BCTECH - Business in Vancouver
BCTECH - Business in Vancouver
2016 2015 RATES &DATA MOON SHOTS STARTUP STARS LIKE MARK CUNNINGHAM PILOT TECH TO A $23 BILLION INDUSTRY IN B.C. | 12–17 BC Tech is a key source of local information and the only publication where you can find B.C. hightech companies and their major suppliers. BCTECH ACCELERATING FROM THE PACK WITH VENTURE FINANCING | 6 WEARABLE TECH | 20 BCTIA INNOVATION | 26 TECH IMPACT AWARDS | 50 10 18 24 FLAT-OUT GAMERS BILLIONAIRE TRACK INTERACTIVE RETAIL INDUSTRY-FOCUSED EDITORIAL AND PROFILES | BCTIA TECHNOLOGY IMPACT AWARDS | TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORY | INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS 2015 MOON SHOTS STARTUP STARS LIKE MARK CUNNINGHAM PILOT TECH TO A $23 BILLION INDUSTRY IN B.C. | 12–17 BCTECH WEARABLE TECH | 20 BCTIA INNOVATION | 26 TECH IMPACT AWARDS | 50 RAINCOAST GUARDIANS 2014 Designed-in-British Columbia super tugboats protect busy shipping lanes | 12 Alberta is generating half the new jobs in Canada and boundless investment opportunities in a big land brimming with pride, power and potential • • TELECOMMUNICATIONS FIRMS CONVENTION/MEETING VENUES COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGERS invest in alberta 2015 Green Space Business investment across alBerta wiNNERS:and bRiTiSh colUmbia’S gREENEST compaNiES | 34 official publication 00_BoL_2014_OFCover with spine.indd 1 2014-08-08 12:10 PM oil Futures CLIMATE SMART BUSINESSES | 14 | 16 CaPital a Catalyst | 16 GREENEST CITY COUNTDOWN | 18 CalGary is noW toWn | 18 UBC’S NATURAL NEST | 38 21 8 eda MeMbers 03_INVEST IN AB 2015.indd 1 | 97 Ports toMEANS PlainsGO GREEN 24 32 31 aGriCulture ORGANIC CYCLE reGion WINDrounduPs FARM PLAY Ad pAges SOURCE BOOK 40 INVEST INVEST IN BC IN BC The Vancouver Board of Trade Member Directory 2015 –16 2015 BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT ACROSS BRITISH COLUMB IA OFFICIAL PUBLICATION BC Economic Development Association 2014-12-01 3:43 PM 22 26 31 TERRIFIC TOURISM RICE QUAKE REGIONAL ROUNDUP 15 — 16 BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT ACROSS BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLISHED BY VANCOUVER RELOCATION GUIDE The Vancouver Board of Trade LANDS ON TOP MOST LIVABLE CITY: WHY VANCOUVER Members’ Business Directory OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OFFICIAL PUBLICATION BC Economic Development Association CITY OF FORTUNE Gateway to Asia Pacific, Vancouver is the city on the coast where business is a pleasure PUBLISHED BY | BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER 24 27 FILM FRENZY ADVENTURE TOURISM REGIONAL ROUNDUP | 10 City of fortune Gateway to Asia Pacific, Vancouver is the city on the coast where business is a pleasure 16 18 22 WHAT’S COOKING? THE RELOCATORS SUCCESS STORY | 22 NETWORK LIKE A PRO | 36 IT ALL STARTS WITH FUN | 37 Meeting and event-planning in British ColuMBia BOMA BC LEASING GUIDE | COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 2015 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 1618 18 24 22 26 WORLDcooking? CUP 2015 what’s LESSONS LEARNED the relocators TED TALKS success story 02_INVEST IN BC 2014_P1-31_CS3.indd 1 01_RG 2015.indd 1 2/11/14 8:37:39 AM 1_VBT 2014-15_00_bleed Cover with spine.indd 1 RAinBOW RetReAts | 22 netWORk Like A PRO | 36 it ALL stARts WitH FUn | 37 2014-12-08 12:47 PM Listings | Meeting venUes in B.C. PUBLISHED BY | BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER Venture capital in B.C. | 22 GROWING BRITISHGUIDE COLUMBIA’S BIO-ECONOMY BOMA BC LEASING | COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 2014 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION PUBLISHED BY 18 24 SPONSORED BY MP2015 cover w spine.indd 1 2014-10-21 3:31 PM PUBLISHED BY | BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER 01_OFFICE SPACE 2014_CS6.indd 1 British Columbia THE BUILDING OWNERS AND MANAGERS ASSOCIATION BOMA BESt | CREATING CANADA’S GREENEST, CLEANEST BUILDINGS | 26 2014-04-11 1:28 PM NEW-SKILLS official publicationTRAINING | 19 PROF. DESIGNATIONS | 20 MBA PROGRAMS | 36 $7 SponSoR new-skills Training | 19 CHOOSING A NAME | 20 TRAINING YOUNG HIRES PROTECTING YOUR BRAND prof. designaTions mBa programs 6 14 16 SCHOOL WORK STUDY OPTIONS CAREERS IN TECH 01B_LIFE SCIENCES 2014_CS3.indd 1 RIGHT ASK THE COURSE EXPERTS training for a FROM career with a IN cause | 10 EXPERT ADVICE BUSINESS VANCOUVER growing CHANGING british GEARS IN columbia’s MID-CAREER bio-economy | 10 $7 publiShed by SPONSORS OFFICIAL FICIAL PUBLICATION 26 BOMA ENDORSEDLessOns UNDERLeARneD VANCOUVER’S WORLDBESt CUP 2015 teD tALks GREENEST CITY 2020 ACTION PLAN | 55 Solutions to everyday business problems DUE SOUTH AND BACK AGAIN OFFICE LIFE RIGHT COURSE SPACE SCIENCES British Columbia $25 How much should I invest in mobile technologies at my business? What do I need to know to plan a successful corporate event or conference? B.C.’s collaborative research environment | 18 Research institutions improve health | 20 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Transforming Class B space to Class A style | 16 What should I consider when negotiating a commercial lease? STARTING FROM SCRATCH HEALTHY COLLABORATION Teaming up advances projects | 24 CLASS DISTINCTION 2015 2015 What are the key elements of a good business plan? HEDGING YOUR BETS Using drug discovery platforms | 15 Pumping new life into sector | 14 SKYLINE REMADE RAINBOW published by RETREATS LISTINGS | MEETING VENUES IN B.C. Parks and cafés capping office towers | 40 MEDICAL DEVICES SUBURBAN HQS g my when restructurin I must take the key steps What are s? opportunitie company? most of networking reward make the How do I and respectful an adequate establish at How do I my employees? need evaluating business system for company’s areas of a What three of each year? the beginning 2015 2015 ROOFTOP REDUX Growing the financial environment for life sciences companies | 18 Transit lures head offices from downtown | 48 2015 2015 HUMAN SCALE Workspaces designed for active bodies | 34 CREATIVE FINANCING Metro Vancouver’s bold new skyscrapers | 37 most livable why vancouver landsCOLUMBIA on top | 10 MEETING AND city: EVENT-PLANNING IN BRITISH $25 INTERACTIVE RETAIL Supercharged space revs Pacific Centre | 16 B.C.’s largest, bestequipped venues 2015 embrace world-class hospitality| 14 MEETING MEETING VANCOUVER RELOCATION GUIDE PLACESBC PLACESBC official publication PUBLISHED BY 2014 – 2015 18 24 BILLIONAIRE TRACK CADILLAC STYLE big tent 2015 THE BUILDING OWNERS AND MANAGERS ASSOCIATION ADVERTISING | COMMUNICATIONS | MARKETING 18 FLAT-OUT GAMERS OFFICESPACE LIFE SCIENCES BIG TENT B.C.’s largest, bestequipped venues embrace world-class hospitality| 14 2015 MEETING PLACES BC 2015 Bookof lists Achievers | finAnce & ProfessionAl | MArketing & MediA& MediA | technology | reAl estAte construction | goods & |services Achievers | finAnce & ProfessionAl | MArketing | technology | reAl&estAte & construction leisure |& leisure services World awakens to fast two-way trade between British Columbia and Asia’s economic giants | 10 MEETING PLACES BC 2015 SUNNY FUTURE Low-cost paneLs, powerwaLL batteries brighten soLar power’s horizon | 24 PACIFIC RIM POWER PLAY A moonshot, in a technology context, is an ambitious, exploratory and ground-breaking project undertaken without any expectation of near-term profitability or benefit and also, perhaps, without a full investigation of potential risks and benefits | WHATIS.TECHTARGET.COM 10 2014 • 2015 • • 2015 • BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER • BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER • THE VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE MEMBERs’ BUsiNEss DiRECTORy 2014–2015 • INSURANCE BROKERS LAW FIRMS ACCOUNTING FIRMS PROFESSIONAL ORGANIATIONS • 16 The Vancouver Board of Trade Member Directory 2015 – 16 THE BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER 2014 BOOK OF LISTS 2015 EMPOwERING CANADA, wELCOMING THE wORLD 2014 BC’s Top Private BC’s Top Public Companies Highest-paid executives BC’s Fastest-growing REAL ESTATE DEALS CONSTRUCTION STARTS TECH COMPANIES PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRMS ENGINEERING FIRMS DESTINATION RESORTS BOOSTER-STAGE STARTUPS HAVE ARCED INTO MULTIMILLION-DOLLAR FIRMS. NOW FRESH B.C. CREWS ARE READY TO ROCKET WITH THE NEXT BIG IDEAS | 14–17 ACCELERATING FROM THE PACK WITH VENTURE FINANCING | 6 SPONSORED BY 3/18/14 1:49:47 PM | 36 KEY STEPS TO RESTRUCTURING 6 14 Trades AND MORE man HIRING A PR COMPANY FOR LOWER MAINLAND’S PROPERTY MANAGEMENTindUStRy INDUSTRY FOR LOwER MainLand’S PROPERty ManagEMEnt SOURCEBOOK BOOK SOURCE Business aBroad 01_RightCourse 2015_00.indd 1 2014-12-15 12:38 PM 2014-08-15 11:49 AM PMS 2015.indd 1 2015 NO LIMITS Alberta delivers mega-event venues, World Cup sports and awe-inspiring experiences BC Tech is B.C.’s definitive annual magazine covering the province’s technology sector. Editorial examines several key tech sectors, including: Aerospace, Information and Communication, New Media, Energy, Life Sciences (Biotechnology), Sustainability (Clean Tech) and Telecommunications. PROPERTY property MANAGERS’ managers’ SPONSORED BY SPONSORed by TRADE SHOW TIPS 17 family poliTics MEETING PLACESAB MEETING AND EVENT-PLANNING IN ALBERTA LISTINGS | MORE THAN 350 VENUES AROUND ALBERTA $25 6 8 10 BIG TENT VENUES WOMEN’S WORLD CUP LESSONS LEARNED ENDORSED BY 2014-11-13 11:05 AM BC TECH 2016 DISTRIBUTION 12,500 copies will be distributed to potential clients in 2016 to all Business in Vancouver subscribers and to Board of Trade members in Vancouver, Burnaby and Surrey. OVERVIEW TARGET AUDIENCE ■Business leaders, managers and influencers ■Educated young professionals ■Innovators and entrepreneurs COMPELLING EDITORIAL ■Editorial stories cover the tech sector, with industry-focused features as well as profi les of high-tech leaders and pioneers ■Directory information includes types of business, contact information and web addresses ■BCTIA Technology Impact Awards ■Industry associations ■Technology directory and company index B.C. is home to a number of technology companies The B.C. Technology Industry Association uses BC Tech as a vehicle to promote the impact awards and as part of its media and promotional material both locally and internationally to promote technology industries in B.C. LISTS Biggest ■Telecommunications fi rms in B.C. ■ Alternative energy companies ■Top 100 tech companies ■ Biggest B.C.-based tech companies ■ Digital agencies ■Video game developers ■Software developers ■ Life sciences companies PRINT AND ONLINE BENEFITS TO ADVERTISERS 16 | BC TECH 2015 PUBLISHED BY BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER | 17 Moon shots Your ad may benefit from additional exposure in the digital replica edition of BC Tech. Website addresses appearing in ads will be hyperlinked to allow readers quick access to your site. READY TO ROCKET These 54 B.C. companies ready to explode with growth 2015 READY TO ROCKET SELECTIONS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (IT) CATEGORY Aquatic Informatics Inc. 1to1Real Process Awesense Wireless Inc. Technologies LTD. (CMaeON) AAA Internet Publishing Inc. (DBA WTFast) Allocadia Software Inc. Buyatab Online Inc. Collabware Systems Inc. Colony Networks Inc ePACT Network Ltd. Eventbase Technology Inc. Fulcrum Management Solutions Ltd. (Thoughtexchange) Iamota Corp. CLEAN TECH CATEGORY Axine Water Technologies Inc. Bit Stew Systems Inc. Cooledge Lighting Inc. dPoint Technologies Inc. First Light Technologies Ltd. Golden Environmental Mat Services Inc. Mazza Innovation Ltd. Neurio Technology Inc. Quadrogen Power Systems Inc. Rainforest Automation Inc. Jostle Corp. S2G Biochemicals Inc. Kashoo Cloud Saltworks Accounting Inc. Lambda Solutions Inc. MediaCore Technologies Inc. SemiosBIO Technologies Inc. Prizm Media Inc. Solegear Bioplastics Inc. Recombo Inc. SunCentral Recon Instruments Inc. ResponseTek Networks Corp Simba Technologies Inc. Slack Technologies Inc. Star Solutions International Inc. Tasktop Technologies Inc. Themis Solutions Inc. (Clio) Time.ly Network Inc. Visier Inc. Voxter Communications Inc. Wishpond Technologies Ltd. LIFE SCIENCE CATEGORY Augurex Life Sciences Corp. Ayogo Health Inc. Bionic Power Inc. Lungpacer Medical Inc. MedGenesis Therapeutix Inc. MSI Methylation Sciences Inc. PHEMI Health TYLER ORTON T hinking about equipping your home with a digital brain? Ever wonder if you could monitor your health through a mobile game? What about wearing computerized goggles to check your performance while snowboarding? Those technologies have all been developed in B.C. the past few years – and the companies behind them are ready to explode with growth in 2015, according to Rocket Builders. The high-tech consultancy group recently revealed its 13th annual Ready To Rocket list in Vancouver, highlighting 54 booster-stage companies it believes will accelerate fast in the coming year. The list is divided among information and communications technology (ICT), life sciences and clean tech companies. When the list first came out 13 years ago, Rocket Builders managing partner Geoff Hansen says there weren’t enough life sciences and clean-tech companies to make up their own lists. That’s changed over the past decade as the tech community has grown from an “Old Boys’ club” of mostly industry insiders to the much larger ecosystem it is now, Hansen told investors and advisers this spring at Harbour Centre during the unveiling of the list. “The tech industry in B.C. has very, Systems Inc. Precision Nanosystems Inc. Qu Biologics Inc. Vanrx Pharmasystems Inc. For more information call Katherine Butler Tel: 604-608-5158 | TF: 1-800-208-2011 | kbutler@biv.com very strong growth and strong companies in all three sectors now,” he says. Hansen says companies that make the list must be a high-growth market, have a unique competitive position and possess a “must-have” value proposition for the market. For example, Neurio’s advancements in smart technologies for homes, Ayogo’s health-centred mobile games and Recon Instruments’ wearable technology for cyclists and snowboarders put those companies on the lists for their respective categories. Steven Forth, a senior management partner at Rocket Builders, says the incubator and accelerator programs springing up the past decade are also bolstering the tech community. “The accelerators in B.C. … are doing a fantastic job of growing new companies, and it’s not just in Vancouver,” he says. “Tech and innovation is now something that’s happening across the whole province.” Fasten you seat belts. Ali Kashani, CTO and co-founder of Neurio, with the company’s electrical monitoring hub | DOMINIC SCHAEFER HIGH-TECH WONDERS B.C. tech companies have set staggering revenue growth rates over the past five years. Here are examples from Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50 listings for 2014. HOOTSUITE 56,514% AVIGILON CORP. 956% QUICKMOBILE ZAFIN CLIO APPNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES 12,332% 5,499% 865% CLEVEST 259% PHOTON CONTROL INC. 220% 654% SOURCE: DELOITTE TECHNOLOGY FAST 50, 2014. FIVE-YEAR REVENUE PERFORMANCE. 303 West 5th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6 Telephone: (604) 688-2398 Fax: (604) 688-6058 BC TECH 2016 ADVERTISING CLOSE DATE: MATERIAL DUE: PUBLICATION DATE: DISTRIBUTION: DISPLAY RATES APRIL 26, 2016 APRIL 28, 2016 JUNE 2016 12,500 COPIES MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS WIDTH HEIGHT Size Not all sizes available in every publication (inches) (inches) Size 4 colour Spot colour Black & White Double Page Spread $8,030 $6,960 $6,445 Full Page 4,395 3,850 3,630 2/3 Page 3,630 3,080 2,860 Type area 7 1⁄8 9 3⁄4 1/2 Page 3,410 2,805 2,530 2⁄3 Horizontal 7 1⁄8 6 5⁄16 1/3 Page 2,695 2,145 1,925 2⁄3 Vertical 4 11⁄16 9 9⁄16 1/4 Page 2,195 1,625 1,320 1⁄2 Horizontal 7 1⁄8 4 11⁄16 1/6 Page 1,815 1,400 1,210 1⁄2 Vertical 3 7⁄16 9 9⁄16 Banner 1,595 1,100 910 1⁄2 Island 4 11⁄16 7 1⁄3 Horizontal 7 1⁄8 3 1⁄3 Square 4 11⁄16 4 11⁄16 1⁄3 Vertical 2 1⁄4 9 9⁄16 1⁄4 Horizontal 7 1⁄8 2 1⁄4 1⁄4 Square 3 7⁄16 4 11⁄16 1⁄6 Vertical 2 1⁄4 4 11⁄16 1⁄6 Horizontal 4 11⁄16 2 1⁄4 Double-page spread (with bleed) 16 3⁄4 11 1⁄4 ■Custom spot colour matched in process ■For guaranteed positions other than listed below, add 10% ■All rates are net and in Canadian dollars ■Rates do not include GST Production notes ■Production charges are included in the rates above for basic prep work. ■For ads requiring basic layout, the customer must provide: 1. a mock-up 2. logo 3. image (photo) if required and 4. text. ■Revisions will be limited to 2 proofs at no charge after which time, an hourly rate or portion of will apply. ■Charges will apply to extensive design and/or multiple revisions. SPECIAL POSITIONS ■Cover space is available on a first come, first served basis. ■All special positions are four-colour and non-cancelable. Outside Back Cover $5,720 Inside Front or Back Cover $5,115 Premium $4,675 GROUP BUY OPPORTUNITIES Book 2 or more ads within 12 months and receive the following discount off each publication: ■2 magazines: 15% discount ■3 or more magazines: 20% discount SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Call today for more information. Full-page trim size 8 1⁄8 10 3⁄4 Full-page bleed 8 5⁄8 11 1⁄4 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Submission guidelines: Please provide (in order of preference): a pressready PDF or PDFx 1a file, an Illustrator CS3 or lower EPS file with all fonts converted to outlines, a Mac InDesign CS3 file with all supporting files and postscript fonts. Images should be 300 pixels per inch. FTP is available, but please talk to us first. And please supply a proof of your ad. Note: When supplying logos for our database publications, black and white vector EPS files (such as those created in Adobe Illustrator) are preferred. If you do not have a vector version of your logo please supply a black and white TIFF. Bleed ads: Please keep all critical elements 1⁄2 inch from the trim. BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER READERS 7 of 10 70% Over 25% 73% For more information call Katherine Butler Tel: 604-608-5158 | TF: 1-800-208-2011 | kbutler@biv.com Readers are university educated Household income greater than 100K BIV readers have an investment portfolio valued at $500K Are senior business decision makers Roughly 50% BIV readers work in small business (49 or less employees) 9 of 10 Readers are involved in the buying process 68% Readers make the buying decision 303 West 5th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6 Telephone: (604) 688-2398 Fax: (604) 688-6058