A series of articles as they appeared in the roofing spec official
A series of articles as they appeared in the roofing spec official
, A series of articles as they appearedin the roofing spec official publication of the National Roofing ContractorsAssociation ~ official publication of the National Roofing Contractors Association. TABLE OF CONTENTS , .1-3 ~... Durdan by James M. Donald Insulation by Bernardi Roof E. A. Insulation by Polystrene Roof Foam Expanded Insulation Urethane Rigid Extruded Roof Fibrous GlassRoof Insulation by Edward Mirra, Jr. Cellular GlassRoof Insulation by Carl Olm Perlitic '"' P. Sheahan. . . 4-6 ... .7-11 .. .12-14 . . 15-18 Composite Board.Roof Insulation by Paul E. Burgess,Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NATIONAl AnoFlNG CONTRACTORS ASsoaATION One O'Hare Centre 6250 River Road Rosemont, Illinois 60018 (312) 318-NRCA ...19-20 by Edward Mirra,Jr. Editor', Note: Edward MirT4, fro is currently Section Marketing Manager, Roof Insulation, for Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation. He receivedhis Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineeringfrom Lehigh Unlwrsity, and a Masters Degree in Business Admim:strationfrom the University of Toledo. He has been associatedwith OwensCorning Fiberglass since 1962, during which time he has obtained experiencein many diverseareas of the corporation, including Production Management, Sales, Market Research, and Finance in addition to Marketing. Mr. Mirra is a member of the American Marketing Association, American Soa'ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. Professional Engineers Associate. and the Societyfor the Admncement of Management. We are grateful to him for this. our first in a series of articles on roof l'nsulation. INTRODUCTION Fi~r glass is presumed to have been discovered some 10.000 Yt'an ago when nomadic tribesmen built a hot fire in a bed of sand. The fire melted the sand. and presumably a tribesman poked a stick -into the molten puddle that appeared. When he pullecd the stick away the melted sand formcd a long stringy typc ROOF INSULATION fiber. The further he pulled. the thinner it became until suddenly it hardened. Little did he realize that he had formed the first glass fiber. Now centuries later. there are numerous products and applications derived from the discovery of the glass fiber. One such product is fibrous glass roof insulation. Today. architects. owners and contractors are benefiting from the unique properties of glass fibers used to produce fibrous glass roof insulation. GENERAL DESCIlIPTION AND USE Fiber glass roof insulation has two primary uses today. First and foremost is its we as a thermal in. sulation to retard the flow of heat. Secondly, it's used as a base for builtup roofing in the construction of roofing systems for non.~dential buildings. As the energy crisis continues to increase in severity, the insulation quality of fibrous glass roof in. sulation is becoming increasingly imponant in its role of conserving the nation's vital energy resources, as well as reducing the operating costs of businesses and institutions throughout the United States. The fine glass fibers from which roof insulation is manufactured provide the very efficient insulating propenies of the product. However. a roof insulation product must exhibit additional properties because of the complex forces present in a roofing system. A unique combination of properties of fiber glass, not found in any other material, provides the characteristics to meet the stringent requirements of roofing applications. Properties such as strength: weight for weight, fiber glass has six times the breaking strength of steel. Glass fibers are dimensionally stable and will not expand with heat or swell with moisture. In addition, glass fibers arf:: flexible, inert and fire resistant, which adds up to an imponant array of propenies that are panicularly helpful for the long-range per. formance of roof insulation and the entire roofing system. PRODUCT Df.SCR.IPTION Fibrous glass roof insulation boards are composed of glass fibers. The glass fiber reinforced asphalt and kraft top surface provides the rough, impact. resistant mopping surface for the built-up roofing system. Roof insulation boards produced from fibrous glass are available in "'x4'sizes, as well as4'x 8' sizes,which result in fewer joints in the roof system. Fewer joints are purported by many to provide additional advantages not available with smaller sized boards, such as less heat leakThe thickness is varied from ~ ,. to 2 v." to achieve the insulation efficiency required as shown in Table I. Double layer application is also commonly used to achieve even greater insulation protection. TABLE 1: GLASS nBER. R.OOF INSULATIONTHER.MAL VALUE SELECTION GUIDE CA»nductantt R.ailtantt Thickne. .11 9.09 2-1/4" .Ig 7.69 1-7/8" .15 6.67 1.5/8" .19 .24 5.26 4.17 1-~/16" 1-1/16" .27 5.70 15/16" .56 2.78 5/4" Fibrous glass roof insulation will vent vapor through the boards. Vapor can be vented or free water pumped out in the event of damage to the built-up roof, eliminating th~ need to remove the insulation should it become wet for anyone of many possible causes. Once the roof insulation has been dried, the original thermal value is restored. Fibrous glass roof insulation is acceptable and approved by Factory Mutual in accordance with their published requirements. Similarly, it is approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for many specific construction designs. The majority of decks being constructed p~ntly are metal; therefore, flute span capability of roof insulation is important. Table 2 provides the fiber glass roof in- sulation thickness with the corresponding maximum flute span. and since alm~t all metal decks have flute spans of 21,i" or less. fibrous roof insulation can meet practically all of the metal deck flute span requirements. TABLE2: MAXIMUM FLUTE SPAN FIBER GLASS ROOF INSULATION Thicknesa Inches Max Flute Span Inches 5/4" 15/16" 1-1/16" 1.5/16" 1-5/8" 2-112" 2-518" S.l 12" 4" I-SI." WIDE FLUTE ROOF INSULATION Max Thicknea Inchea 5/4" 15/16" 1-1/16" 1-5/16" Flute Span Inchea 2-1/2" 2-7/8" 5-1/4" 4-1/4" HOW FIBROUS -- - GLASS ROOF INSULATION IS MANUFACTURED The first step in the manufacturing process of gla~ fiber insulation is to melt sand. li~one. soda ash and other ingredients at temperatures of 25000 Fahrenheit. While the glass is a molten liquid. it flows through tiny holes that shape it into fi~n finer than human hair. Once the fiber gla~ is formed it is spun into light fluffy material which is than com. pressed into a rigid insulation. Th~ insulation then has the reinforced cover applied. after which it is cut to size and packaged. A schematic description of the process is shown. but only personal observation of this manufacturing operation can vividly depict how far glass fiber technology has progressed since the tribesmen first discovered the phenomenon 10.000 years ago. APPLICATION OF FIBROUS GLASS ROOF INSULATION Fibrous glass roof insulation can be installed using hot steep asphalt. cold adhesive or mechanical fasteners depending upon the specific job and its requirements. For metal decks that are Factory Mutual Class I or classified as an Underwriters Laboratories roof deck construction. their respective specific requirements must be followed as they relate to acceptable materials and how they are installed. One aspect of the listing of materials for Factory Mutual Class I requires they passa 60 PSF (Pounds per Square Foot) uplift test. Although Factory Mutual may list materials for use with fibrous glass roof insulation. the manufacturer's manual should be checked to see if there are any restrictions. Fibrous glass roof insulation can be installed over the commonly used vapor retarder systems. For metal decks. Factory Mutual and Un- '--"'L'--"'. ~dl lATCH .'dl III I d INGREDIENTS H II II II - III fJ:~~~~~ ."'WEIGH MIX qI ~ GLASS MELTIN8 8 REFINING TANK ~ CENTRIFUGE FORMING COMPRESS ~' AND CURE cr PACK OR FABRICATE derwriters Laboratories guidelines should be followed as required. The most common roof insulation application is over a metal deck without vapor retarder systems. Glass fiber roof insulation is applied to metal decks with a 12-15 lbs. per square mopping of hot steep asphalt. or .7 gallons/square of cold adhesive. or by the use of mechanical fasteners being applied one fastener for each 2 sq. ft. of roof insulation. When vapor retarders are used. .25-.40 gallons of cold adhesive is applied below the vapor retarder to adhere it to the metal deck. and. 7 gal. it applied on top of the vapor retarded to adhere the roof insulation. For poured-inplace and other non-nailable surfaces. the deck is normally primed using 1 gal/square of an asphalt primer. then the insulation is embedded in a minimum mopping of 30 lbs./square of steep asphalt. Where joints exist. precaution must be taken to prevent asphalt drippage. For nailable surfaces. a mopping surface must be provided that is adequate to obtain proper adherence of the insulation. Possible mopping surfaces might be a base sheet. or a glass fiber felt. or red resin and No. 15 felt. These added mopping surfaces are nailed to the deck. and then the roof insulation is adhered to them by using a solid mopping of hot steel asphalt applied 30 lbs./ square. Where vapor retarders are required over the decks. those commonly used are acceptable; however. caution must be exercised to be certain that the insurance and code requirements are being met. ... ~=b CURING OVEN MANUFACTURING PROCESS \0 3 r Editor'" Note: Carl Dim is currently Business Manager, Architectural Products Division, for P,.ttsburgh Corning Corporation. He has been associated with Pittsburgh Coming since 1970, haling previouslyworked for Corning Gla.s.s Worksin a number of engineering and manufacturing positions. .1. - .t:. " While with PittsbuTghComi1lg, Mr. Olm has held the positions of Works Manager at the company's Pori Allegany, PA, plant, and Man4ger, Market Planning. He ~ named to his presentposition, where he directs all markelling activities of the Architectural Products Division, in 1972. Mr. Olm was graduated from the UniverSt"ty of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering. He is a member of the Amen'canInstl"tuteof Industn'al Engineers, the A mencan Societyof ProfeSSIonal Salesmen,and the Resenle Officer's Association. Weare grateful to Mr. Olm for this, our second in a sen'esof articles on roof insulation. 4 INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of time. man has instinctively known that water poses the greatest threat to his environment. For countless centuries, man used materials provided by natu~ to insulate himself from water, both liquid and vapor. He used leaves, wood, and mud. Later, he experimented by using combinations of those natural insulators. He found that if he kept dry, he was warmer. And, he found that keeping water from coming through the roof was the key to proper in. sulation. For, without a waterproof roof, it would not be long before he was left with little protection from the heat and cold and wind and sun. We see the same principle in insulation today. A wool jacket. for instance, keeps us warm on a cold day until it gets wet, then it 1<MeS its insulating ability. If we rub our finger on the inside of a "waterproof' tent when it's raining outside, we rob the tent of its insulating efficiency by permitting moisture to enter. We know now that it is important to protect the deck of our roof from water. The insulation we choose for our roof should insulate and protect the roof membrane, preventing the elements from entering the building. DESCRIPTION CELLULAR OF GLASS The manufacturing process for cellular glass insulation consists of combining crushed glass. which has a very closely controlled chemical composition and physical pro~nies. with a c~Uulating ag~nt. This mixture is placed in a mold and subj~ct~d to a t~mp~ratur~ of approximat~ly 950°F in a fumac~. At this t~mperatur~. th~ glass turns to a liquid. th~ c~llulating ag~nt d~composes. and the mass ~xpands to fiU th~ mold. This r~sults in millions of closed c~lIs. containing an in~rt gas. connected to ~ach oth~r to form an insulating mat~rial that is imp~rm~abl~. strong. non-combustibl~. and has a constant insulating ~fficiency. r'" CELLULAR GLASS AS A ROOF INSULATOR The function of the insulation in a roof system is to resist the passage of heat and. to do so, it should also resist the passage of water in liquid and vapor form. The insulation must provide a strong and stable base for the membrane and it must be compatible with. and act in concen with. other materials in the roof system. As a roof insulator, cellular glass insulation has advantages because it is: Impermeable-ASTM Test C -'55 ratrs cellular glass insulation as Zero Perm-In. That means water. either as a liquid or vapor. cannot penetrate the material. Because it is impermeable. cellular glass insulation will not cause blistering or wrinkling of the membrane. A Constant Efficient InsulatorBecause it is impermeable. cellular glass insulation remains unchanged from the time it is manufactured; during shipment. while ~ing in- ~ Ct'l/ular gia.sshas a compressionstrength of overseventons per squarefoot stalled, and while in service. It's guaranteed to retain its original insulating efficiency for 20 years, Dimensionally Stable- A low coefficient of expansion insures that cellular glass insulation will not grow, shrink, warp, or buckle, It does not contribute to those forces that the membrane must resist to prevent splitting or wrinkling. Noncombustible - Cellular glass insulation is approved by FM for Class I Construction and by V.L. for Construction Nos. 1 and 2. It requires no special protection during storage or application to prevent its ignition or to prevent it from melting. It can't give off any lethal fumes, of course, because it can't ignite. Light Weight-Because it weighs only nine pounds per cubic foot, the materials requires no extra deck or structural frame construction and is eastily handled by the roofing contractor. Its light weight makes it ideal for reroofing applications where the deck and structural frame will not permit the weight of heavier types of insulation. MANUFACTURED IN THREE FORMS Cellular glass insulation is manufactured by the Pittsburgh Corning Corporation. under the registered brand name Foamglas. in three forms: flat boards. flat blocks and tapered blocks. Pittsburgh Corning was one of the early advocates of positive roof drainage and was the pioneer in tapered insulation systems, a commonly accepted design criteria today. The Tapered Roof Insulation System consists of a series of insulation blocks placed in a specific sequence to form a slope of 1/16", liS", 1/4" or 1/2" per foot. Each insulation block is factory tapered, identified as to its place in the sequence, and is marked as to the direction of slope. Most projects can be designed to achieve a single insulation layer. Foamglas Board is made in modules 2' x 4'; in thicknesses from 11,2" through 4"; and 1,2" increments. Foamglas Flat Blocks come in thicknesses from 11,2" through 4" (in 1,2" increments). Sizes are 12" x IS" and IS" x 24". All three forms of Foamglas insulation can be installed on all deck surfaces, the most common being steel, concrete or wood. The insulation is installed using conventional roofing practices, adhesives. fasteners and equipment. The material is installed solely by the roofing contractor, thus insuring one contractor responsibility. CONCLUSION With today's soaring costs and in. creased consumption of energy. it L-; imperative that roofing contractors. owners, and designers be fully aware of the injurious effects water and water vapor have on the materials used in roofing systems. Ignoring those effects. when selecting materials. will cause both excessiveconsumption of energy and early failure of the roof system. 5 A t,PI.cal TapeTed Foamglas Roof Insulation Systemis being installed on this metal deck using conventional TOOftngpactices. Cellular glass is impermeable. Water, either as a liqw'd or wpor, cannot penetrate the tn4terial. ".. PER FOOT TAPER ~T8~~~~~:TJIO: H" I,. ".-"- =~1;~:2;tIHlH1~~;~Q~bI:1: -z.' This illwtration indicates that on a J /S" slope, the tapered blocks are positioned single-layer JfJr 28 Jeet. Then, the same sequence is repeated with the addition oJ a J~ -inch thick foam,;las-Board underlayment. 6 ( \ Editor's Note: Donald M. Durdan is techm'calproduct representative for rigid foam chemicals in the Polyurethane Division of Mobay Chenucal Corporation, p"ttsburgh, Pa. Prior to jol-mng Mobay in January 1975, Durdan was salesrepresentativewith E. I. DuPont de NemouTSS Co. and senior industrial sales representative with Exxon Chemical Co. Re is a graduate of Bethany College,Bethany, W. Ya., where he received a bachelor of sCIencedegree in chemistry. Mobay Chemical Corporation manufactures isocyanates and polyols, chemicals basic to the manufacture of urethane foam spray systems and boardstock products, which are increasa"nglyused to insulate commen'cal, industrial, and institutional bUt'ldings, hot oil PIpelines, and storage tanks. We are grateful to Mr. Durdan for this, our third in a senes on roof insulation. 0;-, Introduction Historically. the great advances in architecture have been sparked not so much by radical discoveries in new methods of building. but rather by the evolution of new kinds of building materials. In time. wood. stone and metals emerged as the tripod upon which the whole structure of building technology rested. In the past couple of decades. however. science has added a new dimension to these time-tested building materials. Its ease of adaptability has been astounding more than just historians. This new dimension comprises the spectrum of plastic materials - and more specifically for this article - rigid urethane foam. Rigid Urethane Foam... What It II Rigid urethane foam is a synthetic cellular plastic whose basic ingredients of manufacture are created by man through chemistry. Technically speaking.urethane foam is formed by the Laboratory Demonstration Of Basic Foam Production Process- ThesePhotographs iUustrate the basicfoaming process,(1) The two u'qu,a chemical componentsare combined, (2) agl°tatedfor thorough blending, (J) pouTedinto a receptaclewherethefoaming reaction beginsimmediately, , , 7 ttaction of two liquid chemicals (isocyanates and polyols) in the presence of certain additives and catalytic agents. The mixtutt begins to foam instantly and quickly expands to about 50 times its original volume. The foam completely fills the area, space or cavity to be insulated and hardens into an air-tight mas. It becomes tack.free in minutes, and is totally cured in 12 houri. Thereafter, the foam, one of the most inert of chemical compounds. is stable and retains its thermal and other resistive properties alm~t indefinitely. when it has been properly installed. Urethane's superior insulating ability derives from the high concentration of fluorocarbon vapor - more than 95 per cent of the material's volume-generated during the foaming reaction. The vapor. trapped in the foam's millions of tiny cells. has ~xtremely low heat conductance and keeps internal convection to a minimum. The closed cell structure is only slightly permeable to air and water vapors. Rigid urethane foam is not a single material; rather it is a family of materials with different formulations for specific applications. Which Application Method ToUIe Urethane insulation can be foamed-in-place at the building site by pouring or spraying the liquid components. or it can be factory-produced and delivered to the job site for installation as laminated slab boardstock. insulated building panels. doors. siding and other products. The foam-in-place techniques are useful in insulating roofs, walls and other elementsin new construction or hard-to-reach areas in existing buildings. Becauseurethane foam is produced from liquid components occupying 1/30 the volume of the expanded . . .and (4,'> uparLsa.on continuesuntil (6) the rise is completed. Foam is tackjree shortly aftn completIOnof the rise. The rigid foam it JO times the volume of the original chemicals, leading to savings in shIpping, handh'ng costs. 8 PhotomiC1'ogTaph showsthe netwOTiof closedcells which gives rigid urethane foam its unusual strength and superior insulating wlue. There are about 1,000cells in a one-inch cube. 0 ~ material. substantial savings in shipping. inventory and material handling costs are realized. Pouring: This is an excellent method for installing a strong. seamless core of rigid urethane in wall cavities. The foam fills all angles and comers of any space or cavity, going under pipes, around comers and into crevices. Spraying: Large open surfaces, such as roofs, can be covered with sprayed-on layers of rigid urethane, using special gun.type apparatuses. The chemical components are mixed and atomized as they are sprayed. To attain the desired thickness, thin layers are sprayed on suc. cessively. each adhering to the surface below, hardening, curing and sealing rapidly. Once applied and as soon as fully cured. the urethane should be properly protected from fire, moisture, and ultraviolet lights. -Most of todays polyurethane technology is based on production and processtechm"quesdevelopedby Mobay Chemical Corporation and its parent company in West Germany" Here," energy-saving n"ga"durethane foam panels for lam'"nated sheathing aPPlications and roof insulation are belOng produced and emluated at Mobays Pilot plant/application development operation in Pittsburgh, Pa" I')., 'W Boardstock or Slabstock: This rigid urethane foam is produced at a factory where it is cut into flat sheetsof different thicknesses(generally %" to 3 ~ ") and standard sizes(generally S' x 4' or 4' x S')" Protective coatings, mastics, paints, or structural or decorative skins are applied in the manufacturing process. As a roofing material, it goes down fast and the roofer needs no adhesivesother than those required for most roof insulating materials. It's easyto cut to fit around drains, vents, other obstructions; however, bare urethane foam should not butt against metal chimneys. Factory-made, laminated board is being increasingly specified as roof insulation" Properties and Performance Characteristics The roof is a critical area in building design, construction and perfonnance. A successful roof protects the building's occupants and contents from the weathersummer and winter. It helps to make heating, ventilating and air conditioning systemsworkable and economically feasible. Good insulation, properly installed, is an essential factor in helping to insure long-tenD successof the roof assembly.With a designedk.factor of 0.14 and a high R. value (7.14), rigid urethane foam insulation provides excellent thermal resistance. The properties of urethane roof insulation yield a number of advantages for roofing contracton, building ownen, and architects. Some of these include: -Thermal Resistance: Makes possible reduction in size-and cost-of original HVAC equipment and duct work; lowen HV AC operating costs; conserves energy expended for heating and cooling; means that a single layer of insulating material is usually sufficient to achieve specified R-value-Light Weight: Can reduce the dead load of a roof by up to 75 percent, leads to savings in installation time and labor, and has good compressive strength to resist heavy loads. -Minimum Water Absorption: The stable, strong structure of rigid urethane foam locks out water penetration. -Low Water Vapor Permeability: Rigid urethane foam has a moisture-permeability rating in the range of one to three perm-inches, depending on density and formulation. However, urethane foam is not a vapor barrier. A separate vapor barrier should be specified in high humidity situations, where outdoor temperatures are frequently below freezing and in cold storage plants where temperatures of 32 OF or lower are standard. -Dimensional Stability: Even under a wide range of temperatures (225°F to -4000F) and humidity, rigid urethane foam does not shrink or expand to form voids or dead spots which would reduce insulating efficiency-Venatility of Foams: In addition to being able to spray-or pour-in-place, urethane board roof insulation is manufactured in a variety of forms that make the material acceptable for almost any kind of deck, shape and situation. In addition to conventional laminated urethane boardstock of various thicknesses, there are available for special situations: 1) Composites which combine urethane with a fire-rated material. such as perlite board, glass fiber or gypsum board, to make insulation acceptable for metal deck, Factory Mutual Class I construction; 2) laminated high-density foams for use on plazas or load-bearing decks; 3) tapered laminated board for easy sloping of flat decks; and 4) composite board of such strength that it serves as a structural, insulated roof deck. Energy Conservation Comfort conditioning requirements of modem buildings mandate the design and construction of roof aaemblies that make the most effective we of heating. ventilating and air conditioning systems. With no doors or windows to consider in the calculations, the thermal performance of a roof can be upgraded simply by specifying sufficient roof insulation to meet energy conservation standards. Figure 1 demonstrates how adding insulation to an uninsulated roof can bring about a significant reduction in heat transmission. A key example of urethane's energy-saving capabilities is that a 1" thickness of urethane-board roof insulation supplies the same thermal resistance (R) as 1 *" of glass fiber, 2 ~" of foam glass or 2 ~" of perlite. Figure 2 9 illustrates how thick these insulating materials must be to achieve an R- 7 .14 value. Figure ~ shows how urethane roof insulation and other insulating materials cut heat lossesin four different types of roof decks. The figures apply to a roof area of 100,000 sq. ft.; temperature differential is 60°F. Calculations do not include air film or inside surface still air. If there are circumstances which demand thinner roofs or walls, urethane-with its superior insulating capability - makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the insulation component with no 1011 of thermal resistance. Or. the thermal resistance of an auembly can be increased without enlarging the size of the member. Urethane helps to offset the design restrictions imposed by the fact that most building materials are constant in thickness and weight. Urethane and Fire Safety Urethanes. like all other organic materiala. are combustible. Precautionsmust be taken to insure that good fire safety practices are observedin design. installation and storage. wherever urethanes, including those containing flame retardents, are used. When used over concrete, poured gypsum or tongueand-groovewood roof decks.urethane normally doesnot alter the fire hazard rating of the building, but it must be part of a ClassA, B or C assembly. If urethane foam is specified for a metal roof deck or for a roof that is subject to fire exposurefrom below. and underlay of perlite, gypsum board or other fire-rated material in most casesmust be installed betweenthe deck and the foam. Recently, an isocyanuratebued material (modification of the Itandard urethane chemistry) has been acceptedin Factory Mutual ClassI Construction as a non-composite material. Other recommendationson the safe use of urethanes are contained in "Fire SafetyGuidelines for Useof Rigid Urethane Foam Insulation in Building Construction, ,. HIMIf'IEAT l8II WITH AND WITHOUT ~IGN ~ CONDITIONS: 10,CXXIoq ft, 2" Iw.-gill -roof d8ok. rooIng, WF temper.I",. dIn_III I) CaIcuIMioI8 do .- -.cIud8 .. ... « -~ .-~ surface .Iill .. -~ ~~ .~ ea I.a [Ii =.,-ConcI8d81* T*R U""'ot.- =-~ Cancl8d.:t TOI8IA U 0.8 -~~ r _uno. °For8lUl8 lOt """'ning '-I No ~: WIII~: E-w -'ng k-.: ~raaf ~ I-.~ U 0..- o.~ with minIm8/NIl.ion: x to t x eo x. x x Area lo.cq - en.234. x lo.cq - 81. 8PIIIOx"""", ~ I,". I;. FIG. 1 THICKNESSFOREQUIVALENT THERMALRESISTANCE published by Urethane Safety Group, The Societyof the Plastics Industry, Inc.. ~55 Lexington Avenue, New York. NY 10017. ~ -COt .. Sprayed-onurethanefoam, when properly instaUed,can be wed to insulate roof decks. The material is especially aPPll'cableto hyperbolic paraboloid roofs suchas the one in this photo, After it hardens. the foam must be coated to protect it from weathering. 10 0 FIG. 2 COMPARATIVE ENERGY-SAVING EFFECTIVENESS Roof Constructiop HeatLoss Uninsulated 1" Urethane (R=7.14) HeatLoss WithInsulation 1 GlassFiber 1" FoamGlass H (R=4.00) (R=2.86) 1 Perlite (R= 2.56) H Metal Roof Deck. + BUR fR = 0.33) 18,180,OOOBTUH 8O2.800BTUH 2- Poured Gypsum Deck + BUR + Vapor Barrier (R=1.65) 3.660.000 660,000 + Vapor 2,400,CXK) 624,000 2" lightweight Concrete + BUR 2,340,000 618,000 2MWood + BUR Barrier (R = 2.48) 1,320,OOC 1.425,178 925,925 1,122,000 1,190,478 916,(KK) 1,O8O,(XXt 1,174,168 1.~1.947 (R=2.55) .If urethane Is used to Insulate a metal roof deck, the insulating system must include a firerated material such as perlite, glass fiber or gypsum board as the base. See page 14. FIG. J ... r . ,; '" by A. E. Bernardi Typical deposit of perlite ore with soil overburden removed. 12 Perlite ore is a volcanic glassfound in abundancein the mountainous areas of the West and other areas of the world. It is extracted from the grip of Mother Earth bya strip mining process, crushed, screened,and graded for ultimate expansion into particle sizessuitablefor a varity of uses. It has been said that expanded perlite was discovered by accident when a dissipated and despondent prospector, while sitting at his camp fire one night, threw a handful of perlite ore into the fire in a gestureof disgust, and much to his amazementit popped or expanded. Whether that is fact or fiction, perlite ore in its natural state ranges in color from a transparent light gray to a glossyblack and has a combined water content of two to six per cent. It is the latter characteristic which causes perlite ore to expand from four to twen~ times its volume when subjected to a furnacing temperature of approximately 1700oF. At that temperature, the combined water vaporizes and the ore expands or "pops" into countless snowy white to grayish miniscule nonconductive glass spheroids which account for the excellent thermal insulation of expanded perlite. Typical uses of expanded perlite are as a lightweight aggregate in concrete, loose fill insulation, plaster aggregate, pipe insulation, foundry sand additive. filteraid, and a multiplicity of other applications both within and outside of the construction industry. Expanded perlite ore is the principal ingredient in perlitic roof insulation. An acqueousslurry comprised of expanded perlite, cellulosic fiber, asphalt and possibly starch is formulated and deposited in the head box of a Fourdrinier Machine. From the headbox. it is moved on to a moving screenwhich forms a wet mat from the slurry solids. The wet mat is dewatered and subjectedto external heat in an oven or dryer. As the dry mat exits the dryer, it is sized into pieces measuring 2' x 4' by a series of gang saws, stacked, wrapped, and unitized for mechanical handling. MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF PERLITIC ROOF INSULATION Perlite Ore Fourdrinier Machine " ,0 I . I "fc Saws Crushed Perlite Ore ExpandedPerlite Ore The three stagesof processing one ounce of perlite ore illustrate the volumetric increase upon furnacing. Perliteroof insulation is designedfor use over nailable, non-nailable, and steel roof decks. It provides a dimensionally stable thermally resistant surface for the applicationof built-up roofing, and it may be applied to a steel deck with hot or emulsified asphalt, solvent adhesive, or mechanical fasteners. The top surfaceof perlitic roof insulation is treated to minimize bitumen absorption and provide an intimate bond with built-up roofing. It is light weight, is easyto cut or contour, has a high resistance to moisture, has no capillarity and is resistantto compression or indentation from normal on the job traffic of roofers and the mechanicalequipment frequently used in the processof installing a built-up roof. Perlitic roof insulation is an approved component of Class I Insulated Steel Deck Construction and several specific construction desgins as described by Factory Mutual System and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. respectively. It has a flame spread of 25 which is derived in com. parison with untreated red oak as 100 and asbestos cement board as 0 during exposure to lire under con- 13 trolled conditions in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Standard Test Method for Fire Hazard Classification of Building Materials (UL 723). It is manufactured in compliance with FEDERAL SPECIFICATION INSULATION BOARD. THERMAL (MINERAL AGGREGATE) HH-I-529B and in accordance with the U.S. Department of Commerce "Simpllfied PracticeRecommendationR257-55 Thermal Conductance Factors for Preformed Above-Deck Roof Insulation" requiring a thermal conductance "C" of .36 for a nominal 1" thickness. Although other nominal thicknesses of perlitic roof insulation have been made available from time to time, the following representsthose commonly manufactured with applicable thermal conductance and resistance values: Thermal Thermal Nominal Resistance Conductance Thk:kness .48 2.08 3/4" 2.78 .36 1" 4.17 .24 11/2" .19 5.26 2" 14 Dual layer application of perlitlc roof insulation with staggeredjoints is customary in those instanceswhere a thermal resistancevalue exceedingthat achievablewith a singlelayer applkation is desired ot becauseIt is thought to reduce heat loss and ridging of the built-up roofing membrane over the joints. Perlitic roof insulation is usedextensivelyas a substrate for polyurethane foam in the production of composite roof insulationbecauseof Itsfire resistivequality. It is also frequently used in the field as the Initial layer of roof insulation over which is then applied a polyurethane or polystyrene roof insulation with staggeredjoints. Good roofing practice dictates that roof Insulation of whatever type should be kept dry before, during, and after installation, and perlltic roof Insulation is no exception. At the jobslte, It should be stored on risers at grade level or on the structural deck and covered with tarpaulins, and no more of It should be installedthan can be completely covered with built-up roofing the same day. ... ~ () Editor'. Note; This article, fifth in our serieson roof insulation, is presented by James P. Sheahan, Roofing Industry Specialist for The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan. Mr. Sheahan graduated from the Uniuerslty of Toledo In 1953 with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. He worked in the plastics section of Douglas Aircraft from 1953-55, working with thermoplasticsand reinforced plastics. From 1955 through 1959, he 5ertled as an auiator in the U.S. Nauy. In 1959, he joined The Dow Chemical Company, and has been associated with plastic foams, primarily extruded polystyrene foams as related to the construction market, euer since. He has been particularly concerned with roofing during the entire period. Mr. Sheahan has had responsibi/itJes in technical serulce, research and deuelopment, market deuelopment, market research and marketing. In his present position, he is concerned with Dow and Industry producls worldwide. We are Indebted to Jim for his time and effort in preparing the article that follows. (Since The Dow Chemical Company is the sole manufacturer of extruded expanded polystyrene roof insulation, the term STYROFOAM brand insulation appears frequently throughout this article. While our normal publishing policy is to restrict the use of brand names and trademarks, we feel thot the ci,- cumstancesIn this case warrant It. This Is not. of course, on endorsement on the port of NRCA. but rather a recognition of the existing market conditions.) INTRODUCTION STYROFOAM. RM brand Insulation is an exbuded, expanded pol~ene, designed for use as roof insulation. It is not a new product. The original patents for expanded polystyrene date back to 1931. The first material designated as STYROFOAM was produced in the 1940's during World War " for use as a flotation medium. The lightweight, closed ceO.water-resistantfoam possessedideal properties for flotation. In 1948. the first commercial structure insulated with STYROFOAM brand insulation was constructed. It was a low temperature space warehouse. The traditional material. cork. was replaced with STYROFOAM brand insulation because the closed ceOcharacteristicdeveloped a better insulation value requiring less thickness. and long-term insulating performancebecauseof the resistanceto the entranceof water. The rigid structure allowed finishes to be installed for a protective surface. These attributes. coupled with the fact there was a shortage of cork. provided the first inroad of STYROFOAM brand polystyrene foam as an insulation material. Many uses developed over the years basedon the unique properties inherent to this material. For non-insulating purposes.in addition to flotation. the use of the material in f\oraJ and novelty end uses Is familiar to most people. STYROFOAM brand plastic foam has had much greater use as an insulation. starting with low temperature space buildings and spreading to walls and roofs of commercial buildings. sheathing for agrkuhural buildings. sheathing for residential buildings. covering of tanks "Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company IS and vesselsin the industrial market and usuallyexpandedto a 21b./ cu. ft. density below grade for building foundations and by castingby batchor continuous process as an underlayment for highways. producing large billetsfrom which boards While there is little confusion in can be cut. Also, it can be cast and distinguishing between plastic foam laminated in a continuous process. The insulations and the more familiar fibrous process is similar to making a cake, insulations, there is a tendency to not where ingredients are mixed and a recognize the differences between reaction takes place producing a rigid various plastic foams. Just as there are foam with cells filled with a captive gas differencesin the propertiesof the fibrous producing a very efficientinsulation value insulations, there are very specific and rating of K - .16 (R = 6.2). The inmeaningful differences between plastic sulation efficiencytends to decreasewith foams. Three of the most popular types time, especially when subjected to high are reviewed for clarification. moisture conditions. Various skins, such STYROFOAM brand insulation is as metal foil and roofing felts laminated to extruded, expandt.d polystyrene. The the foam improve the long-term inextrusion process produces a continuous sulation performance. flow of material of interconnectingclosed The different processesand polymers cells. The process may be considered produce very different foams. A more somewhat akin to shaving cream or detailed explanation of the process to whipping cream obtained from a produce STYROFOAM follows to assist pressurized canister. The polymer is in understanding how its properties are expanded about 30 times, providing a designedfor a particularend use, namely density of about 2 Ibs./cu. ft. The cells roof insulationare expanded with a gas that is retained. PROCESS providing a low insulationvalue rated at a K of 0.20 BUT in/hr/ft2 /oF at a mean The raw material, styrene, is made from temperature of 75°F (resistance- 5.0). derivatives of coke and crude oil. It is The insulation value tends to remain polymerized to form polystyrene. A constant in usage,even when exposed to solution of blowing agent in molten high humidity conditions. The polymer polystyrene is formed in an extruder is considered to be hydrophobic, i.e. under pressureand this solution is forced water-hating, and works in conjunction through an orifice into ambient temwith the closed cell structure to provide perature and pressure. The blowing long-term water resistant properties. agent then vaporizes and causes the The polystyrene is affected by most polymer to expand. The polymer is organic solvents and it will bum. simultaneously expanded and cooled Molded board or beadboard is also under such conditions that the polymer based on polystyrene polymer and is develops enough strength to maintain expanded up to 60 times, providing a dimensional stability at the time of density of about 1 Ib./cu. ft. Higher maximum expansion. densities can also be produced. The In the first days of production, large major difference in the production billetswere formed and cut into lengthsof process is that small beads are fused or approximately 9 ft., and stored outdoors molded together much like in popcorn for severalweeksto allow equalizationof balls. The properties are for the most part the pressurein the cells. After curing, the dependent on how well the beads are billets were treated much like lumber and fused to each other. The cells are tiDed sawed to appropriate board and block with air, resulting in a K factor of .24 (R shapes.This processwas modified in the - 4.2). The insulation value tends to 1950's to extrude a modified billet, remain constant unlesssubjectedto high slabbedto size,and cured at an elevated moisture conditions. Most often, the temperature to bring about a more rapid process is batch vs. continuous where equalization of the air in the cells. In the large billets are slabbed into boards; early 1960's, the process was modified however, molded boards can be again utilizing a captive blowing agent produced on a continuous basis. This system. The new blowing agent immaterial is also affected by organic proved insulation efficiency, which originally was K - .36 to .20. Coinsolvents and will burn. Urethane foam is basedon a different cidental with this change, boards were polymer, which is thermo-setting. This extruded to size, varying from 3/4" to meansthat'once it is formed, it cannot be 31Ji' in thickness.The boardsare up to 4' reverted to its original shape as can a wide and to 9' long. Boards used as roof polystyrene foam which is thermoinsulation are cut to 2' x 4' and the plastic. The urethane polymer will burn. product identified as STYROFOAM RM but is more resistantto solventsand may brand insulation. Boards extruded to sizeprovide a skin~ be used at higher temperatures. It is 16 on the top and bottom surface, improving the strength properties of the product, particularly the compressive strength. The final product is a rugged board that can take abuse during installation and provide long-term performance properties of high insulation value even when subjected to the temperature and moisture extremes of the weather. PROPERTIES OF STYROFOAM BRAND INSULATION It has been over 30 years since STYROFOAM brand plastic foam was first considered as an insulation material because of its predictable long-term insulation performance. Unanswered questionsat that time were: whether the material had sufficient structural integrity to resist the rigors of construction, a sufficiently high end use temperature limitation, and adequate resistance to combustibility. These questions were answered in the affirmative. The properties of STYROFOAM RM have been tested over the years in the laboratory and by field experience to prove the material can be used successfullyin construction by following the specifications of the manufacturer. STYROFOAM brand insulation has been used in many forms in many construction applications where each property has beentestedand not found to be wanting. The following describes the characteristics of various forms of STYROFOAM brand insulation. WATER RELATED PROPERTIES The polymer is water-resistantand the closed cell structure provides a mechanical barrier to the entrance of water. Water is the "Achilles Heel" of most insulations. With some types of insulations, water degrades the material to the point of losing its structural properties. This is of particular importance when the insulation is used as a base for the built up roof or as the protection for the built up roof as in the protected membrane assembly. There are a number of mechanismsby which water can affect insulation and many examples, some with 30 years of history, demonstrate that STYROFOAM RM brand insulation is essentiallyunaffected by water. Water Absorption 0.55% by Volume (ASTM 02842.69) Water absorption is kept to a minimum because the polystyrene material is resistant to water, and the closed cell structure inhibits the entrance of water. This quality has been demonstrated in the flotation market where docks and ~ c ~ "CC';", marinas have been floating high and dry for decades. Moisture Vapor Tran.miasion 0.4 Perm-Inch (ASTM C-355-64) The multi-celled structure and the high density skin of the roof insulation product combine to form a product that has a low vapor transmission. Water is prevented from entering when the insulation is subjected to vapor pressure differentials which exist in every construction end use, particularly roofing. The moisture vapor transmission of STYROFOAM br-and insulation Is less than 1 perm which, by rule of thumb, is considered to be a vapor barTier. STYROFOAM brand insulation can pick up water under extreme conditions of high moisture vapor drive for long time periods, especiaOy when the vapor barrier (in applying the built-up roof) is on the cold side, as it is in conventional roofing. However, applications in low temperature space and industrial end uses have shown the material performs successfully when exposed to this condition without a meaningful loss in insulation value. Freae/Thaw Cycling 3~ by Volume Water PIckup After 1000 Cycles (ASTM 666-73) The integrity of the ceOstructure resists degradation by freeze/thawing action of water, which will destroy more rigid glass-like Insulations. Use over 15 years in earth insulation applications.such as a basefor highways, has demonstratedthe material resists degradation by this method of attack by water. Humid Aging 3% Change In Volume (Federal Specification H.H.I. 524b) The hydrophobic qualitiesof the polymer combined with the closed cell structure prevent the Ingress of water due to exposure to hot, humid conditions. Under conditions of 100% humidity and 140°F, the insulation has the quality to not only prevent the loss of insulation value, but to resist change in volume, therefore maintaining good dimensional stability. Performance when exposed to these conditions has been demonstrated by the use of the material as a base for roofing, where water hasgained entrance into the roofing system, and in the protected membr-aneassemblywhere the insulation is exposed directly to such conditions. Aged Insulation Value 0.20 BTUIn/Hr/Ft2 ;OF at 75°F Meon (ASTM C-177-71) The foregoing demonstrates the material'sresistanceto water pickup This resistance to water plus the ability to "";~' c' ROOF INSULAT I ON contain the gas within the closed cell structure insures a predictable long-term insulation value. exposed Is cut in half, thereby redudng predicted movement by one-half. Further. the size of the insulation board Is 2 ft. x 4 ft., so the total change in dimension due to temperature change is limited. Adhering the material to the strudure impedes movement significantly because STYROFOAM brand plastic foam is not sufficiently strong to overpower the bond of the adhesive. TEMPERATURE RELATED PROPERTIES Polystyrene is a visoelastic material, which meansIt displaysa broad range of thermal behavior when heated above room temperature. The first level of Interest is the heat distortion point STRENGTH PROPERTIES {l65°FJ which is diS4..ussed thoroughly in (Manufacturer's Method) the next paragraph. At about 240°F it Tensile Modulus 3,800 psi can be deformed if a k>adis applied for a Tensile Strength 90 psi shoo time, but tends to recover its shape Compressive Modulus 2,400 psi when the load is removed. Above 480°F Compressive Strength 45 psi the polymer softensand flows. The flash The physical properties of STYignition point is 690°F and self-ignition ROFOAM brand insulation are lower occurs at 735°F (1/4 - 1/10) than most roofing materials. Also, the strength properties generally Heat Distortion Point 165°F remain unchanged by changes in (Manufacturer'sMethod) where most building The recommended maximum end use temperature products demonstrate a marked increase temperature of STYROFOAM tM'and Insulation is related to its heat distortion in strength properties at cold tempoint. The 165°F is based on exposure peratures. The tensile strength Is an Important of the entire board in an oven to a consideration for long-term performance, temperaturewhere no physkal change in shapeis noted. This is a control tn that when combined with the coefficient of by experiencecan be relilled 10 success- expansion / contraction. These properties determine the force that could be ful field experience. For example, STYROFOAM RM bla~ri insulation can transmitted to adjacent building matbe b:ought directly Into contact with erials, such as a built-up roof instaUed to the Insulation. While asphaltat 325O! by use of a roll coater to directly STYROFOAM brand Insulation tends to apply 10 Ibs/ft of asphalt to its surface. It can also be brought Into direct contact have a high rate of movement, i.e., strain with asphalt that has been mopped to a due to temperature change, the force, deck, becausethe mass of the asphalt is i.e. stress developed, Is low because of its reduced by flowing to a thin layer, low tensile strength. While the strength properties are allowing the material to quickly reduce In temperature to 250°F. This allows in- considered to be low, the density of the stallation without mehlng or distorting of product Is maintained in excess of 2 lb. / cu . the board. Because black roof surfaces ft. for roof insulation. This 8O0ws the can reach temperatures of 180°F, only material to be used successfully by the gravel surfacedroofs were spectfledto be construction trades and to perform longinstalled over STYROFOAM RM b:and term by resisting the rigors to which It Is insulation. While care must be exercised exposed. In particular, the compressive by the contractor while working with strength Is equal to or better than most STYROFOAM brand insulation in direct rigid roof insulatk>n boards. Experience contactwith hot asphalt, techniqueswere has shown It has served well as a support developed to adhere the insulation to for roofing membranes subjected to roof various str\Jcturesand to a built up roof traffic and as the base for finishes varying without deterioration. Because of the from loose stone to concrete pavement. structural integrity of the STYROFOAM SOLVENT RElATED RM brand Insulation, when properly PROPERTIES Installed, the ultimate bond to con- Polysryrene based products can be struction materials is strong both in dissolved by most organic solvents. The reaction intensifies with an increase in tension and shear. temperature. When STYROFOAM Coefficient of Expansion/Contraction brand insulation is recommended for use 35 oX106 In/In/oF From -30°F in direct contact with solvent based to lsooF (Manufacturer'sMethod) adhesives, waterproofing or flashing The coefficient of expansion/contraction materials, specific directions must be of plasticfoams is generally higher. 2 to 8 followed. Coal tar pitch can be used with RM brand insulation times, than most roofing materials. STYROFOAM However, as with all insulation materials, where long-term exposure does not the temperature differential to which it is exceed 100°F. ~7 FIRE RELATED PROPERTIES Although STYROFOAM brand insulation contains a flame retardant additive to inhibit accidentalignition from small fire sources, it is combustible and may constitute a fire hazard if improperly used or installed. During shipping, storage, installationand use, this material must not be exposed to open flame or other ignition sources. Consult The Dow Chemical Company's literature for specific use instructions. In testing designed to measure the resistance of a deck assembly (structure/insulation/built-up roof) to external fire, including burning brands falling on the roof, under high wind and varying slope conditions, the roofs constructed with STYROFOAM RM brand insulation as the baseof the buih-up roof and above the built-up roof in the protected membrane assemblyqualified for a Class A rating by Underwriters' Laboratories. In testing designed to measure the resistanceof a deck assemblyto internal fire, the protected membrane assembly utilizing STYROFOAM brand insulation qualified for many additional ratings. Additional information is available from the testing organizationsinvolved or The Dow Chemical Company. APPUCATION IN ROOFING SYSTEMS STYROFOAM brand polystyrene foam, in various forms, was used as a roof insulation as early as 1948 as the basefor built-up roofing, and has been used since 1968 in the protected membrane assembly. It is useful to trace the history of these two methods of installation to understand the evolution to the present system. Through its long history, work has concentrated on methods of installation that made the insulation with its limited end use temperature compatible with normal methods of construction of a BUR. Initially, boards cut from large logs were attached to decks with hot asphalt or nails. Some form of thermal barrier was applied over the insulation before applying the BUR. Materialssuch as 1/2" thick layer of cement mortar were used first. Later on fiberboard roof insulation was mopped and flopped on the foam to develop a more economicalsystem. This system is still recommended by various manufacturers of polystyrene foam. A later specificationcalled for the first ply of roofing feh to be nailed directly to the insulation before applying the hot applied BUR to provide a more economical yet heat resistant system. 18 In the late 1950's a roofing product called ROOFMATE . was introduced. This wasa foam fully wrapped in a heavy asphalt kraft laminate paper providing a roof insulation to which a BUR was applied directly without added protection from the hot asphalt. This product was supercededin the early 60's by a board extruded to shape with a polystyrene skin. The use of a captive blowing agent was introduced a few years later utilizing the same roofing system as the previous product. This concept utilized a dry applied coated base sheet to provide the themal barrier during construction. The idea took advantage of the heat during application to develop an intimate bond between the built-up roof and the STYROFOAM brand insulation without causing degradation. Alternate methods of mop and flop, flying in or movable felt layers were also used to apply the first layer of BUR. STYROFOAM brand plasticfoam was marketed as a base for a roof insulation from the 40's through the 60's. In 1950, the first protected membrane assembly was installed using the STYROFOAM brand insulation as the protection for the BUR. The systemusesthe inherent water resistant properties, structural integrity and long-term insulation value of STYROFOAM brand insulation in a designed way. The waterproofing, the BUR, was placed on the warm side, in the position of the vapor barrier. Work continued into the early 60's when a patent wasgranted. This wasfoUowedby a number of developmental roofs using various techniques and finishes which were evaluated until 1970 when the systemwas marketed as IRMA (Insulated Roof Membrane Assembly). The protected membrane assembly constructed using STYROFOAM RM brand insulation is relatively new, but the basic concept is not. Roof membranes, particularly BUR's, have been installed directly on flat structural decks for over 100 years. Many of these had graveled surfaces. Employing the protected membrane concept entails placing STYROFOAM brand insulation on top of the BUR before the stone is applied. The result is protection for the membranein a predictable manner from ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, and thermal cycling. The inverted concept gives performance regardless of the type of waterproofing material used-from the typical 4-ply built-up roof to built-up membraneswith fewer plies; membranes using coal tar pitch, low mek asphalt or high melt asphalt and with felts based on~ glass,asbestos,or paper. Also a number of materials such as rubber, vinyl sheet membranes, or certain liquid applied membranescan be used. Various finishes in addition to the stone ballast can be used to provide decorative or useful finishes. The key to the successis the insulation material sandwiched between the waterproof membraneand the finish. It must be resistant to degradation becauseit is subjectedto all elements of the weather. The protected membrane concept is functional for all market areasof roofing: new roofing, repair roofing and retrofitting (adding insulation to existing roof assemblies).In all cases,the owner is interested in receiving and therefore the contrartor is interested in delivering economical systemsthat will perform for a long time. Today. more important than ever, this includes energy control along with water control. Not only must the system be watertight and require minimum maintenance, it must control the flow of energy both in the summer and in the winter. This meansthe proper amount and proper type of insulation must be specified. In the protected membrane assembly.the materials work in harmony, i.e., the insulation protects the membraneand is independent of the membranefor its long-term performance capabilities. While the protected membrane assembly as used today is wellengineered, it does require a heavier than normal stone finish, i.e., 10#/ft.2 versus 4# /ft.2. Work is underway developing ways to reduce the total dead load to make the system more compatible with existing structures and take advantageof the economy of lightweight deck construction for new construction. ~ ( SUMMARY STYROFOAM brand plastic foam has a long history as a roof insulation. In the protected membrane assembly it provides a mechanism for providing long-term performance. The proven insulation value provides economic advantagesto the owner in this time of energy shortages and resultant high costs. The proper amount of insulation can be specified and enhance the performance of the roofing system. The protected membrane assembly utilizes accepted and time-tried roofing systems, and is compatible with the new waterproofing membranesbeing introduced to the market. It is made possible by the unique propertiesof an insulation such as STYROFOAM brand insulation. . . * ~ by PaulE. Burgea, Jr. Senior ResearchChemist Jim Walter ResearchCorp In these critical times of world-wide energy shortages, dwindling and Increasingly high cost energy sources, and Increasedurgency upon the conservation of energy, no segment of the construction Industry offers more Immediate relief from this urgent sociological problem than the Thermal Insulation Industry. Thermal Insulations are materials which offer resistance to or retard the flow of heat. An efficient thermal Insulation material provides numerous obstructions to the flow of heat. Generally, these obstructions consist of voids In Intermeshlngfibers, expanded or popped non-conductive spheroids, or Individual gas-containing cells in plastic or glass foams. These obstructing voids or cells are sufficiently small that little or no convective heat transfer occurs and, therefore, insulating efficiency Is high. Roof insulation Is a type of thermal Insulation designed for installation on the uPpenTlost surfaceof a structuralunit as a means of conserving energy by keeping the heat In during cold weather and out during hot weather. Since the roof area COMPARATIVE THERMAL EFFICIENCY URETHANEFCIAM (TEMPCHEK) FIBROUS GLASS PERLITE BOARD FIBERBOARD CELLULAR GLASS thOck 1" 2" 3" ,eqooit.d IOf .""...18"1 THE~MALRESISTANCE R. fF11I (OF) CH~ BTU of single story buildings can represent 85% of the total exposed area, a thermally efficient roof assemblycan provide perpetual savingsthrough reduced costs for fuel energy necessary to provide environmental control for the structure. There are seven major types of non- structural roof Insulation materials currently used. These commonly used roof insulations are rigid polyurethane foamboard. perlite board. fiberboard, glass fiberboard. foamglass, styrofoam. and composite boards. Comparative thenna\ efficiencesof the basic types of insulation materialsare shown in Fig. 1. Over the past few decades. structural steel decks have become an Increasingly Important factor in the roof construction Industry. Steel decks are unsuitable for the direct application of BUR and, therefore. require a surfacing substrate which generally consists of rigid insulation board. However, steel roof deck constructionsprovide a unique condition wherein high temperature developed within the structure.possiblyas a result of isolatedlocal fire conditions, could cause gasesto be liberatedfrom combustiblesIn the roof construction components and could contribute to the spread of fire on the underside of the deck. In order to qualify as Class I roof deck assemblies, 19 ROOF INSULATION~ the heat release rates of the roof assemblymust be within acceptablelimits developed by FM to insure that the components within the assemblywill not contribute directly to the initial spread of fire under the steel deck. Specific minimum thicknesses of perlite, fiberboard, glassfiberboard, and cellular glass were initially found to provide the thermal barrier qualities necessary to provide this protectk>n. However, the need for greater insulation efficiency without the added cost of multila~r construction and the design need for lower deadweight load factors gave birth to products known as composite. The compositescombine the excellent thermal efficiency of polyurethane foam (Figure 1) and the thermal barrier qualities of certain inorganic substrates. Typically, the composite roof insulation board consists of a specific bottom substrate thickness of perlite, mineral fiber, or glass fiberboard integrally laminatedto a core of polyurethane foam and a uniform top surface faced with an asphalt saturated roofing felt or fibrous glass mat for maximum strength and adhesion to the roofing membrane. Composite roof insulation is generally produced in 3' x 4' or 4' x 4' panel sizes manufactured on a continuous lamination boardstock facility. Product thicknessrange from 1-1/4 to 5-9/16". The published thermal conductance values (C-value) and corresponding thicknesses of several competitive composite roof insulation products are given in Table I. The product manufacturers' literature should be consult- ed for more specific thermal data. Composite roof Insulation is not limited to steel-deck assembUes, but rather enjoys widespread use over noncombustiblestructural decks such as concrete, gypsum, asbestos-cementand other Class I struCtural decks such as impregnated wood or cement fiber. Structural component composite insulation panels are also available and at least one manufacturer offers a composite of perUte-urethane-perlite. The current manufaCturers'literature should be consulted for definition of specific construction assemblies, and several approved construction design assemblies are described by Factory Mutual System and Underwriters laboratories, Inc., Guides and BuUetins. ... TABLE C-VALUECOMPARISONCHARTOF COMPETITIVECOMPOSITE ROOFINSULATIONPRODUCTS (1) Thermal Conductance, C-Factor 17 15 13 12 11 .109 .10 .093 09 08 .07 .069 .061 .06 .OS Celotex Tempchek Plus. Apache Millox Grefco Permalite PK .. NAG Composite JM Fesco Foam Panel Era Insul Roof I FURl 1.25" 1.8" 1.5' 1.6' 1.4" 1.5" 1.6" 1.2" 1.50" 1-9/16' 1-5/8" 1-1/2" 1-5/8" 1.4" 1.6" 1.9" 1.75" 1.75 1-3/4" 1.75' 1-9/16' 2' 1.8' 2.5" 2.0" 2.0' 2" 2.00' 2-1/4" 2.5" 2.5' 2-1/2' 2.50" 2-1/2" 2.0" 1-11/16" 1-13/16" .,.t 2.25' 2.5" 2.8" 3.2" 2.75" 3.0" 2.75" 3.0" .049 .041 .04 .035 .031 . 02 (1) Values taken from published product literature . Nominal thickness includes facers ..Facernot includedin nominal thickness 20 USM Suprathane Class I 2-3/4" 3" 2.75" 3.00" 2-1/4" 2-1/2" 2-3/4" 3-1/4" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" 4.5" 2-7/8" 3-7/16' 5-9/16"