Welcome to Bradenton Beach
Welcome to Bradenton Beach
Welcome to Bradenton Beach Anna Maria Island’s Southernmost City Visitor’s Guide Table of Contents Our “Old Florida” Heritage Enjoy Our Recreational Activties Events Ecotourism Please Help Protect Our Endangered Sea Turtles Enjoy Our Local Treasures Local Information This publication funded in part, through a grant agreement from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Coastal Management 8ZWOZIUJaIOZIV\XZW^QLMLJa\PM7NÅKM7N 7KMIVIVL+WI[\IT:Msource Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. 6)67;!!<PM^QM_[[\I\MUMV\[ÅVLQVO[KWVKT][QWV[IVLZMKWUmendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily ZMÆMK\\PM^QM_[WN \PM;\I\MWN .TWZQLI67))WZIVaWN Q\[[]JIOMVKQM[ Published March 2007 Special thanks to Lenna Dahlquist (lennadahlquist@gmail.com, http://webspace.ringling.edu/~ldahlqui/portfolio) for graphics and design, Carl Parks (CarlParks.com) for writing. On behalf of all of us here--welcome! Enjoy your visit, and relax in our “Old Florida” charm. We offer you six miles of shoreline. At the Gulf of Mexico on our west, we have spectacular beaches. Along Anna Maria Sound to our east, we have nature trails, a municipal pier, boat launches, and the Florida Intercoastal Waterway. Bradenton Beach is the [W]\PMZVUW[\WN \PZMMKQ\QM[WV)VVI5IZQI1[TIVL\PMÅZ[\JIZZQMZQ[TIVL south of Tampa Bay. Please enjoy our recreational opportunities and numerous events throughout the year. And leave your car behind. You can walk to many WN W]ZÅVM[PWX[[MZ^QKM[IVLZM[\I]ZIV\[WZTM\W]ZNZMM\ZWTTMa\ISMaW] anywhere on the island. Our “Old Florida” Heritage Originally called “Cortez Beach,” Bradenton Beach incorporated in 1953. In 1923, we became the economic center of Anna Maria Island when the ÅZ[\ LZI_JZQLOM KWVVMK\ML ][ \W \PM UIQVTIVL ?WWLMV XTIVS[ _MZM \PM roadbed, and the narrow draw permitted only one vehicle to cross at a time. 4IZOM JWI\[ QVKT]LQVO 2WPV :QVOTQVO¼[ aIKP\ WN\MV OW\ [\]KS <PM K]ZZMV\ drawbridge was built in 1957, and a portion of the old bridge was preserved as the historic Bradenton Beach Municipal Pier. Before the bridges, people came by boat. The Timucuan and Calusa )UMZQKIV1VLQIV[_MZM\PMÅZ[\^Q[Q\WZ[*MIKPOWMZ[TI\MZIZZQ^MLJa[\MIUMZ _PQTMÅ[PMZUMVLWKSML\PMQZJWI\[IVLJ]QT\KW\\IOM[\PI\[\QTT[]Z^Q^M\WLIa +QZK][_WZSMZ[IT[WUILMW]ZKQ\a¼[Å[PQVOKIUX[\PMQZPWUM_PMV:QVOTQVO Brothers wintered in Sarasota. Following World War II, our city has quickly grown in popularity and in population. Today we have more than 900 residents and 2,500 residential units. Yet we still cling to our “Old Florida” heritage that makes us unique among resort communities. AMI Chamber of Commerce AnnaMariaIslandChamber.com Visit Florida VisitFlorida.com City of Bradenton Beach CityofBradentonBeach.com Anna Maria Sun AMISun.com Manatee Chamber of Commerce ManateeChamber.com The Islander Islander.org Anna Maria Island Historical Society AMIHS.org Florida Coastal Management Program ___LMX[\I\MÆ][KUX Waterfronts Florida Program ___LKI[\I\MÆ][NLKXLKX_I\MZNZWV\[ Local Information Emergency: Fire, Medical, Police...911 Bradenton Beach Police (direct line)...941.778.6311 Poison Control Center...1800.282.3171 ;IZI[W\I*ZILMV\WV)QZXWZ\;:9°!! Non-Emergency Police…941.778.1005 ext.220 AMI Chamber of Commerce…941.778.1541 Sheriff Department…941.747.3011 Bradenton Beach City Hall…941.778.1005 U.S. Coast Guard…941.794.1261 Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch…941.778.5638 Free Island Trolley…941.749.7116 Anna Maria Island Historical Society…941.778.0492 ?QTLTQNM1VK:M[K]M:MPIJ°! Because we proved our great appreciation for our abundant waterfront ZM[W]ZKM[ *ZILMV\WV *MIKP _I[ \PM ÅZ[\ KWUU]VQ\a \W JM I_IZLML \PM “Waterfronts Florida” designation for our entire city. The Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program is administered by the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, which also oversees our comprehensive plan. Our designation adds a layer of protection over the entire community and assists with grants aimed at retaining our traditional economy, as well as our historical and ecological heritage. For more information about the history of Bradenton Beach and our Island, visit the Anna Maria Island Historical Society at 402 Pine Avenue, Trolley Stop No. 42 in the city of Anna Maria, phone 778-0492. Its website is AMIHS.org Enjoy Our Recreational Opportunities Please avail yourself of the many opportunities we offer here in Bradenton Beach. From our spectacular public beaches to nature trails, wildlife, recreational activities, restaurants, lodging and other accommodations, we hope you will enjoy your stay. Swimming Our public beaches include Coquina Beach along the southern end of the Island and Cortez Beach farther north. Coquina Beach offers rest rooms, showers, life guard stations and other amenities that are run by Manatee +W]V\a 8IZS[ IVL :MKZMI\QWV AW] KIV M^MV ZM[MZ^M I XI^QTQWV \PZW]OP 5IVI\MM8IZS[IVL:MKZMI\QWV8TMV\aWN NZMMXIZSQVOQ[I^IQTIJTMIVL\PM park is served by both the free Island Trolleys and the Manatee County Area Transit buses. Always try to swim when a life guard is on duty. Please XIaI\\MV\QWV\WTQNMO]IZLÆIO[)JT]MÆIOQVLQKI\M[XW\MV\QITTaLIVOMZW][ marine life. During stingray season that begins in June, always kick up a little sand as you wade close to shore. This is called the “[\QVOZIa[P]NÆM” Stingrays are shy creatures, and they will get out of your way. Restaurants With over a dozen restaurants, Bradenton Beach offers you a range of dining experiences and prices, all within easy walking distance. Shopping Our commercial district runs along Bridge Street and Gulf Drive. Please check out our many shops and boutiques. Enjoy Our Local Treasures Cont’d Churches Church Street is named for the historic Harvey Memorial Church, known for its beautiful stained glass windows, located in the 300 Block North. In addition, )VVI5IZQI1[TIVLQ[PWUM\WÅ^MW\PMZKP]ZKPM[";\*MZVIZL:WUIV+I\PWTQK Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, north of Trolley Stop No.18; Church of the Annunciation, Episcopal, 4408 Gulf Drive North, Holmes Beach, north of the Manatee County Beach Trolley Stop No.19; Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, at Trolley Stop No. 27; Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive North, Anna Maria, at Trolley ;\WX 6W # IVL :W[MZ 5MUWZQIT +WUU]VQ\a +P]ZKP 8QVM )^MV]M Anna Maria at Trolley Stop No. 39. Surfing *ZILMV\WV*MIKPPI[WVMWN \PMIZMI¼[JM[\[]ZN JZMIS[I\+WZ\Mb*MIKP¼[ three groins, locally known as the “three piers.” They extend into the Gulf from Sixth Street South to 11th Street South. Fishing *ZILMV\WV*MIKPWNNMZ[aW]UIVaOZMI\TWKI\QWV[\WÅ[P8TMI[MZM[XMK\W]Z regulations as to size and quantity limits, since they are vital to our ecosystem. :MUMUJMZ aW] U][\ PI^M I Å[PQVO TQKMV[M ]VTM[[ aW] IZM ]VLMZ aMIZ[ WN IOMIZMÅ[PQVONZWUIXQMZ\PI\PI[I[IT\_I\MZTQKMV[MNWZ ZMKZMI\QWVIT X]ZXW[M[WZIZMÅ[PQVO_Q\PITQKMV[MLÅ[PQVOO]QLMAW]LWVW\VMMLITQKMV[M \WÅ[PQV[IT\_I\MZNZWUIXZQ^I\MXQMZNZWU\PM[PWZMWZ_PQTM_ILQVO Enjoy Our Recreational Opportunities Cont’d Snorkeling and Scuba Diving Our Gulf and bay waters provide many opportunities for snorkeling and diving. Bradenton Beach is home to the :MOQVI;PQX_ZMKS, an underwater archaeological preserve in 12 to 20 feet of water. It is only 75 yards away from the shore at Gulf Drive and Eighth Street North. This 247-foot steel tanker-barge sank in a storm on March 8, 1940, carrying 350,000 gallons WN UWTI[[M[7NÅKQITQVNWZUI\QWVQ[I^IQTIJTMNZWU;MI<ZMS,Q^MZ[TWKI\ML across Gulf Drive at 105 Seventh Street. Kayaking +WY]QVI *WI\ :IUX 6WZ\P Q[ I OZMI\ XTIKM \W TI]VKP QV\W )VVI 5IZQI ;W]VLAW]_QTTXILLTMITWVO\PM[PWZM[WN \PM4MNÅ[3Ma6I\]ZM8IZS_Q\P calm water and an abundance of wildlife, or you can connect to the marked KIVWMIVLSIaIS\ZIQT[WN 5IVI\MM+W]V\a¼[*T]M_IaNWZ[QOVO]QLML\W]Z[ Municipal Pier The Bradenton Beach Municipal Pier is located at the east end of Bridge Street on the site of the 1923 drawbridge to the mainland. Currently it is closed for a total, $2.2 million rehabilitation. It is expected to re-open in 2007 with a new restaurant and bait shop, a new deck for anglers, a day dock, and a dock for a future water taxi. Historic District From Bridge Street, walk north along Church Street to see some of our KQ\a¼[WTLM[\[\Z]K\]ZM[:MKMV\TaW]ZKQ\aX]ZKPI[ML\PMWTL5WVZWM+W\\IOM at 304 Church Street near its public works department. The cottage will contain historical exhibits in cooperation with the Anna Maria Island Historical Museum. Enjoy Our Local Treasures *ZILMV\WV*MIKPWNNMZ[V]UMZW][IUMVQ\QM[\WUISMaW]Z^Q[Q\MVRWaIJTMAW]_QTTÅVLUIVa ÅVM[PWX[[MZ^QKM[IVLZM[\I]ZIV\[_Q\PQVMI[a_ITSQVOLQ[\IVKM7ZTM\W]ZNZMM\ZWTTMa\ISM you anywhere on the Island. Tingley Memorial Library The Tingley Memorial Library is a community recreational reading facility open all year-round. It is located at 111 Second St. N. behind City Hall. The TQJZIZaQ[IVWVXZWÅ\KWZXWZI\QWVQVLMXMVLMV\WN \PMKW]V\aTQJZIZa[a[\MU It is funded by generous donations and operated by friendly volunteers. No tax dollars are used. Hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. In addition to a broad array of reading materials, internet access is also available. For further information, phone 779-1208 or visit www.CityofBradentonBeach.com and click on “Tingley Library.” Manatee County also operates a larger public library at Trolley Stop 24 in Holmes Beach. Watersports The Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Intracoastal Waterway offer two very different experiences for boating and other watersports. You are also within easy LQ[\IVKMWN <IUXI*IaIVL\PMXMIKMN]TJMIKPM[WN -OUWV\3Ma4I]VKPaW]Z boat from either of two public boat slips at Coquina Beach Bayside. One is near the southernmost tip of the Island, and the other is just south of 13th Street ;W]\P1\¼[IT_Ia[IOWWLQLMI\W\ISMI[INMJWI\QVOKTI[[JMNWZMaW]^MV\]ZMW]\ And pay close attention to the channel markers in the inland waters, as it is very MI[a\WZ]VIOZW]VLAW]LWV¼\W_VIJWI\':MV\I^M[[MTNZWUWVMWN W]ZTWKIT businesses. And, if you are truly adventurous, parasailing will give you a thrilling JQZL¼[MaM^QM_WN W]Z1[TIVL Enjoy Our Recreational Opportunities Cont’d Biking and Running *ZILMV\WV *MIKP PI[ UWZM \PIV Å^M UQTM[ WN JQSM XI\P[ IVL JQSM TIVM[ along Gulf Drive. There is also a new multi-use trail along Coquina Beach. These routes connect with more than 50 miles of bike paths and lanes on )VVI5IZQI1[TIVLIVLUIVaUWZMWV4WVOJWI\3MaIVL\PMUIQVTIVL For street use you can also rent a motor scooter. Volleyball Beach Volleyball courts are located just south of Second Street North and Gulf Drive. Playgrounds Parks with playground equipment are located at the Lou Barolo Park, 400 Highland Avenue and the Herb Dolan Park on 25th Street North, bay side. Dog Park ,WO[IZMVW\XMZUQ\\MLWVIVaWN \PM1[TIVL¼[JMIKPM[PW_M^MZLWO[WV leashes are permitted at the Palma Sola Causeway east of the Anna Maria Island Bridge on Manatee Avenue. Manatee County also operates a dog XIZSQV\PM/<*ZIaKWUXTM`QV*ZILMV\WVVWZ\PWN +WZ\Mb:WILWNN st Street West. How You Can Help the Sea Turtles Shield all lights that are visible from the beach and move lamps NZWUJMIKP[QLM_QVLW_[,WVW\][MIVaÆI[PTQOP\[WV\PMJMIKP at night. Hatchlings emerge from their nests at night and are lured away NZWU\PM_I\MZJaIZ\QÅKQITTQOP\<PMaKWVN][MQ\_Q\PUWWVTQOP\IVLWN\MV end up dead on Gulf Drive. Fill in any deep holes or pits dug on the beach. Nesting turtles may fall into these holes and be unable to climb out. Remove litter and all beach furniture by nightfall. Nesting turtles and hatchlings can be deterred by obstacles. Carefully dispose of plastic bags, balloons, and similar materials \PI\I\]Z\TMUIaUQ[\ISMNWZRMTTaÅ[P8TI[\QKJIO[IZMWN\MVLMILTa\W\]Z\TM[ _PWMI\\PMUUQ[\ISMVTa\ISQVO\PMUNWZRMTTaÅ[P Please Help Protect Our Endangered Sea Turtles Loggerhead sea turtles annually migrate to Anna Maria Island to nest from May through October. The adults weigh from 250 to 400 pounds and eat UW[\TaKZIJ[TWJ[\MZ[IVLRMTTaÅ[P4WOOMZPMILPI\KPTQVO[IZM\_W\W\PZMM inches in length. Nests average about 100 eggs that incubate in about 55 days. It is against the law to touch or disturb these turtles, their nests or their hatchlings. On our Island, only members of the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch are authorized by the state to interpret and collect nesting data. Events Please join us for special events throughout the year. Some are city-sponsored while others are put on by business owners, volunteer groups and private citizens to be shared by all. Bridge Street Festival The Bridge Street Festival is a hugely popular family event. Bridge Street Q[ KTW[ML \W \ZINÅK IVL I XMLM[\ZQIV UITT Q[ KZMI\ML NWZ IZ\Q[IV[ IZ\Q[\[ MV\MZ\IQVMZ[IVLUMZKPIV\[<PMÅZ[\NM[\Q^IT_I[PMTLQV!!IVLNMI\]ZML a dozen or so participants. Since then it has grown exponentially with the most recent festival featuring scores of participants and entertainers who were enjoyed by thousands of visitors. For further information visit www.cityofbradentonbeach.com. Sand Blast <PMIZMI[W]\PWN \PM*MIKP0W][M:M[\I]ZIV\Q[\PM[KMVMWN [XMK\IK]TIZ sand sculptures every November. The event features a sand sculpting contest, _Q\PTWKITOZW]X[[XWV[WZQVO\MIU[WN aW]\PXIZ\QKQXIV\[\WJMVMÅ\3MMX Manatee Beautiful. Celebrate Our Active Community with Your Family Bradenton Beach also hosts numerous weddings, family reunions, and other events. They include a kayak festival, art shows, farmers markets, Eco-expo, \PM0IZTMa,I^QL[WV8WSMZ:]VJMIKP[XWZ\[M^MV\[IVIVV]ITJMIKPKTMIV up and more. Dolphin Watching Bottlenose dolphins are among the most intelligent animals. They can be observed in both the Gulf and the Intracoastal Waterway. You will often see them from a bridge, while standing along the shore or from a boat. Adults typically weigh from 440 to 600 pounds and reach an average length of 10 feet. These social animals often live 30 to 50 years. Always remember that dolphins are wild animals and have very sharp teeth. It is against the law to feed them. Manatee Watching The manatees of this region are a subspecies of the West Indian manatee. These large herbivores are sometimes called sea cows. They are observed in shallow coastal waters including the bay, canals, rivers, and springs. Manatees are an endangered species, fully protected by Florida law, and should be observed from a distance. They frequently fall victim to power boaters who NIQT \W [TW_ LW_V []NÅKQMV\Ta QV \PMQZ IZMI[ 1N aW] IZM QV I UIVI\MM bWVM please watch your speed. Ecotourism Cont’d Sea Turtle Tours Endangered loggerhead sea turtles migrate here to nest from May through October. During June and July, the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch offers sunrise turtle nesting beach tour guides who are authorized to interpret and collect nesting data. For N]Z\PMZQVNWZUI\QWVXPWVM! )T_Ia[ZMUMUJMZ\WKTMIZ\PMJMIKPM[IVL\]ZVW]\\PMTQOP\[I\VQOP\1\¼[\PMTI_ 8TMI[M[MM\PQ[JZWKP]ZM¼[[MK\QWVWV_PI\MT[MaW]KIVLW\WPMTX[I^M\PM[MOMV\TMOQIV\[ Fireworks Every July 3rd IVL 6M_ AMIZ¼[ -^M W]Z KQ\a MVRWa[ UIOVQÅKMV\ ÅZM_WZS[ LQ[XTIa[XZM[MV\MLNZWUIJIZOMIVKPWZMLWNN \PM*MIKP0W][M:M[\I]ZIV\ IVL[XWV[WZMLJa-L+PQTM[WN \PM+PQTM[/ZW]XWN :M[\I]ZIV\[<PMWNN[PWZM location allows the display to be seen from anywhere in the city. Parades The Fourth of July and Santa Claus parades are always a big hit. So, too, is the annual parade of boats decorated with festive holiday lights. Holiday Prelude Everyone looks forward to the Annual Holiday Prelude, held in early December. All who have attended over the years have spread the word of what an enjoyable night they have experienced. Under the stars and moon, music and entertainment radiate from the Clock Tower area on Historic *ZQLOM ;\ZMM\ ÅTTQVO \PM VQOP\ IVL PMIZ\[ WN \PW[M _PW KWUM JZQVOQVO their lawn chairs to sit in the street. The City closes the street to vehicular \ZINÅKL]ZQVO\PMM^MV\J]\XIZSQVOZM[\ZQK\QWV[WV[QLM[\ZMM\[IZMTQN\ML\W accommodate parking. Ecotourism Bradenton Beach offers you many opportunities to relax and enjoy nature, as one-third of the city is devoted to public parks. Your children will also enjoy our city parks that feature playground equipment. Bird Watching The best place to observe pelicans and other waterfowl is along Anna Maria Sound. The brown pelican is the most common in our area. An adult brown pelican is about 4 feet long, has a wingspan of 6 ½ to 7 ½ feet and weighs IJW]\!XW]VL[1\PI[I[\ZIQOP\JQTT_Q\PIVMVWZUW][XW]KP\WKI\KPÅ[P feed its young and cool itself. During colder months, somewhat larger white pelicans also make Bradenton Beach their home. In addition to pelicans, many other species make the Island their home. These include a variety of egrets, herons, gulls, sandpipers, skimmers, roseate spoonbills, ibises and other birds. Beachcombing and Shelling Gathering shells is a pleasant way to enjoy our beaches. Did you know that [\IZÅ[PIVL[IVLLWTTIZ[IZMTQ^QVOKZMI\]ZM['8TMI[MWJ[MZ^MW]ZZMO]TI\QWV[ IVL TQUQ\ aW]Z KI\KP WN TQ^M [PMTTÅ[P \W VW UWZM \PIV \_W 0MTX XZW\MK\ our vital and delicate dune system by using marked pathways and avoiding protected sea oats. Nature Trails Discover the workings of a nationally recognized and awarded estuary in \PM4MNÅ[3Ma6I\]ZM8IZS<PMZM\PMJWIZL_ITS[WN \PM+WY]QVI*Ia?ITS take you through the mangroves where you can observe this vital part of our ecosystem. Educational signs explain the different kinds of plants and wildlife that you are likely to experience. Get off at Trolley Stop No. 2. Ecotourism Bradenton Beach offers you many opportunities to relax and enjoy nature, as one-third of the city is devoted to public parks. Your children will also enjoy our city parks that feature playground equipment. Bird Watching The best place to observe pelicans and other waterfowl is along Anna Maria Sound. The brown pelican is the most common in our area. An adult brown pelican is about 4 feet long, has a wingspan of 6 ½ to 7 ½ feet and weighs IJW]\!XW]VL[1\PI[I[\ZIQOP\JQTT_Q\PIVMVWZUW][XW]KP\WKI\KPÅ[P feed its young and cool itself. During colder months, somewhat larger white pelicans also make Bradenton Beach their home. In addition to pelicans, many other species make the Island their home. These include a variety of egrets, herons, gulls, sandpipers, skimmers, roseate spoonbills, ibises and other birds. Beachcombing and Shelling Gathering shells is a pleasant way to enjoy our beaches. Did you know that [\IZÅ[PIVL[IVLLWTTIZ[IZMTQ^QVOKZMI\]ZM['8TMI[MWJ[MZ^MW]ZZMO]TI\QWV[ IVL TQUQ\ aW]Z KI\KP WN TQ^M [PMTTÅ[P \W VW UWZM \PIV \_W 0MTX XZW\MK\ our vital and delicate dune system by using marked pathways and avoiding protected sea oats. Nature Trails Discover the workings of a nationally recognized and awarded estuary in \PM4MNÅ[3Ma6I\]ZM8IZS<PMZM\PMJWIZL_ITS[WN \PM+WY]QVI*Ia?ITS take you through the mangroves where you can observe this vital part of our ecosystem. Educational signs explain the different kinds of plants and wildlife that you are likely to experience. Get off at Trolley Stop No. 2. Ecotourism Cont’d Sea Turtle Tours Endangered loggerhead sea turtles migrate here to nest from May through October. During June and July, the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch offers sunrise turtle nesting beach tour guides who are authorized to interpret and collect nesting data. For N]Z\PMZQVNWZUI\QWVXPWVM! )T_Ia[ZMUMUJMZ\WKTMIZ\PMJMIKPM[IVL\]ZVW]\\PMTQOP\[I\VQOP\1\¼[\PMTI_ 8TMI[M[MM\PQ[JZWKP]ZM¼[[MK\QWVWV_PI\MT[MaW]KIVLW\WPMTX[I^M\PM[MOMV\TMOQIV\[ Fireworks Every July 3rd IVL 6M_ AMIZ¼[ -^M W]Z KQ\a MVRWa[ UIOVQÅKMV\ ÅZM_WZS[ LQ[XTIa[XZM[MV\MLNZWUIJIZOMIVKPWZMLWNN \PM*MIKP0W][M:M[\I]ZIV\ IVL[XWV[WZMLJa-L+PQTM[WN \PM+PQTM[/ZW]XWN :M[\I]ZIV\[<PMWNN[PWZM location allows the display to be seen from anywhere in the city. Parades The Fourth of July and Santa Claus parades are always a big hit. So, too, is the annual parade of boats decorated with festive holiday lights. Holiday Prelude Everyone looks forward to the Annual Holiday Prelude, held in early December. All who have attended over the years have spread the word of what an enjoyable night they have experienced. Under the stars and moon, music and entertainment radiate from the Clock Tower area on Historic *ZQLOM ;\ZMM\ ÅTTQVO \PM VQOP\ IVL PMIZ\[ WN \PW[M _PW KWUM JZQVOQVO their lawn chairs to sit in the street. The City closes the street to vehicular \ZINÅKL]ZQVO\PMM^MV\J]\XIZSQVOZM[\ZQK\QWV[WV[QLM[\ZMM\[IZMTQN\ML\W accommodate parking. Events Please join us for special events throughout the year. Some are city-sponsored while others are put on by business owners, volunteer groups and private citizens to be shared by all. Bridge Street Festival The Bridge Street Festival is a hugely popular family event. Bridge Street Q[ KTW[ML \W \ZINÅK IVL I XMLM[\ZQIV UITT Q[ KZMI\ML NWZ IZ\Q[IV[ IZ\Q[\[ MV\MZ\IQVMZ[IVLUMZKPIV\[<PMÅZ[\NM[\Q^IT_I[PMTLQV!!IVLNMI\]ZML a dozen or so participants. Since then it has grown exponentially with the most recent festival featuring scores of participants and entertainers who were enjoyed by thousands of visitors. For further information visit www.cityofbradentonbeach.com. Sand Blast <PMIZMI[W]\PWN \PM*MIKP0W][M:M[\I]ZIV\Q[\PM[KMVMWN [XMK\IK]TIZ sand sculptures every November. The event features a sand sculpting contest, _Q\PTWKITOZW]X[[XWV[WZQVO\MIU[WN aW]\PXIZ\QKQXIV\[\WJMVMÅ\3MMX Manatee Beautiful. Celebrate Our Active Community with Your Family Bradenton Beach also hosts numerous weddings, family reunions, and other events. They include a kayak festival, art shows, farmers markets, Eco-expo, \PM0IZTMa,I^QL[WV8WSMZ:]VJMIKP[XWZ\[M^MV\[IVIVV]ITJMIKPKTMIV up and more. Dolphin Watching Bottlenose dolphins are among the most intelligent animals. They can be observed in both the Gulf and the Intracoastal Waterway. You will often see them from a bridge, while standing along the shore or from a boat. Adults typically weigh from 440 to 600 pounds and reach an average length of 10 feet. These social animals often live 30 to 50 years. Always remember that dolphins are wild animals and have very sharp teeth. It is against the law to feed them. Manatee Watching The manatees of this region are a subspecies of the West Indian manatee. These large herbivores are sometimes called sea cows. They are observed in shallow coastal waters including the bay, canals, rivers, and springs. Manatees are an endangered species, fully protected by Florida law, and should be observed from a distance. They frequently fall victim to power boaters who NIQT \W [TW_ LW_V []NÅKQMV\Ta QV \PMQZ IZMI[ 1N aW] IZM QV I UIVI\MM bWVM please watch your speed. Please Help Protect Our Endangered Sea Turtles Loggerhead sea turtles annually migrate to Anna Maria Island to nest from May through October. The adults weigh from 250 to 400 pounds and eat UW[\TaKZIJ[TWJ[\MZ[IVLRMTTaÅ[P4WOOMZPMILPI\KPTQVO[IZM\_W\W\PZMM inches in length. Nests average about 100 eggs that incubate in about 55 days. It is against the law to touch or disturb these turtles, their nests or their hatchlings. On our Island, only members of the Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch are authorized by the state to interpret and collect nesting data. Enjoy Our Recreational Opportunities Cont’d Biking and Running *ZILMV\WV *MIKP PI[ UWZM \PIV Å^M UQTM[ WN JQSM XI\P[ IVL JQSM TIVM[ along Gulf Drive. There is also a new multi-use trail along Coquina Beach. These routes connect with more than 50 miles of bike paths and lanes on )VVI5IZQI1[TIVLIVLUIVaUWZMWV4WVOJWI\3MaIVL\PMUIQVTIVL For street use you can also rent a motor scooter. Volleyball Beach Volleyball courts are located just south of Second Street North and Gulf Drive. Playgrounds Parks with playground equipment are located at the Lou Barolo Park, 400 Highland Avenue and the Herb Dolan Park on 25th Street North, bay side. Dog Park ,WO[IZMVW\XMZUQ\\MLWVIVaWN \PM1[TIVL¼[JMIKPM[PW_M^MZLWO[WV leashes are permitted at the Palma Sola Causeway east of the Anna Maria Island Bridge on Manatee Avenue. Manatee County also operates a dog XIZSQV\PM/<*ZIaKWUXTM`QV*ZILMV\WVVWZ\PWN +WZ\Mb:WILWNN st Street West. How You Can Help the Sea Turtles Shield all lights that are visible from the beach and move lamps NZWUJMIKP[QLM_QVLW_[,WVW\][MIVaÆI[PTQOP\[WV\PMJMIKP at night. Hatchlings emerge from their nests at night and are lured away NZWU\PM_I\MZJaIZ\QÅKQITTQOP\<PMaKWVN][MQ\_Q\PUWWVTQOP\IVLWN\MV end up dead on Gulf Drive. Fill in any deep holes or pits dug on the beach. Nesting turtles may fall into these holes and be unable to climb out. Remove litter and all beach furniture by nightfall. Nesting turtles and hatchlings can be deterred by obstacles. Carefully dispose of plastic bags, balloons, and similar materials \PI\I\]Z\TMUIaUQ[\ISMNWZRMTTaÅ[P8TI[\QKJIO[IZMWN\MVLMILTa\W\]Z\TM[ _PWMI\\PMUUQ[\ISMVTa\ISQVO\PMUNWZRMTTaÅ[P Enjoy Our Local Treasures *ZILMV\WV*MIKPWNNMZ[V]UMZW][IUMVQ\QM[\WUISMaW]Z^Q[Q\MVRWaIJTMAW]_QTTÅVLUIVa ÅVM[PWX[[MZ^QKM[IVLZM[\I]ZIV\[_Q\PQVMI[a_ITSQVOLQ[\IVKM7ZTM\W]ZNZMM\ZWTTMa\ISM you anywhere on the Island. Tingley Memorial Library The Tingley Memorial Library is a community recreational reading facility open all year-round. It is located at 111 Second St. N. behind City Hall. The TQJZIZaQ[IVWVXZWÅ\KWZXWZI\QWVQVLMXMVLMV\WN \PMKW]V\aTQJZIZa[a[\MU It is funded by generous donations and operated by friendly volunteers. No tax dollars are used. Hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. In addition to a broad array of reading materials, internet access is also available. For further information, phone 779-1208 or visit www.CityofBradentonBeach.com and click on “Tingley Library.” Manatee County also operates a larger public library at Trolley Stop 24 in Holmes Beach. Watersports The Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Intracoastal Waterway offer two very different experiences for boating and other watersports. You are also within easy LQ[\IVKMWN <IUXI*IaIVL\PMXMIKMN]TJMIKPM[WN -OUWV\3Ma4I]VKPaW]Z boat from either of two public boat slips at Coquina Beach Bayside. One is near the southernmost tip of the Island, and the other is just south of 13th Street ;W]\P1\¼[IT_Ia[IOWWLQLMI\W\ISMI[INMJWI\QVOKTI[[JMNWZMaW]^MV\]ZMW]\ And pay close attention to the channel markers in the inland waters, as it is very MI[a\WZ]VIOZW]VLAW]LWV¼\W_VIJWI\':MV\I^M[[MTNZWUWVMWN W]ZTWKIT businesses. And, if you are truly adventurous, parasailing will give you a thrilling JQZL¼[MaM^QM_WN W]Z1[TIVL Enjoy Our Recreational Opportunities Cont’d Snorkeling and Scuba Diving Our Gulf and bay waters provide many opportunities for snorkeling and diving. Bradenton Beach is home to the :MOQVI;PQX_ZMKS, an underwater archaeological preserve in 12 to 20 feet of water. It is only 75 yards away from the shore at Gulf Drive and Eighth Street North. This 247-foot steel tanker-barge sank in a storm on March 8, 1940, carrying 350,000 gallons WN UWTI[[M[7NÅKQITQVNWZUI\QWVQ[I^IQTIJTMNZWU;MI<ZMS,Q^MZ[TWKI\ML across Gulf Drive at 105 Seventh Street. Kayaking +WY]QVI *WI\ :IUX 6WZ\P Q[ I OZMI\ XTIKM \W TI]VKP QV\W )VVI 5IZQI ;W]VLAW]_QTTXILLTMITWVO\PM[PWZM[WN \PM4MNÅ[3Ma6I\]ZM8IZS_Q\P calm water and an abundance of wildlife, or you can connect to the marked KIVWMIVLSIaIS\ZIQT[WN 5IVI\MM+W]V\a¼[*T]M_IaNWZ[QOVO]QLML\W]Z[ Municipal Pier The Bradenton Beach Municipal Pier is located at the east end of Bridge Street on the site of the 1923 drawbridge to the mainland. Currently it is closed for a total, $2.2 million rehabilitation. It is expected to re-open in 2007 with a new restaurant and bait shop, a new deck for anglers, a day dock, and a dock for a future water taxi. Historic District From Bridge Street, walk north along Church Street to see some of our KQ\a¼[WTLM[\[\Z]K\]ZM[:MKMV\TaW]ZKQ\aX]ZKPI[ML\PMWTL5WVZWM+W\\IOM at 304 Church Street near its public works department. The cottage will contain historical exhibits in cooperation with the Anna Maria Island Historical Museum. Enjoy Our Local Treasures Cont’d Churches Church Street is named for the historic Harvey Memorial Church, known for its beautiful stained glass windows, located in the 300 Block North. In addition, )VVI5IZQI1[TIVLQ[PWUM\WÅ^MW\PMZKP]ZKPM[";\*MZVIZL:WUIV+I\PWTQK Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach, north of Trolley Stop No.18; Church of the Annunciation, Episcopal, 4408 Gulf Drive North, Holmes Beach, north of the Manatee County Beach Trolley Stop No.19; Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, at Trolley Stop No. 27; Island Baptist Church, 8605 Gulf Drive North, Anna Maria, at Trolley ;\WX 6W # IVL :W[MZ 5MUWZQIT +WUU]VQ\a +P]ZKP 8QVM )^MV]M Anna Maria at Trolley Stop No. 39. Surfing *ZILMV\WV*MIKPPI[WVMWN \PMIZMI¼[JM[\[]ZN JZMIS[I\+WZ\Mb*MIKP¼[ three groins, locally known as the “three piers.” They extend into the Gulf from Sixth Street South to 11th Street South. Fishing *ZILMV\WV*MIKPWNNMZ[aW]UIVaOZMI\TWKI\QWV[\WÅ[P8TMI[MZM[XMK\W]Z regulations as to size and quantity limits, since they are vital to our ecosystem. :MUMUJMZ aW] U][\ PI^M I Å[PQVO TQKMV[M ]VTM[[ aW] IZM ]VLMZ aMIZ[ WN IOMIZMÅ[PQVONZWUIXQMZ\PI\PI[I[IT\_I\MZTQKMV[MNWZ ZMKZMI\QWVIT X]ZXW[M[WZIZMÅ[PQVO_Q\PITQKMV[MLÅ[PQVOO]QLMAW]LWVW\VMMLITQKMV[M \WÅ[PQV[IT\_I\MZNZWUIXZQ^I\MXQMZNZWU\PM[PWZMWZ_PQTM_ILQVO Enjoy Our Recreational Opportunities Please avail yourself of the many opportunities we offer here in Bradenton Beach. From our spectacular public beaches to nature trails, wildlife, recreational activities, restaurants, lodging and other accommodations, we hope you will enjoy your stay. Swimming Our public beaches include Coquina Beach along the southern end of the Island and Cortez Beach farther north. Coquina Beach offers rest rooms, showers, life guard stations and other amenities that are run by Manatee +W]V\a 8IZS[ IVL :MKZMI\QWV AW] KIV M^MV ZM[MZ^M I XI^QTQWV \PZW]OP 5IVI\MM8IZS[IVL:MKZMI\QWV8TMV\aWN NZMMXIZSQVOQ[I^IQTIJTMIVL\PM park is served by both the free Island Trolleys and the Manatee County Area Transit buses. Always try to swim when a life guard is on duty. Please XIaI\\MV\QWV\WTQNMO]IZLÆIO[)JT]MÆIOQVLQKI\M[XW\MV\QITTaLIVOMZW][ marine life. During stingray season that begins in June, always kick up a little sand as you wade close to shore. This is called the “[\QVOZIa[P]NÆM” Stingrays are shy creatures, and they will get out of your way. Restaurants With over a dozen restaurants, Bradenton Beach offers you a range of dining experiences and prices, all within easy walking distance. Shopping Our commercial district runs along Bridge Street and Gulf Drive. Please check out our many shops and boutiques. Local Information Emergency: Fire, Medical, Police...911 Bradenton Beach Police (direct line)...941.778.6311 Poison Control Center...1800.282.3171 ;IZI[W\I*ZILMV\WV)QZXWZ\;:9°!! Non-Emergency Police…941.778.1005 ext.220 AMI Chamber of Commerce…941.778.1541 Sheriff Department…941.747.3011 Bradenton Beach City Hall…941.778.1005 U.S. Coast Guard…941.794.1261 Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch…941.778.5638 Free Island Trolley…941.749.7116 Anna Maria Island Historical Society…941.778.0492 ?QTLTQNM1VK:M[K]M:MPIJ°! Because we proved our great appreciation for our abundant waterfront ZM[W]ZKM[ *ZILMV\WV *MIKP _I[ \PM ÅZ[\ KWUU]VQ\a \W JM I_IZLML \PM “Waterfronts Florida” designation for our entire city. The Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program is administered by the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, which also oversees our comprehensive plan. Our designation adds a layer of protection over the entire community and assists with grants aimed at retaining our traditional economy, as well as our historical and ecological heritage. For more information about the history of Bradenton Beach and our Island, visit the Anna Maria Island Historical Society at 402 Pine Avenue, Trolley Stop No. 42 in the city of Anna Maria, phone 778-0492. Its website is AMIHS.org Our “Old Florida” Heritage Originally called “Cortez Beach,” Bradenton Beach incorporated in 1953. In 1923, we became the economic center of Anna Maria Island when the ÅZ[\ LZI_JZQLOM KWVVMK\ML ][ \W \PM UIQVTIVL ?WWLMV XTIVS[ _MZM \PM roadbed, and the narrow draw permitted only one vehicle to cross at a time. 4IZOM JWI\[ QVKT]LQVO 2WPV :QVOTQVO¼[ aIKP\ WN\MV OW\ [\]KS <PM K]ZZMV\ drawbridge was built in 1957, and a portion of the old bridge was preserved as the historic Bradenton Beach Municipal Pier. Before the bridges, people came by boat. The Timucuan and Calusa )UMZQKIV1VLQIV[_MZM\PMÅZ[\^Q[Q\WZ[*MIKPOWMZ[TI\MZIZZQ^MLJa[\MIUMZ _PQTMÅ[PMZUMVLWKSML\PMQZJWI\[IVLJ]QT\KW\\IOM[\PI\[\QTT[]Z^Q^M\WLIa +QZK][_WZSMZ[IT[WUILMW]ZKQ\a¼[Å[PQVOKIUX[\PMQZPWUM_PMV:QVOTQVO Brothers wintered in Sarasota. Following World War II, our city has quickly grown in popularity and in population. Today we have more than 900 residents and 2,500 residential units. Yet we still cling to our “Old Florida” heritage that makes us unique among resort communities. AMI Chamber of Commerce AnnaMariaIslandChamber.com Visit Florida VisitFlorida.com City of Bradenton Beach CityofBradentonBeach.com Anna Maria Sun AMISun.com Manatee Chamber of Commerce ManateeChamber.com The Islander Islander.org Anna Maria Island Historical Society AMIHS.org Florida Coastal Management Program ___LMX[\I\MÆ][KUX Waterfronts Florida Program ___LKI[\I\MÆ][NLKXLKX_I\MZNZWV\[ On behalf of all of us here--welcome! Enjoy your visit, and relax in our “Old Florida” charm. We offer you six miles of shoreline. At the Gulf of Mexico on our west, we have spectacular beaches. Along Anna Maria Sound to our east, we have nature trails, a municipal pier, boat launches, and the Florida Intercoastal Waterway. Bradenton Beach is the [W]\PMZVUW[\WN \PZMMKQ\QM[WV)VVI5IZQI1[TIVL\PMÅZ[\JIZZQMZQ[TIVL south of Tampa Bay. Please enjoy our recreational opportunities and numerous events throughout the year. And leave your car behind. You can walk to many WN W]ZÅVM[PWX[[MZ^QKM[IVLZM[\I]ZIV\[WZTM\W]ZNZMM\ZWTTMa\ISMaW] anywhere on the island. Table of Contents Our “Old Florida” Heritage Enjoy Our Recreational Activties Events Ecotourism Please Help Protect Our Endangered Sea Turtles Enjoy Our Local Treasures Local Information This publication funded in part, through a grant agreement from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Coastal Management 8ZWOZIUJaIOZIV\XZW^QLMLJa\PM7NÅKM7N 7KMIVIVL+WI[\IT:Msource Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. 6)67;!!<PM^QM_[[\I\MUMV\[ÅVLQVO[KWVKT][QWV[IVLZMKWUmendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily ZMÆMK\\PM^QM_[WN \PM;\I\MWN .TWZQLI67))WZIVaWN Q\[[]JIOMVKQM[ Published March 2007 Special thanks to Lenna Dahlquist (lennadahlquist@gmail.com, http://webspace.ringling.edu/~ldahlqui/portfolio) for graphics and design, Carl Parks (CarlParks.com) for writing. Welcome to Bradenton Beach Anna Maria Island’s Southernmost City Visitor’s Guide