580 delmont ave. warminster, pa 18974
580 delmont ave. warminster, pa 18974
580 DELMONT AVE. Phone: 215-672-8380 WINTER 2013 Issue WARMINSTER, PA 18974 Fax: 215-672-4501 Email: benwilsoncenter@yahoo.com 9:00 AM -3:30 PM NOTE: YOU CAN NOW LIKE BEN WILSON SENIOR CENTER ON FACEBOOK BANQUET HALL RENTALS The Center is available for wedding receptions, fundraisers, and any other type of celebration. Please call 215-672-8380 for available dates and prices. SAVE THE DATE FUNDRAISERS Bingo…Every Wednesday Night…6:30 pm Doors Open at 4 pm Used Shoe Collection Trip, Mt Airy Casino…Thurs, Jan 31 Steak & Hoagie Promotion Thur March – See Coupon Attached BLOOD DRIVE 2-7 PM…………..Mon, Feb 4 TRIP – TAJ MAHAL….. Mon-Tues Feb 10-12 WINTER TEA AT WILSON……..Sun, Feb 17 SENIOR EXPO 2-5 PM ………Thurs, Mar 14 TRIP – Hunterdon Hills, NJ…Thurs, Mar 21 BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE 26 Week Lottery Tickets go on Sale in March APRIL 13 – PANCAKE BREAKFAST APRIL 26 – VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON Future Trips Sat, May 18 Fri, July 26 Sept 9-12 Watch bulletin board and Website for More FREE TAX HELP Free tax help is available thanks to AARP at the Wilson Center every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday thur April 12th. The State of PA will do PA State returns every Wednesday. Call the Center at 215-672-8380 for an appointment. HOLIDAY CLOSING DATES DECEMBER 31 – NEW YEAR’S EVE JANUARY 1, 2013 – NEW YEAR’S DAY JANUARY 21ST – MARTIN LUTHUR KING JR DAY FEBRUARY 18TH – PRESIDENT’S DAY MARCH 29TH – GOOD FRIDAY BWSC MEMBER NEWS GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 2ND TUESDAY AT 10 AM NOTE (Jan Mtg is on 15th) ATTEND FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A PRIZE … 1 HELPFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER Dear Friends, Hope your holidays were great. We all wish you a very happy and healthy New Year. Please come out and enjoy our many activities in 2013. Carol Strack Aid for Friends Area Agency on Aging A.A.R.P. Better Business Bureau Bucks Co. Transport Elder Abuse Food Stamps Homeless Hotline Legal Service Military Affairs P.A.C.E. R.S.V.P. S.A.G.E. Senior Employment Social Security Tax/Rent Rebate MANAGERS MUSINGS In January we will begin to have a new look at the Center. You will see a new paint job and please wipe your feet before entering – new carpets! I am looking for someone who knows how to patch and spackle drywall. If you know of someone who could donate their time to help the center, please let me know. (P.S. it is not a big job.) We are looking for a treadmill that works to be donated to the Center. Do you have one that you would give to us? Are you a line dancer? We are in the process of trying to find a teacher. If you know someone who would be interested, have them give me a call. Stay safe in the snow, 215-348-7505 215-348-0510 717-238-2277 215-985-9313 215-794-5554 800-243-3767 215-781-3300 800-810-4434 215-781-1111 215-345-3307 215-348-0510 215-340-1210 215-357 -2332 215-340-2020 800-772-1213 215-443-2990 BWSC MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of the Association is to promote the social welfare of persons 55 years of age and older by encouraging good fellowship and companionship among its members through participation in outreach social activities, community improvement projects, and other non-profit activities conducive to the physical, mental, and social well-being of its members. Wanda Kester STEPPING DOWN Dear Members, It has been my great pleasure to run Wednesday Night Bingo for the past 5/6 years. This August I will be stepping down. We are in need of someone to take over the reigns in order for our successful Bingo pro- gram to continue for the benefit of the Center. No experience necessary! I will be happy to train my replacement and continue to help during the transition period. There is a very well established group of dedicated workers who run Bingo like a well-oiled machine. Please contact Wanda or me as soon as possible if you are interested or know anyone who may be able to help. Thanks to all my loyal Bingo volunteers for all your help. Without you, this program would not be possible. I look forward to playing bingo with all of you this summer! FOOD FOR THOUGHT Our annual member Christmas party on Dec 14 was a hugh success, mainly due to volunteers Norma Peacock, Maggie Kosmahl, and Sue Ann Loughead. Please let them know how much you enjoyed their efforts. As coffee consumption increases due to the cold weather please be patient w/the kitchen crew as they are trying to meet your requests as well as tend to their normal duties. If you forgot to sign up of a meal, you will need to go on the front desk wait list. You may not receive the menued meal but you will receive a lunch. I wish everyone a very Happy Holiday and a safe and Healthy New Year. Amanda Gershanick Claire Kreuter NEED HELP PAYING YOUR UTILITY BILLS???? Contact the PA Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) at 1-866-857-7095 2 CENTER CHATTER Now that winter is here, the Ben Wilson Senior Center has some exciting events lined up for you. Come out and participate. Get your monies worth from your membership. We need your support to keep the center running. Buxmont Stamp Club Meets every 2 and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at the Wilson Activity Center. Trade - Buy – Sell. We’ve been here since 2004. Come join us. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Have some time on your hands? Have a talent you want to share? Just a few hours a week to get out and meet and greet, play cards, pool, WI bowling, read, learn a new language, practice (or learn) your dancing skills, have a hot meal. nd MONTHLY 50/50 DRAWINGS Tickets are $1 and on sale daily At the front desk. Drawing on last Friday of each month. Bingo Every Wednesday Night Doors open 4:00 PM Games Start 6:30 PM Kitchen serving from 5-6:30 PM and break time Every Week a different entrée at nominal cost Admission and four lap boards – only $10 Book of (4) Specials and Bonanza -- $2 Other specials available 50/50 chance sales increase Jackpot Bring a Friend (new player) for free admittance Wilson Billiard Pool Game Schedule W I vs Shannondell Tues, Jan 8 Away W II vs Pennridge Tues, Jan 15 Home W I vs Skippack Mon, Jan 21 Away W II vs Britany Pointe Fri, Feb 15 Home W I vs Skippack Fri, Feb 15 Home WII vs Pennridge Tues, Feb 19 Away Wilson I vs Wilson II Wed, Feb 27 In-House W I vs Britany Pointe Fri, Mar 8 Away W II vs Shannondell Fri, Mar 15 Home W I vs Pennridge Tues, Mar 19 Home AARP 55 ALIVE – DRIVING CLASSES This course is approved by the PA Dept of Transportation. If you take this course you may be eligible for a discount on your automobile insurance. The cost of the course is $12.00 for AARP members and $14.00 for non-members. CHECKS ONLY are payable to AARP. Classes are scheduled for: Refresher course: 1 day – January 18, 2013 Full course: 2 days – February 14 & 15, 2013 Refresher course: 1 day – March 15, 2013 Additional courses scheduled. Limited seating. Registrations taken at front desk. Steak and Hoagie Promotion Attached find a coupon for a $1.00 off and more importantly a $1.00 donation for each sandwich purchased to benefit the BWAC from the Factory. If you want, give the coupon to a family member and pick up additional coupons at the front desk. The promotion will run from January 2013 and extended through March 31st. No limits. This is a win, win! Support us and find the Factory’s new location at the same time. HOT OR COLD LUNCHEONS Now You Know! The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) pays $3.89 a meal and suggests a $2.50 contribution to be reimbursed for your meal. Please sign up at BWSC Dining Hall for meals by Wednesday for the following week. Please call in to let us know if you are unable to partake on any reserved meal so we can utilize the food not being eaten. Q) Why do I urinate (pee) so much at night time? A) Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are up right. When you lie down and the lower body (legs and other things) are level with the kidney, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. Thank you to Warminster Rotary Club for their donation to our BWAC Kitchen Fund. 3 Oh, the wheels of the bus go round and round…. Our travelers have often found The most interesting stops and sights abound. During the winter months the wheels of OUR Travel Club bus will go to….. American Music Theater, Sat, May 18 Lancaster, PA Front center balcony seating for Broadway show – Now and Forever at 3 pm; lunch at The Cracker Barrel at noon. Mt Airy Casino Thurs – Jan 31 Don’t forget your ID, Slot or table play with a $25 casino play and $10 food voucher makes This a ‘real deal’. Taj Mahal, AC, NJ Sun-Tues Feb 10-12 Walk the boardwalk; spin the wheels at the slots; Great dinner and breakfast. Help A.C. recoup. Mt Haven Resort, Milford Fri, July 26 Breakfast Buffet, Movie or Bingo, Open Bar, Live Musical Entertainment, Dinner Buffet Hunterdon Hill, NJ Thurs-March 21 Funny comedy entitled Butterflies are Free and a fantastic full course meal with a dessert buffet. (Lotsa goodies) Mystery Trip Mon – Thurs, Sept 9 - 12 In the works!!!!!! Place is a mystery but you all know Earl does his darnedest to outdo! For more information and reservations call Earl Baxter at 215-672-8380, press #1 for trips. Additional trips are scheduled, check online or flyers in the BWSC lobby. We wish to welcome Florence Jacob as our new Travel Office associate. She is quickly learning our system, and is striving to help each of you. We wish her well. We all thank Virginia Harrington for her years of service and wish her well in her retirement. NEWSLETTER STAFF Wanda Kester Mary Bell, Dolores Diamond, Adele Weremeychik, Dave Amodei, Dan Shafer Shop Rite Gift Cards are available for sale at the front desk. Great for birthdays, etc. GUESS WHO will be 25? The Ben Wilson Center! Watch for celebration Events. We are looking for old pictures or history of the Center 4 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR LOCAL MERCHANTS PLEASE SUPPORT OUR LOCAL MERCHANTS 5 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR LOCAL MERCHANTS 6 Healthy Lifestyles By Carolyn Horner Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is important for a healthy immune system and strong bones. It is unique from other essential vitamins because it can be ingested; or made by our bodies if we get enough sunshine. Hence, Vitamin D is often referred to as the “Sunshine Vitamin.” In our current society we all get a limited amount of Vitamin D from sun exposure. It is suggested by doctors that people under the age of 70 need 600 IU per day. 800 IU is recommended for those over the age of 70. A good source of Vitamin D is fish. EAT MORE FISH!! Fresh, frozen or canned fish are all great sources of Vitamin D. Also fortified cereals and dairy products are good; and they help us get the proper intake each day. Taking Vitamin D supplements to support your diet is a wise idea. Vitamin D deficiency causes all sorts of disease. Your doctor can check your level with a simple blood test. Eat more foods with vitamin D. Consult with your doctor to find out if you are getting enough. This is one simple way to keep you in better health through these winter days. Don’t forget to get out and enjoy the sunshine if the weather is nice enough! Yours in good health, Carolyn WEEKLY LOTTERY Come March we will again begin selling chances for the 26 Week Lottery drawn at Wednesday night Bingo. Cost is $35 and weekly prize is $25 PLUS attendance at our Free Gala Dance Party in November when the Grand Prizes of $50, $100 and (two) $250’s are drawn. Your ticket is returned to the container and you are eligible to win each week as well as at the party. You do not have to be present to win. DAILY ACTIVITIES Breakfast Club meets every day at 9 am Assorted cereals, pastries, juices, bagels, and more! MON 9:00 AM PINOCHLE – POOL PLAYERS 10:00 AM AEROBICS* NOON – LUNCH 12:30 PM PINOCHLE – POOL PLAYERS 1:00 PM YOGA 6:30 PM POKER* TUE 9:00 AM PINOCHLE – POOL PLAYERS 9:30 AM GENEALOGY* SIGN UP 10:00 AM GENERAL MEETING (WIN A PRIZE) 2ND OF THE MONTH NOON – LUNCH 12:15 PM BRIDGE* 1:00 PM CROCHET/KNITTING AND POOL PLAYERS 6:30 PM PINOCHLE WED 9:00 AM PINOCHLE – POOL PLAYERS 9:30 AM PENNY BINGO 10:00 AM WOOD CARVING* NOON – LUNCH 12:30 PM BEGINNERS BRIDGE 1:00 PM COMPUTER* POOL PLAYERS AND NATIVITY KNITTERS 4:00 PM DOORS OPEN FOR BINGO 6:30 PM BINGO STARTS THUR 9:00 AM PINOCHLE – POOL PLAYERS 9:30 AM PENNY BINGO – ART CLASS* NOON – LUNCH 12:15 PM BRIDGE* 12:30 PM WII BOWLING 1:00 PM POOL PLAYERS FRI 9:00 AM PINOCHLE – POOL PLAYERS ZUMBA* 9:30 AM MAH JONGG* 11:30 BEGINNER LINE DANCING* 12:30 INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCING* NOON – LUNCH 1:00 PM POOL PLAYERS *Donations accepted for the BWSC $3.00 member $5.00 non member Bring your used shoes and place in box in lobby. We are able to forward them for funds. 7 BENEFACTORS 2012 We gratefully acknowledge the following companies and persons for their generosity to the Ben Wilson Community Center. Titheing takes many faces and we as a non-profit organization trying to help seniors, rely on your generosity. Remember us when calculating your gift giving for 2013. Gold Platinum Earl Baxter C B Rich Ellis Inc Greco Family Chiropractic Howard Hubbard Ivyland Boro Claire Kreuter Sue Ann Loughead Adele Weremeychik Abington Hospital Acme Brookside Doylestown Hospital Giant Rilling’s Bakery Shop Rite Warminster Rotary Club Jerry and Nancy Weslosky Silver Helen Davis DELVAL Concrete D Harris Gloria Dei Dan McPhillips Reinard Ins. SE Health System WW Physical Therapy Betty Wolgast Anonymous Hair Cuts Trims and full cuts are skillfully performed by Janice on the 4th Monday for the month from 9am until noon. Look your best for less. Membership Dues Drive On the back page is a copy of our 2013 dues form. Your 2013 dues must be paid by March 14 in order for you to vote in May or to run for office. Mail in or drop off form and dues at the front desk to receive your membership card on the spot. Thank you. Thanks From the Heart Our Christmas craft show volunteer workers did a fantastic job in planning, organizing, and working for this endeavor. They are Diane Shiminsky, Lou Kreeb, Nancy Scary, Carol Strack, Claire Kreuter, Betty Sim, Dolores Diamond, Joan Funk, Mary Bell, Peg Scullion, Theresa Williams, Ann Zelonis, Tony DiMezza, Wanda Kester, Harry Scullion, Jerry Weslosky, Dan Shafer, Dave Amodei and Dottie. Supplies were donated by Amanda, Pat, Wanda, Acme, Shop Rite. Coordinator – Pat Murphy Be Careful What You Ask For! BWC Pancake Breakfast Our center will have a Pancake Breakfast on April 13 from 8 AM-11 AM. Bring the family as the Easter bunny makes his appearance. You can have your picture taken with him. Fun for everyone! The tree outside our lobby had become too large and needed trimming – and hurricane Sandy answered the call. It was no ‘rescue’. A new tree or planting is needed to replace the lost tree. Can you help? See pix in lobby. HEALTHY STEPS FOR OLDER ADULTS This is a free program to help us prevent falls and to stay healthy. Wanda is in negotiations to have them join our Senior Expo in March. You can also contact the Dept of Aging. See Wanda for more information. MIND – BODY – SOUL……. AT THE BEN WILSON CENTER Keep your mind sharp ---Try pinochle, pool, bridge, poker, computer, rummy Keep your body active---Zumba. Aerobics, line dancing, bowling, walking Keep your soul singing ---Yoga, genealogy, wood carving, art, mahjongg. 8