

The HuntsvilleWalker County
Chamber of
Commerce is the
Heart and Voice of
Walker County
Volunteers. Opportunities. Involvement. Community. Events.
The Chamber V.O.I.C.E. is a monthly publication that highlights people who are the heart of the Chamber, recognizes the countless volunteers who dedicate their time and
talents, gives insight to the endless opportunities to network and connect with others, promotes ideas for involvement from businesses and/or organizations that make up the
membership, provides communication to the Huntsville-Walker County community, and keeps you abreast of the events within the chamber and our town.
July 2012
Member Spotlight…
Allover Toning and Wellness
llover Toning and Wellness Center is a facility for men
and women of all ages, regardless of health issues or limitations. Their goal is to firm, tone and strengthen muscles,
improve blood circulation, give skin a smooth, tight appearance
and reduce wrinkles, increase flexibility, and increase energy by
brining a fresh flow of blood and oxygen to major muscle groups.
Owner Becky Hawley stated, “The added benefit is to
reduce weight and inches,
without the sweaty exhaustion of normal workouts!
We provide a no stress, no
strain program in a relaxing
environment with helpful,
passionate and knowledgeable staff. We want to help
you get the figure you want
in just minutes a day, ultimately creating a stronger,
healthier, more energetic Pictured are employees Wendy
Norman, Jennifer Fugate and
Owners of the facility, owner Becky Hawley.
See SPOTLIGHT page 6
Calling All Divas!
Many new vendors & ‘surprise entertainment!’
Ladies….Call your girlfriends and get ready for the 3rd Annual
Diva Night on Thursday, August 16, 2012! Ladies this is your opportunity to shop, enjoy scrumptious food and tasty beverages and be treated
like a queen at the 3rd Annual Diva Night hosted by the HuntsvilleWalker County Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Wiesner, Inc.Huntsville and Mari
Montgomery Realty. Diva
Night will be held this year
at Sam Houston State
University in the LSC
Ballroom beginning at 5:30
p.m. and will feature several
area boutiques as well as
jewelry, purses, home décor,
gifts and more!
Celebrity waiters will
once again be catering to the ladies providing yummy food and beverages,
pamper stations will be there to spoil you, and you can take home a
momento of the evening provided at the photo booth! Guests prepare to
be entertained by some “surprise” guests at the event as well!
Several vendors will be returning as well as several new vendors. This
is the ultimate shopping experience all under one roof! Here is a list of the
vendors that will be present:
Aramark-(will have a dessert table for your sampling!)
Arbonne-Michelle Hebert
See DIVA page 2
What’s Happening!
Business After Hours — Wells Fargo Advisors,
July 26 - 5:15 p.m.
Small Business Breakfast — sponsored by Leads
Exchange August 9 @ Golden Corral-7:30 a.m.
Diva Night — August 16 @SHSU LSC Ballroom,
5:30-8:30 p.m.
Pre-Fair on the Square Concert w/Micky & the
Motorcars — October 5th, 9-midnight
Fair on the Square — October 6th, 9:00-5:00
Annual Gala & Auction — November 30
Welcome Our New Members:
• LA_Smart Phone Repair _LA
• Michelle M. Hebert –Arbonne
Independent Consultant
• Epic Lounge
• Thread & Needle Alterations
Over 500 members and growing!
PAGE 2 — Chamber V.O.I.C.E., jULY 16, 2012
Thoughts from
“It was a fun-filled week of wide-eyed
awe over HEARTS Museum artifacts,
of intrigue and fascination with history
at the Sam Houston Museum, and later
at the Statue and Visitor’s Center!!
They were sunburned children, holding
dripping popsicles, asking about the
next Lake Raven swim at the State
Park, and wondering if tonight’s menu
would be hotdogs with all the fixings,
Carol Smith.
or, a quick pizza followed by ice cold
water melon? This scenario is a reflection that ties in well
with our Tourism focus in this edition. And, actually, it pretty well describes the four Smith granddaughters who spent
the first week of this summer vacation touring all over
Huntsville and Walker County. It was refreshing to see these
many attractions through the eyes of children.
With more vacation time to enjoy, and more guests to
entertain, be sure to review all the many tourism destinations
featured within this newsletter. Many of you have called to
ask our opinions on places to go and things to do. This certainly is not an all inclusive list, but most of the major destinations are listed to whet your appetite and get you started.
We are indeed blessed to have wonderful venues and sites to
enjoy year ‘round! Be sure to check out the Chamber’s website…www.chamber.huntsville.tx.us for a comprehensive
listing of community activities.
Awakened by a scary popping noise, the acrid smell of
smoke burning their eyes and noses, the family quickly realized a 911 call had to quickly be placed. What seemed like
an eternity, but in actuality was just a short few anxiousfilled minutes, the fire trucks arrived with sirens blaring and
lights flashing. Much of the home being saved with the
exception of smoke and water damage, the family was eternally grateful to the volunteer fire fighters who dutifully
came to their rescue in the dead of night. Situations similar
to this (and worse) happen on a regular basis, and without
our EMERGENCY PERSONNEL, we would all be in a
world of hurt!! Whether volunteer, paid, full-time or parttime, these people lay their lives on the line 24/7 to help keep
all of Walker County as safe as possible. Mark your calendar
for Saturday, August 4, 2012 to help honor and recognize
these brave folks at the Emergency Personnel Banquet, 6:00
to 8:00, at the Walker County Storm Shelter on Hwy. 75
North. Dinner will be served and it’s a great event to honor
these special heroes!
Are you a member of the Chamber of Commerce? Some
of you enjoying this issue of the VOICE may not be in that
category. By the time you receive this July issue, the
Huntsville-Walker County Chamber will be launching a
county-wide membership effort. You will find great value to
being a chamber member; and, many businesses qualify for
the $315 per year member investment fee. For less than
$1.00 per day, you and your business can be involved in
many aspects for strengthening and improvement throughout
Huntsville and Walker County. Many activities and events
are produced by the Chamber to help market our membership and all communities across Walker County. A portion
of our center section of this issue provides you even more
insight to chamber membership. We sincerely hope you will
join us soon!
You’ve heard me say this before, but it is never often
enough. It is with great pride and honor that I serve you all
as Chamber President. So as we continue to market our
businesses and our communities, my sincere wish is for all of
us to partner together and be committed to this effort! Here
are THREE challenges…visit our many tourist attractions,
plan to join us August 4 to honor our Emergency Personnel.,
and give serious consideration to joining forces with the
Chamber for business/community support. So for now,
Warm Regards, Carol Smith, YOUR President
Continued from page 1
Cross My Heart Jewelry
Dusty Diamonds Boutique
Haute Boutique
Heartfield Florist
Jam Jam & Tui's (children's clothing)
Jamberry Nails-Loretta Dyches
Jewelry by Macy Lynne
Lisa's Gift Box
Lone Star Executive Limousine
Mary Kay Cosmetics-Carol Martin
Modello Footwear
On Pointe Dance Company/Attitude Dance & Gymnastics Boutique
Pampered Chef-Shelley Bleekman
Salon Chic & Boutique
Scentsy-Charlotte Snowden
Triple "S" Soft Silky Sheets
Thirty-One Gifts-Kim Nettles
Tickled Pink Gifts
Tupperware-Lori Gilley
Unique Tan & Boutique
Velata-Amy Bush
Wrap Divas (detox wraps)
AND you will have the opportunity to WIN some great door prizes including a 4 hour limo ride
for you and 8 of your friends from Lone Star Executive Limousine, a party for 20 people at the
Lakehouse at Magnolia Lake, a giant goodie basket sponsored by the Huntsville Item which will be
filled with exquisite items from our vendors, and a spa package from Facemaker including 1 hr.
massage, haricut with highlights or color, spray tan, facial, cosmetic makeover & lunch!
Shuttle service will be provided again this year thanks to our Grand Diva Sponsor Wiesner of
Huntsville! Ladies may park in the parking garage for a nominal fee or in the Bowers stadium parking
lot P14 at no charge (look for the Diva banner) and be carried in style to the front door by Wiesner drivers! The shuttle will run throughout the evening.
For those businesses who would like to participate in some area other than as a vendor but not sure
how, we have the perfect solution! Goodie bag-advertising sponsorships, table sponsorships and walk of
fame sponsorships are available. For more information on these opportunities call Laura at the chamber.
For those ladies who just want to shop, be pampered and fill their stomachs with delightful goodies,
tickets are NOW on sale for $35. As always a limited number will be sold. Don’t wait because we have
sold out the past two years. If any tickets remain, we will sell these at the door for $45. Secure your
ticket at the discounted price by purchasing yours today at the Chamber, Cole Insurance, Lisa’s Gift Box
and in New Waverly at AgriLand Farm Credit.
Remember Diva Night…
Where Girls just Wanna Have Fun!
Chamber V.O.I.C.E., jULY 16, 2012 — PAGE 3
Prize Patrol Makes Stops in Trinity & Riverside
The 6th Annual State Farm Football Chalk Talk for Women will be held on
Tuesday, August 7th at 6:30 p.m. With the 2012 Bearkat Football season fast
approaching it’s time once again for this annual event which will be held in the
Ron Randleman Strength and Fitness Center, located next to Don Sanders
Stadium on the campus of Sam Houston State University. For more information
or to reserve your seat, call the Bearkat Athletics office at 936-294-4205.
KIM McLERRAN is a Business Advisor at the
Sam Houston State University Small Business
Development Center. She advises those wanting to
start a business or expand their existing business.
SBDC also provides other assistance to existing businesses such as loan preparations for their bank loans,
business estate planning, cash flow reviews and more.
“It is important to be supportive of our community by supporting area small business
in their efforts to succeed. Being a chamber ambassador allows me to attend the personal and Small Business Development Center’s desire to thank them for being in
business and their many efforts to provide products and services to our local community.”
The Chamber Ambassador “Prize Patrol” continues to be very busy celebrating with many business members.
The Ambassadors make “suprize” visits, complete with balloons and cookies to show appreciation to Chamber business members. Shown here are June 28th visits made to (1 )Raven Nest Golf Club; (2) America’s Best Value
Inn; (3) Comfort Suites; (4) OK Pawn & Salvage; and (5) Zach’s Bar & Grill. Don’t be alarmed if you notice a
group of excited individuals entering your business soon with balloons and goodies to share. This is a great way the
Chamber is helping to highlight and market our members.
Ribbon Cuttings
Thread & Needle Alterations
Thread and Needle Alterations celebrated on Wednesday,
July 11th with a ribbon cutting ceremony at Fincher Fabric
Fantasies. Shown here is Rose Paluka, owner of Thread and
Needle Alterations, along with several other chamber members.
Rose does all her alterations from a separate location, but her
customers may go into Fincher Fabric Fantasies at 1102 11th
Street in Huntsville to be measured for alterations. Thread and
Needle Alterations also offers pick-up and delivery services. You
can contact Rose at (936) 581-6003 or by email at threadandneedlealterations@gmail.com.
BRING YOUR BUSINESS CARDS and be involved in visiting/marketing current
and potential Chamber members with the Ambassador group each month. These dedicated volunteers conduct monthly visits, along with helping with ribbon cuttings, open
houses, grand openings and other chamber events.
Mark your calendar and plan to meet at the Chamber Office no later than 9:50 am on
Tuesday, july 31st. We will continue our “prize patrol” visits and finish with lunch
and a short meeting at one our chamber restaurants. We would love to have you join
us as we support our local business members!
Mark Your Calendars….
Friday, November 30
2012 Chamber
Gala & Auction
It is not too early to make your plans….
The Silent and Live Auctions at the Gala provide an
excellent opportunity to market your business in
addition to supporting the Mary Frances Park
Scholarship Fund. If your business would like to
make a donation to this cause please give the
Chamber a call today.
chamber v.o.i.c.e. July 16, 2012 — PAge 5
PAge 4 — chamber v.o.i.c.e., July 16, 2012
Surrounded by forests, lakes and green
space, along with historical venues,
you can find plenty of places to relax
and enjoy tourism throughout the local
SAm HouSton StAte univerSity
Visitors welcome—tours are available through the John R. Ragsdale
Visitor and Alumni Center
tex indePendence celebrAtion
March 2 www.samhouston.memorial.museum
Museum and Oakwood Cemetery
tHe rAven ride
Sponsored by the Lions Club
AnnuAl WAlker county fAir, rodeo & bbq cookoff
(late March/early April)
936- 291-8763 www.walkercountyfair.com
BBQ cookoff, Pro
Rodeo, livestock & more
Scouting Around in HuntSville And WAlker county
Sam Houston Statue Visitor Center and Gift Shop
houses many unique Texas and Huntsville souvenirs and one-of-akind gift items
SAm HouSton memoriAl muSeum
Houses large collections of General Sam
Houston artifacts
oAkWood cemetery
Final resting place of Gen. Sam
Houston, & many other historical people
Sam Houston State University, Old
Town Theatre & Huntsville Community Theatre all have great programs and offerings
Wynne Home ArtS center
Located along the banks of Town Creek at 1428 11th Street
cAbin on tHe SquAre And doWntoWn AreA
Visitor information & beautiful hand-made crafts
tHe texAS PriSon muSeum
Located just off I-45 North, interesting prison & inmate artifacts
H.e.A.r.t.S veterAnS muSeum
Located on I-45 next to the Prison Museum
HuntSville StAte PArk
Open year-round and allows camping and lake activities
rAven neSt golf courSe
A natural terrain, 18-hole course on par
with the most expensive private clubs
tHe SAm HouSton nAtionAl foreSt
Nestled among one of the largest national forests in south Texas
tHe blue lAgoon
Oasis of artesian springs feeds into a
rock quarry, creating environment for
scuba diving
AnnuAl HogS Hunt
50k/25k trAil run
April - @ Huntsville
State Park www.trailrace.com
AnnuAl Herb feStivAl
Homemade breads,
herbs, plants and garden items
AnnuAl generAl SAm HouSton folk feStivAl
936- 294-1832 www.samhoustonfolkfestival.org
Celebration of life and times of this Texas hero
AnnuAl SHot in tHe dArk golf tournAment
Raven Nest Golf Club 936-295-8113
4 man golf scramble www.chamber.huntsville.tx.us
4tH of July celebrAtion
936-291-5420 www.huntsvilletx.gov
SAint JoSePH’S cAtHolic cHurcH bAzAAr
Labor Day Sunday – New Waverly
936-344-6104 www.stjosephnewwaverlytx.net
divA nigHt
August 16, 2012
936-295-8113 www.chamber.huntsville.tx.us
Fun evening of shopping & entertainment for ladies only
Antique SHoW
September 15-16
Walker County
Fairgrounds 936295-4162
AnnuAl fAir on tHe SquAre
October 6th – Downtown Square
936-295-8113 www.chamber.huntsville.tx.us
dAve boyd HuntSville clASSic mountAin bike rAce
Huntsville State Park Oct. 6-7
936-295-5644 www.tmbra.org
7 HillS HuntSville ½ mArAtHon &
5k run/WAlk
October 27 SHSU Kinesiology Center
(936) 295-4291 www.7hills.us
ScAre on tHe SquAre
October 27
Downtown Square www.huntsvillemainstreet.com (936) 295-2150
Trick or treating on the Square
HAlloWeen cArnivAl
Walker County Fair Association (936)
October 31 – Walker County Fairgrounds
rocky rAccoon 50k/25k
trAil runS nov. 3
Huntsville State Park
903-894-3788 Huntsville State
HuntSville for tHe
December www.huntsvilletexas.com
Downtown Square 936-291-5920
5k cHriStmAS in tHe PineS run
December 1
Journey tHrougH
December www.journeythroughbethlehem.org
Walker County Fairgrounds
lionS club cHriStmAS
December www.huntsvilletxlions.org
936-295-9400 Annual
Christmas parade with Santa
be A PArt of tHe cHAmber… HelP SuPPort HuntSville And WAlker county
• Walker County has the best of all worlds, and the HuntsvilleWalker County Chamber of Commerce is proud to be the “front
door” for all of Walker County! Excellent and proactive partnerships with the business community
• Established in 1934—Chamber is celebrating its 78th anniversary
this year
• If you live and/or do business in this area, we welcome you and
hope you will
become a part of this
• Huntsville, New
Waverly, Riverside,
Dodge and all of
Walker County has
some of the best
businesses and the
greatest people to be
found anywhere in
the state of Texas.
We invite you to join us!
our mission
The Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce provides
opportunities and direction to foster the development of leaders, to
serve our members, and to enrich our community.
facts About the chamber today
• Board of Directors elected by the membership; rotates with one
third of its members changing annually
• Tommy Stewart,
Wells Fargo
Chairman of the
Board of
• Paul Davidhizar,
Headmaster of
Alpha Omega
Chairman of the
• Cindy Pierce, owner of Heartfield Florist—Chair-elect for 2013
• Carol Smith, President—manages the day-to-day operations with
full-time professional staff
• Located at 1327 11th Street near the downtown square with a 24
hour information center
• Devoted full time to community and economic development; have
many programs to help market and strengthen local businesses;
many opportunities for community business, industry and agency
leaders to connect
• Huntsville Leadership Institute, 9-month program available to
those with an interest in leadership
• Proud supporters of SHSU BearKats, Huntsville Hornets, New
Waverly Bulldogs and Alpha Omega Lions
• “Choices” program within our public schools to help prepare our
future workforce
• Business seminars; sometimes co-hosted with the Small Business
Development Center
• Business after Hours and the Small Business Breakfasts monthly
offer networking opportunities members
• Leads Exchange groups meet every week to exchange leads and
referrals while building business relationships.
• Annual Trade Expo produces a showcase of goods and services in
the area
• Leadership luncheons—“communicate and educate” on important
issues, concerns, and achievements
toP ten
Reasons to be a Member of the Chamber
1 member Synergy — Members together can accomplish much
more than any one business could possibly alone.
2 contacts & referrals — The Chamber is a daily source for business contacts and referrals, not only from your Chamber staff, but
also from hundreds of other members, besides the opportunity to
join a leads exchange group.
3 marketing & Publicity 24/7 — We have marketing & publicity
opportunities 24/7, including but not limited to: the official
Chamber web site, Member Directory, Newsletter, 24 hour Visitor
Center at the Chamber, member brochures, advertising, sponsorships
and ribbon cuttings. Master community calendar is sent to advertising venues across the state.
4 economic opportunity — The majority of economic opportunity comes from developing existing businesses. Our goal is to create
the best business environment you can imagine and to help
you uncover new prospects, link you with procurement officials and keep you informed of vital information for business. We partner with the Small Business Development
Center to provide business training workshops.
5 tourism development — The Chamber is the first point
of contact for marketing visitors to the community and we
help host visitors from all over the world. Tourism has an
impact of over $56 million in our community each year.
6 Small business Assistance — We can help you cut
through the red tape of running your business. If we don’t
readily have the answer to your questions, we’ll research
until we do.
7 unique Special events — Market your business and
build good relationships at our monthly Networking
Breakfast and Business After Hours. Attending and/or volunteering
for our unique events brings other good opportunities: Trade Expo,
Shot in the Dark, Fair on the Square, Annual Gala, Leadership
Luncheons, Diva Night, etc.
8 leadership development — The Huntsville Leadership Institute
provides a
unique leadership training
opportunity for
local citizens.
Celebrating over
30 years, HLI
recently graduated class #30.
This has made
an enormous
impact on our community development.
9 legislative involvement — We provide a voice for local business in government at the local, state, and national levels. We
encourage the vote and help educate voters on the issues.
10 because it Pay$ — Membership is an investment. With your
membership dues you invest in the Huntsville-Walker County
Community…creating opportunities for economic & community
For additional chamber information and the membership application,
check out the Chamber’s website @ www.chamber.huntsville.tx.us
or contact us at the following:
1327 11TH Street, Huntsville, TX 77340
(936) 295-8113 (877) 646-8068 Fax: (936) 295-0571
Membership Investments are not deductible as Charitable
Contributions for Income Tax purposes. Membership Investments
may be considered ordinary and necessary business deductions.
Membership is based on an annual investment.
PAGE 6 — Chamber V.O.I.C.E., jULY 16, 2012
er B
Hat’s off to the following members who recently renewed their Chamber membership. Marketing, advertising and networking are
just a few of the benefits of Chamber membership. We encourage everyone to shop with Chamber members.
A Better Garage Door Co.
Ample Computer Services
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
U S Congressman Kevin Brady
Dee Dee Dretke
Edward Jones Investments-Justin Ward
Events Plus
Giddy Up Glamour
Debbie Homann – HISD
Humphrey’s Bar & Grill
Huntsville Board of Realtors
Inscriptions of the Heart
JuJuBelle – Megan Foley Independent
Kampus Korner Bookstore
Keller Williams Realty
John McManners
Diana McRae
Murray Insurance & Financial Services, Inc.
Northside Baptist Church
Pampered Chef – Shelly PetkovsekBleekman Independent Consultant
Amber Rodriguez - HISD
Shred-All Texas, LLC
St. Stephens Episcopal Church
Tax Express
Tickled Pink Gifts
Mary Anne Tyler
Unique Tan
Wish Wash Car Wash
Walker County History Book
Arriving Soon!!
A beautiful book is being produced on the history of Walker County, and you will want to have one for your home. The
“coffee table” style book will tell through word and picture the role the area played in the Texas Republic, how Texas’ first
president, Sam Houston, came to reside in Huntsville and how the Trinity River added to the regional economy through
steamboat transportation of cotton and logs. HISTORIC WALKER COUNTY: The Story of Huntsville & Walker County
is a large-format, heavily illustrated volume has been authored by Dr. Jeffrey Littlejohn who is an eminent historian and
educator and a member of the SHSU History Department Faculty. This lovely edition will consist of a lively narrative
describing the people and events that shaped our region, along with over 100 period photographs, maps and paintings.
SAVE THE DATE ― “Christmas in the Pines” with Sammy!! Saturday, December 1st, the
Chamber is hosting the 2ND ANNUAL “Christmas in the Pines” 5K Run/Walk. The run will
kick off at 9:00am, with Race-day Registration @ 8:00 that morning. Pre-registration details
will be forthcoming soon…SAVE THE DATE!
as of july 10, 2012
The following businesses recently joined the Chamber and we extend A WARM CHAMBER WELCOME.
The information printed was gained from membership applications. For any additions and/or corrections, contact
the Chamber as complete membership information is vital to your records with us. Our most recent new members
we welcome:
LA_Smart Phone Repair — LA is a cell phone repair business owned by Abdul Ajala. His business repairs all
major smart phones. Abdul can be reached by calling 832-863-2169 or by email smartphone6212@yahoo.com.
He has joined the chamber for the advertising and social networking opportunities.
Sonia Zamudio is the owner of Epic Lounge, a new full service bar/lounge located on the downtown square at
1201 University Avenue open Monday through Saturday. For more information about this new business call 936294-9300 or email sbzamudio@yahoo.com.
Michelle M. Hebert – Independent Arbonne Consultant joined the chamber to meet other business owners and
community members in order to share her love of Arbonne products. Arbonne is a 30 year old Swiss company
specializing in “pure, safe and beneficial” health and wellness products. For more information on the products or
to place an order call Michelle at 936-577-4082 or email michhebert@pol.net.
Rose Paluka, owner of Thread & Needle Alterations, does “altering, repairing and embellishing on you old clothing to make them new again”. She is located at 35 Wood Farm Estates Rd and can be contacted at 936-581-6003
or by email at threadandneedlealterations@gmail.com. Call to make an appointment for all your sewing needs.
Becky and her husband John, previously experienced working out on these machines and
Continued from page 1
noticed great improvement in reducing weight
and increasing energy in their own bodies and
decided to open their own center to provide the amazing benefits of the toning
tables to the community and surrounding areas.
Becky joined the chamber because, “We felt it was important to be “plugged
in” to the community and establish business contacts. The marketing at events are
part of the endless benefits and wonderful opportunities the chamber offers which
enables you as an individual and your business to flourish.”
For more information on this innovative fitness center that provides a new
method of exercise without the sweat, call Becky, John or Wendy at Allover Toning
at 436-0000. They are located at 228 Hwy 75 North in the previous Holiday House
jULY 24
learn more information
about oil and gas leases…
and the many details that
surround these arrangements. The Chamber is cosponsoring with the Walker
County Texas Cooperative
Extension Office and
AgriLand Farm Credit, a
special seminar focused on
oil and gas leases. Dr.
Judon Fambrough of Texas
A&M will present very
timely information on this
topic, beginning at 7:00 pm,
July 24 in the Chamber
Conference Room. We recommend you plan to arrive
early as the interest appears
to be quite high on this
Chamber V.O.I.C.E., jULY 16, 2012 — PAGE 7
Interested in marketing
your Business?
Sponsor a Chamber Small Business Breakfast
or Business After Hours. Reservations for 2013
are being taken now!
Call Laura at the Chamber
The Member Events & Networking Council of the Chamber sponsors the New Member Showcase once each year to
allow our newest members an opportunity to be put in the spotlight and showcase their business or organization. This
year’s event was held on June 28 and the following new members were highlighted:
Allover Toning & Wellness Center, Arbonne-Michelle Hebert, At Home Healthcare, City of Huntsville,
Huntsvilleboard.com, Lone Star Executive Limousine, On Pointe Dance Company, Parkview Place Apartments, Tastefully
Simple-Adriane Hunter, Triple “S” Soft Silky Sheets-Kimberly Johnson and Tupperware-Lori Gilley. Faust Distributing,
Chicken Express, Double Dave’s Pizzaworks and Rodeo Mexican Restaurant provided the refreshments and appetizers for
the evening!
The Citizens on
Patrol (COP) is a volunteer program organized
as a part of the
Community Services
Section under the
Uniform Services
Division of the Walker
County Sheriff’s Office
and Sheriff, Clint
Secretary/Treasurer David Anderson and COP Coordinator Sgt. Brian
McRae. COP, over five Smallwood.
years old, is comprised of
15 Walker County citizens who give of their personal time and energy to
serve the county to be an extra set of eyes and ears for the individual
units within the Walker County Sheriff’s Office and to assist other
offices with day-to-day operations as requested and needed. The group
is under the supervision of Sgt. Brian Smallwood who is the COP
Coordinator, Mark Robinson is the Shift and Meeting Coordinator, and
David Anderson is the Secretary/Treasurer.
The COP is a not-for profit organization and uses no county, or state,
funds. Their operating budget is funded entirely by fund raising and
donations. At the present time, they operate two marked patrol units,
radio equipped with warning bar lights, that can be activated while
directing traffic or assisting deputies. The group has a mobile command
center trailer equipped with A/C, computers, television, outside flood
lights, generator to be used during operations within the county.
The COP group is currently involved in many activities, including the
Senior Watch program which has registered seniors in the county who
are called several times a week to check on their welfare. During the
hot summer days, water is distributed and if food or fans are needed,
they make sure these people receive what they need. The COP also
assists the Walker County Fair and The Walker County Fair on the
Square. This group assists in search and rescue operations and in times
of disaster such as floods, hurricanes and wildfires. They have worked
traffic control at many of the races that take place within the county.
While on patrol duty, if anything is observed, this is reported immediately to the Walker County Public Safety Communications Center so the
details can be broadcast by police radio to county law enforcement if
action is needed. There are many qualifications for becoming a member
including background checks and training programs. If you are interested in being a part of this organization, or want more information about
the COP, please contact Sgt. Brian Smallwood or David Anderson at
PAGE 8 — Chamber V.O.I.C.E., jULY 16, 2012
Your 2012 Huntsville-Walker County
Chamber of Commerce
2012 Officers
Tommy Stewart, Chairman of the Board ..................................................Wells Fargo Advisors
Paul Davidhizar, Immediate Past Chair/Nominating ............................Alpha Omega Academy
John Hendricks, Treasurer, .................................................................................American Bank
John Cole, Vice Chair Economic Development..........................................John Cole Insurance
Jim Hodges, Vice Chair Business Services .......................................Hodges Business Interiors
Frankie McCaffety, Vice Chair Tourism .......................................................McCaffety Electric
Cindy Pierce, Vice Chair Membership/Communications ................................Heartfield Florist
Michelle Spencer, Vice Chair Community Affairs ..........Boys & Girls Club of Walker County
Carol Smith, President............................................................................Chamber of Commerce
Brooke Addams, Networking Council ..........................................101.7KSAM/104.9The HITS
Michael Biesiada, Natural Resources/Ag Council ..................................AgriLand Farm Credit
Bart Davis, Existing Business Council ..................................Davis Construction Management
Dee Dee Dretke, Tourism/Visitor Services Council ..............................Keller Williams Realty
Luke Gustafson, Community Growth Council ...........................................Brookshire Brothers
Sherry Ingram, Membership Development Council.................................KSTAR Country 99.7
Tyler Johns, Community Growth Council ........................................Edward Jones Investments
Amy Lee, Business Training Council..........................................................The Huntsville Item
Clint McLaren, Leadership Council .....................................................Wiesner, Inc.-Huntsville
Sally Nelson, Institutional Liaison...............................................Huntsville Memorial Hospital
Robert Pate, Community Growth Council..................................................First Financial Bank
Charlie Vienne, Communication/Resources Council .................Sam Houston State University
Weldon Wallace, Community Events Council .................................................The Carpet Store
Kim Williams, Education/Workforce Council ...............................First Victoria National Bank
Brenda Yancy, Member Events Council ......................................................First National Bank
Chamber Staff
Carol Smith ...................................................................................................................President
Laura Green.......................................................................Events & Communications Manager
Shannon Higbie ..................................................................................................Office Manager
Chris Schmitt ...........................................................................................Receptionist/Secretary
Lauren Preston.....................................................................................Membership Coordinator
We provide opportunities and direction to foster
the development of leaders,
to serve our members and
enrich our community.
Contact Us
The Chamber V.O.I.C.E. is the monthly newsletter of the Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce. For story
ideas, calendar of events, advertising information or any other contributions to this publication, please contact the
Chamber at 295-8113 or toll free 877-646-8068, by mail at PO Box 538-Huntsville, TX 77342, by fax at 295-0571 or
The chamber web site can be viewed at
by e-mail at chamber@chamber.huntsville.tx.us.
http://www.chamber.huntsville.tx.us. The Chamber office, located at 1327 11th Street in Huntsville, is open from 9-5
weekdays. Switchboard from 8:30-5.
Chamber Calendar
Executive Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m. @ Chamber
Preferred Partners, 8:00 a.m @ Small Business Development Center
Membership Campaign
Thursday Leads Exchange, 8:00 a.m. @ TBA
Preferred Partners, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Oil & Gas Lease Seminar “What Landowners Need To Know”, 7:00 p.m. @ Chamber
Thursday Leads Exchange, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Business After Hours, 5:15 p.m. @ Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Preferred Partners, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Ambassador Meeting, 10:30 a.m. @ TBA
Thursday Leads Exchange, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Tourism Meeting, 8:30 a.m. @ Chamber
Small Business Breakfast sponsored by Thursday Leads Exchange, 7:30 a.m. @ Golden
Ribbon Cutting, 4:30 p.m. @ Epic Lounge
Executive Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m. @ Chamber
Preferred Partners, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Board Meeting, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Thursday Leads Exchange, 8:00 a.m. @ TBA
DIVA NIGHT, 5:30-8:30 p.m. @ SHSU LSC Ballroom
HLI Applications due
Preferred Partners, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Thursday Leads Exchange, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Business After Hours, 5:15 p.m. @ Mari Montgomery Realty-Keller Williams
Ribbon Cutting, 12:00 p.m. @ Unique Tan
HLI Board Meeting, 12:00 p.m. @ Chamber
Preferred Partners, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Thursday Leads Exchange, 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber
Community Calendar of Events
Every Saturday Farmers Market @ University Avenue in front of cabin
Every Wednesday & Saturday morning – Walker County Farmers Market @ West Hill Mall Parking
Every Tuesday-Friday Guided Tours at the Sam Houston Memorial Museum at 10am & 2pm
1-9/14 3rd Annual Photography Contest – entries accepted at Sam Houston Memorial Museum
Log Cabin Construction Techniques @ Sam Houston Memorial Museum
Oil & Gas Siminar @ Chamber
Flower Pounding for Adults @ Sam Houston Memorial Museum
Business After Hours @ Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
30-31 Auditions for HCT “The Boys Next Door” @ Old Town Theatre
Every Saturday Farmers Market @ University Avenue in front of cabin
Every Wednesday & Saturday morning – Walker County Farmers Market @ West Hill Mall Parking
Every Tuesday-Friday Guided Tours at the Sam Houston Memorial Museum at 10am & 2pm
1-9/14 3rd Annual Photography Contest – entries accepted at Sam Houston Memorial Museum
1-9/15 “Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns & the Cartoons of Clifford Berryman” exhibit
@ Walker Education Center
Emergency Personnel Banquet @ Walker County Storm Shelter
Small Business Breakfast sponsored by Thursday Leads Exchange @ Golden Corral
Back to School Rally @ Huntsville High School
Quail Coalition Banquet @ Walker County Fairgrounds
Business After Hours @ Mari Montgomery Realty-Keller Williams
27-28 Auditions for HCT “Drac’s Back” @ Old Town Theatre