rate card - ZINTX International Media Agency
rate card - ZINTX International Media Agency
TV 2 1. PRODUCTS 1. 1 SPECIFICS The base price for broadcast is determined by the anticipated number of viewers aged 18+ and the time the block of advertising is shown. The base price is expressed by a unit price per TRP (18+ years of age) per time slot. For more information about determining the TRP, see section 3.5. For slots between 6 and 11 pm the base price is DKK 6,600 for a 30-second ad. For slots outside the 6-11 pm window, the base price is DKK 4,400 for a 30-second ad. Example: For a 30-second ad in a block of advertising estimated at 10 TRPs (18+) between 6 and 11 pm, the price will be 10 x 6,600 = DKK 66,000. SPECIFICS ON TV 2 18+ PRIME TIME 18+ NON-PRIME TIME January 4,900 3,250 February 5,000 3,350 March 5,550 3,700 April 5,850 3,900 May 6,550 4,350 June 6,200 4,150 July 4,900 3,250 August 5,850 3,900 September 6,500 4,300 October 6,600 4,400 November 6,550 4,350 December 5,450 3,600 1. 2 SPECIFICS PLUS This offer is managed by TV 2 Advertising Planning. For a 10% supplement on the TRP base price (18+ years), Specifics Plus offers you the following benefits: Late booking of your campaign, by no later than 12 noon on the Tuesday of the week before broadcast Certainty of placement (on payment of average bid) Exceptional compensation rules, see Section 3.2 The opportunity to purchase Specifics Plus in combination with a linked TRP package 1. 3 DEMAND-BASED SUPPLEMENT/DISCOUNT A supplement/deduction may be applied to the base price for certain blocks of advertising. The scale of any such supplement/deduction will be shown in TV 2 Advertising Sales' monthly/weekly schedule and is set by TV 2 Advertising Planning. 1. 4 BIDS Where requests are submitted for a monthly and weekly schedule, a bid of your choice may be tabled for individual spots. The size of such a bid may determine whether the ad receives a slot in the desired advertising block. If bids are required in an advertising block, the spots will be prioritised by size of bid. 1. 5 MANAGED PLACEMENT Broadcasts can be booked in specific blocks of advertising for a supplement of 10% of the price (base price +/- supplements/deductions). 1. 6 PLACEMENT IN BLOCKS Broadcasts can be booked for the first, second, second-last or last slot in a block of advertising on payment of a supplement. The said supplement is 5% for the first slot in the block and 3% for the last one (base price +/- supplements/deductions). The supplement is also 3% for the second slot in the block and is 1% for the second-last slot in the block. 1. 7 SPLIT SPOTS Split spots consist of two spots that relate to one another in their creative design and are intended to run within the same block of advertising. The total price for split spots is calculated on the basis of the price for each of the spots plus a 5% supplement (base price +/- supplements/deductions). The supplement is applied to the base price for all split spot broadcasts in a campaign. 1. 8 PURCHASING TRPs The price of one TRP depends on the target group in question. The target groups in which it is possible to buy TRPs can be seen in the table of TRP purchase prices (3:1) below. N.B.: From 2014, all TRPs will be supplied in target groups that cover all TV 2’s channels. Which channels are used depends on the target group. The 20-40 target groups are run on TV 2 and Zulu, while the other target groups are run on TV 2, Charlie and FRI. TRPs can only be purchased in combination with Specifics, unless purchased in the P20-40 target group. Only whole units of TRPs are sold; interested parties are also referred to item 3.5. TRP PRICES TRP P20-40 January 5,050 February 4,900 March 5,400 April 5,350 May 5,700 June 5,500 July 4,750 August 5,500 September 5,500 October 5,650 November 5,600 December 5,250 TRP PRICES 3:1 PURCHASE 3:1 P18+ P20-40 P35-60 Jan 2,400 2,600 2,650 Feb 2,600 2,650 Mar 2,950 Apr M18+ M20-40 M35-60 F18+ F20-40 F35-60 2,900 2,750 2,650 2,100 2,450 2,400 2,900 3,200 2,850 3,000 2,350 2,500 2,650 3,250 3,300 3,650 3,500 3,400 2,650 3,050 3,000 3,450 3,650 3,800 4,250 3,950 4,050 3,050 3,450 3,450 May 4,350 4,950 4,850 5,500 5,400 5,350 3,900 4,700 4,400 Jun 4,000 4,550 4,450 5,050 4,950 4,900 3,600 4,350 4,050 Jul 2,650 2,800 2,950 3,300 3,050 3,100 2,400 2,700 2,700 Aug 3,450 3,800 3,800 4,250 4,100 4,050 3,050 3,650 3,450 Sep 4,350 4,750 4,850 5,450 5,200 5,350 3,900 4,500 4,400 Oct 4,650 5,150 5,150 5,850 5,600 5,750 4,200 4,850 4,700 Nov 4,350 4,850 4,850 5,500 5,300 5,350 3,900 4,600 4,400 Dec 3,050 3,400 3,350 3,750 3,700 3,550 2,700 3,250 3,050 1. 9 NEW TARGETED OSP PRODUCT FOR THE RETAIL SECTOR Many FMCG advertisers’ campaigns are not currently delivered in line with their true sales potential. As a result, TV 2 is now introducing a new FMCG/retail product in which TV 2’s channels and platforms are combined in the best possible way for retail sales. The OSP product can be purchased for a total CPM of DKK 82, and consists of a TV element and an online/mobile element, which are purchased in the same period but billed separately. The campaigns are delivered across a set mix of channels and devices that provides the desired profile. Discounts are available on the OSP product through TV 2’s existing discount structure, and it is billed in price per 1,000 impressions in the P18+ target group. The campaign must be run over a minimum of three consecutive days. CPM PRICE SHARE OF IMPRESSIONS CPM TV 100 73% CPM ONLINE 33 20% CPM MOBILE 28 7% This product is exclusive to FMCG and retail advertisers and can be booked by contacting TV 2 Advertising Sales. 1.9.1 MULTISPOT Multispot is characterised by having 2 or more ads in the same spot, with no natural connection between them. The price for this type of spot is calculated with a supplement of 15% on the base price for each individual spot. TV 2 Advertising Sales will decide whether a given case involves a multispot. For more information please contact TV 2 Advertising Sales. 1. 10 LATE SALE AUCTION In 2014, TV 2 will be introducing a new Late Sale product. Late Sale TRPs will be sold by auction, which will take place every Monday, provided there are unsold TRPs for the following week. The auction will only concern one week at a time, and TRPs can only be bought for the following week. Late Sale TRPs will only be offered in P18+, which means broadcast on TV 2, Charlie and FRI. 1.10.1 LATE SALE BROADCAST All broadcasts are 100% placed by TV 2 and will be shown where there is a space so to do. As an advertiser, you only pay for what you get. 1.10.2 LATE SALE SPOT LENGTHS Below is an index of spot lengths. The maximum spot length that can be broadcast is 30 seconds. SPOT LENGTH 10 15 20 25 30 Index 46 60 73 87 100 1.10.3 LATE SALE BOOKING The number of TRPs offered for the following week will be published on Monday morning on the front page of Medialink. It will then be possible to make bids in Medialink between 10 am and 12 noon. One bid may be made per advertiser/campaign, but bids may be revised on an ongoing basis until the auction has closed. Each campaign may bid for a maximum of 100 TRPs, and will be broadcast over all 7 days of the week. 2. DISCOUNT 2. 1 ANNUAL AGREEMENTS TV 2 Advertising Sales is pleased to offer advertisers the opportunity to enter into annual agreements. An annual agreement is a written agreement between the advertiser and TV 2 Advertising Sales concerning the advertiser’s expected expenditure on purchasing advertising space over a calendar year, across TV 2’s platforms. An annual agreement ensures an advertiser of all the benefits associated with the agreed annual expenditure right from the first campaign. Advertisers entering into an annual agreement with TV 2 Advertising Sales can include their expenditure on the following: Advertising time on TV 2 Advertising time on TV 2 Regional Advertising time on TV 2 Zulu Advertising time on TV 2 Charlie Advertising time on TV 2 NEWS Advertising time on TV 2 Fri Advertising time on Online Video Teletext tv2.dk and Mobile Sponsorships 2. 2 ELEMENTS OF ANNUAL AGREEMENTS In 2014 customers entering into an annual agreement with TV 2 will be offered particularly attractive conditions: 5% extra discount on linked TRP packages 40% prime time guarantee for linked TRP packages 10% exceptional seasonal discount in weeks 25-33 and 51-52 Advance booking 2% of TRP The above elements apply only to expenditure reported before the deadline of 5 pm on 4 March 2014. Customers who have not entered into an advance annual agreement will not be entitled to the above agreement elements. 2. 3 GROUP AGREEMENTS It is a precondition for entering into a group agreement that the group/parent company owns at least 51% of the companies within the group. 2. 4 MONTHLY VOLUME DISCOUNT The monthly volume discount is awarded based on the expenditure per month. The total expenditure per month on TV 2 platforms triggers a cash discount, see table. MONTHLY BUDGET, DKK BONUS CASH 0 – 99,999 11.00% 9.0% 100,000 – 199,999 11.45% 9.3% 200,000 – 299,999 11.90% 9.7% 300,000 – 399,999 12.35% 10.0% 400,000 – 499,999 12.80% 10.3% 500,000 – 599,999 13.25% 10.6% 600,000 – 699,999 13.70% 11.0% 700,000 – 799,999 14.15% 11.3% 800,000 – 899,999 14.60% 11.6% 900,000 – 999,999 15.05% 11.9% 1,000,000 – 1,099,999 15.50% 12.2% 1,100,000 – 1,199,999 15.95% 12.5% 1,200,000 – 1,299,999 16.40% 12.8% 1,300,000 – 1,399,999 16.85% 13.1% 1,400,000 – 1,499,999 17.30% 13.4% 1,500,000 – 1,599,999 17.75% 13.7% 1,600,000 - 18.20% 14.0% In the case of expenditure over DKK 1.6 million per month, an 18.20% bonus/14.0% cash discount will continue to be given. The discounts are applied at the spot level. 2. 5 ACTIVITY DISCOUNT A 2% activity discount will be granted to advertisers who commit in an annual agreement to be active on TV 2 for 47 weeks or more. The requirement for advertising for at least 47 weeks will be judged against advertising for the whole of 2014. The activity discount, which is a cash discount, is applied individually at the spot level, and is granted to all Specifics/TRP purchases. If advertising is not carried out for a minimum of 47 weeks, the value of the discount will be reclaimed via the bank. 2. 6 ANNUAL AGREEMENTS ENTERED INTO BY NO LATER THAN 5 PM ON 4 MARCH 2014 Advertisers who enter into an annual agreement with TV 2 Advertising Sales by no later than 5 pm on 4 March 2014 will be offered the chance to make all or parts of the annual agreement amount irrevocable. An exceptional 2% cash discount will be offered on that part of the annual agreement that is made irrevocable. This exceptional reward will not apply to the irrevocable expenditure if the advertiser does not expend the agreed irrevocable amount. Thus, if an advertiser enters into an annual agreement for DKK 2.5 million and makes DKK 2 million of that irrevocable, it will be rewarded with 2% of 2 million. If the expenditure of 2 million is not reached, the exceptional reward will be revoked. It is thus the full exceptional reward of 2% – both the part paid out as a discount and the part not paid out – that is subsequently billed to the advertiser if the irrevocable amount is not reached. 2. 7 LOW SEASON CAMPAIGN DISCOUNT If a campaign, or parts of it, is run during the periods listed below, a reward will be offered in the form of a bonus, which will subsequently be converted into a cash discount. The size of the discount will be calculated on the basis of the expenditure (including all supplements/deductions) per campaign in the periods below. EXPENDITURE PER CAMPAIGN IN THE PERIOD (DKK) 2014 LESS THAN 335,000 335,000- 520,000OVER 519,999 850,000 850,000 Weeks 1-9 15% 20% 35% 45% Weeks 25-33 5% 10% 20% 25% Weeks 51-53 10% 15% 25% 30% 2. 8 NEW BUSINESS DISCOUNT Advertisers who have not marketed their company or products in TV 2’s TV universe during the last 24 months may be granted a New Business bonus, which is converted into a cash discount. TV 2 Advertising Sales decides whether a New Business discount can be granted. 2. 9 SPONSORSHIPS TV 2 Advertising Sales also offers programme sponsorship on TV 2. The channel is constantly developing its programme output, and the range of programme sponsorships on offer varies. Sponsorships cannot be paid using bank deposits. 2. 10 OTHER OFFERS TV 2 also offers other opportunities to meet the needs of each individual advertiser. Contact TV 2 Advertising Sales for more details about: Performance agreements National and regional advertising Non-profitmaking and humanitarian associations, etc. Film remuneration Cases Offset/limited distribution Seasonal tie-in Daypart packages (linked to TRPs) Programme packages Conditions for offering Classic 3. CONDITIONS 3. 1 GUARANTEES When buying Specifics or TRP campaigns on TV 2, advertisers are granted a full TRP guarantee for the specific campaign. In the case of a purchase of Specifics, the expected TRP (18+) for a given spot is closely linked to the pricing, and the TRP guarantee ensures advertisers that they will receive the impressions ordered. If the campaign fails to achieve the expected number of impressions, Advertising Planning will ensure that the remaining impressions under the guarantee are delivered in direct connection with the campaign. If a Specifics campaign has a specific target group, this will be given the maximum possible consideration when placing compensation broadcasts. If varying spot lengths were used in the campaign, the compensation will be calculated using a spot pricing index. If the campaign cannot be continued after a specific weekday, this should be listed in the comments field in TV 2 Medialink for the purposes of placing any compensation spot(s) at the end of the campaign. 3. 2 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION IN THE EVENT OF UNDERDELIVERY If a campaign consists of a minimum of 50 TRPs, is shown over a minimum of 14 days and the advertiser underdelivers by between 6 and 10 TRPs, 100% compensation (200% for Specifics Plus) will be offered. Thus, for example, a campaign that is underdelivered by 10 TRPs will receive 5 TRPs of compensation for the underdelivery of the first 5 TRPs. The next 5 TRPs will be compensated at 100%, making up 10 TRPs. An underdelivery of 10 TRPs thus triggers 15 TRPs in compensation. These compensation rules only apply to advance annual agreements. 3. 3 SHORT CAMPAIGNS For TRP campaigns that run for 3 days or fewer, no exceptional compensation will apply in relation to underdelivery. 3. 4 CAMPAIGN DEFINITION Where a campaign runs continually for the same company, TV 2 will regard this as a single campaign, irrespective of whether multiple products or different advertising films are used. Where campaigns are not set up in TV 2 Medialink in accordance with this guidance, TV 2 reserves the right to combine the campaigns. Where a break of over 21 days is included in a campaign, TV 2 shall define this as a new campaign with a new campaign number. 3. 5 CALCULATION OF TRPs TRPs are calculated based on viewership of a live broadcast or on delay within 7 days of broadcast. TRP campaigns will not, as a rule, be calculated until 8 days after the end date of a campaign and will include all live and time-shifted viewings up until the date in question. Viewing via platforms other than TV will be included in the TRPs from the point at which Gallup includes viewing on other platforms in the daily viewing figures. 4. ORDERING ADVERTISING TIME ON A NATIONAL BASIS 4. 1 ONLINE BOOKING Media agencies have direct access to TV 2 Medialink, which enables them to request, book and change bookings online. TV 2 Advertising Planning acts on behalf of offline media agencies. In the following description of ordering advertising time, options will be listed for both online and offline agencies. Agencies that book online are responsible for what is booked. For more information about TV 2 Medialink, please contact Advertising Planning. 4. 2 MONTHLY SCHEDULE Advertising Planning publishes monthly schedules (normally for a 4 or 5 week period) stating fixed programmes and anticipated TRP (P18+) figures for each block of advertising. Any demand-based supplements or deductions are also listed. These supplements/deductions are not changed on the weekly schedule. 4. 3 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Advertising Planning publishes its weekly schedules every Tuesday. The schedules include an overview showing all of TV 2’s programme output, including final predicted TRP (p18+) for all blocks of advertising and other relevant information. 4. 4 BOOKING, MANAGED PLACEMENT AND REMEDIATION Ordering advertising time via the online system or by email constitutes a booking, which means that it is binding for the orderer. Online agencies can themselves obtain a campaign overview within the system as confirmation. Offline agencies receive a campaign overview by email. Campaign overviews that are sent/obtained within the system in connection with a booking on monthly schedules only contain provisional prices, as the final block price is only set on the basis of the final predicted TRP (p18+). Placement of ads can be booked within the blocks of advertising shown in the monthly and weekly schedules. When booking on a new monthly schedule/managed placement on a weekly schedule, an alternative placement (2nd priority) may be specified for each booking (1st priority). Offers may be made in connection with these bookings/requests if so desired. A maximum campaign budget must be stated on each order. Requests totalling up to 150% of this maximum budget may be submitted. The maximum campaign budget should be equal to the maximum budget that it is actually desired to be invoiced for the order. The campaign budget cannot be adjusted downwards later. Once the requests received have been processed, the agencies must, within a maximum of 24 hours remove any unwanted broadcasts exceeding the stated maximum budget. If agencies do not remove broadcasts that exceed the maximum budget + 5% (minimum DKK 15,000, however) before the expiry of the deadline, a charge of DKK 5,000 – drawn at the bank – will be applied automatically. TV 2 Advertising Planning reserves the right to remove spots so that the actual budget of a campaign matches the maximum budget. All bookings from offline agencies may be made by email within the deadlines below. 4. 5 BOOKING DEADLINES Managed placement according to a monthly schedule may be carried out from 9 am on the Friday two weeks before the deadline until 12 noon on the Tuesday roughly two weeks prior to the effective date of a monthly schedule. Additional purchases according to the monthly schedule may be made from 2 pm the next day (Wednesday) until 5 pm on the Friday in the week prior to the publication of the current weekly schedule. Managed placement according to the weekly schedule is normally available between 9 am on the Wednesday until 12 noon on the Thursday. Additional purchases according to the monthly schedule must be concluded by no later than 10.00 am on the Monday of the following week, which is to say the Monday of the week prior to broadcast. 4. 6 ADVANCE TRP BOOKING If TRP campaigns are booked together with Specifics campaigns before the deadline for monthly booking, an additional discount of 0.5% will be applied to the TRP purchase (2% in the case of advance annual agreements). 4. 7 WAITING LIST Where there is no available advertising time in relation to a requested placement, there is a possibility of joining a waiting list. First priority choices may always be placed on a waiting list. Second priority choice(s) may only be placed on a waiting list if the first priority is on the list. When requests are sorted the prioritisation is dropped, and in cases where waiting lists contain more than what is allowed, the excess will be removed following the above-mentioned sorting under Booking and Managed Placement. A maximum of 10 broadcasts per block may placed on the waiting list for a monthly schedule and 5 per block for a weekly schedule. 4. 8 RESCHEDULING AND CANCELLATION All rescheduling, cutbacks and cancellations must take place in writing. TV advertising airtime is nontransferable. 4. 9 RULES GOVERNING THE RESCHEDULING OF CAMPAIGNS Campaigns may be freely moved until 4 working days before the broadcast week, providing the campaign before and after the move is the same (in other words, the same budget, same advertising product, etc). If an advertiser seeks rescheduling later than four working days before the broadcast week, a fee of 30% of the expenditure being rescheduled will be due. 4. 10 RULES GOVERNING CANCELLING OR CUTTING BACK CAMPAIGNS Booked campaigns cannot be cancelled or cut back without charge. If cancellation or cutting back is undertaken four days or more before the broadcast week, a charge of 20% of the campaign budget/cut-back budget, respectively, will be levied. If cancellation or cutting back is undertaken less than four days before the broadcast week, a charge of 70% of the campaign budget/cut-back budget, respectively, will be levied. If cancellation or cutting back is undertaken for the same or the next day, the whole value of the cancelled/cut-back budget, respectively, will be levied. 4. 11 CANCELLATION RULES FOR SPONSORSHIPS If cancellation takes place after a programme sponsorship has commenced, the full price of the sponsorship will be paid. If cancellation takes place more than 60 days before the programme commences, the contract will be cancelled without charge. If cancellation takes place between 60 and 30 days before the programme commences, a charge of 20% will be made. If cancellation takes place less than 30 days before the programme commences, a charge of 50% will be made. If a customer wishes to transfer (rather than cancel) a sponsorship budget and another sponsor can be found, the contract will be cancelled without charge. 4. 12 THE BANK In 2014, the bank will only be used for the value of any underdeliveries and adjustments. In the case of underdeliveries, transfers to the bank will be subject to a minimum threshold of DKK 2,000, and claims under DKK 2,000 will lapse. Bank deposits must be used by 30 November 2014 at the latest and only any underdeliveries from December 2014 may be carried over into 2015. Different spot lengths: SPOT LENGTH PRICE INDEX 5 45 10 58 15 69 20 80 25 91 30 100 35 113 40 124 45 135 50 146 55 157 60 168 65 179 70 190 75 201 80 212 85 223 90 234 Spots can only be sold in multiples of 5 seconds. See allowances, terms of payment and general terms and conditions under the menu heading “General”. ZULU 1. PRODUCTS 1. 1 SPECIFICS For advertisers who only want their ads to be shown on Zulu, TV 2 will be introducing Specifics for purchasing prime time advertising on Zulu in 2014. Purchasing Specifics enables advertisers to choose precisely on what day and in which advertising block they want their advertising to run. Specifics on Zulu is offered as the purchase of a space in a chosen block of advertising, without a guarantee of viewing figures. The price for placement in a specific block is set using fixed net prices for 30 seconds, with no further discount. Specifics is booked via Medialink or, for those advertisers or agencies with no access to Medialink, via Advertising Planning. 1. 2 SPONSORSHIPS TV 2 Advertising Sales also offers sponsorships on TV 2 Zulu. The channel is constantly evolving its programme output, and the range of sponsorships on offer varies. Sponsorships cannot be paid using bank deposits. 1. 3 ZULU EVENTS/TOPICS As well as traditional TV advertising, TV 2 Zulu also works with events and topics. Zulu Event is the original event – the gimmick that provides distinctiveness. It is the creative spice that supports an advertiser’s message in an unconventional and eye-catching way. 1. 4 ZULU PARTNER TV 2 Advertising Sales offers partnerships with TV 2 Zulu. Advertisers can link their name or product to one or more of TV 2 Zulu’s range of events – Zulu Sommerbio [Summer Cinema], the Zulu Awards, etc. Partnership is attractive to advertisers who can see the added value in a presence in the Zulu universe – over and above the general exposure value. This applies to the event itself, within the advertising block, on zulu.dk, etc. TV 2 Commercial Partnerships will, as far as possible, tailor the solution that best fits your needs. 2. PRICES 2. 1 SPECIFICS N.B. ALL Specifics block prices on Zulu/Charlie/Fri are net prices, in other words there will be no further discounts. TIME SLOT LOW SEASON (weeks 51-52, 1-9, 25-34) HIGH SEASON (weeks 10-24, 35-50) 18.00 - 18.59 600 900 19.00 - 19.59 900 1,200 20.00 - 20.59 900 1,200 21.00 - 21.59 900 1,200 22.00 - 22.59 750 950 2. 2 SPLIT SPOTS Split spots consist of two spots that relate to one another in their creative design and are intended to run within the same block of advertising. The total price for split spots is calculated on the basis of the price for each of the spots plus a 5% supplement. The supplement is applied to the base price for all split spot broadcasts in a campaign. 2. 3 MULTISPOT Multispot is characterised by having 2 or more ads in the same spot, with no natural connection between them. The price for this type of spot is calculated with a supplement of 15% on the base price for each individual spot. TV 2 Advertising Sales will decide whether a given case involves a multispot. For more information please contact TV 2 Advertising Sales. 2. 4 DIFFERENT SPOT LENGTHS The table below shows the price index for different spot lengths. Price calculation is based on the principle that a 30-second spot = index 100. The table shows the index applicable to spot lengths of 5-60 seconds. SPOT LENGTH (SECONDS) PRICE INDEX 5 45 10 58 20 80 30 100 40 124 50 146 60 168 Spots can only be sold in multiples of 5 seconds. 2. 5 ANNUAL AGREEMENT The annual agreement is a written agreement between the advertiser and TV 2 Advertising Sales concerning the advertiser’s expected purchase of advertising time on TV 2 Zulu within a calendar year. An annual agreement ensures an advertiser of all the benefits associated with the agreed annual expenditure right from the first campaign. See allowances, terms of payment and general terms and conditions under the menu heading “General”. CHARLIE 1. PRODUCTS 1. 1 SPECIFICS For advertisers who only want their ads to be shown on Charlie, TV 2 will be introducing Specifics for purchasing prime time advertising on Charlie in 2014. Purchasing Specifics enables advertisers to choose precisely on what day and in which advertising block they want their advertising to run. Specifics on TV 2 Charlie is offered as the purchase of a space in a chosen block of advertising, without a guarantee of viewing figures. The price for placement in a specific block is set using fixed net prices for 30 seconds, with no further discount. Specifics is booked via Medialink or, for those advertisers or agencies with no access to Medialink, via Advertising Planning. 1. 2 SPONSORSHIPS TV 2 Advertising Sales offers sponsorship on TV 2 Charlie. The channel is constantly evolving its programme output, and the range of sponsorships on offer varies. For more information please contact TV 2 Advertising Sales. Sponsorships cannot be paid using bank deposits. 2. PRICES 2. 1 PRICES FOR SPECIFICS N.B. ALL Specifics block prices on Zulu/Charlie/Fri are net prices, in other words there will be no further discounts. TIME SLOT LOW SEASON (weeks 51-52, 1-9, 25-34) HIGH SEASON (weeks 10-24, 35-50) 18.00 - 18.59 900 1,300 19.00 - 19.59 900 1,400 20.00 - 20.59 1,000 1,500 21.00 - 21.59 1,500 2,300 22.00 - 22.59 1,500 2,300 2. 2 SPLIT SPOTS Split spots consist of two spots that relate to one another in their creative design and are intended to run within the same block of advertising. The total price for split spots is calculated on the basis of the price for each of the spots plus a 5% supplement. The supplement is applied to the base price for all split spot broadcasts in a campaign. 2. 3 MULTISPOT Multispot is characterised by having 2 or more ads in the same spot, with no natural connection between them. The price for this type of spot is calculated with a supplement of 15% on the base price for each individual spot. TV 2 Advertising Sales will decide whether a given case involves a multispot. For more information please contact TV 2 Advertising Sales. 2. 4 DIFFERENT SPOT LENGTHS The table below shows the price index for different spot lengths. Price calculation is based on the principle that a 30-second spot = index 100. The table shows the index applicable to spot lengths of 5-60 seconds. SPOT LENGTH (SECONDS) PRICE INDEX 5 45 10 58 20 80 30 100 40 124 50 146 60 168 Spots can only be sold in multiples of 5 seconds. 2. 5 ANNUAL AGREEMENT The annual agreement is a written agreement between the advertiser and TV 2 Advertising Sales concerning the advertiser’s expected purchase of advertising time on TV 2 Charlie within a calendar year. An annual agreement ensures an advertiser of all the benefits associated with the agreed annual expenditure right from the first campaign. See allowances, terms of payment and general terms and conditions under the menu heading “General”. FRI 1. PRODUCTS 1. 1 SPECIFICS For advertisers who only want their ads to be shown on TV 2 Fri, TV 2 will be introducing Specifics for purchasing prime time advertising on TV 2 Fri in 2014. Purchasing Specifics enables advertisers to choose precisely on what day and in which advertising block they want their advertising to run. Specifics on TV 2 Fri is offered as the purchase of a space in a chosen block of advertising, without a guarantee of viewing figures. The price for placement in a specific block is set using fixed net prices for 30 seconds, with no further discount. Specifics is booked via Medialink or, for those advertisers or agencies with no access to Medialink, via Advertising Planning. 1. 2 SPONSORSHIPS TV 2 Advertising Sales offers sponsorship on TV 2 Fri. The channel is constantly evolving its programme output, and the range of sponsorships on offer varies. For more information please contact TV 2 Advertising Sales. Sponsorships cannot be paid using bank deposits. 2. PRICES 2. 1 SPECIFICS N.B. ALL Specifics block prices on Zulu/Charlie/FRI are net prices, in other words there will be no further discounts. TIME SLOT LOW SEASON (weeks 51-52, 1-9, 25-34) HIGH SEASON (weeks 10-24, 35-50) 18.00 - 18.59 350 525 19.00 - 19.59 225 325 20.00 - 20.59 275 425 21.00 - 21.59 400 600 22.00 - 22.59 375 550 2. 2 SPLIT SPOTS Split spots consist of two spots that relate to one another in their creative design and are intended to run within the same block of advertising. The total price for split spots is calculated on the basis of the price for each of the spots plus a 5% supplement. The supplement is applied to the base price for all split spot broadcasts in a campaign. 2. 3 MULTISPOT Multispot is characterised by having 2 or more ads in the same spot, with no natural connection between them. The price for this type of spot is calculated with a supplement of 15% on the base price for each individual spot. TV 2 Advertising Sales will decide whether a given case involves a multispot. For more information please contact TV 2 Advertising Sales. 2. 4 DIFFERENT SPOT LENGTHS The table below shows the price index for different spot lengths. Price calculation is based on the principle that a 30-second spot = index 100. The table shows the index applicable to spot lengths of 5-60 seconds. SPOT LENGTH (SECONDS) PRICE INDEX 5 45 10 58 20 80 30 100 40 124 50 146 60 168 Spots can only be sold in multiples of 5 seconds. 2. 5 ANNUAL AGREEMENT The annual agreement is a written agreement between the advertiser and TV 2 Advertising Sales concerning the advertiser’s expected purchase of advertising time on TV 2 Fri within a calendar year. An annual agreement ensures an advertiser of all the benefits associated with the agreed annual expenditure right from the first campaign. See allowances, terms of payment and general terms and conditions under the menu heading “General”. TV 2 NEWS TV 2 NEWS broadcasts news updates round the clock and covers breaking news minute by minute. 800,000 Danes watch TV 2 NEWS for 45 minutes each day, and with 1.7 million viewers per week, TV 2 NEWS is the seventh biggest channel in Denmark. TV 2 NEWS provides objective and serious news coverage with in-depth analysis and commentary of and on financial markets and news events both in Denmark and abroad. TV 2 NEWS broadcasts up to five magazine programmes a day on finance, politics, the media and culture. The programmes “Mogensen & Kristiansen”, ”Tirsdagsanalysen” [The Tuesday Analysis], ”Ellemann | Lykketoft”, ”Presselogen” [The Press Box] and ”Kulturen på NEWS” [Culture on NEWS] are in-depth, put sharp, critical questions and debate the issues from a variety of viewpoints. TV 2 NEWS can be accessed via TV, tv2.dk, Facebook and mobile phones and is available to Danes wherever they are – at home, at work, on the bus or train during their commute, in waiting rooms, banks, fitness centres, while out shopping and in hotels. TV 2 NEWS is for all Danes, but is skewed towards the 21-50 audience. Advertising blocks on TV 2 NEWS are a good choice for those looking to reach Danes who are interested in the economy, politics and business. TV 2 NEWS COMMERCIAL PARTNERSHIPS We offer advertisers the opportunity to be part of the news channel for the whole of Denmark. We have commercial partnerships available as annual, quarterly or monthly packages. The annual packages also include broadcasts in connection with the news on TV 2 National. This is a fantastic opportunity for advertisers with a B2B focus or whose target group is the top sector of Denmark’s business community. Contact TV 2 Advertising Sales for more information about the details of the terms and conditions for these offers. ANNUAL PACKAGE We offer advertisers the opportunity to enter into an annual partnership with TV 2 NEWS. An annual commercial partnership with TV 2 NEWS includes 1,500 TRPs on TV 2 NEWS, 2.7 million impressions on nyhederne.tv2.dk/finans.tv2.dk and 250 TRPs on TV 2 in connection with news broadcasts. Price: from DKK 4,275,000. It is also possible to enter into a partnership that does not include broadcasts in connection with the News on TV 2. Price: From DKK 3,625,000. QUARTERLY PACKAGE A quarterly commercial partnership with TV 2 NEWS includes 350 TRPs on TV 2 NEWS and 400,000 impressions on nyhederne.tv2.dk/finans.tv2.dk. Price: from DKK 875,000. MONTHLY PACKAGE A monthly commercial partnership with TV 2 NEWS includes 100 TRPs on TV 2 NEWS. Price: from DKK 260,000. TV 2 REGIONERNE [TV 2 REGIONS] TV 2’s regions, Regionerne, amass 1.3 million Danes every day when we broadcast local news from our 8 regions. The programmes are tailored to the local population and focus on current affairs as the viewers see them in Jutland, in the Danish Capital Region, or on Bornholm, Zealand or Funen. The advertising block is also adapted to local viewers. A spot gives you effective and targeted contact with customers in your own region, whether you are looking to grow sales or increase brand recognition. Working with TV 2, you get the fantastic opportunity to combine your regional TV ads with a local message on tv2.dk. As a regional advertiser, your product gets prime time exposure. Just like last year, in 2014 TV 2’s regions will be offering a range of attractive product packages that make things extra easy for you. Get in touch with your regional advisor to hear more about the many options we have to offer and to find the best fit for your communications. TV 2/NORD [NORTH] BLOCK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12.10 300 300 300 350 400 350 250 300 350 350 300 250 17.15 800 800 700 750 850 700 400 700 700 700 650 650 18.05 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 2,750 2,100 2,750 3,250 3,500 3,500 3,250 19.30 7,700 8,250 8,525 8,250 8,250 6,600 4,675 6,050 8,250 8,250 7,700 6,050 19.55 7,000 7,500 7,750 7,500 7,500 6,000 4,250 5,500 7,500 7,750 7,000 5,500 22.30 6,500 7,000 6,500 6,500 7,000 6,000 4,500 6,000 6,500 5,500 5,000 4,500 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 30 17 30 21 E: nord@tv2.dk TV 2/MIDT-VEST [CENTRAL-WESTERN] BLOCK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12.10 400 400 450 500 500 450 300 400 450 450 400 350 17.15 1,100 1,000 950 1,000 900 650 450 600 650 650 850 750 18.05 4,500 4,500 4,250 4,250 4,250 3,500 2,500 3,500 4,000 4,000 3,750 3,250 19.30 9,625 9,625 9,625 9,625 7,700 5,500 7,700 9,075 9,625 9,350 7,700 19.55 8,750 8,750 9,250 8,750 8,750 7,000 5,000 7,000 8,250 8,750 8,500 7,000 22.30 8,000 8,000 8,500 9,500 10,000 8,500 5,500 8,500 9,000 7,500 6,500 5,500 10,175 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 30 17 30 21 E: midt-vest@tv2.dk TV 2/ØSTJYLLAND [EAST JUTLAND] BLOCK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12.10 350 450 450 500 5,500 450 350 450 450 450 450 400 17.15 850 800 700 600 650 550 400 700 700 750 650 750 18.05 4,250 4,500 4,750 4,250 4,250 3,750 3,250 4,250 4,250 5,000 4,500 4,250 19.30 9,900 10,450 19.55 9,000 9,500 9,750 22.30 7,000 8,000 8,000 10,725 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 30 17 31 77 E: oestjylland@tv2.dk 10,725 10,450 9,350 6,600 9,350 10,725 9,750 9,500 8,500 6,000 8,500 9,750 8,500 9,500 7,500 5,500 8,000 8,000 11,825 11,000 9,900 10,750 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,500 9,000 TV SYD [SOUTH] BLOCK JAN FEB 12.10 500 300 17.15 1,500 1,700 18.05 6,000 6,500 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 300 350 300 200 300 600 600 550 500 1,700 1,600 1,200 1,000 900 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,400 1,300 6,000 5,500 5,500 4,750 3,500 5,000 5,500 5,500 6,000 6,000 300 19.30 13,200 14,025 14,025 13,200 12,650 11,000 19.55 12,000 12,750 12,750 12,000 11,500 10,000 7,500 10,000 22.30 11,000 10,500 8,500 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 30 17 29 48 E: syd@tv2.dk 9,000 9,500 8,250 11,000 8,500 6,000 9,000 12,650 13,200 12,925 12,100 11,500 12,000 11,750 11,000 9,000 9,000 9,500 8,000 TV 2/FYN [FUNEN] BLOCK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12.10 250 200 200 200 200 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 17.15 750 500 550 600 450 550 250 400 550 550 600 650 18.05 3,500 3,500 2,750 2,750 2,500 2,200 1,900 2,500 2,400 2,750 2,750 2,400 19.30 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 6,875 4,400 6,050 7,150 7,700 6,325 6,050 19.55 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,250 4,000 5,500 6,500 7,000 5,750 5,500 22.30 6,500 6,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 6,000 4,250 6,500 6,500 5,000 4,500 4,250 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 30 17 31 12 E: fyn@tv2.dk LORRY BLOCK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12.10 1,000 1,200 1,300 1,500 1,600 1,400 950 1,300 1,400 1,400 1,300 1,100 17.15 3,000 3,000 2,750 2,500 2,750 2,300 1,600 2,750 3,000 3,000 3,250 3,000 10,500 10,000 8,500 7,000 9,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 10,500 18.05 10,000 11,000 10,500 19.30 23,100 25,300 26,400 25,850 25,850 20,900 14,300 20,900 26,950 26,950 24,750 24,750 19.55 21,000 23,000 24,000 23,500 23,500 19,000 13,000 19,000 24,500 24,500 22,500 22,500 22.30 18,000 18,500 21,500 15,000 21,500 22,000 22,500 21,000 19,000 18,000 20,500 24,500 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 30 10 02 83 E: lorry@tv2.dk TV 2 ØST [EAST] BLOCK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12.10 450 450 500 600 600 550 400 500 550 550 500 450 17.15 900 800 900 650 700 600 550 750 800 950 1,000 900 19.05 3,500 3,500 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,000 2,200 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,250 19.30 8,250 8,525 8,800 9,350 8,250 7,150 5,225 7,150 7,425 8,250 8,250 7,700 19.55 7,500 7,750 8,000 8,500 7,500 6,500 4,750 6,500 6,750 7,500 7,500 7,000 22.30 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 7,000 5,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,500 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 30 17 31 12 E: oest@tv2.dk TV 2/BORNHOLM BLOCK JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 12.10 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 17.15 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 19.05 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 19.30 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 19.55 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 22.30 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Contact your regional adviser on: T: 20 24 39 79 E: bornholm@tv2.dk tv2.dk Over recent years, TV 2 has launched a series of products that guarantee that your campaigns will be seen. As an advertiser, you thus only pay for banners that are displayed on the user’s screen. International analyses show that 50% of all banner displays are never seen. You can add to that the well-known marketing maxim that “50% of your marketing is wasted – you just don’t know which bits.” In 2014, the time has come to do something about the wasted 50%. 1. IMPRESSIONS THAT WORK 1. 1 IN-SCREEN In a standard banner campaign running across the common formats, at present only 50% of the banners are seen and can have an impact. TV 2 works on a continual basis with eye-tracking and inscreen analyses in order to ensure the optimal placement of our banners so that they will be seen by the greatest possible number of potential customers and provide maximum effectiveness. Moreover, TV 2 is continuing with its in-screen product, which means that you, as an advertiser, only pay for the impressions that make it in-screen on a user’s screen. You therefore do not need to worry about whether you are on the first, second or fourth screen. PRODUCT In-screen CPM 30 CPM 1. 2 SUPERVIEW Analyses show that users are increasingly scrolling more quickly down web pages. In order to ensure visibility and the ability for messages to be understood, TV 2 is launching the Superview format. Superview is the traditional top banner with the feature that the banner follows down screen during scrolling for the first 8 seconds, before returning to the top of the page. The format works across all platforms and can also be used to ensure greater awareness on tablets. PRODUCT CPM Superview 60 CPM 1. 3 COVERAGE AND DOMINANCE Coverage and Dominance was launched in 2013 as a new way of conceiving of ownership. The product takes account of the changed behaviour of users, with the front page no longer being the natural point of entry. Access to TV 2 is increasingly taking place via links on social media sites and via search engines. At the same time analyses show that the impact of the first impression is far greater than subsequent impressions, measured in terms of parameters such as clicks and awareness-raising. This is further demonstrated by the fact that Coverage and Dominance achieves the same campaign memorability using wallpaper with a frequency of 1 as traditional ownerships achieve with a frequency of 3. Coverage and Dominance ensures you of maximum visibility, maximum coverage and maximum effectiveness. PRODUCT CPM Coverage and Dominance 110 CPM In addition, TV 2 still offers its traditional Ownerships, and the First Ownership. OWNERSHIPS Ownerships – Weekday DKK 66,000 Ownerships – Weekend DKK 40,000 Expand - Weekday DKK 70,000 Expand - Weekend DKK 45,000 News - Weekday DKK 55,000 News - Weekend DKK 35,000 Sport - Weekday DKK 22,500 Sport - Weekend DKK 22,500 TV 2 First - Weekday DKK 95,000 TV 2 First - Weekend DKK 75,000 1. 4 ONLINE VIDEO In collaboration with Specific Media, TV 2 has built up Denmark’s largest web TV network. With a coverage of over 50%, you as an advertiser get the opportunity to optimise the coverage of your TV spot beyond TV 2’s programming and tv2.dk. When TV 2 and Specific Media utilise our shared knowledge about our users to target your campaign, this gives you the opportunity to buy access to current TV target groups and behavioural targeting segments. In order to ensure maximum visibility, users can only close the ad after 15 seconds. ONLINE VIDEO 12+ 160 CPM Target group 190 CPM Managed placement 180 CPM Magazine sponsorship (DD+spons.) 130 CPM 1. 5 ONLINE VIDEO MAGAZINE TV 2 produces a range of magazine programmes for tv2.dk, including Bilmagasinet [Car Magazine], Din Økonomi [Your Economy] and Beep Magasinet [Beep Magazine]. Sponsorship of an Online Video magazine consists of a 4-second sponsor’s logo and the Coverage and Dominance format enclosing the video. 1. 6 BRANDING BANNER If you want a lot of space, a branding banner is the ideal option for you. At 930 x 960 pixels strategically located at various points around the site, it offers great opportunities for creative expression and tremendous visibility. BRANDING BANNER Front page + News - Weekday DKK 30,000 Front page + News - Weekend DKK 25,000 2. TARGET YOUR CAMPAIGN One of the biggest buzz words in digital marketing is data. Unfortunately, data sources have so far by and large been limited to advertisers’ own data. In 2014, advertisers will be able to combine their own data with data from TV 2. TV 2 collects data about demographics, geography, semantics and interests in order to ensure that you can target your campaign. 2. 1 DEMOGRAPHICS We will tailor your campaigns for demographic variables based on login data. In 2014, the TV 2 login will be integrated into all TV 2’s digital activities, and individual users will then be presented with relevant messages. 2. 2 GEOGRAPHY Geographic targeting has long been based on the user’s current location, irrespective of whether this is far away from his/her home or normal shopping areas. In 2014, advertisers on tv2.dk will be able to geo-segment by a user’s home location instead of his/her current one. 2. 3 SEMANTICS Semantic targeting is a technique that makes it possible to deliver targeted advertising on web pages and can help advertisers to increase the effectiveness of their campaigns. Ads that users see on tv2.dk are tailored to the content of a page. TV 2 carries out semantic analyses of all its web pages, and is thus able to tailor ads to the subject that a page relates to. TARGETING Geo, current location +5 CPM Geo, based on home location +10 CPM Demographics +10 CPM Semantics +15 CPM Segments/interests Tier 1 +5 CPM Tier 2 +10 CPM Tier 3 +15 EXAMPLES: Tier 1 General sites, Sport, Go, Weather Tier 2 Behavioural Targeting and niche sites (e.g. Beep, the fashion section on GO, etc.) Tier 3 Details, fields or areas, e.g. user read about iPhones 2. 4 MANAGED PLACEMENTS/INTERESTS The broad scope of tv2.dk’s content means that users’ interests can be mapped based on whether they visit the fashion section on go.tv2.dk, read the pollen figures on vejret.tv2.dk or hear about software updates for the latest iPhone on beep.tv2.dk. MANAGED PLACEMENTS Beep 65 CPM Money 65 CPM Go 45 CPM News 50 CPM Sport 35 CPM TV schedules 50 CPM Weather 50 CPM Other 40 CPM 3. DISCOUNT 3. 1 ANNUAL AGREEMENTS Advertisers that spend over DKK 200,000 are offered the chance to enter into an annual agreement. An annual agreement is a written agreement between the advertiser and TV 2 Advertising Sales concerning the advertiser's expected expenditure on purchasing advertising space on tv2.dk over a calendar year. An annual agreement ensures an advertiser of all the benefits associated with the agreed annual expenditure right from the first campaign. An exceptional discount of 5% is offered when a written annual agreement is entered into. If the agreed amount is not redeemed, the exceptional reward will be cancelled and the customer will subsequently be billed for the full reward of 5% plus a retrospective adjustment of the expenditure discount in line with the actual final expenditure. VOLUME BONUS 10-25,000 5.0% 25–50,000 7.5% 50-60,000 10% 60-75,000 12.5% 75-100,000 15% 100-150,000 20% 150-200,000 22% 200-299,999 25% > 300,000 Agreed individually New bizz 15% 3. 2 NEW BUSINESS DISCOUNT Advertisers who have not marketed themselves on tv2.dk during the last 24 months will be offered a new business discount of 15%. The discount will be applied to the first campaign period booked. Contact your advisor for further information. 4. SPECIFICATIONS See information about banner specifications at tv2media.dk/bannerspecifikationer. You are more than welcome to contact your adviser, who will help you and ensure that your online advertising is a success. See allowances, terms of payment and general terms and conditions under the menu heading “General”. TV 2 MOBILE Around 70% of Danes now have a smartphone. We take it with us everywhere, and we check it an average of 150 times a day. We use it to communicate with others, but we also use it to organise our day-to-day lives, navigate, read the news, for entertainment purposes and to look at product information – 38% of us have tried out buying goods from our mobiles. Mobile phones have changed the game when it comes to the media, and they give you, the advertiser, unique opportunities to interact with your customers. TV 2 currently enjoys over 25 million visits each month across our mobile platforms. With our apps and mobile sites, we are able to offer a range of solutions that can meet your needs. 1. PRODUCTS If you are looking for a broad spread in relation to deal-based advertising, open days, product launches, etc., TV 2 offers a range of mobile display products. Your message will be shown across our apps and mobile sites, making it possible to hit the greatest number of segments. 1. 1 TARGET YOUR CAMPAIGN TV 2 has a range of mobile universes, including news, sport, weather, lifestyle and gadgets. These universes have different target groups and characteristics, which makes it possible to target campaigns so that they run in a relevant environment or target a specific target group. TV 2’s range of apps provide some unique opportunities that are not otherwise possible through mobile advertising, one example being frequency capping, which is only possible for around 1/3 of users on mobile sites. 1. 2 CREATIVE FORMATS Today’s most-used formats include cube swipe and inline video. Cube swipe makes it possible to have multiple messages on the same banner, and lets users interact with the banner. Inline video makes it possible to run your ad on mobiles and have it displayed full screen. 1. 3 GET CUSTOMERS IN YOUR SHOP WITH TV 2 VOUCHER Mobile phones are a unique media, as they make location-specific marketing possible. With our TV 2 Voucher product, you can increase footfall in your shop using a limited offer. TV 2 Voucher can be combined with the Store Locator function so that you can lead customers straight to your door. MOBILE RUNNING APPS/SITE 30 CPM MANAGED PLACEMENT, SITES AND FORMAT 40 CPM INLINE VIDEO 40 CPM OWNERSHIP MOBILE SITE 320X120 DKK 10,000 GEO-SEGMENTATION +5 CPM RICH MEDIA FUNCTIONS +5 CPM 2. SPECIFICATIONS See information about banner specifications at tv2media.dk/bannerspecifikationer . You are more than welcome to contact your adviser, who will help you and ensure that your online advertising is a success. See allowances, terms of payment and general terms and conditions under the menu heading “General”. TELETEXT TV 2’s Teletext service has kept 1.5 million Danes up-to-date for many years. It is a medium used by young and old alike, and which can now be accessed from across three platforms: TV, the Internet and mobiles. Teletext goes wherever you go. Teletext is a commercial medium that continues to demonstrate its effectiveness for advertisers. This medium offers considerable coverage among the Danish population and great opportunities for changing messages easily and quickly, both on banners and index pages – without production costs! Teletext is effective for a broad spectrum of advertisers across all sectors and can be used both as a lone medium and in conjunction with tv2.dk or our TV media, for example. 1. SPECIFICATIONS See information about colours and fonts on Teletext page 899. You are more than welcome to contact your adviser, who will help you and ensure that your teletext advertising is a success. 2. PRICES INDEX PAGES AND BANNERS PRODUCT Index page including page b PAGES OF TELETEXT PER WEEK 6,300 SUBPAGES PER WEEK 2,500 BANNERS ON TELETEXT TELETEXT BANNER TELETEXT BANNER PER WEEK Page 100 13,500 News 12,000 Sport 11,000 TV guide 12,000 Weather 7,500 Travel 5,000 12+ Teletext Other 10,000 Ask your TV 2 advisor 3. DISCOUNTS EXPENDITURE DISCOUNT NEW BIZZ DISCOUNT ANNUAL AGREEMENT DISCOUNT 0 - 79,999 5% 15% 10% 80,000 124,999 10% 15% 10% 125,000 149,999 12% 15% 10% 150,000 174,999 15% 15% 10% 175,000 199,999 17% 15% 10% 15% 10% 200,000 + Agreed individually 20% EXTRA For every 10% that you increase your expenditure compared to the 2013 level, TV 2 Advertising Sales will reward this with an extra 20% in products (teletext banners) at the current gross price. NEW BUSINESS PACKAGES Advertisers who have not advertised on TV 2's Teletext during the last 24 months may be granted a new business discount on their first Teletext campaign. A 15% discount will be applied to the first campaign period booked. 4-WEEK NEW BUSINESS PACKAGE Index page 25,20 Banners 12+ 40,00 New Bizz discount Net price Price per day 50% 32,60 1,165 12-WEEK NEW BUSINESS PACKAGE Index page Banners 12+ New Bizz discount Net price Price per day ANNUAL AGREEMENT Advertisers that enter into an annual agreement with TV 2 Advertising Sales will be granted an additional 10% discount on expenditure after the expenditure discount. 75,600 120,00 60% 78,240 932 GENERAL 1. ALLOWANCES AND COMMISSION Allowances and commission are calculated on the basis of the gross price of the campaign, net of order-related and advertisers' discounts, and are deducted when the campaign is billed. Pre-pay customers will be allocated allowances and commission on a separate credit note after payment. 1. 1 SECURITY ALLOWANCE A 1% security allowance is available for all ad campaigns on TV 2. The security allowance is granted to orderers that provide security of payment in the form of participation in [the Danish creative industries’ trade association] Creativity & Communication’s ”Guarantee scheme for selected Danish media”, a demand guarantee, escrow or pre-payment by 14 days prior to the start of the campaign. 1. 2 ONLINE AND CAMPAIGN HANDLING ALLOWANCE A 0.5% online and campaign handling allowance is available for TV and teletext campaigns. This allowance is granted to advertising and media agencies that use Medialink. 1. 3 AGENCY COMMISSION A 5% agency commission is available for all regional TV and teletext campaigns. The commission is granted to advertising and media agencies that have provided security or that pre-pay. Regional campaigns at national price are subject to the national rules in respect of the payment of allowances. 1. 4 INFORMATION ALLOWANCE A 2% information allowance is available for all ad campaigns on tv2.dk. This allowance is granted to advertising and media agencies that have provided security or that pre-pay. 1. 5 TECHNICAL ALLOWANCE A 4% technical allowance is available for all ad campaigns on tv2.dk. This allowance is granted to advertising and media agencies that comply with TV 2’s technical requirements and have either provided security or pre-pay. 2. TERMS OF PAYMENT All orderers who provide continuous security will be billed the Tuesday after each booking month and will have a payment due date of 30 days after date of invoice. The security to be put up is calculated based on the two consecutive months with the largest expenditure during the preceding 12 months, but must nonetheless be at least DKK 200,000. Orderers who have provided continuous security (by means of participation in [the Danish creative industries' trade association] Creativity & Communication's "Guarantee scheme for selected Danish media", a demand guarantee or escrow) may enter into an agreement with TV 2’s Finance Department concerning an early payment discount. Pre-paying orderers should note that pre-payment must have reached TV 2 by at least 14 days prior to the start of the campaign in question. The right to an allowance shall cease to apply in the event of failure to comply with the terms of payment. In the event of late payment, default interest of 1% will be added to the amount due at the beginning of each month. 3. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 3. 1 LIABILITY FOR THE CONTENT OF TV ADVERTISEMENTS The advertiser/orderer is liable for ensuring that a television advertisement is not in contravention of the law, including that it does not violate the rights of third parties. This applies irrespective of TV 2’s acceptance of the television advertisement for broadcast. The advertiser/orderer guarantees that its television advertisement has been lawfully recorded and that any necessary permits were obtained. The advertiser/orderer shall hold harmless TV2 and anyone else involved in the broadcasting of the television advertisement from any loss that they may incur as a result of the broadcast of an unlawful television advertisement. TV 2 is at all times obliged to reject television advertisements that it finds to be in contravention of applicable law. TV 2 is also entitled to reject television advertisements that it deems unsuitable for broadcast. 3. 2 COMPLAINTS CONCERNING FAILURE TO BROADCAST, ETC. In the event of failure to broadcast, broadcast of the wrong television advertisement, incomplete broadcast or other material faults on TV 2’s part, the orderer is entitled to a refund of the amount paid for the broadcast in question. Where picture or sound is lost in part(s) of the transmission area, a corresponding percentage of the amount paid shall be refunded. No refund is due where less than 10% of the transmission area loses sound/pictures. The orderer may not make any other claims against TV 2. Claims must be made in writing no later than five days after the date of transmission. Claims in respect of television advertisements that are scheduled to be re-broadcast before the passing of this five-day deadline must be made immediately, however. 3. 3 CESSATION OF BROADCAST OF AN ADVERTISEMENT TV 2 is entitled to reject, restrict or cease broadcast of an advertisement in circumstances such as the following: 1. In the event of intervention by a public authority or legitimate objections to continuing to broadcast the advertisement; 2. Where the advertisement is not received in good time, or where the material submitted does not satisfy the technical specifications. 3. 4 REJECTION OF TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS FOR COMPETITORS TV 2 will reject advertisements that are deemed to have a potentially significant negative impact on TV 2 in terms of a loss of viewers and/or income. A decision to reject an advertisement will be based on a specific evaluation of: The significance of the competitive relationship; The form and content of the specific advertisement in question 3 . 5 FREE LEGAL ADVICE TV 2 is obliged to ensure that all advertisements that are shown on TV 2 comply with applicable legislation. In order to avoid a situation whereby we have to reject an advertisement, TV 2 offers to evaluate the lawfulness of advertisements even at the draft stage. However, liability for the lawfulness of the advertisement in question remains with the advertiser/orderer, irrespective of TV 2’s evaluation. For more information please call TV 2’s Legal Department on 39 75 75 75.