

JUNE / JULY 2015
Summer Watering Restriction
April 1– October 31: No sprinkler usage from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Message from
the President
Message from
Chatty Chicks
Message from
Community Relations
Planning Committee
Worth Mentioning
Incident Reports
TCA Community Patrol 7
Trudy Jones
Petition for Candidacy 10
Good Neighbor Award 12
All content of this newsletter
is copyrighted by the Tanoan
Community Association.
OFFICE: 823-2307
FAX: 823-6735
ACADEMY GATE: 821-0105
P.O. BOX 10246
PHONE: 897-8100
FAX: 897-8102
EMAIL: ann@mulhernadvertising.com
Springtime is sprinkler time, but the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water
Utility Authority reminds customers to water only in the morning and
evening starting on Friday, April 1. By law, sprinkler irrigation is not allowed between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The restrictions will be in place until
Oct. 31. Violators can face fines starting at $20 for a first offense up to
$2000 for ninth offense and beyond.
An Appeal For Help and Greater Neighbor Participation at Meetings
We always hope for larger turnouts at our Board meetings to hear about community updates and get feedback on how to better serve you. We undoubtedly have a well run
association as compared to others in the City, with relatively modest issues to deal with
which has unfortunately contributed to some degree of apathy, low attendance at our
monthly meetings and the reluctance to volunteer.
Many current and past Board members have donated a great deal of their personal time
to keep our community viable and responsive to your needs. Over time, we know that
some will eventually have to take a break to devote more of this time to work and family
matters so we are always asking new volunteers to help. Please contact any of our
Board members listed in this newsletter and let us know if you are willing to give just a
small part of your time. We are currently seeking one additional Board Member. If you
are interested in serving, please contact Ed Lyons at the Tanoan Office.
It’s time to begin preparing for the upcoming annual meeting scheduled for October
22nd. Two of the five current Board members’ terms will be expiring this year, making it
necessary to elect two new Board members in the election held at the meeting. If you
would like to give back to your community and help to keep Tanoan a great place to live,
please consider running. There is a petition for candidacy on page 4 of this newsletter!
A Reminder to All Homeowners Who Rent Out Their Tanoan Residences
In recent months, several homeowners in
Tanoan that rent out their residences have
changed out their tenants without making
sure that the new renters registered with the
Association. This may cause problems, not
only to the renters in trying to access their
new community, but for the Association and
security services also. All renters must be
registered with the Association in the same
manner as home owners. They need to be
issued ID decals, purchase gate cards if
they desire, submit approved visitors for
gate entry, etc. A record of telephone numbers is essential for renters just the same as
for owners, so security can contact them
when necessary. Above all, the Association
must know who is living in the homes within
the community. So…if you as an owner are
using a management service, be sure and
advise them that they must register each
new renter with the Association as soon as
a new lease is signed. And if you do not
use a management service, but handle the
lease yourself, please bring your renters by
the office and introduce them to us and get
them registered in a timely manner.
Additionally, it is important that you do not pass gate access
cards from one renter to another. The access devices are
assigned to an individual, and when that individual leaves,
that device is deactivated. Please advise your renters that
they must turn the access cards back to the Association
when they leave, and if your new tenants desire to purchase
a device they can do so in the Association office once they
are registered as living in the community.
Message from
the President
important of all, current phone numbers! The office staff
must be able to reach residents.
I am so please that crime is down in our community. But we
can’t let our guard down now.
President, Board of Director
pring has sprung . . . a leak! or so it
seems, these wonderful spring showers are really greening up our community
and the days are slowly getting warmer.
Tanoan is coming to life turning green
and bursting with color. But all that
takes water, the Tanoan Boards of Directors have over the years transformed
some of the landscape to conserve
water and have done a fine job. We have saved millions of
gallons of water every year. As homeowners we too are responsible for care of our landscapes and our water resources. As we water our lawns and landscapes more
frequently we must watch for water running into the streets
and gutters. This water is subject to fines against the
homeowner. The Water Utility Authority has their official
Trucks in our community almost everyday issuing fines. We
can conserve water, avoid fugitive water fines and ultimately
reduce water waste. A real win-win situation.
The Tanoan office staff has kept a resident data base since
day one of the community, and keeping it up to date has
been harder than pulling teeth. The database is very important to the operation of this community. I’m talking about
outdated automobile lists, approved visitors lists, and most
Thanks for your cooperation!
So please call or come by the office and see that your resident file is up to date.
Summer is coming, doors & windows are left open, cars left
in driveways unlocked, with attractive goodies left inside.
Bushes covering windows to hide the thief wanting in. No
outdoor lighting left on. Etc. Etc. It may not keep every one
out, but it has to help.
Shredding day May 30th mark your calenders, bring your
documents. IT’S FREE!
Dumpster days are back! Spring cleaning! Time to get rid of
all the junk that piles up and no one wants to take to the city
dump. It will be set up in the office parking lot June 5th.
Rules: No plant material. No construction material. No
paint cans or flammable material. Everything has to fit inside the dumpster, do not leave anything on the ground.
Tanoan book exchange. Now I’m pretty sure there are a
bunch of you out there that love to read, and I’m one of ya.
Located in the office, just off the meeting room, is a little
space filled with great books! The best part is you just
walk in, take the ones you want, keep them if you so desire,
and bring any unwanted books to share with the rest of us.
You really should take advantage of our little book corner. I
hope to see you there, because I’m a book worm too.
Pattie Hinds, President, Board of Directors
Tanoan Ladies’ Coffee and “The Chatty Chicks”
Our regular Tanoan Ladies’ Coffee Hour is held on the second Thursday of each month at
10:00 a.m. in the Association Office. Please join us… just mark your calendars for June 11th
and July 9th.
Please bring along a few “goodies” to share, see old friends, and meet new friends. We hope
to see you there!
TCA Planning Committee Meeting: Wed., June 10, 8:30 a.m.
TCA Board Meeting: Thursday, June 18, 7:00 p.m.
TCA Planning Committee Meeting: Wed., July 8, 8:30 a.m.
TCA Board Meeting: Thursday, July 16, 7:00 p.m.
You may download any Tanoan forms you need from www.tanoantalk.com
Message from Management
Association Manager
ello again! Spring and summer color
should be planted in all of the beds
throughout Tanoan by the time you read
this. The pansies at the entrances have
been admired by many people this year,
including non-residents. I’ve been told
that our front entrance flowers were the
“best in the city” this year. Whether you
thought so or not, you at least have to
agree that they were very high on the list, and they were
much improved over some previous years.
Speaking of growing things, it’s the time of year to chase after
those pesky weeds that sprout up in the cracks in our driveways and sidewalks. Please take extra care in your maintenance efforts in this area, as nothing makes a house look
more “seedy” or “abandoned” than a good crop of weeds in
the cement cracks! . Please be diligent…we all care what our
community looks like! I’m sorry to say, but if this isn’t done
voluntarily, consideration is given to issuing penalty fines for
non-compliance. Thanks for your cooperation!
Also, please read the front-page article about the need for a
new board member now and candidates to run for election
in the fall. I’m going to be reminding you often about the
upcoming election. It’s not too early to begin thinking about
how you might fit into serving your community on the board,
on even a committee or on a special project. Just because
you haven’t done it before doesn’t mean it’s not time to get
involved in administrative issues in your community. It IS
your community after all, and it takes YOU to help make it
run smoothly.
Vandalism and Summertime Mischief
Now that school is out, the summer months typically see an
increase in vandalism and summer time mischief. Please
ensure that the summer months are enjoyed by all and that
we all respect individual owner’s property as well as all
common areas and the Tanoan Country Club property.
Several times last month the Ventura Gates were damaged
by vandalism. Saran wrap was wrapped around the gates,
preventing them from opening properly and causing the
motors to shut down. The gate motors have to be reset,
which is an unanticipated expense to the Tanoan Community. Aside from that, there is a risk of larger expenses if
the motors are damaged, or need to be replaced. John
Cathey and I want everyone to know that we take this kind
of vandalism very seriously and have instituted new measures, including better lighting at the gates, upgraded cameras for better facial recognition, and a change in security
procedures to more effectively involve the Albuquerque
Police in the apprehension of these vandals. If the vandals
are caught, we would pursue collection of all costs associated with these damages and their attendant expenses.
Please be reminded, that owners are GREAT
neighbors when they perform some of the
basic pet actions:
1. Prevent dogs or cats from barking, howling, meowing or
making other noises in a continuous or intermittent
manner that disturbs neighbors.
2. Immediately pick up and dispose of, in a sanitary manner,
any solid dog or cat waste outside of the pet owner’s private premises. This is when you are walking your pet and
solid waste is left on your neighbor’s property.
3. Clean up solid dog or cat waste on private premises
within 24 hours. The accumulation of pet waste in your back
yards causes foul smells to affect your neighbor’s enjoyment of their own backyards.
4. Restrain dogs or cats on a leash when not confined to
private property.
In Closing…
Please feel free to call me with your ideas, concerns, and
questions regarding the community at any time. All correspondence should be addressed to the Tanoan Community
Association and mailed to 9820 Murifield Ct., Albuquerque,
NM 87111. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are
closed for lunch from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Pattie Hinds
Paul Dembnicki
Jeffrey Philbin
Vadare Cornelison
Need one board member
Community Association Manager: Ed Lyons 823-2307
Community Relations Director: John Cathey 823-2307
Administration: Cathy Hepler 823-2307
Academy Gate 821-0105
Visit our website at www.tanoantalk.com
Meet the Chatty Chicks!
You’re invited to coffee, 2nd Thursday of
every month, 10 am, at the Tanoan office.
Bring a goodie to share, bring a smile, make
new friends!
If you come to coffee you just might meet someone from
your home state, know what book you want to read next,
get a recipe for a great appetizer or dessert, meet someone
with shared interests, meet a WWII veteran, meet someone
who fixed dinner for the King of Thailand, learn what’s new
in the neighborhood, and have a really good time! Here are
some real people giving real testimonials:
Rachel Nelson: The TCA office becomes a "neighborhood
clubhouse" for one hour each month. That makes it so easy
to get together just for fun! I do think that by getting to know
each other we shrink the neighborhood and increase our
sense of community.
Vadare Cornelison: I really appreciate the women in this
group. I recently had an illness and was amazed at the food,
cards, visits, offers of rides, and support that I received. It's
the most valuable part of living in Tanoan.
Madelynne Johnson: My husband and I moved to Tanoan
in July of 2014, and attending the Chatty Chicks monthly
coffee is a wonderful way to meet others from Tanoan and
get the scoop on our community.
Deb Andrews: We moved to Tanoan after retiring from the
Air Force and I wanted to meet people who were not military
related. I wanted to be a part of a civilian ladies group. I
enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories. This
group is fun and the food is great!
Debi Housley: I love Chatty Chicks! Being involved with
this marvelous group of women has made me feel a part of
the Tanoan community. I look forward to the welcoming
smiles and engaging conversations about family, travels, accomplishments and the exchange of hugs, encouragement
and laughter that unfolds during each meeting. The experience and wisdom among these special ladies is beyond impressive, it's astonishing! They inspire me to strive to be a
better wife, mother and friend, each and every day. Thank
you, Chicks!
Betty Jones: We range in age from "younger marrieds" to
our "over 90's", all learning from each other and sharing our
lives. Come join us!
Message from
ello again! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather as I am. It
looks as if we are off to a great season.
I would like to discuss some concerns
that have risen.
Telephone Numbers and Emails
In working with the Association database provided by the
Community Patrol office, it has been found to have disconnected or missing telephone numbers for many residents.
All residents who have changed their telephone numbers or
telephone type, i.e. from land line to cell or vice versa,
please contact the office at 823-2307, ext. 2, with the
changes. Further, if anyone has not provided their email address to the office please do so, so you can be kept up to
date with community information.
New Resident Registration
From time to time it is brought to my attention that we have
a resident of Tanoan, renter or owner, that has failed to register with the Tanoan Association Office. It is required that
all residents of Tanoan be registered upon taking up residence in Tanoan.
Incident Reports
Yellow Stickers
It has been some time now since we changed the yellow
Tanoan Stickers to the current maroon and tan. Apparently
there are residents that haven’t gotten the word. Please
come to the office and change stickers.
Ventura Gate Entry
We’ve had an increase of individuals using their gate cards
and remotes to let non-residents into the community. We
have observed contractors and others being let in. Residents are again reminded that this is a residents-only gate
and is posted as such. Please respect that and require your
guests, whoever they are, to enter through the Academy
gate. It would be greatly appreciated.
Resident Vacation Forms
It’s vacation time again. Again, I ask all resident taking a vacation to submit a Residents Vacation Form before you
leave. Failure to do that leaves you and us at a loss if
something should happen at or to your residence during
your absence, and we do not have any information as who
to contact, etc.
We have had complaints from many residents about loose
cats in the community. I remind you that cats fall under the
rule for pets in the community. They must be in the control
of their owners anytime they’re off their owner’s property.
Residents that own cats are requested to make every effort
to control the roaming of their cats. For owners that are
having problems with the cats I would advise that the association has cat traps at the office that can be loaned to residents to catch the cats, which then can be turned over to
the Albuquerque Animal Control.
As always my door is open for comment suggestions and or
complaints or call at 823-2307, ext. 2.
for April and May
3 Vandalisms
29 Overnight parking
1 Home burglary
10 Trash container violations
1 Vehicle accident
3 Speeding
1 House alarm
9 Failure to stop at sign
1 Security risk
3 Parked blocking sidewalk
1 Vehicle break-in
2 Littering
1 Theft from vehicle
3 Resident parked in visitor parking
2 Unauthorized parking
1 Pet violation
3 Recreation vehicle violations
1 Parked against traffic
1 parked on lawn
Floyd Gering, Chairman, Lloyd Bonzon, Vice-Chairman, Ann Stokes, Bruce Hickson, Carol Sue Hammett
The TCA Planning Committee took the following action in its April meeting.
Approved requests to make alterations/improvements and/or additions to residence or landscaping
7000 Pala Mesa: Driveway expansion
9620 Merion Circle: Re stucco
10016 Wellington: Landscape Changes
10001 Bridgepoint: Landscape Changes
9815 Village Green: Landscape Changes
9109 Flushing Meadows: Landscape Changes
Tree Smart
by Danette Collins
nfortunately, trees are cut down because of a variety of
problems, many of which may have been prevented.
Surface roots are usually on top of the list.
Trees are a large investment on the front end: dollars to purchase and plant, and time spent for growth. And if thought
and care aren’t applied in the beginning, expenses may be
added on the other end due to an ugly tree and/or roots,
and/or damage to adjacent structures. The costs—in time
and money—of having to remove a tree, and possibly replanting another, can be considerable.
Here are some tips that will help give you a wonderful tree
that you can enjoy for a very long time: Consider what size
and growing habits are needed for the area. Take time to
plant correctly. Dig a hole twice as wide as the size of the
roots. Add soil amendments, if needed, to break up hard
soil and retain moisture. Cut any wire or cord binding the
roots. Fold any burlap around the roots half way down to
expose the roots (the burlap will decay). Remove any synthetic fabric around the roots. Roots of container trees may
have become coiled or matted. Loosen and uncoil circling
or twisted roots. Failure to do so may prevent the roots from
spreading out properly to secure the growing tree, and
eventually the tree may fall over or simply not thrive.
Water deeply (even drought-tolerant trees) to encourage the
roots to grow strong and downward. If only the top foot of
soil is kept well watered, the roots will grow in the top foot.
Shallow watering keeps roots near the surface. Fertilize for
the first few years, especially nitrogen. Mature trees need
deep watering once a month or so during hot dry weather. A
very slow running hose for several hours around the dripline works well. Trees and plants need watering during dry
winter months. Caution: A drip system that encircles the
tree’s drip-line is very important when xeriscaping.
Protect the trunk from damage. Never use plastic sheeting
underneath rock or bark. It prevents the soil from breathing,
and encourages shallow plant roots. You’ll loose the advantage of rain if much of the water runs off into the gutter because of the plastic barrier. A better alternative is a
permeable landscape fabric.
Pruning is both a skill and an art. To get the job done right,
review pruning guidelines published by the International Society of Arboriculture. Pruning trees over 10 to 15 feet
should be left to a professional arborist. Don’t prune lower
branches on a young tree until necessary. Never radically
chop branches off. This weakens the structure of the tree
and destroys a handsome form.
I’ve covered the care of trees very briefly. You can acquire
more detailed information from the Sunset Western Garden
Book or other reputable publications, the Society of Arboriculture, an Agricultural Extension agent, nurserymen, etc.
Email Alerts: Good for Everyone!
We want to ensure you receive important information about the happenings in our community as quickly as possible, especially when it is related to a safety or security issue. Please contact the Community Manager to sign up to
receive the Email Alerts: 1. In person at the Association office 2. By calling the Association office at 823-2307 and
pushing “1” 3. Or by e-mailing him at tanoan@comcast.net
What You Can Expect from TCA Community Patrol
e have had many new residents move into our community over the past six months. They all have questions
regarding procedures and policies, etc. One of the most frequently asked questions is: “What can I expect from our
Community Patrol?” Community Patrol at TCA is defined
as “…controlling community access, enhancing community values and maintaining community rules.”
Community Patrol Employees Are
Not Police Officers
Gate attendants and the patrol staff are not trained police
officers and are directed not to act like they are. They are
expected to look after the residents’ interests and provide a
measure of security and safety for their properties and the
community as detailed in the Community Patrol Procedures
Manual, but they are not expected to function in the same
manner as a police officer. However, they are trained and
do have the authority to cite residents for their failure to
abide by the Subdivision Rules.
Rely on the APD
In the event that an employee of TCA is confronted with a
situation where a police officer should be called to the
scene, they have the authority to contact APD. These situations could include suspicious persons in the community,
unruly and/or confrontational residents or guests, people
(whether residents or guests) engaging in loud, abusive,
and/or obscene behavior, acts of vandalism to residents’
homes or common areas, etc. Residents encountering
these types of situations are also asked to call APD first in
any emergency situation, then to call the Academy gatehouse (821-0105) advising the guard of the situation. Patrol
staff will be dispatched to the scene, however, they will not
intervene, but will observe until APD arrives. APD officers
have instructed TCA not to get involved, as this could endanger lives, interfere with their job, and could cause a
delay in a life or death situation.
Entry Onto Private Property
Gate attendants and patrol officers are instructed not to
enter upon a resident’s property except under the following
• When invited by the resident, either by phone or in person; this would include investigating an incident;
• In the event of an emergency involving the resident or his
• When requested to enter by the APD or other emergency
• While performing a “welfare check” on a resident. This
normally occurs when someone expresses concern for a
resident’s welfare
In the interest of a resident’s privacy and security, their
property is strictly off limits to employees, and an employee
of TCA is not permitted to enter a resident’s dwelling unless
accompanied by the resident or a member of the local police or fire department.
Gate Attendant & Patrol Procedures
Gate Attendants are responsible for:
• Facilitating entry into the community for all residents displaying the Tanoan vehicle ID sticker on their car;
• Identifying any visitor, asking for their destination, and
verifying with the resident prior to allowing entrance into the
community to that guest or delivery person. This verification
is accomplished by checking the computer for that resident’s pre-approved guest list or calling the resident to verbally get approval;
• Recording in the “log” the vehicle and license number of
all guests that are granted entry;
Patrol Staff are responsible for:
• Patrolling the community streets 24 hours a day, 7 days a
• Issuing citations for rule violations;
• Responding to resident complaints, i.e., dogs barking,
garage doors open, house alarms, illegally parked vehicles,
• Patrolling and observing on a daily basis the homes of
residents that are out of town (providing that resident filled
in a Vacation Form and left it with the Community Relations
Director or Office prior to leaving town).
If you have additional questions regarding TCA’s policies
and procedures relative to Community Patrol issues, please
do not hesitate to call (823-2307) or stop by the Association
office during business hours.
Driving a motorized vehicle without a driver’s license
1st: $50; 2nd: $100 (within 12 mo.); 3rd: $200 (within 12 mo.)
Exceeding 25 mph Tanoan speed limit
1st: $50; 2nd: $100 (within 12 mo.); 3rd: $200 (within 12 mo.)
Overnight parking on streets and off street parking
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Failure to stop at stop signs
1st: $50; 2nd: $100 (within 12 mo.); 3rd: $200 (within 12 mo.)
Parking RVs, boats, etc., on property, in excess of 48 hours.
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Parking on sidewalk
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Barking dogs, pets not on leash, not picking up after dog
1st: $25; 2nd: $50 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $100 (within 6 mo.)
Trash container violations
1st: $10; 2nd: $15 (within 6 mo.); 3rd: $25 (within 6 mo.)
Worth Mentioning II
by Betty Jones
The original column “Worth Mentioning" began several years ago. Pattie Hinds wrote engaging articles about
Tanoan residents and often referred to her subjects as victims! Now Pattie is on hiatus as she serves her term as
President of the Board of Directors. Worth Watching II continues the tradition. Pattie grew up riding horses in the
North Valley so I'm sure she will enjoy reading about:
Jane Slaughter
I spent a beautiful Spring morning getting to know Jane over a cup of coffee
at her Village Green home. She has
been a resident of Tanoan since 2008
and enjoys living here. Many of you
have probably noticed Jane starting out
on her daily morning run. She began
running while living in Puerto Rico and
can easily cover three to four miles and
has several favorite routes heading out
of Tanoan. She has also participated in the Duke City Half
Marathon. Way to go, Jane!
Jane was born in Nicaragua and has lived in many places,
but considers New Mexico home. She earned her B.A. in
History and Spanish at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
She moved to New Mexico and earned a M.A. in Latin American History at UNM in 1965, and a PhD in Modern European
History in 1972. She taught in New York for a number of
years then returned to UNM as a Professor of History. She is
a published author and has received many academic awards
as well as being a Graduate Advisor and Chair of the History
Department since 2001. Jane retired from UNM in 2013.
In 2012 Jane began to volunteer at Walking N Circles Ranch
located in the Edgewood area. The mission of this nonprofit organization is to rescue, rehabilitate and provide
proper care and humane treatment to unwanted, abused
Be “FORE” Warned
Jane tells me that her weekly stint as a volunteer involves
many different activities. She is one of 110 volunteers who
take care of the 60-70 horses on the ranch learning to do
the following: mucking out the paddocks (there are 24 paddocks), checking on the water supply (hard to do on cold
days when water is solid ice), feeding (2 times a day), training other volunteers, grooming and serving on a horse team.
Jane also Chairs the Feet First Team whose job is to ensure
that horses are seen by the Farrier on schedule. All very
hard jobs, but I feel she loves every minute of her time there!
Jane has adopted two horses, Wild Angel and Billy, the first
horse to be born at the Ranch. Ray Shinnick has written a
book entitled "Billy's Narrow Escape" for children and
adults, featuring Jane's horse Billy. It is a great book with a
wonderful photo of Billy as a foal and of Jane helping with
Billy's training.
Now I'm feeling "into" horses! Jane said to remind readers
about the June 13th Hug A Horse Community Day at the
Ranch. Come from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to see the Ranch, take
a tour, ride a pony (kids only) and learn lots of things about
these beautiful creatures. I'll be there and hope you come
along for the ride!
Submitted by a Tanoan resident
am a resident of West Tanoan and I am not a golfer, but I
love seeing the lush green grass and trees on the course,
and the winding cart paths stretching toward our Sandia
Mountains. I know that the golf course is for golfers and recent events close to me have led me to comment on the following safety issues:
• Kids running and playing while golfers are nearby
• Dog walkers strolling down the cart paths or across
the grassy areas
• Parents pushing baby strollers on the paths
While I appreciate this beautiful spring season I am concerned when I see the above behaviors. Recently, a Tanoan
neighbor was hit in the back of the head while standing on
her own patio leading to a trip to Urgent Care and the possibility of lingering aftereffects. A family member went for a
round of golf at a course in Tucson recently and an errant
golf ball hit him on the side of his head, knocking him to the
and abandoned horses, and to find loving adoptive homes
for them. It is estimated that there are approximately
170,000 such horses in the United States!
ground. An ambulance took him to a nearby hospital where
he spent two days having numerous CAT and MRI scans
and he was told that a two inch difference in the location of
the hit might have resulted in the loss of an eye, a broken
jaw and loss of teeth, or death, had the hit been in the temple area. Upon returning to Albuquerque he was seen by a
neurologist for more testing and was required to spend a
week at home before returning to work. He still has difficulty
hearing in one ear. Not a fun vacation!
The moral of the story is simple: The golf course is private
property designated for golfers, and a hazardous area! The
golf course is not a playground for children or a walking area
for adults, pets, or anyone not engaged in golf activities.
There is a very good reason all golf course employees are
required to wear hard hats as the golf ball travels at over
100 mph and can do very serious damage! Think about
where you walk . . . and Be "FORE" Warned.
City Councilor, District 8 & Albuquerque
Bernalillo County Water Authority Board Member
ABC to Z
ABC to Z is an ambitious two-year project
to update the Albuquerque / Bernalillo
County Comprehensive Plan and to integrate and simplify the city’s zoning and
subdivision regulations to implement the
resulting plan.
•Streamlines the city’s procedures for reviewing and approving new development
Key goals are to improve opportunities for economic development and job creation, improve protection for the city’s
established neighborhoods, streamline the city’s development review and approval procedures, and respond to longstanding water and traffic challenges by promoting more
sustainable development.
The project will update the joint Albuquerque/Bernalillo
County Comprehensive Plan to:
•Reflect recent growth trends and challenges
•Better integrate land use and transportation planning – to
reduce traffic congestion and encourage transit-oriented
•Emphasize “Placemaking” approaches to development in
key centers and corridors
It will also create a new Integrated Development Ordinance
•Is simpler, more user-friendly, and highly illustrated
•Is better aligned with Albuquerque planning priorities
•Protects established neighborhoods
•Updates and removes inconsistencies in outdated engineering and technical standards
ABC to Z will include extensive outreach embracing community-wide participation of code users, citizens, investors,
interest groups, and other stakeholders. Numerous meetings, workshops, and public hearings will be held over the
next two years.
Comprehensive Plan workshops are planned for May and
June, 2015 in locations throughout the metropolitan area
(City and unincorporated Bernalillo County). They will include presentations and visioning activities in small groups.
The two meetings in May will have a community-wide focus
while the four meetings in June will focus on quadrants of
the City. The meeting for our quadrant is set for Thursday,
June 25th from 5:30-7:30. This meeting will be held at the
Holiday Park Community Center, at 11710 Comanche NE.
As a co-sponsor of this bill, I hope you will come share your
ideas for how Albuquerque-Bernalillo County should look,
feel, and grow!
Thank you for allowing me to contribute to your newsletter.
If you have any questions or concerns about our district,
please do not hesitate to contact my office at 768-3106 or
by email at trudyjones@cabq.gov.
Trudy e. Jones, Albuquerque City councilor, District 8
•Promote more water-efficient and sustainable patterns of
Standards for Xeric Borders and Margins
From the Tanoan Community Association Planning and Architecture Control Committee
In accordance with Tanoan Community Association Resolution 28, buffer strips may be installed on turf areas adjacent
to curbs, sidewalks and walkways. The intent and purpose of
buffer strips is to minimize water runoff onto adjacent areas
including streets. Buffer strips are categorized into two types,
namely xeric borders and xeric
margins. Xeric borders are defined as those strips with a
width of 20 inches or less. Xeric
borders do not need to comply
with the plant requirements and
may be without plantings. Xeric
margins are defined as those
strips with a width exceeding
20 inches. Xeric margins must
Xeric Border
comply with the plant requirement of 1 plant per 25 square feet minimum.
The filler materials for xeric
borders and xeric margins
can be an aggregate, such
as 7/8 inch colored or natural pebbles or gravels.
Some residents whose
properties have turf with
steep slopes have installed
xeric borders or xeric margins with filler settings to
Xeric Margin
depths of 6 inches or more.
Those types of xeric borders and xeric margins with deep
filler materials also serve as catchment basins to further
preclude water runoff onto contiguous areas. Encompassed
with this article are two photographs which depicts a xeric
border and a xeric margin, and also reflects the differences
between these two types of buffer zones.
Tanoan Community Association
We, the undersigned property owners of Tanoan Community Association, endorse:
as a candidate for the Board of Directors in the election to be held on Thursday, October 22, 2015. We understand the candidate is a member in good standing of the Tanoan Community Association.
Names and Addresses (Only one signature per household please, please write legibly)
Return the completed petition to the Association office, 9820 Murifield Ct. NE, no later than the end of business (5:00
p.m.) on Tuesday, September 1, 2015. It may be returned to the Association by mail (in plenty of time to be received
by the Association prior to the above deadline), by personally submitting it to the office, or by depositing it in the locked
drop box in front of the office.
IMPORTAnT: Please attach a bio giving some personal and work history and your reasons for desiring to serve on the
Board of Directors. This information will be published in the October newsletter and appear on the ballot to assist the
residents in making their voting decisions in the election.
You may download any Tanoan forms you need from www.tanoantalk.com
Pet Portraits in oil from your photos. Carolyn Poole, artist,
828-3909. Samples: crpoole@comcast.net.
Pet & Home Sitter. Established native Albuquerque resident available to water your plants & garden, care for your
pets and home. Excellent references and rates. Call Valerie at 507-2188. Thank you for your business.
Singer/guitarist available for weddings & private parties.
Jazz standards, pop, rock, blues, country. Staff musician
at the Broadmoor for 10 years. Cell 238-6535, home
345-4399, email Whitbrush@gmail.com.
TAnOAn HAnDYMAn AT YOUR SeRVICe! Local resident
Alan Gorenz. Contact me for all your Spring Improvements
and Repairs. I can install lights, security lights, switch timers
and fans, do plumbing repairs and assemble most anything.
Call 856-6407 or email agorenz@yahoo.com.
Art Repair – paintings, ceramics, prints, figurines, sculpture
and frames. You break it, I’ll fix it. Very affordable. Pick up &
delivery. See Ari von Huene at Weems Gallery.
Tennis Lessons. Do you want to learn how to play tennis or improve your tennis skills? Private and group lessons/clinics for
adults and juniors. Call Donald Larrichio, PTR Certified, 452-6069.
friendly service for high-tech devices. Available MondaySaturday, and we come to you! $48 per hour (1 hour minimum) plus $10 per trip fee. Call 508-2124.
KnIFe gUY: It’s not too late to resolve not to go through
2015 with dull knives and tools (or spouses). New equipment allows me to sharpen most scissors now. Price for
scissors is $5 and up. Knives remain $3-$7 depending on
size. Most garden tools are $5 and up. Tanoan East resident, Richard, 332-2898
Babysitter Available: Do you need someone for an hour while
you run errands or for the evening? I am a certified babysitter
(Red Cross) and CPR approved. I live in Tanoan East and
very flexible. Please feel free to call me or my references.
Mackenzie: 505-681-4555 /505-228-1111 or
Your Dog can enjoy staying in our home in Tanoan while
you’re away! Call Steve or Danette at 822-1087.
For Sale: Walnut Rolltop Desk. 7-drawer, includes chair
and lamp. Great condition, $250 OBO. 980-9269.
exceptional Caregiver/Physical Therapy Aide. Services
include transportation to appointments, meal preparation,
light housekeeping, pet care & landscaping. Email and internet knowledge. Excellent references furnished. Please contact Barbara McKinnon at 805-607-3306 or email at
Pet Sitting and Dog Day Care: Need a reliable and trustworthy person to care for your pets? Allow me to give you
peace of mind while you’re away. I have 10+ years experience caring for pets. If there’s something special you’d like
me to do, just ask. Medications OK, dog-walking or just
keeping your pets company. References available. Michele
Haas, 4532970, almamira1@yohoo.com.
Tutor: Whether you want your child to stay on track or soar
ahead, one-on-one private academic tutoring can benefit
them tremendously. All subjects K-8 including grammar,
reading, math, writing, geography, social studies and science. References available. Contact Katherine Brunner,
573-5230 or Kbrunner@unm.edu.
For Sale: Sanyo stainless steel compact SR-3770S, 3.7 cu
ft Refrigerator, never used, instruction book, $150; 5-piece
forged metal Patio Set: 2 swivel rockers, 2 ottomans, 1
cocktail table with inlaid stone top, good condition, $300;
KitchenAid professional KG25H7X Mixer, never used, $100;
3 15” and 1 20” Kachina Dolls on wooden base with
NMELCA Golf Tournament plaques, colorful & excellent
condition, $25 each;Charbroil Masterflame propane gas
grill with side burner, recently rebuilt ignition switch and
hose, $75. Call 296-1301.
For Sale: vintage Chinese hand-carved rosewood Dining
Table with 8 hand-carved Chairs with silk brocade cushions.
As new. 2 removeable rosewood center boards, $2275. Vintage black hand-painted porcelain Table Lamp with Thai silk
shade, $22. Vintage 22 1/2” x 16 1/2” stained glass red peppers Wall Hanging, $40. Vintage 23 1/2” x 10” Chinese black
lacquer inlaid thick abalone shells Scene, $40. New 29 1/2” x
26 1/2” metal & glass Computer Cart, $40. New in-box massaging Body Roll with heat, $15. Vintage Chinese Rug, 48”
diameter, as new, $150. 2 new embroidered Throw Pillows,
$25., Vintage hand-carved wood Wall Clock, $20. New
amber glass turtle Table Lamp, $20. Vintage hard-case
Tourister Weekender, $20. Vintage top stove Corningware
Coffee Pot, $20. Oreck XL Car Vacuum, works well, $10.
New beige Thai silk Slippers with tiny brass trinkets, made in
Italy, SZ7 leather soles, $30. B&D electric Lawn edger, $25.
Call 508-0678.
10-Year Tanoan Resident available for dog walking, grocery shopping and providing transportation to your destinations, appointments, shopping excursions or airport.
Call me to discuss your specific needs, 379-0738. Thanks
for your consideration. Lori McGee,
freemcgee@msn.com. References.
For Sale: very nice white Wicker Set: sofa, chair, rocker
and 4 small tables with quality and sturdy 8-way hand-tied
spring construction of the vintage period (nid 1920s) and
with generously sized like new cushions and back pads, in
excellent condition, a wonderful addition to a sun porch. If
interested please call 856-0930.
Treat Your Dog to a quick morning or mid-day walk. Call me
to discuss their specific needs. Thanks for your consideration, Tanoan Resident - Lori McGee, 379-0738. References
available from happy clients.
For Sale: Quarter Pipe for biking or skating. 4' tall, made
of weather-resistant wood with metal coping, also has removable railing at the top. Also included is a box/manual
pad with metal edging. Good condition, $150, Call 291-9250.
need Someone for a day or a week while on summer vacation? I live in Tanoan, am trustworthy, reliable and have excellent references. Available to house-sit, water the plants,
get the mail, run an errand or walk your dog. Price is flexible
and negotiable. Please call Sydney at 681-0951.
Child Help needed. Looking for someone with car access
to shuttle our two boys (age 10 & 11) after school and after
summer school, typically 3 to five or 6 pm. We live in Tanoan
East. Will pay $13-15 per hour depending on your experience and age. Call Lara at 730-7903.
For Sale: 2002 BMW 325ci.
Red with tan leather. 5-speed
transmission. 47,000 miles.
One owner, immaculate,
as-new condition. $9000.
Call Dave, 280-3668
Caregiving/Housekeeping/errands, transportation, mealpreparation, etc.: very experienced, with openings and secure schedule. References available. Call 304-0892.
For Lease: Torrey Pines 2-story townhouse. Great floor
plan,3BR, 2 3/4 BA, 2-car garage, low-maintenance yard,
bright open areas. One year lease required. $1425/mo. plus
utilities. Available july 1, 2015. Call Karen, 280-1655.
For Sale: new ladies’ Wheel Chair, $65. Call 271-2010
For Sale: 2005
Porsche Carrera,
black/black. 3.6 liter
engine with 6-speed
transmission. 37,000
miles. Many options
and upgrades. Meticulously maintained, records since new.
Lots of pictures on request. $34,000. Call Steve, 918-7000.
Tanoan Good Neighbor Award
The Tanoan Good Neighbor Award will be selected monthly from nomination
forms submitted to the office.
Each month, nomination forms can be dropped off, e-mailed, faxed or mailed to the office.
The purpose of this award is to encourage and promote our residents to engage in good neighbor deeds by awarding
and recognizing those exemplary neighbors who reach out; who go above and beyond themselves to help our community and other people.
A certificate will be awarded to the Good Neighbor of the Month at each Board meeting and their stories published in
the bi-monthly newsletter. In December, the committee will honor and select a Good Neighbor of the Year from
among the previous twelve Good Neighbors of the Month.
Tanoan Good Neighbor Award Nomination Form
I wish to nominate
who resides at
for the monthly Tanoan Good Neighbor Award. Here is a short paragraph stating my reasons for this nomination.
Visit Our Website at
From Our Neighbors
You’ve heard it before.
However, the pleas from
your neighbors continue to come in. Many of us are dog
lovers, but please protect our lawns.
1. “Curb” your dog in your backyard. Do not let your
dog use the front lawn or the common green space —
even if it’s near your home. Damaging these areas affects
the whole neighborhood.
2. Do not allow your dog to use your neighbor’s yard as
a bathroom. It’s a common courtesy.
PERMIT #1453
Editor: Ann Mulhern, mCo Publishing • P.O. Box 10246, Albuquerque, NM 87184 • ann@mulhernadvertising.com
Publisher: Tanoan Community Association • 9820 Murifield Ct. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 • 505 823-2307
Security Supervisor: John Cathey
Visit our website at www.tanoantalk.com