June - Mcpf
June - Mcpf
MCPF Print & PDI Championships MCPF Guide & Directory Updates MCPF Events Midland Salon Smethwick PS Yardley BPE Exhibition David Keith Jones FRPS DPAGB Grange PS Exhibition Rugeley & Armitage CC Ironbridge Photo Competition PAGB Inter-Club PDI Competition PAGB Inter-Fed Print & PDI Competition MCPF Seminar Permajet ND COUN DLA I T M FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA S P E I Midland Counties Photographic Federation www.mcpf.co.uk Your Federation Your Club Working Together U N D E D 1907 e-Newsletter Contact the editor: Issue 62 June 2014 Roger Barker LRPS 24 Arthur Street WELLINGBOROUGH Northants NN8 3HH Tel: 01933 279554 email: newsletter@mcpf.co.uk ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 MCPF Print and PDI Championships Roger Parry ARPS EFIAP Hon.PAGB DPAGB 2014 Championship Results Judged by: Phil Chrnock FRPS MFIAP (L&CPU) Gwen Charnock FRPS MFIAP (L&CPU) Jan Cawley EFIAP/s (WPF) Print Championship 2014 Prints 1st Round 193 188 181 181 178 175 179 177 Smethwick PS Stafford PS Arden PG Duston CC Tamworth PC Cannock PS Leicester Forest PS Lichfield CC 2nd Round 133 131 130 124 126 127 122 123 Total Position 326 319 311 305 304 302 301 300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Position 337 314 311 306 305 301 301 297 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 PDI Championship 2014 PDI 1st Round 199 181 183 181 179 177 175 180 Smethwick PS Stafford PS Arden PG Duston CC Solihull Tamworth PC Wolverhampton PS Cannock PS 2 2nd Round 138 133 128 125 126 124 126 117 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 MCPF Print and PDI Championships Roger Parry ARPS EFIAP Hon.PAGB DPAGB Individual Results Congratulations to the following Clubs/Societies who will be representing the Midland Counties at the PAGB Inter-Federation Club Championships PDI’s - Stafford PS and Duston CC with Smethwick PS, Cannock PS and Arden PG (for finishing in the top 8 at last years PAGB Championship) Prints - Stafford PS and Duston CC with Smethwick PS and Arden PG* (for finishing in the top 8 at last years PAGB Championship) *(Arden PG have withdrawn due to Bob Moore being one of the Judges.) Tickets for both PAGB Inter-Federation Club Championships are available (See the PAGB website for details) Best Colour Print Two Silhouettes - Barbara Hawthorne - Smethwick PS Best Monochrome Print Dodge City - Hilary Roberts - Leamington Spa PS Best PDI Dalmation Pelican Feeding - Margaret Tabner - Smethwick PS Jan Cawley Awards Colour Print - Into The Water - Jim Monk - Leicester Forest PS Monochrome Print - Shadows - David Gibson - Stafford PS PDI - Surrounded - Barbara Hawthorne - Smethwick PS Gwen Charnock Awards Colour Print - The Wall - Tim Pile - Smethwick PS Monochrome Print - Ruck - Dick Prior - Stratford PG PDI - You Are What You Eat - Alain Rollei - Wolverhampton PS Phil Charnock Awards Colour Print - Nine Lives - Claire Ackford - Duston CC Monochrome Print - La Pedrera Barcelona - Mike Wright - Coventry PS PDI - When Things Go Wrong - John Hartshorne - Lichfield CC 3 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Secretary Mary Jenkins APAGB MCPF Guide and Directory 2013 update no.8 June 2014 Council members: Travelling Portfolio Secretary Bob Hudson Email: portfoliosec@mcpf.co.uk Telephone 07790 975 444 Club contact changes from 25th April 2014 Aston & Erdington Photographic Society New Secretary and main contact: Steve Johnson 47 Harcourt Drive, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands. B74 4LJ. Tel: 0121 353 5034 e-mail: steve.johnson01@orange.net Dunchurch Photographic Society Website is www.dunchurchps.com (not .co.uk at the end) Gloucester Camera Club New secretary and main contact Martin Cooper. Charnwood, Brownshill, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 8AS Tel: 01453 887786 email: martin_cooper50@hotmail.co.uk 4 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Secretary Mary Jenkins APAGB MCPF Events 2014 Wednesday 4th June to Saturday 7th June Photofolio Exhibition The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 2AS contact photofolio@mcpf.co.uk Saturday 7th June MCPF Annual General Meeting The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 2AS Contact sec@mcpf.co.uk Special Showing of Photofolio accepted Projected Digital Images Saturday 19th July Closing date for entries into Midland Salon Any queries mail info@midland-salon.com For details of entry visit www.midland-salon.com Saturday 12th July PAGB Inter-club Projected Digital Image Championship Warwick Arts Centre Tickets £5.00 apply to PAGB Details see ticket application form Saturday 13th September to Sunday 21st September Midland Salon The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury West Midlands B69 2AS Contact chairman@midland-salon.com Saturday 20th September MCPF General Meeting The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 2AS Contact sec@mcpf.co.uk Sunday 19th October General Seminar The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 2AS Tickets £10.00 Details on MCPF website , May newsletter Contact Mike Chapman seminarsec@mcpf.co.uk Saturday 25th October PAGB Inter-club Print Championship Edge Hill University Tickets from the PAGB More details are available on the home page of the MCPF website www.mcpf.co.uk Please also browse the MCPF newsletter links for ticket applications 5 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 6 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 65th Midland Salon of International Photography FIAP Patronage No: 2014/211 UPI Patronage No: L140008-M6G6S RPS Patronage No: RPS 2014/27 The Exhibition of Prints and Projected Digital Images will be held at The Old School House, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands. th st 13 to 21 SEPTEMBER 2014 SIX SECTIONS, Two Print & Four PDI with a total of 147 AWARDS. PSA MEDALS FIAP MEDALS MONOCHROME Open / Libre COLOUR Open / Libre 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Silver 1 Bronze 1 Silver 1 Bronze 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver OPEN MONOCHROME Libre 1 Gold 1 Silver, 1 Bronze (PID Monochrome) 1 Gold 1 Silver, 1 Bronze (PID Colour) 1 Gold 1 Silver, 1 Bronze 1 Gold 1 Silver, 1 Bronze ( PID Colour) 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 3 Medals 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 3 Medals 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 3 Medals 1 Gold 1 Silver 1 Silver 1 Gold 1 Silver 3 Medals AWARDS PRINTS / PHOTOS DIGITAL PROJECTED IMAGES OPEN COLOUR Libre NATURE Open / Libre CREATIVE RPS MEDALS UPI MEDALS MCPF MEDALS 3 Medals 3 Medals In addition there will be a total of 18 FIAP, 12 PSA, 12 RPS, 24 UPI and 12 MCPF Ribbons awarded. ENTRIES THAT ARRIVE WITHOUT THE CORRECT FEES WILL NOT BE JUDGED OR RETURNED AND NO CATALOGUE WILL BE SENT. ENTRY FEES (per entrant per section) U.K. Entrants Only Overseas and Europe 1 Section £9 1 Section $17 (€12) Each additional section £3 each additional section $6 (€5) IF YOU WISH PRINT ENTRIES TO BE RETURNED, ADD RETURN POSTAGE FOR PRINT ENTRIES UK Flat Fee £8 plus 25p for each mounted print included. OVERSEAS & EUROPE Flat Fee $16 (€12) plus 1$ (€1) for each un-mounted print. YOU MAY ENTER ELECTRONICALLY ON LINE via: www.midland-salon.com PAYMENT CAN BE MADE ON LINE USING CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS THROUGH PAYPAL (PayPal account not required). ENTRANTS CAN COMPLETE THEIR ENTRY FORMS AND MAKE PAYMENT ELECTRONICALLY BEFORE SENDING THEIR WORK. 7 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This exhibition will follow the recommended procedures of PSA for specific recognition and FIAP general regulations. The exhibition is open to all photographers throughout the world. The right to reproduce entries in the catalogue will be assumed and normal copyright rules will be strictly followed. Each participant will receive an individual notification of his results. Each participant who has paid the entry fee and who has respected the conditions of entry will receive a free copy of the catalogue, whether or not the work has been accepted. 6. The decision of the jury will be final and without appeal. 7. The organisers will take great care of the entered work but decline all responsibility in case of loss, theft or deterioration during transit or during the exhibition and/or projection. 8. By the virtue of his/her participation the author accepts these regulations. 9. All parts of any picture must have been photographed by the author. 10. The entrant must be the owner of all rights of the submitted works. Prints: (Two Sections) Monochrome - Colour Up to four prints, maximum size - 50cm x 40cm, may be entered in each section. An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging for each section. Prints can be submitted either mounted or un-mounted. Overseas prints should be sent un-mounted.. The back of each print must have, in legible writing: Name, address and Country of the author - The title of the work Projected Digital Images (Electronic Files) (Four Sections) Open Monochrome - Open Colour – Creative - Nature Up to four Images may be submitted in each section in JPEG format with preferred Colour Space sRGB. An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging for each section. Required image size: Maximum 1400 pixels horizontal and/or 1050 pixels vertical. Image File Name: Your image files must be numbered from 1 to 4 in the entry form order followed by the title. Example: 1.Title of Image.jpg - 2.Title of Image.jpg - 3.Title of Image.jpg - 4.Title of Image.jpg The title must be as you would wish it to appear in the catalogue therefore no other information, special characters or separators should be included in the file name. Our projection background is black please DO NOT fill empty space or add large borders. Images must be submitted on line at www.midland-salon.com. THE SAME IMAGE MUST NOT BE SUBMITTED INTO MORE THAN ONE SECTION. IMAGES PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED IN MIDLAND SALONS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS EXHIBITION. RÈGLEMENTS 1. Le salon est ouvert aux photographes du monde entier. 2. Sauf indication expresse de l’auteur, la reproduction des oeuvres dans le catalogue est comprise. En cette matière, les droits d’auteur seront strictement respectês. 3. Chaque auteur recevra la notification individuelle de ses résultats. 4. Chaque auteur, ayant payé le droit de participation et ayant respecté les conditions, recevra gratuitement un catalogue, que ses oeuvres soient acceptées ou non. 5. Les décisions du jury sont sans appel. 6. L’organisateur apportera tous les soins lors de la manipulation des oeuvres photographiques présentées, mais décline toute responsabilité en cas de perte, vol détérioration , soit pendant le transport, soit pendant l’exposition et/ou la projection. 7. Toutes les oeuvres, exposées ou projetées ou non, seront renvoyées aux participants. 8. Par sa participation, le concurrent reconnaît accepter les conditions du règlement Photos - Monochrome et Couleur, Libre. Quatre photos max. 50cm x 40cm peuvent être soumises dans chaque discipline. Les quatre images d'un participant seront distribués tout au long de quatre tours de sélection pour chaque section. Les photos d’outremer seront préferées non montées. Chaque photo devrait porter en caractères d’imprimerie, les indications suivantes: Nom, adresse et pays de l’auteur . Titre de l’oeuvre dans une des langues de la FIAP Electronic Images – Monochrome et Couleur, Libre; Nature; Experimental. ALL SECTIONS. Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and / or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website. The exhibition assumes no liability for any misuse of copyright. Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the maker and artwork or computer graphics created by the entrant may be incorporated if the photographic content predominates. (Subject to divisional restrictions). 8 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 PSA. Nature (PSA & FIAP Definitions) MCPF Events Calendar 2014 Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict observations from all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well informed person will be able to identify the subject material and to certify as to its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements enhance the nature story. The presence of scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals is permissible. Photographs of artificially produced hybrid plants or animals, mounted specimens, or obviously set arrangements, are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. No techniques that add to, relocate, replace or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content are permitted. All adjustments must appear natural. Colour images may be converted to grayscale monochrome. Infrared images are not allowed. FIAP. Nature photography depicts living, untamed animals and uncultivated plants in a natural habitat, geology and the wide diversity of natural phenomena, from insects to icebergs. Photographs of animals which are domesticated, caged or under any form of restraint, as well as photographs of cultivated plants are ineligible. Minimal evidence of humans is acceptable for nature subjects, such as barn owls or storks adapting to an environment modified by humans, or natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves, reclaiming it. The original image must have been taken by the photographer, whatever photographic medium is used. Any manipulation or modification to the original image is limited to minor retouching of blemishes and must not alter the content of the original scene. After satisfying the above requirements, every effort should be made to use the highest level of artistic skill in all nature photographs. PSA. Black & White (Monochrome) (PSA & FIAP Definitions) A monochrome image is defined as having varying shades of no more than one color (various shades of that color from very light to very dark) but it may be any single color. Multi-toned images (various shades of two or more colors) and greyscale images with an added accent color are not acceptable in Monochrome Class sections and must be entered in Color Class sections. FIAP. A black and white image is one with tones from very dark grey (black) to very clear grey (white) A black and white image toned entirely in a single colour will be able to stand in the black & white category and can be reproduced in black & white in the catalogue. On the other hand a black and white image modified by partial toning or by the addition of one colour to a part of the image becomes a colour image and should be entered in the colour category. This type of image will be reproduced in the colour pages of the catalogue. Creative/Experimental This category means different things to different people and therein lies the appeal for photographers who like to think outside the box. For the purpose of this Salon, there are other labels which cover this genre which include Abstract, Altered Reality, Contemporary, Creative, Surreal. The common thread is that this embraces a very diverse category of images made using an assortment of techniques and with equally varied intentions. All components of the image (which may include computer graphics) must have been created by the entrant (the inclusion of stock images is not permitted), and the photographic content should predominate. SPECIAL NOTES ON ENTRY FEES The preferred method of payment is by PayPal using a credit or debit card or a PayPal account. Prints will be returned “Surface Mail” ONLY where return postage has been received. All correspondence and enquiries should be addressed to: PETER YOUNG CPAGB AFIAP APAGB. Salon Chairman The Mill House, 166 Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove, Worcs, England e-mail: chairman@midland-salon.com 9 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 EXHIBITION CALENDAR 19th July 2014 25th to 27th July 2014 3rd August 2014 12th October 2014 Closing Date Judging Report Cards e-mailed or Mailed Entries, Catalogues & Awards Mailed SELECTORS Mono and Colour Prints and Open Monochrome Projected Digital Images Simon Allen MPAGB EFIAP Leo Palmer FRPS FPSA MPSA APAGB Libby Smith MPAGB EFIAP APAGB HonSPF Open Colour and Creative Projected Digital Images Nature Projected Digital Images Colin Harrison FRPS MFIAP EFIAP/g MPAGB Barry Mead FRPS MPAGB EFIAP/g Michael O'Sullivan FRPS FIPF Edmund Fellowes MPAGB ARPS Barry Mead FRPS MPAGB EFIAP/g Michael O'Sullivan FRPS FIPF PLEASE SEND ALL POSTAL ENTRIES TO: MIDLAND SALON of INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY c/o 25 WENTWORTH PARK AVENUE HARBORNE BIRMINGHAM B17 9QU UNITED KINGDOM 10 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Friday Focus at Smethwick Photographic Society I have managed to arrange a visit by Barry Beckham of Australia who will be visiting Smethwick on Friday 17th October 2014 (7.30 for 8pm start). Barry is a prolific AV worker and works very closely with WN Soft the makers of Pictures2Exe. Barry also produces a number of CD’s aimed at understanding Photoshop and Pictures2Exe which he will have available on the night. I wish to extend an invitation to any MCPF member interested in AV to attend this once in a lifetime opportunity to see Barry’s presentation. To book a place at this one off event e-mail: raydowding@btinternet.com I am expecting a full house so it is important to reserve your place. You will receive an E-Reservation Ticket that guarantees your seat, the £4 per ticket being payable on the night. Ray Dowding FRPS 11 FEDERATIO N FO HIC ND COUN DLA T MI PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 YARDLEY PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY ut the day. 3rd BPE EXHIBITION 2014 Castle Bromwich Methodist Church School Lane Shard End Birmingham B34 6SJ the day. 14 2014 Categories: 1. Monochrome Print Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals, 2. Colour Print Highly Commended and Commended 3. Nature Print Certificates in all Categories 4. Panel of four Related Prints (An image can only win one award) 5. General Projected Digital 6. Nature Projected Digital SELECTORS: For Panels, Nature Prints, Nature Projected Images Saturday 11th October 2014 Mr Don Byatt ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* Miss Barbara Lawton FRPS DPAGB Mr Peter Preece SELECTORS: For Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints and General Projected Images Sunday 12th October 2014 Mr Don Byatt ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* Ms Anne Sutcliffe FRPS Mr Peter Rees FRPS MPAGB EFIAP/P Exhibition Secretary:- Tom Mace BA Tel:- 01217493289 12 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 EXHIBITION PROGRAMME 11.00am Doors open for viewing of Prints. Projection of accepted Images throughout the day. 6.30pm PH 3 Presentation of awards Projection of accepted Images Refreshments will be available throughout the day. Categories: 1. Monochrom 2. Colour Prin 3. Nature Prin 4. Panel of fo 5. General Pr 6. Nature Pro SELECTO Exhibition Calendar Closing Date …………………21st September 2014 Judging Date……………........11th&12th October 2014 Notifications Posted………….24th October 2014 Exhibition …………….......….8th November 2014 Mr Do Miss B Mr Pet SELECTO Mr Do Ms An Mr Pe Exhibitio 13 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. Please use one ENTRY FORM per AUTHOR. Extra Entry Forms are available from the Exhibition Secretary and from our website www.yardleyps.co.uk Fees paid are not refundable . 2. Please do not submit the same image in more than one section. 3. British Photographic Exhibition Crown Awards :Acceptances in this Exhibition will count towards BPE “Crown Awards”. Exhibitors are invited to aggregate their acceptances in the affiliated exhibitions to apply without charge for a crown rating. 4. Each entrant will receive a Catalogue and free admission to the exhibition 5. Please include return postage and make cheques payable to YPS. 6. Prints including mount should be no larger than 50cm x 40cm. Author name and title should be written on the back of the mount . 7. Nature entries depicting cultured plants, domesticated animals or preserved specimens are not eligible. 8. Panels of four related prints should have a title& author name on each panel . You must indicate your display instructions on the back of the Panel .If NO instructions are indicated , then YPS committee will decide the best way to display the Panel. 9. Digital Projected Images should be submitted on CD and must be marked with the author’s name by using permanent marker pen. Individual author disks only DO NOT share disks. Files must be in .JPG format. Images must be either 1024 pixels wide x 768 pixels high or be on a canvas 1024 pixels wide x 768 pixels high. File name = Digital No.(Left Column of Entry Form) +Space + Title. ie.51 Title.JPG for First General Projected Digital. Author Name on Disk. All submitted disks will be destroyed after the exhibition . 14 10. The copyright The organisers catalogue and f 11. All reasonable accept liabilit CLOSING C Knowle Photogra 1652 High Street Smethwick Photo Club Rooms on T prior arrangemen The Old Schoolh Oldbury, West M Mary Jenkins By prior arrangem Stechford, Birmi Martin Coffey By prior arrangem 530 Hobmoor Rd Tom Mace By prior arrangem 24 Park Hall Cre All Prints will be Please address a Telephone 0121 Email :- exhibiti FEDERATIO N FO HIC ND COUN DLA T MI PHOTOGRA P IES ry on. wn Awards”. ffiliated the exhibition YPS. m. Author als or e on each he back of ommittee will ust be pen. xels 768 pixels e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 10. The copyright of every entry must be at the disposal of the author. The organisers reserve the right to reproduce accepted images in the catalogue and for publicity purposes . 11. All reasonable care will be taken with entries but the organisers cannot accept liability for loss or damage. CLOSING DATE 21st September 2014 Collection Points Knowle Photographic Tel 01564 774903 1652 High Street, Knowle, Solihull B93 0NA Smethwick Photographic Society Tel 0121 5520279 LAST COLLECTION Club Rooms on Thursday evenings or THURSDAY BEFORE prior arrangement. CLOSING DATE The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 2AS Mary Jenkins Tel 0121 628 6105 By prior arrangement or by post to 11c Mary Rd, Stechford, Birmingham, B33 8AR Martin Coffey Tel 0121 783 4521 By prior arrangement (phone after 5.00pm) 530 Hobmoor Rd, Yardley, Birmingham, B25 8TN Tom Mace Tel 0121 749 3289 By prior arrangement (phone after 5pm) 24 Park Hall Crescent, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham B36 9SN All Prints will be returned according to instructions on the Entry form. Please address any queries to Exhibition Secretary , Tom Mace BA e + Title. Telephone 0121 749 3289 (after 5pm) Email :- exhibition@yardleyps.co.uk . 15 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Yardley P.S Entry Form (BPE) A BPE Condition is that only UK residents are eligible. 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 41 42 43 44 Monochrome Print Title (Max 4) Colour Print Title (Max 4) Nature Print Title (Max 4) 51 52 53 54 61 62 63 64 Society ________ Name ________ Honours _______ Address ________ ________ Panel Title (Max 4) PostCode ______ E-Mail ______ Instructions for return Please show the position in the panel layout on the back of the Print See Inside Cover for Details Photocopies of Entry Form will be Accepted Enquiries: Tom Mace 021 749 3289 email: exhibition@yardleyps.co.uk 16 Page No. Box No. ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Disk will not be returned ble. he Print General Projected Digital title (Max 4) 51 52 53 54 Nature Projected Title (Max 4) 61 62 63 64 Society _____________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Honours ____________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ PostCode _________________________Phone ____________________________ E-Mail ___________________________________________________________ Instructions for return of Prints Page No. Box No. £1.20 Per Print or Projected Image £3.00 Per Panal of 4 Prints ADMINISTRATION FEE Return Postage Total £2.00 PLEASE MAKE CHEQUE PAYABLE TO Y.P.S 17 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Nordic Pavilion wall for Venice Biennale showing images of Kenyatta International Conference Centre by David Keith Jones FRPS DPAGB 18 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Grange Photographic Society invite entries for their 78th Annual Exhibition. This years judge is Judith Parry Hon PAGB; DPAGB;AFIAP assisted by Roger Parry Hon PAGB;DPAGB;ARPS:EFIAP The closing date is 25th June and entry forms can be found on our web site. Our new web site is still very hard to find by search so we suggest you enter via:- File:Open: then enter the web site address www.grangeps.co.uk 19 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Photographic Exhibition Saturday and Sunday 12th & 13th July 2014 in the Priory Lounge Open 10am to 4pm Over 200 members images on display Bring your camera and take advantage of the magnificent grounds at the Hawkesyard Estate. Refreshments and full bar facilities available. Afternoon Cream Teas and Sunday Roast available but must be booked in advance, Groups catered for.. Telephone: Carole Perry 01889 800547 or John Sylvester 01543 490014 for full details Rugeley & Armitage Camera Club 20 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Friends of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Photographic Competition 2014 on the theme of POWER Entry is FREE Over 18s first prize £100, under 18s £60 Get the Application Form at www.ironbridge.org.uk/friendsphotocomp st Closing date 31 August 2014 21 e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 The Arts Centre University of Warwick INTER-CLUB PDI CHAMPIONSHIP Saturday 12th July 2014 Commencing at 10.15am THE GREATEST PDI SHOW ON EARTH The PHOTOGRAPHIC ALLIANCE OF GREAT BRITAIN invite all interested in PHOTOGRAPHY, whether members of a competing club or not, to attend this exciting and stimulating event. It is held in the 550 seat tiered theatre within The Arts Centre complex of the University. The University is just a few miles south west of Coventry, off the Coventry-Kenilworth Road (A429). There are Bar and Catering facilities within the building and ample free Car Parking. Two Clubs from each of the 15 Federations, together with the top 8 placed clubs from the 2013 Championships will compete to find the Champion Club for 2014. Admission is by prepaid ticket only from 9.30am;; these can be purchased by complet- ing the form below and sending it with the correct remittance and a SAE, see below. Wheel-chairs can be accommodated, but such requirements must be notified on the ticket application form. To: Mrs Carol J Cheetham CPAGB APAGB 6 Twentylands, Rolleston-on-Dove, Staffs. DE13 9AJ Tickets available mid-April 2014 Please send meAdmission Tickets at £5.00 each. Total remittance £ Please make cheques payable to the Name Address Post CodeTelephone No I/We are members of Club/SocietyFed. Tick box - if a Map to the University of Warwick is required Wheelchair access ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES Please include a Stamped Address Envelope Please note that tickets booked and paid for are non returnable w 22 e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 For the very first time, these two competitions have been combined in one event and opened to an audience. The event is hosted this year by the Welsh Photographic Federation and members from all the PAGB Federations are cordially invited to attend this historic occasion. Admission is by prepaid ticket only. Tickets cost £5.00, which covers pro-‐ vision of Tea & Coffee and a Buffet Lunch. Tickets must be ordered and paid for before 22 May 2014, to allow time to order the buffet; they are non-‐returnable. Talbot Green Community Centre is easily reached from Junction 34 of the M4 (Please see Page 2 for map and directions). It has wheelchair ac-‐ cess and disabled facilities. Sunday, 08 June 2014 Talbot Green Community Centre Cowbridge Road, Talbot Green, Rhondda Cynon Taff CF72 8HS Doors Open 09:00 for Tea or Coffee Judging starts 09:30 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES To: Jan Williams, WPF Secretary 3 Medart Street, Cross Keys, Newport NP11 7AG Please send .....Tickets @ £5.00 each. Total remittance £........... (Please make cheques payable to The WPF & include a Stamped addressed envelope) Name: ..................................................................................................................................... Address: ..................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................Post Code..................Tel No.................................. I/We are members of........................................................................Club/Society ........................................................................Federation 23 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 A4119 To M4 Directions To Talbot Green Community Centre From the M4 Junction 34 (Llantrisant) Take the A4119 towards Llantrisant. Cross the roundabout (junction with A473) and continue on the A4119 (Llantrisant). At the next roundabout and lights, turn left into Talbot Road (Talbot Green). At the mini roundabout turn left into the cul de sac (Cowbridge Road). Follow the road for about 300 yards and turn in through the large gates of the Community Centre Car Park on your right in Clos Springfield. 24 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 MCPF SEMINar 2014 Leigh Preston FrPS EFIaP MPagb Chris Palmer FrPS aFIaP DPagb aPagb present Seeing Pictures & Locations Photographic rapport with subject Design & use of picture elements, tone, meaning & use of space, perspective & line Direction - what to do with your images once they are taken & made club comps, exhibitions, Pagb & rPS distinctions, publication & building a portfolio both award winning photographers will share us, their wealth of experience and expertise, as we follow them through their workflow and personal take on photography. Sunday 19th October The Old Schoolhouse Oldbury 11am - 5pm £10 (tea and coffee available) (bring own lunches) To book a place contact Mike Chapman seminarsec@mcpf.co.uk 25 Leigh Preston's Photography encompasses a variety of areas within the modern photographic scene, including tuition, image processing and, of course, actually taking photographs. Leigh has a relatively specific approach to what he chooses to make pictures of, and relies heavily on atmospherics, dramatic lighting and strong story lines to convey an individual style. Leigh holds two rPS Fellowships, one for pictorial images taken of the mill towns in Lancashire and Yorkshire and the other for Darkroom printing and belongs to the arENa group of photographers and is a member of The London Salon. Leigh has published many books and has had a number of one-man exhibitions in London, Dublin, birmingham, reading, Manchester, gloucester and belfast. Now semi-professional, his work revolves around teaching at college or on workshops and at seminars all over the UK also in the USa and Europe and enjoys the chance to share his experience and his passion for photography. His website can be viewed at www.leighpreston.co.uk Chris has been actively involved in club photography since 1979, and confesses to being a “photo-holic”. a busy national Pagb judge and popular Fotospeed sponsored lecturer, Chris has visited more than 190 different camera clubs, and judged many regional, national and international exhibitions. He recently gained his Fellowship of the royal Photographic Society, serves on the Licentiateship panel, and provides advice at distinction workshops. He holds a Distinction of the Pagb and has received an aPagb award for his services to photography. Chris has had success and gained awards in international exhibitions when working for his FIaP qualification. Chris is a member of amersham Photographic Society, and supports two workshop ventures – Photo Knowledge, and Spirit & Vision Landscape Photographic Workshops. His website can be viewed at www.chrispalmerphotographer.co.uk Words and images taken with permission of the authors. www.mcpf.co.uk ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Seminar Secretary Mike Chapman MCPF SEMINAR Sunday 19th October 2014 10.45am – 4.45pm Hosted by Smethwick Photographic Society at The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury B69 2AS Come and enjoy a memorable day with two award-winning photographers Leigh Preston FRPS EFIAP MPAGB Chris Palmer FRPS AFIAP DPAGB APAGB Tickets: £10.00 Booking form attached For more information, contact Mike Chapman on 0121 733 2521 or Email: seminar@mcpf.co.uk Forms can be found on the MCPF website: www.mcpf.co.uk 26 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Seminar Secretary Mike Chapman MCPF Seminar Sunday 19th October 2014 BOOKING FORM Return to: MCPF Seminar, Mike Chapman, 5 Timberlake Close, Solihull B90 4YT Please reserve the following number of tickets for the MCPF seminar: ……… tickets @ £10 each Cheque enclosed:………………………..……………. (payable to MCPF) Name:…………………………………………………………………………….....................................…. Address:……………………………………………………………..………............................................... ………………………………………………………………………..……………....................................… Tel:………………............…...……… Club/Society………………...…………………… Please include Stamped Addressed Envelope Tea and coffee available, please bring own lunch 27 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 “The Best Fine art papers that I have used. Highly recommended” NEW ILFORD REPLACEMENTS PermaJet have just launched the fantastic range of Ilford replacement papers, including the replacements to the popular Prestige Gold Fibre Silk, Smooth Pearl and Smooth Gloss, to critical and consumer acclaim. - Vicki Boulter, Fine Art Photographer ORDER YOURS TODAY TO SEE WHAT MAKES PERMAJET THE WORLD’S TOP PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER MANUFACTURER. OYSTER 271 An Oyster/Pearl surface with a 271gsm photographic weight, texture and finish. Manufactured to be the whitest base on the market. It has long been Europe’s most loved photographic paper media. KEEP UP TO DATE BY FOLLOWING US ONLINE: permajet.com Search: PermaJet www.permajet.com Search: PermaJet @PermaJet 01789 739 200 Scan the QR code to watch PermaJet’s revolutionary new SnapShut Folio @ KEEP UP TO DATE WITH ALL NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC AND PRINT NEWS permajet.com Search: PermaJet Search: PermaJet @PermaJet Scan the QR code to watch PermaJet’s revolutionary new SnapShut Folio Image: Roger Hance 28 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 MCPF Newsletter Editor Roger Barker LRPS Get your Club Events, Exhibitions and Information into the MCPF Newsletter email your Information to: newsletter@mcpf.co.uk Copy deadline dates below: Edition Copy Deadline January February March April May June July August September October November December 23 December 27 January 26 February 25 March 25 April 27 May 25 June 25 July 26 August 25 September 28 October 24 November Subscribe to the MIDLAND COUNTIES PHOTOGRAPHIC FEDERATION NEWSLETTER Send your email address to the editor: newsletter@mcpf.co.uk 29
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