Newsletter Term 1, Week 5, 2016_1456194916


Newsletter Term 1, Week 5, 2016_1456194916
Ogg Road,MURRUMBA DOWNS,QLD,4503,Australia
Phone: 3480 9111
Dates To Remember
Regular Events
Parade from 2.30pm, P-2 even weeks,
3-6 odd weeks
Tuesdays for the rest of Term 1
Community Cuppa with Kylie 2.00pm
in the Lifeskills Room
School Banking
Smart Strings – Year 3
Upcoming Events
Monday 8 February
Year 2 Swimming, commences
Mondays & Fridays until 26 February
Wednesday 24 February
Year 6 Living History
Friday 26 February
9.00am Student Leader's Induction
Tuesday 1 March
Prep AVAPetPEP presentation
Saturday 5 March
Undurbazar!!! (Fete)
Principal's News
SciConnect Program
The Year 3s are part of a Year 3/4 SciConnect program. Natalie Hatch, a teacher from Murrumba and
her team of year 10 engineering excellence students are engaging the students in an hour of fun,
hands-on science activities. These activities are enhancing the Year 3 science unit on living and nonliving things. The children were involved in learning parts of a cell from large models, looking at cells
under the microscope, identifying parts of a cell in a diagram and looking at leaves (plant cells) with
magnifying glasses.
Last week they visited 3A. This week they will be in another year 3 classroom.
Principal's Afternoon Tea
Last Wednesday, I held my first Principal’s afternoon tea for the year. It is held every Wednesday
afternoon for those students chosen by their teacher that week for exceptional effort and achievement
and showing our school values. This term we are focusing on ‘Caring for Learning” and I saw lots of
evidence of this. I was joined by 43 dedicated students (one from each class) who have already
impressed their teacher this year. We enjoyed a chat and some fairy bread! I love to be able to
recognise the efforts and achievements of our wonderful Undurba students and look forward to
meeting another 43 students this week!
Congratulation to the following students who joined me for the Principal’s Afternoon tea
on Wednesday 17 February.
Charlie Prep A, Geordyn Prep B, Rachel 1A, Faye 1D, Raukura 1F, Lydia 1G, Georgia
2A, Sophie 2b, Sophie 2C, Lachlan 2D, Mia 2E, Riley 2F, Tremaine 2G, Connor 3A,
Jude 3B, Madison 3E, Joseph 3F, Tasmin 4A, Daniella 4B, Jemma 4C, Sarah 4E,
Chelsea 4F, Parinaz 5C, Isabella 4D, Isabella 5E, Lily 5F, Keily 6A, Jade 6B, Kirra 6C,
Tramaine 6D, Lara 6D, Isabella 6E.
Moreton Bay Rail Project Update: Work on Dohles Rocks and School Roads
Please find attached a letter from the Moreton Bay Regional Rail Project Team outlining
possible effects on Dohles Rocks and School Roads (18-26 February).
Community Cuppa
I really enjoyed having a cuppa with Denise, Laura-Kay and Tony last week before
parade. I would love to meet with more parents at one of our Community Cuppas held
every Tuesday this term in the kitchen area on the north side of the hall. Please join me
and other parents and friends of the school for a chat.
Have a fantastic week,
Kylie Smith
From The Deputies
These are scheduled for Thursday 10 and Monday 14 March. Individual and sibling
portraits are also available.
Order envelopes will be sent home shortly. You will be able to order online and
therefore not need to return the envelope to school on Photo Day.
A schedule will also be published then.
Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL) News
This term, our rule focus is I Care for my Learning. Over the next few weeks, students will be
participating in lessons which discuss the ways that they can be organised and ready for learning
as well as how they can participate to the best of their ability.
Parents can assist students to be ready for learning by ensuring they are at school by the first bell
at 8:40am and by having all school supplies and uniforms clearly labelled.
As part of our supportive school environment, Undurba is offering a range of clubs and activities
at lunch breaks for those students wanting to try something new, get fit, learn a skill or even
make friends. Look for the posters around the school advertising these clubs and activities.
Congratulations to all the students who received a GOTCHA Award from their teachers
this week. In 2013 Cr David Dwyer donated a trophy to be presented to the winning
GOTCHA house at the end of each term. So far Durakai has won 4 terms, Nimoola has
won 1 term and Uralba has won 5 terms. With only 11 points separating the houses
Durakai still holds onto a slim lead!
Uralba 85
Congratulations to the following students who had their Gotcha Awards drawn out on
Prep – Yr 2 Parade. Enjoy your turn with “Durby for a Day” (School Mascot)
Samuel P 1G, Tyler C 2G, Jacob G 1E, Issabella D Prep D, Aidan F 1A, Sahara Q 1B,
Landon F 1B, Chelsea T 1B, Monique J 1G & Sophie E 2B.
Congratulations to the following students who had their Gotcha Awards drawn out on
Year 3 – 6 Parade. Enjoy using the “FRONT OF LINE PASS”, “HOMEWORK PASS” or
Tahalia K 5E, Biancia L 5D, Jai K 5A, Zai J 4B, Jye B 4D, George E 3C, Maison C 6C,
Lytiah B 5C, Selena G 5E and Dylan K 5C.
Puzzle Club Thursdays 1st break in Mrs. Garrett’s room.
Kahli 4E
Lucas, Taylor and Emily 4F
Vishwa, Caitlin and Izzabelle 4C
PE News
District Rugby League & Netball Trials
Students turning 11 or 12 years of age this year and interested in attending the District
Rugby League or Netball Trials on the 9th March, please see Mrs Jo Jones or Mr Aaron
Nganeko ASAP. Students will be selected during Gala Day Sports Trials as nominations
are due by the 4th March.
District Soccer Trials
Students turning 11 or 12 years of age this year and interested in attending the District
Soccer Trials on the 21st March, please see Mrs Jo Jones or Mr Aaron Nganeko ASAP.
Students will be selected during Gala Day Sports Trials as nominations are due by the
14th March.
District Hockey Trials
Students turning 11 or 12 years of age this year and interested in attending the District
Soccer Trials on the 17th March, please see Mrs Jo Jones or Mr Aaron Nganeko as
nominations are due by the 10th March.
Regional U/14 Baseball Trials
Students turning 12 years of age this year and interested in attending the Regional
Baseball Trials on the 16th March, please see Mrs Jo Jones or Mr Aaron Nganeko ASAP
as nominations are due by the 10th March.
Year 5 & 6 Interschool Sport Gala Day Trials – 2-3pm Friday 19 & 26 February
Teachers will be trialing the students in their chosen sports for 2 afternoons to select the
26 teams ready to train for the upcoming Gala Day on the 18th March. Permission forms
will be sent home by the end of February. Please ensure your child hands their forms to
their teacher, coach or PE teachers and not the office. Only payment envelopes for $6
are to be left in the office. Those students not attending Gala Day will be participating in
3 exercise based activities at school. Sports and venues for Gala Day are Netball at Les
Hughes Complex, Lawnton; Rugby League at Les Hughes Complex, Lawnton; Indoor
Cricket at Oz Sports, Strathpine; Basketball at North Lakes State College; Futsal at Pine
Rivers United, Dakabin. Buses will leave school at 8:45am SHARP on Friday 18th
March. Payment of $6 is due by FRIDAY 11th MARCH.
Music News
Mrs Foat
Please note: Undurbazar is the school fete here on school grounds. As this is outside of school
times parents will be responsible for their child/ren. Please make sure you attend the
performance and collect your child immediately after they have finished as teachers have been
rostered at other events and are unable to supervise outside of these performances times. A
note has now been sent home to advise parents of the call time (time students are to be there),
performance time and uniform requirements.
Senior Performance Choir (Senior Choir Years 4-6) – Mrs Rebecca Foat - Wednesday 1st Break
Junior Jammers (Years 2 & 3) – Mrs Rachel Close - Friday 1st Break
Piccolo Choir (Year 1 – prep will join in semester 2) – Ms Anne-Maree Gibson – Thursday 1st Break
Students wanting to be a part of the Junior Jammers and the Senior Performance Choir (Senior Choir)
need to have a signed permission slip returned to Mrs Close or Mrs Foat by the 26 th February. Anyone
is welcome to join these 2 choirs, provided they have this signed permission.
Senior Choir will not be accepting any new students until term 3 after this cut-off date.
Before School
First Break
Second Break
Senior Band
Junior String Ensemble
Senior String Ensemble
Marching Group
Music Uniforms
If your child is in a music ensemble (listed below) it is expected that they have a music uniform for
performances. Music uniforms can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. These groups required a
music uniform.
Senior Band
Senior Strings
Senior Choir
All other ensembles will wear full school uniform for performances.
The uniform consists of:
Music Shirt ($40) – available from the uniform shop.
Navy Trousers ($18) – available from the uniform shop – NOT JEANS OR LEGGINGS
Black Socks – need to cover ankle
Black Shoes – Shoes must be all black with no other colours. If there are laces these must also be
If financial constraints prevent you from being able to afford the uniform, please contact Mr David Best
(Deputy Principal). We will endeavor to find a solution to help you and your child.
Have a Regular Practice Time
Routine works for everyone, no matter what the age. If you set a regular practice time, from the
beginning it will help alleviate the nagging later on. Home from school, afternoon tea, homework, play
time then instrument practice at 5pm for 5-15 minutes. “I’ll do it later” or “I don’t want to” are not
uncommon. It is ok to acknowledge that practice isn’t always fun, but with practice they will get better
and it will get easier. I used the example that you learnt to walk when you were little, you fell over lots,
you cried, you hit your head or scraped your knee but you kept trying…..and now you are much better.
Practice for improvement, not for perfection.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.
Plato - (Greek Philosopher)
SciConnect Team 2016
Orrin, Zane, Luke and Alex. Jade, Emily, Monica, Maddy and Sarah. Aiden, Christopher. April and
Admin News
Parents, do we have your correct details? Please ensure you notify the school if you have
changed your address, medication for your child, consent for photos, phone numbers etc. Please
ensure your details are current.
Invoices Now Due!
Smart Strings
Year 4 Indigenous Artist
in resident program
Due Date
26 February
4 March
Term 1
A due date is always recorded on invoices. Due dates are 1 week prior to the excursion or event.
This allows for all payments made directly into our bank account to clear. If you have any
concerns about paying an invoice by the due date please contact the Business Services Manager
to make alternative arrangements. In the future, no payments will be accepted after the due date.
Please ensure all payments have the name of the student, class and what you’re paying for, as we
have had a couple of cash payments that have no details on them.
Bank Entries – please put student name and class, not the parent’s name.
BPoint - Parent Payments
Following the implementation of BPoint, many parents are now making their payments via
BPoint. When parents make these payments via the BPoint web site they need to ensure that they
enter their customer reference number, invoice number and amount to pay. If this is not done
correctly payments will be directed to a suspense account. In many cases the parents are
correctly entering their details, which causes an automated receipting process. Please ensure that
you complete the section on receipt. This is processed through BPoint not the school.
Payment Box
No need to wait in a queue - you can place payment envelope in sealed box and receipt will be sent
home with your child. Ensure student name, class and reason for payment are clearly marked on
the sealed envelope.
Payment window is open from 8am to 11am to process card transactions. Minimum card
transaction is $10.00
Student Late Arrivals / Early Departures
If your child arrives after 9am they need to get a late slip from the office. Similarly, if you need to
collect your child prior to 3pm, you will need to obtain an early departure slip from the office
before you collect your child. This is an important process and indicates to the class teacher that
the person collecting a child is authorised. Thank you for your assistance in following this protocol.
Undurbazaar Update
Undurbazaar is here in just 11 days! Make sure you have done your part and put your
name down somewhere!
Thank you so much to the wonderful parents of Prep, Year 1 and Year 2. There was
amazing response when we asked you to donate 20 minutes of time at the event to help
man your year level stall. If you haven’t done so already, please put your name down
with your class teacher (either via email or in person). Your 20 mins really helps a lot!
We also have stalls being run to sell glow products, raffle entries, and our bake stall. If
you would like your name down for any of these roles, please email at or message us on our Facebook page. It won’t be a show for
Undurba without the Undurba parents!
Donation Boxes have been filling every week– thank you so much for your support!
Please continue to bring in your Christmas cleanout, as well as your item from the
calendar below!
This week’s item is an unopened, full can of soft drink. We will have these as the basis
of the “ring toss” game. You can even come and try to win back your contribution!
Thank you to everyone who has brought in items. Your support makes for a better show
each time!
Donation Item
Monday 8 February- Friday 12
Monday 15 February- Friday 19
Monday 22 February – Friday 26
Monday 29 February – Friday 4
Prize Item
Prize Item
Soft drink can
Chocolate bars
and/or blocks
We’ve had a wonderful response to the bake stall callout! Please get involved and bring
your prized lamingtons, family secret recipe cookies, or Masterchef-worthy cupcakes for
us to showcase! Please email us at or message our
Facebook page UNDURBAZAAR to get in touch. It’s another easy way to put your
touch on the event. If there is no involvement from families, we cannot highlight all that
our parent community has to offer!
Did you see the advertised post about our BLINDFOLD FOOD TASTING
COMPETITION?? On stage, in real time, contestants eat their way through sample
dishes and guess what it is they have just tasted!! Do you have someone you can
nominate? Please email us at with their details to register!
This is your chance to show off your foodie knowledge and win an incredible prize from
Mango Hill Tavern! Best of luck!
There is a brochure coming home to every family with rides information. This
information will allow you to make the best choices about UNLIMITED rides’ wristbands
for your family.
Please use this brochure to purchase bands at school, or simply purchase them on! Simply click on the ‘Events’ tab, click the green “Place
Fundraising Order” button, and follow the prompts.
This wristband will keep you going all day on any one of our 12 rides! Of course,
wristbands and tickets will be available at the event, so get ready to ride!
P&C News
The current members of the P&C invite you to come along to our meetings and see how
our association and school function. It’s a great place to have your say, or to become
informed. Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Life Skills Room
on the tuckshop side of the hall, commencing at 6.15 pm.
The 2016 AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held after the next P&C Meeting on
Monday, March 21. General Meeting commences at 6.15pm in the Life Skills Room,
entry is via the school side of the hall. The AGM commences approx 7pm.
At the AGM, all executive positions are vacated giving the opportunity for interested
parents to apply for the positions of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary,
P&C Qld Rep.
The P&C's primary role is to support the operation of the school, through fundraising
initiatives and through positively promoting what is occurring in the school throughout
the year. Involvement as a member of the executive team can be rewarding and
All roles within the P&C executive are voluntary.
Although the P&C has an Operations Manager to look after the day to day running of
the P&C, you would need to attend regular P&C meetings and have an expectation to
be available 2 to 3 hours per week.
We desperately need helpers to prepare and serve breakfast 8.00am to 8.45am and to
serve over the counter second break 1.30pm to 1.50pm
Help is also needed each day to prepare food for the lunch boxes for first break 1st
March to 11th April.
If you can help please contact Janelle at or register on
line at
If you are using online ordering please remember to update your child`s class. The
tuckshop ladies are experiencing difficulties in getting the students’ meals to the correct
Parents are telling us how happy they are and how easy the system is to use. Paypal is
a great way to handle payments if you are unsure about using your credit card online. A
small fee applies for the use of Paypal and Credit Cards. Direct Debit is also available
but you will need to wait for your funds to clear before ordering. There is no fee charged
for direct debit.
Parents are telling us it is great not having to worry that their children have forgotten to
put their tuckshop in or having to line up in the morning to write out a bag.
We are aiming to have the majority of the school online for 2016 but understand that not
all families will be able to process orders online. We will still take bags handed in over
the counter 2016.
To order online or to become a tuckshop volunteer –
If you have any questions please contact Debbie on
or pop into see the ladies in the tuckshop.
Student Banking
We are looking for another helper to assist with student banking each Wednesday
morning. If you can help please contact Debbie or
visit the banking ladies on Wednesday morning for more information.
FUNdurba News
FUNdurba Kids Club now has positions available for Before and After School Care.
Please contact Nancy 3480 9129 or
Kindy News
Undurba Kindergarten Family Picnic
Wednesday 17 February 2016
Families of both Kindergarten groups were invited to visit Kindy for a picnic from
5.00pm. The families brought their own food, drinks and picnic rugs. There were mums,
dads and many brothers and sisters who came with the Kindy children. It was very
exciting to come to Kindy at night time! The children played in the sandpit and under the
tree. They chased their friends and did puzzles inside and when they were hungry, they
went back to their parents sitting on the picnic rugs. The parents had the opportunity to
chat with Kindy staff and other Kindy parents. Hopefully this Family Picnic is the
beginning of great relationships between Kindy staff and Kindy families and between the
different Kindy families.
Community News