64th maaa nationals update
64th maaa nationals update
JANUARY-MARCH 2010 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE MODEL AERONAUTICAL ASSOCIATION OF QUEENSLAND &KULV&DOORZZLWKWKHODWHVWGHVLJQ)'PRGHO IN THIS ISSUE: MAAQ CLUB CHALLENGE, 63RD F/F NATIONALS BY MAL CAMPBELL, 64TH NATIONALS UPDATE, FULL CALENDAR OF EVENTS ZZZPDDTRUJ3DJH Presidents Report February 2010 Happy New Year to you all and I hope everyone got through without too much pain and suffering on the credit card. For me a quiet family Xmas, a short break from work then back to the grindstone. I did PDQDJHWRJHWLQDELWRIÀ\LQJRYHUWKHEUHDN and I have sent some photo’s to the editor to LQFOXGHLQWKLVPRQWKVDLUÀRZ2QHSKRWRLQ SDUWLFXODULVWKDWRI0D[)XOKDPDQGKLV¿UVW trainer model. He reminded me of what aero modelling is all about. I was given the opSRUWXQLW\WRVHWXSDQGWHVWÀ\0D[¶VPRGHO DQGDOVRWRJLYHKLPKLV¿UVWIHZPLQXWHVLQ charge of his own model. It was great to see his reaction and hear his enthusiasm in seeLQJDOOKLVKDUGZRUN¿QDOO\JHWLQWRWKHDLU Congratulations Max. You will all be aware by now our Treasurer Robin Klau resigned at the last committee meeting held on the 30th January. Robin has put the books into the auditors for a hand over Audit and in the interim the Secretary Darryl Gunst will take over the position of Treasurer/Registrar until the committee appoints another person to take over or until 0D[)XOKDPZLWKKLV¿UVWWUDLQHU0D[UHEXLOWDQGSDLQWHGWKLV the election at the next AGM in September. Ranger 40, powered by gms 40 and hitec radio. We have had some interest in the position and if you feel you have the expertise to take on this role please contact me for more details on what is involved. The committee will be looking to appoint someone to this position by the end of March. 2010. This year I have asked our Editor and CFI to make sure the Queensland events calendar is kept as up WRGDWHDVSRVVLEOHERWKRQWKHZHEVLWHDQGDOVRLQWKH$LUÀRZ If your club has not provided information on your 2010 calendar to the CFI Michael please do so as soon as possible. Also remember to send Doug our editor your advertising of the event and also a report and photos after the event. It is our intention to try and make AirÀRZDPDJD]LQHWKDWKDVPRUHXSWR date and relevant information with lots of photos of what’s happening in Queensland. The MAAQ has decided to hold an Inter-club challenge in 2010. The basis of the challenge is to promote the interaction of aero modellers throughout Queensland through the running of an inter-club challenge to be held on an annual basis. Sandringham Flying Boat scratch built by Jim Fagan from SAAMBR. Called the Beachcomber. Jim has powered the model with 4 Hyperion 3-007 motors turning 8X4 props. Photo taken just before LWVPDLGHQÀLJKWRQ page 2 7KH¿UVWFKDOOHQJHZLOOEHKHOGRQ6DWXUGD\$XJXVWWKDWWKH/$5&6¿HOGLQ/RJDQ 7HDPVZLOOFRQVLVWRID7HDP0DQDJHUDQGRQH3LORWSHUHYHQW,WLVRXULQWHQWLRQWRPDNHWKH¿UVWFKDOlenge a one day event with 6 events. So therefore teams will have 7 members. 7KHHYHQWZLOONLFNRIDURXQGDPDQGUXQIRUWKHIXOOGD\/$5&6ZLOOKDYHWKHFDQWHHQRSHQDQG Presentation of Trophies will be at the end of the day’s events. Full details of the events and the rules for each event are being put together and will be sent out in the near future to all clubs. So start putting your team together and getting your club shirts, caps, banners etc ready and come along and support your team. The MAAQ committee will be running the event and the winning club will get the opportunity to host the 2011 event. 7KH0$$4KDVDOVRGHFLGHGWRPDNHDYDLODEOHWRDOOPHPEHUVDQGDI¿OLDWHGVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWJURXSVWKDW host Queensland State Championship events, First, Second & Third place Medallions for each event at QRFRVWWRWKHRUJDQL]LQJERG\ What you will need to do is provide the MAAQ Secretary with the details for each sanctioned event and he will arrange for the trophies to be engraved and posted to the appropriate person/ CD for presentation to the winners. Enough time will need to be given to enable the Secretary to process the request so please think ahead and get your requests in early. Any questions please contact me or the Secretary. 2XUQH[WJHQHUDOPHHWLQJZLOOEHKHOGDWWKH&KHUPVLGH/LEUDU\RQWKHWK0D\7KLVZLOOEHRXUVHFRQG JHQHUDOPHHWLQJDWWKLVYHQXHDQGRXU¿UVWPHHWLQJLQ%ULVEDQHIRUVRFRPHDORQJDQGKDYH\RXU say. See you then or around the clubs. +DSS\À\LQJ Warren Hathaway President. *OHQ3DUVRQVIURP6$$0%5À\LQJKLV$:DUWKRJ 3KRWRJUDSKHGGXULQJLWV¿UVWÀLJKWIRUDG6LG Bray Field 10/01/2010. page 3 NOT TRUE ANYMORE I found this article in a very old model maga]LQHSOHDVHQRWHWKH date when it was written. The author is well known in the F/F world DQGLVVWLOOÀ\LQJPRGHOV to this day. Although I believe it was probably true at the time and in succeeding years, we have come a long way since then and most modelers are prepared to pitch in DQGKHOSWKHRI¿FLDOVDW contests. As you would all be aware by now the 64th Nationals will be held in and around Dalby at the end of this year. The National’s Committee is looking for volunteers to assist them in the smooth running of many events. In particular we are looking for Contest Directors for a number of events. If you are prepared to help in any way please contact a member of the RUJDQL]LQJ&RPPLWWHH See you at Dalby. John Taylor National’s Chairman 7 $ ( 7 , 6 85:*(% 9,6,72 $$425 76 (9(1 662:::0 $ $52) $/(1'7+(567$7( )/2: 7(67& $ 22 ($,5 / 5 6 )2 ,1. 7725($'7+853/86 / 6 0 72 )25 16$1' ,1&2/2 $7,1* / < ,2 ( / 7 / 5 $ ,$ & 521,& 785(6 (/(&727+(5)($ 1*(1(5$/ , < * 1 $ ,1 0 2'(// $(520 page 4 Wet weather access road to the Dalby Model Aero Club completed. Stage two of the Dalby Model Aero club development programme has been completed with the transporting of over 1000 Tons of crushed roadbase being used to provide all weather access to the Club facility on the Cecil Plains Road. Access to the new Dalby Field has been a problem in the past during inclement weather as visitors have found from time to time. The Club realised this when the decision to relocate was made and consequently made provision in the development plan to address the black soil situation. With the 64th Nationals being awarded to Dalby the access road had to be upgraded as several of the Nationals events are scheduled to be held at the Club facility. There will be a ÀRZRQHIIHFWERWKIRUWKHORFDOFOXEPHPEHUVDVZHOODVWKHYDULRXVVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWJURXSV who visit the DMAC for their scheduled competition events throughout the year. :RUNLVDERXWWRFRPPHQFHRQDGHGLFDWHG3\ORQDQG&RQWURO/LQHIDFLOLW\DGMDFHQWWRWKH East West strip and later in the year the Control Compound between the two pit areas will be completed in time for the 64th Nationals. The DMAC encourages all modellers to visit and make use of its facilities both now and into the future. For further information about the Dalby Model Aero Club please visit our web site on www.dalbymodelaeroclub.com page 5 5281'7+(5,'*(6:,7+7+(6), Christmas and New Year has come and gone and I hope all members had a ‘relaxing’ time over the break. During my travels I managed to get to a few clubs , one being Hervey Bay Model Aero Club and found a very energetic group of members , some of which can be seen below. Also pictured below are Terry and Nola 7RPOLQRUJDQL]HUVRIWKH³0DU\ERURXJK *DWKHULQJ´FRQWURO/LQHDQG)UHH)OLJKW event in June. Quite a wide variety of models were present with ‘Electrics’ being very popular. Info and details about the club can be found RQWKHZHEYLDWKLVVLWHKWWSKHUYH\ED\PDF com/ or 1476 HERVEY BAY MODEL AERO CLUB 35(6/DXULH08'/( 6(&(G32/(< 4820 32%R[ +(59(<%$<4/' Next on the list was the Maryborough Aeromodellers Society with new facilities on display. Having recently received a Government grant, members have been ‘on the job’. Results of the grant can be seen in the EDFNJURXQGDWWKHWRSRIWKHQH[WFROXPQ Info and details about the club are as IROORZV page 6 MARYBOROUGH AEROMODELLERS CLUB Inc 35(61HLO%52&./(< 6(&/\Q%52&./(< 32%R[ 0$5<%2528*+4/' Next on the list was the Redbank Summerholm Silent Flyers . Comprising mostly Gliding and electric modelers (but not limited to) the club conducts ‘Flat Field operations at Redbank DQG6ORSH6RDULQJDW/DLGOH\RIZKLFKVRPH SLFWXUHVIROORZ 5LJKWRQH[WXSLVWKH/RJDQ&OXEKRVW ¿HOGIRUWKHODVW,QVWUXFWRU&RXUVH)OLJKW Test. Excellent facilities comprising 2 ,yes ÀLJKWOLQHVZLWKDEXQGDQWVKDGH HWF:KLOVWDW/RJDQDQGVKRZQLQ the picture below is Geoff Hoggett receiving his Gold Wings (P). Discussions with members whilst on the slope indicated an interest in Aerotow of which I’m told the club will be discussing in the near future. ,QIRDQGGHWDLOVDERXWWKHFOXEDUHDVIROORZV KWWSZZZUVVÀ\HUVLQIR REDBANK SUMMERHOLM SILENT FLYERS 35(61LFN:+,7( 0RE page 7 6(&0DUN/(:,6 0RE %HORZLVDSLFWXUHRIDYHU\EXV\)OLJKW/LQH Note the Weather Vane. And recipients of the Fixed Wing Instructor UDWLQJ)OLJKW7HVWDW/RJDQEHORZ 2QHRIWKH6WDWHWUDLQHUSODQHVDWIURQW 64TH MAAA NATIONALS UPDATE FEBRUARY 2010 From – John Taylor (Chairman of 64th Nationals Committee) 64th Nationals Committee - ARF ,QIRDQGGHWDLOVDERXWWKHFOXEDUHDVIROORZV /2*$1+2/0($¶02'(//(565& 62&,(7<,QF 35(60LFKDHO5266 6(&*UDHPH*$//$17< 5 Montsarrot Place )25(67/$.(4/' The committee for the 64th Nationals are Almost Ready to Fly. The big things are planned and the committee has begun the micro management of the events. The search for event sponsors is underway. Bulletin 1 will be released mid-March, keep looking at www.maaq.org and www.maaa.asn.au for new information. Fields Update As always, congratulations to all those members receiving a MAAA Wings Rating and many thanks to those members and Instructors who make the ‘Wings’ system a success. )LHOGVIRUDOOGLVFLSOLQHVDUHRUJDQLVHGDQGFRQ¿UPHG /DVWO\,¶GOLNHWRUHPLQGWKHPHPEHUVKLSRI the 64th Qld Nationals to be held at Dalby in December this year and urge you to support this national event . A huge variety of Aeromodelling, including Rocketry, will be present. Information can be found on the 0$$4ZHEVLWH 7ZRH[WUD¿HOGVDUHXQGHUHYDOXDWLRQIRUXVHDV Helicopter competition areas. The committee is working ZLWKH[SHULHQFHG+HOLFRSWHUFRPSHWLWRUVWRHYDOXDWH these sites. KWWSZZZPDDTRUJ/ See you there. Michael S. Space is available in the newsletter free to members for use to sell or wanting to buy. :RUNRQWKH'0$&¿HOGH[SDQVLRQIRUWKH3\ORQUDFLQJ area is to begin over the weekend of 20th February. Committee Participation at 63rd Nationals – Albury John Taylor (Chairperson 64th Nationals Committee), Dale Jeude (DMAC – 64th Nationals Facilities Coordinator), Kevin Dodd (Registrar) and Nannette Dodd (64th Nationals Committee Treasurer) were in attendance at the 63rd Nationals at Albury. We wish to thank the organising committee for taking the time out of their busy schedules to discuss the operation of the 1DWLRQDOV:HFRPPHQG\RXIRUDQH[FHOOHQWHYHQWDQG it will certainly be a hard act to follow. Email the editor for further information. DLUÀRZHGLWRU#PDDTRUJ page 8 Accommodation in Dalby In the past two weeks most accommodation providers in Dalby have been visited to discuss the Nationals. They are QRZDZDUHRIWKHGDWHVDQGDUHWDNLQJ¿UPERRNLQJV8VH www.dalby.infoWR¿QGPRWHOVFDUDYDQSDUNVDQGRWKHU accommodation. Negotiations are almost completed with the Australian Agricultural College Corporation for the use of their dormitory facilities for accommodation. If successful this will be a low cost, no frills style of accommodation. Keep a lookout on www.dalbymodelaeroclub.com for a news item with more information on this. Water in Dalby If only we can get media coverage of that scale to promote the Nationals? comment by a visitor to Dalby Model Aero Club to describe WKHRSHQ¿HOGVWKDWDERXQGLQWKH'DOE\$UHDDQGWKH friendly atmosphere that he found at the local club and in the town of Dalby. 7KHDLUFUDIWGHSLFWHGLVD-3&\FORQH)$$HUREDWLFSDWWHUQ ship. This aircraft is designed and built in Queensland by )$0DVWHU-RKQ3D\QH7KLVDLUFUDIWKDVEHHQXVHGE\ PDQ\À\HUVLQ1DWLRQDODQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO5&FRPSHWLWLRQVLQ recent years. The star is used to highlight the Dalby region and its location in Queensland. DON’T FORGET THE DATES 29 December 2010 – 7 January 2011 Twice this summer the residents of Dalby have had a special request made of them to reduce water consumption to allow the treatment plant to catch up supply in the town reservoirs. The town has never ‘run out of water’. The problem arose after several days of above normal usage depleting the available treated water supply to 40% of reservoir capacity when the council aims to maintain the town reservoirs at 80%. A new treatment plant is under construction and should be on line well before the 64th Nationals. New Nationals Logo Recently the 64th Nationals Logo received an upgrade. The changes were made to more accurately describe the Nationals Event. Explanation of the Logo The Triangular shape was chosen for its similarity with the shape of the State of Queensland. The colours used are from the Western Downs Regional Council logo to describe the region; Blue - To symbolise the sky, Red - To symbolise the Soil & Resources and Dark Green – To symbolise the Fields. The slogan ‘Friendliness – Open Spaces’ was coined from a page 9 www.rcheliworld.com.au Miniature Aircraft USA has set the standard IRUHYHU\DVSHFWRI5&KHOLFRSWHUVDURXQG the world! Our 3D models have pushed WKH OLPLWV RI DHUREDWLF À\LQJ WR WKH HGJH and our FAI models have completed and won against the best in the world. We are exclusive agents for miniature aircraft in Australia. We GHDOLQDQGVWRFNDUDQJHRISURGXFWVZKLFKLQFOXGH Fromeco Batteries / Regulators & Electronics 26<6(QJLQHV6SDUHVRIDOOVL]HV RC Heli World Pre-mixed fuel & accessories. Ranging from 10-30% nitro mixers 0XIÀHUV7XQHG3LSHV JR & Futaba Radio Accessories All types of Rotor Blades including Carbon Tech & New Red Devil Blades from SAB 7RROVDQGDFFHVVRULHVWRJHW\RXUPRGHOÀ\LQJ 9DULRXV0LQLDWXUH$LUFUDIW5DQJH Helicopters are available in a variety RI FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV WR VXSSRUW YDULRXV HQJLQHV ,QFOXGLQJ the latest motors for our electric powered models. • Furion 450 (5D]RU • Bobby Watts Stratus (HR) IF WE DON’T HAVE IT, WE CAN GET IT. • Stratus IF WE CAN’T GET IT, THEN IT’S NOT MADE. • Spectra G / Gasser • Fury Tempest • Fury Extreme • Ion-X 2 WE WILL FIND A PART TO REPLACE IT. CONTACT LYLE MAHON EMAIL :SALES@RCHELIWORLD.COM.AU PHONE: 0458 724354 (0458 RC HELI) Soon to be released x Furion 90 MARYBOROUGH CONTROL LINE & FREE FLIGHT WEEKEND. WILL BE HELD 19th & 20th JUNE 2010. THERE WILL BE CATERING BOTH DAYS. DINNER WILL BE AT THE MARYBOROUGH CRICKET CLUB ON SATURDAY NIGHT WITH ELECTRIC R/C FLYING UNDER LIGHTS ON THE OVAL AFTER DINNER. FOR MORE INFO CONTACT THE CONVENER TERRY TOMLIN 07 4129 B6210 or STEVE RASKIN 07 4129 4316 E-MAIL simitar@digisurf.com.au &/26,1*'$7(6)25$,5)/2: $35,/-81((',7,21:,//%(7+(7+0$< page 10 SECRETARIES 5(3257 Christmas has well and truly gone and here we are already two months into the New Year. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I wish you all a prosperous New Year. The past months have been rather quiet up to HQGRI-DQ2Q-DQWKWKH7UHDVXUHU Robin Klau, submitted his resignation from the MAAQ Committee to take effect from February 28th 2010. This has put the MAAQ Committee on notice as to how we are going to control WKH¿QDQFHVRIWKH0$$4PHPEHUVHWF,WLV a known fact that Robin has been a staunch member of the committee and has implemented several new directives in advancing the operation of our Association. I wish Robin the best and ask that you give him your congratulations on a good job when he visits your club. It now appears that as per the MAAQ Rules, I am to replace Robin until either an alternative person can be found, or the next AGM. I am not excited at being the Treasurer and will be seeking the alternative to take on these duties. Anyone interested, please let the President know. In the mean time, I ask for your patience and assistance while I get my brain into gear and learn the task that Robin did so well. The plan at the moment is for all Treasurer and Registrar communication to be sent to me for processing. ,IWKLVFKDQJHVDOOFOXEVZLOOEHQRWL¿HGLQSOHQW\ of time. There have been several changes with the 023¶VVLQFHWKHODVWQHZVOHWWHU The most important one that has had major FKDQJHVLV023±$SSRLQWPHQWRI,QVSHFtors. This procedure now requires applicants to take a test on questions relating to Inspecting models, as well as have a supervisor overVHHWKHLU¿UVW7ULDOLQVSHFWLRQRIDPRGHO7KH MAAQ are required to nominate the Trial Inspector. This new additional requirement brings all the inspector applications into line with each other. While on the subject of Inspectors, Members are informed that the MAAA have decided to incorporate the early Turbine Inspectors into the same level as both Heavy Model Inspector, with Turbine Inspection approval. So now all Turbine Inspectors are able to inspect aircraft within their weight level. There has been a new system introduced to LGHQWLI\,QVSHFWRUV$OOLGHQWL¿FDWLRQZLOOEHEDVHG on a numbering system. FW25, for example, UHSUHVHQWVDQ,QVSHFWRUZKRFDQDXWKRUL]H)L[HG Wing models up to 25kg. RW25, represents an ,QVSHFWRUZKRFDQDXWKRUL]HD+HOLFRSWHUXSWR NJ2EYLRXVO\LWIROORZVZLWK):DQG5: 7XUELQH,QVSHFWRUVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQUHPDLQVWKHVDPH as it is now. 7KHIROORZLQJ023¶VKDYHKDGFKDQJHVLPSOHmented and should be read by members. 023023023023023 023DQG023 +HOLFRSWHUÀ\HUVDUHQRZEHLQJERXJKWLQWR WKH%URQ]H*ROGDQG,QVWUXFWRUOHYHOVE\WKH MAAA. Certain members have been accepted by the MAAA to carry out helicopter inspections RQRYHUNJKHOLFRSWHUVLQ4/'7KLVPHDQVWKDW members can now apply through their club to the MAAQ to become helicopter Heavy Model Inspectors. The nominated members will need to follow 023DQGREWDLQDIRUPDQGDWWDFKDSSURSULDWH information. They will be required to perform the trial inspection and sit the test to support any application. If you are considering being an RW25, RU5:SOHDVHUHDG023DQGLIFRPIRUWDEOH with the guidelines, send your application onto the MAAQ Secretary for reference to MAAA. It is pleasing to see that the MAAA membership ¿JXUHVDUHYHU\KHDOWK\8SXQWLO-DQWKH MAAA had 9952 members. Victoria make up 16:DQG4/'LVWKLUGZLWK Disappointing is that the membership has only 5% MXQLRUV2XUPHPEHUVKLSVWDQGVDWDVRI 1/2/10. Some of the items the committee is working on. 1/ Guidelines for clubs to apply for loans and grants. It is the intension of the committee to page 11 VXSSRUWFOXEVZKHQLQQHHGRI¿QDQFLDO assistance. At the moment, we are able to offer assistance with pilot box protection, Have A Go Days, etc. We are now looking at broadening this to include other types of requests. Members will be informed when we have this ready to implement. 2/ Assistance to SIG and clubs who host MAAQ sanctioned State Championships. The committee is looking into the idea to support members by offering medallions to place getters at State Championships. These will be free of charge. Members will EHQRWL¿HGZKHQWKLVV\VWHPVWDUWV 3/ Elsewhere in this newsletter, there is an advert informing members that the MAAQ DUHLPSOHPHQWLQJDQHZDQGH[FLWLQJÀ\LQJ day for all clubs to participate in. The Inter club Challenge. I urge that clubs give this some good thought as it is intended to be a totally fun event. Clubs come along DVDWHDPDQGEULQJWKHLU³VXSSRUWHUV´WR barrack the team on to victory. Bring your club banner to display, wear your club T VKLUWVDQGRIFRXUVHSLFNWKHEHVWÀ\HUVIRU your team. I would like to welcome a new club on board. Well not really totally a new club, Mt Isa Model Aero club has come back on board after being ‘absent’ for a few years. I hope they enjoy being part of this great sport. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Dalby club for their fantastic welcome and hospitality in hosting the February 2010 General Meeting. It was great to go and look at new National Championship venues and although we had little time to actually mingle with the many members during the day, we did take the opSRUWXQLW\WRKDYHDZL]EDQJVWHDNDQGYHJies sit down meal with the club and converse on aero modelling during the dinner. With what I saw and the evidence of the hard work that has been done so far, I am positive that we have chosen the right venue for hosting our Nationals. Regards, Darryl Gunst MAAQ Secretary CLASI VINTAGE FUN FLY IN 8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKHZHDWKHUZDVQRWNLQGWRXV DQGRQO\DIHZÀLJKWVZHUHDEOHWRDFKLHYHG in between squalls and wind gusts. A fair number of spectators and buyers turned up and purchased a lot more items from the sale of the late Ron Morrison’s equipment. Thanks to all who came and supported a good cause, particularly the BFFS members. We did have the BBQ however under the protection of a large tarp over the eating area. This event will now be re-scheduled for later in the year and we hope for a good roll up. Watch the MAAQ Calendar and your e-mails for the new date. John Taylor 6(&5(7$5<&/$6, Tired of engines flooding or being difficult to tune ? SOLVE ALL YOUR FUEL FLOW PROBLEMS! «Zith a 1LIWL)XHO5HJXODWRU Solves issues with flooding and problematic idling Addresses tuning variations due to falling fuel levels within tank A must for A.R.F. scale models with fixed tank position x Designed, built and tested in Australia x Suits 4-stroke Glow Engines x Plugs into existing fuel tank. No inbuilt adjustments. x All alloy construction. Weight 48gms/1.6oz For more free information: Contact Nev Dorne (07) 41241853 patnev@iprimus.com.au page 12 FEBRUARY FREE FLIGHT REPORT tĞůůƚŚĞƐƚĂƌƟŶŐĚĂƚĞĨŽƌ&ͬ&ĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐĂŶĚ ĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶƐŝŶϮϬϭϬŝŶYƵĞĞŶƐůĂŶĚŝƐũƵƐƚĂďŽƵƚ ŚĞƌĞ͘ŶƵŵďĞƌŽĨ&&^ŵĞŵďĞƌƐŵĂĚĞƚŚĞůŽŶŐ ƚƌŝƉĚŽǁŶƚŽƚŚĞϲϯƌĚEĂƟŽŶĂůƐĂƚůďƵƌLJĂŶĚ ĂƐƵƐƵĂůŚĂĚĂĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌĂďůĞĂŵŽƵŶƚŽĨƐƵĐĐĞƐƐ ͘ZĞƐƵůƚƐǁĞƌĞƉƵďůŝƐŚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞƌĞĐĞŶƚ&&^ ŝŐĞƐƚ͘KŶĐĞĂŐĂŝŶ͕DĂůĐŽůŵĂŵƉďĞůůŵĂŶĂŐĞĚ ƚŽƉƌŽĚƵĐĞĂŶĞǀĞŶďĞƩĞƌŝŐĞƐƚƚŚĂŶƚŚĞŽŶĞ ƉƌĞǀŝŽƵƐ dŚĞLJĞĂƌŬŝĐŬƐŽīǁŝƚŚĂůĞ͛Ɛ&ƵŶ&ůLJĂƚƚŚĞ ŽŽŵŝŶLJĂĮĞůĚ͕ĨŽůůŽǁĞĚďLJƚŚĞĮƌƐƚƐĞƌŝŽƵƐ ĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶŽĨƚŚĞLJĞĂƌĂƚĂůďLJ͕ŶĂŵĞůLJ&ϭ:ĂŶĚ &ϭ,͘dŚĞƐĞƚǁŽŚŝͲƚĞĐŚĞǀĞŶƚƐƌĞƋƵŝƌĞƚŚĞǁŝĚĞ ŽƉĞŶƐƉĂĐĞƐƐƵƌƌŽƵŶĚŝŶŐƚŚĞZͬĐůƵďĮĞůĚŝŶ ŽƌĚĞƌĨŽƌƚŚĞŵŽĚĞůƐƚŽďĞŇŽǁŶĂƚƚŚĞŝƌďĞƐƚ͘ /ŶĚŽŽƌŇLJŝŶŐĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐĂůƐŽƌĞͲĐŽŵŵĞŶĐĞŽŶ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJϲthDĂƌĐŚĂƚƚŚĞŐLJŵŶĂƐŝƵŵĂƚ^,^ ĨƌŽŵϯƚŽϲƉŵ͘/ŶĚŽŽƌ&ͬ&ŝƐĐŽŶĚƵĐƚĞĚŽŶ ƚŚĞĮƌƐƚ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJŽĨĞĂĐŚŵŽŶƚŚĂŶĚĂŶLJŽŶĞ ŝƐǁĞůĐŽŵĞƚŽĐŽŵĞĂŶĚůŽŽŬĨŽƌĨƌĞĞ͘&ƵƌƚŚĞƌ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶŽŶƚŚŝƐĨĂƐĐŝŶĂƟŶŐĂƐƉĞĐƚŽĨ ŵŽĚĞůŝŶŐĐĂŶďĞŽďƚĂŝŶĞĚĨƌŽŵ&&^WƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ :ŽŚŶ>ĞǁŝƐ͕ƉŚŽŶĞ ;ϬϳͿϯϴϰϴϰϮϴϬ͘ &&^ŵĞŵďĞƌƐĂƌĞ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐŶĞǁŵŽĚĞůƐ ĨŽƌƚŚĞƵƉĐŽŵŝŶŐ EĂƟŽŶĂůƐĂƚĂůďLJĂƚ ƚŚĞĞŶĚŽĨƚŚĞLJĞĂƌ͘ KŶĞĞǀĞŶƚŝŶ ƉĂƌƟĐƵůĂƌ͕ƚŚĞ>ƐƋƵĂƌĞĚͬϭϬϬ͕ŝƐĨŽƌƌƵďďĞƌ ƉŽǁĞƌĞĚŵŽĚĞůƐĨƌŽŵĂďLJŐŽŶĞĞƌĂĂŶĚŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶŐĞŶĞƌŽƵƐůLJƐƉŽŶƐŽƌĞĚďLJůůĞŶdŚŽŵĂƐ ;h^ϰϲͿ͘dŚŝƐǁŝůůďĞƚŚĞƌŝĐŚĞƐƚ&ͬ&ĞǀĞŶƚĞǀĞƌ ŚĞůĚŝŶƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂǁŝƚŚƉƌŝnjĞŵŽŶĞLJƚŽƚĂůŝŶŐΨϳϬϬ͘ dŚŝƐƐƉĞĐŝĂůĞǀĞŶƚǁŝůůďĞŚĞůĚŽǀĞƌϯŽƌϰĚĂLJƐ ĐŽŵŵĞŶĐŝŶŐĂƚϱ͘ϯϬĂŵĞĂĐŚĚĂLJĂŶĚŝƐďĞŝŶŐ ƌƵŶďLJƚŚĞ&&^ŶŽƚƚŚĞEĂƟŽŶĂů͛ƐŽŵŵŝƩĞĞ͘ ƉŝĐƚƵƌĞŽĨĂ͞ϭϵϯϵ^ƚŽƵƚ͟ŝƐĂƩĂĐŚĞĚƚŽůĞƚLJŽƵ ƐĞĞǁŚĂƚ/ĂŵƌĞĨĞƌƌŝŶŐƚŽ͘ /ŐƵĞƐƐƚŚĞŵŽƐƚŝŵƉŽƌƚĂŶƚƉŝĞĐĞŽĨŶĞǁƐĨŽƌ ƚŚŝƐƌĞƉŽƌƚŝƐƚŚĞĨĂĐƚƚŚĂƚƚŚĞϲϰthEĂƟŽŶĂůƐŝƐ ďĞŝŶŐŚĞůĚŝŶYƵĞĞŶƐůĂŶĚĨŽƌƚŚĞĮƌƐƚƟŵĞƐŝŶĐĞ ϭϵϵϴͬϵ͘ dŚŝƐǁŝůůďĞ ĂďŝŐƉůƵƐĨŽƌ YƵĞĞŶƐůĂŶĚ ŵŽĚĞůĞƌƐŽĨĂůů ĚŝƐĐŝƉůŝŶĞƐ͕ĂƐ ǁĞǁŽŶ͛ƚŚĂǀĞ ƚŚĞĞdžƉĞŶƐĞŽĨ ŚĂǀŝŶŐƚŽƚƌĂǀĞů ƐŽŵĞϭϳϬϬŽĚĚ ŬŝůŽŵĞƚĞƌƐƐŽƵƚŚ͘ ^ĞĞLJŽƵĂƚĂůďLJ͘ :ŽŚŶdĂLJůŽƌ 7HUU\SKLOOLSVRQPHPRULDO :HHNHQG0D\ Full Catering for the weekend /XQFKDQG%UHNN\ Big Competition line up Cold and Hot Drinks Trophies What we Offer 2QVLWH+REE\6KRS Hot Showers Toilets Camping Facilities Potable water Electricity $10 Entry Fee Gets you in to all Comps EVENTS Old Timer (Texaco) Scale >Standoff Scale >Large Scale >ARF Scale Combat C.J. VOGLER & SON EST.1877 Locksmiths, L ks h , Hobbies b 0D t 0 F FMYRJOHU#ELJSRQG FM MYR RJ FRP P age 13 Vacancy on the MAAQ committee. Treasurer / Registrar As a result of the recent resignation of the Treasurer / Registrar the MAAQ has a vacancy on the MAAQ committee for the above position until the next elections held in September 2010. This is an executive position on the committee and requires a person who can commit approximately 15 hours per week to the position. If you are interested in this elected position and you can ….. 2SHUDWHDVDQH[HFXWLYHPHPEHURIWKH0$$4FRPPLWWHHKDYHDEDFNJURXQGLQ)LQDQFHDQG Accounting, plus the use of computer based accounting systems. The ability to complete BAS VWDWHPHQWVIRUWKH$72LVUHTXLUHG It would be an advantage if you have a background in the use of the MAAQ database. The person we are looking for should have the time available to commit to the position and be a team Player. There is a current honorarium with the position. Anyone interested should contact the President for more information and how to apply. Warren Hathaway 3UHVLGHQW0$$43KHYHQLQJV0RE $QWKRQ\¶V3HWH13ODQHV3W\/WG “FOR ALL YOUR ONLINE R/C RC HOBBY NEEDS” FIBERGLASS CLOTH A SPECIALITY 2OG)DVKLRQHG6HUYLFHVDQGSULFHV www.petenplanes.com.au VDOHV#SHWHQSODQHVFRPDu 0439775051 )LEUHJODVV&ORWKR]òR]DQGR] :LOOLDPV%URVUDQJHRI¿QHVFDOHNLWVDQGSURGXFWV Robart Master Instruments Battery Packs Flycamone2 Miniature R/C Video Cameras and accessories 'XEUR*UHDWSODQHVNLWVWRROVDQGSDUWV7KXQGHUWLJHU6XSHU7LJUH267RS)OLWH Contact us for all your Hobby needs. page 14 The MAAQ have organized a great event where all clubs can participate in a get together of members dedicated to have fun. The MAAQ Interclub Challenge is a set of six HDV\ WR FRPSOHWH ³FRPSHWLWLRQV´ ZKHUH FOXEV nominate one of their members to enter an event and compete with each other. There will be a total of 5 events such as unusual model, musical landing, fun fly, ARF scale, helicopter event, glider, and so on. The club can drop one event, with the remaining score added together to give a winning club. The actual events will be announced around end of March. Every event will be designed to be simple without specialized models, or having to be a experienced competition flyer. You will be able to practice at your own field. Entry is free to everyone. Clubs are encouraged to wear their club tee shirt, fly the club banner, bring a team supporting group to cheer them on and of course help with running the event. This, the first event, will be hosted by LARCS. It is expected that the winning club will have the offer to host the event for the following year. That will not be compulsory. LARCS will have the canteen open for food and drinks through out the day. Also, LARCS will have a Swap and Sell on the same day. So while not flying, you can barter and buy yourself a bargain, or sell your lovable model no longer needed. In conjunction with the MAAQ Interclub Challenge, LARCS invite you to participate in their Sell - Buy and Swap meet on August 28th 2010. The idea is to bring along your unwanted goodies and have fun bartering with fellow modelers trying to get the best bargain possible. Entry to sell will be by gold coin donation. Bring your table, chair and umbrella and set yourself up with placards, signs, but no load haulers. Shop keepers interested in a stall should contact Mike Ross 07 3341 6363 for more details. Starting time is 9am, (8am to set up) and stay till your sold out!! You can sell anything, not just modeling gear. Keep your eye on the LARCS website www.larcs.com.au for up to date information. Secretaries will receive all the news and ¶UXOHV·LQ0DUFKVREHSUepared. KEEP AUGUST 28th FEE ² PUT THE DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR. page 15 63rd Free Flight Nationals By Malcolm Campbell Day 1, 29 December 7KH)UHH)OLJKW1DWLRQDOVZHUHEOHVVHGZLWKOLJKWEUHH]HVDQGRQO\DFRXSOHRIWLPHVGLGZH FKDQJHWKHÀLJKWOLQHLQWKHVHYHQGD\VRIFRPSHWLWLRQ5DLQ\FRQGLWLRQVLGHDOO\RFFXUUHGRQO\DW QLJKWDOWKRXJKWKHGD\VZHUHKRWDQGGU\DW±& 7KHZHDWKHUIRUWKH2SHQ5XEEHUHYHQWVXLWHGWKHODUJHFODVVLFPRGHOVZLWKOLJKWDLUIUDPHVDQG ODUJHTXDQWLWLHVRIUXEEHUDQGWKH\IDUHGEHWWHUWKDQWKH)%:DNH¿HOGVZKRDOVROLNHWRFRPSHWH LQWKLVHYHQW:K\"%HFDXVH)%VKDYHJPVRIUXEEHUDQGWKHWUXH25PRGHOVKDYHXSwards of 110 gms and 2 minute motor runs. When there’s little lift there’s no argument as to who ZLOOEHLQWKHÀ\RII$QGWKDW¶VKRZLWLVLQ2SHQ5XEEHU±LW¶VWKHÀ\RIIWKDWGHFLGHVWKHZLQQHU )LYHPD[HGRXWWKLVHYHQWZLWKWKHÀ\RIIDWQH[WPRUQLQJ Australian Champion Roy Summersby launching his potent F1C . ,Q)&$XVWUDOLD¶VWRSSRZHUÀ\HU5R\6XPmersby started well with 4 maxes but his remainLQJÀLJKWVJDYH%LOO(DVWDFKDQFHWRFDWFKXS but Bill succumbed to the pressure and gave Roy the event. Terry Bond also had problems, treeing his best model and damaging his spare model. Queenslander Graham Maynard decided not to À\6HYHUDOUXEEHUÀ\HUVDWWHPSWHGNDPLND]H ÀLJKWVDFURVV5R\¶VODXQFKSDWKWRDGGWRWKH excitement of the day. 1 2 3 F1C Roy William Terry 1 Summersby 180 East 160 Bond 129 1 2 3 4 5 2SHQ5XEEHU Jim Christie Gary 2GJHUV Peter GreenHill Albert Fathers Colin Collyer 1 180 180 180 180 180 2 180 180 0 3 180 180 159 4 180 120 180 5 112 180 103 2 180 180 180 180 180 3 180 180 180 180 180 )O\2II 513 462 385 347 320 Total 1053 1002 925 887 860 6 117 180 110 7 130 53 114 Total 1079 1053 795 Day 2, 30 December 7KH2SHQ5XEEHUÀ\RIIVDZ-LP&KULVWLHODXQFKRQWKHKRRWHUZLWK*DU\&ROLQDQG$OEHUWIROORZHGVRRQDIWHU3HWHU*UHHQKLOOODXQFKHGQHDUWKHHQGRIWKHPLQXWHZLQGRZ$OOÀ\HUV recorded impressive performances - Colin Collyer got 320 seconds and only managed 5th! Jim page 16 &KULVWLHZRQZLWKDQDPD]LQJÀLJKWRIPV )$FRPPHQFHGDWZLWKMXVWHQRXJKEUHH]HWRPDNHFLUFOHWRZLQJFRPIRUWDEOH7KHZLQGLQFUHDVHG throughout the day but only thermal gusts were strong. Phil Mitchell was only 6 seconds off a full house WRZLQ(YHQWXDOVHFRQGSODFHJHWWHU7DKQ6WRZHKDGDFRXSOHRIGLVPDOÀLJKWVLQSRRUDLUEXWKHUHDOO\ WHVWHGKLPVHOIZKHQWZRRIKLVÀLJKWVJDYHKLPYHU\ORQJUHWULHYHV±PRUHFDUHQHHGHGZKHQVHWWLQJWKH FRUUHFWVFUROORQWKHWLPHU9LQ0RUJDQUGORRNHGJRRGWRFKDOOHQJH3KLOEXWKHUHFRUGHGD]HURLQ5 when he did a double tow-in due to an equipment mal-function. The results could have been different if 0DOFROP&DPSEHOOKDGKDGDJRRGODVWÀLJKW7KHVHFRQGVÀLJKWWKDWPRYHGKLPIURPQGWRWKZDV caused by the model unlatching prematurely in the circle and then falling off the line going downwind. Free Flight Scale had six competitors and some cranky small diesels, as evidenced by two models with EORRGVWDLQVVSRLOLQJRWKHUZLVHH[FHOOHQW¿QLVKHV%ULWLVKDQG*HUPDQZDUSODQHVZHUHSRSXODUDQGWKH H[FHOOHQWUXEEHUSRZHUHG)RFNH:ROI+JDLQHGKLPVHFRQGSODFH±KLV¿UVWIRUD\LQWR6FDOHHYHQWV *DU\6XQGHUODQGZRQDVXVXDODQG)UHG5REHUWV¿QDOO\JDLQHGDSODFHDWWKH1DWLRQDOVZLWKKLV$YUR 504. 1 2 3 F1A Phil Tahn Vin 1 180 149 180 Mitchell Stowe Morgan 1 2 3 Scale Gary Roy Fred Static Sunderland 46 Summersby 43 Roberts 41.5 2 180 180 180 3 180 44 180 Flight 33 34 34 Total 79 77 75.5 4 180 180 180 5 174 180 180 6 180 180 0 7 180 180 180 Total 1254 1093 1080 Day 3, 31 December We were greeted with early wind this day and, although the Scramble started early, there were some long retrieves and damaged models. This caused very low times for most competitors although the ZLQQHU3KLO0LWFKHOOSXWLQDUHDVRQDEOHVFRUH1HYHUWKHOHVVLWZDVD³IXQ´VFUDPEOHDWOHDVWIRUWKH spectators! 8 times national Scramble champion Phil Mitchell launches his model. page 17 7KHLQFUHDVLQJZLQGVFDXVHGDIHZWRSXOORXWRIWKH)*DQG2]'LHVHOHYHQWVDOWKRXJKWKHZLQGZDV WRDEDWHPLGPRUQLQJ-LP&KULVWLHGRPLQDWHGWKH)*HYHQWEHLQJWKHRQO\À\HUZLWKWKUHHPD[HV 4XHHQVODQGHU6RQ\D%XUIHLQZLWKDPD[DQGQHDUPLVVORRNHGOLNHWDNLQJVHFRQGEXWKHUWKLUGÀLJKW let her down and let another Queenslander Albert Fathers into second. Albert spent a great deal of time ZLWKRFWRJHQDULDQ$GULDQ%U\DQWZKRÀHZPRVWUXEEHUHYHQWV$GULDQ%U\DQWWKUHZDZD\KLV)*EXW it was found 3.5 klms away in a deer farm and was re-united with its owner the next day, after a phone FDOOWRKLV8NLQRUWKHUQ16:SURSHUW\FRQYHQLHQWO\IRXQGVRPHRQHLQHDUVKRWRIWKHSKRQH 6HYHUDO2]'LHVHOPRGHOVUHFRUGHGORQJ ÀLJKWVDQGRQHGLGQRWUHWXUQ0DOFROP &DPSEHOO¶VODVWDQGZLQQLQJÀLJKWWKH ODVWRI¿FLDO))ÀLJKWIRUZDVLQDQ enormous thermal. It DTed at probably 600 feet and took over 10 minutes to come down. It was a lengthy retrieve but with a tracker and a GPS bearing, it was easily found, 3 klms away, near Albert Fathers F1G model. 2]'LHVHOZLQQHUV5R\6XPPHUVE\ 2nd Malcolm Campbell 1st and Des Slattery 3rd . F1G Jim Albert Sonya Christie Fathers Burfein 2]'LHVHO Malcolm Campbell Roy Summersby Des Slattery . Scramble Phil Mitchell 602 James McFall 286 Bruce Hoffmann 271 1 120 120 104 2 120 91 120 3 120 120 7 Total 360 331 231 1 80 54 48 2 120 120 84 3 120 120 92 Total 320 294 224 2SSRVLWHSDJH Night Scramble not many were as well lit as this Tomboy Day 4, 1 January 5DLQRYHUQLJKWFOHDUHGE\WKHWLPHZHDUULYHGDWWKH¿HOGDQGWKHZLQGJUDGXDOO\DEDWHGGXULQJWKH PRUQLQJDQGLWZDVPXFKPRUHSOHDVDQWWHPSHUDWXUHZLVH,QWKHHIIRUWVWRDWWUDFWPRUHÀ\HUVWR)- page 18 the rules were relaxed to let the older Class 1 power models in, with a longer engine run. This was still not enough to give them a look in and current design F1Js took all 3 places. Queenslander Des Slattery faces more repairs of his F1J after crossed lines caused an overrun that was terminated by the hard ground. 3LVVWLOOWREHGHFLGHGE\D6DWXUGD\PRUQLQJÀ\RIIEHWZHHQ-LP&KULVWLH1DQ'RGGDQG Vin Morgan. Malcolm Campbell was unlucky not to join them when his propeller parted comSDQ\ZLWKWKHPRGHOLQKLVQGÀLJKWDIWHUDJRRGKLJKPD[DQGVRPHGLVWDQFHDZD\7KH model was found sans propeller and the replacement prop had a different thrust angle. 7XUQXSIRUWKH+/*DQG&/*FODVVHVZDVGLVDSSRLQWLQJPD\EHEHFDXVHWKH\ZHUHWRREXV\ LQRWKHUHYHQWV")LUVWSODFHZDVWDNHQE\D3HWHU/OR\GÀ\LQJDGLVFXVOXQFKHGJOLGHUDQG VHFRQGSODFHZHQWWR3KLO0LWFKHOO:LWKDQDJHLQJSRSXODWLRQLQIUHHÀLJKWSHUKDSVWKH&/* and discus launched gliders will be a thing of the not-to-distant future F1J 1 2 3 1 Bond 120 Summersby 96 Burfein 0 2 120 120 29 3 120 120 112 4 120 120 116 5 120 120 120 Terry Roy Ted 1 2 3 +/* Peter /OR\G Phil Mitchell Michael Towell 1 55 32 32 2 40 20 9 3 38 60 35 4 58 29 8 5 52 24 49 1 2 3 P-30 Jim Christie Vin Morgan Nanette Dodd 1 120 120 120 2 120 120 120 3 120 120 120 Total 360 360 360 )2 179 174 131 1 39 20 2 57 27 3 60 36 4 5 6 1 2 &/* Terry Phil 29 37 43 Bond Mitchell Total 600 576 377 6 46 5 17 Best three 165 121 116 Best three 156 116 Day 5, 2 January The Night Scramble on the previous night proved to be a great crowd pleaser (as it always does). The weather was calm and cool, with lightning in the distance. The spectators were lined up in comfortable deck chairs with food, drink and cameras. They were not to be disappointed as models circled OD]LO\RYHUKHDGVRPHLQEOD]LQJFRORXUVDQGVRPHDOPRVWLQYLVLEOH2QH Prado witnessed a carrier deck landing DQGDQRWKHUYHKLFOHKDGDPRGHO³KLGH´ underneath it, but mainly they stayed page 19 GRZQZLQG7KHIXOOPRRQVHHPHGVRVXLWDEOHDVDEDFNGURSWRWKLV³FUD]\´VLGHWRRXUVSRUW Maris Dislers’ winning score doubled the winning score in the windy day scramble. A violent overnight storm pelted Rutherglen as we slept but it was cool, calm and relatively GU\DWWKH¿HOGDWDP,QWKH3À\RII-LP &KULVWLHODXQFKHG¿UVWZLWK9LQ0RUJDQIROORZHG soon after. Both models climbed drifting slowly to the south-east. Vin got a bit higher and landed DERXWVHFRQGVDIWHU-LPIRUDWLPHRI -LPUHFRUGHG1DQHWWH'RGGZLIHRI0$$$ VHFUHWDU\.HYLQ'RGGÀHZODWHEXWKHUPRGHO GLGQ¶W¿QGEHWWHUDLUDQGKHUWLPHJDYHKHU 3rd place. Vintage Power once again was Roy Summersby’s territory with his potent Rothwell-powered Swiss Miss recording three easy maxes to win. Martin Williams put in a max and two near misses IRUVHFRQG+RZDUG*RVWHORZ¶V)R[SRZHUHG3OD\ER\TXDOL¿HGDVWKHQRLVLHVWPRGHORQWKH ¿HOGEXWKHGURSSHGRQHÀLJKWUDWKHUEDGO\IRUWKLUGSODFH 7RS3KRWR$IDPLO\DIIDLU1DQHWWH and Kevin Dodd with the 3rd place P30 ,Q)+WKH¿HOGZDVHQODUJHGDQGHQOLYHQHG by a swarm of the older style A1s that are QRZDOORZHGWRÀ\DWDORZHUZHLJKW7KLV certainly helps them to bob around and fall LQWRWKHUPDOVDV*DU\2GJHUV¶$LJOHWZDV observed to do. Gary dropped just 8 secRQGVIRUVHFRQGSODFH3KLO0LWFKHOO]RRPHG the M&K pocket rocket to enormous height for 5 maxes to win and Vin Morgan, also with an M&K model stalled down on one ÀLJKWIRUWKLUG7KHLQWURGXFWLRQRIWKHROGHU A1s should prove a successful change in future F1H events. $ERYHOHIW 7KHGH¿QLWLYH9LQWDJH3RZHUPRGHO+RZard Gostelow’s Fox. Night Scramble 1 Maris Dislers 1223 2 Mark Poschkens 962 3 Walter Bolliger 911 1 2 3 F1H Phil Gary Vin page 20 Mitchell 2GJHUV Morgan 1 120 112 120 2 120 120 120 3 120 120 94 4 120 120 120 5 120 120 120 Total 600 592 574 1 2 3 Vintage Power Roy Summersby Martin Williams Howard Gostelow 1 180 177 108 2 180 152 180 3 180 180 180 Total 540 509 468 Swiss Miss, 1954 Stomper, 1953 Playboy Senior, 1940 3KRWR5LFKDUG%ODFNKDP¶VVXSHUEODXQFKRIKLV F1B. Day 6, 3 January 7KH1DWLRQDOV)%FRPSHWLWLRQLVWKH¿UVW7HDP7ULDO event for the 2011 World Championships in Argentina. Good conditions prevailed but there was quite a lot of DWWULWLRQ/HLJK0RUJDQKDGWZRDWWHPSWVLQURXQGRQH maxed round two and the long retrieve caused her to PLVVWKHWKLUGURXQGVRVKHUHWLUHG+XVEDQG9LQKLW DWUHHRQKLV¿UVWÀLJKWZKLFKGDPDJHGWKHWULPPHG model. 7KHVHFRQGÀLJKWZLWKWKHVHFRQGPRGHOIDLOHGWRPD[ so he decided it would be more fun to concentrate on WKH2SHQ3RZHUHYHQW*UDKDP0D\QDUGJRWDFRXSOH of maxes and then mislaid the model. It was not found until later in the event and, as he didn’t pull out a reserve model, his chances dissolved. Adrian Bryant was in good form, helped by Albert Fathers, recording a max in round one and WKHQJRLQJRQWRDJRRGÀLJKWUXLQHGE\DIHQFHWKDWGDPDJHGWKH'%R[OHDGLQJHGJH$OEHUWDOVR had trouble with his delayed prop release mechanism and was unable to use his reserve model. He spent his time then looking for Graham’s lost model. And the only Queenslander who actuDOO\¿QLVKHGZDV7HG%XUIHLQZKRVXEPD[HGDFRXSOHRIÀLJKWVEXWLWZDVWKHODVWURXQGWKDW UHDOO\FDXJKWKLPDVZHOODVHYHU\RQHHOVH16:À\HU7HUU\%RQGKDGEHHQJRLQJSUHWW\ZHOODQG ZDVORRNLQJDWVHFRQGSODFHXQWLOKLVODVWURXQGÀLJKWRIVHFRQGV3DXO5RVVLWHUIURP:$KDG GURSSHGWKUHHÀLJKWVEXWUHFRUGLQJQHDUO\WZRPLQXWHVLQVLQNLQJDLULQURXQGPRYHGKLPWRVHFRQG9LFWRULDQ5LFKDUG%ODFNDPÀHZZHOOWKURXJKRXWZLWKWKHGLI¿FXOWVHYHQWKURXQGJLYLQJKLPD WZRDQGDKDOIDPLQXWHÀLJKW 2SHQ3RZHUQXPEHUVZHUHVZHOOHGFRQVLGHUDEO\E\DVZDUPRI'L[LHODQGHUVPDQ\EHLQJ ³OHIWRYHUV´IURPWKH'L[LHZHHNHQGLQ2FWREHU7KHWUXH2SHQ3RZHUPRGHOVWRRNWKH¿UVWIRXU SODFHVZLWK*DU\2GJHUVDQG+RZDUG*RVWHORZÀ\LQJRIIWKHQH[WPRUQLQJ*DU\ZRQE\ seconds. F1B 1 2 3 Richard Paul Terry 2SHQ3RZHU 1 2 3 Blackam Rossiter Bond Gary Howard Roy 1 180 150 180 2 180 156 180 2GJHUV Gostelow Summersby 3 180 180 180 23 23 23 4 180 180 180 1 180 180 180 5 180 180 149 2 180 180 142 6 180 171 180 3 180 180 180 7 151 112 66 Total 540 540 502 Total 1231 1129 1115 )2 239 210 page 21 Day 7, 4 January Hot weather and wind produced large thermals and slow descending Vintage models resulted in some long retrievals. In Vintage Rubber, I WLPHGIRU-LP&KULVWLH¶V*ROO\ZRFNKLVPRGHOZDV the 1941 version with the larger propeller. He easily recorded two maxes and was very lucky with the third, needing the DT height and his vintage bonus points to make a third max. Roy Summersby’s 1936 twin pusher needed a motor replacement but this didn’t happen until after the ¿UVWÀLJKWVRKHGURSSHGRQH+RZDUG*RVWHORZ¶V Roy Summersby launches his 1936 Twin Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde (Aeromodeller centerfold SODQ-XO\SURGXFHGRQHSRRUÀLJKWEXWWKHQRYHU- Pusher in Vintage Rubber. FRPSHQVDWHGE\À\LQJDZD\RQÀLJKWWKUHH,W'7HGDW 3 minutes but was still visible in the air at 6, landing nearly 3 klms away Vintage Rubber 1 Jim 2 Roy 3 Howard Christie Summersby Gostelow 1 180 166 180 2 180 180 101 3 180 180 180 Total 540 526 461 Gollywock, 1941 version (big prop) Class C twin pusher, 1936 Jeckyll & Hyde, 1954 In Vintage Glider scores were pretty moderate considering the conditions. The scattering of maxes VKRZVJRRGÀLJKWVZHUHSRVVLEOHDQGZLWKPOLQHVLWVKRXOGEHHDV\ZLWKPRGHOVOLNHWKH1HEXOD DQG6HUDSKEXWWKLVGLGQ¶WKDSSHQ±PD\EHLWZDVWKHKHDW"'HV6ODWWHU\GLGDPRQXPHQWDOUHEXLOGRQ WKH¿HOGDIWHUDYLROHQWWRZLQRQKLVVHFRQGÀLJKW$IWHUXQVWLFNLQJKLPVHOIIURPKLVPDNHVKLIWZLQG\ PRGHOLQJEHQFKKLVPRGHOKHOGWRJHWKHUWRPD[LQKLVVHFRQGÀLJKWDQGWKHQODQGLQDWUHHRQKLV Des Slattery launches fellow Queenslander Albert )DWKHUV³.DQH´LQ9LQWDJHJOLGHU Glow Plug or Diesel Mister ? page 22 ¿QDOÀLJKWFOLQFKLQJ¿UVWSODFHE\VHFRQGV+DUGOXFNVWRU\ZDVUHVHUYHGIRU$OEHUW)DWKHUVZKRVH PDJQL¿FHQW.DQH'7¶HGDWPVRQLWV¿UVWÀLJKW$OEHUWZDVKHDUGWRVD\³,W¶VDPLQPD[LQ Vintage, isn’t it?” Vintage Glider 1 2 3 Des Malcolm A Albert Slattery Campbell Fathers 180 180 150 180 67 180 114 180 96 474 427 426 Nebula, 1954 Seraph, 1953 5DGR&L]HN And so ended the 63rd Nationals. Numbers were up on recent years and the weather was very kind to us most of the time. So now it’s Dalby’s turn to put on a show at the end of December this year. See you there! Malcolm Campbell page 23 02'(/$(521$87,&$/$662&,$7,212)$8675$/,$,1& 1HZVOHWWHU12 Congratulations Valerie Vickers It is with pleasure that the MAAA Executive on behalf of the MAAA Members offer their congratulations to Mrs Valerie (Val) Vickers on being awarded the FAI Air Sport Medal. This award recognises the work and achievements, in model aviation in Australia, carried out by Val at Club, State and Federal level. The presentation was made by the MAAA President at a MAS NSW Annual Presentation Dinner. Manual of Procedures 7KH0DQXDORI3URFHGXUHVLVD³OLYH´GRFXPHQWDQGLVFRQWLQXDOO\EHLQJXSGDWHG3OHDVH check the MAAA web site from time to time to ensure that you are aware of the latest editions of the documents. The MAAA has recently released the following amended docuPHQWVLQWKH0DQXDORI3URFHGXUHV 0$$$0233ROLF\IRU9LVLWRU,QVXUDQFHDW)O\LQJ)LHOGV±$PHQGPHQWVPDGHIROORZing a proposal put forward by the Education Subcommittee to have Education Groups included within the policy. (See item Education Groups) 0$$$023*+](TXLSPHQW±$PHQGPHQWVWR$SSHQGL[µ$¶WRFODULI\WKDWµ7KH IROORZLQJWHFKQRORJLHVDUHDFFHSWHGIRUXVHLQWKH*+]IUHTXHQF\EDQGRQO\¶ 7KHDGGLWLRQXQGHU7HFKQRORJ\6DQZD)+66 Education Groups $WWKH&RXQFLO&RQIHUHQFHWKHTXHVWLRQZDVDVNHGµKRZFDQJURXSVWDNLQJSDUWLQ HGXFDWLRQSURJUDPVJHWLQLWLDOH[SRVXUHWRÀ\LQJFOXEDFWLYLWLHVIRUGH¿QHGSHULRGVORQJHU than covered by the Visitor Insurance, and still be covered by the MAAA Insurance?’ The Chairman of the Education Subcommittee put forward a suggestion based on a brief consideration following the question. This was that if a State Association through their (GXFDWLRQ2I¿FHUUHFRJQL]HVDVSHFL¿FJURXSWDNLQJSDUWLQDQHGXFDWLRQSURJUDPZKLFK FRPHVXQGHUWKH0$$$(GXFDWLRQ3ROLF\WKHQWKH0$$$IRUDVPDOO¿[HGIHHDQGIRUD ¿[HGSHULRGHJZHHNVZLOOFRYHUWKHJURXS3URYLGLQJWKDWDFOXELVSUHSDUHGWRKRVW WKHPWKH\FRXOGÀ\DWWKDWIDFLOLW\LQFOXGLQJRQZHHNHQGVXQGHUWKHQRUPDOFRQGLWLRQVRI the MAAA Visitor Policy. Following debate on the subject, this was agreed. This has now EHHQ¿QDOL]HGE\WKH(GXFDWLRQ6XEFRPPLWWHHDSSURYHGDQGLQFRUSRUDWHGLQWR023 Delta Dart Program The MAAA Delta Dart program continues to be well received by those State Associations and Education Groups taking advantage of the scheme. The Delta Darts are intended to be used to promote aviation in general and the MAAA LQSDUWLFXODUHYHQWKRXJKWKHODWWHULVDORQJHUWHUPDLP8QGHUWKHFRRUGLQDWLRQRIDQ 0$$$(GXFDWLRQ2I¿FHUWKH'DUWVDUHXVHGDVSDUWRIWKH0$$$(GXFDWLRQSURJUDPWR 6FKRROVDQGRWKHUJURXSVZKRDUHDEOHWRVKRZ · they have an educational element for their use · their use is suitably supervised  IHHGEDFNRQWKHEHQH¿WSURPRWLRQWKDWWKH0$$$ZLOOJDLQ If you consider you have a project for the use of Delta Darts or know of an Education JURXSZKR\RXFRQVLGHUPHHWVWKHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGFDQEHQH¿WIURPWKHVFKHPH SOHDVHFRQWDFW\RXU6WDWH$VVRFLDWLRQ(GXFDWLRQ2I¿FHUIRUDVVLVWDQFH Page 24 2XWFRPHIURP5HSRUWHG,QFLGHQWV A recent Incident and Accident being investigated by MAAA involved a member using a tractorGUDZQVODVKHUPRZHU8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKHPHPEHUVXIIHUHGDQLQMXU\WRKLVIRRWDQGWKLVKLJKOLJKWV the need for extreme caution when operating any machinery at home or at your club. In today’s society we have a duty of care to others and this includes clubs in the operation of any machinery. Following this incident the Club was requested to put in place a procedure for operating this PDFKLQHEHIRUHLWZDVXVHGDJDLQ,WZDVVXJJHVWHGWKDWWKHLU6WDWH2+6ZRXOGKDYHGLUHFWLYHV on the safe operations of this type of machinery, which may be of assistance and guidance. The MAAA also recommends that, where a club has members operating any type of machinery, the club ensures it has suitable procedures for machinery operation and if appropriate, it supplies VXLWDEOHVDIHW\HTXLSPHQWIRULWVPHPEHUV<RXU6WDWH2+6ZLOOKDYHJXLGHOLQHVWRDVVLVW Australian Endurance Record Congratulations to Anthony Mott and his team on establishing a new Australian Endurance Record. The successful record attempt was held at the Greensborough MAC on 21 & 22 December ZLWKWKHPRGHOEHLQJÀRZQIRUKRXUVPLQXWHVDQGVHFRQGV *+]7UDQVPLWWLQJ(TXLSPHQW )URPWLPHWRWLPHWKH0$$$UHFHLYHVUHSRUWVWKDWWKH0$$$3ROLF\RQ*+]PD\QRWEHHLWKHU well enough known, or is being ignored by some individuals and clubs. The following are the basic UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGLPSOLFDWLRQVIRUWKHRSHUDWLRQRIWKLVHTXLSPHQWDW0$$$&OXE¿HOGV  2QO\0$$$DFFHSWHG*+]UDGLRV\VWHPVFDQEHXVHGDW0$$$À\LQJ¿HOGVDQGXQGHU the MAAA insurance policy. · The MAAA evaluates the basic operational performance of equipment before it is accepted. · Some equipment that has been put to the MAAA for acceptance has had technical limitations that would cause problems if used in a typical club environment.  023KDVWKHGHWDLOVRIWKHDFFHSWHGHTXLSPHQWDQGWKHVWDQGDUGVWKDWWKLVHTXLSPHQWVKRXOGFRPSO\ZLWK6HH$SSHQGL[µ$¶023  ,IFOXEVDOORZHTXLSPHQWWKDWGRHVQRWFRPSO\ZLWK023WREHXVHGDWWKHLU¿HOGLW could prejudice the insurance cover of all club members.  ,QWKHHYHQWRIDQLQFLGHQWLQYROYLQJ*+]HTXLSPHQWWKDWKDVQRWEHHQDFFHSWHGE\WKH MAAA then it would be expected that serious questions would be asked by both the MAAA and the insurer. 2011 F1A, B & C World Championship Team Trials Multiple Team Trials for this event to be hosted by Argentina in early 2011 are programmed as folORZV Proposed Events Program Southern Cross Cup F1A Tue 30th Mar 2010 Narrandera F1B Mon 29th Mar 2010 Narrandera F1C Tue 30th Mar 2010 Narrandera Qld State Championships F1A 29th May 2010 Dalby F1B 30th May 2010 Dalby page 25 F1C 14th Mar 2010 Dalby W.A State Championships F1A 16th May 2010 Meckering F1B 24th Jul 2010 Meckering F1C 25th Jul 2010 Meckering Additional Team Selection event for F1A classes 5-7/6/10 Meckering International Events $OOWKHVHHYHQWVDUHWREH)$)%DQG)&FODVVHVRSHQWRDOOÀ\HUVVDQFWLRQHGE\&,$0 DQGSXEOLVKHGRQWKH&,$0ZHEVLWHÀRZQWR)$,UXOHVDQGFRQGXFWHGZLWKLQWKHVHOHFWLRQSHriod. F3D (Pylon) 2011 World Championship Team Trials The 2011 F3D Pylon World Championships are being run in Australia from the 12 to 14 August. AMPRA will be hosting the following multi team trials for the 2011 F3D Pylon event. The trials are expected to be held in Victoria, Queensland and NSW with 5 trials in all, between June and WKHHQGRI'HFHPEHU$FWXDOGDWHVDUH\HWWREHFRQ¿UPHG World / Continental Championships and Trans Tasman Events Calendar 2010 EVENT Awarded to F1 A,B & C Trans Tasman F2A, F2B, F2C, F2D +XQJDU\'DWHV-XO\±$XJXVW F3J )UDQFH'DWHV-XO\$XJXVW F4C 3RODQG&]HVWRFKRZD-XO\±$XJXVW F5B, F5D 86$0XQFLH±$XJXVW Space Models 6HUELD,ULJ±$XJXVW )$$VLD2FHanic 2IIHUV,QYLWHG±ORFDWLRQDQGGDWHV7%$ )&$VLD2FHanic TBA 2011 EVENT Awarded to F1 A,B & C $UJHQWLQD/DWH$SULOHDUO\0D\GDWHVWREHFRQ¿UPHG F3A 86$±/DWH-XO\HDUO\$XJXVWGDWHVWREHFRQ¿UPHG F3B China F3C ,WDO\'DWHV±$XJXVW F3D $XVWUDOLD'DWHV$XJXVW F3K 6ZHGHQ'DWHV-XO\ page 26 page 27 MAAQ GENERAL AND AGM MEETING DATES FOR 2010 0$<7+ *(1(5$/0((7,1*$7 &+(506,'(/,%5$5< -8/<5' *(1(5$/0((7,1*$7 &+(506,'(/,%5$5< SEPT 18TH AGM MEETING AT &+(506,'(/,%5$5< 129(0%(57+*(1(5$/0((7,1*$7 &+(506,'(/,%5$5< /,*+70($/3529,'('$)7(5 *(1(5$/0((7,1*6)857+(5 '(7$,/6:,//%($'9(57,6('217+( MAAQ WEB SITE. :::0$$425* Scale Aerotow ² Expressions of Interest Calling all r/c pilots, do you have a scale sailplane, a capable tug or an interest in flying either? We are trying to get together everyone in the SEQLD region who would like to be involved in regular gatherings. A couple of events have been held in the past but we have had issues with tug availability, field conditions and notification of events. There are now a number of very capable tugs and pilots available for our use. Model sailplanes from 1.5 to 6m+ span can be successfully aerotowed. Tugs are mostly 30 to 100cc. We also require some venues. Large, flat and smooth fields with uncluttered approaches are best. If your club is interested in hosting a day please let us know. Scale Soaring Australia http://www.scalesoaringaustralia.com is a body already set up to promote R/C Scale Soaring and Aerotowing. Information and notice of events will be available on its web site. Contact : page 28 Brian Ford (BNE) ² Dave Morgan (TWB) ² 07 33564021 Mob ² 0409747737 07 46308372 Mob ² 0407203201 George Holland 41593084 2010 EVENTS CALENDAR MARCH 52&.(75<7$50$& P. BRIGGS 46355557 6 5 -7 23(1)%,17(51$7,21 $/0,/$1*6$ www.lsfaustralia.org 13 SAAMBR PRE CHARITY $,56+2:$(5202'(//(56'$< %8<6(// 6:$375$'(67$1'6 14 6$$0%5$118$/ &+$5,7<$,56+2: (/(&75,&)/<,1 6((7$50$&)/<(5,1 $,5)/2:2&7'(& 52&.+$037213</21 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 14 WARBIRDS TMAC scarf. warbird.com.au 7$50$&6287+(51 '2:1662$5,1*&83 &21752//,1(5$//< 52&.+$03721 ± *5$1'6287+(51 &526602'(/$(52 5$//< www.gscmar.com 28 5$$,')81)/< 6(()/<(5,1$,5)/2: 2&7'(& 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org APRIL 4 -(5,/'(5,($(5272: +(/,6&$/('$</$5&6 '(7$,/69,$%522.1(7 1(7$8 3&4 )81)/<,1 %81'$%(5*$(5202' (//(56±7UHY1LHOVHQ 41960318, 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 11 6$$0%5+(,)81)/< 18 722:220%$ &+,/'5(16+263,7$/ $33($/$,56+2:7$$ Contact luke cullen FXOOHQ#ELJSRQGFRP 7,1*$/3$(/(&75,&'$< 9AM-5PM 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 25 6$$0%5&/8%:$5%,5'µ ³&2856('((/(*$1&(¶ 0$5<%2528*+3</21 MAY ± ± 0566$$(5272: 9(18(72%($'9,6(' ± %81'<62$5,1*&83 %(6612::,'(%$< ± ± ± WARBIRDS TIN CAN BAY scarf.warbird.com.au ± 086:(//%522. VETERANS GATHERING 8 52&.(75<7$50$& 30 P. BRIGGS 46355557 9,17$*(176#&$/9(57 www.vintagents.org 8 MAAQ STATE MEETING (CHERMSIDE) ± 6$$0%56%(/(&75,& 5$//< ± '$/%<)/<,1 7,1*$/3$)81)/< 9AM -2PM 0566$1250$1%< :,1(662$5,1* &+$//(1*( 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org page 29 :$5%,5'6/$5& scarf.warbird.com.au 30 JUNE 3$77(51%81'$%(5* $(5202'(//(56± 6$$0%56&$/(&203 (HARRY GERHMAN CRAFTMANSHIP 3(53(78$/7523+< 75(91,(/6(1 *(25*(+2//$1' 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 0566$$(5272: 9(18(72%($'9,6(' ± :$5%,5'6&2))6 +$5%285 scarf.warbird.com.au ± /6)-(5,/'(5,( 7285$0(17 www.lsfaustralia.org 9,17$*(176#'$/%< www.vintagents.org &2+81$3</21 0566$$(5272:&217,18(' 9(18(72%($'9,6(' 9,17$*(176)81)/<# &2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 7,1*$/3$48((16/$1' 6&$/()(67$030 26 JULY 52&.(75<7$50$& 303%5,**6 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 6$$0%56&$/($(52%$7,&6 IMAC ±:$5%,5'6&22/80 scarf.warbird.com.au %81'$%(5* 67$7(&+$0363</21 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org MAAQ STATE MEETING (CHERMSIDE) ± ±/,6025(*/,'(±$)$,5 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org SEPTEMBER :$5%,5'6*5$7721 ±7$$,0$&635,1* 6+227287/uke Cullen. scarf.warbird.com.au 6$$0%5'21%$5%(56)/<,1* 6&+22/)81)/<,1 page 30 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org SAAMBR MEMBER BBQ (STARTS 1700 . CAMPING )$&,/,7,(6$9$,/$%/( 3 AUGUST 6$$0%5,1752'8&7,21 72,0$& 6$$0%5$(52%$7,&6 (Q.P.F.A.) 7,1*$/3$81868$/02'('$< $0±0,''$< 13 ± 6$$0%5-(76)/<,1 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 ±&(175$/4/'62$5,1* &+$036%(6612::,'(%$< www.vintagents.org 18 MAAQ AGM/STATE MEETING (CHERMSIDE) 6$$0%5/,)(0(0%(56 )81'$< %(167$,1(6',//52:/$1'6 7523+< 7,1*$/3$+(/,&237(5'$< $0±30 ±:$5%,5'6%81'$%(5* 14 WARBIRDS SAAMBR scarf.warbird.com.au 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 7,1*$/3$%,3/$1(6$1' :$5%,5'6'$<,1&/8',1* 6:$3$1'6(//$0±30 scarf.warbird.com Trev Nielsen 41960318, George Holland 41593084 +(/,67$7(&+$03645&+$ 1HZ&DQXQJUD¿HOGZZZTUFKDFRP 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org ±0$1,//$6/23()(67 DECEMBER 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 6$$0%5$118$/&(/(%5$7,21 19 MRSSA CHRISTMAS PARTY. 29TH 64TH 4/'1$7,21$/6'$/%< OCTOBER ±6$$0%50$$$(1(7 1257+)/<,1 9,17$*(176#&$/9(57 www.vintagents.org 6$$0%5+(/,)81)/< ±7$50$&0566$$(5272: '$/%<3</21 52&.(75<7$50$& 303%5,**6 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org 24 WARBIRDS RAAID scarf.warbird.com.au NOVEMBER 6 MAAQ STATE MEETING (CHERMSIDE) 9,17$*(176#&2:3$7 www.vintagents.org page 31 0$$4([HFXWLYHDQG2I¿FH%HDUHUV President: Warren Hathaway. 0411 709708 Vice Pres: Lindsay Moore. 0409 344 229 vicepresident@maaq.org Secretary: Daryl Gunst. 5546 6227 secretary@maaq.org Treasurer: warrenhathaway@gmail.com treasurer@maaq.org 3522I¿FHU9$&$17326,7,21 R/C Admin/SFI: Michael Snabaitis. 4634 9652 publicrelations@maaq.org F¿#PDDTRUg $LUÀRZ(GLWRU'RXJ0RRG\DLUÀRZ#PDDTRUg F/F Admin: John Taylor. 3392 7679 IUHHÀLJKW#PDDTRUg C/L Admin: page 32