Election of 2009 CBAA Executive Board November 11


Election of 2009 CBAA Executive Board November 11
September 2008
Volume XXXV, Number 3
In This Issue
Election of 2009 CBAA
Executive Board November
11 .......................................................
Clubs within CBAA ......................
News from our Chairman ........
Field Maintenance Day .............
Central Bucks Lightning
Lacrosse ..........................................
Intramural Soccer ......................
Buckingham United Soccer
Club ...................................................
CBAA Basketball ..........................
Help Build a Roof over our
Heads, ..............................................
The 2008 CBAA Board
Executive Committee
Dale Herbst
Vice Chairman
Robert Law
Doris Dowdy
Recording Secretary
Bonnie Gepner
Corresponding Secretary
Frank Moldovanyi
Program Presidents
Manny Garcia
Intramural Soccer
Maggie Snow
Brian Zappala
Travel Soccer
Sue Griffith
This edition of CBAA’s Newsletter reaches you electronically. It’s another way CBAA has “gone
green.” We hope that our members will find this to be a welcome change. Note that we will have
links throughout this newsletter to our various club websites for your convenience.
Election of 2009 CBAA Executive Board November 11
For CBAA to continue to be successful and grow it needs your support. CBAA
provides the opportunity to thousands of young people in the Central Bucks
areas to play basketball, lacrosse, and soccer at a variety of levels. New
ideas, new enthusiasm, and renewed energy come from both new volunteers
and long-time supporters. If you are interested in taking a leadership position
in the organization, please consider one of the Executive Board positions.
Elections will be held at the CBAA board meeting scheduled for Tuesday,
November 11 at the Buckingham Township building. If you are interested in
running for one of the Executive Board positions, please email us at
info@playcbaa.com by no later than Sunday, November 3, 2008. Officer
positions require no prerequisites except for the chairman position, where the
candidate must have served a minimum of one year on the CBAA Board.
Dale Herbst
Robert Law
Doris Dowdy
Recording Secretary
Bonnie Gepner
Corresponding Secretary
Frank Moldovanyi
Clubs within CBAA
click on club logos below to access website
CB Lightning Lacrosse continues to be one of the largest youth
lacrosse programs in Central Bucks/Montgomery Counties. Our
growth and strength is founded on those who have come before us,
those that lead us today, and those who will lead us into the future.
For more information, please contact us at
CBAA Intramural Soccer offers recreational soccer programs for
players age 3 to 18 in the Central Bucks, PA area. If you have any
questions about CBAA Intramural Soccer, please email us at
The mission of the Buckingham United Soccer Club is to promote,
Casino Night
foster, and perpetuate the game of soccer and to provide an
organization for travel soccer teams to play at a competitive level.
Please see the BUSC Website for specific information. For all other
information please email your questions to
Donna DeStefano
Fields Director
Andy Hamilton
Newsletter Editor
Becky Barlow
CBAA will be sponsoring Open Gym time to help players get ready for the
Travel Tryouts and improve their skills. The focus will be on drills to help build
skills and some scrimmages. The schedule is posted on the website. For the
CBAA Basketball Board Contact Information for specific information. General
Questions can be sent to: info@cbaabasketball.net
Directors/Committee Chairs
News from our Chairman
Dear CBAA Members:
Sponsor links
Sponsors can profit by
advertising their site or
a promotion here! Do
you know of interested
Sponsors? We reach
over 2000 members in
the Central Bucks area!
click the links below to be
directed to specific
Association related links!
CBAA Sponsorship
CBAA Website
Intramural Soccer
Buckingham United SC
CBAA Basketball
CB Lightning Lacrosse
I hope you had an enjoyable summer and that your families are settling into
the new school year. All of the CBAA programs are active and growing
rapidly since my last report to you; here are just a few of the activities:
ƒ Summer Basketball League – the number of summer league
teams increased by one-third to 64 teams this summer. The CBAA
summer league is rapidly becoming the premier league for summer
ball in the area.
ƒ Lacrosse Fall Ball – Lax’s Sunday fall ball continues to grow
increasing to more than 200 Lightning players who hone their skills
during the LAX off-season.
ƒ Top Soccer – This great program is brand new to CBAA provides
the opportunity for our local special needs youth to play soccer.
ƒ Financial Audit and By-Laws Revision – CBAA recently
completed an independent audit of its financials this year. The
Executive Board intends to continue this practice in coming years.
In addition, the board is revising the Association By-Laws and hopes
to have revised By-Laws for the membership consideration later this.
ƒ Capital Fund Drive – A goal of the CBAA is to build a multi-use
clubhouse at the Herbst Sports Complex – this requires a great deal
of money. You can support our capital fund drive by attending the
second annual CBAA Casino Night on November 15 which is
graciously hosted by Keenan Motors. This is an opportunity to
attend the only adults-only CBAA event – join us for a night of fun,
friends, food and a little gambling for a good cause.
ƒ Capital Fund Drive – In May, CBAA marked it’s 35th anniversary
during a Flea Market held at the Doylestown Airport, who celebrated
80 years in the community. Vendors included many local small
businesses as well as some travel teams. I was a day of free food,
flights, and entertainment. CBAA’s Bill Griffith DJ’d during the Flea
Please remember to support and respect the efforts of all volunteers
including the coaches and referees who provide their time and effort to
provide a safe and fun playing environment to our CBAA youth both during
home games as well as when we are guests at an away contest.
Dale Herbst, CBAA Chairman
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Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
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Buckingham, PA 18912
Archived Newsletters
to view past CBAA
Newsletters, please click
the above link.
Below, you will find our
last publication
Spring 2008 Newsletter
Field Maintenance Day
The front four fields at the Herbst Sport Complex received some much
needed care thanks to over 40 volunteers on August 2 and 3. These fields
had suffered significant damage over the last year and were in need of
repair, particularly in the goal mouth areas. The volunteer efforts
completed the distribution of 40 yards of high quality topsoil and sand to
increase drainage capabilities of the field and the laying of 5100 square feet
of sod. Playability and the safety of the fields is greatly increased through
these efforts.
The efforts were spearheaded by Andy Hamilton who is a former BUSC
travel coach and local landscape architect. Andy identified the areas for
repair, arranged for the materials and equipment, and led the repair effort.
Andy has agreed to oversee the maintenance and care of the eight fields at
the Herbst Sports Complex and was appointed as the Director of Fields by
the CBAA Executive Board in August.
In the future there will be additional CBAA community days at the Sport
Complex; information on these field days will be forwarded to the CBAA
community via CBAA emailing and through the sport programs. CBAA has
identified several improvements at the Sports Complex that are planned
over the next few years:
Installation of lights at basketball courts and four of the playing
Reconstruction of fields 1-5 over the next several years to improve
drainage of the fields;
Installation of one or more irrigation wells; and,
Construction of a clubhouse – a fun and less strenuous way of
supporting the clubhouse is by attending the Second Annual CBAA
Casino Night on November 15 (please see casino night article).
Nevertheless, even with these improvement, these playing and practice
fields will continue to provide only a fraction of the space needed for the
more than 2,000 local youth who play CBAA soccer and lacrosse in both the
intramural and travel programs. CBAA relies heavily on playing fields
provided by Buckingham Twp, Doylestown Twp, and the Central Bucks
School District, but even these additional fields cannot adequately meet the
needs of the CBAA programs. Please communicate with the local officials of
Buckingham, Doylestown, and Plumstead and ask them to include additional
playing fields in their recreational planning for our communities.
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Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
Page | 3
Buckingham, PA 18912
CBAA recognizes the efforts of the following individuals who assisted in the
community effort on the first week end of August.
Kyle Evans
Frank Moldovanyi
Roberta Lichter
Ethan Evans
Ed Beedle
Chess Schmitt
Wanda Cornell
Paul Craig
Gail Schmitt
George Moffett
Gary Lanio
Karen Conley
Jake Morris
Dawn Melsheimer
Amanda Conley
Charlie Edwards
Keith Marver
Russ Miller
Spencer Edwards
Scott Fife
John Nis
Chris Lugossy
Laine Klokner
Don Stellato
Brendan Lugossy
Rich Plaff
Ron Samudoala
Jim Brunetto
John Lisle
Ray Alu
JR Brunetto
Julian Lisle
Terri Alu
Allison Hamilton
Stephanie Lisle
Robert Law
Chase Hamilton
Ava Lisle
Yvette Bordeaux
Andy Hamilton
Paul Lichter
Christopher Stannik
Thank you one and all - with your dedication, these
fields are now playable and safe for the fall season.
Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
Page | 4
Buckingham, PA 18912
Central Bucks Lightning Lacrosse
Fall Ball 2008 Off to a Great Start!
CB Lightning Lacrosse has started its 7th successful Fall Ball season. A total
of 210 players, boys 1st thru 8th and girls 5th thru 8th are participating. Our
focus is on providing the developing player with skills and drills to help
prepare them for the spring; while also providing a competitive environment
for the more experienced players to challenge them in drill and game
settings. This has proved to be a great opportunity for new players to give
the “fastest game on two feet” a try.
CB Lacrosse Spring 2008 Registration Begins November 1st
We are nearing the beginning of the Spring Registration process for the
lacrosse program for boys grades 1st thru 8th and girls grades 2nd thru 8th.
We will once again utilize the online registration on our web site at
www.cblightninglacrosse.com. Registration will run from November 1st
through November 30th. Late registration (with an additional late fee) will
be accepted from December 1st, through December 31st.
We will be having an open house at the Lahaska Room in the Buckingham
Township Municipal Building during early November. Details are still in the
works but the session will include: MOST IMPORTANTLY, uniform samples
and sizing; meet the coaches on all levels of the program; assistance with
the online registration process; equipment samples and vendors; CB
Lightning Lacrosse apparel samples and ordering through our apparel
vendor. For further information and to keep up with all of the latest updates
and details, please refer to our website www.cblightninglacrosse.com.
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Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
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Buckingham, PA 18912
Central Bucks Lightning Lacrosse …….
Continue to Check our Website for Updates!!!
If you haven’t checked out our website in a while come back and see what is
happening. Besides staying current with what is going on with CB Lightning
Lacrosse, our web site has additional information and links to help all players
and fans. There is information and links for additional camps and clinics,
information about proper equipment and equipment exchanges, as well as
other information that is helpful. So, if you haven’t done so already,
bookmark www.cblightninglacrosse.com.
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Intramural Soccer
CBAA Intramural Soccer offers recreational soccer programs for players
age 3 to 18 in the Central Bucks, PA area. CBAA Intramural Soccer is part
of the Central Bucks Athletic Organization, a non-profit, volunteer
organization dedicated to providing and encouraging sports-related
activities for the youth of our community. In addition to intramural soccer,
CBAA offers travel soccer as well as recreational and travel basketball and
lacrosse programs.
This Fall season we have over 1500 boys and girls playing on 120 different
teams all over fields in Buckingham, Plumstead, and Doylestown. Our
Under 6 program is led by Neil Smart and Smart Soccer giving our kids a
great start to loving a lifelong game. The Under 7 and 8 programs are
practicing together at Hansel fields with the help of UK Elite trainers giving
our coaches a leg up as the kids learn basic skills of dribbling, throw ins and
scoring. The Under 10 program is our largest with 28 teams using the Cold
Spring Elementary school fields. The Under 12 and up programs take part
in the Joint Intramural League allowing our journeymen players to test their
skills against other intramural teams from Warrington, Horsham and
Warminster. Many of our home games are played on CBAA’s home fields at
Herbst Sports Complex off Route 413 in Plumstead. We are a very healthy
organization offering safe and inclusive fun for everyone. We are a 100%
volunteer organization and always need volunteers, so step up if you dare!!.
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Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
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Buckingham, PA 18912
Intramural Soccer continued…..
New Program, TOPSoccer Offered
CBAA is pleased to announce the addition of the TOPSoccer, or The
Outreach Program for Soccer, to the Fall 2008 program schedule.
TOPSoccer is a nationally run organization under the US Youth Soccer
Organization which targets special needs children. This fall, CBAA is running 6
one hour soccer training sessions for special needs children in grades K-6.
Training sessions will be held on Sunday mornings from 10-11 am at Herbst
Sports Complex. CBAA Topsoccer currently has 23 very enthusiastic players
and 30 volunteers for this season. For more information about the program
click here.
CB West senior Sarah McGahran is responsible for spearheading this
tremendous start up effort as her senior project, and this is the first special
needs kids soccer offered in the area. The program will hopefully be offered in
the Spring 2009 as well and available to whoever signs up free of charge
thanks to the generous full sponsorship from West Pharmaceuticals.
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Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
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Buckingham, PA 18912
Buckingham United Soccer Club
CBAA’s travel soccer program, Buckingham United Soccer Club (BUSC), is in
the process of undergoing some significant changes and reconstruction.
The mission remains the same - playing soccer at a high level while
maintaining a sense of sportsmanship and having fun. Many changes have
occurred at the Executive Board level and fresh new ideas have followed.
We would like to thank our outgoing board members:
Doug Pederson chaired the tournament committee for several years.
This is our main fundraising effort for BUSC.
ƒ Bob Kline stepped down as President but still helps in the role of
ICSL liaison. He has set the benchmark high for the organization
both as President and coach of many successful teams.
ƒ Matt McGahran during his tenure as Club President brought many
new ideas for training and player development that we are
expanding upon now.
ƒ Tom Weiss had performed the duties of Secretary/Treasurer and
gave insight on topics drawing from his experience with having 4
children playing for Buckingham United.
New and veteran BUSC members have stepped into these roles. We are
focusing on developing subcommittees and have many volunteers to assist
the new Executive Board:
ƒ Chris McGarry - Tournament Committee
ƒ Lee Dawkins - Grievance/Ethics
ƒ Ed Beedle – Marketing/Communications
ƒ Bev Lutes and Dave McFarlane - Fields/Equipment
ƒ Barb Snodgrass - Secretary/Treasurer
ƒ Chris Lugossy - Player Development
We are excited to also have the position of Director of Coaching be filled by
Mike Pregler. He has been instrumental in Open Soccer nights, hiring of
professional coaches (Brian Kammersgaard from Del Val College and Kevin
Herbst), improvement in tryout format and establishing a training
relationship/curriculum with UK Elite for the technical development of our U9 to U-12 teams. With this current board, we have a combination of
organizational experts and soccer gurus that will make our mission
statement come to fruition at its fullest capacity.
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Enthusiasm is the operative term when referring to BUSC. Players have
more opportunities than ever to enjoy a true soccer experience. We have
partnered with the Red Bulls organization and have had Buckingham
teams on the field at half time for these professional games thanks to the
efforts and enthusiasm of both Matt McGahran and Ed Beedle. Their trick
team has come to perform at Herbst field during our tournament. Our
tournament is going to be revamped to encourage more participation from
higher level competition. Two of our teams have participated in the
Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
Page | 9
Buckingham, PA 18912
BUSC continued……
Positive Coaching Alliance workshop. These workshops are well received,
and promotes healthy long-term youth participation in sports. We would
like to have greater involvement in this organization for our parents.
BUSC has new uniforms! Going back to our roots of Kelly Green/ Navy,
these XARA uniforms are impressive and have both men’s and women
styles for better fit. Many more exciting events to come.
Looking forward to a tremendous year,
Sue Griffith
BUSC Travel President
The Buckingham United U-10 Boys Vipers breaking in the new official
uniform at a local Labor Day Tournament.
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Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
Page | 10
Buckingham, PA 18912
CBAA Basketball
CBAA Basketball Registration Is Now Open
The weather is getting cooler, days are now shorter and the children are
back in school. So, it is time to gear up for another season of CBAA
Basketball. Registration for the 2008/09 CBAA Basketball Season is now
available on line at www.cbaabastball.net through October 31st.
Our Intramural Program consists of leagues for girls in 1st grade through
12th and for boys in 1st grade through 12th. The Intramural Program is in
need of head coaches for all grades, for both boys and girls. Over the last
few years more and more moms are coaching and CBAA is very happy to
see this and is very supportive of moms volunteering to coach. In
November, CBAA will be holding a coaches and a player’s clinic to help our
volunteer coaches and our players improve their knowledge and skills. If
you want to spend time with your child, their friends give back to your
community and learn and expand your knowledge of basketball we want
you to coach at CBAA.
Player evaluation dates will be held in late October and early November.
These dates have not been finalized. Once final, the dates will be e-mailed
to all members and posted on our web site. Intramural teams will be
formed in November, practices will begin in December and league games
will run January through March.
As in years past CBAA will be sponsoring travel teams for both boys and
girls. Travel Basketball Teams will be selected in early October. CBAA will
have teams for girls in 4th through 8th grade and boys in grades 4th through
9th. Try Out Dates are posted on our web site, along with other information
on travel and intramural.
Return to top
All players registering after October 31st will be assessed a late fee and
place on a team only if space is available. So please register on time.
The CBAA Basketball Season will kick off with the Second Annual Coaches
vs. Cancer Clinic and Fund Raiser in November, date to be determined. Last
year CBAA raised over $10,000 for the fight against cancer. The event
featured the boys and girls basketball teams of CB East, their coaching staff
and many others who worked with our players to help them improve their
game and enjoy a day full of fun. Anyone interested in helping us with this
very worthy event can contact Mr. Mike Reilly at mreilly1@corus.jnj.com
The CBAA Basketball Board is in need of volunteers. We need moms and
dads to help us with picture day, uniform coordination and to help us run
our league. CBAA Basketball is run by moms and dads from Buckingham,
Plumstead, Doylestown, Warwick and other townships from the Central
Bucks Area.
Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
Page | 11
Buckingham, PA 18912
Basketball Continued………..
Lastly, CBAA Basketball wants to thank all coaches and players who helped
make the third year of our summer league a huge success. In 2008 we had
over 64 teams from as far away as Flemington, NJ. On behalf of league
director Glen Ockenhouse and the CBAA Basketball Board we want to thank
all of our participants, the coaches, referees and others for making it up to
Herbst Field and the Ockenhouse Courts.
We hope to have another great year in 2009. Information for 2009 CBAA
Summer League Season will be available in February.
Help Build a Roof over our Heads,
Leave the Balls, Sticks, and Kids at Home - Attend Casino Night
November 15, 2008!
The second annual CBAA Casino Night is planned for Saturday, November
15 from 6:30-11:00 PM. This event is our major fundraiser to earn monies
to build a clubhouse and indoor practice facility for soccer, basketball and
lacrosse at the Herbst Sports Complex on Durham Road (Route 413) in
Plumstead Township.
Tickets can be purchased by clicking on this registration link or at any of
CBAA's web-sites. Included in this newsletter is an order form to purchase
tickets by mail. Ticket prices are $50.00 per person, if purchased before
October 31. Tickets will be sold at the door the evening of the event for
$60.00 a person.
This e-newsletter was designed and sponsored by:
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Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
Page | 12
Buckingham, PA 18912
November 15, 2008
Purchase tickets before 10.31.08 @ $50 per person.
LOCATION: Keenan Motors, 4311 W. Swamp Rd, Doylestown, PA
TIME: 6:30PM until 11:00 PM
Event will include ~ Silent Auction ~ Raffle Baskets ~ Cash Bar ~ ~Bank to purchase
additional Casino chips & Raffle tickets~ ~checks and cash will be accepted ~
Ticket Order Form:
Your Contact information:
Name ____________________
Phone # _____________________ E-mail address ___________________
Travel Soccer __ B’ball __
Please enter the number of tickets that you wish to purchase below. Multiply the number of tickets by $50.00 and enter
the total amount due. Postmark and mail by 10.31.08.
Number of Tickets you wish to purchase……………………………………………………………………….……. ______
x $50.00 per ticket
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE……………………………………..………………………………………………........................ $_______
Tickets purchased before 10/31/08 either by mail or on-line ~ cost $50 per ticket ~ includes $60 in casino chips & 2 drinks.
Tickets will be sold at the door ~ cost will be $60 per ticket ~ ticket includes $50 in casino chips & 1 drink.
Payment Instructions:
Please make your check payable to “CBAA” for the total amount due and send the check along with this
order form to:
CBAA Casino Night
5469 Wildwood Xing
Pipersville, PA 18947
Checks must be postmarked by October 31, 2008. All tickets will be picked up at the Will Call window @
Keenan Mercedes on 11/15/08. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $60.00
Questions? Contact Donna DeStefano @ 215-816-0763
Visit www.playcbaa.com for on-line sales or any CBAA web-page for further details.
Central Bucks Athletic Association
P.O. Box 111
Page | 13
Buckingham, PA 18912