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Final Program TARGETING CANCER: Technology Biology A S T R O ’S 56 T H A N N UA L M E E T I N G Meeting Dates: September 14 -17, 2014 • Exhibit Dates: September 14 -16, 2014 • Moscone Center • San Francisco oad Downl mobile – ASTRO cial the offing app. meeti s. S e e pa #ASTRO14 ge 22 f or deta il Final Program TARGETING CANCER: Technology Biology A S T R O ’S 56 T H A N N UA L M E E T I N G Meeting Dates: September 14 -17, 2014 • Exhibit Dates: September 14 -16, 2014 • Moscone Center • San Francisco load DownOmobile – ASTR fficial the o ing app. meet tails. S e e pa HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH: #ASTRO14 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGISTS (ASRT) ASSOCIATION OF RESIDENTS IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY (ARRO) Held in(SROA) conjunction with: SOCIETY FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY ADMINISTRATORS American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) #ASTRO13 Society for Radiation Oncology Administrators (SROA) ge 22 for de Welcome TO THE 56TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY “Targeting Cancer: Technology and Biology” Dear Colleagues, It is my honor to welcome you to the vibrant city of San Francisco and ASTRO’s 56th Annual Meeting. We are confident that the meeting will provide ample opportunity for professional networking, exchange of new ideas and knowledge in clinical, basic and translational research as we continue our mission to move the field of radiation oncology forward and improve the quality of life for the patients we serve. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Targeting Cancer: Technology and Biology.” The Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee, led by Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, along with a dedicated group of volunteers, has assembled an inspiring and exciting program from a record-breaking number of abstract submissions. Novel developments in biology and cutting-edge technology will be highlighted in a broad spectrum of educational sessions, panel discussions, oral presentations, poster presentations and digital posters. The popular Plenary Session and Clinical Trials Session will both be unopposed to allow the entire membership to attend these highly rated and important sessions. The meeting officially begins with the Presidential Symposium, “Local-regional Management of Breast Cancer: A Changing Paradigm. ”Moderated by Jay R. Harris, MD, FASTRO, and Thomas A. Buchholz, MD, FASTRO, the symposium will highlight recent practice-changing landmark studies and current developments in the local-regional management of breast cancer. Our keynote speakers, Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD, Frank McCormick, PhD, FRS, and Sidney Dekker, PhD, MA, MSc, will address a range of topics, including oncologic imaging, biology and targeting in oncology, and human error and safety concerns (see page 45 for more details). I invite you to join me in congratulating our 2014 ASTRO Gold Medalists, Fellows and Honorary Member during the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. in the Esplanade Ballroom. I also extend a very warm welcome and note of appreciation to our industry colleagues for their support and contributions to our specialty. I encourage you to visit the Exhibit Hall to learn about their latest developments. I hope the Annual Meeting will provide you with new insights, ideas and inspiration to bring back to your practice and your patients. Enjoy the meeting and all that San Francisco has to offer. Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO President, ASTRO Chair, Annual Meeting Steering Committee 2 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Table of Contents WELCOME TO THE 56TH ANNUAL MEETING Board of Directors Continuing Medical Education Annual Meeting Committee Members Abstract Reviewers Session Reviewers Gold Medal Recipients Fellow Recipients Honorary Member Recipient Annual Meeting Abstract Awards 2 4 5 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 GENERAL INFORMATION ASTROmobile Concessions Industry-Expert Theater Industry Satellite Symposia Posters Shuttle Service Moscone Center Floor Plans 19 22 24 26 27 29 31 34 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS eContouring Learning Lab Live Self-Assessment CME Sessions (SA-CME) Presidential Symposium Keynote Speakers Meeting Highlights ARRO Program Young Physicians’ Workshop Nurses’ Program International Program APEx RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System Schedule by Day Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday POSTER PRESENTATIONS INDEXES By Author By Topic EXHIBITOR LISTINGS Exhibitor List Exhibitor List by Product/Service Category Exhibit Hall Floor Plan 41 42 44 45 47 48 51 52 54 57 58 61 63 75 88 103 123 185 194 207 215 218 Board of Directors 2014 Officers and Board of Directors Colleen A.F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO, Chair Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO, President Bruce D. Minsky, MD, President-elect Phillip M. Devlin, MD, FASTRO, Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Michalski, MD, MBA, FASTRO, Secretary/ Treasurer-elect Michael L. Steinberg, MD, FASTRO, Immediate Past Chair Council Chairs and Vice-chairs Carol H. Hahn, MD, Clinical Affairs and Quality Council Chair Lawrence Marks, MD, FASTRO, Clinical Affairs and Quality Council Vice-chair Laura A. Dawson, MD, Education Council Chair Paul M. Harari, MD, FASTRO, Education Council Vice-chair Bharat B. Mittal, MD, FASTRO, Government Relations Council Chair Geraldine M. Jacobson, MD, MBA, MPH, FASTRO Government Relations Council Vice-chair Brian Kavanagh, MD, Health Policy Council Chair Thomas J. Eichler, MD, FASTRO, Health Policy Vice-chair Mary K. Martel, PhD, FASTRO, Science Council Chair Theodore L. DeWeese, MD, Science Council Vice-chair Laura I. Thevenot, Chief Executive Officer 4 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Continuing Medical Education NEEDS STATEMENT Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer deaths worldwide are projected to continue to rise to more than 11 million in 2030. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2014 1.6 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed. Nearly two-thirds of these patients will receive radiation therapy during their illness – most with the intent to cure the cancer. Advances in the applications, technologies and methodologies of radiation oncology continue to evolve rapidly and the delivery of radiation therapy has become more complex, making it imperative that the radiation oncology professional remain current in the state-of-the-art techniques. The American Society for Radiation Oncology is committed to providing educational programming that creates a forum for global collaboration on issues in radiation oncology to improve professional practice by increasing level of knowledge, as required to improve competency in the field of oncology. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES The scientific program will continue to be the ideal platform to bring together clinicians, scientists and researchers from all of the oncologic disciplines to exchange ideas, promote multidisciplinary care and address the educational and professional development interests of our attendees. Scientific and educational sessions will cover specific clinical areas including breast, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynecological, head and neck, lymphoma, musculoskeletal, pediatric, sarcoma and thoracic cancers. Radiation biology and radiation physics concepts will also be explored. During the 2014 Annual Meeting, we will highlight science that showcases how technology and biology advance the field and improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Significant advances in both technology and biology continue to move our field forward, improving our ability to target cancer through both technologic and biologic approaches. At this year’s meeting, we will bring together the latest developments in basic, translational, applied technology and clinical sciences as they relate to our multidisciplinary efforts to improve the quality of life and outcomes of our patients. Scientific sessions will highlight science that improves quality of care, outcomes and quality of life of our patients, and paves the way for future directions, with an emphasis on the clinical, translational, biological and technical research helping us to “target cancer.” The Annual Meeting, a live, four-day, interactive meeting, will feature a continued emphasis on patient quality and safety issues in the delivery of radiation therapy in the areas of treatment techniques, equipment, terminology and professional responsibilities. Program content has been designed to address specific documented and clinically important practice gaps in physician knowledge and competence. We will continue to emphasize quality and safety issues in the delivery of radiation therapy in the areas of treatment techniques, equipment, terminology and professional responsibilities. Upon completion of this live activity, attendees should be able to do the following: 1. 2. 3. Examine the advances in technology and biology that help improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Determine the value of combining novel strategies in technology and biology to radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer. Employ quality and safety measures in the delivery of radiation therapy. ELEMENTS OF COMPETENCE The Annual Meeting program has been designed to narrow the competency gaps of patient/ patient-centered care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal skills and communication, professionalism, work in interdisciplinary teams, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, utilization of informatics, professional standing and commitment to lifelong learning, 12 of the 15 core competencies embraced by the American Board of Medical Specialties, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and the Institute of Medicine. TARGET AUDIENCE The Annual Meeting program is intended for all health professionals in the field of oncology, with particular emphasis on radiation oncologists, radiation oncology residents, radiation biologists, radiation physicists, medical dosimetrists, radiation therapists, radiation oncology nurses, medical oncologists, oncological surgeons and pathologists. CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION PHYSICIANS The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. ASTRO designates this live activity for a maximum of 37 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 5 PHYSICISTS CAMPEP has approved this activity for 37 medical physics continuing education credit (MPCEC) hours. DOSIMETRISTS An application has been submitted to the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board for designation of MDCB credit. NURSES This activity has been submitted to the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) for approval to award contact hours. ONS is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. PROGRAM EVALUATION PROCESS AND CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS All attendees are encouraged to complete the online evaluation. However, you must be a full-conference or one-day only registrant to receive continuing education credit. To receive continuing education credits, you must evaluate each of the sessions you attended using the online evaluation form no later than October 17, 2014. On-site Computer Stations • The evaluation can be completed on-site at either the CE Central Booth or a Cyber Café. The CE Central Booth is located outside Hall E, and the Cyber Cafés are located in the North and South Lobbies. • Attendees can log in and out of the evaluation system throughout the meeting, allowing you to save your progress as you go. • Attendees will be able to print or email their certificate after the evaluation has been submitted. Post-meeting or Mobile Device During Meeting • Attendees wishing to complete the evaluation using a mobile device or post-meeting should access the evaluation at • You will need your badge number to complete the evaluation form. Please write your badge number here for future reference: ____________ • Attendees will be able to print or email their certificate after the evaluation has been submitted. For questions regarding continuing education credits, please visit the CE Central Booth located outside Hall E at Moscone Center. 6 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING DISCLOSURE OF VESTED INTEREST ASTRO is an accredited provider of continuing medical education. Since our accreditation is important to us, we plan activities that are compliant with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the content or format of CME activities and related materials will promote improvements or quality in health care and not a specific proprietary business interest or commercial bias. Planning Committee members and speakers are required to disclose the existence of any financial or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) or provider(s) of any commercial services discussed in an educational presentation. Any conflicts of interest are resolved prior to participation. In addition to written disclosure, presenters will disclose any vested interest or their intention to discuss off-label use of pharmaceuticals or devices, if applicable, to the audience at the beginning of their presentation and in accordance with ACCME standards and the Food and Drug Administration requirements. In an effort to increase transparency and easy access to all disclosures, ASTRO’s Faculty, Committee and Planner disclosure information will be available online for the 2014 Annual Meeting. Go to the ASTRO Annual Meeting Program Web page at In addition, disclosure slides will be shown at the beginning of each session, and every presenter is also required to display their disclosure. Disclosure information will not be printed in paper versions of the meeting materials. DISCLAIMER ASTRO is committed to the free exchange of medical education. Inclusion of any presentation in this program, including presentations of off-label uses, does not imply an endorsement by ASTRO of the uses, products or techniques presented. The information contained in this program is current as of August 12, 2014, and is subject to change. Program changes will be provided in an addendum and posted online. UPCOMING ASTRO MEETINGS Mark Your Calendars! 2015 ASTRO ANNUAL REFRESHER COURSE March 6-8, 2015 The Roosevelt New Orleans New Orleans 12TH ANNUAL ADVOCACY DAY March 23-24, 2015 Renaissance Washington Washington, D.C. STATE OF THE ART RADIATION THERAPY April 2015 Las Vegas EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY IN THE ERA OF BIG DATA August 13-14, 2015 NIH Campus Bethesda, Maryland ASTRO 57TH ANNUAL MEETING October 18-21, 2015 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio BEST OF ASTRO November 2015 San Diego 2016 MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEAD AND NECK CANCER SYMPOSIUM February 18-20, 2016 JW Marriott Camelback Inn Resort and Spa Scottsdale, Arizona ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 7 2014 Committee Members 2014 Annual Meeting Steering Committee Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO ASTRO President Bruce D. Minsky, MD ASTRO President-elect Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO Annual Meeting Scientific Committee Chair Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO Annual Meeting Scientific Committee Vice-chair Catherine C. Park, MD Annual Meeting Education Committee Chair Brian G. Czito, MD Annual Meeting Education Committee Vice-chair Laura A. Dawson, MD Education Council Chair Theodore L. DeWeese, MD Best of ASTRO Chair 8 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2014 Annual Meeting Scientific Committee Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, Chair Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO, Vice-chair* Kevin V. Albuquerque, MD Kaled M. Alektiar, MD* Jonathan Ashman, MD, PhD Elizabeth H. Baldini, MD, MPH Beth M. Beadle, MD, MPH Justin E. Bekelman, MD* Jennifer R. Bellon, MD* Lawrence B. Berk, MD, PhD Ramesh S. Bilimagga, MD Kevin A. Camphausen, MD A. Bapsi Chakravarthy, MD* Allen M. Chen, MD Ronald C. Chen, MD* Indrin J. Chetty, PhD* Deborah E. Citrin, MD Louis S. Constine, MD, FASTRO Bouthaina Dabaja, MD* Shari Damast, MD* Indra J. Das, PhD, FASTRO Roy H. Decker, MD, PhD Jun Deng, PhD Theodore L. DeWeese, MD Lorraine Drapek, MSN, NP Jason A. Efstathiou, MD, PhD* Suzanne B. Evans, MD Felix Y. Feng, MD* Gary M. Freedman, MD James Alan Hayman, MD, MBA* Alice Y. Ho, MD Rojyman Jacob, MD Salma Jabbour, MD David A. Jaffray, PhD Lisa A. Kachnic, MD Jonathan P.S. Knisely, MD Alexander Lin, MD* Bo Lu, MD, PhD Stephen Thomas Lutz, MD Anand Mahadevan, MD* Anita Mahajan, MD Robert C. Miller, MD, MS Drew Moghanaki, MD Aswatha Narayana, MD Harald Paganetti, PhD Arnold C. Paulino, MD* Kenneth Rosenzweig, MD* Lakshmi Santanam, PhD Farzan Siddiqui, MD, PhD Ben J. Slotman, MD, PhD Benjamin D. Smith, MD Alexander Spektor, MD, PhD Akila N. Viswanathan, MD* Stephanie E. Weiss, MD* Maria Werner-Wasik, MD * Track Chair 2014 Annual Meeting Education Committee Catherine C. Park, MD, Chair* Brian Czito, MD, Vice-chair* James Balter, PhD* Changhu Chen, MD Robert B. Den, MD Thomas J. Dilling, MD B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD, MPH* Daniel A. Hamstra, MD, PhD David Hodgson, MD Alice Y. Ho, MD Janet K. Horton, MD Kun (Kim) Huang, MD* Jordan R. Kharofa, MD Krystyna D. Kiel, MD Patrick A. Kupelian, MD* Joshua D. Lawson, MD* Harvey J. Mamon, MD, PhD Martha M. Matuszak, PhD Karen J. Marcus, MD Brian Marples, PhD Loren K. Mell, MD Arno J. Mundt III, MD, FASTRO Andrea K. Ng, MD, MPH* Christopher F. Njeh, PhD George Rodrigues, MD, PhD Narayan Sahoo, PhD Roy B. Tishler, MD, PhD* Christina Irene Tsien, MD Akila Viswanathan, MD, MPH* Michelle Wallace, OCN, BSN, RN, CCRP George D. Wilson, PhD Suzanne L. Wolden, MD* Min Yao, MD, PhD James B. Yu, MD* *Track Chair 2014 Annual Meeting Press Planning Team David C. Beyer, MD, FASTRO Brian Czito, MD Laura A. Dawson, MD Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO Paul M. Harari, MD, FASTRO Bruce D. Minsky, MD Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO Catherine C. Park, MD Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 9 2014 Abstract Reviewers Thank You May Abdel-Wahab, MD, PhD Nzhde Agazaryan, PhD Salahuddin Ahmad, PhD Peter Ahn, MD Parham Alaei, PhD Kevin V. Albuquerque, MD** Kaled M. Alektiar, MD* Berthe Aleman, MD, PhD Brian M. Alexander, MD Ozer Algan, MD Penny R. Anderson, MD Christopher J. Anker, MD Jonathan Ashman, MD, PhD** Richard L. Bakst, MD Elizabeth H. Baldini, MD, MPH Peter Balter, PhD Voichita Bar Ad, MD Christopher Barker, MD Beth Beadle, MD, PhD Clair Beard, MD Jonathan Beitler, MD, MBA, FASTRO Justin Bekelman, MD* Jennifer R. Bellon, MD* Ross Berbeco, PhD Sushil Beriwal, MD Lawrence Berk, MD, PhD** Matthew Biagioli, MD, MS Ramesh Bilimagga, MD Ranjit Bindra, MD, PhD Jean-Pierre Bissonnette, PhD Seth Blacksburg, MD, MBA James Bonner, MD, FASTRO Alberto Bossi, MD J. Daniel Bourland, PhD Kristin Bradley, MD Kristy Brock, PhD Michael Buckstein, MD, PhD Kevin Camphausen, MD David Carlson, PhD Jimmy Caudell, MD, PhD Keith Cengel, MD, PhD Laura Cervino, PhD A. Bapsi Chakravarthy, MD* Daniel Chamberlain, MD Brian W. Chang, MD Eric Lin Chang, MD Joe Y. Chang, MD, PhD, MS Aileen Chen, MD Lili Chen, PhD Peter Y. Chen, MD Ronald C. Chen, MD* Bhisham Chera, MD Indrin J. Chetty, PhD* Junzo Chino, MD Seungtaek Choi, MD Ananya Choudhury, MD, MB, PhD Peter Chung, MBChB Jay P. Ciezki, MD Deborah E. Citrin, MD** John J. Coen, MD C. Norman Coleman, MD, FASTRO 10 Louis S. Constine, MD, FASTRO Brett W. Cox, MD Gilles Crehange, MD, PhD Bruce H. Curran, MS Bouthaina Dabaja, MD* Megan E. Daly, MD Shari Damast, MD* Parima Daroui, MD, PhD Indra J. Das, PhD, FASTRO Prajnan Das, MD, MS Laura A. Dawson, MD Ellen E. Day, PhD Joseph O. Deasy, PhD Alicia DeCaria, BSN, RN, NE-BC Roy H. Decker, MD, PhD Andre Dekker, PhD John DeMarco, PhD Theodore L. DeWeese, MD Sonja Dieterich, PhD Thomas A. DiPetrillo, MD Nesrin Dogan, PhD Jadranka Dragovic, MD Lorraine C. Drapek, MSN, NP* Warren D’Souza, PhD, MBA Cheryl R. Duzenli, PhD Jason A. Efstathiou, MD, PhD* John P. Einck, MD Rodney J. Ellis, MD Mohamed A. Elshaikh, MD Natia Esiashvili, MD Andrew J. Evans, MD Suzanne B. Evans, MD** Bruce A. Faddegon, PhD Alysa M. Fairchild, MD Steven J. Feigenberg, MD Felix Y. Feng, MD* Steven E. Finkelstein, MD Robert L. Foote, MD, FASTRO Eric C. Ford, PhD Kenneth M. Forster, PhD Barbara L. Fowble, MD, FASTRO Benedick A. Fraass, PhD, FASTRO Steven J. Frank, MD David Kassler Gaffney, MD, PhD Thomas J. Galloway, MD Yolanda Garces, MD Hiram A. Gay, MD John P. Gibbons, PhD Carri Glide-Hurst, PhD Daniel R. Gomez, MD Alexander R. Gottschalk, MD, PhD Phillip J. Gray, MD Katherine L. Griem, MD Inga S. Grills, MD B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD, MPH Thomas M. Guerrero, MD, PhD Vishal Gupta, MD Marilyn L. Haas, PhD Daphne A. Haas-Kogan, MD Michael G. Haddock, MD Karl E. Haglund, MD, PhD ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING to the 2014 Abstract Reviewers Stephen M. Hahn, MD, FASTRO Lia M. Halasz, MD Christopher L. Hallemeier, MD Michele Yvette Halyard, MD Daniel A. Hamstra, MD, PhD James E. Hansen, MD Paul M. Harari, MD, FASTRO James Alan Hayman, MD, MBA* Mark A. Henderson, MD Joseph M. Herman, MD, MS Michael G. Herman, PhD Susan M. Higgins, MD, MS Alice Y. Ho, MD** David Hodgson, MD Karen E. Hoffman, MD Theodore S. Hong, MD Bradford S. Hoppe, MD Dimitre H. Hristov, PhD I-Chow Joe Hsu, MD Arthur Y. Hung, MD Margie A. Hunt, MS Mark David Hurwitz, MD Zain A. Husain, MD Geoffrey S. Ibbott, PhD, FASTRO Timothy Illidge, MD, PhD Daniel J. Indelicato, MD Salma K. Jabbour, MD** Rojymon Jacob, MD Jian-Yue Jin, PhD Ellen L. Jones, MD, PhD Mitchell Kamrava, MD Christopher R. Kelsey, MD Atif J. Khan, MD Krystyna D. Kiel, MD Catherine S. Kim, MD Jinkoo Kim, PhD Randall J. Kimple, MD, PhD Christopher R. King, MD, PhD David G. Kirsch, MD, PhD Eric E. Klein, PhD, FASTRO Jonathan P.S. Knisely, MD** Albert C. Koong, MD, PhD David E. Kozono, MD, PhD Matthew Krasin, MD Daniel J. Krauss, MD Jon J. Kruse, PhD Gregory J. Kubicek, MD Patrick A. Kupelian, MD Marikki Laiho, MD, PhD Brian E. Lally, MD Jerome C. Landry, MD, MBA Joshua D. Lawson, MD Andrew K. Lee, MD, MPH Larissa J. Lee, MD Nancy Lee, MD Percy Lee, MD W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd Zuofeng Li, DSc Jay J. Liao, MD Zhongxing Liao, MD Alexander Lin, MD* Lilie Lin, MD Steven Lin, MD, PhD Holly Lincoln, MS Dale W. Litzenberg, PhD Arthur K. Liu, MD, PhD Chihray Liu, PhD Fei-Fei Liu, MD Simon S. Lo, MBChB Daniel Low, PhD John N. Lukens, MD Stephen Thomas Lutz, MD Gary Luxton, PhD C.M. Charlie Ma, PhD Anand Mahadevan, MD* Anita Mahajan, MD Raymond H. Mak, MD Harvey J. Mamon, MD, PhD Sheida Mani, MD Karen J. Marcus, MD Danielle N. Margalit, MD, MPH Rufus J. Mark, MD Mary K. Martel, PhD, FASTRO Neil E. Martin, MD Malcolm D. Mason, MD Jyoti S. Mayadev, MD Susan McCloskey, MD, MSHS Beryl McCormick, MD, FASTRO Todd R. McNutt, PhD Sanford Meeks, PhD William M. Mendenhall, MD Joshua E. Meyer, MD Dimitris N. Mihailidis, PhD N. George Mikhaeel, MD, MBChB Michael T. Milano, MD, PhD Robert C. Miller, MD, MS James B. Mitchell, PhD, FASTRO Drew Moghanaki, MD** Gerard Morton, MD Sabin B. Motwani, MD Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO* Michael T. Munley, PhD Jean L. Nakamura, MD Ashwatha Narayana, MD** Christopher F. Njeh, PhD Mark Oldham, PhD Michael O’Neill, MD Harald Paganetti, PhD** David A. Palma, MD, PhD Jatinder R. Palta, PhD, FASTRO Bhupesh Parashar, MD Catherine C. Park, MD William Parker, MS Upendra Parvathaneni, MD Abhijit A. Patel, MD, PhD Shilpen A. Patel, MD Arnold C. Paulino, MD* Todd Pawlicki, PhD Charles A. Pelizzari, PhD Stephanie M. Perkins, MD Ivy A. Petersen, MD Mark H. Phillips, PhD Jean-Philippe Pignol, MD, PhD Matthew B. Podgorsak, PhD Alan Pollack, MD, PhD Richard Popple, PhD Louis Potters, MD, FASTRO Jean Pouliot, PhD Deepak G. Pradhan, MD Robert A. Price, PhD Rinaa S. Punglia, MD, MPH David Raben, MD Dirk Rades, MD Abram Recht, MD, FASTRO Lei Ren, PhD Ramesh Rengan, MD, PhD Nadeem Riaz, MD, MS Andreas Rimner, MD Mark J. Rivard, PhD Mack Roach, MD Kenneth B. Roberts, MD George Rodrigues, MD, PhD Kenneth Rosenzweig, MD* Mihaela Rosu, PhD Christian Rube, MD Samuel Ryu, MD Bill J. Salter, PhD Lakshmi Santanam, PhD Amit Sawant, PhD Tracey Schefter, MD Julie K. Schwarz, MD, PhD Joao Seco, PhD Jan Seuntjens, PhD Simona Shaitelman, MD Renu Sharma, MS Michael B. Sharpe, PhD Nathan C. Sheets, MD, MS Xinglei Shen, MD Ke Sheng, PhD David J. Sher, MD, MPH Helen A. Shih, MD, MS, MPH Timothy N. Showalter, MD Hui-Kuo George Shu, MD, PhD Farzan Siddiqui, MD, PhD** Jeffrey Siebers, PhD Charles B. Simone, MD Ramon Alfredo Siochi, PhD Heath D. Skinner, MD, PhD Ben J. Slotman, MD, PhD William Small, MD, FASTRO DeeDee K. Smart, MD, PhD Grace L. Smith, MD, PhD, MPH Danny Song, MD William Y. Song, PhD Luis Souhami, MD, FASTRO Lena Specht, MD, PhD Corey Speers, MD, PhD Sharon A. Spencer, MD Matthew H. Stenmark, MD Kevin Stephans, MD Robin L. Stern, PhD Gita Suneja, MD Mohan Suntharalingam, MD, MBA Samuel D. Swisher-McClure, MD Alphonse G. Taghian, MD, PhD James A. Tanyi, PhD Randall K. Ten Haken, PhD, FASTRO Joel E. Tepper, MD, FASTRO Welela Tereffe, MD Stephanie A. Terezakis, MD Juliette O. Thariat, MD, PhD, MS Charles R. Thomas, MD Wade L. Thorstad, MD Wolfgang A. Tome, PhD Mylin Torres, MD Minh Tam Truong, MD Christina Irene Tsien, MD Katherine S. Tzou, MD James J. Urbanic, MD Riccardo Valdagni, MD, PhD Neha Vapiwala, MD Andrew D. Vassil, MD Akila N. Viswanathan, MD, MPH* Sujay Vora, MD Eleanor M. Walker, MD Michelle Wallace, OCN, BSN, RN, CCRP Andrew Z. Wang, MD Brian Wang, PhD Dian Wang, MD, PhD David E. Wazer, MD, FASTRO Joanne B. Weidhaas, MD, PhD Stephanie E. Weiss, MD* Maria Werner-Wasik, MD** Julia R. White, MD Henning Willers, MD Christopher G. Willett, MD, FASTRO Karen M. Winkfield, MD, PhD Jennifer Y. Wo, MD Julia S. Wong, MD Rebecca Wong, MBChB Wendy A. Woodward, MD, PhD Jean L. Wright, MD Qiuwen Wu, PhD Ping Xia, PhD Ying Xiao, PhD Lei Xing, PhD Theodore E. Yaeger, MD Di Yan, DSc Gary Y. Yang, MD Johnny Yap, MD Catheryn M. Yashar, MD, OCN Torunn I. Yock, MD, MCH Sue S. Yom, MD, PhD Ellen D. Yorke, PhD David S. Yu, MD, PhD James Yu, MD Jennifer B. Yu, MD, PhD Yan Yu, PhD, MBA Almudena Zapatero, MD, PhD Richard Cedric Zellars, MD, DO Tiezhi Zhang, PhD Timothy C. Zhu, PhD Key * Track chair ** Track co-chair/vice-chair 2014 Session Reviewers Thank You Kaled M. Alektiar, MD James Balter, PhD Justin Bekelman, MD Jennifer R. Bellon, MD A. Bapsi Chakravarthy, MD Ronald C. Chen, MD Indrin J. Chetty, PhD Brian Czito, MD Bouthaina Dabaja, MD Shari Damast, MD Laura A. Dawson, MD Theodore L. DeWeese, MD Jason A. Efstathiou, MD, PhD Thomas J. Eichler, MD, FASTRO Felix Y. Feng, MD B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD 12 Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO Carol A. Hahn, MD James Alan Hayman, MD, MBA Kun (Kim) Huang, MD Geraldine Jacobson, MD, MBA, MPH, FASTRO Brian Kavanagh, MD Patrick A. Kupelian, MD Joshua Lawson, MD Alexander Lin, MD Anand Mahadevan, MD Lawrence B. Marks, MD, FASTRO Brian Marples, PhD Mary K. Martel, PhD, FASTRO Bruce D. Minsky, MD ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING to the 2014 Session Reviewers Bharat B. Mittal, MD, FASTRO Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO Andrea K. Ng, MD, MPH Catherine C. Park, MD Arnold C. Paulino, MD Ken Rosenzweig, MD Roy B. Tishler, MD, PhD Akila N. Viswanathan, MD, MPH Michelle Wallace, OCN, BSN, RN Joanne B. Weidhaas, MD, PhD Stephanie E. Weiss, MD Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO George D. Wilson, PhD Suzanne L. Wolden, MD Ying Xiao, PhD James B. Yu, MD Gold Medal Recipients Join us in honoring the distinguished leaders in our field at the 2014 ASTRO The Gold Medal is ASTRO’s highest honor bestowed on revered members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of radiation oncology. Awards Ceremony Tuesday, September 16 10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 2014 GOLD MEDALISTS MARY K. GOSPODAROWICZ, MD, FASTRO Dr. Gospodarowicz is the medical director of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre at the University Health Network in Toronto and professor of radiation oncology at the University of Toronto. She has had a major impact on several areas of radiation oncology, including the treatment of malignant lymphomas and genitourinary cancers, global health and the use of radiation therapy treatment worldwide, and the mentoring of trainees. She is currently the president of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), an international organization dedicated to helping the global health community reduce the worldwide cancer burden. LEONARD L. GUNDERSON, MD, MS, FASTRO Dr. Gunderson is an emeritus professor and consultant in the department of radiation oncology at the Mayo Clinic, as well as a former Chair of ASTRO’s Board of Directors. He has made significant contributions to radiation oncology through research and clinical practice in gastrointestinal cancers (colorectal, gastric/GE junction, biliary, pancreas and anal) and soft tissue sarcomas (extremity, retroperitoneal). His research has focused on defining the indications for and results of external bean irradiation as a component of multi-modality treatment, alone or in conjunction with surgical resection and systemic therapy. NANCY J. TARBELL, MD, FASTRO Dr. Tarbell is the dean for academic and clinical affairs at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the C.C. Wang Professor of Radiation Oncology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She is an internationally recognized expert in pediatric oncology and radiation therapy. Her research has examined ways to provide curative treatment programs for children with malignant disease and to develop effective strategies to decrease the late effects of treatment. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 13 Fellow Recipients The ASTRO Fellow designation honors those who have been an Active or Emeritus Member of ASTRO for at least 15 years, have given the equivalent of 10 years of service to ASTRO and have made significant contributions to the field of radiation oncology. ASTRO PROUDLY RECOGNIZES THE 2014 CLASS OF FELLOWS • John M. Buatti, MD, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa • Thomas F. DeLaney, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston • Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia • Avraham Eisbruch, MD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan • Eduardo Fernandez, MD, PhD, 21st Century Oncology, Plantation, Florida • David Gaffney, MD, PhD, University of Utah/Huntsman Cancer Hospital, Salt Lake City • Adam S. Garden, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston • Katherine L. Griem, MD, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago • William F. Hartsell, MD, Radiation Oncology Consultants Ltd., Warrenville, llIinois • James Alan Hayman, MD, MBA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan • I-Chow Joe Hsu, MD, University of California, San Francisco • Lisa Kachnic, MD, Boston Medical Center, Boston • Brian Kavanagh, MD, MPH, University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, Colorado • Timothy Kinsella, MD, MS, MA (ad eundem), Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island • Andre Konski, MD, MBA, MA, University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, Pennsylvania • Patrick Kupelian, MD, University of California, Los Angeles • Quynh-Thu Le, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, California • W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina • Stephen Lutz, MD, Blanchard Valley Regional Cancer Center, Findlay, Ohio • Chang Ming Charlie Ma, PhD, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia • Bruce D. Minsky, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston • Najeeb Mohideen, MD, Northwest Community Hospital, Arlington Heights, llIinois • Simon N. Powell, MD, PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York • Mack Roach III, MD, University of California, San Francisco • Kenneth E. Rosenzweig, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York • Christopher J. Schultz, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee • Dennis C. Shrieve, MD, PhD, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City • Paul W. Sperduto, MD, MPP, Minneapolis Radiation Oncology, Waconia, Minnesota • Maria Werner-Wasik, MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia • Jeffrey F. Williamson, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia Class of 2013 Fellows Silvia Chiara Formenti, MD, Phillip M. Devlin, MD, Peter B. Schiff, MD, PhD, Bhudatt R. Paliwal, PhD, Jonathan J. Beitler, MD, MBA, Geraldine M. Jacobson, MD, MPH, MBA, Seth Rosenthal, MD, Tariq A. Mian, PhD, Thomas J. Eichler, MD, and Stephen M. Hahn, MD Honorary Member Recipient Honorary Membership is awarded annually to a distinguished cancer researcher or leader in a discipline other than radiation oncology, radiation physics or radiobiology. 2014 HONORARY MEMBER ANGELITA HABR-GAMA, MD, PHD Dr. Habr-Gama is internationally recognized for her work in developing and supporting selective nonoperative treatment approaches for rectal cancer. She founded the Division of Coloproctology at the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, and has been a member of the Board of the Oncology Foundation of Sao Paulo since 1990. Dr. Habr-Gama is a strong advocate for the role of radiation therapy in rectal cancer treatment. Dr. Habr-Gama is professor of surgery at the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine and staff surgeon of coloproctological surgery at Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 15 Annual Meeting Abstract Awards 2014 ASTRO ANNUAL MEETING AWARD RECIPIENTS RESIDENT CLINICAL/BASIC SCIENCE RESEARCH AWARD Andrew Sharabi, MD, PhD (Radiation and Cancer Biology) Madhu Sudhan Reddy Gudur, PhD (Radiation Physics) Stephanie Markovina, MD, PhD (Clinical) RESIDENT DIGITAL POSTER RECOGNITION AWARD Pranshu Mohindra, MD (Radiation and Cancer Biology) Adam Gladwish, MD (Radiation Physics) Kim Cao, MD (Clinical) RESIDENT POSTER VIEWING RECOGNITION AWARD Clinical Steven Sckolnik, MD (1st place) Jessica Zhou, MD (2nd place) Thomas Mullen, MD, PhD (3rd place) Radiation and Cancer Biology Nils Nicolay, MD, PhD (1st place) Kate Barrett, MD, BS (2nd place) Chi Zhang, MD, PhD (3rd place) Radiation Physics Paul Romesser, MD (1st place) Roohi Gupta, PhD (2nd place) Ziad Simon Fawaz, MD (3rd place) BASIC SCIENCE ABSTRACT AWARD Radiation and Cancer Biology Masayuki Matsuo, MD, PhD Everett Moding, BS Ngoc Pham, BS Corey Speers, MD, PhD Daniel Spratt, MD, BS Radiation Physics Ganiyu Asuni, PhD Jeremy Booth, PhD Fiona Hegi-Johnson, MBBS Xia Li, PhD Yana Zlateva, MS ANNUAL MEETING TRAVEL AWARD Clinical Kamran Ahmed, MD Ben Creelan, MD Clement Ho, MD, MS Anthony Paravati, MD, MBA John Vargo, MD Radiation and Cancer Biology Miran Blanchard, MD Nevine Hanna, MD, MPH Amanda Walker, MD Christopher Wright, BS Zachary Zumsteg, MD Radiation Physics Olivia Kelada, MS, BS Yilin Liu, PhD Jan Schuemann, PhD Almut Troeller, MS Stephen Yip, PhD INTERNATIONAL – U.S. ANNUAL MEETING SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT AWARD Yun Chiang, MD ANNUAL MEETING NURSE ABSTRACT AWARD Chiaki Fujioka, RN Diane Serra, MS, RN General Information ASTROmobile – Official Meeting App Concessions Industry-Expert Theater Posters Shuttle Bus Schedule Moscone Center Floor Plans General Information INSIDE: General Information ,ZDVWROG,ZRXOG QHYHUJRWRXQLYHUVLW\« Thanks to PROTON THERAPY, Mary, physics graduate, is living a normal life in Oxford, UK. She was diagnosed with a medulloblastoma in 1997. More about Proton Therapy treatment for Medulloblastoma With the support of Article: St. Clair et al, Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 727–734, 2004 Clinical trial: Proton Beam Radiotherapy for Medulloblastoma and Pineoblastoma/ NCT01063114 - The clinical information provided is indicative and is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. The publishers make no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment or action, by any person following the information offered or provided. The publishers will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising therefrom. Although inspired from real cancer patient stories, characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. General Information MOSCONE CENTER NORTH AND SOUTH 747 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103 All activities take place in Moscone Center North and South unless otherwise stated. All information is correct as of August 14, 2014, and is subject to change. ATTENDEE REGISTRATION North Lobby ATTENDEE REGISTRATION HOURS Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ABSTRACTS AND EMBARGO POLICY The full text of the abstracts selected for oral and poster presentation are available on the Annual Meeting Online Conference Planner and ASTROmobile beginning Saturday, September 13. All abstracts are published in a supplement of the September 1, 2014, issue of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics ( All abstracts are embargoed and remain confidential until the date and time of presentation at the Annual Meeting. If you have any questions about the embargo policy, please contact ASTRO’s Media Relations Manager, Michelle Kirkwood, at 703-286-1600 or EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION South Lobby EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION HOURS Thursday, September 11 Friday, September 12 Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 19 AFFILIATE MEETINGS 38TH ASRT RADIATION THERAPY CONFERENCE September 14-16, 2014 Hilton San Francisco Union Square The 38th Annual ASRT Radiation Therapy Conference will take place at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. ASTRO registered attendees may attend ASRT sessions by paying a reduced registration fee of $195. Proof of registration (registration confirmation or badge) is required to receive this reduced rate. If you have not registered to attend the ASRT conference but would like to do so, please register on-site at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. 31ST SROA ANNUAL MEETING September 14-17, 2014 Hyatt Regency San Francisco The 31st SROA Annual Meeting will take place at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. ASTRO registered attendees may attend the SROA general sessions by paying a reduced registration fee of $210. Proof of registration (registration confirmation or badge) is required to receive this reduced rate. If you have not registered to attend the SROA conference but would like to do so, please register on-site at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. C NNECT South Lobby ASTRO Connect is the perfect place to RECHARGE, RELAX and REVIVE. This networking lounge offers an area to charge your devices, network with colleagues, have informal meetings, make new connections within the radiation oncology community and check in on social media sites. Funded in part by Elekta 20 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO14 ASTRO CAREER FAIR ASTRO RESOURCE CENTER Rooms 250-262 Take advantage of the ASTRO Career Fair to connect with candidates for employment. Equipped with computers and printers for your convenience, the Career Fair is available for employers to conduct interviews with job applicants. Employers and applicants must register through the online ASTRO Career Center in order to schedule interviews at the on-site Career Fair. North Lower Lobby, Outside Hall D Visit the ASTRO Resource Center, located outside Hall D. Here you can learn about ASTRO member benefits and get information on new programs such as APEx: Accreditation Program for Excellence and RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning SystemTM. You can also pick up materials on upcoming educational meetings and webinars, patient advocacy and more. ASTRO’s knowledgeable staff will be on hand to answer any questions about ASTRO membership. A professional photographer will be available during designated hours so that you can get your picture taken and uploaded to the ASTRO membership directory. The Survivor Circle is also located in the Resource Center. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Private interview rooms are also available. These rooms are ideal if you have multiple interviews to conduct or just need more privacy. A limited number of meeting rooms are available for three-hour periods Saturday, September 13 through Tuesday, September 16. For more information, contact Todd Karstaedt at Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ASTRO PAC LOUNGE North Lower Lobby, Across from CE Central ASTRO’s political action committee (PAC) is offering access to an exclusive lounge for all ASTRO members who have donated to the ASTRO PAC in 2014. The PAC lounge will feature Internet access, coffee and beverages, food and a place to rest between sessions. Members who have not made their contribution yet will be able to donate on-site. ASTRO PAC provides ASTRO with the opportunity to more fully participate in government and ensure our members’ voices are being heard by key policy makers on Capitol Hill. Be sure to stop by the lounge to get the most recent legislative and election updates. For more information, please email or visit Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday, September 15 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Happy Hour and Legislative Issue Forum (Room 114) 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 16 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 21 ASTROmobile – Your Annual Meeting Guide ASTROmobile gives you access to the meeting program and the ability to customize your meeting experience with personalized maps and planners. Search sessions by day, track or speaker. Search exhibitors by name, booth number or product/service category. Locate sessions and exhibitors with customized maps. Search and view the full abstracts. Preview general meeting information. Access “MyPlan” – your personal Annual Meeting schedule. View convention center maps. Take notes on a session or exhibitor and access your notes from your mobile device. Exchange messages with colleagues attending the meeting using Find-a-Friend. Integrates with the Online Conference Planner. Please note that all information in the final program is available on ASTROmobile. ASTROmobile Login Instructions An account has been created for all registered attendees. Please log in as follows: iPhone Users Droid Users Smartphone Users 1. Download “ASTROmobile14” from the App Store. 1. Download “ASTROmobile14” from the Google Play store. 1. Go to ASTROmobile in your mobile web browser. 2. Log in with the following credentials: 2. Log in with the following credentials: 2. Log in with the following credentials: Registration ID: Badge Number Password: Last Name Email ID: Email Address Registration ID: Badge Number Password: Last Name Email ID: Email Address Registration ID: Badge Number Password: Last Name Smartphone users can also access ASTROmobile using a QR Code reader and the QR Code to the right. Login Tips Your badge number is located on the front of your badge. Your email address is the email that you provided at the time of registration. Your last name must match the spelling on your badge. 22 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING BUSINESS CENTER CE CENTRAL South Lower Lobby The business center is conveniently located in the South Lower Lobby of Moscone Center. The business center offers a variety of services including packing and shipping, sign production, copying and office supplies. Outside Hall E Staff from ASTRO and the ABR will be on hand during the meeting to answer your individual questions about continuing education and MOC requirements. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING Tuesday, September 16, 2014 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Room 102/103 ASTRO voting members (Active, Affiliate, Allied or International members) are invited to attend the Business Meeting on Tuesday, September 14 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Leaders of the Society will discuss topics of interest to ASTRO members. You should not miss this important meeting. Lunch will be served. CE Central computer stations allow you to: • Complete your continuing education and meeting evaluation. • View/print a session tracking form. • Search abstracts. • Search exhibitors. • Update your Online Conference Planner. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Great Meeting? Tweet #ASTRO14 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 23 CONCESSIONS A number of food concession outlets are located in the Exhibit Hall and in the North and South Lower Lobbies so that attendees can grab a cup of coffee, sandwich or salad. The electronic food and beverage card that you received with your registration materials can only be used at the food outlets in the Exhibit Hall. MC COFFEE South Lower Lobby MC Coffee offers a variety food and beverage items such as coffee, soft drinks and grab and go breakfast and lunch meals. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. SAVOR EXPRESS South Lower Lobby Savor Express offers a variety of beverages, grab and go lunch and snack items. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EXHIBIT HALL CONCESSIONS Halls A-C A number of concessions stands will be located thoughout the Exhibit Hall. A variety of sandwiches, salads, snacks and hot and cold beverages will be available. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ELECTRONIC FOOD AND BEVERAGE CARD 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. MARKET SQUARE South Lower Lobby Market Square offers a variety of different grab and go salads, sandwiches, beverages and snacks. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 CONCOURSE EXPRESSO North Concourse Concourse Expresso offers a variety of coffee, soft drinks and grab and go breakfast and lunch items. Attendees receive a $10 electronic food and beverage card with their registration materials. This card can be used for coffee and beverages as well as food items located at concession stands in the Exhibit Hall. This card will not be accepted at food outlets outside of the Exhibit Hall. Lost cards will not be replaced. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ESPLANADE COFFEE CART Esplanade Level, South Building Located near the General Session, the Esplanade Coffee Cart offers coffee and other hot beverages and grab and go snacks. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 24 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO14 CYBER CAFÉ FACULTY/VIP OFFICE North and South Lobbies ASTRO attendees can check email, browse the Internet, print a boarding pass and registration receipt, and much more at one of several computer stations located in the North and South Lobbies. Room 120 Faculty members and VIPs should check in at the Faculty/VIP Office to pick up registration materials and receive last-minute updates and program changes. The Faculty/VIP Office is conveniently located next to the Speaker Ready Room. Faculty and VIPs are welcome in the Faculty/VIP Office throughout the meeting. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EXHIBIT HALL Halls A-C Learn about the latest products in cancer treatment and care in the Exhibit Hall. Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EXHIBITOR PRODUCT INFORMATION New this year, your registration badge will include an Aztec code that contains your contact information. This code can be scanned by exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall so that you may request information on products and services offered by the company. Your contact information will include your email address, unless you opted not to include it during the registration process. Please stop by Attendee Registration in the North Lobby if you would like to change your contact information. Faculty members include: • Educational session speakers. • Panel moderators and presenters. • Scientific program moderators and discussants. • eContouring Learning Lab presenters. • Presidential Symposium speakers. • Keynote speakers and introducers. • Nurses’ Program speakers. • International Symposium speakers. Note: Presenters of abstracts are not classified as faculty and should follow attendee registration instructions. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 6:45 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. FIRST AID Across from Room 106 First Aid: 415-974-4090 or ext. 4090 from a house phone Building Emergency: Ext. 5111 from a house phone First aid is located across from Room 106 in Moscone Center South. In an emergency, please dial ext. 5111 from a house phone, contact First Aid or go to ASTRO Registration and have a staff person contact security. Sample Badge Number Aztec code Hours of Operation: Monday, September 8 Tuesday, September 9 Wednesday, September 10 Thursday, September 11 Friday, September 12 Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 Thursday, September 18 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. INDUSTRY-EXPERT THEATER* Exhibit Hall, Room 100 This activity allows companies to present their noteworthy products and services through a live presentation in the Industry-Expert Theater located in the Exhibit Hall. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Industry-Expert Theater content and views expressed therein are those of the exhibitor and not of ASTRO. *Industry-Expert Theaters are not accredited for continuing medical education credits. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Time: 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Precision in Practice: Optimizing Outcomes and Expanding Applications with Accuray Company: Accuray Contact: Rebecca Byrne Phone: 408-334-7950 Box lunch provided. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Time: 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. Perirectal Spacers: Emerging Technology and Impact on Future Prostate RT Utilization Company: Augmenix Contact: Eileen Gardner Phone: 508-944-8015 Box breakfast provided. Time: 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. The Therapeutic Application of Xofigo® (radium Ra 223 dichloride) Injection Company: Bayer HealthCare Contact: Michelle Noyes Phone: 862-404-5478 Box lunch provided. Time: 10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Exclusive: Pre-release screening footage from the upcoming series “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies” by Award-Winning Executive Producer Ken Burns Company: Siemens Contact: Jeffrey Bell, Sr. Manager, Media Relations - Imaging and Therapy Systems Phone: 484-868-8346 Refreshments provided. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. Clinical Advancements in Electronic Brachytherapy for Breast, Skin and Gynecological Cancers Company: Xoft Inc. Box breakfast provided. 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Patient QA and Safety in Modern Radiation Therapy Company: ScandiDos Contact: Marni Brown Phone: 608-630-9415 Box lunch provided. INDUSTRY SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Monday, September 15 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Proton Therapy: Clinical Applications and Outcomes, Delivery Methods and Biologic Parameters San Francisco Jazz Center (Registration from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.; reception to follow the conclusion of the program at 9:00 p.m.) Accreditation: The University of Florida College of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CME Credits: The University of Florida College of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Target Audience: Radiation oncologists actively involved in the management of patients with cancer, physicists involved in clinical medical physics, allied health care professionals including but not limited to nurses, therapists, dosimetrists, and administrators. This activity is hosted by the University of Florida and is supported by a grant from IBA. SEARCHING FOR QUALIFIED RADIATION ONCOLOGY PROFESSIONALS? Find them online on the ASTRO Career Center and in San Francisco at the ASTRO Career Fair Find the right people for your practice when you use the ASTRO Career Center. Advance features allow you to search our resume database by education, title, location and more. e. Located in Rooms 250-262 at the Moscone Center, the ASTRO Career Fair is a great opportunity to interview qualified candidates. Employer interview space at the Career Fair is free for ASTRO members with the purchase of an online Career Center posting at JOB SEEKERS Indicate your availability for an interview at the Annual Meeting by selecting the Career Fair option on “MyAccount” in Career Center. INFORMATION DESK North and South Lobbies Have a question? Stop by the Information Desk to get your questions answered. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Hearst Parking Center 45 Third Street Entrance on Stevenson, two blocks from Moscone North and South. 415-989-4000 Moscone Center Garage 255 Third Street Folsom and Howard, across the street from Moscone South’s Esplanade Ballroom. 415-777-2782 (garage) 415-538-7888 (office) LOST AND FOUND North and South Lobbies To report a missing item, to check to see if an item has been turned into security or to turn in a lost item, please stop by one of the Information Desks located in the North and South Lobbies. Museum Parc Garage 300 Third Street Entrance on Third and Folsom Streets. 415-348-0304 Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 Rooms 110-111 Accredited journalists are provided with a press kit and access to cover ASTRO’s 56th Annual Meeting. For more information on-site about ASTRO’s Press Program and Policies, please contact ASTRO’s on-site Press Office at 415-978-3503 or email PRESS OFFICE AND NEWS BRIEFINGS 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. LUGGAGE/COAT CHECK North Lobby Luggage and coat check will be available in the North Lobby at Moscone Center for $2 per coat and small handbag and $3 per luggage item. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PARKING Moscone Center does not have a public parking facility on the premises. Listed below are public parking garages in close proximity to the facility, each of which provide spaces reserved for use by authorized, handicapped individuals. Please note ASTRO does not validate for parking. Fifth and Mission Parking Garage 833 Mission Street Located between Fourth and Fifth Streets, adjacent to Moscone West. 415-982-8522, ext. 18 28 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For ASTRO press information and policies, please visit REGISTRANT LOCATOR – FIND-A-FRIEND Looking to connect with an attendee at the Annual Meeting? You can now use our Find-a-Friend service with ASTROmobile, the official Annual Meeting app. Find-a-Friend allows you to search for an attendee and send messages while at the Annual Meeting. Posters POSTER SETUP AND REMOVAL POSTER VIEWING RECEPTION Hall D Poster Setup Hours Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Hall D Monday, September 15 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Poster Removal Hours Tuesday, September 16 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. POSTER VIEWING Hall D New this year, digital posters and paper posters will be on display during the poster viewing hours below. Please note that digital posters will not be available for viewing during digital poster discussion session times as the screens will be used for these sessions. See the schedule of events or use the Online Conference Planner or ASTROmobile for the digital poster session schedule. Poster Viewing Hours Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 6:45 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. POSTER PICKUP OFFICE Hall D For those poster presenters who chose to use ASTRO’s poster printing service, there is a special pickup location in Hall D. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. All conference attendees are invited to attend this poster viewing session and reception. During this time, poster presenters are available by their poster to answer questions and discuss their research. Poster award winners are presented their awards at the beginning of this session, and will provide a short oral presentation of their abstract in the poster presentation area within the hall. Each full conference attendee, exhibitor and Monday one-day conference attendee will receive one drink ticket that can be used for one complimentary beverage at the Poster Viewing Session and Reception. After your ticket has been redeemed, drinks will be available for purchase. You must be 21 years of age to consume alcoholic beverages. Your drink ticket will be included with your badge in your registration materials. Poster Categories: Biology Breast CNS Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Gynecologic Head and Neck Health Services Research History/Education Informatics/Bioinformatics Lung Lymphoma/Hematologic/ Leukemia Non-malignant Nursing Palliative Care Patient-reported Outcomes Patient Safety Pediatrics Physics Quality of Life Sarcoma/Cutaneous Tumors DIGITAL POSTER SESSIONS *NEW* Digital Poster Format New this year, the Digital Poster Discussion sessions will have a new format and sessions will be held in the Poster Hall. Sessions will begin with 15 minutes of poster viewing on monitors located outside of the session room. Attendees and presenters will then move into the session room to hear brief four-minute oral presentations from each poster presenter. The session will end with discussant presentations that compare, contrast and tie the abstracts together. The sessions will take advantage of touch-screen technology to present more in-depth information, and the monitor structure has been redesigned to allow for easier viewing and discussion with colleagues. Digital Poster Presenters Digital Poster Presenters must check-in at the Digital Poster Discussion Check-in booth located in the Poster Hall between the digital poster session rooms at least two hours prior to your presentation. Staff will be available to assist you with uploading any last-minute changes and to help you prepare for your oral presentation. Presenters are required to stand by their poster for the first 15 minutes of the session. Once the session begins presenters should sit in the front row and wait for the Discussant to call you up to the podium for your presentation. PASSPORT PROGRAM (As of July 31, 2014) A special thank you to our Survivor Circle Passport Program Participants. Through their generous donations, the Breast and Gyn Health Project and Kids Konnected received grants to help support their initiatives helping California cancer survivors. RADIATION ONCOLOGY INSTITUTE (ROI) BOOTH North Lower Lobby, across from the ASTRO Resource Center All Annual Meeting attendees are invited to visit the Radiation Oncology Institute (ROI) booth, located near Hall D at Moscone Center. Learn more about ROI’s research initiatives and current projects. Our mascot, “ROI” the gorilla, will also be on hand for those wishing to accept our Gorilla Challenge. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity and show your support of the Institute! Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 30 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Shuttle Service SHUTTLE SERVICE TO MOSCONE CENTER This is preliminary information only, which is subject to change at any time without notice. HOURS OF OPERATION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 6:15 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 6:15 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 6:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. HOTELS AND BOARDING LOCATIONS All travel times are approximate pending time of day, day of week and traffic conditions. Route Hotel Boarding location at hotel Hotel Abri Parc 55 Wyndham San Francisco On Cyril Magnin, across the street from the Parc 55 2 Clift Hotel Hilton San Francisco Union Square* Hotel Monaco (a Kimpton property) Hotel Nikko San Francisco Serrano Hotel San Francisco At Hilton San Francisco Curbside on Taylor At Hilton San Francisco At Hilton San Francisco At Hilton San Francisco 3 Handlery Union Square Hotel JW Marriott San Francisco Union Square Prescott Hotel (a Kimpton property) Villa Florence Hotel Westin St. Francis At Westin St. Francis At Westin St. Francis At Westin St. Francis At Westin St. Francis Curbside on Post Grand Hyatt San Francisco Hotel Triton (a Kimpton property) Marriott Union Square San Francisco Sir Francis Drake Hotel (a Kimpton property) Check the sign in your hotel lobby upon arrival in San Francisco for boarding location. 1 4 WALK Courtyard by Marriott San Francisco Downtown Hotel Palomar (a Kimpton property) InterContinental San Francisco Marriott Marquis SanFrancisco Mosser Hotel, The Palace Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel St. Regis Hotel San Francisco W Hotel San Francisco Westin San Francisco Market Street Approximate one-way travel time Frequency in minutes 7-10 MINUTES 10-15 PEAK 15-20 NONPEAK 8-12 MINUTES 10-15 PEAK 15-20 NONPEAK 9-13 MINUTES 1015 PEAK 1520 NONPEAK 10-14 MINUTES 10-15 PEAK 15-20 NONPEAK NO SHUTTLE SERVICE PROVIDED. *ASRT is being held at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. Attendees must ride Route #2 and from Moscone Center to access the Hilton San Francisco Union Square. Transfer point for all routes is at Moscone Center. Funded in part by Elekta ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 31 SAN FRANCISCO TRAVEL INFORMATION South Lobby Attendees can stop by the San Francisco travel information desk located in the South Lobby at Moscone Center to receive restaurant recommendations, San Francisco visitor guides, maps, destination information and local directions. organizations featured in the Survivor Circle. Since its inception, the Survivor Circle has raised nearly $200,000 for our partner organizations. Stop by the Survivor Circle to learn more about this year’s Survivor Circle Grant Recipients: Breast and Gyn Health Project and Kids Konnected. TRANSPORTATION Hours of Operation: Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SMOKING Moscone Center is a non-smoking facility. SPEAKER READY ROOM Room 121 Faculty members and abstract presenters should upload their PowerPoint presentation in advance of their session in order to have it pre-loaded onto the ASTRO conference network. To ensure presentations have been properly uploaded, faculty members and abstract presenters are asked to check in at the Speaker Ready Room to review the information and make any last-minute edits. Speakers should plan to save their presentation on a portable device and bring it to the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours in advance of their presentation or upon arrival at Moscone Center. Hours of Operation: Saturday, September 13 Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 Wednesday, September 17 6:45 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. 6:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SURVIVOR CIRCLE ASTRO Resource Center, Outside Hall D In 2003, ASTRO created the Survivor Circle as a way to honor cancer survivors. Each year, ASTRO partners with two local patient support organizations and features them at the Survivor Circle at the Annual Meeting. It was our hope that by partnering with local organizations in the cities that host our meeting, we would be able to not only give back to the cities we visit, but also help raise awareness of these important organizations among our members. Through generous donations from exhibitors and attendees, ASTRO raises funds for the two 32 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING San Francisco offers a number of convenient transportation options to help attendees easily get around the city. Airport The San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is approximately 14 miles from Moscone Center and Union Square. Buses, shared ride and long-distance vans, taxis, and hotel and rental car courtesy vans are located in the arrival area of each terminal. Taxi On average, a one-way taxi ride from the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to Moscone Center and Union Square is approximately $45 one-way (gratuity not included). SFMTA SFMTA is San Francisco’s public transportation system that provides light rail and bus services throughout downtown and to and from the airport. The fare for rail and bus is $2 and for cable car is $6. For more information on rates and schedules, visit BART/CALTRAIN BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) is a fast, easy and inexpensive way to get to San Francisco and around the Bay area. Trains arrive at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) terminal every 15 minutes. It is 30 minutes to downtown San Francisco, and a one-way ticket from the airport to downtown is $8.65. Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO14 VIRTUAL MEETING WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS Extend your learning experience with access to the 2014 ASTRO sessions long after the meeting is over. All full conference attendees receive the Virtual Meeting with their registration at no additional cost. You will receive streaming content that has been digitally recorded live and published as audio synchronized to the speaker presentations.* Within two weeks after the meeting, full conference attendees will receive an email with a link providing access to the Virtual Meeting. Complimentary wireless Internet access is provided in all common areas and session rooms throughout Moscone Center. Please note that this does not include the Exhibit Hall. Attendees can bring their laptop to check email, complete the evaluation or surf the Internet. Laptops must have a Wi-Fi card to connect. *Presentations are included in the Virtual Meeting as approved per faculty. Funded in part by Varian. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 33 34 Restrooms ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING E Elevator CYBER CAFE Escalator Shuttle Bus SHUTTLE DROP-OFF/PICKUP FOR ROUTES 1 AND 2 ASTRO INFORMATION AND HOUSING DESK ATTENDEE REGISTRATION E Office/Other Session Room Floor Plans North Lobby Luggage/Coat Check Floor Plans South Lobby GENERAL SESSION Esplanade Ballroom SAN FRANCISCO TRAVEL DESK E E Cyber Café ASTRO Information ASTRO Connect Lead Retrieval Exhibitor Registration SHUTTLE DROP-OFF/PICKUP FOR ROUTES 3 AND 4 E Restrooms Elevator Escalator Shuttle Bus Session Room Office/Other Restrooms 228/230 220-226 E Elevator 200-212 Escalator Office/Other Session Room ASTRO Career Fair (250-262) ASTRO Job Interview Rooms Floor Plans Mezzanine Level Floor Plans Exhibit Level Exhibit Hall Halls A-C First Aid Industry-Expert Theater ASTRO Press Office 130/131 132/133 125 121 Speaker Ready Room Faculty/ VIP Office 123/124 ASTRO Resource Center ROI Lounge 122 Escalator ASTRO Radio News Interview Briefing Room Room ASTRO PAC Lounge CE Central Office/Other Session Room Telephone Poster Pickup Poster Information Poster Discussion Room D-1 Poster Hall D E Elevator Restrooms Poster Discussion Room D-2 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 37 RO ILS TM RADIATION ONCOLOGY INCIDENT LEARNING SYSTEM Sponsored by ASTRO and AAPM The only medical specialty society-sponsored incident learning system for radiation oncology. Why participate? Submit patient safety information in a confidential, non-punitive environment. Track and analyze internal incidents while contributing to a national database. Receive summary reports, including aggregate data on events entered throughout the United States. Opportunity to satisfy Maintenance of Certification requirements. Become a champion of safety – ENROLL NOW! INSIDE: Schedule of Events eContouring Learning Lab Live SAM Sessions Presidential Symposium Meeting Highlights ARRO Program Young Physicians’ Workshop Nurses’ Program International Program APEx: ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System Schedule of Events by Day 2014 Corporate Ambassadors Schedule of Events (Promotional Supporters) eContouring Learning Lab These hands-on sessions are designed to provide crucial contouring education and experience. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn about and discuss issues such as imaging, target delineation, quality assurance and accuracy. Each attendee receives access to the online cases for practice and reference. Learn more about earning MOC PQI credit for your participation at the CE Central Booth. After this session, attendees will be able to: • Identify basic anatomy in the cases presented. • Evaluate normal tissue dose constraints versus target dose constraints. • Demonstrate improvement in contouring skills in the cases presented between pre- and post-activity. • Self-assess where additional contouring skills training may be needed. • Apply newly acquired contouring skills to his/her own practice. Sarah Hoffe, MD, Program Chair Steven Finkelstein, MD, Program Vice-chair Room: 102 Saturday, September 13 Schedule Sunday, September 14 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. eContouring for Gynecologic Cancers eContouring for Lymphoma Beth Erickson, MD, FASTRO, Medical College of Wisconsin Arno J. Mundt III, MD, FASTRO, University of California San Diego Stephanie Terezakis, MD, Johns Hopkins University Joachim Yahalom, MD, FASTRO, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. eContouring for Breast Cancer eContouring for Sarcoma Steven Finkelstein, MD, 21st Century Oncology Amalia DeComas, MD, The Core Institute Frank Vicini, MD, 21st Century Oncology Julia White, MD, Ohio State University Philip Poortmans, MD, PhD, President, ESTRO 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. eContouring for Lung Cancer eContouring for Head and Neck – Intermediate Billy Loo, MD, PhD, Stanford University 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. eContouring for GI Cancer I Ravi Shridhar, MD, Moffitt Cancer Center Ken Meredith, MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Avraham Eisbruch, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems Matthew Stenmark, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems Mary Beth Cunanne, MD, Massachusetts Eye and Ear 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. eContouring for GI Cancer II Karyn Goodman, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Corinne Winston, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center eContouring for Head and Neck – Advanced Avraham Eisbruch, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems Matthew Stenmark, MD, University of Michigan Health Systems Mary Beth Cunanne, MD, Massachusetts Eye and Ear 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. eContouring for Prostate Cancer Michael Zelefsky, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Live Self-Assessment Module Sessions Special sessions have been designated as Live Self-Assessment Modules (SAMs) to help physician and physicist attendees meet the requirements of the American Board of Radiology’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Attendance at the Live SAM sessions is open to all attendees, but only Live SAM ticket holders are eligible to earn SA-CME credit. On-site registration is available at the registration desk if seats are still available (a $35 preregistration fee for each ticketed SAM session is required). How to Participate On-site Live SAM registrants have two ways to participate: a personal mobile device (smartphone, tablet or laptop) or a paper assessment. All registrants will receive the same assessment and evaluation questions regardless of the method they use to participate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Visit the Live SAM table outside the designated session room 15 minutes prior to the start of the session. Give your Live SAM ticket to ASTRO staff at the Live SAM table. In return for your ticket, ASTRO staff will give you a two-sided handout. One side of the handout contains the Live SAM Participant Directions for both the paper and mobile options and the other side contains the required assessment and evaluation questions for those registrants wishing to use the paper method of participation. Find any available seat in the session room and attend the entire session (required to earn credit). At the conclusion of the session, follow the directions to complete the assessment and evaluation questions on paper or via your personal mobile device. A minimum score of 70 percent must be achieved on the assessment in order to earn credit, and the evaluation questions must be completed as well. ASTRO staff will email you approximately 30 days post-meeting with your individual score and directions on how to print your certificate of completion from the ASTRO website. Live SAM Policy • • • • Live SAM registrants MUST be in the designated Live SAM room 15 minutes prior to the start of the session. If you are not in the room at this time, your seat may be given away to another attendee. Registrants interested in using the mobile device option will need to bring their own mobile device and are responsible for ensuring that it is charged and can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or a cellular network connection. No refunds, extensions or substitutions will be made for those registrants who, for any reason, were unable to attend or were tardy for the session. Attendees who are more than 10 minutes late to the session will not be able to participate in the Live SAM component. Registrants must earn a minimum score of 70 percent on the assessment and complete the evaluation questions to earn credit. Participants who do not earn a minimum of 70 percent on the assessment questions will NOT receive SA-CME credit and will NOT receive a refund. If you have any questions about the Live SAM sessions, SA-CME requirements or MOC, please visit CE Central located outside Hall E. Connect with attendees. Tweet #ASTRO14 42 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Live SAM Sessions Sunday, September 14 1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Educational Session 101: Knowledge Modeling for Treatment Planning and Its Clinical Implementation Room: 104 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Educational Session 105: Challenging Cases in Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Room: 104 Monday, September 15 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 206: Esophagus and Gastric Cancer: Contemporary Treatment Approaches Room: 104 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 208: Extranodal Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Recent Advances in the Management of CNS, Orbital and Cutaneous Lymphomas Room: 103 Tuesday, September 16 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 304: Cancer of the Colon, Rectum, Anus Room: 104 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 310: Pediatric Sarcomas and Hodgkin Lymphoma Room: 132/133 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Educational Session 311: Challenging Cases in the Management of Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent Prostate Cancer Room: 104 Wednesday, September 17 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 403: Imaging Brain Tumors: Practical Primer for the Radiation Oncologist Room: 104 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Educational Session 406: Recent Advances in Endometrial Cancer Room: 103 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Educational Session 415: Optimizing Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Reconstruction and Radiation Therapy in 2014 Room: 104 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 43 Presidential Symposium Local-regional Management of Breast Cancer: A Changing Paradigm September 14, 2014 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. | Room: Esplanade Ballroom 8:00 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. Welcome 8:10 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. Presidential Symposium – Introduction Richard T. Hoppe, MD, FASTRO Speaker: Bruce G. Haffty, MD, FASTRO 8:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Presidential Symposium – Session I – Local Management of Breast Cancer Moderators: Jay R. Harris, MD, FASTRO, and Thomas A. Buchholz, MD, FASTRO Julia White, MD – Partial Breast Irradiation John Yarnold, BSc, MBBS, MRCP – Hypofractionation, Rationale, Current Status and Future Directions Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil – Low Risk Luminal A Tumors/Low Oncotype: Less Aggressive Treatment After Lumpectomy or Mastectomy? Jennifer R. Bellon, MD – Triple Negative: More Aggressive Treatment After Lumpectomy or Mastectomy? David E. Wazer, MD, FASTRO – Cardiac Issues in Breast Irradiation 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Break – Exhibit Hall Opens 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Presidential Symposium – Session II – Local-regional Treatment after Preoperative Systemic Therapy (PST) Moderators: Jay R. Harris, MD, FASTRO, and Thomas A. Buchholz, MD, FASTRO Eric P. Winer, MD – PST: Why and When? Judy C. Boughey, MD – Surgical Issues after PST? Lori J. Pierce, MD, FASTRO – Radiation Issues after PST Wendy Woodward, MD, PhD – Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Biologic and Other Special Considerations 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Presidential Symposium – Session III – Regional Management of Breast Cancer Moderators: Jay R. Harris, MD, FASTRO, and Thomas A. Buchholz, MD, FASTRO Henry Kuerer, MD, PhD, vs. Timothy Whelan, MSc, BM, BCh, FASTRO – Debate: Tangents Only or Regional Nodal Irradiation for Sentinel Node + Disease Sarah C. Darby, PhD – Update on EBCTCG for Node Positive Disease Panel Discussion: Henry Kuerer, MD, PhD Timothy Whelan, MSc, BM, BCh, FASTRO Sarah C. Darby, PhD Lawrence B. Marks, MD, FASTRO Don’t miss the ASTRO Guidelines Highlight Session on Breast Margins on Monday See page 47 for more information. 44 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Keynote Speakers Monday, September 15 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address I – New Horizons in Oncologic Imaging – Unraveling Pathways to Synergy Room: Esplanade Ballroom Hedvig Hricak MD, PhD, Chair, Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Introduced by Sarah S. Donaldson, MD, FASTRO, Stanford Cancer Center Dr. Hedvig Hricak is chair of the Department of Radiology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She is a member of the Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program at the Sloan Kettering Institute, and is a professor at the Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Her publication record includes more than 380 peer-reviewed original research articles and more than 135 monographs and book chapters. Dr. Hricak has held numerous leadership positions in professional societies and has served as president of numerous societies including the Society of Uroradiology (2001-2003) and the Radiological Society of North America (2010). Dr. Hricak will speak on the topic of oncologic imaging and radiogenomics. Imaging has always been an essential component of treatment planning and follow-up for patients undergoing radiation treatment. Increasingly, opportunities are arising to enhance the sophistication of cross-sectional imaging with molecular imaging, making possible a new level of precision in tumor targeting and the ability to tailor the treatment dose to the tumor’s biology. In addition, the capacity for very early assessment of tumor response by imaging is rapidly evolving. The new discipline of correlating imaging findings with genomics – often called radiogenomics – is offering still more insights that can help to modulate treatment planning. While the advances in these areas have been exciting, the dissemination of new technologies has been impeded by a variety of obstacles, ranging from limited resources to lack of FDA approval for new tracers and lack of oncologic imaging specialists. Dr. Hricak will discuss emerging areas of potential synergy between radiology and radiation oncology and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration in overcoming obstacles to progress. Tuesday, September 16 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Address II – New Approaches to Targeting K-Ras Room: Esplanade Ballroom Frank McCormick, PhD, FRS, David A. Wood Distinguished Professor of Tumor Biology and Cancer Research and Professor Emeritus, UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Introduced by Catherine C. Park, MD, University of California San Francisco Dr. Frank McCormick is the David A. Wood Distinguished Professor of Tumor Biology and Cancer Research at the University of California San Francisco. He recently held the position of director of the UCSF Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. McCormick will address the promise of biology and targeting in oncology, specifically as it relates to K-Ras proteins, which play a major role in many human cancers. K-Ras proteins have unique biochemical properties relative to other Ras proteins that offer new opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Dr. McCormick’s lab is attempting to target K-Ras 4B, the major isoform of K-Ras, directly and indirectly. The lab has identified compounds that bind covalently to the C-terminal CAAX box and prevent prenylation. In his address, Dr. McCormick will discuss the strategy of modifying these compounds through medicinal chemistry to increase specificity for K-Ras relative to other Ras proteins. He will also discuss the work his lab has done in the various mutants of K-Ras and their different biochemical properties. Tumors driven by the different K-Ras mutants also have different clinical outcomes that presumably relate to these functional differences. Dr. McCormick will discuss the results from his labs exploration of these differences using Ras-less MEFS rescued by introduction of individual Ras isoforms so that contributions of different isoforms and different mutant alleles to signaling networks can be analyzed in isolation. Wednesday, September 17 9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Keynote Address III – Human Error and Just Culture Room: Esplanade Ballroom Sidney Dekker, PhD, MA, MSc, Professor and Director, Safety Science Innovation Lab, Griffith University Introduced by Lawrence B. Marks, MD, FASTRO, University of North Carolina Dr. Dekker is currently a professor at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, where he is director of the Safety Science Innovation Lab. He is also an honorary professor of psychology at The University of Queensland. Previously, he was professor of human factors and system safety at Lund University in Sweden. There, he learned to fly the Boeing 737, working part-time as an airline pilot out of Copenhagen. Dr. Dekker has received worldwide acclaim for his groundbreaking work in human factors and safety, and is a best-selling author of several books on patient safety and just culture including his latest book, “Safety Differently” (2014). Dr. Dekker will speak on the topic of human error, safety culture and safety as it is related to medicine and, specifically, the field of radiation oncology. Dr. Dekker’s address will focus on several safety topics and questions, including: “When we go beyond the technical details of a radiation oncology incident, and face a ‘human error’ problem, we may be tempted to ask ‘Why didn’t these people watch out better?’ or ‘How could they miss that which is now so obvious to us?’” and “Beyond the software and hardware, can we solve our safety problems by telling people to be more careful, by reprimanding the miscreants, by issuing a new rule or procedure, by demanding compliance?” Dr. Dekker will explain that these are all expressions of “The Bad Apple Theory,” where we believe our system is basically safe if it were not for those few unreliable people in it. He will suggest that a new way of dealing with a perceived “human error” problem in the field is to see “human error” as systematically connected to features of people’s tools and tasks. To begin dealing with a “human error problem,” Dr. Dekker will discuss the need to look more closely at how people create safety through practice, mostly successfully, under the pressure of resource constraints and multiple conflicting goals. 46 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Meeting Highlights Sunday, September 14 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Clinical Trials Session Room: Esplanade Ballroom Moderators: Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, Yale School of Medicine Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO, Henry Ford Health System See page XX for full details. Monday, September 15 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Presidential Address – Back to the Future: 30 Years in Breast Cancer Room: Esplanade Ballroom Bruce G. Haff ty, MD, FASTRO, President, ASTRO Introduced by: Lynn Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, Yale School of Medicine Join us for the Presidential Address where ASTRO President Dr. Bruce Haff ty will discuss the evolution in the treatment of breast cancer over the past 30 years. The informative presentation will cover what has changed, what hasn’t changed and projections for the future. Monday, September 15 2:15 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. Plenary Session Room: Esplanade Ballroom Moderators: Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO, Yale School of Medicine Benjamin Movsas, MD, FASTRO, Henry Ford Health System See page XX for full details. Monday, September 15 3:25 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. ASTRO Guidelines Highlight I – Breast Margins Room: Esplanade Ballroom Meena S. Moran, MD, Yale School of Medicine Monica Morrow, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Wednesday, September 17 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. ASTRO Guidelines Highlight II – Endometrial and Lung Cancer Room: Esplanade Ballroom Benjamin D. Smith, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Ann H. Klopp, MD, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center George Rodrigues, MD, PhD, London Health Sciences Centre Great speaker? Tweet #ASTRO14 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 47 ARRO Program Saturday, September 13 ARRO Annual Seminar* 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Room: 103 Box lunch provided. Refer to page 50 for program schedule. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ARRO Reception Slide 430 Mason St. San Francisco, CA 94102 The ARRO Reception will be held at Slide, a popular nightclub ideally situated in downtown San Francisco in the historic Theater District adjacent to Union Square. Slide is located at 430 Mason St., between Geary St. and Post St., an approximate 15-minute walk from Moscone Center. Shuttle service will not be provided to the ARRO Reception. Sunday, September 14 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. ARRO Annual Luncheon Room: 200-212 Guest Speaker: Colleen A.F. Lawton, MD, FASTRO, Chair, ASTRO Board of Directors Monday, September 15 7:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Meet the Professor Breakfast – Leadership Part 1* Room: 101 Join us for the newly revamped ARRO Meet the Professor breakfast! Registered attendees will hear best-selling author and leadership expert Courtney Lynch and a panel of world-renowned radiation oncologists speak on various aspects of leadership as it relates to residents in radiation oncology. There will be audience interaction throughout the event with plenty of time for questions and answers. Guest Speaker: Courtney Lynch, Lead Star Panelists: Theodore L. DeWeese, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Tim R. Williams, MD, FASTRO, Lynn Cancer Institute Akila N. Viswanathan, MD, MPH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Andrew T. Turrisi III, MD, Locum Tenens *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 48 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. ARRO Poster Walk with a Professor Room: Poster Hall D Box lunch provided. 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. How to Review a Scientific Paper Workshop I* Room: 220-222 W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd, Duke University Box lunch provided. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Meet and Greet – Residents and Medical Students Room: Poster Hall D Please join us in the Poster Hall during the Poster Session and Reception to meet and greet the medical students in attendance. This is a great opportunity to meet medical students and offer your help and guidance navigating the ASTRO Annual Meeting. Wednesday, September 17 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. How to Review a Scientific Paper Workshop II* Room: 200/212 W. Robert Lee, MD, MS, MEd, Duke University Box lunch provided. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 49 ARRO Annual Seminar* Saturday, September 13 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Room: 103 This year’s program combines a variety of timely topics for residents at all stages of training. Using the audience interactive system, presentations are intended to facilitate interaction among participants from different communities. *This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits. 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Opening Remarks by the ARRO Executive Committee Welcome and Reminders – Seth Miller, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Program Review – Nima Nabarizadeh, MD, Oregon Health and Science University 10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Global Health Scholar Presentations Global Health Scholar Program Awardee Presentation on Accra, Ghana – Kosj Yamoah, MD, Thomas Jefferson University and Hospitals How to Design a Radiation Oncology Related Project in a Developing Nation Tracy Sherertz, MD, Case Western University Hospitals 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Radiation Oncologist Engagement in Quality and Safety in Leadership Bhisham Chera, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 11:00 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. Break 11:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Keynote Address: Physician Engagement in the Era of Value-based Health Care: A Call to Action Stephen Hahn, MD, FASTRO, University of Pennsylvania 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Lunch (Box lunch provided) Applying for Jobs: A Panel Discussion Moderator: Lisa A. Kachnic, MD, Boston Medical Center Panelists: Aaron Spalding, MD, PhD, Norton Cancer Institute Marka R. Crittenden, MD, PhD, Providence Cancer Center, The Oregon Clinic Siavash Jabbari, MD, Scripps Health Gautum Prasad, MD, PhD, Epic Care 2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Break 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Career Development: Strategy Primer to Address Young Investigator Skill Set Gaps for Clinical Research Charles R. Thomas Jr., MD, Oregon Health and Science University 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Prospective Review: A New Form of Submission for Manuscripts to the Red Journal Loren Mell, MD, University of California San Diego 3:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Break 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Practice Entry Survey Results Terry Wall, MD, JD, FASTRO, St. Luke’s Cancer Institute 50 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Young Physicians’ Workshop Tuesday, September 16 2:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. | Room: 123/124 This two-part workshop will address several key issues facing early career physicians and will provide an open forum for discussion among peers. The educational focus is targeted toward young physicians with less than 10 years in practice. Distinguished faculty will share their experiences and insights on several exciting topics. 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Young Physicians’ Workshop – Part 1 Welcome and Introductions Eric D. Donnelly, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Sudha Amarnath, MD, Cleveland Clinic Understanding What the ABR Wants from You Anthony L. Zietman, MD, FASTRO, Massachusetts General Hospital Negotiating a Contract When You Are Established in the Field Terry Wall, MD, JD, FASTRO, St. Luke’s Cancer Institute Economics 101 – How Are Radiation Oncologists Compensated David C. Beyer, MD, FASTRO, Arizona Oncology Services 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Young Physicians’ Workshop – Part 2 Welcome and Introductions – Eric D. Donnelly, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and Sudha Amarnath, MD, Cleveland Clinic Difficult Conversations with Patients Moderators: Eric D. Donnelly, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Sudha Amarnath, MD, Cleveland Clinic Panelists: Nils Arvold, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital New Name to come soon University Name Danielle N. Margalit, MD, MPH, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School Tim R. Williams, MD, FASTRO, Lynn Cancer Institute Case Presentation Moderators: Eric D. Donnelly, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Sudha Amarnath, MD, Cleveland Clinic Panelists: Patty Hardenberg, MD, Shaw Regional Cancer Center Grant Hunter, MD, Intermountain Healthcare Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil, University of Michigan Charles R. Thomas Jr., MD, Oregon Health and Science University How to Get Involved with Your Specialty – Shilpen Patel, MD, University of Washington Nurses’ Program This year’s Nurses’ Program includes 11 sessions and a luncheon designed to address the educational needs of radiation oncology nurses. The Nurses’ Luncheon is open to all Annual Meeting nurse registrants, but the option must have been added at the time of registration; therefore, you must have a ticket to attend. Saturday, September 13 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Palliative Care Panel Room: 300 Tracy Balboni, MD, MPH, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Lorraine Drapek, MSN, NP, Massachusetts General Hospital Jeannine Brant, PhD, APRN, AOCN, Billings Clinic 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Welcome Luncheon Room: 104 Michelle Wallace, RN, William Beaumont Hospital The Annual Meeting Nurse Abstract Awards will be presented during the luncheon. 12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Room: 300 Radiation Treatment of Non-malignant Disorders Lynn Leandro, MS, MSN, RN, GNP-BC, Emory Healthcare, Winship Cancer Institute 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Room: 300 Acute and Late Effects of Chemo-radiotherapy in Lung Cancer: Integrating Survivorship Craig Stevens, MD,PhD, Beaumont Health System Jeanne Parzuchowski, RN, William Beaumont Hospital 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Room: 300 Skin Care for the Radiation Oncology Patient Dorothy Doughty, MN, RN, CWOCN, FAAN, Emory University 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Room: 300 To Treat or Not to Treat: Decision-making and Treatment Options in Low-risk Prostate Cancer: Risk versus Benefit Vanna Dest, MSN, APRN, AOCN, Yale New Haven Hospital, Smilow Cancer Hospital Pamela Devine, MSN, RN, Philadelphia VA Medical Center A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required 52 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required Sunday, September 14 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Room: 220-226 Survivorship Panel Richard Boyajian, RN, MS, NP, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Jeannine Brant, PhD, APRN, AOCN, Billings Clinic Carrie Stricker, PhD, RN, On Q Health Inc. 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Room: 220-226 Know Your Patients’ Behaviors: Impact on Radiation Treatment and Outcomes Emily Moore, ND, LAC, Indiana Health Goshen Center for Cancer Care 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Room: 220-226 Update on Protons - GI, GU and Breast Lorraine Drapek, MSN, NP, Massachusetts General Hospital 1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Room: 220-226 Rehab for RT Patients/Lymphedema from Radiation Carol Parmelee, RN, Indiana University Health 3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Room: 220-226 Revolutionary Noninvasive Surgery Procedures Michelle Manders, RN, BScN, William Beaumont Hospital Daniel Krauss, MD, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Room: 220-226 Sexuality – Long Term Effects from Radiation – Male and Female Deborah Watkins Bruner, PhD, RN, Emory University ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 53 International Program A series of sessions have been identified throughout the Annual Meeting Program as pertinent to our international attendees. The International Attendee Welcome Breakfast is open to all international attendees, and you must have an international attendee badge holder (black) to be admitted. The Foreign Language Poster Walks are ticketed events. You must be registered for these events and have a ticket to attend. Lunch will be provided at the Poster Walks for those who have tickets to attend. Saturday, September 13 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ASTRO 2014 Chinese Language Refresher Course: Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy Room: 122 Moderator: Zhongxing Liao, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center Speakers: Yexiong Li, MD, PhD, Chinese Academy of Medical Science Cancer Hospital Dian Wang, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin Barbara Sims, BS, RTT, Fox Chase Cancer Center W. Kenneth Zhen, MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center Jinming Yu, MD, PhD, Sandong Tumor Hospital and Institute Jinyi Lang, MD, Sichuan Tumor Hospital and Institution Feng-Ming Kong, MD, PhD, Georgia Regents University 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ASTRO 2014 Spanish Language Refresher Course: Update and Review of Established and Modern Technologies Room: 122 Moderators: Beatriz Amendola, MD, Innovative Cancer Institute Higinia Cárdenes, MD, PhD, Indiana University Speakers: Victor Bourel, PhD, Universidad Favaloro Naipy Perez, MS, Innovative Cancer Institute Dante E. Roa, PhD, University of California Irvine Roberto Diaz, MD, PhD, Moffit Cancer Center Ferran Guedea, MD, University of Barcelona Beatriz Amendola, MD, Innovative Cancer Institute Juanita Crook, MD, University of British Columbia Carlos Perez, MD, FASTRO, Washington University Higinia Cárdenes, MD, PhD, Indiana University A ARON Ticketed Event/ Nurses’ Separate Session registration required 54 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Live Interactive SAM/ Session Separate registration required Sunday, September 14 6:45 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. International Attendee Welcome Breakfast Room: 104 The Internationals Abstract Award will be presented during the breakfast, along with remarks from the International Education Subcommittee Chair Kenneth Hu, MD. 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Best of ESTRO at ASTRO* Room: 300 Moderators: Bruce G. Haff ty, MD, FASTRO, President, ASTRO Philip Poortmans, MD, PhD, President of ESTRO Speakers: Philip Poortmans, MD, PhD, President of ESTRO Nuria Jornet, PhD, Chair, Physics Committee, ESTRO Brad Wouters, PhD, Chair, Radiobiology Committee, ESTRO * This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits 4:45 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. UICC Panel – Inserting Radiotherapy into the Global Health Movement* Room: 300 Moderator: Mary Gospodarowicz, MD, FASTRO, Princess Margaret Hospital Speakers: David Jaffray, PhD, Princess Margaret Hospital Rifat Atun, MBA, Harvard University Danielle Rodin, MD, University of Toronto Gavin Yamey, MD, MPH, MA, MRCP, University of California, San Francisco * This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits Monday, September 15 7:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Room: 300 ASTRO/ESTRO Joint Breast Symposium - Current Challenges in Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer* Speakers: Philip Poortmans, MD, PhD, President of ESTRO Nuria Jornet, PhD, Chair, Physics Committee, ESTRO Lawrence B. Marks, MD, FASTRO, University of North Carolina Atif Khan, MD, Cancer Institute of New Jersey * This session is not accredited for continuing medical education credits Connect with attendees Tweet #ASTRO14 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 55 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. ASTRO 2014 International Symposium: Workshop on Safe Implementation of Advanced Technologies in Radiation Oncology PART I: Practice of Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques, Clinical Implementation of IMRT, IGRT and IGART Programs Room: 125 Moderator: Jatinder Palta, PhD, FASTRO, Virginia Commonwealth University Speakers: Patrick Kupelian, MD, University of California Los Angeles Jatinder Palta, PhD, FASTRO, Virginia Commonwealth University Jean Moran, PhD, University of Michigan Laura Dawson, MD, Princess Margaret Hospital 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Foreign Language Poster Walks Room: Poster Hall D Foreign Language Poster Walks will be offered in Chinese and Spanish, and will review selected abstracts based on disease site. Please note that this event is open to international attendees only. Please refer to the details below for further information. CHINESE POSTER WALK Faculty: W. Kenneth Zhen, MD Disease Site: Head and Neck SPANISH POSTER WALK Faculty: Adela Poitevin, MD Disease Site: Breast, CNS and Prostate 4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. ASTRO 2014 International Symposium: Workshop on Safe Implementation of Advanced Technologies in Radiation Oncology PART II: Commissioning SBRT and SRS Systems; Clinical Implementation of SBRT and SRS Programs; Moderated Interactive Discussion Room: 125 Moderator: Jatinder Palta, PhD, FASTRO, Virginia Commonwealth University Speakers: Indrin J. Chetty, PhD, Henry Ford Hospital Center Brian Kavanagh, MD, MPH, University of Colorado Jatinder Palta, PhD, FASTRO, Virginia Commonwealth University Nina A. Mayr, MD, FASTRO, University of Washington 56 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) TM ASTRO’s practice accreditation program highlights the Society’s commitment to safety and quality. The program uses evidence-based guidelines and consensus statements on the practice of radiation oncology to establish standards of performance. ASTRO’s practice accreditation program will provide an objective review by practicing radiation oncology professionals of essential functions and processes of radiation oncology practices, in addition to a facility visit from a multidisciplinary team. The practice accreditation program consists of five key areas: the process of care, the radiation oncology team, safety, quality management and patient-centered care. Saturday, September 13 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) – Surveyor Session* Room: 200-226 Angela Nicholas, DC, MBA, ASTRO Yan Yu, PhD, MBA, Thomas Jefferson University Prabhakar Tripuraneni, MD, FASTRO, Scripps Health Clinic Amy Nordeng, JD, ASTRO This interactive session is designed to provide guidance on the surveyor’s role and an opportunity for surveyors to take the online orientation modules*. The target audience for this session is approved surveyors for ASTRO’s practice accreditation program. Participants of this session will be able to: • Discuss the mission, vision and goals of the program. • Discuss the radiation oncology practice accreditation model. • Identify and discuss the program standards. • Identify the steps of the survey process. • Discuss corrective action steps when encountering difficult scenarios during a survey. • Discuss surveyor training requirements. *Attendees must bring their own laptop to participate in taking the online modules. Internet access and power cords will be provided. Monday, September 15 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx) Highlights Luncheon Room: 200-212 Prabhakar Tripuraneni, MD, FASTRO, Scripps Health Clinic James Hayman, MD, MBA, University of Michigan Hospitals Yan Yu, PhD, MBA, Thomas Jefferson University This session will provide an overview of ASTRO’s practice accreditation program. This luncheon will provide the necessary information needed to understand the process, from application to successful accreditation. Those attending will be able to understand the expectations, steps, resources and tools to complete the process. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 57 RO ILS R A D I AT I O N O N C O L O G Y TM INCIDENT LEARNING SYSTEM Sponsored by ASTRO and AAPM RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System™ provides a shared learning environment for radiation oncology providers to collect and analyze patient safety events. ASTRO contracted with Clarity PSO, a federally qualified patient safety organization (PSO), to develop and administer RO-ILS. PSOs create a secure, non-punitive environment where providers can collect, aggregate and analyze data to identify and reduce the risks and hazards associated with patient care, as outlined in the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005. RO-ILS was also developed with the support and partnership of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and is the only medical specialty society-sponsored incident learning system for radiation oncology. On June 19, 2014, RO-ILS became available to the full radiation oncology community. Please join us at the following sessions to learn more about RO-ILS and patient safety. RO-ILS Luncheon: Sunday, September 14 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. RO-ILS Luncheon: Lessons Learned from Medical Specialty Patient Safety Organizations Room: 101 Moderator: Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Speakers: Carrie Bosela, RN, CPC, CPC-I, Society for Vascular Surgery Patient Safety Organization Donald Tyler, MD, MBA, Executitve Director, Wake up Safe Other Sessions of Interest: Wednesday, September 17 9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Keynote Address III – Human Error and Just Culture Room: Esplanade Ballroom See page 46 for more information. 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Educational Session 412: Improving Patient Safety and Quality of Care with the Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System (RO-ILS) Room: 134 See page 104 for more information. 58 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 59 60 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 61 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 62 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 63 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 65 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 66 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 68 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 69 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 70 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 71 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 72 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 73 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 74 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 75 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 76 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 77 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 78 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 79 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 80 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 81 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 82 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 83 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 84 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 85 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 86 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 87 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 88 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 89 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 90 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 91 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 92 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 93 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 94 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 95 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 96 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 97 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 98 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 99 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 100 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 101 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 102 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 103 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 104 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 105 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 106 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 107 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 108 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 109 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 110 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 111 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 112 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 113 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 114 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 115 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 116 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING 117 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEETING notes notes notes INSIDE: Poster Presentations Poster Viewing Hours Sunday, September 14 Monday, September 15 Tuesday, September 16 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 6:45 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Poster Presentations 2014 ANNUAL MEETING PROMOTIONAL SUPPORTERS (AS OF AUGUST 4, 2014) Special thanks to ASTRO’s 56th Annual Meeting Promotional Supporters Poster Presentations GOLD SILVER BRONZE CIVCO Medical Solutions Hologic COPPER Sun Nuclear Vertual, Ltd. Poster Presentations by Track BREAST CANCER 2001 Naoto Shikama Acute Toxicities Associated With Three-Dimensional Conformal External-Beam Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation in a Prospective Phase 2 Trial 2002 Bartosz Urbanski Effectiveness and Toxicity of Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT) Given as a Boost During Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS) Followed by Adjuvant Whole Breast Radiotherapy (WBRT) 2003 Andrzej Wojcieszynski Toxicity From Breast Cancer Treatment Using Helical Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy With an Incorporated Boost 2004 Kimberley Mak Dosimetric Inhomogeneity Predicts for Long-Term Breast Pain Following Breast-Conserving Therapy 2005 Malolan Rajagopalan Utilization of Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Early Stage Breast Cancer in the Elderly Population A National Cancer Data Base Analysis 2006 Norman Williams Cosmetic Outcome Before and After External Beam or Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Early Breast Cancer Within One Year of Breast Conserving Surgery: An Objective Assessment of Patients From a Randomised Controlled Trial 2007 John Cuaron Outcomes and Early Toxicity in Patients Treated With Proton Therapy for Breast Cancer 2008 Marco Trovo Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Partial Breast Irradiation Based on a Novel NTCP Model for Severe Fibrosis: Clinical Results 2009 Edward Yu Male Breast Cancer Prognostic Factors: Similarity to Female Counterparts With Propensity Scores and Matched-Pair Analysis 2010 Delnora Erickson Axillary Coverage During Radiation Therapy to the Breast With Tangents Alone 2011 Marciana-Nona Duma Tangential Field Technique for Breast Cancer: The Dose to the Heart and Heart Subvolumes 2012 Chikao Sugie Efficacy of the Dynamic Jaw Mode in Helical Tomotherapy With Static Ports for Breast Cancer 2013 Tamer Refaat Hyperthermia and Radiation Therapy for Local Advanced or Recurrent Breast Cancer: Long Term Outcomes and Adverse Events 2014 ZhaoZhi Yang Age and Her-2 Subtype Predict The Risk of Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence After Breast Conservative Therapy in Chinese Breast Cancer Patients 2016 Charles Leonard Clinical Utility of the 12-Gene Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ (DCIS) Score Assay: Impact on Treatment (tx) Recommendations 2017 Mariko Kawamura Development of the Breast Immobilization System in Prone Setup: The Effect of Bra in Prone Position to Eliminate the Breast Setup Error 2018 Kitwadee Saksornchai Local Recurrence and Overall Survival Rate After Hypofractionated Irradiation With Concomittant Boost in Early Breast Cancer 2019 Olga Vujovic Comparison of Two Radiation Schedules in The Adjuvant Treatment of Early Stage Breast Carcinoma With Long Term Follow-Up 2020 Miriam Knoll Dose to Organs at Risk (OAR) When Covering the Internal Mammary Nodes in Breast Cancer Patients: A Quantitative Comparison of VMAT, Partially-Wide Tangents (PWT), and Photon-Electron (P-E) 2021 Yun Ding Comparison of the Volume and Localization of Lumpectomy Cavity Delineated by Clips and Seroma Based on 4DCT Scan for External-Beam Partial Breast Irradiation After Breast Conserving Surgery 2022 Guy Jones Are the Conclusions of Z11 Relevant to Community Practice? 2023 Ugo de Paula Full Local Control With Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) by Tomotherapy After Breast-Conservative Surgery for Patients Suitable, or Not, According to ASTRO 2009 Consensus Statement: Interim Report After 2 Years Follow-Up 2024 Madeera Kathpal Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) With Electromagentic Surface Transponder Confirmation of Chest Wall Position for Adjuvant Therapy of Left Breast Cancer 2025 Jonathan Wallach Correlation of Pathological Features of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) and Oncotype DCIS Score 2026 Yasser Abo-Madyan Breast Radiotherapy (RT) Using Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB): Which Is The Optimal Intensity Modulated RT (IMRT) Technique? 2027 Aaron Falchook Adoption of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Hypofractionated and Conventionally Fractionated Radiation in the US Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 123 2028 Mina Shenouda Contralateral Breast Cancer: Risk Factors, Characteristics and Prognostic Implications 2029 Kumiko Karasawa Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Stage I Breast Cancer 2030 Ravi Chandra Radiotherapy Risk Factors for the Development of Lymphedema in Patients Treated With Regional Lymph Node Irradiation for Breast Cancer 2031 Sunpreet Rakhra Review of Outcomes After Breast Conserving Surgery and Intraoperative Radiotherapy and Risk Factors Leading to Breast Complications for Early Stage Breast Cancer 2032 David Woolf Biological Dosimetry With γ-H2AX Foci Using Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer as a Model 2033 Jason Duelge A Simple Low Cost Deep Inhalation Breath Hold System That Can Be Implemented at Your Clinic 2034 Eva Ambroa Rey Which Are the Best Dose/Volume Constraints in 3D-CRT Breast Cancer? 2035 Li Zhang Dose Coverage of Axillary Levels I-III and the Sentinel Lymph Node Area With Inverse-Planned Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy in Patients With Breast Conserving Surgery 2036 Paola Pinnaro Whole Breast Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy After Conservative Surgery: A Phase 2 Study 2037 Sandi Bosnic A Retrospective Study of the Prone Breast Technique: Analysing Dosimetry, Breast Volume, Breast Separation and Acute Skin Toxicity 2038 Li Zhang Dose Distribution Analysis of the Sentinel Lymph Node Area During Field-in-Field Forward-Planned Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy to Breast 2039 Merrylee McGuffin Breast Cancer Patient Preferences for Adjuvant Radiotherapy PostLumpectomy: Whole Breast Irradiation Vversus Partial Breast Irradiation Preliminary Results 2040 Elisa Cordova Polymorphic Variant TP53 (R72P) May Suggest Acute Radiotoxicity in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Conventional Radiation Treatments 2041 Elia del Cerro Penalver Single Fraction HDR Brachytherapy After Conservative Surgery and Whole Hypofractionated Breast Radiotherapy 2042 May Lin Tao Long Term Results of Breast Conservation Therapy for Patients With Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Large Community Based Experience and National Norms 2043 Zaker Rana Factors Improving Skin Sparing, Rib Sparing, and D95 Coverage in Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Across Five Catheter Subtypes 2044 Erin Healy Compliance With Hormonal Therapy in Elderly Women With Early Breast Cancer Who Were Not Treated With Adjuvant Radiation Following Lumpectomy 2045 Michael Stauder Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy After Positive Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy and Completion Axillary Lymph Node Dissection 2046 Wei Wang Comparison of Orthogonal Kilovolt X-Ray Plain Film and Cone-Beam CT Matching Results in Setup Error Assessment and Correction for EB-PBI During Free Breathing 2047 Zeliang Shi Radiation Increase Invasive and Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer Cells Through Activating Mmp-2 2048 Gul Alco Replacement of Tumor Bed After Oncoplastic Breast Conserving Surgery With Immediate Latissimus Dorsi Mini-Flap 2049 Whitney Hitchcock Cherenkoscopically Visualized Superficial Dose and Radiation Dermatitis During Breast Radiotherapy 2050 Jose Bazan Chestwall/Breast and Regional Nodal Irradiation: A Feasibility Study of Achieving the Normal Tissue Constraints on NSABP B51/RTOG 1304 2051 Rosanna Yeung Visually Monitored Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Technique in Left-Sided Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Adjuvant Radiotherapy: Reproducibility and Reliability 2052 Dean Shumway Development of a Photonumeric Scale for Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients 2053 Michael Yassa Regional Nodal Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients With Positive Nodes Who Convert to Negative Nodes After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy 2054 Rosanna Yeung Evaluation of Cardiac Dose Reduction With Deep Inspiration Breath Hold in Patients With Left-Sided Breast Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Radiotherapy 2055 Sua Yoo Delivered Dose for Preoperative Single Fraction Partial Breast Radiotherapy 2056 Hadley Sharp Extent of Regional Nodal Irradiation in the Breast-Conservation Setting Following a Positive Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: Network Practice Patterns in a Large Multi-Site Cancer Center 2057 Andrew Wong A Comparative Review of Three Methods for Scoring Late Breast Cosmesis in Patients Treated With Lumpectomy and Radiation Therapy (RT) 2058 Lauren Herman Daily Two Millimeter Chest Wall Bolus Provides Adequate Dose Build-Up With Acceptable Skin Toxicity for Post-Mastectomy Radiation Therapy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 124 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2059 Erin Gillespie Pathologic Response After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Predicts Locoregional Control in Patients With Triple Negative Breast Cancer 2060 Budhi Yadav Outcome Following Postmastectomy Internal Mammary Node Radiation in Patients With Breast Cancer - A Long Term Follow Up Study 2061 Yazid Belkacemi Tangential Fields (TGF) Breast Radiotherapy (RT): Prospective Evaluation of the Dose Distribution in the Axilla and the Sentinel Lymph Node Area (SLNA) Determined Intra Operatively by Clip Placement 2062 Jean Wright Black Patients Treated With PMRT Are More Likely Than Others to Develop Moist Desquamation in a Prospective Skin Toxicity Study 2063 Xiaofeng Yang Ultrasound Texture Features as Potential Early Imaging Biomarkers for Normal-Tissue Toxicity in Breast-Cancer Radiotherapy 2065 Robert Mutter Single Field Spot-Scanning (SFSS) is Dosimetrically Superior to Two Field Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) for Proton Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy (PMRT) 2070 Brandi Page Leptomeningeal Failure in Patients With Breast Cancer Receiving Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases 2071 Suzhen Wang Comparison of Clinical Treatment Effect Between Sib-IMRT and Late-Course Boost-IMRT for Early Breast Cancer After Breast-Conserving Surgery 2072 Suzhen Wang Comparison of Acute Radiation Injury of the Skin and Cosmetic Outcome Between Sib-IMRT and Late-Course Boost-IMRT for Early Breast Cancer After Breast-Conserving Surgery 2067 Lior Braunstein Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC) of the Breast: Local Recurrence (LR) After Breast-Conserving Therapy (BCT) by Subtype Approximation 2068 Yolanda Tseng Association Between Breast Cancer Biological Subtype and Risk of Locoregional Recurrence After Mastectomy in Node-Negative Patients 2069 Lu Cao Hormone Receptor Status and TN Stage Influence the Locoregional Benefit From Trastuzumab in Patients With HER2 Positive Breast Cancer After Adjuvant Radiotherapy 2081 Lesley Jarvis Cherenkoscopy Is a Novel Imaging Technique With the Potential to Improve Accuracy and Detect Radiotherapy Misadministrations During Whole Breast Radiotherapy 2082 Leonid Zamdborg Dosimetric Predictors of Cosmesis in Whole Breast Irradiation: A Novel Clincally-Applicable Constraint 2073 Pratap Reddy To Study Whether Curcumin and Piperine Sensitize Breast Cancer Cells and Breast Cancer Initiating Cells to Radiation 2083 Jacob Shin The Impact of Race in Male Breast Cancer Outcome in the United States: A Population-Based Analysis of 4,279 Patients 2074 Weiwei Li IMRT Versus 3D-CRT for PostMastectomy Irradiation of Chest Wall and Regional Nodes: A Population-Based Comparison of Normal Lung Dose 2084 Yazid Belkacemi Patterns of Practice of Nodal Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer: Results of the Eortc “Nora” Survey 2075 Jiayi Chen Outcome of Brain Metastases From Her2-Positive Breast Cancer: Difference in Survival Benefit From Anti-Her2 Treatment After WBRT With Regard to Prior Targeted Therapy 2076 2066 David Wazer A Phase 1 Trial of a Novel Photodynamic Therapy for Chest Wall Recurrent Breast Cancer Following Prior Radiation Therapy 2080 Mami Ogita Randomized, Prospective Trial of Moisturizer Efficacy for the Treatment of Skin Dryness Following Radiotherapy After Breast-Conserving Surgery WITHDRAWN 2077 Shuai Li Risk Factors for Supraclavicular Nodal Failure in Chinese Breast Cancer Patients With One to Three Positive Axillary Nodes Treated With Breast Conserving Surgery Without Supraclavicular Nodal Radiation 2078 Jason Ye Triple Negative Receptor Status and Other Predictors of Lymph Node Positivity in Small (T1) Breast Cancers: A National Registry Study 2079 T. Jonathan Yang Characteristics and Outcomes of Breast Cancer Patients Who Received Immediate Reconstruction and Postmastectomy Radiation Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy 2085 Kristina Mirabeau-Beale Quality of Life (QOL) in Women With Breast Cancer Enrolled on a Prospective Lymphedema Screening Protocol 2086 Sahaja Acharya Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ Treated With Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation: An Analysis of Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence and Contralateral Breast Cancer 2087 Sui Shen Variation in Boost Dose to Breast Cancer Tumor Bed in Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold Radiotherapy Evaluated With Feedback-Guided CBCT 2088 Tara Hansen Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using the Strut-Adjusted Volume Implant: A Single Institution Review of Toxicity and Cosmetic Outcome 2089 Mary Lopresti Lack of Breast Cancer Screening in Women at High Risk After Supra Diaphragmatic Irradiation for Pediatric Malignancies Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 125 2090 Qian Zhang The Impact of Serum IL-8 Level on Acute Radiation-Induced Skin Toxicity in a Prospective Trial Comparing Concomitant or Sequential Anastrozole With Postoperative Radiotherapy in Postmenopausal Women With Receptor Positive Breast Cancer 2091 Asal Rahimi Phase 1 Dose Escalation Trial Using Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Partial Breast Irradiation (PBI) 2092 Rebekah Young Evaluation of Oncotype DX DCIS Usage Among Minority Women: A Single Institutional Review 2093 Linna Li Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Breast: An Analysis of a Rare Tumor Type in the SEER Database 2094 Timothy Lymberiou Predictors of Breast Radiotherapy Plan Modifications: Quality Assurance Rounds in a Large Cancer Center 2095 Trang Pham Left-Sided Breast Cancer Loco-Regional Radiotherapy With Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold (DIBH): Does Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Reduce the Cardiac Dose Further When Compared to Tangential Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (T-IMRT)? 2096 Grace Lee Identifying Anatomic Features in Women at Risk of Cardiac Exposure in Whole Breast Radiotherapy Treatments 2097 Yoonsun Chung Dummy Run Study of Quality Assurance Program in KROG 08-06 Study, Phase 3 Randomized Trial to Investigate the Role of Internal Mammary Lymph Node Irradiation for Breast Cancer Patients 2098 Shuai Li Interim Analysis of 354 Breast Cancer Patients Randomly Treated With Hyperfractionated or Conventional Fractionated Radiotherapy After Breast Conserving Surgery 2099 Louis Keiler EBRT Versus APBI: Patient Satisfaction 2100 Kristina Demas Treatment of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ With Adjuvant Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation: A Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Based Patterns of Care Analysis 2101 Clare Suttie Dosimetric Implications of Tissue Expanders in Post-Mastectomy Irradiation, and Oncoplastic Reconstruction Outcomes 2102 Charlotte Dai Kubicky Impact of Molecular Subtypes and Pathologic Response on Locoregional Recurrence (LRR) and Survival in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy 2103 Shihfan Lai Effect of Immunohistochemically Biological Expression on Clinical Outcome for Patients With Breast Cancer and Brain Metastases After Brain Radiotherapy 2104 Jae Myoung Noh Prognostic Significance of Internal Mammary Node Involvement in Patients With Clinical Stage IIIc Breast Cancer Who Received Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy 2105 Tao Wu Improved Locoregional Control For Patients With T1-2n1 Triple-negative Breast Cancer Treated With Radiotherapy Following Modified Radical Mastectomy 2106 Celine Bourgier Bilateral Cancer Breast Irradiation by Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT): Early Clinical Experience 2107 Gabriele Simontacchi Comparison of Static Fields IMRT and Helical IMRT for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation 2110 Valentina Vanoni Extrernal Beam Radiotherapy Versus Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Conserving Therapy: A Large Single Institution Matched-Pair Evaluation 2111 Masako Kato Evaluating Radiation Dose to the Heart and the Left Anterior Descending (LAD) Coronary Artery With Left Whole Breast Radiation Therapy to Japanese Women 2112 Hyunsoo No Breast Cancer Radiotherapy (RT) in Developing Countries: A Technique for Simple Prone Treatment Planning 2113 Eunjin Jwa Retrospective Analysis of Risk Factors for Regional Recurrence for pN1 Patients After Breast Conserving Surgery 2114 Kruti Patel Comparison of Coronary Vessel Contouring Using Non-Contrast Cardiac Gated CT VersusCT Angiogram 2115 Jonathan Verma Breast Cancer Subtype and Locoregional Outcomes in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer 2116 Ivy Petersen What Is Normal? - Cooperative Pooled Database to Establish Typical Heart and Lung Doses for Modern Breast Radiation Therapy 2117 Maria Almudena Cascales Garcia Borderline and Malignant Phylloides Tumors of the Breast: A Retrospective Analysis of 37 Cases 2118 Elizabeth Nichols Prospective Evaluation of Preoperative 3d Conformal Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (3dcrt-apbi) Shows Promising Early Results 2108 Karolien Verhoeven Boost Delineation in Breast Radiotherapy: Isotropic Versus Anisotropic Margin Expansion 2119 Efrat Shekel Is Contouring the Left Anterior Descending (LAD) Artery Necessary for Left Breast Patients? A Retrospective Comparison Between Treated and Revised Plans 2109 Diana Tuano The Impact of Contouring the Axillary Lymph Nodal Levels in Achieving Adequate Doses for Tangential Chestwall Irradiation 2120 Julian Johnson Repeat Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Patients With Post Mastectomy Chest Wall Recurrence: Influence on Radiation Treatment Fields and Outcome Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 126 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2121 Anna Lee Inter- and Intra-operator Reproducibility of Cutaneous Toxicity Measurements Using Quantitative Ultrasound 2131 Stuti Ahlawat Accelerated, Hypofractionated Whole Breast Radiotherapy in Women With Breast Cancer: A Phase II Trial 2142 Brent Rose Effect of Involved Lymph Node Size on Cancer-Specific Mortality in Women With Node-Positive Breast Cancer 2122 Julia Manzerova Predicting Potential RadiationAssociated Cardiac Risks for Left Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Post-Mastectomy or Breast and Regional Nodal Radiation Therapy 2132 Carole Massabeau Outcome of pN0 Triple Negative Breast Cancers With and Without Lymph Node Irradiation 2143 Daniel Petereit The Impact of Breast Patient Navigation on Breast Preservation Rates 2123 Daniel Trifiletti A Comparative Analysis of 3-D Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy During Deep Inspiratory Breath Hold for Left Sided Whole Breast Irradiation 2124 Nalini Rao Can Tangential Fields Designed for Whole Breast Coverage in Early Breast Cancer Adequately Irradiate Limited Node Positive Disease, Not Treated With Alnd? 2133 Richard Hymas Dosimetric Predictors of Toxicity and Cosmesis in Women Treated With Hypofractionated Whole Breast Irradiation 2134 Jon Strasser Outcomes for APBI With Strut-Based Brachytherapy: 596 Patients With 39 Month Median Follow-Up 2135 Christy Goldsmith Clinical Outcome of Stereotactic Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Oligometastatic Breast Cancer 2125 Benjamin Lok Age, Tumor Subtype and Locoregional Recurrence in Operable Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Adjuvant Therapies 2136 Jean Wright Racial and Ethnic Disparity in Stage at Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Changes in Minority Populations in Florida From 1981-2009 2126 Malcolm Mattes Breast Cancer Molecular Subtype as a Predictor of Lymph Node Metastasis 2137 Peter Chen Propensity-Score Matched-Pair Analysis of Interstitial Multicatheter Versus Balloon-Based Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation, Stratified by ASTRO Guidelines 2127 Adavikolanu Kesava Ramgopal Postmastectomy Chest Wall Radiation of Left Sided Breast Cancer Patients With Single Energy Electron-beam Versus Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy With Photons- Analysis of Dosimetric Parameters 2128 Randy Wei Association Between Breast Cancer and Glioblastoma Multiforme in Women: A California Cancer Registry Population-Based Analysis 2129 Catheryn Yashar Outcomes for APBI With Strut-Based Brachytherapy: First 200 Accrued Patients (52 Month Median Follow-Up) 2130 Melis Gultekin Radiation Induced Hypothyroidism and Related Dosimetric Parameters in Breast Cancer Patients 2138 María Ríos Pozo Locoregional Recurrence of Early Breast Cancer According to Intrinsic Subtype 2144 Laura Warren Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Patterns of Failure and the Case for Aggressive Local-Regional Management 2145 Justin Rineer Patterns of Progression in Hormone Receptor Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer - An Argument for Local Therapy 2146 Richard Cedric Zellars Two Phase 1/2 Trials of Partial Breast Irradiation (PBI) With Concurrent Chemotherapy Regimens: Late Toxicity, Cosmetic Outcome and Disease Recurrence 2147 Linda Smith Improved Targeting of the Lumpectomy Cavity Using a Spiral 3-D Marker 2148 Nisha Patel Dosimetric Deviations in Partial Breast Irradiation During the Treatment course due to Random and Systematic Uncertainties 2149 Nathan Tonlaar Outcomes of African American Women Undergoing APBI for Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Matched Pair Analysis 2150 2139 William Hartsell Proton Beam Therapy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: Dosimetric Results and Acute Toxicity 2140 Jessica Wobb Comparison of Chronic Toxicities Between Brachytherapy-Based Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation and Whole Breast Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy 2141 Grant Ognibene Three-Dimensional Conformal External Beam Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation: The Stanford Experience WITHDRAWN 2151 Jennifer Chang Evolution of Heart Dose Over Time in Patients Treated for Left-Sided Breast Cancer 2152 Richard Cedric Zellars Identification of Molecular Markers of Radiation-Induced Toxicity in Patients Undergoing Breast Conserving Therapy 2153 James Snider III Theoretical Improvements in Cosmetic Outcomes Utilizing a Novel Breast Stereotactic Radiotherapy (BSRT)Device Compared to 3-Dimensional Partial Breast Irradiation Using IMRT (IMRT PBI): A Dosimetric Analysis Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 127 2154 Carolina Fasola Local Recurrence Among Patients With Early Stage Breast Cancer Treated With Intraoperative Radiotherapy: The Effect of Systemic Therapy 2155 Michael Eblan Effect of Internal Mammary Vessel Irradiation on Outcomes of Free Flap Breast Reconstruction in Patients Treated With Mastectomy and Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer 2156 Morteza Dowlatshahi Favorable Cosmesis and Local Control for Single-Lumen and Multi-Lumen Applicators for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation for Early Stage Breast Cancer CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 2157 James Marsh Involvement of the Neural Stem Cell Compartment by Pediatric and Adult Gliomas: A Retrospective Review of 377 Cases 2158 Lova Sun Next Generation Nanoparticles for Enhanced Radiation Therapy and Diagnostic Imaging of Brain Tumors 2159 Jimmy Caudell Radiosensitivity Molecular Signature is Predictive of Overall Survival in Glioblastoma 2160 Quincey LaPlant Radiographic Features, Patterns of Treatment Failure, and Clinical Outcomes in 56 Cases of Molecularly Subtyped Glioblastoma Multiforme Patients 2161 Toshihiko Iuchi Risk and Benefit of Irradiation for Subventricular Zone in the Treatment of Patients With Glioblastoma 2162 Michelle Kim A Phase 1 Dose-Escalation Study of Gemcitabine Plus Standard Radiation Therapy for Malignant High Grade Gliomas 2163 Andrew Elson Evaluation of Pre-Radiotherapy Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC): Patterns of Recurrence and Progression Free Survival Analysis in Patients with GBM 2164 Abhilasha Patel Population Based Analysis to Determine Conditional Survival in Patients with Gliomas Treated With Radiation 2165 Alin Chirindel Multi-Reader Evaluation of Manual Tumor Delineation for Recurrent Glioblastoma on FET-PET Scan - Impact of PET Windowing Settings 2166 Anthony Rizzo Investigating the Relationship Between Radiation Dose to Neural Stem Cell Niches and Survival in GBM 2167 Melissa Azoulay Hypofractionated Radiotherapy With or Without Temozolomide Compared to Standard of Care in the Treatment of Glioblastoma: Results From a Single Institution 2168 Julie Carlson Hypofractionated-Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (hypo-IMRT) and Temozolomide (TMZ) With and Without Bevacizumab (BEV) for Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM): A Comparison of Two Prospective Phase 2 Trials 2169 Julie Carlson A Phase 2 Trial of Hypofractionated-Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (hypo-IMRT) Combined With Temozolomide (TMZ) and Bevacizumab (BEV) for Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) 2170 Dayssy Diaz Pardo Re-irradiation for Recurrent Gliomas: Comparison of Multiple Fractionation Schedules 2171 Hiroshi Igaki Patterns of Recurrence in Malignant Glioma Patients: Association With Neurogenic Niche and Radiotherapy Dose 2172 Brijal Desai Overall Survival (OS) and Toxicity Outcomes Following Large-Volume Re-irradiation Using Proton Therapy (PT) for Recurrent Glioma 2173 Christopher Anker Additional Treatment Margin Beyond Edema Provides No Benefit in the Radiation of Glioblastoma Multiforme 2174 Naomi Nakajima Pretreatment Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) High Intensity Volume on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlate With Clinical Outcome in Who Grade 3 Gliomas 2175 Naomi Nakajima High Subventricular Zone Radiation Dose Correlates With Progression-Free Survival in Glioblastoma Patients After Concurrent Temozolomide Administration and Extended Focal Radiotherapy 2176 Naomi Nakajima Clinical Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Patients With High Grade Glioma Treated With Surgery Followed by Concurrent Temozolomide Administration and Extended Focal Radiotherapy 2177 Michael Kucharczyk Evaluation of Pseudoprogression in Patients With Glioblastoma (EPPIG) 2178 Fen Zhao Prognostic Value of 3’-deoxy-3’18f-fluorothymidine Pet in Patients With Recurrent Malignant Gliomas: Comparison With Contrast-Enhanced MRI 2179 Joseph Bovi Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma With Bevacizumab With or Without Re-irradiation Using a Pulsed Low Dose Radiotherapy Technique: A Single Institution Experience 2180 Xin Li Extravasation Rate Constant Estimation From Pharmacokinetic First Principles to Improve Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Characterization of Brain Tumors 2181 Grace Kusumawidjaja Dose Escalated Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy and Increased Radiation Doses to Subventricular Zones in Treatment Outcomes of Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme 2182 Nobumasa Fujitani Applicability of the Linear-Quadratic Model to Radiotherapy at a High Dose per Fraction In Vivo Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 128 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2183 Rifaquat Rahman Toxicity, Hospitalization Burden, and Survival Among Glioblastoma Patients Receiving Chemoradiation 2184 Charlotte Debus The Battle Between Amino Acid PET and Functional MRI: Precision of Tumor Delineation Examined by Glioma Progression Pattern After Radiotherapy 2185 Mekhail Anwar Determining Voxel Response to Radiotherapy in Glioblastoma Using Integrated Dosimetry, Diffusion, Perfusion and Spectra 2186 Jordan Holmes Genomic Predictors of Infield and Marginal Failure for Glioblastoma Treated With Concurrent Radiotherapy and Temozolomide: A Step Towards Personalized Radiation Fields? 2187 Barbara Diletto Prognostic Value of Age and Comorbidities in Elderly Glioblastoma Patients: Analysis From Three Prospective Phase 2 Trials 2188 Silvia Chiesa Including Edema or Not in Glioblastoma? Analysis From Sequential Prospective Phase 2 Studies 2189 Vikram Jairam Change in Radiotherapy Treatment Volumes With Initial Alkylating Chemotherapy in WHO Grade 3 Gliomas 2190 John Hardie Evaluation of RANO Response Criteria Compared to Clinician Evaluation in Grade 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma (AA): Implications for Clinical Trial Reporting 2191 Jiayi Huang Clinical Outcomes of Small Cell Glioblastoma or Glioblastoma With Oligodendroglioma Component treated With Radiotherapy and Temozolomide 2192 Julie Jung Kang High-Dose Radiation to the Subventricular Zone Does Not Alter the Patterns of Recurrence in GB 2193 Magali LecavalierBarsoum Prognostic Factors of Survival for Aanaplastic Gliomas 2194 Amol Narang Mr Enhancement as a Predictor for Malignant Degeneration in Progressive Low-Grade Gliomas: An Update With Survival Analysis 2195 David Randolph Does Delay of Start of Radiation Affect Clinical Outcomes of Glioblastoma 2196 Evan Osmundson Relative Monocytopenia, a Proposed Correlate of Decreased Vasculogenesis, is Associated With Improved Survival in Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme 2197 Ru xin Wong Outcome of Patients With Acoustic Neuroma Treated With Conventionally Fractionated Stereotactic Therapy: An Institution Experience 2198 Kurt Meyer Predictors of Symptomatic Edema After Treatment of Intracranial Meningiomas With Single Fraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2199 Ariel Marciscano Long-term Follow Up of Adaptive Multi-Stage Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Treatment of High Grade Arteriovenous Malformations 2200 Nikhil Joshi Staged Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Large Volume Arteriovenous Malformations: A Single Institution Retrospective Review and Initial Results 2201 Xin Wang Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Giant Cavernous Sinus Hemangiomas in Close Proximity to Optic Nerves and/or Optic Chiasm 2202 Gregory Russo Evolving Trends in Stereotactic Radiosurgical Treatment of Meningioma 2203 Jeffrey Kittel Adjuvant Radiation May Not be Necessary Following Gross Total Resection of an Atypical Meningioma 2204 Jillian Maclean Simultaneous PET/MRI for Target Volume Definition in Meningiomas: Feasibility and Impact on Interobserver Variability 2205 William Kennedy Proton Therapy for Pituitary Adenoma 2206 Khusraw Sabit Volumetric Growth Measurements of Pituitary Macroadenomas Following Surgical Resection and Indications for Early Adjuvant Radiotherapy 2207 Michael Dyer Quality of Life in Patients Treated With Surgery Alone versus Surgery and Radiation for Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas 2208 Ryan Rhome Long Term Outcomes and Toxicities of Growth Hormone (Somatotroph)Secreting Pituitary Macroadenomas Treated With Adjuvant Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (FSRT) 2209 Jennifer Jefferis Minimal Acute Toxicities Following High-Dose Proton Therapy for Spinal Tumors 2210 Zain Ahmed Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery in the Management of Sarcoma Metastasis 2211 Clifford Robinson Comparison of Spinal Cord Motion Versus Vertebral Body Motion During Magnetic-Resonance Imaging-Guided Radiation Therapy (MR-IGRT) 2212 Michael Virk Symptomatic Vertebral Body Compression Fractures Requiring Intervention Following Single Fraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Spinal Metastases 2213 Prachi Jain Radiographic, Neurological and Clinical Assessment of Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Metastatic Epidural Spinal Cord Compression at a Single Institution 2214 Eric Chang Long-Term Outcomes after Proton Beam Radiation Therapy for Intraocular Vascular Tumors 2215 Gaurav Marwaha Ruthenium Eye Plaques for Uveal Melanoma: Long-Term Clinical Outcomes Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 129 2216 Puyao Li Radiation Tolerance of the Optic Pathway After Fractionated Proton Radiation Therapy 2228 Bruce Pollock Single Fraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Meningeal Hemangiopericytomas 2217 Christopher Barker Ruthenium-106 Plaque Brachytherapy for Uveal Melanoma: Factors Associated With Local Tumor Recurrence 2229 Shyamal Patel Does Systemic Therapy Matter After Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases From Lung Cancer? 2218 Sean Szeja Clinical Effect of UV radiation on Ocular Melanoma: SEER Investigation 2230 Akifumi Miyakawa Low-Dose (GK) Radiosurgery Plus Whole-Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) Versus GK Alone for Multiple Brain Metastases: a Matched Case-Control Study 2219 Alexei Polishchuk Tumor and Dosimetric Predictors of Long-Term Visual Outcomes After Proton Beam Therapy of Uveal Melanoma 2220 Lukas Stalpers Late Effects of Radiotherapy for Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma (ONSM) 2221 Samantha Price MRI-Based Verification of Plaque Positioning and Treatment Planning for Episcleral Brachytherapy 2222 Bradford Perez Uveal Melanoma Treated With Iodine-125 Episcleral Plaque According to the COMS Trial Is Associated With Worsened Visual Acuity Change and Increased Risk of Chronic Toxicity Compared to Lower Prescription Doses 2223 Aiko Nagai Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy Using Helical Tomotherapy for Single or Multiple Brain Metastases 2224 Keisuke Tamari Non-invasive Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases of Lung Cancer 2225 Prince Mathew Alignment Accuracy & Intrafraction Motion Analysis in Frameless Functional Image Guided Radiosurgery 2226 James Bates Efficacy of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) in the Treatment of Brain Metastases From Melanoma and Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) 2231 Akihiro Hayashi Study on the Optimal Field Width in Helical Tomotherapy With the New Dynamic Jaws Technology for Small Metastatic Brain Tumors 2232 Samuel Shin Updated Results of Involved Field Radiation Therapy After Resection of Single Brain Metastases - A Single Institution Experience 2233 Hideyuki Harada Cranio-Spinal Irradiation for Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis: A pilot study 2234 Rovel Colaco Systemic Treatment and Radiation Necrosis Following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Brain Metastases 2235 Rovel Colaco Dose Selection Algorithm for Gamma Knife Treatment of Cerebral Metastases- Preliminary Results 2236 Jean-Baptiste Clavier Delineation of Brain Metastases for Stereotactic Radiotherapy: An Interobserver Contour Comparison 2237 Kamran Ahmed Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy to the Postoperative Cavity for Brain Metastases 2238 David Shultz Repeat Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) For New Brain Metastases Following Initial Srs: Accumulated Tumor Volume And Graded Prognostic Assessment (GPA) Score Calculated at Each Course Correlate With Overall Survival 2239 Hilary Bagshaw Local Control of Melanoma Brain Metastases by Metastatic Lesion 2240 Jennifer Chang Estimation of the Incident Probability of Brain Metastases in HippocampalSparing Whole Brain Radiation 2241 Kamran Ahmed Outcomes Following Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in the Management of Radioresistant and Radiosensitive Brain Metastases 2242 Zachary Seymour Surgical Resection and Brain Brachytherapy With Permanent Iodine-125 Seeds for Brain Metastases 2243 Gerald Fogarty Randomised Trial of Whole Brain Radiotherapy in Melanoma Brain Metastases- First Interim Analysis 2244 Seohee Choi Treatment Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Supratentorial PNET : Follow-Up Results of a Single Institute 2245 Maria Leticia Silva Analyses of 600 Patients With Brain Metastases Treated With Whole Brain Radiotherapy: Prognostic Features and Comparison With DS-GPA Prognostic Features - A 16-year Institutional Review 2246 Ching-Chieh Yang Frameless Hypofractionated Robotic Radiosurgery for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations : Early Clinical Report on Obliteration Rate, Bleeding Risk and Toxicity 2247 Andrew Huang Factors Associated With Leptomeningeal Failure in Patients Who Underwent Surgical Resection Followed by Cavity-Directed Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases 2248 John Lucas A Propensity Score Adjusted Analysis of Patients Receiving Up-Front SRS Versus WBRT: Does the Use of Upfront WBRT Really Affect Neurologic Death? 2249 Jacob Raber 2227 Stefanie Lazow Effects of Acute Radiation Exposure on Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Extinction of Previously Conditioned After Intracavitary Cesium-131 (Cs-131) Fear in Mice Brachytherapy Versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Resected Brain Metastases Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 130 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2250 Rebecca Levin-Epstein Stereotactic Radiation Therapy Demonstrates Improved Tumor Control Versus Whole Brain Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis for all Receptor Subtypes 2251 Rupesh Kotecha Management of Brain Metastasis in Patients With Neuroendocrine Carcinomas of the Lung 2252 Tony Wang Lung Cancer Mutation Status and Targeted Therapy Predict for Outcomes in the Setting of Brain Metastasis Treated With Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2253 Luluel Khan Outcomes With Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy (hfSRT) in Patients With Intact Brain Metastases and Post-Operative Surgical Cavities 2254 Vinai Gondi Real-Time Pre-Treatment Review Limits Unacceptable Deviations: Quality Assurance (QA) Results of RTOG 0933 2255 Paulo Moraes Outcome of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation After Linear Accelerator Radiosurgical Retreatment 2257 Lukas Stalpers Estimation of the Incidence of Brain Metastases and Patterns of Care in The Netherlands 2258 Guy Savir Comparison of Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Single-Fraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Brain Metastases 2259 Daniel Gorovets Improving Patient Selection for Stereotactic Radiosurgery as the Initial Radiotherapy Approach for Brain Metastases 2260 Priya Jayachandran Repeat Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Brain Metastases Locally Recurrent Following Initial SRS 2261 Jeffrey Burkeen Lower-Dose Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Small Brain Metastases: Local Control and Toxicity 2262 Ashish Jani The Effect of Energy Index on Brain Metastases Local Control with Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2274 Joel Broomfield Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Refractory Trigeminal Neuralgia 2275 Ryan Lanning Clinical Outcomes of Salvage Partial Brain Radiation Therapy for Local Recurrence After Stereotactic Radiosurgery in the Setting of Brain Metastases 2263 Andrew Song Adult Medulloblastoma: Does Craniospinal Dose Matter? 2264 Saif Althaqfi Use of CT Cisternograms in Target Definition for Trigeminal Neuralgia Radiosurgery 2265 Amandeep Taggar Outcomes From First Three Years of Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Treating Brain Metastases 2266 Taro Murai Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases From Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer With or Without Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Mutations: Influence of Gefitinib Treatment 2267 Yaser Hasan Factors Affecting Post-Operative Surgical Cavity Volume and Surface Area Dynamics Specific to Brain Metastases 2268 Jason Chan Re-treatment of Brain Metastases Using Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2269 Hong-Qing Zhuang Analysis of Risk and Predictors of Brain Radionecrosis After Robotic Radiosurgery 2270 Eduard Schreibmann Automated Population-Based Planning for Whole Brain Radiation Therapy 2271 Bree Eaton Single Fraction Radiosurgery versus Hypofractionated Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Resected Large Brain Metastases: A Comparison of Complications and Local Tumor Control 2272 Nikolai Mickevicius Effects of Whole Brain Radiation Therapy on Resting State Connectivity: A Case Study 2273 Jared Giem Evaluation of Treatment Plan Quality of Single and Multiple Isocenter Stereotactic IMRT for Multiple Intracranial Tumors 2276 Karin Lindberg Outcome After SBRT of Adrenal Gland Metastases - A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of 60 Adrenal Metastases 2277 Kyle Arneson A Phase 1 Trial of Concurrent Sorafenib and Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Patients With 1-4 Brain Metastases 2278 Leslie Modlin Repeat Resection Cavity Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Brain Metastases Locally Recurrent Following Initial Resection Cavity Boost 2279 Mira Shah Parotid Gland Dose in Whole Brain Radiation Therapy Patients 2280 Anthony Pham Evaluation of Mini-Mental Status Examination Score in a Prospective Study of Neurosurgical Resection and Intra-Operative Cesium-131 Radioisotope Brachytherapy in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Brain Metastases 2281 Reshma Munbodh Radiation Induced Toxicity in Patients Treated for Brain Tumors With Photon or Proton Radiotherapy 2282 Christopher Abraham Dosimetric Variables Predictive of Local Control Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Brain Metastasis 2283 Neil Estabrook Quantifying the Optimum Number of Proton Fields in Treatment of Midline Tumors Using a Marginal Cost Analysis 2284 Matthew Johnson Brain Metastases Treated With Surgical Resection Followed by Frame-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 131 2285 Colette Shen Repeat Stereotactic Radiosurgery is an Appropriate Approach for New/ Recurrent Brain Metastases 2286 Shahed Badiyan Outcomes Following a Second Course of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Locally Recurrent Brain Metastases 2287 Robert Press Clinical Predictors of Distant Brain Failure and Early Salvage Whole Brain Radiation Therapy after LINAC-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases 2288 Ryan Abel Stereotactic Radiosurgery to the Resection Cavity for Brain Metastases: Prognostic Factors and Outcomes 2289 Alexander Masino Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery for the Treatment of High-Risk Brain Metastases 2290 Jennifer Chang Estimation of the Incident Probability of Brain Metastases in HippocampalSparing Whole Brain Radiation GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER 2291 Shuhei Sekii Intrafraction Esophageal Motion for Clinically T1 Esophageal Cancer 2292 Liu Di Shall We Treat Small Cell Esophageal Carcinoma (SCEC) Like Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)? Comparison of the Expression Profiles of SCEC, SCLC and Esophageal Carcinoma (EC) 2293 Mary Dean Definitive Contemporary Chemoradiation With Dose Escalation for Esophageal Cancer 2294 Yoshiko Doi Four-Dimensional Assessment of the Internal Motion of Esophagus in Early-Stage Esophageal Cancer Patients Using Metal Markers 2295 Annemarie Fernandes Clinical Outcomes of Proton Beam Re-Irradiation for Esophageal Cancer 2296 Hunter Boggs Primary Gross Tumor Volume is an Important Prognostic Factor in Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer Patients Treated With Trimodality Therapy 2306 Kazushige Atsumi Utility of an Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Survival in Patients With Esophageal Cancer Treated With Radiotherapy 2297 Jin Wang Detecting The Variations of the Spatial Position and Overlap Ratio for Primary Thoracic Esophageal Cancer Target During Radiotherapy Based on Repeated Four-Dimensional CT Scans 2307 Takuro Ariga Clinical Outcomes of Definitive Chemo-Radiotherapy for T4 Esophageal Cancer 2298 Jin Wang Detection of Tumour Volume Regression and Motion Changes During Radiotherapy for Primary Thoracic Oesophageal Cancer Based on 4DCT Scans 2299 Stephanie Servagi Vernat Chemoradiotherapy for Oesophageal Cancer in Elderly Patients 2300 Mariko Kawamura Safety and Efficacy of Endoscopic Evaluation During Chemo-Proton Therapy of Esophagus Cancer: Initial Result of 6 Month Follow-Up 2301 Yuji Murakami Results of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgery for Locally Advanced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2302 Melody Xuanlu Qu Management and Outcomes of Elderly Patients Treated for Cancer of Esophagus 2303 Yasumasa Nishimura Clinical Outcome of Radiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer between 2004 and 2008: Second Survey 2304 Nima Nabavizadeh Preoperative Carboplatin and Paclitaxel-Based Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal/Gastroesophageal Carcinoma: Results of a Modified Cross Regimen Within a Multidisciplinary Upper Foregut Malignancy Program at a NCI-Designated Cancer Center 2305 Yoshinori Ito Phase 2 Study of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy With Cisplatin Plus 5-Fluorouracil and Elective Nodal Irradiation for Stage 2/3 Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2308 Ted Ling Protons Offer Reduced Cardiopulmonary Exposure for Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy for Esophageal Cancer 2309 Rei Umezawa Long-Term Results of Chemoradiotherapy for Stage 2-3 Thoracic Esophageal Cancer: Comparison of Three Protocols 2310 Jun Tan Suggestion on Modification of Postoperative Radiation Therapy Volumes for Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Stage 3 or Positive Lymph Nodes 2311 Miyako Myojin The Significance of 3DCRT/VMAT Hybrid Plan to Reduce Pericardial Toxicity After Chemoradiation for Thoracic Esophageal Cancer 2312 Jun Tan Results and Prognostic Factors for Esophageal Cancer Treated With Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy 2313 Mao-Bin Meng Multimodality Therapy Is Recommended for Limited-Stage Combined Small-Cell Esophageal Carcinoma 2314 Peng Zhang Detection of Radiation-Induced Heart Disease by Gated Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Patients With Esophageal Cancer During-RT 2315 Yanluan Guo Defining Target Volumes for Radiation Treatment of Primary Esophageal Cancer: A Comparison of Four Dimensional CR and 18FDG PET-CT Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 132 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2316 Yanluan Guo Geometrical Differences in Target Volumes Between 18FDG PET-CT and Four Dimensional CT Mip Images of Primary Esophageal Cancer for Radiation Treatment 2317 Yanluan Guo Detection of the Factors That Influence the Correlation of Target Volumes for Primary Esophageal Cancer Based on Pet-CT and End-Expiration Phase of Four-Dimensional CT in Radiation Treatment 2318 Feng-Ming Hsu Clinical Application of the Seventh UICC-AJCC TNM Staging System in Patients Treated With Trimodality Therapy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2319 Lan Wang The Relationships Analysis of CT Based Gross Tumor Volume(GTV) and Prognosis for Esophageal Carcinomas Received 3DCRT or IMRT Treatment 2320 Dali Han Risk Factors of Lymph Node Micro-Metastasis in Negative Node of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Detected by Conventional Pathological Technique, and Its Relationship With Primary Tumor FDG PET/CT Uptake 2321 Chun Han The Application of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy(VMAT)in Esophageal Carcinoma 2322 Melanie Machiels Feasibility of Endoscopic Guided Placement of Markers in Patients With Esophageal Tumors 2323 Kazuki Ishikawa Clinical Results of Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for T4 Esophageal Cancer 2324 Jinsong Yang Dosimetric Analysis and Clinical Outcome of Prophylactic Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in pT3N0M0R0 Esophageal Cancer 2325 Hitoshi Ishikawa Proton Beam Therapy Combined With Concurrent Chemotherapy for Esophageal Cancer 2326 Ikuno Nishibuchi Tolerability and Outcome of Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Elderly Patients With Esophageal Cancer 2336 Amanda Choflet Nutritional Factors Predict Survival in Patients Receiving Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Esophagus Cancer 2327 Junxin Wu Treatment and Prognosis of 73 Cases With Limited Stage Primary Esophageal Small Cell Carcinoma 2337 Tetsuo Nonaka Radiation Therapy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervical Esophagus 2328 Hui Liu Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Associated With Enteral Nutrition Support: A Radical Treatment Option for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients With Malignant Fistulae 2338 Arjun Sahgal A Multi-Institutional Study Evaluating the Reliability of the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (sins) Among Radiation Oncologists for Spinal Metastases 2329 Tawfik Giaddui Inter Observer Variability in Esophageal Contours for Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Definitive Chemoradiotherapy: RTOG 0617 Experience 2339 Mark Zaki PET SUVmax as a Predictor of Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy in Patients With Carcinoma of the Esophagus 2330 Sarah James Potential Presurgical Predictors for Pathologic Response in Patients With Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma Treated With Trimodality Therapy 2340 Jinsong Yang The Important Prognostic Value of Pretreatment Stage in Patients Achieving Pathologic Complete Response After Neoadjuvant Therapy of Esophageal Cancer 2331 Ethan Ludmir Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Cervical Esophageal Carcinoma: A Single-Institution Experience 2341 Judit Boda-Heggemann Dose-Dependent Changes in Renal 1H-/23Na-MRI After Adjuvant Radiochemotherapy for Gastric Cancer 2332 Yun Chen Specific Lymphocytes Subsets are Associated With Stage and Overall Survival of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Treated With Radiotherapy 2342 Jessica Cheng Radiotherapy Patterns of Care in Gastric Adenocarcinoma: A Single Institution Experience 2333 Talha Shaikh Histology Predicts Response to Chemoradiation (cRT) Regimen In Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy for Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer 2334 Takashi Kawanaka Salvage Chemoradiation Therapy With Triple-Drug Combination (Docetaxel, 5-FU And CDDP) for Postoperative Locoregional Recurrence of Esophageal Cancer 2335 Matthew Thau Significant Weight Loss in The Neoadjuvant Setting Is Predictive of Whether Patients Undergo Surgery Following Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer 2343 Guichao Li An Interim Analysis of a Phase 2 Clinical Trial of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy Improving the Resection Rate for Potential Resectable Gastric Cancer Patients 2344 NingNing Lu Prospective Phase 2 Trial of Nimotuzumab and Concurrent Capecitabine and Radiotherapy for Patients With Locally Advanced Inoperable or Relapsed/ Residual Gastric Cancer: Final Analysis 2345 Ravi Patel Increased Survival Associated With Post-Operative Radiation in Gastric Cancer Before and After MAGIC Trial: A Population Based Study Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 133 2346 Kyle Cuneo A Pilot Study of Diffusion Weighted MRI in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation for Pancreatic Cancer 2358 Talha Shaikh Defining the Optimal Sequencing of Chemotherapy (Cx) and Radiation (RT) in Patients (pts) With Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2368 Ryan Lutz Pre-treatment Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) is Prognostic in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer 2359 Ted Ling Evaluation of Normal Tissue Exposure in Patients Receiving Radiotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer based on RTOG 0848 2369 Omar Mian Dosimetric Parameters Predicting Late Toxicity in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Pancreatic Cancer 2348 Lauren Colbert The Use of MRI for GTV Delineation In Borderline and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Increases Local Control in Patients Treated With Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 2360 Lora Wang Dose Escalation With a Vessel Boost in Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation 2370 Yun Liang Preliminary Study of Daily Gastrointestinal Filling Impact on Tumor Targeting During Radiotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer Patients 2349 Takahiro Kishi Impact of Pretreatment Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score on Survival in Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2361 Matthew Abrams Safety and Efficacy of Capecitabine as a Radiosensitizer in Adjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma 2371 Hua Gan Monte Carlo Dose Evaluation for Pancreatic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 2350 Norifumi Kennoki Preliminary Results of Feasibility and Toxicities In Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy With Gemcitabine And S-1 for Pancreatic Cancer 2362 Eric Mellon Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced and Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: Updated Outcomes and Toxicity in Over 100 Patients 2347 Tobin Strom Worse Overall Survival With Preoperative Biliary Drainage in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer Patients 2351 Jessica Freilich Age and Resected Pancreatic Cancer Outcomes 2352 Jinluan Li Comparison of CT and MRI-Based Gross Tumor Volume and Organ at Risk Delineation for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2353 Entesar Dalah Delineation of Spatially-Varied High-Risk GTV in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Using MRI-ADC Maps 2354 Takeo Kasuya Feasibility of Respiratory-Gated PET/ CT for Pancreatic Tumors: A Preliminary Result 2355 Gang Ren Dosimetric Study on Dose Escalation in Internal Target of Pancreatic Cancer With Helical Tomotherapy 2356 Antonino Romeo Loco-Regional Hypofractionated Radio-Chemotherapy for Unresectable Nonmetastatic Pancreatic Cancer 2363 David Sherr Is Marital/Partner Status Associated With Survival in Patients With Resectable Pancreatic Cancer Treated With Adjuvant Post-Operative Multi-Modality Therapy? Results of Secondary Analysis of RTOG 97-04 2364 Andrew Baschnagel The Effects of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation on Gene Expression Patterns of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma 2365 Yong Yue Prognostic Modeling of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Treated With Radiotherapy Using [18F] FDG-PET Features and CA-19-9 2366 Thomas Hayman Pancreatic Cancer Outcomes in Resected Age ≥ 70 Patients Are Comparable to Younger Patients 2367 Carla Hajj Chemotherapy and IntensityModulated Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Achieves Prolonged Survival 2357 Nicolas Peguret Individualized Gated Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer 2372 Michael Bernstein Chemotherapy Alone Versus Chemoradiation for Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer: A Meta-Analysis 2373 Roland Teboh Forbang Patient Setup Management for Pancreatic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Inter-Fraction Adjustment Between Spine Alignment and the Pancreatic Fiducial During Breath-Hold Kv Imaging 2374 Shalini Moningi Interpreting Baseline and Follow-up 18Flurodeoxyglucose-PET Total Lesion Glycolysis in Patients With Locally Advanced and Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer 2375 Kujtim Latifi Metabolic Tumor Volume (MTV) is a Predictor of Survival in Borderline Pancreatic Cancers Treated With Neoadjuvant Therapy 2376 Esengul Kocak Paraneoplastic Thrombocytosis is a Significant Independent Prognostic Factor for Overall and Progression Free Survival in Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 2377 Joshua Palmer Modern Clinical Outcomes of Periampullary Cancer Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy and Adjuvant Chemoradiotherapy: A Single-Institution Pancreatic Cancer Registry Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 134 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2378 Joshua Palmer Patterns of Failure in Periampullary Cancer Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy and Adjuvant Chemoradiotherapy With Implications on Radiation Treatment Planning 2379 David Horowitz Use of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in the Management of Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas: Results From the Survival, Epidemiology, and End Results Database 2380 Shalini Moningi Surgical Outcomes Following Chemotherapy and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Patients With Borderline and Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer 2381 Camille Berriochoa Preoperative Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Improves Margin Negativity and Nodal Involvement at Resection 2388 Yusuke Iuzuka Evaluation of Dose Distribution and Tracking Accuracy in Dynamic Tumor-Tracking Irradiation for Liver Tumors Using a Gimbaled Linac 2389 Shigeyuki Takamatsu Focal Liver Reaction After Proton Beam Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Examined With Gadoxetate Disodium-Enhanced Hepatic MRI: Initial Results 2390 Shigeyuki Takamatsu Early Experience With Proton Beam Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2391 Shirin Sioshansi Tolerance Dose of the Diaphragm With Liver SBRT 2392 Jonathan Klein Prospective Longitudinal Assessment of Quality of Life for Liver Cancer Patients Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2382 Terence Williams Caveolin-1 Confers a Multi-Modality Therapy Resistance Phenotype in Pancreatic Cancer Cells 2393 Vijay Kudithipudi Liver Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) With Functional Treatment Planning for Patients With Intermediate Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 2383 Yo-Liang Lai MELD Score is a Predictor of Early Deterioration of Liver Function and Overall Survival in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Receiving Radiotherapy 2394 Smith Apisarnthanarax Quantitative Imaging of Global Variability and Regional Heterogeneity in Liver Function With 99mTC-Sulfur Colloid SPECT/CT in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients 2384 Wei Huang The Risk Factors Of HBV Reactivation After Conformal Radiotherapy in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2395 Uranchimeg Tsegmed Functional Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Planning Using the Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Technique for Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2385 Amar Kishan Dosimetric Comparison Between an MRI-Guided Tri-Cobalt-60 Teletherapy System and VMAT for Liver SBRT 2386 Yaoru Huang Risk Factors of Hepatic Failure After Re-irradiation for Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2387 Kimberly Keene Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Followed by Sorafenib Improves Survival Without Increasing Toxicity 2396 Tiziana Comito Stereotactive Ablative Radiotherapy (sabr) in Inoperable Oligometastatic Disease From Colorectal Cancer: A Safe and Effective Approach 2397 William Hall Abdominal MRI Radiographic to Pathologic Agreement in Patients With Resected Cholangiocarcinoma 2398 Joshua Niska Impact of Intravenous Contrast Enhancement Phase on Target Definition for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma (IHC): Observations from Patients Enrolled on a Prospective Phase 2 Trial 2399 Ann Raldow Tolerability of Liver Re-irradiation With Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 2400 Iris Ernst Detection of Target Motion for Liver SBRT by 4 D List Mode PET/CT - an Analysis based on Phantom Measurements, Interfractional Cone Beam CT Scans and 510 Clinical Data 2401 RyoongJin Oh Tolerance of Liver as a Predictor of Hepatic Dysfunction In Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2402 Eun Kyung Paik Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Combined With Incomplete Transarterial Chemoembolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2403 Ben Goodman Safety and Efficacy of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Hepatic Oligometastases: 10-year Update 2404 Jenny Shaffer Pooled Analysis of Liver Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Colorectal Metastases: Results From 5 Institutions 2405 Daniel Chang Pooled Analysis of Liver Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Results From a Multi-Institution Study 2406 Marta Scorsetti The Challenge of Inoperable Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): Results of a Single-Institutional Experience on Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 2407 Karin Muller Reduced Tumor Dose Coincides With Compromised Local Control of Liver Metastases Treated With fSRT 2408 Taiki Takaoka Helical Tomotherapy for Chemo-Refractory Multiple Liver Metastases: A Pilot Study Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 135 2409 Reena Engineer Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Can Downstage and Improve Resectability Rates In Locally Advanced Unresectable Gall Bladder Cancers 2410 Mary Feng Unexpected Geometric Changes of the Gall Bladder During Liver Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 2411 Haoming Qiu SBRT for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: 8 Year Experience from a Regional Transplant Center 2412 Daniel Wahl SBRT Provides Equivalent Local Control Compared to RFA for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Minimal Toxicity 2413 Neha Bhooshan Pre-Treatment Tumor Volume as a Prognostic Factor in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Who Received Selective Internal Radiation Therapy to the Liver Using Yttrium-90 Coated Resin Microspheres 2414 Michael Chuong Radiographic Tumor Volume Change as a Prognostic Factor for Overall Survival in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Who Received Selective Internal Radiation Therapy to The Liver Using Yttrium-90 Resin Microspheres 2415 Edward Mannina Radiologic Versus Pathologic Assessment of Response in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2416 Seth Blacksburg Characterizing Radiographic and Pathologic Outcomes After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) in the Management of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 2417 Jenny Shaffer Pooled Analysis of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Liver Tumors: Results From 5 Institutions 2418 Aditya Halthore Radiographic Outcomes of Yttrium-90 Radioembolization in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2419 Michael Chuong Radiation Dose Versus Activity as a Prognostic Factor in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Who Received Selective Internal Radiation Therapy to the Liver Using Yttrium-90 Resin Microspheres 2420 Krista Bota Dosimetric Comparison of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy, Tomotherapy and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Radiation Dose Escalation of Hepatic Malignancies 2421 Evan Osmundson Dosimetric Modeling of Central Liver Toxicity After SBRT to the Liver 2422 Brandon Dyer Laboratory Evaluation of Hepatic Synthetic Function as a Predictor of Ethiodol Retention During Transarterial (Chemo)Embolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 2423 Xin Wang Adjuvant Radiotherapy May be Necessary for High Risk Patients With Stage 2 or 3 Upper Rectal Cancer After Total Mesorectal Excision 2424 Virginia Morillo Macías Surgical Interval After Neoadjuvant Treatment in Rectal Cancer: Impact on Response and Outcome 2425 Marzieh Lashkari The Effect Of Neoadjuvant Intraluminal Brachytherapy and Chemotherapy After Conventional Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation On Pathologic Response In Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Phase 2 Nonrandomized Clinical Trial 2426 Shilo Lefresne Management of Stage II and III Rectal Cancer: Is There A Rural-urban Difference? 2428 Chun-Ming Huang Preoperative Image-Guided versus Conventional Pelvic Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Carcinoma: Comparison of Clinical Outcomes and Toxicity 2429 Esther Yu Comparison Of EUS Versus Pelvic Mri For Radiation Treatment Planning In Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer 2430 Kim Ann Ung Treatment Dilemmas for Synchronous and Metachronous Prostate and Rectal Cancers 2431 Ning Li Repeated Endorectal Ultrasonographies Predict The Tumor Response Of Preoperative Chemo-radiotherapy In Rectal Cancer 2432 Rafal Suwinski Randomized Clinical Trial on Hyperfractionated versus Hypofractionated Preoperative Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer: Subset Analysis and Evaluation of the Prognostic Factors for Overall Survival and Loco-regional Control 2433 Karine Benezery The Role Of Contact Brachytherapy Xray 50 Kv (cbx) For Organ Preservation In Rectal Cancer: A Series Of 61 Patients 2434 Ching-Chieh Yang Importance of Tumor Regression Grading in Predicting the Outcome for Patients With Rectal Cancer After Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy 2435 Esther Jimenez-Jimenez Improvement Of Rectal Boost Contouring By Comparing Colonoscopy (CL) and MRI With Planning CT (PCT) Findings 2436 Jae-Sung Kim The Role Of Postoperative Adjuvant Radiotherapy In Patients With Stage II and III Upper Rectal and Recto-sigmoid Cancer: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis 2437 Lijun Shen Validation of a Rectal Cancer Outcome Prediction Model in Routine Chinese Patients 2438 Yan Zhang Role Of 18F-FDG PET-CT In Postoperative Surveillance Of Colorectal Cancer Patients With Different Carcinoembryonic Antigen Concentrations 2439 Lijun Shen Baseline Neutrophil-lymphocyte Ratio as a Prognostic Factor for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 136 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2440 Daniel Glick Gastrointestinal Toxicity in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated With Pelvic Radiotherapy 2441 Ashley Weiner Neoadjuvant Rectal Cancer (NAR) Score Applied to Phase II Trial of Short Course Radiation (RT) and FOLFOX as Preoperative Therapy for Rectal Cancer Supports a Total Neoadjuvant Approach 2442 Hiroo Sato HLA class I Expression Its Alteration by Preoperative HyperthermoChemoradiotherapy in Patients With Rectal Cancer 2443 Hyeon Woo Lim Is Elective Inguinal Radiotherapy Necessary for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Involving Anal Canal? 2444 Tae hyung Kim The Effectiveness of Off-Protocol Upfront Chemotherapy and Preoperative Short-course Radiotherapy followed by Delayed Surgery for Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer and Synchronous Metastases 2445 Robert Weir L5/S1 as the Superior Border of Radiation Therapy Fields in Rectal Cancer Misses Internal Iliac Lymph Nodes 2446 Lucas Resende Salgado Outcomes of Oligometastatic Rectal Cancer Treated With Extended Course Pelvic Irradiation 2447 Yaacov Lawrence Severe Gastro-Intestinal Complications Of Radiation Therapy In Rectal Cancer: Quantifying The Effect of Age 2448 Qin Xiao Phase II trial of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy With Oxaliplatin and Capecitabine for 137 Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Carcinoma: Outcome and Failure Pattern 2449 Xin Lei The Individual Californium(cf)-252 Neutron Intracaviatry Brachytherapy after Concurrent Chemo-radiation Predicted the Radio-sensitivity for Low-lying Rectal Adenocarcinoma: The 3 year result for 62 T2 and T3 patients 2450 Yu Tang Phase I Study Of Postoperative Capecitabine With Concurrent Radiotherapy In Elderly Patients With Rectal Cancer 2461 Shyam Tanguturi Outcomes With Full Dose Re-irradiation With Curative Intent for Secondary Anorectal Cancers Following Prostatic Radiotherapy 2451 Tae Ryool Koo Prognostic Factors In Lymph Node Positive Rectal Cancer After Surgery Following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy 2462 Malgorzata Kozak The Prognostic Significance Of Pre-treatment Hematologic Parameters In Patients Undergoing Resection For Colorectal Cancer 2452 Yali Shen High Dose Hypo-fractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) For Isolated Lung Metastasis from Colorectal Cancer: Preliminary Results 2463 Benjamin Moeller Outcomes and Quality of Care for Anal Cancer Patients Treated With IMRT in a Large Multi-Site Cancer Center 2453 Helen Chen Outcomes and Prognostic Facors of Rectal Cancer Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation With and Without Planned Surgery 2454 Lee Jeongshim Involved-field Radiotherapy Integrated In The Management Of Isolated Retroperitoneal Nodal Recurrence From Colorectal Cancer 2464 Berardino De Bari Helical Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy With Daily Image Guidance in the Treatment of Anal Canal Cancer 2465 John Longo Pelvic Insufficiency Fractures in Anal Canal Cancer Patients Treated With Helical Tomotherapy: Can We Identify Demographic, Clinical, or Dosimetric Risk Factors? 2466 Jennifer Wo Dosimetric Analysis of Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Radiotherapy versus Dose Painted Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anal Canal 2455 Khinh Ranh Voong Radiation Therapy for High Grade Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Rectum and Anal Canal 2456 Abhijeet Bhirud Does Bladder Filling Affect Rectum Position? 2457 Nathan Bennion Comparing Supine vs. Prone Positioning and Contouring Methods in Patients Undergoing Preoperative Chemoradiation for Rectal Cancer 2458 Zachary Morris Increased Pathologic Complete Response to Neo-adjuvant Radiation in Rectal Cancer Patients Taking an Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker 2459 Eric Anderson Statin Use As A Predictor Of Outcome In Colorectal Cancer 2460 Aman Anand Robust Scanned Proton Treatment Plans Provide Large Reductions In Bone Marrow Exposure For Pelvic Radiotherapy For Anal Cancer 2467 David Grew Significantly Worse Colostomy-free Survival In Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Patients After Definitive Chemoradiation For Anal Cancer 2468 Raima Amin Impact of HIV Status and Protease Inhibitor Use on Blood Counts During Concurrent Chemoradiation 2469 Nadia Saeed Pre-treatment Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) Does Not Predict Worse Outcomes in Anal Cancer 2470 Rebecca Muirhead A Tumour Control Probability Model for Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2471 Craig Baden Patterns of Failure in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anal Canal - A Comparison between Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 137 2472 Christopher Spencer Outcomes After Imrt Compared To 3dcrt For Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Anus 2473 Abhilasha Patel Comparison of Conditional Survival in Patients With Gastrointestinal Malignancies Treated With Radiation: A Population-based Analysis 2474 Duygu Sezen Robotic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy In Patients With Recurrent Or Metastatic Abdominopelvic Tumors: A Single Institute Experience 2475 Manisha Palta Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Utilization in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Malignancies between 2000 and 2009 in the SEER Medicare Population GENITOURINARY CANCER 2476 John Mikell Low-Dose Aspirin Mitigates Acute Radiation-Induced Genitourinary Toxicity in Patients With Prostate Adenocarcinoma 2477 Matthew Hall Improved Overall Survival in Prostate Cancer With Increasing Dose 2478 James Ying Long Term Outcome of Prostate Cancer Patients Who Fail Salvage Radiation Therapy and Radical Prostatectomy 2479 Minh-Phuong Huynh-Le Discrepancies In Toxicity Grading Of Rectal Bleeding: A Survey Of Radiation Oncologists Who Treat Prostate Cancer 2480 John Phillips The Impact of Differing Gleason Scores at Biopsy on the Odds of Upgrading and the Risk of Death from Prostate Cancer 2481 Boris Naydich Capricious Psa Dynamics After Prostate Seeds Brachytherapy Complicates Interpretation Of Outcome In Over 40% Of Patients 2482 Yachiro Hashimoto Hypofractionated Image-Guided-IMRT For Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer - A Total Dose Of 66 Gy Delivered At 3 Gy Per Fraction Thrice A Week 2483 Ovidiu Marina Prognostic Value Of Diagnostic Prostate Biopsy Percent Carcinoma Volume (pcv) And Percent Positive Cores (ppc) On Treatment Outcomes Following Radiotherapy (rt): A Retrospective Analysis Of 1731 Patients 2484 Hiroyuki Ogino Transperineal Approach Versus Transrectal Approach For Fiducial Marker Placement In Proton Beam Therapy Of Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Comparison 2485 Joen Sveistrup Prospective Assessment of Urinary, Gastrointestinal and Sexual Symptoms Before, During and After Image Guided Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer 2486 Tobin Strom A Dosimetric Study of Polyethylene Glycol Hydrogel in 200 Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy ± Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 2487 Benjamin Spieler Salvage Radiation for Biochemical Failure Following Radical Prostatectomy: Improved Outcomes With Early Treatment 2488 Eunpi Cho A Phase II Trial of External Beam Radiotherapy (RT) And Abiraterone (ABI) In Men With Localized Prostate Cancer (PCa): A Safety And Pharmacodynamics Assessment 2489 Yvonne Pham Improved Biochemical Control after Permanent Prostate Seed Implantation for Large Prostate Glands >60 Grams Compared to Smaller Glands 2490 Steven Finkelstein Impact of Prior Radiation Treatment on Sipuleucel-T Product Parameters in PROCEED Patients 2491 Henry Park Effect Of Primary Treatment Modality On The Association Between Statins And Prostate Cancer Recurrence: An Updated Meta-Analysis 2492 Takuma Nomiya Phase I/II Trial of Definite Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: Evaluation of hypofractionated treatment of 12 fractions over 3 weeks 2493 Zachary Seymour Dose-Volume Analysis of Urinary Toxicity following SBRT Monotherapy for Prostate Cancer 2494 Joseph Evans Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Patient Reported Quality of Life (QOL) After Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy as Compared to Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy or Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy up to 2 years after Treatment 2495 WITHDRAWN 2496 Felipe Counago 3T Multiparametric MRI (3T mMRI) With a Phased-array Torso Coil in Staging of Prostate Cancer Patients (PCP) Prior to Radical Prostatectomy: Preliminary Results 2497 Felipe Counago Correlation between apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and gleason score (GS) in prostate cancer patients (PCP) by using 3.0 Tesla multiparametric MRI (3T mMRI) 2498 Amar Kishan Pelvic Nodal Dosing With Registration to the Prostate: Implications for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving SBRT 2499 Jim Rose Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy: A Multi-institutional Propensity Score Matched Pair Analysis 2500 Arpit Chhabra Impact Of Race On Both Pathologic Extent Of Disease And Administration Of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy In A Cohort With Clinical Low Risk Prostate Cancer Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 138 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2501 Daniel Krauss Favorable Toxicity Profiles for Low and Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With Single Fraction High Dose Rate Brachytherapy 2502 Sandrine van de Pol Low Acute Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With Hypofractionated External Beam Radiotherapy and Single Fraction HDR Brachytherapy 2503 Colin Murphy Identification of Groups at Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer (PCa) Death after Salvage Radiation Therapy (sRT) using Recursive Partitioning Analysis (RPA) - Results from an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center 2504 Hyun-Cheol Kang Whole Pelvic Irradiation for Patients With Prostate Cancer With a Biochemical Relapse Following Radical Prostatectomy: The Era of Robotassisted Minimally Invasive Surgery 2505 Josh Mason Delivering Multi-Parametric MRI-guided High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Boost in Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer 2506 Amber Orman A Phase III Randomized Trial of MRI-Mapped Dose-Escalated Salvage Radiotherapy Post-Prostatectomy: The Maps Trial, An Initial Dosimetric Assessment 2507 Gregory Warrell Computationally-Obtained Thermal Distributions for LDR Thermobrachytherapy Seeds in Clinical Implants 2508 George Rodrigues Comparison of LDR Brachytherapy Versus External Beam Radiation Therapy for Low and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer: A Propensity-Score Matched Analysis 2509 Albert Edwards A Competing Risks Analysis of Clinical Outcomes of Prostate LDR Brachytherapy at a Single Institution 2510 Donald Fuller HDR-like SBRT For Post-radiotherapy Locally Recurrent Prostatic Carcinoma: PSA Response, DFS And Toxicity Assessment 2511 Joelle Helou Stereotactic Radiotherapy Versus External Beam + High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Boost in the Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer: A Quality of Life Analysis 2512 Lindsay Jensen Higher Delivered Bowel Doses Due To Lower Bladder Volumes In Patients Receiving Post-prostatectomy Salvage Radiotherapy 2513 Joelle Helou Dosimetric and Patient Correlates of Quality of Life after Prostate Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy 2514 Jack Bagley Performance Status and Comorbidities in Patients Treated with External Beam Radiation for Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer 2515 Yutaka Shiraishi Prostate Postimplant CT With Metal Artifacts Reduction For Improvement Of Seed Localization 2516 Ananya Choudhury Simultaneous Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Acquisition During Arc Radiotherapy (SCART): A Comparison Of Volume Delineation On Simultaneous And Standard CBCT In Prostate Radiotherapy 2517 F. J. Pos Introduction Of VMAT, IGRT And IMRT Reduced Acute GI Toxicity In Prostate Cancer Patients 2519 Benedikt Engels Impact Of Planning Target Volume Margins And Rectal Distention On Biochemical Failure In Image-guided Radiotherapy Of Prostate Cancer 2520 Haruo Inokuchi Long-term Genitourinary Toxicity Up To 7-years After High Dose Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy In Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer 2521 Tamara Smith Impact of Change from CTCAE Version 3 to CTCAE Version 4 on Urologic Toxicity Scores in Prostate Cancer 2522 Caitlin Gomez Dosimetric Parameters Predict Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients Receiving Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 2523 Aaron Nelson Evaluation of an Atlas-Based Segmentation Method for Prostate MRI 2524 Jonathan Cheng Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy and Daily Image Guidance Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: Clinical Outcome and Toxicity from a Multi-Institutional Retrospective Cohort Study 2525 Curtis Bryant Proton Therapy in the Management of High-Risk Prostate Cancer 2526 Michael Hughes The Long Term Effects of Salvage High Dose IG-IMRT after Prostatectomy in a Community Setting 2527 Waleed Mourad Dose-escalated Post-prostatectomy Salvage Radiation Therapy: Is 81 Gy Safe And Effective? 2528 Roger Huang Long-Term Outcome of Dose Escalated Hypofractionated Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Localized Prostate Cancer. 2529 Joshua Sifuentes Evaluating The Distribution Of Prostate Cancer In Prostatectomy Specimens To Determine Eligibility For Focal Therapy 2530 Waleed Mourad Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) With 75.6-81 Gy Conformal External Beam Irradiation (EBRT) Improves Biochemical Progression Free Survival (BPFS) In Gleason Score 7 (GS7) Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer 2531 Christopher Straka Early and Multiple PSA Bounces Can Occur Following High Dose Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Subset Analysis of a Phase I/II Trial 2532 Anusha Kalbasi Low Rates of Adjuvant Radiation in Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients With Pathologic Risk Factors 2533 Rupesh Kotecha A Comparison Of Long-term Treatmentrelated Toxicities Between Moderately Hypofractionated And Conventionally Fractionated Radiation Therapy For Localized Prostate Cancer ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 139 2534 Nevine Hanna Treatment of Adenocarcinoma of Prostate Using HDR Interstitial Brachytherapy Along With External Beam Radiation - Long Term Follow-up Results 2535 Andrew Loblaw Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Versus Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy: A Propensity Matched Analysis of Canadian Data 2536 Sarah Hamilton The Incidence Of Second Malignancies Following Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy For Prostate Cancer 2537 Joseph Safdieh Long Term Tolerance and Outcomes for Dose Escalation in Early Salvage Post-Prostatectomy Radiation Therapy 2538 Kentaro Ishii Comparison of Dosimetric Parameters and Acute Toxicity after Whole-pelvis Versus Prostate-only Volumetricmodulated Arc Therapy With Daily Image Guidance for Prostate Cancer 2545 Jonathan Yang Evaluation of PSA Patterns in Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer Treated With Radiotherapy and Androgen Deprivation Therapy 2546 Thomas Nabhani Biochemical Progression-Free Survival (BPFS) for Gleason Score (GS) 7 Prostate Adenocarcinoma Treated With External Beam Radiation (RT) ± Prostate Seed Implant (SI) 2547 Martin Dolezel Interfraction Variation In Prostate Cancer - Analysis Of 11726 Cone-beam Ct And Implication For Treatment Planning 2548 Shane Lloyd Robotic Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Prostate Adenocarcinoma 2549 Didem Oksuz Seminal Vesicle Interfraction Displacement and Dose Variations Throughout the CBCT-guided Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer 2539 Seth Miller Change in Prostate Biopsy Pathology Reading on a Second Pathology Review at an Academic Medical Center 2550 Christina Son Bladder Dose-Volume Parameters Predict for Urinary Incontinence After Post-operative Radiation for Prostate Cancer 2540 Dominika Hempel Testicular Dose Contributed by Image-Guided Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) in Prostate Cancer Patients 2551 Harold Wallace Transperineal Ultrasound for Image Guidance in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer: A Comparison to Fiducial-Based CT Imaging 2541 Alexandra Stewart Findings of the Royal College of Radiologists (UK) national audit of Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy 2552 William Jackson A Phase II Trial of Salvage Radiation and Concurrent Weekly Docetaxel After Rising PSA post Radical Prostatectomy 2542 Yu-Wei Lin The 4-Year Result of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer 2553 Phillip Gray Recent Trends in the Management of Localized Prostate Cancer: Results from the National Cancer Data Base 2543 Cheng Hong Influence Of Zonal Dosimetry On Prostate Brachytherapy Outcomes 2554 Eric Vigneault Comparison Of Permanent Seed Implant Monotherapy With Combined Ebrt Plus Hdr Boost In Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer 2544 Daniel Shasha Brachytherapy Boost For Gleason (GS) 7 Intermediate Risk Prostate Adenocarcinoma Yields Excellent Biochemical Control And May Eliminate Therapeutic Benefit Of Hormonal Therapy 2555 Andrew Chiang Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Boost to Mimic High-Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy for Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer: A Phase I Study 2556 David Crawford CCP Score Stratifies Risk For Prostate Cancer Patients At Biopsy: Initial Commercial Results 2557 Yuta Shibamoto Dose-volume Histogram Analysis for the Urethra to Predict Urinary Complications in Carbon-ion Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer 2558 Felipe Counago Role of 3.0 Tesla multiparametric MRI (3TmMRI) in local staging and in decision-making for treatment planning in prostate cancer (PC) 2559 Robert Kattevilder Time Trends in Urinary Toxicity after Radiotherapy Treatment for Prostate Cancer 2560 Ferran Ferrer External Beam Radiotherapy Plus High Dose Rate Brachytherapy in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer 2561 Hirofumi Asakura Response of Pelvic Lymph Nodes to Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy in Prostate Cancer Patients: Computed Tomography for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning as “Second Look” Imaging 2562 Antoine Simon Quantification of The Differences Between Planned and Delivered Doses in The Bladder in Prostate IGRT 2563 Melpomeni Kountouri Dose Escalation with Two Sequential Twice-Weekly Hypofractionated Schedules for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Comparative Study of Long Term Toxicity and Outcome 2564 Kenshiro Shiraishi Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) in the Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer: Initial Experience in 200 Patients 2565 Magali LecavalierBarsoum Pelvic Lymph Nodes Displacement in High-risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With Image-guided IMRT With Two Independent Target Volumes Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 140 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2566 Piotr Milecki Importance Of Psa Level Post Neoadjuvant Androgen Deprivation Therapy (adt) For Patients With Prostate Cancer (pc) Treated With External Beam Radiotherapy (ebrt) And Brachytherapy Hdr Boost 2576 Derek McHaffie Observations from Early Adoption of Radium 223 (Ra-223) in Heavily Pretreated Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) 2577 2567 Xin Qi Optimal Clinical Target Volume for the Seminal Vesicles in Localized Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy: Using CT to Include the Segments Recommended by Pathological Examination 2568 Xin Qi Neo-adjuvant Hormonal Therapy on Seminal Vesicles Reduction: Optimal Clinical Target Volume for the Seminal Vesicles in Localized Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy 2569 Lara Hathout Dose To The Bladder Neck Is A Strong Predictor For Acute Toxicity After Combined Ldr Brachytherapy And External Beam Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer: Implications For New Dose Constraints 2570 Frederic Commandeur Gradient Collinearity Method For Prostate Mri To Ct Registration 2571 Cory Hogue Optimum Frequency of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for Intact Prostate IMRT 2572 Razvan Galalae High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy For Radical Dose Escalation In Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer - A Longitudinal Comparative Study Of Three Historical Protocols 2573 Monica Shukla Early Salvage Pelvic Radiotherapy For Lymph Node Positive Prostate Cancer Following Prostatectomy 2574 Christophe Blay Prostate CT CBCT Registration Quality Assessment 2575 Xiaofeng Yang Integration of MR Images into Ultrasound for 3D Doppler Imaging of the Neurovascular Bundle in Prostate Radiotherapy: A Pilot Study Justyna ChalubinskaFendler Impact Of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy And Hypofractionated Radiotherapy On Overall Survival In Prostate Cancer 2578 Peter Agoston Quality of Life After Permanent Implantation Prostate Brachytherapy Based On Prospective Questionnaire Data 2579 Jeff Michalski Impact of Prior Docetaxel, Extent of Disease (EOD), and Prior Bisphosphonates (Bp) on Hematologic (Heme) Safety of Radium-223 Dichloride (Ra-223) From ALSYMPCA 2580 Paul Nguyen Impact of a Genomic Classifier of Metastatic Risk on Post-prostatectomy Treatment Recommendations by Radiation Oncologists and Urologists 2581 Steven Oh Outcomes in Organ Transplant Patients With Prostate Cancer Treated With Radiotherapy 2582 Michael Lovelock Continuous Monitoring and Intra-Fraction Target Position Correction during Treatment is Essential for Patients Undergoing SBRT Prostate Therapy With Tight Target Margins 2583 James Kavanaugh Initial Evaluation of the First Commercially Available Knowledge-Based Planning Software 2584 Young Kwok Long-Term Follow-up of a Prospective Trial of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Androgen Deprivation Followed by Prostatectomy and Adjuvant Radiation in High Risk Prostate Cancer 2585 Shu-Ya Lisa Grimm Comparison Of The Ipss Score Changes One Year Post High Dose Radiation Between Good Bladder Fillers And Poor Bladder Fillers 2586 Zhiyuan Zheng A Description Of The Failure Patterns Of High-risk Prostate Cancer In The United States: Useful But Incomplete Information From The National Cancer Database 2587 Joseph Weiner A Novel Perineal Shield for Low-dose Rate Prostate Brachytherapy 2588 Moshe Meister Clinical Experience of Full-Dose External Beam Radiation in Prostate Cancer Patients Failing Initial Treatment With Prostate Brachytherapy 2589 David Harris Acute and Late Toxicity of Prostate Radiotherapy Utilizing Fiducial versus Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Daily Alignment 2590 Gilles Crehange The Relationship Between The Occurrence Of Bone Metastases And Dose/volume Of Prior Prostate Radiotherapy In Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer 2591 Brandon Mahal Racial Disparities in the Management of African American Men With Intermediate to High-Risk Prostate Cancer 2592 David Marcus The Impact of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Consensus Clinical Target Volume Guidelines on Outcomes in Patients Undergoing PostProstatectomy Radiation Therapy 2593 James Melotek Urinary, Bowel, and Sexual Quality of Life Is Not Worse After Whole Pelvic Post-Prostatectomy Radiation 2594 Hima Musunuru Comparison of Active Surveillance, Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy, Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy and Standard External Beam in Low Risk Prostate Cancer Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 141 2595 Dorota Kazberuk High-Dose-Rate Interstitial Brachytherapy As Monotherapy In Prostate Cancer Patients 2596 Brandon Mahal The Impact of Race on Prostate-Cancer Specific Mortality Among Men With Low-risk Disease: Potential Implications for Active Surveillance 2597 Zvi Symon Does Choline PET/CT Change the Management of Prostate Cancer Patients With Biochemical Failure? 2598 Albert Chang Long-Term Outcomes of Patients With High-Risk Prostate Cancer Treated With HDR Brachytherapy Boost 2599 Florian Sterzing Impact of 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT in Staging of Prostate Cancer Patient Prior to Radiotherapy 2600 Thirupandiyur Udayakumar Radiation Mediated Inhibition of IFN Signaling Sensitizes VSV Resistant Prostate Cancer Cells 2601 Abhishek Solanki Biochemical and Survival Outcomes in Patients With T3 Prostate Adenocarcinoma Treated With Brachytherapy 2602 Ann Henry Impact of D90 on PSA outcomes in men treated With Low Dose Rate Prostate I125 Monotherapy 2603 John Lukens Oncologic and Toxicity Outcomes after Prostate Brachytherapy for HIV-Positive Patients: A Matched Cohort Analysis 2604 George Yang Prostate Volumes >50 cc Do Not Preclude Dosimetric Coverage of the Prostate With High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy 2605 Fabio Ynoe Moraes Trial Sponsorship, Self-reported Conflicts Of Interest Of Authors (coi) And Non-drug Related Randomized Clinical Trial (rct) In Prostate Cancer 2606 Fan Ye Comparison of Patient versus Physician Reporting of Comorbidities in Localized Prostate Cancer Patients, Results from the Population-Based NC ProCESS Cohort 2607 Alfredo Urdaneta Long-term Follow-up after MRI-Directed Regional Salvage Brachytherapy for Locally Recurrent Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate 2608 David Ziehr Exogenous Insulin Therapy Is Associated With Increased Prostate Cancer Mortality in Men With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2609 Alexander Engelman The Efficacy and Toxicity Outcomes of HIV-Infected Patients With Prostate Cancer Treated With Definitive Radiation Therapy 2610 Ross Zeitlin The Dosimetric Impact of Small Smearing and PTV Margin Reductions on DVH Values for OAR in Imaged-Guided Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer 2611 Hardev Singh Impact of Endorectal Balloon and Saline on Translational Shift in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With Proton Therapy 2612 Kevin Blas Long-Term Clinical Outcomes for Patients Treated With Adjuvant Versus Early Versus Delayed Salvage Radiotherapy in the Post-Prostatectomy Setting 2613 Ashwin Ram Multiple Intermediate-Risk Factors as a Prognostic Tool For Men With Localized Prostate Cancer 2614 Amol Narang End of Treatment PSA as a Novel Prognostic Factor in Patients Undergoing Definitive Radiation for Prostate Cancer 2615 Atchar Sudhyadhom IPIP: A Planner Independent Approach to HDR Prostate Brachytherapy 2616 Alan Pollack Prostate Cancer Phase I Lattice Extreme Ablative Dose (LEAD) Trial: Feasibility and Acute Toxicity 2618 Ashwin Ram Prognostic Value Of Psa Nadir In Patients Undergoing Definitive Radiation For Prostate Cancer 2619 Garrett Green Dose Volume Relationship of Acute and Late Small Bowel Toxicity From Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: a Veteran Affairs Study 2620 David Asher The Emergence Of New Late Radiation Toxicities Beyond The Traditional 5 Years Of Follow-up After Low-dose Rate Prostate Brachytherapy 2621 Sergio Faria Radiotherapy-induced Castration In Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer. Results Of A Prospective Phase I Study 2622 Parvesh Kumar Recently Updated Preliminary Results Of An On-Going Phase I/II Trial Using Tri-modality Therapy In Patients With Post-prostatectomy High Risk Pathologic (p) T2-3N0M0 Prostate Cancer 2623 Moses Arunsingh Dosimetric Correlates for Acute Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Treated With Hypofractionated Radiotherapy - Absolute Volumes are Better Predictors than Relative Volumes 2624 William Hartsell Multi-institutional Prospective Evaluation Of Quality Of Life Outcomes In Patients Treated With Proton Therapy For Prostate Cancer 2625 Samuel Cooper Comparison of Intraoperatively Built Custom Linked (IBCL) Seeds to Free Seeds for LDR Prostate Brachytherapy 2626 Sindy Magnan Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer Treated With High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Boost Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 142 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2627 Donald Fuller Factors That Predict Gu, Gi And Sexual Quality Of Life (QoL) Outcomes 3 Years After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) For Early Prostate Cancer, Results From A Multiinstitutional Phase 2 Trial 2628 Magali Quivrin Post-implant Multiparametric Mri-based Dosimetry After Permanent Iodine Seed Prostate Brachytherapy: The Impact Of The Dose Delivered To The Dominant Intra-prostatic Lesion On Prostate Specific Antigen Bounce 2629 Scott Robertson Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications of PNI in Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Definitive Radiation 2630 Skyler Johnson A Comprehensive Assessment Of The Prognostic Utility Of The Stephenson Nomogram For Salvage Radiotherapy Post-prostatectomy 2631 Dean Shumway Is the Fear of Post-Prostatectomy Radiotherapy Justified? An Analysis of Patient-reported Quality of Life Following Adjuvant or Salvage Radiation 2632 Amber Orman Automated Prostate Bed Lesion Detection: The Next Step in Salvage Radiotherapy Dose Escalation 2633 Nirdosh Gogna USANZ And TROG Inter-group Phase III Trial (TROG 02.03) Concurrent Weekly Cisplatin Plus Radiation Therapy In Localised Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Compliance< Toxicity< Quality Of Life And Overall Results 2634 BaoQing Li The Role Of Post-cystectomy Radiation In Treatment Of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Bladder: A Seer Analysis 2635 Tim Lautenschlaeger Novel Predictive Micro-RNA Signature In The Setting Of Selective Trimodality Bladder Preservation Therapy 2636 Khaled Zaza Patterns of Referral to Radiation Oncology Among Patients Who Undergo Cystectomy for Invasive Bladder Cancer in Ontario: A Population-Based Study 2637 Marisa Kollmeier Image-guided Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Bladder Cancer: Toxicity and Early Outcomes 2638 Deborah Whalley Accelerated IMRT With Image Guidance For Bladder Cancer 2639 Catherine Thompson Tolerability Of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy And Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy With Gemcitabine In Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Physician And Patient Reported Outcomes 2640 Fulya Agaoglu Bladder Preservation Therapy for Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer 2647 Norio Katoh Japanese Multi-institutional Study of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Renal and Adrenal Tumors 2648 Christopher Tinkle Comparison of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy and Conventional External Beam Radiotherapy in Renal Cell Carcinoma 2649 Fabio Cury Renal Tolerance to Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - an Assessment of Volume and Anatomical Site Irradiated 2650 Sophia Kamran Risk of Testicular Cancer Following Childhood Cancer Testicular Radiation 2651 Clair Beard Variation in patterns of care in the United States for clinical Stage I seminoma - Results from the National Cancer Data Base (1998-2011) 2652 Marco Carlone CT Imaging for Penile Brachytherapy 2641 David Raleigh Gold Fiducial Marker Tracking To Optimize Radiotherapy For Organ-Preserving Treatment Of Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer 2653 Abhilasha Patel Conditional Survival in Patients With Genitourinary Malignancies Treated With Radiation: A SEER Based Analysis 2642 Paula Doyle In Vivo Assessment Of Radiation Damage To Murine Urothelium Using Chondroitin Sulfate Labeled With Texas Red 2654 Brett Cox Single Institution Experience With Radium-223 Dichloride (Ra-223) for Metastatic Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) 2643 William MacKillop The Outcomes of Radiotherapy and Surgery for Bladder Cancer: A Population-Based Study 2644 Ariel Lederman Treatment of Adrenal Metastases Using Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiosurgery 2645 Ryan Hughes Predictors of Locoregional and Intravesical Recurrence Among Patients Treated With Nephroureterectomy for Urothelial Tract Carcinoma 2646 Aaron Sabolch Toxicity of Concurrent Radiotherapy With Mitotane Compared to Radiotherapy Alone in the Adjuvant Treatment of Adrenocortical Carcinoma GYNECOLOGIC CANCER 2655 Ying Zhang Rethinking For Pathological Risk-factors Of Patients With Figo Stage I And Ii Cervical Cancer 2656 Fei Yang Standardized Spatial Heterogeneity Of Baseline Intratumoral 18F-FDG Accumulation For Outcome Prediction Of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy in Cervical Cancer 2657 Lauren Tait The Difference in Dose to the Parametria Using Image Guided Brachytherapy As We Move Away from Point A Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 143 2658 Grant Clark Quantifying Organ-at-Risk and Applicator Movement During the Time Between Treatment Planning and Delivery of 3-D Image Guided High Dose Rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer 2659 John Ma The Impact of Total External Beam Radiation Therapy and Brachytherapy Package Duration on the Outcome of Cervical Cancer Treated with Radiation alone or with Concomitant Chemotherapy 2660 Karen Xu Extended Field Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for Gynecologic Cancers: Is the Risk of Duodenal Toxicity High? 2661 Marc Mahe Early Clinical Outcomes In Cervical Cancer Treated With Extended Field Helical Tomotherapy To Paraaortic Lymph Nodes 2662 Hanmanth Neboori Is Quantifying the D2cc to Bowel Necessary During Definitive HDR Brachytherapy for Patients with Invasive Cervical Carcinoma? 2663 Kawngwoo Park Clinical Outcome of Isolated Para-aortic Lymph Node Recurrence Treated With Salvage Chemoradiotherapy for Uterine Cervical Cancer 2664 Goro Kasuya Impact Of Bladder Volume And Uterine And Vaginal Geometric Factors On The Irradiated Dose To The Bladder And Small Intestine In Cervical Cancer Patients Treated With Image-guided Brachytherapy 2665 Yusung Kim Overall Rectum and Bladder doses (D2cc and D0.1cc) when integrated EBRT and HDR Brachytherapy Doses for Cervical Cancer by Accounting for Organ Deformations 2666 Shira Felder The Addition Of Brachytherapy To Adjuvant External Beam Radiation Improves Survival In Cervical Cancer Patients Following Surgery 2667 Elizabeth Kidd Comparison of Outcomes for Cervical Cancer Patients Treated with Radiation and Concurrent Weekly Cisplatin versus Cisplatin and 5-Fluorouracil 2668 Matthew McKeever Radioablative Dose for Pelvic and Paraaortic Lymph Node Metastases from Cervical Cancer 2669 Seok Ho Lee Assessment Of Tumor Volume And Serum Tumor Marker Levels During Chemoradiation Therapy For Cervix Cancer 2670 Primoz Petric A Tool For Pre-treatment Estimation Of Brachytherapy Dose Contribution To Pelvic Lymph Nodes In Cervix Cancer 2671 Sean Quinlan-Davidson A Prospective Comparative Analysis Of Three Methods Of Rectal Retraction For High-dose-rate Brachytherapy In Cervical Carcinoma: Effect On Organs At Risk 2672 Claire Dempsey The Changing Nature Of HDR Brachytherapy For Cervix Cancer: How The Clinical Target Volume Affects The Historical Prescription Dose 2673 Gamze Ugurluer Bone Complications after Pelvic Radiation Therapy: Evaluation With MRI 2674 Yongsook Lee Variation In High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Dose Contribution Among Pelvic Lymph Node Groups In Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer 2675 Francesco Cellini FDG-PET Can Predict Overall Recurrence And Disease Free Survival After Definitive Irradiation And Mri-guided Adaptive Brachytherapy In Uterine Cervix Cancer 2676 Jun-ichi Saitoh Effectiveness of Bisphosphonate against Radiation-induced Decrease of Bone Mineral Densities in Irradiated and Non-irradiated Bone after Pelvic Radiation Therapy in Patients with Uterine Cervical Cancer 2677 Hong In Yoon The Long-term Follow-up Result Of Extended-field Radiotherapy For Uterine Cervical Cancer With Positive Para-aortic Lymph Nodes: Does The Addition Of Chemotherapy Have Survival Benefit? 2678 Fumiaki Isohashi Dose-volume Analysis Of Predictors For Acute Hematologic Toxicity In Patients With Cervical Cancer Treated With Postoperative Pelvic Radiation Therapy And Concurrent Nedaplatin-based Chemotherapy 2679 Vinita Takiar PD-1 Levels Correlate with Lymph Node Positivity in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix 2680 Mitchell Kamrava Clinical Outcomes Of High-dose-rate Interstitial Gynecologic Brachytherapy For Primary Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer 2681 Kazuhiko Hayashi Total Rectal Dose Estimated From Radical External Beam And Intracavitary Radiotherapy For Uterine Cervical Cancer Using Deformable Image Registration Method 2682 Keiko Murofushi Early Outcomes And Dose-volume Parameters For CT Based Treatment Planning In Brachytherapy For Cervical Cancer With Severe Vaginal Invasion Or Vaginal Cancer 2683 Henrik Hansen Introducing PET/CT in Cervical Cancer Staging Procedures Leads to Stage Migration and Selection Bias 2684 Akiko Kubo Contribution Of Imaging In Diagnosis Of Local Recurrence After Radiation Therapy For Cervical Cancer 2685 Cameron Swanick Impact of Normal Tissue Motion on Dose to Critical Structures during Intracavitary Brachytherapy 2686 John Boyle Simultaneous Integrated Boost to Pelvic and Paraaortic Nodes from Cervical Cancer Improves the Dosimetric Therapeutic Ratio Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 144 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2687 Emily Dunn PET/CT and MRI After Chemoradiation for Cervical Cancer: Comparing the Predictive Value for Recurrence 2688 Valentine Guimas Trendelenburg Position Can Reduce Small Bowel Dose In Brachytherapy Of Cervix Carcinoma 2689 Lilie Lin Initial Report of the Clinical Feasibility and Acute Toxicities Associated with Pencil Beam Scanning Whole Pelvis Proton Therapy for Gynecologic Cancers 2690 Mei Li The Comparison between Reporting Doses per GEC ESTRO and Estimation from Deformable Dose Accumulation 2691 Henrik Hansen Radiotherapy without Cisplatin for Elderly Cervical Cancer Patients 2692 Tony Eng Treatment Outcome of Patients With Advanced Cervical Carcinoma After Concurrent Chemotherapy and External Beam Radiation Therapy Plus High-Dose-Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy 2693 Gregory Treharne Cervical Cancer Patients Presenting with Para-aortic Lymph Node Involvement have Distinctly Different Survival Compared to Patients Presenting with Metastatic Disease 2694 Ryan Best Dosimetric Study Of Two Utrecht-style Applicators For Cervical Brachytherapy 2695 Ebru Karakaya Is Pretreatment Neutrophil To Lymphosite Ratio A Predictive Factor For Cervical Cancer Control? 2696 Jihoon Lim The Impact of Substance Use on Incidence and Survival in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Treated with Radiation Therapy 2697 Feng Mei Prognostic Factors For Toxicity And Survival In Advanced Cervical Cancer Patients Treated With High Dose Rate (hdr)-intracavitary Brachytherapy (icbt) Combined With Complementary Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (imrt) 2698 Dominique Rash Prospective Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction Following the Use of Education Materials for Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy 2699 Anthony Michaud Prospective Analysis of the Treatment Planning Process for Gynecologic Image Guided High Dose Rate Brachytherapy 2700 Rajni Sethi A Multi-Institutional Study of Lymph Node Positive Cervical Cancer Patients Treated in the Modern Era of Chemoradiation 2701 Xin Wang Long-term Follow-up Results Of Simultaneous Integrated Or Late Course Accelerated Boost With Ebrt To Vaginal Stump In Intermediate Risk Cervical Cancer Patients After Radical Hysterectomy 2702 Jennifer Croke Vaginal Dose And Patient Reported Sexual Adjustment With MR-guided Brachytherapy For Cervical Cancer 2703 Angela Lin A Retrospective Review Of Patient Outcomes Following High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy In The Treatment Of Cervical Cancer 2704 Baozhou Sun 3d Dose Accumulation In Pseudo-splitfield Imrt And Bt For Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer 2705 Rebekah Young Is Point A Still Relevant?: Does Prescribing to Tumor Volume Vs Point A Correspond to Equivalent Outcomes Among Cervical Cancer Patients Undergoing T&O Brachytherapy? 2706 Alex Herskovic Is There A Difference In Cause Specific Survival And Overall Survival In 1b1 Squamous Cell Carcinoma And Adenocarcinoma Of The Uterine Cervix? Seer Database: 2004-2008 2707 Puja Venkat Outcome Assessment of Dose Adaptation of MRI-Guided Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy 2708 Chris McClinton Comparison of Four Different Optimization Methods for Cervical Brachytherapy in the Era of 3D Planning 2709 Puja Venkat F18-FDG PET/CT as a Prognostic Indicator of Clinical Outcomes for Cervical Cancer Treated With MRI-Guided Brachytherapy 2710 Himanshu Nagar Treatment with Adjuvant Pelvic Radiation Therapy ± Vaginal Brachytherapy in Patients with High-Risk Stage I or Stage II Uterine Papillary Serous, Clear Cell, and High-Grade Endometrioid Carcinoma 2711 Christine ChangHalpenny Early Stage Pure and Mixed Endometrial Clear Cell Carcinoma: Outcomes and Patterns of Recurrence 2712 Angeles Rovirosa Comparative Results of Vaginal Relapses and Toxicity of Two Protracted 192-Ir HDR brachytherapy (BT) Schedules in Postoperative Endometrial Carcinoma (EC) 2713 Gustavo Ferraris Ki-67 Expression as a Prognostic Factor of Outcome After Adjuvant Irradiation in Endometrial Carcinoma 2714 Lucas Sapienza Isolated Brachytherapy for Endometrial Cancer with Disease Restricted to Uterus - Oncologic Results and Toxicity Analysis 2715 Sebastia Sabater Body Mass Index And Doses At Organs At Risk Evaluated By CT In A Mediterranean Postoperative Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy (VCB) Cancer Population 2716 Himanshu Nagar Tolerability of Concurrent Chemotherapy and Vaginal Brachytherapy for Treatment of Early Stage High Grade Endometrial Cancer 2717 Sharon Lu Single Institution Comparison of “Sandwich” versus Sequential Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiation for Stage III Endometrioid Uterine Carcinoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 145 2718 Mohamed Elshaikh Quantification of the Air Gaps Around High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy Cylinder. A Prospective Study to Correlate Air Gaps with Optimal Cylinder Size 2719 Sean Vance Failure Patterns of Type II Endometrial Cancer With and Without Adjuvant RT 2720 Nicolas Bauer Vaginal Vault High-dose-rate Brachytherapy Alone as Adjuvant Treatment of Early-stage Endometrial Cancer: a Retrospective Study on 119 Patients 2721 Mehmet Ufuk Abacioglu Comparison of Target Volume and Organ At Risk Doses With Multi-channel vs. Single Channel Cylinder for Vaginal Brachytherapy 2722 Christina Chapman Assessing the Need for Dose Calculations to Organs at Risk Using MRI Planning in Vaginal Brachytherapy 2723 Josephine Chen Comparing the Use of the Full Dose-Volume Histogram (DVH) Curves with Point Dosimetric Indices to Characterize External-Beam Treatment Plans for Endometrial Cancer 2724 Neil Desai Comparison Of Early Stage Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma (upsc) And Carcinosarcoma Treated With Adjuvant Carboplatin/taxane Chemotherapy And Intravaginal Radiotherapy (ivrt) 2725 Vikram Velker Adjuvant Treatment of Stage IA Type II Endometrial Cancers: Is Observation a Valid Strategy? 2726 Philip Poorvu “Loops” Versus “Bowel Bag”: Which Is Better For Bowel Contouring In Gynecologic Cancer Patients Receiving IMRT To The Paraaortic Nodes? 2727 Julia Manzerova Treatment Regimens Incorporating Adjuvant Radiation Therapy Improve Survival of Patients with Carcinosarcoma of the Uterus: a SEER Study 2728 Arya Amini Should we customize PTV expansions for BMI? Daily Cone Beam Computerized Tomography to Assess Organ Motion in Postoperative Endometrial and Cervical Cancer Patients 2729 Joseph Dise Development and Evaluation of an Automatic Interstitial Catheter Digitization Tool for HDR Brachytherapy of Gynecologic Cancers 2730 Jennifer Ma Lymphovascular Invasion as a Poor Prognostic Factor in Uterine Cancer 2731 Thatcher Heumann Survival Outcomes and the Role of Adjuvant Therapy Sequencing in Type II Uterine Cancer After Definitive Surgery 2732 Kaveh Maghsoudi Salvage Radiation Therapy Including High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Isolated Vaginal Recurrences of Endometrial Cancer 2733 Joseph Syh A Dosimetric Study by Using a Multichannel Cylinder in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Treatment of the Vaginal Cuff 2734 Sang-June Park Is It Better to Treat from Inside Out or Outside In for Vaginal Cuff Radiotherapy? 2735 Rebekah Maymani Vaginal Cancer: Importance of Response to EBRT and Medical Contraindications to Interstitial Brachytherapy 2736 Jim Rose Transvaginal Ultrasound-Guided Interstitial Brachytherapy For Vaginal Tumors: A Fixed Template Technique 2737 Yuan Rao Analysis of Survival after Brachytherapy for Vulvar Cancer Using the SEER Registry 2738 Kathy Han What Is The Optimal Treatment For Patients With Sentinel Node-positive Vulvar Cancer? 2739 Larissa Lee Local-Regional Recurrence in Node Positive Vulvar Cancer: Clinical Factors, RT Fields and Dose 2740 Carminia Lapuz Determination of Standardized Objective and Constraint Settings for Inverse Planning using IPSA and HIPO for HDR Brachytherapy Multi-channel Vaginal Cylinders 2741 Megan Mezera Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Utilizing Dose-Escalated Integrated Simultaneous Boost to PET Avid Gross Nodal Disease in Gynecologic Malignancies: Analysis of Disease Response and Toxicity 2742 Sujith Baliga Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Recurrent, Persistent, or Oligometastatic Gynecological Tumors 2743 Jessica Zhou Radiation Dosimetry of Pelvic Floor and Non-Reproductive Sexual Organs in External Beam Radiation Therapy for Gynecologic Cancers 2744 Ryan Bair Radiopaque Polymer Hydrogel used as a Fiducial Marker in Gynecologic Brachytherapy 2745 Melis Gultekin Determination of Optimal Planning Target Volume Margins in Patients with Gynecologic Cancer 2746 Nicolette Taku Quantifying Vaginal Motion Associated With Daily Endorectal Balloon During Whole Pelvis Radiotherapy For Gynecologic Cancers HEAD AND NECK CANCER 2747 Rangarajan Ramya Comparison of Clinical Profile of Oral Cancers in Young And Elderly - A Single Institution Series From a Developing country 2748 Ryuji Murakami Prognostic Impact of the Nodal Level Involvement in Advanced Oral Cancer Treated with Preoperative Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 146 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2749 Zachary Nicholas A Dosimetric Evaluation of Oral Tongue Sparing to Reduce Dysgeusia in Head and Neck Cancers 2750 Eli Scher Evaluation Of Primary Treatment Technique For Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Buccal Mucosa: A Single Center Experience 2751 Sean Quinlan-Davidson Postoperative IMRT for Patients with Oral Cavity Carcinoma 2752 Kathryn Hitchcock Retromolar Trigone Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Radiotherapy Alone or Combined with Surgery: A 10-Year Update 2753 Richard Cassidy Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Tongue: Exploring New Trends 2754 Jeffrey Vainshtein Matted Lymph Nodes: An Indication for Intensification of Chemotherapy in Human Papillomavirus-Related (HPV+) Oropharyngeal Cancer (OPC)? 2755 Jerry Liu Prognostic Value Of Radiographic Extracapsular Extension In Locally Advanced Head And Neck Squamous Cell Cancers 2756 Moein Alizadeh-Kashani Phase I-ii Study Evaluating Reduced Radiation Volume And Dosage Using Comprehensive Tomotherapy And Concurrent Chemotherapy For Oropharyngeal Carcinoma 2757 John Ma Three-year Clinical Outcome and Quality of Life Interim Analysis of a Phase II Trial to Examine Use of Post-Chemotherapy Volumes after Neo-adjuvant Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck 2758 Pirus Ghadjar Impact Of Weight Loss On Survival After Chemoradiation For Locally Advanced Head And Neck Cancer. Secondary Results Of A Randomized Phase 3 Trial (SAKK 10/94) 2759 Ken Takeda Clinical Factors with respect to Cervical Body Volume Reduction During Definitive External Beam Radiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2771 Shlomo Koyfman Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Reduces Late Toxicity in Patients with Human Papillomavirus Associated (HPV+) Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Treated with Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) 2760 Omar Gayar Compliance with Quality Assurance Measures for Improving Oropharyngeal Cancer Patient Care 2772 Sophia Kamran Weekly On-treatment MRIs During Radiotherapy (RT) In Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) Patients To Monitor Treatment Response 2761 Esengul Kocak Beam Path Toxicity In Candidate Organs at Risk: Assessment Of Radiation Emetogenesis For Patients Receiving Head And Neck Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy 2762 Daniel Yeung Reducing Toxicity from Oropharyngeal Cancer Therapy with IMPT: A Dosimetric Analysis 2763 Francesco Ricchetti Parotid Gland Shrinkage during IMRT for Oropharyngeal Cancer and Xerostomia 2765 Florence Keane The Prognostic Significance Of T-stage And N-stage In Patients With Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Oropharynx (OPSCC) In The HPV Era 2766 Mauricio Gamez Unilateral Radiotherapy for Node-Positive HPV-Positive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tonsil: Analysis of a Prospective Cohort 2767 Jerry Liu Is Radiographic Extracapsular Extension Prognostic In Human Papillomavirus-related Oropharyngeal Cancers? 2768 Jacob Rasmussen Temporal Stability And Reproducibility Of FDG-PET-based Dose Painting Targets In Head And Neck Cancer 2769 Ganesh Narayanasamy Radiobiological Evaluation of IMRT Treatment Of Head And Neck Patients: Multi-Institutional Study 2770 Stephen Rosenberg HPV Positive Oropharyngeal Cancers: Mid-treatment PET During Radiotherapy And Implications For Treatment De-escalation 2773 William Magnuson Potential Influence of ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers on Outcome in Patients with Oropharynx Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy 2774 Anthony Pham Significantly Improved Local Control With The Use Of Cesium-131 Brachytherapy In High Risk And Recurrent Head And Neck (hn) Cancers: Long Term Results Of A Pilot Study 2775 Marianne Feen Roenjom A Validation Study Of Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) Models For Radiation-induced Hypothyroidism (HT) 2776 Scott Glaser A Dosimetric Analysis of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy Following Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS) for Oropharyngeal Cancer Compared to Definitive Chemoradiation (CRT) 2777 Enrique Izaguirre Dose Dependent Response of Tonsil Cancers to Radiation Therapy and Concurrent Chemotherapy: A Retrospective Analysis of Change of Gross Tumor Volume 2778 Philip Schaner Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Decreases the Risk of Long Term Gastrostomy Tube Dependence in Curative Intent Treatment for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx 2779 Natalie Logie The Impact Of Treatment Delays In Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients Treated With Surgery Followed By (chemo) radiation Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 147 2780 Joshua Weir Reduced Toxicity of Induction Chemotherapy with Omission of 5FU and Response Rates by RTOG 0129 Risk Group 2781 Susie Chen Use of 18-FDG PET in Determination of Disease Extent in HPV/p16 Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2782 Takeshi Kodaira Clinical Efficacy Of Helical Tomotherapy For Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treated With Definite Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy 2783 Vincent Wu Radiation Induced Changes On Temporo-Mandibular Joint In Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients After External Beam Radiotherapy - A Preliminary Study 2784 Yong Chen Prognostic Significance of Maximum Primary Tumor Diameter in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2785 Ning Zhang Primary Tumor Regression Speed After Radiotherapy And Its Prognostic Significance In Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study 2786 Tsung Min Hung The Dose of Elective Neck Irradiation as 46 Gy is Feasible in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma treated by IntensityModulated Radiotherapy 2787 Hongmei Ying Effectiveness And Toxicities Of Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy For Patients With T4 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2788 Ryo Toya Radiotherapy For Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Predictability Of Treatment Outcomes At Interim Re-assessment 2789 Lin Ma Replanning Criteria and Timing Definition for Parotid Protection-based Adaptive Radiation Therapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2790 Irene Karam Outcomes Following Re-irradiation For Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Single Institutional Experience 2791 Musa Altun Radiation Infield Second Tumors in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients 2792 Rafael Manon Retrospective Study Of Hippocampal Sparing In The Treatment Of Nasopharyngeal Cancer 2793 Faqiang Ma Efficacy and Factor Affecting Outcome of Induction Chemotherapy Combined Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy in 263 Patients with locally advancednasopharyngeal carcinoma 2794 Chan Woo Wee A Single Physician Experience of Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Locoregionally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiation 2795 Lai Tan Quality of Life in Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) Patients: Study of Salivary Flow Recovery Pattern on Xerostomia Improvement for IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) vs VMAT (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy) 2796 Weixin Liu Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Childhood and Adolescence: A Single Institution’s Experience of 158 Patients 2797 Qichao Zhou Prognostic Factors Of Local Control After Re-irradiation With Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy Of Locally Recurred Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2798 Xiyin Guan Induction Chemotherapy With Docetaxel And Nedaplatin Followed By Concurrent IMRT And Nedaplatin For Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2799 Ramesh Bilimagga Role Of Stereotactic Radiosurgery In Recurrent Head And Neck Cancers: A Single Institution’s Experience 2800 Niranjan Bhandare Association Between Location of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Pre- and Postradiotherapy Otitis Media with Effusion, and Sensory Neural Hearing Loss 2801 Wing Lun Mui Dosimetric Effect of Binary Multi-leaf Collimator in Helical Tomotherapy to Optic System in Treating Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2802 Emily Tanzler Are Blind Biopsies of the Nasopharynx, Pyriform Sinus, and Contralateral Tonsil Necessary in the Work-Up of Unknown Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck? 2803 Chengtao Wang Metabolic Tumor Volume (MTV) and Maximum Standardized Uptake Value (SUVmax) as Predictive Factors in Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treated with Definitive Chemoradiotherapy 2804 Ozlem Ozkaya Akagunduz Evaluation of the Radiotherapy Induced Optic Nerve and Chiasm Injuries by Electrophysiological Tests and Optic Coherence Tomography in the Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2805 Emma Holliday Gastrostomy Tube Rates Decrease by Over 50% in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treated with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT): A Case-Control Study 2806 Miranda Kim Sequential Versus Concurrent Chemotherapy For Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A US-based Study 2807 Wei-Hsien Hou The Ratio Of Weight Loss To Planning Target Volume Significantly Impacts Setup Errors In Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients Undergoing Helical Tomotherapy With Daily MVCT 2808 WeiWei Xiao Delineation Of the Clinical Target Volume in Early-stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treated With Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy: Long-term Follow-up Of A Phase 2 Study 2809 Annie Chan Refinement and Individualization of Clinical Target Volume Delineation in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A 22-Year Clinical Experience Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 148 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2810 Ayal Aizer Assessment Of Trismus After Chemoradiation For Nasopharyngeal Cancer: A Prospective, Phase 2 Trial 2819 Mark Edson IMRT For Organ Preservation In Hypopharynx Cancer Provides Good Locoregional Control 2811 Aron Popovtzer Organ Preservation for Patients with Advanced Laryngeal Cancer Who Responded to Induction Chemotherapy with Docetaxel, Cisplatin, and 5Fluorouracil (TPF) Followed by Cisplatin Concomitant with Radiation Therapy: A Phase 2 trial 2820 Jacob Shin Racial Disparities In Laryngeal Cancer Treatment And Outcome In The United States: A Population-Based SEER Analysis Of 24,069 Patients 2812 Keiichi Takehana Retrospective Analysis of Clinical Efficacy of IMRT Using Helical Tomotherapy among Patients Treated with Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Hypopharyngeal Cancer 2813 Ken Takeda Clinical Factors with respect to Cervical Body Volume Reduction During Definitive External Beam Radiation Therapy for Hypopharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2814 Zhibin Huang Tumor Volume Delineation in Head and Neck Cancer with Imaging Modalities: CT, PET, MRI, Compared with Pathological Tumor Volume 2815 Naoyuki Kanayama Patterns of Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis in Definitive Radiotherapy for Hypopharyngeal Cancer: Implications for the Elective Target Volume Delineation 2816 Jonathan Chen Differences in Survival Outcome Between Stage 1 and Stage 2 Glottic Cancer: A SEER-Based Analysis 2817 Esat Mahmut Ozsahin Carotid Dose Sparing in Definitive Irradiation of Early-Stage Glottic Cancer Using Helical Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy 2818 Joseph Tung-Chieh Chang Outcome Of Residual Disease At The End Of Radiotherapy For Pharyngo-laryngeal Cancer Patients Received Definite Chemotherapy And Intensity Modulation Radiotherapy 2821 Matthew Ward Reduction of Severe Late Toxicity After Definitive Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) using Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in Non-HPV Associated Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC): More than Xerostomia 2822 Elise Anne Jager Improved GTV Delineation Of Laryngeal/Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma On MRI By The Use Of Delineation Guidelines 2823 Joana Caldas Magalhaes FDG-PET Semi-automatic Segmentation Methods For GTV Delineation In Laryngeal And Hypopharyngeal Cancer 2824 Newton Hurst Pretreatment Computed Tomographic Gross Tumor Volume (CT-GTV) Is Prognostic for Poor Functional Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Larynx Preservation 2825 Shahrokh Iganej Triweekly Carboplatin Alone Instead of Cisplatin in the Definitive Treatment of Locally Advanced Laryngeal Carcinoma With Concurrent Chemoradiation: One Institution’s Experience and a Comparison to RTOG 91-11 Results 2826 Lucas Sapienza Long-term Experience With Radiotherapy Alone For Early Stage Squamous Cells Glottic Carcinoma: Impact Of Technological Incorporation 2827 Bhaswanth Dhanireddy The Impact of Different Radiation Therapy Techniques on Oncologic and Functional Outcomes of Locally Advanced Laryngeal Cancer 2828 Kristin Plichta The Prognostic Value of Pretreatment FDG-PET scans in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancers Treated with Definitive Chemoradiation 2829 Kenneth Shung Hu Pre-Treatment PET Metabolic Tumor Volume (MTV) and Maximum Standardized Uptake Value (SUVmax) Predict for Organ Preservation and Disease-Free Survival in Larynx Cancer Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiation 2830 Yae-eun Suh Single Institution Outcomes Of Stage 3 And 4 Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated With Primary (Chemo)radiation 2831 Jeppe Friborg Loco-regional Control And Survival After Primary Radiotherapy Of Hypoharyngeal Carcinoma - A Population-based Study 2832 Lauren Kropp Radiation Therapy following Total Laryngectomy for High-Risk Larynx and Hypopharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2833 Bhaswanth Dhanireddy The Impact of Smoking on Laryngeal Preservation in Locally Advanced Laryngeal Cancer Treated with Definitive Chemoradiotherapy 2834 Stephen Lai Identification and Management of Laryngeal Carcinoma Patients with Risk Factors for Gastrostomy Tube Placement 2835 Ozlem Ozkaya Akagunduz Dose-Volume Effects of Radiation to Swallowing Function in the Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancers 2836 Michael Scott Comparison of Toxicity and Tumor Response in Early Glottic Cancer Treated with Conventionally Fractionated (CRT) vs. Hypofractionated Radiotherapy (HRT): Retrospective Analysis of a Single Institution Experience 2837 Cole Kreofsky Larynx-Preserving Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 149 2838 Priyanka Bhateja Definitive Chemoradiation (CRT) For Organ Preservation In Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Hypopharynx (SCC-HP): Oncological Outcomes And Late Toxicity 2839 Samir Patel Charged Particle Therapy for Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Malignancies: A Systematic review and Meta-analysis 2840 Nadya Shusharina Evaluation of Proton Therapy for Advanced Head and Neck Cancer with Respect to Changing Heterogeneity 2841 Issa Mohamad Role of Radiotherapy in Management of Nasal and Sinonasal Squamous Cell Carcinomas 2842 Yang-Gun Suh Treatment Outcomes of Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy versus Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy for Patients With Maxillary Sinus Cancer in the Postoperative Setting 2848 Jin Ho Kim Impact Of Radiotherapy Volumes On Skull Base Recurrence In Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma In The Head And Neck 2859 Juliette Thariat Prognosis Of Irradiated Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinomas, A Rare Cancer Network Study 2849 Waleed Mourad Durable cosmetic control with radiation therapy for HIV-associated Parotid Benign Lymphoepithelial Cysts 2860 Alan Monroe Dorsal Vagal Complex of the Brainstem: Conformal Avoidance to Reduce Nausea 2850 Cheng-En Hsieh Postoperative Radiotherapy for Submandibular Gland Carcinomas: What is the Optimal Elective Nodal Irradiation Volume? 2861 Srinivas Chilukuri Two Prescription Dose Levels As Safe As 3-4 Prescription Dose Levels In IMRT For The Treatment Of Neck Nodal Regions In Head Neck Cancers 2851 Alexandra Jensen High-let Radiotherapy For Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Of The Head And Neck: 15 Years’ Experience With Raster-scanned Carbon Ion Therapy 2862 Beth Beadle Differential Feeding Tube Placement and Duration with IMRT for Head and Neck Cancer: A SEER-Medicare Analysis 2852 Petra Stegmaier Identification of Differences in the whole Saliva Baseline Proteome Profile that are Associated with Development of Oral Mucositis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients during Treatment with IMRT 2843 Daisuke Miyawaki Result of Multimodal Treatment Including Radiotherapy for Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Maxillary Sinus: A Retrospective Study 2853 James Han Weekly On-treatment MRIs During Radiotherapy (RT) In Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) Patients To Monitor Normal Tissue Response 2844 Lawrence Younan Influence of Time Factors on Local Control and Survival Following Radiotherapy for Paranasal Sinus Cancer 2854 Darwin Yip Proton Beam Therapy for Unresectable Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Nasopharynx 2845 Jay Liao Management and Long-Term Outcomes of Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma: 20-year Experience at a Single Insitution 2855 Aleksandra Kuczmarska Markedly Increased Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Northeast Pennsylvania: A Clinical-Epidemiological Investigation 2846 Shyamal Patel Postoperative Radiation Therapy For Parotid Pleomorphic Adenoma With Close Or Positive Margins: Treatment Outcomes And Toxicities 2856 Mu-Hung Tsai A Dose-Effect Relationship and Estimated Parameters for the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman (LKB) Model of Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) for Radiation Induced Hypothyroidism 2847 Jin Ho Kim Significance Of Postoperative Radiotherapy On Locoregional Control In T1/t2 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma In The Head And Neck 2857 Peter Zavitsanos Hürthle Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid 2863 John Cuaron Patterns of Failure in Patients with Head and Neck Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Treated with Radiation Therapy 2864 Masaru Takagi Treatment Outcomes of Proton or Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Chordoma of the Skull Base 2865 Re-I Chin Prognostic Significance of Metabolic Tumor Volume after Induction Chemotherapy in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck 2866 Jon Cacicedo Utility Of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography (PET/ CT) In The Staging And Treatment Plan Evaluation Of Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2867 Madhava Kanakamedala Outcome Analysis Of Extracapsular Extension In Cervical Lymph Nodes For Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinomas Of Head And Neck 2868 Hugo van der Heide Radiation-induced Volumetric Changes Of Salivary Glands In Relation With Mean Dose And Saliva Production In Head-and-neck Cancer Patients 2869 Dayssy Diaz Pardo Head And Neck Second Primary Cancer Rates In The HPV Era: A SEER Analysis 2858 Sean Sachdev Thyroid V50 Predicts Hypothyroidism in Head-and-Neck Cancer Patients Treated with IMRT Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 150 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2870 Niranjan Bhandare The Effect of Preexisting Diabetes on the Incidence of Post-Radiation Retinopathy in Head and Neck Cancer Patients 2881 Sonam Sharma Risk Factors for Prolonged Diagnosis to Treatment Interval (DTI) Among Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) 2871 Jessica Freilich Outcomes of Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck 2882 Sean Sachdev Age Most Significant Predictor of Requiring Enteral Feeding in Head-andNeck Cancer Patients 2872 Paolo Antognoni FDG PET SUV-based Segmentation Method for Biological GTV (BTV) Delineation in Pharyngeal Cancer Dose-Painted IMRT: Preliminary Retrospective Evaluation of Patterns of Local Relapse 2873 Jesse Shulman Long Term Follow-up of Patients treated with Radiation Therapy for Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck 2874 Philip Gilbo Radiotherapy for Benign Head and Neck Paragangliomas: A 45-year Experience 2875 Michael Cheung Optimal Timing of Initial PET/CT Surveillance Scan after Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers 2883 Lanting Gao The Role of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Type B3 Thymoma 2884 Timothy Waxweiler Safety and Feasibility Update of Olaparib, an Orally Bioavailable PARP Inhibitor, With Concurrent Cetuximab and Radiotherapy in Heavy Smokers with Stage 3-IVB Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head/Neck: A Phase 1 Trial 2885 Harry Quon Effective Pain Management of Mucositis with Prophylactic Gabapentin in the Irradiated Head and Neck Cancer Patient Is Associated with Functional Benefits 2891 Stephanie Rice Skin Cancers of the Head and Neck: A 21 Year Single Institution Experience 2892 Vikram Manoor Maiya The Use of Xylitol for the Prevention of Xerostomia in Patients Receiving Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers 2893 Ali Hosni IMRT with Selective Target Volume Approach in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Site 2894 Michael Spiotto Ace Inhibitors Predict For Acute Kidney Injury During Chemoradiation For Head And Neck Cancer 2895 Michael Spiotto Unplanned Hospitalizations Greater Than Five Days Predict For Worse Outcomes After Radiotherapy For Head And Neck Cancer 2896 Aleksandra Napieralska Cancerogenic Wind Blows Through the Pipe - Rare Carcinoma of Trachea as Primary or Secondary Neoplasm 2876 Rex Hoffman Multi-site Review Of Osteoradionecrosis in the Posterior Aspect of the Mandible Following Radiotherapy 2886 Yvonne Mowery Changes in Tumor Volumes and 18F-FDG PET characteristics during Radiotherapy for HPV+ and HPV- Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) 2877 Jean-Claude Rwigema 4π Noncoplanar Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Head and Neck Cancer: Potential to Improve Local Control and Late Toxicity 2887 Yutaka Toyomasu Treatment Outcomes of Particle Therapy using Protons or Carbon Ions for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2878 Jakub Cvek Hyperfractionated Accelerated Radiotherapy 70-75Gy in 5 weeks for Advanced Head and Neck Cancer - Single Institution Experiences 2888 Satish Kondaveeti Therapeutic Benefit Of Concurrent Radiation With Single Agent Nimotuzumab In Locally Advanced And Recurrent Hnscc - A Retrospective Analysis 2899 Madhava Kanakamedala Comparison Of Cisplatin Versus Cetuximab With Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy In Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinomas Of Head And Neck-Toxicity, Patterns Of Failure And Survival Analysis 2889 Isabel Prieto Tapentadol To Alleviate Chronic Pain Secondary to Neck Fibrosis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated With Surgery Plus Chemo-Radiotherapy 2900 Shea Wilcox Cyclical Hypofractionated IMRT For Effective Palliation Of Head And Neck Cancers: Can Modern Techniques Offer Improved Outcomes? 2879 Meredith Giuliani Elderly Patients With Advanced Head And Neck Cancer Less Likely To Receive Radiation Therapy 2880 Neal Dunlap Cyclical Hypofractionated Radiotherapy For Palliative Treatment Of Locally Advanced Head And Neck Cancer 2897 Beibei Xu Aspiration Pneumonia After Chemoradiotherapy for Head-and-Neck Cancer 2898 Huaising Ko Lhermitte’s Sign After VMAT-based Radiation of Head-and-Neck Cancer: Incidence, Clinical Features and Dosimetry 2890 Taro Murai Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy For Auditory Canal Or Middle Ear Cancer: 2-year Results In 30 Patients Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 151 2901 Rejnish Kumar Phase IIb Randomized Trial Comparing Concurrent Chemoradiation with Weekly versus Three Weekly Cisplatinum in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2910 Olgun Elicin Volumetric Regression Ratio of Tumor and Involved Lymph Nodes after Induction Chemotherapy Predicts the Overall Survival in Head and Neck Cancer 2902 Yeona Cho Clinical Outcome Of Eye-conserving Treatment With Ruthenium-106 Brachytherapy For Choroidal Melanoma: Experience with the first 88 Korean patients 2911 Abdallah Mohamed Methods for Analysis and Reporting the Patterns of Loco-regional Failure in the Era of IMRT for Head and Neck Cancer: Deformable Image Registration Based Quality Assurance Workflow 2903 Nigel Anderson Gross Tumor Volume Size and Oral Cavity Dose Drive Dysphagia in Definitive (Chemo) IMRT for Head & Neck Cancer 2912 Nhu Tram Nguyen Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Unknown Primary: Is There A Better Treatment? 2904 Maureen Rolfo Association of 18F-FDG Metabolic Tumour Volume and Dysphagia in Head and Neck IMRT as a Prophylactic Feeding Predictor 2905 Matthew Bertke HPV Status May Alter the Significance of Extranodal Extension as a Negative Prognostic Factor in Post-Operative Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck 2906 Matthew Ward Nasogastric Enteral Feeding is Superior to Percutaneous Gastrostomy in Preventing Late Pharyngeal Dysfunction in Long-term Survivors of Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer (HNSCC) treated with Definitive Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) 2907 David Grew Disease Outcomes In Human Immunodeficiency Positive Patients Treated With Primary Or Adjuvant Radiotherapy For Head And Neck Cancer 2908 Vasanthan Sakthivel Secondary Cancer Risk Analysis: Evaluation Of VMAT Vs Dynamic IMRT Planning In Treatment Of Head And Neck Cancer By Simultaneously Integrated Boost Technique 2909 Andrew Hoover Head and Neck Cancer Patients with False Negative Surveillance FDG PET/CT Scans Show Unique Clinical Characteristics and Disease Recurrence Patterns 2913 Marielle Philippens Advances in MRI for Elective Treatment of Lymph Nodes and Cranial Nerves in Head and Neck Cancer 2914 Shaakir Hasan Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB) for Advanced Head and Neck (H&N) Cancer May Accelerate Muscle Loss in Concurrent Chemoradiation as Assessed By A Validated CT-based Tool 2915 Canhua Xiao Increased Fatigue is Associated with TNF and NFκB-Regulated Inflammatory Signaling in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Receiving IMRT 2916 Abdallah Mohamed Biological and Dosimetric Analysis of Loco-regional Failure after IMRT for Head and Neck Cancer 2917 Daniel Grossi Marconi Head And Neck Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Treated By Orthovoltage Radiation: An Analysis Of 1021 Cases 2918 Ahmed Chaudhary Trismus after Chemoradiotherapy for Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer: A Prospective Study of the Dose Effect Relationship in Accelerated Fractionation by Concomitant Boost with Cisplatin and Cetuximab from the EPIC Trial 2919 Peter Ahn Comparison Of The Effect Of Full-neck Rapidarc IMRT Versus Split-field IMRT Techniques On Radiation Dose To Low Neck Structures 2920 Junjian Huang Low Baseline Lymphocyte Count May Predict Poorer Overall Survival In Patients With Head And Neck Cancer Treated With Radiation Therapy 2921 Kaleigh Doke Lymphedema Therapy Improves Neck Circumference, Range of Motion and Pain Scores in Head and Neck Radiotherapy Patients 2922 Ahmad Al-Basheer Correlation Of Integral Does, White Blood Cell Counts, And Radiotherapy Techniques For Head And Neck Cancer Patients Under Radiotherapy 2923 Scott Robertson Routine Capture of Structured Data Elements (SDEs) Provides Insight into Unique Dose-Toxicity Relationships in Irradiated Head and Neck (HN) Cancer Patients HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 2924 Yu Yang Soon Impact Of Adoption Of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation On The Outcome Of Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Single Institution Retrospective Study 2925 Nitesh Paryani Referral Patterns for Pediatric Proton Therapy in Florida 2926 Christopher Corso Demographic Disparities in SBRT Utilization for Stage I NSCLC 2927 Lili Goh A Survey Of The Asian Patients’ Expectations And Beliefs About The Effectiveness Of Radiotherapy For Incurable Cancers 2928 Alexander Rand Demographic Disparities in Time from Prostate Cancer Diagnosis to Definitive Treatment in Patients at a Diverse Academic Medical Center 2929 Guy Jones Initial Results of a Pilot Program for Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening in a Community Radiation Oncology Practice Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 152 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2930 Leslie Ballas Radiation Therapy Utilization in Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Patients 2931 Rishabh Kapoor Report on the Veteran Health Administration - Radiation Oncology Quality and Safety Monitoring (VHA-ROQSM) Program 2932 Joan Ryoo Assessing Quality of Care (QC) Near End-Of-Life (EOL): Use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Identify Brain Metastasis (BM) Cases for Evaluation of Radiotherapy (RT) Receipt 2933 Alexander Rand Impact of Breast Cancer Patient Demographics and Treatment Type on Time from Diagnosis to Adjuvant Treatment at a Diverse Academic Medical Center 2934 Mark Waddle Which Prostate Cancer Patients Receive Multidisciplinary Consultation? Findings from the Population-Based NC Process Cohort 2935 Amy Harrison Radiation Quality and Safety: A Patient’s Perspective 2940 Terence Sio Temporal and Geographic Variation of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Utilization in Patients with Colorectal Cancer: A SEERMedicare Based Analysis 2941 Sean Maroongroge The Impact of New EMR Adoption on the Number of Radiology Exams Ordered in a Busy Radiation Oncology Clinic 2942 Nikola Cihoric Analysis of Clinical Trials in Radiation Oncology: A Systematic Characterization of the Database 2943 Michaela Dinan Association between Diagnostic CT Utilization and Radiation Therapy at the End of Life (EOL) in Elderly Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients, 2002-2007 2944 Usama Mahmood Impact Of Insurance Status On Treatment Selection For Localized Prostate Cancer In The United States 2945 Kimberley Foley Measuring The Quality Of Personal Care In Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy: What Aspects Of Care Are Important To Patients? 2952 Raymond Mailhot Vega Cost-effectiveness Analysis Of Proton Versus Photon Therapy With Respect To Risk Of Growth Hormone Deficiency 2953 Nataniel Lester-Coll Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Pulmonary Oligometastases 2954 Tongming He Personalized Radiation Therapy of Breast Cancers May Not Incur Substantial Increase in Treatment Delivery Time 2955 Merrylee McGuffin The Cost Of Convenience: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Comparing External Beam Radiation Therapy, High-dose Rate Brachytherapy And Permanent Seed Implants For Early Stage Breast Cancer 2956 Hayeon Kim Cost-effectiveness Analysis of 3D Image-Guided Brachytherapy Compared to 2D Brachytherapy in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer 2957 Matthew Schutzer Time Driven Activity Based Costing: an Economic Analysis of Whole Breast Radiotherapy versus Balloon-Based Brachytherapy in the Management of Early Stage Breast Cancer 2936 Gaurav Bahl A National Analysis of Gender and Ethnocultural Diversity Within the Canadian Radiation Oncology Physician Workforce 2946 Arash Naghavi Outcomes Following Radiotherapy For Head And Neck Cancer Of A High Volume Center Vs Low Volume Center 2937 Daniel Yang Impact Of Three Decades Of Screening On Racial Disparities In Cervical Cancer Incidence 2947 Naichang Yu Automatic Monitoring of Patient Chart Status Improves Workflow for External Beam Radiotherapy 2958 Thomas Lanni Comparing the Cost Effectiveness of Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy, High Dose Rate Brachytherapy and Hypofactionated Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of Low/Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer 2938 Jeremy Harris Factors Contributing to the Use of Intensity Modulated versus 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy for Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A SEER-Medicare Study 2948 David Schreiber Comparative Effectiveness of Radical Prostatectomy versus Dose Escalated Radiation Therapy in a predominantly African American Population 2959 Alexander Louie Estimating the Population Impact of Introducing Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Stage I NSCLC in Canada 2949 Daniel Grossi Marconi The Reliability Of Automatic Segmentation For Lung Volumes In Breast, Lung And Esophageal Cancers 2960 Anand Shah Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, Conventional Single-Fraction Radiotherapy, and Medical Management Alone for a Painful Localized Spine Metastasis 2939 Apar Gupta Effect of Patient Demographics and Radiation Timing on PSA Reduction in Patients Treated With Definitive Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 2951 Daniel Trifiletti Reconsidering Adjuvant Versus Salvage Radiotherapy For Prostate Cancer Using An Individualized Decision Analysis With Genomic Classifier Scores Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 153 2961 Jason Ye Cost-effective Analysis Of Hypofractionated Versus Standard 30-fraction Imrt In Patients With Poor Prognosis Glioblastoma Multiforme 2962 Patrick Richard Development of a Multi-Parametric Cost Effectiveness Model for Comparison of Therapeutic Modalities in Definitive Radiotherapy for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 2963 Dimitri Dimitroyannis Favorable Cost-Effectiveness is a Hallmark of Modern Hypofractionated Radiotherapy: the case of early-stage Lung Cancer 2964 Shlomo Koyfman Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Reduces Late Toxicity Without Increasing Cost Compared to Conventional 3D-RT in Patients with Human Papillomavirus Associated (HPV+) Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Treated with Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) 2965 Anthony Wong Physicians’ Beliefs about the Benefits and Risks of Adjuvant Therapies for Stage II and Stage III Colorectal Cancer 2966 Caroline Patton Choosing Wisely: The American Society for Radiation Oncology’s Top 5 List 2967 Beant Gill Quantitative Evaluation of Radiation Oncologists’ Adaptability to Cost-Effective Treatment Programs 2968 Clayton Hess Current Attitudes of Practicing Physicians Regarding Ethical Dilemmas in Radiation Oncology: Findings From a National Survey 2969 Laurie Pilote Is Radiation Oncology Living Up To The Standards Of Informed And Shared Decision Making? 2970 Christine Lauro Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Chemoprevention: Results of a Survey 2971 Bhartesh Shah Analysis of Decision Making at a Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Tumor Board Incorporating Evidence Based NCCN Guidelines 2972 Tatiana Conrad Malignant Epidural Spinal Cord Compression: Prognostic Factors Predicting Need for Surgery 2983 Steve Braunstein Tobacco Cessation Perspectives and Practice Among U.S. Radiation Oncology Residents 2973 Jose Lopez Computerized Decision Support System and NaïVe Bayes Models for Predicting the Risk of Relapse in Breast Cancer 2984 Audrey Tetreault Impacts of Software-based Management of Radiation Treatment Interruptions 2974 Michael Lock Identification of Patients with Liver Cancer that will Not Benefit from Radiation 2985 Giang Hong Monitoring Neutron Exposure of Radiation Therapists on 15 Mv Linear Accelerators 2975 Mark Mishra Is Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI) with Hippocampal Avoidance (HA) Justified in Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (LS-SCLC)? 2986 Neil Martin Defining a Standard Set of PatientCentered Outcomes for Men With Localized Prostate Cancer 2976 Muhammad Qureshi Preoperative Multiparametric Mri Accurately Predicts For Extracapsular Extension In A Diverse Patient Population Undergoing Prostatectomy 2987 Max Dahele A Snapshot of the Practice of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy from 30 Centers in 6 Countries HISTORY 2977 Aaron Kusano Preoperative Short Course Radiation for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A National Opinion Survey 2978 Shauna Campbell Factors Influencing One Year Survival in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients Receiving Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) 2979 Tangel Chang Phase II Prospective Trial of Triphasic PET/CT: Primary Site Inflammation versus Cancer at 3 Months After Completion of Radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 2980 Paul Wallner Promises and Pitfalls: Development of a National Brachytherapy Registry 2981 Corey Hobbs Cancer Mortality Based on Income and Radiotherapy Availability: a Correlation Analysis and Implications for Developing Countries 2982 Harold Agbahiwe Increased African-American Enrollment in Breast Cancer Clinical Trials: A Single Institution Experience 2988 Debra Yeboa Historical Trends of Radiotherapy Use in Prevalent Malignancies 2989 Ankit Agarwal A Ten-year Analysis of the American Society for Radiation Oncology Political Action Committee 2990 Daniel Golden Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-institutional Radiation Oncology Clerkship Curriculum: A Report from the Radiation Oncology Education Collaborative Study Group 2991 Gurleen Dhami Mentorship of Radiation Oncology Residents: An Unmet Need 2992 Nikhil Thaker Improving the Quality of Radiation Oncology Education through an Innovative Medical Student Treatment Planning Curriculum 2993 Nicholas Zaorsky A National Assessment of Medical Student Knowledge in Radiation Oncology and Comparison to Primary Care and Radiation Oncology Attending Physicians Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 154 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2994 Crys Curkendoll Use of WikiBooks in Radiation Oncology Education 2995 Aaron Kusano Integrity of the Radiation Oncology National Resident Matching Program: Applicant Perspectives 2996 Shannon Byler Student Oncology Society: A Radiation Oncologist Led Approach To Exploring Careers In Oncology For Medical Students 2997 Jasbir Jaswal Evaluating the Impact of a Canadian Anatomy and Radiology Contouring (ARC) Bootcamp for Radiation Oncology Residents 2998 Wilfred Ngwa Radiation Oncology in Resource-Poor Settings: Challenges and Opportunities for Humanitarian or Collaborative Cancer Care, Research and Education 2999 Brian Koottappillil Evaluation of a Radiation Oncologist Led Dedicated Oncology Block in the Preclinical Medical School Curriculum 3000 Paris-Ann Ingledew Caught In The Web: The Quality Of Online Resources For Cancer Patients 3001 Evan Thomas Development of a Structured Education and Evaluation Program to Standardize and Improve Target and Organ-at-risk Contouring Ability among Radiation Oncology Residents 3002 Heather Warkentin Efficacy and Efficiency of a Tumor Group Model in Clinical Physics Instruction of Residents LUNG CANCER 3003 Tsuyoshi Takanaka Breath-hold Volumetric Modulated Arc Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Early-stage Lung Cancer Guided By Real-time Fluoroscopy 3004 Marco Trovo SBRT for Re-irradiation of Persistent or Recurrent Locally Advanced NSCLC 3005 Takashi Shintani Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy As A Part Of Definitive Treatment For Synchronous Double Primary Lung Cancer 3006 Atsushi Motegi Acute Toxicities and Dose Volume Histogram Parameters for Organ at Risk in Proton Beam Therapy for Stage Iii Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3007 Katsuyuki Shirai The Maximum Standardized Uptake Value (SUVmax) on FDG-PET Predicted Overall Survival and Progression Free Survival for Stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Carbon Ion Radiotherapy 3008 Aruna Turaka Correlation of PET/CT Response To The Mediastinal Down Staging In Operable NSCLC: Impact Of RT Dose 3009 Lin Zhou Phase I Trial of Icotinib Combined With Whole Brain Radiotherapy for EGFR-mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients With Brain Metastases -Updated Results 3010 Kimberley Mak Patterns of Local Recurrence for Mesothelioma Patients Treated with Extra-Pleural Pneumonectomy and Radiation Therapy Using the Electron-Photon Technique: The Dosimetric Challenges of Electron-Photon Match Lines and Blocks 3015 Nima Aghdam Robotic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) with Fiducial Tracking for Inoperable Peripheral Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Four-Year Disease Control and Survival Outcomes 3016 Shigeo Takahashi The Relationship between Mean Lung Dose and Pulmonary Complications after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy followed by Surgery for Lung Cancer 3017 Leah Katz Clinical Outcomes Of Alternative Uses For Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Thinking Beyond Definitive Treatment For Early Disease 3018 Aruna Turaka Can PET/CT Predict Pathological Response For Operable NSCLC Patients Treated With Dose-escalated Radiation Therapy (DE-RT) In Trimodality Setting 3019 Ben Fischer-Valuck Correlation Of A Qualitative Visual Based FDG-PET/CT Scale And The Semi-quantitative SUVmax in Predicting Overall Survival In Patients With Early-stage NSCLC Following SBRT 3020 Connie Yip A Prospective Study Of Bevacizumab & Platinum-based Chemotherapy In NSCLC: Comparison Of The Prognostic Value Of Early Imaging Response Assessment Criteria And Intratumoral Heterogeneity Analysis 3011 Aiko Nagai Efficacy And Toxicities Of Intensity-modulated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Using Helical Tomotherapy For Lung Cancer And Lung Metastases 3021 Daniel Tandberg Invasive Sampling of PET Positive Aortopulmonary Window Lymph Nodes in Patients with Right-Sided Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is Not Always Necessary to Guide Treatment 3012 Michael Herman SBRT for Oligometastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3022 Feifei Teng The Influence Of Response To Initial Chemotherapy On Optimal Timing Of Radiotherapy Administration For Limited-disease Small-cell Lung Cancer 3013 Qi Wang Can Abnormalities on High-resolution CT Predict Early radiation Pneumonitis after Thoracic Radiation Therapy 3014 Adam Olson Normal Tissue Toxicity Risk Assessment with Interim 18F-FDG PET-CT in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Undergoing Radiotherapy 3023 Byounghyuck Kim Role of Postoperative Radiotherapy After Curative Resection and Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients With Pathological Stage N2 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 155 3024 John Heinzerling Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiosurgery (SABR) In Early Stage Lung Cancer: Can Results of Advanced Cancer Care in an Innovative De-Centralized Cancer Institute Replicate Favorable Clinical Trial Results? 3025 Meixiang Zhou Salvage Concurrent Paclitaxel-based Chemo-radiotherapy for Post-surgical Microscopic Residual Tumor At The Bronchial Stump (R1 Resection) In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3026 Takaya Yamamoto Impact of Tumor Attachment to the Pleura Measured by a Pretreatment CT Image on Outcome of Stage I NSCLC Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3027 Nitesh Paryani Outcomes And Patterns Of Failure With Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy In The Treatment Of Primary And Metastatic Lung Nodules In Elderly Patients 3028 Joe Chang Clinical Implementation Of Intensity-modulated Proton Therapy In Thoracic Malignancies 3029 Chad Tang Lymphopenia Association With Low Lung Dose And Its Effects On Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Outcomes 3030 Chad Tang Predictors Of Site-specific Distant Metastasis After Definitive Radiotherapy In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, And The Impact Of Metastatic Location On Survival 3031 Gregory Videtic 5 Years And Beyond: Characterizing Long Term Survivors After Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) For Early Stage Lung Cancer 3032 Noriyoshi Takahashi Even Local Control of Metastatic Lung Tumors is Worse Than That of Primary Lung Cancer in Patients Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 3034 Yili Duan Comparison Of Primary Target Volumes Based On Four-dimensional CT And Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography CT Images Of Non-small-cell Lung Cancer 3043 Nathan Cannon Neutrophil-lymphocyte And Platelet-lymphocyte Ratios As Prognostic Factors Following Stereotactic Radiation Therapy For Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3035 Gitte Persson Deep Inspiration Breath-hold Radiotherapy For Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Is Dose To The Mediastinal Structures Reduced? 3044 Brandon Disher Lateral Electron Disequilibrium (LED) in Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Assessing the Potential for Underdosing 3036 Shankar Siva Feasibility of IMRT Planning to Reduce Dose to Functional Lung Using Respiratory Gated (4D) Gallium-68 Perfusion PET/CT 3045 Andrew Barsky Prophylactic Irradiation of Surgical Tract Sites in the Era of Radical Pleurectomy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma 3037 Sung-Ja Ahn Surgical Salvation after Full-dose Concurrent Chemoradiation in Patients With Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 3038 Quynh Nguyen The five-year outcome for patients diagnosed with Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer treated with definitive concurrent Chemotherapy and Proton Beam Therapy 3039 Yukinori Matsuo Comparison of Long-term Survival Outcomes between Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy and Sublobar Resection for Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in High-risk Operable Patients: Propensity Score Match Analysis 3040 Yoshihiko Manabe Helical and Static-port Tomotherapy Using the Newly-developed Dynamic Jaws Technology for Lung Cancer 3041 Mustafa Adli Erythrocyte Membrane Na+/K+-Atpase Activity In Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Chemoradiotherapy 3042 Tzung-Chi Huang Motion Freeze For Respiration Motion Correction In PET/CT: A Preliminary Investigation With Lung Cancer Patient Data 3046 Ritsuko Komaki Predictors of Brain Metastasis after Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation for Limited-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer 3047 Benjamin Mou Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Central Lung Tumors: Outcomes And Toxicity 3048 Xiong Wei Nadir White Blood Cell, Absolute Neutrophil And Absolute Lymphocyte Counts During Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy Are Associated With Worse Outcomes In Patients With Limited-stage Small Cell Lung Cancer 3049 Mohammadreza Negahdar Non-Invasive Pulmonary Nodule Elastometry by CT and Deformable Image Registration 3050 Mohammadreza Negahdar First in Human High-Resolution Imaging of Regional Lung Function by Single Energy Xenon CT Compared to Ventilation SPECT 3051 Yyki Takeuchi 45 Gy Versus 54 Gy Of Accelerated Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy For Patients With Limited-stage Small-cell Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis Of A Seven-year Experience 3033 Qingsong Pang The Interval Time Between First Diagnosis and Brain Metastasis for Limited Small-cell Lung Cancer Without Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 156 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3052 Marina Heskel Safety and Efficacy of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Reirradiation for New or Recurrent Pulmonary Malignancies Following Previous In-field Conventionally Fractionated Thoracic Radiotherapy (CFRT) 3053 Karl Wurstbauer Dart-bid (differentiated Accelerated Radiation Therapy- 1.8 Gy Twice Daily) For Locoregionally Advanced NSCLC: Mature Results Of A Novel Therapeutic Approach 3054 Marina Heskel Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Oligometastatic Pulmonary Lesions 3055 Kristin Higgins A Phase I Study Examining a Stereotactic Boost in Combination with Chemoradiation for Patients with Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3056 Damodar Pokhrel Clinical Evaluation of RTOG 0813 Dosimetric Criteria for Lung SABR Using XVMC Monte Carlo Algorithm 3057 Adil Akthar Incidence of Occult N1 Disease in Patients with Clinical Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Implications for Patients Considered for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3058 Tomoki Kimura A Prospective Study Of Functional Image-guided Radiotherapy Planning In Lung Cancer Patients 3059 Jason Samuelian Curative Treatment of Stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using Robotic Stereotactic Radiation in Patients with COPD: A VA Population Study 3060 Derek Bergsma Temporal Variation in Total Lung Volume and Lung V20 in Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Radiotherapy 3061 Stephen Bowen Negative Correlation Between Quantitative FDG PET/CT And MAA SPECT/CT Blood Perfusion Imaging Parameters In Thoracic Malignancy Patients 3062 Joanne Zhung Patterns Of Regional Failure & Evaluation of LN dose In Early Stage Nsclc Treated With Sbrt 3063 Jackie Wu Predictive Models for Assuring Quality and Consistency of Lung IMRT Plans Across Institutions in Cooperative Group Trials 3064 Jiraporn Setakornnukul Target Volume Delineation for Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT): Utility of PET/CT for Lesions Centrally Located or Close to the Chest Wall 3065 Hubert Pan A Prospective Analysis of Cardiac Biomarkers and Electrocardiogram Abnormalities in Patients Receiving Thoracic Radiation Therapy with High-Dose Heart Exposure 3066 Wei Jiang Intensity-modulated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Medically Inoperable Stage I non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3067 Anna Maria Ascolese Concurrent Chemo-radiotherapy In Patients With Locally Advanced NSCLC: Toxicity And Clinical Assessment Using VMAT Tecnique 3072 Neal Bhatt Evaluation of Prognostic Variables in Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer: The Role of Volumetric Response to Initial Therapy in Determining the Benefit of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation 3073 Inaya Ahmed Impact of Metformin Use on Survival in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Definitive Radiation Therapy 3074 Inaya Ahmed Survival Benefit with Carboplatin-based Induction Chemotherapy for Bulky Stage II & III Inoperable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3075 Ning Liu Metabolic Tumor Volume Change During Radiotherapy and Late-course Adaptive Radiotherapy in Patients With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3076 Ellen Kim Comparison of Overall and Cause Specific Survivals of Stage 3 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Treated With Carboplatin or Cisplatin Based Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy using SEER-Medicare Data (1992-2007) 3068 Qurrat Mehmood Predicting Esophagitis During Radical Lung Radiotherapy Using 18-FDG-PET 3077 Justin Mann Accelerated Hypofractionated Radiotherapy with Concurrent Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma 3069 Kyung Su Kim Treatment Outcomes Of Limited-stage Small-cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy: A Comparative Analysis Of Different Radiation Dose Fractionation Schedules In A Single Institution 3078 Wen Feng The Emerging Outcome of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Stage IIIA(N2) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Basing on 3D Conformal Techniques and Institutional Standard Clinical Target Volume 3070 Hiromitsu Iwata A Phase I Study Of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy With Real-time Tumor Tracking Using A Robotic Radiosurgery System Based On The Monte Carlo Algorithm For Lung Tumors: The First Report In Japan 3079 Shankar Siva Inflammatory Cytokine Expression as Prognostic Biomarkers of Toxicity During Radiation Therapy of Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3071 Kitty Huang Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) and Pulmonary Re-Irradiation: A Systematic Review of the Literature Assessing Safety and Oncologic Outcomes 3080 Mei Ling Yap Adaptive Dose-escalation Using Serial 4D-PET/CT Scans During Radiotherapy For Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 157 3081 Nami Ueki Comparison Of Four-dimensional Doses And Three-dimensional Doses In Dynamic Tumor Tracking Irradiation For Lung Tumor Using A Gimbaled X-ray Head 3082 Fumiya Baba Analysis of Changes in Dose Distribution due to Respiration in Respiratory-Gated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Lung Tumors using 4D-CT 3083 Marco Trovo Extended Pleurectomy/Decortication or Surgical Biopsy in the Era of High Doses of Radiation Therapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma? 3084 Eileen Harder ACE Inhibitors Decrease the Risk of Radiation Pneumonitis Following SBRT 3085 Aaron Allen 12Gy*5 is a Safe and Effective Dose for Centrally Located Lung Tumors 3086 Eileen Harder The Effect of Diabetes and Antidiabetic Drugs on Outcomes after Pulmonary SBRT 3087 Marciana-Nona Duma SBRT For Lung Metastases: Should We, Should We Not? 3088 Prashoban Bremjit Is Overall Treatment Time A Predictive Factor In Radiation Therapy For Non-small Cell Lung Cancer? 3089 Matthew Nyflot Accuracy Of 4D Cone Beam CT And 4D Fan Beam CT For Thoracic Radiotherapy Simulation And Verification Imaging 3090 Scott Lester An Evaluation Of Toxicity Using Accumulated Total Dose Based On Eqd2 For Thoracic Reirradiation Incorporating At Least One Course Of Sbrt 3091 H Fazilet Dincbas Is Deformable PET/CT Registration For Contouring Target Volume Superior to Rigid Image Registration in Lung Cancer Radiotherapy? 3092 Jeremy Kilburn Which Lung Tumors Shrink During Fractionated Radiation And How Does This Influence Outcome? Appropriately Selecting Tumor And Treatment Characteristics For Adaptive Radiotherapy Protocols 3093 Stefan Jeppesen A comparison of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) vs. No Treatment in medical inoperable patients with early-stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 3094 Lindsay Rowe Dosimetry and Survival from an Adaptive Radiotherapy Clinical Trial for Limited-stage Small Cell Lung Cancer 3095 Jian Sun Gross Target Volume as the Predictor for the Overall Survival for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3096 Suchit Patel Pattern Of Failure In Metastatic EGFR-mutant NSCLC Treated With Erlotinib: A Role For Upfront Radiotherapy? 3097 Hotaka Nonaka Re-stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Local Recurrence of Lung Cancer Previously Treated With SBRT 3098 Suchit Patel Risk Of Brain Metastasis In EGFR-mutant NSCLC Treated With Erlotinib: A Role For Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation? 3099 Tarun Podder Is Lack Of Dosimetric Coverage Responsible For Post-sbrt Tumor Recurrence? 3100 Andre Dekker Rapid Learning In Practice: A Lung Cancer Survival Decision Support System In Routine Patient Care Data 3101 Gordon Guo Local Treatment Improves Survival In NSCLC Patients With Synchronous Brain Oligometastases 3102 Dandan Zheng Is PTV Still Appropriate for Prescription Specification in Monte Carlo SBRT Lung Planning? 3103 Siddharth Saraiya Evaluation Of Diffusion Weighted Mri To Differentiate Atelectasis From Lung Cancer In Radiotherapy Planning 3104 Masahiro Morimoto Overall Treatment Time of Accelerated Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy at 45 Gy in 30 Fractions for Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer is A Significant Prognostic Factor 3105 Kevin Kelley Medically Inoperable Early Stage Peripheral versus Central Lung Cancer Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 3106 Monika Blake Loco-regional Control and Toxicity After Treatment With Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) to The Thoracic Cavity in Patients With Non-metastatic Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM). A Feasibility Study 3107 Jing Liu Exploring Spatial Overlap Of High Uptake Regions Derived From Dual Tracer PET/CT Imaging Using 18F-FDG And 18F-FLT In NSCLC Patients 3108 Yoshiyuki Shioyama Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for 90 years or Older Patients with Stage I Non-small-cell Lung Cancer 3109 Tadamasa Yoshitake Incidence Of Radiation Pneumonitis After Multiple Courses Of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Lung Cancer Patients 3110 Lipin Liu Outcome of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer 3111 Song Gao A Pilot Study On Imaging Of Integrin αvβ3 With Rgd Pet/ct In Suspected Lung Cancer Patients 3112 Mitsuhiko Oguri The factors which Influence Acute Exacerbation on Patients Recieving Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancers with “Interstitial Change” 3113 Adam Smith Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Recurrent or Second Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 158 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3115 Jason Edwards Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy In Patients With Immune Suppression 3125 George Rodrigues Is Intermediate Radiation Dose Escalation with Concurrent Chemotherapy for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Beneficial? A Multi-Institutional Propensity-Score Matched Analysis 3116 Sanath Kumar Prognostic Biomarkers In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Radiotherapy 3126 Angela Mohr Evaluation Of Automatic Segmentation Tools For Thoracic Organs In Radiotherapy Planning 3117 3127 Liyi Xie SBRT For Lung Cancer Appears To Provide Superior Local Control To Wedge Resection: Is This Due To The Therapeutic Effects Of Low Dose Peripheral Radiation? 3114 Gerrit Blom VMAT Planning For Large Volume Stage III Lung Cancer WITHDRAWN 3118 Steen Mortensen Use Of A Novel Liquid Fiducial Marker Injected With Endoscopic Ultrasound Equipment, For Use In Image Guided Radiotherapy Of Thoracic Tumors (Porcine Model) 3119 Hideomi Yamashita Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Patients With Pulmonary Interstitial Change 3120 Judi Van Diessen Prognostic Parameters For Primary Tumor And Lymph Node Failure In Locally Advanced NSCLC Patients Treated With Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy 3121 Richard Cattaneo Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy After Surgical Resection of Primary Lung Cancers 3122 Nan Bi The Potential Predictive Value Of Urinary Metabolomic Changes In Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Celecoxib And Chemoradiotherapy 3128 Luke Miller Primary Tumor Volume, Bulky Adenopathy and Number (But Not Location) of Involved Nodal Stations Predict Outcome in N2-N3 NSCLC Treated With Definitive Chemoradiotherapy 3129 Laura Kollar Is the Ipsilateral Lung a Superior Predictor than Total Lung in the Development of Grade 3 or Greater Pneumonitis? 3130 Supriya Jain Monte Carlo-Based Treatment Planning May Increase Chest Wall Pain and Rib Fractures in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Patients Treated According to RTOG 0915 Protocol 3131 Tatiana Rabin Pre-clinical Studies Of Metformin Reveal Radiosensitization For Human Small Cell Lung Cancer In Vitro But Apparent Antagonism In Vivo 3123 Baosheng Li Phase III Study Of Concurrent LCAHRT With Pemtrexed Or Vinorelbine For Unresectable Stage III NSCLC 3132 Camille Berriochoa Lung SBRT For Tumors With Chest Wall Involvement: Safe And Effective 3124 Andreas Rimner Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated Without Concurrent Chemotherapy: What is the Optimal Radiation Dose? 3133 Heike Peulen Prognostic Model For Progression Free Survival In Patients With Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Concurrent Chemoradiation 3134 Katsuyuki Karasawa Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy and Hypofractionated 3-dimensional Non-coplanar Conformal Radiotherapy for Solitary Metachronous Second Primary Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3135 Matthew Wheatley Defining a Novel Cardiac Contouring Atlas for NSCLC Using Cadaveric Anatomy 3136 Maria Antonia Gomez Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy For Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Stage III: Early Results In Our Institution 3137 Samantha Brigotti The Influence of Hematological Parameters on Tumor Control and Survival in Lung SBRT 3138 Stephen Bowen Impact of Functional Lung Imaging using Ventilation/Perfusion SPECT/ CT on Planning Objectives in Thoracic Radiation Therapy 3139 Charles Simone Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Outcomes by Fractionation, Tumor Stage and Location, and Patient Operability 3140 Ying Hou Outcomes And Toxicity After Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) In Patients (Pts) With A History of Prior Lung Resection or Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) 3141 Gurleen Dhami Anatomic Variations in Pulmonary Perfusion and Ventilation Per Quantitative MAA and DTPA SPECT/CT in Patients Receiving Thoracic Radiation Therapy 3142 Zhilei Shen Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Exponential Weighting Algorithm for 4DCT Reconstruction 3143 Chiara Valentini Validation Of A Pre Release Commercial Autosegmentation Software For Sbrt And 4drt Purposes In Lung Cancer: Ready (research Program In Auto Delineation System)-lung-01: Proof Of Concept 3144 Jason Hayes Risk of Pneumonitis after Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Patients With Prior Anatomic Resection Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 159 3145 Bertram Maidment III Dosimetric Comparison Of VMAT-based Lung SBRT Treatments With And Without A Flattening Filter: An Inter-institutional Study 3155 Xin Ming Cardiac Toxicity in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy, Dynamic Conformal Arc Therapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy of Lung Cancers 3146 Michael Schmuecking Is Molecular Remission As Detected By 18F-FDG PET/CT And Regression Grade After Neoadjuvant Treatment In The Primary Tumor And The Involved Mediastinal Lymph Nodes A Prognostic Factor In Patients With NSCLC Stage III? 3156 Christina Speirs Comprehensive Analysis Of Dosimetric Predictors Of Overall Survival For Stage III Non-Small Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Treated With Definitive Radiotherapy 3147 Nhu Tram Nguyen Tracheal Tumours Treated With Endotracheal Brachytherapy Alone: Experience From A Single Institution 3148 Eduardo Fernandez Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (sabr) For Early Stage Lung Cancer In The Multi-center Community Setting 3149 Jay Paul Reddy Influence of Surveillance PET/CT on Detection of Early Recurrence Following Chemoradiation in Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3150 Jolinta Lin Large Tumor Size Increases the Risk of Developing Symptomatic Pleural Effusions Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer 3151 Weili Wang Autoantibodies against p16 Protein-derived Peptides Predict Radiation Pneumonitis in Patients With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Definitive Radiotherapy 3152 Yu Chen Post-induction Inflammatory Status Predicts Complete Pathologic Response In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Induction Chemoradiotherapy 3153 Yankhua Fan Radiation Dose-Volume Effect in Lung: A Functional Subunits Based Normal Tissue Complication Probability Model and Its Application to 3DCRT and SBRT 3154 Eric Kemmerer Local Failures After Lung SBRT and Dosimetric Analysis of Potential Surgical Resection Lung Volumes 3157 Tithi Biswas Is There Any Disparity In Treatment And Outcome Of Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (nsclc): A Study From Single Cancer Registry? 3158 William Chance Postoperative Hemithoracic Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) with an Optional Integrated Boost for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: Toxicity, Patterns of Failure, and a Matched Survival Analysis 3159 Hani Al-Halabi A Contralateral Esophagus Sparing Technique To Limit Severe Esophagitis Associated With Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy In Lung Cancer Patients 3160 Julip Jung Lung Tumor Motion Tracking using Sequential Inter-phase Deformable Registration in 4D CT Images for Radiation Treatment Planning 3161 Yun Hee Lee Tumor Volume Changes Assessed with High Quality KVCT in Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy 3162 Anshu Jain A Pilot Study of FLT-PET as an Early Imaging Biomarker in the Tri-modality Treatment of Patients with Thoracic Malignancies 3163 Feng-Ming Kong Immunomodulating Cytokines May Improve Overall Survival Prediction After Radiotherapy In Patients With Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3164 Ankit Mangla The Association Of Pre-chemotherpay Neutrophil-lymphocyte Ratio With Survival In Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients LYMPHOMA/LEUKEMIA 3165 Jonathan Farr Potential Organ Dose Reduction From Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy For Pediatric Hodgkin’s Disease Patients Receiving Consolidative Involved-node Intensity Modulated Photon Therapy 3166 Bouthaina Dabaja Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Treatment: Modern Radiation Therapy, Lower Dose, Smaller Field, But The Risk Of Lhermitte’s Sign Is Still There 3167 George Mikhaeel Patterns of Mediastinal Lymph Node (MLN) Involvement by Lymphoma Using International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Classification 3168 Carlo Furlan The German Hodgkin Study Group Stratification Scheme For Newly Diagnosed Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Is Useful For Predicting Outcome Of Patients Receiving Radiotherapy After Autologous Self Cell Transplant In Relapsed/refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma 3169 Shane Lloyd Hodgkin Lymphoma With Bulky Mediastinal Disease: A Comparison of AP/PA, IMRT, and Volumetric Arc Plans 3170 Maximilian Spickermann How Reliable Is Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)? - A Quality Control Of Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy And Intensity-modulated Arc Therapy For Patients With Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 3171 Jordan Torok Low-Dose Consolidation Radiation Therapy for Early-Stage Unfavorable Hodgkin Lymphoma 3172 Marianne Aznar Breathing Adapted Radiotherapy In Hodgkin Lymphoma: Do We Need The Staging Pet/CT In Deep Inspiration Breath Hold? 3173 Suzanne Sachsman Impact on Dose to Abdominal Organs with the Use of Proton Therapy in the Management of Diaphragmatic and Infradiaphragmatic Hodgkin Lymphoma Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 160 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3174 Ali Mazloom Survival Benefit of Radiotherapy in Patients With Stage III Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma: An Analysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Database 3175 Christopher Wilke Role Of Consolidative Radiotherapy Following Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation For Relapsed Or Refractory Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 3176 Michio Iwabuchi Treatment of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL): Comparison between Whole-brain Radiotherapy and Partial-brain Radiotherapy 3177 Bouthaina Dabaja Definitive Radiation Therapy For Stage I And II (MALT) Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma: Report Of A Prospective Study 3178 Bouthaina Dabaja Follicular Lymphoma of the Skin: Different Therapies Similar Outcome 3179 Joohwan Lee The Role of Radiotherapy in Localized Nongastric and Nonorbital Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma 3180 Kotoha Tatekawa Clinical Outcome of Radiation Therapy for Ocular Adnexal Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphomas 3181 Saiji Ohga Treatment Outcome of Primary Ocular Adnexal Malt Lymphoma by Radiotherapy - Prognostic Effect of the Ajcc Tumor-Node-Metastasis Clinical Staging System for Ocular Adnexal Malt Lymphoma 3182 Lior Braunstein Predictive Factors for Ophthalmic Toxicity in Patients Receiving Radiotherapy for Ocular Adnexal or Periorbital Lymphoma 3184 Chelsea Pinnix The Outcome of Limited Stage Plasmablastic Lymphoma Treated With and Without Radiation Therapy: A Single Institutional Experience 3185 Susan Hiniker Prognostic Factors, Treatment, And Outcomes Of Limited-Stage Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) In The Rituximab (R) Era 3195 Christopher Kelsey Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Prior To Myeloablative Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Using Total Body Irradiation: A Feasibility Study 3186 Arisa Harada Primary Radiation Therapy For Localized Duodenal Follicular Lymphoma 3196 Josef Hammer Total Body Irradiation (TBI) by Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy - First Experiences and Perspectives 3187 Kazunari Miyazawa Low Cataract Incidence Of Electron Beam Therapy With Hanging Lens Block For Conjunctival MALT Lymphoma 3188 Jian Zang Better Outcome In Stage I-II Nasal-type Of Nk/t Cell Lymphoma Treated With Radiotherapy Followed By etoposide and/or L-asparaginase Containing Chemotherapy Regimen 3189 Bo Chen Failure Distribution Of Early Stage Upper Aerodigestive Tract NK/T-cell Lymphoma After Treatment 3190 Sameer Jhavar Role of Radiation Therapy in Early Stage Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) in Elderly 3197 John Plastaras Risk Factors for Radiation Pneumonitis in Patients With Lymphoma Treated With Chemotherapy and Photon or Proton Radiotherapy 3198 Naoya Ishibashi Prospective Study Of Total Body Irradiation As Pretreatment For Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 3199 Douglas Kelly Dosimetric Evaluation of Helical Tomotherapy Low Dose Total Body Irradiation (TBI) for Mini Allogeneic Transplants NON-MALIGNANT 3191 Ophelie Cassuto Comparison Between Short Course (Single Fraction) And Long Course (Multiple Fractions) On Pain Relief In Patients With Bone Localization Of Multiple Myeloma 3200 Steven Sckolnik Frameless LINAC Image Guided Radiosurgery for Primary and Recurrent Trigeminal Neuralgia 3192 Ehsan Balagamwala Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma, an Institutional Series 3201 Waleed Mourad Higher Energy Megavoltage Photon and Split Beam technique Minimize the Testicular Dose during Radiation Prophylaxis of Heterotopic Ossification 3193 Thatcher Heumann Total Skin Electron Irradiation (TSEI) Using Rotational Technique For Cutaneous T- Cell Lymphoma 3202 Zachary Lopater Treatment of Dupuytren’s Contracture and Ledderhose’s Disease with Radiation 3194 Jeffrey Wong Phase I Dose Escalation Trial of Total Marrow and Lymphoid Irradiation (TMLI) Using Helical TomoTherapy Combined with Etoposide (VP16) and Cyclophosphamide (CY) in Patients with Refractory Acute Leukemia Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant 3203 Adriana Blakaj Metallothioneins in Fibrosis: Implications for Radiation-induced Fibrosis 3204 Nisha Ohri A Renewed Application of Intracoronary Brachytherapy for In-Stent Restenosis of Drug-Eluting Stents Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 161 3205 Divya Arora Dosimetric Analysis Of Brainstem Dose Constraints For Linac Based Radiosurgery For Medical Management Refractory Trigeminal Neuralgia 3215 Chiaki Fujioka Optimal Bladder Volume at Treatment Planning for Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Volumetric-modulated Arc Therapy 3225 Tetsuo Saito Physicians’ Reluctance to Choose Radiotherapy over 1 to 2 Weeks for Pain Relief in Patients With Bone Metastasis and a Poor Prognosis 3206 Shen Jie Hypofractionated Electron-Beam Radiation Therapy for Keloids: Retrospective Study of 568 cases with 834 lesions 3216 Therese PorzioKwiecinski Temporary Displacement of the Bowel during Treatment of Sacral Tumors With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 3226 Matthew Cheney Re-irradiation for Spinal Metastases: A Single Institution Series Examining Radiation Myelopathy and Disease Outcomes 3207 Stella Yoo Radiation Therapy for Prophylaxis of Heterotopic Ossification at the Elbow: A Single-Institution Retrospective Study 3217 Olivier Maisonet Implementation of a Quality Assurance Protocol for Patients With an Implanted Cardiac Device Undergoing Treatment With Radiation 3227 Christina Henson Outcomes in Patients Treated with Whole Brain Radiotherapy Versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases Secondary to Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer PALLIATIVE CARE 3228 Woo Joong Rhee Vertebral Compression Fractures after Spine Irradiation Using Conventional Fractionation in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer 3208 Terence Sio Radiation Toxicity in Patients With Scleroderma, Discoid and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Retrospective 26-Year Single-Institutional Study 3209 Nathan Tennyson Patient Reported Outcome after Electron Radiation Treatment for Early-Stage Palmar and Plantar Fibromatosis 3210 Claudia Carvajal Postoperative Radiotherapy in the Management of Keloids NURSING 3211 Patries Herst Prophylactic Use Of Soft Silicone Film Prevents Radiation-induced Moist Desquamation In Breast Cancer Patients 3212 Colleen Schaidle The Role of the Non-physician Practitioner (Advanced Practice Nurse and Physician Assistant) in Radiation Oncology 3218 Drew Moghanaki Availability Of Single-fraction Palliative Radiotherapy For Cancer Patients Receiving End-of-life Care Within The Veterans Healthcare Administration 3219 Shane Lloyd Radiation Oncologists’ Opinions about Palliative Radiation Therapy for Patients on Hospice Care 3220 Ian Poon A Multi-National Report on Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Oligometastases Patient Selection and Follow-Up 3221 Shohei Kawashiro Reirradiation of Spinal Metastases With Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 3229 Pierfrancesco Franco Palliative Radiotherapy for Painful Bone Metastases From Solid Tumors Delivered With Static Ports of Tomotherapy 3230 Hidetoshi Kobayashi Radiation Therapy for Symptomatic Bone Metastases: The Effect of Calculated Dose And Dose Distribution on Intensity of Pain Relief and Time of Pain Relief 3231 Tetsuo Saito Painful Diseases Other than Bone Metastasis are More Frequently Treated with Radiotherapy than Bone Metastasis 3222 Robert Olson Impact of Program Wide Dissemination of the Inconsistent Utilization of Single Fraction Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases across a Provincial Program 3232 Mareike Held A System to Determine Suitable Candidates for Expeditious On-board CBCT Dose Planning and Delivery 3213 Diane Serra Guided Imagery Improves Head and Neck Cancer Patients’ Satisfaction and Quality of Life during Definitive Radiation Therapy with or without Chemotherapy 3223 Mark Barnes Radiotherapy Fractionation Schedules Prescribed are Dependent on the Distance a Patient Travels to Receive Treatment 3233 Ken Harada Factors Influencing upon Pain Reduction: Bone Metastases from Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) Treated With Radiation Therapy 3214 Florence Yuen Management of Moist Desquamation in Radiation Oncology Patients 3224 Naoki Nakamura Neuropathic Pain Features In Patients With Bone Metastases 3234 Layth Mula-Hussain Palliative Radiotherapy to Metastatic Breast and Lung Cancers in The Middle East Region: 5 Years Experience at A Tertiary Center In Iraq Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 162 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3235 Saif Aljabab Hemostatic Radiotherapy in Advanced Bladder Cancer A Single Institution Review 3236 Omar Mian Reduced Lymphocytopenia Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) For Spine Metastases Compared With Conventional Radiation Therapy (CRT) 3237 Sara Alcorn Analysis of Factors Complicating Treatment for Bone Metastases: Why Are Patients Not Receiving Single-fraction Radiotherapy? 3238 Yu-Ming Wang Heart Rate Variability as a Novel Prognosticator in Patients with Brain Metastasis - A Pilot Study 3239 Tai Chung Lam Adverse Outcomes After Palliative Radiation Therapy For Uncomplicated Spine Metastases: Role Of Spinal Instability And Single Fraction Radiation Therapy 3240 Bevan Ly Dose Escalation Using Conventional Versus IMRT Planning for Hypofractionated Radiation of Lumbosacral Metastases 3241 Yasushi Hamamoto Prognoses Of Patients Who Received Palliative Intent Radiotherapy In Recent Years 3242 Jason Lee A Multi-institution Pooled Analysis of Oligometastatic Patients Treated with SBRT 3243 Kyle Arneson Patterns Of End Of Life Care In Patients With Metastatic Melanoma Requiring Whole Brain Radiation 3244 Natalie Logie Dose Fractionation Schedule Correlates With Survival In Whole Brain Reirradiation: An International Pooled Analysis 3245 Benjamin Lok Palliative Head and Neck Radiotherapy with the Quad Shot Regimen for Incurable Primary or Metastatic Cancers 3246 Hiroshi Tanaka An International Multi-institutional Planning Study Evaluating Treatment Planning And Plan Acceptability Metrics For Spine Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) 3247 Vladimir Avkshtol Lacrimal Gland Radiation Dose and Toxicity After Whole Brain Radiation 3256 Alan Kiang Long-term Trajectory of Quality of Life in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients 3257 Jennifer Woo Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: What is the Appropriate Patient-Reported Outcome for Clinical Trial Design? 3248 Daniel Tan Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery For The Treatment Of Large Brain Metastases 3258 Shrinivas Rathod High-precision Conformal Radiotherapy In Head-neck Cancers: Longitudinal Changes In Quality-of-life And Temporal Time-Trends 3249 Heather Curry Utilization of Hypofractionated Regimens for the Treatment of Bone Metastases Before and After Initiation of ASTRO’s ”Choosing Wisely” Campaign 3259 Adriana Valderrama Health State Utilities Among Metastatic Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer Patients With and Without Symptomatic Skeletal Events 3250 Francesco Cellini Virtual Simulation Procedure’S Difficulty Level Assessed By New Score System: Pain Level Affects Duration Of Procedures Better Than Technical Complexity 3260 Andra Krauze Assessment of Ten Years of Quality of Life Research Presented at Major American Clinical Oncology Meetings 3251 C.M. Charlie Ma Quality Assurance for MR Guided Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Bone Metastasis - A Clinical Experience 3252 Jessica Schuster A Compassionate Care Palliative Radiotherapy Program for Cancer Patients Enrolled in Hospice - Offering Reduced-Cost Palliative Radiotherapy in the Same Day as Evaluation 3253 Amir Zahra Pain Response and Local Control of Bone Metastases for Renal Cell Carcinoma with Conventional Fractionation Radiation Therapy 3261 Jennifer Woo Comparing Patient-reported Outcomes In Patients With And Without Late Urinary Flare Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) For Localized Prostate Cancer 3262 Matthew Mason Patient Reported Outcomes: Correlation of MDASI-HN and Clinical Support Required for Patients Receiving Curative Head and Neck Chemoradiotherapy 3263 Terence Sio Baseline Patient-Reported Qualityof-life Is Not Related to Overall Survival in Patients Receiving Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Thoracic Malignancies: A Preliminary Report 3264 Einsley-Marie Janowski Dysuria Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer QUALITY OF LIFE 3254 Hong Ye Quality Of Life in Patients With Brain Metastasis Treated With Frame-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery Alone Using the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BN20 3255 Daniel Joh Proctitis Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer 3265 Jae Lee Clinically-Relevant Body Composition Changes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemoradiation 3266 Andrew Rossetti The Impact Of Music Therapy On Anxiety and Distress In Patients Undergoing Simulation For Radiation Therapy (RT) Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 163 3267 Marie Gurka Gross Hematuria after Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Prostate Cancer 3268 Isabelle Thibault Quality of Life in Patients Treated With Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) for Liver Metastases 3269 Leszek Miszczyk Split-Course Accelerated, Hyperfractionated Irradiation (CHA-CHA) as a Sole Treatment for Advanced Head and Neck (H&N) Cancer Patients - Randomized Clinical Study. Quality of Life (QOL) Evaluation 3270 David Elliott Medical Marijuana Use in Patients with History of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Radiotherapy 3271 Devarati Mitra Does Adding Vaginal Brachytherapy (VB) To External Beam (EB) Increase Rectal Bleeding? Comparing Results Of Combined EB+VB To The PORTEC-2 Data For EB Alone And VB Alone 3272 Yu-Hsuan Lai Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Radiotherapy 3273 Joost Nuyttens Quality of Life during 5 Years after Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3274 Anuj Goenka The Impact of Prostate Size on Patient Assessed Quality of Life Following Proton Beam Radiotherapy 3275 Zaker Rana Improved Irritative Voiding Symptoms Three Years After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer 3276 Shariq Khwaja Patient Reported QOL Outcomes From A Prospective Phase II Trial Of Short Course Radiotherapy Followed By FOLFOX Chemotherapy As Preoperative Treatment For Rectal Cancer 3277 Andrew Lee The Impact Of Hormone Therapy On Long-term Quality Of Life In Men Receiving Proton Therapy For Prostate Cancer 3278 Jessica Zhou Patient Reported Outcomes for Quality of Life (QOL) By Expanded Prostate Cancer Index (EPIC) 15 Years Post Treatment 3279 Zaker Rana Factors Affecting Patient Reported Outcomes Following Robotic Radiosurgery Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer 3280 Amy Leatherwood What is the Impact of Survivorship Visits? Preliminary Analysis from a NCI-Designated Cancer Center Radiation Oncology Program 3281 Meredith Giuliani Identification of Unmet Survivorship Needs in Primary Lung Cancer Patients: A High Burden for Younger Patients 3282 Andrew Barsky Radiation-Induced Malignant Mesothelioma: Frequency and Prognosis 3283 Sara Samiee Colorectal Cancer Screening In Cancer Survivors Treated with Radiation Therapy 3284 Miriam Knoll Long Term Urinary and Rectal Tolerance in Prostate Cancer Survivors Treated with Definitive Conformal Radiotherapy 3285 Devarati Mitra Lymphedema: Is It Associated With Lymph-node Involvement In Endometrial Cancer? 3286 YoungsSeok Seo Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Based Strategy For Oligo-recurrent Cancer In The Para-aortic Area 3288 John Groarke Negative Correlation Between Coronary Flow Reserve And Mean Radiation Dose To The Heart 3289 Lisa Kachnic Perceptions And Practices Regarding Women’s Vaginal Health Following Radiation Therapy 3290 Robert Olson Feasibility of Population Based Collection of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in a Provincial Radiotherapy Program 3291 Arisa Shimizu Correlation of The Incidence of Hypothyroidism and the Dose-Volume Histogram in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated With IntensityModulated Radiotherapy 3292 Luis Larrea Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy In The Elderly 3293 Ashish Patel Pitfalls and Predictors of Poor Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Scores PATIENT SAFETY 3327 Sarah Gwynne Prospective Review Of Outlining In The Uk Neoscope Oesophageal Trial 3328 Hiral Fontanilla Individual Patient Based Peer-review At A Proton Center 3329 Wai Wang Lam Dosimetric Impact of Dose Servo Control on Long Helical Tomotherapy Treatment Delivery 3330 Sarah Gwynne Progress Towards Prospective Real Time Review Of Outlining In GI Trials At A UK Radiotherapy Quality Assurance Centre 3287 Christine Hill-Kayser Patient Reported Outcomes after Chest Radiation for Hodgkin (HL) and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 164 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3331 Jialu Yu Investigation Into A New Quality Assurance Tool For Radiotherapy Structure Delineation: Atlas-based Automatic Segmentation (ABAS) Of Cardiac Structures For Non-small Cell Lung Cancer From RTOG 0617 3332 Tomas Dvorak Assessment Of Radiation 30-Day Mortality Based On ACR Continuous Quality Improvement Process 3333 Timothy Meier A Rapid Large Increase in Patient Visits Can Compromise Quality and Safety in Radiation Oncology Treatment Delivery 3334 Kelly Kisling Evaluation of a System for Independent Treatment Plan and Delivery Verification 3335 Joshua Mathews A Liquid Ion Chamber For Clinical Stereotactic Output Measurements 3336 Sarah Hamilton A National Survey on Peer Review: Canadian Radiation Oncologists’ Views Regarding the Benefits, Practical Workload Implications and Legal Liability 3337 Lucas Vitzthum Identifying and Implementing Factors that will Reduce Treatment Package Time for Cervical Cancer Patients Requiring Definitive Radiotherapy: AQuality Improvement Effort 3338 Yoshiyuki Katsuta Plan Quality Assurance of VMAT for prostate cancers in a Digitally Integrated and Controlled Linear Accelerator Using Log Files 3339 Charles Able A Model for Preemptive Maintenance of Medical Linear Accelerators - Predictive Maintenance 3340 Kara Leonard Developing a Process for Radiation Oncology Specific Apparent and Root Cause Analyses 3341 Ruijie Yang Implementation of Incident Learning in the Safety and Quality Management of Radiotherapy: the Primary Experience in a New Established Program with Advanced Techniques 3342 Yutao Gong Variation Of Cardiac Contours Using Different Heart Definitions For NSCLC Patients Enrolled On Rtog 0617 3343 Lukasz Matulewicz Evaluation of Transit Dosimetry Software For Helical Tomotherapy 3344 Yuvaraj Sekar Evaluation of a Novel 2D Detector Array for Patient Plan Verification in Conventional and Flattening Filter Free (FFF) Photon Beams in Clinical Conditions 3345 Yu Chen Tomotherapy Patient Specific Delivery QA Using Exit Detector Array 3346 Xiaohu Mo A Delivered Dose Based Record and Verify System in the Era of IGRT 3347 Brian Liszewski A National System for Incident Reporting in Radiation Therapy: Development of a Taxonomy and Severity Classification 3354 Samuel Chao One Year Experience with the Workflow Enhancement (WE) Team: Does Continuous Improvement Have to be Continuous? 3355 Rohan Deraniyagala Usability Study of the EduMod eLearning Program: Head and Neck Nodal Station Contouring 3356 Nataliya Kovalchuk Optimizing Efficiency and Safety in Radiation Oncology Department through the Use of Aria 11 Visual Care Path (VCP) 3357 Seiichi Ota Feasible Strategy For Reduction Of Individual Human Failures In External Radiation Therapy Workflow 3358 Ryan Jones The Improvement of a Novel Radiotherapy Workflow by Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 3348 Andrea McNiven Multicenter Collaborative Quality Assurance Program in Ontario: Second Year Results 3359 Shalini Moningi Management of Task Saturation in a Pancreatic Multidisciplinary Clinic: Using a Novel Operations Management Methodology to Increase Efficiency and Reduce Unnecessary Downstream Encounters 3349 Gustavo Kertzscher Fast, Simple And Accurate: In Vivo Dosimeter Calibration For Hdr/pdr Brachytherapy 3360 Karl Fritscher A 3d Patient Specific Collision Avoidance System for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning 3350 Raj Varadhan VMAT Head & Neck Treatment Delivery-Benchmarking Accuracy of Patient DVH based QA with Radiological Physics Center (RPC) Head and Neck Phantom Results 3361 Chihray Liu Designing a Patient Treatment Workflow Management and Analysis System in a Department of Radiation Oncology 3351 Shalini Moningi A Comparison of Incident Learning in the Academic and Community Radiation Oncology Setting 3352 Guilherme Pavan Dosimetric Evaluation Of Treatment Planing System On High Dose Rate (hdr) Brachytherapy Using Monte Carlo Method And Radiochomic Film 3353 Thomas Mullen What’s the Hold-Up? Late Work Events in Radiation Oncology Reveal Opportunities for Improved Patient Care and Safety 3362 Byong Yong Yi Determination of Risk-Based Target Margins: A Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Proof of Principle 3363 Seth Blacksburg Operations Management in Radiation Oncology: Identifying Workflow Parameters that Portend for Simulation Delay 3364 Matthew Peter Mumber Effect of Mindfulness Training on Mindfulness Level in The Workplace and Patient Safety Culture as a Part of Error Prevention in Radiation Oncology Practice: A Pilot Study Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 165 3365 Bin Yang Application of ExpectationMaximization Method in kV X-ray Spectrum Estimation From Transmission Measurements 3366 Kyle Delaney Neutron Activation of Indium Foils Irradiated During Passively Scattered Proton Therapy and Implications on the Treatment of Pacemaker Patients 3368 Jona Hattangadi A 25-Year Epidemiologic Study of Medical Malpractice Claims in Radiation Oncology 3296 Ange Wang Impact of Molecular Sub-type and Craniospinal Irradiation (CSI) Dose on Relapse of Medulloblastoma 3308 Waqar Haque Radiation Therapy Provides Favorable Outcomes as Definitive Treatment for Ewing’s Sarcoma 3297 Joanna Chin Incidence of Optic Nerve Involvement in Pediatric Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors 3309 Jun Liang Primary Mediastinal and Thoracic Liposarcomas: Clinical Analysis of 25 Cases 3298 Kristin Redmond Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Proton MR Spectroscopy (MRS) Detected Region Specific Injury to White Matter in Children Treated with Cranial Irradiation 3310 Barbara Roeper High-precision Involved-Lesion Radiation Therapy (IL-RT) to all Metastatic Sites in Multifocal Pediatric Sarcoma 3311 3369 Shereef Elnahal Identifying Predictive Factors for Treatment Variance Events in Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy: Comparative Results from a Comprehensive Safety Variance Database 3370 Prithima Mosaly Objective Assessment of Mental Workload With Pupillary Monitoring During Routine Clinical Tasks: The Impact of Cross Coverage 3371 Kinley Taylor A Case Study of the Use of A3 Thinking in Radiation Oncology 3372 Prithima Mosaly Assessing the Applicability and Reliability of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) to the Analysis of Good Catches in Radiation Oncology 3373 Jonathan Grant Secondary Neutron Production is Predictive of Implantable Cardiac Device Reset in Patients Receiving Radiotherapy PEDIATRIC CANCER 3294 Anita Mahajan Neurocognitive Outcomes in Relationship to Hippocampal and Brain Doses after Partial Brain Proton Radiotherapy in Children 3295 Roshan Sethi Patterns Of Failure Following Proton Therapy In Medulloblastoma; LET Distributions And Rbe Associations For Relapses 3299 I-Chun Lai Treatment Results and Prognostic Factors for Intracranial Nongerminomatous Germ Cell tumors: Single Institute Experience 3300 Melis Gultekin Reirradiation of Pediatric Tumors with Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery 3301 Jinsoo Uh Effects of Surgery and Proton Therapy on Cerebral White Matter of Craniopharyngioma Patients 3302 Sara Alcorn Predictors of Setup Accuracy in Image-Guided CNS Radiotherapy: Prospective Data from a Multi-national Pediatrics Consortium 3303 Oren Cahlon Craniospinal Radiotherapy May Not Be Necessary for Localized Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumors (NGGCT) 3304 Geoffrey Ray Pediatric Central Nervous System Reirradiation and Tolerance of the Brainstem to High Cumulative Dose 3305 Susan McGovern Proton Therapy For Pediatric AT/RT of the CNS 3306 Rachel Jimenez Proton Radiotherapy for Pediatric Craniopharyngioma 3307 Radhika Sreeraman Mid-Treatment Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pediatric Intracranial Low-Grade Giomas Treated with Proton Beam Therapy Ozlem Ozkaya Akagunduz The Effect of Radiotherapy in the Local Control of the non-Extremity Ewing’s Sarcomas 3312 Eleanor Osborne Survival And Toxicities Following Whole Abdominopelvic Radiotherapy As Part Of Multimodality Treatment For Patients With Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor 3313 Robert Kirkland Stratifying Pulmonary Tumor Burden in Patients with Stage IV Wilms Tumor (WT): Implications for Treatment and Disease Outcome 3314 Ronica Hazariwala Cardiopulmonary Outcomes for Concurrent Versus Sequential Lung and Abdominal Irradiation in Stage IV Wilms Tumor 3315 Vanessa Salinas Incidence of Cataracts in Lens Sparing vs Whole Eye Radiation Therapy Technique in Retinoblastoma Patients 3316 Nikhil Thaker Evolution of Proton Therapy and Advanced Radiation Techniques for Retinoblastoma 3317 Fauzia Shaikh Modeling Radiation Induced Vascular Effects of High Dose Versus Standard Dose Radiation in an Orthotopic Mouse Model of High-Risk Neuroblastoma 3318 Brandon Imber Biomarker Modulations in Children with Neuroblastoma Following Treatment with 131I-mIBG Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 166 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3319 Carl DeSelm Optimum Radiation Treatment for CNS Recurrent Neuroblastoma 3320 Nikesh Shah Total Body Radiotherapy Dose Comparison in Pediatric Patients with Relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 3321 Clayton Hess Outcomes of Pre-Operative Versus Post-Operative Radiation for Heterotopic Ossification Prevention in Pediatric Patients with Cerebral Palsy Undergoing Proximal Femoral Resection 3322 Dana Casey Second Cancer Risk in Childhood Cancer Survivors Treated with Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) 3323 Christine Hill-Kayser Factors Associated With Event Reporting in the Pediatric Radiation Oncology Population Using an Electronic Condition Reporting System 3324 Josefine Stahl Kornerup The Impact Of Different PTV Margins In VMAT And IMPT For Adolescents With Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 3325 Benjamin Farnia Dosimetric and Toxicity Analyses of Reirradiation for Recurrent Pediatric Brain Tumors 3326 David Barron The Role of Radiotherapy in Epstein-Barr Virus-Related Lymphoproliferative Disorder 3550 Dan Ruan Development of a Clinical Information Management System With Logical Organization for Improved Accuracy and Inheritance 3551 Dan Ruan Listening To Sinogram: Detecting And Estimating Actual Discrepancy During Treatment 3552 Shuai Zheng Patient Treatment and Prognosis Information Extraction with Adaptive Self Learning Medical Form Generating System 3553 Johannes Kraft Evaluation and Comparison of Segmentation Algorithms in Low Contrast FET-PET Scans for Gross Tumor Volume Delination 3554 Kevin Albuquerque Development and Experience With an EMR Based Radiation Oncology Toxicity Recording Instrument (ROTOX): Benchmarking and Quality Improvement 3547 Nhu Tram Nguyen Blinded Evaluation Of Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction In Radiotherapy Planning Images 3548 Tobias Fechter Evaluation Of An Integrated Minimall Interactive Tool For The Segmentation Of Relevant Oar In Lung Cancer 3549 Anant Gopal An Electronic Medical Record Search Engine for Clinical Outcome Research 3562 Shuang Zhao Identification and Validation of a Metastasis Signature in Human Breast Cancer 3563 Florentino Rico Supervised Learning Methods for the Prediction of Tumor Radiosensivity to Preoperative Radiochemotherapy 3564 Russell Rockne An Evaluation of Multi-institutional Data-Transfer to Facilitate Personalized Computational Modeling 3565 Timothy Robinson Hypoxia Induces mRNA 3’UTR Truncation in Multiple Cell Types In Vitro RADIATION AND CANCER BIOLOGY 3414 Andrew Vaughan Influence Of Chromatin Structure On The Induction Of Radiation-induced Chromosome Aberrations 3555 Weiguo Lu In-vivo Verification and Adaptive Evaluation for Every Patient, Every Treatment 3556 Mark Phillips Development of a Probabilistic Model For Therapy Plan Error Checking 3557 Andres Parra Automatic Detection of the Foci of Residual or Recurrent Disease in the Prostate Bed after Prostectomy using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced-MRI 3558 Kevin Moore Suboptimal Treatment Planning Adds Substantial Risk of Normal Tissue Complication: A Secondary Study on RTOG 0126 INFORMATICS/ BIOINFORMATICS 3561 Javier Torres-Roca Correlation Between Tumor Intrinsic Radiosensitivity and Immune Activation in Solid Tumors 3415 Brandon Stone Gene Expression Patterns in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Suggest Resistance to Radiation Therapy 3416 Kristina Young TGFβRI Inhibition Prior To Radiation Enhances Efficacy In A CD8 Dependent Fashion 3417 Elena Muraro Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) for Oligometastatic Breast Cancer Patients: Investigating the Immune Profile to Identify Predictive Biomarkers 3418 3559 Javier Torres-Roca Large-Scale Evaluation of a Molecular Signature of Tumor Intrinsic Radiosensitivity in Solid Tumors 3560 Christopher Betzing Identification of Critical Pathways Altered by Radiation Exposure and Drug Target Analysis Azadeh Fahim Golestaneh Identifying Molecular Mechanisms Of Tumor Radio-resistance Via High Throughput In-vivo Microrna Knock Down Screen 3419 Chung Man Leung Ionizing Radiation Exposure Modulates MicroRNA Expression In Human Cancer Cells Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 167 3420 Sophia Bornstein Role of Non-canonical Wnt5a Signaling in Metastatic Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma 3421 Jessie Tao A549 Lung Cancer Cells Up-Regulate Proto-Oncogene Expression in Mesenchymal Stem Cells 3422 Aadel Chaudhuri MicroRNA-125b Represses IRF4 to Induce Acute Myeloid Leukemia 3423 Michael Koukourakis Autophago-Lysosomal Flux Following Exposure of Endothelial Cells And Fibroblasts to Ionizing Radiation 3424 Mariko Sato How Can We Overcome Hypoxia- and Radiation-Induced EMT? - Contribution of Blockade on HIF-1 and JNK Phospholyration With LW6 3425 Marjan Rafat Normal Tissue Irradiation Promotes Tumor Cell Migration 3426 Catherine Park Tensional Properties Of Extracellular Matrix (ecm) Modulate Radiation Resistance Via Yes Associated Protein (YAP) 3427 Minsi Zhang Hif-1α Regulates Radiation Resistance In Primary Sarcomas In A Tumor-cell Autonomous Mechanism 3428 Bryan Allen Assessing Superoxide Levels in Human NSCLC and Normal Lung Epithelium 3429 Hyun Yoo Gefitinib Inhibits Radiation-induced Skin Fibrosis By Inhibition Of Stat1 Expression 3430 Eun-Jung Lee Radiation-Induced Eosinophil Recruitment Promotes Th2 response via IL-33 production in Irradiated Skin 3431 Sibo Tian The Role Of Fibronectin On Spatial Organization In 3-d Culture: A Model For Wound Healing After Radiation Therapy 3432 Amit Maity PI3K/Akt Inhibition Decreases Oxygen Consumption In Tumor Cells By Phosphorylating And Inactivating Pyruvate Dehydrogenase (PDH) E1a Subunit 3442 Michael Epperly Intraoral GS-Nitroxide JP4-039 In Novel F15 Emulsion Ameliorates Irradiation-Induced Mucositis In Tumor Bearing Fanconi Anemia (FA) (Fancd2-/-) C57BL/6 Mice 3433 David Dadey Inhibition of the PERK Arm of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response Attenuates VEGF Production in Irradiated Glioblastoma Cell Lines 3443 Frank Giordano Impact of Flattening-Filter-Free (FFF) Radiation on the Clonogenic Survival of Astrocytoma Cell Lines 3434 Shyam Rao Sphingolipid Signaling with High Single Dose SBRT/SRS 3435 Arta Monjazeb Radiation Induced Changes In Chemokine Expression Promote Natural Killer Cell Homing 3436 Jonathan Schoenfeld Response of Extra-cranial Lesions After Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma with Cranial Radiation and Ipilimumab 3437 Yoshiyuki Suzuki Carbon-ion Beam And X-ray Irradiation Increase A Release Of An Immune Mediator Protein High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) In Various Human Cancer Cell Lines 3438 Marlon Veldwijk A Potential Role for Non-targeted Biological Effects in Cellular Inactivation after Ionizing Irradiation with Large Single Doses 3439 Timothy Illidge Radiation Therapy Induces An Adaptive Upregulation Of PD-L1 On Tumour Cells Which May Limit The Efficacy Of The Anti-tumour Immune Response But Can Be Circumvented By Anti-PD-L1 3440 Vishruth Reddy BVES Loss is Protective In Radiation Enteritis 3441 Michael Epperly Effects of Radiation Mitigators JP4-039 and MMS350 on Gene Transcripts in Radiosensitive Fanconi Anemia Fancd2-/- (C57Bl/6) Bone Marrow Stromal Cells 3444 Takeshi Nishioka X-ray Irradiation Induces Mitophagy And Cancer Metabolic Reprogramming 3445 Gerben Borst Genetically Enigineerd Mouse Models And High Precision Fractionated Radiotherapy To Unravel Mechanisms Of Irradiation Escape 3446 Hiromitsu Iwata Oxygen Enhancement Ratio Of Proton Beams: The Precise Report Of The Same Institution’s Experiments Using The Clinical Equipments 3447 Trevor Leong Gamma-H2AX as a Predictive Biomarker of Individual Radiosensitivity 3448 Katarzyna Zielinska-Chomej Alternating Electric Fields (TTFields) Inhibit Repair Of Dna Damage Induced By Ionizing Radiation And Sensitize Glioma And Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells To Radiation 3449 Samuel Bakhoum Dna Damage Response During Mitosis Induces Cancer Chromosomal Instability 3450 Fen Xia Increasing the Synthetic Lethality of PARP Inhibition in Glioblastoma Cells by Depletion of Nuclear BRCA1 3451 Alexander Spektor Micronuclei-induced DNA Damage And Mutagenesis In Cancer 3452 Li Yuan Zhang Minocycline-mediated Improvement Of Cognitive Impairment Induced By Irradiation Involves Preventing Immature Neurons From Apoptosis Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 168 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3453 Piotr Widlak Radiotherapy-induced Changes In Serum Lipidome Of Head And Neck Cancer Patients 3454 Michael Epperly Radiosensitivity of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Compared to Parental Fibroblasts 3455 Soichi Odawara Polaprezinc Protects Intestinal Epithelium from Radiation-induced Damage in Mice 3456 Fan Xingwen Electroacupuncture Ameliorates Irradiation-induced Cognitive Impairment in Rats via Multiple Pathways 3457 Diana Yi Zhao Pharmacological Inhibition And Genetic Ablation Of The Egr1 Transcription Factor Radioprotects The Mouse Hippocampus And Small Intestine 3458 Xiaorong Dong Nemo Modulates Radiation Induced Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Senescence Via Nf-κB Signal Pathway 3459 Heinz Schmidberger gamma-H2AX: A Sensitive Biodosimeter in Radiotherapy? 3460 Ippei Takahashi KH-3, a Transcriptional Modulator of p53, Protects Mice from Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome 3461 Lisa Abernathy Soy Isoflavones Inhibit Radiation-Induced Macrophage and Neutrophil Activation and Promote Ly6C+Ly6G- Suppressive Monocytes Resulting in Lung Radioprotection 3462 Rafi Kabarriti Co-transplantation Of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells Promotes Repopulation Of Transplanted Hepatocytes Following Hepatic Irradiation 3463 Jae Ho Cho Time, Dose And Volume Response In The Mouse Pulmonary Injury Model After Ablative Irradiation 3464 Michael Dominello Radioprotection of Normal Esophageal Tissue by Soy Isoflavone Treatment 3476 Gregory Gan Radiation Dose Uncertainty in a Mouse Head and Neck Irradiation Model 3465 Jeffrey Buchsbaum Improving the Delivery and Safety of Proton Beam Therapy 3477 Jia Yang Histopathologic Validation of 3’Deoxy-3’-18F-Fluorothymidine PET for Detecting Tumor Repopulation During Fractionated Radiotherapy of Human FaDu Squamous Cell Carcinoma 3466 Napapat Amornwichet Evaluation Of DNA Damage Response After Carbon-ion Beam Irradiation In P53-mutant Cancer Cells 3467 Naoko Okano In Vitro Determination Of The Relative Biological Effectiveness Of Carbon-ion Beam Irradiation In Cells Derived From Human Normal Lung Tissues 3468 Bin Wang Pulsed Low Dose Rate External Beam Radiotherapy: An in vivo Study On Prostate Cancer 3469 Sei Sai Effects of Carbon Ion Beam Alone or in Combination with Gemcitabine and/ or Cisplatin on Cholangiocarcinoma Stem-Like Cells 3470 Peng Zhang Local Tumor Control And Normal Tissue Toxicity Of Pulsed Low Dose Rate Radiotherapy (plrt) For Recurrent Lung Cancer: An In Vivo Study 3478 Daniel Spratt 89zr-mstp2109a, A Novel Antibody Based Radiotracer To Evaluate And Guide The Clinical Translation Of Antibody-drug Conjugates Targeting Steap1 3479 Olga Volotskova Cerenkov Radiation Energy Transfer (cret) As Novel Strategy For Tumor Imaging And Delineation 3480 Masayuki Matsuo Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging For Evaluation Of Reoxygenation In Murine Tumors: A New Reoxygenation Imaging For Radiation Therapy 3481 Makoto Hosono Heterogeneity of Intratumoral Hypoxia on FMISO PET/CT in Association with Local Control in Radiation Therapy 3471 Pervin Hurmuz The Effect Of Dose Rate Per Fraction On Lung Toxicity 3482 Zhenhua Gao Comparison Of Tumor Volumes As Determined By Pathologic Examination And Flt-pet/ct Images Of Non-small-cell Lung Cancer: A Pilot Study 3472 Sreeja Sarojini Experimental Radiation (2400 MU/min/ 50cGy) In Vitro Achieved Significant Increase In Apoptosis On Melanoma Cells With Superior Survival Of Normal Cells When Compared To 400 MU/min 3483 Martin King Evaluation Of A Gamma Rejection Strategy For CCD-based Beta Particle Imaging 3473 Masatoshi Hasegawa Changes of Cancer Stem Cell Markers in Human Ependymoblastoma Following Carbon Ion Beam Irradiation 3474 Anil Pyakuryal Radio-biologic Evaluation of Simultaneously Integrated Boost (SIB) IMRT Methods in Head and Neck Cancer: Multi-Institutional Study 3475 Marjan Rafat Impact of Very Rapid Irradiation on Clonogenic Survival 3484 Andrea Laruelo Towards Accurate and Robust MRSI Quantification to Improve the Radiotherapy Treatment of GBM 3485 Brian Marples Evaluating Low-Dose Pulsed Radiotherapy in Murine Model of Neuroblastoma 3486 Vaishali Kapoor Monoclonal Antibody 2C6F3 Against Radiation-inducible Cell Surface Tip-1 As A Novel Agent For Imaging And Targeting Tumors Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 169 3487 Jessica Perez Fluorescence Endomicroscopy as a Tool to Assess Radiation-Induced Lung Damage, Protection and Regeneration 3488 Keum Sil Lee Impact of Optimally-Gated PET on Tumor Localization And Quantification 3489 Kuei Lee Glucose Metabolism Gene Expression Patterns and Tumor Uptake of 18F-FDG Following Radiation Treatment 3490 Moiz Ahmad X-ray Fluorescence CT As A Novel Imaging Modality For Improved Radiation Therapy Target Delineation 3491 Dominik Naczynski Development Of X-ray Luminescent Infrared Probes For Tumor Imaging 3492 Shunsuke Furutani MEK Inhibition by Selumetinib Enhances the Antitumor and Anti-Metastatic Effects of Chemoradiation Therapy in Orthotopic Human Lung Cancer Models 3493 Shin-ichiro Masunaga Significance of Administering Bevacizumab Combined with Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in terms of Local Tumor Control and Lung Metastatic Potential 3494 Noriyuki Okonogi Therapeutic Impact Of Intravenous-injection Of Microglia On Radiotherapy For Malignant Glioma Arising In S100beta-v-erbB Transgenic Rat 3495 Satoshi Harada Tumor Imaging, Antitumor Action, and Inhibition of Metastasis Using Targeted Anti-CD47 siRna Nanoparticles and Radiotherapy 3496 Chi Zhang Genotype-dependent Tumor Inhibitory Effects of Metformin in Glioblastoma Cells 3497 Zhenhuan Zhang PTIP Down-regulation Enhances Radiation-induced Tumor Cell Suppression In Vitro and on CAM 3498 Mohamed Khattab PSMA-targeted Low Molecular Weight Urea-siRNA Conjugates for Targeted Knockdown of DNA-PK and Radiosensitization of Prostate Cancer Cell Lines 3499 Peter Huber Stepwise Combination Of Multi-pathway Blockade In Addition To Radio-chemotherapy For Glioblastoma 3500 Nils Nicolay Multi-pathway Inhibition As A Novel Strategy To Attenuate Radiation-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis 3501 Uma Raju Inhibition of IGF-1R Signaling Enhances the Head and Neck Tumor Radioresponse But Fails to Further Improve Tumor Response to Cetuximab and Radiation Therapy In Vivo 3502 Ping Li Photothermal Effect By Rgd-conjugated Gold Nanorods Enhances The Efficacy Of Radiotherapy In Melanoma Cancer Cells 3503 Szu-Yuan Wu Combination Of Metformin And Statins Significantly Enhanced The Local Radio-therapeutic Effect And Attenuated The Lung Metastasis Of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC) Animal Model 3504 Yuji Seo Systematic Linear-Quadratic Analysis for Radiosensitization in vitro: Implications for Hypofractionated Radiotherapy in the Combined Modality Approaches 3505 Edina Wang Nanoparticle Formulations of HDAC Inhibitors as Radiosensitizers 3506 Dong Wook Nathan Kim Validated Tumor Graft Model Reveals Delayed Local Recurrence of Renal Cell Tumors after High Dose Single Fraction Ablative Radiation Therapy 3507 Darrion Mitchell Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition as a Therapeutic Target in Prostate Cancer 3509 Qian Dong Human Positive Cofactor 4 (PC4) is a Promising Target to Improve the Radiotherapy Effect of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas 3510 Xi Tian Preclinical Evaluation Of Promitil, A Novel Nanoparticle Formulation Of Mitomycin C, In Chemoradiotherapy 3511 Seong-Yun Jeong Ibulocydine Sensitizes Human Cancers to Radiotherapy by Induction of Mitochondria-Mediated Apoptosis 3512 Seong-Yun Jeong The Combination Of Hyperthermia, Radiation And Chemotherapy For Tumor Suppression Using Hollow Gold Nanoparticles 3513 Masao Nakayama Dose Estimation Of Normal Brain Tissue Tolerance For Microbeam Radiation Therapy 3514 Manuela Felix Converting A Standard Micro-CT Into An IGRT-competent Small Animal Irradiation Device 3515 Yunguang Sun Igfbp3 Promotes Cell Death and Sensitizes Cisplatin and Radiation Treatments in Lung Cancer Cell Models 3516 Yunguang Sun Nit1 Is a Novel Therapeutic Target for the Sensitization of Chemo- and Radiotherapy in Kras Mutant Lung Cancer Models 3517 Ana Kiess Targeted Molecular Auger Radiotherapy for Micrometastatic Prostate Cancer 3518 Tao Wang Disruption Of Erk1/2 Sensitizes Radiation Resistance Prostate Cancer Cells To Paclitaxel And Ionizing Radiation 3519 Peter Liu A Zebrafish Drug Screen Repositions FDA-Approved Compounds for Radiochemotherapy 3508 Ligang Xing Improve The Effect Of Radiotherapy For Recurrent Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma With Sodium Glycididazole Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 170 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3520 Thomas Quinn Immunophenotype of B16-F10 Melanoma After Combination Therapy With Radiation and Systemic, RGD-targeted, Adeno-associated Virus Phage-TNF 3531 Kate Barrett Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Toxicity are Associated with Overall Survival Following Curative Radiation for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3521 Tithi Biswas Combining Pemetrexed with Methoxyamine to Enhance the Radiosensitization of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Preclinical Studies in vivo 3532 Jinyi Lang Early Changes In Adc Involved In Mmp-9 Expression Predict The Response Of Tumor To Irradiation On Mice Bearing U14 Cervical Cancer 3522 Ralph Vatner Macrophage-Targeting Agents to Stimulate Anti-Tumor Immunity Elicited by Radiotherapy 3523 Arta Monjazeb Radiation Enhances Innate Immune Recognition Of Cancer Stem Cells In Solid Tumors 3524 Tu Dan The Effect Of Nutrigenomics In Augmenting Radiation Therapy For Breast Cancer 3525 Jia Yang Effect Of Celecoxib On Inhibiting Tumor Repopulation During Radiotherapy In Human Fadu Squamous Cell Carcinoma 3533 Maria Teresa Bortolin Multiplexed Plasma Cytokine Chemokine and Growth Factor Profiling in Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3534 Leslie Modlin Circulating Tumor DNA Concentrations Reflect Metabolic Tumor Volume in NSCLC 3535 Reza Masoud Rahbari Enhanced Rad21 Cohesin Expression Confers Poor Prognosis And Resistance To Chemotherapy In High Grade Luminal, Basal And Her2 Breast Cancers 3537 Ting Xu Nanopore-peptidomics To Predict Response To Chemoradiotherapy For Lung Cancer 3527 Meetha Medhora Mitigation Of Radiation-Induced Injuries To Multiple Organs In Rats By Fda-approved Drugs And Supportive Care 3538 Yipeng Song Association of Radiation Pneumonitis Related Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Changes in Pulmonary Function in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer after Definitive Concurrent Chemoradiation 3529 Thomas Enke Molecular Radiotherapy In Experimental Model of Advanced Prostate Cancer Using Internalizable Monoclonal Antibody 3530 Michael Epperly Reduced Radiation Pulmonary Fibrosis in Toll-Like Receptor-4 (TLR4) Deletion Recombinant Negative Mice 3542 Jessica Wobb The Significance of 18FDG PET and Related Glucose Metabolism Biomarkers in HPV Positive and Negative Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas 3544 Richard Tuli Correlation of Methylation Patterns and Gene Expression with Radiation Response of SMAD4-Characterized Pancreatic Cancer Xenografts 3545 John Grecula Dynamic-Contrast Enhanced MR and Volume Regression rate as a preoperative predictive assay in patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer 3546 Evan Osmundson Circulating Tumor DNA as a Biomarker for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma RADIATION PHYSICS 3536 Ana Ruiz-Alonso Prognostic Biomarkers in Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma 3526 Michael Epperly Disparate Gene Transcript Patterns Between Radiosensitive Bone Marrow Stromal and Radioresistant Hematopoietic Cell Lines From Fanconi Anemia (FA) (Fancd2-/-) C57BL/6 Mice 3528 Michael Epperly Organ Specific Levels of MnSOD in Tet-Inducible Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Mice 3541 Jonathan Thompson Toll-like Receptor-9 Expression Does Not Predict for Breast Cancer Specific Outcome in African-American Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients 3566 Justin Linam No Need to Wait: Fiducial Migration in Immediate Versus Delayed Simulation for Prostate IGRT 3567 Nzhde Agazaryan Dosimetric Impact Of Positioning Errors For Spinal Radiosurgery Patients: A Planning Tool Proposition 3568 Elisabeth Weiss Is there a Need for Reassessment of Internal Target Volumes (ITV) During Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Lung Cancers? 3539 Anwen Liu Serum CRP Is Predictive Of Survival In Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Definitive Chemoradiotherapy 3569 Mitsuhiro Nakamura Improving The Target Estimation Accuracy In Infrared Marker-based Dynamic Tumor Tracking With a Gimbaled Linac 3540 Steve Walston Papillomavirus E2 Protein As A Biomarker For Radiation Sensitivity In HPV Associated Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 3570 Judit Boda-Heggemann Breath-Hold Cone Beam Ct (CBCT): Improved Image Quality With “Stop-and-go” Breathhold-only Acquisition Versus Repetitive Breathhold During Continuous Rotation 3571 Mami Akimoto Baseline Correction of a Correlation Model In Infrared Marker-Based Dynamic Tumor Tracking With a Gimbaled Linac 3572 Laura Padilla Patient-Specific Collision Detection Package Using Surface Imaging 3573 Youngjun Kim Is Surface Registration Accurate Enough For Patient Setup In Head-and-neck Radiation Therapy? 3574 Shingo Oohira Couch-height Based Patient Set-up For Abdominal Radiation Therapy 3575 Pengpeng Zhang Setting Action Levels For Abdominal Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Monitored With Frequent KV Imaging Surveillance 3576 Winky Wing Ki Fung Effect of Residual Non-Rigid Errors on Actual Delivered Dose in Prone Breast Tomotherapy 3577 Manuel Blessing Image Guided Radiotherapy Using Ultrafast Kv-mv Cbct: End-to-end Test Results Of The Finalized Implementation 3583 Allen Li A Comparison of Six IGRT Modalities Used for Soft-Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremity in RTOG 0630 3594 Yoshihiro Ueda Setup Evaluation of Two Immobilization Systems For Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3584 Madeera Kathpal Margins for Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) With Electromagentic Surface Transponder Confirmation of Chest Wall Position for Adjuvant Therapy of Left Breast Cancer 3595 Bernard Jones Adaptive Motion Mapping in Pancreatic SBRT Patients using Fourier Transforms 3585 Kathryn Mittauer Variation of Controlled Breath Hold from CT Simulation to Treatment and its Dosimetric Impact for Left-sided Breast Radiotherapy with a Real-time Optical Tracking System 3586 Olivier Gayou Imaging A Moving Tumor With Megavoltage CBCT 3587 Niranjan Bhandare Comparing DVH Parameters of 3D Inverse Planning Simulated Annealing (IPSA) with Manual-graphical Optimization in the Treatment of Uterine Cervix with HDR Brachytherapy using a Tandem-and-ring Applicator 3588 Jean Peng Assessment Of Setup Variability For Prostate Patients With Rectal Balloon By 3D CBCT And Real-time Surface Imaging 3578 Anna Arns Matching Accuracy of Ultrafast Kilovoltage-Megavoltage (kV-MV) Cone-Beam CT for Image Guided Radiotherapy 3589 Etienne Letourneau Organ Dose Reduction While Using In-house CBCT Patient-specific Protocols Based on OSL Dosimetry 3579 John Park Clinical Analysis of Patient Setup on Image-Guided Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Acoustic Neuromas 3590 Martin Hojgaard Deep Inspiration Breath-hold Radiation Therapy Reduces Heart Radiation Dose In Gastric Radiotherapy 3580 Karen Mooney Determining The Internal Margin (IM) For Lung And gastrointestinal Tumors Based On Real-time Measurements 3591 You Zhang Lung 4D-CBCT Reconstruction using Prior Information and Limited-angle Projections - Phantom and Patient Studies 3581 William Plishker Retrospective Assessment of Image Mask Box Sizing for Automatic Patient Positioning 3582 Mirza Ali Study of Inter Fraction Movements of Tongue During Radiation Therapy in Cases of Tongue Malignancy using Volumetric KV Cone Beam CT (CBCT) Imaging 3592 Casey Abing Intra-Fraction Position Management Post-Cone Beam CT Using Stereoscopic X-ray Verification for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Lung Treatment 3593 Hui Cheng Utrecht Intertitial Applicator Shifts And Organ Movements In 3d Ct-based Hdr Brachytherapy Of Cervical Cancer 3596 George Noid Feasibility of Using Ultrasound to Monitor Intrafraction Motion During Radiation Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer 3597 Hao Zhang The Accuracy Of Intra-fraction Tumor Motion Modeling With Respiratory Surrogates Using Supervised Learning 3598 Guanzhong Gong To Study the Feasibility and Potential Benefit of Defining the Internal Gross Tumor Volume (ITV) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Applying the Contrast-enhanced 4D-CT Obtained by Deformable Registration Technology 3599 Benjamin White Motion Assessment of the Left Anterior Descending Aorta during Clinical 4DCT 3600 Alon Witztum Dosimetric Effect Of Setup Errors On Multiple Isocenter Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy For Craniospinal Axis 3601 Bo Zhao Comparison Of Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Left Breast Tangents With Active Breath Hold And Voluntary Breath Hold Using 3d Surface Image Guidance 3602 Paul Keall Clinical Process and Quality Assurance Practices for the Clinical Implementation of Kilovoltage Intrafraction Monitoring (KIM) for Real-Time Image-Guided Prostate Cancer VMAT 3603 Dengwang Li Multi-resolution Liver Segmentation For CT By Hybrid Method 3604 Clare Suttie Surgical Clips in Breast Tumor Cavity Photon Boosts: Impact on CTV Size, and Utility in Image Verification Using Non-orthogonal KV Imaging Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 172 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3605 George Chiu Acute Skin Reaction of Whole Breast Irradiation in Supine and Prone Position Using Tomotherapy 3606 Ti-Hao Wang Margin Assessment and Optimization in Prostate Irradiation by Quantitative Analysis of Daily Mega-Voltage Computed Tomography 3607 Jessica Scholey Development Of Image Registration For Novel Megavoltage Topogram For Patient Localization In Tomotherapy 3617 Martina Hurwitz Investigation of a Respiratory Motion Model Based on an External Surrogate Signal With a Digital Phantom and Realistic Patient Breathing 3628 Jeho Jeong Investigation of Temporally Varying Fractionation in Radiation Therapy Using a Resource-Conservation Tumor Response Model 3618 Shane Stecklein Dosimetric Effects of Respiratory Motion and Interfraction Setup Variation on Internal Mammary Node Irradiation 3629 Ruben Carmona Longitudinal Study Of Fat Composition Changes In Bone Marrow During Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy For Pelvic Malignancies 3619 William Watkins Automated Evaluation of Deformable Image Registration using Physical Tissue Characteristics 3630 Caspar Van Leeuwen Meta-Analysis Of Tumor Fractionation Sensitivities Based On Clinical Data 3631 Piotr Pater Estimation of DNA Damage Yields Due to Low Energy Electrons 3608 John Van Sornsen de Koste Markerless Tracking Of Lung Tumors On Continuous Kv Images 3620 Shidong Li Live Video Imaging Guided Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer 3609 Susannah Hickling Feasibility Of X-ray Acoustic Computed Tomography As A Tool For Non-Invasive Volumetric In Vivo Dosimetry 3621 Yong Yang Optimization of Dosimetric Margins for CBCT-Guided Prostate Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) 3632 Norma Ybarra Impact Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Delivery Routes On Recovery From Radiation-induced Lung Injury Using Ct Densitometry: Preclinical Investigation 3610 Joshua James Quantification of PTV Margin When Using a Robotic Radiosurgery System to Treat Lung Tumors With Spine Tracking 3622 Caroline Chung Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Thermoplastic Mask System with Intrafraction Motion Monitoring using IR Tracking and Cone-beam CT for Dedicated Cobalt Radiosurgery Unit 3633 Scott Merrick Creation of a More Comprehensive Target Volume for Esophageal Cancers by Combining Respiratory Gated Simulation and Daily Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) 3623 Miranda Risberg A Prospective Trial Of Kv Stereoscopic X-rays With Fiducials Versus Ultrasound For Daily Image Guidance In Prostate Cancer 3634 Daniel Cho Predicting Radiotherapy Outcome for Head and Neck Cancer Patients using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 3611 Rojano Kashani Feasibility of Gating Using a Magnetic-Resonance Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (MR-IGRT) System 3612 Mikael Antoine Geometrical Analysis Of Organs Motion For Preoperative Helical Tomotherapy Of Retroperitoneal Liposarcomas 3613 Per Poulsen Performance Improvement of MLC Tracking Investigated with an Experimentally Validated Tracking Simulator 3614 Jonathan Lischalk Correlation Of Fiducial Motion In 4D-CT Planning Scans With Real-time Fiducial Tracking During Fractionated SBRT Of Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancies 3615 Louise Fanchon Spatially Accurate Ground Truth For Pet Segmentation Verification From Biopsy Specimens Extracted Under PET/CT Guidance 3616 Wu Liu Optimized Prostate Intrafraction Motion Management IGRT Strategy for 3mm Margin 3624 Arta Monjazeb Analysis of Daily Setup Variation with Image-Guided Treatment of Soft-Tissue Sarcomas 3625 Angelo Bergamo Hypofractionated Liver Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Biological Effective Dose Correlated Radiation Induced Liver Disease 3626 Florian Kamp Predicting the Relative Biological Effectiveness of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy Beams using the Mechanistic Repair-Misrepair-Fixation (RMF) Model and Nuclear Fragment Spectra 3627 Daniel Simpson A Novel Multi-institutional Database for Tracking and Reporting Dose-Volume Data and Normal Tissue Effects 3635 Feng Mei Ct Number Changes Observed During Ct-guided Radiotherapy For Head And Neck Cancer, A New Indicator For Treatment Response 3636 Ke Sheng Detecting Prostate Focal Lesions In Ct Images 3637 Phillip Prior Normal Tissue Complication Probability Modeling For Chest Wall Pain In Stereotactic Body Radiaton Therapy: An Analysis Of Compiled Clinical Data 3638 Maria Thor Identifying Groups Of Patient-reported Gastro-intestinal Symptoms Using Factor Analysis Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 173 3639 John Kang A Free Multi-model Program For Comparing Linear-quadratic And Non-linear Quadratic Models In TCP Prediction Of SABR-treated NSCLC 3640 Victoria Yu A Dual Compartment Linear-Quadratic Model of Cell Survival 3641 Tiziana Rancati An In-Silico Experiment Model to Identify the Best Predictors of Radioinduced Late Toxicity 3642 Wilfred Ngwa Radiotherapy Biomaterials For Response Assessment And Nodal Detection (brand) 3643 Louise Murray Risk Of Second Malignancy Following Prostate Radiotherapy Using Contemporary Radiotherapy Techniques 3644 Jagdeep Raince Integrated Deformable Registration and Biologic Modeling to Compare Dose Distributions of High Dose IMRT and Combination IMRT-Brachytherapy (combo-RT) in Localized Prostate Cancer 3645 Omar Ishaq Dosimetric Comparison between Split Ring and Tandem & Ovoid HDR Brachytherapy Applicators in Cervical Cancer Treatment 3646 Rebecca Howell Toward Developing Survivorship Care Plans For Breast Cancer Patients at High Risk for Radiation-related Cardiac Effects 3647 Eric Paulson Rapid Evaluation of Radiotherapy Response using Multi-Parametric Image Treemaps 3648 Seha Hwang Study On The Sensitivity Of Gamma-index Evaluation Methods To Positioning Errors Of High-definition MLC Of True Beam STx In VMAT Quality Assurance For SBRT 3650 Eelco Lens Dosimetric Benefits Of Using A Mid-ventilation Or Breath-hold Approach As An Alternative To Internal Target Volume For Pancreatic Cancer Patients 3660 Leonard Kim Fast, High-Resolution, 3-D Imaging of Tissue Blocks Using Optical Coherence Tomography: Visualizing Microscopic Disease for Clinical Target Volume Design 3651 Kristofer Kainz Validation Of A Technique To Derive A Virtual Phase-specific PET Contour From Free-Breathing PET 3661 Roxana Draghici Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy For Bilateral Breast Carcinoma: Dosimetric Analysis and Immediate Tolerance 3652 Michael Altman Addressing The Issues Limiting Rapid Contour Evaluation To Facilitate Efficient On-line Adaptive Radiation Therapy (OL-ART) With MR-IGRT 3662 Danita Kannarunimi Dose Analysis of MRI-Based Planning Techniques Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy in Brain Tumors 3653 Di Yan Evaluation of Image Guidance & Adaptive Radiotherapy Techniques for H&N Cancer 3654 Kyoung Jun Yoon Evaluation Of CBCT based Dose Calculation in an Enhanced CBCT System 3655 Raj Varadhan Applicability and Limits of Dose Warping: Are There Islands of Deformation that Fail to Depict Dose Painting? 3656 Lotte Fog Towards A Criterion For Selective Adaptive Radiotherapy In Head And Neck Cancer Patients 3657 Aaron Judith Impact Of Breathing Motion On Imrt (intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) Of The Chest Wall In Post-mastectomy Breast Cancer Patients: A Dosimetric Comparison With 3d Conformal Radiotherapy 3658 Kwun-Ye Chu Impact of Weight Change on Dose Delivery In Pancreatic IntensityModulated Radiotherapy 3659 Jesus Olivera Localized Prostate Cancer: Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Versus Intensity Modulate Radiation Therapy (IMRT): Which one is better? 3649 Yujiro Fujita Potential Uncertainty as to 3D Image Registration in Thoracic Image-Guided Radiotherapy 3663 Guillem Pratx First Demonstration of Medical Radiation Treatment Beam Monitoring via Air Scintillation Imaging 3664 Yuri Jeong A Dosimetric Comparison of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) and Non-coplanar Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) for Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Cancer 3665 Ludovic Bedos CT Number Accuracy Assessment Of A New Metal Artifact Reduction Algorithm For CT Simulations In Radiation Therapy 3666 Suhong Yu Application Of Cone Beam CT For Adaptive IMRT Treatment Planning 3667 Peter Balter A Framework for Dose Based IGRT: Validation of Dose Cloud Shift Assumption 3668 Masakuni Kawakami Development of Error Estimating Program for IMRT Dose Delivery using Dynamic MLC Log Files 3669 Kenji Matsumoto Statistical Process Control For Epid Dosimetry In The Quality Assurance Of IMRT 3670 Lisa Tachiki Deformable Contour Propagation of Organs-At-Risk in Adaptive Head and Neck Radiation Therapy Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 174 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3671 Shiv Srivastava The Effect of Slice Thickness on Target and Organs at Risk Volumes, Dosimetric Coverage and Radiobiological Impact In IMRT Planning 3672 Ahmad Amoush Potential Systematic Errors in IGRT When Different Reference Images are used for Pancreatic Tumors 3673 Fengxiang Li Quantifying Internal Target Volume Uncertainties Derived From Three-Dimensional CT and Four-Dimensional CT for Radiation Therapy of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer 3674 Fengxiang Li Evaluation of Movement of Peripheral Non-small-cell Lung Cancer using Four-dimensional CT 3675 Wenyang Liu Four-dimensional CT-based Evaluation Of Intrafractional And Interfractional Anastomosis Motion During Postoperative Radiotherapy in Gastric Cancer: A Prospective Study 3676 Nicholas Serrano Correlation Of Three Imaging Modalities For Pre-treatment Alignment In Head And Neck Imrt 3677 Jorge Alpuche Aviles Commissioning Of A Prostate Model Created Using Knowledge Based Planning As A Tool To Guide The Planning Process 3678 Jun Lian Prostate Deformation from Rectal Balloon and Dosimetric Effects in Prostate Brachytherapy 3679 Ben J.M. Heijmen Fully Automatic IMRT and VMAT Treatment Planning in Routine Clinical Practice 3680 Joel Castelli Impact Of Weekly Re-Planning To Spare The Parotid Glands In Head And Neck Cancer Radiotherapy 3681 Takeshi Kamomae Dosimetric Influence of Dental Crowns on IMRT and VMAT for Head and Neck Cancer: Correlation Between Planned Radiation Doses and Measured Dose Enhancements 3682 Shirish Jani On Clinical Utility of Orthopedic Metal Artifact Reduction (OMAR) Software in CT Simulation and Treatment Planning 3683 Suk Lee Development of 3D Dose Evaluation Solution for Off-line Dose Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy in Multi-modality IMRT Techniques 3692 Rob Tijssen A Combined Breath Hold and Free Breathing Protocol is not Feasible for Locoregional Radiation Therapy of Left-sided Breast Cancer 3693 David Thomson Automatic Segmentation to Define Organs at Risk (OARs) for Function Sparing Head and Neck IMRT 3694 Yong Hum Na VMAT Treatment Planning Using Cloud Computing 3684 Kwang Hwan Cho Dosimetric Evaluation Using MVCT Images For Adapted Plan-dose Monitoring In Tomotherapy 3685 Pascal Fenoglietto Metal Artifact Reduction (mar) Algorithm For Head And Neck With Dental Prosthesis 3686 Kenton Thompson Feasibility of PTV and OAR Overlap as a Predictive Planning Tool 3687 Suk Lee Which Is An Optimizing Modality For Imrt Prostate Case In Linac Step And Shoot, Tomotherapy, Rapidarc, Vamt, And Proton Using New Plan Evaluation Scoring Index And Dosimetric Physical Index? 3688 Young-nam Kang The Feasibility Study Of MRI-based Dose Calculation With Look Up Table In Radiation Treatment Planning 3689 Stefania Pallotta Treatment of Moving Lesions with Helical Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (HIMR): A Phantom Study 3690 Gulay Karagoz Evaluation of MLC Leaf Position Accuracy for Static and Dynamic IMRT treatments Using DAVID In Vivo Dosimetric System 3691 Akira Sakumi Impact Of A Low Transmission Multileaf Collimator on The Parotid Grand Dose In Head And Neck Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Planning - A Dose Volume Histogram Comparison Between Two-step Adaptive And Simultaneously Integrated Boost Techniques 3695 Christian Fiandra Planning Dose Recalculation on Cone Beam CT Images for Hypo-fractionated SBRT in Prostate Cancer: Dose Tracking Comparison with and without the use of Seed Markers for a daily online Repositioning Process 3696 Sophia EdwardsBennett Utilization of a Novel Adaptive Dose Recalculation Tool in the Delivery of High Dose Radiation for Intermediate to High-Risk Prostate Cancer 3697 Neil Kirby The Potential for Patient-Specific, Automated Evaluation of Deformable Image Registration Accuracy 3698 Wensha Yang Overlap Volume Analysis using 4DCT: Implications for Gating in SBRT of the Lung and Pancreas 3699 Evan White Optimization Index: A Tool for Quantitative Comparison of Radiation Treatment Plan Quality 3700 Antonio Damato Changes in Kidney Position and Dose Due to Respiratory Motion in Gynecologic Patients Receiving Extended Field Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 3701 Guangjun Li Daily Delivery Accuracy Of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Treatments Using Linac Log Files Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 175 3702 Francisco Clemente Gutierrez 3D Secondary Verifications for VMAT Prostate Treatments Based in DVH-metrics and 3D Gamma Analysis 3703 Eric Paulson Rapid Evaluation of Radiation Treatment Plan Quality using Interactive Treemaps 3704 Xiangrong Qi Assessment of Volumetric and Dosimetric Variations for Image Guided Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Treatment 3705 Andre Vieira Quality Assessment Of Vmat Plans For A Linac Unity Using The AAPM-tg119 Tests 3706 Marta Adamczyk The Influence of Various VMAT Optimization Strategies on Final Plan Quality in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer 3707 Aaron Nelson Comparison Of Two Atlas-based Segmentation Methods For Head And Neck Cancer With Rtog-defined Lymph Node Levels 3708 Xiangfei Chai A Web-based Image Processing and Plan Evaluation Platform (WIPPEP) for Future Cloud-Based Radiotherapy 3709 Rachel Tuohy Strategies For Evaluation of Daily Delivered Dose Using Cone Beam CT (CBCT) 3714 Ziad Fawaz Intrafraction Cone Beam Computed Tomography Imaging Evaluation During Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Lung Tumors and Metastatic Tumors to the Spine 3715 Teh Lin Comparative Assessment of Adaptive Radiation Therapy on Partial Bladder Cancer Treatment between CT-on-Rails (CTOR) and KV Cone Beam CT (CBCT) 3716 Dewayne Defoor On The Evaluation Of Patient Specific IMRT QA Using EPID, Dynalog Files and Patient Anatomy 3717 Weiguang Yao Approach to Obtaining Optimal Combination of MLC Transmission Ratio and Dynamical Leaf Gap for IMRT/VMAT Dose Calculation in TPS 3718 Xiaojian Chen Interfractional Variation Of Cardiac Dose During Whole Breast Irradiation 3719 Kelly Erickson A Technique To Quantify And Reduce Backscatter Due To Metallic Dental Restoration In Head And Neck Radiotherapy 3720 Robert Reynolds Initial Experience with VMAT Plan and Delivery Verification using a DICOM-RT Framework and Linac Delivery Log Files 3710 Jason Li Dose Delivery Accuracy of VMAT with Frequent Interruptions 3721 Chang Liu Delivered Target And Organ Dose Estimation Using Deformable Image Registration On Cone-beam Computed Tomography (cbct) Scans For Head And Neck Radiotherapy 3711 Silvia Chiesa The Dosimetric Consequences Of A Rotational Positioning Correction In IGRT Prostate Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Treatment Using A 6 DOF Robotic Couch 3722 Joong Yeol Woo Evaluation Of Fast Adaptive Planning Method Using Deformable Image Registration And Gpu Based Rtp For Lung Cancer Patients With Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy. 3712 Qiong Xu On-board CBCT Imaging Using 2.5 MV Beam On A Radiotherapy Linac For Metal Artifact Reduction 3723 Ralph Vatner Salvage Radiotherapy (RT) for Recurrence in the Brain After Surgical Resection and Involved Field Radiation Therapy (IFRT) for Single Brain Metastases: VMAT Versus Matched Lateral Fields 3713 James Robar Compensation for Imaging Dose in Low-Z Target Volume-of-Interest CBCT 3724 Vangipuram Shankar Deformable Dose Accumulation on 4-D CBCT static derived series In Oligofractionated Lung SABR - Trigger Tool For Adaptive Replanning? 3725 Chunhui Han Mobile Gross Target Volume Variations In Computed Tomography Images For SBRT Treatment Of Early-stage Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Patients Using Abdominal Compression 3726 Rodney Ellis Comparative Analysis For Renal Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (sbrt) Using Robotic Radiosurgery (RR), Protons, And Linac Based Treatment Planning Techniques 3727 Simon Lo A Multi-National Report on Technical Factors of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Oligometastases 3728 Lijun Ma Clinical Realization of Sector Beam Intensity Modulation for Gamma-Ray Based Radiosurgery 3729 Anna Simeonova Automatically Gated CBCT-controlled Fast Breath-hold SBRT Is Dosimetrically Robust and Facilitates Precision Treatments For Patients With Lung Cancer 3730 Chuxiong Ding Multistage Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Large Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations: Focused Cobalt-60 Radiosurgery Versus Robotic Radiosurgery 3731 Kohei Okawa Comparison Of 3-d And 4-d Plans In The Radiotherapy For Lung Cancer Using Real Time Tumor Tracking System 3732 Jan-Erik Palmgren Robotic Stereotactic Radiotherapy Compared To 3d Mr Image Guided Hdr Brachytherapy In The Treatment Of Cervical Cancer 3733 Joerg Rottmann Verification Real-Time Image Acquisition System (VERITAS) Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 176 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3734 Yutaka Naoi Accuracy of Hypofractionated Intracranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy under Cone-beam Computed Tomography Image Guidance with a Six Degrees of Freedom Robotic Couch and Mask System 3735 Jessica Molinier Is Tracking Better Than Free Breathing For Lung Stereotactic Treatments? A Dosimetric Comparison 3736 WITHDRAWN 3737 Thierry Gevaert Investigation Of The Optimal Prescription Isodose For Stereotactic Radiosurgery Of Vestibular Schwannomas 3738 Femke Steenbeke Targeting Accuracy Of A Stereotactic Frameless Radiosurgery Technique For Arteriovenous Malformation 3739 Alexander Louie Dosimetry, Image Guidance And Clinical Outcome Of Sub-centimeter Lung Tumors After Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy 3740 Bevan Ly A Comparative Study of Robotic and Linac-based Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Metastatic Thoracic Spinal Tumors 3741 Alireza Fotouhi Ghiam Dosimetric Impact of Combined Rotational and Translational Setup Errors on Spinal Cord Dose in Patients Treated With Spine Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) For Spinal Metastasis 3742 Winnie Li Impact of Immobilization on Intra-Fraction Motion for Dedicated Cobalt Radiosurgery Unit Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography 3743 Randi Cohen Pre-Treatment SBRT Imaging Correlates Equally Well with Multi-Phase 4DCT and Averaging of 4DCT Simulation 3744 Ruggero Ruggieri Comparison Of Computed 88% TCP Dose For SBRT Of NSCLC From Different Models 3745 Murshed Hossain Respiratory Motion-Encompassing Planning Target Volume (ME-PTV) for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) of Lung Cancer 3746 Ravindra Yaparpalvi Characterization of Target Dosimetry in Lung SBRT 3747 Rabia Nergiz Dagoglu Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Pelvic Recurrence from Colorectal Cancer 3748 Dariusz Michalski Dynamic System Theory for Lung Cancer Patient Breathing 3749 Marcus Sonier Evaluation Of Immobilization On Target Localization For Image-guided Kidney/ Adrenal SBRT 3750 Jin-Song Ye Does MLC with Finer Leaf Width Improve the Treatment Plan Quality in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Lung Cancers 3751 Jianzhou Wu Duty Cycle Selection of Gating in Lung SBRT with Flatting-Filter-Free Beams 3752 Thomas Zilli Urethra-sparing Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Localized Prostate Cancer: Dosimetric Results From A Prospective Multicenter Randomized Phase II Trial 3753 Huan-Huan Wang Feasibility And Efficacy of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Using Robotic Radiosurgery as Curative Treatment for Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma 3754 Zsolt Gabos A Planning Comparison of 3D Conformal Multiple Static Field, Conformal Arc and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for the Delivery of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer 3755 Hyun Kim Dosimetric Comparison of Gamma Knife and VMAT Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma 3756 Joanne Zhung Evaluation Of Interfraction Changes In Tumor Volume To Predict Long Term Outcomes Of Sbrt In Early Stage Nsclc 3757 Benedicte Henriques Use Of FDG-PET To Guide Dose Prescription Heterogeneity In Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Lung Cancers With Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: A Study Of Feasibility 3758 Cinzia Talamonti Novel Epitaxial Silicon Array for Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy 3759 John Lucas Safety Assessment, Artifact Reduction and Description of Geometric Distortion Associated with Diffusion Imaging (DWI) with Rigid Head Frame Immobilization for Stereotactic Radiosurgery 3760 Guang Li Clinical Experience With Two Cranial Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery (fSRS) Systems 3761 Markus Oechsner Respiratory-Gated Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy: a Planning Study of 3D-CRT vs VMAT 3762 Rafael Pineiro Retif Local Control Evaluation In Bone Metastases Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Initial Experience 3763 Christopher Estes Comparative Analysis of Monte Carlo and Pencil Beam Algorithm-Derived Dose Distributions for Tumors and Normal Tissue in Lung Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy 3764 Phuong-Di Dang Intra-fraction Setup Verification During Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer Using Rectal Balloons 3765 Rajesh Rajan Dosimetric Impact Of Intrafraction Motion In Spine SABR Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 177 3777 Tomi Ogunleye Comparison of Linear Accelerator (linac) and Cobalt-60 Based SRS Dosimetric Indices in the Radiosurgical Treatment Of Cerebral AVM Patients 3788 Umar Masood Development of a Novel Compact Particle Therapy Facility with Laser driven Ion Beams via Gantry Systems based on Pulsed Magnets 3767 Steven Babic Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) Based Evaluation of a Non-Invasive Stereotactic Head Frame Equipped With a Vacuum Fixation Bite-Block for Radiosurgery 3778 Misbah Gulam Single Isocenter Lung SBRT for Multiple PTV Lesions 3768 Johan Cuijpers A Predictive Model for Radiosurgery Plan Quality and VMAT Planning Objectives for Multiple-Brain Metastases 3779 Enid Choi Application of a Survival-Predicting Nomogram Based Primarily on Whole Brain Radiotherapy-Treated Patients with Brain Metastases Yields Significant Underestimates for RadiosurgeryTreated Patients 3789 Paul Romesser Proton Beam Radiation Therapy (PBRT) Results in Significantly Reduced Acute Toxicity Rates Compared with Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) When Treating the Ipsilateral Neck for Head and Neck Cancer 3766 Tonghe Wang Motion Effects on Organ Dose in Respiratory Gated Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy 3769 Pauline Rochefort Local Control And Role of Fractionation in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy For Adrenal Gland Metastasis 3770 Qinghui Zhang Dosimetric Effect of Prescription Isodose Line Selection on Normal Tissues in SRS and SRT Treatment Planning 3771 Joel Broomfield Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Gynaecological Malignancies in the Oligometastatic Setting 3772 Ricardo Wang Comparison of Whole Brain Integral Dose between Whole Brain Radiotherapy and Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Multiple Brain Metastases 3773 Bin Han Development of a High-Resolution and High-Efficiency Dosimetry Strategy for Robotic Radiosurgery QA 3774 Gozde Yazici The Dosimetric Impact of Implants on the Spinal Cord Dose in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3775 Allan Chen Six-Dimensional Setup Variations and Intra-Fraction Corrections in Image-Guided Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia 3776 Zhong Su SBRT/SRS Experience Using a Vero Linac for Oligometastases 3780 Houda Bahig Quantitative MRI Changes PostStereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Of The Spine 3781 Tejas Telivala Linac with Flattening Filter Free (FFF) mode based Virtual HDR treatment for localized Prostate Cancer: A Dosimetric Feasibility Study 3782 Fiori Alite Impact of Monte Carlo Treatment Planning on Local Control in Lung SBRT 3783 Bo Zhao Lowering Dose Prescription from the 85% to 60% Isodose Lines may Reduce Radiation Necrosis in Intracranial Tumors after Linac-based Radiosurgery 3784 Yi Rong Evaluation of Fiducial Migration in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Patients 3785 Andreea Pennington Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) using Robotic Radiosurgery for Lung Cancer - Comparison of Treatment Plans using Ray Tracing (RT) and Monte Carlo (MC) Algorithm 3786 John Cuaron Coverage Of Posterior Supraclavicular Fossa With Post-mastectomy Proton Therapy For Breast Cancer: A Dosimetric Comparison Study And Implications For Target Definition 3787 John Cuaron Dosimetric Comparison Of Skin Surface Dose In Patients Undergoing Proton And Photon Radiation Therapy For Breast Cancer 3790 Yuichi Akino Respiratory Motion Management of Liver Cancer in Uniform Scanning Proton Beam Therapy 3791 Jorrit Visser Robust Proton Versus Photon Dose Escalated Chemoradiation as Primary Treatment for Oesophageal Cancer 3792 Dongxu Wang The Impact of Body Weight Change on the Dose Distribution of Intensitymodulated Proton Therapy for Cervical Cancer 3793 Witold Matysiak Evaluation of the RangeShifter model in a commercial Proton Therapy Planning System 3794 Terence Sio A Dosimetric Planning Feasibility Study for Spot-scanned Stereotactic Body Proton Therapy (SBPT) for Unresectable Pancreatic Tumors 3795 Erik Tryggestad Aggregated Plan Robustness Analyses for Spot-Scanned Pancreatic Stereotactic Body Proton Therapy 3796 Jedediah Johnson Modeling the Dosimetric Effects of Repainting in Respiratory-gated Spot Scanning Proton Treatment Plans 3797 Bruce Faddegon A Sub-millimeter Experimental Benchmark Of A 67.5 Mev Proton Depth Dose Curve In Water 3798 Tony Wong Evaluation Of Treatment Plan Robustness With Adaptive Re-planning For Recurrent Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Protons Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 178 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3799 Shinichi Shimizu Realization of the Cone-beam CT by Fpds that Mounted on the Spotscanning Dedicated Proton Beam Gantry 3800 Sreekrishna Murty Goddu Novel Method for Range Validation of Proton Beams in Biological Tissues 3801 Aiping Ding An EPID-based Dosimetric Verification Tool for Electron Beam Therapy 3802 Vania Batista Planning Strategies And Inter- And Intra-fractional Motion Robustness For Pancreatic Patients Treated With Scanned Carbon Ion Therapy 3803 Jaeman Son Development Of Proton Dosimetry System Using Fiber-optic Array Including Real-time Analysis Software Tool 3804 Chuan Zeng Proton Pencil Beam Scanning for Mediastinal Lymphoma: Dosimetric Evaluation and 4-dimensional Robustness Assessment 3805 Paige Summers Compilation of Proton Therapy Data from the Approval Process for NCI-funded Clinical Trials 3806 Oscar Casares Magaz Evaluation Of The Stability Of The Water Equivalent Path Length In Proton Therapy Of Lung Tumors Using 4D-CT Images 3807 Li Zhao Adaptive Re-planning For Proton Treatment of Lung Cancer Using 4D Planning 3808 Jerimy Polf Verifying Proton Treatment Delivery Using Prompt Gamma Imaging 3809 Patrick Richard Phantom Analysis of Dental Filling Materials: Impact on Head and Neck Tumor Visualization and Proton Beam Dosimetry 3811 Kwanghyun Jo A Reusable Proton Range Compensator And Verification Of Its Functionality 3812 Bryan Ager Hounsfield Unit Correction for Dental Implant Materials in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy of Head and Neck Cancer: A Quality Assurance Benchmark Study 3813 Heng Li Minimizing Dose Uncertainty For Spot Scanning Proton Therapy Of Moving Tumors By Optimization Of The Spot Delivery Sequence 3814 Bin Cai Eliminate the Scattering Component in Smearing Margin with Modern Treatment Planning System in Proton Therapy 3815 Aman Anand Spot Scanned Proton Treatment Could Potentially Reduce Hemotoxicity In Patients Being Treated With Radiation For Endometrial And Cervix Cancer 3823 Ileana Iftimia Sensitivity Analysis of Rotation Effects with the Miami Multi-channel HDR Treatment Technique 3824 David Craft 3D Planning With Low Segment Multi-criteria IMRT Software 3825 Ergun Ahunbay Applicability Of An Aperture-morphing Based Replanning Algorithm For Flattening-filter-free Beams 3826 Jong In Park Optimal Design and Evaluation of Electron Beam Energy Degrader for Breast Boost Irradiation 3827 Huiting (Christine) Feng Simultaneously Integrated Boost (SIB) Improves Sparing of Normal Tissues in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer While Reducing Overall Treatment Time 3828 Dae Yup Han Direction Modulated Brachytherapy (DMBT) for Cervical Cancer 3816 Yuanshui Zheng Minimizing Treatment Planning Errors in Proton Therapy Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 3829 Nicolas Depauw A Novel Proton Pencil Beam Scanning Technique For Post-mastectomy Chest Wall Irradiation 3817 Juliane Daartz Technical Aspects Of A Proton Stereotactic Radiosurgery Program 3830 Deepak Gupta Real Time Gall Bladder Motion And Deformation During Fractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 3818 James Welsh FFAG Accelerators for Next-Generation Ion Beam Therapy Systems 3819 Mehran Zaini Radiation Physics of a New Electronic Brachytherapy System for Treating Skin Lesions 3820 Anna Dinkla Validation of a Novel User-friendly Approach to Inverse Optimization for Stepping Source Prostate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning 3821 Samuel Shin Use of Simultaneous Integrated Boost Regimen with Flexible Inflatable Multi-Channel Versus Single Channel and Syed Applicator in the Management of Gynecologic Cancer 3831 Ruijiang Li Non-isocentric Treatment Strategy For Breast Radiotherapy 3832 Phillip Prior Effect Of Electron Density Assignment On MRI-based Imrt Planning 3833 Bianey Palma Optimization Of Beam Parameters For Very High-energy Electron Radiotherapy: A Lung Cancer Case 3834 Andre-Guy Martin Robotically Guided Prostatic Fiducial Marker Insertion Under Direct MRI Guidance: A Proof Of Concept In A Live Canine Subject 3835 Guanzhong Gong Is It Necessary To Inhale Oxygen 3810 Drosoula Giantsoudi Applying Active Breathing Control In 3822 Juha Korhonen Symptomatic Treatment Change in Radiotherapy Of Cancer? MRI-only Based RTP Workflow for Medulloblastoma Patients after Proton Prostate Cancer Patients RT: LET Distributions and RBE Associations Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 179 3836 Jiancheng Li The Analysis Of Esophageal Tumor Mobility During Normal Respiration With Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography 3848 Uma Goyal Prone Lead Shield to Reduce Scatter Radiation to the Contralateral Breast During Radiotherapy For Breast Cancer: Physics Results 3859 George Hajdok Large, Half-Beam, Flattening Filter Free Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer Radiation Therapy 3837 Tianfang Li Density Effect on Monte Carlo Dose Calculation for Lung Robotic Radiosurgery 3849 Liangzhong Xiang High Precision Focal Brachytherapy of Prostate Cancer Guided by Dual-Mode Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging 3860 Xing Liang Proton PBS Plan Design and Robustness Evaluation for Head and Neck Cancer 3838 Daniel Santos Tangential Volumetric Modulated Radiotherapy Is Superior To Brachytherapy For Large Scalp Lesions: A Case Study In Lentigo Maligna 3850 Jessica Lowenstein Leif The Credentialing Process for the NSABP B-51/RTOG 1304 Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial 3839 Magdalena Bazalova Treatment-Planning Study For Very High-Energy Electron Beam Radiotherapy: Integral Dose Reduction For Pediatric Patients 3840 Yu Ra Cho Dosimetric evaluation of Polymer Gel Dosimeter using Saccharide in Clinical Radiotherapy System 3841 Pietro Mancosu Robustness and In Vivo Dosimetry for Total Marrow Irradiation With VMAT 3842 Nan Zhao A Novel Integrated VMAT/IMRT Technique For the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 3843 Nan Zhao A Novel Integrated VMAT/IMRT Technique for the Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 3844 Panagiotis Tsiamas A Simplified Craniocaudal Modulated Arc Technique for Total Body Irradiation 3845 Wilko Verbakel An Automated Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Optimization Solution for Head and Neck Treatment Planning 3846 Roohi Gupta In vivo Pharmacokinetics and Biodistribution of Drug-Loaded Nanodroplets for Treating Prostate Cancer Using Focused-Ultrasound under MR-Guidance 3847 Danique Barten Evaluation of Organ at Risk Sparing and Robustness for Different Proton Planning Techniques for Head-andNeck Cancer 3851 C.M. Charlie Ma Pulsed Low Dose Rate Radiotherapy (PLDR) For Recurrent Cancers: Treatment Planning Strategies for IMRT and VMAT 3852 Bill Salter Hybrid Modulated Arc Therapy (HMAT) on an Artiste Linac 3853 Katarzyna Balasz Total Lymphoid Irradiation: A Comparison of the Dose Distributions of Four Irradiation Techniques 3854 Maryam Moteabbed Robustness of Proton Therapy Versus IMRT to Interfractional Variations for Prostate Cancer Treatments 3855 Houari Korideck Intratracheal Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles for Radiotherapy in Murine Lung Adenocarcinoma 3856 Evan Thomas Fast-Awitching Dual Energy Computed Tomography Mitigates the Effects of High-Z Streak Artifact in Radiation Treatment Planning 3857 Baotian Huang Optimizing Dose Delivery Strategies in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy of Early Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer With RapidArc and Flattering Filter Free Beams 3858 Michael Rutenberg Dosimetric Advantages of an Adaptive Strategy Using Dual-Plan Superposition for Whole Pelvis Radiotherapy in High Risk Prostate Cancer 3861 Nava Paudel Free Radical Generation Under the Conditions of Nanoparticle-aided Microwave Hyperthermia 3862 Arya Amini Dose Painting to Treat Single Lobe Prostate Cancer Using Targeted External Beam Radiation Therapy: Is It Feasible? SARCOMA AND CUTENEOUS TUMORS 3374 Jennifer Pretz Localized Adult Ewing Sarcoma (ES): Improved Outcomes With Ifosfamide and Etoposide (IE) Added to Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, and Vincristine (CAV) Chemotherapy (CT) 3375 Dana Casey Ewing Sarcoma in Adults Treated With Modern Radiotherapy Techniques 3376 Stephanie Casey Use of Protoporphyrin Fluorescence to Determine Clinical Target Volumes for Non-Melanotic Skin Cancers Treated With Primary Radiotherapy 3377 Jianyang Wang Comparison of Postoperative Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy With Two-dimensional Radiotherapy in Patients With Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Extremities and Trunk 3378 Dana Casey Whole Lung Irradiation for Adults With Pulmonary Metastases From Ewing Sarcoma 3379 Matthew Cheney 18F-FMISO PET/CT Visualization of Tumor Hypoxia in Patients With Chordoma of the Mobile and Sacrococcygeal Spine Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings 180 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3380 Meritxell Arenas Hypofractionated High Dose Rate Brachytherapy in Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Treatment 3392 Darwin Yip Review of Experience and Outcome of Dural Plaque Brachytherapy from 2000-2013 3381 Amar Kishan Feasibility of MRI-guided Tri-Cobalt-60 IMRT for Preoperative Radiotherapy of Soft Tissue Sarcomas 3393 Laura Kollar Does Post-Neoadjuvant Therapy PET Response Predict Pathologic Outcomes in the Treatment of Sarcomas? 3382 Michael Cheung Acute Skin Toxicity using High Dose Rate Electronic Brachytherapy for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer 3394 Franel Le Grange Late Effects of Radiotherapy in Extremity Sarcoma 3383 Sanghyuk Song Effects of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Patients With Synovial Sarcoma 3384 Aryavarta Kumar HDR Brachytherapy for Resected Retroperitoneal Sarcoma in the Primary and Recurrent Setting 3385 Haotong Wang Prognostic Factors in Alveolar Soft-Part Sarcoma: A Seer Analysis 3386 Ajay Bhatnagar Electronic Brachytherapy for the Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer: Results up to 4 Years 3387 Tobias Chapman Myxoid Liposarcomas Demonstrate a Profound Response to Neoadjuvant Radiation Therapy: An MRI Based Volumetric Analysis and Pathological Correlation 3388 Anthony Crimaldi Effects of Radiation Therapy in Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas (STS) of the Extremities (Ext): A 20 Year Retrospective Review 3389 Pin-I Huang Outcomes Of Head And Neck Osteosarcoma: 10-year Experience At A Single Institution 3390 Silvia Rodriguez Villalba HDR Valencia Applicator in NonMelanoma Skin Cancer: Clinical Outcomes 3391 Upendra Parvathaneni A Novel Single-fraction Radiotherapy Approach For Metastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma Is Well Tolerated And Demonstrates Strong Efficacy Linked To Intact Cellular Immunity 3395 Hesham Gayar Results of Novel Multi-Channel HDR Brachytherapy Applicators in the Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer 3396 Julian Johnson Single Institutional Series of Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT) for Primary and Recurrent Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Sarcomas 3397 Christopher Barker Locally Advanced and Unresectable Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Outcomes of Concurrent Cetuximab and Radiotherapy 3398 Katsuyuki Karasawa IMRT for Angiosarcoma of the Scalp Using TomoTherapy: Planning Study and the Initial Results 3399 Michael Hadsell Tangential Modulated Arc Therapy: A Novel Technique for the Treatment of Superficial Disease 3400 Omeed Moalikyar Adjuvant Radiation Therapy for Sarcomas of the Head and Neck: A Single Institution Experience 3404 Hina Saeed Impact Of 3dcrtvs Imrt On Post-operative Wound Complications 3405 Bindu Manyam Inferior Outcomes in Immunosuppressed Patients With High Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Treated With Surgery and Radiation Therapy 3406 Christopher Tinkle Oncologic Surgery and Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) in Management of Unplanned Excision of Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) 3407 Christopher Wilke Radiologic And Pathologic Response After Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy For Myxoid Liposarcoma Of The Extremities 3408 Kenneth Merrell Outcomes And Prognostic Factors Of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Soft Tissue Sarcoma Metastases 3409 Joseph Pennington Does a Post-operative Boost in Patients With Low Necrosis Scores Improve Local Control in High Grade Extremity Sarcomas? 3410 Oren Cahlon Hypofractionated Preoperative Radiation Therapy to a Partial Tumor Volume in Retroperitoneal Sarcomas (RPS): A Dosimetric Comparison Between Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Uniform Scanning Proton Therapy (PT) 3411 Aashish Bhatt High Dose Proton Beam Boosted Radiation Therapy in the Management of Non-Skull Base Chondrosarcomas 3401 Masahiro Kenjo Long Term Results of Postoperative Three Dimensional High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Soft Tissue Sarcomas 3402 Christopher Tinkle Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) in the Management of Recurrent Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) 3403 Alex Jacobson Outcomes of Patients With Synovial Sarcomas Treated With Multimodality Therapy: A Single Institution Review 3412 James Snider III Use of “Virtual” High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy via Spatially Fractionated GRID Radiation Therapy (SFGRT) as Part of Neoadjuvant Therapy in Poor Prognosis, Bulky Sarcomas 3413 Sean Szeja Clinical Effects of Ultraviolet Exposure on Cutaneous Melanoma for White Americans in SEER Poster # correlates with the abstract number listed in the Annual Meeting Proceedings ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 181 prestigious “Ateaching faculty has been assembled to promote dialogue, provide multidisciplinary viewpoints and interact with participants. –Karen Kelly, MD, Symposium Chair ” CHICAGO MULTIDISCIPLINARY SYMPOSIUM in THORACIC ONCOLOGY R A D I AT I O N T H E R A P Y SURGERY CHEMOTHERAPY October 30-November 1, 2014 Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile | Chicago • Hear multidisciplinary speakers addressing topics relevant to everyday practice. • Participate in case-based presentations and post-session discussions on future directions for cancer treatment. • NEW IN 2014: Tumor board sessions on early disease and metastatic disease cases submitted by attendees. Register by October 1 for advance rates: This live activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. CO-SPONSORED BY: ® INSIDE: Index by Author Index by Track Indexes ASTRO 2015 Annual Meeting Moves Deep in the Heart of Texas! Indexes October 18-21, 2015 • Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center • San Antonio Did you know that San Antonio is: • • • • • • • • The seventh largest city in the United States. Easy to get to, with direct flights from 34 cities. A very walkable city, with the famous River Walk, featuring 15 miles of paths lined with shops, cafes and bistros. Home to more than 25 museums including the McNay, ranked 4th in the US for 19th and 20th century art. A place with wonderful family attractions, such as SeaWorld, San Antonio Zoo and Aquarium, Six Flags and several water parks. Birthplace of the American Cowboy. Site of the world famous Alamo. AND, THE LOCATION FOR ASTRO’S 57TH ANNUAL MEETING! Want to know more? Stop by the San Antonio booth in the North Concourse of the Moscone Center, Sunday and Monday, September 14 and 15, 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. and Tuesday, September 16, 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Index by Author (Abstracts only) A Abacioglu, Mehmet Ufuk Abazeed, Mohamed Abel, Ryan Abernathy, Lisa Abing, Casey Able, Charles Abo-Madyan, Yasser Abraham, Christopher Abramowitz, Matthew Abrams, Matthew Acharya, Sahaja Adam, Jean-François Adamczyk, Marta Adli, Mustafa Advani, Sunil Agaoglu, Fulya Agarwal, Ankit Agazaryan, Nzhde Agbahiwe, Harold Ager, Bryan Aghdam, Nima Agoston, Peter Aguilera, Todd Ahlawat, Stuti Ahmad, Moiz Ahmed, Inaya Ahmed, Inaya Ahmed, Kamran Ahmed, Kamran Ahmed, Kamran Ahmed, Merina Ahmed, Zain Ahn, Peter Ahn, Sung-Ja Ahunbay, Ergun Aizer, Ayal Akimoto, Mami Akino, Yuichi Akram, Kothwal Akthar, Adil Al-Basheer, Ahmad Albuquerque, Kevin Alco, Gul Alcorn, Sara Alcorn, Sara Alcorn, Sara Aleman, Berthe Al-Halabi, Hani Ali, Mirza Alite, Fiori Alite, Fiori Alizadeh-Kashani, Moein Aljabab, Saif Allen, Aaron Allen, Bryan Alpuche Aviles, Jorge Althaqfi, Saif Altman, Michael Altun, Musa Ambroa Rey, Eva Amin, Raima Amini, Arya Amini, Arya Amornwichet, Napapat 2721 224 2288 3461 3592 3339 2026 2282 286 2361 2086 26 3706 3041 1038 2640 2989 3567 2982 3812 3015 2578 1008 2131 3490 3073 3074 2237 2241 35 7 2210 2919 3037 3825 2810 3571 3790 1018 3057 2922 3554 2048 177 3237 3302 138 3159 3582 3782 1011 2756 3235 3085 3428 3677 2264 3652 2791 2034 2468 3862 2728 3466 Amoush, Ahmad Anand, Aman Anand, Aman Anderson, Bradley Anderson, Eric Anderson, Nigel Andreassen, Christian Anker, Christopher Anne, Pramila, Rani Antognoni, Paolo Antoine, Mikael Anwar, Mekhail Apisarnthanarax, Smith Arenas, Meritxell Ariga, Takuro Arneson, Kyle Arneson, Kyle Arns, Anna Arora, Divya Arunsingh, Moses Asakura, Hirofumi Ascolese, Anna Maria Ashamalla, Hani Asher, David Ashworth, Allison Ashworth, Allison Asuni, Ganiyu Atsumi, Kazushige Avkshtol, Vladimir Ayala-Peacock, Diandra Aznar, Marianne Azoulay, Melissa 3672 3815 2460 182 2459 2903 328 2173 90 2872 3612 2185 2394 3380 2307 2277 3243 3578 3205 2623 2561 3067 1127 2620 134 168 31 2306 3247 275 3172 2167 B Balasz, Katarzyna Baba, Fumiya Babic, Steven Baden, Craig Badiyan, Shahed Bagley, Jack Bagshaw, Hilary Bahig, Houda Bahl, Gaurav Baig, Nimrah Bair, Ryan Bakhoum, Samuel Balagamwala, Ehsan Baldini, Elizabeth Baliga, Sujith Ballas, Leslie Balter, James Balter, Peter Bar Ad, Voichita Baral, Shweta Barker, Christopher Barker, Christopher Barnes, Mark Barrett, Kate Barron, David Barsky, Andrew Barsky, Andrew Barten, Danique Baschnagel, Andrew Bates, James Batista, Vania 3853 3082 3767 2471 2286 2514 2239 3780 2936 71 2744 3449 3192 253 2742 2930 1104 3667 165 1054 2217 3397 3223 3531 3326 3045 3282 3847 2364 2226 3802 Bauer, Nicolas Baumann, Brian Baumann, Brian Bazalova, Magdalena Bazan, Jose Beadle, Beth Beard, Clair Bedos, Ludovic Bekelman, Justin Belcaid, Zineb Belkacemi, Yazid Belkacemi, Yazid Benezery, Karine Bennion, Nathan Berbeco, Ross Bergamo, Angelo Bergom, Carmen Bergsma, Derek Berk, Lawrence Berman, Abigail Bernard, Mark Bernstein, Michael Berriochoa, Camille Berriochoa, Camille Bertke, Matthew Best, Ryan Betzing, Christopher Bhandare, Niranjan Bhandare, Niranjan Bhandare, Niranjan Bhateja, Priyanka Bhatnagar, Ajay Bhatt, Aashish Bhatt, Neal Bhirud, Abhijeet Bhooshan, Neha Bi, Nan Bilimagga, Ramesh Bishop, Andrew Biswas, Tithi Biswas, Tithi Bitterman, Danielle Blacksburg, Seth Blacksburg, Seth Blakaj, Adriana Blake, Monika Blanchard, Miran Blas, Kevin Blay, Christophe Blessing, Manuel Block, Alec Blom, Gerrit Boda-Heggemann, Judit Boda-Heggemann, Judit Boehling, Nick Boelke, Edwin Boggs, Hunter Bohoudi, Omar Booth, Jeremy Bornstein, Sophia Borst, Gerben Bortolin, Maria Teresa Bosnic, Sandi Bota, Krista Bourgier, Celine Bovi, Joseph 2720 260 290.5 3839 2050 2862 2651 3665 132 79 2084 2061 2433 2457 1098 3625 97 3060 CT-07 1117 1110 2372 2381 3132 2905 2694 3560 2800 2870 3587 2838 3386 3411 3072 2456 2413 3122 2799 197 3157 3521 64 3363 2416 3203 3106 118 2612 2574 3577 313 3114 2341 3570 244 152 2296 276 42 3420 3445 3533 2037 2420 2106 2179 Bowen, Stephen Bowen, Stephen Boyle, John Boyle, John Bradley, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Tyler Braunstein, Lior Braunstein, Lior Braunstein, Lior Braunstein, Steve Braunstein, Steve Bremjit, Prashoban Brenneman, Randall Brigotti, Samantha Broomfield, Joel Broomfield, Joel Brower, Jeffrey Bryant, Curtis Buchsbaum, Jeffrey Burkeen, Jeffrey Byler, Shannon 3138 3061 2686 170 317 6 3182 2067 1030 2983 32 3088 1045 3137 3771 2274 107 2525 3465 2261 2996 C Cacicedo, Jon Cahlon, Oren Cahlon, Oren Cai, Bin Caldas Magalhaes, Joana Campbell, Shauna Cannon, Nathan Cao, Kim Cao, Lu Cardenas, Michael Carlone, Marco Carlson, Julie Carlson, Julie Carmona, Ruben Carvajal, Claudia Casares Magaz, Oscar Cascales Garcia, Maria A. Casey, Dana Casey, Dana Casey, Dana Casey, Stephanie Cassidy, Richard Cassuto, Ophelie Castelli, Joel Castelnau-Marchand, Pauline Caster, Joseph Cattaneo, Richard Caudell, Jimmy Caudell, Jimmy Cellini, Francesco Cellini, Francesco Chai, Xiangfei Chalubinska-Fendler, Justyna Chan, Annie Chan, Jason Chance, William Chandra, Ravi Chang, Albert Chang, Daniel Chang, Eric 2866 3410 3303 3814 2823 2978 3043 1014 2069 65 2652 2168 2169 3629 3210 3806 2117 3378 3375 3322 3376 2753 3191 3680 2577 2809 2268 3158 2030 2598 2405 2214 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 185 1066 342 3121 2159 1060 3250 2675 3708 Chang, Jennifer Chang, Jennifer Chang, Jennifer Chang, Joe Chang, Joseph Tung-Chieh Chang, Kenneth Chang, Tangel Chang-Halpenny, Christine Chao, Samuel Chapman, Christina Chapman, Tobias Chaudary, Naz Chaudhary, Ahmed Chaudhuri, Aadel Chaudhuri, Aadel Chen, Aileen Chen, Allan Chen, Bo Chen, Helen Chen, Jiayi Chen, Jonathan Chen, Josephine Chen, Peter Chen, Peter Chen, Susie Chen, Xiaojian Chen, Xinfeng Chen, Yong Chen, Yu Chen, Yu Chen, Yun Cheney, Matthew Cheney, Matthew Cheng, Hui Cheng, Jessica Cheng, Jonathan Cheng, Simon Chera, Bisham Cheung, Michael Cheung, Michael Cheung, Patrick Chhabra, Arpit Chhabra, Arpit Chiang, Andrew Chiang, Andrew Chiang, Yun Chiesa, Silvia Chiesa, Silvia Chilukuri, Srinivas Chin, Joanna Chin, Re-I Chino, Junzo Chirindel, Alin Chiu, George Cho, Daniel Cho, Eunpi Cho, Jae Ho Cho, Kwang Hwan Cho, Yeona Cho, Yu Ra Choe, Kevin Choflet, Amanda Choi, Chihwan Choi, Enid Choi, Noah Choi, Seohee Choudhung, Anaya Chu, Kwun-Ye Chua, Melvin Lee Kiang Chun, Stephen Chung, Caroline Chung, Yoonsun 186 2240 2290 2151 3028 2818 221 2979 2711 3354 2722 3387 1072 2918 3422 1007 301 3775 3189 2453 2075 2816 2723 297 2137 2781 3718 210 2784 3152 3345 2332 3379 3226 3593 2342 2524 1139 280 2875 3382 126 12 2500 1005 2555 10 2188 3711 2861 3297 2865 1063 2165 3605 3634 2488 3463 3684 2902 3840 78 2336 103 3779 1133 2244 2516 3658 262 1092 3622 2097 Chuong, Michael Chuong, Michael Cifuentes Gaitan, Jidney Cihoric, Nikola Citrin, Deborah Clark, Grant Clavier, Jean-Baptiste Clemente Gutierrez, Francisco Coates, James Cohen, Randi Colaco, Rovel Colaco, Rovel Colbert, Lauren Colbert, Lauren Colvill, Emma Comito, Tiziana Commandeur, Frederic Conrad, Tatiana Conway, Jessica Cooper, Benjamin Cooper, Samuel Cordova, Elisa Corso, Christopher Corso, Christopher Counago, Felipe Counago, Felipe Counago, Felipe Cox, Brett Craft, David Crawford, David Creelan, Ben Crehange, Gilles Crehange, Gilles Crimaldi, Anthony Croke, Jennifer Croke, Jennifer Cruz, Misael Cuaron, John Cuaron, John Cuaron, John Cuaron, John Cuaron, John Cui, Taoran Cuijpers, Johan Cuneo, Kyle Curkendoll, Crys Curry, Heather Curry, Heather Cury, Fabio Cvek, Jakub Czito, Brian 2414 2419 1080 2942 332 2658 2236 3702 43 3743 2235 2234 100 2348 310 2396 2570 2972 172 1036 2625 2040 2926 1003 2496 2558 2497 2654 3824 2556 163 2590 1125 3388 238 2702 1053 2863 339 3787 3786 2007 316 3768 2346 2994 130 3249 2649 2878 39 D Daartz, Juliane Dabaja, Bouthaina Dabaja, Bouthaina Dabaja, Bouthaina Dabaja, Bouthaina Dabaja, Bouthaina Dadey, David Dagoglu, Rabia Nergiz Dahele, Max Dai Kubicky, Charlotte Dalah, Entesar Damast, Shari Damato, Antonio Damato, Antonio Dan, Tu Dang, Phuong-Di De Bari, Berardino ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3817 3177 335 3166 140 3178 3433 3747 2987 2102 2353 240 3700 278 3524 3764 2464 De Paula, Ugo De Rose, Fiorenza Dean, Mary Debus, Charlotte Decker, Roy Defoor, Dewayne Dekker, Andre Del Cerro Penalver, Elia Delaney, Kyle Demas, Kristina Dempsey, Claire Den, Robert Depauw, Nicolas Deraniyagala, Rohan Desai, Brijal Desai, Neil DeSelm, Carl Dhami, Gurleen Dhami, Gurleen Dhanireddy, Bhaswanth Dhanireddy, Bhaswanth Dholakia, Avani Di, Liu Diaz Pardo, Dayssy Diaz Pardo, Dayssy Diletto, Barbara Dimitroyannis, Dimitri Dinan, Michaela Dincbas, H. Fazilet Ding, Aiping Ding, Chuxiong Ding, Yao Ding, Yun Dinkla, Anna Dise, Joseph Disher, Brandon Doi, Yoshiko Doke, Kaleigh Dolezel, Martin Doll, Corinne Dominello, Michael Dominello, Michael Dong, Qian Dong, Xiaorong Dover, Laura Dowlatshahi, Morteza Doyle, Paula Draghici, Roxana Du, Shisuo Duan, Yili Duelge, Jason Duma, Marciana-Nona Duma, Marciana-Nona Dunlap, Neal Dunn, Emily Durkee, Ben Dvorak, Tomas Dyer, Brandon Dyer, Michael 2023 1034 2293 2184 1144 3716 3100 2041 3366 2100 2672 347 3829 3355 2172 2724 3319 3141 2991 2833 2827 1048 2292 2869 2170 2187 2963 2943 3091 3801 3730 160 2021 3820 2729 3044 2294 2921 2547 61 17 3464 3509 3458 1113 2156 2642 3661 116 3034 2033 2011 3087 2880 2687 137 3332 2422 2207 E Eaton, Bree Eaton, Bree Eblan, Michael Edson, Mark Edwards, Albert Edwards, Jason Edwards-Bennett, Sophia Eldredge-Hindy, Harriet Elicin, Olgun Elliott, David 2271 245 2155 2819 2509 3115 3696 1027 2910 3270 Ellis, Rodney Elnahal, Shereef Elshaikh, Mohamed Elson, Andrew Eng, Tony Engelman, Alexander Engels, Benedikt Engels, Benedikt Engineer, Reena Enke, Thomas Epperly, Michael Epperly, Michael Epperly, Michael Epperly, Michael Epperly, Michael Epperly, Michael Epperly, Michael Erho, Nicholas Erickson, Delnora Erickson, Kelly Ernst, Iris Estabrook, Neil Estes, Christopher Evans, Joseph Evans, Joseph 3726 3369 2718 2163 2692 2609 40 2519 2409 3529 331 3454 3442 3441 3526 3530 3528 348 2010 3719 2400 2283 3763 2494 193 F Fachal, Laura 114 Faddegon, Bruce 3797 Fahim Golestaneh, Azadeh 3418 Falchook, Aaron 2027 Fan, Yankhua 3153 Fanchon, Louise 3615 Faria, Sergio 2621 Farnia, Benjamin 3325 Farnia, Benjamin 1017 Farnia, Benjamin 1138 Farr, Jonathan 3165 Fasola, Carolina 2154 Fawaz, Ziad 3714 Fechter, Tobias 3548 Felder, Shira 2666 Felix, Manuela 3514 Feng, Felix CT-02 Feng, Huiting (Christine) 3827 Feng, Mary 2410 Feng, Wen 3078 Fenoglietto, Pascal 3685 Fernandes, Annemarie 2295 Fernandez, Eduardo 3148 Ferraris, Gustavo 2713 Ferrer, Ferran 2560 Fiandra, Christian 3695 Finkelstein, Steven 2490 Fischer-Valuck, Ben 3019 Fog, Lotte 3656 Fogarty, Gerald 2243 Foley, Kimberley 2945 Fontanilla, Hiral 3328 Fotouhi Ghiam, Alireza 3741 Fowble, Barbara 92 Franco, Pierfrancesco 3229 Freilich, Jessica 2351 Freilich, Jessica 2871 Friborg, Jeppe 2831 Fritscher, Karl 3360 Fu, Shen 11 Fujioka, Chiaki 3215 Fujita, Yujiro 3649 Fujitani, Nobumasa 2182 Fuller, Donald 2510 Fuller, Donald Fung, Winky Wing Ki Funk, Ryan Furlan, Carlo Furlan, Carlo Furutani, Shunsuke 2627 3576 267 3168 171 3492 G Gabos, Zsolt Galalae, Razvan Galloway, Thomas Gamez, Mauricio Gan, Gregory Gan, Hua Gao, Ang Gao, Dexuan Gao, Lanting Gao, Song Gao, Wendy Gao, Zhenhua Garg, Rashi Gayar, Hesham Gayar, Omar Gayou, Olivier Gensheimer, Michael Gerber, Naamit Gerngross, Lindsey Gevaert, Thierry Ghadjar, Pirus Ghaly, Maged Giaddui, Tawfik Giaddui, Tawfik Giantsoudi, Drosoula Gibson, Eli Giem, Jared Gilbo, Philip Gill, Beant Gillespie, Erin Giordano, Frank Giuliani, Meredith Giuliani, Meredith Gladwish, Adam Glaser, Scott Glick, Daniel Glick, Daniel Glide-Hurst, Carri Goddu, Sreekrishna Murty Goenka, Anuj Gogna, Nirdosh Goh, Lili Golden, Daniel Golden, Encouse Goldsmith, Christy Gomez, Caitlin Gomez, Maria Antonia Gomez-Iturriaga, Alfonso Gondi, Vinai Gong, Guanzhong Gong, Guanzhong Gong, Yutao Goodman, Ben Goodman, Karyn Gopal, Anant Gorovets, Daniel Goyal, Uma Grant, Jonathan Gray, Phillip Gray, Phillip Grecula, John Green, Garrett Green, Olga 3754 2572 263 2766 3476 2371 1079 1039 2883 3111 283 3482 148 3395 2760 3586 9 340 1094 3737 2758 266 324 2329 3810 1122 2273 2874 2967 2059 3443 2879 3281 1067 2776 315 2440 205 3800 3274 2633 2927 2990 1032 2135 2522 3136 174 2254 3598 3835 3342 2403 62 3549 2259 3848 3373 2553 291 3545 2619 204 Greenwalt, Julie Grew, David Grew, David Grimm, Shu-Ya Lisa Groarke, John Grossman, Craig Grover, Surbhi Guan, Xiyin Gudur, Madhu Sudhan Reddy Guha, Chandan Guimas, Valentine Gulam, Misbah Gultekin, Melis Gultekin, Melis Gultekin, Melis Gunther, Jillian Guo, Gordon Guo, Yanluan Guo, Yanluan Guo, Yanluan Guo, Yu Gupta, Apar Gupta, Deepak Gupta, Gaorav Gupta, Roohi Gurka, Marie Gwynne, Sarah Gwynne, Sarah 281 2467 2907 2585 3288 217 212 2798 156 1041 2688 3778 2745 2130 3300 249 3101 2316 2317 2315 157 2939 3830 147 3846 3267 3330 3327 H Haasbeek, Cornelis 1006 Haas-Kogan, Daphne Adele 247 Hadsell, Michael 3399 Hadzitheodorou, Christina 274 Hajdok, George 3859 Hajj, Carla 2367 Hall, Matthew 89 Hall, Matthew 2477 Hall, William 2397 Hall, William 173 Hallman, Mark 30 Halthore, Aditya 2418 Hamamoto, Yasushi 3241 Hamilton, Sarah 2536 Hamilton, Sarah 3336 Hamilton, Sarah 96 Hammer, Josef 3196 Han, Bin 3773 Han, Chun 2321 Han, Chunhui 3725 Han, Dae Yup 3828 Han, Dali 2320 Han, James 2853 Han, Kathy 2738 Han, Kathy 191 Hanna, Andrew 1021 Hanna, Nevine 2534 Hanna, Nevine 326 Hansen, Henrik 2691 Hansen, Henrik 2683 Hansen, Tara 2088 Haque, Waqar 3308 Harada, Arisa 3186 Harada, Hideyuki 2233 Harada, Ken 3233 Harada, Satoshi 3495 Hardenbergh, Patricia 304 Harder, Eileen 124 Harder, Eileen 3086 Harder, Eileen 3084 Hardie, John Harima, Yoko Harkenrider, Matthew Harris, David Harris, Jeremy Harrison, Amy Hartsell, William Hartsell, William Hasan, Shaakir Hasan, Yaser Hasegawa, Masatoshi Hashimoto, Yaichiro Hathout, Lara Hattangadi, Jona Hayashi, Akihiro Hayashi, Kazuhiko Hayes, Jason Hayman, Thomas Hazariwala, Ronica He, Tongming Healy, Erin Hearn, Jason Hedayati, Mohammad Hegi-Johnson, Fiona Heijmen, Ben J.M. Heinzerling, John Held, Mareike Helou, Joelle Helou, Joelle Hempel, Dominika Henke, Lauren Henriques, Benedicte Henry, Ann Henson, Christina Hepel, Jaroslaw Herman, Lauren Herman, Michael Hermann, Gregory Herskovic, Alex Herskovic, Alex Herst, Patries Heskel, Marina Heskel, Marina Hess, Clayton Hess, Clayton Heumann, Thatcher Heumann, Thatcher Hickling, Susannah Higgins, Kristin Hill-Kayser, Christine Hill-Kayser, Christine Hiniker, Susan Hirata, Takero Hitchcock, Kathryn Hitchcock, Whitney Ho, Alice Ho, Clement Hobbs, Corey Hoffman, Rex Hogue, Cory Hojgaard, Martin Holcombe, Charles Hollen, Tyler Holliday, Emma Holmes, Jordan Hong, Cheng Hong, Giang Hong, Ji-Hong Hong, Theodore Hoover, Andrew Hoppe, Bradford Hoppe, Richard 2190 199 237 2589 2938 2935 2624 2139 2914 2267 3473 2482 2569 3368 2231 2681 3144 2366 3314 2954 2044 219 190 159 3679 3024 3232 2511 2513 2540 201 3757 2602 3227 298 2058 3012 1136 307 2706 3211 3054 3052 3321 2968 2731 3193 3609 3055 3287 3323 3185 105 2752 2049 91 198 2981 2876 2571 3590 1081 264 2805 2186 2543 2985 1062 36 2909 179 336 Horowitz, David 2379 Horton, Janet 295 Hosni, Ali 2893 Hosono, Makoto 3481 Hossain, Murshed 3745 Hou, Wei-Hsien 2807 Hou, Ying 3140 Howell, Rebecca 3646 Hsieh, Cheng-En 2850 Hsu, Feng-Ming 2318 Hu, Kenneth Shung 2829 Huang, Andrew 2247 Huang, Baotian 3857 Huang, Chun-Ming 2428 Huang, Jiayi 2191 Huang, Junjian 2920 Huang, Kitty 3071 Huang, Pin-I 3389 Huang, Roger 2528 Huang, Shao Hui 1055 Huang, Tzung-Chi 3042 Huang, Wei 2384 Huang, Yaoru 2386 Huang, Zhibin 2814 Huber, Peter 3499 Huff, Byron 80 Hughes, Michael 2526 Hughes, Ryan 2645 Hui, Zhouguang 1140 Hung, Tsung Min 2786 Hurmuz, Pervin 3471 Hurst, Newton 2824 Hurwitz, Mark CT-01 Hurwitz, Martina 3617 Husain, Zain 123 Huynh-Le, Minh-Phuong 162 Huynh-Le, Minh-Phuong 2479 Hwang, Seha 3648 Hymas, Richard 2133 I Iftimia, Ileana Igaki, Hiroshi Iganej, Shahrokh Iizuka, Yusuke Illidge, Timothy Imber, Brandon Ingledew, Paris-Ann Inokuchi, Haruo Ishaq, Omar Ishibashi, Naoya Ishii, Kentaro Ishikawa, Hitoshi Ishikawa, Kazuki Isohashi, Fumiaki Ito, Yoshinori Iuchi, Toshihiko Ivkov, Robert Iwabuchi, Michio Iwata, Hiromitsu Iwata, Hiromitsu Izaguirre, Enrique ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3823 2171 2825 2388 3439 3318 3000 2520 3645 3198 2538 2325 2323 2678 2305 2161 1037 3176 3446 3070 2777 187 J Jackson, Matthew Jackson, William Jacobson, Alex Jager, Elise Anne Jagsi, Reshma Jain, Anshu Jain, Prachi Jain, Supriya Jairam, Vikram James, Joshua James, Nicholas James, Sarah Jani, Ashish Jani, Shirish Janowski, Einsley-Marie Jarvis, Lesley Jastaniyah, Noha Jaswal, Jasbir Jawad, Maha Jayachandran, Priya Jefferis, Jennifer Jegadeesh, Naresh Jensen, Alexandra Jensen, Lindsay Jeong, Jeho Jeong, Seong-Yun Jeong, Seong-Yun Jeong, Yuri Jeongshim, Lee Jeppesen, Stefan Jeraj, Robert Jhavar, Sameer Jiang, Wei Jie, Shen Jimenez, Rachel Jimenez-Jimenez, Esther Jin, Jian-Yue Jing, Hao JingBo, Wu Jo, Kwanghyun Joh, Daniel Johnson, Jedediah Johnson, Julian Johnson, Julian Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Skyler Jones, Bernard Jones, Guy Jones, Guy Jones, Ryan Joshi, Nikhil Ju, Melody Judith, Aaron Jung, Julip Jwa, Eunjin 145 2552 3403 2822 293 3162 2213 3130 2189 3610 18 2330 2262 3682 3264 2081 194 2997 311 2260 2209 143 2851 2512 3628 3512 3511 3664 2454 3093 1090 3190 3066 3206 3306 2435 164 151 1004 3811 3255 3796 3396 2120 2284 180 2630 3595 2022 2929 3358 2200 1093 3657 3160 2113 K Kabarriti, Rafi Kabarriti, Rafi Kachnic, Lisa Kadoya, Noriyuki Kahalley, Lisa Kainz, Kristofer Kalapurakal, John Kalbasi, Anusha Kamomae, Takeshi Kamp, Florian 188 1 3462 3289 319 248 3651 250 2532 3681 3626 Kamran, Sophia Kamran, Sophia Kamrava, Mitchell Kanakamedala, Madhava Kanakamedala, Madhava Kanayama, Naoyuki Kandula, Shravan Kang, Hyun-Cheol Kang, John Kang, Julie Jung Kang, Julie Jung Kang, Young-nam Kannarunimit, Danita Kapoor, Rishabh Kapoor, Vaishali Karagoz, Gulay Karakaya, Ebru Karam, Irene Karan, Tania Karasawa, Katsuyuki Karasawa, Katsuyuki Karasawa, Kumiko Karlin, Jeremy Kashani, Rojano Kashani, Rojano Kasuya, Goro Kasuya, Takeo Kathpal, Madeera Kathpal, Madeera Kato, Masako Katoh, Norio Katsuta, Yoshiyuki Kattevilder, Robert Katz, Leah Kavanaugh, James Kawakami, Masakuni Kawamura, Mariko Kawamura, Mariko Kawanaka, Takashi Kawashiro, Shohei Kazberuk, Dorota Keall, Paul Keane, Florence Keene, Kimberly Keiler, Louis Kelada, Olivia Kelley, Kevin Kelly, Douglas Kemmerer, Eric Kenjo, Masahiro Kennedy, William Kennoki, Norifumi Keole, Sameer Kerns, Sarah Kertzscher, Gustavo Kesava Ramgopal, Adavikolanu Khan, Luluel Khan, Luluel Khattab, Mohamed Khwaja, Shariq Kiang, Alan Kidd, Elizabeth Kidd, Elizabeth Kierkels, Roel Kiess, Ana Kilburn, Jeremy Kim, Byounghyuck Kim, Dong Wook Nathan Kim, Ellen Kim, Hayeon Kim, Hyun ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2650 2772 2680 2867 2899 2815 149 2504 3639 2192 285 3688 3662 2931 3486 3690 2695 2790 1078 3398 3134 2029 69 1100 3611 2664 2354 2024 3584 2111 2647 3338 2559 3017 2583 3668 2300 2017 2334 3221 2595 3602 2765 2387 2099 49 3105 3199 3154 3401 2205 2350 135 113 3349 2127 176 2253 3498 3276 3256 1070 2667 230 3517 3092 3023 3506 3076 2956 3755 Kim, Jae-Sung Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Kyung Su Kim, Leonard Kim, Michelle Kim, Michelle Kim, Miranda Kim, Sungjune Kim, Tae Hyung Kim, Tae Hyung Kim, Youn Kim, Youngjun Kim, Yusung Kimura, Tomoki King, Martin King, Martin Kirby, Neil Kirkland, Robert Kirsch, David Kishan, Amar Kishan, Amar Kishan, Amar Kishi, Takahiro Kisling, Kelly Kittel, Jeffrey Klein, Eric Klein, Jonathan Knoll, Miriam Knoll, Miriam Ko, Huaising Kobayashi, Hidetoshi Koc, Mehmet Kocak, Esengul Kocak, Esengul Kodaira, Takeshi Kohutek, Zachary Kole, Thomas Kollar, Laura Kollar, Laura Kollmeier, Marisa Komaki, Ritsuko Kondaveeti, Satish Kong, Feng-Ming Kong, Jie Koo, Tae Ryool Koottappillil, Brian Korhonen, Juha Korideck, Houari Kornerup, Josefine Kortylewicz, Janina Koshy, Matthew Kotecha, Rupesh Kotecha, Rupesh Koukourakis, Michael Kountouri, Melpomeni Kovalchuk, Nataliya Koyfman, Shlomo Koyfman, Shlomo Kozak, Malgorzata Kozono, David Kraft, Johannes Krauss, Daniel Krauss, Daniel Krauze, Andra Kreofsky, Cole Kriz, Jan Kropp, Lauren Kubicek, Gregory Kubo, Akiko Kucharczyk, Michael 2436 2847 2848 1026 3069 3660 2162 77 2806 166 1112 2444 334 3573 2665 3058 3483 144 3697 3313 115 2498 2385 3381 2349 3334 2203 1074 2392 3284 2020 2898 3230 1109 2376 2761 2782 22 110 3393 3129 2637 3046 2888 3163 1118 2451 2999 3822 3855 3324 187 1001 2533 2251 3423 2563 3356 2771 2964 2462 220 3553 2501 1132 3260 2837 338 2832 259 2684 2177 Kuczmarska, Aleksandra Kudithipudi, Vijay Kumar, Aryavarta Kumar, Parvesh Kumar, Rejnish Kumar, Sanath Kumarasiri, Akila Kupelian, Patrick Kusano, Aaron Kusano, Aaron Kusumawidjaja, Grace Kwok, Young 2855 2393 3384 2622 2901 3116 229 85 2995 2977 2181 2584 L Lai, I-Chun 3299 Lai, Shihfan 2103 Lai, Stephen 2834 Lai, Yo-Liang 2383 Lalani, Nafisha 294 Lam, Tai Chung 3239 Lam, Wai Wang 3329 Lang, Jinyi 3532 Lanni, Thomas 2958 Lanning, Ryan 2275 LaPlant, Quincey 2160 Lapuz, Carminia 2740 Larrea, Luis 3292 Laruelo, Andrea 3484 Lashkari, Marzieh 2425 Laskar, Siddhartha 246 Latifi, Kujtim 2375 Lauro, Christine 2970 Lautenschlaeger, Tim 2635 Lawrence, Yaacov 2447 Lazow, Stefanie 2227 Le Grange, Franel 3394 Leatherwood, Amy 3280 Lecavalier-Barsoum, Magali 2565 Lecavalier-Barsoum, Magali 2193 Lederman, Ariel 2644 Lee, Andrew 3277 Lee, Andrew 63 Lee, Anna 2121 Lee, Eun-Jung 3430 Lee, Grace 2096 Lee, Jae 3265 Lee, Jason 3242 Lee, Joohwan 3179 Lee, Keum Sil 3488 Lee, Kuei 3489 Lee, Larissa 242 Lee, Larissa 2739 Lee, Percy 54 Lee, Seok Ho 2669 Lee, Suk 3687 Lee, Suk 3683 Lee, Victor 261 Lee, Yongsook 2674 Lee, Yun Hee 3161 Lefresne, Shilo 2426 Lefresne, Shilo 175 Lei, Xin 2449 Leif, Jessica Lowenstein 3850 Leiker, Andrew 1095 Lens, Eelco 3650 Leonard, Charles 2016 Leonard, Kara 3340 Leong, Nelson 299 Leong, Trevor 3447 Lester, Scott 3090 Lester-Coll, Nataniel 300 Lester-Coll, Nataniel Letourneau, Etienne Leung, Chung Man Levin-Epstein, Rebecca Li, Allen Li, BaoQing Li, Baosheng Li, Dengwang Li, Fengxiang Li, Fengxiang Li, Guang Li, Guangjun Li, Guichao Li, Heng Li, Heng Li, Jason Li, Jiancheng Li, Jinluan Li, Linna Li, Mei LI, Minghuan Li, Ning Li, Ping Li, Puyao Li, Qian Li, Ruijiang Li, Ruijiang Li, Shidong Li, Shuai Li, Shuai Li, Tao Li, Taoran Li, Tianfang Li, Weiwei Li, Winnie Li, Xia Li, Xin Lian, Jun Liang, Jieming Liang, Jun Liang, Xing Liang, Yun Liao, Jay Liao, Zhongxing Lim, Hyeon Woo Lim, Jihoon Lim, Trevor Lin, Angela Lin, Chi Lin, Chun Chieh Lin, Jeff Lin, Jolinta Lin, Lilie Lin, Mu-Han Lin, Teh Lin, Yu-Wei Lin, Zhixiong Linam, Justin Lindberg, Karin Ling, Diane Ling, Ted Ling, Ted Lischalk, Jonathan Liss, Adam Liszewski, Brian Liu, Anwen Liu, Chang Liu, Chihray Liu, Feng Liu, Hui Liu, Jerry Liu, Jerry 2953 3589 3419 2250 3583 2634 3123 3603 3673 3674 3760 3701 2343 314 3813 3710 3836 2352 2093 2690 15 2431 3502 2216 1069 3831 4 3620 2098 2077 1119 29 3837 2074 3742 207 2180 3678 309 3309 3860 2370 2845 84 2443 2696 1033 2703 1111 19 243 3150 2689 312 3715 2542 1050 3566 2276 1084 2359 2308 3614 93 3347 3539 3721 3361 1076 2328 2767 2755 Liu, Jianfei Liu, Jing Liu, Lipin Liu, Ning Liu, Peter Liu, Qingfeng Liu, Weixin Liu, Wenyang Liu, Wenyang Liu, Wu Liu, Yilin Lloyd, Shane Lloyd, Shane Lloyd, Shane Lo, Andrea Lo, Simon Loblaw, Andrew Lock, Michael Logie, Natalie Logie, Natalie Loiselle, Christopher Lok, Benjamin Lok, Benjamin Longo, John Lopater, Zachary Lopez, Jose Lopresti, Mary Louie, Alexander Louie, Alexander Louie, Alexander Lovelock, D. Michael Lu, NingNing Lu, Sharon Lu, Weiguo Lucas, John Lucas, John Lucas, John Ludmir, Ethan Lukens, John Lukovic, Jelena Lutz, Ryan Ly, Bevan Ly, Bevan Lymberiou, Timothy 28 3107 3110 3075 3519 333 2796 3675 41 3616 206 3169 3219 2548 76 3727 2535 2974 3244 2779 1024 2125 3245 2465 3202 2973 2089 3739 2959 303 2582 2344 2717 3555 1051 2248 3759 2331 2603 1134 2368 3740 3240 2094 M Ma, Charlie Ma, Charlie Ma, Faqiang Ma, Jennifer Ma, Jinli Ma, John Ma, John Ma, Lijun Ma, Lin Ma, Lin Machiels, Melanie MacKillop, William MacKillop, William Maclean, Jillian Maghsoudi, Kaveh Magnan, Sindy Magnuson, William Mahajan, Anita Mahajan, Anita Mahal, Brandon Mahal, Brandon Mahantshetty, Umesh Mahe, Marc Mahmood, Usama Mai, Sabine 3251 3851 2793 2730 153 2659 2757 3728 296 2789 2322 2643 305 2204 2732 2626 2773 3294 251 2591 2596 1064 2661 2944 60 Meister, Moshe Mellon, Eric Melotek, James Mendenhall, William Meng, Jin Meng, Mao-Bin Merrell, Kenneth Merrell, Kenneth Merrick, Scott Meyer, Jeffrey Meyer, Kurt Mezera, Megan Mian, Omar Mian, Omar Michalski, Dariusz Michalski, Jeff Michaud, Anthony Mickevicius, Nikolai Mikell, John Mikhaeel, George Mikkelsen, Ross Milecki, Piotr Miller, Brett Miller, Luke Miller, Robert Miller, Seth Ming, Xin Mirabeau-Beale, Kristina Mishra, Mark Mislmani, Mazen Miszczyk, Leszek Mitchell, Darrion Mitin, Timur Mitra, Devarati Mitra, Devarati Mittauer, Kathryn Miyakawa, Akifumi Miyawaki, Daisuke Miyazawa, Kazunari Mo, Xiaohu Moalikyar, Omeed Moding, Everett Modlin, Leslie Modlin, Leslie Moeller, Benjamin Moghanaki, Drew Mohamad, Issa Mohamed, Abdallah Mohamed, Abdallah Mohindra, Pranshu Mohr, Angela Molinier, Jessica Moningi, Shalini Moningi, Shalini Moningi, Shalini Moningi, Shalini Monjazeb, Arta Monjazeb, Arta Monjazeb, Arta Monroe, Alan Moon, Dominic Mooney, Karen Moore, Kevin Moraes, Fabio Ynoe Moraes, Paulo Morillo Macías, Virginia Morimoto, Masahiro Morris, Zachary Mortensen, Steen Mosaly, Prithima Mosaly, Prithima Moteabbed, Maryam 2588 2362 2593 1056 1088 2313 3408 101 3633 104 2198 2741 3236 2369 3748 2579 2699 2272 2476 3167 225 2566 282 3128 184 2539 3155 2085 2975 1071 3269 3507 289 3285 3271 3585 2230 2843 3187 3346 3400 68 3534 2278 2463 3218 2841 2916 2911 1086 3126 3735 3359 2380 3351 2374 3624 3435 3523 2860 218 3580 3558 2605 2255 2424 3104 2458 3118 3370 3372 3854 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 189 Maidment III, Bertram Mailhot Vega, Raymond Maisonet, Olivier Maity, Amit Mak, Kimberley Mak, Kimberley Mak, Kimberley Malone, Shawn Manabe, Yoshihiko Mancini, Brandon Mancosu, Pietro Mangla, Ankit Mann, Justin Mannina, Edward Manon, Rafael Manoor Maiya, Vikram Manyam, Bindu Manzerova, Julia Manzerova, Julia Maraldo, Maja Marciscano, Ariel Marciscano, Ariel Marconi, Daniel Grossi Marconi, Daniel Grossi Marcus, David Marina, Ovidiu Marina, Ovidiu Markovina, Stephanie Maroongroge, Sean Marples, Brian Marsh, James Martin, Andre-Guy Martin, Jeffrey Martin, Neil Marwaha, Gaurav Masino, Alexander Mason, Josh Mason, Mathew Mason, Matthew Masood, Umar Masoud Rahbari, Reza Massabeau, Carole Masunaga, Shin-ichiro Mathew, Prince Mathews, Joshua Matsumoto, Kenji Matsuo, Masayuki Matsuo, Masayuki Matsuo, Yukinori Mattes, Malcolm Mattes, Malcolm Matulewicz, Lukasz Matuszak, Martha Matysiak, Witold Maymani, Rebekah Mazloom, Ali McClinton, Chris McCloskey, Susan McGovern, Susan McGuffin, Merrylee McGuffin, Merrylee McGuire, Sarah McHaffie, Derek McKeever, Matthew McLaughlin, Patrick McNiven, Andrea Medhora, Meetha Mehmood, Qurrat Mehta, Minesh Mei, Feng Mei, Feng Meier, Timothy 3145 2952 3217 3432 2004 3010 255 346 3040 1012 3841 3164 3077 2415 2792 2892 3405 2122 2727 337 213 2199 2917 2949 2592 308 2483 200 2941 3485 2157 3834 1083 2986 2215 2289 2505 1128 3262 3788 3535 2132 3493 2225 3335 3669 3480 186 3039 1135 2126 3343 279 3793 2735 3174 2708 CT-06 3305 2039 2955 8 2576 2668 111 3348 3527 3068 74 2697 3635 3333 Motegi, Atsushi Mou, Benjamin Mourad, Waleed Mourad, Waleed Mourad, Waleed Mourad, Waleed Moustafa, Mahmoud Mouw, Kent Mowery, Yvonne Mui, Wing Lun Muirhead, Rebecca Mula-Hussain, Layth Mullen, Thomas Muller, Karin Mumber, Matthew Peter Munbodh, Reshma Murai, Taro Murai, Taro Murakami, Ryuji Murakami, Yuji Muraro, Elena Muren, Ludvig Murofushi, Keiko Murphy, Colin Murphy, Colin Murray, Louise Musunuru, Hima Mutic, Sasa Mutter, Robert Myojin, Miyako 3006 3047 3201 2530 2527 2849 1042 189 2886 2801 2470 3234 3353 2407 3364 2281 2266 2890 2748 2301 3417 290 2682 1029 2503 3643 2594 202 2065 2311 N Na, Yong Hum 3694 Nabavizadeh, Nima 2304 Nabhani, Thomas 2546 Nabid, Abdenour 24 Naczynski, Dominik 3491 Nagai, Aiko 3011 Nagai, Aiko 2223 Nagar, Himanshu 2716 Nagar, Himanshu 2710 Naghavi, Arash 2946 Naik, Mihir 344 Nakajima, Naomi 2175 Nakajima, Naomi 2176 Nakajima, Naomi 2174 Nakamura, Mitsuhiro 3569 Nakamura, Naoki 3224 Nakayama, Masao 3513 Naoi, Yutaka 3734 Napieralska, Aleksandra 2896 Narang, Amol 2614 Narang, Amol 2194 Narang, Amol 21 Narayanasamy, Ganesh 2769 Naydich, Boris 2481 Neboori, Hanmanth 2662 Negahdar, Mohammadreza 3050 Negahdar, Mohammadreza 3049 Nelson, Aaron 3707 Nelson, Aaron 2523 Ng, Sweet 150 Ngan, Samuel 38 Nguyen, Dan 235 Nguyen, Nhu Tram 2912 Nguyen, Nhu Tram 3547 Nguyen, Nhu Tram 3147 Nguyen, Paul 2580 Nguyen, Quynh 3038 Ngwa, Wilfred 2998 Ngwa, Wilfred 3642 190 Nichol, Alan Nicholas, Zachary Nichols, Elizabeth Nicolay, Nils Nishibuchi, Ikuno Nishimura, Yasumasa Nishioka, Takeshi Niska, Joshua No, Hyunsoo Noh, Jae Myoung Noid, George Nomiya, Takuma Nonaka, Hotaka Nonaka, Tetsuo Nout, Remi Novak, Avrey Nowak, Kamila Nuyttens, Joost Nyflot, Matthew 273 2749 2118 3500 2326 2303 3444 2398 2112 2104 3596 2492 3097 2337 239 284 1046 3273 3089 O Obeid, Layal Odawara, Soichi Oechsner, Markus Offor, Onyinye Ogino, Hiroyuki Ogita, Mami Ognibene, Grant Ogunleye, Tomi Oguri, Mitsuhiko Oh, RyoongJin Oh, Steven Ohga, Saiji Ohri, Nisha Ohri, Nitin Ohri, Nitin Ohri, Nitin Okano, Naoko Okawa, Kohei Okonogi, Noriyuki Okoye, Christian Oksuz, Didem Olivera, Gustavo Olivera, Jesús Olsen, Jeffrey Olson, Adam Olson, Robert Olson, Robert Onishi, Hiroshi Oohira, Shingo Orman, Amber Orman, Amber Osborne, Eleanor Osmundson, Evan Osmundson, Evan Osmundson, Evan O’Sullivan, Brian Ota, Seiichi Owen, Dawn Ozkaya Akagunduz, Ozlem Ozkaya Akagunduz, Ozlem Ozkaya Akagunduz, Ozlem Ozsahin, Esat Mahmut 25 3455 3761 1044 2484 2080 2141 3777 3112 2401 2581 3181 3204 106 318 136 3467 3731 3494 1059 2549 277 3659 59 3014 3290 3222 52 3574 2632 2506 3312 2421 3546 2196 215 3357 45 3311 2835 2804 2817 P Padilla, Laura Page, Brandi Paik, Eun Kyung Pallotta, Stefania ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3572 2070 2402 3689 Palma, Bianey 3833 Palmer, Joshua 2377 Palmer, Joshua 2378 Palmgren, Jan-Erik 3732 Palorini, Federica 86 Palta, Manisha 2475 Pan, Hubert 271 Pan, Hubert 3065 Pang, Qingsong 3033 Papineni, Rao 188 Parashar, Bhupesh 1073 Paravati, Anthony 133 Parikh, Rahul CT-08 Parisi, Elisabetta 322+1143 Park, Catherine 3426 Park, Henry 2491 Park, Henry 53 Park, John 3579 Park, Jong In 3826 Park, Kawngwoo 2663 Park, Sang-June 2734 Park, Sean 119 Parra, Andres 3557 Parvathaneni, Upendra 3391 Paryani, Nitesh 2925 Paryani, Nitesh 3027 Patel, Abhilasha 2473 Patel, Abhilasha 2164 Patel, Abhilasha 2653 Patel, Ashish 3293 Patel, Chirayu 139 Patel, Kirtesh 1091 Patel, Kruti 2114 Patel, Nisha 2148 Patel, Ravi 158 Patel, Ravi 2345 Patel, Sagar 241 Patel, Samir 2839 Patel, Shyamal 2229 Patel, Shyamal 2846 Patel, Suchit 3098 Patel, Suchit 3096 Pater, Piotr 3631 Patton, Caroline 2966 Paudel, Nava 1099 Paudel, Nava 3861 Paulino, Arnold 252 Paulson, Eric 50 Paulson, Eric 3647 Paulson, Eric 3703 Pavan, Guilherme 3352 Peguret, Nicolas 2357 Peng, Jean 3588 Penniment, Michael CT-03 Pennington, Andreea 3785 Pennington, Joseph 3409 Perez, Bradford 2222 Perez, Jessica 3487 Persson, Gitte 3035 Petereit, Daniel 2143 Petersen, Ivy 2116 Petric, Primoz 2670 Peulen, Heike 3133 Pham, Anthony 122 Pham, Anthony 2280 Pham, Anthony 2774 Pham, Huong 288 Pham, Ngoc 127 Pham, Trang 2095 Pham, Yvonne 2489 Philippens, Marielle 2913 Phillips, John 2480 Phillips, John Phillips, Mark Pilones, Karsten Pilote, Laurie Pineiro Retif, Rafael Pinnaro, Paola Pinnix, Chelsea Pinnix, Chelsea Pitroda, Sean Plastaras, John Plichta, Kristin Plishker, William Podder, Tarun Pokhrel, Damodar Polf, Jerimy Polgar, Csaba Polishchuk, Alexei Pollack, Alan Pollock, Bruce Pollom, Erqi Poon, Ian Poon, Miranda Sze Wing Poorvu, Philip Popovtzer, Aron Porzio-Kwiecinski, Therese Pos, F.J. Poulsen, Per Pratx, Guillem Press, Robert Pretz, Jennifer Price, Samantha Prieto, Isabel Prior, Phillip Prior, Phillip Pugh, Thomas Pyakuryal, Anil 343 3556 121 2969 3762 2036 145.5 3184 329 3197 2828 3581 3099 3056 3808 292 2219 2616 2228 102 3220 231 2726 2811 3216 2517 3613 3663 2287 3374 2221 2889 3637 3832 112 3474 Q Qi, Xiangrong Qi, Xiangrong Qi, Xin Qi, Xin Qiu, Haoming Qu, Melody Xuanlu Quan, Kimmen Quigley, Matthew Quinlan-Davidson, Sean Quinlan-Davidson, Sean Quinn, Thomas Quivrin, Magali Quon, Harry Qureshi, Muhammad 3704 88 2567 2568 2411 2302 99 1019 2751 2671 3520 2628 2885 2976 R Raber, Jacob Rabin, Tatiana Rackley, Thomas Rafat, Marjan Rafat, Marjan Rahimi, Asal Rahman, Rifaquat Raince, Jagdeep Rajagopalan, Malolan Rajan, Rajesh Rajpara, Raj Raju, Uma Rakhra, Sunpreet Raldow, Ann Raleigh, David Ram, Ashwin 2249 3131 14 3425 3475 2091 2183 3644 2005 3765 141 3501 2031 2399 2641 2613 Ram, Ashwin Rana, Zaker Rana, Zaker Rana, Zaker Rancati, Tiziana Rand, Alexander Rand, Alexander Randolph, David Rangarajan, Ramya Rao, Min Rao, Nalini Rao, Shyam Rao, Yuan Rash, Dominique Rasmussen, Jacob Rath, Goura Kishor Rathod, Shrinivas Ray, Geoffrey Reddy, Jay Paul Reddy, Vishruth Redmond, Kristin Redmond, Kristin Refaat, Tamer Rehman, Sana Ren, Gang Ren, Hua Ren, Lei Resende Salgado, Lucas Reynolds, Robert Rhee, Woo Joong Rhome, Ryan Ricchetti, Francesco Rice, Stephanie Rice, Stephanie Richard, Patrick Richard, Patrick Rico, Florentino Rimner, Andreas Rimner, Andreas Rimner, Andreas Rineer, Justin Ríos Pozo, María Risberg, Miranda Rizzo, Anthony Roach, Michael Robar, James Robertson, Scott Robertson, Scott Robinson, Clifford Robinson, Timothy Rochefort, Pauline Rockne, Russell Rodrigues, George Rodrigues, George Rodriguez Villalba, Silvia Roeder, Falk Roenjom, Marianne Feen Roeper, Barbara Roeske, John Rolfo, Maureen Romeo, Antonino Romeo, Antonino Romesser, Paul Romesser, Paul Rong, Yi Rose, Brent Rose, Jim Rose, Jim Rosenberg, Stephen Rossetti, Andrew Rottmann, Joerg Rovirosa, Angeles 2618 2043 3275 3279 3641 2928 2933 2195 2747 1082 2124 3434 2737 2698 2768 1065 3258 3304 3149 3440 3298 1023 2013 1010 2355 1114 46 2446 3720 3228 2208 2763 2891 108 2962 3809 3563 1142 44 3124 2145 2138 3623 2166 1002 3713 2923 2629 2211 3565 3769 3564 2508 3125 3390 254 2775 3310 1102 2904 1143 2356 345 3789 3784 2142 2499 2736 2770 3266 3733 2712 Rowe, Lindsay Ruan, Dan Ruan, Dan Ruan, Dan Ruggieri, Ruggero Ruiz-Alonso, Ana Russo, Gregory Rusthoven, Chad Rutenberg, Michael Rutter, Charles Rwigema, Jean-Claude Ryoo, Joan 3094 228 3550 3551 3744 3536 2202 20 3858 131 2877 2932 S Sabater, Sebastia Sabit, Khusraw Sabolch, Aaron Sachdev, Sean Sachdev, Sean Sachsman, Suzanne Saeed, Hina Saeed, Nadia Safdieh, Joseph Sahgal, Arjun Sahgal, Arjun Sai, Sei Saito, Tetsuo Saito, Tetsuo Saitoh, Jun-ichi Saksornchai, kitwadee Sakthivel, Vasanthan Sakumi, Akira Saleh, Ziad Salem, Ahmed Salinas, Vanessa Salter, Bill Samiee, Sara Samuelian, Jason Samuels, Stuart Santanam, Lakshmi Santhanam, Anand Santos, Daniel Sapienza, Lucas Sapienza, Lucas Sapienza, Lucas Saracino, Biancamaria Saraiya, Siddharth Sarojini, Sreeja Sato, Hiroo Sato, Mariko Savir, Guy Schaidle, Colleen Schaner, Philip Scher, Eli Schmidberger, Heinz Schmuecking, Michael Schoenfeld, Jonathan Scholey, Jessica Schreiber, David Schreibmann, Eduard Schuemann, Jan Schuster, Jessica Schutzer, Matthew Sckolnik, Steven Scorsetti, Marta Scott, Michael Scott, Michael Scroggins, Bradley Seibert, Tyler Sekar, Yuvaraj Sekii, Shuhei 2715 2206 2646 2858 2882 3173 3404 2469 2537 178 2338 3469 3231 3225 2676 2018 2908 3691 82 67 3315 3852 3283 3059 16 233 154 3838 1025 2826 2714 109 3103 3472 2442 3424 2258 3212 2778 2750 3459 3146 3436 3607 2948 2270 48 3252 2957 3200 2406 1123 2836 330 208 3344 2291 Senan, Suresh Seo, YoungsSeok Seo, Yuji Serra, Diane Serrano, Nicholas Servagi Vernat, Stephanie Setakornnukul, Jiraporn Sethi, Rajni Sethi, Roshan Setton, Jermey Seymour, Zachary Seymour, Zachary Sezen, Duygu Shaffer, Jenny Shaffer, Jenny Shah, Anand Shah, Bhartesh Shah, Mira Shah, Nikesh Shaikh, Fauzia Shaikh, Fauzia Shaikh, Talha Shaikh, Talha Shaitelman, Simona Shankar, Vangipuram Sharabi, Andrew Sharma, Sonam Sharp, Hadley Shasha, Daniel Shaw, Edward Shekel, Efrat Shen, Colette Shen, Lijun Shen, Lijun Shen, Sui Shen, Xinglei Shen, Yali Shen, Zhilei Sheng, Ke Shenouda, Mina Sher, David Sherr, David Shi, Xiutao Shi, Zeliang Shibamoto, Yuta Shikama, Naoto Shimizu, Arisa Shimizu, Shinichi Shin, Jacob Shin, Jacob Shin, Samuel Shin, Samuel Shintani, Takashi Shioyama, Yoshiyuki Shirai, Katsuyuki Shiraishi, Kenshiro Shiraishi, Yutaka Shridhar, Ravi Shukla, Monica Shulman, Jesse Shultz, David Shumway, Dean Shumway, Dean Shusharina, Nadya Sifuentes, Joshua Silva, Maria Leticia Simon, Antoine Simone, Charles Simontacchi, Gabriele Simpson, Daniel Sineshaw, Helmneh Singh, Hardev 55 3286 3504 3213 3676 2299 3064 2700 3295 146 2493 2242 2474 2417 2404 2960 2971 2279 3320 57 3317 2333 2358 1035 3724 PL-01 2881 2056 2544 1013 2119 2285 2439 2437 2087 341 2452 3142 3636 2028 320 2363 1077 2047 2557 2001 3291 3799 2083 2820 2232 3821 3005 3108 3007 2564 2515 1040 2573 2873 2238 2631 2052 2840 2529 2245 2562 3139 2107 3627 287 2611 Sio, Terence 3263 Sio, Terence 3794 Sio, Terence 2940 Sio, Terence 3208 Sio, Terence 1096 Sioshansi, Shirin 2391 Siva, Shankar 3079 Siva, Shankar 3036 Slade, Alexander 1020 Slotman, Ben CT-05 Small, William 236 Smith, Adam 3113 Smith, Clayton 222 Smith, Linda 2147 Smith, Tamara 2521 Snider III, James 3412 Snider III, James 2153 Snider III, James 27 Solanki, Abhishek 2601 Son, Christina 2550 Son, Jaeman 3803 Song, Andrew 2263 Song, Sanghyuk 3383 Song, Yipeng 3538 Sonier, Marcus 3749 Soon, Yu Yang 2924 Speers, Corey 70 Speirs, Christina 3156 Spektor, Alexander 3451 Spencer, Christopher 2472 Spencer, Christopher 1058 Spickermann, Maximilian 3170 Spieler, Benjamin 2487 Spiotto, Michael 2895 Spiotto, Michael 2894 Spratt, Daniel 1124 Spratt, Daniel 3478 Spratt, Daniel 1126 Sreeraman, Radhika 3307 Srivastava, Shiv 3671 Stalpers, Lukas 2257 Stalpers, Lukas 2220 Stanescu, Teo 203 Stanton, Paul 167 Stauder, Michael 2045 Stecklein, Shane 3618 Steenbeke, Femke 3738 Stegmaier, Petra 2852 Stephans, Kevin 51 Sterzing, Florian 58 Sterzing, Florian 2599 Stessin, Alexander 327 Stewart, Alexandra 2541 Stish, Bradley 258 Stone, Brandon 3415 Straka, Christopher 2531 Strasser, Jon 2134 Strom, Eric 1106 Strom, Tobin 2347 Strom, Tobin 2486 Sturdza, Alina 195 Stuschke, Martin 323 Su, Zhong 3776 Su, Zhong 1107 Sudhyadhom, Atchar 2615 Sugie, Chikao 2012 Suh, Yae-eun 2830 Suh, Yang-Gun 2842 Summers, Paige 3805 Sun, Baozhou 2704 Sun, Jian 3095 Sun, Lova 2158 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 191 Sun, Yunguang Sun, Yunguang Suneja, Gita Suntharalingam, Mohan Sura, Karna Suttie, Clare Suttie, Clare Suwinski, Rafal Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Sveistrup, Joen Swanick, Cameron Syh, Joseph Symon, Zvi Szeja, Sean Szeja, Sean 3516 3515 306 CT-04 321 2101 3604 2432 3437 2485 2685 2733 2597 2218 3413 T Tachiki, Lisa 3670 Taggar, Amandeep 2265 Tai, An 81 Tait, Lauren 2657 Takagi, Masaru 2864 Takahashi, Ippei 3460 Takahashi, Noriyoshi 3032 Takahashi, Shigeo 3016 Takahashi, Wataru 1141 Takamatsu, Shigeyuki 2390 Takamatsu, Shigeyuki 2389 Takanaka, Tsuyoshi 3003 Takaoka, Taiki 2408 Takeda, Ken 2759 Takeda, Ken 2813 Takehana, Keiichi 2812 Takeuchi, Yuki 3051 Takiar, Vinita 2679 Taku, Nicolette 2746 Talamonti, Cinzia 3758 Tamari, Keisuke 2224 Tan, Daniel 3248 Tan, Jun 2312 Tan, Jun 2310 Tan, Lai 2795 Tan, Vivian 1028 Tanaka, Hiroshi 3246 Tanaka, Nobumichi 1131 Tandberg, Daniel 3021 Tanderup, Kari 196 Tang, Chad 3029 Tang, Chad 3030 Tang, Linglong 1009 Tang, Yu 2450 Tanguturi, Shyam 2461 Tanguturi, Shyam 1022 Tanzler, Emily 2802 Tao, Jessie 3421 Tao, May Lin 2042 Tao, Randa 142 Tatekawa, Kotoha 3180 Taunk, Neil 1121 Taylor, Kinley 3371 Taylor, Robert 1068 Teboh Forbang, Roland 2373 Telivala, Tejas 3781 Tennyson, Nathan 3209 Teng, Feifei 3022 Tetreault, Audrey 2984 Thaker, Nikhil 3316 Thaker, Nikhil 2992 Thammineni, Pratap Reddy 2073 Thariat, Juliette 2859 192 Thau, Matthew Thibault, Isabelle Thibault, Isabelle Thomas, Evan Thomas, Evan Thompson, Catherine Thompson, Jonathan Thompson, Kenton Thomson, David Thomson, David Thor, Maria Tian, Sibo Tian, Xi Tijssen, Rob Timmerman, Robert Tinkle, Christopher Tinkle, Christopher Tinkle, Christopher Todor, Dorin Tonlaar, Nathan Torok, Jordan Torres-Roca, Javier Torres-Roca, Javier Torres-Roca, Javier Toya, Ryo Toyomasu, Yutaka Tran, Phuoc Treharne, Gregory Trifiletti, Daniel Trifiletti, Daniel Troeller, Almut Trovo, Marco Trovo, Marco Trovo, Marco Truong, Pauline Tryggestad, Erik Tsai, Mu-Hung Tsegmed, Uranchimeg Tseng, Chia-Lin Tseng, Yolanda Tsiamas, Panagiotis Tuano, Diana Tuli, Richard Tuohy, Rachel Turaka, Aruna Turaka, Aruna 2335 269 3268 3001 3856 2639 3541 3686 3693 214 3638 3431 3510 3692 56 3406 2648 3402 1103 2149 3171 1031 3561 3559 2788 2887 1047 2693 2123 2951 83 3004 3083 2008 95 3795 2856 2395 270 2068 3844 2109 3544 3709 3008 3018 U Udayakumar, Thirupandiyur Ueda, Yoshihiro Ueki, Nami Ugurluer, Gamze Uh, Jinsoo Umezawa, Rei Umezawa, Rei Ung, Kim Ann Urbanic, James Urbanski, Bartosz Urdaneta, Alfredo 2600 3594 3081 2673 3301 1116 2309 2430 185 2002 2607 V Vainshtein, Jeffrey Vainshtein, Jeffrey Valderrama, Adriana Valentini, Chiara Vallieres, Martin Van de Pol, Sandrine Van der Heide, Hugo Van Diessen, Judi ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 216 2754 3259 3143 3 2502 2868 3120 Van Dijk, Laura 1085 Van Leeuwen, Caspar 3630 Van Sornsen de Koste, John 3608 Vance, Sean 2719 Vanderstraeten, Barbara 232 Vanoni, Valentina 2110 Varadhan, Raj 3655 Varadhan, Raj 3350 Vargo, John 265 Vatner, Ralph 3522 Vatner, Ralph 3723 Vaughan, Andrew 3414 Veldwijk, Marlon 3438 Velec, Michael 155 Velker, Vikram 2725 Vendrely, Veronique 34 Venkat, Puja 2709 Venkat, Puja 2707 Verbakel, Wilko 3845 Verhoeven, Karolien 2108 Verma, Jonathan 2115 Videtic, Gregory 3031 Vieira, Andre 3705 Vigneault, Eric 2554 Villa, Salvador 1015 Vinogradskiy, Yevgeniy 129 Virk, Michael 2212 Visser, Jorrit 3791 Viswanathan, Akila 1061 Vitzthum, Lucas 3337 Volotskova, Olga 3479 Voong, Khinh Ranh 2455 Vujovic, Olga 2019 Vyas, Shilpa 256 W Waddle, Mark Wahl, Daniel Wahl, Michael Walker, Amanda Wallace, Harold Wallach, Jonathan Wallner, Paul Walston, Steve Wang, Ange Wang, Bin Wang, Chengtao Wang, Chunhao Wang, Dongxu Wang, Edina Wang, Haotong Wang, Huan-Huan Wang, Jianyang Wang, Jiazhou Wang, Jin Wang, Jin Wang, Jing Wang, Jingbo Wang, Lan Wang, Lora Wang, Qi Wang, Suzhen Wang, Suzhen Wang, Tao Wang, Ti-Hao Wang, Tonghe Wang, Tony Wang, Wei Wang, Weili Wang, Xiao Shen Wang, Xin 2934 2412 75 117 2551 2025 2980 3540 3296 3468 2803 87 3792 3505 3385 3753 3377 1105 2297 2298 1101 169 2319 2360 3013 2071 2072 3518 3606 3766 2252 2046 3151 1049 2201 Wang, Xin Wang, Xin Wang, Xin Wang, Yu-Ming Wang, Zhi Ward, Matthew Ward, Matthew Warkentin, Heather Warrell, Gregory Warren, Laura Watkins, William Waxweiler, Timothy Wazer, David Wee, Chan Woo Wei, Randy Wei, Xiong Weiner, Ashley Weiner, Joseph Weir, Joshua Weir, Robert Weiss, Elisabeth Weller, Michael Welsh, James Wen, Ning Whalley, Deborah Wheatley, Matthew White, Benjamin White, Evan White, Evan Widlak, Piotr Wiedenmann, Nicole Wilcox, Shea Wilke, Christopher Wilke, Christopher Willers, Henning Willett, Addison Williams, Norman Williams, Terence Wiltink, Lisette Witztum, Alon Wo, Jennifer Wobb, Jessica Wobb, Jessica Wobb, Jessica Wojcieszynski, Andrzej Wolfe, Adam Wong, Andrew Wong, Anthony Wong, Jeffrey Wong, Ru xin Wong, Tony Woo, Jennifer Woo, Jennifer Woo, Joong Yeol Woody, Neil Woolf, David Wooten, Charles Wooten, Hasani Wray, Justin Wright, Christopher Wright, Jean Wright, Jean Wu, Abraham Wu, Jianzhou Wu, Junxin Wu, Q. Jackie Wu, Szu-Yuan Wu, tao Wu, Vincent Wurstbauer, Karl Wzietek, Iwona 2423 1120 2701 3238 1115 2906 2821 3002 2507 2144 3619 2884 2066 2794 2128 3048 2441 2587 2780 2445 3568 1129 3818 1075 2638 3135 3599 3699 3772 3453 5 2900 3175 3407 223 257 2006 2382 183 3600 2466 2140 1087 3542 2003 1043 2057 2965 3194 2197 3798 3261 3257 3722 94 2032 268 209 325 72 2062 2136 128 3751 2327 3063 3503 2105 2783 3053 37 X Xia, Fen Xiang, Liangzhong Xiao, Canhua Xiao, Qin Xiao, WeiWei Xie, Liyi Xing, Ligang Xingwen, Fan Xu, Beibei Xu, Karen Xu, Qiong Xu, Ting Xu, Ting 3450 3849 2915 2448 2808 3127 3508 3456 2897 2660 3712 226 3537 Y Yadav, Budhi Yamada, Yoshiya Yamamoto, Takaya Yamashita, Hideomi Yan, Di Yang, Bin Yang, Ching-Chieh Yang, Ching-Chieh Yang, Daniel Yang, Fei Yang, George Yang, Jia Yang, Jia Yang, Jinsong Yang, Jinsong Yang, Ruijie Yang, Jonathan Yang, Jonathan Yang, Jonathan Yang, Wensha Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Yong Yang, ZhaoZhi Yao, Min Yao, Weiguang Yap, Mei Ling Yaparpalvi, Ravindra Yard, Brian Yashar, Catheryn Yassa, Michael Yathiraj, Prahlad Yazici, Gozde Ybarra, Norma Ye, Fan Ye, Hong Ye, Jason Ye, Jason Ye, Jin-Song Yeboa, Debra Yeung, Daniel Yeung, Rosanna Yeung, Rosanna Yi, Byong Yong 2060 272 3026 3119 3653 3365 2434 2246 2937 2656 2604 3477 3525 2324 2340 3341 2079 2545 1016 3698 2063 2575 3621 2014 1052 3717 3080 3746 66 2129 2053 211 3774 3632 2606 3254 2961 2078 3750 2988 2762 2051 2054 3362 Ying, Hongmei Ying, James Yip, Connie Yip, Darwin Yip, Darwin Yip, Stephen Yoo, Hyun Yoo, Stella Yoo, Sua Yoon, Hong In Yoon, Kyoung Jun Yorozu, Atsunori Yoshitake, Tadamasa Younan, Lawrence Young, Kristina Young, Kristina Young, Rebekah Young, Rebekah Yu, Edward Yu, Esther Yu, James Yu, Jialu Yu, Naichang Yu, Suhong Yu, Victoria Yu, Wen Yuan, Lulin Yue, Yong Yuen, Florence 2787 2478 3020 2854 3392 47 3429 3207 2055 2677 3654 1130 3109 2844 3416 120 2705 2092 2009 2429 302 3331 2947 3666 3640 13 227 2365 3214 Z Zahra, Amir Zaini, Mehran Zaki, Mark Zamdborg, Leonid Zang, Jian Zaorsky, Nicholas Zapatero, Almudena Zarepisheh, Masoud Zavitsanos, Peter Zaza, Khaled Zeitlin, Ross Zellars, Richard Cedric Zellars, Richard Cedric Zeng, Chuan Zhang, Chi Zhang, Hao Zhang, Li Zhang, Li Zhang, Li Yuan Zhang, Minsi Zhang, Ning Zhang, Peng Zhang, Peng Zhang, Peng Zhang, Pengpeng Zhang, Qian Zhang, Qinghui 3253 3819 2339 2082 3188 2993 PL-02 234 2857 2636 2610 2152 2146 3804 3496 3597 2035 2038 3452 3427 2785 3470 2314 192 3575 2090 3770 Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yibao Zhang, Ying Zhang, You Zhang, Zhenhuan Zhao, Bo Zhao, Bo Zhao, Diana Yi Zhao, Fen Zhao, Hanxi Zhao, Jing Zhao, Li Zhao, Nan Zhao, Nan Zhao, Shuang Zhao, Shuang Zhao, Weizhao Zheng, Dandan Zheng, Shuai Zheng, Yuanshui Zheng, Zhiyuan Zhou, Jessica Zhou, Jessica Zhou, Jun Zhou, Lin Zhou, Meixiang Zhou, Qichao Zhou, Xin Zhuang, Hong-Qing Zhung, Joanne Zhung, Joanne Ziehr, David Ziehr, David Zielinska-Chomej, Katarzyna Zilli, Thomas Zlateva, Yana Zumsteg, Zachary 2438 161 2655 3591 3497 3601 3783 3457 2178 98 125 3807 3842 3843 181 3562 33 3102 3552 3816 2586 2743 3278 2 3009 3025 2797 1057 2269 3756 3062 23 2608 3448 3752 1097 73 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 193 Index by Track (Abstracts only) BREAST CANCER Anne, Pramila Ho, Alice Fowble, Barbara Liss, Adam Woody, Neil Truong, Pauline Hamilton, Sarah Bergom, Carmen Setton, Jermey Gupta, Gaorav Garg, Rashi Kandula, Shravan Ng, Sweet Jing, Hao Boelke, Edwinq Ma, Jinli Polgar, Csaba Lalani, Nafisha Horton, Janet Ma, Lin Chen, Peter Hepel, Jaroslaw Leong, Nelson Sapienza, Lucas Kim, Kyung Hwan Eldredge-Hindy, Harriet Tan, Vivian Murphy, Colin Braunstein, Lior Torres-Roca, Javier Golden, Encouse Lim, Trevor De Rose, Fiorenza Shaitelman, Simona Cooper, Benjamin Shikama, Naoto Urbanski, Bartosz Wojcieszynski, Andrzej Mak, Kimberley Rajagopalan, Malolan Williams, Norman Cuaron, John Trovo, Marco Yu, Edward Erickson, Delnora Duma, Marciana-Nona Sugie, Chikao Refaat, Tamer Yang, ZhaoZhi Leonard, Charles Kawamura, Mariko Saksornchai, Kitwadee Vujovic, Olga Knoll, Miriam Ding, Yun Jones, Guy De Paula, Ugo Kathpal, Madeera Wallach, Jonathan 194 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 292 294 295 296 297 298 299 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Abo-Madyan, Yasser Falchook, Aaron Shenouda, Mina Karasawa, Kumiko Chandra, Ravi Rakhra, Sunpreet Woolf, David Duelge, Jason Ambroa Rey, Eva Zhang, Li Pinnaro, Paola Bosnic, Sandi Zhang, Li McGuffin, Merrylee Cordova, Elisa Del Cerro Penalver, Elia Tao, May Lin Rana, Zaker Healy, Erin Stauder, Michael Wang, Wei Shi, Zeliang Alco, Gul Hitchcock, Whitney Bazan, Jose Yeung, Rosanna Shumway, Dean Yassa, Michael Yeung, Rosanna Yoo, Sua Sharp, Hadley Wong, Andrew Herman, Lauren Gillespie, Erin Yadav, Budhi Belkacemi, Yazid Wright, Jean Yang, Xiaofeng Bekelman, Justin Mutter, Robert Wazer, David Braunstein, Lior Tseng, Yolanda Cao, Lu Page, Brandi Wang, Suzhen Wang, Suzhen Thammineni, Nikhila Li, Weiwei Chen, Jiayi Yang, T. Jonathan Li, Shuai Ye, Jason Yang, T. Jonathan Ogita, Mami Jarvis, Lesley Zamdborg, Leonid Shin, Jacob Belkacemi, Yazid Mirabeau-Beale, Kristina ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 Acharya, Sahaja Shen, Sui Hansen, Tara Lopresti, Mary Zhang, Qian Rahimi, Asal Young, Rebekah Li, Linna Lymberiou, Timothy Pham, Trang Lee, Grace Chung, Yoonsun Li, Shuai Keiler, Louis Demas, Kristina Suttie, Clare Dai Kubicky, Charlotte Lai, Shihfan Noh, Jae Myoung Wu, Tao Bourgier, Celine Simontacchi, Gabriele Verhoeven, Karolien Tuano, Diana Vanoni, Valentina Kato, Masako No, Hyunsoo Jwa, Eunjin Patel, Kruti Verma, Jonathan Petersen, Ivy Cascales Garcia, Maria Almudena Nichols, Elizabeth Shekel, Efrat Johnson, Julian Lee, Anna Manzerova, Julia Trifiletti, Daniel Rao, Nalini Lok, Benjamin Mattes, Malcolm Kesava Ramgopal, Adavikolanu Wei, Randy Yashar, Catheryn Gultekin, Melis Ahlawat, Stuti Massabeau, Carole Hymas, Richard Strasser, Jon Goldsmith, Christy Wright, Jean Chen, Peter Ríos Pozo, María Hartsell, William Wobb, Jessica Ognibene, Grant Rose, Brent Petereit, Daniel 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 Warren, Laura Rineer, Justin Zellars, Richard Cedric Smith, Linda Patel, Nisha Tonlaar, Nathan Chin, Joanna Chang, Jennifer Zellars, Richard Cedric Snider III, James Fasola, Carolina Eblan, Michael Dowlatshahi, Morteza 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Mehta, Minesh 74 Wahl, Michael 75 Lo, Andrea 76 Kim, Michelle 77 Choe, Kevin 78 Belcaid, Zineb 79 Huff, Byron 80 Thibault, Isabelle 269 Tseng, Chia-Lin 270 Pan, Hubert 271 Yamada, Yoshiya 272 Nichol, Alan 273 Hadzitheodorou, Christina 274 Ayala-Peacock, Diandra 275 Bohoudi, Omar 276 Shaw, Edward 1013 Cao, Kim 1014 Villa, Salvador 1015 Yang, T. Jonathan 1016 Farnia, Benjamin 1017 Akram, Kothwal 1018 Quigley, Matthew 1019 Slade, Alexander 1020 Hanna, Andrew 1021 Tanguturi, Shyam 1022 Redmond, Kristin 1023 Loiselle, Christopher 1024 Marsh, James 2157 Sun, Lova 2158 Caudell, Jimmy 2159 LaPlant, Quincey 2160 Luchi, Toshihiko 2161 Kim, Michelle 2162 Elson, Andrew 2163 Patel, Abhilasha 2164 Chirindel, Alin 2165 Rizzo, Anthony 2166 Azoulay, Melissa 2167 Carlson, Julie 2168 Carlson, Julie 2169 Diaz Pardo, Dayssy 2170 Igaki, Hiroshi 2171 Desai, Brijal 2172 Anker, Christopher 2173 Nakajima, Naomi 2174 Nakajima, Naomi Nakajima, Naomi Kucharczyk, Michael Zhao, Fen Bovi, Joseph Li, Xin Kusumawidjaja, Grace Fujitani, Nobumasa Rahman, Rifaquat Debus, Charlotte Anwar, Mekhail Holmes, Jordan Diletto, Barbara Chiesa, Silvia Jairam, Vikram Hardie, John Huang, Jiayi Kang, Julie Jung Lecavalier-Barsoum, Magali Narang, Amol Randolph, David Osmundson, Evan Wong, Ru Xin Meyer, Kurt Marciscano, Ariel Joshi, Nikhil Wang, Xin Russo, Gregory Kittel, Jeffrey Maclean, Jillian Kennedy, William Sabit, Khusraw Dyer, Michael Rhome, Ryan Jefferis, Jennifer Ahmed, Zain Robinson, Clifford Virk, Michael Jain, Prachi Chang, Eric Marwaha, Gaurav Li, Puyao Barker, Christopher Szeja, Sean Polishchuk, Alexei Stalpers, Lukas Price, Samantha Perez, Bradford Nagai, Aiko Tamari, Keisuke Mathew, Prince Bates, James Lazow, Stefanie Pollock, Bruce Patel, Shyamal Miyakawa, Akifumi Hayashi, Akihiro Shin, Samuel Harada, Hideyuki Colaco, Rovel Colaco, Rovel Clavier, Jean-Baptiste Ahmed, Kamran 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 Shultz, David Bagshaw, Hilary Chang, Jennifer Ahmed, Kamran Seymour, Zachary Fogarty, Gerald Choi, Seohee Silva, Maria Leticia Yang, Ching-Chieh Huang, Andrew Lucas, John Raber, Jacob Levin-Epstein, Rebecca Kotecha, Rupesh Wang, Tony Khan, Luluel Gondi, Vinai Moraes, Paulo Masson-Cote, Laurence Stalpers, Lukas Savir, Guy Gorovets, Daniel Jayachandran, Priya Burkeen, Jeffrey Jani, Ashish Song, Andrew Althaqfi, Saif Taggar, Amandeep Murai, Taro Hasan, Yaser Chan, Jason Zhuang, Hong-Qing Schreibmann, Eduard Eaton, Bree Mickevicius, Nikolai Giem, Jared Broomfield, Joel Lanning, Ryan Lindberg, Karin Arneson, Kyle Modlin, Leslie Shah, Mira Pham, Anthony Munbodh, Reshma Abraham, Christopher Estabrook, Neil Johnson, Matthew Shen, Colette Badiyan, Shahed Press, Robert Abel, Ryan Masino, Alexander Chang, Jennifer 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER Penniment, Michael CT-03 Suntharalingam, Mohan CT-04 Chiang, Yun 10 Fu, Shen 11 Chhabra, Arpit 12 Yu, Wen 13 Rackley, Thomas 14 Li, Minghuan 15 Samuels, Stuart 16 Dominello, Michael Vendrely, Veronique Ahmed, Kamran Hong, Theodore Wzietek, Iwona Ngan, Samuel Czito, Brian Engels, Benedikt Liu, Wenyang Olsen, Jeffrey Mai, Sabine Doll, Corinne Goodman, Karyn Lee, Andrew Bitterman, Danielle Cardenas, Michael Quan, Kimmen Colbert, Lauren Merrell, Kenneth Pollom, Erqi Choi, Chihwan Meyer, Jeffrey Hirata, Takero Ohri, Nitin Koc, Mehmet Bernard, Mark Lin, Chi Kim, Tae Hyung Dover, Laura Ren, Hua Wang, Zhi Umezawa, Rei Berman, Abigail Kong, Jie Li, Tao Wang, Xin Sekii, Shuhei Di, Liu Dean, Mary Doi, Yoshiko Fernandes, Annemarie Boggs, Hunter Wang, Jin Wang, Jin Servagi Vernat, Stephanie Kawamura, Mariko Murakami, Yuji Qu, Melody Xuanlu Nishimura, Yasumasa Nabavizadeh, Nima Ito, Yoshinori Atsumi, Kazushige Ariga, Takuro Ling, Ted Umezawa, Rei Tan, Jun Myojin, Miyako Tan, Jun Meng, Mao-Bin Zhang, Peng Guo, Yanluan Guo, Yanluan Guo, Yanluan Hsu, Feng-Ming 17 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 Wang, Lan Han, Dali Han, Chun Machiels, Melanie Ishikawa, Kazuki Yang, Jinsong Ishikawa, Hitoshi Nishibuchi, Ikuno Wu, Junxin Liu, Hui Giaddui, Tawfik James, Sarah Ludmir, Ethan Chen, Yun Shaikh, Talha Kawanaka, Takashi Thau, Matthew Choflet, Amanda Nonaka, Tetsuo Sahgal, Arjun Zaki, Mark Yang, Jinsong Boda-Heggemann, Judit Cheng, Jessica Li, Guichao Lu, NingNing Patel, Ravi Cuneo, Kyle Strom, Tobin Colbert, Lauren Kishi, Takahiro Kennoki, Norifumi Freilich, Jessica Li, Jinluan Dalah, Entesar Kasuya, Takeo Ren, Gang Romeo, Antonino Peguret, Nicolas Shaikh, Talha Ling, Ted Wang, Lora Abrams, Matthew Mellon, Eric Sherr, David Baschnagel, Andrew Yue, Yong Hayman, Thomas Hajj, Carla Lutz, Ryan Mian, Omar Liang, Yun Gan, Hua Bernstein, Michael Teboh Forbang, Roland Moningi, Shalini Latifi, Kujtim Kocak, Esengul Palmer, Joshua Palmer, Joshua Horowitz, David Moningi, Shalini Berriochoa, Camille Williams, Terence ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 195 Lai, Yo-Liang Huang, Wei Kishan, Amar Huang, Yaoru Keene, Kimberly Iizuka, Yusuke Takamatsu, Shigeyuki Takamatsu, Shigeyuki Sioshansi, Shirin Klein, Jonathan Kudithipudi, Vijay Apisarnthanarax, Smith Tsegmed, Uranchimeg Comito, Tiziana Hall, William Niska, Joshua Raldow, Ann Ernst, Iris Oh, Ryoong Jin Paik, Eun Kyung Goodman, Ben Shaffer, Jenny Chang, Daniel Scorsetti, Marta Muller, Karin Takaoka, Taiki Engineer, Reena Feng, Mary Qiu, Haoming Wahl, Daniel Bhooshan, Neha Chuong, Michael Mannina, Edward Blacksburg, Seth Shaffer, Jenny Halthore, Aditya Chuong, Michael Bota, Krista Osmundson, Evan Dyer, Brandon Wang, Xin Morillo Macías, Virginia Lashkari, Marzieh Lefresne, Shilo Huang, Chun-Ming Yu, Esther Ung, Kim Ann Li, Ning Suwinski, Rafal Benezery, Karine Yang, Ching-Chieh Jimenez-Jimenez, Esther Kim, Jae-Sung Shen, Lijun Zhang, Yan Shen, Lijun Glick, Daniel Weiner, Ashley Sato, Hiroo Lim, Hyeon Woo Kim, Tae Hyung Weir, Robert Resende Salgado, Lucas Lawrence, Yaacov 196 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 Xiao, Qin Lei, Xin Tang, Yu Koo, Tae Ryool Shen, Yali Chen, Helen Jeongshim, Lee Voong, Khinh Ranh Bhirud, Abhijeet Bennion, Nathan Morris, Zachary Anderson, Eric Anand, Aman Tanguturi, Shyam Kozak, Malgorzata Moeller, Benjamin De Bari, Berardino Longo, John Wo, Jennifer Grew, David Amin, Raima Saeed, Nadia Muirhead, Rebecca Baden, Craig Spencer, Christopher Patel, Abhilasha Sezen, Duygu Palta, Manisha 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 GENITOURINARY CANCER Hurwitz, Mark CT-01 Zapatero, Almudena PL-02 James, Nicholas 18 Lin, Chun Chieh 19 Rusthoven, Chad 20 Narang, Amol 21 Kohutek, Zachary 22 Ziehr, David 23 Nabid, Abdenour 24 Brower, Jeffrey 107 Rice, Stephanie 108 Saracino, Biamcamaria 109 McLaughlin, Patrick 111 Pugh, Thomas 112 Kerns, Sarah 113 Fachal, Laura 114 Kang, Julie Jung 285 Abramowitz, Matthew 286 Sineshaw, Helmneh 287 Pham, Huong 288 Mitin, Timur 289 Muren, Ludvig 290 Baumann, Brian 290.5 Gray, Phillip 291 Shen, Xinglei 341 Caster, Joseph 342 Phillips, John 343 Naik, Mihir 344 Romesser, Paul 345 Malone, Shawn 346 Den, Robert 347 Erho, Nicholas 348 Taunk, Neil 1121 Gibson, Eli 1122 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Scott, Michael Crehange, Gilles Spratt, Daniel Ashamalla, Hani Mason, Mathew Weller, Michael Yorozu, Atsunori Tanaka, Nobumichi Krauss, Daniel Mikell, John Hall, Matthew Ying, James Huynh-Le, Minh-Phuong Phillips, John Naydich, Boris Hashimoto, Yaichiro Marina, Ovidiu Ogino, Hiroyuki Sveistrup, Joen Strom, Tobin Spieler, Benjamin Cho, Eunpi Pham, Yvonne Finkelstein, Steven Park, Henry Nomiya, Takuma Seymour, Zachary Evans, Joseph Seymour, Zachary Counago, Felipe Counago, Felipe Kishan, Amar Rose, Jim Chhabra, Arpit Krauss, Daniel Van de Pol, Sandrine Murphy, Colin Kang, Hyun-Cheol Mason, Josh Orman, Amber Warrell, Gregory Rodrigues, George Edwards, Albert Fuller, Donald Helou, Joelle Jensen, Lindsay Helou, Joelle Bagley, Jack Shiraishi, Yutaka Thompson, Catherine Pos, F.J. Engels, Benedikt Inokuchi, Haruo Smith, Tamara Gomez, Caitlin Nelson, Aaron Cheng, Jonathan Bryant, Curtis Hughes, Michael Mourad, Waleed Huang, Roger Sifuentes, Joshua Mourad, Waleed Straka, Christopher 1123 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 Kalbasi, Anusha Kotecha, Rupesh Hanna, Nevine Loblaw, D. Andrew Hamilton, Sarah Safdieh, Joseph Ishii, Kentaro Miller, Seth Hempel, Dominika Stewart, Alexandra Lin, Yu-Wei Hong, Cheng Shasha, Daniel Yang, T. Jonathan Nabhani, Thomas Dolezel, Martin Lloyd, Shane Oksuz, Didem Son, Christina Wallace, Harold Jackson, William Gray, Phillip Vigneault, Eric Chiang, Andrew Crawford, E. David Yanagi, Takeshi Counago, Felipe Kattevilder, Robert Ferrer, Ferran Asakura, Hirofumi Simon, Antoine Kountouri, Melpomeni Shiraishi, Kenshiro Lecavalier-Barsoum, Magali Milecki, Piotr Qi, Xin Qi, Xin Hathout, Lara Commandeur, Frédéric Hogue, Cory Galalae, Razvan Shukla, Monica Blay, Christophe Yang, Xiaofeng McHaffie, Derek Chalubinska-Fendler, Justyna Agoston, Peter Michalski, Jeff Nguyen, Paul Oh, Steven Lovelock, D. Michael Kavanaugh, James Kwok, Young Grimm, Shu-Ya Lisa Zheng, Zhiyuan Weiner, Joseph Meister, Moshe Harris, David Crehange, Gilles Mahal, Brandon Marcus, David Melotek, James 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 Musunuru, Hima Kazberuk, Dorota Mahal, Brandon Symon, Zvi Chang, Albert Sterzing, Florian Udayakumar, Thirupandiyur Solanki, Abhishek Henry, Ann Lukens, John Yang, George Moraes, Fabio Ynoe Ye, Fan Urdaneta, Alfredo Ziehr, David Engelman, Alexander Zeitlin, Ross Singh, Hardev Blas, Kevin Ram, Ashwin Narang, Amol Sudhyadhom, Atchar Pollack, Alan Syed, A. Nisar Ram, Ashwin Green, Garrett Asher, David Faria, Sergio Kumar, Parvesh Arunsingh, Moses Hartsell, William Cooper, Samuel Magnan, Sindy Fuller, Donald Quivrin, Magali Robertson, Scott 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 Johnson, Skyler Shumway, Dean Orman, Amber Gogna, Nirdosh Li, BaoQing Lautenschlaeger, Tim Zaza, Khaled Kollmeier, Marisa Whalley, Deborah Thompson, Catherine Agaoglu, Fulya Raleigh, David Doyle, Paula MacKillop, William Lederman, Ariel Hughes, Ryan Sabolch, Aaron Katoh, Norio Tinkle, Christopher Cury, Fabio Kamran, Sophia Beard, Clair Carlone, Marco Patel, Abhilasha Cox, Brett 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 GYNECOLOGIC CANCER Jastaniyah, Noha Sturdza, Alina Tanderup, Kari Bishop, Andrew Ho, Clement Markovina, Stephanie Henke, Lauren Small, William Harkenrider, Matthew Croke, Jennifer Nout, Remi Damast, Shari Patel, Sagar Lee, Larissa Lin, Jeff Viswanathan, Akila Hong, Ji-Hong Chino, Junzo Mahantshetty, Umesh Rath, Goura Kishor Castelnau-Marchand, Pauline Taylor, Robert Li, Qian Kidd, Elizabeth Mislmani, Mazen Chaudary, Naz Zhang, Ying Yang, Fei Tait, Lauren Clark, Grant Ma, John Xu, Karen Mahe, Marc Neboori, Hanmanth Park, Kawngwoo 1066 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 Kasuya, Goro Kim, Yusung Felder, Shira Kidd, Elizabeth McKeever, Matthew Lee, Seok Ho Petric, Primoz Quinlan-Davidson, Sean Dempsey, Claire Ugurluer, Gamze Lee, Yongsook Cellini, Francesco Saitoh, Jun-ichi Yoon, Hong In Isohashi, Fumiaki Takiar, Vinita Kamrava, Mitchell Hayashi, Kazuhiko Murofushi, Keiko Hansen, Henrik Kubo, Akiko Swanick, Cameron Boyle, John Dunn, Emily Guimas, Valentine Lin, Lilie Li, Mei 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 194 195 196 197 198 200 201 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 Hansen, Henrik 2691 Eng, Tony 2692 Treharne, Gregory 2693 Best, Ryan 2694 Karakaya, Ebru 2695 Lim, Jihoon 2696 Mei, Feng 2697 Rash, Dominique 2698 Michaud, Anthony 2699 Sethi, Rajni 2700 Wang, Xin 2701 Croke, Jennifer 2702 Lin, Angela 2703 Sun, Baozhou 2704 Young, Rebekah 2705 Herskovic, Alex 2706 Venkat, Puja 2707 McClinton, Chris 2708 Venkat, Puja 2709 Nagar, Himanshu 2710 Chang-Halpenny, Christine 2711 Rovirosa, Angeles 2712 Ferraris, Gustavo 2713 Sapienza, Lucas 2714 Sabater, Sebastia 2715 Nagar, Himanshu 2716 Lu, Sharon 2717 Elshaikh, Mohamed 2718 Vance, Sean 2719 Bauer, Nicolas 2720 Abacioglu, Mehmet Ufuk 2721 Chapman, Christina 2722 Chen, Josephine 2723 Desai, Neil 2724 Velker, Vikram 2725 Poorvu, Philip 2726 Manzerova, Julia 2727 HEAD AND NECK CANCER Berk, Lawrence CT-07 Yathiraj, Prahlad 211 Grover, Surbhi 212 Marciscano, Ariel 213 Thomson, David 214 O'Sullivan, Brian 215 Vainshtein, Jeffrey 216 Grossman, Craig 217 Moon, Dominic 218 Lee, Victor 261 Chua, Melvin Lee Kiang 262 Galloway, Thomas 263 Hollen, Tyler 264 Vargo, John 265 Ghaly, Maged 266 Funk, Ryan 267 Wooten, Charles 268 Herskovic, Alex 307 Wang, XiaoShen 1049 Lin, Zhixiong 1050 Lucas, John 1051 Yao, Min 1052 Cruz, Misael 1053 Baral, Shweta 1054 Huang, Shao Hui 1055 Mendenhall, William 1056 Zhou, Xin 1057 Spencer, Christopher 1058 Okoye, Christian 1059 Caudell, Jimmy 1060 Rangarajan, Ramya 2747 Murakami, Ryuji 2748 Nicholas, Zachary 2749 Scher, Eli 2750 Quinlan-Davidson, Sean 2751 Hitchcock, Kathryn 2752 Amini, Arya Dise, Joseph Ma, Jennifer Heumann, Thatcher Maghsoudi, Kaveh Syh, Joseph Park, Sang-June Maymani, Rebekah Rose, Jim Rao, Yuan Han, Kathy Lee, Larissa Lapuz, Carminia Mezera, Megan Baliga, Sujith Zhou, Jessica Bair, Ryan Gultekin, Melis Taku, Nicolette Cassidy, Richard Vainshtein, Jeffrey Liu, Jerry Alizadeh-Kashani, Moein Ma, John Ghadjar, Pirus Takeda, Ken Gayar, Omar Kocak, Esengul Yeung, Daniel Ricchetti, Francesco Romesser, Paul Keane, Florence Gamez, Mauricio Liu, Jerry Rasmussen, Jacob Narayanasamy, Ganesh Rosenberg, Stephen Koyfman, Shlomo Kamran, Sophia Magnuson, William Pham, Anthony Roenjom, Marianne Feen Glaser, Scott Izaguirre, Enrique Schaner, Philip Logie, Natalie 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 197 Weir, Joshua 2780 Chen, Susie 2781 Kodaira, Takeshi 2782 Wu, Vincent 2783 Chen, Yong 2784 Zhang, Ning 2785 Hung, Tsung Min 2786 Ying, Hongmei 2787 Toya, Ryo 2788 Ma, Lin 2789 Karam, Irene 2790 Altun, Musa 2791 Manon, Rafael 2792 Ma, Faqiang 2793 Wee, Chan Woo 2794 Tan, Lai 2795 Liu, Weixin 2796 Zhou, Qichao 2797 Guan, Xiyin 2798 Bilimagga, Ramesh 2799 Bhandare, Niranjan 2800 Mui, Wing Lun 2801 Tanzler, Emily 2802 Wang, Chengtao 2803 Ozkaya Akagunduz, Ozlem 2804 Holliday, Emma 2805 Kim, Miranda 2806 Hou, Wei-Hsien 2807 Xiao, WeiWei 2808 Chan, Annie 2809 Aizer, Ayal 2810 Popovtzer, Aron 2811 Takehana, Keiichi 2812 Takeda, Ken 2813 Huang, Zhibin 2814 Kanayama, Naoyuki 2815 Chen, Jonathan 2816 Ozsahin, Esat Mahmut 2817 Chang, Joseph Tung-Chieh 2818 Edson, Mark 2819 Shin, Jacob 2820 Ward, Matthew 2821 Jager, Elise Anne 2822 Caldas Magalhaes, Joana 2823 Hurst, Newton 2824 Iganej, Shahrokh 2825 Sapienza, Lucas 2826 Dhanireddy, Bhaswanth 2827 Plichta, Kristin 2828 Hu, Kenneth Shung 2829 Suh, Yae-eun 2830 Friborg, Jeppe 2831 Kropp, Lauren 2832 Dhanireddy, Bhaswanth 2833 Lai, Stephen 2834 Ozkaya Akagunduz, Ozlem 2835 Scott, Michael 2836 Kreofsky, Cole 2837 Bhateja, Priyanka 2838 Patel, Samir 2839 Shusharina, Nadya 2840 Mohamad, Issa 2841 Suh, Yang-Gun 2842 Miyawaki, Daisuke 2843 198 Younan, Lawrence Liao, Jay Patel, Shyamal Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Jin Ho Mourad, Waleed Hsieh, Cheng-En Jensen, Alexandra Stegmaier, Petra Han, James Yip, Darwin Kuczmarska, Aleksandra Tsai, Mu-Hung Zavitsanos, Peter Sachdev, Sean Thariat, Juliette Monroe, Alan Chilukuri, Srinivas Beadle, Beth Cuaron, John Takagi, Masaru Chin, Re-I Cacicedo, Jon Kanakamedala, Madhava Van der Heide, Hugo Diaz Pardo, Dayssy Bhandare, Niranjan Freilich, Jessica Antognoni, Paolo Shulman, Jesse Gilbo, Philip Cheung, Michael Hoffman, Rex Rwigema, Jean-Claude Cvek, Jakub Giuliani, Meredith Dunlap, Neal Sharma, Sonam Sachdev, Sean Gao, Lanting Waxweiler, Timothy Quon, Harry Mowery, Yvonne Toyomasu, Yutaka Kondaveeti, Satish Prieto, Isabel Murai, Taro Rice, Stephanie Manoor Maiya, Vikram Hosni, Ali Spiotto, Michael Spiotto, Michael Napieralska, Aleksandra Xu, Beibei Ko, Huaising Kanakamedala, Madhava Clarke, Sarah Kumar, Rejnish Cho, Yeona Anderson, Nigel Rolfo, Maureen Bertke, Matthew Ward, Matthew Grew, David ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 Sakthivel, Vasanthan Hoover, Andrew Elicin, Olgun Mohamed, Abdallah Nguyen, Nhu Tram Philippens, Marielle Hasan, Shaakir Xiao, Canhua Mohamed, Abdallah Marconi, Daniel Grossi Chaudhary, Ahmed Ahn, Peter Huang, Junjian Doke, Kaleigh Al-Basheer, Ahmad Robertson, Scott 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH Curry, Heather 130 Rutter, Charles 131 Bekelman, Justin 132 Paravati, Anthony 133 Ashworth, Allison 134 Keole, Sameer 135 Ohri, Nitin 136 Durkee, Ben 137 Jagsi, Reshma 293 Lester-Coll, Nataniel 300 Chen, Aileen 301 Yu, James 302 Louie, Alexander 303 Hardenbergh, Patricia 304 MacKillop, William 305 Suneja, Gita 306 Soon, Yu Yang 2924 Paryani, Nitesh 2925 Corso, Christopher 2926 Goh, Lili 2927 Rand, Alexander 2928 Jones, Guy 2929 Ballas, Leslie 2930 Kapoor, Rishabh 2931 Ryoo, Joan 2932 Rand, Alexander 2933 Waddle, Mark 2934 Harrison, Amy 2935 Bahl, Gaurav 2936 Yang, Daniel 2937 Harris, Jeremy 2938 Gupta, Apar 2939 Sio, Terence 2940 Maroongroge, Sean 2941 Cihoric, Nikola 2942 Dinan, Michaela 2943 Mahmood, Usama 2944 Foley, Kimberley 2945 Naghavi, Arash 2946 Yu, Naichang 2947 Schreiber, David 2948 Marconi, Daniel Grossi 2949 Lin, Steven 2950 Trifiletti, Daniel 2951 Mailhot Vega, Raymond 2952 Lester-Coll, Nataniel 2953 He, Tongming McGuffin, Merrylee Kim, Hayeon Schutzer, Matthew Lanni, Thomas Louie, Alexander Shah, Anand Ye, Jason Richard, Patrick Dimitroyannis, Dimitri Koyfman, Shlomo Wong, Anthony Patton, Caroline Gill, Beant Hess, Clayton Pilote, Laurie Lauro, Christine Shah, Bhartesh Conrad, Tatiana Lopez, Jose Lock, Michael Mishra, Mark Qureshi, Muhammad Kusano, Aaron Campbell, Shauna Chang, Tangel Wallner, Paul Hobbs, Corey Agbahiwe, Harold Braunstein, Steve Tetreault, Audrey Hong, Giang Martin, Neil Dahele, Max 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 HISTORY Yeboa, Debra Agarwal, Ankit Golden, Daniel Dhami, Gurleen Thaker, Nikhil Zaorsky, Nicholas Curkendoll, Crys Kusano, Aaron Byler, Shannon Jaswal, Jasbir Ngwa, Wilfred Koottappillil, Brian Ingledew, Paris-Ann Thomas, Evan Warkentin, Heather 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 INFORMATICS Nguyen, Nhu Tram Fechter, Tobias Gopal, Anant Ruan, Dan Ruan, Dan Zheng, Shuai Kraft, Johannes Albuquerque, Kevin Lu, Weiguo Phillips, Mark Parra, Andres 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 Moore, Kevin Torres-Roca, Javier Betzing, Christopher Torres-Roca, Javier Zhao, Shuang Rico, Florentino Rockne, Russell Robinson, Timothy Feng, Felix LUNG CANCER Stephans, Kevin Onishi, Hiroshi Park, Henry Lee, Percy Senan, Suresh Timmerman, Robert Shaikh, Fauzia Pham, Anthony Husain, Zain Harder, Eileen Zhao, Jing Cheung, Patrick Wu, Abraham Vinogradskiy, Yevgeniy Creelan, Ben Jin, Jian-Yue Bar Ad, Voichita Kim, Sungjune Stanton, Paul Ashworth, Allison Wang, Jingbo Boyle, John Bradley, Jeffrey Ohri, Nitin Kadoya, Noriyuki Sher, David Sura, Karna Romeo, Antonino Stuschke, Martin Giaddui, Tawfik Koshy, Matthew Roach, Michael Corso, Christopher JingBo, Wu Chiang, Andrew Haasbeek, Cornelis Chaudhuri, Aadel Aguilera, Todd Tang, Linglong Rehman, Sana Alite, Fiori Mancini, Brandon Choi, Noah Lukovic, Jelena Mattes, Malcolm Hermann, Gregory Farnia, Benjamin Cheng, Simon Hui, Zhouguang Takahashi, Wataru Rimner, Andreas Parisi, Elisabetta Decker, Roy 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 CT-02 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1133 1134 1135 1136 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 Takanaka, Tsuyoshi Trovo, Marco Shintani, Takashi Motegi, Atsushi Shirai, Katsuyuki Turaka, Aruna Zhou, Lin Mak, Kimberley Nagai, Aiko Herman, Michael Wang, Qi Olson, Adam Aghdam, Nima Takahashi, Shigeo Katz, Leah Turaka, Aruna Fischer-Valuck, Ben Yip, Connie Tandberg, Daniel Teng, Feifei Kim, Byounghyuck Heinzerling, John Zhou, Meixiang Yamamoto, Takaya Paryani, Nitesh Chang, Joe Tang, Chad Tang, Chad Videtic, Gregory Takahashi, Noriyoshi Pang, Qingsong Duan, Yili Persson, Gitte Siva, Shankar Ahn, Sung-Ja Nguyen, Quynh Matsuo, Yukinori 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 Pan, Hubert Jiang, Wei Ascolese, Anna Maria Mehmood, Qurrat Kim, Kyung Su Iwata, Hiromitsu Huang, Kitty Bhatt, Neal Ahmed, Inaya Ahmed, Inaya Liu, Ning Kim, Ellen Mann, Justin Feng, Wen Siva, Shankar Yap, Mei Ling Ueki, Nami Baba, Fumiya Trovo, Marco Harder, Eileen Allen, Aaron Harder, Eileen Duma, Marciana-Nona Bremjit, Prashoban Nyflot, Matthew Lester, Scott Dincbas, H. Fazilet Kilburn, Jeremy Jeppesen, Stefan Rowe, Lindsay Sun, Jian Patel, Suchit Nonaka, Hotaka Patel, Suchit Podder, Tarun Dekker, Andre Guo, Gordon 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 Kollar, Laura Jain, Supriya Rabin, Tatiana Berriochoa, Camille Peulen, Heike Karasawa, Katsuyuki Wheatley, Matthew Gomez, Maria Antonia Brigotti, Samantha Bowen, Stephen Simone, Charles Hou, Ying Dhami, Gurleen Shen, Zhilei Valentini, Chiara Hayes, Jason Maidment III, Bertram Schmuecking, Michael Nguyen, Nhu Tram Fernandez, Eduardo Reddy, Jay Paul Lin, Jolinta Wang, Weili Chen, Yu Fan, Yankhua Kemmerer, Eric Ming, Xin Speirs, Christina Biswas, Tithi Chance, William Al-Halabi, Hani Jung, Julip Lee, Yun Hee Jain, Anshu Kong, Feng-Ming Mangla, Ankit Slotman, Ben 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 CT-05 Manabe, Yoshihiko Adli, Mustafa Huang, Tzung-Chi Cannon, Nathan Disher, Brandon Barsky, Andrew Komaki, Ritsuko Mou, Benjamin Wei, Xiong Negahdar, Mohammadreza Negahdar, Mohammadreza Takeuchi, Yuki Heskel, Marina Wurstbauer, Karl Heskel, Marina Higgins, Kristin Pokhrel, Damodar Akthar, Adil Kimura, Tomoki Samuelian, Jason Bergsma, Derek Bowen, Stephen Zhung, Joanne Wu, Q. Jackie Setakornnukul, Jiraporn 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 Zheng, Dandan Saraiya, Siddharth Morimoto, Masahiro Kelley, Kevin Blake, Monika Liu, Jing Shioyama, Yoshiyuki Yoshitake, Tadamasa Liu, Lipin Gao, Song Oguri, Mitsuhiko Smith, Adam Blom, Gerrit Edwards, Jason Kumar, Sanath McGarry, Ronald Mortensen, Steen Yamashita, Hideomi Van Diessen, Judi Cattaneo, Richard Bi, Nan Li, Baosheng Rimner, Andreas Rodrigues, George Mohr, Angela Xie, Liyi Miller, Luke 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 LYMPHOMA Parikh, Rahul Aleman, Berthe Patel, Chirayu Dabaja, Bouthaina Rajpara, Raj Tao, Randa Jegadeesh, Naresh King, Martin Jackson, Matthew Pinnix, Chelsea Liu, Qingfeng Kim, Youn Dabaja, Bouthaina Hoppe, Richard Maraldo, Maja Kriz, Jan Cuaron, John Gerber, Naamit Farr, Jonathan Dabaja, Bouthaina Mikhaeel, George Furlan, Carlo Lloyd, Shane Spickermann, Maximilian Torok, Jordan CT-08 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 145.5 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 199 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 Aznar, Marianne Sachsman, Suzanne Mazloom, Ali Wilke, Christopher Iwabuchi, Michio Dabaja, Bouthaina Dabaja, Bouthaina Lee, Joohwan Tatekawa, Kotoha Ohga, Saiji Braunstein, Lior Pinnix, Chelsea Hiniker, Susan Harada, Arisa Miyazawa, Kazunari Zang, Jian Chen, Bo Jhavar, Sameer Cassuto, Ophelie Balagamwala, Ehsan Heumann, Thatcher Wong, Jeffrey Kelsey, Christopher Hammer, Josef Plastaras, John Ishibashi, Naoya Kelly, Douglas 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 NONMALIGNANT DISEASE Sckolnik, Steven 3200 Mourad, Waleed 3201 Lopater, Zachary 3202 Blakaj, Adriana 3203 Ohri, Nisha 3204 Arora, Divya 3205 Jie, Shen 3206 Yoo, Stella 3207 Sio, Terence 3208 Schuster, Jessica 3209 Carvajal, Claudia 3210 NURSES Herst, Patries Schaidle, Colleen Serra, Diane Yuen, Florence Fujioka, Chiaki Porzio-Kwiecinski, Therese Maisonet, Olivier 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 PALLIATIVE CARE Furlan, Carlo Conway, Jessica Hall, William Gomez-Iturriaga, Alfonso Lefresne, Shilo Khan, Luluel Alcorn, Sara Sahgal, Arjun Moghanaki, Drew Lloyd, Shane Poon, Ian Kawashiro, Shohei Olson, Robert 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 200 Barnes, Mark Nakamura, Naoki Saito, Tetsuo Cheney, Matthew Henson, Christina Rhee, Woo Joong Franco, Pierfrancesco Kobayashi, Hidetoshi Saito, Tetsuo Held, Mareike Harada, Ken Mula-Hussain, Layth Aljabab, Saif Mian, Omar Alcorn, Sara Wang, Yu-Ming Lam, Tai Chung Ly, Bevan Hamamoto, Yasushi Lee, Jason Arneson, Kyle Logie, Natalie Lok, Benjamin Tanaka, Hiroshi Avkshtol, Vladimir Tan, Daniel Curry, Heather Cellini, Francesco Ma, C.M. Charlie Schuster, Jessica Zahra, Amir 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES Hoppe, Bradford Johnson, Matthew Zhao, Shuang Anderson, Bradley Wiltink, Lisette Miller, Robert Urbanic, James Ye, Hong Joh, Daniel Kiang, Alan Woo, Jennifer Rathod, Shrinivas Valderrama, Adriana Krauze, Andra Woo, Jennifer Mason, Matthew Sio, Terence Janowski, Einsley-Marie Lee, Jae Rossetti, Andrew Gurka, Marie Thibault, Isabelle Miszczyk, Leszek Elliott, David Mitra, Devarati Lai, Yu-Hsuan Nuyttens, Joost Goenka, Anuj Rana, Zaker Khwaja, Shariq 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Lee, Andrew Zhou, Jessica Rana, Zaker Leatherwood, Amy Giuliani, Meredith Barsky, Andrew Samiee, Sara Knoll, Miriam Mitra, Devarati Seo, YoungsSeok Hill-Kayser, Christine Groarke, John Kachnic, Lisa Olson, Robert Shimizu, Arisa Larrea, Luis Patel, Ashish McCloskey, Susan 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 CT-06 PATIENT SAFETY Olivera, Gustavo Damato, Antonio Matuszak, Martha Chera, Bhisham Greenwalt, Julie Miller, Brett Gao, Wendy Novak, Avrey Gwynne, Sarah Fontanilla, Hiral Lam, Wai Wang Gwynne, Sarah Yu, Jialu Dvorak, Tomas Meier, Timothy Kisling, Kelly Mathews, Joshua Hamilton, Sarah Vitzthum, Lucas Katsuta, Yoshiyuki Able, Charles Leonard, Kara Yang, Ruijie Gong, Yutao Matulewicz, Lukasz Sekar, Yuvaraj Chen, Yu Mo, Xiaohu Liszewski, Brian McNiven, Andrea Kertzscher, Gustavo Varadhan, Raj Moningi, Shalini Pavan, Guilherme Mullen, Thomas Chao, Samuel Deraniyagala, Rohan Kovalchuk, Nataliya Ota, Seiichi Jones, Ryan Moningi, Shalini Fritscher, Karl Liu, Chihray Yi, Byong Yong 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 Blacksburg, Seth Mumber, Matthew Peter Yang, Bin Delaney, Kyle Hattangadi, Jona Elnahal, Shereef Mosaly, Prithima Taylor, Kinley Mosaly, Prithima Grant, Jonathan 3363 3364 3365 3366 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 PEDIATRIC CANCER Boehling, Nick 244 Eaton, Bree 245 Laskar, Siddhartha 246 Haas-Kogan, Daphne Adele 247 Kahalley, Lisa 248 Gunther, Jillian 249 Kalapurakal, John 250 Mahajan, Anita 251 Paulino, Arnold 252 Mahajan, Anita 3294 Sethi, Roshan 3295 Gibbs, Iris 3296 Chin, Joanna 3297 Redmond, Kristin 3298 Lai, I-Chun 3299 Gultekin, Melis 3300 Uh, Jinsoo 3301 Alcorn, Sara 3302 Cahlon, Oren 3303 Ray, Geoffrey 3304 McGovern, Susan 3305 Jimenez, Rachel 3306 Sreeraman, Radhika 3307 Haque, Waqar 3308 Liang, Jun 3309 Roeper, Barbara 3310 Ozkaya Akagunduz, Ozlem 3311 Osborne, Eleanor 3312 Kirkland, Robert 3313 Hazariwala, Ronica 3314 Salinas, Vanessa 3315 Thaker, Nikhil 3316 Shaikh, Fauzia 3317 Imber, Brandon 3318 DeSelm, Carl 3319 Shah, Nikesh 3320 Hess, Clayton 3321 Casey, Dana 3322 Hill-Kayser, Christine 3323 Kornerup, Josefine S. 3324 Farnia, Benjamin 3325 Barron, David 3326 RADIATION AND CANCER BIOLOGY Sharabi, Andrew PL-01 Yard, Brian 66 Salem, Ahmed 67 Moding, Everett 68 Karlin, Jeremy 69 Speers, Corey 70 Baig, Nimrah 71 Wright, Christopher 72 Zumsteg, Zachary 73 Zhao, Hanxi 98 Kirsch, David 115 Du, Shisuo 116 Walker, Amanda 117 Blanchard, Miran 118 Park, Sean 119 Young, Kristina 120 Pilones, Karsten 121 Pham, Ngoc 127 Matsuo, Masayuki 186 Kortylewicz, Janina 187 Papineni, Rao 188 Mouw, Kent 189 Hedayati, Mohammad 190 Han, Kathy 191 Zhang, Peng 192 Evans, Joseph 193 Harima, Yoko 199 Hearn, Jason 219 Kozono, David 220 Chang, Kenneth 221 Smith, Clayton 222 Willers, Henning 223 Abazeed, Mohamed 224 Mikkelsen, Ross 225 Xu, Ting 226 Wray, Justin 325 Hanna, Nevine 326 Stessin, Alexander 327 Andreassen, Christian 328 Pitroda, Sean 329 Scroggins, Bradley 330 Epperly, Michael 331 Citrin, Deborah 332 Ivkov, Robert 1037 Advani, Sunil 1038 Gao, Dexuan 1039 Shridhar, Ravi 1040 Guha, Chandan 1041 Moustafa, Mahmoud 1042 Wolfe, Adam 1043 Offor, Onyinye 1044 Brenneman, Randall 1045 Nowak, Kamila 1046 Tran, Phuoc 1047 Dholakia, Avani 1048 Van Dijk, Laura 1085 Mohindra, Pranshu 1086 Wobb, Jessica 1087 Meng, Jin 1088 Higginson, Daniel 1089 Jeraj, Robert 1090 Patel, Kirtesh 1091 Chun, Stephen 1092 Ju, Melody 1093 Gerngross, Lindsey 1094 Leiker, Andrew 1095 Sio, Terence 1096 Spratt, Daniel 1124 Vaughan, Andrew 3414 Stone, Brandon 3415 Young, Kristina 3416 Muraro, Elena 3417 Fahim Golestaneh, Azadeh 3418 Leung, Chung Man 3419 Bornstein, Sophia 3420 Tao, Jessie 3421 Chaudhuri, Aadel 3422 Koukourakis, Michael 3423 Sato, Mariko 3424 Rafat, Marjan 3425 Park, Catherine 3426 Zhang, Minsi 3427 Allen, Bryan 3428 Yoo, Hyun 3429 Lee, Eun-Jung 3430 Tian, Sibo 3431 Maity, Amit 3432 Dadey, David 3433 Rao, Shyam 3434 Monjazeb, Arta 3435 Schoenfeld, Jonathan 3436 Suzuki, Yoshiyuki 3437 Veldwijk, Marlon 3438 Illidge, Timothy 3439 Reddy, Vishruth 3440 Epperly, Michael 3441 Epperly, Michael 3442 Giordano, Frank 3443 Nishioka, Takeshi 3444 Borst, Gerben 3445 Iwata, Hiromitsu 3446 Leong, Trevor 3447 Zielinska-Chomej, Katarzyna 3448 Bakhoum, Samuel 3449 Sizemore, Steven 3450 Spektor, Alexander 3451 Zhang, Li Yuan 3452 Widlak, Piotr 3453 Epperly, Michael 3454 Odawara, Soichi 3455 Xingwen, Fan 3456 Zhao, Diana Yi 3457 Dong, Xiaorong 3458 Schmidberger, Heinz 3459 Takahashi, Ippei 3460 Abernathy, Lisa 3461 Kabarriti, Rafi 3462 Cho, Jae Ho 3463 Dominello, Michael 3464 Buchsbaum, Jeffrey 3465 Amornwichet, Napapat 3466 Okano, Naoko 3467 Wang, Bin 3468 Sai, Sei 3469 Zhang, Peng 3470 Hurmuz, Pervin Sarojini, Sreeja Hasegawa, Masatoshi Pyakuryal, Anil Rafat, Marjan Gan, Gregory Yang, Jia Spratt, Daniel Volotskova, Olga Matsuo, Masayuki Hosono, Makoto Gao, Zhenhua King, Martin Laruelo, Andrea Marples, Brian Kapoor, Vaishali Perez, Jessica Lee, Keum Sil Lee, Kuei Ahmad, Moiz Naczynski, Dominik Furutani, Shunsuke Masunaga, Shin-ichiro Okonogi, Noriyuki Harada, Satoshi Zhang, Chi Zhang, Zhenhuan Khattab, Mohamed Huber, Peter Nicolay, Nils Raju, Uma Li, Ping Wu, Szu-Yuan Seo, Yuji Wang, Edina Kim, Dong Wook Nathan Mitchell, Darrion Xing, Ligang Dong, Qian Tian, Xi Jeong, Seong-Yun Jeong, Seong-Yun Nakayama, Masao Felix, Manuela Sun, Yunguang Sun, Yunguang Kiess, Ana Wang, Tao Liu, Peter Quinn, Thomas Biswas, Tithi Vatner, Ralph Monjazeb, Arta Dan, Tu Yang, Jia Epperly, Michael Medhora, Meetha Epperly, Michael Enke, Thomas Epperly, Michael Barrett, Kate Lang, Jinyi Bortolin, Maria Teresa Modlin, Leslie 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 Masoud Rahbari, Reza Ruiz-Alonso, Ana Xu, Ting Song, Yipeng Liu, Anwen Walston, Steve Thompson, Jonathan Wobb, Jessica Lin, Steven Tuli, Richard Grecula, John Osmundson, Evan 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 RADIATION AND CANCER PHYSICS Kabarriti, Rafi Zhou, Jun Vallieres, Martin Li, Ruijiang Wiedenmann, Nicole Bradshaw, Tyler Ahmed, Merina McGuire, Sarah Gensheimer, Michael Obeid, Layal Adam, Jean-François Snider III, James Liu, Jianfei Li, Taoran Hallman, Mark Asuni, Ganiyu Braunstein, Steve Zhao, Weizhao Booth, Jeremy Coates, James Rimner, Andreas Owen, Dawn Ren, Lei Yip, Stephen Schuemann, Jan Kelada, Olivia Paulson, Eric Sterzing, Florian Tai, An Saleh, Ziad Troeller, Almut Liao, Zhongxing Kupelian, Patrick Palorini, Federica Wang, Chunhao Qi, Xiangrong Hall, Matthew Kole, Thomas Santhanam, Anand Velec, Michael Gudur, Madhu Sudhan Reddy Guo, Yu Patel, Ravi Hegi-Johnson, Fiona Ding, Yao Zhang, Yibao Huynh-Le, Minh-Phuong Mutic, Sasa ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 58 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 110 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 202 201 Stanescu, Teo Green, Olga Glide-Hurst, Carri Liu, Yilin Li, Xia Seibert, Tyler Wooten, Hasani Chen, Xinfeng Yuan, Lulin Ruan, Dan Kumarasiri, Akila Kierkels, Roel Poon, Miranda Sze Wing Vanderstraeten, Barbara Santanam, Lakshmi Zarepisheh, Masoud Nguyen, Dan Marina, Ovidiu Liang, Jieming Colvill, Emma Jawad, Maha Lin, Mu-Han Block, Alec Li, Heng Glick, Daniel Cui, Taoran Gladwish, Adam Parashar, Bhupesh Klein, Eric Wen, Ning Liu, Feng Shi, Xiutao Karan, Tania Gao, Ang Cifuentes Gaitan, Jidney Holcombe, Charles Rao, Min Martin, Jeffrey Ling, Diane Zlateva, Yana Berbeco, Ross Paudel, Nava Kashani, Rojano Wang, Jing Roeske, John Todor, Dorin Balter, James Wang, Jiazhou Strom, Eric Su, Zhong Lee, HyunSeok Linam, Justin Agazaryan, Nzhde Weiss, Elisabeth Nakamura, Mitsuhiro Boda-Heggemann, Judit Akimoto, Mami Padilla, Laura Kim, Youngjun Oohira, Shingo Zhang, Pengpeng Fung, Winky Wing Ki Blessing, Manuel Arns, Anna 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 1067 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 Park, John Mooney, Karen Plishker, William Ali, Mirza Li, Allen Kathpal, Madeera Mittauer, Kathryn Gayou, Olivier Bhandare, Niranjan Peng, Jean Letourneau, Etienne Hojgaard, Martin Zhang, You Abing, Casey Cheng, Hui Ueda, Yoshihiro Jones, Bernard Noid, George Zhang, Hao Gong, Guanzhong White, Benjamin Witztum, Alon Zhao, Bo Keall, Paul Li, Dengwang Suttie, Clare Chiu, George Wang, Ti-Hao Scholey, Jessica Van Sornsen de Koste, John Hickling, Susannah James, Joshua Kashani, Rojano Antoine, Mikael Poulsen, Per Lischalk, Jonathan Fanchon, Louise Liu, Wu Hurwitz, Martina Stecklein, Shane Watkins, William Li, Shidong Yang, Yong Chung, Caroline Risberg, Miranda Monjazeb, Arta Bergamo, Angelo Kamp, Florian Simpson, Daniel Jeong, Jeho Carmona, Ruben Van Leeuwen, Caspar Pater, Piotr Ybarra, Norma Merrick, Scott Cho, Daniel Mei, Feng Sheng, Ke Prior, Phillip Thor, Maria Kang, John Yu, Victoria Rancati, Tiziana ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 Ngwa, Wilfred Murray, Louise Raince, Jagdeep Ishaq, Omar Howell, Rebecca Paulson, Eric Hwang, Seha Fujita, Yujiro Lens, Eelco Kainz, Kristofer Altman, Michael Yan, Di Yoon, Kyoung Jun Varadhan, Raj Fog, Lotte Sasidharan, Balu Krishna Chu, Kwun-Ye Olivera, Jesús Kim, Leonard Draghici, Roxana Nirunsiriphol, Sawanee Pratx, Guillem Jeong, Yuri Bedos, Ludovic Yu, Suhong Balter, Peter Kawakami, Masakuni Matsumoto, Kenji Tachiki, Lisa Srivastava, Shiv Amoush, Ahmad Li, Fengxiang Li, Fengxiang Liu, Wenyang Serrano, Nicholas Alpuche Aviles, Jorge Lian, Jun Heijmen, Ben Castelli, Joel Kamomae, Takeshi Jani, Shirish Lee, Suk Cho, Kwang Hwan Fenoglietto, Pascal Thompson, Kenton Lee, Suk Kang, Young-nam Pallotta, Stefania Karagoz, Gulay Sakumi, Akira Tijssen, Rob Thomson, David Na, Yong Hum Fiandra, Christian Edwards-Bennett, Sophia Kirby, Neil Yang, Wensha White, Evan Damato, Antonio Li, Guangjun Clemente Gutierrez, Francisco Paulson, Eric Qi, Xiangrong 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 Vieira, Andre Adamczyk, Marta Nelson, Aaron Chai, Xiangfei Tuohy, Rachel Li, Jason Chiesa, Silvia Xu, Qiong Robar, James Fawaz, Ziad Lin, Teh Defoor, Dewayne Yao, Weiguang Chen, Xiaojian Erickson, Kelly Reynolds, Robert Liu, Chang Woo, Joong Yeol Vatner, Ralph Shankar, Vangipuram Han, Chunhui Ellis, Rodney Lo, Simon Ma, Lijun Simeonova, Anna Ding, Chuxiong Okawa, Kohei Palmgren, Jan-Erik Rottmann, Joerg Naoi, Yutaka Molinier, Jessica Simeonova, Anna Gevaert, Thierry Steenbeke, Femke Louie, Alexander Ly, Bevan Fotouhi Ghiam, Alireza Li, Winnie Cohen, Randi Ruggieri, Ruggero Hossain, Murshed Yaparpalvi, Ravindra Dagoglu, Rabia Nergiz Michalski, Dariusz Sonier, Marcus Ye, Jin-Song Wu, Jianzhou Zilli, Thomas Wang, Huan-Huan Gabos, Zsolt Kim, Hyun Zhung, Joanne Henriques, Benedicte Talamonti, Cinzia Lucas, John Li, Guang Oechsner, Markus Pineiro Retif, Rafael Estes, Christopher Dang, Phuong-Di Rajan, Rajesh Wang, Tonghe Babic, Steven Cuijpers, Johan 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 Rochefort, Pauline Zhang, Qinghui Broomfield, Joel Wang, Ricardo Han, Bin Yazici, Gozde Chen, Allan Su, Zhong Ogunleye, Tomi Gulam, Misbah Choi, Enid Bahig, Houda Telivala, Tejas Alite, Fiori Zhao, Bo Rong, Yi Pennington, Andreea Cuaron, John Cuaron, John Masood, Umar Romesser, Paul Akino, Yuichi Visser, Jorrit Wang, Dongxu Matysiak, Witold Sio, Terence Tryggestad, Erik Johnson, Jedediah Faddegon, Bruce Wong, Tony Shimizu, Shinichi Goddu, Sreekrishna Murty Ding, Aiping Batista, Vania Son, Jaeman Zeng, Chuan Summers, Paige Casares Magaz, Oscar Zhao, Li Polf, Jerimy Richard, Patrick Giantsoudi, Drosoula Jo, Kwanghyun Ager, Bryan Li, Heng Cai, Bin Anand, Aman Zheng, Yuanshui Daartz, Juliane Welsh, James Zaini, Mehran Dinkla, Anna Shin, Samuel Korhonen, Juha Iftimia, Ileana Craft, David Ahunbay, Ergun Park, Jong In Feng, Huiting (Christine) Han, Dae Yup Depauw, Nicolas Gupta, Deepak Li, Ruijiang Prior, Phillip 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 Palma, Bianey Martin, Andre-Guy Gong, Guanzhong Li, Jiancheng Li, Tianfang Santos, Daniel Bazalova, Magdalena Cho, Yu Ra Mancosu, Pietro Zhao, Nan Zhao, Nan Tsiamas, Panagiotis Verbakel, Wilko Gupta, Roohi Barten, Danique Goyal, Uma Xiang, Liangzhong Leif, Jessica Lowenstein Ma, C.M. Charlie Salter, Bill Balasz, Katarzyna Moteabbed, Maryam Korideck, Houari Thomas, Evan Huang, Baotian Rutenberg, Michael Hajdok, George Liang, Xing Paudel, Nava Amini, Arya 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 Barker, Christopher Karasawa, Katsuyuki Hadsell, Michael Moalikyar, Omeed Kenjo, Masahiro Tinkle, Christopher Jacobson, Alex Saeed, Hina Manyam, Bindu Tinkle, Christopher Wilke, Christopher Merrell, Kenneth Pennington, Joseph Cahlon, Oren Bhatt, Aashish Snider III, James Szeja, Sean 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 SARCOMA AND CUTANEOUS TUMORS Baldini, Elizabeth 253 Roeder, Falk 254 Mak, Kimberley 255 Vyas, Shilpa 256 Willett, Addison 257 Stish, Bradley 258 Kubicek, Gregory 259 Baumann, Brian 260 Pretz, Jennifer 3374 Casey, Dana 3375 Casey, Stephanie 3376 Wang, Jianyang 3377 Casey, Dana 3378 Cheney, Matthew 3379 Arenas, Meritxell 3380 Kishan, Amar 3381 Cheung, Michael 3382 Song, Sanghyuk 3383 Kumar, Aryavarta 3384 Wang, Haotong 3385 Bhatnagar, Ajay 3386 Chapman, Tobias 3387 Crimaldi, Anthony 3388 Huang, Pin-I 3389 Rodriguez Villalba, Silvia 3390 Parvathaneni, Upendra 3391 Yip, Darwin 3392 Kollar, Laura 3393 Le Grange, Franel 3394 Gayar, Hesham 3395 Johnson, Julian 3396 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 203 2014 Best of ASTRO OCTOBER 17-18, 2014 S C I E N C E O F T O D AY HOPE FOR TOMORROW | EDEN ROC MIAMI BEACH | MIAMI BEACH Join us in Miami Beach! ATTEND THIS TWO-DAY MEETING FOR A SUMMARY OF THE TOP SCIENCE FROM THE 2014 ASTRO ANNUAL MEETING. Register now: This live activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. ® TAR G E T I N G C A N C E R C A R E Disciplinesof Leadership D C Come to Miami Beach early and take advantage of the Disciplines of Leadership course taking p place October 15-16, at the Eden Roc Miami Beach. w INSIDE: Industry-Expert Theater Schedule Exhibitor List Exhibitor List by Product/Service Category Exhibit Hall Floor Plan EXHIBIT HALL HOURS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Exhibitor ASTRO 2015 technol gy meets patient care 57TH ANNUAL MEETING MEETING DATES: OCTOBER 18-21 2015 EXHIBIT DATES: OCTOBER 18-20 , 2015 HENRY B. GONZALEZ CONVENTION CENTER SAN ANTONIO Save the Dates! Call for Abstracts opens: December 17, 2014 Exhibitor Deadline for abstract submission: February 26, 2015 TA R G E T I N G C A N C E R C A R E INDUSTRY-EXPERT THEATER* Exhibit Hall, Room 100 This activity allows companies to present their noteworthy products and services through a live presentation in the Industry-Expert Theater located in the Exhibit Hall. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Industry-Expert Theater content and views expressed therein are those of the exhibitor and not of ASTRO. *Industry-Expert Theaters are not accredited for continuing medical education credits. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Time: 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Precision in Practice: Optimizing Outcomes and Expanding Applications with Accuray Company: Accuray Contact: Rebecca Byrne Phone: 408-334-7950 Box lunch provided. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Time: 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. Perirectal Spacers: Emerging Technology and Impact on Future Prostate RT Utilization Company: Augmenix Contact: Eileen Gardner Phone: 508-944-8015 Box breakfast provided. Time: 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. The Therapeutic Application of Xofigo® (radium Ra 223 dichloride) Injection Company: Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc. Contact: Michelle Noyes Phone: 862-404-5478 Box lunch provided. Time: 10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Exclusive: Pre-release screening footage from the upcoming series “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies” by Award-winning Executive Producer Ken Burns Company: Siemens Contact: Jeffrey Bell, Sr. Manager, Media Relations - Imaging and Therapy Systems Phone: 484-868-8346 Refreshments provided. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. Clinical Advancements in Electronic Brachytherapy for Breast, Skin and Gynecological Cancers Company: Xoft Inc. Box breakfast provided. 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Patient QA and Safety in Modern Radiation Therapy Company: ScandiDos Contact: Marni Brown Phone: 608-630-9415 Box lunch provided. ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 207 Exhibitor List (as of August 8, 2014) EXHIBITOR NAME .decimal 121 Central Park Place Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: 800-255-1613 Email: Website: BOOTH# 1040 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Aktina Medical Corporation 360 North Route 9W Congers, NY 10920 Phone: 845-268-0101 R 228 ALATRO (Asociacion Iberoamericana De Terapia Radiante Oncologica) Av. El Rosario 450 Suite No. 7 San Isidro, Lima, TX Lima 27 Peru Phone: 51-142-295-94 Email: Website: 241 A2J Healthcare 1145 Parc d’Activité des Vallières, 5 allée des Rousselets Thorigny sur Marne, 77 77400 France Phone: 00-331-60-94-22-99 Email: Website: Alliance Oncology 1801 West End Avenue Suite 700 Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: 615-263-7888 Email: R 504 ABL Medical 705 E. 50 S. American Fork, UT 84403 Phone: 801-763-8000 Email: Website: 2537 1601 Acceletronics 602 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 Phone: 800-543-5144 Email: Website: 428 AMAC - American Medical Accounting and Consulting 2864 Johnson Ferry Blvd., Suite 150 Marietta, GA 30062 Phone: 770-693-6031 Email: Website: R 202 AccuBoost 1 Industrial Way Tyngsboro, MA 01879 Phone: 978-649-0007 Email: Website: 218 AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc. 1100 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451 Phone: 617-498-3306 Email: Website: Accuray Inc. 1310 Chesapeake Terrace Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Phone: 408-716-4600 Email: Website: A 1908 21st Century Oncology 2270 Colonial Boulevard Fort Myers, FL 33907 Phone: 239-931-7333 Email: Website: R 838 AME Publishing Company 206 3/F, 1st Building, Le Su Science Park, 1526, Chunbo Rd., Binjiang District Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310052 China Phone: +86-571-28182610 Email: Website: American Association of Medical Dosimetrits 2201 Cooperative Way, Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 Phone: 703-677-8071 Email: Website: 2732 Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. 1701 23355 L & N Turnpike, Bldg. F West Point, KY 40177 Phone: 502-922-3009 Email: Website: American Society of Clinical Oncology 2318 Mill Road, Suite 800 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 888-282-2552 Email: Website: 1401 AEP Linac 3870-B Longview Drive Douglasville, GA 30135 Phone: 678-838-3737 Email: Website: Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. 2047 University Blvd Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 713-382-3638 Email: Website: 544 Advanced Accelerator Technologies 1511 Pleasant Street New Orleans, LA 20115 243 2436 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Ancer Medical 131 Daniel Webster Highway, Box 854 Nashua, NH 03060 Phone: 978-866-0693 107 Anzai Medical Co. Ltd. 3-6-25 Nishi-ShinagawaShinagawa-ku Tokyo, 141-0033 Japan Phone: 81-337-791-611 Email: Website: 2336 APSHO 37 Main Street Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 Phone: 631-935-7684 Website: Email: 441 AQUILAB SAS Parc Eurasante, 250 rue Salvador Allende Loos Les Lille, France 59120 France Phone: 00-333-696-1515-1 Email: Website: R 2334 architection 425 W. Market St. Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: 502-561-1024 Email: Website: R 940 Augmenix 204 2nd Avenue, Lower Level Waltham, MA 02451 Phone: 781-895-3235 Email: Website: 1943 Bard Medical Division 8195 Industrial Blvd. Covington, GA 30014 Phone: 770-784-6223 Email: Website: 1702 Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc. 100 Bayer Blvd Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 862-404-3000 Email: Website: A 1818 Beekley Medical 1 Prestige Lane Bristol, CT 06010 Phone: 800-233-5539 Email: 2634 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Best Medical International, Inc. 7643 Fullerton Road Springfield, VA 22153 Phone: 419-727-8421, ext. 262 Website: R 336, 410, 2901 Bionix Radiation Therapy 5154 Enterprise Boulevard Toledo, OH 43612 Phone: 419-727-8421, ext. 262 Email: Website: 1627 BK Medical 8 Centennial Drive Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 978-326-1300 Email: Website: 2601 Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. 3555 N. W. 58th St., Suite 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Phone: 405-917-0500 Email: Website: R 1801 Boiron 6 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, PA 19073-3267 Phone: 610-325-7464 Website: 2908 Brainlab 3 Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 400 Westchester, IL 60154 Phone: 708-409-1343 Email: Website: A R 1328 BSD Medical 2188 W. 2200 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: 801-972-5555 Email: Website: R 1743 Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH Gartenstrasse 11 Reutlingen, 72764 Germany Phone: 49-7121-930721-0 Email: Website: 2709 LEGEND A Ambassador P Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor G S B Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Copper Sponsor R Enhanced RO MarketPlace Corporate members in bold. Listing Corporate members in bold. C EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# C4 Imaging 2160 Bellflower Lane New Hope, PA 18938 Phone: 609-933-5895 Email: Website: 2734 Cancer CarePoint Inc. 17 Executive Park Drive, Suite 520 Atlanta, GA 30329 Phone: 800-998-5859 Email: Website: R 704 Cancer Treatment Centers of America 2610 Sheridan Road Zion, IL 60099 Phone: 847-746-4384 Email: Website: 2301 Carbon Medical Technologies 1290 Hammond Rd. St. Paul, MN 55110 Phone: 651-653-8512 Email: Website: EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# CIRS 2428 Almeda Ave., Suite 316 Norfolk, VA 23513 Phone: 757-855-2765 Email: Website: R 1644 CivaTech Oncology P.O. Box 14310 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Phone: 919-815-0238 Email: Website: R 109 1808 1044 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1401 8th St. SE Orange City, IA 51041 Phone: 712-737-8688 Email: Website: B R 1844 Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc. 5160 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Phone: 925-557-4100 Email: Website: R 1738 Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute 9500 Euclid Avenue, R32 Cleveland, OH 44195 Phone: 216-444-6931 Email: Website: Cold Shot Chillers 14020 Interdrive West Houston, TX 77032 Phone: 281-227-8400 Email: website: 2933 CDR Systems Inc. #33, 235105 Wrangler Drive, SE Calgary, AB T1X 0K3 Canada Phone: 403-850-7035 Email: Website: R 1902 Coumans Care P.O. Box 84 Hartland, WI 53029 Phone: 262-367-7726 Website: 2739 1346 Cemar Electro Inc. 1370 55th Avenue Lachine, QC H8T 3J8 Canada Phone: 514-631-5807 Email: Website: R 2202 C-RAD Inc. 70 SE 4th Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33483 Phone: 561-742-9260 Email: Website: R 2934 Churchill Consulting Inc. 384 Route 148 Killingworth, CT 06419 Phone: 860-663-5630 Email: Website: R 1901 CRC Press 3473 Sitio Borde Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: 760-944-9906 Website: Cura Medical Technologies 23 Rancho Circle Lake Forest, CA 92630 Phone: 858-831-7056 245 Cianna Medical 6 Journey, Suite 125 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Phone: 949-360-0059 Email: Website: 1838 CYRPA Avenue Louise, 489 Brussels, 1050 Belgium Website: 538 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 209 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Equicare Health Inc. 1144 201-2020 Yukon St. Vancouver, BC V5Y 3N8 Canada Phone: 604-398-2956 Email: Website: R Gold Anchor 2907 Vassvagen 21 Huddinge, 14139 Sweden Phone: 46-706-105-411 Email: Website: R Everson Tesla Inc. 615 Daniels Road Nazareth, PA 18064 Phone: 610-216-6279 Email: Website: 238 GuangZhou Raydose Software 2546 Technology LLC Room 502, Glorious Tower, 850 East Dongfeng Road GuangZhou, Guang Dong Province 510600 China Phone: +86-20-87764746 Email: Website: 2910 2428 Focal Therapeutics 30 Enterprise Suite 220 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Phone: 949-600-5050 Email: Website: 702 DOSIsoft 45-47 Avenue Carnot Cachan, 94230 France Phone: 33-141-242-626 Email: Website: 2533 Foss Therapy Services Inc. 8794 Avalon St. Alta Loma, CA 91701 Phone: 909-980-6229 Email: Website: e+CancerCare 104 Woodmont Blvd, Suite 500 Nashville, TN 37205 Phone: 615-467-7407 Email: Website: 944 e2v 520 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: 914-592-6050 Email: Website: 2438 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. 115 Hurley Road, Building 3A Oxford, CT 06478 Phone: 203-262-0571 Email: Website: 1002 Elekta 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, Suite 50 Atlanta, GA 30346 Phone: 770-670-2592 Email: Website: A R 1308 Elsevier 1600 JFK Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 404-460-1831 Email: Website: 1502 D3 Oncology Solutions 5750 Centre Avenue, Suite 500 Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Phone: 412-365-0719 Email: Website: R 2242 Dara BioSciences 8601 Six Forks Road, Suite 160 Raleigh, NC 27615 Phone: 919-861-0286 Email: Website: 344 Demos Medical Publishing 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor New York, NY 10036 Phone: 212-804-6316 Email: Website: 740 DIACOR 2550 Decker Lake Blvd. West Valley, UT 84119 Phone: 800-342-2679 Email: Website: Full Circle PR 2603 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, Suite 200 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 727-230-9265 Website: GammaWest Cancer Services 24 South 1100 East Suite 306 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Phone: 801-608-5554 Email: Website: 2642 Gammex 7600 Discovery Drive Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 608-828-7000 Email: Website: 1220 GE Healthcare P.O. Box 414 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Phone: 262-544-3011 Website: 2228 GenomeDx Biosciences 311 Water Street, Suite 400 Vancouver, BC V6B 1B8 Canada Phone: 604-558-4777 Website: 343 Genomic Health, Inc. 301 301 Penobscot Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 Phone: 866-662-6897 Email: Website: H&H Design-Build 130 East Main St. New Albany, IN 47150 Phone: 812-206-6178 Email: Website: R 2904 Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. 710 Cromwell Drive, Suite A Greenville, NC 27858 Phone: 866-437-6372 Email: Website: 2935 Hitachi 50 Prospect Avenue Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: 914-524-6654 Email: Website: 602 Hologic Inc. 35 Crosby Drive Bedford, MA 01730 Phone: 781-999-7300 Email: Website: B R 1402 HyperDrive Medical 1110 Sunset Drive Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1E6 Canada Phone: 257-227-0757 Email: Website: 2903 IBA Chemin du Cyclotron, 3 Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348 Belgium Phone: 32-470-048-622 Email: Website: A 1727 Imaging Technology News 3030 West Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Phone: 847-391-1000 Email: Website: 1842 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# ImpediMed Inc. 5900 Pasteur Court, Suite 125 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 877-247-0111 Email: Website: R 1042 INSYS Therapeutics Inc. 1333 South Spectrum Blvd., Suite 100 Chandler, AZ 85286 Phone: 602-910-2617 Email: Website: 1944 IntraOp Medical Corporation 570 Del Rey Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: 408-636-1020, ext. 128 Email: Website: 1703 IOP Publishing 208 150 South Independence Mall West, Suite 929 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: 215-627-0880 Email: Website: Iron Medical Systems Inc. 3104 E. Camelback Rd., #562 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-343-6440 Email: Website: 2905 IsoAid 7824 Clark Moody Blvd. Port Richey, FL 34668 Phone: 727-207-5973 Email: Website: R 1201 IsoRay Medical Inc. 350 Hills Street, Suite 106 Richland, WA 99354 Phone: 509-375-1202 Email: Website: R 738 James L. Davis 13521 Walsingham Rd. Largo, FL 33774 Phone: 727-596-0408 Email: Website: R 1102 LEGEND A Ambassador P Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor G S Bronze Sponsor C Copper Sponsor Corporate members in bold. R Enhanced RO MarketPlace Listing Corporate members in bold. B EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Klarity 80 Westgate Drive Newark, OH 43055 Phone: 740-788-8107 Email: Website: R 2416 Kobold, LLC P.O. Box 1994 Veradale, WA 99037 Phone: 509-703-5090 Email: Website: R 104 Kunshan GuoLi Vacuum Electric Co. Ltd Shuixiu Road 1418 Kunshan City, 215316 China Phone: 86-512-577-3562-1 Website: 542 Landauer Inc. 2 Science Road Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone: 877-476-8433 Email: Website: R 608 LAP of America LLC 2002 161 Commerce Rd., Suite 3 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone: 561-416-9250 Email: Website: R Leoni CIA Cable Systems S.A.S. 2700 5, avenue Victor Hugo, ZAC du Jardin d’Entreprises Gellainville, 28000 France Phone: 0033-237333204 Email: Website: Liberty Medical Inc. 22135 Davis Dr. #112 Sterling, VA 20164 Phone: 888-257-2408 Email: Website: R 2544 LifeLine Software Inc. 2407 Pemberton Place Austin, TX 78703 Phone: 866-592-1343 Email: Website: R 436 LinaTech LLC 1294 Kifer Road, Suite 705 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Phone: 408-733-2051 Email: Website: 2402 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Linbeck Group LLC 3900 Essex Suite 120 Houston, TX 77027 Phone: 713-621-2350 2736 Logos Systems Int’l 175 El Pueblo Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Phone: 831-600-6101 Email: Website: 341 MACROMEDICS BV Kouwe Hoek 18 Waddinxveen, 2741 PX Netherlands Phone: 31-018-238-9777 Website: 2636 Math Resolutions 5975 Gales Lane Columbia, MD 21045 Phone: 410-997-9578 Website: 244 Max Medical Co. Ltd. 4-5-1, Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku Osaka, 532-0011 Japan Phone: +81-6-6886-7351 Email: Website: 101 Maxim Government Services 7227 Lee DeForest Dr. Columbia, MD 21046 Phone: 866-260-9142 Website: 2909 Mayo Clinic 13400 East Shea Boulevard Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Phone: 507-284-4873 Email: Website: 2640 Medspira LLC 2718 Summer St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-789-0013 Email: Website: 2036 Mevion Medical Systems 300 Foster Street Littleton, MA 01460 Phone: 978-540-1500 Email: Website: G R 728 Miaderm 2412 Calle San Miguel Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: 617-461-5959 Email: Website: 837 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 211 EXHIBITOR NAME Mick Radio-Nuclear Instruments Inc., an Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Company 521 Homestead Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 01550 Phone: 203-262-0571 Email: Website: R BOOTH# 902 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems 1601 SW 89th Street E-100 Oklahoma City, OK 73159 Phone: 405-680-5222 Email: Website: R 1139 Myriad Genetic Laboratories 320 Wakara Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Phone: 801-584-3535 Email: Website: 242 NELCO 2 Burlington Woods Dr., Suite 300 Burlington, MA 01803 Phone: 781-933-1940 Website: R 627 Novocure 195 Commerce Way Portsmouth, NH 03801 Phone: 603-436-2809 Email: Website: 2144 Nualine Laser 4333 Belcarra Court Dublin, CA 94568 Phone: 925-388-6026 Email: Website: 342 Oncology Services International 400 Rella Boulevard, Suite 123 Montebello, NY 10901 Phone: 845-357-6560 Email: Website: R 212 1244 Micropos Medical Stena Center 1 Gothenburg, 41292 Sweden Phone: +46 31 772 80 99 Email: Website: R 2643 MIM Software 25800 Science Park Drive, Suite 180 Cleveland, OH 44122 Phone: 216-455-0600 Email: Website: 2127 Mirada Medical 999 18th Street, Ste 2025N Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 330-379-9228 Email: Website: 308 Mission Search 2203 N. Lois Ave, Suite 1225 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 813-870-9500 Email: Website: 502 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 503 Keystone Drive Warrendale, PA 15086-7537 Phone: 742-724-3422 Email: 2602 MM Leadership Management Solutions 4705 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 2204 Mobius Medical Systems 5012 Tamarisk Street Bellaire, Texas 77401 Phone: 888-263-8541 Email: Website: 2528 Oncology Systems Limited 94 Fernbank Avenue Delmar, NY 12054 Phone: 518-475-1085 Email: Website: 2644 Modus Medical Devices Inc. 1570 North Routledge Park London, ON N6H 5L6 Canada Phone: 519-438-2409 Email: Website: 1937 Oncura Inc. 25 Conventry Avenue Albertson, NY 11507 Phone: 484-530-3900 Fax: 484-530-3999 Website: 1438 MPM Medical Inc. 2301 Crown Ct Irving, TX 75038 Phone: 972-893-4090 Email: Website: R 2303 Orfit Industries America 350 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 302 Jericho, NY 11753 Phone: 516-935-8500 Email: Website: R EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Oxford Instruments Service LLC 2502 64 Union Way Vacaville, CA 95687 Phone: 888-673-5151 Email: Website: Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 119 Envision Technology Center EPIP Area Phase1, Whitefield Bangalore, Karnataka 560 066 India Phone: +91-9686541355 Email: Website: 443 Paramed Medical Systems Inc. 2341 6204 Oakton Street Morton Grove, IL 60053-2721 Phone: 847-470-0580 Website: Patient Relationship Management (PRM) 17581 Haralson Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Phone: 952-239-0411 Website: 2645 P-Cure Ltd. 500 Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 Phone: 847-874-7771 Email: Website: 444 Perioperative Services LLC 111 Continental Drive, Suite 412 Newark, DE 19713 Phone: 302-709-4502 Email: Website: 236 Perkins + Will 10100 North Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75231 Phone: 214-283-8700 Website: 2931 Phantom Laboratory P.O. Box 511 Salem, NY 12865 Phone: 518-692-1190 Email: Website: 1802 Philips Healthcare 3000 Minuteman Road Andover, MA 01810 Phone: 800-229-6417 Email: Website: A 1128 Pitts Little Corp. 2711 Alton Road Birmingham, AL 35210 Phone: 205-833-5911 Email: Website: 1301 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Precision X-Ray 15 Commerce Drive, Unit 1 North Branford, CT 06471 Phone: 203-484-2011 Email: Website: R 2143 Precisis Euromechanics GmbH Hauptstr. 73 Heidelberg, 69117 Germany Phone: 49-622-165-5930-0 Email: Website: 2932 ProNova Solutions 1450 Dowell Springs Blvd. Suite 230 Knoxville, TN 37909 S 637 ProTom International Inc. 1100 Parker Square, Ste. 230 Flower Mound, TX 75028 Phone: 972-410-3551 Email: Website: R 2508 Prowess Inc. 1844 Clayton Road Concord, CA 94520 Phone: 925-356-0360 Email: Website: 2628 PTW 140 58th Street Suite 5H3 Brooklyn, NY 11220 Phone: 516-827-3181 Email: Website: 2307 Qfix 440 Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 Phone: 800-526-5247-713 Email: Website: R 1208 QLRAD Inc. 80 South West 8th Street, Suite 2000 Miami, FL 33130 Phone: 770-335-5601 Email: Website: LEGEND 305 A P G S Ambassador Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor C Copper Sponsor R Enhanced RO MarketPlace Listing Corporate members in bold. Corporate members in bold. B EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# RAD Technology Medical Systems 20801 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 403 Aventura, FL 33180 Phone: 305-898-2544 Email: Website: 328 RS&C Inc. 465 Forum Parkway Rural Hall, NC 27045 Phone: 336-969-0583 Email: Website: 1043 RadiaDyne 3801 Kirby Dr., Suite 710 Houston, TX 77098 Phone: 713-807-9100 Website: 302 RT Temps 9 West Front Street Media, PA 19063 Phone: 800-677-8233 Website: 540 Radiation Business Solutions 1044 Jackson Felts Road Joelton, TN 37080 Phone: 615-746-4711 Email: Website: 1602 S+S Par Scientific 10625 Telge Road Houston, TX 77095 Phone: 281-815-1300 Email: Website: 1104 Radiation Products Design Inc. 5218 Barthel Industrial Drive Albertville, MN 55301 Phone: 763-497-2071 Email: Website: R 1202 Sarah Cannon 3322 West End Avenue Suite 900 Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: 615-329-7216 Website: 2742 2738 ScandiDos 2693 Research Park Drive, Suite 202 Madison, WI 53711 Phone: 608-630-9415 Email: Website: 2536 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 1818 Market St. Suite 1600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215-717-0843 Email: Website: 320 Sensus Healthcare 851 Broken Sound Pkwy., #215 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Phone: 800-324-9890 Email: Website: R 402 Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT 5065 List Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80919-3321 Phone: 719-590-1077 Email: Website: R Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. 6725 Mesa Ridge Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 858-454-8100 Email: Website: 1638 RaySearch Laboratories AB 401 Franklin Ave., Suite 100 A Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: 877-778-3849 Email: Website: 2315 Revenue Cycle Inc. 1817 West Braker Lane, Bldg. F Ste. 200 Austin, TX 78758 Phone: 512-583-2000 Email: Website: R RK Builders Inc. 1124 Nipomo St., Suite C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: 805-541-2060 Email: Website: Shandong Xinhua Medical 2516 Instruments Co. Ltd No.7 Taimei Road, Zibo New & Hi - Tech Zone Shandong, 255086 China Phone: 86-533-358-7719 Email: Website: 802 801 Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. 4620 S. Coach Drive Tucson, AZ 85714 Phone: 520-917-0661 Email: Website: R 928 2434 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. 51 Valley Stream Parkway Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 914-524-5168 Email: Website: A Siris Medical 128 Bonny St. Mountain View, CA 94043 Phone: 860-214-9284 105 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 213 EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# EXHIBITOR NAME BOOTH# Sirtex Medical 16 Upton Drive Suites 2-4 Wilmington, MA 01887 Phone: 888-474-7839 Email: Website: 111 Sun Nuclear Corporation 3275 Suntree Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32940 Phone: 321-259-6862-275 Email: Website: C R 1928 Veritas Medical Solutions 2340 5 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 210 Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 888-242-6760 Email: Website: R SIT USA 14530 Falling Waters Drive Jacksonville, FL 32258 Phone: 925-768-4034 Email: Website: 442 Suremark Company 4645 Industrial Street, 2C Simi Valley, CA 93063 Phone: 800-406-3399 Email: Website: 2044 2102 Sky Factory 801 N. 18th Street, P.O. 1177 Fairfield, IA 52556 Phone: 641-472-1747 Email: Website: 839 Synergen Health 3131 McKinney Avenue Dallas, TX 75204 Phone: 214-952-6602 Website: 204 Vertual Ltd. Logistics Institute Hull, UK HU6 7RX United Kingdom Phone: 44-148-234-7572 Email: Website: C 416 2038 Technical Prospects LLC 1000 S. County Road CB Appleton, WI 54914 Phone: 920-757-6583 Email: Website: 1745 SpecMed 113 Teal St. St. Rose, LA 70087 Phone: 504-464-9471 Email: Website: ViewRay Inc. 2 Thermo Fisher Way Oakwood Village, OH 44146 Phone: 408-368-2244 Email: Website: S R 2408 1302 Theragenics Corporation 5203 Bristol Industrial Way Buford, GA 30518 Phone: 770-831-5137 Email: Website: R 2302 Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc. 11500 S. Eastern Avenue, #240 Henderson, NV 89052 Phone: 702-835-6300 Email: Website: R Vision RT Ltd. 8840 Stanford Boulevard, Suite 3200 Columbia, MD 21045 Phone: 866-778-2379 Email: Website: R 2741 1501 Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. No. 11 Yongchang North Road, BDA Beijing, P.R.C. 10076, China Phone: 86-106-788-5599, ext. 398 Email: Website: 644 Springer 233 Spring Street New York, NY 10013 Phone: 212-460-1500 Email: Website: VisionTree Software Inc. 8885 Rio San Diego Drive, #220 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone: 619-295-2800 Fax: 619-295-2818 Wolters Kluwer Health Two Commerce Square, 2001 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215-521-8781 Website: 601 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 332 North Lauderdale Memphis, TN 38105 Phone: 901-495-5294 Fax: 901-495-4011 Website: 2740 Toshiba Medical Systems 2441 Michelle Drive Tustin, CA 92780-7043 Phone: 714-669-4190 Email: Website: 2138 Xecan 275 Grove Street, Bldg. 2, Suite 400 Newton, MA 02466 Phone: 617-686-9953 1039 1303 Xoft 101 Nicholson Lane San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: 408-493-1500 Email: Website: S R 1938 TRG Oncology Equipment 5318 E. 2nd Street, #682 Long Beach, CA 90803 Phone: 949-622-0022 Website: R Vantage Oncology 1500 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 400 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Phone: 310-335-4000 Email: Website: 2236 Xstrahl Limited 480 Brogdon Road, Suite 100 Suwanee, GA 30024 Phone: 678-482-6800 Email: Website: 1338 Standard Imaging 1138 3120 Deming Way Middleton, WI 53562 Phone: 800-261-4446 Email: Website: R Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 1744 Think Park Tower 1-1, Osaki 2-chome, Shinagawa Tokyo, JAPAN 141-6025 Japan Phone: 81-3-6737-2566 Email: Website: Varian Medical Systems 3100 Hansen Way Palo Alto, CA 94304 Phone: 650-424-5927 Email: Website: A R 618, 807 Exhibitor Listing by Product/Service ACCELERATOR Acceletronics Hitachi IBA LAP of America LLC Max Medical Co. Ltd. Mevion Medical Sys ms Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Oncology Services International Pancea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ProTom International Inc. Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. RS&A Inc. Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. SIT USA Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. TRG Oncology Equipment Varian Medical Systems 428 602 1727 2002 101 728 2602 212 443 2508 1638 1043 2516 802 442 1744 644 1303 618, 807 BRACHYTHERAPY 21st Century Oncology 838 AccuBoost 218 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 BK Medical 2601 BSD Medical 1743 C4 Imaging 2734 Cianna Medical 1838 CivaTech Oncology 109 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1808 Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute 1844 DIACOR 2428 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. 1002 Hologic Inc. 1402 IsoAid 1201 IsoRay Medical Inc. 738 Kobold LLC 104 Liberty Medical Inc. 2544 LifeLine Software Inc. 436 Mick Radio-Nuclear Instruments Inc., an Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Company 902 MIM Software 2127 MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems 1139 Pancea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 443 Prowess Inc. 2628 Radiation Products Design Inc. 1202 RK Builders Inc. 2434 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2516 Spec-Med 2038 Theragenics Corporation 2302 Varian Medical Systems 618, 807 Xoft 1938 DEVICE/EQUIPMENT Accuray Inc. Oncology Services International Precision Euromechanics GmbH Radiation Products Design Inc. Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Toshiba Medical Systems 1908 212 2932 1202 928 2138 DOSIMETRY/DETECTORS Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. 544 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 DOSIsoft 2533 IBA 1727 Logos Systems Int’l 341 Micropos Medical 2643 Phantom Laboratory 1802 PTW 2307 QLRAD Inc. 305 Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT 320 ScandiDos 2536 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2516 Standard Imaging 1138 Sun Nuclear Corporation 1928 Varian Medical Systems 618, 807 EMR/DATA MANAGEMENT/IT Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. 544 Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. 1801 Churchill Consulting Inc. 1901 Elekta 1308 Equicare Health Inc. 1144 GuangZhou Raydose Software Technology LLC 2546 Patient Relationship Management (PRM) 2645 Revenue Cycle Inc. 801 Varian Medical Systems 618, 807 Vision Tree Software Inc. 2741 FACILITY CONSTRUCTION/DESIGN Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. Architection H&H Design-Build IBA James L. Davis NELCO Pancea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Perkins + Will Pitts Little Corp. RAD Technology Medical Systems RK Builders Inc. Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. Sky Factory Veritas Medical Solutions FINANCIAL/INSURANCE Alliance Oncology AMAC - American Medical Accounting and Consulting Churchill Consulting Inc. Perioperative Services LLC Radiation Business Solutions Revenue Cycle Inc. 1701 940 2904 1727 1102 627 443 2931 1301 328 2434 802 839 2340 504 1601 1901 236 1602 801 IMAGING/DIAGNOSTICS Acceletronics 428 Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. 544 Acceletronics 428 AQUILAB SAS 2334 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 BK Medical 2601 C-RAD Inc. 1346 DIACOR 2428 DOSIsoft 2533 Gammex 1220 GE Healthcare 2228 Genomic Health Inc. 301 Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. 2935 Logos System Int’l 341 MIM Software Oncology Systems Limited Oxford Instruments Service LLC P-Cure Ltd. Phantom Laboratory Philips Healthcare PTW Radiation Products Design Inc. Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Technical Prospects LLC Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. Toshiba Medical Systems Vision RT Ltd. Xoft Xstrahl Ltd. INFORMATION/TECHNOLOGY Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. Equicare Health Inc. Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. MIM Software MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems Patient Relationship Management (PRM) Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. Varian Medical Systems VisionTree Software Inc. 2127 1244 2502 444 1802 1128 2307 1202 1638 928 1745 644 2138 2408 1938 1338 544 1801 1144 2935 2127 1139 2645 928 618, 807 2741 MEDICAL DEVICE .decimal 1040 A2J Healthcare 1145 ABL Medical 2537 AccuBoost 218 Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. 544 Augmenix 1943 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 BK Medical 2601 BSD Medical 1743 Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH 2709 C4 Imaging 2734 Carbon Medical Technologies 1044 Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc. 1738 CDR Systems Inc. 1902 CivaTech Oncology 109 e2v 2438 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. 1002 Elekta 1308 Focal Therapeutics 2910 Foss Therapy Services Inc. 702 Gammex 1220 GE Healthcare 2228 Gold Anchor 2907 Hitachi 602 Hologic Inc. 1402 ImpediMed Inc. 1042 IntraOp Medical Corporation 1703 IsoRay Medical Inc. 738 Klarity 2416 Kobold LLC 104 Liberty Medical Inc. 2544 LinaTech LLC 2402 Medspira LLC 2036 Mevion Medical Systems 728 Micropos Medical 2643 MIM Software 2127 Oxford Instruments Service LLC 2502 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 215 P-Cure Ltd. 444 Philips Healthcare 1128 Precision Euromechanics GmbH 2932 ProTom International Inc. 2508 Qfix 1208 RS&A Inc. 1043 S+S Par Scientific 1104 Sensus Healthcare 402 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2516 SIT USA 442 SpecMed 2038 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 1744 Technical Prospects LLC 1745 Theragenics Corporation 2302 Toshiba Medical Systems 2138 Varian Medical Systems 618, 742, 807 ViewRay Inc. 416 Vision RT Ltd. 2408 Xstrahl Ltd. 1338 OTHER Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. AEP Linac Anatom-e XRT Information System Ltd. Boiron CIVCO Medical Solutions Cold Shot Chillers D3 Oncology Solutions Equicare Health Inc. Foss Therapy Services Inc. Genomic Health Inc. ImpediMed Inc. Iron Medical Systems Inc. Landauer Inc. MIM Software Myriad Genetic Laboratories Perioperative Services LLC Radiation Business Solutions Radiation Therapy Oncology Group RS&A Inc. Sky Factory Vertual Ltd. 1701 2436 544 2908 1808 2933 2242 1144 702 301 1042 2905 608 2127 242 236 1602 2738 1043 839 2102 PATIENT HANDLING/POSITIONING A2J Healthcare 1145 Aktina Medical Corporation 288 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 Bionix Radiation Therapy 1627 Brainlab 1328 Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH 2709 CDR Systems Inc. 1902 Cemar Electro Inc. 2202 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1808 C-RAD Inc. 1346 DIACOR 2428 Elekta 1308 Focal Therapeutics 2910 Gold Anchor 2907 Klarity 2416 Kobold LLC 104 LAP of America LLC 2002 Leoni CIA Cable Systems S.A.S. 2700 Micropos Medical 2643 Nualine Laser 342 Qfix 1208 QLRAD Inc. 305 S+S Par Scientific 1104 Vision RT Ltd. 2408 PHARMACEUTICAL Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dara BioSciences INSYS Therapeutics Inc. Miaderm Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc. 1818 344 1944 837 1302 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 21st Century Oncology Alliance Oncology Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. AMAC - American Medical Accounting and Consulting e+CancerCare Patient Relationship Management (PRM) Perioperative Services LLC Radiation Business Solutions Revenue Cycle Inc. Vantage Oncology VisionTree Software Inc. 1601 944 2645 236 1602 801 2236 2741 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY ALATRO (Asociacion Iberoamericana De Terapia Radiante Oncologica) American Association of Medical Dosimetrists American Society of Clinical Oncology APHSO 241 2732 1401 441 PUBLISHER AME Publishing Company Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. Demos Medical Publishing Elsevier Imaging Technology News Springer 206 544 740 1502 1842 1501 QUALITY ASSURANCE AMAC - American Medical Accounting and Consulting AQUILAB SAS C4 Imaging Churchill Consulting Inc. CIRS CIVCO Medical Solutions DOSIsoft Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. Foss Therapy Services Inc. Gammex GuangZhou Raydose Software Technology LLC Hermes Medical Solutions Inc. IBA LifeLine Software Inc. Logos Systems Int’l Micropos Medical Mobius Medical Systems Modus Medical Devices Inc. Oncology Systems Limited Phantom Laboratory Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT ScandiDos Standard Imaging Sun Nuclear Corporation 1601 2334 2734 1901 1644 1808 2533 1002 702 1220 2546 2935 1727 436 341 2643 2528 1937 1244 1802 2738 320 2536 1138 1928 RADIATION PROTECTION/SHIELDING Advanced Shielding Technologies Inc. architection Augmenix 1701 940 1943 838 504 544 IntraOp Medical Corporation James L. Davis Max Medical Co. Ltd. NELCO Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. Veritas Medical Solutions 1703 1102 101 627 802 2340 RADIATION THERAPY .decimal 1040 21st Century Oncology 838 A2J Healthcare 1145 Acceletronics 428 AccuBoost 218 Accuray Inc. 1908 Aktina Medical Corporation 228 Alliance Oncology 504 Anatom-e XRT Information Systems Ltd. 544 Anzai Medical Co. Ltd. 2336 Augmenix 1943 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 Bionix Radiation Therapy 1627 Brainlab 1328 Buck Engineering & Consulting GMBH 2709 Carbon Medical Technologies 1044 Cianna Medical 1838 CIRS 1644 CivaTech Oncology 109 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1808 Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute 1844 C-RAD Inc. 1346 DOSIsoft 2533 e2v 2438 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. 1002 Elekta 1308 Focal Therapeutics 2910 Foss Therapy Services Inc. 702 Gold Anchor 2907 GuangZhou Raydose Software Technology LLC 2546 Hologic Inc. 1402 IBA 1727 IntraOp Medical Corporation 1703 IsoAid 1201 IsoRay Medical Inc. 738 Klarity 2416 Landauer Inc. 608 LAP of America LLC 2002 LifeLine Software Inc. 436 Max Medical Co. Ltd. 101 Medspira LLC 2036 Mevion Medical Systems 728 Miaderm 837 Micropos Medical 2643 MIM Software 2127 Mirada Medical 308 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2602 Mobius Medical Systems 2528 Modus Medical Devices Inc. 1937 MPM Medical Inc. 2303 MuCheck-Oncology Data Systems 1139 Nualine Laser 342 Oncology Services International 212 Oncology Systems Ltd. 1244 Orfit Industries America 1438 Oxford Instruments Service LLC 2502 Panacea Medical Technolgies Pvt. Ltd. 443 P-Cure Ltd. 444 Phantom Laboratory 1802 Precision X-Ray 2143 PTW 2307 Qfix 1208 QLRAD Inc. 305 RadiaDyne 302 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 2738 Radiological Imaging Technology - RIT 320 Radiology Oncology Systems Inc. 1638 RaySearch Laboratories AB 2315 RS&A Inc. 1043 S+S Par Scientific 1104 ScandiDos 2536 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2516 SIT USA 442 Standard Imaging 1138 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 1744 Sun Nuclear Corporation 1928 Technical Prospects LLC 1745 Top Grade Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 644 TRG Oncology Equipment 1303 Vantage Oncology 2236 Varian Medical Systems 618, 807 Vertual Ltd. 2102 ViewRay Inc. 416 Vision RT Ltd. 2408 Xoft 1938 Xstrahl Ltd. 1338 RADIOISOTOPE SOURCE MANUFACTURER Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. IBA IsoAid Theragenics Corporation RECRUITMENT AND STAFFING Mission Search RT Temps 1002 1727 1201 2302 502 540 SEARCH FIRM/STAFFING/RECRUITMENT Cancer CarePoint Inc. Cancer Treatment Centers of America Landauer Inc. Mission Search 704 2301 608 502 TREATMENT ACCESSORIES AEP Linac 2436 Aktina Medical Corporation 288 Beekley Medical 2634 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 BSD Medical 1743 CDR Systems Inc. 1902 C-RAD Inc. 1346 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. 1002 Hitachi 602 Liberty Medical Inc. 2544 Medspira LLC 2036 Miaderm 837 MIM Software 2127 Mirada Medical 308 RS&A Inc. 1043 S+S Par Scientific 1104 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2516 Sky Factory 839 Suremark Company 2044 Vision RT Ltd. 240 TREATMENT PLANNING ABL Medical Corporation Accuray Inc. Anatom-e XRT Information System Ltd. 2537 1908 544 AQUILAB SAS 2334 Beekley Medical 2634 Best Medical International Inc. 336, 410, 2901 Brainlab 1328 Carbon Medical Technologies 1044 CIRS 1644 CIVCO Medical Solutions 1808 Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute 1844 D3 Oncology Solutions 2242 DOSIsoft 2533 Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. 1002 Elekta 1308 GE Healthcare 2228 Genomic Health Inc. 301 HyperDrive Medical 2903 LinaTech LLC 2402 Medspira LLC 2036 MIM Software 2127 Mirada Medical 308 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2602 Mobius Medical Systems 2528 Myriad Genetic Laboratories 242 Oncology Systems Ltd. 1244 Oxford Instruments Service LLC 2502 Phantom Laboratory 1802 Philips Healthcare 1128 Precision X-Ray 2143 Prowess Inc. 2628 RaySearch Laboratories AB 2315 ScandiDos 2536 Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. 2516 Vantage Oncology 2236 Varian Medical Systems 618, 807 ViewRay Inc. 416 2014 ANNUAL MEE TING Unrestricted Educational Grant Supporters Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc. Lilly Merck Pfizer ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 217 Meeting Dates: September 14 -17, 2014 • Moscone Center • San Francisco FOOD 2903 2904 2905 2901 2907 2908 2909 2 245 244 343 344 443 444 540 544 341 342 441 442 538 542 1044 1145 243 242 241 644 742 1144 944 1043 1042 940 1039 1040 1139 1346 1244 238 740 839 738 837 237 637 236 FOOD CAFE 336 228 838 1138 1338 1128 1328 328 428 627 728 928 H A LL A 218 1438 436 H A LL B 1220 320 618 416 212 410 308 208 111 206 109 204 107 202 105 608 807 602 702 1208 302 402 502 1104 704 504 301 601 801 802 902 1002 1102 1 201 1303 1202 1301 1302 1401 1402 1501 104 ENTRANCE 101 Industry-Expert Theater 218 1308 305 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING ENTRANC FOOD 0 7 2908 2909 2910 2931 293 2 2933 2934 2935 2744 2044 2143 1745 2144 2243 2546 2645 2644 2743 2544 2643 2642 2741 2742 1644 1743 1744 1844 1943 1944 2242 2341 2340 1842 2640 2739 2740 2636 2735 2736 2634 2734 2738 2038 1438 1638 1738 1838 1937 1938 2036 2138 2236 2336 2436 243 8 2537 2334 2434 2533 2536 2732 1627 1727 1928 2228 2127 B 2428 2528 FOOD CAFE 2628 HALL C Exhibitor Service Center 1818 2416 2516 2315 1808 2307 1908 2408 2508 2709 2810 2204 2303 1703 1402 1501 1502 1601 NTRANCE 1602 1701 1702 1801 1802 1901 1902 2002 2102 2202 2301 2603 2302 2402 2502 2601 2808 2602 2804 2700 ENTRANCE 2800 Exhibit Sales Office Office Exhibitor L o u ng e ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING 219 NOTES 220 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Visit the ASTRO Resource Center to learn about ASTRO’s newest products and services. WE ARE LOCATED IN THE NORTH LOWER LOBBY, OUTSIDE HALL D. 2014 Survivor Circle Stop by the Survivor Circle in the Resource Center. Meet this year’s Survivor Circle Award winner and the Survivor Circle Grant recipients. Plus, don’t forget to complete your Passport for a chance to win great prizes.* EXTENDED HOURS FOR 2014: Saturday, September 13–Tuesday, September 16: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 17: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • • Learn more about APEx, ASTRO’s new practice accreditation program. Ask about RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System – the only medical specialty society-sponsored radiation oncology incident learning system. • Have your photo taken for your ROhub profile in the ASTRO member directory. • Pick up ASTRO’s new Choosing Wisely list of “Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question.” • Pick up new patient brochures and view new patient videos for lung, breast and prostate. • Apply for ASTRO membership – new members will receive a special gift for joining on-site. • Search for job openings and job seekers on the ASTRO Career Center site. *Conference and Exhibit Hall Registrants only. ® TA R G E T I N G C A N C E R C A R E Thank You Recognizing ASTRO’s 2014 Corporate Members .decimal 21st Century Oncology Acceletronics/Rad Parts Accuray Incorporated Advanced Particle Therapy a-fabco Inc. Aktina Medical Corporation Alliance Oncology AMAC Amgen Inc. architection PLLC Augmenix Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Bionix Radiation Therapy Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Bogardus Medical Systems Inc. Brainlab AG Bristol-Myers Squibb BSD Medical C. R. Bard Inc. Cancer CarePoint Inc. Cianna Medical CivaTech Oncology Inc. CIVCO Medical Solutions CompHealth Locum Tenens D3 Oncology Solutions Diacor Inc. e+CancerCare Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG Inc. ELEKTA eMedical Strategies Equicare Health Inc. Everson Tesla Inc. Gammex Inc. GE Healthcare Genomic Health Inc. Gold Anchor (Naslund Medical) Healthcare Administrative Partners Hitachi Ltd. Hologic Inc. IBA IntraOp Medical Corporation Iron Medical Systems Inc. IsoAid LLC IsoRay Medical Inc. James L. Davis Inc. Klarity Medical Products LLC Kobold LLC LAP of America LLC Leoni CIA Cable Systems S.A.S. MedTech Billing Services Inc. Mevion Medical Systems Mick Radio-Nuclear Instruments Inc. MIM Software Inc. Mirada Medical Mission Search Mitsubishi Mobius Medical Systems LP Modus Medical Devices Inc. NELCO New Bedford Corporation Oncology Services International Oncology Systems Limited Oncure Medical Corporation ORFIT Industries America Philips Healthcare ProNova Solutions ProTom International Inc. Prowess Inc. PTW-New York CO R P O R AT E M E M B E R 222 ASTRO 2014 / 56TH ANNUAL MEE TING Qfix RAD Technology Medical Systems Radiation Business Solutions Radiation Products Design Inc. Radiological Imaging Technology (RIT) RADMAX Ltd. RaySearch Laboratories AB RC Billing Revenue Cycle Inc. RK Builders Inc. RS&A ScandiDos AB Sensus Healthcare Shandong Xinhua Medical Instruments Co. Ltd. Shielding Construction Solutions Inc. Siemens Healthcare Sirtex Medical Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Standard Imaging Sun Nuclear Corporation SYNERGEN Health LLC The Bergendahl Institute LLC Theragenics Corporation Vantage Oncology Varian Medical Systems Vertual Ltd. ViewRay Inc. Vision RT Weatherby Healthcare Xoft Inc. Xstrahl Ltd. 3URWRQ7KHUDS\LQ \RXUFRPPXQLW\" 6R(DV\ With *, you bring proton therapy to your local community and enhance your cancer patients’ lives. is the compact and affordable IMPT solution from IBA. The most advanced Proton Therapy solution, available for your clinic. * ProteusONE is the brand name of a configuration of the Proteus 235 including some new developments subject to review by competent authorities before marketing.
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