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Buy Marketing Opportunities
DAC Sponsorship and
Promotional Opportunities
June 5-9, 2016 | Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX
- Click to return to sponsorship pricing page
? - Click to view more details
? Aisle Signs ? Badge & Lanyard 1,3 ? Conference Bag 1 ? Exhibit Floor Seating 1
? DAC Pavilion ? DAC T-shirt ? I Love DAC ? Map Guide
? Registration ? Design/IP Track 4 ? Newton Student Fellowship
? Sunday Welcome Reception
Exclusive Sponsor 1,2,4,5
? Evening Networking Receptions 1,2,4,5
Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday Only
Escalator Clings 2, 3
Window Clings 2, 3
Carpet Logo 1
Lobby Banner 2, 3
Wireless Internet Access (Co-sponsorship)
Conference Bag Insert: 3
Single Page
Multiple Pages
Digital Bag Insert Special Requests
Charging Station
Call for pricing
Maker Sponsor
Conference Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Interior
Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Inside Front Cover 5
Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Inside Back Cover 5
Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Outside Back Cover 5
Secondary Exhibitor Listing - Single listing
Secondary Exhibitor Listing - 5 or more listings
Click here for secondary listing order form
(Pricing details and sort options on page 8)
Email Distribution Direct Mail Distribution
Distribution Date(s):_________________________
Credit Card Authorization Form
Check or Electronic Payment Instructions - Contact the exhibits department:
minimum $750
minimum $600
Floorplan Banner Ad
Enhanced Exhibitor Console Listing – Premium
Enhanced Exhibitor Console Listing – Ultimate
Some items include mention in paper based publication (e.g. Conference Program/Exhibit
Guide) which is print date dependant. Certain items in your sponsorship package may not
be applicable if you purchase the sponsorship after the print deadline date.
DAC Exhibits Department
303-530-4334 (fax)
Call for pricing
Production costs not included
Rigging costs not included
3 Sponsor must provide materials
4 Corporate-branded food service items must be provided by sponsor
First Right of Renewal may apply to these sponsorships. Sponsorships
must be renewed on or before September 10, 2015. Wait lists will be
established for each sponsorship. After September 10, 2015, remaining
sponsorships will be awarded to the exhibitor holding the highest priority
on the list for said sponsorship.
Contact Name
Company Name
Cancellation Policy - Once an order form is received in the DAC office for
Sponsorships, you are liable for the full amount of the sponsorship.
(First Right of Renewal may apply - Contact the DAC office regarding availability)
Aisle Signs
On a show floor the size of DAC, the aisle signs are an important reference for all attendees looking for an exhibit. Hung from the ceiling, aisle signs are visible from almost anywhere on the
show floor. Additional signs may be added, but this sponsorship includes a minimum of ten, double-sided aisle signs featuring your logo.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo on all Aisle Signs
2. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
Badge & Lanyard
By providing the badge and lanyards your company will be seen everywhere throughout the conference for the entire length of the event.
(Production costs of the lanyards is not included. Sponsor must provide materials. The lanyard must be a double hook lanyard)
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo on the badges and lanyards
2. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
Conference Bag
Your company logo along with the DAC logo printed on each conference bag. Conference bags are distributed to all technical conference attendees.
(Production costs of conference bag is not included)
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo on the Conference Bag
2. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
Exhibit Floor Seating
Banks of seating will be placed in various locations on the show floor. By sponsoring the Exhibit Floor Seating, you will give attendees a chance to thank you for allowing them to rest their
tired feet, and deliver your show message (with your company name and logo) through the signage included at each seating area. There will be a minimum of eight seating areas.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company message on seating area signage
2. Right to provide chair slips with your company’s logo (Production costs not included)
3. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
4. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
DAC Pavilion
rings technical content to the exhibit floor. The DAC Pavilion hosts daily SKYTalks (mini-keynotes), tear-downs, industry CEO Fireside Chats, and insightful panels. On average each Pavilion
session attracts 75-150 attendees. With 6 Pavilion sessions a day for three days, this opportunity gives high visibility to exhibit and conference attendees (numbers based on DAC 2015).
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on:
a) DAC Pavilion event signage
b) DAC Pavilion web page
c) DAC Pavilion page(s) in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
2. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
SPONSORSHIPS (continued)
(First Right of Renewal may apply Contact the DAC office regarding availability.)
DAC T-shirt
Boost your corporate visibility with this exclusive sponsorship. Your company logo will be emblazoned on the back of the T-shirt with the DAC logo on the front. All conferencence attendees
receiving a conference bag will also receive a T-shirt. T-shirt is white unless otherwise specified. (Alternate colors available at extra cost)
This opportunity includes:
1. Your customized message (with logo) on back of DAC T-shirt
2. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
I Love DAC
DAC invites three companies to participate in this premier sponsorship. This sponsorship includes an array of visibility, branding, and lead generation promotions.
The I Love DAC program allows attendees to register for free. Exhibit attendees will be qualified for the Wednesday afternoon prize drawing at the DAC Pavilion that is sponsored by the
I LOVE DAC sponsor companies. I Love DAC registrants who attend the show will also be given a prize at registration with the I Love DAC logo (includes company logos).
This opportunity includes:
1. Listing as a participant on the DAC website and I Love DAC registration page
2. Participation in the Exhibit Guide I Love DAC ad
3. Inclusion in the I Love DAC press release with a quote from each company
4. Listing as an I Love DAC exhibitor in the DAC App
5. Logo as part of the I Love DAC button
6. Logo on the I Love DAC registration giveaway
7. Inclusion in DAC email blasts promoting I Love DAC and DAC registration
8.Participation in the mobile DAC Attack game:
a) Attendees scan the sponsors QR Code, after scanning all three sponsors game participants will earn an I LOVE DAC Badge worth additional points.
b) Attendees will be eligible for the Wednesday DAC Attack game prize drawing. Several prizes will be given away Wednesday afternoon for those with the highest point score
9. I Love DAC sponsoring companies will receive an I Love DAC registration code to distribute
10. I Love DAC sponsoring companies receive all the I Love DAC registered leads after the show
Map Guide
Virtually every single person attending DAC uses the DAC Map Guide. This is an extremely valuable sponsorship that puts your company logo in front of everyone at the show.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo on the front cover of the Map Guide
2. Your company logo and message on the back cover of the Map Guide (entire back cover)
3. Pointer indicating the location of your exhibit on the floor plan
4. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
5. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
DAC offers an exclusive Registration Sponsorship, get your company recognized early and often with this exciting sponsorship.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your customized message (with logo) as a screensaver on all registration terminals (60 sec. inactivity refresh)
2. Right to provide corporate-branded mouse pads in registration area
3. Your company logo appearing on:
a) Registration area signage
b) Home page of each registration terminal onsite
4. Your company logo, link and sponsorship status recognized on:
b) Each attendee’s electronic registration receipt
c) Registration information page of the DAC website
5. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
6. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
SPONSORSHIPS (continued)
(First Right of Renewal may apply Contact the DAC office regarding availability.)
Design/IP Track
The Design/IP Track sponsorship offers exposure to attendees in a technical session setting and will drive brand awareness and traffic to your booth. The Design/IP Track is to be comprised of
up to 10 sessions featuring approximately 50 presentations and 75 poster presentations over three conference days. It is positioned as part of the conference program and will take place in
conjunction with the technical sessions. Your company logo will be on the transition slides shown before and after each session. Your company will be highlighted as the Design/IP Track
sponsor on the DAC website, conference signage, in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide and more.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on:
a) Design/IP Track transition slides (before and after each session)
b) Design/IP Track page(s) in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
c) Design/IP Track signage
d) Design/IP Track web page
2 . Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
Newton Student Fellowship
Finding young talent with EDA background is exceedingly hard. The successful Newton Fellowship program brings dozens of dedicated EDA students from top institutions to DAC through a travel
grant and a program during DAC. The sponsorship gives the opportunity to interacts with students during breakfast and other meetings, and make a lasting impression on the next generation.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Recognition in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
d) Onsite signage
e) Representatives from your company at the breakfast to interact with the students
f) Logo on email correspondence to the students
2. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with the Newton Student Fellowship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters and press releases) that DAC
deems appropriate
Mobile App Splash Page
Put your brand front and center and make a stronger first impression. Get your name and brand in front of DAC attendees; the splash screen is a great advertisement opportunity. Each time the app
user opens the app they are presented with the Splash page. Over 1700 attendees used the app in 2015 and we expect more users this year!
Splash screen features:
• Covers the entire screen
• Displays when the app is opened
• Sized to fit iPhone, iPad, and Android
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Recognition in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
d) Onsite signage
e) One push notification to be sent out to everyone who downloads the app. Sponsor to select day of notification
Sunday Welcome Reception
Each year, the DAC Executive Committee hosts the who’s who event that kicks off the Design Automation Conference. Get your name in front of all the semiconductor industry leaders who
converge at the reception to network, enjoy refreshments and talk about the big week ahead.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on:
a) Reception signage
b) Reception web page
c) Reception page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
d) Service/dining table signage
2. Right to provide and hang company banner if facility permits (Rigging and production costs not included)
3. Right to provide corporate-branded food service items (e.g. cups, napkins) (Corporate-branded food service items must be provided by sponsor) (Exclusive Sponsor Only)
4. The option of personalizing the event with a theme, band, etc. (Must be approved by show management) (Exclusive Sponsor Only)
5. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
6. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
DAC Networking Receptions, Monday & Tuesday in the Lobby Area
A DAC Networking Reception is a chance for conference attendees to network at the end of the day Monday and Tuesday from 6:00 – 7:00pm.
Beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres are provided to ‘all’ attendees and exhibitors.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on:
a) DAC Networking Reception signage
b) DAC Networking Reception web page
c) DAC Networking Reception page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
d) DAC Networking Reception signage at each bar location
e) Daily afternoon coffee breaks on the exhibit floor signage
2. Mentioned during daily announcement on the exhibit floor to remind attendees to participate
3. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page on the DAC website
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
4. Participation in the mobile DAC Attack game.
a) Attendees scan the sponsors QR Code, after scanning all reception sponsors game participants will earn a RECEPTION Badge worth additional points.
b) Attendees will be eligible for the Wednesday DAC Attack game prize drawing. Several prizes will be given away Wednesday afternoon for those with the highest point score.
5. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
DAC Networking Receptions, Wednesday
A DAC Networking Reception is a chance for conference attendees to network at the end of the day Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:00pm.
Beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres are provided to ‘all’ attendees and exhibitors.
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on:
a) DAC Evening Reception signage
b) DAC Evening Reception web page
c) DAC Evening Reception page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
d) Service/dining table signage
2. Sponsor mention during daily announcement on the exhibit floor to remind attendees to participate
3. Right to provide corporate-branded food service items (e.g. cups, napkins) (Corporate-branded food service items must be provided by sponsor)
4. The option of personalizing the event with a theme, band, etc.
(Must be approved by show management)
5 Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
6. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
Conference Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Interior
The Conference Program/Exhibit Guide is the printed program distributed onsite to all attendees to reference the technical program and exhibitors. The Conference Program/Exhibit Guide is
also used by attendees as a reference tool throughout the year. Conference Program/Exhibit Guide ads are full-page ads. Ad specifications will be provided when contract is received.
Conference Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Inside Front Cover
Conference Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Inside Back Cover
Conference Program/Exhibit Guide Ad - Outside Back Cover
(First Right of Renewal may apply - Contact the DAC offices for availability)
Secondary Exhibitor Listing - Single listing
Secondary Exhibitor Listing - 5 or more listings
Each secondary listing gives the represented or partner company access to be listed as an exhibitor in all direct mail pieces, the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide, Map Guide and have a full
online listing. With a secondary exhibitor listing, your partners will receive badges with their own company name, info, etc...
Carpet Logo
Prominently display your company logo and booth number on the DAC show floor! Carpet logos are a great way to direct customers to your booth and reinforce your presence
throughout the show. (Production costs not included.)
Lobby Banner
Announce a new product, direct attendees to your booth and reinforce your brand and show presence! Gain immediate visibility as attendees access the exhibit entrances by purchasing the
right to place a banner in the convention center lobby areas. Banners vary in size. Banner locations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
(Rigging and production costs not included)
Conference Bag Insert
Exhibitors have the opportunity to include information within the conference bags. Each technical conference attendee will receive the conference bag. (Sponsor must provide materials)
Digital Bag Insert
Rather than having a printed piece in the DAC conference bag, you can have a one page digital ad on the DAC mobile app.
Each attendee that has access to the app will be able to see your ad.
Window Cling
Customizable stickers will be placed on specific windows of the Austin Convention Center to welcome the DAC attendees as they enter. They will be displayed through the duration of the
show and is a guaranteed way to get recognized.
(Rigging and production costs not included)
Wireless Internet (Co-sponsorship)
DAC is lighting up the entire convention center with wireless internet as a complimentary service to attendees. This sponsorship includes a corporate rotating splash page each time an
attendee logs in. Wireless internet has become an invaluable service at DAC and is an excellent opportunity to gain visibility both on and off the exhibit floor!
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on:
a) Wireless Internet signage
b) Wireless Internet splash page
2. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate
Charging Stations
By sponsoring a Charging Station, you will give the attendee the ability to charge their electronic devices while delivering your show message (with company name and logo) through
the signage at a station. These stations will be strategically placed on the show floor, registration area and conference areas to maximize visibility (dependent on how many stations are
This opportunity includes:
1. Your company logo on Charging Station Signage
2. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Listed on the Special Thanks page of the Exhibition Catalog
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate.
Maker’s Market
Be a sponsor of the new Maker’s Market on the DAC floor. As a sponsor the following items are included:
1. Four (4) makers’ tables with power and signage
2. One complimentary conference registration
3. Recognition of the World of IoT parking sponsorship for attendees
4. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on:
a) Maker’s Market signage
b) Maker’s Market and World of IoT web page
c) World of IoT page(s) in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guide
5. Your company logo and sponsorship status recognized on Sponsor Recognition:
a) Web page
b) Lobby banner
c) Page in the Conference Program/Exhibit Guidev
3. Your sponsorship status recognized on all other promotions associated with this sponsorship (e.g. social media outlets, newsletters) that DAC deems appropriate.
The DAC attendee list includes Conference and Exhibit-Only attendees and is only available to DAC exhibitors.
Email and Direct Mail Distributions
Email distributions are available throughout the year, however, email distributions for
individual company promotions from April – June must be scheduled in advance and are
available on a first-come, first-served basis. Email distributions will be conducted by show
The minimum price for a Direct Mail Distribution is $600.)
Lists are based on price per recipient. Filters can be applied to target your message to
the appropriate recipients. Filters are based on the categories listed below and more
than one filter may be applied. (The minimum price for an Email Distribution is $750.
Your Direct Mail recipient list will be sent to a third-party mail house of your choice.
Lists are on a rental basis for a one-time mailing and are limited solely to DAC
exhibitors. The list may only be used by DAC exhibitors in relation to products and services
offered as a part of their DAC participation. The list may not be used for recruiting or to
promote any non-DAC related meeting, conference or event. All promotional emails will be
distributed from the DAC office. Minimum payment must accompany the order form to
secure an email distribution date. The remaining balance, if there is a difference, will be
invoiced after the email distribution has been sent.
In which industry segment does your group or organization work?
rWhat type of design are you involved in?
(101) (Embedded) System Design
(102) EDA Software
(103) IP/Core Design
(104) Foundry/IC Manufacturing
(105) Design Services (Includes ASIC and
Post-Silicon Services)
(106) Consumer Electronics
(107) Automotive
(108) Other
rWhat is your principal job function?
(201) Executive/Senior Management
(202) Engineering Management
(includes CAD, design, & software)
(203) CAD Engineer, including Application Engineer
(204) Design Engineer (includes chip, module, & board)
(205) Verification Engineer
(206) Embedded Software Engineer
(207) Embedded Hardware Engineer
(208) Application Software Engineerr
(209) Manufacturing, Test & Assembly
(210) System Architect
(211) Professor/Researcher
(212) Student
(213) Financial or Industry Analyst
(214) Venture Capitalist
(215) Editor/Publisher
(216) Marketing/Sales
(217) Other
(301) Analog ICs/Mixed Signal ICs
(302) Analog/Mixed Signal Systems
(303) ASIC
(304) Application Specific Std. Part (ASSP)
(305) Digital ICs
(306) Digital Systems
(307) DSPs
(308) RTOS
(309) Firmware
(310) Middleware
(311) Application
(312) Embedded Systems
(313) MEMS
(314) Memory
(315) Microprocessor/Microcontroller Design
(316) PCB Layout
(317) PLDs/FPGAs
(318) RF/Microwave
(319) Specialized Processors (GPU, NPU, etc.)
(320) Library Models/IP/Cores
(321) Not directly involved in design
(415) System Design and Specification
(416) (Embedded) Software Design
(417) HW/SW co-Design
(418) Foundry/Silicon Vendor
(419) Application Specific Std. Part (ASSP)
(420) IP
(421) Embedded Software and System Design
(422) System/ Logic Design
(423) Physical Design
(424) Verification
(425) Post Silicon Services
(426) Libraries/Models
(427) IP/Cores
(428) None
rWhat products and/or services in the following areas do
you recommend, purchase or influence the purchase of?
Design Tools
(401) Analog/AMS Design/Simulation
(402) Digital Logic Simulation
(403) Physical Verification
(404) Other Logic Verification
(405) Logic Design and Synthesis
(406) Packaging
(407) PCB
(408) Placement & Routing
(409) Full-Custom Layout
(410) Test
(411) RTL & Formal Verification
(412) Equivalence Checking
(413) Design for Manufacturing & Yield
(414) Algorithm Design
Floorplan Banner Ad
Every attendee views the online floor plan, catch their attention in this hot spot with a banner ad.
(Random rotation, size: 205x60, format JPG/GIF (non-animated)
Enhanced Exhibitor Console Listing
Enhance your Exhibitor Console with additional features such as videos, press releases, floor plan logo and more.
To ensure DAC exhibitors are getting an outstanding return on their investment, we have compiled bonus sponsorship packages for exhibiting companies to be recognized as DAC’s
Silver, Gold and Platinum Exhibitors. Each level is based on a combination of investment in exhibit floor space and promotional sponsorships. Upon reaching Silver, Gold, or Platinum
status, companies will receive the benefits for each respective level.
Exhibitor Status Implementation
As exhibiting companies reach certain levels, they will be contacted to provide the necessary artwork and materials to complete the implementation.
Exhibitor Status Calculation
Points are accumulated at one point per dollar spent on exhibit space and promotional sponsorships. Meeting space rental is not included in the point calculation.
65,000 points (valued at ~$13.5K)
Recognition in promotional email sidebar
Recognition on the DAC website
Exhibitor Status recognition in lobby
100,000 points (valued at ~$18K)
Silver Exhibitor benefits PLUS:
Recognition at the General Session
5 Complimentary Conference Registrations
125,000 points (valued at ~$25k)
Gold Exhibitor benefits PLUS:
5 additional Complimentary Conference Registrations
These promotions are available to all exhibitors at no extra charge.
Complimentary Conference Registrations
Each exhibitor receives a minimum of two complimentary free conference registrations. For every additional 500 square feet of exhibit space, starting at 1,000 square feet, another
complimentary conference registration will be granted – maximum 20. Conference registrations may be distributed in house to employees or customers/clients.
Exhibitor Console
The DAC website is used as the primary reference tool by attendees prior to DAC. The complimentary Exhibitor Console allows exhibitors to post logos, company and product descriptions,
online presentations, company contacts and press releases/media kits. This site has become even more useful for attendees with improved search capabilities and an improved user interface
to better match attendees with exhibitors by product category.
Hyperlinking to DAC!
Create an ad on your website featuring your booth # at DAC and link it to To obtain a high resolution copy of the DAC logo, please visit the DAC website at:
We are open to any new sponsorship ideas or opportunities. If you have specific goals for DAC or if you have anything you would like to do at this year’s DAC please let us know, we are open to
suggestions. We welcome creativity in getting your name and message across to the DAC audience.
If you would like to combine multiple sponsorships to create a package that works best for you please let us know.