Food @ Kala Ghoda Festival 2015 WE gets Techie!
Food @ Kala Ghoda Festival 2015 WE gets Techie!
VOL. 4 - ISSUE 42 :: PAGES 24 :: ` 2/FEBRUARY 07, 2015 ROJ DIN MAH SHEHREVAR fp¡S> v$u“$ dpl il¡f¡hf$$ RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER WE gets Techie! Pg. 06 Food @ Kala Ghoda Festival 2015 Pg. 07 Justice for all >Pg. 05 Enter Surat Spirituality >Pg. 12 02 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 Editorial RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS D Dear Readers, Over the past few weeks we have been running a series of fabulous O C Contests that closed for entries just two days ago. One of the contests a asked Readers to send in their ‘Recipe for Love’. We have received ssome super entries and will be announcing the winners to the world next weekend. They all receive vouchers to some of the most high-end restaurants in Mumbai city! WĂƌƐŝdŝŵĞƐŚĂƐŽƵƌǀĞƌLJŽǁŶƌĞĐŝƉĞĨŽƌůŽǀĞ͘tŚĞŶǁĞĮŶŝƐŚƵƉŽƵƌƉĂƉĞƌŽŶ&ƌŝĚĂLJ evening and step back to see our handy work our hearts glow! A Baug of constant ƐƉŽƌƚƐǁŝŶŶĞƌƐ͕Ă:ƵƐƟĐĞǁŚŽƐĞƌǀĞƐƚŚĞŽƵŶƚƌLJ͕LJŽƵŶŐDŽďĞĚƐĚĂLJƚƌŝƉƉŝŶŐĂĐƌŽƐƐƚŚĞ ŽƵŶƚƌLJ͕tŽŵĞŶĞŵƉŽǁĞƌŝŶŐƚŚĞŵƐĞůǀĞƐǁŝƚŚƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJĂŶĚ^ĂůŐƌĞŚƐĐŽŶŐƌĞŐĂƟŶŐ our young and old everywhere… these stories are the perfect recipe this week, that makes us love our work here each and every day! Part of this happiness comes from having reporters from all walks of life and all ages. KƵƌ>ĞƩĞƌƐƚŽƚŚĞĚŝƚŽƌĐŽŵĞŝŶĨƌŽŵĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĂŶĚĨƵůůŽĨŽƉŝŶŝŽŶƐĂŶĚƐƵŐŐĞƐƟŽŶƐ and most importantly passion. Yes… we truly have a great recipe that we enjoy cooking up each week and we hope you enjoy the yummy paper we send to you! ^ŽƋƵŝĐŬůLJǁĞŚĂǀĞĂůƌĞĂĚLJĮŶŝƐŚĞĚƚŚĞĮƌƐƚŵŽŶƚŚŽĨϮϬϭϱĂŶĚ/ŚŽƉĞLJŽƵĂƌĞƐƟĐŬŝŶŐ ďLJ LJŽƵƌ ƌĞƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐ ;Žƌ Ăƚ ůĞĂƐƚ ŚĂǀĞ ĐŽŵĞ ƚŽ ƚĞƌŵƐ ǁŝƚŚ ŚŽǁ LJŽƵ ũƵƐƚ ǁŽŶ͛ƚ ďĞ ƐƟĐŬŝŶŐƚŽƚŚĞŵA͘ͿŝƚŚĞƌǁĂLJ͕ŚĂǀĞĂŚĂƉƉLJŵŽŶƚŚŽĨůŽǀĞĂŶĚŚĂƉƉLJǁĞĞŬĞŶĚǁŝƚŚ Parsi Times! Freyan. FaceBook Like: Parsi Times :LWK/RYHIURP86$ Dear Editor, A friend of mine from Canada sends your paper via email to my address and I enjoy reading The Parsi Times 13000 miles away in USA. I have lived here for over 54 years and for WKH ÀUVW WLPH HQMR\ UHDGLQJ your paper very much. One thing I like to see in the paper is Parsi food recipes such as breakfast, lunch, dinners etc. Now that I am retired, I like to redevelop the taste buds for Parsi food. Parsi Koila (Silly) Jokes makes me crackup. Parsi humor is fantastic. I am glad, I was born as a Parsi and my values were and are still the same and for which I thank my parents, friends and Billimoria School and Wadia College for the same. My success in USA and in my professional career had slight contribution of Parsi humor, jovial and positive attitude brought many a successes my way. Thank God my parents and friends enjoyed humor and fun. Keep up the good work or what do the Parsi say “buckup” in India, for job well done. Nice to see and hear about Parsi Community in India. It’s enlightening to see Parsis are doing well in India. OOOPs note: What Dahanu Agiary Salgreh On the 11th February (Wednesday) The Dahanu Road Zoroastrian Agiary Trust invites you to celebrate the 75th Salgreh of the Dahanu Agiary with a Jashan at 5 pm followed by a Gambhar. Gambhar Coupons are available at INR 10/- and can be collected from Mobed Behram Patel. (Please collect before 31st January). For donations please contact: 02528-222669. v$lpÏ fp¡X$ Tp¡fp[õV²$e“ ArNepfu“u 75du iyc kpgN°¡l v$lpÏ fp¡X$ Tp¡fp[õV²$e“ ArNepfu V²$õV$“u sfa’u b^p ‘pfku, Cfp“u, S>f’p¡õsuAp¡“¡ by^hpf sp. 11.2.2015“¡ qv$“¡ ArNepfu“u 75du iyc kpgN°¡l“p âk„N¡ S>i“ A“¡ Nlçbpf“y„ Apd„ÓZ R>¡Æ. kpgN°¡l“p Myipgu“y„ S>i“ kp„S>¡ 5.00 hpÁe¡ A“¡ Ðepfbpv$ Nlçbpf“y„ S>dZ ‘ufkhpdp„ Aphi¡. (Nlçbpf“u Ly$‘“ ê$p. 10/- Ap‘u“¡ dp¡b¡v$ bl¡fpd ‘V¡$g kpl¡b ‘pk¡’u sp. 31.01.2015“p ‘l¡g¡ d¡mhu g¡hu.) X$p¡“¡i“ Ap‘hp dpV¡$ k„‘L®$ L$fp¡: v$lpÏ ArNepfu V¡$rgap¡“ “„. (02528)222669. Junglewasi Gambhar On 13th February 2015 the Karani Agiary Kukadaru Trust is organizing a religious trip. For details contact Pervin Mistry - 9833894736 S>„Nghpku Nlçbpf Ly$ L$pv$pê$ V²$õV$ Üpfp sp. 13du a¡b°yApfu 2015“¡ qv$hk¡ A¡L$ ^prd®L$ kl¡gNpl“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡. L$p¡ÞV¡$L$V$ ‘fhu“ rd”u - 9833894736 TWITTER happened to Parsi Gossip Column in your paper? Wow, no Maijee or Bawajee gossip makes Parsis a dull folks. Thanks, once again, keep up the great publication. Enjoy life, have fun and smile. Adi M. J. Maneckshaw, PE $7RUULFHOOLDQ9$&880 DW%33 Dear Editor, It is a matter of Great Shame the way the BPP is run. Worldwide, the Parsis should DE-RECOGNISE it as our Community’s Apex Body. 1. There is NO UNITY OF COMMAND. It has two distinct, rival groups, at the board level : 4 Vs 3. 2. It is DISGUSTING that the Trustees send E-mails to one another; through they sit 2 feet apart. Senior Managers are forced to E-mail the Trustees! It was NEVER SO, before. 3. 7KH ÀQDQFLDO SRVLWLRQ LV PRECARIOUS, by making a ERQÀUHRI!5VFUE\WU\LQJ to ban the 2 Priests, when the Bombay H.C. has, distinctly RULED AGAINST ITS USURPATION OF RELIGIOUS POWERS. More money down the drain, before the Supreme Court! 4. I am told that the payment of salaries has become a monthly issue. (Is that so??) 5. Its relations with the Mumbai Mazdoor Sabha has soured. (It was never so, before). 6. With Cawas Panthaky’s exit, in February, there will a big administrative vacuum. 7. The trade against him and Phiroze Patel (both Sr. Executives) – by the Trustees – is a matter of shame. “Power Corrupts…..”. 8. 7KH ÀVVXUH DW WKH %RDUG Level, is the only reason for the non-appointment of a CEO, after Mehli Colah’s death. 9. In my 44 years’ professional experience, I have never seen such a terrible dispute-ridden Board! In 2016, we must reject the entire Board and ENSURE that their cohorts don’t enter through the front door. B.T. Dastoor 6DYHWKH&RPPXQLW\ Dear Editor, The Parsis are going through a severe population crises. So much so that the government has to devise a Jiyo-Parsi Scheme to bail us out. The problem is mainly socioeconomic – late or no marriages and one or two children per family have led to this decline. Sometimes I wonder how the IHZ GR]HQ 3DUVLV ZKR ÁHG from Iran to escape religious persecution increased to over a ODNK VRPH ÀIW\ \HDUV DJR 'LG we breed like rabbits? Or did we inter-breed with the local populace? The latter seems more probable as Parsis today do not resemble Iranis in their features. In anthropology, a homogeneous group or more WKDQ SHUVRQV LV GHÀQHG as a Community, while a group less than 30,000 is called a tribe. The writing on the wall is POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. Ǯǯ ǡƤǤ ǡ requested to contact the individual authors if his / her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 ominous. If the present trend continues, by 2050, Parsis will have ceased to be a Community and will have become a tribe. A saving grace is that the children of Parsi men who have married non-Parsi women can be brought up as Parsis. This is a result of the historic judgment in 1910 by Justice Beaman and Davar. This judgment does not state categorically that the children of Parsi women who have married non-Parsis men cannot be brought up as Parsis. Such a view was conveniently (and wrongly) taken by a maledominant society, at time when women were not educated and were treated like chattel. Today, when women are equal to men in all walks of life, be it education, sports, corporate management or editorship, it is ironic that inter-married Parsi women do not have the same right as inter-married Parsi men. A test case would be for an inter-married Parsi woman to approach a court of law and demand equal rights. I am sure that the court will give a favorable judgment. This will not be liked by religious xxxxxx, like the one who recently brought shame and disgrace upon our Community by his utterances against the Wada Dasturji of Letters to the Editor Udvada. It is such self-appointed defenders of the faith who want to drag our Community back to the mediaeval ages. They are like the witch doctors RI \HVWHU\HDUV ZKR LQÁXHQFHG weak-minded person by their Mumbo-jumbo. They fail to realize that today’s youth are educated and enlightened, and will not be swayed by regressive views. In an age when the Anglican Church is appointing women as Bishops, there are still some in our Community who argue that women cannot become Priests because they get menstrual periods. If that be so, why cannot post-menopausal women be appointed as Priests? Or, for that matter, why should Behdins be treated like a lower cast and cannot become Priests? B. F. Chhapgar &RGHRI&RQGXFW Dear Editor, Clause 18 reads No money to be given for transportation for people residing OUT of Mumbai. Actually all outside Voters must be barred totally as they do not reside within the limits of Mumbai & our BPP is for Mumbai residents. The main Stooges of the Corrupt are these outsiders, who are brought in by the bus loads & paid handsomely for casting their valuable vote in their favor, & this helps them to get elected. An Overseer must be appointed to check the authenticity of the voters. Voting must be done simultaneously on one day only & not staggered over a month on weekends. Finger must be inked to prevent double & triple voting as many voters have more than RQHFHUWLÀFDWH Ink procured must be of good tested quality & not that can be wiped out using some solvent, because the corrupt ZLOO GHÀQLWHO\ WU\ KDUG WR SOD\ mischief in order to get reelected. My last request to my Community members is VOTE WISELY at least NOW; do not get carried away with Bribes & re-elect the corrupt. Open your Eyes & Elect New Well meaning & Social Minded persons. I also request the Eminent Persons of our Community to kindly come forward & register as Candidates, get elected & save the Community’s wealth from destruction. (Recent case is of the shop at Fort sold to Bohris & which cost the life of the CEO Mehli Colah). Keki Billimoria 0\VWLFDO0XVLQJV Dear Editor, We rely upon Priests attached to an Agiary or an Atash Behram to get certain rituals performed for somebody who has crossed over to the Avalon; interalia. Priests attached to an Agiary or Atash Behram are answerable to the Head of that particular place of worship and are constrained to perform rituals at the behest of Community members, as per the diktat of the Head Priest. Priests presume that Behdins are not very conversant with the prayers and rituals and some of the Priests have no qualms about deceiving Behdins who procure the services of such rogue Priests; never realizing that they are accumulating bad 03 karma by cheating Behdins. I got certain ceremonies performed in a Byculla Agiary in December in memory of my late dad. I was amazed to hear Priests reciting only part of the prayers for all the four ceremonies. They obviously deduced that I was not familiar with the prayers and the time it takes to recite certain prayers. In about half an hour, all the four ceremonies were concluded … rituals that take at least an hour or maybe a few minutes more than an hour were concluded in barely half an hour. Arguing with the priests apropos, would not have DFKLHYHGDQ\WKLQJEHQHÀFLDO It is therefore, not surprising that we Parsis, have lost faith in our Priests who charge a substantial amount for each Contd. on Pg. 16 04 Community Coverage SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 YOUNG PRIESTS GO EXPLORING The energetic kids from the Madressa head into nature to discover a new kind of spirituality! couts of Homavazir’s By P.T. Contributor Arzan Godrej small village Lohgadwadi at 11th CBDA scout group the base of the fort. Lohgad which is one along with the students After resting for a while, of the well known forts of of Dadar Athornan Madressa the group started climbing the Shivaji Maharaj with strong led by their Principal Ervad rocky steps of the fort. The IRUWLÀFDWLRQ LV FOHDUO\ YLVLEOH Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia went going from here on got a wee from Lonavala and is a for a hike to Lohgad Fort on bit tough. Eventually, panting landmark in the region. Sunday January 18, 2015. SXIÀQJ SDVVLQJ WKURXJK Boys in high spirits and The excited lot of 40 huge gales all reached the top anxious to start the hike were boys wrapped in woollens quite exhausted. quickly divided into small hopped on to the waiting bus But the exhaustion was groups under the leadership at the Madressa at 6:00 am. more than compensated by of seniors. The approach Thoroughly enjoying the bus the fantastic view all round. march to the fort began ride & doing justice to their The neighbouring Visapur amidst picturesque natural breakfast, the group reached Fort, Badse Hill, Rajmachi & surrounding & cool mountain Malavli, a small town on the tiny Lonavala town across the breeze. Soon all reached a outskirts of Lonavala. valley was a marvellous sight to behold. After a short rest & some snacks all went round exploring the huge plateau & admiring the scenery around. The plateau did not have much of greenery, but plenty of monkeys ready to pounce on visitors. It was now 12:30 pm & time to leave. After a head count & ensuring that the area was clean & free of litter, the group escorted by their leader climbed down safely, S By P.T. Reporter Khushroo P. Mehta H omyar Cyrus Dotivala of Delhi Publicc School at Surat won a bronze med oncluded medal at the recently concluded 52nd National Roller Skating Cham se Championships. These cham d championships were held at Virar, V near Mumbai from 21st to 24th January, 201 2015. Homyar won the e bronze medal in the “Time Trial Event (300 i meters)” for the boys, in the age group of 8 to 10 years, Inline Skates. He clocked a good time of 31. 34 seconds. Homyar started skating at the age of four years and has been a national level player since past two years. He has in the past won three other national medals as well. Homyar has made his parents and the entire city of Surat proud. PT wishes him all the very best for the future. Congrats Homyar! assembled at the waiting bus. Here boys were give a surprise & guess what? A Biryani Party was arranged by one of the parents Mr. & Mrs. Porus & Farzana Dalal at their Khandala Bunglow. The mere mention of the word Biryani H[FLWHG DOO ,Q D ÁDVK WKH tiredness vanished. On reaching the Bunglow after a quick wash & some much needed rest the boys proceeded for a yummy lunch of Chicken Biryani with raita, soft drinks, butterscotch & chocolate ice-cream. Needless to say each & everyone enjoyed the feast to their hearts content. In addition all were given a packet of goodies consisting of chocolates & toffees of assorted varieties. Finally after a fantastic party hosted by Mr. & Mrs. Dalal, it was time to leave for home. A big Thank You to Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia, Scouter Zubin Bhumgara and exScouter Sarosh Cooper who made sure that the boys enjoyed the entire journey and a great hike. By P.T. Contributor Nariman Bacha G odrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., as a responsible Corporate, having a strong belief in giving back to the society and focussing on “To Serve”, as one of its values, took part in Mumbai’s most vibrant eventThe Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon on January 18, 2015, for the 8th consecutive year. A team of 75 committed Godrejites ran the Half Marathon (21.097 kms) from Bandra to CST, supporting the Republican Sports Club (Merzban Patel, coaching underprivileged children to play Hockey), Vasantha Memorial Trust (Taking care of cancer patients of weaker sections of society) and War Wounded Foundation (Taking care of 10,000 War Wounded Personnel of Armed Forces). An overwhelming response was received which resulted in collection of Rs. 58,31,000 compared to Rs. 20,31,000 in 2014. This is over and above Rs. 12,00,000 paid by Godrej as participation fees for 75 Godrejites, who ran the Half Marathon. The money collected will be equally donated to the three NGO’s. Parsi Times expresses their sincere gratitude to Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd for putting in their efforts for the good of the needy and underprivileged, making this world a better place to live in. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 05 High Profile MR. ROHINTON NARIMAN BELIEVES IN THIS PHILOSOPHY: “There is no point in having wisdom, unless it is accompanied by courage. What is the point of DGKPIYKUGYJGPKVKUPQVVTCPUNCVGFKPVQUQOGVJKPIYJKEJYKNNDGPG°VJWOCPKV[!9JCVKUVJGRQKPV QHDGKPIKPVGNNKIGPVWPNGUU[QWJCXGCXKUKQP!;QWOWUVNQQMHQTYCTFFQPQVNQQMDCEMYCTF6JGTG KUPQRQKPVKPVJKPMKPIIQQFVJQWIJVUURGCMKPIIQQFYQTFUWPNGUUVJG[CTGVTCPUNCVGFKPVQIQQF deeds. It is no point being wealthy, unless you are generous. Unless one can live up to these ideals, +FQPQVVJKPMQPGECPDGCIQQFLWFIGNGVCNQPGCIQQFJWOCPDGKPI+MGGRVJKURTGEGRVDGHQTGOG and I am trying to live life this way.” H umble and humorous by nature, combined with the most pleasing personality, an avid lover of western classical music with great interest in the subject of history, a committed daily walker and a great man with an encyclopedic mind is how I will describe this ever so down to earth eminent personality Justice Rohinton Nariman. These are all the special qualities in him that make him so endearing. The son of a distinguished Indian Jurist Fali Nariman, Rohinton Nariman did his schooling at the Cathedral School, in Mumbai. He then completed his under graduation degree from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi and further acquired DQ//%IURPWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI'HOKL+HÀQDOO\FRPSOHWHGKLV//0'HJUHHIURPWKH Harvard Law School. 0U1DULPDQÀUVWMRLQHGWKH%DUDVDQDGYRFDWH+HZDVGHVLJQDWHGDVWKH6HQLRU Counsel of the Supreme Court of India at the young age of 37.While appointing Mr. Nariman, the then Chief Justice amended the rules as he was only 37 years... as the minimum age for being made a senior in the Supreme Court was 45 years. He then went on to become the Solicitor General of India. He is now appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court and has been elevated to the Bench of this high position without being a judge of a High Court, all on his merits. The Bombay Parsi Panchayet (BPP) hosted a reception to felicitate Justice Rohinton Nariman on his appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India on Saturday 31st January, 2015 at the Cusrow Baug Pavilion, Mumbai. The speakers included Dinshaw Mehta, BPP Chairman, Darius Khambata, former Additional Solicitor General of India and Advocate General of Maharashtra, Padma Bhushan Awardee Dr. Farokh Udwadia, Senior Advocate Janak Dwarkadas, Senior Advocate Fredun De Vitre and Ronnie Screwvala. The evening commenced with Mr. Godrej Dotivala welcoming all the BPP Trustees, all the eminent speakers and the Community members. He said that the BPP had honored Mr. Nariman on 4th November, 2011 as he had become the Solicitor General of India and on 31st January, 2015 they were honored to felicitate him again on becoming the New Parsi Judge of the Honorable Supreme Court. The program then commenced with all the invitees singing the Indian National Anthem. Mr. Dotivala then invited Mr. Dinshaw Mehta to speak a few words. Mr. Mehta recalled the glorious day of 2011 when they felicitated the genius of our Community Mr. Rohinton Nariman. Speaking about this genius personality, Mr. Mehta informed the crowd that he was a man who was deeply interested in our Zoroastrian religion along with having a lot of love, respect and faith for it. He also added that Mr. Nariman had made the entire Community proud of KLP +H ÀQDOO\ FRQFOXGHG E\ VD\LQJ 0U 1DULPDQ indeed was a true gem of the Community. On the other hand Mr. Fredun De Vitre spoke to the crowd about Rohinton Nariman the person and friend. He told the crowd that Rohinton had always been a simple Bawaji of the old school. He further stated that apart from being clever this man was Binaisha M. Surti very wise too. He was a very kind soul, always ready to help people. He always remembered his old teachers from school. He added that Rohinton does a lot of charity too. He stated that his friend is a great lover of History. He said that the great man does very good mimicry, liked collecting coins and has recently taken to golf. He concluded by saying that this was not the end of his achievement but is just the start. He wished his friend well on his tenure on behalf of the entire Community and nation. Next came Dr. Farokh Udwadia, he stated that Rohinton was not only a scholar of our religion but a comparative scholar of all religions. He became a Navar at a young age... An ardent admirer of Napoleon, he described Rohinton as a person who was good at law, a very just person, and a man who believed in good thoughts, good words and good deeds. He wished that Justice Nariman would become the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court someday. He ended by saying that he had many more stairs to climb. The 4th speaker on the podium was Mr. Darius Khambata who described Mr. Nariman as a very different personality all together. Being an avid lover of music he has a huge collection of it. He announced that Rohinton was only the 5th lawyer in India to be directly appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court. He indeed would be a game changer in the court of law. Next to come on the podium was Mr. Ronnie Screwvala who was with Mr. Rohinton Nariman in school. He shared with the community how Rohinton had helped him with notes in school when he was unwell and had been hospitalized. He also added that his dear friend had a unique element of giving and sharing. The last speaker on the podium was Mr. Janak Dwarkadas who fondly calls Mr. Rohinton as Roh, said that VXFFHVV DQG ZHDOWK KDYH D FRUUXSWLQJ LQÁXHQFH RQ LQGLYLGXDOV +H DGGHG WKDW WKH Rohinton of the 1980’s and the man of today is just the same. He indeed is a child of a special God! There will never be another Roh! Finally, the man himself Mr. Rohinton Nariman came on the podium, he very humbly stated that “Aai apru gher nu ghambhar che; don’t believe a word of what they said”. That very moment all the people had a good laugh. He shared something very nice with all of us... The number 5 had a great deal to do with his appointment. He was 5th in direct succession of lawyers who have been directly appointed to the Supreme Court. He happened to be the 5th Parsi to be appointed in the Supreme Court. His very 1st appearance in the Supreme Court was when he appeared before 5 judges. In the great tradition of Parsi priests turned lawyer he was number 5. Everyone applauded his wonderful words. Later on the BPP Trustees felicitated him with an award and along with that, eminent associations, colonies, Parsi Baugs and institutions also felicitated him. The grand event thus ended with Chhaiyye hame Zarthosti. 06 W E started the he New Year with a bang, with a programme on Enhanced Productivity Using Computer and Mobile Apps, by Mr. Yazdi Tantra on 31 January, 2015 in the Audio-Visual Room at the Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, School for Boys and Girls, Fort, Mumbai. This was one of the largest gatherings of WE with 50 ladies attending – women entrepreneurs, professionals, Doctors, and even home makers. It was heartening to see the enthusiastic response and even more encouraging was the fact that some ladies enrolled as members on the spot while others will do so at our March programme. Ms. Homai Mehta, Chairperson, WE welcomed the participants and appealed to them to become members. She added that all WE members, automatically become members of WZCC as WE is a part of WZCC. Homai started off by thanking the current Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, for giving the hall free of charge and Ms. Roxanne Bhada, secretary of the Trust for her assistance. She also announced that WE was planning to celebrate Community Coverage International Women’s Day with Wom an event on 14 or 28 March, 2015 with Zarine Karani Aroz as the keynote speaker followed by a panel discussion with successful entrepreneurs and professionals. The WE team was presented to the audience, consisting of Veera Mundroina, Committee Member, WZCC, Mumbai Chapter and WE; Villie Daruvala, Vice Chairperson, WE; Behroze Daruwalla, Corporate Secretary, International Board, WZCC and Committee Member, WE; and Dolly Dhamodiwalla, Past Chairperson and Committee Member, WE. Percis Dubash, Hon. Secretary, WE was not able to attend due to work commitments. Behroze Daruwalla, gave a brief introduction of the Global Body of WZCC saying it has 53 Chapters all over the world with each chapter working independently. She outlined the activities and explained how the chapters functioned. Homai introduced the trainer for the evening, Mr. Yazdi Tantra, as a well-known speaker who was passionate about disseminating information on Technology. Mr. Tantra is the Vice Chairman of Zoroastrian Bank, Director, Global Technology, WZCC and is the Founder Director of his own company, On-lyne. The session started with Mr. Tantra explaining that productivity is doing things fast and accurately. He gave an overview of the evening’s programme saying it would touch upon the following topics: Website / Andoid Apps Dropbox Google Docs Evernote He caught the attention of the audience by saying he would perform magic by connecting the computer to the mobile. In a lighter vein, he said this was similar to a lady’s secret – tell it to one and everyone knows it. If something was stored on one device it would be available on all connected devices. He went on to mention a number of sites and demonstrated on the screen how to use them to enhance productivity at work. is a free site to help you set up meetings and schedule events. Similar sites are Meet-O-Matic and Google Calendar. is a Time Zone Convertor that gives the time in 4 cities for free and can be installed on your mobile phone as well. is a World Clock where you can search for the time in any city around the world. An interesting feature here is that you can set an alarm in a foreign time in any other time zone. You can create a Personal World Clock and also use the International Meeting planner. The Calendar shows the years in the future and can give holidays in various countries. has the following features: Messaging through your computer Make telephone calls Schedule messages Save drafts You can send and receive messages from your computer and just a week ago even Whatspp started allowing messages from the computer. Text messages and photos can be saved on the computer. Worldmate is a site related to travel that gives: A readymade itinerary key items on your ticket Hotel Bookings / conÀUPDWLRQV Car bookings Meetings gives the VWDWXV RI ÁLJKWV DQG RWKHU features related to air travel. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 Features 6HQGODUJHÀOHV Data protection Password protection Encryption during transfer helps you to: Clear unwanted items Select multiple items Isolate items Save paper and ink Clearly is a site that displays websites on the internet without the ads and other unwanted information. Burn Note allows one to send FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ RQH time and then delete the mail WRPDLQWDLQFRQÀGHQWLDOLW\ Stay Focusd is a self-discipline tool, which restricts access to certain sites based on userGHÀQHGVHWWLQJV Dropbox was also explained WR V\QFKURQL]H ÀOHV DFURVV devices. The programme was greatly appreciated by all who attended - the young, not so young and the not so old with a request for another programme. The evening ended with a vote of thanks by Mrs. Homai H. Mehta with a standing ovation to Mr. Yazdi Tantra who patiently responded to the queries from participants. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 Yummy for your Tummy! ear after year, The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival puts on a stellar show for 9 consecutive days attracting crowds from all over the city and even the country. From music, art, theatre, dance, movies, literature, heritage walks and various other verticals, the festival has something to offer everyone and caters to a myriad of various interests. It’s held in the Kala Ghoda area of workshop - Amrita Rana who has become a household name retailing her products like Mushroom Pate, Bacon Jam, Bacon Butter etc. is holding an exclusive children’s workshop where she is going to demonstrate food from various Enid Blyton books. Hopping Chef & Michael Swamy - This is a brand new concept where ‘Hopping Chef’ is a luxury catering service. They have various chefs on board and they come home, take over your kitchen, put out an elaborate meal for your guests and you get a one on one interaction with their celebrity chefs. While not everyone can afford it, you still Southern Mumbai and for nine days has a jam packed program which includes live musical acts, dances, photography workshops, children’s literature programs and a host of things that you can take part in and enjoy all for no charge. All the proceeds from the festival go towards the maintenance and upkeep of the area and its heritage buildings. While music, dance and literature along with the number of stalls on the street are enough to attract crowds, another really fun aspect of the festival is their food related workshops. On all nine days there is a live cooking demonstration happening by restaurants and known chefs all in the interest of spreading their cooking knowledge. If you’re a foodie who enjoys pottering about the kitchen, these are a few workshops that will interest youEnid Blyton picnic get to watch their celebrity chef - Michael Swamy conduct a demonstration at the festival. Masala Library - Without a doubt one of the most trendy and popular restaurants in WRZQLQIDFWLW·VVRGLIÀFXOWWR reserve a table there! Masala Library is kicking off the food workshops at the festival with their chef sharing some trade secrets and yummy recipes. Lakeland - The famous English brand Lakeland that specializes in baking equipment is all set to make it’s Mumbai debut. The products will be available at the Westside outlet in Kala Ghoda and it’s a one stop shop for all you need to bake and cook. They have a session where they’ll show you how to use their products and introduce their range. Cafe Nemo - This is one of my favorite restaurants. They dish out some delectable food, mostly Asian inspired but a mix of everything and they’re sharing recipes of some of their Y Enjoy the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival from 7th February to 15th February at Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai400001. To know the food schedule at Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, visit the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival Website by scanning this QR code below, through a QR Scanner available on Play Store/ App Store. signature dishes. Also it’s the only time you get to chat up the chef and bombard him with questions. Terttulia Another fantastic restaurant, they cater to modern European cuisine and are demonstrating some fresh salads and a decadent Crème Brule French toast! You don’t want to miss that! 6HUDÀQD - This American chain is opening their second outlet in Mumbai at Kala Ghoda and is all set to conduct an Italian themed cooking demonstration. If you’re a Pizza / Pasta fan, this is right up your alley! The Pantry - The Pantry is doing what they do best, a special class on how to makes Pies, Tarts and Quiches. This is every Parsi lady’s dream class and you’ll get recipe print outs and a chance to sample as well! 07 08 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 By P.T. Writer Piroja Homi Jokhi S LQFH SDVW WZR ZHHNV , KDYH UHFHLYHG ÁXUU\ RI SKRQH FDOOV IURP P\ LQYHVWRUV DVNLQJ PH WR H[SODLQ WKHP ÀUVWO\ ZKDW D UHSR UDWH PHDQV"VHFRQGO\ZLWK5%,UDLVLQJRUFXWWLQJWKHUHSR UDWHVKRZLVLWJRLQJWRLPSDFWWKHP" ,WKRXJKWRISHQQLQJGRZQP\YLHZVRQKRZZLOO LWLPSDFW\RX,I\RXDUHDQLQYHVWRULQD%DQN)L[HG 'HSRVLW" ,I \RX DUH DQ LQYHVWRU LQ 7D[ )UHH %RQGV RU'HEW0XWXDO)XQG6FKHPHV",I\RXKDYHWDNHQD KRPHORDQDWÀ[HGUDWHRILQWHUHVWRUÁRDWLQJUDWH RILQWHUHVW",I\RXDUHDQHTXLW\LQYHVWRU /HWXVÀUVWWU\WRXQGHUVWDQGZKDWDUHSRUDWH PHDQV$VZHJRDQGERUURZPRQH\IURPEDQNVIRU RXUKRPHORDQDXWRORDQRUSHUVRQDOORDQSXUSRVH VDPH ZD\ WKH EDQNV ERUURZ PRQH\ IURP 5%, ZKHQHYHUWKH\DUHLQQHHGRILW7KHUDWHDWZKLFKEDQNVERUURZPRQH\IURP5%,RU \RXFDQVD\WKHUDWHDWZKLFKWKH5%,GHFLGHVWROHQGPRQH\WRWKHEDQNVLVNQRZQDV ´5(32µ5DWH7KHUHLVDOVRVRPHWKLQJFDOOHGDV´5HYHUVH5HSR5DWHµLWLVWKHUDWHDW ZKLFK5%,ERUURZVWKHPRQH\IURPFRPPHUFLDOEDQNVRI,QGLD,WLVDPRQHWDU\SROLF\ WRRODYDLODEOHZLWKWKHFHQWUDOEDQNWRFRQWUROWKHVXSSO\RIPRQH\LQWKHHFRQRP\ 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WR UHPRYH WKHVH RUJDQV" ,W ZLOO EH LQWHUHVWLQJ WR NQRZ ZKDW KDSSHQV WR WKRVH ZKR GRQDWH WKHLU HQWLUH ERG\ 0D\EH*RGFRQVLGHUVERG\GRQDWLRQDV DKLJKHVWIRUPRIVSLULWXDOLW\DQGJUDQWV him moksha, that is total liberation from WKHOLIHF\FOHRIELUWKDQGGHDWKIURP VLQVDQGLWVFRQVHTXHQFHV &RQVHTXHQWO\ WKH LVVXH RI RUJDQ donation is based on mere interpretations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EOHHGV DW RWKHUV VXIIHULQJ DQG D ZLOO WR DOOHYLDWH WKHVXIIHULQJRIRWKHUV ,W LV QRW RXU EXVLQHVV WR JLYH MXGJHPHQW ZK\ D FKLOG LV ERUQ EOLQG RU FULSSOHG RU KRUULEO\ PDOIRUPHG :H VKRXOGXQGHUVWDQGWKHSOLJKWRIWKHFKLOG and his parents and even if we do not H[WHQG RXU VXSSRUW ZH VKRXOG UHIUDLQ IURP DWWULEXWLQJ KLV GHIRUPLWLHV WR WKH VLQVKHPD\KDYHFRPPLWWHGLQKLVSDVW OLIH &RQWQGRQ3J SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 Mrs. Hutoxi Mistry is desperately looking for her friend Mrs. Shernaz Pardiwalla who is staying at Raghavji Street at Gowalia Tank & whose son is in USA. If you can help contact us on: 09 Community C ommun om mun u Coverage We didn’t realize we were making memories... we just knew we were having fun.... 66330404 or Famous Parsi actor Mr. Rusi Mistry as “Chairman Roongta of the Century Group Of Companies” on a very popular TV serial “EVEREST” on Star Plus. A Peacock sitting outside the gates of the Tower of Silence, Mumbai. A photograph has a wonderful way of playing with emotions. Something is evoked in the subject and the viewer. PParsii Ti Times bbrings i you an exclusive series of images that display the wonderful spirit of our Community shot by the young and talented Khushnum Bhandari. This season, gift your loved ones a stunning Lladro Lithophane Votive which has engravings of Asho Zarathushtra on one side and a beautiful divine Farohar on the other and is available in India for Rs. 6000. 7KLVPDJQLÀFHQWSLHFHKDVDOVRDWWUDFWHGWKH=RURDVWULDQ Association of Greater New York (ZAGNY) who have now partnered with Lladro to make these beautiful votives Aditya Bal the host of the show “Lost Recipes of India”, on DTXHVWWR8GYDGDWXUQLQJEDFNWKHFORFNWRÀQGWKHRULJLQDO recipes of the delicious cuisine of the Parsi Community. Watch the repeat Telecast of the Episode today at 10 am and 9.30 pm and tomorrow at 4 pm on EPIC Channel. Golden Star Thali Enjoy the Gujarat & Rajasthan Rasoi Utsav at the Golden Star Thali ZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚƟůůϮϮŶĚ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ͕ϮϬϭϱďĞƚǁĞĞŶϭϭ͘ϯϬĂŵƚŽϯ͘ϯϬƉŵĂŶĚϳ ƉŵƚŽϭϬ͘ϯϬƉŵĂŶĚŐĞƚŽŶĞdŚĂůŝĨƌĞĞĂŐĂŝŶƐƚϭϬƉĂŝĚdŚĂůŝĐŽƵƉŽŶƐ͘ůů LJŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞ 'ƵũĂƌĂƟ ĂŶĚ ZĂũĂƐƚŚĂŶŝ ĨŽŽĚ ĂŶĚ ĚĞůŝĐĂĐŝĞƐ ǁŝůů ďĞ ƐĞƌǀĞĚ ƵŶůŝŵŝƚĞĚĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚŝƐƵƚƐĂǀ͘&ŽƌĨƵƌƚŚĞƌŝŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗KƉƉŚĂƌŶŝZŽĂĚ ^ƚĂƟŽŶ;Ϳ͕DƵŵďĂŝͲϰϬϬϬϬϰ͘dĞů͗͘ϮϯϲϯϭϵϴϯͬϮϯϲϳϭϵϱϮ͘ tĞďƐŝƚĞ͗www.goldenstarthali.comŵĂŝů͗ Calling all the Photographers! dŚĞEĂƟŽŶĂů^ŽĐŝĞƚLJŽĨƚŚĞ&ƌŝĞŶĚƐŽĨƚŚĞdƌĞĞƐĐĂůůƐĂůůƚŚĞƉŚŽƚŽŐƌĂƉŚĞƌƐ ĨŽƌĂWŚŽƚŽŐƌĂƉŚLJĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶŽĨƚŚĞďĞĂƵƟĨƵůŇŽǁĞƌŝŶŐƚƌĞĞƐŽĨDƵŵďĂŝ ĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞϱϰƚŚĂŶŶƵĂůsĞŐĞƚĂďůĞ͕&ƌƵŝƚƐĂŶĚ&ůŽǁĞƌ^ŚŽǁŽŶƚŚĞϳƚŚĂŶĚ ϴƚŚ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ͕ϮϬϭϱ͘&ŽƌŵŽƌĞĚĞƚĂŝůƐĐĂůůƚŚĞŵŽŶϮϮϴϳϬϴϲϬͬϮϮϬϮϰϴϰϯ K. R. Cama Oriental Institute <ŶŽǁĂďŽƵƚŽƵƌĞŵŝŶĞŶƚWĂƌƐŝ^ƚĂůǁĂƌƚƐǁŚŽŚĂǀĞĞdžĐĞůůĞĚŝŶǀĂƌŝŽƵƐĮĞůĚƐ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ ZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ &ĞůůŽǁƐŚŝƉ >ĞĐƚƵƌĞƐ ϮϬϭϰͲϮϬϭϱ ĨƌŽŵ ϭϭƚŚ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJƚŽϭϯƚŚ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ͕ϮϬϭϱĂƚϲƉŵĂƚƚŚĞƌ͘^ŝƌ::DŽĚŝDĞŵŽƌŝĂů ,Ăůů͕KƉƉŽƐŝƚĞ>ŝŽŶ'ĂƚĞ͕&Žƌƚ͕DƵŵďĂŝʹϰϬϬϬϮϯ͘ &ŽƌŵŽƌĞĚĞƚĂŝůƐĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗ϮϮϴϰϯϴϵϯͬϮϮϴϳϲϱϵϯ͘ ŵĂŝů͗ŬƌĐĂŵĂŽŝϭϮϯΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ BNHS dŚĞ ĂŶŶƵĂů ǁŝŶƚĞƌ E,^ &ůĂŵŝŶŐŽ ĨĞƐƟǀĂů ŝƐ ďĂĐŬ͕ ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐŝŶŐ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ ŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶƐŝŶWĂŝŶƟŶŐ͕WŽĞƚƌLJtƌŝƟŶŐĂŶĚ^ůŽŐĂŶtƌŝƟŶŐ͘>ĂƐƚĚĂƚĞĨŽƌ ĞŶƚƌŝĞƐŝƐϮϭƐƚ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϮϬϭϱ͘ŽŶƚĂĐƚE,^ĂƚϬϮϮͲϮϮϴϮϭϴϭϭ;DŽŶĚĂLJƚŽ &ƌŝĚĂLJͿĨŽƌĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͕ĞůŝŐŝďŝůŝƚLJĐƌŝƚĞƌŝĂ͕ƌƵůĞƐĂŶĚƋƵĞƌŝĞƐ͘ available in the USA for $100. 10 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 Community Coverage Never let the fear of losing… keep you from playing the game... Just Do It... The Throw Ball Team M arazban Colony is probably one of the oldest Parsi Colonies in Mumbai, with all its buildings having crossed the 100 year mark. Direct Volley Ball has always been one of the favorite sports in this Colony. However there was a 13 year lull. Then RQHÀQHGD\0U)LUGRVH/DODDORQJZLWK his friend Mr. Ruzbeh Gandhi revived the sport when they were approached Delzad Bhathena with Trophy by a group of youngste ers e r who wanted to youngsters be trained in the game. It was in this manner that the movement begun which today has bloomed. Marazban Colony has three generations (grandfather, son and grandsons) all playing on the same court. Currently there are four Direct Volley Ball teams which consist of players ranging from 13 years to 70 years of age. The girls’ Throw Ball team is also seen as being very progressive with each p a s s i n g tournament. They are fabulous players and with time and practice can achieve the next level without doubts. The residents of the colony hold get-togethers with the aim of encouraging the Parsi youth towards sports. T h e committee is being managed primarily by The Volleyball Team: A team that prays and plays! Marazban Shroff, Darius Colabelwala, $GLO 0LWKDLZDOD DQG )LUGRVH /DOD DQG supported by youngsters like Anoz %DOVDUD)DU]DQ6KURII+X]DQ)RUEHVDQG Ronnie Zaiwala. The other supporters and players are Zen Bharucha, Meherzad Dalal, Shazad Ichaporia, Vistas Sanjana, Rayomand Khambatta, Malcolm Balsara, Jehaan Sahukar, Arzan Daruwala, Gev Contractor, Yezdi Driver, Behram Bordiwala and many more. Though it is a collective effort, all other youngsters within the Marazban Colony also help out in one way or the other. It is mainly their unity and their open policy for all players irrespective of competition or where they play their Tournaments, which keeps them going and surging ahead. Marazban Colony has won nearly VL[ÀQDOVLQ'LUHFW9ROOH\%DOOLQDVKRUW period. The Throw Ball team also has won many times even as runner ups. Marazban Colony has always opened its doors to all Colonies and hence players from all the surrounding Colonies like Achievements at the C. J. Colony Tournaments held in January 2015 Continuing the tradition, this year also in the C.J. Colony Tournaments held in January, three teams of direct Volley Ball participated out of which the “B” VGCOECRVCKPGFD[&CTKWU%QNCDGYCNCRNC[GFVJGSWCTVGT°PCNUCPFVJG¦#§ VGCO%CRVCKPGFD[(KTFQUJ/GJVCYQPVJGEWRCPFVJG°PCNUCICKPUVVJG home team. It was a spectacular Finals of nearly two hours with both teams giving the DGUVRGTHQTOCPEGUCPFCPCKNDKVKPI°PKUJ #NUQVJG6JTQY$CNNVGCONGFD[$KPCKUJC$KNNKOQTKCYQPVJGUGEQPFRNCEG Trophy against Malcolm Baug. The Best Player Trophy in the Volley Ball – Direct category was bagged by Delzad Bhathena and the Upcoming Player Trophy in Throw Ball was awarded VQ#[GUJC,QIKPC SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 11 7KH<RXQJ$FKLHYHUV#0DUD]EDQ&RORQ\ VKLQHDFURVVWKHVHHYHQWVWRR @ C.J. COLONY &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN$GUV7REQOKPI2NC[GTAnoz Balsara & Paras Daruwala 5RGEKCN2TK\GAdil Mithaiwala @ Cusrow Baug &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN¤Marazban Colony Team &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN¤Best Player Afrid Palkhiwala @ Navroze Baug &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN¤7REQOKPIRNC[GTVistasp Khambatta @ Wadia Baug &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN$GUV7REQOKPI6GCOMarazban Colony Team &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN$GUV7REQOKPI2NC[GTFarzaan Shroff &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN(CKT2NC[$GUV5WRRQTVKXG2NC[GTFirdosh Mehta 6JTQY$CNN$GUV7REQOKPI2NC[GTVhahbiz Lala @ All Parsis Tournament 6WIQH9CTMarazban Colony Team @ Rustom Baug Telegames 6WIQH9CTMarazban Colony Team %TKEMGV¤Marazban Colony Team (Girls). @ Rustom Baug Monsoon Games 6WIQH9CTMarazban Colony Team @Mahim Tournament &KTGEV8QNNG[$CNN¤Marazban Colony Team C.J. Colony and Gamadia Colony also come, play and practice at Marazban Colony court throughout the year without any commercials paid. Though funds are always a major issue and constraint, since costs of all the sports equipments are sky high, somehow the funds are managed personally by the seniors and well wishers of the Colony. Marazban Colony’s major supporter is Trustee Saheb Mr. Muncherjee Cama who has always been very encouraging and has JUDQWHGWKHPÁRRGOLJKWVIUHHRIFRVW7KLV has really gone a long way as many seniors who come late can also play. Mr. Dinshaw Mehta and his family have also been a great encouragement. It is with the help of the above stalwarts that Marazban Colony conducts the All Parsi Floodlit Direct Volley Ball Tournaments in the Colony since the past two years with approximately eight Colonies participating. Big applause to Marazban Colony and all the players. Marazban Colony Stalwarts. From L To R : (Late) Parvez (Pallu) Mauvewalla, Adar Bhoja, Phili Rabadi, Dinyar Tarpore, Minoo Billimoria, Rustom Irani, Ratanshaw Todiwala, Parvez Mehta, And Noshir Mithaiwala. 12 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 Exclusively C.L.I.P.ed Kapadia. The two hour packed program was interspersed with amazing creative interventions. This seminar was a brainchild of Lion Dr. Lily K. Mistry – District Chairperson – Communication and was Titled “C.L.I.P. 2015” The Chief Guest was the District Governor of Lions Clubs International, Lion Santosh Kumar Chauhan – District 323 $ DQG WKH ÀUVW ODG\ RI WKH District Lion Anju Chauhan. The icing on the cake was the and was conceptualized by Lion Viraf K. Mistry – Community Chairperson of E.I.L. Bombay Chapter and Executive Chairperson – Club Excellence Process – Lions Clubs International – District 323 A1. creativity infused beautifully by Lion Viraf K. Mistry and his partner Ameeta Desai. C.L.I.P.’ 15 was a fantastic, informative & extremely enjoyable program. C .L.I.P.’ 15, the Twinning Program between the largest NGO in the world, Lions Clubs International District 323 A1 & the Experiment in International Living – Bombay Centre was launched on Sunday, 1st February, 2015 at the Noble Room of The Diplomat Hotel, Colaba. There were more than 80 attendees at the Program including Past District Governor Lion Pradip Kapadia & Lion Dr. Keki Dalal, Dignitaries Lion Katy Daara Patel and Lion Kanak O By P.T. Reporter Khushroo P. Mehta n the morning of 31st January I reached Surat to attend the Salgreh Jashan at the Bag-E-Parsa Adarian at Surat. The Jashan which was on in full swing, being performed by seven respected Dasturjis of Surat lead by the Vada Dasturji Saheb Ervad Cyrus Dastur and Ervad Noshirwan Dastur. The small crowd in attendance had many Trustees of the Bag-E-Parsa and the Surat Parsi Punchayat who had specially come to pay their respects to the Aatash Padshah on His 119th Birthday. The Trustees present included the President of Surat Parsi Punchayat, Mr. Jamshed Dotivala, and Managing Trustee at Bag-E-Parsa, Mr. Noshirwan Dabhoiwala, Trustees Mr. Jimmy Kharadi & Mr. Yezdi Karanjia. During the Jashan Mr. Jimmy Kharadi took time to meet me and express his strong feelings on the faith of Parsi Community at Surat. He sadly remarked that where is the Parsi Community in Surat going today? There were times when every mohalla of Surat was occupied by Parsis; where else today every Parsi house is surrounded by other Community homes which were taken over by them from Parsis. Amongst the present population of around 3500 Zarthostis in Surat, 50% of them are over the age of 50 years and a further 50% of those are above the age of 65 years. So unless something is done on a war footing, the diminishing Zarthosti Community at Surat will be totally wiped out in another 15-20 years. Mr. Kharadi welcomed steps like Jiyo Parsi, however he opinioned that there weren’t many takers for them, as the boys and girls of the Community have no inclination to settle with each other. This is mainly because the boys don’t earn much and have the additional responsibility of their parents, where else the girls want freedom and they are more forward going and they are better placed then boys ÀQDQFLDOO\WRR+HUHTXHVWVELJ Parsi establishments like the Tatas, Godrej, Shapoorji Pallonji and many more to come forward and accommodate the young Parsis in their organizations and help them settle down in life with a Parsi partner. The Mobed Community is also diminishing and the youngsters don’t want to practice Mobedi as the gains are minimal DQG WKH ÀQDQFLDO DQG PHGLFDO VXSSRUW V\VWHP WR WKH 0REHGV LV VFDUFH7KHVH negative points have come out in the open at Surat too. So it’s high time the Community comes together and thinks seriously rising above the differences and works towards saving our minuscule Community before it goes extinct. After the Salgreh Jashan was over, the Zarathostis enjoyed a round of rich chasni of fruits, khajur and malido. The Vada Dasturji Saheb Ervad Cyrus Dastur then joined me to share a few points on the day’s celebrations. He informed that at 8 in the morning there was a round of the historic Kavyani Zando which was unfurled and taken around by volunteers who were joined by around 30 to 35 Bedins, going around all Parsi mohalla around the Adarian. It now stood proudly at the entrance of the Adarian where Parsis bow down to it. The same would be lowered the next day, packed and kept back until the next Salgreh. Vada Dasturji Saheb shared with me the rest of the day’s program which included a Fala Ni Machi in Uziren Geh at 3.40 pm when around 3 kgs of Pure Sandalwood would be offered to the Aatash Padshah. The Bag-E-Parsa Trust has organized a nite Gambhar with tasty dinner being catered by Mr. Cyrus Nogamawala. Thereafter I paid my respects to the Aatash Padshah of the Bag-E-Parsa, had a small share of chasni and proceeded for the day’s outing to many other Agiaries of Surat and walking down every mohalla of Surat; I could feel the rich Zarathosti presence of this place, which sadly today was diminishing. With a prayer that may all the Aatash Padshah’s of Surat including the Aatash Behrams create a wonder with their blessings and save the rich Parsi heritage and Parsi population in Surat, I left back for home in the evening. Jago PARSI ane ave khara dil thi JIYO. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 T 13 Community Coverage By P.T. Writer Binaisha M. Surti he 168th Salgreh of the Seth Nusserwanji Hirji Karani Agiary’s Atash Padshah Saheb took place on Tuesday, 3rd February 2015 at Cusrow Baug, Mumbai. There were numerous people who attended the celebrations on the auspicious day. The hall was completely packed to the brim. A happy Parsi Community all together was a great sight. The entire Agiary was decorated in a beautiful manner. This Fire Temple is visited by people ts from near and far for its spiritual powers. The morning commenced with a Havan Geh Machi, followed by a Jashan Ceremony on behalf of the Trust. In the evening again another Jashan was conducted by Huma Anjuman. Panthaky Saheb Ervad Yazdi Nadarsha Aibara along with other Priests performed the Hum Bandagi prayers. Thereafter Mr. Homi Ranina welcomed everyone and added that he was honored to introduce Dasturji Peshotan Hormuzdiar Mirza to the crowd. He spoke very highly of Dasturji Mirza, saying that he was a very learned scholar and a great scientist too. Next Dasturji Mirza gave a brilliant indepth speech on the A-Z RI WKH VLJQLÀFDQFH RI Marriage Ceremony in our Zoroastrian Religion. He highlighted the fact that this ceremony should be conducted in a righteous manner with all the procedural customs. Following his speech Ervad Yazdi N. Aibara was the next one to speak on the podium. He gave importance to the word “Fire”. He said that Fire is a living entity on this earth. He went on to add that “We cannot see God; we have to reach God through Fire.” He ended by praising the Trustees and thanking them for their never ending efforts towards the Agiary. Further Mr. Noshir Bulsara eulogized the benevolent deeds of our great philanthropic Parsi ancestors, the fruits of which we are enjoying today. Mr. Marazban Wadia then recited verses composed by himself in Gujarati. This wonderful evening ended with Mrs. Mani Vazifdar giving the vote of thanks. All the eminent people on the dais were felicitated. Our very own Parsi Times was also felicitated for their continuous efforts and support towards the Community, along with other publications. 14 Please do note that while we are happy to bring the Community together via our Classified Section we are not responsible and do not endorse any product or service advertised in our Classified Section and will not be held responsible by any third party for the content of the ad space. CLASSIFIEDS %5,'$/'5(66,1* 20+ YEARS EXPERIENCE, FOREIGN TRAINED, EXPERT IN MAKE UP, HAIRSTYLING, DRAPING SAREE/OUTFIT. REASONABLE RATES. TRAVEL Comfortably in Dishwasher / Washing Machine / Mahindra Xylo, 3 Row Dryer/ Microwave Oven / A/C on hire at reasonable rate for Airport, Navjote, Refrigerator / AC / LCD / PLAZMA / LED Wedding, Outstation. Contact NATIONAL Contact Hutoxi (SAHIL) 9773158833/ 9819408576/9819648099. 24034358 One Year Gaurantee SHYAM TRAVELS Travel in A/C Innova to Udwada, Surat, Panchgani etc Airport, Local and on Happy Ocassions. CONTACT: 98203 67891 9820987891 &,9,/3$,17,1* Classifieds ,19(670(17 REPAIRS LCD, LED, Television DVD Player, Audio System Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Microwave, AC Computer For Details: RESIDENTIAL SEMINAR Introduction to Waldorf Rudolf Steiner Education. Open to all above 18. Venue D C School Khandala from 17 to 23 May 2015 (Beginners) and from 24 to 30 May 2015 (Advanced). EXCEL ELECTRONICS 3$&.(56029(56 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 6+$5(6 We will buy physical DEEKAY PACKERS & MOVERS shares at your doorsteps. Will also do transfers / National, International demat of your shares Clearing, Forwarding, at very reasonable rate +RXVHKROG*RRGV2IÀFHV contact immediately Yezdi Vehicles, Pets 9167721413 14 Years Experience 6(59,&(6$9$,/$%/( Kersi +919892014580, AIR-CONDITION REFRIGERATORS Indian / Imported +919892922006 Double Door, Frost Free TEMPO Trucks available Guarantee Genuine Repairs At Your Door Step ON HIRE. We Undertake Installations/ Maintenance contracts of shifting Contract. Splits and household furniture, etc, Window Air-Conditioners Frizare 9820197439 with skilled labout. 26002674 / 65544903 Contact Dutta For Super Finish jobs 9322417064, 9820308174 in Painting, Plastering, FOOD/TIFFIN SERVICES Tiling, Marble, Granite, Polish. 3$56(('(/,&$&< %86,1(662))(5 Call - Hufron 9820764177 / VASANU MADE IN PURE 24139214 / 24166820 SPITAMAAN CREATION GHEE WITH LOTS OF DRY FRUITS AVAILABLE. FAIR DEAL - SHOP KHURSHEED at Boyce Agiary Estate - ',9,1(+($/,1* CONTACT: V. ENGINEER 9820388797 Tardeo. TATA COLONY TARDEO distance healing Embroidered Kurties, Get 1LJKWLHV ZHVWHUQ 2XWÀW daily for resolving all WE PREPARE PARSI FOODS relationship issues and Sadra, Kusti, Toran. FOR SMALL PARTIES & promoting Love, Peace Bailiff & Sons FUNCTIONS. ALSO PROVIDE and Harmony. 9819620666 LUNCH/DINNER, TIFFIN 9821319228 / 9820006236 Monthly 1000/person. &$7(5(56 SERVICE, HOME DELIVERY. Tarot 500/question. PARSI VEHICLES WANTED ZAHIDA KAWASJEE : Mistry - 9769658808 9422330529. Wanted Santro or Maruti Services, Business, Love Car any make. DRESSMAKERS/ TAILORS Estates & Properties Marriage, Gruhkalesh, Kindly call after 1 pm. Sautan, Satru Problem, Laxmi Parsi Colony, Lonavala D. Shamji & Co. Bandhan, Muth Karni, Vashi 6 BHK Bungalow for sale PARSI DAGLI 3(5621$/ Karan, Marriage Problem. Shirts | Pants | Safari Suits with 3 gardens and two car parkings. Only for AHURA Services Bhupendra Gohil 22663131 / 9821005381 Parsees. Saleable area 9029493663 offers maids, 143-B, Perin Nariman 3622 sqft.Price 2 crores. nanny, nurses, wardboys, Street, (Bazargate Street), Can be divided into trained and reliable staff. two independent 3 BHK Daily, Monthly and Yearly. Fort, Mumbai - 1 &$5+,5( Bungalows @ 1 crore each. INNOVA Triple A/C Contct 9869016730 email: PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY utmost comfortable & ARMAITY & RASHID D. reasonable rate, driven )$%5,&$7256 FURNITURE/FIXTURES BAMANBEHRAM by Parsi owner for local, outstation and happy Finger Touch First Parsi Lady Videographer occasion, Kurush Bailiff: Sliding Windows 170/Famous Press Photographer (best quality) imported Ex. Special Executive Magistrate Bearing Box Grill 60/HD. VIDEOSHOOTING Parsi Owned & Driven Safety Door. PHOTOGRAPHY & ALBUMS SWIFT D’ZIRE & Shreeji Fabrication: Wedding, Navjotes, INNOVA CAR 9324376777 Birthdays & Engagements (A.C. & IN GOOD Residence: 9324414949/ Contact: 6/3, Khareghat Colony, CONDITION) 0932502688 AVAILABLE ON HIRE Hughes Road, Mum-7 EROGZRUGVÀUVWWZR FOR OUTSTATION AND and all phone nos) WITHIN MUMBAI. Armaity: 9820188266 +20()851,6+,1* PLEASE CONTACT Rashid: 9820224667 ELECTRONICS/REPAIRS ROHINTON - 9223395255 5(3$,56 Travel Comfortably in CLOCK REPAIRS Brand New A/c AHURAMAZDA Parsee owned Repairs of English /German establishment guaranteed INNOVA/SKODA RAPID Grandfather Clocks, ƌĞƉĂŝƌƐĂƚŽŶĞƐƟŵĂƚĞĐŚĂƌŐĞƐ Reasonable Rates & with Quarter Chimers, Carriage ZĞĨƌŝŐĞƌĂƚŽƌ͕DŝĐƌŽǁĂǀĞ͕ Excellent Service. tĂƐŚŝŶŐDĂĐŚŝŶĞ͘ To Udvada, Navsari, Clocks, Pocket / Wrist ŽŶƚĂĐƚWĂƌǀĞnjWĂƚĞů Surat, Mahableshwar, Watches. Contact: Cyrus 24700671/ 9819544799/ Shirdi, Goa etc. Khambatta: 26042635, 9920879429. Also Dahanu/ Contact Navaaz Bordi Hitesh 9970653037 9819244454 / 9322279869 9820895967, 9820257919. Contd. from Pg. 08 of a Dastur, should not allow his emotion to rule his judgement. Does it mean that the noble qualities of humanity, are not to be practiced by men of religion ? If this is the thinking of our religious leaders how do we expect them to enlighten our minds when they themselves are like empty bulbs without elements to generate electricity. It would be only right if Ervad Hathiram reconsiders his view, takes advice from Dastur Khurshed and sets the record straight as Zoroastrian religion has disowned obsolete, useless, unintelligible and superstitious customs. This is the reason that it has remained everIUHVK PRGHUQ VFLHQWLÀF and logical, not affected by time, place and environment. REPO RATE CUT BY RBI: Contd. from Pg. 08 However there is a catch here, which you as buyer of home loan should be aware of. A rate cut does not mean that WKH FXVWRPHU EHQHÀWV immediately. Your lender has to reduce the base rate only than your EMI’s will come down. You also have the option of lowering the tenure by keeping the EMI same. It is a better thing to do as it will instil the discipline of savings. I have often seen that most of the banks do not pass RQ WKH EHQHÀW WR WKH ROG home loan customers; the new reduced rates are applicable to new borrowers. Go out and bargain hard with your lenders in such cases. For Equity investors the day when the rate cut was announced on 15th Jan, sensex was up by 700 points. It is normally perceived that in the lower interest rate regime corporate earnings will get boost as the interest burden comes down. 7KHQ WKHUH DUH VSHFLÀF sectors like realty, auto and banking which would do better if the rates are kept low. So all in all lower interest rates bodes well for accelerating GDP growth in Indian economy. Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at M/s Pri Media Services Pvt Ltd., Plot No. EL 201, Mhape, Navi Mumbai - 400 705. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 15 16 Community Coverage Don’t miss the unique episode of Frohar Films- “ASHA VAHISHTA” –“SARVOTTAM SATYA” on Zee Jagran on 8th February, 2015 at 11.30 am where the young talents of our Community will throw light upon the Importance of Sudreh and Kusti. On 3rd February, 2015 (Roj Behram Mah Seherevar), Sir J J Adaran Navsari celebrated its Salgreh. On this occasion, two Jashan ceremonies were performed in the morning and evening respectively which were attended by many Parsis of Navsari. Sad News Kairshasp Nariman Choksy (K. N. Choksy) the only Parsi to become Sri Lanka’s Cabinet minister died on 5th February, 2015, at the age of 81. He was the Finance & Constitutional Affairs Minister. Mr. Choksy had also served as Cabinet Minister of Constitutional & State Affairs from 1993 to 1994 under President D. B. Wijetunga and was a member of parliament from 1989 to 2010. In 1981, he was appointed as President’s Counsel. FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER Contd. from Pg. 03 ritual but have the audacity to curtail the length of the prayers; for which they con Parsis and also earn bad karma for which they will have to pay; as per the divine law of God. It is gratifying to cognize that God and our Angels are always around to remedy any damage especially where religious ceremonies not performed properly, are concerned. Some lines from my poem entitled Karma read as follows:- “… neither birth is the beginning, nor death the end; ongoing is the Soul’s journey, WLOO DOO RXU NDUPLF ÁDZV ZH mend…’’ Yes, ongoing is the Soul’s journey and then we sit and wonder the “Whys” of occurrences and hold our omniscient creator culpable. For what??? Our mistakes??? We cannot progress to the next spiritual level unless we successfully cleanse our karmic slate … the Soul is aware of the synopsis of our deeds and the extent to which our karmic slate is cloudy; and so is the Higher Self; but it is the egoistic, supercilious physical mind which prevents us from growing spiritually. Mystically, Pervyyn Kavarana Adpfp “hp Ofdp„ fkp¡X$pdp„ Ap¡V$gp ‘pk¡ A¡L$ bpfu R>¡. blpf S>d~Mu. s¡“u A¡L$ X$pm bpfu“u kph “ÆL$ Aph¡gu. d¢ b¡-ÓZ qv$hk Å¡ey„ L¡$ A¡L$ L$pNX$p¡ X$pm ‘f Aphu“¡ b¡k¡. Óp„ku X$p¡L$ L$fu fkp¡X$pdp„ Å¡sp¡ fl¡. Sy>v$p Sy>v$p A¡„Ng bv$gu“¡ Sy>A¡. dpfu v$f¡L$ rlgQpg ‘f ÅZ¡ s¡“u “S>f R>¡ ! A¡L$ qv$hk d¢ fp¡V$gu“p Vy$L$X$p bpfuA¡ d|¼ep. L$pNX$pA¡ b¡-ÓZ hpf dpfu kpd¡ Å¡ey„. ‘R>u EX$u“¡ bpfuA¡’u Vy$L$X$p gC Nep¡ A“¡ X$pm ‘f b¡ku Mphp gpÁep¡. Apd¡e d“¡ ‘„MuAp¡ ‘f blº â¡d. d“¡ Ap L$pNX$p¡ Ndu Nep¡. Adpfu v$p¡õsu Ådu. fp¡S> A¡ Aph¡ A“¡ lº„ A¡“¡ L$p„C “¡ L$p„C Mphp“y„ “pMy„. L$p¡C qv$hk “ Aph¡, sp¡ d“¡ Q¡“ “ ‘X¡$. A¡L$ hpf d¢ iufp¡ b“ph¡gp¡. ‘l¡gp¡ “¥h¡v$ A¡“¡ S> lp¡e “¡ ! Ðep„ sp¡ L$pNX$p“y„ Aphhp“y„ “¡ ‘rsv$¡h“y„ Aphhp“y„ kp’¡ kp’¡ ’ey„. Af¡, Ýep“ “’u fpMsu, Ap L$pNX$p¡. L$l¡sp„ ‘rsv$¡h¡ bpfu ‘pk¡ v$p¡X$u“¡ Tp‘V$ dpfu. L$pNX$p¡ T‘pV$pc¡f iufp¡ gC“¡ EX$u Nep¡. X$pmuA¡ b¡ku dS>¡’u Mpsp¡ füp¡, Qp„Q g|R>sp¡ füp¡. lº„ s¡“¡ Å¡C dfL$-dfL$ lksu flu. ‘rsv$¡h“¡ cp“ ’ey„, l„.A..A Ðepf¡ A¡ sp¡ spfp¡ dl¡dp“ R>¡! A¡L$ qv$hk A¡ S>dhp b¡W$p. lº„ Nfd-Nfd fp¡V$gu Dspfu“¡ Ap‘su lsu. Ðep„ X$pmuA¡ L$pNX$pcpC v$¡Mpep. klS> S> d¢ Vy$L$X$p¡ L$fu“¡ bpfuA¡ d|¼ep¡ A“¡ bpL$u“u fp¡V$gu ‘rsv$¡h“p cpZpdp„. Ðep„ sp¡ fp¡V$gu ER>mu“¡ ‘X$u dpfp ‘Ndp„ A“¡ ‘rsv$¡h ER>þep : Ap iy„ ? L$p¡f cp„N¡gu, L$pNX$p“¡ Ap‘sp„ bQ¡gu fp¡V$gu d“¡ ! Ql¡fp¡ sp¡ A¡hp¡ sdsdsp¡ lsp¡ L¡$ s¡“p ‘f fp¡V$gu d|L$u lp¡e sp¡ i¡L$pC Åe! kp¡fu! L$lu d¢ buÆ fp¡V$gu Ap‘u. A“¡ A¡ S>du“¡ EW$ép, Ðep„ ky^u d¢ bpfu sfa Å¡ey„ kyÙp„ “l]. d“p¡d“ bp¡gu, L$pNX$pcpC, A¡ S>du“¡ Ap¸qak¡ Åe, ‘R>u S> sy„ Aphsp¡ S>S>¡ ! Adpfp v$dyap¡C Aph¡gp„. azAp“p d©Ðey bpv$ ¼ep„e Nep„ “lp¡sp„. Adpf¡ Ðep„ fl¡hp bp¡gph¡gp„. d¢ ‘yfZ‘p¡mu b“ph¡gu. b¡-Qpf Vy$L$X$p bpfuA¡ d|L¡$gp. ’pmu ‘ufku ap¡C“¡ S>dhp b¡kpX$ép„. Ðep„ L$pNX$p¡ Vy$L$X$p¡ gC S>C X$pmuA¡ b¡ku Mphp gpÁep¡. ‘Ndp„ ‘L$X$u hp„L$u Qp„Q L$fu Mpsp¡ Åe A“¡ fkp¡X$pdp„ Å¡sp¡ Åe. v$dyap¡C A¡L$uV$i¡ s¡“¡ Å¡C füp„ lsp„. Ðep„ A¡L$pA¡L$ fX$hp gpÁep„. lº„ NcfpC NC. iy„ ’ey„? A¡ S>, bk, A¡ S>! dpfu ‘pR>m ‘pR>m Apìep„. d“¡ L$p„C kdÅe “l]. ‘Z L$p¡Z ? Å¡su “’u? A¡ S> Apìep. ‘¡gu X$pm ‘f b¡W$p! Ad¡ b„“¡ Aphhp“p„ lsp„. ‘Z A¡ “ Aphu i¼ep. sp¡ Aphu fus¡ Apìep. A¡d“¡ ‘yfZ‘p¡mu blº S> cph¡. Å¡, L¡$hu Mpe R>¡! dpZk“p¡ As©á ApÐdp L$pNX$p dpfas L¡$hp¡ afu Aphsp¡ lp¡e R>¡, s¡“u OZu OZu hps ap¡CA¡ d“¡ L$fu. L$pg¡ tkN“p gpXy$ L$fS>¡. A¡d“¡ blº cphsp. d¢ gpXy$ L$ep®. ap¡CA¡ ApMp¡ gpXy$ bpfuA¡ d|¼ep¡ A“¡ S>dhp b¡W$p„. “S>f bpfu sfa. ‘Z L$pNX$pcpC v$¡Mpe “l]. A¡ Qp¡½$k Aphi¡ S>. ap¡C bp¡ëep„. ‘Z ¼ep„e ‘Ñp¡ “l]. R>¡hV$¡ dpfp ApN°l’u ap¡CA¡ S>dhp“y„ i_ L$ey¯. ‘Z lÆ gpXy$“p¡ ‘l¡gp¡ L$L$X$p¡ ap¡C“p ‘¡V$dp„ Åe, Ðep„ sp¡ bpfuA¡ L$pNX$pcpC lpS>f ! Å¡, lº„ “lp¡su L$l¡su? ap¡C“p¡ Ql¡fp¡ ‘|Z® L$dm“u S>¡d Mugu R>p¡L$fuAp¡ L¡$d R>¡ fpZu gÿdubpC R>p¡L$fuAp¡ Äepf¡ s¡“p dp-bp‘“p Of¡ lp¡e R>¡ Ðepf¡ s¡ Ðep„ fpZu“u S>¡d fl¡ R>¡ ‘rs“¡ O¡f Aph¡ Ðepf¡ ‘rs“p„ Of“u gÿdu L$l¡hpe R>¡ A“¡ kpkfpdp„ L$pd L$fsp„ L$fsp„ s¡ bpC b“u Åe R>¡. A¡V$g¡ S> sp¡ R>p¡L$fuAp¡ fpZu gÿdubpC b“u Åe R>¡. -Apbp“ ‘fh¡S> syf¡g SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 EW$ép¡! ‘R>u sp¡ ap¡C v$k qv$hk füp„ Ðep„ ky^u fp¡S> A¡d“¡ Ap cph¡ “¡ s¡ cph¡ L$lu A¡dZ¡ dpfu ‘pk¡ A¡L$ A¡L$ hp“Nu b“phX$phu. L$pNX$pcpCA¡ ‘Z r“erdssp Åmhu. v$dyap¡C“u ’pmu d„X$pe “¡ bpfuA¡ AQ|L$ lpS>f. s¡“¡ Mpsp¡ Å¡C“¡ ap¡C“¡ qv$gdp„ A‘pf ipsp hmsu. ‘p¡s¡ s©á ’C“¡ A“¡ ‘p¡sp“p ‘rs“u b^u As©á CÃR>pAp¡ ‘Z ‘|Z® L$fu“¡ ap¡C ‘pR>p„ Nep„. S>sp„S>sp„ L$l¡, lh¡ Å¡S>¡ L$pg’u A¡ Aph¡ R>¡ L¡$ spfu bpfuA¡ ! lº„ “l] lp¡J “¡! ApÐdp“u hpsp¡ sd“¡ ApS>L$pg“p„ R>p¡L$fp„h“¡ “l] kdÅe. Mê„$ R>¡, d“¡ “’u S> kdÅsu. L¡$d L¡$ ap¡C Apìep„ s¡ ‘l¡gp„ ‘Z L$pNX$pcpC Aphsp lsp A“¡ ap¡C Nep„ ‘R>u ‘Z Aphsp S> füp, A“¡ bpfuA¡ d|L¡$gy„ Apfp¡Nsp S> füp. L$ep d©spÐdp“u s©rá Mpsf Mpsp li¡, cNhp“ ÅZ¡. ‘Z lº„ A¡V$gy„ ÅÏ„ L¡$ dpfp A¡ v$p¡õs“¡ fp¡S> MhX$phu“¡ dpfp ApÐdp“¡ sp¡ s©rá ’su S> lsu. A¡L$ frhhpf¡ khpfdp„ ‘rsv$¡h L$l¡, Qpg, ApS>¡ sp¡ L$p¡C kfk lp¡V$¡gdp„ S>duA¡! d“¡e Nçey„. ’ey„, A¡L$ qv$hk fkp¡X$p“¡ Apfpd. ‘f„sy blpf S>hp “uL$msp„ S> S>dê$Mu ‘f “S>f ‘X$u A“¡ L$pNX$pcpC kp„cep® s¡“¡ D‘hpku fMpe? TV$ fkp¡X$pdp„ S>C fps“u cpMfu h^¡gu s¡“p Vy$L$X$p bpfuA¡ fpMu“¡ Aphu, Ðepf¡ d“¡ Q¡“ ‘X$éy„. ‘f„sy buS>¡ qv$hk L$dyap¡C“p¡ ‘Ó Aphsp„ dpê„$ Q¡“ kph lfpC Ney„. A¡dZ¡ gM¡gy„: v$dyap¡C spf¡ Ðep„ flu Nep„, A“¡ A¡d“p ‘rs“p ApÐdp“¡ s©á L$fu Nep„. bl¡“¡ d“¡ b^u hps L$fu. A¡V$g¡ lº„e¡ Aphs¡ AW$hpqX$e¡ ‘„v$f qv$hk dpV$¡ spf¡ Ðep„ Aphy„ Ry>„. spfp azAp“¡ Ne¡ kps hfk ’ep„, ‘Z dpfp„ v$uL$fp-hlºA¡ îpÙ L$ey¯ “’u. A¡L¡$e hpf L$pNhpk kyÙp„ v$u^u “’u. R>p¡L$fp„h s¡dp„ dp“¡ S> “l] “¡! spf¡ Ðep„ ‘„v$f qv$hk flu“¡ lº„ ‘Z A¡d“p ApÐdp“¡ k„‘|Z®‘Z¡ s©á L$fu v$¡hp dpNy„ Ry>„. ‘Ó hp„Qu d“¡ sp¡ ifuf¡ ApM¡ ‘fk¡hp¡ R|>V$u Nep¡. Å¡ ‘qfhpf“p b^p S> ApÐdp s©á ’hp dpV$¡ Aphu fus¡ dpfu bpfuA¡ Esfu ‘X$hp“p lp¡e, sp¡ dpfu iu hg¡ ’i¡ ! s¡hpdp„ S>dê$Mu“u X$pm bp¡gu EW$u A“¡ lº„ cp“dp„ Aphu. fp¡S>“u V$¡h dyS>b klS> dpfp’u cpMfu“p Vy$L$X$p bpfuA¡ dyL$pC Nep. A“¡ fp¡S>“u V$¡h dyS>b g¡“pfp¡ s¡ gC ‘Z Nep¡. ‘Ndp„ ‘L$X$u hp„L$u Qp„Q L$fu Mpsp A¡ L$pNrdÓ“¡ Å¡C dpê„$ L$pmSy>„ W$ey¯. ^“hp“ ‘ue¡ ifpb, Adufu v$¡MpX$hp kpê„$ Nfub ‘ue¡ ifpb, cygphhp Ndp¡ kpê$ lº„ ‘uhy„ Ry>„ ifpb, Æh“dp„ lp¡i gphhp kpê„$ - du“y bu. spfp‘p¡f SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015 Like: Parsi Times Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit of technology and loYe Ànding TuirNy things to do in this web and mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur celebrates his interest in the Àeld of web based technologies with his columns and other websites liNe and Community centric Zoroastrians. net. Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite! A rules of thumb is a homemade recipe for making a guess. It is an easy-to-remember guide that falls somewhere between a mathematical formula and a shot in the dark. Rules of thumb are a kind of tool. They help you appraise a problem or situation. They make it easier to consider the subtleties of the topic at hand; they give you a feel for a subject. A pilot in a tight spot doesn’t ask questions about aeronautical engineering; a pilot in a tight spot asks “now what?” There are times when you don’t need to know the best way to do something. These DUHWLPHVIRUEDOOSDUNÀJXUHVIRUNQRZLQJZKDW\RXSUREDEO\ can get away with. 7KLVVLWHOLVWVUXOHVRIWKXPERQDYDULHW\RIWRSLFV,QWKHÀUVWFROOHFWLRQ5XOHVRI 7KXPE ZDV SXEOLVKHG DV D ERRN /DWHU HGLWLRQV JUHZ WKH FRPSLODWLRQ XQWLO ÀQDOO\ LW was put up as a website where people from all over the world contributed their own experiences. )UDQNO\,FDQ·WVD\WKDWDOORIWKHVHUXOHVRIWKXPEZRUN6RPHZRXOGEHSUHWW\KDUGWR test. How would you check the rule that says one elephant will provide as much meat as one hundred antelopes? You can browse randomly or by topic and learn while enjoying the various quirks presented - all of them between varying degrees of science and art. $QGLI\RXKDYH\RXURZQUXOHVRIWKXPEEHVXUHWRSDVVWKHPRQWKH\PLJKWMXVWKHOS VRPHRQHLQQHHGDFURVVWKHZRUOG Name...Kaiyan K. Patel. I work at... Cargo Service Centre India Pvt. Ltd. I work as... Assistant Manager – legal and compliance. That basically means... All companies legal matters, from tenders to contracts, negotiating, corporate law, vetting, various compliances or drafting notices on behalf of It. My work day begins with... Tea and healthy breakfast, with checking my mails and planning my day with the CFO. I love this about my job... I am independent, reporting to no team as I directly handle work for CFO of the company. Mainly there Is no saturation point, as something new comes daily and so I learn and upgrade my knowledge daily. I wish this would change about my job... Tight deadlines and less flexible timings plus I want my company to function with rules like in MNCs. I have been working here for... 6 months. I head to office and head back home at these times... 8.30 am to 6 pm. Some of the things that make up my work day… Freedom, as I get to explore a lot of fields, and I am not restricted to a single field. Working with a CFO helps me in upgrading my skills. Submitted ed by: Ara M. Bacha acha Someone I think has an Age: 8 Years interesting job is… My mom. Sizzling Chicken Steaks Ingredients: 6 large chunks of boneless chicken ½ cup lime juice 2 tablespoons freshly crushed black pepper 2 tablespoons ginger garlic paste 1 cup chicken stock Olive oil Directions: Beat the steaks individually WLOO ÁDWWHQHG 0DULQDWH LQ WKH remaining ingredients except olive RLO/HDYHFRYHUHGLQWKHIULGJHWLOO ready to cook. Just before VHUYLQJ KHDW DQ iron steak pan RYHUDKLJKÁDPH 6PHDU ZLWK ROLYH oil. Cook the steak for four minutes on each side. Place the ready steaks on a serving plate. Carefully pour the stock in the steak pan. Boil till the juices thicken. Pour the sauce over the steaks. 6HUYHZLWKEXWWHUHGFDEEDJH Purveen Dubash is a chef with many knives in her pretty home kitchen cabinet. From TV anchor to educator to author she is armed with culinary skills to put your tummy into a hypnotic state. We are proud to present to you her recipes which have the unique distinction of being not only simple to follow but yummy to taste! 23 Dear Mamaiji, You always make me read the Gujarati calendar date from the front page of the Parsi Times. Today is Din Roj. What does that mean? Dear Dikri, Today as per the Parsi calendar is Din or Daena Roj/Day. Din Yazata/Divinity, stands for one’s Religion traditionally. We can also interpret that as one’s Spiritual Practices, Faith and also Inner Conscience. Din helps you to understand your religion or spiritual path better. Aligning with Din Yazata helps one go inwards towards understanding oneself better and to connect with the Divine within. When one’s faith is shaken, call upon Din Yazata to comfort you and shore you up. Din Yazata is female energy, therefore this Yazata provides nurturing, care and compassion to those who call upon her. With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala 24 Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regn. No. MCS/101/2015-17. Published on 7th February, 2015, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK on every Saturday. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2015