add :and--delete any term:s -:/ c6`riditi-o`ing ' 'with6-dt-.."+ assigning any reasons arid the Department's interpretation of various terms will be final. Further, the Department reserves the right to recaH any amount given under the scheme without assigning any reason thereof 18.4 Surpirise inspection shall be undeiiaken by DAHD&F to assess the physical and financial progress of the projects. 18.5 NABARD would be provided funds equivalent to 3.5% of the subsid`/ disbursed per year for Administrative expenses (jnc!uding monitoring and evaluation, of the 3.5% provided as Administrative Expenses,1% wiM be spent by NABARD oil Publicity of the Scheme) subject to the ceiling of Rs.6 cr`ore per year 18.6 NABARD shaH er,sure adequate publicity of the scheme throughou-i the country to ensure that the benefits of the scheme are availed by all eligible beneficiaries.. Publicity charges will be restricted to 1% of subsidy disbursed in a year. Special attention will be . given to the North Eastern States to sensitize potential benefic!.aries. 18.7 Other operational instructions issued by DAHD&F / NABARD from time to time will be stric{!y adhered to. 18.8 NABARD would provide refinance assistance to commercial banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Schedule Commercial Banks (SCBs), State Cooperative Agric.ulture and Rural Development Banks (SCARDBs) and other such eligible institutions. Quantum and rate of interest on refinance will be as decided by NABARD from time to time. 18.9 A signboard displaying "Assisted under DEDS by Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries, Government of India through NABARD" will be exhibited at the unit funded uncle.r DEDS. Page 5 of 8 Gavt. Cf o&,;:i:,;:;,::A:a3t.3,;:rt:`,;i:,.*t+:i::.:,:s 19. Components that can be financed, indicative unit cost and pattern of assistance are given below: S.No Component II Establishment dairy Pattern of Assistance Unit Cost 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC for 10 animal / ST farmers), as back ended capital Rs 6.00 lakh of small units with cross b red subsidy. Subsidy shall be restricted on cows/ unit indigenous descript minimum milch cows like Sahiwal, unit size is 2 Red Sindhi, Gir, Rathi animals with I etc / graded buffaloes an upto 10 animals limit Note: ln SHGs, societies , the case of Cooperatives upper of 10 animals.?i...I;,-i:`:.:i,.--i,-T:-'`:ii?:ri+}:;`.+.2:.I i-I,----:,i...,ti: lower Beneficiaries may purchase animals of higher costs, .however, the subsidy will be restricted to the above ceilings. ProducerCompaniestheunitsizewillbe2-10animalsper!Lr'.,._` •ri;in,-ber.) prorata basis to a maximum of 10 animals subject to a ceiling of Rs.15,000 per animal, (Rs.20,000 forSC/STfarmers)oractualwhicheverls .., i i;-i,-----,.,` `,` .*`'.--< ,.-`~?--,-, . . -. i-.^-`` -Rearing of heifer calves ii( 'iiiI 25% of the project cost (33L33 % for SC -cross bred, indigenous for 20 calf / ST farmers) as back ended capital descript milch breeds of unit - with subsidy. Subsidy shall be restricted on upper prorata basis to a maximum of 20 calf cattle and of graded an 20 unit subject to a ceiling of Rs.6,600i'buffaloes - upto 20 limit of calves calves per calf (Rs.8,800 for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. . Rs 5.30 lakh mi[ch 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital lsubsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs animals/small dairy farm 5,500/- (Rs 7300/- for SC/ST farmers) Vermi compost with Rs 22'000/- milch animal unit ( to be coiisidered with and not separately ) iv Purchase-of I or actual whichever i.s lower, milking machines /mil kotesters/bulk milk cooling units (upto 5000 lit capacity) V Purchase of . dairy Rs processing equipment Iakh fo r in an ufactu re of indigenous milk products vi Establishment product 25% of the proj.ect cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended Capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 5.0 lakh (Rs 6.67 Iakh for SC /. ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. 13.20 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC/ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 3.30 lakh (Rs 4.40 Iakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. 26.50 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 6.625 I Rs 20 lakhI of dairy transportation Rs lakhI facilities and cold chain :ji`o;jTt:;oe:ji::i;i.:;:;,%L\::5age6°f8 th.`r`.`SftrhY Dep}t.L`.,"dt`awat`l vii Cold storage facilities forMilkandMilkProductsEstablishmentofprivate Rs 33 lakhRs2.60lakh viii lakh (Rs 8.830 lakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 8.25 Iakh (Rs 11.0 lakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower. 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC veterlnary clinicsDairymarketing outlet /Dairyparlorcj` for mobileclinicandRs2.0IakhforstationaryclinicRs1.0lakh/-:. .: +- I / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 65,000/- anc! Rs 50,000/- (Rs 86,600/- I and Rs 66,600/- for SC/ST farmers) respectively for mobile and stationary clinics or actual whichever is lower. 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back endedocapital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 25,000/I(Rs. 33.,300/-' for : SC-/§T farmers) or actual whichever is lower. XI Note:- The subsidy amount will be rounded off to the nearest 100----Rupees. I__-_' Beneficiaries -`,''`,`'`,`u'.`,+,.,''CrlJ' may S.u^bh::^Pr`:i::,°tL_Pr3_P_°LS=!S__:i.tfio,rtan:y!imit.Hgivever,thebackeniei-=irit-;I-s;.;:;;;u;;ie';`tah'e S.CAP::^en^W!l+I.b^e.:_S::ILO,t_e?.._t_:_t_h.:aio.reme.ntio;iJ`5;`iii;ni:-i;:.ui;:n;sup:;i'%;utyheu''cuoC:t:"oof cdimponentsedmissibleundertheschemebasedonthe:ostri;r;:-;;iifi.:i.;;iv';ii-Ri. AgT'„,,±`,t._u,:: Ogg`;:.:`;;'a:::.aA%::Tit::,`:`i:,i:,n3`S Page 7 of 8 0'I-# -I aE< Ea::E -II I -f=IaE< I -IJ a-aI- -I=aE< 0a' =iI#iJ -,-'fEJ •'1 cO®Id0-®I .aIcO -=IaE< II -II II OnaI-a =a, -I 0E< I I®I)acO -aaIcOI0-d0a.d I -f=I I I -I aE< I E9 II i I -aaZ -IJ £9 I -EIaE< I cOEa`i=td®:%E -IJ !5f I II 6£ ` ¥i}i:h#\`` tFT. d. 1-1;2Oog-an ; -~" `':a ,{`ufa:,i'{.±i:,its 8TTH giv ri fin q5EFT fiirm qQ®TtrTFT, 3qft Sit D c EI a farm Eftr 8FT, * fan far 11 3Tid, 2016 iaH:- a+ 2Oi6-17 * aha aFgiv dr rfu zin - `RE 3ap3rm farm zha' q} ndrffro i:Fd * fir q3TRliaE 3T5rful 3Ttiferfu a± ftaSu_9 faFFFT., .29] o a; F.faa]iTT # ffTqttTIT iTm d. * 3FT` i2at rfuT .aT -{±}±FT a;ffirq dr ft lhaiaT - "RE 3FT3Prffiit ifro rfu' (apfro-j" aT qqq H3± erap;FT aT 55FTi± qFT 3ife fgiv io 3TRE, 2015 aT qT rfu 1-i709-gt.TIT. aT aT{T nd ffu 7Tu 3ifin g3TTffi 3F ffl that aa air i2at ± thFT * ap faFEha al 2016-„ * fir 3giv rfu al an Ted aT fir q3TTffi 3Tap RE ffl fH3T g3IT FI 2.----3tr*_3ELTELq _qj{l_fill • ed aiFT qua 3flir gqft dr al 3TTur3F aiiIT 3tTa€€T • FFis gr 3E[[Tap aT fir 3TTt.]fatF RE rd 3ir ap qu3ft a EqTqIT| • rfe q=ri ajFT a fir i:;Far ai5gT Traa * dra]uT Sir faffl Err riF5TFi • 3Ttriiin dr # rfeTEHg ffipfa aiaT fRE far rm RT qT IT€Tfha Ir rfe{uT rfu a Hail • aprmftr Fat qT Ir qfr ;;fa3FT ed * fir qTiqitr titdTca i} 3T5aF i;IaT 3iri • gq 3FqTar aT 3FTTaa 3fli: qtii-gi{T g3tT qFT ]Fq gil ffiTaTi '-f -I I-`-```-I-. ' I- : in;=€:Tfi Tan 3it Trffaifi aFT dr- a3T aT giv wlr 3it{ ch 3rriin q±3ff * `gqa 3an3rm farm rfu (airm) q} ndrfir ed * far ;{Tqu ap 3it HT7in ifro air (aT*) 5ha un dri 4. rfuFTEFTat 2Oi6-17 # arFT 140.00 a;:;ng wi FT qfflrm ffa 7iqT fRE ilo.00 rfe ed q7RI2404 (qTffl=q q€ap 17.00 rfe wh qH qu 2404 ( 3ir 13.00 rfe wh qupq 2552 (gil air) aT aEa Hf± ai \,,I#.ti. C,tTtH'rfu-JTFT,Ja3Pr fflJTa qq.t=r an ~rf fflTFT3RT qETTaT aft th RE fir 7TET a-tingTTFT H t]ri•), -i.`-`.`. io q-3.I at aT a¥Teer .igr :HRE, LS. „FT . ,F *FT:ap. Ii+-+++++-+-++ gr rm an HTgiv, is fan, 7flT ua fair 6..oo tina aTJTa ed ffl 25% fflia.J..]^ (33.33%) .` Harfu a; fRE * fir)I qfa qQ.T 15,000 5 aPr an q{ EEqrfuyife ffl aT ITap ft 3TTFT 10 io q3.T3# a; qan=qra 3m]iT qT Hftr io tTQi EFT ng 3qlt tr3®T ft Effltri iPr F2TTtffl tQHdi HrfuHire,3EqT5F -- 2 q?®TI ii a aTfar :ai.fflrfu aT fir 20,Ooo rty 0~ 3TqaT iffi © 2-10 tT?oT ff) wh add ffl qTFT- 5fedst en! t.` , ch aft q5q ai an]Tth SEE tHi]]iT---ql cr3.ffi , a=T-,`...#qi,-. a5T ITed. .¥ _qTfr 5i=PIEr fl 3i=aaH th . eni*€u*quEfanaTFT#. 2o ap * ffl rfu ffl 5tTTF REaT±QPrffl7haaj3fl{ aT far 5.30 fflTia rm FTa- 2o. rfu7 ® a ife an- 20 ai5F Erg a5E EPr3iEfflgil faTF)I cn 25% (33.33% Hat .` fRE * 20 tT3®uta; firHixpfl 3=Faq tiiiFT 6,6oo ed q€TFitT 3iit]iT FT HfH rfu a.EEgT ` an( .a enfa7 ®` €]FTrfu # fir 8,800 wl) . 3T2]qT al ch 5FT aiRE€uis5fanaTFT* ffl7Ta iii gr T3.T ft aT ITapfanEta( 22,000 F. aft 25% (33.33% 3T5.rfur3T=. 5at # ',..` , fat) 3qaq gil 5,500 F.(.ng.rfu/3T5.aarfu*fat7,30'0ap3Trmal8frFTall Ia;#aT7Ta q?Jal,ap -3qlt nd, *ITqfaiFTrfu,3iFT-3TFTaF) iv gr finri EPrHQffizgr.qltf iJquH?iregiv(5OootinEPr8Trmf i) 1FT 20 an F. aft 25% (33.33% 3T5.fflia/3T5.carfu a fat) 3gqtT=]:I gil 5.0 aTg ed (3T5.any3T5.5aan aT fat 6.67 tFTE F.) 3Trm a vl a3Pr Ir 3EqTa a=frfuaTfairrm3qan'fflRT.t,..I--....'rf. ch gil ffl ala¥-FJ*HfREr=# I ai7ia 13.20 rna F.--`.a-.-`-.-., ffl 25% (33.33% 3+g.rfuy3T5.arfu ¥ fat) 3=qaH th7:IT 3.30 ama ed (3T=.fflfar3T5.::fflrfu # far 4.40 fflH F.) 3+-.2jffl_+ al#chtfflE±' and ae 3RT qRapEqiRT3itQPrETHgivftEqrm I 26.50 RE F. vi RE-F]* Hian FTFT25%(33.33%3T5.rfe;3T5.aat aT fat] th;;iFT 3in 6.625 aTF ap (3T5.fflfi+y3T¥.gr:Trfu aT fir 8.830 F!FF.)3TanaalffiFTall*#aFTtT vii• |T?`,-;i-.i gr .th gr 3EqTa aT•ap.;;~QfTaaiBFTa?.3.:,i=!.``.``.,,r-.I.,..aqtTEar 33 RE F. RE€u33 Hiae FTqFT25%(33.33%3T5.fflfa73T5.Farfu * fir). ~3=aaH gil...i 8.25 {aTa `~ed (3T=.rfur3]I.€ aT fat 11.0 aTE F.) 3Trm Vlll ca q3.ffiffl±rfuF2TTqffl al 3Pr ffl a!.a¥€u395ian*FT* trmar25%(33.33%3]g.rfez3T5.afflfaa; rfu .-afair2.60REF.3fr{E2]TthFtfrfatFa;fir2aned fat) 3=qa]T rfu F. 65,000 3fl{ 50,000 F(3T=.fflfay3T=.5arfua;fRE#firfair86,600/-i.3fl{66,6Ooj-F.)FT3T: rfu 3it{ Eat ix 3qlt 3an rm qTdr faTTUFT 1.0 tT,H F. . 3TqtIT chrfuFTctiaiF-apHi=PlarSFTaaT7Haft25%(33.33%3T5.rfe73T5.aan* fan:- ti=FTst qnd§T loo F. a; faraFEffl ixp fl rmi tFTrmff qftrfu qFaTa fin fRE th * Grin qF{ ut ¥i qrfu ri-=rm S aEiT as-ife giv Hfan 3EEtFT dr ETE irfe]jfaiH eni nd Ii{T 3TiaEfin:I ai7ra fRE FT 3mrfu ha * a¥a Fat Tat Efr trm al ffi ifr qHTfin iRT givl q" rfu:1. fin fan 3an 3ir rferfu aan 5i:rrftr dr # 5nI (5Trfir 8=tr HH * 3ri HciEIf Efr` a{tF a Eaq qFT:;q:aT`HH: 3an Eriffiqr-Ham, 3Tqa ap # FIT g ¥:¥ tr, gJq [Hgiv, qrmtfi: {iH qqFq ap 3nffro ¥) Ir rfu # 3Tat qTT ¥! 2. 3T8=qrfu char * 3irfu H3fr gad a; far qgFTIT qTCF ed ffl in Ein Effi uFatF qzF aT fir p5 all HqutIT 5TFT a5T givi 3. qff qftr # uF a 3Tis qFT Ir din g dirfu iafin F9rd qT 3Tan Erf Sir liFT gfaqTa aii} q} EqTfin qrd. a; fat qgiqaT qTq qFT qrd gi Ir HiFT * a rmffi a; rfu fl ap a=H ti i;FT 500 fi. aEal FTtri ( ..: .-,.-.. = .,.. 7 -. HETan-FT.qE±~`... __`` ` ..i,. `t,``.,i,..i:, i.,,j|`,.i ap rmq rm S fir qRET@;IT arm ffl 25% aF€u* iran tiin * FT # 3ir 3TFgiv fflfaJ3T5giv aaffi aT fi;ian aT fir 33.33%i qzF aTT HiRE anT apT} gTIT RE-qqq aFT ± anra EPr 3TJ qT an! E) 1 fflq ed a 3ifflE apT aT fai!-3an dtiTap (FTffa)* -qRrfu arm fl i0% (ffl a ffl) FT) # FT-Sty rm [aTTgiv Rtri # a; fa3ITf¥Qff # 53fr€FT Ear 3T* qq 8. rfu aT aEa Ia: iafa tin dr TIT faEEha de2rm iT - aTi@5ffi RE a - aEL, HTgiv 3ife QTFfr # FT - rm, Hidr H5rd # tT - {T5H qF;]Frfu EPr 3fiT rfu RE 3fl{ 9. - giv 3iffl 5RE ch nd an gFT: iaFa in rfu tTFT ¥i¥aH©riqu:a5ifaFTaapan3itt"fREdermap qf{=al[{]aT aT rty giv 3ir ±]HFT aT ITH dr7F i±QTffi€Qff a; diE5iT ani 10. "tiffiRE- aTrd qfr rna gTnd 3flT rfu 3rfin RE * eru qifro rf -* ITap rf rm giv fflffa qFaTal qt i]-pe]Hi]qFTT a 3rm qT ffler lie H ndi@a fin en 5¥i nd an qfr ia3ffiaT. an fa; aF qREFT i} iin 5TFyed HFT ng # Higiv, 5Erfu 3ir 3tqTFT an Htr qtiEFT Efr gr3fi ffl fin, (H7F FT # 3EqTfaa i+r:`ap ffl;tpr drdr ri fRE)..a FTap an,ap qftap3ft±¥aT al : ---. `,r-' ,..- ``= ,-+..`--<ti,<,-+i -.-}= r --._..1-=` .-.+_ t^ a ' -\. ~ 11. nd qt rna gFaffi 3ir tap giv Eta RE 3ir ar3TTfae finatr3ffi, (fRE 3TFgivffi3ir.TgivHirfuedHfEtT,3irHigiv5finfin"tTFRTan qrfu, ap qrfu 3ir FT anth ffl fflitr rfu q3.TtREFT, 3qa 3it{ HEFFTqffl farm al dri 1 2.T-.iatH ri]Taq a; 3ataa faQni¥Qff * 3TIrrR 3T=F{]ia fflfa 3Tr-.5faaT S aFT €HirfeT fl 16.2% r€: q=Trf§T aT ffiFHriir/ar5rfan a; fan gr an rful 13. qF q3"faE diEriiF al 2016-17 # an dtrm al nd ed # fir q3OTqTFT, 3qfr 3ir ]]iE=:EqTTnFT iama a; giv qfaT, 5FTIt giv 6i67ri u (RE) f±[alia5a 1 1;0472Oi6 aT 3TFtr a nd iin 7FT gi •,ffi=u¥ 3FT`-Hffa, in.-rfu 5 .. iE ' I 1. qqia aFT 3Trm, ap fiiTTffl, qQ.TqTFT, era 3ir HFFFqiffl farm, 16, erffar ds EtHEH, # fan-1 1 Oof 1 2. FT5TaigrqFT, aTfin, qri qd fafau, qdir:gr3TFT 8]qa, 3Tra3fr aT qiH, rf fan-1 10002 3. Bor aFT farfu, ap 3flT 5Erfu fa3rm, giv 8TFT, ng fani 4. tiiTTFT(ap), an 3FTrfu, an 8Tan, a± iani 5. 3][q']r :{]fiaq qa ffirEftq EranFT: trQ.TqTFT, 3qft 3RT HEEqTIEa ia8TFT, ap 3RT, # fan-iiooii 6. =B:gq HFrfe, F: raedtq iaquaT, nd, th-24, «Gfr. 6#, atIr-gch qifeRE, rfu (iF), giv-400051 7. `j¥=fir rfu(HQTrFT), 5qiT tiigar 199, Hrfu faffl fir-, gr 9RI, a{ fani 8. tF rfu(qTTh-2), iatr liirm. EqH ia9iiTT, •`._.ffi #, a€ fani _ - L^ .----- TliT -i--.--,,:9.,.--apHfaF,+ faiT tiTrFT, 3Trfas ed F3TTT, ffi ,.rmi]a T±,.¥,3HTRg.rtF3TF,. -rfu 6, an air, diraia;I ar iRE, dr nd, -d+ fani io.3T€HIr, edffiffii, tiro flo *0 40, 3TToiE-388Ooi 1 1 .giv {TGFq qTnd aT tT3.TtTTFT, an 3ir FFFqqm faanTI 12.".gT. i::I qftr, rmtdr {itFZT dr 13.EF=;a;ifr fH3FT, "3IT€m (q€"faE :tap al farm fl rfe H 3TTiin ed aT C) 3TFET a; IT2T) I quaT*`in:- `.I ..-. `.i=-r-` `..`..~. -} HfaiT aT Eqifro fan 5faiT (qQ.Tim, 3qfr 3ir HEFqTTrm faanTT) F.TIT. 3it wi.u. aT 5qffro fan ffi q3.Ttma enF aJ 5Ffin fan ffi {g]FEr :gfaa (th. tr st.ft.)7fae3T5(RE),ifae3ff(a]g);3q 3TTTFT@.a.);3iiTT HfatT(faEa)rHEFTF xp (ft.a.);'g3TTffi 3Tis (RE) {±=Fa qfaa (Qpapap g lath q[faTrtry qfaT (TiTFF) a fan ffi t\ RELY i`¥6ifty qTtry 3ffi. Trfe, aiTfa'-_gr i2atd)an*anqnd]iaajPrriaT@`an3anhaiaETHd)HrirfaufaQria¥3T 1. tFap " 3qiT giv * ed dam 3Ted FT qu, Ir 3EqTF # 5a, 3FqTF, drFT, qRap nit- Sire Ir faFT aft art a 3±Qq a q3®TqTFT, an 3ife 7TEFqtm fan RE ap qf±3ii air RE-Tds gr Hian * FT * erFTar FT nd F st.€.a.". rfu F} 01 .09.2Oio tr ffl[qtEae FT FT Fi rfu aft " Eta 3ir HT]in ffro # (nd) * ap ErdTiat fin en FT €i 1.2 giv2frFT Ear i} a3T H an 3ffi a 3T"FTfa rna g3IT %! ng thH fan 3fl{ 3qlt 3#siy a Gftfaffl a 3Taffl a# 3it aiFT qu # drTan al ae gF ±ianH ri.^ 3irfe ITFT{iEt fl ffi a aap rfu al _1.2at inEL zirFT a an 1400 -I I _, _ I -,-. _ _ - - ,\ aptg ]F{Tar aT qfRE af ~;FIT rfu ed Efr 3Ffa a ft gi • ed giv" qFT ¥jpr 3fi{ ±qit dr aft 3TTur8F rfu 3TTi]ftT aiTTITi • © ap 3FqraT8LJ * far 3irty fall wi 3ife ap gr3fi a F2TTtTFT! • rfe `]aa[a 3isT¥r_:-a; far qTaii{ aiF=T qTi:Fit aT dr&FT 3ir faEiH al cht5TFi £' :~;r`v :i ' ;=±isg-`a= i¥ a±IanFHffi tTi±Eja an fan iai FT ffl q{.FT# gr gtiEFFT rfu a HaTi • Eqiqirf{=F FT qr gr a} giv rd * fir qTi:qftE dl`dlf=TtsT 7pr a} 3raH ffl all • Ir 3EFTa g 3EqTF 3it qtiiffiluT ap gr aFT FT gil ffli 3. Erdrfu u5th 3ir qRETffl ffl dr- a3T g H3fr di 3it giv rm an * `3rd 3an3rm faFT rfu (flgiv) al a;T:dti=;]a ed g iir gil ap 3ir giv faffl air (nd) al3H un givi 1 4. in 5T EqT 3flT 5Tliiin 3rafa i{ a3T * aft in air ffirdriin q5wl aT itr in 3TTdr a 1400 rfe wh ft tHTrfeT ffllt rfu *i qFT nd:1. ffro ian 3ch 3fi¥ 3itjTTfed aan ti7rftr eir E flap (5Trftr gtr H5F # 3Tqa ngFzfi Efr aTCF a Faq H5TtTtIT nI, 3rfu HFrfu HiRE, 3FTa RE rfu aiH fr 55tT rfu: g5t+I giv, qRE IiT 5=FZT .gil 3TTfha ¥) EH rfu * 3Tat " ¥i 2. 3Ta==zTaPr rfu aT 3iwh er3Pr qEE# * fir =TIrqaT 5iiTa ed ffl tin giv ffi rfu mat aT fir qiF FT HBTqaT qTca a5T drTTi ~ -.-- 7-~ .- -3`. FtF ,ifeT¥ aT FT, a. 3iffi 5€¥q EH..dtRE. ±.`3irfe -fafin FaTTat ~qT=` 3±aET., at-`,3ife,t,, 3i.aiiT gfrqTa at Fir Ea]Tfin ed E fir 5EiqaT qTca a5T at gl EH rmr aT a tfflffi * @q EPr grq5FT tr a;H 500 th. an fflftri ngHF H givm (qT) api=q un aT fir qRthaIT aFra FT 25% RE-ife iRE 5fRE 5T # Sir 3TEFgiv fflfay3Tgiv 5at . iRE aT fir 33.33%1 q=F all Hfan th nd giiT. 5]]zT-HHq qT., tr tiffi aFra Efr 3T* tTT.ani -`-- . I. ,.`-.,I ETFH Efr tEi 1 fflE wh a 3ifaTF apT a in jen--ife. *trfe:t' *-i (FT tr ri) (JT) # FT-?tT 8m [8FTchq- Red ffi aT fa3nf¥Qff # tr3heFT fl 3T* qT] wh * aEa B5T: faEa tin * fair -qFT faEEha rferm F- fflFif=qTiT RE a- €EL HTEL Jar 3T5ft # TT .FT, ETth en # ET - ITer HErd EPr 3ftT qTdr faffl # 3ir 9.- giv 3i=a rfeTFT ch nd aT{T ga: fatFT tin * fir tTF.. gi .. : .... ` .. i0%` ae * an - • rfuiFT * aFa qi5i.PIT Tfa: aFffa tr 5ji;§r an 3ir ri HIT 7 # 3i± " faan rfemffi gi{T qftin fl ap fl Std ql ani 9. €]iiif ap ffiralm fl xp (fact rferty 9j rfuaT # FTi# a; 3iFT 3edt ffirrfeT .ar rfuT 3ife E* # Efr xp aT fir FT5a rfui ife q3.TqTFT, an 3FT ©qffl farm giv RE-RE FT fflfl IT3TTffi 3peT * 3TIr qREFT qFT Egiv rfu 3ife dr in ed q{, rfu dsH F qfgiv ifr ife FT a; FT H riH chi FT Efr rfu gr rfu q7rfu * 3Trm qT 3qpr fRE a enfr Efr fflri]7iti FT rfu qrer5t fiFFa nd an a; T3FT` faFatF dermtair qfaegr fl rfu aft nut 3tr Ssr fflfr rd aT fair ndr aT rfu aEL 5Trfu a 3TTaH rfui -"'n-t~ ;I.; I. '+-ill-=~;;;ri;; fa`= raf-fa ife^'u:i far`aif. a '2 rfef*.int -6i 3i# Hian rfu qi ' ,.`-7¥ .,-, fJ --.. =-,.--.. `,.-I. \ . . . t. . iarfu 5Tqfro a; ffira aTis * dr era ± # fro givITi io. qRin xp qfra ( nd * anq ediFT EPr qftzhaaT ringT qffifa end iaFa+a tiFqTalrffi ap ffi g¥ETat qT iai=Ii{ =Fan 3fl{ qfaia a; rm ap a FT ng[a * 3iH 3qg¥€T qa;tH aT Hi3Hgr FTF# al xp.api ii. Hfannd5FT- ii.1 aTrd air q" an * rfu 3Hfl aFaa=:I/rfuiTa giv3fr aft FT ed # fat HFT I]i[{fflT qp=IT±; qfr 3Tfin FT a rfuiT nd rfur aar FT flfin FT * 3tq 6ra 3TTa FT €];qTfiT ft 8Tfaigr rfu ar7fTi nd an gr trfuiT ffl nd7T faFat ffi # HT€ffl d " . ffl8]rf]an qPr 3a* Hfan an g 3FT aTF-Qds Harfu ch jri H iin GTTrmi 11.2 qi{5]en xp tiafa ap qi=`FT=T riGF an a tr3FT nd Ecaiffl ap trmfiT fr =mFT&ffl EPr gr * FT rm± an Erfu Hfae rfu eTagiv nd rfui udirfu rna as qfr rff:i:a qEr{TRT rfu 3qi]gqaT Efr 3T* qT qfaPlgT qFa 3wh qri tIT3ft a; 3maiT FT an Efr all 1 1 .3 un faEEha €i:ap:I qfr tlfaFTIt €fflrfeT faFan 5irm+# Efr fin H «5iRE Red €fflfiT ut (aphaFT)" # ed giv 3tr ndr a en al rna aa tr HTa fan * 3jH ar8mff * 5f=Eft find qulftr gTaT # tifRE trfuiT HHtr RE ani qfa fan 5TiuT a 5ia fan aT 3iH qita Hi=Plft qarfu aranat * Hfan Red eHrfeT aTar # HHiitr aft rfu an a al farFET :in rd Eta a:# ifr aran2ff a+ a7me TIT 3Tfaica 5qTa Htr grrm aan givi H .4 nd a 5i=Plft qTca ed aT FT farEEfii!T affiifem aT fin ± al FT 3qtrm qHTPTqT affl giv fi; fflanth aT frfu ee[T €]nd§T ifr trmTat * ftF tHufit nd * RE FT fan 7]qT a tiaFTst qTca aa aT 15 fan aT 3iiT Ir qHTuiTFT ifr aTri aT rfu giv ffiTrfu H FT in dri 12. =!:in aT aIa XPT €]RE t]T t=FT`55itT 5I - XPT p{ gqTa H 3FTirT fat 'ife ± fa3Trf¥3fr ;J.-. 1-.-`- - -:- -` in -fa -#` `in ~ ire: i-aT or=qiT givi # HFri apT qlf§T qT 1;i€=ia an qri € H aF fa; 5fan maT giv rm I a enp 3ir Hfapar HTfa Efr fafg aT FT 6qia affl nth # HUT nd RE qT a dr 3T2fa Hire Htr # HUTi 13. `qRIhaIT aT T* an tfr tRI dr --1-~±3rfu`ri¥±¥~±apFT=q=FT¥#=¥Erf==tr=:r=:¥== • -.:y -I a7Prl qF 3iffiHH 3Tafa 3 =FTiap ag faFrfu EPr en ap a qfa ITaraff alit itr ur Hffi+5i5JafrfaEanELgi{T3qFarmraraT¥ali 13.2 farm aiTFT3T qfa qRE::;rm fir 7FT 5H # iF aft an a al Hire ffl fflH aft fan, qfa qia9rm air q} 3Tfha Hf=FTa: a ng a al 3a aF qRE nd qPr arm a5Tal anl i4. rfu`ma 14.1 3TTgiv Red a* gi{T qqqLqqq qT nd fa3rria¥3ff aT 3Tgri{ XPT rna ed a fir qfen`an, 14.2 Qg aTq a ffl a; apT qT 3TFTar qHqLqqq qT 8TTch Red a* # fa3IT-f¥eff * 53fTfaFT an faffirife 3TH ffirdr erfu§t # fau loo;O * ffls]Tat 3ieTap air 3TFTQq¥FT aft ill 14.3 gr ¢']aT aT aH FT rna ed a; itr fa5qia #gE rf ($5ltit) ffl Hdr faffl FT giv, qF 9TTgiv fledr a* aT faQTrf¥3ff fl QT* qT drl 15. i5i tHaTqth Tffifa * qiFT{ 3it aq;a qaTg a; erTqiir tit qu FiTFT ed Efr 3Taltr 3 tr 7 rf # rfu fin-fin` en! an wi g qnd * ¥ 3Trfu 3 tr 6 Has # RE an aan FT qffl iF]Fngr a; itr 3 rm an! qFaE qftalfflT3# Efr 3ma-3q5aT3# a 3rmi{ qT iRErq # ap frfu fin Grmi . •. v..?---='.--. i-:+?.i:I::i .;i:; _=T'+i: `:?---'*r.+ 15.2 FT tlII±!t aRE IF FT eja{if§T *..irqt{T`+qT-~rrfuT ]F Hrfr eHtTftr taeft TRI RE FT ") 3it 3H qT 6ffl 3]FT qF a S q3FT` i±ijfaliT air an Hf=9gr 5ffli+FT Efr EEEEEl 1 5.3 ca andt an RE-ch i} air gr ¥ rfu- # EH qFT RT EPr aiT7iT faTFT fat RE ipr (Hire gil) a; qft3frixp Hfan qTat§T qFT grmein a all 16. ~Hfap F g:apl .... ~.._ ..,...,.. T .... _...a.i ...,, 16.1 gr 5fan giv tds an-_TT::rET (giv *ri a an al rfu tife€a rfu * ITFT _ _`L Aife ._ _...i_T 3ffl 55 iRE F 3fflan - FT a all # HHTtifin 3ife qfE graT fi ft fatqTF qTaT FT arm al i6.2 qiaeT qu{rfeT aft iaEa[q rfermtair fl ia;aTE * :{Tiaer Red €fflTRT rm (at an) jt ten rfui .i;{T ed qT giv 5qia aft fin rfui '.: 5 .`, ` 17. farfudr 17.1 qRrfu fiat qfafa (chqTth)-ap} * 8ife ffiTrfu # fE€FT qftha rift ffi fa7TTPr 3]TqiT qT am fl FTria fl farmi 3tr 57Prar ani rfu3m a* rfu-RE H Erf ffl ianrm qRE 3fi{. qftin xp ffi al tire ani 17.2 giv fa7Tun qfaia-(add)-qu {rftr(ar) EPr 3T€Fan * nd, rfu # 3fl{ =Ti'{T grqif aT T3.Ttrm, ±qit aT rmft, qrfaffi qu a a+ Efr ae3FT 3Trfu * 3rm * qfafEN aT ITq qu farm Hfarfa pTTfin aPr rdrfu al faTTfin 3ifflTa qT zha aT ffiFTit± EPr rmfa ft iaRE 3fi{ chit REI 17.3 {i=q 5RE Sari qiarfa (QRErarFT) .ft iin giv as ffi (ETEN) rfu {T=q a faqfin 3ifflra qT rfu jPr firTal 3RT chFT REi -17:4` + -indf aFT;.TTmr TIT tBiFg arFT 3± ffi{=t EH~` ndffl:-aT: `aFELE2TffL=-ae S -~... + eFTun ch 3ife qqu f±cqi@=Pr al ed aT fir qRrfu xp 3ian aT FTH ran dri =qrf±r iFa{ fan ca a fat Sit giv farm@r ffi aT nd araT 3iTF32TF a al anri TTIT rful 17.5 nd 3Tgiv-1 H -dr qTFT * 1;rna 3ir ri5F..q5FTdi, ar8TTiae, fRE73iRE 3T=qu aTfa 3it HEgr 5fflrfu 3ife HGraT giv Hftr uziFT an tFrfu FT iaFT, Fa}i5a erfu§T 3ir FT aim a tijfin qffi[=F Irrfu RE tT3.TtTTH, gqtr 3ir qEFqqTffl fa8]TaT a;. riir g€ga rfui .-... 18. 18.1 3THQT# Efim (5tufro) fl givxpHE[T # 3ifa[€;:FT qTq ffi al nd a "ta Ea¥E * H"iT FT I I rDI] ft aniF al ed a;T iaai5Tiin FI ~ 18.2 tin 3Trfu a; fa±3ff aT erg5iT 3fi=!dy rfu (ngan-ch) 3ir Tgiv TTed E fir ia3tT qzq; zhaT aT aEa atHI 3TgHiq 2013-14 # 3Egiv fflfa * fard7ar8rfRE ir fir 3fflT fr arfu qiatm fry 7itIT gi 18.3 q3.TqTFT, 3qft 3fiT HEF2Tqffl farm al fin ant ifFT RT fan 8Pr 3TJrffl Fir ed, Gfiga: 3it {FTa} FT 3rf:in a ETar fafaF=q 3T6a zfr ia3FTha EqTerT 3Tiin ani EHaT 3fflaT fan al gr zin aT 3irfu a 7rf fan aPr €]nd§T qFT iin * a;TFT aFT aifin # ffl 3Tffro gi 18.4 qRalfflT3# fl aiHfaiF 3ir faiFEha qTrfu qfr an aT faTr q3.Tqm ae 3ir HRT "]i:;Fr fa3rm 3Tfiftr fanFT dri 18.5 6 a* eyq qfa a+ rfu thFT aPr 3T* qT qfari farfu giv Frfr Hfan a; 3.5 % aT a{Tar ffiawi qQTTffi ed aT far ap± jfr 3qTaEET 5vi fflthi (fa7Tth 3# giv HRo 3qt]Bq a;{iq TrF 3.5% q3ITHfaH ed a * i% anrf an rfu aT qiFT qT of iin rfu)I 18.6 an qH anITat gr thffl aft FT9T a H¥, EFa; fin nd * a3T # rfu FT rfu q=]i{ gr rfui qg]T ed FT at H faffiH Hfan * i% as rm givi igiv RTdi # chrm ffl3rfSffi q5t trde[;::r3fiiT at a; far faQTq €:qia fEar GHTm! 18.7 tT3®TtrTH, ±qft Sir+ B±= A-I D `farmnd--=TIT HHa-5Hq FT an 3+ffl qf€ er5a3fr FT Hca a FTa iin GmFTI 18.8 nd alaiis RE, arm qT#.OT RE, (thanT3TTth) 3Tfaigiv aif5Tifro ail (TIETan) {Tey 5Frfr F .ife Err fafflRT ffi Sir ca 3TH in dean3ff a± gr qgraT qaFT q5dr!. gr grfu givT q{ 6qia Efr qT]T 3tt{ ar frm fir 7TTT 3TFT Hthi =` nd an Hffl-Hffl FT `iL`5.;-~ --;ir€;g;a;;-.;fi;±ri~-£-~TagH qa git;i;I * # «tT3.TqTFT, 3qfr 3fi{ qEEqqTar fraTFT, 5TTrEFT q{q5TT * angrm * {Igar =#Trrf aT fflt:qH 5FiqaT qita quanT aFT givi 7 19. faFa tfifin faFT en Hrh aTa ETE5, qua5TfflE grf ai7ra 3ife HETqaT aFT rfu fan 7FTT atTEE #.ti. I -=`, >, ± -- Erf ETFTT dr TTFTfr3fr aH io q.3j aTth Eap a; Ir rm en =ifeffl¥5fae * FT * rfu=| fair 6.00 fflE wh rfu HTin, is ian, 2 q.3J ffl aT FT2T io T3=TETffapanEapjPrF-(giv, 3TTFT 10 tT3r J ft .A 5at a; ffind * al 3Pr =I:;H tl, EPr th # 3T* 5faF]a, qana]TmeT 0 atiRE 25% far(33.33%) 15,ooo/-¥qTr rfu pQj 3Ta]aT qT 5FqTFT FT ndy .` ft 3JTFT 7fiT ufl EFqiiaife aFTa 3rfaiffl 3rmiT io FT tT3+3ff tPrfha a; ant ( .a , nay .a afflfa aT i=FHT# # far 20,000 ed)i tr3jat FTFTFTataTat.-Hireft3qiFT aT fau rfe © 2-ioT3J,*) dr atF en!*-ifeigr~qiRE a; - a # I 11 iat a5ct ffl qiffl-IdrRE5ETT5REaTa3PrRErfu3.I 20 F5# an aT 3it a33 an- 20a5staq=--.i.,.--.-.i-I-`' fir-5.30 ® RE wh- 20 a{f# Efr 3i;FT dr aT FTap ` aTJTa ffir Jh 33.33%)I FT 25% ®.` I;. 5at fRE aT fir 6,6oo/-SqTT qfa q3.r 3Ta]t3T al 8fr a=FT ct, EPr th aft 3T* qT ae:]rst, _.. io T3.T3It aT qqu 3TTur` FT ..rfe- rfui ( 0` rfuJ .a 5Hrfaa;fir ill IrTF T3j f aTtrapiraFTtarqQ.T3firapanrf,aTIT2TfaiITdr,3ian-3iFTFtt) 8,8Oo wl) 3Te]i]T al 3fr 5FT cti5,500 5tTTr.3TeTaT ch ch 5FT a 22,000 50 zfr thFT Efr 3T* FT RE-Sds HfRE a; FT # fflFT H 25% (33.33% 3T5.fflfar3T=. 5ffi aT fin) 3i=qia[H th 5, 5 00 (3T5.eniaJ3T5.ffifflfa ed) 3Te]qT ® ir fir FO 7,300 al 8fr ffiH all,, •:I.;..:.--...-----T!j8-,L\2jfiap 5,500 en 3Trm 5i¥iifaiF ch Efr giv aPr 3T* Tr aiF-ee qfae a; H?ffi,qu qaffi/gr Ir gq. # qft:clan aTaitT qFT 25% (33.33% ?fltTffl giv (5000 3T5.ndy3T5. Eat a; fir)faTqTFT tPrET fl 8TRE Effi) 3i=qaq: th 5, 5 0 0 FO (3]g.fflfa,'3T5.Henfa aT itr 6,67 aRI wl).ere]tIT 13.20 ErTH FO fefr rQfr gr 3FT€L. gr;- a;th*far`, 3FT€j anTvi-3TrFT`~?fflFT rfu * far [v i chcha;FT@l atF i!ds Hfae a; FIT # arJia qFT 25% (33. 33% 3T=.5rfu7H5.€ aT fau) 6.625 3trap-~i (.qB.GTrfay3i3.aap>* fair 8.830 tFT® RE |FO).aprm vi I 26..50 fflH FO an rfu 3fqit| 3FT uS;ng5qanSire3frFTrfuEfrFqrTTFT u€ Eqan Sire a I t*ch8frfflai I RE i!a3 Hfan # 5q H fflJia an . 25% (33.33% 3T5.an73T=.€ aT fat) 6.625 rfu Efr FqrTTFT (3T5.5Tfa;3T=.5Hrfu # fir 8.830 flRI 5o) 3Tar a ch 8fr iF @i I _v_ij 33 RE FO ffl 3fi{ .5J¥ Ir 3i=i!r# gr£..3fi{ ¥ •,.. !;,. i. .I i. t]TJTH aT fau QPrtT QPrtT al'® al aT ir fau fau QPrtTal..I;§{dr I arI ,i,,`3.ij'... ffl a 25% (33. 33% 3iE.rfu73i¥.5± a; far) 8.25 ® ( * fir 11.0 fflH I viii Effl Effi i?.ffifi¥FT q?ffi8#FT O Farfa# Efr FarfaE# EPrEaprq:,,i Eayi\ f•-_-.` try Fife aT Fo) 3Tan al th FT cti RE ¢F±B Hfan a7 FT * faTF 2.60 ae Fo fflJia aft 2 5% (33. 33% 3ir F±3fflfr Ftftfin * faTg) 65,000;- a; fir 2 fflE ed Silt 50'000,- (3i5.fflfa/3T=.]arfu * fir 86,000 3ir 66,6ooo aiF Fo) 3T2]tTr ch aft FT aiREtds5iRE * RI # ix an 3Eql¥- 1 0 ffltIT FO ~ -*.,`'=''`.:...i.-_. ian:-HREr qnd§T Fit fhaaaq loo 50 # ap ffuT GFTFTi ar3]T2ff fa" fardT th S qRT=j]ai;]T {T]Faia FT q5{ gEa gl FTPr ¢1tFT a; a5a aTF-eeg " HiaeT 3qgiv an FT i]ft][alR]a REi # nd an 3TfaRgiv a[T7ia Hffl* aT 3iitFT qT gr rfu a;3irfe an {]tEr jir ETT]itT Eft gfF ¥ftyi anTa q€aT al ffi al qrfu 5IaT 10 I I I I I I •fl±. I I I I I i I Ii I g fr a fl I I I I I thff fl'! aJi I thff .J! I I ¥i ?I-`, thff ala i.i quff II qi E¢i tryT 'E¢E I q] th¥` `#g qi Or ff qa ;:! 5PE