Let your imagination run wild


Let your imagination run wild
Take your free copy!
autumn/winter 2012/2013
War and
Give me
a break!
Let your
run wild
Queen of the court
to live forever
Travel people
Queen of the court
No dead cat bounce
Chemical attraction
War and peace
A word from
the Chairman
Learn as if you were
Hello, and welcome to Riga
International Airport! This is
the leading airport in the
Baltic region and one of Northern Europe’s fastest emerging
air traffic hubs, thanks in large part to our Latvian national
carrier airBaltic. We hope you enjoy your time here.
The wide range of routes available from Riga this season
is being complemented by the addition of Bremen in
Germany and Manchester in the UK. Manchester as a new
destination should tempt the football enthusiasts among us
to book a flight there soon and watch one of the city’s top
Premier League teams play. Manchester is also a major university city.
The number of passengers flowing through Riga
International Airport on a daily basis continues to evolve as
we head towards the end of 2012. This is especially the case
as the large proportion of transit passengers was recently
Let your imagination
run wild
highlighted with the presentation of prizes to the lucky
seven millionth passenger transiting through the airport
since the restoration of Latvian independence in 1991. For
more on these and other developments at RIX, turn to the
airport pages at the back of this issue of the magazine, or
Give me a break!
Slicker and fitter
visit our regularly updated website, www.riga-airport.com.
We are delighted too with the fast growth of cargo
being handled at Riga International Airport. The start of
non-military NATO cargo flights between Riga and
Afghanistan, with two or three outbound flights a day on
average, has resulted in an average monthly growth in
cargo handled of more than 180% so far in 2012. That is
Ski heaven
Up in the Air
important as it shows we are able to provide fast cargo servicing and delivery to different destinations – a benefit not
only to the development of cargo handling in Riga but
also to the entire economy of Latvia.
During your stay here at the airport, we invite you to
make good use of all our facilities, including our increasing
range of shops and restaurants on both sides of the security gates. We are especially proud of the shops selling quality Latvian products and the recently unveiled dutyfree stores.
Enjoy your time at RIGA International Airport!
Arnis Luhse
Chairman of the Board of RIGA International Airport
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Learn as if you
were to live forever
Photos courtesy of Latvian Agriculture University, Latvian Tourism Development Agency,
Rīga Stradiņš University, University of Latvia
T r aditi o n s
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world.” Nelson Mandela once said, while Mahatma
Gandhi declared: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as
if you were to live forever.” The words of these two inspirational
men remind us that education is vital to the development of a
nation and its peoples.
Италия, Франция, Швейцария
Профиль компании
Grand Milano Studio
later on during this nine-year
study period.
General secondary education then
Холдинговая компания Grand Milano Studio родилась
благодаря сотрудничеству десяти секторов бизнеса:
риэлторского, рекламного, строительного, дизайнерского, адвокатского, нотариального, туристического,
бухгалтерского, переводческого и транспортного.
Компания объединяет специалистов с огромным
опытом, работающих как единая команда. В состав
холдинга входят фирмы, существующие на итальянском
рынке уже более 100 лет. Клиентам Grand Milano Studio
не надо думать, как решить ту или иную проблему в
чужой стране—о чем бы ни шла речь, этим займутся
Компания является членом итальянской ассоциации
риэлторов F.I.M.A.A.
provides a further three years of education, while basic vocational education is available to those who are
more likely to finish their studies
earlier and concentrate on trades.
Higher education is available to
any student who has completed
Latvia’s general secondary education
programme as well as those who
have graduated from four-year voca-
Ольга Кибенко, руководитель и владелец
компании Grand Milano Studio
tional programmes. University
Bachelor’s degrees typically last three
or four years, while a Master’s
requires at least five years of study.
With education standards high in
Latvia, it is no surprise to discover
that this small Baltic country has
much to offer those who would like
to study higher education. Excellent
opportunities also exist for foreign
students wishing to study from the
age of three all the way through to
Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral studies. In the following pages we take a
just five places above Latvia in 25th
quick look at some of Latvia’s finest
And this is even more fundamental
place overall, and Latvia ahead of
higher education establishments and
for a small independent country
the likes of Spain, Israel and Russia.
foreign schools:
such as Latvia, with its population
Similarly, the United Nations’
of just over two million; a nation
Education index currently ranks
where the country’s intellectual
Latvia a very healthy 27th in the
resources are every bit as important
world, one place below Austria, and
as its key strategic geographical loca-
ahead of Germany, Japan,
tion between East and West.
Switzerland and the UK.
Education has always been a nation-
In Latvia, state education starts
al priority in Latvia and, in our rap-
later than in many countries with
idly moving times, knowledge and
children beginning compulsory edu-
the ability to adapt to change are
cation from the age of seven. Basic
essential pre-requisites for a country’s
education lasts for a total of nine
continued development.
years and focuses on the core sub-
According to the OECD, Latvia
jects of mathematics, Latvian, social
ranks 30th in the world when com-
science, domestic science, sports,
paring nations in terms of their
music and the visual arts. Foreign
to the OECD,
Latvia ranks
30th in the
world when
nations in
terms of
their reading, maths
and science
University of Agriculture
The Latvia University of Agriculture
(founded in 1939) is the only place
in Latvia where students can obtain
Продажа жилой, коммерческой, элитной
недвижимости, земельных участков
Полный комплекс предпродажных и
послепродажных услуг
ture. The university also provides
Регистрация недвижимости и полное
юридическое сопровождение сделки
Лучшие предложения по индивидуальной
studies in engineering, environment
Управление недвижимостью
Мониторинг рынка недвижимости
management, social sciences, econom-
Подбор русскоговорящего персонала
ics and information technologies. A
key goal of the university is to devel-
Помощь в открытии счетов и получении
Экономия времени клиента на подборе
op scientific potential and enable it
Помощь в оформлении ВНЖ
Ольга Кибенко начала работать в сфере
недвижимости с 2003 г., участвуя в аукционах и
занимаясь реставрацией купленных объектов.
В 2008 г., получив специальное риэлторское
образование и право открыть фирму в Италии,
Ольга Кибенко создала Grand Milano Studio.
Понимая, что русскому клиенту необходимо
предлагать весь комплекс услуг, и наладив
рабочие отношения со многими итальянскими
и российскими компаниями, Ольга превратила
свою фирму в многоотраслевой холдинг.
to participate in international
Покупка или открытие бизнеса
Архитектурное и инженерное проектирование, дизайн интерьеров
Обязательный торг с хозяевами
Строительство и ремонт «под ключ»
Наличие специалистов в любых областях
higher education in agriculture, veterinary medicine, food technology, forestry science and landscape architec-
reading, maths and science scores,
languages, Christian education, histo-
research and to integrate academic
with the UK – supposedly a bastion
ry, geography, biology, physics, chem-
education and research.
of education standards – coming in
istry and literature are introduced
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Инвестиционные проекты
Большой выбор объектов от застройщиков
Наличие объектов, не рекламируемых в
Высокий профессионализм сотрудников
Основной офис находится в Милане, но Grand
Milano Studio предлагает недвижимость в
Лигурии, Тоскане, в Риме, Венеции или на
озерах, на о. Сардиния и на Адриатическом
побережье, а также на Лазурном Берегу и в
Тел.: +39 3472565526, +7 499 968 9777 E-mail: order@grandmilanostudio.com
www.grandmilanostudio.ru, www.italybarand.ru
ISL was founded in 1994 as an inter-
The Stockholm School
of Economics in Riga
national day school for children of
SSE Riga offers two degree pro-
all nationalities from 3 to 19 years
grammes: the three-year BSc in
of age. Since 2004, the school has
Economics and Business and the two-
offered all three International
year Executive MBA programme.
Baccalaureate Programs – Primary
Both programmes are taught in
Years Programme, Middle Years
English and a tuition fee is charged.
Programme and Diploma Programme.
In addition to the degree pro-
Its teachers hail from the USA,
grammes, the school offers a number
Canada, the UK, Australia and Latvia
of Executive Education programmes
and the school’s academically chal-
including open and in-house pro-
lenging programmes are designed to
grammes. According to the Financial
material science, information and
develop social skills that are impor-
Times Ranking of Top European
communication technologies, amongst
tant for a child’s future in a global,
Business Schools in 2011, SSE Riga is
many others subjects, and has 13
multicultural environment.
the number one business school in
different faculties. Currently, it coop-
the Baltic region. www.sseriga.edu/en/
erates with around 60 universities in
ISL offers learning support for stu-
Photo courtesy of Latvian Tourism Development Agency
International School of Latvia
over 25 countries around the world.
dents with mild special needs as well
as English support for students in
The motto of RISEBA is ‘where
every grade, ensuring that every
child at ISL receives the support to
business meets art’; an education
Riga Graduate School of Law
reach their full potential.
establishment where business and cre-
The Riga Graduate School of Law
ative study programmes create a
unique fusion. RISEBA believes that
Riga Stradins University
in the modern world, businesses
Riga Stradins University is one of the
must be creative if they wish to suc-
leading and most advanced higher
ceed. RISEBA was founded in 1992
education teaching and academic
and has campuses in both Riga and
research institutions in the Baltic
Daugavpils. One of the key goals of
region. RSU has been teaching inter-
the school is to educate its students
national students since 1990, and
to be sensitive and tolerant to cross-
currently represents 17 countries.
cultural differences and enable them
RSU’s medical sciences qualifications
to become active contributors of mul-
are recognised in all European coun-
tinational teams.
tries and by the GMC. Study pro-
grammes are taught entirely in
University of Latvia
of 1:12. www.rsu.lv/eng/
Generations of Latvian students have
Photo courtesy of University of Latvia
English with a teacher-student ratio
The United
index currently ranks
Latvia a
very healthy
27th in the
world, one
place below
Austria, and
ahead of
and the UK
offers an international faculty composed of professors and lecturers
from both academic and professional
backgrounds. The school was established in 1998 and all courses are
taught in English. Master’s degrees
are available in International and
European Law, Public International
Law and Human Rights, European
Union Law and Policy, Trans-border
Commercial Law, Legal Linguistics,
and Law and Finance.
BA School of Business
and Finance
graduated from this national institu-
The BA School of Business and
tion over the decades since it first
Finance was founded in 1992 as a
opened its doors in 1919. The uni-
banking college under the Bank of
versity’s diverse range of degree pro-
Latvia and later became known as
grammes includes humanities, peda-
the BA School of Business and
gogy and social sciences. In 2010 it
Finance. As well as being recognised
was ranked by Webometrics as being
as one of the world’s top 1000 busi-
the top college and best university in
ness schools, the school’s profession-
Latvia. The university is renowned
al Master’s programme in
for its research on Latvian studies,
International Finance and Banking
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of Rīga Stradiņš University
boasts a state of the art gymnasium
and three floors of well-appointed
classrooms. The International School
of Riga is recognised by the
International Baccalaureate
Organization as an IB World School
and became the Baltics’ first
is ranked fifth for corporate Master’s
is the biggest educational facility in
Cambridge International Centre in
programmes in Eastern Europe.
Kurzeme and currently offers 50
2010 and one of the very first
Currently, around 1400 foreigners
study programmes in three faculties:
schools in the world to offer the
and Latvians study at the BA
Humanities and Art; Pedagogy and
International Middle Years
School of Business and Finance.
Social Work; Natural and
Curriculum in Grade 6 to 8.
Social Sciences.
Vidzeme University
of Applied Sciences
Vidzeme University of Applied
Sciences was established in order to
Daugavpils University
Riga Technical University
Daugavpils is the largest regional
state university in Latvia. More than
Riga Technical University is actual-
3,000 students currently study in
create one of the most innovative
ly the oldest university in Latvia,
Latvia’s second city, with 58 different
academic educational centres in the
having been founded way back in
subjects available. The university’s
Baltic states. The university, which is
1862. RTU is an accredited and inter-
five faculties are: the Faculty of
located in the forward-thinking town
nationally recognized European level
of Valmeira, was founded in 1996
university which offers high quality
and includes faculties of Business
academic and professional study pro-
Administration and Economics,
grammes. In total, RTU has 34 insti-
Engineering, Social Sciences, and
tutes and educational partners in 28
Tourism & Hospitality Management.
countries. www.rtu.lv/en/
Jules Verne School
University is
actually the
oldest university in
Latvia, having been
way back in
Humanities, the Faculty of Social
Sciences, the Faculty of Natural
Sciences and Mathematics, the
Faculty of Music and Art and the
Faculty of Education and
Management. Daugavpils is a member
of Erasmus and has 66 partners in
19 countries. http://du.lv/en
Ventspils University College
Jules Verne School is the only school
Founded in 1997, Ventspils University
in Latvia that operates using the
College has three faculties and offers
French education system as its model,
10 different study programmes in
with an emphasis on the develop-
RHEI is one of the most important
business management, translation,
ment of a child’s personal intellectual
educational establishments in its
interpreting, linguistics, computer sci-
growth and independence. The
region. As well as its study pro-
ence and engineering. Ventspils is
school opened in 2007 and was
grammes, RHEI is engaged in scien-
regarded as being the richest and
given independent school status three
tific research and artistic creative
most developed town in Latvia with
years later. There are a further 450
work. www.ru.lv
large amounts of money continually
schools outside of France that use
being invested in its redevelopment.
the same education model.
Liepaja University
International School of Riga
This highly regarded educational
The International School of Riga
establishment has functioned as a
offers an internationally accredited
university since 2008 but began life
education in English for children
way back in 1958 as a teacher
aged 2 to 14. The school first
training institute. Liepaja University
opened its doors in 2001 and now
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Rezekne Higher Education
Institution (RHEI)
Further information
For a full list of the other
higher education establishments in
Latvia: www.aiknc.lv/en/list.php
and www.studyinlatvia.lv/
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Houston Jakarta Johannesburg Copenhagen Kyiv Lisbon Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Milan Minsk Montreal Moscow New Delhi New York Ottawa Paris Pittsburg
Prague Riga Rio De Janeiro Rome Sao Paulo San Francisco Shanghai Shenzhen Singapore Skopje Sofia St. Louis St. Petersburg Sydney Tallinn Taipei Tirana Tokyo
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Houston Jakarta Johannesburg Copenhagen Kyiv Lisbon Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Milan Minsk Montreal Moscow New Delhi New York Ottawa Paris Pittsburg
R Gosselin
I G A Group
+37 167 800 800
of the court
Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota is one of the best women’s basketball players in Europe. Her career has
seen her play in the highest leagues in the United
States, Russia and France, and she has also represented Latvia at the Olympic Games. Anete kindly
invited Gateway Riga’s Justin Walley into her
home – shortly before she returned to basketball
action in Russia with Yekaterinburg – to discuss
her distinguished career to date as well as her private life and future plans.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota, Lina Danilenkova and Ummc Ekaterinburg, Sportacentrs.com
travel people
Anete, you got injured early in
Until I suffered that
injury, I had
played nonstop since I
first went to
aged six
2012. How is your recovery progressing?
I have been on a rehab course
now for six months and I am
almost done. I go back to
Yekaterinburg on September 10 to
start the new season. It has been
particularly difficult for me to deal
At one stage I thought I might not
brother and my dad was very suc-
come back but now I am feeling
cessful. So, I guess you could say
comfortable and confident
there was almost no other choice
once again.
than to play basketball. I began
practising from the age of four or
Where did you grow up and
how did you first become interest-
five and regularly attended my
father’s practices.
ed in basketball?
I grew up in Zolitude (a district
of Riga). All of my family were connected to basketball including my
Was your father your biggest influence?
My father was very talented and
parents and even my grandparents.
I, for some reason, found that I
My mum played until she had my
could easily copy and mimic his
Your best stay
in Riga!
You´re welcome!
with because it’s the first time in
my whole career that I have suffered an injury. Going six months
without playing basketball is tough.
Elizabetes 24, Riga, Latvia • Ph. (+371) 6709 9760
E-mail: booking@tallinkhotels.lv
against the Spanish in the Euro
League in January, I had played
non-stop since I first went to basketball school, aged six. It is problematic mentally to stop playing,
particularly when your body is so
used to it.
Yes, my dad has been my biggest
influence and certainly my grandma
too. She played in the strongest
Women’s team in Europe during the
70s; a team which included the
world famous Uljana Semjonova.
Tell us about your first memory
of playing for local club side Rapa.
Rapa was my first pro-club and I
received my first pay cheque as a
14-year-old high school girl. I made
sure I graduated high school but I
Photos courtesy of Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota, Lina Danilenkova and Ummc Ekaterinburg, Sportacentrs.com
always knew that it would be basketball that I studied as soon as I
left school. I remember I wanted to
give my first money to my parents.
In the end I went out and bought
a jumper for myself from
Bernu Pasaule.
When I moved to France and
received my first pay cheque there,
Restaurant Kaļķu Vārti is a top
class restaurant located in the very
heart of Riga’s old town. With
renowned chef Raimonds
Zommers at the helm, Kalku Varti’s
restaurant has a reputation as
being one of the finest in Latvia.
Restaurant Kaļķu Vārti has an
emphasis on using seasonal
ingredients in its menu. This not
only means that the products it
uses are fresh and locally grown
but also that the KV menu reflects
the rich diversity of Latvian
nature and the four distinct
seasons that are experienced in
this beautiful country.
Spring is the time when nature
blossoms and for fresh birch juice;
summer is a time of fresh
vegetables and berries; during the
autumn months, with the nights
drawing in, fruit, fish and
mushrooms are prominent on the
restaurant’s menu; while during
the winter months game and
preserves such as stewed fruit and
pickled vegetables become
essential ingredients.
Restaurant Kaļķu Vārti’s
contemporary Latvian cuisine does
not only rely on standard national
dishes and the usual products
diners can find in any local
restaurant. Clearly, Kaļķu Vārti
wishes to avoid stereotypes and
use only the finest local ingredients in their dishes, fused together
with the imagination and experience of its top chefs. Anybody who
loves food will taste the local
nuances of this excellent restaurant’s organic vegetables, fruit and
freshly caught fish.
Kaļķu Vārti’s well thought out
menu is based upon traditional
recipes – some of which have been
handed down by this nation’s
grandmothers – and the unique
and diverse tastes of this nation’s
forests, rivers and fields.
Restaurant Kaļķu Vārti’s
award-winning chef Raimonds
Zommers, who is recognized as
it was the first time in my entire
life when I felt like and realised
that I could buy what I wanted. I
had never seen such a big choice of
things as there was in France and
my husband and I filled our supermarket trolley to the top on our
shopping trip. You cannot compare
the money I earned with my first
pay cheque in France to what I
earned the first time in Latvia; it
was such a huge difference. The
same applies now if you compare
moves. In 1988 dad went to play in
me to basketball school. I played for
what I earn playing in Russia to
Hungary and I went with him to
TTT (Trams & Trolley Trust) Riga
what I earned in France. In fact,
watch his practice sessions. After
just as my Grandma had done. This
the difference is even bigger. I am
training he would show me his
is another reason why my injury
happy that my career changed in
moves and it wasn’t long before
has been so hard to take because
this way and I had time to adapt
both of my parents decided to send
until I suffered that injury, playing
to my changes in wealth and status.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Kaļķu iela 11a, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia;
phone: (+371) 67 224 576;
fax: (+371) 67 212 575;
confectionery: (+371) 67 830 702;
e-mail: info@kalkuvarti.lv
being one of the best chefs in the
Baltic states, has also put together
an extensive choice of international dishes that will also appeal to
those of you who have a more
international palate. The restaurant’s interior design has also been
given a totally new look in recent
years with Nordic-inspired
tight-beige colours giving the
restaurant a relaxed, classy and
understated charm.
Restaurant Kaļķu Vārti is popular
with Riga-based diplomats, famous
Latvian theatre stars and visiting
Russian music artists. It also hosted
the presidents of 26 countries
during the Riga NATO summit.
or so to readapt to the
fessionalism every time you take to
because the Russian League was
dle of my first season Kalmanovich
European game.
the court.
really starting to take off and stan-
was shot dead in Moscow.
dards soon became very high.
Kalmanovich was passionate about
Photos courtesy of Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota, Lina Danilenkova and Ummc Ekaterinburg, Sportacentrs.com
One Latvian player – Evija
Azace – was already playing at
Zvirgziņš – phoned me while I was
Mondeville. She suggested that she
still at Bourges and asked me to
talked to her agent and, a short
join him in Russia. It was then that
time later, I was offered a contract.
I moved and played three seasons
I moved on to Spartak. It was a
League – for the fourth successive
It was certainly easier to adapt to
for Dynamo. It was perfect timing
turbulent time because in the mid-
season – we dedicated that title to
life in France with a fellow countrywoman there. I was very fortunate
because I had a fantastic new coach
who helped me to develop as a
player. It meant that I got better
and better with every game. I certainly owe him a debt of gratitude.
A couple of years later you were
named the best young player
in Europe.
After two years I moved to
Bourges where it was more competitive and there were better players. I
had to work harder and it was that
year that La Gazzetta dello sport
named me as the best young player
How did your first move abroad
to France come about?
Because I was regarded as being
only goal was to be a basketball
player and I certainly didn’t want
to live so far from home. I also
one of the most talented female
recognised that playing in the US
players in the world at that time it
at that time would’ve changed my
meant that many US universities
style of play to being more physi-
were interested in me. But I knew I
cal and individual and I didn’t
didn’t want to waste four years at
want that. I know many examples
uni studying for the sake of it. My
of US graduates taking three years
autumn/winter 2012/2013
I knew I
didn’t want
to waste
four years at
uni studying
for the sake
of it
My favourite coach – Ainārs
in Europe. It made me very happy;
I saw the dividends for my efforts.
Two years later I was named the
best female basketball player in
Europe. I didn’t become arrogant.
When you know that people think
of you in those terms it gives you a
great responsibility. You need to
keep that level of quality and pro-
basketball and put a lot of money
You then spent a very dramatic
time at Spartak.
into the club and the national
team. When we won the Euro
Photos courtesy of Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota, Lina Danilenkova and Ummc Ekaterinburg, Sportacentrs.com
him. We had T-Shirts made which
the world and if you are asked to
play there it means you are recog-
a competitor at times. I am not
nised as being one of the best in
sure we really realised we had that
the world. It is tough playing
opportunity. It was difficult to qual-
rent club, Yekaterinburg, after the
there both in a physical and men-
ify and we arrived with intense
coach asked me to join.
tal sense; it is extremely competi-
emotions and were surrounded by
tive and I always had to work to
all these stars like Usain Bolt. Then
prove myself. And, to be honest,
it suddenly dawned on us all: ‘Wait!
I played briefly in Turkey for
Fenerbahce and then joined my cur-
What have been your experiences of living in places as culturally
there were situations when I
diverse as Turkey, France
almost decided to come home. I
and Russia?
even talked to the head coach
In Russia the culture is similar to
about leaving and he asked me to
Latvia and I also speak the lan-
at least give it two more weeks. I
guage. I feel very much at home
did as he asked and during my
there. In France I particularly liked
second season I felt more confi-
the cuisine and, of course, Paris,
dent. I am happy I completed my
but I never felt like I could live
contract because it is very diffi-
there long term. Turkey was interest-
cult for European players to sur-
ing for things like the architecture
vive. I am proud of myself that I
and religion but I would prefer to
endured everything; it made me
be a tourist rather than to live and
stronger as both a player and as
work there.
a person.
I felt more like a spectator than
It was an
time in my
life actually,
just before
Olympics I
was asked
to represent
Latvia by
Mont Blanc
We have to play!’
I kind of regret that we didn’t
participate in the opening ceremony. We had our first game the
next day and it was very hot. Our
coach was concerned that it would
be detrimental to us. You could
see his point but I do regret that
we didn’t take part in that ceremony. It was an interesting time
in my life actually, because just
before the Olympics I was asked to
represent Latvia by climbing Mont
Blanc. It was a great honour and
some people thought I was mad to
And the United States?
You are also an Olympian, hav-
do it just before Beijing. But any-
ing played at the 2008 Beijing
way I did it and I am proud of
to America. It is the top league in
that achievement.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
It was a dream come true to go
Photos courtesy of Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota, Lina Danilenkova and Ummc Ekaterinburg, Sportacentrs.com
How did it feel watching the
ents and the player him or herself
what are your plans for life
2012 London Olympics on the TV
are vital. You always need to be
after basketball?
instead of participating in it?
self-critical in order to become bet-
Watching the London 2012
ter and better. Good players need to
nap during the day when I feel
Olympics was frustrating because
be prepared to invest in themselves.
like it, walk my dog and visit my
I am a home person. I like to
when you see teams like Croatia and
the Czech Republic you know Latvia
grandparents in Liepaja. I have
If not a life of hoops, what
are more than capable of beating
would you be doing in an alterna-
them. Then, on the other hand, had
tive universe?
we qualified and I hadn’t been able
I like children so perhaps I would
to play, I would have been even
have worked in a kindergarten.
more frustrated for myself personally.
When I was young I used to like
Still, if I have the legs, I will go to
dressing up and pretending to be a
Rio in four years’ time.
secretary. But, in all honesty, I can-
What is your advice to any
budding basketball player?
To become a good player you
ised that all Olympians can play
there for free. I also enjoy my
books. I am currently reading a lot
about Latvians who were exiled to
Siberia. I love my country. I feel so
good when I am here. When I
retire I don’t want to be a coach; I
done. Basketball has taught me
don’t have the patience for it. I
much in my personal as well as
want kids and can imagine spend-
sporting life.
ing all of my life here. There
again, every time I plan something
It is such an obvious question
tudes of the coach, the player’s par-
but one I really want to ask:
autumn/winter 2012/2013
a green card at Ozo – they prom-
not imagine what else I would’ve
need to be very strict with yourself.
Aside from natural ability the atti-
When I
retire I don’t
want to be a
coach; I
don’t have
the patience
for it
started playing golf and now have
it usually doesn’t work out that
way so, let’s see.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
other industry sectors during the
sector saw the biggest increases in
first half of 2012.
their salaries in 2012, averaging at
Photos courtesy of Justin Walley
While Latvia’s export-driven
No dead cat
Latvia posted the biggest increases in GDP and
retail growth across the entire EU in the second
quarter of 2012, while business sentiment has
reached pre-crisis levels
growth to 4.2 per cent from its ear-
with Latvian
entrepreneurs’ mood
index now
the highest
it has been
since the
heady precrash days
of 2007
around 10 per cent.
recovery could be threatened by a
Average unemployment across
downturn in EU markets such as
the EU27 stood at 10.4% in July
Germany and Sweden, export vol-
2012. In Latvia the latest official
umes to developing countries are on
figure (just before we went to
the increase, including to the likes
print) was 15.9%, placing it as the
of Egypt, Turkey, Russia and Poland.
third highest behind Spain at
And while, on average, retail trade
25.1% and 23.1% in crisis-torn
across the EU was down by 0.2 per
Greece. Portugal and Slovakia both
wouldn’t wish the same pain
cent in July 2012, figures published
look likely to overtake Latvia in
upon others.
by Eurostat show that Latvia posted
the coming months. For the
the highest monthly growth at
record, Austria had the lowest
2.7%. This is part of a positive gen-
unemployment rate at just 4.5%.
eral trend for this country, with
Swedbank estimates that 38,000
annual retail growth up by a whop-
new jobs were created, year-on-year
ping 10.3% in Latvia – easily the
in the second quarter of 2012;
highest in the EU – compared to
another sign that Latvia is on the
contractions of 7.6% and 7.3% in
road to sustained recovery.
Portugal and Spain respectively.
Bloomberg News reported in
But, while Latvia is experiencing
economic growth at a time when
August that Latvian banks are now
many European countries are in
holding more cash reserves than
decline, it seems rather short-sighted
ever before as depositors’ money
for those in favour of austerity
from former Soviet countries contin-
across the continent to advertise
ues to sidestep troubled Cyprus and
this country as their new poster
quarter followed by an impressive
look for better alternatives. $1.2 bil-
boy. The IMF Managing Director
5.2 per cent in the second quarter
lion in new inflows made Latvia
Christine Lagarde’s comments last
of 2012. This follows Latvia’s
their home in the first half of
summer that Latvia’s austerity expe-
healthy GDP growth of 5.5 per cent
2012. The positives of this should,
riences are somehow a success story
in 2011 as the country’s export
however, be weighed against the
that other EU countries should now
industry continues to step up
risk of capital flight should risk
follow do seem rather absurd when
through the gears.
aversion increase.
it is remembered that Latvia lost
Business sentiment remains posi-
According to the Central
it seems that Latvia is no dead cat
bouncing. With higher than expected tax revenue and lower interest
and social benefit payments in
2012 in addition to the other positives mentioned earlier in this feature, we can be bullish about
Latvia’s prospects, at least in the
coming few months.
more than 20 per cent of its
tive with Latvian entrepreneurs’
Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSB),
income in 2009, suffered mass
mood index now the highest it has
average gross salaries in Latvia were
unemployment and has haemor-
been since the heady pre-crash days
481 lats (680 euro) in the second
rhaged more than ten per cent of
of 2007; although ‘cautiously opti-
quarter of 2012, showing average
its population to emigration (The
mistic’ is perhaps the best way to
wage growth of 3.7 per cent from
latest census shows that only 2.07
describe the mind set of those who
a year earlier – slightly above the
million live in Latvia. You would
learned the tough economic lessons
latest inflation rate of 3.4 per cent.
need to go back to the census of
of 2008-9. According to the Citadele
The highest mean salaries are for
1935 for the last time less people
Index, provided by Citadele Bank
those working in financial and
lived in this country). Latvia is
and SKDS, entrepreneurs in the con-
insurance activities where a worker
making great strides but we must
struction and manufacturing indus-
would typically expect to earn 1015
never forget the pain that has been
Most economic indicators suggest
lier estimate of 2 per cent, with
that Latvia’s recovery from the
both exports and domestic demand
2008-9 crash has not, as some had
contributing to growth. Fitch fore-
feared, been built on sand. In early
cast 3.5 per cent for 2012. Latvian
September, Nordea Bank doubled its
Gross Domestic Product grew by 6.8
tries became noticeably more opti-
lats (1440 euro) per month.
endured by the majority of its peo-
forecast for Latvia’s economic
per cent, year-on-year, in the first
mistic than their counterparts in
Latvians working in the transport
ple since 2008. You certainly
autumn/winter 2012/2013
$1.2 billion in new
made Latvia
their home
in the first
half of 2012
With so many positive indicators,
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of Grindex
Olainfarm can boast more than 35
the industry and contribute towards
years of industry experience and
the majority of graduates who later
production volume which runs into
specialise in the sector. Chemistry,
the tens of millions of units per
pharmacy and biotechnology courses
annum. In late 2011 it signed an
are offered by the University of
agreement with an unnamed leading
Latvia, Riga Technical University,
European drugs manufacturer as a
Riga Stradins University, the
distribution and marketing partner.
University of Daugavpils, the
Grindeks opened its first production
Latvian University of Agriculture
facility in this part of the world
and the Mechanical & Technological
immediately after the Second World
college of Olaine. Cooperation
the Investment and Development
War in 1946 and today exports to
between industry and these higher
Chemical attraction
Latvia’s chemical and pharmaceutical industry is increasingly
one of the most important sectors of the Latvian economy
According to the latest data from
Agency of Latvia and the Central
46 countries around the world. The
education establishments is one of
lation of the Soviet Union was
Statistical Bureau of Latvia, the
company announced the creation of
the main reasons why Latvia should
With traditions which stretch back
just shy of 300 million. Indeed,
industry accounts for 9 percent of
20 new products in 2012 and hopes
be considered as an ideal base for
decades and, in some cases, centu-
one in four medical preparations
total added value within the manu-
to increase its annual turnover to
future R+D projects. It is also worth
ries, Latvia’s research, development
that were manufactured in the
facturing sector and is the seventh
around 100 million euro.
noting that Latvian companies cur-
and manufacturing base has made
USSR and were intended for its
this country a not insignificant
fifteen ‘national’ republics and ‘189
player in the world of global chemi-
peoples’ was produced in Latvia,
cal and pharmaceutical products.
the second smallest of
Historically, Latvia has produced
an extensive range of products
those republics.
Broadly speaking, the Latvian
including man-made fibres, petro-
chemical, pharmaceutical and bio-
chemicals, household chemicals
technology sector can be divided up
and paints. During Soviet times,
into five manufacturing subsectors:
the research and development for
•Pharmaceuticals, medicine
around one quarter of all new
and phytopharmaceuticals;
Soviet drug technology was carried
•Paints and varnishes;
out in Latvia, with Latvia’s scien-
•Chemical compounds and syn-
tists often thought of as pioneers
in the field of biotechnology.
That’s a pretty impressive figure
thetic fibres;
•Household chemicals, cosmetics
and perfumes;
when you consider that the popu-
•Plastic and rubber products.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
One in
four medical
preparations that
were manufactured in
the USSR
and were
intended for
its fifteen
and ‘189
was produced in
most significant employer, with
Other leading companies that
rently hold patents for twelve active
around 6 percent of all those work-
should also be mentioned include
ingredients. (For more information
ing in manufacturing employed in
Dzintars, JSC Valmieras and JSC Riga
about Latvia’s higher education
this sector. The same data shows
Varnish & Paint. Dzintars has been
establishments see our special
that over 400 companies now oper-
trading since its first factory was
Education feature – ‘Learn as if you
ate in this vast industry sector.
opened in Riga in 1849 and is
were to live forever' – on page 4 of
Projected figures for 2012 expect
something of a household name in
this magazine.)
the industry to be valued at $540
this part of the world. JSC Valmieras
million (Business Monitor
exports more than 90 per cent of
its geographical location between
International). At present, Latvia’s
its products and is the largest pro-
East and West. On one hand this
core export markets are Russia, the
ducer in the Vidzeme region.
country is an integral part of the
Baltics, Germany, Finland, Poland
JSC Riga Varnish & Paint is the
European Union and Schengen Zone
and Sweden.
leading paint manufacturer in the
while, on the other, it boasts a sig-
Baltic states and offers close to 200
nificant ethnic Russian minority and
different kinds of paints.
business and cultural connections
The biggest players in the pharmaceutical industry are Grindeks and
One of Latvia’s great strengths is
Olainfarm. As well as being one of
Latvia’s higher education estab-
with all parts of the former Soviet
the biggest companies in the Baltics,
lishments play a significant role in
Union. It is therefore no exaggera-
figures for
2012 expect
the industry
to be valued
at $540 million
tion to say that Latvia has a clear
competitive advantage in this regard
over the majority of the other 26
EU states and can, if the economy
is competently managed, expect
exports in all of its key sectors,
including pharmaceuticals, to grow
in the coming years.
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Lāèplesa Street 61, Riga, Latvia
tribes and centuries later with the
Crusaders, Latvia’s territory has
been in the gun sights and conniving plans of countless leaders
and despots including Ivan the
Terrible, Napoleon, Peter the
Great, Hitler and Stalin. If military heritage is of interest to you,
then you have come to the
right place.
So many nations and tribes have
fought over Latvia that it is hard to
imagine that an independent sovereign state could actually exist today
on this territory. Evidence of what
has gone before is to be found all
over this country from medieval
castles to secret nuclear bunkers;
from war museums to former military prisons.
The oldest existing military heri-
War and peace
Military enthusiasts can find a treasure trove of
former military facilities, fortresses, fortifications, battle sites and hardware in Latvia
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of LTDA and Latvian Country Holidays
tage is the medieval fortifications
Latvia’s geographical position on
the fringes of Mainland Europe,
Scandinavia and Russia has
ensured that large powers and
invading armies have fought for
centuries over this strategic territory. Beginning with marauding
territory has
been in the
gun sights
and conniving plans of
leaders and
Ivan the
Peter the
Great, Hitler
and Stalin
that are scattered all over Latvia the
today, many of the castles and for-
first of which were constructed a
tresses built by the Crusaders of the
thousand years ago. While evidence
13th to 16th centuries still remain.
of the Baltic Tribes such as the
The most impressive of these
Curonian and Latgalians is limited
include the spectacularly situated
Photos courtesy of LTDA and Latvian Country Holidays
Turaida castle along with the castles
by Imperial Russia, during Soviet
at Cesis and Bauska.
times Karosta became an autono-
Of greatest interest to military
mous city within a city, home to
heritage enthusiasts, however, will
30,000 military personnel, a subma-
be the twentieth century battlefields,
rine warren and nuclear weapons.
former bases, missile sites, museums
Readers will not be surprised to dis-
and military hardware. A great place
cover that this city was completely
to start is Liepaja, home to Liepaja
off limits to the outside public.
Karosta, the former home of the
Today, Karosta’s many fascinating
USSR’s main Baltic naval base. Built
sights can be discovered by anyone
autumn/winter 2012/2013
eighth largest radio
used to
eve’s drop
on the West
during the
Cold War, is
found up the
coast from
who makes the three hour journey
from Riga; military enthusiasts can
even stay overnight at its former
military prison and participate in
the spy game ‘Escaping from the
USSR’ at the former military port.
The half destroyed concrete hulks of
Liepaja’s northern fortifications,
known as the Libava fortress, are
also worth investigating if you plan
to visit this attractive coastal city.
The world’s eighth largest radio
telescope, used to eve’s drop on the
West during the Cold War, is
cept NATO radio signals and tele-
Any military history buff should
found up the coast from Liepaja
phone conversations. Tours of the
definitely pay a visit to the Secret
between Ventspils and Kolka.
radio telescope are available to any
Military Bunker in Ligatne. Located
Nicknamed ‘the Starlet’ during
curious visitor interested in discov-
nine metres under the innocuous
Soviet times, Irbene’s 32-metre wide
ering more about this chapter of
looking Ligatne Rehabilitation
radio telescope was used to inter-
Latvian history.
Centre is a 1980s-built nuclear
Photos courtesy of LTDA and Latvian Country Holidays
bunker, which would have housed
opportunity to step back in time
the first Secretaries of the
to the Soviet era and discover a
Communist Party in the event of
Cold War facility that remains
an American nuclear strike.
pretty much as it was at the
Declassified as late as 2003, a visit
height of the Cold War. Former
to this former facility is a unique
Soviet nuclear bases can be found
autumn/winter 2012/2013
nine metres
under the
Centre is a
at Tervete, Eleja, Rudbarzi, Zeltinu
tion of the masses because, strange-
and Vainode. Zeltinu’s former
ly, it still remains relatively
nuclear base even has a huge bust
unknown to many Latvians, partic-
of Lenin, which once stood in
ularly those from the capital.
Aluksne’s central square.
Dinaburg Fortress is the only early
Latvia’s second city, Daugavpils,
nineteenth century fortress in
is home to an incredible nine-
Eastern Europe that has remained
teenth century military fortification
virtually unchanged, with its eight
that is yet to capture the imagina-
bastions and moat among its many
Photos courtesy of LTDA and Latvian Country Holidays
hundred military exhibits from
don’t miss the radars and former
both world wars, including Soviet
military village at Skrunda, ‘Death
army tanks, armoured personnel
Island’ (near Kekava) and the
carriers and aircraft. Visitors can
Dobele tank base.
also explore restored trenches and
ings. Mark Rothko was born in
Daugavpils and today his foundation is helping to resurrect his
home town’s incredible fortress
with extensive restoration work.
The Mark Rothko Centre, due to
open in the coming months, will
display many of his original pieces
features. Tsarist Russia had hoped
of work on the walls of the former
to build an entire military town
Arsenal building and will, along
within the fortress fortifications,
with the 150-hectare restored
including a parade ground and doz-
Dinaburg Fortress, help to put
ens of blocks of residential build-
Daugavpils back on the map.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Fortress is
the only
early nineteenth century fortress
in Eastern
Europe that
bunkers and stay overnight in
Further information
them if they wish. The ‘Museum
There are so many places of
of Christmas Battles’, located in
interest with some form or other
Mangali, features a German field
of military heritage in Latvia that
fortification reconstruction and the
in 2011 Latvian Country Holidays
model of a battlefield. Other
produced a military heritage map
museums of note include
for the first time. For those of
Lidumnieki War Museum, Mores
you interested in learning more
Battle Museum, Aglona’s World
about Latvia’s military heritage,
War II Museum and Exposition
you can download the map at
of reminders of the tragedies and
Hall and, of course, the Aviation
this address: www.celotajs.lv/cont/
atrocities that took place on its
Museum, which you will find adja-
soil during the First and Second
cent to Riga International Airport
World Wars. Riga’s War Museum is
and features dozens of former
Latvian Country Holidays
a good place to begin if you wish
Soviet military aircraft, including
(www.celotajs.lv) and the Latvian
to gain a fuller understanding of
MiG fighters.
Tourism Development Agency
On a sombre note, Latvia is full
the events that took place during
Quirky military heritage destina-
the twentieth century with count-
tions include Svente Manor House,
excellent sources of information
less exhibits providing documental
which is home to both a hotel and
for the full range of tours, activi-
evidence. Another museum of
a military vehicle museum that has
ties and military heritage sites
interest is the Kurzeme Fortress
everything from World War II tanks
scattered all over Latvia.
Museum, which includes several
to Soviet combat vehicles. Also,
(http://www.latvia.travel/en) are
Photos courtesy of Justin Walley, The Latvian Tourism Development Agency, jugendstils.riga.lv and O.Kotovichs
D iSc o v e r y
Let your
run wild
Welcome to Riga, home to the world’s most
exceptional collection of Art Nouveau architecture
autumn/winter 2012/2013
More than
800 Riga
can be
classed as
Art Nouveau
or Latvian
mega-boom and heyday of the late
millions of it lavishing the build-
ness men from all over Europe.
nineteenth century and early years
ings of the city in the de rigueur
Russian, German (in the 1867 cen-
of the twentieth century when
art style of the time: Art Nouveau.
sus 40 per cent of Riga’s popula-
Riga was awash with so much
The intelligentsia of Moscow and
tion identified themselves as being
cash that hundreds of wealthy
Saint Petersburg made this western
‘German’) and Jewish money pre-
individuals decided to spend the
outpost of the Russian empire
sented an open cheque book to
modern equivalent of hundreds of
their home as did wealthy busi-
renowned architects such as
Thai cousine
in heart of Riga
Approximately one third of all
buildings in central Riga are Art
Nouveau. Riga’s financial boom of
2004-2007 saw this city’s real
estate prices rise faster than anywhere else in the world, but even
this did not match its financial
Kungu st. 3
draugiem kotaiLV
+371 6775 5550
Photos courtesy of Justin Walley, The Latvian Tourism Development Agency, jugendstils.riga.lv and O.Kotovichs
Riga has "the finest collection of
way of living, which extended
and interacting with others. This
public consciousness (this period
art nouveau buildings in Europe",
beyond the architectural style itself
positive and eclectic vision of life
extended to 1920 in Garcia Nunez-
and because of the "quality and
to encompass elements of interior
lasted from 1894 to the outbreak of
inspired Argentina).
the quantity of its Art Nouveau/
design, artwork, fashion and even a
the First World War, when, under-
Jugendstil architecture". Other cities
more open-minded way of thinking
standably, it disappeared from the
Mikhail Eisenstein (his son,
Sergei, was the famous Soviet film-
where Art Nouveau has left its
mark on the very nature of the
city include Prague, Paris, Brussels,
Buenos Aires and the architectural
treasure trove that is Montevideo.
Art Nouveau represented a desire
Mikhail Eisenstein and Konstantins
pre-war Germany, the town houses
Peksens to let their imaginations
of Brussels and 1900-France,
run wild and conjure up an aston-
because of its artistic association
ishing ensemble of facades, motifs
with the French language, however,
and gargoyles. In fact, more than
the greatest collection of Art
800 Riga buildings can be classed
Nouveau to be found anywhere on
as Art Nouveau or Latvian
planet Earth is in Riga, Latvia.
National Romanticism.
UNESCO recognised this fact in
Art Nouveau is often associated
1997 when it added the Latvian
with Antoni Gaudi’s Barcelona,
capital to its protected list because
autumn/winter 2012/2013
The greatest collection of Art
Nouveau to
be found
on planet
Earth is in
Riga, Latvia
to live with greater freedom of
expression, escaping the constraining shackles of the dour Victorian
era, when individuals were expected
to behave with social and sexual
constraint. Combining nature and
mythology in an art form that centred on man and his environment,
Jugendstil – as it was often
termed – was a completely new
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tecture in this style in Riga. With
epic proportions. If you leave Riga
of the incredible Art Nouveau mas-
Art Nouveau apartment buildings
without spending half an hour
terpieces that visitors can find on
towering down from either side of
scrutinising this street, then you
Alberta street, which has the most
this long, narrow street, Alberta
should be shot! Staring up at the
impressive concentration of archi-
iela resembles a movie film set of
grand facades you will spot elabo-
Photos courtesy of Justin Walley, The Latvian Tourism Development Agency, jugendstils.riga.lv and O.Kotovichs
director) was responsible for many
rate designs, monstrous gargoyles
and a screaming woman. At street
level there are even two sphinx
guarding one particular apart-
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a desire to
live with
greater freedom of
the constraining
shackles of
the dour
to search for reminders of this
and even hand-made plaster Art
the not too distant future, Art
golden period while the dedicated
Nouveau faces. Art Nouveau
Nouveau may experience its own
er Art Nouveau genius who put
Art Nouveau shop on the corner
inspired cafes and restaurants have
mini-comeback, inspiring a new
his name to more than 200 Art
of Alberta and Strelnieku offers
also begun to spring up here, sug-
generation of artists, fashion stu-
Nouveau buildings in Riga.
embroideries, jewellery, postcards
gesting that one day perhaps, in
dents and trend seekers.
ment block.
Konstantins Peksens was anoth-
Opened in 2009, Alberta iela’s Art
Nouveau museum (Alberta 12) is
located in the former apartment
of Konstantins Peksens, who
designed the building itself and
oversaw its construction in 1903.
This is perhaps as good a place as
any for beginning your Art
Nouveau adventure.
This art form extends beyond
the building facades that you will
find around Riga to include staircases, interior walls and the interior design of many Riga apartments, including the furniture.
Riga’s antique shops are one place
inlat plus
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autumn/winter 2012/2013
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 Visas, residence permits and work permits.
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Official partner of LIVE RIGA
Photos courtesy of Justin Walley, The Latvian Tourism Development Agency, jugendstils.riga.lv and O.Kotovichs
Daugava, is also home to an
contrast the ‘bling’ of Elizabetes,
toon-like cacophony of emerging
Alberta iela some of the premier
Beyond the aforementioned
impressive collection of Art
home to many embassies, law firms
Art Nouveau masterpieces. The
streets for seeking out the finest
Nouveau intermixed with many
and company head offices with
world had never seen the architec-
examples of Riga’s Art Nouveau
examples of wooden architecture.
some of the decaying dilapidated
tural imagination run wild like that
include Elizabetes, Vilandes,
Further afield Liepaja, Jurmala and
structures of nearby Vilandes street
before…and probably never
Brivibas, Valdemara, Barona, Smilsu,
Daugavpils also boast some wonder-
where many buildings are nothing
will again.
Gertrudes and Blaumana. The
ful examples of this art form.
more than spectacular Art Nouveau
delightful district of Agenskalns, on
the opposite side of the river
During your exploration of Riga’s
Art Nouveau streets, compare and
iela resembles a
movie film
set of epic
shells; tortured faces and gargoyles
staring out at passers-by as if longing for multi-million euro-investors
to spot them and decide to return
these interiors to their former glory.
Number 7, with the two pairs of
dishevelled but classy ladies guarding its two doorways, is a perfect
example of this paradox.
And while you are on this journey of artistic exploration, try to
imagine Riga as it was at the turn
of the nineteenth century: awash
with cash, intelligentsia, spies and
business people; its skyline a car-
autumn/winter 2012/2013
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People's Republic of China
Photos courtesy of Latvian Tourism Develpment Agency, Kolonna Spa, Guna Miļusa/Kolonna Beauty Group, Aqua Villa Spa, ESPA Riga, Fontaine Royal, Baltic Beach Hotel, Jurmala Spa Hotel, Amber Sea Hotel & Spa.
Give me a break!
Latvia offers amazing five-star spa experiences at
three-star prices. Time to banish the autumn and
winter blues by treating yourself to a luxury spa
autumn/winter 2012/2013
readers and
visitors to
voted ESPA
Riga as their
Day Spa for
A high percentage of readers will at
some time or other have suffered
from ‘the autumn and winter blues’.
The author of this feature must
confess to having felt a little down
himself as he began writing this
with the leaves tumbling down
from the trees outside of his window and the summer terraces being
dismantled; thoughts in his head
turning to the long, dark nights
and cold winter days ahead. A little
fighting fit for the autumn and
traditions stretching back hundreds
down and depressed that was until
winter months ahead.
of years and spa and rehabilitation
he tried out a number of the relax-
If you have come to Latvia in
treatments available to foreign tour-
ing and revitalising spa experiences
search of a spa break then you will
ists and locals alike since the nine-
and massage treatments that can be
be delighted by what you are going
teenth century, Latvia certainly has
found in Latvia. It is fair to say,
to find here. You could say it is in
a spa pedigree. The spa resort of
this particular writer now feels
the blood of Latvians; with sauna
Jurmala, a stone’s throw away from
Photos courtesy of ESPA Riga
the Latvian capital Riga, has been a
Capital Pleasures
to CNTraveller voted ESPA Riga as
dedicated health resort for centuries
Riga is home to dozens and dozens
their favourite overseas Day Spa for
and was a popular haunt for the
of spa and wellness centres. Many
2012. ESPA Riga also finished 4th
likes of Nikita Khrushchev and
are located within the premises of
for the award of the top spa in the
other leading members of the polit-
three-, four- and five-star hotels,
world. Praise doesn’t get much bet-
buro during the years of Soviet
while others are found in dedicated
ter than that.
occupation. These days, holidaying
spa and wellness centres.
sonal masseur, as we relaxed with
ESPA Riga is a stunning urban spa,
fruit and a revitalising cup of tea
concentration of high-class, state
contained within a beautiful Art
on the sixth floor of ESPA Riga’s spa
of the art spa centres and facili-
Nouveau building adjacent to the
centre. We had just enjoyed an hour
ties as well as highly trained pro-
Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija. This six
of paddling in the heated outdoor
fessional masseurs, beauty thera-
floor sanctuary of relaxation has
pool, contemplating the meaning of
pists, spa managers and treatment
storeys dedicated to spa treatments,
life, in-between stints in the nearby
therapists. There are also only a
male and female relaxation rooms,
steam rooms and saunas. With less
handful of international spa break
thermal suites, a lower level with a
destinations that are as affordable
large swimming pool and relaxing
as Latvia. If you choose to travel
saunas and steam rooms, and the
to this corner of the Baltic states,
exclusive sixth floor spa and roof-
you could say you are getting
top outdoor pool, where, if you
five-star spa and wellness breaks
hang out in your bathrobe and slip-
for three-star prices.
pers for an hour or two, you are
from Norway or Germany as Russia.
Few countries can boast such a
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For our massage experience we
were met and greeted by our per-
spa tourists are just as likely to be
bound to leave afterwards feeling
Riga takes you on a trip through
like you are a millionaire. ESPA
the spa experiences we have recent-
Riga has won many accolades in
ly enjoyed and most certainly whol-
the past couple of years, none more
ly recommend. These represent only
prestigious than the one it received
a fraction of the spa and wellness
from the world famous high-class
experiences available in Latvia, but
travel magazine Conde Nast
we reckon they are a good place
Traveller in February 2012. Conde
to begin…
Nast Traveller’s readers and visitors
If you
choose to
travel to this
corner of
the Baltic
states, you
could say
you are getting five-star
spa and
breaks for
than half a dozen other guests pres-
ESPA Riga has a very good value
ent, this definitely feels ‘exclusive’.
autumn/winter special available to
Using the ‘sci-fi’ lift to transport
Gateway Riga readers for 75 lats up
ourselves to the treatment rooms on
until December 31. As well as
the lower floors, the massage began
enjoying full use of ESPA Riga’s
in a room filled with candles and
heat and water experiences, includ-
sweet smelling aromas. The one
ing the saunas, steam room, indoor
hour full body massage is so relax-
pool and the luxuriant roof top
ing, there’s a danger it will send
outdoor vitality pool, those taking
you to sleep; and that is before the
advantage of the package will enjoy
unforgettably unwinding crescendo,
a tension relaxing back massage, a
which involves an amazing head
revitalizing facial, a deeply nourish-
and scalp massage with carefully
ing hand treatment, a two-course
selected oils. By the end of this
light lunch in the spa café and the
massage, this individual has rarely
truly relaxing Oriental scalp mas-
felt so relaxed in his whole life.
sage. http://espariga.com/en
• Certified auditor services
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Photos courtesy of Aqua Villa Spa
Aqua Villa Spa
rooms and Jacuzzi. Only recently,
but with lots of added extras
Kolonna Spa
Some readers will prefer smaller,
the stylist.co.uk named Aqua Villa
that make it a full half-day spa
Located in the middle of Riga’s old
more intimate spa centres. Aqua
among the top five spa breaks in
experience. Individual massage
town, Kolonna Spa is believed to
Villa is a friendly boutique spa
Europe for 2012.
treatments such as Aqua Villa’s
be the largest day spa in the entire
half hour medical back and neck
Baltic region. The spa centre
located in the heart of Old Riga.
We tried out the Romantic Sauna
Aqua Villa offers spa procedures,
for two; a chance to be locked away
massage start from just 17 lats.
includes saunas, baths and a popu-
relaxing massages and also has a
from the outside world for a whole
For more details, contact the
lar gym & fitness club, but it is
cosy water relaxation suite for visi-
two hours in our own private sauna
friendly staff at Aqua Villa or
perhaps best known for its exten-
tors who wish to unwind in the
suite where we enjoyed the delights
just walk in off the street to its
sive choice of day spa treatments
privacy of their own sauna, steam
of Aqua Villa’s steam and infrared
excellently located spa centre, just
for men and women. Treatments
saunas, hot bubbling Jacuzzi and
off Dome Square.
include sound therapy, mud proce-
sauna, which was filled with cham-
dures, amber treatments, hydrother-
omile and mint aromas. Bathrobes,
towels, slippers and heated floors
added to the intimate atmosphere of
the occasion.
As if these two hours of restful, luxuriant solitude weren’t
enough, next we were treated to
a wonderfully relaxing massage
with warm, natural cosmetic
yoghurt and monoi of tiare oil,
which is made from tiare flowers
and held in the pulp of a cocothis whole experience is deliciously relaxing, the cosmetic
yoghurt massage actually provides energy and moistens the
skin, restoring it to its natural
physiological pH level. After this
fantastic experience, you can
expect to return home and sleep
like a baby.
You can enjoy a similar package to the one we experienced
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of Guna Miļusa/Kolonna Beauty Group
nut. Although it is fair to say
Photos courtesy of Jurmala Spa Hotel
apy procedures and, of course body
their treatment rooms feeling reju-
affluent locals alike, and you can
geous white-sands of Majori beach
an incredible 400 different treat-
massages. Men are also well catered
venated. This was certainly
certainly see why. Leaving the
in Jurmala, the Baltic Beach Hotel is
ments available to visitors as well as
for here with a whole range of
Gateway Riga’s experience after a
changing room area you emerge
ideal for couples, families, confer-
an excellent swimming pool and
treatments designed specifically for
full body massage eliminated the
into an underground world of
ence delegates and anybody else
water relaxation facilities, and the
them. These aim to overcome
aches, pains and knotted muscles
steam rooms, hammans and sau-
who is simply looking for a high-
Baltic Beach’s exclusive ‘The Garden’
stress, mental and physical fatigue
that had been created after a par-
nas, which in turn lead, via a
class, relaxing break away from it
spa and relaxation centre.
and the harmful influence of our
ticularly stressful week of work
spiral staircase to a large swim-
all by the sea. And if it is a spa
environment which has a particu-
and sport. The sculpting massage
ming pool with its own cocktail
break that you are seeking then this
experience for those of you who
larly detrimental effect upon men’s
pays special attention to problem
bar and bubbling Jacuzzis.
is definitely the place for you, with
enjoy intimacy and style. This
natural skin ageing processes.
areas, toning the muscles and
Families are welcome and this is
Kolonna Spa also has hair stylist
working out any tension in the
the perfect place to hang out,
services and a team of dedicated
waist, stomach and lower back
particularly if you fancy a lazy
beauticians. www.kolonnaspa.lv/en
areas. This particular massage will
Sunday afternoon. The Hotel
also be of particular interest to
Jurmala Spa has a number of
We do like to be beside
the seaside…
some of our female readers as it
very special offers for the
helps to eliminate cellulite. Other
autumn and winter period with
Jurmala is home to a 33-kilometre
treatments include Geo-thermal
prices beginning as low as 85
long beach with blue eco flags at
body plus treatments, hair and
euro. This includes an overnight
Majori and Bulduri, as well as mile
scalp massages, amber therapy and
stay for two in one of the
after mile of pine tree forests, gor-
feet massages. You can also take
hotel’s cosy modern rooms, buf-
geous wooden buildings and Art
advantage of the manicure, pedi-
fer breakfast in the restaurant
Nouveau structures. The popular
cure and hairstylist services.
‘Jurmala’, use of the saunas and
website Aol.co.uk recently listed
Feeling relaxed but very much
pools in the Wellness &
Jurmala as amongst Europe’s top
rejuvenated from our massage
Relaxation Centre, and two treat-
ten spa destinations (2012)
treatment in one of the dedicat-
ments per room from an exten-
ed treatment rooms on the third
sive menu of treatments that
Jurmala Spa Hotel
floor of the Jurmala Spa Hotel,
includes underwater massages,
Jurmala Spa Hotel offers more
and having enjoyed the wonder-
body detoxification and nourish-
than 100 different treatments
ful panoramic views of the adja-
ing hair care treatments.
designed to improve the health
cent beaches and pine forests
and well-being of its many satis-
from the roof-top restaurant, it
fied guests. Professional masseurs
was more fun and leisure in the
Baltic Beach Hotel
are on hand to ensure that any-
extensive Spa & Wellness Centre.
This luxurious, all-purpose five-star
body who is looking to relax and
The Spa & Wellness Centre is
hotel ‘has it all’ as they say. Nestled
unwind is guaranteed to leave
popular with hotel guests and
between pine trees next to the gor-
recently, the
named Aqua
Villa among
the top five
spa breaks
in Europe for
‘The Garden’ is a top class, spa
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autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of Amber Sea Hotel & Spa.
Photos courtesy of Baltic Beach Hotel
clockwise order so that your body
from the star-filled ceiling and wash
range of services including Thai foot
room stay. For more information:
gains the optimum experience. After
off your clay body mask. If some
massages, Green Tea Body wraps
a swim in the pool and lying
clay still remains afterwards then
and back, shoulder and neck mas-
around in the bubbling Jacuzzi, step
wash it off in the tropical rain style
sages. This good value package also
…Strolling along the adjacent
in to the invigorating Amber sauna
showers, which come with accompa-
includes use of the hotel’s Aqua
white sand beach shortly after
before moving on to the extremely
nying bird noises. Shut your eyes
Club, free bicycle hire and compli-
leaving one of the establishments
cosy wood burning sauna. This
for a moment or two and you
mentary breakfast; all this starting
listed above, the smell of sea salt
sauna is so cosy in fact that it puts
could actually be there in the mid-
from just 76 lats, based on a single
and pine trees intermingling in
one in mind of a remote Scottish
dle of the Borneo rainforest. The
inn. Next it is the hamman, which
Amber Sun spa package is available
feels so authentic that it would not
for 97 lats during autumn for two
be out of place in Turkey. Feeling
people. This includes a double
like a new person, finally it is time
room, buffet breakfast, use of the
whole experience feels exclusive
been uniquely designed so that you
for ‘the Garden’s’ amazing Rasul:
swimming pool, sauna and gym,
from the minute you enter the mar-
can step in and out of one sauna
rich and scintillating aromas that
plus a complimentary spa package
ble-floored dressing room to the
to another, enjoying big variations
evoke memories of Middle eastern
of your choice from a selection of
moment you step into the water
in temperature and humidity, with
souks heighten the senses before
autumnal spa and massage treat-
relaxation centre. The Garden has
the rooms designed in an anti-
jets of warm water spray down
ments. www.balticbeach.lv/en
Amber Sea Hotel & Spa
The Amber Sea Hotel & Spa is a
lovely four-star establishment, located in the middle of a pine forest,
just 100 metres from the sea. The
hotel is home to a spa centre,
indoor swimming pool, saunas,
steam rooms and Jacuzzi and also
offers a wide range of spa treatments. The Harmony Spa package
includes an early 11am check in,
one night’s accommodation in one
of the hotel’s well-appointed rooms,
dinner in the hotel restaurant and
one treatment per person from a
Spa Hotel
offers more
than 100
designed to
improve the
health and
of its many
Welcome to
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Phone office: +371 67755146
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of Fontaine Royal
the light autumn breeze, it is
Fontaine Royal, Liepaja
adjacent music club where top local
natural to conclude that Jurmala
If you are looking for a short escape
and international artists regularly per-
must indeed rank as one of
from the Latvian capital then the
form. This autumn and winter, it is
Europe’s premier spa break expe-
coastal city of Liepaja and the excel-
possible to stay in the hotel’s
lent Fontaine Royal Hotel are certain-
Presidential Suite (which even has its
ly worth considering. Although this
own Jacuzzi in the bedroom) for as
Musical west coast
spa adventures!
hotel is not a dedicated spa hotel, it
little as 80 lats per night. One very
does boast a spa and wellness centre
special offer is the ‘Rock n Sleep’
Liepaja is located on Latvia’s west
with a sizeable pool, steam rooms,
package which includes one night in
coast and is renowned for its stun-
Turkish bath and saunas. We would
a double room, welcome drink on
ning beaches, outdoor sports and
like to refer to a stay at the Fontaine
arrival, free entrance to the ever pop-
rock music. The city is also home
Royal as a ‘musical spa break’ as this
ular Fontaine Palace music hall and
to a number of spa centres.
quirky establishment is famous for its
the Fire Bar, complimentary use of
the spa centre for one hour, as well
as the chance to enjoy the hotel’s
excellent buffet breakfast. The price
of this package is an absolute giveaway at just 30 lats.
A land of spa
As we mentioned at the beginning
of this feature, Latvia is full of
excellent spa centres to suit every
taste and pocket, and the spa experiences mentioned in this issue were
simply our own recent relaxation
adventures. The majority of Latvia’s
spas are to be found in Riga and
Jurmala, but there are spa centres
all over this country waiting to be
tried out and enjoyed.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Photos courtesy of Austrian Airlines
A i r li n e i n f o cu s
Slicker and fitter
A year of streamlining sees Austrian Airlines
looking slicker, fitter and offering higher standards
than ever
make Austrian Airlines the market
Austrian Airlines is Austria’s largest
leader. Austrian Airlines’ hub is
airline and its national flag carrier.
the beautiful city of Vienna, locat-
It operates an extensive worldwide
ed at the very heart of Europe
network of flights to more than
and making it well placed to
130 destinations. This network is
accommodate those wishing to
especially strong in Central and
travel between the east and west
Eastern Europe (as football fans
of this continent. These days
travelling out to Euro 2012 discov-
Austrian is part of the Lufthansa
ered) where its 44 destinations
Group, which is the largest carrier
autumn/winter 2012/2013
in Europe and a member of the
Star Alliance.
In Central
and Eastern
Europe (as
football fans
out to Euro
2012 discovered), its
44 destinations make
Airlines the
Transfer times for passengers
using Vienna were significantly
Austrian Airlines is streamlining
reduced in 2012 with the opening
its fleet of aircraft. A total of seven
of the new Austrian Star Alliance
Airbus A320 will be incorporated
Terminal at Vienna Airport. The
into regular flight operations before
new terminal is 150,000 square
the summer flight schedule of 2013.
meters in size and is staffed by 700
At the same time, the fleet of
Austrian employees. Vienna airport’s
Boeing 737-800 will be removed
minimum time of transfer of 25
from service as part of a policy of
minutes is unique among the
creating a homogeneous fleet, while
world’s hubs:
the airline’s 10% reduction in seat
“This is a milestone in Austrian
capacity will lead to increasing effi-
air transport,” explained Austrian
ciency. As well as streamlining its
CEO Jaan Albrecht. “Its minimum
fleet, 2012 also saw Austrian create
transfer time of 25 minutes and its
new uniforms for all of its staff,
new and modern image have
open a new terminal and undergo a
returned Vienna Airport to being a
significant streamlining of its orga-
competitive hub in Europe. This
nization from top to bottom.
strengthens the role played by
time of
transfer of
25 minutes
is unique
among the
Vienna International Airport in the
ure, with 5,440,600 passengers
Lufthansa Group and enhances its
choosing Austrian Airlines. Austrian
role of being an important interna-
has seen its best passenger growth,
tional hub for Star Alliance.”
year-on-year, coming from domestic
Passenger numbers remain bullish
despite the global economic crisis:
demand and from flights to and
from the UK, Spain and Romania.
Ranked among the ten best air-
In 2011, the Austrian group
(Austrian, Austrian Arrows and
lines in Europe in the 2012 World
Lauda Air) carried 11.3 million pas-
Airline Awards, after a period of
sengers. In the period from January
streamlining, Austrian is now fight-
to June 2012, the number of pas-
ing fit and looking ready to face
sengers carried rose by 6.7 percent
the new challenges of the 21st cen-
compared to the previous year’s fig-
tury aviation industry.
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autumn/winter 2012/2013
D e s ti n ati o n guid e
its six kilometres of runs. The ski
enchanting town centre which is
Olympic gold here and has runs for
area south of Salzburg is one of the
home to countless parks and gar-
beginners, intermediates and expert
best in the country - along with
dens, churches, museums and watch
skiers. It even has ski-in and ski-out
towers; all of which is ringed by a
accommodation for those who don’t
spectacular backdrop of snow-capped
choose to overnight down the val-
mountains. Goldenes Dachl (Golden
ley in charming Innsbruck. Closer
roof) is one inspiring Innsbruck
still to home, Innsbruck’s futuristic
landmark that shouldn’t be missed
Bergisel ski jump has become a new
by any visitor.
landmark which, aside from its
Photos courtesy of Innsbruck Tourism and salzburg.info
the Tyrol and Vorarlberg - and
Ski heaven
Innsbruck and Salzburg are not only stunningly
beautiful towns but also serve as the perfect
bases for those wishing to enjoy Austria’s
superb mountain skiing
magical allure of Salzburg. And
As is the
case with
entire old
town is a
world heritage site
offers limitless winter sports opportunities for skiers, snowboarders and
cross-country skiers alike. There are
around 80 ski slopes within one
hour of Salzburg airport and almost
one hundred more an extra half
hour away by road. The area
encompassing Flachau, Kleinarl,
Local ski resorts of note include
obvious functionality, provides visi-
Seefeld, Igls and Tulfes and an
tors with a 360-degree perspective
underground train connects the city
of the Tyrol Mountains.
with the Nordpark ski area, which
For a skiing holiday that com-
boats some of the steepest runs in
bines beauty, culture and fantastic
the Alps and is also ideal for off-
slopes to suit every level of skier, it
negotiated and explored. The
piste lovers. Nearby Igls holds a
would be difficult to better the gor-
Wagrain and Zauchensee is the
most extensive of these with more
than 350 kilometres of slopes to be
Salzburg Super Ski pass covers most
place in Austrian sporting folklore
geous cities and ski centres of
Salzburg’s Baroque buildings escaped
of the large and small ski areas in
after local hero Franz Klammer won
Salzburg and Innsbruck.
the Allied bombing raids of WWII
the province including popular
and today’s remarkable UNESCO
Saalbach, Zell am See and
world heritage site is one of the fin-
Obertauern. Beginners will appreci-
est Baroque towns in all of Europe.
ate the softly curved beginners’
As is the case with Riga, Salzburg’s
runs, while challenging black runs
entire old town is a world heri-
and deep powdery snow slopes
tage site.
await those who live for skiing.
There are dozens and dozens of
Innsbruck is a world famous win-
ski resorts close to Salzburg with
ter sports centre and hosted the
altitudes ranging from 640 metres
Winter Olympics in 1964 and 1976.
at Lofer, right up to roof-of-the-Alps
Because of its location between high
ski runs of 2-3,000 metres at
mountains, Innsbruck is ideally situ-
With its narrow winding streets,
that’s before we mention Salzburg’s
intimate coffee houses and 35
high culture, for this is the birth-
Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque
place of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
churches – overhung by an awe-
the genius who created an astound-
Kaprun. All are easily accessible and
ated for Austria’s winter skiing sea-
inspiring fortress and surrounded by
ing 24 operas and over 50 sympho-
have top notch facilities with well
son. Those basing themselves here
sublime Alpine mountain scenery –
nies during his enlightened 35
serviced Hollersbach, for example,
for ski holidays can also enjoy the
few cities in the world have the
years. Mercifully, more than half of
having 55 ski lifts to complement
beauty and character of Innsbruck’s
autumn/winter 2012/2013
of its location
high mountains,
is ideally
situated for
winter skiing season
autumn/winter 2012/2013
October 27 / Palladium Riga
October 27 / Studio 69
Latvia v Liechtenstein
2014 World Cup Qualifier
October 16 / Skonto Stadium
Valerijs Meladze
November 25 / Arena Riga
Welcome to the Yoga
and beauty studio
Smokie & Symphony orchestra
Invest in yourself – by making yourself more beautiful today and thus creating value for the future.
•The largest spectrum of different yoga
•Qualified yoga teachers – group & individual approaches;
•Gundega Hot yoga – special program of
yoga postures in a warm and humid room;
•Ayurvedic specialist and reiki master –
for those who prefer holistic approaches
to healing;
•Body and face treatments – exclusive
cosmetics and massage world!
December 3 / Arena Riga
Boriss Moisejevs
October 18 / Congress House
Moscow Circus on Ice
Professional Kick Boxing
November 2 / Arena Riga
October 20 / Arena Riga
Autobuss Debesis
November 5 / National Opera House
October 20 / Palladium Riga
XII world music festival 'PORTA'
Sergejs Bezrukovs
November 7-11 / Riga
October 24 / Arena Riga
Steve Vai
November 11 / Palladium Riga
October 26 / Palladium Riga
Vanessa Mae
December 12 / Arena Riga
December 13 / Arena Riga
Audēju iela 15, tel +371 67224155
Ģertrūdes iela 44, tel +371 67278027
Marijas iela 2, tel +371 67491444
www.adrenalinetan.lv, www.itanbaltic.com
Brīvības iela 214b-504 (5th floor), Riga
tel +371 29330280
Staro Riga lights festival
Inessa Galante solo concert
La Boheme (Special cast)
Latvian National Ballet 90
gala concert
November 15-18 / Riga
November 16 / National Opera House
December 14 / National Opera House
December 15 / National Opera House
Stas Mihailov
December 21 / Arena Riga
LNSO & Elina Garanca
December 28+30 / Opera House/Great Guild
November 18 / Arena Riga
I solesti veneti
November 19 / National Opera House
January 6 / National Opera House
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
January 17 / National Opera House
Katie Melua
November 24 / Arena Riga
January 30 / National Opera House
Photos courtesy of makroconcert.lv, The Latvian National Opera, The Latvian Football Federation
November 14 / Palladium Riga
KOLONNA Laser Clinic
RegenACR® is an aesthetic procedure
which uses the healing power of the
patient’s blood to biologically stimulate
skin cells. It stimulates regeneration of
the patient’s cells and skin renewal, as a
result of which:
•Skin colour, tone and fullness improve;
•Collagen fibres are transformed;
•Wrinkles are lastingly evened out and
facial features are strengthened;
•The healing process after aesthetic procedures (laser therapy, chemical peeling)
is speeded up.
•Revitalizes and renew the dermis;
•Evens out wrinkles and strengthens
facial features;
•Stimulates production of new collagen.
Raiņa bulvāris 17-4, 2nd floor, Rīga
tel +371 67220050
lazerklinika@kolonna.com, www.lazerklinika.lv
Working hours: Weekdays: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturdays: 08:00 – 18:00
Sundays: closed
Salon PRIOR – good hairstyle stydio
•Haircutting, coloring and styling
•Manicure and pedicure
•Facial treatment procedures
•Masage and SPA
oficial distributor in Latvia
High Care Center
W E L L NESS & H e althca r e
De Phazz
© 2012 Harisma Ltd. All rights reserved. Adrenaline Tan is registered trademark.
The most qualitative and positively
charged tanning studios in Riga are inviting you! Only at us – the latest and the
most modern UWE solarium models in
the Baltic States and novelty – SPRAY
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care for the perfect tan by the best sunbeds, the exclusive MR International tanning cosmetic, new SPRAY TAN and
unexceptional the highest service! Colour
your days in Riga with “Adrenaline Tan”!
Welcome to Weyergans High Care Centre. Our mission
is to help you to get a positive body image and more
health. For a good figure, beauty and health are gifts you
need to make to yourself; Weyergans will help you.
We offer treatments for face and body:
•Vacuum Power – With deep action effect
•SPM Breast – Lifting the breasts without an operation
•Dermionologie – Look younger!
•MESO Treatment – Instant youthful appearance with
Long – Term effect
•Beautiful Lips – Full lips with hyaluronic acid and cold
light – Without injection!
•Slide Styler – effective lymph drainage
•Bodystar Treatments – Fine currents for a good figure
•Intermittent Vacuum Therapy – Firm skin and healthy
•Vacustyler – Through space tehnology
•Therapeutic Massage
Come and visit us and we will find the best way for
you to enjoy beauty and health for all of your life. Find
more about Weyergans High Care Centre at www.wey-
Antonijas iela 10, Riga
tel +371 67331198
mob. tel +371 28815843
Elizabetes iela 55, Rīga tel +371 67772297
Čaka iela 33-1A, Rīga tel +371 67280093
Cēsu iela 31/1, Rīga
tel +371 67373733
Open: Monday – Saturday: 8.00 – 21.00 Sunday: closed
Aqua Villa SPA
•Massages, SPA procedures,
SPA packages for couples, for
her and for him
•Face treatments, esthetical correction procedures for face –
lifting, dermabrasion etc.
•Hairdressers' studio
•Manicure/pedicure studio
•Romantic sauna: Hammam,
sauna, infrared cabin, SPA
pool-jacuzzi (private rent)
•Cosmetical products for
home use
Tirgoņu iela 11, Old Riga
tel +371 67814686, +371 29196349
aquavillaspa@bonitta.lv | www.aquavillaspa.lv
Working hours: I-V 8:00 – 21:00; VI 10:00 – 21:00; VII 10:00 – 19:00
Information correct at time of going to press.
autumn/winter 2012/2013
autumn/winter 2012/2013
KD patisserie – cafe
Cydonia gastropub is a place where everyone can feel at home,
allowing the music sounds to create a special atmosphere at the bar,
in cosy sofas and Kids Only room. We offer eco kitchen with modern
tastes made from fresh products grown by Latvian farmers. From a
wide range of wine, beer and cocktail selection we will help you to
choose the most appropriate drink to your meal. Our chef, Oscar
Kolesnikov is looking for ways to put quince in different recipes to
make the taste flavor more various. We stand for the enjoyment of
food! Properly cooked food can cause a variety of associations and
conjure up a moment that is memorable. The most delicious things
are simple, but not uniform.
Special Chef's offer every working day from 6pm to 8pm. Buy a
glass of wine, beer or a cocktail and we'll get you our bite size snack
platter as a complement.
Try our unique business lunch (12:00-16:00), each working day a
different country's national kitchen.
Vaļņu iela 2, Riga, LV-1050
tel +371 67220032, kaspars.dilans@gmail.com
Dzirnavu iela 84, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
tel 67282055, www.cydonia.lv
info@cydonia.lv, booking: booking@cydonia.lv
Open: Monday–Friday (10am–12pm);
Saturday–Sunday (11am–12pm)
Alus ArsenÇls
Bar & Nightclub Ka∫˙u VÇrti
Nightclub Kaļķu Vaˉrti (ClubKV) has been
entertaining visitors from all over the world
for more than 10 years and still remains
one of the favourite places in Riga for
locals. The special location of ClubKV is
ideal for party goers who want to party in
the very heart of Old Riga, in Lıˉvu Square.
A-level audio equipment and superb lighting
combine to create an amazing clubbing
experience. ClubKV brings together friendly,
creative, and open-minded people, with our
resident-DJs ensuring that each event is
more unforgettable and more thrilling than
the last! Prepare to dance through until
daybreak! Our wide range of cocktails and
friendly prices are guaranteed to put a smile
on your face! We hope to see you at our
nightclub “Kaļķu Vaˉrti” (ClubKV) very soon!
Kaļķu iela 11a, Līvu laukums
(look for a red airplane), Rīga
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 22:00–06:00
tel +371 67224576, www.clubkv.lv
Restaurant Felicita
The cozy restaurant "Felicita" is set in the
very heart of Old Riga, near the St.Peter’s
Church. Restaurant offers a unique opportunity to taste and buy high-quality Italian
wines of the Apulia region from the famous
singer Al Bano family-owned "Tenute Al
Bano Carrisi” winery. Restaurant's interior
and wall paintings create a real Italian
romance. This atmosphere is dominated in
musician’s properties in Southern Italy. The
"Felicita" chef cook learned his skills in Italy,
Al Bano Carrisi owned restaurant.
Italian hospitality, unforgettable tastes
and delicate wines – all this awaits you!
For your convenience, book a table in
our website: www.felicita.lv
Restaurant «ALUS ARSENĀLS» («Beer
Arsenal») is located in the Old Riga, near
the Presidential Palace of the Republic of
Latvia, on the quiet Arsenāla Street. During
summer season a large terrace is opened
with an outlook on the Presidential Palace
of the Republic of Latvia. Democratic, informal atmosphere, excellent Latvian cuisine,
attentive and fast service, reasonable prices –
it's the restaurant «ALUS ARSENĀLS».
Good choice of latvian draft beers.
Pils laukums 4, (entrance from Arsenala iela)
LV-1050, Riga, Latvia.
tel +371 67322675, +371 20363335
eriks@alus-arsenals.lv, www.alus-arsenals.lv
Mon–Thu 12:00 – 22:00 Friday 12:00 – 24:00
Saturday 12:00 – 24:00 Sunday 12:00 – 22:00
Skārņu iela 22, Rīga
tel +371 67205428, +371 26401404
info.felicita@gmail.com, www.felicita.lv
The restaurant is open for you: 11:00 – 23:00
Andalzijas Suns
Restaurant and bar
OLIVE OIL Trading Co
Restaurant Majorenhoff
Welcome to Majorenhoff restaurant!
We are happy to offer our guests versatile cuisine for gourmets and
lovers of exotic foods and traditional European dishes.
You will be able to find a wide assortment of different kinds of
pizza in our restaurant according to your own taste, and you will
know what the real Italian pizza is. Tried our pizza, baked according
an ancient Italian recipes with adding spices and sauces, and you will
find yourselves in the streets of Palermo or Neapol. We are ready to
offer a wide assortment of sushi to admirers of Japanese food.
Restaurant's style, interior and atmosphere are ideal for various events
from business lunches to romantic dates and meeting with friends.
Here everything is done to make our guests comfortable. Attentive
and helpful waiting staff will acquaint you with new dishes on our
menu. Our restaurant is situated in the very heart of Juˉrmala resort at
the beginning of pedestrian Jomas Street. Our guests always come back
and every time we are ready to surprise them with our new offers.
Sophisticated yet cosy atmosphere, versatile and creative menu will
leave you with the best impression and positive emotions.
One of the most visited Italian restaurants in Riga has now re-opened in a
new, larger premises. The restaurant is
designed like an Italian mafia bar in
America, back in the 1930's, with a well
thought out design and charming, comfortable surroundings. Home-made pasta,
home-baked bread and our specially marinated olives are all part of the very fine
Italian cuisine on offer here. A wide range
of wines, port wines, cognacs and special
cocktails are also available.
You are welcome every day from 10:00–24:00.
Pils laukums 4-3, Rīga, LV-1050
tel +371 29533523
Jomas iela 42, Jūrmala
tel +371 20240000, +371 67764060
www.majorenhoff.lv, info@majorenhoff.lv
Open every day from 10:00 – 23:00
autumn/winter 2012/2013
Brown Sugar
Restaurant Aquarius
Restaurant “Aquarius” offers you to taste
international meals and waiters will help
you to choose the best wine from wide
assortment. You can choose meals not only
from sophisticated menu, but also from special grill offer. In restaurant “Aquarius” while
looking at one of the biggest aquarium in
Latvia, you can rest and relax, forget about
your everyday concerns. For every banquet
and group of tourists there are made individual menu and every guest will feel comfortable. Restaurant “Aquarius” is placed in
Jurmala, Bulduru prospect 33, five minutes
from train station and one minute away
walking to beach.
Restaurant “Aquarius” is exclusiveness
available for everybody.
Bulduru prospekts 33, Jūrmala, LV-2010
tel +371 67751071
Open every day from 12:00–23:00
Brown Sugar is located a few metres
away the "Reval Hotel Latvija" on the corner of Elizabetes and Baznicas streets. Once
inside it is difficult to resist the delicious
pastries, cakes, and coffee on offer in the
ground floor cafe. Meanwhile, upstairs, the
golden lamps and chandeliers help create
an aristocratic ambience with a mix of
french, arabic, and italian styles. We serve
breakfast on weekdays from 09:00–12:00,
but for those who like to laze in bed at
the weekend you will be delighted to discover that breakfast is available right up till
14:00. Of course, most of our clients come
here to dine from our extensive restaurant
menu and thanks to our cosy premises and
the delicious food, we have already become
a popular place for people to relax, enjoy a
business lunch, or spend a lovely evening
together with a special person.
Baznīcas iela 1/3, Rīga
tel +371 67281308, fax +371 67240008
Working hours:Mon–Fri: 9:00–22:00,
Sat 10:00–22:00, Sun 10:00–20:00
This is a democratic pub for everyone’s
taste beginning with the freeform industrial
style design and ending with a wide variety
of dishes from hamburgers to carbonades
made in the Latvian style. Our speciality is
TEX-MEX dishes. Prices are reasonable and
serving sizes huge (it is a rare occasion when
our guest can manage 2 dishes in one sitting). If you don’t want to eat to excess we
have special offers for breakfasts and for dinners (from 12.00 till 17.00). During the summer you enjoy have a meal or lounge with
a refreshing drinks on our outside terrace.
Bergs Bazaar, 83/85 Elizabetes iela, Riga,
tel +371 67288418, +371 29988881
info@andaluzijassuns.lv, www.andaluzijassuns.lv
Open:Mon-Thu: 10.00 – 01.00 Sat: 11.00 – 03.00
Fri: 10.00 – 03.00
Sun: 11.00 – 01.00
Italian Club Restaurant
This club–restaurant is an ideal place
for fans of Italian lifestyle. We would
compare the interior design to the way
of Italian dress-sophisticated in their elegant simplicity. Photos of Maestro adorn
the walls and his master pieces inspire
the menu. Here you can enjoy the present Italian cuisine and take pleasure in
an atmosphere «Dolce vita» from Fellini's
films. This ideal place for romantic suppers and business meetings.
We are offering an extensive quality
wine list. Our comunicable and freandly
waiters like italians with pleasure will tell
to You with what wine to accompanied
that or the other taste of meal.
Every evening from Thursdays until
Saturday here are piano bar.
See You soon and Buon appetito!
hot spots
hot spots
Cydonia Gastropub – A Place to Meet!
KD are the initials of cafe-owner and chef
Kaspars Dilans, who has brought his talent
for French cuisine into a cosy cafe-patisserie
located in the very heart of Riga – close to
the Powder Tower (Pulvertornis) in Old Riga.
Here, in a lovely intimate atmosphere, you
can enrich your cup of coffee with tasty traditional French croissants, creme brule,
eclairs, cakes, sweeties and even enjoy breakfast and dinner. Almond croissants are most
people's favourites, however, everybody will
find something for their own taste.
During the summer time you can enjoy
nice views of Old Riga's buildings and
streets with your friends and family, as
well as taking a stroll in Bastejkalns, which
is just a few footsteps away.
Come and taste the best of French
patisserie, and enjoy the moment!
Marijas iela 13, Berga Bazārs,
Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
tel/fax +371 67284801
reservation@fellini.lv, www.fellini.lv
We are open every day from 12.00 until 24.00
KOTAI Thai take-away kitchen
Authentic and unique – KOTAI thai take-away offers
unforgetable Thai taste right in the heart of Riga. Here you
can dine in nice atmosphere or take your lunch on the
road. We offer Noodles, Fried rice and original TomYum,
Tom Kha soups.
KOTAI “Tropical break!”
Kaļķu iela 2, opposite to Kungu iela 3
tel +371 67755550
hi@kotai.lv, www.kotai.lv
Foursquare (check in to get free ice tea)
Hours: MON – THU: 11.00 – 21.00 FRI: 11.00 – 23.00
SAT: 12.00 – 23.00 SUN: closed
autumn/winter 2012/2013
R I ga i n t e r n ati o n al A I RPOR T
departure lounges. Riga recently wel-
compared to Tallinn (22%), Vilnius
comed its seven millionth transit, or
(21%) and Kaunas (9%).
“Considering the significance of
fast cargo servicing and delivery to
Photos courtesy of Riga International Airport
transfer, passenger since the restora-
New flights,
new opportunities
New routes begin to Bremen and
Manchester, while transit passenger
numbers and cargo flights develop.
Elina Hakkarainen, Ryanair’s Nordic
Cargo boom
Airport has so far created 11 new
Adhikari, who arrived at the airport
Riga International Airport also domi-
workplaces in order to perform this
on an airBaltic flight from Munich
nates the other Baltic airports in
function efficiently,” he said. “It is
to Riga for a subsequent trip to
cargo, flying 55% of the region’s total
not only the airport that benefits as
Helsinki, was greeted as a surprise as
tonnage in the January-August period
a result of the development of cargo
he walked into the terminal.
(Tallinn 33%, Vilnius 9%, Kaunas 3%).
transport, but the entire economy
“Thanks to our national carrier
Executive suggested.
This is mainly the result of a
cargo boom that began in spring
hub,” Arnis Luhse, Chairman of the
2012, when non-military NATO cargo
airport is pressing ahead. A set of
Board of Riga International Airport,
flights began between Riga and
infrastructure projects co-financed
said. “Transit passengers account for
Afghanistan, with two outbound
by the EU Cohesion Fund is in
a significant share in the airport’s
flights a week on average in the first
progress, with the tender process
passenger structure.”
month and around 2 flights per
due to conclude in the coming
week further on. The amount of
months. Potential partners are also
both Riga International Airport and
cargo handled increased by as much
airBaltic presented transit passenger
as 657% in April, year-on-year, to
Riga-Bremen route, starting on
number seven million with airport
7,519 tonnes for the month. That’s
November 8. This route to
souvenirs and an invitation for two
an unprecedented amount in the
Germany’s commercial and industri-
people to visit the airport’s business
history of the airport and a huge
New routes continue to be launched
al Hanseatic city with its beautiful
lounge five times in the coming year.
increase from the average 1,000
at Riga International Airport, broaden-
Gothic and Renaissance Old Town,
In the first six months of 2012,
ing the spectrum of destinations
will be operated three times a week
the airport welcomed over 2.24 mil-
available to passengers. Aircraft start
on Tuesdays, Thursdays
lion passengers, of whom more
to fly between Riga and both Bremen
and Saturdays.
and Manchester from November.
Ryanair, described as Europe’s
Ryanair is also bringing back its
Incidentally, another item of news
is that Riga International Airport
only ultra-low cost airline, will
has taken back operation of the
operate both these routes. The new
business lounge from airBaltic.
link with Manchester, the UK’s
Access to the lounge for all passen-
number-one destination for lovers
gers is open from October and can
of music and football, will com-
be purchased by credit card at the
mence on November 7 and contin-
lounge reception.
ue twice a week on Wednesdays
Passenger 7 million
and Sundays.
In total, Ryanair is operating 12
The total number of passengers pass-
offers all
fans excellent opportunities to
see their
teams perform this
of Latvia.”
airBaltic, our airport is a transit
Mr Luhse and senior managers at
& Baltic Sales & Marketing
the destination, Riga International
tion of Latvia’s independence. Hari
tonnes of cargo per month that the
airport had been used to. The US
Meanwhile, development of the
its seven
transit passenger.
airlines Kalitta Air and National Air
being consulted to build an exten-
Cargo have been flying most of this
sion of the terminal building to
cargo in and out of Riga.
cover the central parking area –
These operations are highly signifi-
including a possible rail link and
cant for Riga International Airport,
station. Clearly, development at Riga
as they contribute to the develop-
International Airport will continue,
ment of the hub’s cargo services, as
no matter what the economic condi-
Mr Luhse explained.
tions may be.
than 791,000 were in transit. The
most popular transfer destinations
to and from Riga this year have
been Vilnius, Tallinn, Helsinki,
Moscow and Kiev.
Currently 17 airlines are flying to
and from Riga International Airport,
of which airBaltic has the biggest
Noise map created
for airport
of Transport in May, reveal noise
type flew on each trajectory dur-
levels for different times of the
ing the day, evening and night,
day, evening and night. Lden
and an aircraft noise performance
Latvia’s first action plan on
airport noise should help people
living in areas surrounding Riga
International Airport.
(overall levels for daytime, evening,
database, which is a subset of
night) maps are standard for air-
INM. Later, a geographical infor-
ports, and are required according
mation system program was used
to European Union regulations for
to calculate the affected areas,
all airports with more than 50,000
people and buildings.
market share. Of the total 79 destinations on offer, Moscow has over-
Janis Brižs is a noise expert. His
flights a year – a number that
taken London this year as the most
job as “environmental noise man-
Riga International Airport
ground are affected by very loud
popular city for scheduled flights,
agement specialist“ at the Quality
now exceeds.
noise,” Janis says. “You have to be
“Very few people living on the
low-fare routes to and from Riga
ing through Riga International
with no less than four airlines com-
Department at Riga International
Janis charted around 50 aircraft
during the winter 2012/13 season,
Airport is down in 2012, for the
peting on the route (airBaltic,
Airport (RIX) has been to create
trajectories, with arrivals predomi-
craft and the planes have to be
accounting for more than 800,000
first time ever. Yet this is broadly in
Transaero, UTair and Aeroflot).
noise maps of the area around
nant to the north and departures
flying very low or else the noise is
passengers a year. Manchester is the
line with expectations and compara-
Helsinki, Oslo and Frankfurt are the
the airport, so that plans can be
in the majority to the south. He
no louder than a truck on a road
airline’s fifth route from Riga to
ble to the situation at most other
other cities in the top five destina-
drawn up to protect people living
used the tried-and-tested Integrated
100 metres away. The exception is
the UK.
airports in Europe. Passenger num-
tions from Riga.
in the vicinity from too
Noise Model (INM) developed by
the relatively few large planes like
many decibels.
the United States’ Federal Aviation
the Boeing 747.”
“Manchester offers all football
fans excellent opportunities to go
and watch their favourite Premier
bers in Riga are forecast to grow
again from November, year-on-year.
airport in the Baltic region accord-
Thousands of people continue to
ing to passenger flow, taking 48%
of the market in January-August,
League teams perform this season,”
stream through the arrival and
autumn/winter 2012/2013
RIX remains by far the biggest
The maps, which were complet-
beneath the trajectory of the air-
Administration, which were used
Depending on the location, no
ed in March and officially
to calculate noise contours from
more than 50 to 60 decibels are
approved by the Latvian Ministry
data on how many aircraft of each
allowed in urban areas during
autumn/winter 2012/2013
the day, according to Latvian
rules, or 40 to 50 at nights. Most
of the urban areas and villages
surrounding the airport are largely unaffected by excessive noise,
as the map illustration for daytime flights shows. But some
hamlets, such as Babıˉteˉ,
Jaunmaˉrupe and Spilve, are over
the noise limit at certain parts of
the day.
Latvia’s first-ever action plan on
airport noise will now be put in
place based on Janis’ findings. This
plan may help people living in
built-up areas to the west and east
of the airport. This is because
pilots are known to make up a
few extra minutes and save a bit
of fuel by turning their planes left
sooner than they should. That is
not against the rules of air traffic
controllers or the airport, but the
people living on the
are affected by very
trajectories push up noise levels for
greater numbers of people on the
ground – especially annoying late
in the evenings.
Riga International Airport aims
to draw up the action plans with
the assistance of the airlines, getting their assurance that their
pilots no longer take a short-cut by
turning earlier than they should.
News about the process of making
the plan, and more information
about the noise maps, is being
posted regularly on the airport
website (www.riga-airport.com).
Check-In Baltic
Palasta iela 10,
Rīga, LV 1050
Tel: +371 29207271
+371 29135431
Magazine reg. nr.
Noise map for Riga International Airport
Editor-in-Chief Justin Walley
Contributing writer Anatol Steven
Art director Guntis Gvozdevs
Project Manager Madara Liniņa
Advertising and Sales Enquiries: madara@gateway-riga.com
Tel:+371 29135431
Editorial: justin@gateway-riga.com
Comments and opinions: info@gateway-riga.com
Website: www.riga-airport.com
Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for RIGA International Airport.
It is distributed three times per year. Start circulation 17000. Opinions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the editor, Check-In Baltic or RIGA International Airport.
All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and
illustrations are not accepted. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such materials
sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material. All prices are
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Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors.
Printed by Talsu Tipogrāfija, Latvia.
Special thanks for help with editorial content and/or providing photo: Anete Jēkabsone-Žogota, UMMC EKATERINBURG, LTDA, Enārs Plinta, Eva
Staltmane, Latvian Country Holidays, Inese Keiša, Makroconcert.lv, Viktors Sopirins, The Latvian Football Federation, Zane Šteinberga, Baltic Beach Hotel,
Aiga Lapina, ESPA Riga, Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija, Elena Sobolenko, Amberhotel.lv, Maija Poca, Hotel Jurmala Spa and Conference Centre, Janis
Enkuzens, Fontaine Palace Hotel, Irbe Treile, Latvian National Opera, Grindex, Olainfarm, Austrian Airlines, Sintija Helviga, Jared Grellet, Innsbruck Tourism,
salzburg.info, Baiba Baikovska, Aqua Villa Spa, Iveta Sproģe, Riga Art Nouveau Centre, Edijs Šauers, Rīga Stradiņš University, Dana Kumpiņa, Stockholm
School of Economics Riga, Maris Noviks, sportacentrs.lv, f64 photo agency, Lina Danilenkova, Aigars Ieviņš, The Latvia University of Agriculture, Guna
Miļusa, Kolonna Beauty Group, Kolonna Spa, International School of Latvia, Sanita Bučiniece, Riga International School of Economics and Business
Administration, State Education Development Agency