Special Revenue Funds
Special Revenue Funds
"City of Champions" City of Gadsden Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2015 Mayor Sherman Guyton Lisa Rosser, Finance Director 1 Budget Message The past three years have been characterized in many different ways. Fiscal year 2012 was a year of change, as many difficult decisions were made by the administration to secure a future for this City. Fiscal year 2013 was a year of stability as little change took place in our City. Fiscal year 2014 was a year of progress as we began to see things happen in our City. Yet, at the same time, it was a year of challenge, as City elections were held in August 2014. One of the greatest accomplishments in 2014 was the completion of the Weaver Tech building that houses Municipal Court, as well as an East Gadsden Police precinct. This will greatly help to enhance safety in the East Gadsden area. The opening of a fully functional recycling center has also been a welcomed benefit for our citizens. Property located at 2010 Locust Street was donated to the City, which will be a great place to rent for both community and private events. The addition of the Mountain Bike Trail on the Black Creek Trail has been a welcomed asset by both our citizens and tourists to our City. As the City looks to the future, decisions were made that hopefully will attract commercial development. Those decisions included the purchase of the old K-Mart property of approximately 9.4 acres which adjoins four plus acres already owned by the City. Then there was the purchase of the former Rainbow Cinemas, which is prime riverfront property. The biggest commercial news of the year was the opening of the River Trace development on the former Goodyear golf course, where we have already seen the opening of Gander Mountain, Shoe Carnival, Ulta as well as a new Hobby Lobby that relocated. The FY2015 General Fund budget has projected revenues of $47,450,600, which is an increase of $709,500 from FY2014. The budget includes a two-step (2.5%) increase in wages for all full-time employees. The good news is that we saw no increase in health care premiums. There were also fifteen non-full time positions added to Public Works to help with grass cutting and recycling. An additional $867,000 was taken from the General Fund unassigned fund balance to fund the matches on MPO and State projects. This includes the South 11 th Street Bridge, paving of Padenreich Ave, Forrest Ave & 9th Street, as well as the paving of 3rd Street and Goodyear Ave. The budget secured all services provided to the citizens of Gadsden. The budget was presented on September 16th and passed on September 23rd by a 6-0 vote. As we look to FY2015, we look with excitement to the many things that we expect to see happen. With the former Mayor being re-elected in August, many projects that have been started will hopefully be completed. The most notable being the Riverfront Development on the East side of the river, which will include a park with walking trails. This development hopefully will attract new commercial development, including the prospects of new restaurants. The City has also secured a grant that will allow for the expansion of the Recycling Center that is being greatly utilized by our citizens. Two other projects that have been anticipated for some time is the replacement of the Tuscaloosa Avenue and Hickory Street bridges. Lastly, we look forward to the completion of the River Trace development, with the anticipated opening of Ross for Less and Panda Express. In FY2015, with new council seats being filled because of the elections, we look with anticipation to the uncertainties and the challenges that the future holds. Regardless, may we always be united in our efforts. May we continue to be aggressive in industrial and commercial development, realizing that we must enhance our revenues. Most of all, may we make sound financial decisions that will secure a future for our City and its’ citizens so that Gadsden will always be a great place to live and work. Lisa Rosser Finance Director 2 Table of Contents Letter from Finance Director 2 Organizational and Community Profile Organizational Profile Organization Chart Departmental Directory 5 6 7 8 Financial Summary Revenue Summary By Fund Expenditure Summary By Fund General Fund Revenue By Sources General Fund Expenses By Department Enterprise Funds Special Revenue Funds Internal Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Debt Service Funds 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 28 29 30 General Government Position Summary Department Summary & Functions Mayor's Office City Council City Clerk Revenue Legal 39 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 Internal Services Position Summary Department Summary & Functions Finance M.I.S. Purchasing Fleet Management Personnel Risk Management 49 50 51 55 56 57 58 59 60 Public Safety Position Summary Department Summary & Functions Fire Department Police Department Animal Control Municipal Court Emergency Management Communications 61 62 63 67 68 69 70 72 73 3 Table of Contents Recreation and Cultural Services Position Summary Department Summary & Functions Parks & Recreation Convention Hall Noccalula Falls Park Cemetery Library Museum of Arts Twin Bridges Golf Course 74 75 76 79 82 83 84 85 87 88 Public Works Services Position Summary Department Summary & Functions Residential Garbage Street Services Street Maintenance Street Painting Transfer Station Facilities Maintenance 90 91 92 96 97 98 99 100 101 Urban Development Position Summary Department Summary & Functions Engineering Planning Building Gadsden Transit Services Community Development 102 103 104 107 108 110 111 113 Non-Departmental Position Summary General Expenses Agency Appropriations Transfers to Other Funds 114 115 116 118 121 Appendix 122 123 125 Glossary Budget Ordinance 4 Organizational and Community Profile Organizational Profile Organization Chart Departmental Directory 5 Organizational Profile The organization of Gadsden city government is illustrated on the following pages. As the Chief Executive Officer, the Mayor must enforce the city charter and ordinances of the City, recommend policy to the City Council, and is responsible for the orderly operation of the City. The Mayor prepares and recommends the budget. The Mayor can attend council meetings, has veto power, but cannot vote. The Council exercises the legislative powers of the City. The Council reviews, recommends, enacts and amends all proposed ordinances. The Council adopts the budget. City operations have been divided into the following sections for presentation purposes: General Government, Internal Services, Public Safety, Recreation and Cultural Services, Public Works Services, Urban Development, and NonDepartmental Appropriations. These sections provide strategic, budgetary, and performance information for each department. Included in the presentation are the funding sources, goals, functions and budget summary for each department. General Government Departments that primarily provide support for the executive and legislative bodies of city government and represent the tax collection and enforcement authority for the City. Included in this section are the Offices of the Mayor, City Council, City Clerk, Revenue and Legal Departments. Internal Services Departments that primarily provide services and support to other city departments and provide support of the operations of the City as an entity. Included in this section are Finance, M.I.S., Purchasing, Fleet Management, Personnel, which includes the Civil Service Board, and Risk Management. Public Safety Departments and divisions that are responsible for providing a safe community environment and protecting the citizens' lives, health, and property by taking direct actions and leading efforts to reduce crime, violence and environmentally unsafe conditions. Their combined efforts provide a community where citizens can enjoy life without fear. Included in this section are Police and Fire, Animal Control, Municipal Court, Emergency Management Agency and Recreation and Cultural Services Departments that provide the community an opportunity to participate in recreation and social programs, sponsor programs and provide facilities for the aging, promote special community events and provide residents with library and information services. Included in this section are Parks and Recreation, Convention Hall, Noccalula Falls Park, Forrest Cemetery, Library, Museum of Art and Twin Bridges Golf Course. Public Works Services Departments that are responsible for the collection and disposal of solid waste and yard waste, seasonal leaf collection, mowing and maintaining the rights-of-way along City street, maintaining street and drainage infrastructures, maintaining all signage and marking of City streets. Included in this section are Residential Garbage, Street Services, Street Maintenance, Street Painting, Transfer Station and Facilities Maintenance. Urban Development Departments that provide comprehensive planning, design, development, and regulation for orderly economic growth and maintenance of the City. Included in this section are Engineering, Planning, which includes Air-Depot, Building, Gadsden Transit Services and Community Development. 6 City of Gadsden Organization Chart Citizens of Gadsden Mayor City Council General Government City Clerk Revenue Director Public Safety Police City Attorney Animal Control Internal Services Fleet Mgmt M.I.S. Director E.M.A. Director Fire Chief Municipal Court Communications Urban Development Personnel Director Finance Director Risk Mgmt Purchasing City Engineer Planning Director Building Gadsden Transit Services Community Development Air Depot Recreation & Cultural Servies Public Works Services Public Works Director Parks & Rec. Director Residential Garbage Transfer Station Noccalula Falls Street Services Facilities Maintenance Convention Hall Street Maintenance Street Painting Cemetery 7 Library Director Museum Twin Bridges Golf Course Departmental Directory Mayor's Office Contact: Shane Ellison City Hall, 90 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Room 202 Phone: (256) 546-4646 Fax: (256) 549-4565 sellison@cityofgadsden.com Communications Contact: Chief Stephen Carroll City Hall, 90 Broad St., Police Bldg., Room B-01 Phone: (256) 549-4107 Fax: (256) 549-4242 scarroll@cityofgadsden.com City Council Contact: Iva Nelson City Hall, 90 Broad St., 4th Floor, Room 401 Phone: (256) 549-4516 Fax: (256) 549-4678 inelson@cityofgadsden.com Community Development Contact: Becky Henson City Hall, 90 Broad St., 3rd Floor, Room 310 Phone: (256) 549-4532 Fax: (256) 549-4689 bhenson@cityofgadsden.com Air Depot Contact: Nick Hall City Hall, 90 Broad St., 3rd Floor, Room 302 Phone: (256) 549-4520 Fax: (256) 549-4851 nhall@cityofgadsden.com Convention Hall Contact: Kerry Payne / Chris Wood Convention Hall, 344 S 1st St. Phone: (256) 549-4669 Fax: (256) 549-4834 chriswood@cityofgadsden.com Animal Control Contact: Chief John Crane City Hall, 90 Broad St., Police Bldg., 2nd Floor Phone: (256) 549-4609 Fax: (256) 549-4547 johncrane@gadsdenpd.org Emergency Management Agency Contact: Mike Bryant City Hall, 90 Broad St., Police Bldg., Room B-01 Phone: (256) 549-4575 Fax: (256) 547-7952 mbryant@cityofgadsden.com Building Contact: Brian Harbison City Hall, 90 Broad St., 3rd Floor, Room 307 Phone: (256) 549-4529 Fax: (256) 549-4860 bharbison@cityofgadsden.com Engineering Contact: Chad Hare City Hall, 90 Broad St., 3rd Floor, Room 302 Phone: (256) 549-4520 Fax: (256) 549-4851 chare@cityofgadsden.com City Clerk Contact: Iva Nelson City Hall, 90 Broad St., 4th Floor, Room 401 Phone: (256) 549-4516 Fax: (256) 549-4678 inelson@cityofgadsden.com Facilities Maintenance Contact: Mike Hilton Transfer Station, 110 Burnsway Drive Phone: (256) 549-4704 Fax: (256) 549-4543 mhilton@cityofgadsden.com Civil Service Board Contact: Jerry Gladden City Hall, 90 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Room 201 Phone: (256) 549-4550 Fax: (256) 549-4773 jgladden@cityofgadsden.com Finance Contact: Lisa Rosser City Hall, 90 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Room 211 Phone: (256) 549-4510 Fax: (256) 549-4512 lrosser@cityofgadsden.com 8 Departmental Directory Fire Contact: Chief Stephen Carroll Central Fire Station, 322 Walnut St. Phone: (256) 549-4566 Fax: (256) 549-4728 scarroll@cityofgadsden.com Museum of Art Contact: Rebecca Duke Gadsden Museum of Art, 515 Broad St. Phone: (256) 549-4699 Fax: (256) 549-4770 museum@cityofgadsden.com Fleet Management Contact: Jay Watson City Maintenance Bldg., 1701 Chestnut St. Phone: (256) 549-4705 Fax: (256) 549-4711 jwatson@cityofgadsden.com Noccalula Falls Park Contact: Janet Tarrance Noccalula Falls Park, 1500 Noccalula Rd. Phone: (256) 549-4663 Fax: (256) 546-5843 jtarrance@cityofgadsden.com Forrest Cemetery Contact: Kerry Payne / Jeffery Garrett Forrest Cemetery, 700 S 15th St. Phone: (256) 549-4693 Fax: (256) 549-4834 cemetery@cityofgadsden.com Parks & Recreation - Administration Contact: Kerry Payne Senior Activity Center, 623 Broad St. Phone: (256) 549-4680 Fax: (256) 549-4834 kpayne@cityofgadsden.com Legal Contact: Lee Roberts City Hall, 90 Broad St., 4th Floor, Room 412 Phone: (256) 549-4553 Fax: (256) 549-4793 lroberts@cityofgadsden.com Personnel Contact: Jerry Gladden City Hall, 90 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Room 201 Phone: (256) 549-4550 Fax: (256) 549-4773 jgladden@cityofgadsden.com Library Contact: Amanda Jackson Gadsden Public Library, 254 College St. Phone: (256) 549-4699 Fax: (256) 549-4770 amanda@gadsdenlibrary.org Planning Contact: Nick Hall City Hall, 90 Broad St., 3rd Floor, Room 302 Phone: (256) 549-4520 Fax: (256) 549-4851 nhall@cityofgadsden.com M.I.S. Contact: Jeff Whisenant City Hall, 90 Broad St., 4th Floor, Room 402 Phone: (256) 549-4541 Fax: (256) 549-4733 jwhisenant@cityofgadsden.com Police Contact: Chief John Crane City Hall, 90 Broad St., Police Bldg., 2nd Floor Phone: (256) 549-4609 Fax: (256) 549-4547 johncrane@gadsdenpd.org Municipal Court Contact: Brenda Card City Court, 1515 Campbell Ave. Phone: (256) 549-4595 Fax: (256) 549-4749 bcard@cityofgadsden.com Purchasing Contact: Mechiel Underwood City Hall, 90 Broad St., 2nd floor, Room 206 Phone: (256) 549-4591 Fax: (256) 549-4586 purchasing@cityofgadsden.com 9 Departmental Directory Residential Garbage Contact: Howell Mathews Transfer Station, 110 Burnsway Drive Phone: (256) 549-4745 Fax: (256) 549-4543 hmathews@cityofgadsden.com Street Painting Contact: Brian Stovall Transfer Station, 110 Burnsway Drive Phone: (256) 549-4703 Fax: (256) 549-4543 bstovall@cityofgadsden.com Residential Garbage - Collections Contact: Fay Stokes City Hall, 90 Broad St., 1st Floor Lobby Phone: (256) 549-4620 Fax: (256) 549-4574 fstokes@cityofgadsden.com Street Services Contact: Brian Stovall Transfer Station, 110 Burnsway Drive Phone: (256) 549-4703 Fax: (256) 549-4543 bstovall@cityofgadsden.com Revenue Contact: Lisa Rosser City Hall, 90 Broad St., 1st Floor Lobby Phone: (256) 549-4562 Fax: (256) 549-4561 lrosser@cityofgadsden.com Transfer Station Contact: Howell Mathews Transfer Station, 110 Burnsway Drive Phone: (256) 549-4745 Fax: (256) 549-4543 hmathews@cityofgadsden.com Risk Management Contact: Jan Crim City Hall, 90 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Room 204 Phone: (256) 549-4660 Fax: (256) 549-4797 jcrim@cityofgadsden.com Transportation Contact: Meinrad Tabengwa City Maintenance Bldg., 1701 Chestnut St. Phone: (256) 549-4705 Fax: (256) 549-4864 mtabengwa@cityofgadsden.com Street Maintenance Contact: Brian Stovall Transfer Station, 110 Burnsway Drive Phone: (256) 549-4703 Fax: (256) 549-4543 bstovall@cityofgadsden.com Twin Bridges Golf Course Contact: Matt Ganshaw 901 Riverbend Drive Phone: (256) 549-4866 Fax: (256) 549-4868 mganshaw@twinbridgesgolf.com 10 Financial Summary Revenue Summary by Fund Expenditure Summary by Fund General Fund Enterprise Funds Special Revenue Funds Internal Service Funds Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Funds 11 Revenue Summary By Fund FY13 Actual Revenue General Fund FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Estimated Revenue FY15 Approved Budget 46,197,051 46,741,100 46,316,864 48,317,600 Enterprise Funds Air Depot Twin Bridges Golf Course Residential Garbage Total 316,710 1,234,747 2,743,843 4,295,300 313,380 1,072,180 2,714,497 4,100,057 313,380 1,077,705 2,360,974 3,752,059 260,004 1,123,305 2,559,164 3,942,473 Special Revenue Funds Special Auto Tax State Gas Tax Street Maintenance Municipal Capital Improvement Lodging Tax Community Development Ad-Valorem School Tax Ad-Valorem Fire Tax Library Grants Tobacco Tax Drug Task Force Seizure Funds Summer Food Service Grant Aging Program Grant Transportation & Planning Grants Gadsden Transit Grants Economic Development Law Enforcement Grant Other Restricted Funds Corrections Funds Municipal Judicial Admin Fund Total 104,873 415,704 269,800 830,576 226,802 1,147,179 1,029,532 964,709 118,784 383,110 23,250 96,630 113,740 267,767 1,304,143 578,598 44,384 540,924 72,186 52,764 8,585,455 106,000 422,000 255,000 300,000 215,000 987,250 1,025,000 955,000 85,550 375,000 117,689 80,223 297,775 1,045,990 550,000 505,500 65,000 55,000 7,442,977 108,561 417,011 255,000 314,592 210,324 657,815 1,055,177 1,018,887 88,457 368,188 5,781 117,484 79,111 166,800 984,930 675,090 38,102 575,785 72,958 66,091 7,276,144 106,500 415,150 258,500 300,000 210,000 955,700 1,050,000 975,000 95,993 370,000 127,684 106,281 197,821 1,385,574 600,000 662,525 70,000 65,000 7,951,728 Capital Projects Funds 8,036,608 7,550,000 7,650,000 7,650,000 67,114,413 65,834,134 64,995,067 67,861,801 Total Revenues and Other Sources 12 Expenditure Summary By Fund FY13 Actual Expenditures General Fund FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget 43,865,542 46,576,000 47,488,844 48,317,600 Enterprise Funds Air Depot Twin Bridges Golf Course Residential Garbage Total 235,520 1,340,389 2,697,429 4,273,338 242,948 1,072,180 2,714,497 4,029,625 243,611 1,072,180 2,719,501 4,035,292 238,560 1,123,305 2,559,164 3,921,029 Special Revenue Funds Special Auto Tax Fund State Gas Tax Street Maintenance Lodging Tax Fund Community Development Ad-Valorem School Tax Ad-Valorem Fire Tax Library Grants Tobacco Tax Drug Task Force Seizure Funds Summer Food Service Grant Aging Program Grant Transportation & Planning Grants Gadsden Transit Grants Economic Development Law Enforcement Grant Other Restricted Funds Corrections Funds Municipal Judicial Admin Fund Total 110,000 409,800 724,663 309,504 1,147,179 976,968 934,700 122,148 450,000 620 92,712 103,050 265,436 1,303,490 479,445 47,495 441,718 166,869 32,687 8,118,484 105,000 400,000 255,000 200,000 987,250 1,025,000 1,147,752 85,550 350,000 117,689 105,221 297,775 1,045,990 600,000 148,500 111,750 40,000 7,022,477 105,000 400,000 255,000 215,570 1,456,323 1,025,000 1,168,568 132,878 350,000 17,873 117,939 105,221 309,247 1,706,341 601,436 45,382 663,034 183,134 66,999 8,924,945 106,500 402,000 258,500 200,000 955,700 1,050,000 1,229,567 95,993 350,000 127,684 106,281 197,821 1,385,574 799,676 217,207 59,500 36,000 7,578,003 Capital Projects Funds 7,352,019 7,550,000 10,952,075 7,650,000 Debt Service Funds 2000 Special Bonds (Fund 206) 2002-B Warrants (Fund 209) 2003-A Warrants (Fund 210) 2003-B Warrants (Fund 211) 2004-A Warrants (Fund 212) 2004 Revenue Warrants (Fund 213) Improvements 2005 (Fund 214) AmFund 2006 Issue (Fund 215) 2011-A GOW (Fund 217) 2012-A GOW (Fund 218) 2012-B GOW (Fund 219) 2012-C GOW (Fund 220) 2014-A GOW (Fund 221) 2014-B GOW (Fund 222) 2014-C GOW (Fund 223) 2014-D GOW (Fund 224) Capital Leases Total 194,823 235,563 311,102 1,080,069 275,625 29,796 1,320,725 76,360 447,629 638,580 202,544 432,454 1,323,773 6,569,043 194,471 312,318 1,077,785 402,500 1,420,476 75,014 462,668 625,507 436,978 425,000 733,990 6,166,707 194,471 312,318 1,077,785 402,500 1,420,476 75,014 462,668 625,507 436,978 425,000 54,955 1,360,529 6,848,201 194,795 425,000 1,420,875 82,988 456,407 1,550,507 431,244 655,250 392,043 316,528 84,276 215,963 596,593 6,822,469 Total Expenditures and Other Uses 70,178,426 71,344,809 78,249,357 74,289,101 13 General Fund Revenues by Sources Sales & Use Tax Occupational License Fee Ad Valorem Gasoline Beer Financial Ins. Excise Wine & Liquor Lodging Franchise Taxes State Diesel Tax Refund Total - Taxes FY13 Actual Revenue FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Estimated Revenue FY15 Approved Budget 19,842,019 13,304,031 2,059,064 563,648 212,861 77,897 200,762 345,996 5,350 33,451 36,645,079 19,850,000 13,850,000 2,150,000 565,000 220,000 50,000 220,000 365,000 5,000 25,000 37,300,000 19,986,699 13,596,756 2,117,663 559,130 189,564 40,749 205,387 315,486 8,418 37,019,852 20,300,000 13,900,000 2,175,000 565,000 220,000 75,000 220,000 350,000 10,000 37,815,000 Business Licenses Franchise Licenses & Fees Construction Permits Garbage Disposal Permits Miscellaneous Total - Licenses & Permits 6,023,712 522,240 131,251 4,000 247 6,681,450 6,100,000 120,000 463,000 6,683,000 6,132,298 468,617 113,039 2,000 1,166 6,717,120 6,175,000 120,000 473,200 6,768,200 Federal Grants State Grants County Grants Shared State Revenues Payments In Lieu Of Taxes Total - Intergovernmental 58,599 3,079 198,517 20,224 71,728 352,147 230,000 15,000 72,500 317,500 58,500 4,168 224,215 9,055 71,728 367,666 285,000 10,000 71,800 366,800 234,839 1,176,902 21,306 169,738 9,412 1,612,197 215,000 1,150,000 25,000 175,000 10,000 1,575,000 191,401 1,013,190 24,435 150,828 7,648 1,387,502 215,000 1,200,000 27,500 175,000 10,000 1,627,500 499,439 20,225 519,665 550,000 20,000 570,000 509,340 20,376 529,716 550,000 21,000 571,000 809 44,692 508 40,475 86,485 1,000 34,600 35,000 70,600 370 36,601 450 39,800 77,221 500 36,600 40,000 77,100 46,336 253,691 - 25,000 200,000 - 17,787 200,000 - 25,000 200,000 867,000 46,197,051 46,741,100 46,316,864 48,317,600 General Government Recreation Culture Public Safety Other Commissions Total - Charges For Services Municipal Court Fines Other Fines & Forfeitures Total - Fines & Forfeitures Interest Rental Earned Discounts Donations Miscellaneous Total - Other Income Sale of Assets - Land, Building & Equipment Transfer From Other Funds Transfer From Unassigned Fund Balance Total Revenues 14 General Fund Expenditures By Department FY13 Actual Expenditures FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Mayor's Office City Council Revenue Legal City Clerk Total - General Government 487,532 350,960 487,210 446,434 275,604 2,047,740 538,088 362,019 273,239 587,448 303,549 2,064,343 523,734 371,429 271,804 598,396 342,404 2,107,767 533,400 408,319 266,042 552,904 297,609 2,058,274 Finance M.I.S. Purchasing Personnel Civil Service Board Fleet Management & Motor Pool Total - Internal Services 545,250 348,107 39,314 246,664 30,894 1,888,865 3,099,094 562,061 381,878 62,226 280,839 41,650 2,093,394 3,422,048 562,775 431,163 44,274 274,372 42,650 2,068,213 3,423,447 662,638 526,808 45,171 275,733 38,750 1,975,316 3,524,416 1,342,583 330,322 390,922 8,529,605 9,143,532 309,090 20,046,054 1,373,060 340,383 409,659 8,572,352 9,858,027 335,252 20,888,733 1,411,750 382,619 422,272 8,640,301 9,888,759 325,917 21,071,618 1,436,890 340,064 623,514 8,454,392 9,834,899 313,105 21,002,864 Library Museum of Art Parks & Recreation Convention Hall Noccalula Falls Park Cemetery Total - Recreation & Cultural Services 1,213,024 243,255 3,579,015 128,903 546,748 359,613 6,070,558 1,329,136 225,792 3,848,940 132,397 463,282 370,838 6,370,385 1,273,269 176,915 3,932,060 138,223 615,733 400,091 6,536,291 1,217,964 168,747 3,840,723 229,160 585,397 406,770 6,448,762 Facilities Maintenance Street Services Street Maintenance Street Painting Total - Public Works Services 1,509,974 531,960 2,749,620 268,118 5,059,672 1,547,516 622,323 3,255,385 307,492 5,732,716 1,563,836 590,746 3,074,659 329,758 5,558,999 1,551,072 631,720 2,981,122 313,204 5,477,117 Engineering Planning Building Total - Urban Development 713,119 463,988 545,274 1,722,381 816,794 527,626 654,625 1,999,045 1,493,962 455,986 586,926 2,536,874 1,624,223 452,797 604,515 2,681,535 General Expenses Utilities Agency Appropriations Transfers To Other Funds 1,001,032 1,915,848 1,475,854 1,427,309 5,820,043 43,865,542 1,207,406 2,000,000 1,486,500 1,404,824 6,098,730 46,576,000 1,070,801 2,200,000 1,719,250 1,263,797 6,253,848 47,488,844 993,347 2,200,000 2,576,800 1,354,484 7,124,631 48,317,600 Municipal Court E.M.A. Communications Fire Police Animal Control Total - Public Safety Total Expenditures 15 Enterprise Funds The Airport Fund accounts for the income and expenses from the Air-Depot rental properties. Airport Fund (405) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlays Debt Service Total Expenditures 184,359 51,161 235,520 96,745 146,203 242,948 97,408 146,203 243,611 87,497 145,660 233,157 98,957 139,603 238,560 Charges For Services Sale of Assets Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 316,710 316,710 313,380 313,380 313,380 313,380 313,380 313,380 260,004 260,004 81,190 70,432 69,769 80,223 21,444 795,903 877,093 877,093 947,525 877,093 946,862 877,093 957,316 957,316 978,760 Revenues Excess of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Net Assets (Beginning) Net Assets (Ending) The Golf Course Fund accounts for the income and expenses from the Twin Bridges Golf Course. Golf Course Fund (411) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlays Transfers - Fixed Assets Total Expenditures 568,746 743,550 28,093 1,340,389 610,571 416,609 45,000 1,072,180 610,571 416,609 45,000 1,072,180 577,235 381,506 14,800 973,541 656,014 422,791 44,500 1,123,305 Golf Course Revenues Interest / Other Revenue Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 779,796 454,951 1,234,747 805,000 267,180 1,072,180 805,000 267,180 1,072,180 810,525 267,180 1,077,705 819,000 304,305 1,123,305 - - 104,164 - 5,117,528 5,117,528 5,117,528 5,117,528 5,117,528 5,221,692 5,221,692 5,221,692 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Net Assets (Beginning) Net Assets (Ending) (105,642) 5,223,170 5,117,528 16 Enterprise Funds Residential Garbage Fund accounts for residential garbage services, including waste disposal at the current landfill. The residential garbage fee is $13.00 per month, and the tipping fee at the transfer station is $25 per ton for trash disposal and $37 per ton for household garbage. Residential Garbage Fund (430) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlays Transfers - Fixed Assets Total Expenditures 1,239,655 1,448,074 9,700 2,697,429 1,288,442 1,426,055 2,714,497 1,289,871 1,406,011 23,619 2,719,501 1,228,121 1,094,881 23,615 2,346,617 1,300,657 1,258,507 2,559,164 Charges For Services Sale of Other Assets Interest / Other Revenue Transfer In - Fixed Assets Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 1,986,581 38,827 177,097 541,338 2,743,843 2,100,000 614,497 2,714,497 2,100,000 614,497 2,714,497 1,741,096 5,381 614,497 2,360,974 1,900,000 659,164 2,559,164 46,414 - 14,357 - Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Net Assets (Beginning) Net Assets (Ending) (1,551,857) (1,505,443) 17 (1,505,443) (1,505,443) (5,004) (1,505,443) (1,510,447) (1,505,443) (1,491,086) (1,491,086) (1,491,086) Special Revenue Funds Special Auto Tax Fund accounts for funds received from Etowah County and the State of Alabama. The funds are collected from automobile taxes and licenses and are used primarily for repairs, paving, and maintenance of City streets. Special Auto Tax Fund (101) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 110,000 110,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 106,500 106,500 Auto Tax Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 104,873 104,873 106,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 108,561 108,561 106,500 106,500 - Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) (5,127) 1,000 1,000 3,561 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 3,631 (1,496) (1,496) (496) (1,496) (496) (1,496) 2,065 2,065 2,065 State Gas Tax Fund accounts for funds received from Etowah County and the State of Alabama. The funds are collected from motor fuel taxes and are used primarily for repairs, paving, and maintenance of City streets. The various taxes on gasoline total 18 cents per gallon. State Gas Tax Fund (102) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 250,000 159,800 409,800 250,000 150,000 400,000 250,000 150,000 400,000 250,000 150,000 400,000 250,000 152,000 402,000 Gas Tax Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 415,704 415,704 422,000 422,000 422,000 422,000 417,011 417,011 415,150 415,150 5,904 22,000 22,000 17,011 13,150 (35,809) (29,905) (29,905) (7,905) (29,905) (7,905) (29,905) (12,894) (12,894) 256 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 18 Special Revenue Funds Lodging Tax Fund accounts for funds received from the additional 2% lodging tax levied by the City of Gadsden.The funds are used for the construction and operation of a convention center, for other facilities which might enhance a convention center, and for promotion of conventions in Gadsden. Lodging Tax Fund (103) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Renovations to Tourism Building Improvements Other Than Buildings Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 104,430 5,074 200,000 309,504 200,000 200,000 15,570 200,000 215,570 2,750 200,000 202,750 200,000 200,000 Lodging Tax Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 226,802 226,802 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 210,324 210,324 210,000 210,000 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) (82,702) 15,000 7,574 10,000 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 449,331 366,629 366,629 381,629 366,629 374,203 374,203 384,203 (570) 366,629 366,059 Community Development Fund accounts for Community Urban Development Block Grants for the development of urban communities including decent housing and a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. Comm. Development Fund (104) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlays Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 183,817 164,522 551,667 247,173 1,147,179 183,694 183,956 376,600 243,000 987,250 183,694 217,098 812,531 243,000 1,456,323 183,387 138,690 97,403 238,335 657,815 179,767 191,933 350,000 234,000 955,700 Grant Program Income Misc Income Total Revenue 1,084,908 62,271 1,147,179 947,250 40,000 987,250 1,416,323 40,000 1,456,323 617,627 40,188 657,815 913,700 42,000 955,700 - - - - - 44,029 44,029 44,029 44,029 44,029 44,029 44,029 44,029 44,029 44,029 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 19 Special Revenue Funds Ad Valorem School Tax accounts for a 6 mil ad valorem tax earmarked for educational purposes. Ad Val. - School Tax Fund (105) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Operating Expenses Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 896,386 80,582 976,968 1,025,000 1,025,000 1,025,000 1,025,000 1,374,963 1,374,963 1,050,000 1,050,000 Ad Valorem Tax Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 1,029,532 1,029,532 1,025,000 1,025,000 1,025,000 1,025,000 1,055,177 1,055,177 1,050,000 1,050,000 52,564 - - 267,222 319,786 319,786 319,786 319,786 319,786 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) (319,786) - 319,786 - - Ad Valorem Tax - Fire Protection Fund accounts for funds derived from a three mil ad valorem tax. The funds are used to support and promote fire protection activities. Ad Valorem - Fire Tax (106) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlays Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 521,386 256,980 156,334 934,700 657,765 181,485 308,502 1,147,752 676,056 184,010 308,502 1,168,568 546,171 45,977 308,502 900,650 679,045 242,020 308,502 1,229,567 Ad Valorem Tax Sale Of Equipment Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 964,461 248 964,709 955,000 955,000 955,000 955,000 993,645 25,000 242 1,018,887 975,000 975,000 30,009 (192,752) (213,568) 118,237 (254,567) 502,061 532,070 532,070 339,318 532,070 318,502 532,070 650,307 650,307 395,740 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 20 Special Revenue Funds Library Grants account for funds received from federal, state, and county sources. The funds are used to purchase books, equipment, and other supplies for the Gadsden Public Library. Library Grants (111) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 21,465 96,583 4,100 122,148 22,290 63,260 85,550 22,290 103,780 6,808 132,878 22,290 50,047 7,238 79,575 24,090 65,603 6,300 95,993 Grants Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 118,784 118,784 85,550 85,550 85,550 85,550 88,457 88,457 95,993 95,993 - (47,328) 8,882 - 44,674 44,674 44,674 (2,654) 44,674 53,556 53,556 53,556 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) (3,364) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 48,038 44,674 Tobacco Tax Fund accounts for funds received from tobacco tax levied by the City of Gadsden. The funds are used to pay off the principal, interest, premium, and other costs associated with the early retirement of any long-term debt of the City. Tobacco Tax Fund (112) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 450,000 450,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Tobacco Tax Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 383,110 383,110 375,000 375,000 425,000 425,000 368,188 368,188 370,000 370,000 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) (66,890) 25,000 75,000 18,188 20,000 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 49,194 (17,696) (17,696) 7,304 (17,696) 57,304 (17,696) 492 492 20,492 21 Special Revenue Funds Drug Task Force Seizure Fund accounts for funds confiscated during raids performed by the Etowah County Drug Task Force. The funds are restricted for Police Department use and are primarily used for the portion committed by the City of Gadsden for operational expenses of the Drug Task Force. Drug Task Force Funds (123) Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Expenditures FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget 620 620 - 17,873 17,873 12,342 12,342 - Drug Seizure Funds Sale Of Assets Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 18,717 4,533 23,250 - - 5,781 5,781 - Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) 22,630 - (17,873) (6,561) - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 28,931 51,561 51,561 51,561 51,561 33,688 51,561 45,000 45,000 45,000 Summer Food Service Grant accounts for pass-through grant funds from the United States Department of Agriculture. The funds are used to provide meals to low-income children during summer months. Summer Food Service Grant (131) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Total Expenditures 24,214 68,498 92,712 39,144 78,545 117,689 39,144 78,795 117,939 24,797 80,635 105,432 39,144 88,540 127,684 Grant Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 96,630 96,630 117,689 117,689 117,689 117,689 117,484 117,484 127,684 127,684 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) 3,918 - 12,052 - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 5,139 9,057 9,057 9,057 9,057 21,109 21,109 21,109 22 (250) 9,057 8,807 Special Revenue Funds Aging Program Grant accounts for pass-through grant funds from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The funds are used to provide meals for senior citizens. Aging Program Grant (132) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Total Expenditures 92,652 10,398 103,050 93,555 11,666 105,221 93,555 11,666 105,221 93,555 10,627 104,182 93,493 12,788 106,281 Grant Interest / Other Revenue Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 16,456 97,284 113,740 15,256 64,967 80,223 15,256 64,967 80,223 13,770 65,341 79,111 13,770 92,511 106,281 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) 10,690 (24,998) (24,998) (25,071) - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 14,381 25,071 25,071 73 25,071 73 25,071 - - Transportation and Planning Grant accounts for pass-through grant funds from the United States Department of Transportation. The funds are used for transportation planning costs. Trans. & Planning Grant (141) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlays Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 148,100 117,336 265,436 151,625 146,150 297,775 151,625 157,622 309,247 151,227 18,667 169,894 148,071 49,750 197,821 Grant Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 212,349 55,418 267,767 238,220 59,555 297,775 238,220 59,555 297,775 135,915 30,885 166,800 158,257 39,564 197,821 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) 2,331 - (11,472) (3,094) - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 763 3,094 3,094 3,094 3,094 (8,378) 3,094 - - 23 Special Revenue Funds Gadsden Transit Grant accounts for grant funds received from the United States Department of Transportation, matching share revenues transferred from the general fund, and program income such as bus fares. The funds are used primarily for the operation and maintenance of the City's Demand and Response Transit (DART) system and the Fixed Route System, including associated administrative costs. Gadsden Transit Grant (142) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlays Total Expenditures 532,871 363,629 406,990 1,303,490 609,740 396,250 40,000 1,045,990 609,740 396,659 699,942 1,706,341 523,962 341,263 26,842 892,067 598,824 396,750 390,000 1,385,574 Grant Charges For Service Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 759,920 79,240 464,983 1,304,143 534,995 75,000 435,995 1,045,990 534,995 75,000 435,995 1,045,990 477,572 71,363 435,995 984,930 809,787 75,000 500,787 1,385,574 653 - (660,351) 92,863 - 235,925 236,578 236,578 236,578 236,578 (423,773) 236,578 329,441 329,441 329,441 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) Economic Development Fund accounts for rental and lease tax and proceeds from the sale of land owned by the City of Gadsden. The funds are used for promoting economic development, which includes industrial, commercial, and residential. Economic Dev. Fund (160) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Capital Expense - Jack's (East Gadsden) Land Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 4,400 1,000 474,045 479,445 600,000 600,000 24,560 576,876 601,436 22,638 576,876 599,514 799,676 799,676 Rental & Leasing Tax Interest / Other Revenue Sale of Assets Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 577,798 800 578,598 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 622,797 52,293 675,090 600,000 600,000 99,153 (50,000) (51,436) 75,576 (199,676) 39,726 138,879 138,879 88,879 138,879 87,443 138,879 214,455 214,455 14,779 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 24 Special Revenue Funds Law Enforcement Grants account for grants received from the Department of Justice. The funds are used for the purchase of equipment to be used by the Police Department. Law Enforcement Grant Fund (190) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 21,194 9,367 16,934 47,495 - 45,382 45,382 30,821 30,821 - Grant Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 44,384 44,384 - 22,691 22,691 45,382 15,411 22,691 38,102 - Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) (3,111) - - 7,281 - 2,879 2,879 2,879 2,879 2,879 10,160 10,160 10,160 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 5,990 2,879 Other Restricted Funds account for various special revenue funds established by the City Council. The funds are used for various purposes such as special programs, community events, and restricted court fees. Other Restricted Funds (191) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 92,089 349,629 441,718 132,000 16,500 148,500 192,590 470,444 663,034 161,980 329,965 491,945 217,207 217,207 TIF Tax Driving School Fees Court Fees Miscellaneous - Special Programs Senior Citizens Trips Donations - Disaster Relief Miscellaneous - Fitness Fees Miscellaneous - Child Seat Miscellaneous - Training Facility Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 315,184 115,510 5,881 70,315 775 3,219 30 30,000 10 540,924 310,000 110,000 6,000 75,950 3,000 500 50 505,500 310,000 110,000 6,000 75,950 3,000 1,000 50 506,000 344,802 125,935 7,622 63,375 3,518 523 30,000 10 575,785 350,000 125,000 7,500 75,950 71,000 3,000 50 30,000 25 662,525 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) 99,206 357,000 (157,034) 83,840 445,318 1,561,267 1,660,473 1,660,473 2,017,473 1,660,473 1,744,313 1,744,313 2,189,631 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 25 1,660,473 1,503,439 Special Revenue Funds Corrections Fund accounts are used exclusively for the operation and maintenance of the municipal jail or jails, other correctional facilities, any juvenile detention center, or any court complex, and otherwise be subject to the requirements of Section 11-47-7.1, Ala. Code 1975. Corrections Fund (193) Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget 1,761 115,108 50,000 166,869 61,750 50,000 111,750 61,750 121,384 183,134 60,634 75,901 136,535 59,500 59,500 61,381 10,805 72,186 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 72,958 72,958 70,000 70,000 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) (94,683) (46,750) (118,134) (63,577) 10,500 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 157,945 63,262 63,262 16,512 63,262 (54,872) 63,262 (315) (315) 10,185 Court Fees Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue Municipal Court Judicial Administrative Fund shall be used for municipal court operations, including but not limited to, salaries and benefits of court employees, including security guards, the municipal judges, and the municipal prosecutors, and otherwise be subject to the requirements of Act No. 2012-535. Municipal Judicial Admin Fund (194) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 32,687 32,687 40,000 40,000 66,999 66,999 87,099 87,099 36,000 36,000 Court Fees Interest / Other Revenue Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 52,764 52,764 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 66,091 66,091 65,000 65,000 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) 20,077 15,000 (11,999) (21,008) 29,000 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 14,827 34,904 34,904 49,904 34,904 22,905 34,904 13,896 13,896 42,896 26 Special Revenue Funds Municipal Capital Improvement Fund accounts for the City's distributed share of investment income from the Alabama Trust Fund. The funds are used for capital improvements and the associated debt service payments. Capital Improvement Fund (301) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget - - - - - State Shared Revenue Interest / Other Revenue Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 830,576 830,576 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 314,592 314,592 300,000 300,000 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) 830,576 300,000 300,000 314,592 300,000 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 138,092 968,668 968,668 1,268,668 968,668 1,268,668 968,668 1,283,260 1,283,260 1,583,260 Street Maintenance Fund accounts for funds transferred from other City funds that are used for major City street resurfacing projects. Street Maintenance Fund (305) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Street Improvements Total Expenditures 724,663 724,663 255,000 255,000 255,000 255,000 400,000 400,000 258,500 258,500 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 269,800 269,800 255,000 255,000 255,000 255,000 255,000 255,000 258,500 258,500 - - 146,138 146,138 146,138 146,138 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Fund Balance) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) (454,863) 601,001 146,138 27 (145,000) 146,138 1,138 - 1,138 1,138 Internal Service Funds Employee Benefits Fund accounts for expenditures that are associated with the administration of group health benefits, including payments to the State of Alabama Local Government Health Insurance Program, disability insurance premiums and life insurance premiums. In addition, the fund also accounts for the accumulation and allocation of claims arising from the City's self-insured worker's compensation program, insurance premiums, legal and medical fees and administrative expenses. Employee Benefits Fund (510) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Personnel Expenses Operating Expenses Total Expenditures 224,789 6,856,051 7,080,840 244,087 7,436,980 7,681,067 244,087 7,436,980 7,681,067 194,583 6,813,303 7,007,886 242,014 7,374,973 7,616,987 Charges For Workmen's Comp Charges For Group Health Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenue 883,553 6,376,302 7,259,855 999,012 7,219,155 8,218,167 999,012 7,219,155 8,218,167 893,591 6,833,782 7,727,373 1,022,662 5,552,535 6,575,197 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) 179,015 537,100 537,100 719,487 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 643,288 822,303 822,303 1,359,403 822,303 1,359,403 822,303 1,541,790 28 (1,041,790) 1,541,790 500,000 Capital Projects Fund The Capital Projects Fund accounts for revenue and expenditures associated with projects that are funded with bond proceeds, grants, and a 1% sales tax earmarked for economic development. FY13 Actual Exp / Rev Non-Cap Other Equipment Capital Outlay / Computer Equipment Street Improvements Street Improvements - Striping Drainage Improvements Bridges Building Improvements Noccalula Greenway Equipment Technology & Economic Development Outside Agencies / Gadsden/Etowah IDA Outside Agencies / Gadsden CDA Outside Agencies / Airport Authority Transfers To Debt Service 206 Transfers To Capital Lease 230 Transfers To Debt Service 211 Transfers To Debt Service 212 Transfers To Debt Service 213 Transfers To Debt Service 214 Transfers To Debt Service 215 Transfers To Debt Service 216 Transfers To Debt Service 217 Transfers To Debt Service 218 Transfers To Debt Service 219 Transfers To Debt Service 220 Transfers To Debt Service 221 Transfers To Debt Service 222 Transfers To Debt Service 224 47,721 - 7,352,019 7,550,000 10,952,075 7,650,000 900,000 38,630 - 900,000 6,650,000 - 900,000 6,650,000 - 900,000 6,750,000 - 8,036,608 7,550,000 7,550,000 7,650,000 302,213 228,781 84,777 499,430 425,000 112,500 191,823 1,118,528 1,079,888 236,250 41,200 579,138 77,378 448,496 626,566 199,130 6,537,383 560,595 Total Revenue 29 FY15 Approved Budget 429,860 - 19,050 Board Of Education Taxes / Sales And Use Tax Interest Earned Interest On Bank Deposits Other Income / Miscellaneous Operating Transfers In Capital Lease Proceeds FY14 Revised Budget 50,000 450,000 50,000 375,000 412,870 400,000 50,000 425,000 120,500 330,800 194,471 603,113 1,077,785 202,500 782,794 75,014 462,668 625,507 436,978 425,000 - 604,290 Total Expenditures FY14 Approved Budget 50,890 991,494 87,300 557,035 200,000 412,870 33,062 2,479,744 50,000 425,000 120,500 330,800 194,471 1,003,113 1,077,785 130,050 782,794 75,014 462,668 625,507 436,978 425,000 - 440,463 450,000 50,000 250,000 700,000 379,899 400,000 194,795 279,938 348,500 55,475 82,988 456,407 1,550,507 431,244 655,250 392,043 316,528 215,963 Debt Service Funds The East Alabama Industrial Development Authority issued Special Obligation Bonds in 2000 in the amount of $15,475,000 to provide funding for improvements to a parcel of land in Talladega County upon which American Honda Motor Co. constructed and operates an automobile assembly plant. The City of Gadsden entered into a funding agreement with the Authority to be responsible for $2,000,000 of the $15,475,000 bond. Honda Project Assistance 2000 Special Bonds (Fund 206) Will pay off in 2015 FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Total Expenditures 194,823 194,823 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,795 194,795 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 191,823 191,823 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,471 194,541 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) (3,000) 3,254 254 - - - 254 254 254 254 254 254 194,541 (254) 254 - General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $1,715,000 were issued in 2002 for the purpose of refinancing outstanding warrants. The source of funds to pay principal and interest payments on school warrants is a 6 mil ad valorem tax earmarked for educational purposes. School Obligations 2002-B Warrants (Fund 209) Paid off in Feb, 2013 Debt Service Total Expenditures Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget 235,563 235,563 - - - - 80,581 80,581 - - - - (154,982) - - - - 154,982 - - - - - 30 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $8,315,000 were issued in 2003 to provide funding for various capital projects including renovations of the Gadsden Public Library and improvements to Noccalula Falls Park. General Obligation 2003-A Warrants (Fund 210) Paid off in 2014 Refunding FY13 Actual Exp / Rev Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget 311,102 311,102 312,318 312,318 312,318 312,318 48,659 237,633 286,292 - 311,505 312,318 312,318 312,318 312,318 234,239 234,239 - . 311,505 403 51,650 52,053 - - (52,053) - 52,053 52,053 52,053 52,053 52,053 - - General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $29,560,000 were issued in 2003 to provide funding for the construction of a new consolidated high school. The source of funds to pay principal and interest payments on these school warrants are from the 1% sales tax adopted by the City of Gadsden in 2003 which is earmarked for economic development, and through a funding agreement with the Gadsden Board of Education. School Obligations 2003-B Warrants (Fund 211) Paid off in 2014 Refunding FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 1,080,069 1,080,069 1,077,785 1,077,785 1,077,785 1,077,785 173,893 814,077 987,970 - Contribution From School Board Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 1,079,888 1,079,888 1,077,785 1,077,785 1,077,785 1,077,785 808,339 808,339 - (179,631) - 179,631 - - Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) (181) 179,812 179,631 31 - 179,631 179,631 - 179,631 179,631 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $5,165,000 were issued in 2004 for the purpose of urban renewal and redevelopment projects in the East Gadsden area, and the Whorten Bend sewer project. General Obligation 2004-A Warrants (Fund 212) Paid off in Aug, 2013 FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 236,995 38,630 275,625 - - - - Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 236,250 236,250 - - - - Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) (39,375) - - - - 39,375 - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) The Gadsden Airport Authority issued Revenue Warrants in 2004 in the amount of $6,700,000 to provide funding for the acquisition and improvements to various parcels of land adjacent to the Municipal Airport with the intent to promote economic development. The City of Gadsden entered into a funding agreement with the Authority to be responsible for principle and interest payments. The source of the funds for this agreement are from the 1% sales tax adopted by the City of Gadsden in 2003 which is earmarked for economic development. Airport Authority Funding Agreement 2004 Revenue Warrants (Fund 213) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures 29,796 29,796 402,500 402,500 402,500 402,500 395,677 395,677 425,000 425,000 Transfer From Other Funds Due From MS2 Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 41,200 41,200 130,050 72,450 202,500 130,050 72,450 202,500 130,050 130,050 348,500 76,500 425,000 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) 11,404 (200,000) (200,000) (265,627) - 216,305 227,709 227,709 27,709 227,709 27,709 227,709 (37,918) (37,918) (37,918) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 32 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $11,275,000 were issued in 2012 for the purpose of refunding the 2005 GOW, which were issued to proved funding for renovations at the Gadsden Public Library and Noccalula Falls Park. General Obligation 2012-D GOW (Fund 214) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Total Expenditures 1,320,725 1,320,725 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,875 1,420,875 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 1,191,679 1,191,679 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,420,476 1,120,875 1,120,875 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) (129,046) 619,900 490,854 - 490,854 490,854 - 490,854 490,854 - 490,854 490,854 (300,000) 490,854 190,854 General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $1,000,000 were issued in 2006 for the purpose of providing additional funds for the renovation projects at Noccalula Falls, the Riverfront, and the Gadsden Public Library. Funds will also be used for street improvement projects as well as community revitalization projects on Wall Street and Tuscaloosa Avenue. General Obligation AmFund 2006 Issue (Fund 215) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Total Expenditures 76,360 76,360 75,014 75,014 75,014 75,014 75,014 75,014 82,988 82,988 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 77,378 77,378 75,014 75,014 75,014 75,014 75,014 75,014 82,988 82,988 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) 1,018 - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 6,984 8,002 8,002 8,002 8,002 8,002 8,002 8,002 8,002 8,002 33 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $5,000,000 were issued in 2011 to provide financing to pay off a line of credit with Wells Fargo that was issued in 2008. This line of credit was used to provide financing for the construction of a Career Tech Building at Gadsden City High School, as well as capital improvements to Airport Road. The remaining funds will be used to replace the Tuscaloosa Avenue bridge. General Obligation 2011-A GOW (Fund 217) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Total Expenditures 447,629 447,629 462,668 462,668 462,668 462,668 461,946 461,946 456,407 456,407 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 448,496 448,496 462,668 462,668 462,668 462,668 462,668 462,668 456,407 456,407 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 867 1,852 2,719 - - 2,719 2,719 2,719 2,719 722 2,719 3,441 - 3,441 3,441 General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $17,790,000 were issued in 2012 for the purpose of refinancing a portion of the 2003B GOW. The 2003B warrants were issued to provide funding for the construction of a new consolidated high school The savings from the refinancing will be used for technology upgrades at Gadsden City School systems. General Obligation 2012-A GOW (Fund 218) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Total Expenditures 638,580 638,580 625,507 625,507 625,507 625,507 626,566 626,566 1,550,507 1,550,507 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 626,567 12,013 638,580 625,507 625,507 625,507 625,507 626,565 1 626,566 1,550,507 1,550,507 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) - - - - - 34 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $3,950,000 were issued in 2012 for the purpose of refinancing a portion of the 2003A GOW. The 2003A warrants were issued to provide funding for capital improvements at the Gadsden City Library and Noccalula Falls Park. The savings from the refinancing will be used for riverfront development. General Obligation 2012-B GOW (Fund 219) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Total Expenditures 202,544 202,544 436,978 436,978 436,978 436,978 438,038 438,038 431,244 431,244 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 199,130 3,414 202,544 436,978 436,978 436,978 436,978 438,038 438,038 431,244 431,244 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) - - - - - General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $7,605,000 were issued in 2012 for the purpose of refinancing a portion of the 2004A GOW. The 2004A warrants were issued for redevelopment projects in East Gadsden. The savings from the refinancing will be used for riverfront development. General Obligation 2012-C GOW (Fund 220) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Total Expenditures 432,454 432,454 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000 426,060 426,060 655,250 655,250 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 429,860 2,594 432,454 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000 426,060 426,060 655,250 655,250 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) - - - - - 35 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $2,650,000 were issued in 2014 for the purpose of acquiring the old KMart property in East Gadsden as part of the Riverfront Development Project. General Obligation 2014-A Warrants (Fund 221) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures - - - - 392,043 392,043 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue - - - - 392,043 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) - - - - - 392,043 General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $7,510,000 were issued in 2014 for the purpose of refinancing the remaining portion of the 2003-B GOW. The 2003-B warrants were issued to provide funding for the construction of a new consolidated high school. The savings from the refinancing will be used by the city to finance a portion of various capital projects, as well as technology upgrades for schools within the city. General Obligation 2014-B Warrants (Fund 222) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures - - - - 316,528 316,528 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue - - - - 316,528 316,528 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) - - - - - 36 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $2,040,000 were issued in 2014 for the purpose of refinancing the remaining portion of the 2003-A GOW. The 2003-A warrants were issued to provide funding for capital improvements at the Gadsden City Library and Noccalula Falls Park. The savings from the refinancing will be used for various capital projects, including drainage improvements, riverfront development and street improvements. General Obligation 2014-C Warrants (Fund 223) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures - - - - 84,276 84,276 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue - - - - 84,276 84,276 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) - - - - - General Obligation Warrants in the amount of $1,650,000 were issued in 2014 for the purpose of acquiring riverfront property for future commercial development. General Obligation 2014-D Warrants (Fund 224) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service Transfer To Other Funds Total Expenditures - - 54,955 54,955 54,955 54,955 215,963 215,963 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue - - 54,955 54,955 54,955 54,955 215,963 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) - - - - - Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) - - - - - 37 215,963 Debt Service Funds The Capital Lease debt service fund was created in fiscal 2003 to account for resources needed to pay principal and interest payments on capital leases. Capital Leases (Fund 230) FY13 Actual Exp / Rev FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY14 Estimated Exp / Rev FY15 Approved Budget Debt Service - Fleet Debt Service - Fire Debt Service - Communications Debt Service - Facilities Total Expenditures 671,748 603,113 48,912 1,323,773 81,965 603,113 48,912 733,990 708,504 603,113 48,912 1,360,529 708,504 603,113 48,912 1,360,529 279,938 308,502 8,153 596,593 Transfer From Other Funds Interest / Other Revenue Total Revenue 1,323,774 1,323,774 733,990 733,990 1,360,527 1,360,527 1,360,527 1,360,527 596,593 596,593 Revenues Excess Of Expenditures (Appropriated Reserves) 1 Fund Balance (Beginning) Fund Balance (Ending) 1 2 38 - (2) 2 2 2 - - (2) - 2 - General Government Mayor's Office City Council City Clerk Revenue Department Legal Department 39 Position Summary TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor's Office 1 Mayor 1 Administrative Assistant 1 Dir. of Economic Dev. & Gov't Affairs 1 Executive Secretary to Mayor 1 Secretary to the Mayor's Office 1 Non-Full Time 6 Total City Council 7 Elected Officials 7 Total 26 Revenue 1 Senior Revenue Officer 2 Revenue Officer 1 Revenue Accounting Assistant 1 Non-Full Time 5 Total Legal 1 1 1 3 City Clerk 1 City Clerk 1 Assistant City Clerk 1 Administrative Office Assistant 1 Part-Time 1 Non-Full Time 5 Total 40 City Attorney Legal Secretary Part-Time Total Mayor's Office The primary goal of the Mayor's office is to provide the citizens of Gadsden, the City Council, employees, media, and other agencies with the opportunity to participate in the process of government. An additional goal is to foster an exchange of ideas, address citizens' needs and to present community and public relations. The final goal is to provide quality service when processing complaints, address requests for service in a timely manner, generate innovative ideas, and provide reliable information collection and presentation. Functions Administration Through management and direction of city departments, it is the function of the administrative staff to ensure the laws and ordinances of the City are enforced properly and equitably. Identify and develop projects that will be of benefit to all segments of the community, identify areas of Municipal Government that could be more productive and implement appropriate measures to correct problems. Identify events in our community which provide positive community involvement and enhance public relations. Beautification Promote the cleanliness, beautification and overall environmental quality of the City and Etowah County. City Council The City Council serves as the governing body of the City, exercising legislative powers and representing the interests of the citizens in policy formulation and decision making. It is the goal of the Council to promote the health, comfort, infrastructure development, economic development, safety and general welfare of the City of Gadsden. Functions Enact laws that govern the citizens of Gadsden by adopting ordinances and resolutions. Conduct public hearings to seek citizens input regarding certain issues, such as nuisance abatement, zoning, issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses, community development projects, etc. Make appointments to various boards that advise and assist in conducting municipal functions. After the annual budget is presented by the Mayor, the Council reviews, amends if necessary, conducts a public hearing and adopts a finalized budget for the upcoming fiscal year. 41 City Clerk The goal of the City Clerk's office is to accurately record all official actions of the governing body, provide a check and balance system for all financial functions, protect and maintain city records and archives, conduct impartial municipal elections, and provide service to the citizens, elected officials, city departments and outside organizations in a professional manner. Functions Financial Review Review, sign and disburse payroll and payable checks. Review maintenance of central accounting records and collection of special street and sewer levies. Coordinate sale of city surplus property and equipment. Records Maintain archives and history of the City; manage central record room, implement retention schedules and perform destruction of obsolete records in accordance with law. Maintain, index and preserve all official documents. City Council Support Provide all clerical and secretarial support for council members. General Official keeper of the city seal. Receive sealed bids and conduct public openings, receive all claims filed against the City, and distribute the City Code and supplements. Administer oaths of office to various officials and municipal board members, coordinate requests to purchase city-owned property or satisfy liens, obtain titles and registration for all city vehicles, and distribute incoming mail. Elections Maintain street index for proper voter assignment, prepare list of qualified voters, qualify candidates and provide necessary information to comply with campaign requirements. Comply with state and local law concerning public notification and advertisement, conduct absentee voting, coordinate and train election officials, tabulate and certify election results, and maintain records in the manner prescribed by state and city laws. 42 Revenue The goal of the Revenue Department is to collect all revenues legally due the City in a timely and professional manner. Functions Revenue Collection and Enforcement Collect business, occupational and other licenses fees prior to issuing business licenses. Collect gasoline, tobacco, and other taxes and fees. Account for rental income that is due to the City. Enforcement Coordinate and monitor Ala Tax collection and remittance of sales, rental and use taxes. Administer and enforce City Code as it relates to licenses and taxes. Perform audits of taxpayers to verify compliance with city tax ordinances. Inform and educate taxpayers on issues relating to taxes and licenses. Legal The goal of the Legal Department is to provide professional legal service on a timely basis and in a responsive manner to all clients - the City of Gadsden, the governing body, elected officials, directors, and employees, and to communicate in a professional manner with the public. Functions Administration Advise the Mayor, City Council, directors, municipal board members, and agencies regarding legal aspects of city government. Draft and review ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other documents arising in the normal operation of municipal government. Examine documents for title to real property, render opinions, prepare contracts and deeds relating to municipal property. Act as Secretary-Treasurer of the Industrial Development Board of the City of Gadsden. Edit changes to the Code of Ordinances of the City. Litigation Represent the City, officials, employees, boards and agencies in litigation in federal and state courts. Supervise the actions of outside legal counsel representing the same. Investigate and adjust claims filed against the City, within the department's authority. Supervise the payment of all claims. 43 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Mayor's Office FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP VEHICLE LEASES ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS 321,411 2,700 5,011 24,625 49,008 44,001 13,083 292 50 3,172 1,770 362 1,125 92 100 310 3,021 7,927 2,463 4,315 2,634 60 327,933 11,904 2,331 2,100 6,082 26,802 50,657 47,188 13,837 500 50 3,250 1,477 1,250 250 250 500 3,500 7,950 4,000 4,339 6,584 1,000 327,933 11,904 2,331 2,100 6,082 26,802 50,657 47,188 13,837 443 50 3,250 1,477 1,250 250 250 500 3,500 7,950 4,000 4,612 6,584 784 342,645 10,788 2,608 2,347 6,233 27,894 51,924 36,000 14,387 500 50 3,775 1,477 936 1,250 250 250 2,500 3,500 300 7,950 4,000 4,607 6,230 1,000 PERSONNEL 459,839 488,834 488,834 494,825 OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 27,693 487,532 34,900 523,734 34,900 523,734 38,575 533,400 44 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget City Council PART-TIME EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CAR ALLOWANCE DISCRETIONARY FUNDS / DISTRICT 1 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS / DISTRICT 2 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS / DISTRICT 3 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS / DISTRICT 4 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS / DISTRICT 5 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS / DISTRICT 6 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS / DISTRICT 7 TRAINING AND TRAVEL / DISTRICT 1 TRAINING AND TRAVEL / DISTRICT 2 TRAINING AND TRAVEL / DISTRICT 3 TRAINING AND TRAVEL / DISTRICT 4 TRAINING AND TRAVEL / DISTRICT 5 TRAINING AND TRAVEL / DISTRICT 6 TRAINING AND TRAVEL / DISTRICT 7 PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 98,161 6,974 33,000 3,925 690 1,861 6,948 1,629 409 152 741 2,164 1,415 429 16,800 19,993 20,000 19,700 19,991 18,525 19,921 20,000 5,567 6,071 12,265 2,974 3,265 2,484 4,906 99,042 7,577 35,391 3,962 1,200 1,900 7,725 4,212 500 500 1,250 8,820 550 16,800 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 99,042 7,577 35,391 3,962 1,200 1,900 7,725 4,212 500 500 1,250 8,820 550 16,800 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 6,000 7,500 10,500 4,500 6,000 1,500 6,000 105,147 8,044 27,000 4,206 4,000 2,080 6,780 4,212 500 500 1,000 550 16,800 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 142,060 208,900 350,960 145,972 225,457 371,429 145,972 225,457 371,429 144,397 263,922 408,319 45 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget City Clerk FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT COPIER LEASES ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL 135,722 24,045 2,640 2,376 8,439 12,693 29,927 31,167 6,727 372 647 600 800 4,398 (660) 41 96 3,330 7,774 776 3,290 RECORDING & OTHER FEES 404 ELECTION EXPENSES - PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 253,736 21,868 275,604 46 137,218 29,952 2,640 2,376 8,544 13,826 30,260 23,594 7,029 400 100 647 700 1,000 7,500 50 150 3,226 17,500 890 3,302 137,218 29,952 2,640 2,376 8,544 13,826 30,260 23,594 7,029 400 100 647 700 1,000 7,500 50 150 3,226 17,500 890 3,302 140,629 28,333 2,740 2,457 8,756 13,993 31,012 18,000 7,109 500 100 647 743 1,000 6,500 50 150 3,496 15,000 894 4,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 50,000 50,000 10,000 255,439 86,965 342,404 255,439 86,965 342,404 253,029 44,580 297,609 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Revenue FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES 129,893 131,102 131,102 134,430 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 12,300 14,592 14,592 13,224 - - - 2,461 10,690 27,477 44,001 5,789 229,871 2,511 50 1,628 630 1,464 2,491 11,336 27,734 47,188 5,927 5,000 85 1,850 866 1,500 2,491 11,336 27,734 47,188 5,927 5,000 85 1,850 866 1,500 1,946 2,820 11,707 28,493 36,000 6,019 4,000 85 2,000 865 1,750 9,600 12,500 12,500 12,500 100 100 233 2,619 77 2,820 1,122 179 1,450 345 500 3,000 2,820 863 200 2,000 150 500 3,000 2,820 863 200 2,000 150 500 3,000 2,820 863 205 2,000 200 232,611 254,599 487,210 240,370 31,434 271,804 240,370 31,434 271,804 235,254 30,788 266,042 VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES - OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT COPIER LEASES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 47 614 - FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Legal FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES LEGAL SERVICES FEES LITIGATION EXPENSES COURT REPORTER FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES BOOKS 31,229 13,209 3,333 6,850 11,000 1,849 24,225 156,434 8,181 230 72,646 1,073 127 811 243 (168) 58 1,989 COPIER LEASES 125,486 14,100 10,678 25,977 23,594 5,583 7,500 152,500 20,000 200 100 650 1,200 750 750 250 100 1,300 125,486 14,100 10,678 25,977 23,594 5,583 7,500 152,030 20,000 200 100 650 1,200 470 750 750 250 100 1,300 129,501 15,300 638 11,126 26,941 18,000 5,818 7,000 125,000 17,500 2,000 200 100 650 1,525 745 1,000 500 250 100 1,800 2,981 2,751 2,751 2,751 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL RECORDING & OTHER FEES LEGAL CLAIMS 4,357 269 105,508 4,627 300 200,000 6,054 2,500 1,005 195,368 5,960 2,500 1,000 175,000 PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 67,470 378,964 446,434 205,418 392,978 598,396 205,418 392,978 598,396 207,323 345,581 552,904 48 Internal Services Finance Department Management Information Services (M.I.S.) Purchasing Department Fleet Management Personnel Department Risk Management 49 Position Summary TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICES Finance 1 Director of Finance 1 Asst Director of Finance 1 Accounting Supervisor 2 Administrative Office Assistant 1 Payroll Coordinator 1 Senior Accountant 7 Total M.I.S. 1 2 1 1 5 Director of M.I.S. Network Administrator Administrative Office Assistant Non-Full Time Total Personnel 1 Director of Personnel 2 Personnel Clerk III 3 Total 41 Fleet Management 1 Fleet Manager 2 Automotive Shop Supervisor 1 Administrative Supervisor 10 Automotive Mechanic 2 Automotive Mechanic Helper 1 Buyer 2 Secretary 2 Part-Time 2 Non-Full Time 23 Total Risk Management - Fund 510 1 Director of Risk Management 1 Administrative Office Assistant 2 Total Purchasing 1 Purchasing Agent 1 Total 50 Finance The goal of the Finance Department is to provide the citizens of Gadsden, elected officials, city departments and other interested parties financial information and financial services in a professional and effective manner. Function Financial Planning & Analysis Direct and account for the investments of city funds, prepare the annual budget, conduct budget reviews and meetings, provide city officials with analysis of the financial conditions of the city, maintain records of fixed assets, and monitor compliance of all GASB. Accounting & Financial Reporting Prepare and maintain all accounting records for all funds, prepare monthly and annual financial reports, and process requests for payment of the city from vendors of goods and services. Pay Administration Maintain a formalized pay plan for systematic salary progression and monitor hours of all seasonal and parttime personnel. Management Information Services (M.I.S.) The goal of M.I.S. is to provide quality data processing and support to city departments in an efficient and cost-effective manner by continuously planning, evaluating, developing and implementing programs in support of city approved objectives and priorities. M.I.S. is also a service center for all departments, providing a way to further automate each department economically and efficiently with information Functions Applications Support Provide computer applications support to all users in the form of new systems and programs, and maintenance of existing systems and programs. Provide computer-related training, database management, batch job execution and control and mainframe / PC interface support. Technical Support Install, configure and resolve problems in operating systems, computer terminals and printers. Provide a stable computing environment for all users. Monitor and manage system resources. Provide installation and maintenance of computer equipment and software. Provide assistance to users. 51 Purchasing The purpose of the Purchasing Department is to provide a systematic and efficient procurement program for the City of Gadsden departmental operations while ensuring the best possible combination of price and quality. A common goal for City Departments and Purchasing is the promotion of local procurement spend as well as participation by local businesses in a fair yet competitive process for obtaining goods and services on behalf of our organization. Functions Procurement Service Maintain purchasing procedures necessary to adhere to the intent and purpose of the Alabama Competitive Bid Law and other statutory regulations relative to all expenditures or contractual obligation of funds for labor, services and the purchase or lease of materials, equipment, supplies or other personal property. Establish and enforce conformance to required specifications, qualities and quantities determined in the competitive bid process. Implement clear internal guidelines for procurement methodology to encourage sound buying practices for daily operations of our organization. Fleet Management The goal of Fleet Management is to provide safe transportation to all city departments with minimum downtime and minimum cost. Functions Administrative Effectively manage city vehicles and equipment, provide the most efficient equipment, collect records to ensure safe operation, and develop replacement intervals and to control costs. Fleet Maintenance Ensure safe operations of city vehicles through inspection, service and repair; maintain high repair standards and efficient cost control. Parts Department Provide low cost, high quality vehicle repair parts and outside repairs to all city departments. Motor Pool Provide transportation to drivers with assigned vehicles or for units down for service, provide fuel to all city vehicles, and to receive, store and properly dispose of surplus city property. 52 Personnel The goal of the Personnel Department is to recruit and retain a highly competent work force through a responsible, progressive human resource management system. Functions Recruitment, Selection & Placement Promote community awareness for career opportunities by properly advertising such opportunities within the community; fill vacancies in accordance with job qualification and requirements without discrimination as to race, sex, color, age, creed, national origin, disability or lawful political affiliation. Establish and promote programs based upon merit principals for the selection, retention, promotion, and reassignment of personnel. Position Reclassifications Prepare and maintain adequate classifications and job descriptions for each position, establish appropriate job standards and evaluate positions to determine proper grade level. Employee Relations Provide an employee grievance and appeal procedure. Provide employees due process for all disciplinary matters. Establish a system of communication to inform employees of their responsibilities, rights and privileges derived from employment. Provide a discrimination grievance process. Promote training and education in the work force; provide opportunities to employees for further development and advancement. 53 Risk Management The goal of Risk Management is to administer a multitude of employee/retiree benefit programs, loss control programs, and insurance programs to cover those unavoidable losses that are a consequence of providing service to the citizens of Gadsden. Functions Employee/Retired Benefits Plan Manage a comprehensive program providing health (hospital, doctor, drug card), dental, short term disability, life insurance, and optional life insurance to employees, retirees and dependents Manage Cafeteria Program offering employees the opportunity to pay premium payments, unreimbursed medical expenses, and childcare expenses with pre-tax dollars Administer pre-employment, post accident, return to duty, and random drug and alcohol testing Manage Employee Assistance Program for troubled employees including employees who threaten violence in the workplace Maintain and monitor list of employees approved to drive/operate city vehicles based on an adopted point system Implemented and oversee the Deferred Compensation Program (457B) administered by AIG Valic Property and Casualty Insurance Coverage Purchase and manage all property casualty insurance coverage (i.e. Auto, GL, Police Professional and Public Officials Liability, City owned building and contents coverage, Auto and Heavy Equipment Physical Damage coverages, as well as a wide variety of bond coverages Worker's Compensation Program Manage a self-insured worker's compensation program. Claims are processed from the on-set of injury to conclusion whether through litigation or an agreed court approved settlement. New Employee Orientation Manage a self-insured worker's compensation program. Claims are processed from the on-set of injury to conclusion whether through litigation or an agreed court approved settlement. 54 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Finance FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACCOUNTING & AUDITING FEE CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS 275,747 668 6,126 6,056 11,234 21,600 60,633 65,084 11,694 79,126 968 1,800 1,705 1,099 717 47 895 51 - 287,955 4,854 6,851 12,670 23,893 62,410 70,782 12,025 69,500 2,000 85 2,025 2,000 2,000 1,000 250 925 1,500 50 287,955 4,854 6,851 12,670 23,893 62,410 70,782 12,025 69,500 2,000 85 2,025 2,000 2,000 1,000 250 961 1,464 50 356,262 6,738 8,258 13,014 29,397 76,613 63,000 14,771 83,750 1,250 100 2,205 2,000 1,500 1,000 250 980 1,500 50 PERSONNEL 458,842 481,440 481,440 568,053 OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 86,408 545,250 81,335 562,775 81,335 562,775 94,585 662,638 55 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget M.I.S. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE CABLE & SATELLITE FEES INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL R & M - COMPUTER EQUIP R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 99,080 17,202 2,166 3,418 1,127 8,889 20,803 22,000 4,691 29,239 560 1,832 2,006 3,917 223 24 76 1,972 8,972 388 4,172 10,674 345 1,513 45,328 163,696 18,432 3,418 2,068 14,352 34,362 35,391 7,368 33,196 700 50 2,000 1,477 4,000 250 200 150 3,500 6,500 500 5,000 12,500 12,500 350 4,000 - 163,696 18,432 3,418 2,068 14,352 34,362 35,391 7,368 33,196 700 50 2,000 1,477 4,700 250 200 150 3,500 6,500 500 6,617 12,500 12,500 350 4,295 41,557 166,192 16,704 2,146 3,547 3,218 14,673 35,119 27,000 7,445 33,196 700 50 2,175 1,480 4,770 250 200 150 3,000 6,500 500 5,000 12,500 42,500 24,950 3,000 - OTHER EQUIPMENT 9,992 - - 89,995 SYSTEM/SOFTWARE 47,498 - 21,034 - PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 179,376 65,913 102,818 348,107 56 279,087 86,873 365,960 279,087 89,485 62,591 431,163 276,044 140,921 89,995 506,960 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Purchasing FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 28,858 2,224 6,021 1,160 35 452 248 5 32 279 32,323 2,473 6,710 1,293 550 300 250 50 100 225 32,323 2,473 6,710 1,293 550 300 250 50 100 225 33,114 2,533 6,874 1,325 600 300 50 50 100 225 PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 38,263 1,051 39,314 42,799 1,475 44,274 42,799 1,475 44,274 43,846 1,325 45,171 57 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Fleet Management FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL CHEMICALS TOOLS R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP 593,168 43,979 17,730 2,170 6,502 23,605 49,167 134,807 200,753 3,300 27,288 331 615 69,836 2,027 980 780 2,523 446 162 1,060 20,254 15,912 521 4,563 610,183 87 2,222 32 660,296 58,523 18,000 1,576 6,951 22,248 58,721 145,324 235,940 3,900 30,363 800 100 500 65,000 2,100 1,030 850 2,500 600 300 1,000 20,000 16,500 1,500 6,000 650,000 3,000 150 660,296 58,523 18,000 1,576 6,951 22,248 58,721 145,324 235,940 3,900 30,363 800 100 500 65,000 2,100 1,030 850 2,548 600 300 1,000 20,000 16,500 1,500 6,000 650,000 3,000 150 625,248 54,670 21,000 3,359 6,101 23,627 56,151 138,938 171,000 3,600 28,982 800 100 500 64,000 2,095 1,130 890 2,500 500 300 1,000 20,000 18,000 1,000 6,000 650,000 3,000 100 NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP 2,523 1,450 1,450 1,250 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 522 672 672 600 COPIER LEASES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS 728 5,195 3,068 4,467 15,878 - 771 7,100 4,000 4,500 7,400 3,500 771 7,100 4,000 4,500 9,215 1,685 771 12,305 4,000 4,500 24,800 - 1,102,469 749,037 15,878 1,867,384 1,241,842 790,423 10,900 2,043,165 1,241,842 790,471 10,900 2,043,213 1,132,675 795,341 24,800 1,952,816 21,481 25,000 25,000 22,500 PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES Motor Pool GAS AND OIL 58 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Personnel FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL 139,236 3,366 4,223 12,023 11,681 31,401 20,167 6,050 1,244 50 1,479 1,690 177 1,409 322 8,739 3,042 365 151,029 4,692 4,223 12,901 13,223 34,032 23,594 6,557 5,000 2,500 1,600 1,400 500 1,500 400 7,500 1,750 1,500 151,029 4,692 4,223 12,901 13,223 34,032 23,594 6,557 5,000 2,500 1,600 1,400 500 1,500 400 7,971 1,750 1,500 154,814 6,097 4,996 13,225 13,704 34,885 18,000 6,722 5,000 2,000 1,740 1,400 500 1,500 400 7,500 1,750 1,500 PERSONNEL OPERATING 228,147 18,517 250,251 23,650 250,251 24,121 252,443 23,290 TOTAL EXPENSES 246,664 273,901 274,372 275,733 PROFESSIONAL FEES COURT REPORTER FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES ADVERTISING 3,000 8,149 12,741 560 783 3,600 2,061 3,000 8,000 200 14,000 950 1,000 12,000 3,500 3,000 8,000 200 14,000 950 1,000 12,000 3,500 3,000 6,000 12,500 750 1,000 12,000 3,500 OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 30,894 30,894 42,650 42,650 42,650 42,650 38,750 38,750 Civil Service 59 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Risk Management FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES TRAINING & TRAVEL PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 510) 97,928 592 592 7,507 7,501 21,577 22,000 4,158 82 978 1,126 858 333 - 97,282 592 592 7,860 8,134 21,827 23,594 4,206 200 1,100 1,200 1,750 750 1,000 97,282 592 592 7,860 8,134 21,827 23,594 4,206 200 1,100 1,200 1,750 750 1,000 99,715 614 607 8,056 8,338 22,373 18,000 4,311 200 1,025 1,200 1,250 750 1,000 161,855 3,377 165,232 164,087 6,000 170,087 164,087 6,000 170,087 162,014 5,425 167,439 60 Public Safety Fire Department Police Department Animal Control Municipal Court Emergency Management Agency (E.M.A.) Communications 61 Position Summary TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Fire 1 3 1 1 1 1 33 48 33 1 1 1 125 290 Animal Control 3 Animal Control Officer 3 Non-Full Time 6 Total Police 1 4 7 16 74 1 16 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 4 138 Municipal Court 1 Chief Magistrate 5 Magistrate 7 Part-Time (Security Guards) 13 Total E.M.A. 1 Director of E.M.A. 2 Emergency Management Specialist 2 Non-Full Time 5 Total Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire Marshall Assistant Fire Marshall Fire Training Officer Emergency Medical Serv. Supervisor Fire Commander Firefighter Firefighter / Driver Administrative Office Assistant Secretary Non-Full Time Total Communications 2 Communications Operations Assistant 1 Video Production Assistant 3 Total 62 Police Chief Police Captain Police Lieutenant Police Sergeant Police Officer Building Maintenance Technician Communication Specialist Communications Supervisor Forensic Scientist I Network Administrator Police Records Clerk Property Control Supervisor Property Control Assistant Secretary Secretary to Police Chief Part-Time (Records) Non-Full Time (Dispatch or Clerical) Total Fire Department The goal of the Fire Department is dedicated to provide reliable professional emergency services to the citizens of Gadsden. We are committed to protecting the lives and property in our community. We will accomplish our mission through education, fire prevention, fire suppression, emergency medical services and other non-emergency activities. We will actively participate in the community, striving to efficiently and effectively utilize all resources at our command to meet the needs of the citizens we serve. Functions Operations (Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services, Hazardous Material) Respond to emergency situations involving fire, emergency medical situations including motor vehicle accidents, hazardous materials incidents, natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the department is to maximize life safety, minimize property loss and to mitigate the emergency in order to protect the citizens of the City of Gadsden. Fire Prevention (Inspection, Fire Investigation, Public Education) Proactive approaches to fire and life loss management. This objective is met through fire loss management functions such as building code requirements, compliance and public fire awareness. To be effective, fire and emergency services loss management must involve a proactive program aimed at identifying and removing fire and emergency risk factors within the community. This includes aggressive fire investigation to determine cause and origin to eliminate the criminal aspects of fire cause. Training Training is the key ingredient which gives direction and organization to standard operation procedures and command and control at the emergency scene. Federal and State guidelines mandate that certain levels of training must be met before mitigation can be attempted. Training instills pride, self-confidence, unity and continuity during unusual and highly stressful events. 63 Police Department The goal of the Gadsden Police Department is to work with citizens of the community to preserve life, maintain human rights and dignity, protect property, foster individual responsibility and community awareness, thereby maintaining and enhancing Gadsden's status as the most livable city in Alabama. Functions Administrative Responsible for general management and oversight of all functions and responsibilities of the department. Primarily responsible for fiscal management, planning, research, and development of policies and procedures. Operations Provide initial field response on all incidents reported to the department including crime prevention, enforcement of criminal codes, traffic statues, ordinances, disaster and civil disorder. Criminal Investigation Provide follow-up investigation of felony offenses, juvenile operations, forensic investigations and arrest warrants. Services Provide staff support to the operational components of the department, including records management, property control, crime analysis and operation of the communications center. Professional Standards Responsible for quality control functions for the department, including personnel administration, training and career development, internal affairs investigation and staff inspection. Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit Provide intelligence, staffing and other resources to the Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit to support narcotics enforcement and interdiction efforts. 64 Animal Control The goal of Animal Control is to create a customer friendly atmosphere while providing efficient and quality service for citizens of Gadsden, to execute its duties as an enforcement entity and to educate the public in the responsibilities of pet ownership, animal care, control and welfare by the promotion of positive public relation programs. Functions Enforcement Enforce city ordinances and state codes pertinent to animal control and care. Respond to requests for service from the public and patrol officers. Shelter Operations Works in conjunction with the Humane Society of Etowah County to provide animal impound services as defined in the annual agreement. Human Education & Public Relations Provide education about responsible pet ownership, therefore, reducing the pet over-population problem. Municipal Court The goal of Municipal Court is to fairly and impartially adjudicate traffic and misdemeanor cases, to efficiently maintain information and records concerning said cases, and to assist citizens in the resolution of cases, protection of their rights and understanding of the municipal judicial system. Functions Judicial Two part-time municipal judges are appointed by the City Council for two-year terms. The Mayor designates one as the presiding judge and one as the alternate. If both judges recuse themselves or are otherwise unavailable, the Mayor appoints a temporary judge. Municipal Court Operations Process misdemeanor, traffic and parking cases and issue summons and warrants. Monitor incarceration of prisoners and coordinate the work-release and electronic monitoring programs. Collect the payment of all fines, maintain current court records and destroy obsolete records in accordance with the retention schedule. Assist court with referrals for defensive driving school and other programs as assigned by the judge. Provide court-related information to the public, other courts and governmental 65 Emergency Management Agency (E.M.A.) The mission and purpose of the Gadsden/Etowah County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is to develop, coordinate and administer an effective, comprehensive all-hazards emergency management program for the City of Gadsden and Etowah County. This is accomplished through an on-going combination of resources and mitigation, preparedness, and response efforts to save lives and lessen the effects of disasters on the citizens of Gadsden and Etowah County. Functions Administration Planning Administer local, state, and federal emergency management policies and procedures in identifying, planning for, and coordinating effective response to all natural or man-made disasters, chemical hazards and incidents involving terrorist activities. Administer local, state, and federal grant monies in placement of response equipment for all fire, law enforcement, and other emergency response agencies throughout the county. Alert & Notification / Warning Etowah County has a total of 85 outdoor warning sirens within the boundaries of Etowah County. 63 of these outdoor warning sirens are owned and maintained by the individual, municipal jurisdictions, and 22 are located within the unincorporated areas of Etowah County and owned and maintained by the Etowah County Commission. The responsibility of the Gadsden-Etowah County Emergency Management Agency is limited to the activation of all outdoor warning sirens within the county during incidents that require outdoor warning activation, and to facilitate the maintenance process by written agreement with the municipal jurisdictions and the Etowah County Commission. The EMA provides public alerts through the use of NIXLE.com for citizens who desire to sign up at no cost; “Community Alerts” through the NOAA Weather Alert Radio system, Highway Advisory Radio System to broadcast local weather, and utilizes Mobile Electronic Message Boards for traffic control and public safety information. Public Awareness Provide public awareness program to keep citizens informed as to potential hazards and appropriate response to insure safety. This is accomplished through making presentations to civic groups, schools, businesses, and by hosting meetings for the general public. Communications The Communication Department is dedicated to providing the highest level of reliable and professional technical service to all city departments. We will accomplish our mission through continued education and open communication with all employees, striving to efficiently and effectively utilize all resources and tools at our disposal to meet the needs of the city employees. Functions Operations Respond to communication outages for all radio and telephone networks. Installation and maintenance of various electronic equipment to include radios, vehicle cameras, GPS units, video and security systems, telephone and PA systems. Maintain a records database for all telephone and long distance codes as well as a tracking system for all costs incurred due to purchases of equipment or maintenance fees. Operate and maintain the city cable television channel. Video various city sponsored events and develop programming. 66 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Fire Department FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OTHER OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES FIRE MEDIC SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP COPIER LEASES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR VEHICLES OTHER EQUIPMENT SYSTEM/SOFTWARE BUILDINGS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFER - CAP LEASE 230 4,464,175 10,683 245,327 636,403 73,093 48,341 200,694 66,682 1,133,225 1,265,019 156,928 229,035 1,998 6,513 26,095 74,602 44,377 21,294 3,519 13,687 4,025 3,399 259 275 30,601 25,472 27,948 877 89,200 279 70,062 16,551 12,650 396 95 24,353 1,333 891 20,154 479 38,846 19,888 47,800 150,446 156,334 4,650,593 14,423 223,546 400,000 65,000 60,000 204,730 79,218 1,137,022 1,427,437 158,600 219,732 2,320 5,000 28,500 75,000 67,375 23,000 4,000 12,870 4,500 5,500 300 800 40,000 35,000 30,000 2,500 101,700 2,000 500 120,000 25,800 15,500 500 2,000 30,600 2,000 1,000 19,000 500 15,000 63,145 30,000 73,340 308,502 4,650,593 14,423 223,546 400,000 65,000 60,000 204,730 79,218 1,137,022 1,427,437 158,600 219,732 650 3,320 5,000 31,500 75,000 67,375 23,000 4,000 12,870 4,500 5,500 300 800 41,143 35,030 30,000 2,500 101,700 2,000 122,400 22,300 18,104 500 2,000 31,364 2,000 1,000 29,000 500 14,350 77,020 20,000 73,340 308,502 4,737,447 13,071 225,918 450,000 61,085 42,953 211,105 81,631 1,167,080 1,080,000 158,600 225,502 3,300 5,000 28,500 75,000 67,375 23,000 4,000 15,870 5,100 5,500 300 500 40,000 35,000 31,000 2,500 101,700 2,000 500 120,000 25,800 15,500 500 2,000 30,600 2,000 1,000 35,000 500 35,000 77,020 30,000 100,000 308,502 PERSONNEL (FUND 001) OPERATING (FUND 106) CAPITAL (FUND 106) TRANSFERS (FUND 106) TOTAL EXPENSES 8,529,605 521,384 256,980 156,334 9,464,303 8,640,301 657,765 181,485 308,502 9,788,053 8,640,301 675,356 184,710 308,502 9,808,869 8,454,392 679,045 242,020 308,502 9,683,959 67 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Police Department FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OTHER OVERTIME OVERTIME/MARSHAL SERVICE VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ELECTRICITY TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE CABLE & SATELLITE FEES INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - COMPUTER EQUIP R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP 4,496,849 134,381 2,500 469,314 4,480 41,922 71,518 169,884 144,168 1,049,060 1,280,603 126,377 213,449 8,484 4,671 3,907 230,885 81 26,214 45,597 134 4,321 23,038 3,988 3,195 30,750 17,354 8,928 298,886 487 5,170 660 3,525 6,776 3,471 21,453 4,820,142 94,956 2,500 485,000 40,597 71,518 176,533 145,627 1,138,218 1,510,016 134,200 223,165 9,914 6,250 4,000 238,376 100 28,205 48,600 198 4,379 25,000 5,000 3,250 30,000 20,000 2,000 335,000 500 5,000 1,250 8,000 3,500 27,500 4,820,142 94,956 2,500 485,000 40,597 71,518 176,533 145,627 1,138,218 1,510,016 134,200 223,165 9,914 8,046 4,000 242,195 100 28,205 48,600 198 4,379 25,063 5,000 3,250 33,573 20,040 2,000 335,000 500 5,000 1,250 8,320 20,500 27,233 4,906,210 87,986 2,000 500,000 36,435 79,270 178,401 147,589 1,159,139 1,170,000 133,200 226,984 11,164 8,000 4,000 363,722 100 30,405 48,000 193 3,728 25,000 5,000 3,250 34,515 20,000 2,000 320,000 500 5,000 1,250 3,500 8,500 2,500 36,300 NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP 18,234 20,000 20,000 20,000 COPIER LEASES 12,456 12,325 12,325 12,325 ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL SPECIAL EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 421 6,400 27,144 4,516 45,618 2,550 708 69,005 400 10,440 35,000 6,500 50,000 20,000 24,350 52,000 400 10,440 35,000 3,729 55,535 3,000 24,542 48,950 400 10,649 35,000 4,500 50,000 20,000 118,184 8,204,505 866,764 72,263 9,143,532 8,842,472 940,687 96,350 9,879,509 8,842,472 969,795 76,492 9,888,759 8,627,214 1,069,501 138,184 9,834,899 PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 68 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Animal Control FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES 79,676 35,094 2,687 2,994 9,350 17,470 33,000 800 4,887 337 160 105,345 199 848 9 605 260 79,602 42,716 3,000 422 2,504 9,811 17,668 35,391 1,200 5,113 500 300 106,300 225 965 750 300 79,602 42,716 3,000 422 2,504 9,811 17,668 35,391 1,200 5,113 500 300 106,300 225 965 750 300 81,598 38,712 3,000 2,567 9,630 18,095 27,000 1,200 5,035 500 300 105,800 248 970 750 300 1,141 1,250 1,250 1,250 11,100 11,500 11,500 11,000 297 1,442 727 662 - 700 300 1,500 100 2,000 800 1,000 700 300 2,346 100 2,000 800 154 2,250 100 2,000 800 - 185,958 123,132 309,090 197,427 127,490 1,000 325,917 197,427 128,336 154 325,917 186,837 126,268 313,105 OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL R & M - BUILDINGS NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 69 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Municipal Court FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE CABLE & SATELLITE FEES INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COPIER LEASES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 200,625 43,575 1,213 1,025 9,478 18,979 43,618 55,001 10,149 9,000 1,749 50 940,516 1,143 242 1,250 1,656 92 256 1,025 1,855 86 202,467 50,556 2,233 11,172 20,382 44,352 70,782 10,568 9,500 2,000 100 975,093 1,300 200 60 1,678 1,250 2,850 500 1,500 957 2,100 150 202,467 50,556 2,233 11,172 20,382 44,352 70,782 10,568 9,500 2,000 100 975,093 2,483 200 60 1,678 1,250 1,667 500 1,500 957 2,100 150 198,494 75,433 3,360 953 11,163 22,139 43,506 54,000 11,404 2,000 100 997,260 6,726 201 60 1,749 1,500 2,000 250 1,500 957 1,985 150 383,663 958,920 1,342,583 412,512 999,238 1,411,750 412,512 999,238 1,411,750 420,452 1,016,438 1,436,890 70 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Municipal Court (Restricted Funds) OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP TRAINING & TRAVEL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 191 / 417) 120 4,035 1,063 5,218 15,000 7,000 4,000 26,000 647 15,000 7,000 4,000 3,644 21,077 51,368 647 4,000 4,647 PROFESSIONAL FEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE OTHER SUPPLIES R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL OTHER EQUIPMENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS PARKING LOT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 191 / 419) 8,800 5,542 2,131 288 175,000 191,761 10,000 5,750 13,000 300 1,000 16,500 46,550 40,000 10,000 2,546 6,556 4,858 300 26,084 34,085 41,885 166,314 47,500 10,000 8,000 110 65,610 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAINING & TRAVEL OTHER EQUIPMENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 193) 647 1,114 115,108 116,869 59,000 500 2,250 50,000 111,750 59,000 500 2,250 50,000 71,384 183,134 59,000 500 59,500 PROFESSIONAL FEES TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 194) 32,688 32,688 40,000 40,000 56,918 56,918 36,000 36,000 71 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget E.M.A. FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT 127,645 38,512 5,351 1,138 4,847 13,862 28,617 33,000 128,814 39,168 5,500 1,138 4,907 13,734 28,902 35,391 128,814 39,168 5,500 1,138 4,907 13,734 28,902 35,391 132,038 35,496 5,500 1,346 5,211 13,739 29,635 27,000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 7,054 7,136 7,136 7,130 PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - COMPUTER EQUIP R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL SPECIAL PROGRAMS MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR VEHICLES COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 2,132 (93) 938 12,261 5,240 908 1,788 966 142 1,276 684 3,932 514 4,637 239 5,097 1,489 11,619 647 2,113 4,380 588 2,480 2,676 1,566 855 1,222 - 3,000 500 100 1,250 1,000 12,300 5,090 925 1,700 1,000 500 1,500 750 3,500 1,000 5,500 250 5,500 2,500 14,000 1,000 4,500 1,500 590 2,775 3,600 5,000 - 3,000 500 100 1,250 1,000 12,300 5,205 925 1,700 1,000 500 1,949 750 3,519 1,000 5,500 250 5,500 2,500 15,100 1,000 4,515 1,500 590 500 3,025 3,600 1,596 5,055 33,000 - 3,000 500 100 1,250 1,250 13,775 5,385 930 1,800 1,000 350 1,500 750 3,500 3,000 6,000 250 4,390 1,500 12,500 1,000 3,000 1,500 590 250 2,900 3,500 5,000 2,500 264,690 80,830 345,520 264,690 84,929 33,000 382,619 257,094 80,470 2,500 340,064 PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 260,026 69,074 1,222 330,322 72 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Communications FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT SYSTEM/SOFTWARE 125,227 1,243 1,262 9,226 25,997 33,000 5,009 12,000 121,944 1,140 4,836 940 86 18 5,556 1,197 2,027 5 9,732 285 9,095 1,500 708 18,889 - 126,318 500 2,400 2,400 10,069 26,327 35,391 5,073 12,000 100 121,944 850 2,300 750 300 12,500 2,500 1,750 400 17,500 200 1,000 15,000 1,500 500 2,000 20,700 - 126,318 500 2,400 2,400 10,069 26,327 35,391 5,073 12,000 250 121,944 850 2,300 750 300 12,350 2,500 2,750 400 17,500 200 1,000 13,285 1,500 500 1,000 22,415 - 132,038 500 1,290 2,070 10,396 27,515 27,000 5,302 12,000 200 106,308 650 2,500 750 300 11,000 2,500 2,500 250 15,000 100 500 13,000 1,500 1,000 238,565 8,780 PERSONNEL OPERATING 200,964 170,361 208,478 193,094 208,478 191,379 206,111 170,058 CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 19,597 390,922 20,700 422,272 22,415 422,272 247,345 623,514 73 Recreation and Cultural Services Parks and Recreation Convention Hall Noccalula Falls Park Cemetery Library Museum of Art Twin Bridges Golf Course 74 Position Summary TOTAL RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES Parks & Recreation 1 Director of Parks & Recreation 1 Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation 4 Administrative Supervisor 1 Administrative Office Assistant 2 Administrative Secretary 6 Assistant Recreation Manager 1 Campground Manager 1 Landscape Manager 1 Secretary 2 Crew Leader 3 Equipment Operator I 1 Equipment Operator V 1 Gardener 6 Recreation Manager I 4 Recreation Manager II 2 Recreation Manager III 3 Semi-Skilled Laborer 1 Therapeutic Specialist 2 Nutrition Coordinator 15 Part-Time 66 Non-Full Time 7 Seasonal 1 Non-Full Time (Summer Food Service) 22 Seasonal (Summer Food Service) 3 Non-Full Time (Aging Program) 157 Total Library 1 Director of Library 1 Computer Programmer / Analyst 3 Librarian 10 Library Assistant 3 Library Clerk 16 Non-Full Time 34 Total 253 Convention Hall 1 Recreation Manager II 1 Assistant Recreation Manager 2 Non-Full Time 1 Seasonal 5 Total Cemetery 1 Environmental Services Supervisor 1 Crew Leader 1 Equipment Operator I 1 Equipment Operator III 1 Secretary 1 Semi-Skilled Laborer 3 Non-Full Time 1 Seasonal 10 Total Museum of Art 1 Museum Curator 1 Special Assistant to Director 1 Museum Clerk I 1 Part-Time 4 Total Twin Bridges Golf Course - Fund 411 1 General Manager 1 Golf Course Superintendent 1 Asst. Golf Course Superintendent 1 Golf Equipment Mechanic 1 Landscaper / Greenskeeper 1 Food Service Clerk 30 Non-Full Time 7 Seasonal 43 Total 75 Parks & Recreation The goal of the Parks and Recreation department is to provide opportunities for recreation to all citizens regardless of family structure, income, gender or ethnic origin. This commitment involves the opportunity to achieve full recreational experiences through individual, team, and family activities. These activities are made possible through the presentation of annual community events and the construction and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, ball fields, and indoor / outdoor recreational facilities. Functions Provide a comprehensive recreation program for all citizens of Gadsden. This includes activities and athletics for children, youth, adults, and senior adults, as well as the operation of eight recreation centers, the Senior Activity Center, the Sports Complex, various parks and playgrounds. Develop and operate quality public recreation facilities offering special events designed to encourage tourism and increase revenue production through water-based activities, sports-based activities and meeting facilities. Provide wholesome family entertainment in a noncompetitive atmosphere for leisure time enjoyment by a diversified group of citizens, and meet the needs of our youth through recreational and social programming to provide an opportunity to enhance their quality of life. Convention Hall The goal of Convention Hall is to provide the community with a facility that will accommodate functions from small meeting groups to large events in a courteous and efficient manner. Functions Coordinate the use of Convention Hall to allow for the community to conduct private and community social events. 76 Noccalula Falls Park The goal of Noccalula Falls Park is to provide citizens and tourists a park that offers a variety of recreational activities and educational opportunities. Functions Park Operations Plan and coordinate park activities that include rental of pavilions, carpet golf, playground equipment, and miniature passenger train. Campgrounds Provide an updated camping park that includes two rental cabins, sites for primitive tent campers and motor homes, and a swimming pool for park guests. Wedding Chapel To schedule weddings, maintain cleaning and maintenance inside and outside the building. Perform routine checks on the sound equipment. Provide bride and groom with a list of available ministers, florist, and music options in our city. Supply wedding party with the Chapel rules and guidelines to help ensure the upkeep of the building in order to keep a positive reputation of the park and campground area. Greenhouses Maintain a greenhouse facility for the growth and replacement of park greenery. Maintenance Maintain walking trails, park grounds, equipment, miniature passenger train and rail system. Cemetery The goal of the Cemetery is to effectively administer the overall operation, preservation, and maintenance of two municipal cemeteries and provide high quality services in a professional manner. Functions Administrative Provide effective leadership to support sound decisions related to both legally and emotionally sensitive issues. Develop policies and procedures to assure compliance with department, local and state regulation and / or laws regarding operation and management of cemeteries. Maintenance Administer an effective plan for maintenance of approximately 40 acres in three cemeteries. Family Services Provide sympathetic counseling for the needs of bereaved families involved in the burial of a loved one. 77 Library The goal of the Library is to provide resources and services to meet the informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs of a growing, diverse community. Functions Gadsden Public Library offers extensive print and non-print materials that encourage citizens to develop an interest in reading and lifelong learning. The Library also enhances the quality of life of the community by providing inviting, user-friendly facilities that showcase the latest in information technology and contribute to the significant improvement of intellectual skills through exciting, informative programming for all ages. Museum of Art The goal of the Museum of Art is to support and maintain a museum of local history of the Gadsden and Etowah County area, and to support and maintain a museum dedicated to Southern artists. Functions The Museum will promote and foster the collection and preservation of paintings, sculptures, artifacts, antique properties, furniture, items of historical significance and any such items deemed worthy for view by the public. The Museum will promote public interest, knowledge and appreciation of the history of this community and the arts. The Museum is committed to providing educational, recreational and economic benefits that will improve the quality of life for diverse audiences. Twin Bridges Golf Course Twin Bridges Golf Club is one of Gadsden's newest and finest public golf facility. The par 72, 6,800 yard, 18hole course, designed by Gene Bates will challenge and delight golfers of all skill levels. The course features finely manicured Bermuda fairways, bent grass greens, and strategically placed bunkers all set along the Coosa River. Golfers and nature enthusiasts alike delight in the natural beauty and calming wildlife that surround the golf course Twin Bridges is enrolled in The Audubon's Silver Signature Sanctuary Program successfully integrates natural resource conservation with economic progress and community education. Twin Bridges Golf Club is among a select few of golf courses in the world to earn this esteemed designation. 78 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Parks & Recreation FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ELECTRICITY TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER TV CABLE/SATELLITE FEE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES LAWN SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL TOOLS SAND & GRAVEL R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER 1,121,363 822,613 17,922 25,909 25,643 45,698 154,350 267,647 407,923 3,000 80,376 654 2,142 130,334 688 14,359 3,495 14 236 2,631 7,428 1,068 623 23,666 23,571 2,997 46,839 351 22,572 466 8,813 1,225 5,042 7,991 1,183,374 922,172 20,000 23,587 26,397 49,309 170,200 260,041 471,880 3,000 86,994 4,000 2,000 148,275 1,500 14,577 3,520 500 230 3,725 9,000 1,500 1,000 22,500 23,000 3,000 47,000 351 27,500 750 14,000 2,000 5,000 1,183,374 922,172 20,000 23,587 26,397 49,309 170,200 260,041 471,880 3,000 86,994 4,000 2,000 145,125 1,500 14,577 3,520 500 400 4,568 9,000 1,500 1,000 18,065 27,000 3,000 46,742 453 27,500 750 14,000 2,000 6,000 1,205,568 925,645 25,000 12,815 14,830 51,488 171,004 266,106 360,000 3,000 88,308 3,500 2,000 149,135 2,000 17,450 4,250 250 400 4,317 9,000 1,250 1,000 20,000 30,000 3,000 47,000 25,000 500 14,000 2,000 5,000 NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP 2,739 2,000 2,000 3,000 NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP 11,151 12,500 14,300 12,500 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT COPIER LEASES LAND LEASE BAIT SHOP - GAS BAIT SHOP - TACKLE BAIT SHOP - CLOTHING CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS-SOFTBALL CONCESSIONS-COOSA LANDING 883 9,410 83 385 36,877 7,407 46,465 11,210 1,000 6,561 800 37,500 10,500 37,500 12,500 1,000 6,561 800 37,000 500 15,500 37,500 12,500 1,000 6,561 500 37,500 500 15,000 40,000 12,500 79 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Parks & Recreation (continued) ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INSURANCE TRAINING & TRAVEL TEAM TRAVEL SR CITIZENS REC. PROGRAM SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL PROGRAMS MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 12,034 2,094 500 5,863 1,168 14,030 120,196 14,711 2,160 - 12,500 3,500 500 8,500 1,500 20,000 135,000 20,000 2,500 25,000 20,000 12,500 3,500 500 8,500 1,500 29,317 132,728 20,000 2,500 23,200 20,000 12,500 3,000 500 8,500 1,500 18,560 135,000 20,000 2,500 17,500 22,000 - 2,972,444 606,571 3,579,015 3,216,954 659,789 45,000 3,921,743 3,216,954 671,906 43,200 3,932,060 3,123,764 672,173 39,500 3,835,437 Parks & Recreation (Summer Nutrition Program) PART-TIME EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS 21,684 1,661 869 800 133 127 118 1,682 1,524 64,114 35,060 2,682 1,402 800 150 130 25 120 1,700 1,500 20 100 74,000 35,060 2,682 1,402 1,050 150 130 25 120 1,700 1,500 20 100 74,000 35,060 2,682 1,402 1,050 200 120 1,900 1,250 20 84,000 PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 131) 24,214 68,498 92,712 39,144 78,545 117,689 39,144 78,795 117,939 39,144 88,540 127,684 80 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Parks & Recreation (Aging Grant) FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE WATER & SEWER INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE RECREATION SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP TRAINING & TRAVEL NUTRITION SITE EXPENSES SPECIAL EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 132) 40,568 22,985 1,400 414 4,976 8,736 11,000 2,573 1,995 712 398 183 1,771 33 225 210 3,744 5 258 607 15 124 118 40,955 23,994 560 5,011 8,618 11,797 2,620 100 2,000 1,000 450 250 1,916 50 200 200 100 3,250 50 1,500 100 100 200 200 40,955 23,994 560 5,011 8,618 11,797 2,620 150 2,000 1,000 450 250 1,916 50 200 200 100 3,250 50 500 1,000 100 100 200 150 41,974 22,878 807 1,267 860 5,186 8,892 9,000 2,629 200 2,000 900 400 250 1,938 50 200 400 200 100 4,200 50 400 1,000 100 100 200 100 92,652 10,398 103,050 93,555 11,666 105,221 93,555 11,666 105,221 93,493 12,788 106,281 81 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Parks & Recreation (Restricted Funds) OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE CLOTHING SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT CONCESSIONS ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SPECIAL PROGRAMS SUMMER CONCERTS SENIOR CITIZEN TRIPS MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 191) 8,434 43 200 6,408 25 2,119 8,068 400 21,800 6,143 6,671 60,311 10,000 100 200 6,500 50 200 2,200 7,500 400 21,800 16,000 11,000 75,950 10,000 100 200 6,500 50 200 2,200 7,500 400 21,800 16,000 11,000 75,950 10,000 100 200 6,500 50 200 2,200 7,500 400 21,800 16,000 71,000 11,000 146,950 43,764 20,956 959 1,505 44,013 23,808 200 480 1,505 44,013 23,808 200 480 1,505 45,115 26,536 500 1,735 1,562 Convention Hall FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY 499 505 505 604 4,842 5,394 5,394 5,818 9,189 22,000 2,609 50 223 7 100 9,262 175 7,496 637 4,630 - 9,283 23,594 2,741 100 300 225 50 100 9,500 175 150 300 650 150 15,000 9,283 23,594 2,741 100 300 225 50 100 9,500 175 150 300 650 150 15,000 9,595 18,000 2,910 100 245 50 100 9,000 175 300 6,000 665 150 100,000 - 106,323 17,950 4,630 128,903 111,523 11,700 15,000 138,223 111,523 11,700 15,000 138,223 112,375 16,785 100,000 229,160 SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE OTHER SUPPLIES R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT IMPROV. OTHER THAN BLDGS PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 82 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Noccalula Falls CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE CABLE & SATELLITE FEES INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES LAWN SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES PETTING ZOO SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL CHEMICALS TOOLS SAND & GRAVEL R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP 770 1,000 149,182 6,604 1,395 15,324 2,033 1,201 507 5 1,014 25,452 2,766 33,819 351 39,491 2,997 2,793 59 700 26,508 24,026 696 9,000 800 154,000 6,336 1,594 15,575 2,110 1,250 500 50 1,000 40,000 2,500 36,500 3,151 42,000 6,000 4,000 7,000 700 7,500 20,000 - 9,000 800 154,000 6,336 1,594 15,575 2,110 1,250 500 50 1,000 40,039 2,500 34,500 3,151 42,000 6,000 4,000 7,000 875 7,500 20,000 - 8,000 1,000 191,500 8,781 1,675 16,500 2,100 1,250 500 50 1,000 50,000 2,500 16,000 20,500 3,000 42,500 7,000 3,500 5,000 875 7,500 20,000 1,500 NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP 35,537 12,000 11,825 12,000 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 2,092 750 750 1,000 1,736 4,121 1,059 749 3,257 8,457 7,915 32,489 1,507 684 4,464 44,122 3,543 46,458 9,865 - 1,666 2,000 42,500 8,000 35,000 1,550 500 5,000 20,000 3,000 17,500 5,000 5,000 - 1,666 2,000 42,817 8,000 35,000 1,550 500 5,000 41,063 5,000 45,342 5,000 10,000 28,506 11,934 1,666 2,000 50,000 8,000 35,000 3,000 1,000 5,000 20,000 3,000 5,000 7,500 19,000 - 490,425 56,323 546,748 493,532 27,500 521,032 514,951 100,782 615,733 553,897 31,500 585,397 COPIER LEASES MDSE - CHRISTMAS AT FALLS STORE MDSE - COUNTRY STORE MDSE - MINIATURE GOLF MDSE - SMOKE ON THE FALLS NOCCALULA FALLS GIFT SHOP CONCESSIONS ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL SPECIAL EVENTS CHRISTMAS AT THE FALLS MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS IMPROV. OTHER THAN BLDGS NOCCALULA GREENWAY OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 83 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Cemetery FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES LAWN SUPPLIES 152,165 32,168 16,378 2,359 3,679 3,670 16,122 35,733 66,001 1,200 8,176 435 150 482 585 94 25 1,202 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 153,608 35,712 18,000 2,360 3,680 3,715 16,606 36,397 70,782 1,200 8,441 500 225 500 582 150 50 50 2,500 153,608 35,712 18,000 2,360 3,680 3,715 16,606 36,397 70,782 1,200 8,441 8,190 500 225 500 582 441 150 50 50 2,300 157,477 37,324 18,000 3,104 3,730 4,091 17,115 37,260 54,000 1,200 8,676 500 300 543 586 483 150 50 2,000 642 950 950 750 1,129 1,250 1,450 1,500 GAS AND OIL CHEMICALS TOOLS TOPSOIL, CHERT & SLAG SAND & GRAVEL R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT COPIER LEASES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT IMPROV. OTHER THAN BLDGS TO BE DETERMINED 5,837 392 1,330 630 11,778 2,897 120 634 167 3,704 (10,271) 6,500 1,500 500 1,500 1,500 9,000 3,500 120 771 175 3,500 - 6,359 500 1,500 1,500 10,500 4,700 120 771 175 3,500 4,577 6,000 1,500 500 1,500 1,500 12,500 7,000 120 771 180 3,500 7,500 15,000 - PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 337,651 32,233 (10,271) 359,613 350,501 35,323 385,824 350,501 45,013 4,577 400,091 341,977 41,933 22,500 406,410 OTHER SUPPLIES 84 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Library FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL BOOKS AUDIO AND VISUAL COPIER LEASES PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 536,951 142,408 335 8,831 8,997 28,097 54,334 117,654 176,919 28,583 790 22,165 5,630 6,983 7,305 2,800 1,384 5,004 434 45,354 5,369 6,697 535,122 163,964 500 8,872 8,997 23,638 56,694 116,060 200,549 28,929 500 22,700 5,900 7,100 8,000 3,000 2,000 5,500 1,000 1,000 50,000 5,000 5,094 535,122 163,964 500 8,872 8,997 23,638 56,694 116,060 200,549 28,929 500 27,357 5,900 8,700 8,485 3,000 2,000 5,500 1,000 1,000 55,870 5,538 5,094 548,475 149,348 500 9,265 10,252 25,924 56,898 119,282 153,000 28,970 750 20,730 5,975 8,000 8,000 3,000 2,000 5,500 1,000 1,000 50,000 5,000 5,094 1,103,109 109,915 1,213,024 1,143,325 116,794 1,260,119 1,143,325 129,944 1,273,269 1,101,915 116,049 1,217,964 85 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Library (Grants) OTHER SUPPLIES BOOKS NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 111 / 6010) 13,500 2,600 16,100 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 1,100 1,300 12,300 5,300 20,000 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE TOOLS BOOKS AUDIO AND VISUAL R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 111 / 6011) 19,195 1,490 779 9,019 79 114 8,631 3,774 1,361 2,787 1,212 3,486 698 1,331 53,956 19,964 1,527 799 5,500 500 2,000 10,200 6,961 1,500 1,212 2,487 900 1,000 54,550 19,964 1,527 799 332 132 5,168 811 2,000 7,814 21,806 2,000 1,500 1,000 470 2,672 1,212 9,873 900 1,000 80,980 21,576 1,651 863 3,000 6,000 500 1,000 3,000 100 3,200 1,400 500 500 500 1,200 6,000 1,003 1,000 52,993 CONTRACTUAL PRINTING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE BOOKS AUDIO AND VISUAL R & M - COMPUTER EQUIP R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 111 / 6012) 26 1,342 1,635 1,334 3,240 6,230 702 4,722 24,770 1,543 3,972 170 904 1,500 52,090 2,000 8,000 1,400 2,000 800 800 1,500 500 500 500 18,000 1,501 2,111 3,992 1,400 800 800 1,927 10,400 500 2,330 2,829 5,308 33,898 1,500 1,500 4,000 2,000 4,500 500 2,500 1,000 500 18,000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE R & M - BUILDINGS NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 111 / 6013) - 2,500 1,500 1,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,000 1,500 10,000 4,000 1,000 5,000 86 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Museum of Art FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES 84,602 25,769 874 1,617 8,369 17,894 27,500 4,481 - 79,019 12,090 875 7,037 16,358 23,594 3,644 4,000 79,019 12,090 875 7,037 16,358 23,594 3,644 3,900 80,496 11,687 419 314 7,108 16,664 18,000 3,687 3,500 CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE CABLE & SATELLITE FEES INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE ART SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL SIGNS R & M - COMPUTER EQUIP R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP COPIER LEASES ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 185 6,916 761 364 46 142 3,116 2,827 455 2,703 36 264 107 75 801 53 299 228 728 350 623 51,070 500 100 5,834 900 51 156 4,500 4,500 800 3,500 1,500 1,000 250 500 250 500 1,000 771 750 550 1,500 500 - 1,200 100 5,834 900 51 156 4,709 4,500 300 4,000 800 1,000 250 500 177 350 600 900 771 750 550 1,500 500 - 1,000 100 4,874 920 51 156 4,500 4,500 4,000 1,000 1,000 450 300 500 771 500 500 1,500 250 - 171,106 21,079 51,070 243,255 142,617 33,912 176,529 142,617 34,298 176,915 138,375 30,372 168,747 PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 87 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Twin Bridges Golf Course ADMINISTRATION FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES SICK LEAVE PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER TV CABLE/SATELLITE FEE INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL RECORDING & OTHER FEES MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS PRO SHOP PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES ELECTRICITY TELEPHONE WATER & SEWER POSTAGE CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP SPECIAL EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS COST OF GOODS SOLD 58,324 4,048 11,379 11,000 2,193 85 50 2,939 25,236 2,733 375 10,010 721 1,236 1,430 10 712 272 2,690 489 1,152 600 71,423 14,373 855 9,698 1,500 - 56,326 1,691 4,438 11,693 11,797 2,253 3,080 26,000 2,700 383 9,500 708 1,307 1,400 50 1,500 400 2,500 500 56,535 15,000 796 500 11,000 10,000 56,326 1,691 4,438 11,693 11,797 2,253 3,080 26,000 2,700 383 9,500 1,028 1,307 1,400 50 1,500 400 2,500 500 56,535 15,000 1,211 85 11,000 10,000 58,448 1,998 4,624 12,134 9,000 2,338 150 50 2,880 26,500 2,700 385 9,000 975 1,200 1,750 70 1,000 400 1,500 750 54,000 15,000 805 250 11,000 14,500 111,804 231 8,571 4,483 550 4,402 1,434 1,244 1,064 4,053 248 560 (4,142) 28,067 117,819 300 9,036 62 4,725 500 4,200 1,500 1,200 1,400 4,000 400 750 250 35,000 117,819 300 9,036 62 4,725 500 4,200 1,500 1,200 84 1,400 3,811 360 145 750 250 40,030 139,076 10,639 5,563 700 4,600 1,500 1,350 125 1,750 4,600 400 850 250 45,000 88 FY13 Actual Expenses Twin Bridges Golf Course MAINTENANCE FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME SICK LEAVE PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER LAWN SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL CHEMICALS TOOLS TOPSOIL, CHERT & SLAG SAND & GRAVEL R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT IMPROV. OTHER THAN BLDGS FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget (continued) 127,285 74,854 108 4,378 15,879 26,887 33,001 600 8,176 500 15,806 17,104 2,096 216 1,332 8,286 320 2,298 18,453 51,631 18,061 7,342 1,009 16,742 28,093 130,208 93,829 200 2,056 17,311 27,073 35,391 600 8,969 400 15,000 20,000 1,600 200 1,500 6,000 7,000 18,000 63,000 2,000 4,000 15,000 15,000 13,000 1,000 600 1,200 35,000 - 130,208 93,829 200 2,056 17,311 27,073 35,391 600 8,969 400 15,000 20,000 1,901 200 2,250 6,000 7,000 18,000 60,830 2,000 4,000 15,000 15,000 13,000 1,000 600 1,200 35,000 - 133,474 118,004 2,681 19,443 27,709 27,000 600 10,059 500 15,000 18,500 1,800 201 2,500 8,500 500 7,000 15,000 63,000 1,000 4,000 15,000 15,000 9,000 1,000 900 30,000 - 19,591 24,670 98 675 3,312 4,120 11,000 300 1,781 220 8,113 375 750 46,754 20,467 31,310 100 469 4,004 4,270 11,797 300 2,075 150 400 7,000 1,000 500 40,000 20,467 31,310 100 469 4,004 4,270 11,797 300 2,075 150 400 7,000 1,000 799 500 40,000 20,987 32,364 4,081 4,357 9,000 300 2,134 200 7,700 500 500 44,000 568,748 403,477 28,093 1,000,318 610,569 416,609 45,000 1,072,178 610,569 421,639 45,000 1,077,208 656,014 422,791 44,500 1,123,305 FOOD & BEVERAGE FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME SICK LEAVE PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RECORDING & OTHER FEES COST OF GOODS SOLD PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 411) FY14 Original Budget 89 Public Works Services Residential Garbage Street Services Street Maintenance Street Painting Transfer Station Facilities Maintenance 90 Position Summary TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES Residential Garbage - Fund 430 1 Director of Public Works 1 Crew Leader 6 Sanitation Truck Driver / Operator 8 Total Residential Garbage Collections - Fund 430 1 Garbage Collections Supervisor 1 Part-Time 2 Non-Full Time 4 Total Street Services 10 Equipment Operator II 8 Non-Full Time 18 Total Street Maintenance 1 Assistant Director of Public Works 1 Street Maintenance Manager 1 Environmental Services Manager 7 Crew Leader 15 Equipment Operator I 1 Equipment Operator II 4 Equipment Operator III 1 Equipment Operator IV 2 Equipment Operator V 1 Secretary 1 Semi-Skilled Laborer 2 Tree Trimmer 1 Tree Trimmer Crew Leader 1 Part-Time 38 Non-Full Time 77 Total 156 Transfer Station - Fund 430 1 Environmental Services Superintendent 1 Environmental Services Manager 1 Environmental Inspector 2 Equipment Operator I 3 Equipment Operator IV 2 Equipment Operator V 1 Secretary 2 Part-Time 6 Non-Full Time 19 Total Street Painting 1 Graphic Artist / Project Designer 1 Crew Leader 2 Equipment Operator I 1 Semi-Skilled Laborer 1 Part-Time 6 Total Facilities Maintenance 1 Maintenance Manager 11 Building Construction Technician 3 Building Maintenance Technician 2 Heating / Air Conditioning Tech 2 Maintenance Electrician 5 Non-Full Time 24 Total 91 Residential Garbage The goal of Residential Garbage is to preserve the public health and image of our community by providing timely, efficient garbage collection service to residential customers of the City of Gadsden. Functions Administration Receive, coordinate and route citizen's requests for public service. Provide administrative support and assistance within the department. Collection Provide curbside automated garbage pickup for all residential customers on a weekly basis. Customer Service Provide information regarding garbage service, instruction for schedules, contents restrictions and container placement. Assist residential customers in providing appropriate residential containers necessary for automated sanitation pickup services. Respond to citizen's comments, complaints and inquiries with information regarding appropriate procedures and regulations necessary for refuse disposal in accordance with local law. Street Services The goal of Street Services is to effectively provide trash collection and street cleaning services throughout residential and public areas, thereby enhancing the appearance of our community. Functions Trash / Leaf Collection Provide residential trash collection, including miscellaneous items that are not considered appropriate to be included in the weekly garbage collection. Leaf collection and disposal is provided during the fall and winter seasons. 92 Street Maintenance The goal of Street Maintenance is to provide essential maintenance pertaining to the preservation of streets and drainage throughout the city to ensure safe public travel and to minimize damage to property due to flooding. Functions Streets Perform repairs and maintenance on streets, sidewalks, and bridges. Drainage Maintain all drainage facilities including pipes, inlets, channels and ditches to permit the flow of water. Traffic Install and maintain traffic signals on city streets. Rights of Way Maintain grass along city and state roads, general public areas including ditches, easements and rights-of-way within the City perimeters. Street Cleaning Provide street sweeping and washing services for main streets throughout the city. Street Painting The goal of Street Painting is to maintain and provide appropriate pavement markings, roadway signage and removal of visual obstructions on all city maintained streets to ensure a safe and orderly transportation infrastructure. Functions Streets Provide new and replacement markings to city streets as necessary. Street Signs / Obstructions Erect new and replacement signage located on city maintained streets. Remove any existing or potential obstructions of traffic markings and signs. 93 Transfer Station The goal of the Transfer Station is to provide facilities for solid waste disposal to our residential customers as well as the commercial community that are in compliance with environmental rules and regulations. Functions Landfill Services Provide disposal services for debris from construction demolition sites. Recycling Operate a recycling service for wood, metal materials, limbs and leaves. Wood materials are recycled for mulch which is available for free distribution, and metals are collected for product recycling. Transfers Provide residential refuse disposal for the community. Solid waste materials are received, processed and transferred to a certified Subtitle "D" Landfill for further processing and disposal. 94 Facilities Maintenance The goal of Facilities Maintenance is to provide the community and city departments with properly equipped and well-maintained facilities and equipment to aid them in performing their job tasks. Functions Provide mechanical, electrical and structural maintenance for city-owned and operated buildings. Maintain a comprehensive preventative maintenance program involving all buildings and associated equipment. Maintain complete historical data related to facilities maintenance. 95 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Residential Garbage FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP MISCELLANEOUS 231,344 8,926 4,186 3,820 8,897 19,258 53,544 71,501 2,100 10,318 4,453 345 14,950 5,467 664 335 1,018 136,463 175 166,506 381 2,606 44 254,238 8,500 2,657 3,820 9,832 13,334 56,569 82,579 2,100 10,903 5,000 300 5,500 619 350 250 1,250 155,000 300 150,000 1,000 2,000 200 254,238 8,500 2,657 3,820 9,832 13,334 56,569 82,579 2,100 10,903 5,000 300 5,500 619 350 250 1,250 155,000 220 150,000 1,000 2,080 200 254,488 13,500 1,169 4,488 11,275 21,796 57,925 63,000 2,100 11,171 5,000 300 6,048 621 350 300 1,250 145,000 200 150,000 1,000 2,000 200 PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 430) 413,894 333,407 747,301 444,532 321,769 766,301 444,532 321,769 766,301 440,912 312,269 753,181 34,471 25,377 1,322 1,190 2,063 5,076 7,585 11,000 2,548 25,282 357 100 850 1,465 3,169 443 1,149 52 34,798 26,496 1,323 1,191 2,088 5,041 7,658 11,797 2,535 28,300 500 100 850 1,500 6,000 600 200 1,170 50 34,798 26,496 1,323 1,191 2,088 5,041 7,658 11,797 2,535 28,300 500 100 900 1,500 6,000 550 200 1,174 46 35,672 38,976 1,372 1,235 2,854 6,128 7,998 9,000 3,100 28,300 500 100 980 1,500 5,000 600 200 1,175 50 90,632 32,867 123,499 92,927 39,270 132,197 92,927 39,270 132,197 106,335 38,405 144,740 Garbage Collections FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 430) 96 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Street Services FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY 221,276 1,714 896 LONGEVITY PAY 231,629 2,500 1,002 896 231,629 2,500 1,002 896 227,989 86,304 3,000 178 5,312 4,455 4,455 4,041 16,217 18,397 18,397 24,596 STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP MISCELLANEOUS 47,239 103,585 2,700 9,164 265 233 5 795 582 119,064 156 2,538 219 49,479 117,970 3,000 9,543 250 300 1,000 1,250 145,000 300 3,000 400 300 49,479 117,970 3,000 9,543 250 300 1,075 1,250 145,000 300 3,000 400 300 48,709 90,000 3,000 12,853 250 300 1,000 1,000 125,000 300 2,500 400 300 PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 408,103 123,857 531,960 438,871 151,800 590,671 438,871 151,875 590,746 500,670 131,050 631,720 SOCIAL SECURITY 97 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Street Maintenance FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE CABLE & SATELLITE FEES INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES LAWN SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL CHEMICALS TOOLS ASPHALT 716,954 299,753 24,427 13,422 15,057 29,839 98,757 211,814 384,089 8,100 52,849 3,540 70,666 2,034 2,675 372 609 1,979 180 8,316 4,481 39,229 219,432 15,795 2,913 27,885 794,243 414,336 25,000 13,422 15,057 33,249 118,216 228,783 448,286 10,200 60,673 2,500 79,000 2,300 2,858 420 700 2,000 25 200 5,000 35,000 225,000 20,000 3,000 50,000 794,243 414,336 25,000 13,422 15,057 33,249 118,216 228,783 448,286 10,200 60,673 3,000 79,000 2,300 2,858 420 700 2,000 25 200 5,000 35,024 225,000 20,000 3,000 37,238 800,920 425,198 25,000 13,914 11,094 31,744 119,177 229,808 333,000 10,200 61,314 3,500 79,000 2,250 2,885 254 959 2,000 200 5,000 35,000 225,000 20,000 3,000 30,000 TOPSOIL, CHERT & SLAG 31,764 35,000 45,000 50,000 CONCRETE & CEMENT 31,629 35,000 35,000 40,000 4,463 325 20,992 264,628 117,777 10,900 5,372 877 1,606 3,161 959 5,000 500 15,000 285,000 90,000 10,000 3,500 882 785 3,500 1,000 7,000 500 15,000 285,000 90,000 10,000 3,500 882 1,047 3,500 1,000 7,000 500 18,500 300,000 75,000 10,000 3,500 882 823 3,500 1,000 1,855,061 894,559 2,749,620 2,161,465 913,170 3,074,635 2,161,465 913,194 3,074,659 2,061,369 919,753 2,981,122 PIPE R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - OTHER R & M - TRAFFIC LIGHTS R & M - STREET LIGHTS NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT COPIER LEASES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 98 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Street Painting FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 94,800 16,395 5,066 773 2,510 9,106 20,782 43,084 1,200 122,970 22,500 4,000 653 773 3,259 11,793 27,035 58,985 1,200 122,970 22,500 4,000 653 773 3,259 11,793 27,035 58,985 1,200 119,954 22,500 5,000 1,020 2,696 2,927 11,788 26,532 45,000 1,200 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 5,131 6,109 6,109 6,015 MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES 150 200 200 200 220 250 7,542 89 7,904 51,918 121 507 570 - 400 1,000 9,000 200 8,000 50,000 250 500 771 50 400 950 9,000 200 13,000 45,110 300 500 771 50 400 750 8,500 200 12,000 45,000 750 771 - 198,847 69,271 268,118 259,277 70,371 329,648 259,277 70,481 329,758 244,633 68,571 313,204 CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL TOOLS PAINT SIGNS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP COPIER MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 99 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Transfer Station FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES SOLID WASTE TIPPING COSTS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE LF POST CLOSURE CARE COST ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER GARBAGE & WASTE DISPOSAL OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES RECYCLING SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL TOOLS CHERT & SLAG R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP COPIER LEASES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEM/SOFTWARE BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 430) 353,625 89,012 9,559 6,667 8,016 14,942 35,825 80,781 116,418 1,500 18,784 770 1,410 489 482,972 147,856 (196,766) 28,117 1,021 914 9,913 27,637 1,089 217 1,068 37,505 74,156 127 9,919 157,587 681 220 606 1,272 750 235 9,700 735,129 789,765 9,700 1,534,594 100 365,082 91,074 15,000 6,667 8,016 17,349 14,311 82,506 129,767 2,100 19,540 1,500 1,000 500 500,000 156,050 35,000 1,100 965 8,500 23,500 1,500 350 1,200 25,000 25,000 100,000 250 10,000 165,000 4,000 771 1,030 2,500 300 - 365,082 91,074 15,000 6,667 8,016 17,349 14,311 82,506 129,767 2,100 19,540 1,500 1,000 500 488,492 174,808 35,000 1,500 1,100 965 8,500 23,500 1,500 350 1,275 22,631 100,000 250 10,000 163,500 4,000 771 1,030 2,500 300 23,619 373,942 93,293 10,000 5,844 6,461 19,524 38,943 83,744 99,000 2,100 19,870 1,500 1,000 500 450,000 146,000 37,500 1,500 1,205 1,620 8,500 22,500 1,500 350 1,200 25,000 500 95,000 250 5,000 100,000 3,000 771 1,370 2,500 300 - 751,412 1,065,016 1,816,428 751,412 1,044,972 23,619 1,820,003 752,722 908,566 1,661,288 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Facilities Maintenance FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - BUILDINGS R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT TRAINING & TRAVEL PLAYGROUND MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS SIDEWALKS PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 566,390 46,529 22,738 7,502 9,233 26,101 48,873 127,722 192,503 5,100 26,473 850 88,322 4,203 148 875 9,990 24,339 7,179 213,325 70,170 3,281 4,199 209 3,720 596,794 63,744 18,500 6,865 9,233 30,475 55,509 134,062 200,549 5,400 28,380 600 97,300 4,225 150 1,000 8,000 27,500 5,000 200,000 65,000 3,000 2,000 200 - 596,794 63,744 18,500 6,865 9,233 30,475 55,509 134,062 200,549 5,400 28,380 950 97,390 4,225 150 1,000 10,000 27,500 5,000 187,910 75,000 3,000 2,000 200 - 599,518 57,768 20,000 6,080 9,393 26,719 55,040 134,083 144,000 5,400 28,160 1,000 107,165 4,645 150 1,000 9,000 25,500 5,000 200,000 85,000 3,000 2,000 1,250 20,000 200 - 1,079,164 427,090 3,720 1,509,974 1,149,511 413,975 1,563,486 1,149,511 414,325 1,563,836 1,086,162 464,910 1,551,072 101 Urban Development Engineering Department Planning Department Building Department Gadsden Transit Services Community Development 102 Position Summary TOTAL URBAN DEVELOPMENT 69 Engineering 1 Director of Engineering 1 Assistant City Engineer 1 Administrative Office Assistant 1 Chief Engineering Aide 2 Senior Engineering Aide 1 Engineering Aide 1 Seasonal 8 Total Planning 1 Director of Planning 1 Transportation Planner (Fund 141) 1 Zoning Administrator 1 Grant Coordinator (Fund 141) 1 Custodial Supervisor 1 Custodial Worker 5 Non-Full Time 11 Total Building 1 Chief Building Official 1 Deputy Building Official 1 Chief Electrical Inspector 1 Chief Plumbing Inspector 1 Housing and Property Code Inspector 1 Permit Clerk 1 Secretary 1 Part-Time 2 Non-Full Time 10 Total Gadsden Transit Services - Fund 142 1 Transit Coordinator 1 CAD Designer / GIS Analyst 35 Non-Full Time (Drivers) 37 Total Community Development - Fund 104 1 Community Development Planner 1 Property and Housing Inspector 1 Non-Full Time 3 Total 103 Engineering The goal of the Engineering Department is to provide innovative and economic infrastructure solutions for the sustainable development, preservation and enhancement of our community. Functions Engineering Services Provide contract administration and project management for street, drainage, sidewalk, sewer, recreation and building projects. Prepare engineering designs, contract specifications, plan revisions for subdivisions and commercial developments. Issue permits for driveways, utilities, grading and other work within the city rights-of-way. Provide technical and engineering support to city departments. Surveying / Construction Inspection Provide topographic data for project designs, boundary surveys, layouts for ball fields and buildings. Ensure contractual projects meet appropriate construction requirements in accordance with the plans and specifications. City Services Address complaint issues from citizens and direct the requests for assistance to the proper department Planning The goal of the Planning Department is to provide for and facilitate the orderly growth, development and redevelopment of the City of Gadsden. Functions Long Range Planning Prepare and update the City's long range plans governing land use, downtown and neighborhood revitalization, recreation and open space. Maintain a database on City population, housing and employment statistics. Maintain a computer model for projecting traffic counts and assessing proposed street and highway improvements. Current Planning Implement adopted long range plans through the enforcement of zoning and subdivision regulations. Review, evaluate and recommend action to the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Design Review Board on subdivision proposals, rezoning issues, urban design. Administer annexation procedures and advise on historic preservation issues. Air-Depot Maintain the warehouse facilities at Air-Depot, which is primarily leased to businesses and the general public 104 Building The goal of the Building Department is to provide protection for health, safety and welfare of the general public in relation to use and occupancy of structures. To protect the value and character of neighborhoods by enforcement of zoning and nuisance abatement ordinances and coordinate the "Save Our Neighborhoods" initiative created by the Mayor. To provide more adequate rental dwelling units through the Rental Property Ordinance in Gadsden. To provide rehabilitation of condemned houses as allowed by the City Council. To protect the general public from abuse by unlicensed contractors and subcontractors by enforcement of Contractor Licensing Laws. Functions Codes Review and approve plans for new construction, repair, replacement and additions to structures in accordance with the International Building Codes and the National Electrical Code as adopted by the City Council. Prepare and present changes to the building codes which include building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas, and housing. Develop the administrative procedures to properly enforce the adopted codes. Zoning Interpret, administer and enforce the Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council. To ensure that illegal businesses operating in residential districts are closed. Licensing Enforce contractor licensing ordinance and regulations to ensure that all contractors and sub-contractors doing work in the City of Gadsden are properly licensed and insured in accordance with city and state laws. 105 Gadsden Transit Services The goal of Gadsden Transit Services (GTS) is to provide adequate, safe and efficient transportation services to the general public, including those with special needs, at a low cost. This includes services for the disabled community, senior citizens, commuters, individuals with limited transportation and general public use. GTS will seek to meet all needs to the transit community, recognizing financial and physical capacity constraints and yet work within the guidelines of the Federal Transit Administration. Functions Fixed Route Service The fixed route service currently covers four (4) routes. These four (4) routes cover most of the city where a need for transit on a regular basis has been determined. The vehicles run on one-hour headways and operate Monday through Saturday. Demand & Response Transportation (DART) In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), GTS provides an advance call, curb-to-curb service to meet the needs of the public including senior citizens and disabled persons who are unable to use or access the fixed-route service. These services mirror the fixed-route service. Human Services Transportation Programs There are several public and private service organizations as well as faith based organizations in the area that provide transportation services. These organizations mainly cater to special needs clients who cannot utilize the public transit system. Community Development The goal of Community Development is to improve our community by providing adequate housing and a suitable environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for those persons of low to moderate income. Functions Planning & Administration Ensure that program funds are used in accordance with all federal, state and local program requirements. Monitor the department's performance standards. Continuously measure and evaluate goals and objectives. Apply for other available funding resources. Nuisance Abatement Enforce nuisance abatement laws regarding private maintenance involving overgrown lots. 106 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Engineering FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY 316,432 2,626 815 8,069 320,611 4,920 3,000 4,768 9,083 320,611 4,920 3,000 4,768 9,083 333,861 4,920 3,000 5,266 6,756 LONGEVITY PAY 12,667 14,185 14,185 10,645 SOCIAL SECURITY 24,753 27,277 27,277 27,880 STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL TOOLS R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL RECORDING & OTHER FEES SPECIAL PROGRAMS MISCELLANEOUS PARKING LOT MPO PROJECT MATCH MARJORIE CIRCLE RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT 68,841 68,751 900 13,265 5,831 205 62,419 2,470 1,463 1,048 505 213 225 1,669 6,908 471 385 80 630 4,429 741 2,599 166 65,917 5 32,621 5,000 - 70,126 73,731 900 13,709 11,500 150 100 100,000 2,525 1,705 1,000 700 300 400 2,000 8,000 500 500 250 4,500 803 4,000 100 70,000 100 - 70,126 73,731 900 13,709 16,300 150 100 233,501 2,525 1,705 1,000 700 300 400 1,822 8,000 500 500 250 178 4,500 803 4,000 100 115,653 100 10,255 506,494 41,816 72,048 56,250 900 14,097 24,600 150 100 100,000 2,650 2,081 1,000 700 300 300 1,500 8,750 500 500 3,500 769 4,000 100 70,000 100 867,000 - 517,119 158,379 37,621 713,119 542,310 209,133 751,443 542,310 393,087 558,565 1,493,962 535,623 221,600 867,000 1,624,223 PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES 107 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Planning FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 132,697 60,951 133,916 47,616 133,916 47,616 136,510 53,940 OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES CLEANING - NIGHT CREW GAS AND OIL NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP COPIER LEASES ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL RECORDING & OTHER FEES SPECIAL PROGRAMS MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 624 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,202 3,215 7,804 15,171 29,297 41,251 600 8,072 82,805 225 250 43,290 2,463 1,061 915 1,060 242 938 8,540 667 1,517 4,020 5,391 2,000 716 5,000 4 4,138 5,158 8,347 15,313 29,741 44,239 600 7,635 74,100 300 200 36,000 2,500 1,001 1,000 1,750 300 400 8,500 1,000 200 500 3,622 8,000 2,000 2,500 50 5,000 250 4,138 5,158 8,347 15,313 29,741 44,239 600 7,635 74,100 300 200 45,110 2,500 1,001 1,000 1,750 300 400 8,175 1,000 200 825 3,622 8,000 2,000 2,500 50 5,000 250 4,022 6,814 9,073 16,169 30,415 33,750 600 8,021 73,675 300 200 41,000 2,960 1,005 1,000 1,250 300 400 8,500 1,000 500 3,622 7,500 1,670 2,500 5,000 100 302,884 161,104 463,988 297,703 149,173 446,876 297,703 158,283 455,986 300,315 152,482 452,797 108 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Air Depot PROFESSIONAL FEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER OFFICE SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL CHEMICALS R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - OTHER COPIER LEASES INSURANCE BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENT OTHER DEBT INTEREST BOND INTEREST PAYMENT OPERATING DEBT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 405) 2,232 29,355 1,910 1,208 127 9,342 214 7,487 1,300 1,139 2,247 442 28,494 54,550 (3,389) 85,497 51,161 136,658 109 5,500 2,232 32,500 2,000 1,250 10,300 50 1,000 7,000 1,500 1,000 1,750 663 30,000 100,000 46,203 - 5,500 2,232 32,500 4,275 1,250 10,300 50 1,000 7,000 1,500 1,000 1,750 28,388 100,000 46,203 - 5,500 2,232 32,500 4,200 1,675 10,500 1,000 8,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 30,000 100,000 39,603 - 96,745 146,203 242,948 96,745 146,203 242,948 99,107 139,603 238,710 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Building FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 256,536 44,195 258,814 52,194 258,814 52,194 292,822 35,588 6,112 8,975 8,975 6,511 8,495 18,693 24,291 57,138 66,001 12,779 7,104 128 8,850 18,925 26,603 57,659 70,782 13,197 7,000 - 8,850 18,925 26,603 57,659 70,782 13,197 7,000 - 8,692 19,559 27,783 64,850 63,000 13,919 7,000 - 1,458 1,500 1,500 1,500 270 2,294 4,539 2,762 2,121 382 10,430 512 450 9,923 2,745 1,128 1,162 3,576 50 100 25,000 2,400 4,235 2,500 3,500 750 250 10,500 195 400 398 409 5,000 1,290 1,500 3,000 1,000 100 25,000 2,400 4,235 2,443 3,500 750 250 10,500 195 457 398 409 5,000 1,290 1,500 3,000 1,000 100 25,000 2,680 4,250 2,500 3,000 750 250 10,500 150 409 4,000 3,702 1,500 4,000 500 494,240 51,034 545,274 515,999 70,927 586,926 515,999 70,927 586,926 532,724 71,791 604,515 VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES LEGAL SERVICES FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES HOUSING ASSISTANCE PGM TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES GAS AND OIL NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL RECORDING & OTHER FEES MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES 110 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Gadsden Transit Services FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL 89,443 772 2,858 3,157 6,943 19,224 22,000 3,704 110,884 1,593 346 1,771 198 198 286 356 243 1,207 253 90,251 1,506 1,977 3,610 7,447 19,486 23,594 3,754 1,500 125,000 2,500 500 2,500 700 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,300 600 2,000 2,500 1,300 2,250 90,251 1,506 1,977 3,610 7,447 19,486 23,594 3,754 1,500 136,472 2,500 500 2,500 700 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,300 600 2,000 2,500 1,300 2,250 92,503 801 1,627 3,756 7,550 19,983 18,000 3,850 35,000 1,750 500 2,500 500 500 500 1,500 750 500 1,500 2,500 750 1,000 PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 141) 148,101 117,335 265,436 151,625 146,150 297,775 151,625 157,622 309,247 148,071 49,750 197,821 111 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Gadsden Transit Services (continued) FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OVERTIME VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE WATER & SEWER INTERNET CONNECTION FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES CLEANING - NIGHT CREW GAS AND OIL R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES R & M - OTHER NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL REPLACEMENT MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP OTHER EQUIPMENT SYSTEM/SOFTWARE PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 142) 84,162 350,645 1,121 1,054 1,893 3,040 33,286 18,103 22,000 17,566 425 1,350 43,830 17,055 3,619 1,946 824 4,884 8,257 831 205 3,890 1,705 8,675 178,038 78,074 60 623 1,386 241 1,090 175 1,931 380,970 26,020 4,515 - 84,921 413,772 5,000 315 472 3,216 38,839 19,335 23,594 20,276 500 1,500 55,000 18,000 5,000 2,000 900 4,500 17,000 1,500 450 850 7,500 2,200 12,000 180,000 75,000 1,000 600 2,000 2,000 500 1,500 750 4,000 40,000 - 84,921 413,772 5,000 315 472 3,216 38,839 19,335 23,594 20,276 950 1,500 55,000 18,000 5,000 2,000 900 4,500 17,000 1,500 450 400 7,500 2,200 12,000 180,000 75,000 1,000 600 1,250 2,900 759 1,500 750 4,000 410,278 20,210 17,540 140,938 90,585 15,583 4,808 87,043 408,156 2,500 434 1,462 3,408 38,480 19,297 18,000 20,044 500 1,000 51,000 18,000 4,750 2,250 900 5,400 16,600 1,250 250 7,500 1,500 11,000 190,000 75,000 600 1,250 3,000 500 1,500 500 2,500 350,000 40,000 - 532,870 363,629 406,990 1,303,489 609,740 396,250 40,000 1,045,990 609,740 396,659 699,942 1,706,341 598,824 396,750 390,000 1,385,574 112 FY13 Actual Expenses FY14 Original Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Community Development FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY STATE RETIREMENT HEALTH & LIFE INS BENEFIT WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CONTRACTUAL PRINTING MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE COPIER SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE GAS AND OIL R & M - OFFICE EQUIPMENT R & M - MOTOR VEHICLES NON-CAP OFFICE EQUIP NON-CAP COMPUTER EQUIP NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & TRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS HOUSING ASSISTANCE PGM PAINT - HUD PROGRAM CONTRIBUTIONS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS IMPROV. OTHER THAN BLDGS STREET IMPROVEMENTS OTHER DEBT PRINCIPAL OTHER DEBT INTEREST HMIS CONTINUUM OF CARE PERSONNEL OPERATING CAPITAL DEBT TOTAL EXPENSES (FUND 104) 4,419 366 104,545 2,020 4,558 7,895 22,650 33,000 4,365 495 1,232 579 1,077 1,150 205 35 850 1,331 274 1,173 1,021 2,117 10 59,400 2,173 91,401 13,900 505,369 175,000 72,173 32,398 - 105,477 1,941 4,949 8,596 22,924 35,391 4,417 500 100 1,500 600 1,500 2,250 250 344 1,750 100 500 500 1,250 500 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,054 98,000 2,000 98,400 376,600 175,000 68,000 - 105,477 1,941 4,949 8,596 22,924 35,391 4,417 500 100 1,500 600 1,500 2,250 250 344 1,750 100 500 500 1,250 500 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,054 98,000 2,000 98,400 250,000 562,531 175,000 68,000 39,531 9,000 80,621 13,711 529 2,129 5,074 7,808 17,790 18,000 3,976 500 100 1,750 700 2,000 2,250 598 757 1,750 100 500 500 1,250 500 2,500 1,500 3,000 6,000 98,000 2,000 98,700 175,000 59,000 - 183,818 196,921 519,269 247,173 1,147,181 183,695 217,098 376,600 243,000 1,020,393 183,695 265,629 812,531 243,000 1,504,855 149,639 224,955 234,000 608,594 113 Non-Departmental General Expenses Agency Appropriations Transfers To Other Funds 114 Position Summary TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL Non-Departmental 15 Seasonal (Summer Jobs Program) 15 Total 115 15 General Expenses General Expenses are those expenditures in a fund which cannot be directly attributed to a particular department or division, or benefits the entire organization. FY13 Actual Expenditures FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Non-Departmental Expenditures include dues and subscriptions, liability insurance, miscellaneous contributions, unemployment compensation payments, retirement benefits and contingencies. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES OTHER VACATION PAY SICK LEAVE PAY SOCIAL SECURITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES MEDICAL FEES - EMPLOYEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE WATER & SEWER OFFICE SUPPLIES NON-CAP OTHER EQUIP LAND LEASES ADVERTISING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INSURANCE SPECIAL EVENTS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MISCELLANEOUS LAND 001 9500 - PERSONNEL 001 9500 - OPERATING 001 9500 - CAPITAL 001 9500 - TOTAL EXPENSES 19,468 58 130,256 117,371 1,489 779 118,930 4,474 3,025 72,849 2,198 1,273 1,632 35,596 460,758 19,741 7,384 3,751 20,250 100,000 100,000 16,849 810 109,433 6,000 2,500 75,820 50 1,255 6,000 35,872 500,000 20,000 98,985 5,000 20,250 100,000 100,000 16,849 810 109,433 6,000 2,500 75,820 50 1,255 6,000 35,872 533,599 20,000 23,925 12,446 5,992 20,925 75,000 60,000 11,928 837 80,000 4,500 2,500 76,354 7,200 1,259 6,000 36,072 565,000 25,000 41,268 5,000 388,351 608,930 3,751 1,001,032 347,342 746,482 5,000 1,098,824 347,342 717,467 5,992 1,070,801 248,690 765,153 5,000 1,018,843 Utilities Expenditures include utility costs associated with the operation of all General Fund departments. ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS WATER & SEWER 1,540,536 145,995 229,317 1,750,000 175,000 275,000 1,750,000 175,000 275,000 1,775,000 175,000 250,000 001 3300 - TOTAL EXPENSES 1,915,848 2,200,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 116 General Expenses (continued) FY13 Actual Expenditures FY14 Approved Budget FY14 Revised Budget FY15 Approved Budget Group Health Expenditures that are associated with the administration of group health benefits, including premium payments to the State of Alabama Local Government Health Insurance Program, disability insurance premiums and life insurance premiums. SOCIAL SECURITY PROFESSIONAL FEES CONTRACTUAL PRINTING INSURANCE 2,873 26,970 6,174,475 5,000 30,000 6,735,980 5,000 30,000 6,735,980 5,000 30,000 6,634,348 510 1840 - PERSONNEL 510 1840 - OPERATING 518 1840 - TOTAL EXPENSES 2,873 6,201,445 6,204,318 5,000 6,765,980 6,770,980 5,000 6,765,980 6,770,980 5,000 6,664,348 6,669,348 Workers' Comp Expenditures included in this fund are workmen's compensation benefits to injured employees, insurance premiums, medical fees, legal fees and administrative expenses. WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROFESSIONAL FEES MEDICAL FEES - WORK/COMP INSURANCE TRAINING & TRAVEL 60,061 62,371 464,296 122,114 2,449 75,000 100,000 425,000 135,000 5,000 75,000 100,000 425,000 135,000 5,000 75,000 135,200 425,000 140,000 5,000 510 9500 - PERSONNEL 510 9500 - OPERATING 510 9500 - TOTAL EXPENSES 60,061 651,230 711,291 75,000 665,000 740,000 75,000 665,000 740,000 75,000 705,200 780,200 Street Maintenance (Fund 305) Expenditures associated with the operation and maintenance of bridges and streets, including street resurfacing. Street Maintenance 724,663 117 255,000 255,000 258,500 Agency Appropriations The City's annual budget includes appropriations to City and State agencies and to civic organizations who provide the citizens of Gadsden services and functions of a public purpose. FY14 Approved Budget FY15 Approved Budget Bevill Manufacturing Center Through a cooperative network of business, education and government, ATN is a primary source for identifying needs of and delivering technical assistance, technology solutions and customized training for existing industry. 200,000 200,000 Chamber Of Commerce Encourage business, labor and government cooperation for the promotion of economic development. The Chamber serves as a central organization dedicated to the well being of our community through programs designed to enhance and improve our cultural, social and economic climate. 25,000 25,000 Downtown Gadsden, Inc. A non-profit community partnership dedicated to fostering the economic development of downtown Gadsden through a comprehensive process of revitalization designed to protect, enhance and promote the architectural and historical heritage of our city. 70,000 70,000 Etowah County Health Department Services are provided in accordance with guidelines and policies of the Alabama Department of Public Health. Our local health department provides a range of community services including health information, protection activities for the prevention of diseases, communicable diseases controls, and the enhancement of the quality of our health and environment. 15,000 15,000 Gadsden Airport Authority The Gadsden Airport Authority was created in 2003 as a public corporation to manage the development and operations of the Northeast Alabama Regional Airport and the property that it owns. The GAA has seven directors that are appointed by the City Council , based upon the Mayor's nomination. - 280,800 Gadsden Beautification Board Identifies unsightly and unsanitary conditions. Encourages the initiation of programs to 7,500 7,500 945,750 1,000,000 enhance cleanliness and beautification through governmental agencies, civic organizations, merchants, and property owners associations. Counsels with nurseries, landscaping establishments, garden clubs and property owners to encourage a comprehensive, coordinated program for beautification of private and public properties in the city. Gadsden City Board Of Education Provides opportunities to educate students to their maximum potential, beginning with preschool through a secondary education level. Special education services are provided beginning with pre-school and extending to adult education. Other services include the Summer Nutrition Program, Homeless Program, Community Education, Migrant and summer school services. 118 Agency Appropriations (continued) FY14 Approved Budget FY15 Approved Budget Gadsden Commercial Development Authority In February of 2004, the GCDA was created to act as a partner and/or support to the City of Gadsden in creating an environment for continued and new retail growth within Gadsden city limits. GCDA develops demographic profiles of Gadsden for developers and provides them with a list of available commercial properties - 120,500 Gadsden Cultural Arts Foundation, Inc. Gadsden Cultural Arts Utility Assistance In May of 1984, the Cultural Arts Foundation was established with the purpose of providing an art facility for all citizens of the City of Gadsden, Etowah County and surrounding communities. In response to citizens initiatives, the center was chartered as an independent, non-profit organization. Foundation programs were created and presented to our community as a tool for enrichment of our quality of life through the educational, economic and community unique to the arts. 210,000 120,000 220,000 110,000 Gadsden-Etowah County Industrial Development Authority The purpose of IDA is to improve the economic well being of the Gadsden area and it's citizens through expanding and diversifying the industrial base. They assist in attracting new industries to fill gaps in the economic base, help to retain and expand existing industries and support efforts to develop service-sector facilities. - 425,000 MANNA The purpose of MANNA is to meet the nutritional needs of homebound people who are unable to provide an adequate diet for themselves and have no one to do it for them. The program acts as a safety net for the client by providing a friend who will regularly check on them. 7,500 10,000 Quality Of Life Health Services Since 1977, Quality of Life has provided health care in Etowah County for those with barriers to access. With a dedicated staff of physicians, support staff, and ancillary professionals, QOLHS is working to provide health care too those in need. Providing a full range of services including dental, optometry, lab, x-ray, health education and prescription assistance, more than 40,000 people’s health care needs are meet each year by the caring network of professionals that represent QOLHS. 50,000 10,000 Residential Development Authority Recently adopted state legislation authorizes the creation of a local land bank authority. This authority (RDA) is charged with redistribution of abandoned property throughout the City of Gadsden. It has the power to request transfer of the State of Alabama’s interest in tax delinquent properties, to acquire and dispose of other property, and to accept and issue deeds. 50,000 50,000 119 Agency Appropriations (continued) FY14 Approved Budget FY15 Approved Budget Snellgrove Civitan Center Promotes the general welfare of mentally challenged children and foster the development of programs in their behalf. The program also aides and advises parents with problem solving and coordinates their efforts and activities. The program works to promote a better understanding within the general public concerning the difficulties faced by mentally challenged children. 12,500 15,000 YMCA of the Coosa Valley A non-profit organization whose overall objective is to provide programs that aid in the improvement of a person's general well-being. Their role is to determine individual needs and to provide assistance where it is needed. They focus on the spirit, mind and body of the individual. They aid in after-school programs, as well as provide swimming lessons as part of the school system's after-school program. They provide scholarships to over 250 youth and families so they can participate in YMCA sponsored programs. - 18,000 1,713,250 2,576,800 Total Expenditures 120 Transfers Transfers to other funds is the process where revenues are accounted for in one fund and an allowable expenditure occurs in a different fund for which that revenue can legally pay. FY14 Approved Budget From To Fund Fund 001 001 001 001 001 001 101 102 102 103 106 112 160 160 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 132 141 142 230 411 430 305 001 305 001 230 214 214 223 206 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 224 230 230 Match for Aging Program Grant Match for Planning and Transportation Grant Match for Gadsden Transit Grant Capital lease - lighting Supplemental funding for Golf Course Supplemental funding for Residential Garbage Special auto tax to street resurfacing Street Maintenance labor Gas tax to street resurfacing Lodging tax to General Fund Capital Lease - Fire Dept Tobacco tax to Debt Service 214 Debt Service 214 Debt Service 223 1% sales tax to Debt Service 206 1% sales tax to Debt Service 213 1% sales tax to Debt Service 214 1% sales tax to Debt Service 215 1% sales tax to Debt Service 217 1% sales tax to Debt Service 218 1% sales tax to Debt Service 219 1% sales tax to Debt Service 220 1% sales tax to Debt Service 221 1% sales tax to Debt Service 222 1% sales tax to Debt Service 224 Capital Lease - BB&T Capital Lease - Motorola Total 121 64,967 59,555 435,995 48,912 267,180 614,497 105,000 250,000 150,000 200,000 81,965 350,000 600,000 194,471 FY15 Approved Budget 782,794 75,014 462,668 625,507 436,978 425,000 603,113 92,511 39,564 500,787 8,153 304,305 659,164 106,500 250,000 152,000 200,000 308,502 350,000 715,400 84,276 194,795 348,500 55,475 82,988 456,407 1,550,507 431,244 655,250 392,043 316,528 215,963 279,938 - 6,833,616 8,750,800 Appendix Glossary Budget Ordinance 122 Glossary Adopted Budget - The official expenditure policy for the City as authorized by the City Council in a specified fiscal year. Amended Budget - A budget that includes changes to the original adopted budget which have been passed by the City Council. Appropriated Fund Balance - Amount of fund balance appropriated as a revenue source for a given fiscal year. Appropriation - An authorization from a governing body to make expenditures for a specific purpose. Authorized Positions - Positions that have been approved by the City. These positions are not necessarily funded or filled in any given fiscal year. Benefits - Federal and State mandates and other council approved programs such as health insurance. Bond - A written promise to pay a specific sum of money plus interest within an allotted period of time. The City sells these bonds to fund certain projects, primarily the construction of new roads or major facilities. Budget - A financial plan containing estimated expenditures and revenues for a specific fiscal year. Budget Ordinance - Legal instrument used by governing bodies to establish spending authority for local governments. Capital Outlay - Expenditures budgeted for the purchase of fixed assets costing $1,000 or more and which have an expected useful life of at least one year. Debt Service Fund - A fund used to account for resources dedicated to the payment of principal and interest on general long term debt. Division - A sub-unit of a department which is responsible for a clearly defined portion of a service provided by that department. Encumbrance - A financial commitment to pay for goods and services that have not yet been delivered. Enterprise Fund - A fund used to account for operations in which the cost of providing services are financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Expenditures - The total amount of funds paid out by a government to provide for various programs and services. Fiscal Policy - A government's policy with respect to revenue spending and debt management. Fiscal policy provides an agreement upon a set of principles for the planning, programs, and funding of governmental organizations. Fiscal Year - The twelve month period to which the operating budget applies. The fiscal year for the City of Gadsden begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. Function - A group of related services and activities usually performed by one organizational unit with support from other departments. 123 Glossary (continued) Fund - A fiscal and accounting entity with a self balancing set of accounts. Fund Balance - The amount of resources remaining in a fund when revenues have exceeded appropriations for expenditures. General Fund - A fund to account for the overall operations of a government unit. Unless there is a legal, contractual, or managerial requirement for separate accounting, all activities of the unit are recorded in the General Fund. General Obligation Bond - Bonds issued by the government usually requiring voter approval that are backed by the government's full faith and credit. Goal - A long term attainable target for an organization. Long term vision. Inter-Fund Transfers - Transfers of money between distinct accounting funds as authorized by City Council. Internal Services Fund - Funds used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency of a government to another on a cost-reimbursement basis. Mil - The property tax rate which is based on the valuation of properties. A tax rate of one mill produces one dollar of taxes on each $1,000 dollars of property valuation. Non - Departmental - Expenditures that are not related to any specific government department or division. Objective - A specific measurable and observable result of an organizations activities which advances the organization to it's goals. Operating Expenditures - Category of expenditures for an on-going service such as telephone charges, utility charges, and office supplies. Personnel Costs - Cost of wages, salaries, retirement, and fringe benefits. Property Tax - A tax levied on the value of real property set by governing bodies to fund government operations. Property tax is expressed as a dollar value per $100 of assessed valuation. Revenue Bonds - Bonds issued and backed only by the revenues from a special enterprise or project. Revenue - The gross income received by a government to be used for the provision of programs and services. Service Area - A group of related programs and services. Special Revenue Fund - A fund used to account for revenues that must by used for a particular purpose. Special revenue funds are used only when required by law. 124 125 126