phthalates - Food Review Indonesia
phthalates - Food Review Indonesia
PHTHALATES, DIOXINS/FURANS & PAH TESTING METHOD ON BEVERAGES Melissa Dita, M.Sc AGENDA • • • • PHTHALATES : INTRODUCTION SAMPLE STORAGE, HOMOGENISATION and EXTRACTION • DIOXINS/FURANS & PAH : MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE • • REGULATION • ANALYSIS SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION, CARCINOGENIC & EXPOSURE PHTHALATES INTRODUCTION • 1,2-Benzendicarboxylic acid esters, commonly denoted as phthalates, form a group of compounds that is mainly used as plasticisers for polymers such as polyvinilchloride (PVC) • Others application are adhesives, paints, films, glues, cosmetics and so forth. • The derivative of phthalate is infinite. Despite only a few phthalate are produced in the industrial scale, the annual production of phthalates was estimated by the WHO to approach 8 million tons. • The most important congeners are in that respect DEHP (50% of the world production of phthalates), DIDP and DINP. Phthalate PTHALATE CHARACTERISTIC • • • • Phthalates are stable in solution Able to resist high temperature Degrade under exposure to sunlight Metabolised under aerobic microbial activity • Humans are exposed to phthalates via food, air, water, and other sources such as cosmetics or pharmaceutical products. • Fatty and oily foods are primarily contaminated with phthalates due to their lipophilic character. PTHALATE DERIVATIVE DEHP – Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthlate BBP – Benzyl butyl phthalate DIDP – Di-isodecyl phthalate DBP – Dibutyl phthalate DINP – Di-isononyl phthalate DNOP – Di-n-octyl phthalate PHTHALATE INVESTIGATED FOOD & BEVERAGE MATRICES INVESTIGATED SAMPLE STORAGE, HOMOGENISATION AND EXTRACTION Sampel Storage • • A potential source of contamination are sampling containeres, which for reasons of convenience (thight, unbrakeable, resistant to low temperature etc) are frequently made of plastics. Original food packaging should be used for sample storage if possible, also those intended for phthalate analysis are stored cooled. Sample Homogenisation • • • Sample have to be homogenised prior to extraction. This can be achieve by shaking, stirring or mixing. In case of solid samples, mixers are used to pulpify them, which is frequently enhanced by the addition of distilled water or polar organic solvents. FOOD & BEVERAGES TESTING Sample Preparation Weight Homogenized Sample in a Centrifuge Tube Add Solvent, MgSO4, NaCL and International Standard Vortex Centrifuge Pipette to GC Vial Direct inject GCMS Continue…. FOOD TYPE EXTRACTION Non-fatty liquid : water, soft drink, alcoholic beverages Liquid-liquid (L/L) extraction, extracted with non-polar organic solvent. The solvents employed are chloroform, n-hexane, nheptane, or isooctane. Non- fatty solid foods: Extracted with acetonitril, or mixtures of acetonitril and water, to lower viscosity of the sample. Fatty solid food: Total diet samples. Phthalates are extracted from the matrix either together with the fat by application of solvents such as dichloromethane, mixtures of dichloromethane with cyclohexane, n-hexane and mixture of n-hexane with acetone, or acetonitril. The extraction is mostly accomplished by simply shaking. SAMPLE CLEAN UP Two technique are applied for the clean up of the food extract, liquid-liquid partioning and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). GPC employed if the extract contained large amounts of fat. FOOD MATRICE TYPE CLEAN UP Non-fatty liquid : water, soft drink, alcoholic beverages Not required Non- fatty solid foods: Co-extracted interference were removed by them from the acetonitril solution by partioning inti n-hexane. Fatty solid food: Total diet samples. Dichloromethane applied for the isolation of lipid fraction from acetone extract. The lipid fraction was evaporated, recontituted in cyclohexane/ethylacetate(1/1) and cleaned up by GPC. MEASUREMENT Diethylphthalate – SIM mode Summary of phthalates analyzed Phthalates type Abb. Retention Time (min) SIM ions detail Dimethylphthalate DMP 7.474 163.05, 77.05, 50.05 Diethylphthalate DEP 8.171 149.00, 150.00, 65.00, 75.95 Di-n-butylphthalate DIBP 9.796 149.00, 150.00, 205.05 Benzyl butyl phthalate BBP 11.293 149.00, 91.05, 206.05 Bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate DEHP 11.858 148.95, 167.00, 57.05, 71.05 Di-n-octyl phthalate DNOP 12.475 149.00, 279.90, 150.70 DETECTION LIMIT • • • • • • • • DMP DEP DIBP BBP DEHP DNOP DINP DIDP LOR set at -1ppm under scan mode - 0.5ppm under sim mode QA/QC • BLANK VALUES Hardly constant, need to be well controlled • Quality control charts • Replicate sample • Avoiding the use of plastic material such as PVC during sample preparation • Checking chemicals before use, distillation, heating of glassware in a furnace 2h; 400oC; store it until use in dessicator, rinsing glass ware with solvents, exchanging frequently wash solvents, performing runs without injection to clean the instrument DIOXINS/FURANS and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Regulation Chemical Contamination Dioxins PAH It is necessary to accurately determine the level priority PAHs and Dioxins in food to respond to Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) legislation and ensure food safety. Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) INTRODUCTION • Known as poly-aromatic hydrocarbons or polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons • Potent atmospheric pollutants that consist of fused aromatic rings and do not contain heteroatoms or carry substituents • Exist in oil, coal, tar deposits, and as byproducts of fuel burning (whether fossil fuel or biomass) • Identified as carcinogenic and mutagenic • PAHs are also found in cooked foods, studies have shown that high levels of PAHs are found in meat cooked at high temperatures such as grilling or barbecuing, and in smoked fish Benzo (a) pyrene • • • • PAHs compound used as indicator as safety level caused by identified as the most high level of carcinogenicity. Mutagenic and highly carcinogenic, listed as a Group 1 carcinogen by the IARC. Benzopyrenes, formed by a benzene ring fused to pyrene. The result of incomplete combustion at temperatures between 300 °C (572 °F) and 600 °C (1,112 °F). Carcinogenic of PAHs • Banyak senyawa-senyawa aromatik, termasuk PAHs, yang bersifat karsinogenik. • Hidrofobik dan tidak memiliki gugus metil atau gugus reaktif. • Sangat sulit diekskresi dari dalam tubuh dan biasanya terakumulasi pada jaringan hati, ginjal, maupun adiposa atau lemak tubuh. • Struktur molekul yang menyerupai basa nukleat (adenosin, timin, guanin, dan sitosin), molekul PAH dapat dengan mudah menyisipkan diri pada untaian DNA. • Akibatnya fungsi DNA akan terganggu dan apabila kerusakan ini tidak dapat diperbaiki dalam sel, maka akan menimbulkan penyakit kanker. Analysis PAH Food & Beverage Sample Preparation Identification METHOD • Preparation method 3510, 3520 (water) • Analysis 8270 C (GCMS) Food Sample Preparation DIOXINS/FURANS Description • • • The polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) are chlorinated, planar, aromatic compounds containing two benzene rings. The terms PCDD/F and dioxins carry the same meaning and are used interchangeably A dioxin molecule is bonded by two oxygen atoms, furan molecule by a single oxygen atom and a direct bond. Introduction • By products of various industrial processes • Have been in the environmental spotlight for over two decades • Regarded as highly toxic compound • Environmental pollutants • Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) • Extensive global research has concluded to these compounds can result biochemical and biological effects in animal and human Dioxins and Furans come from: • Not made for any specific purpose but formed when products are burned • Byproduct from : ** pulp and paper industry from chlorine bleaching the wood pulp ** burn household waste ** burn wood ** municipal solid waste incinerator ** copper smelter ** production of iron and steel ** cement kiln ** electrical power generation ** fuel burning ** coal fired power plant Cement Kiln Copper Smelter Coal fired power plant Electrical power generation How Can Human Exposed to Dioxins and Furans *Dioxins and Furans are enter your body : • Breathing contaminated air • Drinking contaminated water • Eating contaminated food *90 % of exposure to dioxins and furans is from eating contaminated food. *Build up in fatty tissue of the animals *Contaminated beef, pork, poultry, fish and dairy product can be a source of exposure • Dioxins and Furans have been found in air, soil and food • Mainly distributed by air • Fat Soluble, it bio accumulates, climbing up the food chain • Hydrophobic and Lipophilic Dioxins and Furans analysis Analytical method Water/Solid/Tissue by: • USEPA 1613 A Tetra- through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope Dilution HRGC/HRMS • SW846 8290 Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) by HighResolution Gas Chromatograph/High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS) Practical sampling guide Food/Feed & Beverages Foodstuffs/Feedingstuffs Amount Food & Feed: 100 grams Beverages: 1 L Container Aluminium foil / Amber glass with Teflon lined cap Preservation None required Storage conditions 4°C or frozen in darkness Holding times Frozen, up to 1 year Sampling Sample Extraction standard Extraction Cleanup Fractionation Final extract HRGC-HRMS analysis Syringe standard Determination of PCDD/F HRGC-HRMS instruments 2 HRMS instruments HRMS Finnigan MAT 95XP high resolution (R > 10 000) with two capillary gas chromatographs Agilent 6890N (HRGC) equipped with auto samplers CTC GCPAL HRMS ThermoElectron DFS– GC Trace Ultra equiped with a TriPlus autosampler ALS QC scheme for dioxin food/feed & beverages samples is following: • 1. The extraction standard recoveries are determined for each sample, the recovery have to meet our criteria • • • • 2. The method blank is measured for each batch of 20 samples 3. The duplicate is measured for each batch of 20 samples 4. Certified reference material is measured every 3 months 5. Take part in interlaboratory comparisons with minimal frequency 1 / 2 years, but usually 1-2 times/year Excellence in HRMS analyses ALS offers the most comprehensive range of services including: • Dioxins (PCDD/Fs) and co-planar PCBs – All enviro matrices (incl. Emissions/Air) and bio matrices (incl. Food/Feed/Tissue) • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) – All enviro matrices and bio matrices (incl. Food/Feed/ Tissue) • Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)-All enviro matrices (incl. Emissions/ Air) and bio matrices (incl. Food/Feed/Tissue) Thank You any question? Contact us : Phone : 0251-8253813