November-December 1996 - North Carolina Chess Association
November-December 1996 - North Carolina Chess Association
THE GAMBIT Official Publicationof theNCCA November/December I 996 Larry Tapper of Asheville From Your New Editor Wins NC Closed by Mike Williams by Nolan Tomboulian Not long ago I volunteered to serve as Editor of the Gambit. Thankfully, I have received a lot of good suggestions and input during the past several weeks. Keep those suggestions coming! I hope you like the new layout. As was the case with my predecessors, I started from scratch and it has taken a lof of time. Let me begin by saying that your contributions are desperately needed! You don't have to write a big article to help out. We need game scores,letters to the Editor, tournament announcements, players willing to annotate their games, educational articles, and humorists to make us laugh at ourselves every now and then. It's my goal to get people talking about issues that matter. I hope to start a forum to discuss interesting or controversial issues, and to make it a regular feature. I don't want to offend or inflame. Nor will I print anything that, in my humble opinion, would do more to harm the NCCA than to help it. But I believe some things ought to be brought out in the open if we are to grow as an organization, and I encourage you readers out there to send in your thoughts on any subject relevant to chess in North Carolina, and don't pull any punches! I want to take a moment to salute Nolan Tomboulian for his service to the NCCA during the past four years. Your hard work despite very stressful circumstances is appreciated. Also I want to thank our new lst VP, Alan Stephenson, for donating the Linares chess font to the NCCA. This issue's diagrams and figurine algebraic notation were produced using this font! We must all work together to make our state magazine great. This should be an inclusiaepublication. I want to hear from everyone out there. I know many of you have had your faith in the NCCA shaken, if not shattered. Chaos must be replaced by order and clarity. I believe communication is the key to winning back your trust. And once we establish statewide communication founded upon trust, the frequency and quality of chess activity will grow by leaps and bounds. Read the Gambit mission statement on the next page, and help me ftrlfill this promise. I can't do it alone. Now sit back and enjoy the magazine! The 1995NC Closed Championship and Elections were held in Charlotte on September 27-28. Larry Tapper of Asheville is this year's NC Closed Champion, scoring 4.5 out of 5, and automatically qualifying for the NC Invitational to be held later this vear. Mark Brodie also qualified for the Invitational, tying for 2nd with 3.5 points. Daniel Liu and Michael Klein will be the first alternates as the remaining slots for the Invitational are filled from the rating list. In the other sections, the Under 2000 champion is the Under 7700 champ is Tobin [,ogan, and Clifford, John the top Under 1400 competitors were ]ustin Robason and Robert Gatton. IA completelist of winners, as weII as games -Ed.l from the NC Closed,appearelsewherein this issue. This was one of the smallest tournaments in recent years but a good time was had by those who were there. We had tried to move the event out of Charlotte but could not find anyone to help organize or coordinate finding another site. At the Business meeting there were some volunteers who stepped forward and agreed to help organize the 7997Championship. Thanks to Richard Klein, Pete Danker, and fean Ditenhafer who helped direct the tournament and keep things moving. WHA75 TNSTDE New Offrcers Speak Out Page 2 News from Across the State Page 3 World News Page 6 GamesrGames,Games! Page I CIub Directory Upcoming lournaments Page /1 Back Cover Landof theSkyX 'teb.2 Asheuille, Jan.3f NC .\' otenhr The Gambit Dece mber I 996 NCCA Officers SPeakOut! PresideneLamontAllen NC 28379' Lane,Rockingham lOOT Rainwater (9lO) 895-9668. Phone: E-mail: lst Vice-President:Alan Stephenson | 909 SpeightForest,TarboroNC 27886.. Phone:(919) 824-0963. Easc R EvanWhittington 2nd Vice-President 3029 LittleCreekChurchRoad,ClaytonNC 27520' P h o n e :( 9 1 9 ) 5 5 3 - 0 4 4 4 . West Carl Hanna 2nd Vice-President | 250 WestbrookCircle,GastoniaNC 28052' P h o n e :( 7 0 4 ) 8 6 5 - 1 5 1 5 . Secretary/Treasurer:]ean Ditenhafer NC 28379. 9l3 MontclairAvenue,Rockingham (9lO) 997'5877. Phone: as well as membenhlp dues' Inquiriesregardingmemberships, shouldbe sentto the Secreury/Treasurer. Editor: Mike Williams NC 28677. 2616 Amity Hill Road,Statesville Phone:(704) 873-8335. Contributors this issue: Nolan Tomboulian,)ohn Thomas,Chad Eller, David O'Bryant, Lamont Allen, Alan Stephenson,lean Carl Hanna,Mark Brodie. Ditenhafer, Pleasesubmitarticlesby e-mailor on disk lf posible; however,we encourageafticlessent by any method! ffior, $3 youth(noGambil- Membershipis open to all; howeveronly NC residensmay vote, hold office, or competein the Invitationaland the Closed' The NCCA doesnot discriminateon the basisof race,creed,color, sex,or religiousbeliefs,or aftempt to lnfluenceany govemmental elections. Eachmemberis entitled to play in NCCA eventsand wilf receivethe Gambitsixtimes per year. ffition of theNorthCarolinaChess provide Asociation, the mision of the Gambitls threefold: to future present, past' and about up-to-datenewsand information of analysis the for provide forum a to toumamentactivities; gamesand the discusionof issuesthat are lmportant to the memben;and to promote and encouragethe growth and developmentof localclub activity throughoutthe sute' President - Lamont Allen I am looking forward to the next rr'*'o years of serving NC chessplayers. The present administration has alreadf dived into task with optimism and renewed vigor' Our new officers have the vigor, imagination, and commitment to Put our stateorgani'ation on the right track' There ire big things in the works and you will be seeing the results very soon. I want everv NCCA member to know that they are going to get their money's worth out of the NCCA. The Gambit is the prime communication device for all our members' If you are not getting your copy, then you should contact our Secretary/Treasurer, working very Jein Ditenhafer, and find out why. She is through' falls no one so the cracks all up hard to shore Tournament siting seems to be a concern to many players and so I am devising plans and answers to help' If you have suggestions, I want to hear from you' Pleaseput ihem in wtiti"g so I'll be sure to get all the details right' If you have any comments or suggestions to make, I want to irear from you. For you web cntisers, I'm now on the net and I chect my e-mail once Per day, so you will get fast answers if I have them. One thing I can guarantee you, you will not be ignored. A new day is dawning for NCCA chessand with it will come more services to our players, adult and scholastic, and more NCCA activities. We all want the NCCA to be an organization that you will want to be part of, and together we will make it that waY. See You at the tournaments! 1st VP - Alan StePhenson Dear Fellow ChessPlaYers: First of all, I want to thank you for electing me Vice President of the NCCA. I will do everything in my Power to serye well and promote chessin and out of the state' As l-amont stressed u1th" Stut" Tournament, the officers need your input and information to keep the NCCA strong and Let us know your concgrn: and desires' growir,g. phone numbers for all the officers are and Ldd."ti"t newsletter. this in located I have spent the last five years playing tournament andhave never sent in a game to the Editor of NC chess in I the Gambit. finally realizecl that if the NCCA was going to succeed, all chessplayers in NC, induding myself, wguld need to do their pirt, no matter what that part might be' I decided to get involved by running for office' AIso, keep your membership in the NCCA active A very small and encourage your friends to ioin' members of also are NC in members USbf of percentage point, and this from forward move to want We ihe NCCA. throughout chessplayers of support the we need to do that, [hntinucd on Page9) November/December I 996 The Gambit Neuns F ,*ross nL'ffir, Lenoir Hosts State Scholastic HS Championship The Caldwell County Library was the host of the StateClassHigh School ChessChampionship,held May 25 in Lenoir. Forty-eight players from acrossthe state attended. Sponsors included the Caldwell County Library, the NCCA, the Hibriten HS CC and the Hibriten HS CC Boosters. Every 1,A',2A,and 3A high school in the statewas invited to participate. Awards were presented to the top teamsand individuals in eachof these three high school levels. Additional awards were pnesentedto the top atlarge teamsand players. A complete list of team and individual winners appearsbelow. The host schoolwas Hibriten HS. They wish to thank the NCCA for the donation of team championship plaques. Thanks also go to financial supporters in knoir who donated over $1000for the many awards and ftee pizza social for the players' Special thanks go to the Caldwell County Library for the donation of their meeting roonu for the tournament. This provided the players with a first-class facility where students from across the state could compete at the state level at a reasonable cost to themselves. Here is a game submitted by Nathan Lyda in his 4th round victory over Evan Sauda. I believe you will see the ratings to be less than the actual playing strength of the players. Round4 StateClassHS Championship, White: Nathaniel Lyda (1312) Black: EvanSauda(1108) r.e4 e5 2.af3 6c6 l.Ab5 a6 4.A:a.4 d6 5.0-0 6f6 6.tre1 Ad7 7.c3 8e7 8.d4ed4 12.8 t4+ g/d7 13.tre5+-[e7 14.tsU+ b5 15.Oc3 gd8 16.9b3 6g4 r7.Hd5 Ad6 18.Oe4Eles19..4C5+ t6 2o.ad6 cd62r.Af4tr.e6 zz.gg3 8e7 23.f3 6e3 €eS 25.He6 8e6 z6.Eer Ba2 27.Ee3+ €Fz za.Bel gb2 29.8e7+ G7f8 3o.8e4$at+ 31.€f2 8bz+ j2.F:93 trd8 33.8c7 wM 34.Wh7 €e8 35.€g7 tsf8 36.8g6+1-o (Article submittedby lohn Thomos) Fuerstman Gives Simul at Northern Foothills Chess Club: A Player's Perspective ?ffixffi'ffiD ^K,ffi', '''%a% % %ffiftl 9.e5 d.e510.6e5 6e5 1L.cd4Aa4 On Thursday, August 29 the Northern Foothills Chess Club in Elkin was visited by N.C. Player-Atlarge Leland Fuerstrnan. Chessis full of colorftrl charactersand l,eland is foremostamonpt them. He takeshis chessvery seriously. One of my earliest chess memories was from my first five round tournament (either an LPO or Land of the Sky) in the first round. I (5/25196, LenoirNC) StateClassHigh SchoolChampionship (a.0). IndMdual (5.0). 3rd: Rosewood (9.5poins). 2nd: Robbinwille I A Category - Team lifinners: lst: SouthStanley VanderHelm, Daniel Marcus Lovelace, (3.0).2nd: TommyHinson(2.5).Tied3rd-Bth:Jesse Simpson l,\finners: lst Thomas Doss. LandontMggins, Matthis, CameronLampley, Jason lndividuallifinners: lst: Bandys(5.0). Moorewille(5.5).3rd: 2ACategory-TeamWinners: lst: Hibriten(12.0).2nd: BradHollar(3.0). Tied Hundley, Allan Lackey, Wallace, Wll Respess, Thomas, Ben Tied 2nd-7th: (a.O). Lyda J.D. Nathaniel Jeremy WlliamBurr,Greg Bruner, Roberlson, lTth: I lth(2.5). Tied Starin Pace, Everett Browning, Jamie l0th: Ednrond Joseph BthJosh (2'0), Cowart Thomas Thompson, Pope. Brad Schultz, Jamie 2nd: WebbHSof O<ford(5.0). lndividual Wnners: Tied lst3A Category- Team Winners: lst: SouthCaldwell(5.5). ath: DariusLittle(2.0). (2.5). Myers (3.0). Brad 3rd: Eaddy Edmond 2nd: FarrisSmith, 3rd: EvanSauda(3.0). 2nd: RobbyHeibel(3.5). lsr tndividualllfinners: 4ACategoryJonadranPearson(4.0). November/DecemberI 996 TheGambit made a move and enthusiasticallY announced check. VerY quicklY a gentleman from one of the uPPer "Shhhh, boards looked at me and said, you're not supPosed to saY check." That man was Leland and I've never announced check in a tournament game since. l,eland is consistent though, I realized, as I watched the same scene unfold about two Years later at a BillY Watt. However, the young chap in question didn't seem to trust Leland's judgment and he kept announcing check out loud. I was amused as l.eland tried to reason with "You him the third time bY saYing don't hear anyone else saying check do vou?" grabbed Leland immediatelY everyone's attention at the dub bY dissecting a study-like position that Steve Greenlee had achieved against an expert at this year's Chautauqua tournament in Virginia [The complete gamescoreand the key position are shown in the box at right. -Ed.l. On move 62, Steve could either take a draw or very for sacrifice the bishoP interesting play. After a long thought, But leland Steve took the draw. showed how the sac won for black in every feasible line, claiming grandly "It wins!" each time, All the plaYers were reallY psyched up for the simul Leland was There were seven of us, trving. "World's Strongest rangtng from the "A" player 1000" john Martin to local Scott Baldwin. A few weeks earlier, IM Tim Taylor had given basically the same group a simul with the black pieces and had crushed us- Not to be outdone, Leland offered taking black and giving us four Passes! Well, he had bitten it off and now it was uP to us to make him chew it. I guus you aIIlotow thatsick dark feeling you get when you think Youtve iust screwed up a game. Leland camearound flashing out moves, joking with the crowd every so "There goes Norm's fun," he often. laughed as Norm Pruitt (1262 fell to a tactical shot. The dogs would strike back though, as Richard Stancil ('1747) won a rook with a clever mate threat' Soon there were onlY three: club president Brian Smith (1045),Richard, and myself (Chad Eller, 1729). Richard was winning, Brian had a dead draw, and I had a knight endgame. I guess You all know that sick dark feeling You get when You think you've just screwed uP a game. Well I felt that. All of a sudden Caissa waved her magic wand and I found the move. Tftemove. As I flashed out "You dog." I my exclam Leland said, with barking began immediately enthusiasm. At this point l,eland resigned to Richard and I led a round of applause for us. Unfortunately Brian could not save the draw, but nobody, especially Leland, left unaware of his fine performance. EverYone had a great Final score: Fuerstman 5, time. Northern Foothills 2. (ArticlesubmittedbYChadEller) In Tribute To Norm Pruitt, Publisher of NC Chess Norm Pruitt's 1995 New Year's resolution was to learn desktoP publishing. This proved to be a boon to the chesscommunitY- In JanuarY Norm issued his first edition of NC Chess,News from the State and the World. That issue included the ratings of the states top 400 players, MarkCrowther's superb'The WeekIn Chess" (if you have internet access never miss his article), USCF news releases, an article bY Chad Eller about attending the U.S.Chessathon, and all of the gamesfrom Groningen '95, a major international tournament less than two weeks old. Norm kept Publishing his newsletter on a monthly basis and it iust got sharperand moreprofessional with each issue. As more PeoPle An Interesting Endgame TourneY Chess L996Chautauqua White: JohnsonChua (2035) Black SteveGreenlee(1555) r.Af3 dt6 2.s3 96 l.&s3 Ag7 4.O-Oo-o 5.d3 d6 6.6M2 6H7 7.e4 c6 8.c3 b6 9.8c2 Aa6 to.Eer e6rr.a4 Ab7 r2.M e5 13.Ab2 tsc7 r4.c4 c5 15.b5 Ab8 r6.Eeb1 a5 r7.ba6 Ea6 18.4c3 Ac6 19.4b3 Efa8 20.6ct Ac8 21.oe2 Fa7 22.A.d2 ad7 23.at1 af8 24.wb3 Ae7 25.Hb2 -Ad8 z6.Ebaz Eg7 27.o,er Ad4 28.gbt tr'a4 z9.Dc3 E.a2 3O.E:a2 Wb7 3l.o,e2 DeZ+ 32.Ae2 traz 33.Ba2 Ac6 34.Dc2 Ba8 35.8a8 Aa8 36.f4 Ad7 37.6e3 Ob8 38.fe5 de5 39.4c3 6c6 4o.g1t2 ad4 4r.ad5 f6 42.tLd4 cd'4 43.Ac4 Ac6 44.dM Ab7 45.Ld7 Ae7 46.Od5 Ad5 47.ed5 t5 4s.h3 Ag5 49.Acs Ae7 50.€f3 gf6 51.4d7 g5 52.94 f4 53.Af5 hS 54.Ae4 h4 55.@ezAM 56.€dl €e7 57.€c2 @d6 58.8b3 Ad2 59.@a4 €c5 60.d6 gd6 61.€b5 La5 62.c5+ K,K,ffi,, %ffi ,,ffi.%* 62....@c7 r/2-r/2 Editor's Analysis:DoesBlack win with 62. ... bc5l? Play might continue 63.@a5c4 64.dc4?t€c5 65'Ad3 e4!! 66.Ae4 @c4 67.A13d3 @'@^4 @d4 69.@b3€e3 70.Ag2 d2 7I-€.c2 @e2 and wins. But I think White maYbe able to draw with &.@a4l€c5 65.!9a3! 66.€b3and the White Then if 65....4d3 ki^g i" no longer out of PlaY. If 65....c3,White easily plants his king on c2, and there is no way for Black to break through without sacking both the e.and f-pawns. Readers,what do you think? Sendin Your thoughts! The Gambit becameaware of the newsletter, Norm had North Carolina games to print as well as recent international ones. There were contributions from many different sources, including heavily annotated games from IM Tim Taylor and FM Chuck Adelman. Norm was personally fond of his hand-picked hypersharp traps of the month. So does Norm have all the bases covered, or what? I suspect his years as a Marine gives him a penchant for thoroughness. So how did one go about getting this gem of a newsletter? Well, you just called Norm and he'd send you one. In fact he'd send you one free. He only asked one thing: Make copies and distribute freely. That motto was on the front page of each issue, and by September, 236 verified copies were being passed around the state, no telling how many more in total. Norm had planned on publishing the newsletter until December but disaster struck. His computer crashed, destroying everything and he was forced to stop publishing prematurely. The one thing I've failed to mention is the time Norm invested in this newsletter. He put hours into every issue, staylng up late at night so he could get an issue out on time. There is no doubtin my mind that Mr. Norman Pruitt has worked harder to promote chess in North Carolina during 1995 than anyone. So if you ever read a copy of NC Cftess(or even if you didn't) and you see Norm, give him a big handshake and a thank-you. He deserves that. Hats off to you Norm, thanks for the memories. (Articlesubmittedby ChadEIIer) Dr. Albert David Warshauer, 1923-1996 I regret to inform the NCCA members of the death of Dr. Albert David Warshauer,who won the 1968 NC ClosedChampionshipwhich was played at the YMCA in Wilmington. Dr. Warshauerdied August 20th at November/DecemberI 996 NC Closed(9128196, CharlotteNC) Open Section(16 players): lstr LarryTapper,4.5($2lO). 2nd-3rd:MarkBrodie, DanielLiu,3 5($90).Under2200:lst: MichaelKlein,3.5($90). 2nd:JohnKirby,3.0 ($25.25).Under2100:KevinKirby,GlennFleming, 3.0($26.25). Under 2OOOSection (21 players): lst-2nd:JohnCtifford, MikeWiliarns,4.O ($123) 3rd-4th:GaryBranton, MatthewHoekstra, 3.5($52).Undert900: Marqx scott,3.5($52).UnderlB@: Andras Bader,3.0($| l). Under1700:EyanWhittington, MikeMcHale, JohnBrook,3.0($| l). Under | 70O Section (17 players): lst:TobinLogan, 4.5($| 22.50).2nd: Jamie McGavran, 4.0(trophyonly).3rd-4th;AlbertCadson, MelvinLytes, 3.5($78.25).Under 1500:James Bnndenberg, 2.5($35).UMer 1500:BrianRhodes, 3.0($35).Under 1400:JoeCritelli, 3.0($35). Under | 40O Section (29 players): lst-2nd: Robason, 4.5(trophyonly)and Justin RobertGatton,4 5 ($ 105).3rd-5th:Richard Sneed,Tom Lewis,FrankSiewerdt. 4.0 ($84.25).Underl3@: VrgilBurroughs, 2.5($35).Undert200: JohnCurcuru,3.5 ($35).Unrated:Michael Warren,3.0($35)andKenneth Camden, 2.0(trophyonly). his home in Wilmington after a twoyear battle with lymphoma. Dr. Warshauer was an Eagle Scout and graduated from New HanoverFISin 1941and UNC in 1945. He receivedhis medical degreefrom Washington University in St. Louis. After serving as a doctor in the US Army fom 1953-1955, Dr. Warshauer returned to Wilmington to practice anesthesiology.He later moved to New Orleans but returned to Greenville, NC to complete his medical career. He retired in 1980to concentrateftrll time on his *itirg. Dr. Warshauer's major works indude essayson scienceand society, science and overpopulation, and religion. He explored the role of religion in the origins of bigobry, religious con-games, and the importance of scientific thought to a peacefulsociety. He also contributed medical works on Exercises for Degenerative Arthritis and chinlift intubation. Dr. Warshauerwas also an accomplished pianist and composer. His piano compositions, especially those honoring the births and marriages of his children, were much beloved. (Articlesubmitted byDauidO'Bryant) Results From 1996 Port City Open Twengr-six players from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia competed in the three"section 1996 Port City Open. The tournament was held fuly 21 in Wilmington. Douglas Browning, an expert from Alexandria, VA scored 3{ to win the Open section. H.J. Speir Jr. from Rocky Point and Donna Daves from Raleigh scored 2.54.5 to tie for first placein the Under 1800/Unrated section- Ross Yaggy from Carrboro and Pete Bromley from Jacksonville scoreda perfect 34 to tie for first place in the Under 1400/Unrated section. David O'Bryant organized and directed for the Cape Fear Coastal ChessClub. (Articlesubmitted byDauidO'Bryant) Checlr out the list of UPCOT'I'HG TOURHAHEI'TS on tte back cover! November/December I 996 The Cambit World Nlews RussiaWins 7996ChessOlympiad; GeorgiaWins Women'sTitle The 32nd World Chess Olympiad ended October 1 and was won by the Russian team, led by world champion Garry Kasparov. The U.S. men's team finished a very respectablethird, and the U.S. women's team finished 37th. The 14-round event was held in Erevan, Armenia. The final men's team standings (Top 8) are shown in the box below. l _ 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MEN'S TOP TEAMS Russia Ukaine USA England Armenia-l Spain BosniaHerzegovina Georgia 38.5 35.0 34.0 34.0 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.0 Roundli 1996WorldOlympiad, White: GarryKasparov(Russia) Black AlexYermolinsky(USA) r.d4 at6 2.c46c6 3.AB e6 4.a3d5 5.4c3 a6 6.cd5edl7.AS5 Ae7 8.e3 h6 9.4h4 o-o 10.-4.d3ae6 11.o-o Ad7 n.A^s3 Ad6 13.Ec1 Ag3 14.hg30e7 15.Oa4 c6 r6.8c2 a5 r7.M b5 18.6c5 Ob6 19.ba5 6c4 20.a6-[c8 2r.a4 Aa6 22.Ear 8d6 z3.ab5 Abs 24.Wc3 8c7 z1.Efbr Ad6 26.Acz Ab7 27.6b7 8bz 28.6c5 trfb8 29.4e5 tr'a7.30.Eal 6c8 31.g4Ab6 32.-8.f5trd8 33.trb1 o'a4 % %.i/ru, r % % ^ Wt'".ffiM i % 7 f 4 % % % 7ffi,ft: 34.Ec2Ab6 35.Ah7+ €h8 36.4d3 4.d337.W$ f6 38.4s6+@g839.8f 5 Ee8 4o.at4 Bc7 41.996 EleT 42.ah5 o.d7 43.8c1 Af8 44.8c2 He645.6t4 Ed6 46.Har8c8 47.tsc5 trd8 48.9b6 trd6 49.8a7 gs4 5o.gb8 Ed7 5r.t31-O 7995WorldOlympiad,Round1.4 White: Judith Polgar(Hungary) Black: Nigel Short (England) r.e4 e5 2.6t3 6c6 3.4b5 a6 4.4a4 Af6 5.o-o Ae7 6.Eel d67.c3 Ag4 8.h3 Ah5 9.d4 b5 1o.ab3 af3 11.tsf3d472.8d3 dc313.Bc3 Bd7 14.Ah6 M 15.8e3 gh616.Aa4 trb8 17.ad2trb5 18.Ab5 ab519.6f3 trg8 20.€h1 Hg6 zt.a4bri 22.Ha3 6h5 2j.Ha8+ Ad8 24.4d4 Ae5 25.Wt3 6s7 26.Hb8 6e6 27.Ob5c628.Dc3 8a7 29.8M trf6 3o.gd1 Hf23r.e5 d.5 32.Wd3 8c5 33.trg4 tr.b2 34.h4 trb3 35.he5 trc3 36.Wh7 hg5 37.8s8+ gf8 38.Wh7 8a3 39.Ebl Eh3+ 0-l 1.995 WorldOlympiad, RoundL4 (USA) Finnian White: Nick De Black Z. Azmaiparshvili(Georgia) r.e4d52.d5 Af63.d4ads 4.Df3e6 5.c4 66b6 6.Oc3 Ag7 7.c5 66dz 8.Ac4 O-O 9.O-O c6 10.tre1 6f6 11.h3 b5 12.Ab3 a5 o,a6 r4.We2 Oc7 15.8e2 Ae6 16.9d8 trfd8 u.Af4 Ofe8 18.-Ae66e6 19.ae5Ae5 2o.E(e5 Af6 21.trd1M 22.da4 6od7z3.Ecrl trab8 24.d5cd5 25.8Ed5Ddc5 26.Ec5 Oc5 27.o,c5 Hbs 28.aMEM 29.tre2trb5 30.6 a4 trb4 31.6c3 trdb8 32.He5 Ebz 33.8a5 Hcz 34.6e4 Hez 35.9^41t 36.6t6* @i7 37.4d5 Hb7 38.h4 Hd7 39.E.a5€h64o.e3Hb7 4r.af4 HeeT 42.8e5 trb6 43.@92 HebT 44.Dc4 Hc6 45.6e3 trcb6 46.trj5 trbS 47.4C4+r-o L995WorldOlympiad,Round8 White: A. Shirov (Spain) Black Garry Kasparov(Russia) r.e4 c5 2.at3 d6 3.Ab5+ Adz 4.AdZ + 8d7 5.c46c6 6.6c3 e6 z.dA Ag7 8.d5 Ac3+ 9.bc3 0a5 10.O-O f6 11.Ad2 b6 r2.we2 8a4 r3.t4 0.l'16 14.e5o-o-o 15.trb16f5 16.g46h4 l7.ef6 ef6 18.8f2 g5 19.6e4 tse8 2o.Eel @96 zt.tg5 Ehe8 22.6d6+ trd6 23.8e8+ 8e8 24.A:t4 Oc4 25.A.d6 6d226.Edt 8e4 1/2-r/2 1.995WorldOlympiad,Round1.0 White: Boris Gulko (USA) Black |udith Polgar (Hungary) r.c4 Et6 2.a.c3 g6 3.e4d6 4.d4 Ag7 5.f3 o-o 6.Ae3 c57.69e2 6c6 6e5 9.6g3 e6 to.Aez ed5'j.cd5 a6 r2.a4 h5 13.o-o ah7 r4.Wd2 h4 15.Ahl f5 r6.at2 tre8 17.tsh1 trb8 18.trg1 trfS 19.ef5 Af5 20.54 hgj 2l.bg3 b5 22.ab5 ab5 23.@92 Ee7 24.4h.6 M 25.697 €g7 26.Ocdl dgl 27.t4 6e4 28.Bej 6fz29.at2 Oc6 3o.Be7+ Oe7 3r.Ela7 trfi 32.@f3 Ac2 33.6e4 Df5 34.Ef.i+ €f7 35.ac5+ €f6 36.Lc4 tres 37.Har Ee3+ 33.Efz H# 39.g,,-Z Eg54o.fgJ+ €g5 41.tra8 @t442.8a 42. ... e5 43.Aa6 94 44.fic8 gJ+ 45.@Erb346.Aa6A& 47.Ac4 6d4 48.8f8+ €e3 49.4f1 -Ad5 50.trf6 af3+ 51.9h1 adz+ 52.492 .&2+ 53.@szd5 54.trffi c4 55.@s3d4 0-1 The Gambit Queen Endgames! Lots of Fun, Right? by Mike Williams This article [Editor's Note: hriginally written as the t'irst of tuo installments)was scheduledto appearin f/re Gambit last year. [f you are interested in writing an educational article on any phase of the chessgame, pleaselet me knozn. Although we can't pay for submissions,I will treat you to Iunch the next time I seevou! --Mikel I've often wondered why most chessplayers spend so much time and effort studying opening theory, and so little time on endgames. (Personally, the endgame is my favorite phase of the game.) Sure, every game is going to have an opening, while not all I can only reach the endgame. wonder, though, how many points I could have saved over the years by simply thinkingaheadtowards the kind of endgame I was getting into. Let's look at Queen endgames. Remember, we're only talking about basic endgames with queens and pawns ..- although many of these ideas are also relevant with additional material still on the board. There are two main ideas the wealcerside should remember if he or she wants to get a draw: (1) Perpetual Check; and (2) Stalemate. ,% i %t% 7ffi%t% :''%"%% %%ffi% '''% %ft% % %ft% Black to play Szabo-Barcza,1955 Often a defender can draw by N ovember/Decembe r I 99 6 perpetual check if the enemy king lacks sufficient cover. The defender should not hesitate to throw his own pawns forward, either to rip apart the attacker'spawn cover, or to help trap the king. In the diagrammed position (Szabo-Barcza,Budapest 1955)White has a powerful b-pawn. Black needs counterplay, pronto. So Barczatried 1. ... f5t Now White can'tplay 2.@h4 because of 2. ... Sh1+ 3. @93 tif 3. €g5??Bh6 mateltsgl+ 4.@h3fnot 4. @f4??th2+ x-raying the queenl 8f1+! and Black has a perpetual. The game continued 2. p c7+ The fS-pawn deprives 9g6 3.€h4. the White king of a flight square and forces White into this undesirable capture. No better is 3. b7 6f1+ which forces 4. €h4 anyway. 3. ... Bht+ 4.@e3 Bgl+ 5.€hlgrr+ [not 5. ...Shl+ 6.8h2 8f1+ 7.8g2+l 6. gh2 gfz+ Z.€ht gfl* s. €g3 Bg1+ 9. €f4 [why not?]$d4+ 10. e4 e5+, [This pawn sac sealsin the White monarch. 10.... €f6 probably drawstoo.l 11. Be5 BdZ+ 12.@e3 Bel+ l/2-l/2. It was Black'swillingnessto thrms his pawnsfonoardthat generatedthe counterplaynecessaryto get a draw. The other maior drawing strategy is stalemate. Clearly, this can only occur with greatly reduced material on the board. Here is an example from my own tournament play (Bolitho- Williams,1991). ''%ft% i %8% i i''%,%% % % % . i l ' ' % % % % Black to play Bolitho-Williams,1991 In this position it looks grim for Black. White is up two pawns,and is about to get another queen. But it is Black to move and instantlv draw! Try to find the draw before reading further. The tournament conditions can really affect your chancesof drawing or winning this type of endgame. This position was reached while both players had less than five minutes remaining in a sudden-death time control. Notice that Black's king is already stalemated, and so Black can sacrifice his queen to ensure stalemate! That's exactly what Black did: 1. ... t/2-t/2. 8e8+t 2.fe6-g I've never been happier to be behind by two queens! In a future issue of the Gambit, we will explore winning strategies for the stronger side. Incomplete List Of N.C. Chessplayerson the Internet! [amontAllen: Mark D. ChadEller: celler@infoavenet BrianFraiser:btfraise@ix.netconcom Jeffrey Jones: negfive@ixretconc-om Phil Lowder: plowder@infoavenet CharlesPalmer:cpalncr@f IllormPruitt: nornpruittOinfoavenet ErianRatledge:ratbQaol.clm AlanStephenson: ahsecc@aol.coin lllolanTomboulian: ton$ Mike Wi||iams: This list is "incomplete" because these addresses are the only ones presently known to us! If you want your entry added, edited, or removed from this list, just e-mail your trusty Editor, Mike Williams, at the address above or contact me at the address shown on the inside front cover. IMPORTAI\IT NOTE ! Deadline fortheGambrT isthelst dayof odd-numbered months. November/ December I 996 The Gambit 6ames 1995 NC Closed(Charlotte, NC) White: David Mangis (1491) Black: Alan Stephenson (1567) r.d4at62.e3g6 3.lld3 ag7 4.6d2 o-o 5.t4d6 6.acf3 tLs47.o-o Obd7 8.h3Af3 9.9f3 d5 10.f5c5 11.c3e5 12.e4 ed4 l3.cd4 cd4 14.8e3 de4 r5.Ae4 6e4 16.Ae4 tsb6 17.trb1 E(ae8 18.4d5 tre5 19.4c4 trf5 2O.Et5 gfs 2r.b3 ws6 22.wc7 t4 23.8b2d3 24.Hf2 ab6 6c4 26.Wc4dz 27.A.d2Bbt+ 28.@f2 Eaz 29.8d3 gb2 3o.Ee4 8t6+ 11.€g3 trd8 32.8e2 wd6+ 33.At4 gb6 ftt%'%t7&t % % 'w' / % %''/,NH %. % % ''ffi"t fr% % % %w%ft t4.8e5t trd3+35.€h21-o 1.996NC Closed(Charlotte,NC) White: ]ohn Kirby (2275') Black Mark D. Brodie (2100) [annotationsby Mark Brodie] r. d4 at6 z. c4 e6 3. Af3 b6 4. a.c3 A.b7 5. Ae5 Ab4 6. $ h6 7. Ah4 Aca+ 8. bc3 e5 9. ae3 d6 10. ad2 Be7 11. trbl Oc6 12. Ae2 O-O-O 13. Af3 h5 14.g,a4g d7 L5.h494 16. Ac6?t 8c6 17. 8a7? 8gz '.8. €e2 8c6 r.9. €d3 @d7 20. Wa3 Ela8 21. Wbi Ea4 22. trha8 23.8b5 Aa.6z4.$c6+ @c6 25.E.c2 d.5 26. trM Ab7 (26...dc4+ 27. &4 Ab, 27. Ea4 Ea4 28. cd1+ ed5 29. e4 !;a6+ 30. €e3 de4 31. c4 @d7 32. Ae5 6g8 33. @e4 t6 34. 3.:t4 ec7 3j. Ah6 ?t Ab7+ 3,6.@f4 @e6 j7. 6f1 6g6+ (37,. @f7 a Ag8 +-) 38. gg3 9ff7 39. At4 Ae440.Ec3tra2 41. Ac7 Har 42. 6d2?? (42. f3 At3 43. *3 trgr+ 44. Ef2 trbl 4) 42... flgr+ 43. €h2 trhr+ 44.@C3trh3* o-1 NC) 1995NC Closed(Charlotte, White: BranislavVlahovic(2220) Black Mark D. Brodie(2100) [Annotationsby Mark Bruiie] 1. 6f3 at62.d4ffi 3. c4 e6 4. Oc3 Ab4 5.8c2 Ab7 6. af Scf+ 7. 6c3 6e4 8. Bc2 f5 9. adz O-O ro. Ae4 fe4 ?l (10...Ae4 11.tsb3d6 12.di [12 Af4 AdTl 12...f4 13.de6tse7) 11.Ae3 d5 12.$ Oc613. cd5 ed5 14.Ah3 €/f615. tsc3 Ac816. Ag2 Ad7 17. o-o Eaca 18. Eacl tsg6 rg. tsaz Dt5 2O.Ec3 Oc4 21. Wcr de3 22. Be3 c6 23. f3 ef3 24. Af3 HceS25. Wd2 trf6 (25...Ag426. ag4trfr+ 27. €f1 tsg4 28.tr6 8e4 =) 26. Ee3 Efe6 27. E.e6 Ae6 ZS. 8t4 gc2 ?t 29. 8e4de4 Ah5 g6 lo..Ls48e43r. 32. Ae6+ He6 33. Hf4 @s7 34. gtz s5 35. Ee4?t (35. trts @9636. g4h5 37. h3 hg4 38.hg4 a5 39.@e3!) 35... €7f6 36. h4 h6 37.hgJ+ hg5 (38.€e3 gf5 -+) 0-1 NC) L996NC Closed(Charlotte, White: Mike Williams (1934) Blaclc Dave Richards (1760) r.d.4 d5 2.c4 Dt6 3.6c3 e6 4.Lg5 LAe75.6f3 h66.Ah4Abd7 7.e395 8.Agf 6e4 9.4d3 6c3 1.0.bc3g4 11.6e5 h, rz.hj 6e5 13.Ae5 Af6 74.hg4 Ae5 15.de5 8e5 16.t4 E s7 r7.gt3 dc4 18.ae4 trb8 19.trh5 trg8 2O.trdr 8f8 21.Ac6+t€e7 (21. ... bc6 22.€cf.+ @e7 23.8c7+ €e8 24.8d8+) 22.f5 t6 2J.gJbc6 24.gf6+ @f7 218b7+ \-o DefendYourKingM (Wilson,NC) White: jeff Jones(UNR) Black john Wooten (1971) r.e4 c6 z.:d4dj j.e5 Af5 4.Dg e6 5.Ad3 be7 6.Of3 6d7 7.Ae3 Ad3 8.9d3 Af5 9.0-o Ae7 lo.Efel o-o 11.a3 a5 12.o,e2 6e3 13.8e3 c5 t4.c3 a4 r5.at4 tra6 16.Odl €'c7 17.Elac1c4 18.6M AM 19.aM a3 20.ba3 Ea3 27^.Hal Efa8 ZZ.Eacl b5 23.ac5 h6 24.a.1r3 Ha,z 25.f4 tr8a3 26.Of2 Afs 27.e.e4 Ee7 28.8e3 @h7 29.h4 trb2 30.tra1 Eb4 t ,% %i%ru % %r:% i t''%tl f f i % #tt7fl' TMdt 1ffi,%,%'nt w N % 31.Of5+ttgf6 (31....gh8 32.6h5!a cb4 +-) 32.ef6 Ag6 33.h5 gd6 34.8a3 6a3 35.hg6+fg6l6.flt tsf8 37.9C5+€h8 38-fe6M39.e7 r-o Caaalier(9lZlg5,Hillnille, VA) White: Evan Whittington (1630) Black Kenneth Blevins (2105) r.d4 dj z.c4 e6 3.at3 6f6 a.Ag5 Ae7 5.e3 h6 6.Ah4 O-o 7.Oc3 b6 8.cd5 6d5 9.4d5 ed5 1o.Ae7 Be7 ll.Ecl fie6 '.2.93 c5 13.dc5 bc5 14.Acz Ad7 15.0-0 trab8 16.b1 of6 12.trc3trbcs 18.4d2 afs 19.Wf3Lg42o.Wf4Efes21.h3d4 22.ed49523.8e5 cd424.grd4trcd8 25.W^4 fie2 26.fle3 Wd7 27.Ac6 gh3 28.Acz W'ls 29.E(e8+Ee8 30.Ee1 trd8 31.6a5 trd6 32.ge5 Hdz 33.8f6 tra2 34.trc1Ag4 ft%%t% % % N n % % A ''%i,'%' '%ft% %;A % _H%%i 35.af3t thlzr (35.... tral! 35.8d8+ @g7 37.tsd4+€g8 38. tsal ABco) 36.trd1Ad7 37.6ds+ $g7 38.9d7 w d7 39.Hd7a5 4O.Ld5a4 4r.8fi + @96'a7^3'a4 Ef5 45.Lc4 €e5 46.b5 @d4 4Z.Atr* €c5 48.tra3 trbl 49.Ha6 h5 50.tre6h4 51.8c5+€b6 5z.eh4 @t5 53.h5trdr 54.h5trd4 55.trh5 trg4+56.962 tr98 57.h7trh8 58.f4 €b6 59.-Ad3€a5 6o.tresr-o The Gambit November/ December I 996 Officers Speak Out [antinued t'rom page2] the state. We all play chess for the same basic reason,we enjoy the game. But you can play a game any time you want against a computer, so it must be more than that. I think we also enjoy the one-on-one excitement of playing another person. Without the great work of tournament directors throughout the state and the NCCA, there might not be tournaments for us to compete in. That would be a tremendous loss to all of us. Secretary/Treasurer - Jean Ditenhafer The time has come to start another two years in office. Mike asked me to write an article and I told him that all I was going to say was "Send info on memberships, send money, I'll be happy!" Of course there is more to it than that, but if you want to put it into a nutshell .. that's it! Everyone realizes that there has been a big problem in getting the Gambit to you and we are solving that problem now. We heard that our members expected to receive the Gambit in return for their money. We do hope to have more tournaments in NC this year, both adult and scholastic. I'll stick my neck out and say that if someone needs help with the computer end of running a tournament, call me. I won't say I'm cheap, but I am inexpensive! We had the NC Closed for just NC residents this fall. What do you think of also having an open, maybe in the spring? Drop me a line and let me know. If you want it, I'll work on it, as will all of the officers. Now that we are doing what we promised, how about you? You want to know what you can do? Just what I said earlier ... joit, get other NC players to join, to support what we are trying to do! Fill out the membership form included with this issue! Even though you may be a current GAMES tcontinuedfrom praious pagel CharlotteChessCIubat Shoney's White: GeorgeMelton (1994) Black Tom Waymouth (1642) r.e4 c5 2.af3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.6d4 a.t6 5.4c3 a6 6.Ae2b5 7.o-0 e6 8.a3 Ae7 9.f4 8c7 10.€h1 Ab7 11.af3 AM7 r2.e5 de5 r3.fe5 6e5 r4.Af4 Atj 15.4f3 Ad6 16.tre1 6c4 u.Ac5 Obz 18.9d4 Ac5 19.4d5 Ad5 2o.8e7 trf8 21.gbz Ae7 trds 23.A}l.6 trg8 24.ad4 tsc3 25.8c7 at6'd3 tsc5 27.Wdr 6s4 28.trf1 Ah6 29.o.e6 fe6 30.Eda+Ad8 31.tre1 trg6 32.Wd3 tsg5 33.6f3 ge7 34.h3e5 35.8h5 Ac7 36.tsf3 8e5 37.Etr 6t5 38.94 Be3 39.6a8+€e7 4O.Hf3Sel+ 0-1 member, we may have the wrong address or USCF ID number on you. Take a minute, and a stamp, to help me get your info correct. If there is any problem, either call me or drop me a line. Be sure to check your expiration date on your label! We've been telling you that this may be your last one ... well it iust might be! 2nd VP West - Carl N. Hanna Here is my brief resume: Age 66, married, two successfuldaughters, and two grandchildren ages 5 and 3. Graduated Belmont Abbey College in 1961with an A.B. in Business and a minor in Education. Attended Erskine Theological Seminary, '1974-7977. Worked in insurance planning, job placement counseling, 8th-grade classroom teaching, and finally 27 years as a hearing-aid provider. Regarding chess, I was one of the "spark plugs" in starting the Gaston County Chess Club in 1991, and one of the "cogp" in the wheel in getting ten scholastic clubs started in Caston County beginning in1992. My role as 2nd Vice President of Wetern N.C. as I understand iL To recruit you to help each of us as your officers to contact school officials, parents, YMCAs and so on. Chess is a great idea and proven way of helping students raise their test and SAT scores by improving their analytical, logical, problem-solving, critical thinking skills and so much more! Are you willing to help one or more children or adults to learn to be a champion, drug free and a better citizen of tomonow? As the salnng goes, "as go the youth, so goes the nation." In Statesville NC, at his deceasedson's memorial chess tournament, the Billy Watt Memorial, Mr. Billy Watt Sr. once said, "I've never seen a scholastic chess player go bad." What a testimony. MidtownII (Charlotte, NC) White: Norm Pruitt (1280) Black Bob Mullinax 02461 1.c3d6 2.d4965.e4Ae74.Ac4 6t6 5.9b3 o-0 6.af3 6e4 7.0-o e6 8.Og5?6g5 9.trer Be7?10.h46f3+ 11.g$ d5?12.A.d5gh413.Ab7 Ab7 14.Wb76d7 15.tre4gh5 16.8c7 Af6 r7.Ee5 gf3 18.4d2 gg4* 19.€f1 th3+ 2o.@e2A.h6 21.Afl gg4* 22.@d3Eh3+r (betteris 22.... tsdt+) 23.Ac3 Ae3 24.8e3 tsf5+ 25.8e2 ad5 26.Wh2 oc3 27.De3 thj+ 28.9h5 sh5 29.trhr Eab8 30.b3trb5 3r.t4Fe7 32.c48a533.t4 trbs 34.c5 trb3 35.6e4 tr.a4 EaZ+37.911Ebl+ 0-l 1996NC Closed(Charlotte,NC) White: Matthew Hoekstra(1534) Black Colvin Watson(1900) r.e4 e5 2.6fj Af6 3.4e5 d,64.af3' 6e4 5.d4 Ae7 6.Ad3 Af6 7.o-0 0-o s.Eel d5 9.6c3 Ab4 ro.-Ag5Ac3 11.bc3h6 12.Ah4 gd6 13..Acl 8c6 r4.Wd2tsd7 r5.oe5 gd8 r6.ah4g5 l7.agSr hg5 18.tsg5+€h8 19.8h6+ €g8 20.8e3 tre8 zr.Eg3.+ Ag4 22.A.h7+l-O - LAND OF THE SKYX $20, 000 PRoJECTED:b/ 32O $10,000 GUARANTEED .'A}IUARY 31-FEBRUARY 2, L997 5 Round Swiss, Three Sections 6 0 G R A N DP R I X P O I N T S AI'IAIIEUR OPEN Under 2000 Open to AlI 1,500 1st 1st 2,400 800 2nd 2nd 900 400 3rd 3rd 800 4rh 500 srh 400 2299-2200 2r99-2r00 2 099 - u n d e r Each Category 70 0 - 4 0 0 1899-1800 I199-1700 1699 - u n d e r Each Category 800-400 BOOSTER Under 1600 1st 1, 500 800 2nd 400 3rd 1 49 9 - 1 4 0 0 1399-1300 1 29 9 - u n d e r Each Category s00-300 Unrated: 300 ENTRYFEE: AII Sections-$7g postmarked by I/21 /91, $10 more at $10 off presite or $49 postmarked by 1/21/91 and $30 at site. entry or at site entry for players new to Land of the Sky. Family (immediate EF, $20 off each additional member full discount: first P l a y e r s u n d e r 1 8: troPhy e n t r i e s ) . t r o p h y d / n a p p l y t o family only, if Playing for money S10 no discounts; only-S2O, pre or at site, off pre or at site EF. One discount per player. VISA & MASTERCARD A C C E P T E D( a d d $ 3 t o B F ) . C h e c k s p a y a b l e t o B & W , P . O . B o x 1 1 2 3 , WeaverviIIe, NC 28781. (704) 645-4215. Friday round; counts as OPTIONAI RE-ENTRY: Re-enter for $40 after L/2 entry toward based-on prize fund. PEGISTRiATION: Friday 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. for Friday round' anytj-me until Saturday 1 p.rn. (take one I/2 point bye at any time prior to 1 p.m. Saturday, one l/2 point bye available rounds 1-3). R O U N D S : F i r s t R o u n d - Y O U RC H O I C E - F r i d a y B : 0 0 p . m . o r S a t u r d a y 9 : 0 0 a.m. Other rounds 2215, 1zI5 Saturday; 9:00 &.2:I5 Sunday TIME LIMITS: 35 moves in 90 minutes, then G/60. Inn Drive, One Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort, LOCATION: Hotiday (704) 254-3211. Hotel- Rates: $56 up to four NC 28806. Asheville, Suite/Parl-or Rooms $110; $215. Mention Executive occupants; tournament. Other States OK. DUES: USCF and NCCAmembe/ship required. BLTTZ TOIIRNAIIENT: Saturday morning. SPECIAI SECTION FOR SCHOLASTIC PLAYERS $5 more at site. S C H O L A S T I CS E C T I O N , o p e n t o g r a d e s K - 1 2 . E F $ 1 0 1 s t & 2nd overall; 1st t o T r o p h i e s Rounds same as other sections. ( 3 r d p r i m a r y g r a de 1st c 2nd & 2nd elementary (6th grade c below); e below) ,' and top unrated. Include school & grade when entering. l0 Clubsarethelifeblood of theNCCAI HeIpus keepthislist up-to-date!If you wantyour clublisted,we'll gladly print it! SendaII informationto the Editor. Supportyour localclub! tV00A Uubilrectory Albemade StanlyCounty YMCA Tuesdays6:0opm-Until Contact:Phil Lowder(704 982-'1946. Asheville (Asheville ChessClub) North AshevilleCommunity Center Wednesdays 6:30pm-10:30pm Contact:lim lohnson(70q 298-9254. Clubphone(704)258-2453. Chapel Hill UNC, GardnerHall, Rooms01 and 09 Tuesdays6:30pm Contact: unknutn at thistime Charlotte (Charlotte ChessClub) Shoney'sat Woodlawn& SouthBlvd. Wednesdays7:00pm-1 1:00pm Contact: kland Fuerstman(700 643-382L. Contact: RichardWard Q70D 852-2854. Wilmington Contact: DaaidO'Bryant Hendersonville 739Eastwood Rd,WilmingfonNC 28405. (Hendersonville ChessClub) HendersonCounty PublicLibrary, Winston-Salem (upstairs)on WashingtonStreet Shoney'son UniversityParkway Fridays1:00pm4:30pm Thursdays7:00pm-Until Contact: Charles Palmer(70q 891-8968. Contact: unknownat thistime High Point (Triad ChessAssociation) Oakview RecreationCenter, 540JamesRoad Tuesdays7:00pm-10:00pm Contact: RickSawyer(910D/ 88+4444. Jacksonville (USO ChessClub) 9 TallmanStreet Sundays1:00pm-l-ateEvening SpeedChess& Match Play Contact: [eff Walsh (91.0)346-8349. E-mail: cn74} Elkin (Yadkin Valley Chess Club) Shoney'satI-77,Exit 82 Tuesdays7:00pm-11:00pm Contact ScottBaldwin(910d368-2018. ChadEller OLU 657-3475. SteoeGreenlee @10 835-6389. Monroe (Monroe ChessCIub) St. Paul'sEpiscopalChurch, Church Street Wednesdays7:00-Until Contact: lntin Engles Fayetteville FayettevilleTech- in Student Offices Thursdays6:0opm-Until Contact unlcnutnat thistime Raleigh (Raleigh ChessCIub) Kiwanis Park Community Center 2525Noble Road (off Wake ForestRd one mile south of Beltline,turn right on McNeill Street) Fridays 7:00pm-11:30pm Contact: Ed Bremson(91.il781.-5868. Ed Bergmark(919)755-6434. Gastonia (Gaston County ChessCIub) YMCA - 615W. Franklin Blvd. Thursdays 7:00pm-10:00pm Saturdays9:O0am-Until Contact CarlHanna (704)865-7515. BobMuhI (70$ 827-0874. Milton Tager(704)865-0421. Greensboro (Greensboro ChessClub) Folk RecreationCenter, 3910Clifton Road Mondays7:00pm-1 0:00pm Wednesdays7:0opm-10:00pm Southern Pines (Southern PinesChessCIub) Meeting House Cafe, 130SW Broad Street Tue. 7:00pm-10:00pm, Fri. 7:0opm10:00pm,Sun. 1:00pm-5:00pm. $3 for non-members. Call first. Contact: Dan Garrett (9L0D 295-3969, PO Box 31.97, PinehurstNC 28379. OtherClubsand Sources of l"fo CMSCA (Charlotte-Mecklenburg ScholasticChessAssociation) Contact: RichardKlein (704) 553-7708, PO Box221882, Charlotte NC 28222. HCSCP (Henderson County ScholasticChessProgram) Contact: Charles Palmer(70q 891-8968, 23 Springlak Dr, Horseshoe NC 28742. VIRGINIA - Hillwille (Carroll County Chess Club) PresbyterianChurch, Hwy 52 South Thursdays6:00pm-8:00pm Contact T. ScottBrupn (540)728-7774. lohn Martin (540D728-4273. lohn Suess(54U 236-8632. SOUTH CAROLINA - Anderson (Blue Ridge ChessClub) Anderson'sBilliards, 903West Park Drive, off 28 Bypassnear Ryobi Motors Contact: Unknuanat (80il 21.3-911L. SOUTH CAROLINA - Simpson (Greenville County ChessCIub) 110Village Park Drive, #79 Contact: NorbertThiemann(86$ 963-7447. GEORGIA - Macon American ChessPromotions Contact: ThadRogers(9LU 742-5607, 3055GeneralLeeRoad,MncnnGA 3L204. QUEEN'S GAMBIT BBS (70q 342-3851. Operatedby CarIMcKern. ffiENT ANNOUNCEMENTS sections: Ogen, (Cates NC-Three Raleigh Ave.& MorrillRoadl, Union Student Blancal,ff,l.3.SS,40,90,50,30.NCStateUniversity 7. phiKappa oecember adults, $10 required membership l$12 at site. NCCA advance, $8 in fourdays EF:$7if received eachsection. l400.lZgg.Under1400.$$Glb0:$40-10 l ' 84488. 2 . j u n i o r sRl .e g i s t r a t i o n g : 0 0 . g : 4R5oaumn.d s l 0 . 2 .E6n. t r i e sR:o b e r r N . s i n g l e t a r y . 4 T l 3 - C F a r g o C o u r t , R a l e i g h N{C921T96} 8l 28' 'M hasteamaswellas K-|2,K'9,K'6,K'5,andK'3. Eachsection NC.Fivesections: Charlotte School. Middle Carmel Scholastics. 7.g. Southern 0ecember pm 6:00'7:00 Registration 1214, thereafter. received by $'15 if $'10 ($15 for sections: per EF all required. is familyl membership CMSCA awards. individual '12l7. grade, section, name. include should l0'2'6,9'1.Entries g:00.9:00 All othersections, Rounds: K.3,10.12:30-3.5:30.9-12. amSaturday 1216. Friday Klein at callRichard {704}553'7708. information Fot more NC 28222. Charlotte P0 8ox 221882, to lD. Entries USCF and school, a fyft o n N C ( l 5 m i l e s s o u t hReaalsetiogfh$l$. ( 8 0 0 b 1 4I0f r1e. e h ce A u e e n . s . s s , 3 0 1 9 0 . s D / 6 0 . c t a y t o n H i g husscTh0olo, cl (l o D e c e m b e r l 3 . l 5 . , gt a n {dbel r41} 4. 0 0 , $ 1 2 0 ' 5 0 , U 1 2 0 0 3 5 ( b , 3 } , U n r a t e d 3 0 20 bn / 4d1e.r 1 8 0 0 , $ ' 1 3 0 - 6 5 , U 1 6 0 0 4 0 -U S e c t i o n s : 3 p e n , o p e n t$o1abi l0. . 7 5 , U 2 1 0 0 5 0 . 2 5 (U noon-Rounds pt byeRd.ll 9:00am'12 Late(112 am Sat, 7:30-9:00 Fri, 6-7:30pm $30at site.Registration (bl3l.All,EF:$25if received fourdaysinadvance. $15. Contact: Re'enlry: section. g.3. with another right t0 merge it the g:30 players, TD reserves (Gl7bl.l.7, hasfewerthan6 lf onesection Sun FriBpm,Sat (9191 E'mail: negfive@ix.netcom.c0m 553-8369. NC 27520. Ct.,Clayton 2016Cypress Jones, Jeffrey lnn,l'77 at samesite.l3-ss.G190,Ramada (The1996NCInvitational willbeheldc0ncurrently sideTournanent. saturday lnvitational oecember14. IrtC $l0iuniorsl. adults, required membership NCCA {$12 EF: $15. section. each rating. $$60-30 by (Clanton sections NC. Eight.player Roadl, Charlotte Exit7 568'2537. NC 28215.(7041 Charlotte 6705TerryLane. Tomboulian, Nolan l0-2-6.Entries: Rounds 9:00-9:50am, Registration Sections:Open, NC. $$(1000bl38l. Three lnn,5001MarketStreet,Wilmington Ramada Menorial.4.55,G1135, January4.5. 0r. Atbertyavidfr/arshauer A F.: $ 3 2 i f U n d e r l 4 0 0 l U n r a t e d , $ 1 1 0 ' 7 0 , U 1 2 0l l0, E 40 U n d e r l S 0 0 l U n r a t e d , $ 1 2 0 8 0 . U 1 6 0 0 7 0 . oprntorlt$ . 200.120,U2200100,U200090. (4thround bye round one in any available byes Half-point 10:00-3:00. 12:45-6:00, Rounds 1 l:30.12:30, Registration at site. by l2l31,$40 received NC 28'103. Wilmington Road. 739Eastwood DavidO'Bryant, Entries: 1-800-433-71M. 11.HR: $4g(1 or 2 perroom), afterthestartof Round irrevocable NS.NC. 7 listingunderDecember LXXll.Seedetails Btanca January11. PhiKappa 0pen,opento all' Threesections: of Raleighl. NC(15milessoutheast US701,Clayton HighSchool(off 4.SS,G/75,Clayton JanuaryIg. franblin,Roa,tsl/. 10 fund $20at site.Prize $1 b/81.Youth,open fund$ll0 tb,8l.Under1700.EF:$16fourdaysinadvance, $20at site.Prize EF:$16fourdaysin advance, Late 7:30'9:00am, $30'15'5(bl8l.All, Registration $10at site. Prizes younjgthanl8 whoseratingis under1400.EF:$8 fourdaysin advance, t0 anygne Jeffrey pt Contact first round. in the g-l .4.7:30.Re-entry receives creditfor a 112 bye $8($4youthlandplayer (l 12pt byefor ROt l grOO.t Zrg0.Rounds negfive@ix.netc0m.c0m NC 27520.tgl9l553'8369.E'mail: Ct..Clayton 2016Cypress Jones, s bCy. aSgaen: d u n d e r , g ' 1 0 , 1 1 ' 1 2 , 1 3 ' 1 4 , 1 5 ' 1 6 , 1 7 ' 1 8 . , Ci xhsaercl ot itot enN J a n u a r y1 8 - 2 0t.t . S . J u n i o r C o n g r e s s l s o u t h t , A d a m ' s M a r k H o t e lS to P0 10.Entries andUSCF section, school. name, birthdate, include should Entries thereafter. postmarked by 12/31, $40 it EF: S2S lll/g7.1 as of are {Ages more detailsfor at Klein {704}553-7708 willalsobeheld!CallRichard tournaments andbughouse NC ZB2ZZ.Speed Bix22lg12,Charlorte details. forcomplete adinside 2. Iand0f Thesky x. seefull-page January31-February 7 listing. February15. PhiKappaBtancaIXXill. SeedetailsunderOecember THEGAMBIT Association NC Chess 2616 Amity Hill Road NC 28677 Statesville, BULK RATE U.S. PostagePaid Statesville,NC 28677 PermitNo. 222