Spring - Fianna Hills POA :: Home


Spring - Fianna Hills POA :: Home
If you haven't done so already please MAIL YOUR 2010 membership dues TODAY! To those who have
paid already, THANK YOU, now get your neighbors to join so we can do more for Fianna!
2010 Annual Meeting
Membership Insurance Benefit
This year’s annual meeting was held on
January 21st and was attended by 63
FPOA members. After covering routine
business of the association, electing your
2010 officers (see pg.5) and discussing the
previous year’s accomplishments , plans for
2010 were unveiled. This meeting also
served as the second and final follow up
for the Neighborhood Problem-Solving
meetings conducted by Chief Kevin
Lindsey and Capt. Smalley of the Fort
Smith Police Department. Some of the
2009 projects included the new entrance
sign, expanded neighborhood watch
program, additional flags for the median
holiday displays and as usual covenant
For 2010 we will be
updating and expanding the median
landscaping, assembling a mid-year
membership survey, neighborhood garage
sale (see info on pg.3) and more!
Your board of directors has an exciting new money-saving
offer for all 2010 members. The FPOA is now an
approved property owners group with Auto-Owners
Insurance and agent Kenny Kohler. AOI offers a special
rating discount plan for groups such as ours that will save
you money on your auto, home or commercial insurance
policy. Please see the ad for Kohler & Green Insurance in
this newsletter or at www.fiannapoa.com for details on
how you can save up to 10% on your insurance just by
being a member of the Fianna POA.
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Spring is upon us and its time to clean out the closets! In
order to make our neighborhood an even better place to
live we are asking everyone who would like to have a
garage sale to schedule yours for May 1. Your FPOA will
be advertising this in the newspaper and will have extra
police patrols for added security. This should reduce the
number of garage sales during the year and we will be
having another garage sale weekend in the fall.
Remember to keep the median and landscaping areas free
of garage sale or other signs. All signs placed in the
median will be removed and disposed of.
If your newsletter is NOT in color, your 2010 dues have not been paid as of March 10, 2010. Please renew today!
Spring 2010
Friends and Neighbors,
I am still in disbelief that spring is already here, seems like only yesterday we were sledding down
the hill in our back yard after opening Christmas presents! The FPOA is off to a great start for 2010 with
over 300 memberships already paid as of February 28. This represents almost a 20% increase in
memberships over last year for the full year! Thank you to everyone who has paid their 2010 dues and
special thanks to everyone who has made a contribution to either the flag display, landscaping or just an
extra contribution to the general fund that will help your FPOA complete current projects and continued
support of the organization. A second round of membership invoices went out to all those which remain
unpaid the first of March, please send in your dues immediately if you have not already done so. The
solicitation of memberships is a significant expense for the FPOA, but is a necessary expense and the new
process has been successful in collecting membership dues in an efficient manner.
The most exciting project that was recently completed was the sign replacement at the Jenny Lind
entrance to Fianna. This was the first replacement of the main sign since the development began and while
it was sad to see the 30+ year old sign go, the new one is a great representation of the neighborhood and
kept the feel of the original sign and concept intact. Be watching for phase II of the landscaping project in
the coming weeks as we will be removing the sod from in front of the sign and expanding the landscaping
into the entire area in front of the sign. Again, thanks to those who made an extra contribution for this
project to make it better.
Mark your calendars for May 1, this will be the Fianna Neighborhood Garage Sale day! Your
FPOA will purchase advertising in the newspaper and notify other media outlets that all Fianna residents
have been encouraged to schedule spring garage sales on that day. We will also notify the police
department so we may have extra patrols and security that day. Start cleaning out your attic and be ready so
you don't miss this opportunity! We will also be having a fall garage sale day and we are asking that all
Fianna residents schedule their garage sales on these two days to reduce the number of garage sales being
held in the neighborhood throughout the year and once again making Fianna an even better place to live!
On page one of this edition there is an article regarding a new benefit for all FPOA members which
is a special insurance discount on your home, auto or other coverage with Auto-Owner’s Insurance. For
more information see the ad for Kohler and Green Insurance on the back page! Another new benefit for
FPOA members comes from the landscaper who we have contracted for flower bed maintenance, Blue
Ribbon Lawn and Landscape. They will offer one free mowing to anyone who signs an annual lawncare
agreement with them, and two free mowing if you are an FPOA member! You can find details on page 4 of
the newsletter!
Finally, with the rash of recent vehicle and home break-ins, remember to watch out for each other,
report suspicious behavior to the police, and most importantly be diligent in your efforts to make your
property less attractive to would be thieves. You can call your FPOA for suggestions or the Fort Smith
Police Department at their non-emergency number, 709-5100 to report anything or ask for help with
keeping your home safe!
Mike Lorenz
2010 FPOA President
PS. Please remember to be respectful to your neighbors during the upcoming election cycle and
limit the size and quantity of campaign signs displayed in your yard.
Spring 2010
Page 2
Are You Prepared for Spring and Summer Weather Extremes?
Be Prepared for Summer
While we all look forward to the summer weather, we should also be aware of weather extremes. Hurricanes,
tornadoes, thunderstorms, flooding and mudslides present very real dangers. Homeowners should be aware
of these weather extremes and the property losses which might result from one of these events. Our Homeowners Insurance Resource Center was developed to help homeowners review their homeowner insurance
coverage and the claim process.
Take Time To Review Your Policy Before Disaster Strikes
Is it sufficient and appropriate?
Actual Cash Value (ACV) coverage will only pay for replacement costs less depreciation.
Replacement Value coverage will pay for replacement but only up to policy limits.Make sure that your
policy limits are sufficient.
The type of coverage that you have may not be the same for your personal property as it is for your
dwelling. If you want replacement coverage for your personal property, it may have to be added to
your policy.
Many items in your household may have limited coverage or none at all. The coverage on valuable
documents, antiques, musical instruments, business personal property, computers, etc. should be reviewed and policy endorsements discussed with your broker, agent or insurance company if necessary.
Flood is not covered under a Homeowner’s policy. You may live in a designated flood area. Contact
your broker, agent, or insurance company to find out if you live in such an area. If you do, your agent
or broker may be able to obtain a flood policy from the National Flood Insurance Program or an authorized insurance company.
Are there other exclusions that you should be aware of?
Loss from "Earth Movement" is not covered under a homeowner's policy. Loss from mudslide is not
covered under this exclusion. Know whether your home is susceptible to this kind of loss. You may
wish to consult a professional engineer.
Are there special deductibles on your policy?
Policies issued to homeowners near shores and waterfronts may have higher windstorm loss deductibles which are usually triggered by officially measured hurricanes. Review your policy to be clear what
additional loss exposure you may have in those circumstances.
Are you prepared to prove a claim to your insurer?
Spring 2010
A written inventory of household possessions may be very helpful in filing a claim for losses. It should
be kept in a location away from the home
Receipts for the purchase of items will help prove the value of a loss. Again, they should be kept in
another location.
A videotape or photographs of your household and possessions can be valuable to support a claim.
Again, keep them in another location.
A copy of your policy in a separate, safe location may prove valuable if the papers in your home are
damaged or destroyed.
...continued on pg. 11
Page 3
French Chateaux Tour
July 6th—20th, 2010
Missy Littleton– Cosmetologist
Anita Johnson– Nail Tech
Becky Bugh– Massage Therapist
Lisa Conyers-Cosmetologist
6206 South 31st St. Fort Smith, AR 72908
The Arkansas Federation of Garden
Clubs is planning a customized tour of
choice French Chateaux and gardens
along the Loire River Valley and around
Paris on July 6th, 2010 & return on July
The tour director will escort us to the
best chateaux & gardens while taking us
to quaint cafes along the way. Anyone is
For more information contact
Sheila Croxton at:
Spring 2010
Page 4
Don L. Wright, Agent
3600 Old Greenwood Road
Fort Smith, AR 72903
Phone 479-649-8001
Fax 479-649-8003
Don Wright Insurance Agency, Inc
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Spring 2010
Page 5
Spring 2010
President Mike Lorenz has
lived in Fianna for the past
seven years and is a lifelong resident of Fort Smith
and attends Christ the
King Catholic Church. He
has been married to his
high-school sweetheart,
Wendy for 17 years and
they have three children, Adison, Kiera and Ty.
He is serving his third year as President of the
FPOA and was a board member for two years
prior. Mike also owns Atlas Apparel and he and
Wendy promote multiple motorcycle racing
events each year. He is also currently serving on
the City of Fort Smith Planning Commission.
Vice-President Richard Baker
has lived in Fort Smith all his
life and has lived in the Fianna
Hills area for the last 10 years
with his wife, Christine and
has been married for 27 years
and they have two children
Rachael and Derek, and two
grand children Gavin &
Maddox. He is currently Plant
Manager of Clarke/ Alto a floor care product
company in Springdale, AR.
Treasurer Margaret
Cannava was born and
raised near Cincinnati,
Ohio. Married her high
school sweetheart,
and spend the next 27
years moving with her
husband, Tom, a career
Army officer. She stayed
in the Fort Smith area when Tom retired from
the Army in 1994. Tom and Margaret are coowners of Bradford & Udouj Realtors along
with Ronnie Udouj. She has a daughter,
Rachel, and two granddaughters, Maggie Rae &
Secretary Patsy Jones is the
Co-Owner of Dolan &
Jones Realty Group. She
became a Realtor in 2001
after 30+ years in Customer
Service with Southwestern
Bell Telephone Company.
She is currently serving as a
member of the Fort Smith
Board of Realtors as a
Director and participates in local charity events
for Special Olympics and the "back-pack" program
sending food home with children who do not
have food for the week-end. She has lived in
Sebastian County her entire life, and is a member
of the First Baptist Church of Greenwood. Patsy
has one daughter, Donna Nolte, son-in-law Rick
Nolte and grandsons, Drew, Jordan and Grant
Director Bob Self
served on the Fianna
Association for many years
and is an active member of
the FPOA Neighborhood
Watch patrol. Bob is a
realtor with Ramona
Roberts Realty and his wife teaches first grade
at Christ the King Elementary School.
Director Position
This is my forth year on the board and enjoy being
a part of the property owners association. Our goal
is to improve and keep our neighborhood
Director Daniel Sturgill has resided in Fianna
Hills for the last 14 years. Daniel and his wife
Diane, have two children, Kathryn and Joseph.
They moved to Fort Smith from Phoenix, AZ
where they resided for 10 years. Daniel is a
graduate of the University Of Tennessee College
Of Law has been employed with the Federal
Government for 24 years. Fianna has been a
wonderful neighborhood to live in. He looks
forward to serving the Fianna Hills community.
Photo not available at press time.
if you are interested in
serving as a FPOA director!
Page 6
Director Fred Allison grew up in Ft.
Smith and graduated from Ft. Smith High
School in 1952, and spent four years in the
USAF. Fred Graduated from Westark
Community Collage 1967 then moved to
Texas, graduated from Texas A&M 1970.
He has lived in Mississippi, California,
Oklahoma and Texas working as an
industrial engineer. While in Elk City,
Oklahoma, he served on the Elk City Planning Commission and
lived in Houston for seventeen years working at M.D. Anderson
Hospital. Fred retired in 1994 and decided to move back to Ft.
Smith. Life is worth living in Fianna Hills.
Director Reba Abbott is a
native Arkansan who
graduated from Poteau H.S.
before spending most of her
adult life in California where
she graduated from
Sacramento State College
where she taught Special
Education in Sacramento
City Unified School and eventually retired as
academic instructor for California Department of
Corrections. Later she owned a small business in
Fresno and when she retired again, she moved to
Ft. Smith where "Life is worth living" and am happy
to be here at long last.
Director Patsy Cornelius has
lived in Fianna for the past two
years after moving here from
Texarkana, AR where she served
as a City Director. Patsy is an
assistant professor for the
baccalaureate nursing program
at UAFS and pursuing her
doctorate in nursing education.
She and her husband Tim have two children and
have another grandchild on the way and are also
parents to two dogs! Patsy also currently serves on
the Fort Smith Historic District Commission.
Director Pat Ross was born in Fort Smith
where his mother and father founded a
family owned flying service. He attended
the Fort Smith public school system while
working in the family flying service while
earning my pilot's licenses before leaving
Fort Smith in 1988. He returned from
Memphis, TN in 1993 while still pursuing
a career in aviation. Currently Pat is the
owner of a flight school in NW Arkansas
that offers flight instruction, aircraft sales, and pilot services, and
also a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Fleming Lau Realty.
I am proud to be a new member of the Fianna Hills Property
Owners Association, and a citizen of our great city of Fort Smith,
Director Terri Settle has lived in Fianna for
12 years with her wonderful husband, Kevin,
and their two beautiful daughters, Katie and
Rachel. Both Terri and Kevin are Fort Smith
"born-and-raised" and very proud to call it
and Fianna home.
Fianna POA Executive
Secretary Wendy Lorenz has
been the staff secretary for the
FPOA since November 2006.
She and her husband Mike
have lived in Fianna for
almost 8 years. They have
been married 17 years and
have three children.
FPOA Legal Counsel: Megen Prewitt
FPOA Webmaster: Paul Scroggins
Spring 2010
Page 7
Bobbie Miller
Ronnie Udouj
Tom Cannava
Margaret Cannava
Principal Broker
John Hagen
Julie Hagen
Executive Broker
Jeanette Jones
Fred Patterson
As the developer of Fianna Hills, we know the area.
Jim Simmons
Brenda Harvel
Call the name you can trust.
Rachel Brown
Bradford & Udouj will promote your property. We advertise
more than our competitors. Check out our huge Sunday ad in the
Southwest Times. Among advertising in all the real estate
Brinda Garrett
magazine, we advertise on the Realtor.com, Loopnet.com,
BradfordUdouj.com, & provide curb side flyers. Public Open
Houses and Realtor Open houses are also a plus when you list
with us.
Sue Shields
We do more than just stick a sign in your yard!
2605 Market Trace
Spring 2010
Hollie Byers
Ashley Boyd
Connie Ellis
Dan Howell
Jim Grady
Lisa Mundai
Jim Morocco
Page 8
Neighborhood Watch Do’s and Don’ts
-by Fred Allison
Do have someone pick up
your papers when you are
out of town! Don’t let
them accumulate in the
driveway announcing to
would-be thieves no one is at
18 Hole Golf Course
4 Tennis Courts
Newly Remodeled Fitness Room
Junior Olympic Swimming Pool
Fort Smith’s Finest Dining
Come join the Club!
Contact Gary at (479) 646-7861
Don’t leave your vehicle
unlocked in the driveway with
valuables in plain sight.
Fort Smith Police (non-emergency) 709-5100
As we enter the spring and summer months, please remember that your covenants require all trailers, RV’s, and
watercraft to be stored out of site of public view. This applies to trailers of all type as well as all RV’s or
camping trailers along with boats, jet skis, etc. If you have any questions or would like to
report covenant violations please call 648-1696 to report
violations. Remember, it doesn't matter how nice your RV or
boat is...storing it in street view is a violation of our covenants!
Thank you for your help!
Arkansas Christian Counseling
Dr. Tom MacMahon, L.A.C., MA, DMin, MDiv, BSC
Relationship in trouble? Stressed? Depressed?
Don’t put off getting help!
I can help you get your life back on track.
Call today for your FREE confidential session.
479 452-3466
Fort Smith Central Mall, Suite 525
$75 per hour, first session no charge
Spring 2010
Page 9
Spring 2010
Page 10
Continued from pg.3
If Your Home Sustains Damages:
Notify your insurance company or its agent as soon as possible after the loss. It is best to follow up a telephone call with a written notice. Keep a copy for your reference.
Under your policy you are responsible to protect your property from further damage. Costs for these repairs
and temporary emergency repairs are covered under your policy. However, you must give your carrier the
opportunity to inspect the damage before final repairs are done. It is a good idea to photograph the damages before any emergency or temporary repairs are done.
The company may ask you to submit a written claim form. They should contact you within 15 days after
your claim is submitted. They may have a an adjuster inspect your loss. The company will contact you when
they have made their determination.
If you need assistance with your claim you should contact your agent, broker, the carrier, or the Consumer
Services Bureau.
If your area has been declared a state or federal disaster area, you may be eligible for assistance under the
State Emergency Management Office or the Federal Emergency Management Office. You should contact
these offices directly. They will normally set up disaster centers in the area to provide assistance.
Visit the Arkansas Insurance Department’s Website or call your agent today for more information on Homeowner's
Insurance and to review your current insurance coverage.
Thank you to The New York Insurance Department for providing this information.
Article contributed by Kenny Kohler of Kohler & Green Insurance (see ad back page)
Spring 2010
Page 11
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If Your Home Sustains Damages:
Spring 2010
Page 12