Nonprofit Organization MOILIILI HONGWANJI MISSION 902 UNIVERSITY AVENUE HONOLULU HI 96826 US POSTAGE PAID HONOLULU HI PERMIT NO 000 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Telephones: Office: . . . . . . . . . 949-1659 Preschool: . . . . . . 946-4416 Project Dana: . . . . 945-3736 Website: “COME CELEBRATE BUDDHA DAY (HANAMATSURI)!” by Shaku Horaku (Rev. Eric Matsumoto) Opening Reflection: Amida, who attained Buddhahood in the infinite past, Full of compassion for foolish beings of the five defilements, Took the form of Sakyamuni Buddha and appeared in Gaya. From The Collected Works of Shinran, page 349 I would like to cordially invite you to attend Moiliili Hongwanji’s annual Buddha Day Service which will be on April 6th beginning at 9:00 AM. Every year in April, we celebrate the birth of a very special person, Prince Siddhartha (or Siddhattha) Gautama, who later becomes Sakyamuni Buddha, and to emphasize this auspicious occasion, there is a special term that is used to refer to Prince Siddhartha’s birth. Though the observance is commonly known as Hanamatsuri or “Flower Festival” in Japanese and “Buddha Day” in Hawaii, there is another word “Gootan-E” (or sometimes “Kootan-E”) which is used to refer to this service/ celebration. An ordinary person’s birthday is known as “tanjoobi” in Japanese, but in the case of Prince Siddhartha Gautama and in our Shin Buddhist Tradition, the birth of Shinran Shonin (1173-1262), our Sectarian Founder, the service held to commemorate their births is referred to as Gootan-E. In the case of Sakyamuni Buddha another term “Kanbutsu-E” is also used which can be translated “Pouring of Sweet Tea Gathering.” Both individuals are revered as having “descended from the realm of Enlightenment” to share the Dharma with us. Hence, a special word is used to denote their births as persons VOLUME 52 - NO. 2 who have appeared from the realm of enlightenment with the purpose of leading all of us to that same enlightenment. In Jodo Shinshu/Shin Buddhist Tradition, Sakyamuni Buddha is considered a human manifestation of Amida Buddha, a universal cosmic Buddha, who made very special vows. In order to share the Nembutsu Dharma, Amida Buddha more concretely manifested itself as the Historic Buddha, Sakyamuni, and was born in India (or present day Nepal). In our Mahayana Buddhist Tradition that fateful day falls on April 8th according to a Chinese calendar used by Japanese Buddhists. That day is described as follows “The trees were abloom with beautiful flowers that gave off pleasant fragrances; the deep green grasses were like the tail feathers of a peacock and swayed like soft fine silk blown by the wind. The queen took a pleasant stroll; she leaned on the limb of an asoka tree which drooped down because of the weight of its flowers. At that moment, the Bodhisattva was born, suddenly and yet peacefully. Immediately after birth, he took seven steps in each of the four directions and proclaimed ‘In heaven above and on earth below, I am the most honored one.’ …The Naga King rained down cold and warm water and bathed the body of the Bodhisattva. The great earth trembled and shook with joy. Shortly, thereafter, the infant was received by the queen…the prince was named “Siddhattha...” (From Buddha-Dharma, Numata (Continued on page 2) MARCH-APRIL 2008 (Continued from page 1) Center, page 5). “Siddhattha” meant “Every wishfulfilled” expressing the joy of the King and Queen. At the same time, as I reflect upon the birth of the Prince/Buddha and relate it to my life “What significance does the Prince’s birth have to do with my life?” I am made to realize that because of the Prince’s birth, the Buddha’s birth, I will be able to hear the Dharma and more specifically about Amida Buddha and the Universal Nembutsu Teachings of Unconditional Compassion. In this sense, I see a greater significance to the name “Siddhartha” than could be imagined by his parents. For in Buddhism, we are not looking at attaining only individual peace and happiness but the peace and happiness of all life. According to the Wisdom of Enlightenment “All is One and One is All.” And thus, in the name of Siddhartha/Siddhatta, I personally see the aspiration and fulfillment of the peace and happiness of not only a few, but of all life including mine. The nobility which the Prince speaks of (in his quote) is referring to the nobility of an enlightened life which is directly connected to the peace and happiness of all other forms of life too. Hence, the line “In heaven above and earth below, I am the most honored one” concludes with the line “I shall dispel the suffering that fills the world.” The birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama is the historical beginning of the end of my suffering too. How joyous! How grateful! Namo Amida Butsu=Entrusting in the Buddha of Immeasurable Life & Infinite Light. REV. MATSUMOTO AWAY APRIL 7 - 10 Rev. Matsumoto will be in Berkeley from April 7 to 10 to attend meetings at the Jodo Shinshu Center. In the event of a religious emergency, please contact the temple at 949-1659 for assistance. If the office is closed, please call Rev. Shindo Nishiyama at 262-4560 (residence) or 754-3737 (cell). JAPANESE SERMON On Sunday, April 20, following the 9:00 AM Sunday service, at 10:30 AM, Rev. Matsumoto will present a sermon in Japanese. You are cordially invited to attend. The White Way is the newsletter of the Moiliili Hongwanji Mission, 902 University Ave., Honolulu, HI 96826. It is printed seven times a year in January, March, May, June, August, October and December. SPRING EQUINOX (HIGAN) AND RENNYO SHONIN COMMEMORATION SERVICE Moiliili Hongwanji’s Spring Equinox and Rennyo Shonin Commemoration Service will be observed on Sunday, March 16 as follows: 9:00 AM – Family English Service Speaker: Rev. Alan Urasaki, Chaplain of Hawaii’s Federal Prison and the Pacific Buddhist Academy 10:30 AM -Japanese Service Speaker: Rev. Thom Nakanishi, former Bishop of South America and Hawaii Districts. Higan (translated “Other Shore”) Services are held twice a year during the Spring and Autumn Equinox when day and night are of equal length and everything is in balance. It is a time to rededicate ourselves to listening to the Dharma. At our Spring Higan Service, we also honor Rennyo Shonin, the 8th Abbot and the restorer of the Hongwanji. MHM BUDDHA DAY & INITIATORY RITES Moiliili Hongwanji will hold it’s Buddha Day Service on Sunday, April 6, at 9:00 AM as we commemorate the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha in Lumbini Garden nearly 2,600 years ago. Please join us for this celebration. An initiatory rites ceremony will also be held to “formally” introduce our young children to the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.. If you would like for your young child or grandchild (infant to several years old) to participate, please call the temple office at 949-1659 by March 31. HBC BUDDHA DAY OBSERVANCE The Hawaii Buddhist Council Buddha Day observance will be held on Sunday, April 13, at 9:00 AM at McCoy Pavilion at Ala Moana Park. Bishop Wajira Wansa of Jodo Mission will be the speaker, and entertainment will follow. There will be no service at Moiliili Hongwanji and everyone is encouraged to attend this joint celebration with other Buddhist denominations in Hawaii. Those wishing to order bento lunch ($6 for adults and $3.50 for children) should turned in their orders and payment to Moiliili Hongwanji no later than March 26. Carpooling to Ala Moana Park is also being arranged. (Flyers will be mailed out.) “MINDFUL COMMUNICATIONS: Living in Peace and Harmony” A jointly-sponsored Project Dana and MHM Spring Workshop Project Dana and Moiliili Hongwanji Mission, cordially invite you to a Spring Workshop on “Mindful Communication: Living in Peace and Harmony” on Saturday, April 26 from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Mrs. Gwen Fujie, a most dynamic speaker who has presented programs to hundreds of organizations, will share ways to communicate more effectively. We hope you will join us as we learn to promote peace and harmony at home, at work, and in our community through “mindful communications.” Please RSVP to Project Dana at 945-3736 or the temple office at 949-1659 so we may have an idea of how many people will be attending. Mark your calendars for this “not to be missed” presentation! NEW ORGAN DEDICATION ON MAY 4 Please join us for a musical performance by the choir at the Sunday Service on May 4, at 9:00 AM, in dedication of the temple’s new digital piano/ organ which was purchased late last summer. The choir will perform some beautiful gathas during the service and a short musical program after the service. Please plan to attend!! With Sympathy DEEPEST SYMPATHY Moiliili Hongwanji Mission extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the following who have recently passed away: Mrs. Tsuyuko Sasaki, 83, on January 9 Mrs. Mae Toshie Kudo, 64, on January 16 Mrs. Ellen Asaye Shimada, 88, on January 25 Mrs. Shizuko Ohta, 91, on February 18 Mr. Carl Torao Matsuda, 89, on February 20 We were also saddened to learn of the passing of Mrs. Elizabeth Sugihara, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Konin Matano, our past resident minister. May the Onembutsu provide solace to family members and friends during this time of sorrow. OUTREACH PROGRAM SCHEDULE MONTHLY MOVIES March 7 (Fri), 6:30 PM: Dr. Suess’ The Cat in the Hat. The original cartoon. Fun for everyone. The story of a corrupting imaginary friend that teaches that fun is within the reach of everyone. March 12 (Wed), 6:30 PM: Hula Girls. A Japanese movie about the revitalization of a coal town in Japan into a tourist town with a Pacific Island theme. Movies are shown in the Annex Hall. There is no charge and everyone is invited. “THE SACRED ARTS OF BHUTAN” March 23 (Sun), 2:30 PM. Academy of Arts Exhibit “Dragon’s Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan” $10 group admission for a guided tour (normal admission is $20). Please call the office at 949-1659 or see Alex Shanklin by March 19 if you would like to sign up. Following the 9:00 AM service on March 23, Rev. Matsumoto will present a short information session on the Bhutan Exhibit HAWAII KYODAN ALOHA LUNCHEON To honor and thank Mr. Frederick S. Nonaka for his 10 years of leadership as President of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii and to welcome incoming President Mr. Alton Miyamoto, an Aloha Luncheon will be held on Saturday, May 3, at 12:00 PM (after Hawaii Kyodan Board of Directors’ Meeting) at the Pacific Beach Hotel. The cost is $35 and deadline is April 20. (Please sign up at the temple office.) Mr. Nonaka and Mr. Miyamoto request that donations be made to the Pacific Buddhist Academy in lieu of any lei or gift, 2008 YBICSE This year’s Young Buddhists’ International Cultural Study Exchange is scheduled for July 16– 26. Fifteen Jodo Shin Buddhist youth from 9th grade to age 25 will particulate in this program which includes visiting Honzan, experiencing a home stay, touring historical Jodo Shinshu sites, and meeting young people from different countries. The cost of the trip is $1,500 with the remainder subsidized by Hawaii Kyodan. Application forms are available at the temple office and the deadline is April 5. Chaperones will be Reverend Koho Takata, HQ, and Wanda Costa, Kapaa Hongwanji. EDEN AT HOME WORKSHOPS Twenty EAH Certified Trainers from Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii are committed to provide Care Partner workshops for groups of Project Dana volunteers and caregivers. Project Dana Moiliili has scheduled its workshops as follows: April 5, 12, & 19 (Saturdays), 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and August 16 & 17 (Saturday/Sunday), 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Lunch will be served. Anyone interested is most welcome to sign up for the workshop by calling Project Dana at 945-3736. Eden at Home is a new Eden Alternative initiative that applies ten principles to improve quality of life for Elders living at home and their Care Partners. “Home” relates not only to homebased care, but to the Elder’s community, to the Elder’s world, and how he or she relates to and interacts with it. The vision behind this program rests on five assumptions: • An Elder is someone who, by virtue of life experience, is here to teach us how to live. • Elders are understood to have a legacy or gift to share with their loved ones and communities. • Meaningful care is defined as that which nurtures the human spirit as well as the human body, and recognizes and celebrates each person’s unique capacity for growth. • The Elder, or the individual often described as a care receiver, is an active participant in his or her own care plan—thus, a Care Partner in his or her own care; and • Elderhood is honored as a valued phase of human development rather than merely the decline of life. Eden at Home strives to offer something richer than your standard “how-to” caregiving skills program. The first step toward transforming the giving and receiving of care with our Elder care partners is asking ourselves honestly how we perceive aging and Elderhood. How do our attitudes or fears about aging impact the way we care for or relate to our Elder care partners? Eden at Home has three basic goals: • To create a life worth living for Elders living at home and their care partners. • To prepare people for the experience of Elderhood, by creating opportunities to enjoy the richness of Elderhood and for those with whom the Elder is cooperating to receive the gifts of that richness. • To prepare society to embrace Elderhood, by paving the way toward a culture that acknowledges the distinctive nature of Elderhood and its contribution to the well-being of all people. Elder is… • A title of honor that captures the essence of wisdom, experience and a life lived. • Someone who, by virtue of life experience, is here to teach us how to live; and • Someone who is not necessarily chronologically older. Care Partner is… • An active participant in their care plan—thus, a partner in their own care plan. • Someone who acknowledges the important ability to give as well as receive in creating quality of life. • Realizing that opportunities to give as well as receive is the antidote to helplessness (one of the ‘three plagues’). • When those usually described as care receivers learn that they have something to give—no matter how subtle—and those usually described as caregivers realize there are ways that they can receive from care receivers, amazing shifts can occur in the care balance dynamic. Hawaii Eden at Home Certification Training Jackie Boland, Associate Director, AARP Hawaii, secured funds to sponsor approximately twenty care partner trainees from the ranks of Project Dana. A three-day Trainer Certification Workshop ensued in mid-December led by Laura Beck, Program Director, Eden at Home. TEMPLE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Aloha and Happy New Year! Mochitsuki, our Keirokai, Shinnenenkai & Annual Meeting, and the Honpa Hongwanji Legislative Assembly & Aloha Banquet with the Living Treasures program were great successes. Thank you to all who participated in these events. (Please check our website for more details). At the 96th Legislative Assembly, it was announced that in 2009, Hawaii will observe the 750th Shinran Shonin Memorial Service along with the 120th Hawaii Kyodan Anniversary celebration. The Gomonshu, Lady Ohtani and Honzan staff will be in Hawaii to celebrate this auspicious event in September, 2009 visiting Honolulu-Oahu, Hawaii (Island), Maui and Kauai during their visit. Due to the importance of such a historic event, the Hawaii Kyodan has started a campaign to raise funds and plan the upcoming events. While the event committees have been formed and certain events already planned, the committees do not have all the details and will inform the various temples of their participation via their district and temple meetings throughout this year and next. All Hawaii Kyodan temples are asked to help support this event and we solemnly ask everyone’s cooperation as more detailed information becomes available. Moiliili Hongwanji Mission Board of Directors is looking forward to planning a year of meaningful events while beginning to execute a 2-year strategic plan to bring Moiliili Hongwanji Mission into our next 100 years. The strategic plan is broken up into 5 stages of development: Define, communicate, implement, integrate and re-evaluate our purpose, philosophy, practices, projections and plans. In this strategic plan’s infancy it is most important for all of our Board of Directors and Committee chairpersons to listen and learn from our Sangha in order to best guide our actions. The Three Treasures guide our actions, “I go to the Buddha for guidance, I go to the Dharma for guidance, I go to the Sangha for guidance.” In this light, I have made it a point to attend all the committee meetings that I physically can and listen and learn the many valuable pieces of information and history about our temple. I ask that all of our members help by making the extra effort to come forth, participate, and share information that will help our various missions to keep Moiliili Hongwanji Mission a leader and asset to our community. May the infinite light and compassion of Amida Buddha guide all of our actions. Namu Amida Butsu. In Gassho, Bert Ogasawara, President 2008 KEIRO RECOGNITION, ANNUAL MEETING & NEW YEAR’S PARTY On Sunday, February 3, 2008, at the Moiliili Hongwanji’s morning service the keiro (80 year old) members of the church were honored. This year 14 members were recognized with a gift and certificate. The new Gojikai or dues-paying members of the church were also recognized with a Jodo Shinshu book. After a brief break, the annual business meeting was conducted by Vice President Rose Nakamura. The main order of business was the election of new officers and directors for 2008 and 2009. Bert Ogasawara was elected the new president succeeding Shuichi Miyasaki. Later that morning, one hundred fifteen members and guests gathered to celebrate Moiliili Hongwanji’s 2008 Annual New Year’s Party. Spearheaded by the Moiliili Hongwanji Dharma School PTA and Jr. YBA, it was held at the Pagoda International Ballroom from 11:15a.m.- 2:00p.m. Starting with a sit-down lunch of chicken and fish and salad bar choices, the program was interspersed with many lucky name drawing prizes. During the formal program, we heard speeches from Bishop Thomas Okano and the new incoming president Bert Ogasawara. Outgoing president Shuichi Miyasaki’s message was shared and a special appreciation gift was given on behalf of the Moiliili kyodan to Mrs. Pearl Miyasaki since Mr. Miyasaki was away on a Japan trip. It was a beautiful koa clock. Thanks to Tamayo Matsumoto, a DVD slide show was shared of the 2007 year. Entertainment followed in the informal program which included the Dharma School students and special “obasan” dancing the “Mottainai Ondo.” The Jr. YBA’s Jan Ken Po competition yielded $125 which was promptly donated to the Ministerial Training Fund. The rest of the afternoon was spent socializing and playing BINGO with lots and lots of prizes. Every family also went home with a 5-pound bag of rice. It was a day enjoyed by all. Thank you to all the hard working committee members and donors. Contributed by Donna Higashi HEADQUARTERS NEWS Condolence Mrs. Chisae Muneto, the mother of Rev. Tatsuo Muneto, BSC Director, passed away on January 23, 2008 at the age of 94. Personnel Rev. Yuika Hasebe is assigned to Hawaii Betsuin as Associate Minister effective February 1. Rev. Jikyo Miyoshi, a Honzan Trainee, completed his training program and returned to Honzan effective February. 20. Rev. Kazunori Takahashi is assigned to Hilo Betsuin as Associate Minister effective March 1. Rev. Mariko Nishiyama of Hilo Betsuin is assigned to Lahaina Hongwanji as Resident Minister effective March 1. Mr. Sol Kalu, will be the Hawaii Kyodan Scholarship Student from this spring and will leave for Japan on March 10. The 96th Legislative Assembly 158 delegates, observers, and guests attended the 96th Legislative Assembly. The following resolutions were adopted: 1) Budget for 2008 of $1,225,287; 2) The 750th Shinran Shonin Memorial Commemoration Projects; 3) Every Person Ministry—Development of a Minister and Lay Ministry; 4) Hawaii Kyodan Funeral Guidelines; 5) Resolution of Condolence to Mr. Albert S. Nishimura; and 6) Resolution of Appreciation to Mr. Frederick Shigeru Nonaka. A collection of $5,700.00 was raised and distributed to the Ministerial Training Fund, Buddhist Study Center Endowment Fund and Pacific Buddhist Academy. Honored at the Aloha Banquet were 2008 Living Treasures Dr. Charles P.K.M. Burrows. Benjamin Kodama, Edwin Mahiai Beamer, Elsie T. Tanaka, and Rev. Sam Cox. 2008 Ministers Wives Seminar The annual State Ministers’ Wives Seminar will be held on March 21 and 22 at the Ala Moana Hotel. Shinran Shonin’s 750th Memorial & Hawaii Kyodan’s 120th Anniversary The 96th Legislative Assembly approved a Shinran Shonin’s 750th Memorial Commemoration and Hawaii Kyodan’s 120th Anniversary Celebration Project Campaign ($6 million) to be carried out over a four year period (2008-2011) by the Hawaii Kyodan ministers and members for the following purposes: 1. Purchase and renovate the property adjacent to Hawaii Betsuin referred to as the “Ching Property” ($3,000,000) by Hawaii Kyodan 2. Contribute to Hawaii Kyodan’s 750th memorial commemoration and 120th anniversary celebration operating costs ($600,000) 3. Subsidize Hawaii Kyodan’s 750th memorial commemoration donation to Honzan ($400,000) 4. Contribute to the Hawaii Kyodan’s Ministers’ Welfare Fund ($250,000) 5. Contribute to Pacific Buddhist Academy’s capital campaign for the construction of facilities toward the development of a school with 240 students ($1,750,000) Each member is encouraged to contribute at least $1,000.00 or $250 per year for four years to actualize the project goal. Pledge card and explanation brochure for each project will be distributed shortly. Contact Information: Ideas for the Shinran Shonin 750th Memorial & Hawaii Kyodan’s 120th Anniversary events may be forwarded to: General Chair:Rev. Koho Takata at Commemoration Project (including fundraising): Rev. Ryoso Toshima at Buddhist Education: Reverend Tatsuo Muneto at *Leadership Workshop: Nurturing Leaders, Sharing the Teachings, Encountering Wisdom, Mar. 20 & 21, 2009 at Hawaii Betsuin Speaker: Rev. Marvin Harada & Professor from Ryukoku University, *Production of DVD and New Gathas, *Publication of Books and Service Books Public Relations: Rev. Toyokazu Hagio at *Publicity, Photo, Video, Commemoration Booklet, Posters, Banners, Logo, Mascot, t-shirts, Polo Shirts, Souvenirs, etc. Commemoration Service.: Rev. Eric Matsumoto *Commemoration Services: Sept. 6, 2009 at Hilton Hawaiian Village, *Ground Breaking Ceremony, Confirmation Rites: Sept. 6, 2009 at Hawaii Betsuin Ohana Conference: Rev. Yukiko Motoyoshi at Sept. 5, 2009, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Speaker: Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto of Berkeley Buddhist Temple Ohana Conference As one of the programs of Shinran Shonin’s 750th memorial observance and Hawaii Kyodan’s 120th anniversary celebration, the Ohana Conference will be held on Saturday, September 5, 2009 at Hilton Hawaiian Village. The Ohana Conference is designed to incorporate the profound teachings of Shinran Shonin which bind the Sangha together. The term Ohana seems to express this core intent of the conference best, which is to include all who are embraced by the Nembutsu and are strengthen by the common bond of his teachings. The theme of this conference will be “Annon - May peace and tranquility prevail throughout the world”, and the keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto of Berkeley Buddhist Temple. The registration fee will be $100.00. GATHA LYRICS CONTEST FOR SHINRAN SHONIN’S 750TH MEMORIAL You are invited to submit lyrics for a gatha contest that is being held to commemorate Shinran Shonin’s 750th Memorial in Hawaii in 2009. The winning lyrics will be set to music by a composer to be commissioned and become the theme song for Hawaii’s celebration. The theme of the lyrics should focus on the commemoration theme, “May peace and tranquility prevail throughout the world” (visit, News and Events, to read “Message from Monshu Koshin Ohtani on the Seven Hundred Fiftieth Memorial for Shinran Shonin,” and other messages, including an explanation of the memorial logo.) or on aspects of Shinran Shonin’s life and legacy. All entries must be received by May 31, 2008. The winning entry will receive $500. Information and guidelines are available at the temple office. PBA GOLF TOURNAMENT The 4th Annual PBA Golf Tournament in memory of Dr. Albert Miyasato will be held on Wednesday, April 9 at Hawaii Prince Golf Club. The cost for individual golfers is $150. Please call Lori at (808) 532-2649 for information. TASTE OF HONGWANJI ON MARCH 30 Hawaii Betsuin’s Taste of Hongwanji will be held on Sunday, March 30 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon. There will be lots of good food, produce, plants, crafts, rummage sale and much more. Additional parking will be available at Kawananakoa School. WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Welcome to the following who have joined our Sustaining (Gojikai) Membership: Mr. Edwin Ogasawara Mrs. Satsuye Tanaka Miss Krystal Kakimoto Mr. Jock Narusaki M/M Neil and Joann Nakamura Welcome also to Cam Holtey who joins his wife Kathi Takakuwa as a family member. We hope our new members will join us often at the temple and we express our deep appreciation for your membership pledge. WHITE WAY RADIO BROADCAST Please tune in to Radio KZOO (1210AM dial) for Moiliili Hongwanji's White Way Radio Broadcast each Saturday from 7:45 – 8:00 AM to hear a Dharma message by ministers and lay speakers. Our schedule is listed below (with speaker’s name followed by the sponsor’s name): Mar. 15: Rev. Arthur Marutani (Ms. Donna Higashi) Mar. 22: Mr. Ernest Morikubo (Mrs. Mitsue Yokota) Mar. 29: Rev. Jan Youth (Mr/Mrs. Noboru Saito) Apr. 5: Rev. Toshio Murakami (Mrs. Shizuno Toyoshiba) Apr. 12: Mr. Pieper Toyama (Mrs. Rose Nakamura) Apr. 19: Rev. Koho Takata (Mrs. Michiko Motooka) Apr. 26: Dr. Alfred Bloom (Ms. Edith Maeda) May 3: Rev. Midori Kondo (Dr/Mrs. Richard Ando) Mahalo to our speakers, sponsors and volunteer staff who make our broadcast possible. The date May 31 is still open for sponsorship. If you would like to sponsor this broadcast, please call the temple office at 949-1659. The cost is $65. You are also invited to tune in to the Hawaii Besuin’s radio programs on Saturday at 7:30 AM (Japanese) and Sunday at 10:00 AM (English). Buddhist Women’s Association NEWS BWA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Tock, muush, stir, slurp! Those were the sounds emanating from Moiliili’s Hongwanji’s grounds, kitchen and annex hall as the BWA ladies participated in mochitsuki, making mochi, cooking zenzai and taste-testing the o-soba which became the refreshments for the annual Hoonko service on January 13th. Over 135 servings were served to members including delivery to 30 homebound seniors. Everyone enjoyed the special new year’s foods which was gratifying for the hard working BWA ladies. Special thank you’s go out to: Grace Yamamoto, Karen Murakami, Helen Hamasu, Sue Sonoda, Shuku Najita, Cyndi Osajima, Lily Muraoka, Betsy Nishioka, Michi Motooka, Ethel Shintaku, Kathleen Komo, Donna Higashi, and Jeanne Watari for helping prepare and serve the special refreshments. We once again have a full calendar year planned for the BWA in this year of the rat. We will certainly be scurrying to: service and support our temple, participate in more opportunities for new learning and growth and last but not least enjoying lots of camaraderie and fun along the way! Our representatives to the Honolulu United BWA are Lois Ohta, Donna Higashi, Tamayo Matsumoto, Rose Nakamura & Alice Shiroma. Alternates are Ethel Shintaku and Helen Hamasu. Our BWA is in charge of this year’s Education Workshop on June 14, so please save the date! We warmly welcome our new BWA members Loretta Baker, Sumie Makino and Satsuye Tanaka. Looking forward to a great 2008! Important Dates: Saturday, April 19, 1:30 PM: General membership meeting with activity. Sunday, April 27, 10:00 AM: BWA members have been invited to join Hawaii Betsuin BWA for their Eshinni & Kakushinni Day Service followed by fellowship and light lunch. A flyer will be mailed. Contributed by Lois Ohta Mahalo for Dana Day Donations Thank you to BWA members and friends for your generous Dana Day donations. Donations will be consolidated and forwarded to the Honolulu United BWA to support worthy agencies. HAPPY STRUMMERS NEWS Project Dana celebrated its 19th year providing and receiving lovely meaning to our daily lives. The Happy Strummers were happy to accompany the congregation in singing “Dana Rainbow” and “Do Your Really Care,” their theme songs. One of our members suggested visiting a company producing ukuleles. They are of different sizes and shapes but they all become makers of melodic and beautiful tunes and a work of art. Many individuals find pleasure in making their own ukuleles at their home. They are a one of a kind handiwork. The Strummers are planning on visiting Oahu Care Facility in April. Moiliili Hongwanji ministers and friends have been long time visitors there for many years. Contributed by Michiko Motooka HEALTH & WELLNESS Hope you are taking action in keeping your New Year resolutions for a happy and healthy lifestyle. Health and wellness issues and awareness are for everyone. It’s ageless and continuous throughout one’s lifetime. Parents of young children should put up barriers near steps/stairways so babies and toddlers don’t go tumbling down. Grownups need to wear slip resistant footwear. Rubber zori are dangerous on wet surfaces. Heed “Wet Floor” signs! And ladies, it’s a “no-no” to walk in nylons on hard wood floors, stairs, or highly waxed floors. Use hand rails and count the steps as you go up and down stairs. This will make you focus on what you are doing. Limit your conversation until you have completed your stair climbing or descent. Focus/Self Awareness is the key. A survey is being considered to assess the needs of the congregation regarding health and wellness from parents to seniors. When completed, it will be presented after one of our Sunday Services. If anyone has a topic they would like to share, please let us know. Contributed by Helen Hamasu HAWAII FEDERATION OF BWA 2009 STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM Young women from ages 17 to 23 who are members of a Jodo Shinshu family and are active in temple activities are invited to apply to be one of two representatives in the 2009 BWA Student Exchange Program to Japan. The exchange program (14 days) will take place in late July to early August of 2009. Application forms are available at the temple office and the deadline to apply is March 18, 2008. Students from Hawaii and Japan participate in this exchange in alternating years, so this summer representatives from Japan will be visiting Hawaii. EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT Ryne Masuda of Boy Scout Troop 33 chartered by the Manoa Elementary School Association of Parents and Teachers, completed an Eagle Scout Project for Moiliili Hongwanji Mission on Saturday, February 16. He is also an active member of our temple’s Jr. YBA. Ryne’s Eagle Scout Project’s objectives were achieved with the execution of a service project by planting plants along the back and a portion of the side fence at the Project Dana site of Moiliili Hongwanji Mission to furnish the temple’s altars with long lasting greens/foliage and to beautify the property. Selection of plants included red ti-leaf, several varieties of crotons, money tree, hybrid hibiscus and bird of paradise. Besides much digging, clearing of designated areas, and planting, a major part of the day’s project was the installation of a water sprinkler system. Ryne was able to successfully complete his Eagle Scout Project with the help of a grant from Charles Pankow Builders, Ltd. with assistance from Bert Ogasawara, Alex Shanklin and Wally Hironaka from Moiliili Hongwanji Mission, thirty of Troop 33 Boy Scouts with their fathers, and his supportive parents, Lily and Roy Masuda. Thank you, Ryne, for a much valued Eagle Scout Project and we shall look forward to your altar beautifications at Moiliili Hongwanji Mission. SUSTAINING (GOJIKAI) MEMBERSHIP Thank you to Sustaining Members for sending in your membership dues for 2008. Your support is deeply appreciated. If there are any questions, or for more information about our temple Sustaining Membership, please call the temple at 949-1659. The choir celebrated its 3rd anniversary on February 18 with a potluck fellowship. An unbelievably delicious array of food, good fellowship and much fun and song highlighted the celebration. We are most grateful to choir director Edwin Tanaka and accompanist Francis Okano whose continuing dedication, leadership and musical talent make it possible for the choir to continue. The choir is preparing for its performance on May 4 to dedicate the temple’s new digital piano/ organ. Some beautiful gathas which have been performed as part of Japan’s Midou Ensoukai choral festivals will be performed at the service and a short enjoyable musical program will follow the service. We hope you will all join us! CONGRATULATIONS! Blue Ribbon Nomination Aina Haina Elementary School is one of three schools in Hawaii recently nominated for the 2008 No Child Left Behind-Blue Ribbon Award based on outstanding student achievement. Congratulations to Principal Susan Okano and her staff and students, and good luck to them in the final selections! Way to Go! Jonathan Gates was selected as one of two outstanding students to represent Hawaii at the 46th annual United States Senate Youth Program in Washington D.C. Hello To New Arrivals New parents Kathi Takakuwa and Cam Holtey greeted their baby, Luke, born on Dec. 7. Kayla, born on Dec. 14, was welcomed by parents Raymond and Arlyne Takiue and brother Jayden. Exciting News! Jock Narusaki and Krystal Kakimoto recently announced their engagement—congratulations. Organizational Tip From a recent article in the Honolulu Star Bulletin—If you find that your ”To-Do” list, while helpful for getting organized, is just overwhelming, try making a list of just three things you absolutely must accomplish for the day followed by the three people you must contact. Finish these and anything more is above and beyond. March 2008 2008 Slogan: “Embraced by the Vow: In Gratitude” Sun Mon Tue Wed Temple……..….949-1659 Pre-School….....946-4416 Project Dana…..945-3736 Thu Fri 1 March 23, Sunday Following service a short information session on Bhutan Exhibit (for those attending) 2 Hongwanji Day 3 Girl’s Day 4 5 9 AM - 3 PM - 750th & 120th Buddhist Ed. Seminar Mtg. at HQ 10 16 Spring Equinox & Rennyo Shonin 9:00 AM - Spr. Higan Svc Speaker: Rev. Alan Urasaki 10:30 AM - Japanese Svc Speaker: Rev. Thom Nakanishi 23 9:00 AM - English Service Dharma School Class 2:30 PM - Bhutan Exhibit at Art Academy 30 9:00 AM - English Service Dharma School Class 11 9:00 AM - Ministerial Training Comm. Mtg. 9:00 AM - English Service Dharma School Class PTA Meeting 6 12 17 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service 6:30 PM - Movie Nite: Hula Girls 18 3:00 PM - 750th & 120th Publication Comm. Mtg at HQ 19 8:30 AM - BSC Ryukoku Spring Seminar at BSC 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service 25 6:00 PM - Karate 7:30 PM - Choir Practice 31 6:00 PM - Karate No Choir Practice 8:30 AM - Tai Chi 6:00 PM - Karate 10:00 AM - Franciscan Visitation 2:00 PM - 750th & 120th Divison Chair Mtg. 6:30 PM - Children’s Movie Night: Dr. Seuss: Cat in the Hat 14 10:30 AM - Maunalani Visitation 15 8:30 AM - Tai Chi 9:00 AM - Project Dana Advisory Mtg. at Makiki Christian 5:00 PM - 2008 Peace Day 6:00 PM - Karate 20 21 9:00 AM - Ministers’ Mtg. 22 8:30 AM - Tai Chi Minister’s Wives Seminar 1:30 PM - Minister Wives Visitation to MHM 6:00 PM - Nembutsu Retreat Mtg. at Jikoen 6:00 PM - Karate 7:30 PM - Choir Practice 24 8 1:00 PM - Ministers Lay Ed Exploratory Committee Mtg. at HQ 13 10:30 AM - Altar Omigaki 6:00 PM - Karate 7:30 PM - Choir Practice 7 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service 7:30 PM - Temple Board Meeting 6:00 PM - Karate 7:30 PM - Choir Practice 1:00 PM - Fed. Jr. YBA Teleconferencing Mtg at HQ 8:30 AM - Tai Chi 8:45 AM - BWA Federation Installation & Mtg. at Betsuin 9 :00 AM - English Service Speaker: Jock Narusaki 9 Sat 26 6:00 PM - Karate Prince Kuhio Day (Holiday) 27 28 29 8:30 AM - Tai Chi 9:30 AM - 442nd/100th Remembrance Service at Keehi Lagoon Park YESS CAMP (Maui) 6:00 PM - Karate April 2008 2008 Slogan: “Embraced by the Vow: In Gratitude” Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service Temple……..….949-1659 Pre-School….....946-4416 Project Dana…..945-3736 Thu 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 10:15 PM - Oahu Care Visitation 8:30 AM - Tai Chi 8 AM-1 PM - Project Dana Training 7:30 PM - Temple Board Meeting 6 7 8 Buddha Day 9:30 AM - Japanese Dharma Class 9:00 AM - MH Buddha Day Service & Initiatory Rites 9 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service 10 11 10:30 AM - Maunalani Visitation 12 8:30 AM - Tai Chi \ 8 AM-1 PM - Project Dana Training Fed Jr. YBA Mtg. on Kauai 6:00 PM - Karate 7:00 PM - Preschool Comm. Meeting 6:00 PM - Karate 11 13 7:30 PM - Choir Practice 14 9:00 AM - HBC Buddha Day Service at McCoy Pavilion 20 9:00 AM - English Service Dharma School Class 15 9:30 AM - Japanese Dharma Class 9:30 AM - BSC Program Committee Meeting 6:00 PM - Karate 7:00 PM - Honolulu Hongwanji Council No Choir Practice 21 22 \ 16 17 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service 23 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service 9:30 AM - Japanese Dharma Class Followed by Japanese Sermon 24 10:00 AM - Hawaii Kai Retirement 6:00 PM - Karate 27 9:00 AM - English Service 7:30 PM - Choir Practice 28 9:30 AM - Japanese Dharma Class 6:00 PM - Karate 7:30 PM - Choir Practice 6:00 PM - Karate 29 30 9:15 AM - Preschool Keiki Service 19 8:30 AM - Tai Chi 8 AM-1 PM - Project Dana Training 1:30 PM - BWA Meeting 9:00 AM - Ministers’ Mtg. 6:00 PM - Karate Administrative Professional Day 18 25 9:00 PM - MH Preschool Spring Program 26 8:30 AM - Tai Chi 9:30 AM-11:30 AM - MHM Spring Seminar & Project Dana Workshop with Gwen Fujie In Appreciation TO THE TEMPLE: 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/6 1/7 1/7 1/10 1/13 1/14 1/14 1/15 1/18 1/19 1/20 1/27 1/27 1/27 1/27 2/1 2/1 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/7 2/10 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/20 2/20 2/20 2/24 2/26 2/26 2/26 Eugene Makino Sarah J. Miyasaki Aiko Nakaya Sadao Moriyama Nancie Tsubota Mr. & Mrs. James Wasa & Family Anonymous Kenneth A. Okumura Shuku W. Najita Philip Okubo Tasuku Matsushima in memory of Chika Matsushima Oscar Ogata Rex Horita Karen Kikukawa Stanley K. Tanaka Perry T. Honjo Shuichi & Pearl Miyasaki Satsuye Tanaka Akira Kawabata Merry K. Okano in memory of Rev. Ryoshin Okano’s 33rd memorial year Hideko Okimoto ) Greg & Lynn Tam Edna Maeda in memory of Fred T. Maeda, Harrry Y. Inase, Hazel T. Inase & sister Karen Kikukawa Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Yoshinaga in memory of Mr. Shigeo Wasa Barbara Brennan Karen Kikukawa Minoru Kanda Yayoi Wasa on the 1 year memorial of Shigeo Wasa Mr. & Mrs. Bert Maedo Sarah Miyasaki Michiko Kurokawa Eugene Makino Bishop & Mrs. Thomas Okano Rebecca Ryan Richard Kawasaki Rev. & Mrs. Shigenori Makino Satsuye Tanaka in memory of Donald K. Hamada Michiko Motooka Rev. Tetsuo & Yoko Fukushima Virginia Cuskaden Karen Kikukawa Susan Morishige Kazuko Choy in memory of Yaiko Tsuchiya Tasuku Matsushima in memory of Torakichi Oride Joanne Kealoha Juliet Lee Rose Hiranaga in memory of Shiraki Family Irene Haraga in memory of husband, Herbert Haraga Lois Yasui TO THE NOKOTSUDO: 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/7 1/14 1/15 1/20 1/24 1/24 1/24 David Nekotani Kazuo Hiranaka Tina Kuriyama in memory of Harry & Doris Tomita Perry T. Honjo Suyeko Koyanagi Hideko Okimoto Wayne Tsukazaki D. Shimokawa Yoshinobu Matsushima Helen Futagawa in memory of Mamoru & Shisu Futagawa 1/25 Katsuto Shigemoto in memory of Anne Asae Shigemoto 1/28 Ichiro & Jean Fukumoto in remembrance of Hatsune Fukumoto 2/19 Harry & Bessie Kida TO THE BUDDHIST WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION: 1/10 Shuichi & Pearl Miyasaki 1/14 Merry K. Okano in memory of Rev. Ryoshin Okano’s 33rd memorial year 2/20 Rose Nakamura ) TO PROJECT DANA: Hawaiian Electric Industries, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (Committee on Social Concerns) A. Fairfax, A. Hartnett, C. Higa in memory of Midori Nakagawa, M/M M. Hirano, N. Horii, M/M J. Hughes, N. Inouye in memory of mother, H. Iwai, C. Kamimura, S. Kanazawa in memory of Yoshiko Chung, in memory of Tadao Ouchi, and in memory of Mrs. Nishimura, D. Kiyomoto, Kobara Family, D. Kong, A. Kubota, E. Kuyeoka, M/M M. Kunimune, R. Kuriki, L. Lee, S. Makey, R. Matsui, M. Miyata, J. Murashige, S. Najita, F. Naliielua, G. Nanamori, K. Okano, F. & D. Ouchi, N. Sheldon, M/M S. Shintaku, C. Thomas, T. Toma, A. Toshima, J. Vannatta in memory of Jody Leavitt, and in memory of Carol Franklin, T. Young Caring for Caregiver: V. Chock and G. Dutro 19th Anniversary: L. Aoki, M/M B. Brennan, D. Higashi, F. Kiyokawa, M/M K. & B. Koseki, M. Motooka, K. Murakami, F. Muramaru, M/M R. Nakagawa, T. Nakahara, R. Nakamura, C. Ogasawara, A. Shiroma, Y. Takishita, M/M R. Takuoka, M/M R. & J. Watari TO DHARMA SCHOOL: 1/10 Shuichi & Pearl Miyasaki TO JR. YBA: 1/10 Shuichi & Pearl Miyasaki TO THE BONBU CLUB: 1/10 Shuichi & Pearl Miyasaki TO THE WHITE WAY: 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/8 1/10 2/15 Kenneth A. Okumura Ruth Tokumi Irene Miyazaki Tsuneyoshi Miyashiro Shuichi & Pearl Miyasaki Mr. & Mrs. Bert Maedo THANK YOU TO: HOONKO DONATIONS . Irwin M. Kurashige. . Walter M. Kaiura. . D. Higashi, Alice Tando. . Akiko Kie, Momoye Motoba, Lily Muraoka, Rose & Gwen Nakamura. . Richard & Thelma Ando, Y. M. Ebisu, Michie Hamao, Wallace & Nancy Hironaka, Iimura, Shimeji Kanazawa, Thomas & Alisa Kondo, Eugene Makino, Yoshiaki Matsuoka, Raymond I. Mimaki, Robert H. Mizuno, Susan Morishige, Murakami, Bert & Cynthia Ogasawara, Donald Okano, Merry K. Okano, Ken Sato, Roy & Nancy Shimamoto, Tatsuki Shiramizu, Grace M. Yamamoto, Mitsue Yokota. . Rona Fukumoto, B. Higa, Perry T. Honjo, Reiko Izumi, O. Kawabata, Isao Kitagawa, Kodama, K. M. Koseki, Nancy Kouzuki, June Matsumoto, Tasuku Matsushima, Ethel Miyashiro, M. Morikubo, Michiko Motooka, Tsuneo & Fusaye Muramaru, Myrtle Nakasato, David Nekotani, Kiyoko Okada, Joanne Sakata, Kiyoko Sato, Kiyoshi Shigefuji, Mitsuru Shiraki, Asako Takane, S. Toyoshiba, Isamu Tsukamoto, Janet Umeda, R. Urata, S. Uyeunten, Reiko Yoshioka. . Edith N. Horii, Masao Kajioka, Robert T. & Hatsue S. Kinoshita, Delma Kiyomoto, Charles Koyanagi, Masaya Takenaka, Alan Yokota, Gene K. Yokota. . M. Abe, Amy Amazaki, Laura Aoki, Chiyono Ebisu, Sumie Hamamoto, Ethel Hasegawa, T. M. Hasuike, T. Hiranaga, Kay Hironaka, Fred H. Kajioka, Yukiko Kajiwara, T. Kayahara, Karen Kikukawa, Kathleen S. Komo, H. Kumagai, Hikaru Mashita, Yusei Matsui, I. Mikuni, James T. Mimuro, Elaine Miyamoto, Hiroji Miyazaki, Adeline Morihara, Gertrude Morishige, Doris E. Muraoka, Shizue Nagao, Kiyoko Nagatani, Tomie Nakahara, Misae Nakamura, W. Nakanishi, N. K. Nakatsuka, Millie Nishida, Florence Nishino, Torao Noguchi, Lois Ohta, Kimiko Okano, Hiroko Okubo, Yaeko Onuma, Ellen Ryusaki, S. & E. S. Shintaku, G. & S. Sonoda, Harumi Suzuki, I. Takamura, Jane C. Tamura, Alice Tanaka, Sue Tanaka, Takashi Tanaka, Richard Teramoto, Ushio Tsukazaki, G. Uemura, Helene Uyemura, James Wasa, Jack Watanabe, Helen Yoshimoto, Bessie M. Yoshimura, Shigeko Yoshimura. . Susumu Kato, Thelma M. Kobayashi, Momoyo Miyazaki, M. Murata, Elsie Y. Okino, K. Shigemoto, Merwyn & Karen Sumida, Baron C. Taira, Howard T. Takaki, Hazel Yonamine. Wally & Nancy Hironaka - new computer with printer and monitor for the temple office and a refrigerator George & Sue Sonoda—new step stool ladder for the kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Katayama - HP printer Yoshiaki Matsuoka - portable keyboard Mel & Ruth Takemoto - mochi machine MAKAPUU HIKE Our temple hike was to the Makapuu Lighthouse on Sunday, February 17th. Ryne and Lily Masuda, Paul and Nikiya, Emma Kie, Cyndi Osajima, and Hudson Fukuki hiked to the top. It was a beautiful day with a cool breeze. The paved path made it an easy and enjoyable hike. At least two young whales put on a grand show for us. They breached (jumped up and splashed in the water) continuously leaving traces of white water from the splashing. It was a fun day of fellowship and sightseeing. We look forward to the next hike. Contributed by Hudson Fukuki DHARMA SCHOOL NEWS Recently the Moiliili Hongwanji Preschool sponsored a Scholastic Book Fair in the temple annex. The Dharma School students who were present on that Sunday were awarded a “Dharma School Appreciation Certificate” of $6 to spend at the Book Fair. Mahalo to the Dharma School PTA for generously providing the certificates and encouraging our students in the joy of reading! A HOUSEHOLD HINT: To remove crusted burnt food from your stainless steel pot, cover the burnt part with a solution of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water and a few drops of dish detergent and soak overnight. If the burnt part still remains, simmer for a few minutes. WORDS OF THANKSGIVING We are truly grateful for this wonderful food. We wish to share it with all beings. As we partake of this wonderful food, let us remember Amida Buddha’s compassion which surrounds all forms of life. Namu Amida Butsu. Itadakimasu. January Happy New Year to all of you. The New Year came by fast and we started our year with lot of interesting and useful activities. January 10th was Jim Gamble’s puppet show—Peter and the wolf, with lots of instrument and puppet coordination. The children were fascinated and at the end the puppeteer even asked questions about the whole show and the children felt involved while answering the questions. Being the month for safety and security awareness, January 18th was our in-school visit by the HPD as one of the parent volunteered to bring his team, along with the squad team with trained dogs. They talked about their job of saving and helping people, the seatbelt law, and wearing helmet while riding bikes and also to call 911 for any emergency. The dogs impressed us all with their amazing talent of putting a show of catching the “bad guys”. Later we all got to pet them and surprisingly all children were happy to do that. The children even got to sit on their patrolling police cars and motor bikes and use their microphones to announce like the little officers. I feel it’s a great inspiring opportunity for them to have such an experience. Being also the month of “transportation”, Hawaiian Railways was the best choice as always. January 25, children got to tour the site where the old trains are parked which almost was like antique pieces. Later we went on the train ride and the children loved the view outside through the big open windows and also could wave at the railway crossing showing their Hawaiian shaka sign. People were nice to response back. On the whole it was a fun month with lot educational trips, in school activity and everyone seemed to be well-adjusted with the new year, especially the news students who I am sure must be looking forward for some more fun in the future trips. Shared by Mrs. Sanchita Dutt Mrs. Sanchita’s class meets the well-trained police dogs Preschool children welcome in the Chinese New Year A photo opportunity during Makapuu hike Ryne’s Eagle Scout project at Project Dana Experts share the art of mochi making Annual mochitsuki is a big hit Juliet Kono Lee shares her Tokudo experience Rev. Makino’s Japanese Dharma class Bert Ogasawara is our new temple president Honoring those who are 80 years “young” in 2008 Temple Board of Directors for 2008-09 Pearl Miyasaki receives gift of appreciation on behalf of Shuichi Miyasaki Dharma School students perform “Mottainai Ondo” with “obasan” Recognizing new Gojikai members who have joined during the past year 人生の四つの大きな出来事 思いますに、仏教徒として人生に四 つの大きな出来事または為す事べき ことがあります。結論から申し上げ ますと、生まれること、法に出遇う こと、法を伝えること、そして大涅 槃をうることの四つです。伝統的に は、お釈迦様の人生には八つの大き な出来事があったと伝わり、それら がよくお説教の話に登場したり、絵 として描かれたりします。でも、こ れは偉大な釈尊の場合です。しか し、普通の我々にも、少なくても人 生にそのうちの四つが共通するので はないかと思う法楽です。繰り返し て申しますと生まれること、法に出 遇うこと、法を伝えること、そして 大涅槃をうることです。お釈迦様の 場合はシダッタ王子に生まれ、悟り を開いてお釈迦様となり、悟られて 法を他者に伝え、そして最後に八十 2008年3月-4月号 白 道 第458号 歳の人生の終わりに大涅槃に入られ るのです。法要でいえば、花祭り (四月八日)成道会(十二月八 日)、 初転法輪の日(一月二十五 日)、そして、涅槃会(二月十五 日)の四つです。とういことで、モ イリリ本願寺では、毎年この四つの 法要を勤めております。お釈迦様を 拝むのでなくて、釈尊の人生におけ るこの四つの大きな出来事を記念し ながらこれらの意義を確認し、また 我々の人生をも振り返る大切な法要 です。私たちも、確かに人間として いのちを受け、生まれました。そし て、まさに今念仏の法に出遇って感 謝して喜ばせていただいておりま す。尊い念仏に出遇った以上はこの 上ないこの喜びを他にも分かち合っ ていきたいという願いをいだくのは 当然ではないでしょうか。または、 あるお経に次から次へと念仏の行を すすめてゆくならば、こういう人を 大悲を行ずる人とあります。そし て、最後にこのいのちが終わるにつ れて素晴らしい涅槃の世界、お浄土 に生まれさていただくのです。四月 にお釈迦様の誕生日を祝う花祭りが 勤まりますのでお釈迦様の誕生を喜 びながら苦悩の多い我々の人生であ るかもしりませんが人間として生ま れて尊い念仏のみ教えを聞くことの 出来たことを喜ばせていただきま しょう。そして、忘れずにご家族の 方または友人などもお誘いの上法要 にお参りしましょう。 ************** ご案内 三月十六日、日曜日、に本年度の春 の彼岸会ならびに蓮如上人を偲ぶ法 要が勤まりますので皆様のお参りを お待ちしております。午前九時の英 語礼拝のご講師が浦崎アラン先生で す。午前十時半の日本語礼拝のご講 師が元ハワイ教団総長中西、利正先 生です。四月六日がモイリリ本願寺 の花祭りです。そして、四月十三 日、 McCoy Pavilion にて、ハワイ仏 連の花祭りが勤まります。いずれ も、午前九時から始まります。四月 の日本語説教が四月二十日の午前十 時半です。どうかお参り下さいま せ。合掌。
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