New development, plant expansion and upgrades, and
New development, plant expansion and upgrades, and
The Communicator Your.Complete.Communication.Services.Provider Telephone, Long Distance, Wireless, Cable Television, Paging, Internet, Web Hosting July 2006 19th St. & Cyclone Ave., Harlan, IA 51537 • (712) 744-3131 •• New development, plant expansion and upgrades, and new services into new areas make for a busy summer Construction season is here. Crews are busy engineering, constructing, and upgrading the FMCTC plant, and installing services to homes and businesses. Crews will add almost ten miles of fiber optics, copper and coaxial cable to the FMCTC plant by summer’s end. (654-5039) This summer’s major projects include: • Fiber optics and coaxial cable to Kingswood Lane housing development in the Harlan Exchange • Fiber optics and copper cable to Natural Dairy development in the Kirkman Exchange • Fiber optics and copper cable to the Harlan, Jack- sonville and Irwin Exchanges • Installation of new AFC equipment • Burying individual telephone and cable drops to new members’ homes and businesses • Expansion of wireless high speed Internet network and services to new customers in the Panama, Portsmouth, and Shelby areas fiber to the Premise Project Your Cooperative is constantly focused on and planning for the future to meet the upcoming broadband Grill Sergeants Tom Conry & Ross Hastert keep the burgers, chicken and hotdogs a-comin’ at the Manilla BBQ. We send a big ʻthanks’ to the Cattleman’s Association for the use of their grill. “Pick my name, please.” Chloe Vonscoyk, Collin Vonscoyk, Seth Woepke, Megan Swanson, and Josh Fow attended the FMCTC BBQ in Manilla and they hope to be one of this year’s prize winners. This year’s kids’ prizes include bowling gift certificates and a digital camera! All winners will be announced at the conclusion of the summer BBQs. Member Appreciation BBQs continue this summer IRWIN ...................................................... Wednesday, July 5; Irwin Community Building HANCOCK .............................................. Wednesday, July 19; Hancock City Park WESTPHALIA ........................................ Wednesday, August 16; Location TBD. Watch your August newsletter KIRKMAN .............................................. Wednesday, August 23; Kirkman Community Building HARLAN/RURAL-HARLAN ................ Wednesday, August 30; Location TBD. Watch your August newsletter • Serving hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken breast sandwiches 4-7PM • Attendance gifts • Adults register to win: 2006 BBQ ÿ Advanced Feature Telephone GRANd PRIZeS ÿ 2 Months FREE Community Phone ÿ 2 Months FREE HBO, Cinemax, or Showtime • Your Choice: 1 Year High Speed ÿ 2 Months FREE your Telecom Value Deal Internet OR 1 Year Complete ÿ 2 Months FREE High Speed Internet Voice Value Deal ÿ 3 Months FREE –Boost Your Internet Speed • Digital Camera ÿ 3 Months FREE—Phone Feature of Your Choice: Register to WIN! Caller ID Name/Number; Call Forwarding Busy, No Answer, or Selective; Last Call Return; Selective Distinctive Ring; Busy Line Redial • Kids register to win gift certificates to a local bowling alley • Bring the whole family A contract crew, Schraeder Electric, is burying 2” duct with fiber optics and copper cable to a home in Harlan. Three miles of fiber optic and copper will be buried in Harlan this summer. demands of our members. Theentireprocessof FMCTC’s plantconstructionandinFiber to the stallationisaverylengthy Premise process.First,crewsdo (FTTP) project is our fiber thelocationandmarking optic network ofutilityandprivateuser that extends linesalreadyinplace. directly to Inthenextphase,crews people’s homes and burythemaincable businesses to routesthroughouteach deliver broadband services. Exchange.Thecrewsthen plowdownforinstallaThis fiber network will tionofthecablefrom meet memthesemainroutestovaribers’ demands and is a smart ouslocationsintownand and long-term inthecountry. solution for the communication and entertainments needs of today and the future. This summer, preparation for Fiber to the Premise (FTTP) continues to progress into exchanges of the Cooperative. Installation crews are burying ductwork with fiber optics so as the project proceeds, FMCTC can bring fiber directly to the member’s home or business. Your Cooperative is excited about the possibilities with the FTTP network. – Continued on page 2 NOW STARRING!TwonewchannelsonFMCTCCableTelevision!LifetimeandLifetimeMovies.Details on Page 4. Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions (and answers, of course!) that may be helpful to you. Q: What do I do? When I pick up my phone to make a call, there is no dial tone---the line appears to be ‘dead.’ Do I need to contact the FMCTC office to report this, or does FMCTC automatically know that there is a problem? A: You need to contact the FMCTC office to report any problems--or any change in your phone line. Most often, we do not know that a problem exists with your phone line unless you contact us. If you notice static, ‘noise,’ or any other problem with your phone line, please contact us immediately. (627-4247) High Speed Internet over a wireless connection. An appointment is set up with each customer for completion of installation to the home. The fixed wireless antenna is mounted on the top of the home. Cat 5 cable (below) is run inside the home. Q: Is there a way I can receive my office or home phone calls on my Verizon or Community Phone? A: Yes. Add Sim (Simultaneous) Ring to your office or home phone line and then when this number is dialed it will ring your Verizon or Community Phone simultaneously. To add this calling feature to your business or home phone line, contact us at 744-3131. SimRing is just $1/month. SimRing is FREE if you have a Community Phone. Offices closed July 4 The FMCTC Harlan and Manilla offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th in observance of the Independence Day holiday. Federal Universal Service charge reduced Effective July 1, 2006, the USF (Federal Universal Service Fund) assessment will be slightly lower on customer’s bills. The USF will be assessed at 10.5% of any Interstate charges, a decrease from 10.9%. The USF line charge is assessed on telephone and DSL Internet services. All telephone and DSL Internet customers will see a slight decrease in their bills. The Universal Service Charge is not part of your local service rate; instead, the charge goes to a ‘relief fund’ that assists with the costs of providing telephone service in lowincome communities, and for rural health care providers and schools and libraries. (799-4258) The amount of USF on your monthly bill depends on the services you order (telephone and DSL Internet) and the number of telephone lines you have. The USF line charge is not a Federal tax; it is a Federal surcharge. Tax-exempt customers are assessed the Universal Service Fund line charge. All telecommunication service providers contribute to the support of these universal service programs. ADD another Community Phone for just $9.99 Now keeping in touch is easier than ever! You can add up to 4 additional Community Phones for only $9.99 per phone. Each phone gets its own phone number, 150 local anytime minutes, unlimited m2m calling, 10 free text messages, and pay-as-u-go roaming and long distance. There’s never a contract and you get one itemized bill to keep track of all the calls. Taxes & activation extra. Available on plans starting at $19.99. IRS Throws in the Towel on Long Distance Telephone Excise Tax Over 108 years after financing the Spanish American War, the tax on longdistance phone calls is finally being repealed. The IRS is finally conceding that the 3% federal excise tax on long distance telephone calls (“FET”) has been improperly applied and will grant refunds to individuals and businesses for all such taxes paid on and after March 1, 2003 up through July 31, 2006. You will be able to file for a refund on your 2006 federal income tax returns. (782-3451) Consumers, who pay about 40% of the taxes collected, typically pay about $18 a year in excise taxes if they have a long distance service. Receiving Refunds According to the Treasury Department in TDNR JS-4287, no immediate action is required by taxpayers as refunds will be claimed on 2006 tax returns (or the first tax year that includes December 31, 2006 for non-calendar year taxpayers). Interest will be paid on refunds. While Treasury has explained that the required forms to be used for claiming an FET refund are forthcoming, it has announced that individuals will be able to claim a safe harbor amount without proving actual FET paid. Corporations and other entities, however, will only be able to claim actual FET amounts paid when seeking a refund. Congressional estimates put the total amount of FET and interest to be refunded to taxpayers at $15 billion, the bulk of which will go to businesses. In light of this, businesses that have incurred any significant long distance phone charges in the last three years would be well advised to ensure that records and documentation of such expenses are preserved, collected, and organized in advance in order to calculate the benefit for financial statement purposes or in case any missing records need to be tracked down from long distance vendors. Each taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. Tom Conry and Brian Dotzler prepare the antenna and unit that houses the electronic equipment. It will be installed on the outside of the customer’s home. Busy Summer – Continued from page 1 Wireless Internet Network in western Shelby County brings high speed Internet to new territories and customers Believe it or not there are some people in the Portsmouth, Panama, and Shelby areas who do not have access to high-speed Internet connections. They are served by another telephone company who cannot provide them a high speed Internet solution. The past year, FMCTC began testing a high-speed network to distribute Internet bandwidth over a wireless connection. “We received many requests for a high speed Internet service from people living in the rural-Panama area,” says Tom Conry, FMCTC General Manager. “We were already providing high speed Internet service in the town of Panama through our cable tv system, using cable modems. People began to talk and before long we were receiving requests from people living outside the town of Panama. Our solution was to build a high-speed network over a wireless connection. The network serves a large territory of land, with typically a broadcast range of 7-10 miles. It is easy to implement, available almost immediately, and is cost-effective.” “It has added a valuable service to the Panama area,” says Conry. “The requests and our customer numbers continue to grow. We are expanding the network and our services into new territories, now, including the ruralPortsmouth and rural-Shelby areas.” (766-3283) This high speed Internet point-tomultipoint wireless network uses a wireless signal from a base station antenna to a “fixed wireless antenna” mounted on the outside of every customer’s location. This system requires direct lineof-sight between both the sending and receiving antennas to establish a good wireless connection. The Communicator Published monthly by FMCTC 19th St. & Cyclone Ave., Harlan, Iowa 51537 Directors President................... Paul Nelson Vice-Pres................... Roger Schmitz Secretary / Treasurer............... Ted Chamberlain Director...................... Kenneth Martin Director...................... Joel Berndt Director...................... Eugene Juhl Director...................... Harold Peters Director...................... Rex G. Adams Director...................... Westley Walker Director...................... James Rasmussen General Manager................ Tom Conry Office Manager................... Brenda Fiscus Harlan Office Hours: Mon-Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Manilla Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. Harlan Telephone: (712) 744-3131 or 800-469-3511 Fax (712) 744-3100 Manilla Telephone: (712)654-9292 Outages after hours, holidays and weekends (712) 744-3131 Internet Corner By Donna Schaben Clean up your Computer System Spyware, adware, and malware are described by the Federal Trade Commission as “the biggest threat on the Internet today,” How bad is the problem? Wired News recently reported that spyware, adware, malware issues account for more than 12% of technical support calls to Dell Computer’s consumer hardware division. The report also cites a Microsoft claim that 50% of all computer crashes reported by customers are spyware, adware, or malware related. Spyware and Adware are taking over personal computers worldwide. 91% of computers with an Internet connection are now infected—most of the time, without the knowledge of their owners. Infected mostly are people who download music, click popups or download software. WHAT IS IT? Spyware is unintentionally downloaded software that monitors your computing activities. It can be used by hackers to steal personal information. Although not as invasive as spyware, adware gathers information about your activities to generate targeted online advertising (spam and pop-up ads). Malware is a general term used to describe viruses, Trojan horses, and other unwanted software that attack your computer. Spyware and adware programs will try to infect your computer without your knowledge. They do so by secretly bundling their programs with free software programs you choose to download from the Internet. This practice is especially prevalent with file-sharing software, common to many music swapping applications. Distribution of malware through executable files (files with an .EXE extension) attached to email messages is also common. Say, for example, you receive an email from a friend with an attachment featuring a dancing bear. Simply by opening the attachment, you may have just downloaded malware onto your computer. THe WARNING SIGNS How can you tell if your computer is infected? Here are some warning signs: 1. Badbrowser. If you browser seems possessed, malware could be at work. Adware floods your screen with ad pop-ups and your home page unexpectedly changes. Websites mysteriously appear on your Favorites list. 2. Spam flood. The amount of unsolicited email unexpectedly spikes. 3. Slowgoing. Your computer, whether it’s online or offline, acts strangely and runs slowly. Your Internet connection slows to a crawl; programs open and close slowly or randomly with no explanation, the computer’s hard drive grinds when the computer is idle; strange icons appear in your Windows system tray. KeeP yOuR COMPuTeR fRee Of SPyWARe, AdWARe, MAlWARe 1. Thebestmedicine. Be wary when downloading software. The SuraSoft search engine is particularly helpful because it tells you which software is accompanied by malware. 2. The fine print. It’s painful, but read the software’s End User License Agreement. Be wary of phrases like “we may make your information available to third parties.” 3. UpdateInternetExplorerandWindows.Keep your browser and system software up-to-date by downloading the latest security patches available at Microsoft’s website. To run Windows Update, open Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Windows Update. You must be online to do this. 4. Download anti-spyware tools before you have a problem. Ad-Aware and Spybot, if ran on a regular basis, will help keep spyware off your computer and help you to recognize which types of programs are spyware. Ad-Aware( - A free product that will detect and remove spyware. Run the system scan, select the items that the scan finds, and let the program remove them from your computer. Spybot Seach & Destroy ( - A free product that is a little harder to use than Ad-Aware, but effective in other areas. Run your scan and allow the program to remove the items considered as spyware. Both Ad-Aware and Spybot will at times find items that cannot be removed until your computer is restarted. When prompted, restart you computer. (744-3152) Updateyour spyware definitions – Within Ad-Aware and Spybot, there is an option to update your software definitions. Make sure to update both programs and run them on a regular basis, just like your anti-virus software. Use some caution with other programs – Additional Anti-Spyware programs like Hijack This! can be effective, but should only be used by experienced computer users that understand program files structures and registry keys. Thebottomlineisthatyouneedtoprotectyourcomputerfromspyware beforeitbecomesamajorproblem.Unlikeavirusthatcandestroyyour computersystemimmediately,spywareisapestthatslowlyeatsawayatyour computer’s performance until it eventually causes major problems. Preventativemaintenancewillhelpkeepyourcomputerupandrunningandguard againstmajorproblemsinthefuture. Source: Website Compass, Spring 2003 We’re goin’ to the fair TC FMC i Wi-F T SPO Be sure to look us up at our new ‘outdoor’ location at the Shelby County Fair. We’re moving our booth from inside the Commercial Building to the ‘great outdoors.’ We’re featuring a wireless network environment or hotspot, so that you can sit leisurely, enjoy a cool drink of water, and work on our laptops with full Internet access. (741-5423) Step Up to a Faster Internet Fast. Faster. And Insane! FMCTC offers 5 speeds to match your needs. Whether you’re surfing your favorite sites or simply emailing friends, our reliable, faster Internet connections mean instant access to everything you need. Best of all, it doesn’t tie up your phone. And when you bundle it with our other services, you’ll get our best Internet rate. Check out our Speed Plus Value Package, or All-in-One Value Package for our best rates. Speed Monthly Price 128 kbps ________________________________ $ 34.95* Up to 2X Faster Than Ordinary Dial-Up 384 kbps ________________________________ $ 44.95* 768 kbps ________________________________ $ 54.95* Up to 14X Faster than Ordinary Dial-Up 1.5 Mbps _______________________________ $ 64.95* 3.0 Mbps ________________________________$79.95* There are no activation, installation, equipment ‘rental’ or purchase fees. No long term contract. Call 744-3131 for more information, to schedule your installation, or to talk with a member of our Internet Support Team. *Price does not include federal, state, county taxes, Universal Service Fund charge Internet Terms: BROADBAND: A high-speed network connection capable of supporting a wide range of frequencies. DOWNLOAD: To copy or transfer a file from a remote computer, usually a Web server, to your computer. UPLOAD: To copy or transfer a file from your computer to a remote computer, usually a Web server. ROUTER: An electronic device that connects two or more networks. WIRELESS NETWORK: A network that allows devices to communicate using radio or light transmissions instead of wires. It Pays To Refer Hey, FMCTC Internet Customers, did you know it pays to refer family, friends, and neighbors to FMCTC High Speed Internet? Complete this information, then pass it along to a family member, Custo encour mers are ag advant ed to take money age of this -saving offer! friend or neighbor. When your referral orders service and presents this certificate to one of our FMCTC offices, your account will be credited for OneMonth ofFREEHighSpeedInternetService (a $34.95 value!) Clip.and.Return.•.Clip.and.Return It Pays To Refer A Friend! I want to refer ________________________________________________ for FMCTC High Speed Internet Service My name ____________________________________________________ My phone number __________________________________________ Referral form must be returned at time of sign-up. lifetime and lifetime Movie Network now available on fMCTV Meet the new employees serving you this summer Summer is a busy time at FMCTC and summertime employees play an important role in completing many of our projects. FMCTC is lucky to have Ross Hastert (left) and John Graeve as a part of the FMCTC summertime team. They assist with plowing cable and phone drops, and taking care of FMCTC buildings and grounds. (747-6424) John will be a senior at IKM this Fall. He is the son of David and Linda of Defiance. This Fall, Ross will resume studying and playing football at Northwest Missouri State in Maryville, MO. We’ve got it all together. Now we can get our High Speed Internet, Cable TV, Wireless and Long Distance services, plus all the calling features we want all in one package, for one price, and at great value! INCLUDED FEATURES: Unlimitedm2m It’s our mobile-to-mobile feature. Talk Community Phone to Community Phone as long as you want while you’re on the FMCTC network without using your allowance minutes. • High Speed Internet (768k) • Cable TV (52 channels) • Wireless Community Phone with 400 minutes/month PLUS UNLIMITED m2m • 300 minutes Long Distance on your home phone • Voice Mail (Includes e-mail notification~~sends your voice mail messages to your email account… you open up the email and hear the actual voice mail message.) • Caller ID Name & Number, 3-Way Calling, Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Simultaneous Ring, and MORE calling features • Wireline Protection Plan 91.99 $ Is it time to rethink your wireless? FMCTC Wireless is the perfect plan if most of your calls are around the local area. (235-6230) All-In-One Telecom Value Deal Pay just FMCTV expanded its programming July 1st with the addition of two new channels. Cable’s popular Lifetime network, and it’s sister channel Lifetime Movie Network are now available on Channel 50 and Channel 51on FMCTV. (748-8195) Lifetime is an American television network which as its tagline notes is “Television for Women.” It airs movies that feature women in lead roles, as well as sitcoms and dramas that are geared towards women. Among the most popular shows currently on the channel are Frasier, The Nanny, The Golden Girls, Will & Grace and Unsolved Mysteries. The network also airs original programming such as Strong Medicine, The Division, and I Do, and airs many original movies targeting women, as well. Lifetime’s sister network, Lifetime Pay-As-U-GoRoaming Traveling? You can roam and use your Community Phone almost anywhere in the U.S. with our Pay-As-UGo roaming feature. You pay for the minutes you use, not the ones you don’t. /month Buy these services separately and youʼd pay almost $400 more/year. Call744-3131or654-9292tosignup! Clip.and.Return.•.Clip.and.Return Sign Me Up! All-In-One Value Package Just $91.99/mo+ High Speed Internet • Cable TV • Long Distance • Community Phone Voice Mail • Calling Features • Trouble Protection Plan Name ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________ Home Phone Number _______________________________ Email Address _____________________________________ Return this form and a FMCTC Customer Service Representative will contact you to confirm details and verify your choices. +Local telephone service, taxes, surcharges are not included in price. Limited Service Territory. All-in-One Telecom Value Deal is available to members who reside in the FMCTC cable television service territory which includes the following towns/areas: Corley, Defiance, Earling, Hancock, Irwin, Jacksonville, Kirkman, Panama, Tennant, Westphalia, and Cresthaven and Ridge Road housing developments. Pay-As-U-Go Long Distance Stay in touch with family, friends and business associates almost anywhere in the U.S. with our Pay-As-U-Go Long Distance. You pay for the minutes you use, not the ones you don’t. Pay-As-U-GoTextMessaging Fun, easy way to stay in touch. You get 10 FREE received or sent messages every month. CallingFeatures Caller ID, Simultaneous Ring, Call Waiting, 3-Way Calling BUNDLE PLANS AVAILABLE! Bundle your Community Phone in one of our Telecom Value Deals and get a great value. Movie Network, is a 24-hour, sevenday-a-week, ad-supported channel that airs contemporary films for and about women, including made-for-tv movies, miniseries, and films. The additional channels are a result of negotiations with ABC Affiliates in Omaha, Des Moines and Sioux City that are owned/managed by Hearst-Argyle. Lifetime Network is jointly owned by Hearst-Argyle Media Corporation and ABC, The Walt Disney Company. FMCTC was mandated to add the channels, Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network, for the rights to carry the ABC broadcasts. A new movie every Saturday night guaranteed! Watch outstanding movies on FMCTC Cable TV during the month of July, 2006! Scheduledtoappearon (Home Box Office) Must Love Dogs, a romantic comedy with Diane Lane and John Cusack-Premieres July 1 The 40-year Old Virgin, a comedy with Steve Carell, Catherine Keener and Paul Rudd – Premiers July 8 Rebound,a comedy with Martin Lawrence and Wendy Raquel – Premiers July 15 WaroftheWorlds, sci-fi action with Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning and Miranda Otto — Premiers July 22 Kingdom of Heaven, historical epic with Orlando Bloom, Eva Green and Jeremy Irons – Premieres July 29 Scheduledtoappearon FeverPitch,romantic comedy with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon — Premiers July 1 WeddingCrashers,comedy with Owen Wilson, Vince Vaghn, Christopher Walken — Premiers July 8 TheInterpreter,suspense with Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn— Premiers July 15 Serenity, a thriller with Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres and Adam Baldwin— Premiers July 22 RollBounce, a comedy with Bow Wow, Mike Epps and Wesley Jonathan—Premiers July 29 Call 744-3131 to get your premiere movie channel. FMCTC Cable TV service is available in the following towns/areas: Corley, Defiance, Earling, Hancock, Irwin, Jacksonville, Kirkman, Panama, Tennant, Westphalia, and Cresthaven and Ridge Road housing developments. Harlan Tribune Graphics Web Printing