How To Select A door closer - Top Notch Distributors, Inc.
How To Select A door closer - Top Notch Distributors, Inc.
How to select a door closer Concealed or surface mounted closers: Door closers are available in two styles - concealed or surface mounted. In choosing a closer style for a particular application, consideration should be given to the type of door being controlled, frame conditions, aesthetic requirements, and control features needed. Information contained in the following material can serve as a guide in selecting the style and model of closer to meet specific requirements. If concealed, where? Closers concealed in the head frame over the door are out of sight and entirely out of the pedestrians way. They cannot be harmed by scrub water, cleaning chemicals or floor dirt, and are protected from airborne contaminant's, like dust. They are easy to reach for regulation without removing any parts. Closers for frame sections as thin as 13/4" (44mm) are available. Closers located within the door itself are also hidden and protected. On interior doors of common sizes they do an excellent job, yet they cost little more than surface applied closers. CONCEALED IN FRAME Where are heavy duty closers required? Heavy duty closers should always be used in these places: • Schools or public buildings where hard usage is expected. • Exterior doors. • Doors subject to draft, wind, or air pressure differential. • High frequency doors such as those on department stores, malls, or mixed use tenancies. Hand of a door? Some door closers are handed. When approaching a door from the push side, if hinged on the left, it is a left hand door; if hinged on the right, it is a right hand door. For purposes of handing door closers, right hand reverse bevel and left hand are identical. Also, left hand reverse bevel and right hand are identical. The hand of the closer is the same as the hand of the door for all except corner bracket installations that require a closer handed opposite the hand of the door. CONCEALED IN 1 3/4" TUBE CONCEALED IN DOOR Surface mounted closers - location? Closer location is subject to the considerations of practicality and appearance. Good taste usually decrees that closers on doors along a corridor be located on the room side of the door so they are out of the line of sight from the corridor. Closers should be placed on the inside of exterior doors for appearance and to shelter them from the elements. HINGE (PULL) SIDE MOUNT Which arm system? Double lever arm closers can provide control under difficult conditions for either interior or exterior doors. A parallel arm system is a type of double lever arm where the main arm is parallel to the face of the closed door. Functions available in double lever arm systems are: REGULAR (REG) HOLD-OPEN (H) FUSIBLE LINK (FL) CUSH-N-STOP (CUSH) HOLD-OPEN CUSH-N-STOP (HCUSH) EXTRA DUTY (EDA) HOLD-OPEN EXTRA DUTY (HEDA) TOP JAMB (PUSH SIDE) MOUNT PARALLEL ARM (PUSH SIDE) MOUNT SPRING HOLD-OPEN CUSH (SHCUSH) 179 SPRING CUSH (SCUSH) East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada Finishes LCN closers, pivots, and power operators can be specified in seven standard or more than 150 custom powder-coated finishes. Powder coating provides superior protection against the effects of weathering and provides a durable, chip-resistant finish. For information about custom finishes, plated finishes and our special rust-inhibiting (SRI) process, call. Standard powder-coated finishes AL (B.H.M.A. 689) Aluminum DKBRNZ (B.H.M.A. 695) Dark bronze TAN (B.H.M.A. 692) Tan STAT (B.H.M.A. 690) Statuary LTBRZ (B.H.M.A. 691) Light bronze BLACK (B.H.M.A. 693) Black BRASS (B.H.M.A. 696) Brass Optional SRI When powder-coated closers are installed in high humidity or potentially corrosive installations like swimming pools, water treatment facilities or near large bodies of water, specify LCN SRI Pretreatment. This optional process extends the corrosion protection offered by powder-coated finishes. Custom powder-coated finishes • 180 custom finishes. • Durable and chip resistant. • Superior appearance. • Corrosion resistant. • Environmentally friendly process. • Match doors, frames and hardware. 180 Plated Finishes U.S. Finish 3 4 9 10 10B 14 15 19 20 26 26D B.H.M.A. Finish 632 633 637 639 640 645 646 631 649 651 652 Description Bright brass Satin brass Bright bronze Satin bronze Satin bronze, oxidized and oil rubbed Nickel plated, bright (polished brass, nickel plated) Nickel plated, satin Satin black (black lacquer) Bright bronze (oxidized) Bright chrome Satin chrome East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 1260 Series Commercial closer for office buildings, hotels, manufacturing facilities, retail and other light commericial uses The 1260 is an intergral component of a safe, secure and strong door system. This cast iron closer delivers smooth closing and a stronger overall door system. The choice of cylinder sizes, optional arms, installation accessories, and ease of installation offer a versatile solution to door control in low to moderate traffic in both interior and exterior. Top Jamb (Pull Side) Mounting ® 1260 SERIES The 1260 Series is UL- and ULC-listed for self-closing doors without hold-open. Tested and certified under ANSI Standard A156.4, grade one. • Size 1-5 closing power. • Adjustable backcheck. • Standard 1260 SERIES closer shipped with regular (non-hold-open) arm, a shaft cover, and self reaming and tapping screws. • Sized cylinders for interior doors to 4'6" and exterior doors to 3'6". • Closer mounts hinge side, top jamb, and parallel arm on either right- or left-swinging doors. • 1260 meets ADA requirements. 1260-72 Options: • 1260-72 non-handed plastic slim line cover. • 1260-18 drop plate is required for hinge side mount where top rail is less than 21/2" (64 mm). Also required for top jamb mounting where head frame is less than 13/4" (44 mm) or flush ceiling condition exists. Plate requires minimum 11/2" (38 mm) minimum top rail or 11/4” (32 mm ) head frame. • 1260-18PA drop plate is required for parallel arm mounting where top rail is less than 43/8" (111 mm), measured from the stop. Plate requires minimum 13/4" (44 mm) minimum top rail. 1260-18 1260-18PA • 1260-3077 non-handed arm mounts hinge side or top jamb. 1260-3049 1260-3077 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 181 • 1260-3049 non-handed arm mounts hinge side, top jamb or parallel arm (62PA required). Hold-open adjustable at shoe. 1460 Series Surface-mounted closers Slimline design for narrow head frames and top rails. Cast iron cylinder for exceptional service life. UL-listed for use on fire-rated doors. Allweather hydraulic fluid eliminates seasonal adjustments. 10-year warranty. ADA: Size 1 closer meets 5.0 lbs. opening force requirements on interior doors. ® 1460/1461 SERIES • Metal Designer Series or standard cover. • Mountings: Pull side, top jamb and parallel arm. • Non-handed, non-sized. Size 1 to 6. • Interior doors to 5'0", exterior doors to 4'0". • Fast, accurate installation. • Delay action (optional) provides additional time for people to move through the door. 1461 only. • Spring poser of a 1461 cylinder for exterior doors to 48” (1219 mm) and interior doors to 60” (1524 mm). Hinge (Pull Side) Mounting Top Jamb (Push Side) Mounting Parallel Arm (Push Side) Mounting Cush Mounting EDA Mounting CUSH arms can be templated for maximum opening/holdopen point at 85°: A = 23/8” (60 mm) B = 99/16” (243 mm) 90°: A = 15/8” (41 mm) B = 91/16” (230 mm) 182 100°: A = 5/8” (16 mm) B = 81/16” (205 mm) East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 1460 Series Surface-mounted closers 1460 SERIES 1460-62PA Options: • 1460-3077 regular non-handed arm mounts side or top jamb. 1460-79LR • 1460-62PA required for parallel arm mounting. • 1460-3077L long non-handed arm includes long rod and shoe 1460-79LR for top jamb mount with deep reveal. • 1460-3049 hold-open non-handed arm mounts hinge side, top jamb or parallel arm (62PA required). Hold-open adjustable at shoe. • 1460-3077EDA Extra duty non-handed parallel arm features solid forged steel main and forearm for potentially abusive installations. • 1460-3077CNS CUSH-N-STOP non-handed parallel arm features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with stop in soffit shoe. 1460-3077EDA • 1460-3049CNS HCUSH non-handed arm, provides hold-open function with templated stop/hold-open points. Handle controls hold-open function. 1460-3077CNS • 1460-72 non-handed plastic slim line cover with feature strip. • 1460-18 drop plate is required for hinge side mount where top rail is less than 21/2" (64 mm). Also required for top jamb mounting where head frame is less than 13/4" (44 mm) or flush ceiling condition exists. Plate requires minimum 11/2" (38 mm) top rail or 11/4" (32 mm) head frame. 1460-3049CNS • 1460-18PA drop plate is required parallel arm mounting where top rail is less than 43/8" (111 mm), measured from the stop. Plate requires minimum 13/4" (44 mm) top rail. • 1461-3071 standard, non-handed cast iron cylinder assembly. 1460-18PA 1460-18 183 1461-3071 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 1460 Series SURFACE-MOUNTED CLOSERS The 1461T SUPER STOCK® is a slimline, single-lever (track) arm closer designed for interior use on narrow headframes and top rails. The modern styling and small projection make it an excellent choice for interior doors. ® 1461T SERIES The 1461T SERIES is UL- and ULC-listed for self-closing doors without hold-open. Tested and certified under ANSI Standard A156.4, grade one.Comes with the following: • 1461T-72 non-handed plastic slim line cover with feature strip. • 1461T-3077T non-handed single lever arm mounts hinge side, top jamb, or stop face. Track roller not included with arm. • 1461T-3038 standard non hold-open, non-handed track mounts on either side of the door. Will accept hold-open clip and/or bumper assembly. • 1461T-3034 quiet, low friction track roller assembly. Shoulder dimension “X” = 1/8” (3 mm). Options: • 1461-3071 standard, non-handed cast iron cylinder assembly. Hinge (Pull Side) Mounting Top Jamb (Pull Side) Mounting Stop Face (Push Side) Mounting 1461T-3034 1461T-72 1461-3071 1461T-3077T 184 1461T-3038 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 2000 and 5000 Series Concealed Mounted in Head Frame and Top Door Rail ® 2014 SERIES The concealed 2014 Series is a heavy-duty closer designed to provide complete concealment. The single-lever arm and roller assembly provide smooth, quiet door control and the choice of finishes and track functions meet virtually all architectural requirements. The 2014 SERIES is UL-listed for self-closing doors without hold-open. Tested and certified under ANSI Standard A156.4. For interior or exterior doors. Single-acting cylinder in head frame. Concealed arm and track in door top rail. • Overhead concealed closer. • Application-specific closers are designed to provide optimized door control for a specific mounting. • Aluminum frame requires minimum 4" x 4" tube. • Arms: Optional hold-open. • Handed for right- or left-swinging doors. The concealed 2034/2035 SERIES Pacer ® is a heavy-duty closer designed to fit in a narrow 13/4" aluminum transom. The single-lever arm and roller assembly provide smooth, quiet door control and the choice of finishes and track functions meet virtually all architectural requirements. ® 2034/2035 SERIES The 2034/2035 SERIES is UL-listed for self-closing doors, without hold-open. Tested and certified under ANSI Standard A156.4. 2034/2035 SERIES closer using 420 Fire Shield®, hollow metal frame, and 20-minute labeled wood door preparation meet; ASTM E-152, UL 10B, UBC 43.2, and Canadian Standard 4-S-104. • Overhead concealed closer. • Application-specific closers are designed to provide optimized door control for a specific mounting. • Designed to fit in a narrow 13/4" aluminum transom. • Arms: Single- and double-acting, 185 optional hold-open. East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 3000 Series Concealed Mounted in Head Frame and Top Door Rail The concealed 3133 SERIES is designed to mount in a 13/4" interior door. The single-lever arm and roller assembly provides complete concealment and the choice of finishes and track functions meet virtually all architectural requirements. ® 3133 SERIES The 3133 Series is UL- and ULC-listed without hold-open for self-closing doors. Tested and certified under ANSI Standard A156.4, grade one. For interior doors. Single-acting cylinder and standard arm in top rail of door. Concealed track in head frame. • Concealed in-door closer. • Application-specific closers are designed to provide optimized door control for a specific mounting. • Designed to mount in a 13/4" interior door. • Handed for right- or left-swinging doors and sized cylinders. • Single-acting doors. • Arms: Optional hold-open track, regular track with bumper or hold-open track with bumper. Opions: • 3130-3054 hold open clip that mounts in track to provide hold-open function. Holdopen point controled by clip location. 186 3130-3054 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series ® Heavy-duty, surface-mounted closers • Heavy-duty cast iron cylinder for exceptional service life. UL- listed for use on fire-rated doors. • All-weather hydraulic fluid eliminates seasonal adjustments. • 10-year warranty. ADA: Size 1 closer provides less than 5.0 lbs. opening force on 36" wide door. 4010 EDA Shown 4010/4011/4016 SERIES Hinge (Pull Side) Mounting • Interior doors to 5'0". Exterior doors to 4'0". • Non-sized cylinder adjustable for interior doors to 4'6" and exterior doors to 3'6". • Delay action. 4011 only. • Tested to over 10 million cycles to reduce replacement and long-term costs. • Track version available. Options: • 4010-72 standard, non-handed plastic cover. • 4010-3077 regular non-handed arm. • 4010-3049 hold-open handed arm provides hold-open function, adjustable at elbow. 4010-72 • 4010-18 drop plate is required where top rail is less than 33/4" (95mm). Plate requires minimum 2" (51mm)top rail. • 4010-11 corner bracket for doors where top jamb or parallel arm mounted closer can not be used. Allows 180° opening with regular arm. Projects 5” (127 mm) from stop, 1311/16” (348 mm) from frame. Requires opposite hand closer. 4010-3077 4010-3049 • 4010-16 corner bracket for doors where top jamb or parallel arm mounted closer can not be used. Allows 125° opening with regular arm or 100° with hold-open arm. Projects 5” (127 mm) from stop, 1213/16” (325 mm) from frame. Requires opposite hand closer. 4010-11 187 4010-18 4010-16 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series Heavy-duty, surface-mounted closers • Heavy-duty cast iron cylinder for exceptional service life. UL-listed for use on fire-rated doors. • All-weather hydraulic fluid eliminates seasonal adjustments. • 10-year warranty. ADA: Size 1 closer provides less than 5.0 lbs. opening force on 36” wide door. 4110 EDA shown 4110/4111 SERIES Parallel Arm (Push Side) Mounting • Interior doors to 5’0”. Exterior doors to 4’0”. • Non-sized cylinder adjustable for interior doors to 4’6” and exterior doors to 3’6”. • Delay action. 4111 only. • Tested to over 10 million cycles to reduce replacement and longterm costs. • Advanced variable backcheck.. 4111 only. • LCN FAST™ Power Adjust, a revolutionary visual indicator for spring power adjustment. 4111 only. Options: • 4110-3077EDA extra duty non-handed parallel arm features forged, solid steel main and forearm for potentially abusive installations. • 4110-3077CNS CUSH-N-STOP handed parallel arm features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with built-in stop in soffit shoe. 4110-3077EDA 188 4110-3077CNS East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series Heavy-duty, surface-mounted closers 4110-3049CNS 4110/4111 SERIES Options: • 4110-3049CNS HOLD-CUSH handed arm provides hold-open function with templated stop/hold-open points. Handle controls hold-open function. 4111-SC • 4111-SC SPRING CUSH non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in the soffit soffit shoe. • 4111-HSC SPRING HOLD-CUSH non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in the soffit shoe. Handle controls hold-open function. 4111-HSC • 4110-18 required for push side mount where top rail is less than 51/8” (130 mm), measured from the stop. Plate requires minimum 2” (51 mm) minimum top rail. Plate also used with CUSH arm installations. 4110-18 Heavy-duty, SMOOTHEE® closers • Heavy-duty cast iron cylinder for exceptional service life. UL-listed for use on fire-rated doors. • All-weather hydraulic fluid eliminates seasonal adjustments. 4013T SERIES • Standard 4010T series closer shipped with standard arm, standard track, track roller, standard plastic cover, and self reaming and tapping screws. • Interior doors to 4’0”. • Closer mounts hinge side, specify right or left swinging door. 189 • Fast, accurate installation. East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series 4031 Series • Application-specific closers are designed to provide optimized door control for a specific mounting configuration: • Interior doors to 4'0". Note: 4031 SERIES is not recommended for use on exterior doors. Options: 4030 shown • 4031-3077 regular non-hand arm. • 4031-3049 hold-open handed arm provides hold open function, adjustable at elbow. 4031-3049 190 4031-3077 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series The 4040/4041 SUPER SMOOTHEE® is a heavy-duty, double-lever arm closer designed for institutional and other high traffic applications. The wide choice of options, installation accessories and ease of installation offer maximum versatility. UL- and ULC-listed for self-closing doors without hold-open. Tested and certified under ANSI Standard A156.4, grade one. ® 4040/4041 SERIES • Non-handed. • Interior doors to 5'0".Exterior doors to 4'0". • Self-reaming, self-tapping screws. • Fast, accurate installation. • Delay action. • Track version available. Top Jamb (Push Side) Mounting Parallel Arm (Push Side) Mounting 4040 CUSH Mount 4040 EDA Mount 191 Hinge (Pull Side) Mounting East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series 4040/4041 SUPER SMOOTHEE® 4040-3077 Options: • 4040-3077 regular non-handed arm mounts pull side or top jamb with shallow reveal. P4041 closer includes PA SHOE • 4040-3077L long non-handed arm includes long rod and shoe 4040-79LR for top jamb mount. • 4040-3077ELR extra long non-handed arm includes extra long rod and shoe, 4040-79ELR for top jamb mount with deep reveal. 4040-79LR • 4040-3049 hold-open non-handed arm mounts pull side or top jamb with shallow reveal, hold-open adjustable shoe. P4041 closer includes 4040-62PA shoe required for parallel arm mounting. 4040-79ELR • 4040-3077EDA extra duty non-handed parallel arm features solid forged solid steel main and forearm for potentially abusive installations. • 4040-3049EDA hold-open extra duty handed arm provides hold-open function, adjustable at the shoe. • 4040-3077CNS cush-n-stop non-handed parallel arm features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with stop in soffit shoe. 4040-3049 • 4040-3049CNS hcush arm, provides hold-open function with templated stop/hold-open points. Handle controls hold-open function. 4040-3077EDA 4040-3049EDA 4040-3077CNS 192 4040-3049CNS East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series 4040/4041 SUPER SMOOTHEE® 4040-3077SC Options: • 4040-3077SC spring cush non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in the soffit shoe. • 4040-3049SC spring hcush non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications features solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in the soffit shoe. Handle controls holdopen function. 4040-3049SC • 4040-72 standard, non-handed plastic cover. • 4041-3071 standard, non-handed cast iron cylinder assembly. • 4040-18 drop plate is required for hinge side mount where top rail is less than 33/4" (95mm). Plate requires minimum 2" (51mm) minimum top rail. 4040-72 • 4040-18G drop plate locates top jamb mounted closer flush with top of head frame face in flush ceiling condition. Plate requires 13/4” (44 mm) minimum head frame. • 4040-18PA drop plate is required for parallel arm mounting where top rail is less than 51/2" (140 mm), measured from the stop. Plate requires minimum 2" (51mm) top rail. • 4040-18J drop plate centers top jamb mounted closer vertically on head frame where face is less than 31/2” (89 mm). Plate requires 13/4” (44 mm) minimum head frame. 4041-3071 • 4040-30 cush shoe support provides anchorage for fifth screw used with cush arms, where reveal is less than 31/16” (78 mm). • 4040-61 blade stop spacer required to lower parallel arm shoe to clear 1/2” (13 mm) blade stop. 4040-18G 4040-18PA 4040-18 4040-18J 4040-30 193 4040-61 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series The 4040T SMOOTHEE® is a flexible heavy duty track closer designed specifically for interior doors in institutional and other rugged high traffic applications. The 4111T SMOOTHEE® is a heavy duty track closer designed specifically for interior doors in institutional and other high traffic applications. UL-and ULC-listed for self-closing doors. Tested and certified under ANSI standard A156.4, grade one. 4040T Series Shown 4040T/4111T SERIES • Interior doors to 4’0”. • 4040T closer mounts pull side on door, pull side top jamb or push side on door. 4111T closer mounts stop face side, specify right or left swinging door. Hinge (Pull Side) Mounting Top Jamb (Pull Side) Mounting Stop Face (Push Side) Mounting 4040T-3038 4040T-3077T 4040T/4111T SERIES comes with: • 4040T-3077T standard non-handed arm. Arm does not include track roller. • 4040T-3038 standard, non hold-open, non-handed track. 4040T-3034 • 4040T-3034 quiet, low friction track roller assembly. Shoulder dimension “X” = 1/8” (3 mm). 4040T-3054 • 4040T-72 standard, non-handed plastic cover. • 4110T-72 standard, non-handed plastic cover. 4111T only 194 • 4040T-3054 hold-open clip, mounts in track to provide hold-open function. Hold-open point controlled by clip location. 4040T only. 4040T-72 4110T-72 East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada 4000 Series Fire/life safety closer/holders for fire and smoke-barrier doors. Designed to hold doors open in normal use but will release and automatically close doors under fire conditions. Heavy-duty cast iron cylinder for exceptional service life. UL-listed for use on fire-rated doors. Two-year warranty. 4040 SE 1 4040 SE SERIES The 4040SE SENTRONIC® is a heavy-duty, non-handed, non-sized closer/holder designed to provide single-point hold-open for fire and smoke barrier doors. The door is held open until current interruption releases the holding mechanism and the door closes. Single-lever (track) arm closer is specifically designed for interior doors. Choice of finishes, track functions, and installation accessories meet virtually all life safety requirements. Choice of 24 or 120 volt. The 4640 Auto-Equalizer™ is a smart & reliable electrically powered low-energy power operator. It provides easy access for people with disabilities, the elderly, or the frail. Designed primarily for manual opening applications that occasionally require automatic opening. The 4640 Series is UL and ULC Listed with regular arm for self-closing doors and meets the provisions of ANSI standards A117.1, A156.19. • Non-sized cylinders for interior doors to 4'6" and exterior doors to 3'6". • Non-handed for either right or let swinging door. • Easily accessible switches provide on/off and continuous hold-open functions. Control module provides all timing and sequential door functions, electric strike controls and adjustments for opening speed and force. Flush Ceiling Mount 195 Standard Mount East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada Magnets Fire/life safety closer/holder for fire and smoke-barrier doors. The Sentronic® SEM7800 SERIES are heavy-duty, electrically controlled door-holding magnets. Magnets are fail safe and hold until the current is interrupted. A manual door closer is used to control and close the door. A choice of floor, recessed-wall, or surface-mounted wall magnets are available. ® 7800 MAGNETS All 7800 SERIES magnets are UL-listed for smoke- barrier or labeled fire doors. • 7800 SERIES magnets are shipped with a screw pack for through bolt or wood screw attachment of the door- mounted armature. SEM 7830 Shown • Available in aluminum or dark bronze finishes. • Wall units should be mounted 24" (610 mm) to 48" (1219 mm) from the floor for best performance. • Suitable for use in pocket installations. • Three magnet mountings: Recessed wall mount: SEM 7840, SEM 7850 Surface wall mount: SEM 7830 Surface floor mount: SEM7820 • Choice of 12, 24 or 120 volt. • Simplified wiring. 196 Finishes: 689, 695. East – Pennsylvania Midwest – Missouri Southwest – Texas 800-233-4210 800-211-4607 866-693-6903 800-722-4210 Fax 800-854-4146 Fax 800-211-4608 Fax 866-693-6904 Fax 800-248-3620 West – Nevada