Issue March/April 2016 - Read Online
Issue March/April 2016 - Read Online
Index~ EJ Goula l'nfonnation HuiVhoda l'nfonnation 80cMJnaNap Hurghada ~p~ Dohar Hurghodo Map~ Sakola Red Sea Mop: El Gou1110 toMokodi Boy t3 poges} OlODI'I Alccidic Beverages GaklenPet M.ilono fot Polk tJ.eot Scuboo.iine Dofittle Zoo •. Pet Store Bite Unen Egypt Capwle Espeuo lrr1ochine for Sale Acuxdion for Sola e Gouna Hospm~ Transpon Telephone Listing (4 pages] Clc&uir..ds Dr. Am lolf¥ rntemistr Cardiologist Cona!tk:Jnf Dr. RafeK Ra~ Pedicrtric Oink ~ Re:sioui'CIIlt$. Cofts & Bars. Ovecview: Reol Estote ~ponies GnxiJaionCDjsatTectnscht~Bri-.~BGo!.ro Gennan Hotel School El Gotn:l .Acro5.$ the Red Sea (6 pages] What's On B Gawta What's On Huf!ghodo El Gouna While Elephant S Gouna ~ Thai Rasloumm Hurghada Kids~ Comer Sunrise lotemotionoll Schoo~~ Hurgahcla Americlaf! 'lntemcmona1 School Villa in 8 Gouna for Sa1e Edat Red islote: Hawaii ScH HO:shae:sh C>tei;Jn Reo1 E$lt1la p poges) AI Dou Heights Elements Cub & l..ou'.ge Coboria Seafood Resiouront 'tMlite Elephom Hurghodo Morino - Thoi Reslouront Hungty Dud< ~nl & 5.uU1i Bar Magalina Belgium Restaurant Zeitlos German Patourant lkAis Raslourant & Baluwy o.ina Sports. E:scope PDom El Gouna Goff Club Slidets Cc:iJ1a Porte El Gouno Bement~ Sdbirova Dance Sdlool: Aaobafic:5 • the Wayfor Perfedion Rl1ld Sea DNng Safari (2 pages) Yacht Charter Hurghadci ~inct LJ--1-~ r~u: -·-·- Cleopcma Makodi Resor1 MAdtJ!fl ontr' Guest House lMng with Arb Sunrise Hollis & Resorts ~ · ~11 Gemton Hotel School B Gouno: Stotements ~~~ Sch:iler Wne 'biing at ~e~ Gourds Winery frogs.Launch a New Rescuo & Lifeguard Program1 Fmgs Starts o Sea Swim Club for Childftln & .Adults U~lai'dng Ddl~in Woming SigltS Red Sea l~ R~ 360 images • Improve yotJr bookings Redl Sea 1V Channel JoaNelwcds Egypt Red Seo,Net Zoom Photogrvphy WWW.REDSEAPAGES. M All you need to know about the Red Sea OCE-AN The European real estate specialist on the Red Seal Oer europlilsche lmmoblllenspeafallst am Rot•n M-rf Estate H OTLIN E: +2 01063 1 76 1 32 Search CHOOSE YOI,'R. DESTII'\AnOl'\ READ 01'\Ll NE , ... ar KITEBOARDING WORLD EL GOUNA MASTERS C HAMP 2016 8Sun, 20 Mar SLIDERS WINTER OFFER 8 Fr't, OBAprOB:OO QGolfCiub 8 frl, 26 Feb QEiement Watersp orts EI Gouna EIGouna El Gouna Q • • • • El Gouna Map Hurghada Map Safaga Map AI Quselr Map • Marsa Alam Map r-.,..llill~....,...,..., ALL C LASSl FIEDS l ... d SGOOOWit pl!ool!lOflOI'oncl 1000 _ _ . ,... 2 01._ -~ PAO."£Jrrtt.$ fOA IU::N) 1/1 \l i!M with' 8edl"'rrlh" ~~t.d Jlri\Mlt' """"' ~000 f.t:- m-d~y r • nl Interesting articles All a rticles DfTAJ I.$ E..'fi!RCENCY NUMBERS ••• YA&LNTlfi('S OA' YiltnUM'sO~rb • tifntvq"\ow Anotbtrlntt.~donat•wnt l!Oolc piau rn 1 8wlrootu Ap.rnw.nt i:l1 ViMe wi1h ~41'1;1: ~)~love, lr"~l'llncl mtMifllp. ..,~•• Root\.._.-"' PrMK•~' i5c:t*•. ~donemor.t.•. KIIMITIICI.rtt ~" PAOPERTI E~ FOil .:t( Nl ~~~~P ni!MtdlllfNM U rt Rtd su~Egypr:"HQ.,.mttr. tt . """ Ambulance 123 Fire Depa11ment 180 Ponce 122 Ponce - Tourist 126 Telephone Dlreciory 140 Dt'TAJLS HUUl.o;. ()f .u&AIIJAHI)f ~ ~1 PROP£RnES FOR lt:£NT SM rt'Ont 2 Bf:drOom Apartl'IV!nt wah Pft'M(q8-.-dl .... , :~a~ aooo rutto .,., Mo1tth (fiiNf-CII;.HIWYt-AH • . - . . . _ - (......) ......\> 20161s!NVtatdfft Mctllt.eyOhu~ (QQ"'n''IOI\.lo!t'lfs; UvtrwltrcouOfl *'WYt-ark v. .af\ ttkbntlon '1\lr\in~ (Enghh): Gol<la•r>bt. •®... Keod mort~ ;l'ltttlltoftbt ... fl..d AlO>Il! a Dl UJl.S Read more FWGHT INFORMATION Hurgllada Airport Marsa Alam Ai rport I uome A,..._t.~ Oire£:tory e vents Articles Classified~ ~U;. ~e .lileo T~..,. & ~~ {led S~{I Cuii:!'M ...9-J~eVtw eopyl1ghts @ Red Sea Bulletin Ltd All events on the Red Sea Online booking Classifieds Articles e ~ Ad\leotrsiiJro f/M W 11 Designed by 3D Abdoo Web Design & Development Complete directory > Flight information > Red Sea Bulletin online > City maps Banner advertising: Ask for our rates! Register your business for FREE! More than 2500 companies online •• UCHE SIE IHREN NAC TE URLAUB AM ROTEN MEER Ml ~ ea travelteam since 2006 eS.eo T Wir zeige Ihnen die Angebote groger eropaischer Reiseverantsalter im Preisvergleich. Die Buchung erfolgt uber den deutschen Anbieter Travel Team. Sie konnen wahlweise uber Rechnung oder per Kreditkarte bezahlen. auf Einfach das Buchungsbanner klicken, die Destination auswahlen, Reisedaten eingeben und buchen. Pauschalreisen & Nur Hotel buchen FtOheste AnreiSe Spateste Abre1se ot.os.2o16 26.10.2016 Unser Toppangebot Nac:hte 1 Ab: STR • erwac:hsene -2 - • Am: 19.06.2016 Aker l. KinO' ka.n . Nlicltte: 7 Al>ftUghafen Mer 2.Kind !(.., ~ Zimmer: OZUF . ram p P <th lR'; ( f) estpre"s Bequem Turtles Inn 3'" Ole Hot•lantage befindet !!Ch tm Hernn von Abu 119 Manna uno som1t 1n unm1ttel0arer NAher allt!r Sehen"~·•Ordlgkelten1 die der Ort lU bteten hat~ Oas rnall!nsche, ld!mati~lerte Sicher Hotel neben den 28 Zimmern pe1'!6nlichen Servtc@, ei'nQ tell@ Anlage und traunlh;afto Au!Jstchten. Unser Toppangebot Ab: NUE Am: 18.06.2016 N&c:hte: 7 Zimmer: OZAI p P ah ')4.5{ f) Ocean View 4 * Neues, im orientalischen St~ errichtetes Hotel m1t 158 Zimmem, <lirekt an der neu entstandenen Manna von El Gouna getegen. oen Gasten stehen d1e EmpfangshaHe m1t ~tepbon, Unser Toppan gebot Ab: MUC FI'Ohstocksr<!staurant und Lobbybar zur VerfOgung. Am: 19.06.2016 NSchte: 7 Zlnuner: OZHP pP :.b·11oCit 0 Movenplck Resort El Gouna S* 01e weiUauf1ge Anlage zw1sCh<1n wgunen und Meer golegen .m1t uppigen Gartenanlagen und lilnom l<lin•tltch angeleglen Bach m1l Wa••erfall, tot tm med1Lerranen Sbl erbaul ~nd b1etet sich fOr etnen erhn-ls•men Sttdeurtaub an . Gound> Circa 30 km vom Index Flughar~n Rega~Big,;Jr Hu1ghada entfe1nt. eootstr.;nsfer innerhalb a Travel Team Ein deutscher Reiseveranstalter geht neue Wege Treat your palette to a fine selection of Asian specialities from fresh Sushi to Teppanyaki grills to a bowl of delicious Asian noodles. OPEN DAILY FROM 18:00TILL 23:00 HRS TIONS CALL 01272212299 LOCATED AT STEIGENBERGER AL DAU RESORT YUSSIF AFIFI ROAD, HURGHADA Index s Building SBA/14 in front of Ebeid Market Free Delivery El Gouna Extension When itJs time tor a arink Index 32587 ~~ CLEOPATRA LUXURY BEACH RESORT- M \KADI BAY - -- - - - - ~~m#J c01o/ ------- Cleopatra Hotels & Resorts proudly presents CLEOPATRA LUXURY BEACH RESORT MAKADI BAY W ITH NEW CONCE PT OF "ADULTS ONLY" fOR RESERVATIONS OR MORE INFORMATION, PlEASE CONTACT US AT THE BELOW Cleopatra luxury Resort Makadi Bay Tel: +2 065 356 1700 Email: Index ~ ~~ Enjoy delicious seafood Daily fresh from the Red Sea and the Mediterranean to your plate ~ Great set menu offers! Hurghada, El Kawther, opposite Egyptian Hospital For reservations please call 0102 222 87 95 I 0101 830 00 22 []) Cabo ria Fish Restaurant Index ) DESIGN &PRINT YOUR VERY OWN C~~p~~ATE ~E~T •BUSINESS CARDS • FLYERS • LETTERHEADS •NAME TAGS • NOTEBOOKS • PENS • USB• CD •ENVELOPES • CALENDAR & MUCH MORE TY -~ WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FINGERPRINTSTUDIO . B • ~ INFO®FINGERPRINTEGYPT.COM +2 012 2939 3374- +2 o1o oss7 4297 ~ ~~- ·•. ; CENTRAL ST. INFRONT OF ELECTRICITY CO. · . · HURGHADA - REDSEA -EGYPT Lfl!\ "'" 31\11 Index OUANTITY Where 2 Go 24 - 33 El Gauna 48 - 61 Hurghodo What's On 8 - 13 Across the Red Sea 27 El Gauna 49 Hurghodo City Maps 25 El Gauna 50 - 53 Hurghodo The Bulletin's Article Box 14 Guest House "Living with Art 11 30 Graduation Days at Technische Universitat Berlin Campus El Gauna 33 German Hotel School El Gauna: Statements unserer Schuler 35 Wine Tasting at El Gauna's Winery 36 Frogs Launch o New Rescue & Lifeguard Program 37 Frogs Storts o Sea Swim Club for Children & Adults 38 Understanding Dolphin Warning Signs 46 Sobirovo Donee School - Oriental Donee for everyone Important Information 64 Transport 65 - 68 Telephone Listing 69 Clossifieds Published by: Red Sea Bulletin Ltd . 297 Bowling Center Street Cortoba Building, Office 1 03R Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt Tel/Fax: +20 {0)65 346 20 55 Mobile: +20 {0)122 789 39 86 Red Sea Bulletin IJ Cover Photo by 360 Images / ~ ~ " 1&, !Red www.f\ed5eapa~es.eom Sea Disability Awareness Day I Journee du Handicap ~ J:;li u.o PfJJ ~ L I ~·· Ac!t ! diilc.~l Jour nee Du Handicap Disa bility Awareness Day ~ JL-U .P.P.ll dip.n d.d~).C.JI ........ . G & <€) ~~~ ..1 ~ ~ G> ~~~ ~ t ~ ~ - ~ ~ Ecole Fro"'"•se ·..- d Hu,.,kada ·~ • ilil,al~ ~9lll ~,alllwJ:aoll ~·'-~ Ihe Three corners 18 February 2016 Hurghada, Red Sea Hosted by Ecole Francais d'Hurgada The event was organized by the French International School with support from the Red Sea Governorate, The Three Corners Management, Rotary Clubs and many other local hotels and companies. The French Internat ional School has a class with children with specia l needs. This event helped a lot to raise awareness about people with varying disabilit ies, and rare diseases. Lots of activities were organized inside the school and outside, as a carniva l for the children and adults with folkloric entertainment, an elaborate parade on the main street of Hurghada with decorated cars from different hotels, and a ceremonia l march. General Ahmed Abdulla, Red Sea Governor took an active part in this event and joined the street parade along Mamsha. Everybody was exuberant with emotion! Many Thanks to all organizers, supporters and active participants! ~ El Go una . . lnternatio~~~••~~~u~.~~r~i~~~u~h~!.~has · ()Igor/led by 1 8 1\ed )ea Bulleti l) its Sth Anniversary. It takes place from the 21st to the 29th of April with the World top 25 players confirmed. For more information about Sponsorship packages & Ticket reservation please contact: Amr Mansi: amr.mansi@i, Nora El Gabry: www.f\ed)eapa~es.eom February 5th and 6th were 2 big days for the TU Berlin Campus El Gouna. The eighth Community Forum on the first day covered important aspects like water treatment, energy consumption in hotels and solid waste management perspective 1n El Gouna and neighborhood reg1ons. On the second day, 15 graduates received their master certificate in Energy Engineering, 8 in Urban iiI ELGOUNA 'ICAMPUS Development and 2 in Water Engineering. (More on page 30) Feed-in Tariff for Renewable Energies in Egypt -· TU Berlin Campus El Gouna holds a remarkable "Interdisciplinary Lecture Series", which was open to the public. Episode 10 o the series was about the feed-in tariff for renewable energies in Egypt. Speaker Salma Hussein Osman, Licensing and Performance Evaluation Manager of ERA (Egyptian Electricity Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency) spoke about the latest development of for renewable energies. The evening was moderated by M.Sc. Christoph T. I. Banhardt from the Energy Engineering Department of The TU Berlin Campus. El Gouna Grand Slam Kiteboarding World Championship Element Watersports hosts the El Gouna Kite Board ing Grand Slam from March 20 to 27. The "EI Gouna Grand Slam" counts as the first round for the 2016 IKA Kiteboarding World Championships. The Freestyle and Big Air competition with a total of 50000 EUR prize money and 1000 points each for the world championships ranking will attract top riders from all over the world. The event is organized by Travel Trails Tours in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Orascom Hotels and e 28) Development (OHD). (More on (( .! = I = I --I T Easter Brunch at Living with Art Karin and Peter Ely will come back from their trip to Germany just in time to prepare for us a culinary highlight on Easter Monday, 28th of March. Karin and Peter promised to bring some of the German specialties with them to spice up the rich brunch buffet. Please reserve in time, latest till Wednesday, 23 of March. There will also be a raffle with interesting prizes. After the brunch the roof will be open for the traditional Social Gathering. Don't miss this special Easter event. For reservation call 01222118338 or email at = I = I = I = = I 1 ! = IIEWS from BULLS 'f ---= ! I 'f ! I = T = I 'f Oriental Night is a NEW regular event in Bulls Restaurant. Guests can listen to the melodious sounds live from the traditional Egyptian Oud accompanied by the most talented Egyptian singer Redo Kandil. A delicious open buffet is prepared with a variety of oriental specialties known as Egyptian food. Watch out for the next Party in Bulls! Open since 1995, Bulls is located on Sheraton road, next to the Marriott Hotel. (More on page 61) (More on page 14) ·~1IIJ1-IIIJI~>--<1IIJI~to-""ri1JI~~IIJI~..,IIIJI1......,.IIJII~-ootiiJ1-.IIJII......,.IIJ11......,.1IJ11...~111JI~>-oiiiJ1[1o-..,11IJl[lo-..,11IJ1-IIJI......,.IIJI~>--<~IIJI1-""iiiJI~to-~IIIJ I-11IJI~to-""IIJ1~~11JI1...,..1IJI1 ...,..11JI[Io-o4111JI[Io-..,,ll ..-.~ ~~ i!I ~ I~ ~~ pllilili i!E z~~ Iii.~ _ ~~ Dolittle Zoo is the right place in Hurghada to serve your pets, with large selection of accessories in moderate prices, especially homemade cat trees. Wide selection of pet food and accessories are all in one place including bird supplies. Do not hesitate to ask Dolittle Zoo's advice on how to care for your pet. In Dolittle Zoo you will find all your pets' needs and more. Dollitle Zoo opened since 2009 in Hurghada, behind telephone central in Sakal a, Open from 12 pm till 10 pm. (More on page 66) IIJI~>-~IIJI~to-·<IIIJII..~II.Jl~~>-~IIJII,....,IIIJII,....IIJI~»-..,IIIJI.....,.IIJII,.._..IIJII..... IIJII....•IIIJII,......IIJII•·..,,IIJI[Io-..,,IIJI,_,,,••,._.,..........,, ... ,~...,IIJII...-IIIJI-11IJI1,....,11IJ11 IIIJII · "'IIJI~>->4111JI~>-..,,IIJI,._..,,IIJ 1 Chinese Gymnastic for Health &Longevity for Ladies from 8th of March Discover simple secret of health & longevity. Free your mind from stress and depression and recharge your " battery" to improve your life & increase its quality! Special offer from the 8th of March for Ladies of any ages! First 4 lessons from 8th of March - free of charge (on Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 1 0:30am) Call in advance to reserve: 0122 7895990. Follow us on FB: (More on page 19) WOMEN'SDAY 10 1\ed 5ea Bulle tiQ Chinese Gymnastic for Health & Longevity I I Elite Linen Egypt is your solution to quality aHordable linen and towels in the Hurghada, Red Sea. Elite Linen Egypt, founded in early 2015 as a family business, has built already a good reputation for their quality service and prices. The owners aim to provide an exquisite collection of Egyptian cotton products priced competitively for residents and tourists. They are driven in their passion and commitment to support the Egyptian cotton trade and local economy. If you look at Trip Advisor, you will find many positive comments from tourists who visited this shop. It is no wonder to find Elite Linen Egypt in second position on this popular site: (More on page 6 7} v Elite linen Egypt ~ tripadvisor home decoo Date: Sunday, 27 March Time: 1 0:00 am - 14:00 pm, A scrumptious buffet of tasty hot and cold dishes around German delicacies is awaiting you. The menu includes breakfast, a salad bar, various seasonal entrees, and a wide variety of desserts. Enjoy your Easter in the cozy ambience of Zeitlos! (More on page 60} ........ ........ ~ . ........... . , ... _ .,, . . .,. ........ &~oian ... ••••• ~......... ~.. . .. ....... . . .l>-..1(. . ......... . . . ......... . . ..... ~••••• - l(. .ll ............................. .........._.......... viet jedwaL. For ten days only from March 4 to March 13, the Red Sea Cultural Center will be converted to an art gallery with activities which links with the period of Maslennitsa, the festival of Spring and International Women's Day on the 8th of March. The Arts Gallery is organized by Tatiana Gkhali and Angela ll'ina. Tatiana, a professional artist and head of an art studio «Everyone Can Paint», has been working in this field for over 15 years. Angela is an up and coming artist for which her painting had turned from being a hobby into a great passion. All artwork is available for purchase. Official opening ceremony is scheduled for the 4th of March. cc R ED SEA Throughout the Cultural Festival, there will be series of lectures about Russian Art, master classes for kids and adults, gifts for lucky visitors and lots more surprises. Located in Hurghada, El Kawther, near the German School. ......... ............................, ,,_....,,••,_................................. _...,, ............._ ,,,......................................................_......................1 Organized by: "En Route 208 Kalipe" Welcome all women of all nationalities, aged 18 and older, riding motor, scooter or racer. (Safety gear is a must!} To participate on this day, please fill out the registration form and send by email: REG ISTRATION DAY ENDS ON: 03-04-2016 Fb: Kalipe Ontour ~ed )ea Buffetil) 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ Snefro Fleet Red Sea Art Exhibition "Apple Juice" King Snefro Fleet The Sharm El Sheikh based company offers a choice of 8 different liveaboards that cruise all of the Rea Sea. This year they celebrate their 30th anniversary. It was 1986 when they began diving cruises with King Snefro 2, one of the first custom built dive boats. All King Snefro vessels have been certified to ensure the highest recreational diving standards set by the European Underwater Federation (EUF). King Snefro offers Diving Safaris that depart from Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada and Port Ghalib. More on page 17) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Red sea Dulleti11 on Royal Home lxpo 2016 On the 13 of February Karin Ely from "Uving with Art" brought the art of the talented artist and actress Olga Petrova to Steigenberger AI Dau. Olga is a graduate of the Kharkiv National Pedagogical University G. Skovoroda. Her artwork on display represent different genres: landscapes, still life, pop art, star portraits, oil paintings and engineering spray art. Her work is influenced by her love for nature, lyrics, and romance, and her desire to find the beauty of t his world. A highlight of the evening was Olga's live performance of the wonderful sand paintings projected onto the big screen in the elegant lobby of Steigenberger AI Dau Beach Hotel. Great appreciation goes to Steigenberger AI Dau for arranging an elegant cocktail party for the invited guests. The exhibition is open to the public in the lobby of Steigenberger AL Dau Beach Hotel till mid-April. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 The Royal Home Expo 2016 took place in Esplanada Mall in the beginning of February. All supporters of our publication had the possibility to promote their products and services through our booth. During the 12 days of the exhibition Red Sea Bulletin presented its Website displaying "ALL ABOUT THE RED SEA" from El Gouna to Marsa Alam. A highlight on the site is the online-booking system for the German speaking market, offering the cheapest travel packages and hotel room rates from the major tour operators in a price comparison system. The site also includes the biggest business directory for the Red Sea with more than 2500 companies online. Free registration! More on the inside front cover and page 1 of this edition. II I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Well done RSDS Team! 3nlp!Ke ...... Olw '-eoftheV..r cat~ '' IIWMied to 121\ed 5e a Bul l eti l) Congratulation with the 3rd place standing as the Dive Centre of the Year in the DIVER- Britain's Best-Selling Diving Magazine Awards at LIDS 2016! The Red Sea Diving Safari comprises of 3 villages in the southern region of the Red Sea that has made its mark in eco-tourism to protect and conserve the pristine environment. (More on pages 62-63) NEWS from Magalina Magalina Restaurant & Bar is well known for Belgium specialties such as stoofvlees, val au vent, and tomato soup with meat balls and a homemade ice cream for dessert. Restaurant is very popular among tourists and residents of Hurghada. New dishes from Chinese cuisine just were added to the menu! Come to taste new dishes and be surprised with not only the great quality of food but the good prices! The owners with their well trained staff will do their best to make you satisfied and feel right at home. Magalina restaurant is located on Mamsha in Esplanada Mall. (More on page 59) On 25 March 2016, lOam - 4pm, Bluemoon Animal Center will organize its 4th annual Easter Bazaar: Uke in the previous years the owner, Monique Carrera, expects many visitors on this day. On the day of the bazaar there is also the possibility to have a guided tour through the animal center at the designated schedule at llam, 1 pm and 3pm. If you are interested to present your products to sell or have any questions concerning the Easter Bazaar please contact Monique at 01005490046 or email at 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Fingerprint has for many years been one of the quality leaders in digital printing, large format printing, catalogues, brochures and other printing products. Their continuous investments, primarily in human resources and the most modern machinery, equipment and technology of printing, has proven to be the best recipe for success. Highlight your brand and enhance your marketing campaign with high quality, large format graphics. We turn your digital content into eye popping, ful l color graphics of any size and shape. Whether it's indoor or outdoor, rigid or flexible, we have a product that will frt any budget. (More on page 6) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJIIIIIIIIJJJIIIIIII New Rescue & Lifeguard Program In April 2016, Frogs will launch a whole new Rescue & Lifeguard Training program for teens and adults that provide water skills to last a lifetime and valuable hints and tips on how to keep you and others safe in case of emergency. These programs indude Rescue Training Program, Care for Safety Advice, Pool & Safety Consultations for Hotels, and Lifeguard Program with an internationally recognised certificate. Frogs Sea Swim Club for children & adults ~\_- FRoGS' Swim Academy We know how. In March 2016, Frogs Swim Academy starts the Sea Swim Club in El Gauna for children and adu~s. The regular sea swim training sessions prepare for "The Big Swim@ El Gouna" on 28th May 2016 at Sliders Cable Park. There will be four different categories: (750m, 1500m, 3000m, Fin Swimming 750m). These categories are open to all ages and capabilities from 5 to 99 years and swimmers may use any stroke they wish. Frogs Swim Academy 0128 274 2000, Facebook: Frogs Swim Academy See more on pages 36-37) Index )\ed 5ea Bulletil) 13 Book your individual holiday! Fur lhren individuellen Urlaub! Your Guest House You'll find the guesthouse Living with Art rig ht in the heart of Hurghada -next to the office of the former German honorary consulate. Its cosy and familiar atmosphere makes it a special place. 16 individual and comfortable suites and a penthouse are at the guesfs disposal. The patio with its tranquil seating areas invites everyone for a chat with the other guests and visitors of the house. A spacious roof terrace with Jacuzzi offers a place for relaxation with an amazing sea view, during daytime as well as in the evening. The individual guest rooms are unique. Decorated with many carefully selected details and coloured in warm tones, they welcome you and give you the feeling of being at home. All rooms are equipped with air-condition, small tea/coffee kitchen and satellite 1Y, and have Wi-Fi. Some have an additional living1 a rea. Drinking water, tea and coffee are available free of charge in each room. To pomper the guesfs culinary sense, breakfast and dinner are prepared daily with fresh ingredients. Homemade bread, a generous selection of cold cuts ond cheese, fresh juices and German filter coffee give you a perfect start into the day. Every dinner with culinary highlights from national and infernotiona I cuisines will become an event, and is accompanied by an assortment of local and imported wines and beers. Reservation only: Easter Monday Brunch The already traditional Easter brunch at the guest !house is scheduled for Easter Monday, 28th of March. Mrs. Karin Ely and her team will spoil ~'OU with delicious food including specialties from Germany. The brunch begins at 11 am. Late afternoon guests move up to the roof to enjoy the already traditional Social Gathering. Please make your reservation till latest Wednesday, 23 of March. Index I ' I 11111111111111 IMINI EGYPT PARK\ Welcome to the first miniature park in Egypt, Mini Egypt Park. Mini Egypt Park offers a totally different experience compared to a traditional museum. Mini Egypt Park is an open museum that contains maquettes as depictions of the most famous touristic landmarks of Egypt that scale 1:25 as you will find the Pyramids of Giza, Abu Simbel, Tahrir Square, and the Alexandria Library to name a few where you will find yourself as a giant among the marvels of Egypt in just one place. Arrive to one destination, the Mini Egypt Park, to enjoy the beauty of the Nile, the Mediterranean, and the Red Sea. It is a fantastic trip for all our guests and a live catalogue of the main touristic attractions of all Egypt. Willkommen im Mini Egypt Park, dem ersten Miniaturpark Agyptens. Der Mini Egypt Park bietet, im Gegensatz zum klassischen ryluseumsbesuch, eine vollig neue Perspektive, die Geschichte und Kultur Agyptens zu erleben. Als offenes Museum ge~~altet ist man hier mitten drin und kann die weltberuhmten Wahrzeichen Agypt~ns im Massstab 1 : 25 bestaunen. Stehen Sie inmitten der Wunder Agyptens, wie den Pyramiden von Gizeh, Abu Simbel, dem Tahiri Platz oder der Bibliothek von Alexandria, und das alies an einem Ort. Entdecken Sie bei dieser Reise zum Mini Egypt Park die Schonheit des Nils, die des Mittelmeeres und des Roten Meeres und erleben Sie die Faszination der Kultur Agyptens mit all ihren Facetten und historischen Kulturschatzen. Ao6po no>KalloBaTb e nepebl~ napt< ecero E111nra e M~H~anope - napK M~H~ Ell1ner, pacnono>KeHHbl~ y ~a B MaK8A~ 63~. napK M~H~ Ell1ner npe.Qocraan~er coeepweHHO YH~KanbHytO B03MO>KHOCTb YBl-1AeTb see AOCTOn~Me--~arenbHOCTV1 E111ma e OAHOM Mecre! 3ro csoeo6pa3Hbl~ Op~ll1HanbHbl~ MY3e~ nOA OTKpbiTbiM HeOOM, rAe (B MaCWTa6e 1:25) MO>KHO YBl-1AeTb 3HaMeH~Tble Ha BeCb M~p n~paMl-1Abl Ha nnaro I ~38, xpaM A6y C~M6en , Ka~PCKYto nnOLl!8Ab Taxp~p, ~3BecTHytO nOCilEWJ~M~ peBOJliO'-\~OHHbiM~ C06blrn~M~ 2011-12 ro,QOB, AlleKcaH,Dp~~CKYIO 6~6n~OTeKY ~ MHOro APYil1X ~HrepecHbiX MeeT, pacnono>KeHHbiX e ~eon~cHe~we~ AOil~He H1t111a, Cpe,Qit13eMHOMOpbe ~ Ha KpacHOM Mope. B~ crpaHa - KaK Ha 118AOH~! My3e~ OTKpbrr A11~ nocell!eHit1~ c 10.00 AO 19.00 Index Entrance of Makadi Bay - Hurghada - Red Sea - Egypt. Mobile: +2 0111 986 00 33 Fb: MiniEgyptPark Open from 10 am till 7 pm - n rise-resorts. com Index --- -I I ' www. i nfo®ki ngsnefrofleet. com King Snefro Fleet '..63 ou: ol S ston S<ui>GTrfl>c• Index ;f....~~F4.. l7z.t:U: cows J~~t wt'lcorco •t •II bet•ns Ashraf Kabil Chartered Accountant - Tax Consultant Tax Expert Director- Tourist Advisor Mobile: +2 011 5522 1100 Tax Experts Group lASTER OF ACCOUifTWG JII)IAXES cairo 230bour Building ·Salah Salem Road (02) 24034522 • (02) 24034524 • (02) 24034528 roJIJu~lU:><ii/;.bJ~OI~fr o,...W 6 October City Stars 6 OctoberTower1 -3rd Floor (02) 38244644. (02) 38244645 I!&JtliiJ<I.>.II I l~~hJJU.Uvl.!Jv ~l~J<>uu~Lw.J Hurgha da Aihadaba St., Behind of Tourist Facilities Rooms (065) 3453108. (065) 3453109 ~aW.w<LIJ.I:~ - ~~~;u~~ Giza Faisal 4 Mostafa Kamel St, Altaaon (02J 3n12409 \)qWIJ.ol!>vJU=oul. ( ~6J.!..;.J Obour City Build No. 398 First ZOne, Front of El Yassmine Cenlef (02) 44788882 Jlliu~roldV<IIilu-=>Jr<IAo~,~~ .... E-mail: I since 1998 TO DISPLAY OR UPDATE YOUR AD (news, events, weekly program) IN OUR May/ June ISSUE please contact us before April 12th Email: German/English: +2 0122 232 81 55 Arabic/English: +2 0122 789 39 86 Russian/English: +2 0122 789 39 90 18 R_ed )ea Bul l et il) Index ~ lf3eatt~ (t{ ~~If/ qj}!d; tfct/'/Yp liffctc/a!tr~ All according to a professiona l consultation and diagnose HI=IIR SPI=l · ni=IIL SPI=l · PERmEnl=lnT mi=IKE U P EYEL I=ISH EXTEnSTIOnS · W I=IXInG Hadaba Hill, Hurghada - Egypt Mob:+2 01282043326 * Chi-Gong "Flying Crane" * Chi-G Index "napSIW"ii )l(ypaBAb11 rAA3 J\ed )ea Bulletil) 19 Two Nights HB in Steigenberger Golf Hotel including 2 rounds on the 18 Hole Championship Course Egypt's ll<st GolfCoune 'Subject to Terms & Conditions' Madinat Makadi Resort, Golf & Spa 20 R_ed )ea Bulle ti l) I Tel: +20 10 000 725 78 I email: Index e improve your boo 1ngs TOURIST.NET 2J Index 0122 326 0893 show-case your business with a high definition virtual tour. . .. .. , f," ') @ www.360Tourist.Net R,e<l )ea Bulleti l) 21 NewJ l\1JU l{acility ~ lJ ingottll (El Go tntn -dlnlysls Ceu(er) - __"U}._,__ H 1-• lUC l l ' L' PH.P lVLEDlCA_L Cl i'.l~T'El\. l El Gouna Hospital 22 km north of Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt From outside El Gouna call +2 065/3580012-17 Reception +2 065/3580011 -19 Emergency From inside El Gouna,pll 32202-32201-32078 32074-32073 Reception 32200 Emergency Fax No: +2 065/3580020 E-mail : Web-site : Index Largest Deco Chamber in the Middle East Pre-diving medical check-ups OC~AN Estate ~Ywne §~§~~ mff/~ 1.750.000 Euro Land area: 3000 m 2 Living area: 655m 2 - -- . - . . .. Hothne: +2 01 063 17 61 32 • Index • [!] ·.· · E\ Gauna El Gouna (~;,..\) Aself-sufficient, fully integrated resort town stretching across l 0 km of pristine shoreline on the beautiful Red Sea coast resides El Gouno, Oroscom Development's flagship town and the Group's "Life as it should be" development benchmark. El Gouno offers its guests and residents on unparalleled lifestyle ottroding a growing multinational community of 24,000 residents. Year-round sunshine, shimmering lagoons, turquoise beaches, and being short flight from Europe make El Gouno the ultimate paradise escape. El Gouna boosts world doss infrastructure, upscale services and is home to some of the world's most reputable brands in the tourism and leisure industries. The town's luxury facilities include o landing strip, 3 international standard marinas with total capacity of 282 berths, internationally acclaimed schools, on 18-hole championship golf course, 1 7 hotels, on Angsono Spo, and o state-of-the-art Lox Gym. The town boasts o world doss international standard hospital providing 24 hour emergency core, o hyperbaric chamber for diving emergencies, and o dialysis service a llowing guests to book treatments prior to arrival and o pick-up service to facilitate transport to and from the hospital. Additionally, the town has over o hundred restaurants and bars, scuba diving, yachting, fishing, and fully-equipped water sports centers, tennis and horse-bock-riding, at El Gouno active 24 R.ed )ea Bu l letiQ Index pursuits for every age group ore at hand. Sliders, one of the largest Olympic standard cable parks in the world, opened in 2014 offering wokeboording, wakeskating, kneeboording and waterskiing. A culture hub with o public library affiliated to the world-famous Bibliotheco Alexandrine, a Culturomo multimedia cultural presentation, o mosque and a church, as well as ongoing cultural festivals and major events. El Gouno is also an educational pole with the only pilot campus of the Technische Universitat Berlin, international and Egyptian curriculum schools, o German-Egyptian hotel school, and o nursing institute based on American training programs. Contributing to its unique flair is the resort's award-winning architecture that brings together traditional elements of the land's rich heritage with modem design and functionality. The work of prestigious architects such as Alfredo Freda, Michael Groves, Romy El Dohan, and Shehob Mozhor, among others, con be seen in the town's various neighborhoods. Here, o creative and diverse community of entrepreneurs, artists, environmentalists, and sports enthusiasts make their home and give the town on eclectic and sophisticated international flavor: Being Egypt's most environmentally friendly destination, El Gouno is honored to be the powerhouse behind the Green Star Hotel Initiative that has since swept over the country. • German Hotel School ® <mmiC<lli Index EL GOUNA OPEN 18 Holes single stableford •18 Holes single stableford HCP limit Men -28 Ladies -36 • Cost: 85 Euro per Person (EI Gouna residents 50 Euro, annual pass holders 20 Euro) • Complimentary shared golf cart or trolley • Complimentary driving range (30 Balls p.p.) • Green Bar Happy Hour Specials post round • Excellent Prizes • T.times from 9:00 am • Entries to be received by April3rd (20 € deposit to be paid) For booking and registration please contact: El Gouna Golf Club, Red Sea, Egypt Tel. (+2) 0122- 746 47 12 Ext. 32285 Email: 26 R_ed )ea Bulle ti l) Index Mondays .- Introduction to Golf 10 €@ El Gauna Golf Club 3pm .- Live Music Band @Jobo's Sports Bar 8:30pm .- Discolicious @ Peanuts Bar 1Opm (all best hits from the 60's - 90's) Ladies' Night@ Dunes 9-11 pm (free cocktails for ladies) Saturdays .. Introduction to Golf 10 €@ El Gouna Golf Club 3pm .. Kafr El Gauna Live@ Downtown 8pm (Live Music & great show) .. Vodka Party@ Tambellrish Pub (buy 1 get 1 free from 9-11 pm) .. Open Stage: Live Session! @ Crooners Club 1Opm Tuesdays .- Grill Evening@ The Club House 7pm .- Oriental Del ight @ Grand Lodge 8pm .- Tequila Boom Boom Party @Tamble Irish Pub (buy one get 1 free 9-11 pm) .. Ladies' Night @Tambellrish Pub 9pm (free cocktails from 9-1Opm for ladies) .. Karaoke Night@ Peanuts Bar .. Hip Hop R'nB Party @ Crooners Club 10:30pm Wednesdays .- Introduction to Golf 10 €@ El Gauna GolfClub 3pm .. Oasis Night @ Marina 7pm (enjoy a trip to El Gauna's oasis by night for an oriental dinner and folklore show only 10 min away) .. lntemational Quiz @ Crooners Club 9-30pm (challenge your general knowledge against others-winner will be awarded, followed by after party) .. BBQ Buffet @ Mangroovy Beach Club 7pm (followed by a beach party 10:30pm) .. Live Singer@ Peanuts Bar 1Opm Thursdays .. Belly Dancer@ Raz Restaurant & Bar 10:30pm .. Live Band @Aurora 9pm .- Under The Stars @Tamr Henna 8.30pm (belly dancers, tanoura, nubian show & live music) .. After party @ Crooners Club 1am (till late/ early) .. DJ, Mojito Night @ Peanuts Bar 1Opm (buy 2 get 1 for free) Fridays .- Marina Street Festival @ Abu Tig Marina 8pm (live music and wonderful shows) .. Ladies Night @ Crooners Club 1Opm (also 80's & 90's music, free cocktails for ladies till midnight) .- Resident DJ @ Aurora 6pm - 3am Index - Sundays .. BBQ Buffet @ Man groovy Beach Club 7pm .. Music on Demand @ Crooners Club 1Opm followed by After Party Don't Miss -Apr 08th, 18 Holes GolfTournament@ El Gauna Golf Club Met Opera Live HD @TU Campus El Gouna * Mar OSth, Manon Lescaut Puccini *Apr 02nd, Madama Butterfly Puccini * Apr 16th, Roberto Devereux Donizetti *Apr 30th, Elektra Strauss -21-29 Apr - El Gauna International Squash Open - 8th Apr - El Go una Open @ El Gauna Golf Club Index WWW.SLIDERSCABLEPARJ<.COM .' CABLE PARK The only one cable pork in Egypt o_nd it is one of the largest cable parks worldwide. Perfect place for wokeboording, kite-surfing, water skiing, snowboarding and skiing enthusiasts Sport and recreational complex for professional riders and amateurs The place provides entertainment and the right ambience to relax for families for oil day through the whole year SPORT Two cables 5.0 of length of 780m (including 320m sla lom) and 460m with obstacles Two cables 2 .0 of entire length of 80 meters and 50 meters Place provides the ability to rent the equipment Instructors and operators are highly qualified Cable park meets Olympic standards · perfect place for all year-round train ing fo r professionals and water sports riders Infrastructure created in cooperation with Rixen Ca bleways - worldwide proven leader in cable park bu ilding The entire area consists of 90,000 m 2 TRY IT'S EASY +2 0102 60 22226 Index El GOUNA- Red Sea -Sabina Area IJ WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ELGOUNACABLE INSTAGRAM SLIDERS @ CABLE PARK OFFICE@SLIDERSCABLEPARI(.COM On February 5th and 6th was the second TU Berlin Graduation Day at the El Gouna campus. About 200 students, teachers, families and friends attended the ceremonies. Fifteen graduates received their master certificate in Energy Engineering, 8 in Urban Development and 2 in Water Engineering. II!I§CAMPUS lfJELGOUNA Prominent speakers honored the new masters and the successful work of the Campus El Gouna: - Prof. Dr. Angela lttel (Vice President for International Relations)U Berlin) - Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hatem (Secretary Generat Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt) - Hoda El Mahdy (Senior Officer of the Education and Scholarships Department, Sawiris Foundation for Sustainable Development, SFSD) - laura Oexle (Head of Science Department, German Embassy) - Dr. Roman Luckscheiter (Head of German Academic Exchange Service (DMD) Cairo & German Science Centre Egypt (DWZ)) In the opening speech, Prof. Dr. Schafer, Founding Director of Campus El Gouna and Study Dean of the Urban Development Department at Campus El Gouna, highlighted two new activities that are now under construction: - An association of El Gauna alumni will be established fo r postgraduate networking. - A program for doctoral studies will start in the coming winter semester 2016/17. There are already 15 PhD students- mostly Egyptians- that work on topics of relevance for Egypt and the MENA region . The graduation activities began with a series of presentations on the results of the master d issertations of the graduates. Late afternoon the event opened up to the local and regional public of El Gouna and Hurghada and continued as the 8th Community Forum El Gouna 2030. Three presentations were g iven to topics of local interest and led to intensive questions and discussions: Dr. Nikos Tzoupanis presented an exciting overview about the recent El Gouna related research activities of the Water Engineering department. - Jing-Chin Hsu (MSc) presented results of her research o n energy consumtion saving with the concrete case study of Ocean View Hotel in El Gauna. - Mohamed Abdl Wahab (MSc) gave a report on his research in the field of solid waste management in Hurghada and presented proposals for reforms. The lectures of the winter semester 20 15/ 16 ended with February. The summer semester 2016 will start April 18th with all El Gouna students in Berlin. The next big event in El Go una will be the Opening Ceremony for the 5th intake in Octorber 2016. 30 ~ed )ea Bu lleti Q Index How to eat Thai Food? Thai food is internationally famous. Whether chil i-hot or comparatively bland, harmony is the guiding principle behind each dish. Thai cuisine is essentially a marriage of centuries-old Eastern and Western influences harmoniously comb ined into something uniquely Tha i. Characteristics of Thai food depend on who cooks it, for whom it is cooked, for what occasion, and where it is cooked . Dishes can be refined and ad justed to su it all palates. Origina lly, Thai cooking reflected the characteristics of a waterborne lifestyle. Aquatic anima ls, plant and herbs were major ingredients. Large chunks of meat were eschewed. Subsequent influences introduced the use of sizeable chunks to Thai cooking. With their Buddhist background, Thais shunned the use of large animals in big chunks. Big cuts of meat were shredded and laced with herbs and spices. Traditional Thai cooking methods were stewing and baking, or grilling. Chinese influences saw the introduction of frying, stir-frying and deep-frying. Culinary influences from the 17th century onward include Portuguese, Dutch, French and Japanese. Chi li es were introduced to Thai cooking during the late 1600s by Portuguese missionaries who had acquired a taste for them whi le serving in South America. Thais were very adept at 11 Siameseising 11 foreign cooking methods, and substituting ingredients. The ghee used in Indian cooking was replaced with coconut oi l, and coconut milk substituted for other dairy products. Overpowering pure spices were toned down and enhanced by fresh herbs such as lemon grass and galanga. Eventually, fewer and less spices were used in Thai curries, wh il e the use of fresh herbs increased. It is generally acknowledged that Thai curries burn intensely, but briefly, whereas other curries, with strong spices, burn for longer periods. Instead of serving dishes in courses, a Thai meal is served all at once, permitti ng d iners to enjoy complementary combinations of different tastes. A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry d ish with condiments, a dip with accompanying fish and vegetables. A spiced sa lad may replace the curry dish. The soup can also be sp icy, but the curry should be replaced by a non-spiced item. There must be harmony of tastes and textures within individual dishes and the entire meal. Index R_ed )ea BulletiQ 31 GERMAN HOTEL SCHOOL ELGOUNA Die Deutsche Hotelschule in El Gauna, Agypten, bietet Duale Ausbildungen im Gastgewerbe nach deutschem IHK-Standard und mit IHK Abschluss an. Dieses Konzept ist in seiner Art einzigartig fUr den gesamten Mittleren Osten und wird in Kooperation mit der IHK Leipzig durchgetuhrt. Ausbildung und Prufung erfolgen in Deutscher Sprache und genugen selbstverstandlich auch internationalen Anspruchen. Zu unseren Ausbildungspartnern zahlen unter anderem ..-----------~~-•-•_-._.._~_L_..I ..., Hotels der Steigenberger und Movenpick Gruppe Sind Sie interessiert an einer Ausbildung in Agypten oder einer Kooperation als Ausbildungspartner? Index EMail: info-gou na@orascom-education. com Phone: +2 (065) 358 0444 Mobile: +2 0122 6776 244 ~ Deutsche-Hotelschule-EI-Gouna Statements unserer SchOler "Die Vorteile einer Ausbildung im Ausland an der Deutschen Hotelschule sind u.a., dass man in viel kleineren Klassen als in Deutschland unterrichtet wird ' so dass eine sehr gut organisierte ~ Prufungsvorbereitung neben individueller Betreuung moglich ist Auch die Gestaltung der Ausbildung ist von Vorteil: Auf eine Woche Schule folgen zwei Wochen Training im Hotel, in meinem Fall das 5* Hotel Oberoi Sahl Hashesh, wo man wertvolle interkulturelle Kompetenz im Umgang mit internationalen Gasten als auch mit Hotelangestellten erwirbt. Fremdsprachenkenntnisse wie z.B. in Englisch konnen so optimal vertieft werden. Durch eine Ausbildung in den renommierten Hotels am Roten Meer konnen sich weltweite Zukunftsperspektiven ergeben, weswegen ich die Ausbildung zur Hotelfachfrau an der DHS nur empfehlen kann! " Natascha Otte (AbschluB Mai 2009) ,Ais ich mich vor vier Jahren dazu entschieden habe meine Ausbildung zur Hotelfachfrau in Agypten zu machen, haben viele mich fUr verruckt erklart. lch kann nur sagen: es war eine meiner besten Entscheidungen! I Wegen der kleinen Klassen in der Deutschen Hochschule El Gouna konnte jeder von uns individuell lernen, unterstl.itzt und gefordert werden. Durch das duale System der Ausbildung konnte ich auch viele Ertahrungen in meinem 5* Trainingshotel Sheraton Miramar sammeln und, ganz nebenbei, Englisch und Arabisch lernen. Aber nicht nur das: das Beste war jeden Tag auf's neue Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Landern und verschiedenen Kulturen zu treffen. lch kann nur jedem empfehlen eine Ausbildung im Ausland zu machen, denn man lernt nicht nur fUr und in der Schule, sondern fOr das ganze Leben!" Romika Raeffler (AbschluB Mai 2015) EMail: Phone: +2 (065) 358 0444 Mobile: +2 0122 6776 244 (j Deutsche-Hotelschule-EI-Gouna Index GERMANHOTELSCHOOL ELGOUNA "Z~gegeben, die ersten paar Tage in Agypten fUhlten sich schon sehr ungewohnt an. Aber dank meiner Klassenkameraden und dem Lehrerteam in der Deutschen Hotelschule El Gouna konnte ich mich sehr schnell einleben. Meine Ausbildung im Kempinski Hotel hat mir vom ersten Tag an s~h~ viel Spar.. gemacht und die Trainingszeit verging w1e 1m Flug. Als es auf die PrOfung zuging haben die Lehrer der Hotelschule sich sogar in ihrer Freizeit mit uns zum Lernen getroffen, somit waren wir wirklich perfekt auf die IHK-Abschlur..prufung vorbereitet und haben mit Bravur bestanden. Mit dem Zertifikat in der Tasche war es Ieicht, sich international zu bewerben und nach zwei Jahren als Rezeptionistin in Dubai arbeite ich nun als Guest Relations Officer im 5* Luxushotel Constance Ephelia auf den Seychellen. Die Ausbildung im Ausland und speziell in der DHS war eine gror..artige Erfahrung, die ich keine Sekunde missen mochte und hat mich pertekt auf eine internationals Hotellerie-Karriere vorbereitet" Mandy Gresshoff (AbschluB Mai 2013) ,lch wurde mich immer wieder fUr eine Berufsausbildung zur Hotelfachfrau in Agypten entscheiden. Neben einer abwechslungsreichen, praxisorientierten Ausbildung im erstklassigen 5-Sterne Hotel , Les Cascades", war auch die 3-jahrige Schulausbildung an der DHS ein wichtiger Teil, mit kompetenten Lehrkraften, die mich wirklich super auf die IHK- Prufungen vorbereitet haben. Dieser Schritt war nicht nur fUr meine berufliche Laufbahn von Vorteil, sondern hat mich personlich sehr gepragt und meinen Horizont erweitert. Zudem konnte ich sowohl meine Englischkenntnisse sehr verbessern und habe zusatzlich noch Einblicke in die arabische Sprache bekommen. Durch den Umgang mit den verschiedensten Nationalitaten und vor allem mit den Agyptem, habe ich erst gelernt was Gastfreundschaft und Hilfsbereitschaft bedeutet was mich auf das richtige Berufsleben bestens vorb~reitet hat.lch wurde diese Entscheidung immer Wieder treffen und kann es jedem empfehlen, der offen ist fOr andere Kulturen und Mentalitaten. " Pascale Tock-Shabaan (AbschluB Mai 2012) RED-SEA.TVIT'S NOT WHAT YOU HEAR - IT'S WHAT YOU SEE Online platform of information that creates and distributes news and insights about the destination, shows its attractions, hotels a resorts as well as liveabords, dive a sport centres directly. The site will help visitors finding accommodations, info and a firsthand views about where they are about to go to. Featured videos include those from red-sea's clients, the local agencies and resort operators and from other independent content providers. In doing so, ," will gather local video content, and offer such services to its clients, always live and up to date. I is not only a travel-planning site, but does provide video content and information which is specific to your place of choice with a simple option of direct booking. Should a Resort- or local Operator wish to supplement their content with ,new clips a infos" to be featured on ,", it's likely a cooperation and/or partnership could be worked out accordingly. Index We are looking forward to working with you! ~~~t- Wine Tasting at the WinerLJ oP _1al.i'l "Kouroum oF the Nile" in El Go una Red Sea Bulletin and the author of the book 'Wines of Egypf', Reinhard Rhaue, organized a unique wine event in 2010 at the guest house "Living with Arf', in which three wine producers of Egypt at this time presented their wines to representatives of hotels and the gastronomy. Five years later, Reinhard Rhaue accompanied by Nicolette Rupp retumed to Hurghada for a holiday, and travelled together with Red Sea Bulletin to Kouroum of the Nile's winery in EIGouna. Winemaker Labib Kallas and his wife Rania presented the new wines, produced exclusively from grapes grown in Egypt. The visitors had the chance to taste and to discuss the entire production line of white wines, red wines and the three sparkling wines of the series "Le Baron". Shahrazade White 2015 from Chardonnay & Vermentino, Shahrazade Rose from Grenache & Montepulciano and Shahrazade Red from Cabemet Sauvignon & Mer1ot achieved international standards with their freshness and aromas, which is rare character for Mediterranean wines. The wines are available at Cheers stores ( for 55 LE only. Beausoleil White, produced from local Banatti grapes, has a touch of oak wood aroma and is so interesting for connoisseurs that it could win a silver or even gold medal at international wine tastings, like the Jardin du Nil of the winery did in the past. The bestseller of the Beausoleil collection is the Beausoleil Rose from Mer1ot. A wine specialist could during a "blind-tasting" hardly guess that these grapes were grown in desert climate. Beausoleil Red is from selected grapes of Cabemet Sauvignon and Mer1ot and shows to be from even higher Quality than Shahrazade Red. The price of75 Egyptian Pounds (approx. 8 Euro) is a good investment for every wine lover. Kouroum of de Nile's Jardin du Nil wines are of international premium'Juality, proven by several medals achieved on European ground. Jardin du Nil White from Vermentino & Viognier and Jardin Nil Red from Syrah, Cabemet Sauvignon & Petit Verdot surprise by their maturity, power and aroma. The grapes of these wine are "organic certifies" and for this reason especially interesting for the health-conscious wine consumer. The quality sparkling wines "Le Baron" are produced by the traditional methode champenoise, a delicate bottle fermentation method. Interesting is that this kind of sparkling wine does not show a year on the etiquette. Labib Kallas opened the new production of Le Baron White, Rose und Signature, a true pleasure for their freshness and aromas. Following the idol of champagne, the White is produced from Chardonnay, the Rose from Chardonnay & Pinot Noir and the Signature as a Blanc de Noirs from Grenache & Pinot Noir. Respect to the wine maker! Labib Kallas managed a further increase of quality of his wines from the "Country of the Nile". Red Sea Bulletin wishes him and his great wines lots of success at the wine fair "Pro-Wein" in Duesseldorf, and to realize his vision to market the wines of the El Gauna winery in Europe. To find out how to order from Cheers stores see page 3 Author: Reinhard Rhaue- German Wine Institute (OWl) Index Dieser Artikel wurde auch auf deutsch auf der lntemetseite publiziert; einfach ,.Rhaue" ins Suchfeld eingeben. In April 2016, Frogs will be launching a whole new program for Rescue & Lifeguard Training: Ll feguard Academy We know how. Rescue Training Program (12-99 years) By moving through Frogs step-by-step rescue program teens and adults can learn techniques and how to save a life with water skills that wi ll last a lifetime. In the basic pool rescue you will learn how to recognise an emergency situation, who to call for help, how to react and what to do whilst waiting for the emergency services. In the advanced rescue course, participants will learn through practical exercises by fulfilling the necessary criteria. This includes a medical first aid course and various rescue skills for when there is no professional lifeguard on duty. Lifeguard Program (16-99 years) How about training to have a career in lifesaving? Frogs will teach you expert skills for a rewarding profession in the marine sector that can offer many opportunities in different areas. We can give you the tools and the skills to set you aport from the rest and become a highly employable candidate. Frogs further offers Lifeg uard Refresher Training, revising and adding to current knowledge to remain up to date with the latest regulations and new practices for lifesaving. Through these learning paths you can become a lifeguard with Frogs and achieve an internationa lly recognised certificate. \~'\ Car~ f9•~ Dolphi*'s Ca re for Dolphins is a conservation awareness program from Dolphin Watch Alliance and Frogs Swim Academy about dolphins living in the El Gouna/Hurghada area, Red Sea. 36 ~ed )ea Bulletl~ Index El Gouna 0128 274 1000 Soma Bay 01 28 51 2 0400 Hurghada 0128 274 2000 e-mail info@ frogs ~\-- FRoG~ Swim Academy We know how. ~ ~ FROGs Sea Swfm Club Enjoy the Red Sea Just swim it! Come to enjoy swimming, snorkelling and exploring the Red Sea with us! Whether you wont to compete with other open water swimmers, wish to better your stamina, improve your strokes or just wont to hove o chilled swim in the salt water, we con offer you o safe environment to do so within our Sea Swim Club for children and adults. Our aim is to get more people enjoying the beautiful seas that ore right on our doorstep and help people learn to read the environment, understand tides and currents and appreciate the risks that they need to be aware of in order to hove o safe and enjoyable experience in the water. Our Sea Swim Coaches ore passionate swimmers and wont to shore their love of the sea with others. They will be on hand to give friend ly advice to our club members on how to improve technique for more speed through the water and to increase endurance. Get moving & give it a go! Index It's not all smiles and laughter but it can be if you appreciate these simple hints and tips. Due to their biological make-up and widely misrepresented dolphin behaviours, body language is often misunderstood. therefore considered to be a positive sign. We must understand that the dolphin's only way to communicate with us is through body language and bodily sounds and their toil slopping on the water is a way to raise the alarm to others and is a reaction to fear or threat. A dolphin always looks like it is smiling, whether it is happy, hunting or feeling threatened. It must not be forgotten that dolphins ore top predators li ke sharks and kill to eat. The 3 main warning signs that con show that a dolphin is feeling threatened or aggressive ore : By understanding these simple signs both humans and dolphins con benefit from a calmer and more peaceful interaction where the observer is not invading the dolphin's space, thus causing them to escape and shorten the dolphin encounter. It also reduces the risk of injury to the person, as a slop from a dolphin toil con actually break a bone or render someone unconscious. Open mouth - It might look like they're laughing but actually they ore boring their teeth, much like a dog would when in on aggressive or conflict situation. 5-shape - The body is arched. Whilst dolphins bend their bodies to dive down or accelerate, for example, the s-shope is a clear sign of warning or threat. Imagine a cot when it is scored or in a fight with another - it arches it's bock and its hair rises. As dolphins don't hove fur they con only use their body to demonstrate what they ore feeling and in this situation the dolphin is giving the onlooker a warning that they feel vulnerable or oggress1ve. Tail/ Fluke slap - Again, many people misunderstand this action as they hove seen it on ~ in movies and dolphinoriums where the humonisotion of the fluke slop is presented like hand clopping or applause and Index For the reasons shown above, the Code of Conduct has been developed in order to ensure that all experiences with dolphins ore as exciting and safe as they con possibly be. We wont you to remember your dolphin encounter for the rest of your life as being positive and rewording for both yourself and the dolphins. Follow Core for Dolphins on focebook and gel more information about their conservation project. www. phi ns.egypt \ ·'\ Car~ f9)~ Dolphil,s Understanding do lphins and th eir needs Milano For Pork Meat M ilano Company has produced pork meat in Egypt since 1964. Milano, based in Alexand ria, was the first Egyptian enterp rise in th is li ne of business. They have now opened its new Hurg hada Bra nch in Sakala, next to the Metro Supermarket. Paula and Bishoy lived in Bordeaux France but relocated to Hurghada to operate the Mi lano branch. Bishoy's fa ther Mr. Ayoub Abdelsaid takes care about the meat p roduction in Alexa ndria. It is the f irst shop o n the Red Sea that offers products from Egypt, Germa ny, Fra nce and Italy which are all p roduced or imported by Milano directly. Th is enables them to make excellent and very competitive prices for their customers, especially to the hotels and restaurants. M ilano mit Hauptsitz Alexandria produziert in Agypten Schweinefleisch seit 19 6 4 und war die erste Firma, die sich mit diesem Geschaftszweig beschaftigte. Seit kurzem gibt es einen Verkaufsladen in Hurg hada, Sa kala, gleich neben dem Met ro Supermarkt. Paula and Bishoy haben bisher in Bordeaux in Frankreich gelebt und si nd nach Hurg ha da gezogen, um das Verkaufsloka l hier zu betreuen; Bishoys Vater Ayoub Abdelsaid kummert sich um die f.leischprod uktion in Alexandria . Erstma lig gibt es jetzt ei n Geschaft am Roten Meer, das Schweinefleisch aus Agypten, Deutschland, Frankreich und lta li en anbietet. Aile Produ kte si nd von M ila no hergestellt oder von der Fi rma direkt importiert. Das bietet M ilano die Mog lichkeit den Hotels, Restaurants und Privatkunden Bestpreise anzubieten . ko.'vlnaHH~ mli\~eTO:l MH/\aHo cyw ecwyeT B Ervtme c 1964 roAa 1-1 nHOHepoM a cBC>eM 6H3Hece. 06ocHOBa(iWHCb CHaYaAa a AAeKcaHApHH, HOBblei Mara3HH cJ:>HAMaA 6biA OTKpbiT a Xypraae Ha 6oKOBOCi YA04Ke, HAyweei OT cynepMapKeTa MeTp<> e CaKaAe, c cepe.6Y1Hbl 2015 roAa. CHMnaTH4HaS1 napa: n ayAa (cppaHuy>KeHKa) 1-1 61-1wo ( erHmS1HHH, CbiH X03S1HHa ¢a6pHKH r . AI06a A6AeAb CaHAa), npHeXaAM cneuHai\bHO 1-13 <DpaHUHI-1 B Xypraay, 4TO 6bl n03a6oTHTbCS1 o pa3BI-1THH 1-1 yKpenAeHHH ceMeiii~1oro 6H3Heca. 3TO 1-lX nepBbliii Mara31-1H Ha KpaCHOM MOpe. 3Aecb npeaCTaBJ\eHbl He TOI\bKO erHneTCKHe npoAyKTbl, HO TaK >Ke HMnOpTHaS1 npoAyKuHS1 BbiCOKoro KaYecrsa 1-13 repMaHHH, CDpaHUHH 1-1 111TaAMH. U eHOBaS1 noAI-1T!-1Ka npS1MbiX nocraooK sac npHSlTHO YAHBHT. O m OBbiM n oKynaT€J\SIM (OTeA~M, pecTopaHaM) npeaOCTaMSHOTO:I OCOObl€ CKHAKI-1. n pHHHMaiOTCSl 3a~BKH Ha p eryMipHbl€ nOCTaBKI-1 npoAyKUI-11-1. Index f\ed )ea Bulleti l) 39 Index lET'S WORK TOGETHER +2 0115 888 9 880 JOE-nETWORKS.COM f JOEnETWORKS fSoC..IAl. MEl> fA) -[w_e_&-~n-E-) -[i-~.--o6-~....1 ~ ~ lit' g+ JOE nETWORKS Digital M~~£!!~9 Reach & Visibility of Your Business. Joe-Networks is the first internet marketing company in Hurghada. Since 2010, we have successfully provided the best online solutions and the maximum reach for many brands across Hurghada community and Egypt. We know how to form and communicate your message over a network of more than 75,000 direct contacts of Red Sea residents, regular visitors and business people. Our Partners: Diving & Safari Centers - Restaurants &Pubs- Galleries, Shops &Markets - Events' Organizers Non-Profit Organizations- Educational Systems & Schools- Real Estate- Hotel & Resorts. Graphic Design WebSite Design Optimization & Ad Words E-mail Campaign SffiS Promotions Social Media Management Index FEATURED CLIEnTS Red ~ea Bhlletir( SAHL HASHEESH 'f'DS"A,((;Tirr SENJf) Mercedes-Benz RED-SEA.TVIT'S NOT WHAT YOU HEAR - IT'S WHAT YOU SEE Red-sea.t v, the online platform of information that creates and distributes news and insights about the destination, shows its attractions, hotels a resorts as well as liveabords, dive sport centres directly. You might have already travelled to certain places many times over, hence, one can never be sure how things change- this network for travelling the red sea, is looking for another specialty of its own in order to create a reliable source of travelling and networking for you. a Index The new site will be called ,", it will help visitors finding accommodations, info and a firsthand views about where they are about to go to. Featured videos include those from red-sea's clients, the local agencies and resort operators and from other independent content providers. is a smart model that looks to provide independent content, including environmental awareness and a high value supplement of general information. In doing so, ," will gather local video content, and offer such services to its clients, always live and up to date. As with most of ,'s" content, clips displayed on ,red-sea.t v" will be syndicated across different video networks and become accessible through social networking sites also. is not only a travel-planning site, but does provide video content and information which is specific to your place of choice with a simple option of direct booking. Should a Resort- or local Operator wish to supplement their content with ,new clips infos" to be featured on ,", it's likely a cooperation and/or partnership could be worked out accordingly. a We are looking forward to working with you! AUTUMN HIDE RIGHT CORN HUNT SEEK FIELD LOST STEAL GOOD HAIL NICHOLAS RAHAB WILL WRONG FQAUTUMNCRKO HI WGGOUCOACN E U E WO DVM R H S I HAl LOSTWNAEC FLHI DERJ HBEH L BBUUOVHSOKO iiiiiil Z YBF NDS A F T BL SNFGCTHGI RYA ECJGEOJTBHLS PBGAOVZKKMVY CULPBMSVI PVD UBVTYPVUUOEJ Index Sunrise International School would like to congratulate our 1st annual Spelling Bee wi nners, - Daksha Lamba Gl - Ali Abd El Rahman G2 - Rojeh Rafaat G3 - Retage Abd El Nasser G4 - Estelle Khaled GS - Alexia Michail G6 Also, a job well done to grades 8-12 English students for awesome remake drama presentation of some of Shakespeare's collection. Index Today it is possible to learn the basic of the Belly Dance all around the world . But you can get perfection only in the Mother Land of Oriental Dance - Egypt! The dancers all around the world are dreaming to get the secret of Arabic tenderness and softness as well as incredible sexuality. They are coming to our school to learn Arabic manner of dance. Our Instructor Tatia Dandarawy is an experienced belly dancer, artist, choreographer and VIP judge in the International competitions. Tatia comments : The guests of our school are the belly dancers from all around the world. If s a pleasure to share the experience and teach them the special Egyptian manner of dance. It is so sensitive and emotional. At the same time it is full of special techniques and accents. Now a day when we create a new style of Oriental dance. We make it in accordance with the music, you are welcome. Mobile: + 2 0100 957 15 28 CLASSES: Monday 15:00 Wednesday 15:00 21 :00 Index Children Cia e Ballet, Mode Jazz, Acrobatics,lntroduction, Hip Hop Karate: VVednesda~Saturday Adult Classes: Shaping, Yoga, Chi-gong, Belly Dance, ~~~ Ballet, Modern Dance, Zumba Index HURGHADA (AL GHARDAKA ~~_;J\ ) H urghada is located 22km south of El Gouna and 54km north of Safaga, with the Red Sea to the east and the mountains of the Eastern Desert to the west. Two decades ago Hurghada was a modest little fishing village and is now home to about 248,000 people. Most of them ore working in services for the more than 4 million sun-seekers and diving enthusiasts visiting the area every year. Crystal clear, calm waters and fascinating coral reefs have made Hurghado, or AI Ghardaka, as the Egyptians call it, Egyp~s most popular resort town with more than 250 hotels in all categories. Hurghada is divided into three parts: El Dahar (downtown) is the old part; Sa kala is the city center and El Mamsha (pedestrian area) is the modern part. In all three areas you can find plenty of bazaars, shops, restaurants, bars, discotheques, fruit and vegetable markets, as well as the post office, telephone central, banks and money exchange offices and more ... Ask your tour leader for more information and hove a look at the following pages "Where 2 Go?" to find out more about what Hurghada has to offer. Kristallklares, ruhiges Wasser und faszinierende Korollenriffe haben Hurghada mit seinen i.iber 250 Hotels zum meistbesuchten Resort am Roten Meer gemacht. Hurghada ist in drei Teile gegliedert: El Dahar (Downtown) ist der alte Teil, Sakala ist die lnnenstadt und El Mamsha (FuBgangerzone) ist der modeme Teil. In allen drei Stadtteilen finden Sie viele Basore, Geschafte, Restaurants, Bars, Discotheken, Fri.ichte-und Gemi.isemarkte sowie Post, Telefonzentrale, Bonken, Wechselstuben und vieles mehr. Fragen Sie lhren Reiseleiter nach Detoilinformotionen und erfohren Sie im folgenden Teil ''Where 2 go?" mehr uber Hurghodo. X vpra,£ta pacnono>KeHa B 22 KM K tOry OT 31lb ryHbl 11 B 54 KM K ceBepy or Ca<Par11, Ha no6epe>Kbe KpacHoro MOpS!. ABa ,£teCSIT11J1eTI1SI Ha3aA Xypra,£ta 6btlla CKpOMHOi1 He60ilbWOi1 pbt6auKoC1 ,£tepeBHeC1, a renepb SIBilSieTcSI <<.£lOMOM» AilS! 6onee 4eM 248 Tb1CSI4 4eJlOBeK. 50JlbWI1HCTBO 1-13 H11X pa6oraeT B CcPepe 06Cily>KI1BaHI-1SI, nOCKOilbKY 60ilbWe 4 MI-11111110HOB >KaJKAy~11X COilHUa 1-1 norpy>Kai0~11XCSI B ny411HY BOA TYPI1CTOB, noce~atOT 3TOT ropo.£1 e>KerOAHO. Kp11cranbHO 411CTbte 11 cnoKoi1Hbte BOAbt 1-1 >K11BOni-1CHbte KopannOBbte Pl1cPbt CAenanl-1 Xypra,£ty OAH11M 113 caMbiX nonyllSipHbiX KypopTOB Ha KpaCHOM MOpe. 5onee 250 rocrnHH11U BbtpOCilO BAOilb no6epe>KbSI 3a 3TI1 rO.£lbl. Xypra.£ty MO>KHO YCilOBHO nOAeJ111Tb Ha Tpl-1 paC\oHa: crapaSI 4aCTb ropOAa Ha3btBaercSI Enb Aaxap (AayH rayH). Sakala, (CaKana) - 3TO H urghada liegt 22 km si.idlich von El Gouna und 54 km nordlich von Safaga. Ostlich der Stadt liegt das Rote Meer und westlich erstrecken sich die Bergketten der Ostwi.iste. Vor zwei Jahrzehnten war Hurghado ein bescheidenes kleines Fischerdorf und ist jetzt Heimat von etwa 248000 Einwohnem. Die meisten von ihnen arbeiten im Tourismusgeschaft fur die uber 4 Million Sonnenanbeter und Tauchbegeisterte, die jedes Jahr zu Besuch kommen. 48 f{ed 5ea BulletiQ Index MOilOAOCi "HOBbtCi ueHrp" XypraAbt. OrpoMHbtCi newexoAHbtCi 6ynbBap Enb MaMwa - Ha116onee MonoAaSI 11 coBpeMeHHaSI 4aCTb, opl-1eHTI1poBaHHaSI Ha ryp11CTOB. noeceMeCTHo Bbt MO>Kere Hai1TI1 MHOJKeCTBO 6a3apOB, Mara311HOB, pecropaHOB, 6apOB, A1-1CKOTeK, ecrb pbtHOK, no4roeoe OTAeneHI-1e, MeJKAy-HapoAHbtC\ rene<PoH, 6aHKI-11 nyHKTbl 06MeHa BalltOTbll-1 T.A... B pa3,£tene «KyAa noi1TI1» 1 a raK>Ke y ceoero ri-1Aa Bbt Mo>Kere nony41-1Tb AOnonH11TenbHYIO I-1HcpOpMaUI-110 0 TOM, 4TO Bac I-1HTepecyeT. whal:'I on Hurghaoa~~ • Sundc:y ·After Hours Party @ Elements Club at Steigenberger Aqua Magic ·Bar Bites Mania @Hard Rock Cafe • Dervish Dancer @Bordiehn'sVi ll a Kunterbunt at 9pm ·Tequila Night @Peanuts Bar ·Tequila Night @Benelux Club Mo"1ddy ·Karaoke @ Hungry Duck at 12am • Hurghada Runners on Mamsha Spm ·Ladies Night @Benelux Club • Live Band @Peanuts Bar • Live Band @Cacao Bar es a • Epic Tuesday @ Elements Club at Steigenberger Aqua Magic (11 pm-4am) ·Fire Show @ Bordiehn's Villa Kunterbunt at 9pm ·Ladies Night @ Hard Rock Cafe (free drinks for ladies 12am- 3am) ·Ladies Night @ Peanuts Bar ·Ladies Night @ Pandorra ·Live music @ Zietlos · Social Gathering @ Guest House Living with Art at 7:30pm Fndays · Animation Show @Peanuts Bar ·Fever Night @Calypso ·Ladies Night @Hard Rock Cafe (free drinks for ladies 12am- 3am) S~turdafS • Divers Night "BBQ it yourself"@ Caribbean BarLive Music (pop, rock ... ) ·Karaoke @ Hungry Duck at 12am ·Ladies Night @Calypso ·Ladies Night @Papas Beach Club • Mojito Party @ Peanuts Bar ·Ladies' Night @Benelux Club • Praha Saturdays @ Praha Cafe Don't Miss: -4th - 13th Mar - Festival of Russian Art at CC Red Sea -6 MapTa - BcTpe4a cooTe4eCTBeHHII1KOB c ry6epHaTOpOM -7th March - International Women Ride in Hurghada -8th March - Party@ Hungry Duck - 7 - 13th March - Maslennitsa@ Hungry Duck Wednesdays 11 Mar - Maslennitsa@ Rivoli (13.00) ·Arabian Night @Calypso (belly dance, tanoura 12 Mar - Maslennitsa@ Ebb & Tide Restaurant & Oriental show) (Bowling) ·Belly Dance under the Moon @Bordiehn's- Villa -16th Mar -The 9th Community Forum El Gouna Kunterbunt at 9pm about "Mobility and Transportation". • Karaoke @ Hungry Duck at 12am 25th Mar - Easter Bazar @ Bluemoon Animal · Karaoke night @ Elements Bar at Steigenberger Center (1 Oam - 4pm) Aqua Magic (Happy Hours from 21:00 till 23:00) -27th Mar - Easter Brunch Buffet@ Zietlos · Karaoke @ Peanuts Bar Restaurant (1Oam- 2pm) • Back to Oldies @Benelux Club -28th Mar - Easter Brunch @ Guest House Living with Art (to be reserved) -8th Apr - El Gouna Open@ El Gouna Golf Club ·Blues Night @ The Lodge -12th Apr- Anniversary@ Hungry Duck • Live Music @Stone Restaurant & Pub -1st May - Easter Party @ Hungry Duck • Live Music @South Beach ·Ladies Night@ Elements Club at Steigenberger Aqua Magic (Free entrance & Free drinks for ladies from 23:00 till 02:00) ·Ladies Night @Beneluxe Club ·Peanuts Night @Peanuts Bar ·Live Band @Cacao Bar Index l El Fayrouz Beach Index Hospital Bank Police Fuel Information Post Office Mall .f .ai.. <.+ Fire Fighters Station $ -, Mosque -if Central '11> fJ Church Supermarket ~ Bus Station • 11' ~ 0 ~ El Arosa Square, next to New Marina Mobile.: 01016003888/01220240512 f 01005388633- Tel. : 065 345 34 66 info@scubaonline-€ I I 11111111111111 IMINI EGYPT PRRKI I I I I I ~ ~ ( , I / Index f , ( Mak<>di Golf C lub ... ) RENT~~~} Sekalla Marriott Oahar Hadaba Helal El Kawther El ~amsha El Ahiaa Mubarak 2 K ~.~ ( iii ~~ ; Palma El Gouna Mubarak 7 ~ 1' Sahl Hash eesh Sornabay Makadi Magawish Mubarak 6 MARRIOTT AREA & OLD VIC ESPLANADA. AREA Vill!lin.Kh~a bedroomf..,~>~ .19~ bathroom/ _.ole.> kitchen/~ furnished/ .U.9yi..o livingfdining roomf_.o~l.9 ~I .19~ air- conditioned/ ~ Price: 3000 LE monthly Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 2 1 1 yes 1 yes 2 DR Sea Fn»nt..t\partment \ bedroomf...~>jJ .19~ bathroom/ _.ole.> !..!.:.l~~~ terracef 1..>"'\,r.:i balcony/ cii~ furnishedf<t..t.9yi..o poolf h~ _.ole.> beach/l,bl.t garden/ w.l> livingfdining roomf..,~>~l.9 ~I .19~ Price: 1.200 € monthly .........._ _ Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 4 4 1 2 yes yes yes yes 2 ELMAMSHA. • bedroomf ../>ffJ .19~ , bathroom/ _.ole.> • ... American kitchenf ~.r.-oi ~ unfurnished/ .WI.:> beach/ l,bl.t livingjdining roomf..,o~l.9 ~~ .19~ sea viewf ~I d.l.ho air- conditioned/ ciiW:o Price: 2800 LE monthly - long term Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 Js:. 2 1 1 yes yes 1 yes yes -~~~--1 bedroomf _.o~ .19~ bathroom/ _.ole.> • American kitchenf ~_r..ol ~ balconyf cii~ furnished/ .U.9yi..o iii=-i!i:~:'11iving roomf ~ .19~ Js:. sea viewf ~I d.l.ho air-conditioned/ 4iW:o Price: 3500 LE monthly Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 rtment bedroomf_.o~ .19~ bathroom/ _.ole.> • American kitchen/ ~_r..ol ~ furnished/ .U.9yi..o • beachfl,bl.t livingfdining roomf ..,o~l.9 ~I .19~ sea viewf ~I d.l.ho air- conditioned/ ciiW:o Price: 6000 LE monthly - long term Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 Js:. 3 3 1 yes yes 1 yes yes 3 DR Sea Fn»nt.&.partmeot with TeJ'I'IICC bedroomf ../>ffJ .19~ bathroom/ _.ole.> • American kitchen/ ~.r.-ol ~ 1;-uUUJ::.-~;;-~~:o:w,,.J terrace; 1..>"\,r.:i unfurnished/ beach/ l,bl.t livingjdining roomf ..,o~l.9 ~I .19~ sea viewf ~I d.l.ho air-conditioned/ ciiW:o Price: 5500 LE monthly - long term Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 41.:> Js:. 3 2 1 1 yes yes 1 yes yes ent bedroomf _.o!fJ .19~ bathroomf_.ola.> • ~~~~rill!-..-. ' American kitchenf ~_r..ol ~ furnished/ .U.9)1.o beach/ l,bl.t livingjdining roomj _.o~\9 ~I .19~ E:~--,...._.,-., sea viewf ~~ d.l.ho 1 Js:. air-conditioned/~ Price: 3000 LE monthly - long term ,_,..,...__._Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 2 1 1 yes yes 1 yes yes Estate 1 1 1 yes 1 yes yes MUBARAK 8 & MA.GA.WISH 2 DR Suiten in Garden Resort - · d 1 bedroomf _.o~ .19~ bathroom/ _.ole.> kitchen/~ terracef~>"\,r.:i balconyf cii~ furnished/ <t..t.9yi..o pool/ h~ _.ole.> livingfdlnlng roomf..,o~\9 ~I .19~ air-conditioned/ 4iW:o Price - short term :.. saisonall Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 ~:s:clt118J1re Suita In Intercont.ioental Residence ] bedroomf _.o!fJ .19~ • bathroom/ _.ole.> kitchen/~ balconyJ cii~ furnished/ .U.9yi..o poolf h~ ..,~>la.> livingfdining roomf..,o~l.9 ~I .19~ sea viewf ~I Js:. d.l.ho air-conditioned/ ciiW:o Price - short term .:. saisonall Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 2 1 1 1 1 yes yes 1 yes 2 2 1 1 yes yes 1 yes yes art.meot with Sea View bedroom; _.o!fJ .19~ bathroom/ ..,~>la.> • American kitchen/ ~.r.-ol ~ balcony/ cii~ • furnished/ .U.9yi..o pool/ h~ _.ole.> beach/ l,bl.t livingfdining roomj _.o~l.9 cU..s..cJI .19~ sea viewf ~I d.l.ho air- conditioned/ ~ Price: 600 € monthly Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 Js:. OCEAN 1 2 1 1 1 yes yes yes 1 yes yes SALE/~ ;fEIDahar l ElBel~ t:iqj ,._, ~fUJ~awtber <.6.:..;~ EL 0,\H&R & ARABIA AREA i:5t=;;l=~V,:.:ie:w; i Panorama Apartm = eo=o=.:t,___ _ _ __ bedroomj .J>}jJ o_j. bathroomj .,.ola.:> , ~1..,..,.., ..,;:;-.~~~ American kitchenj ..5:!~1 ~ balconyf ci.i~ - Panorama 3 3 1 2 elevatorj~ yes yes gardenf c:iiU..1.> roof terracef ~I ~ l>"!r.J J air- conditioned/ ~ ~;:.J;;:_j~lf.l~!!! sea viewf~l ~ <ilb..o Price: 129.900 € 2 yes yes ~--........,_ Mobile: A111ar1twm~nt +2 01063 176 132 with Roof Terrace bedroomj ...o}jJ o_j. 1 bathroom/ .,.ola.:> • American kitchen} ~~I ~ terrace/ l>"!r.:i · furnished/ <i.:.3yio elevator/ ...~=oa..o living roomj ci..!....s..o ?~ sea viewf ~~-..ft. · ai r-conditionedj aA..S.:.o Price: 50.000 € - 1 1 1 yes yes 1 yes yes ~!!1~~;~~~Mobile: +2 01063176132 ~ near Arabia Hotel bedroomf ....,~ o_j. bathroom} .,.ola.:> • American kitchen/ ..5:!~1 ~ balconyj ci.i~ • furnished/ a..:.3yio llvingjdinlng roomf.,.o6hll3 ~I <i9_j. 2 1 1 2 yes 1 yes air-conditioned/~ l E.l·N:\S. MARRIOTT AREA Deluxe Apartment Price: 33.000 € Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 bedroom/ .,.o!fJ <i9_j. bathroom} .,.ola.:> kitchenf ~ unfurnishedf4:Jl> elevatorj ...~=oa..<> beachj Vbl.!. • livingfdining room} .,.o6hll.9 ~I 49->' _ ~sea vJewj ~I ..ft. <ilb..o w.. ~ _.-....,oL_ Price: 175.500 € - - "' Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 ~WJ:l.bJ=~=~~t in "The View" bedroomj ...o}jJ 49_j. bathroom} .,.ola.:> kitchenj terrace; l>"!r.:i balcony} ci.i~ unfumishedf4:Jl:> gardenf c:UU..1.> livingfdinlng roomj.,.olsU::JI.9 ~I o_j. sea vlewj ~I ~ <ilb..o Price: 156.000 € -----...,;;:-~tJ Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 &he. 2 2 1 yes yes yes 1 yes 2 2 1 1 1 yes yes 1 yes ELHEJ.&L I BR Apar~~ot near the beach bedroomj ,t>!fJ 49->' bathroomj .J>la.:> kitchen;~ unfurnished/ .Wl:> livingfdining roomj.,.o6hll.9 ~I <i9_j. Price: 37.000 € Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 1 1 1 yes 1 2 1 1 1 s 2 1 yes yes yes yes 1 yes yes 2 yes yes yes Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 Alllllll't.mlen,~; Oj)poslte Arabia Hotel 2 1 1 1 shedf livingjdining roomf...o6hll3 ~I <i9_j. yes air-conditioned/~ yes : 50.800 € _ ,......- .... _, +2 01063 176 132 1 MlJBAIU.K2 2 BR Sea View A.pllll'tm.eot with garden bedroomj .J>}jJ 49_j. bathroom{ .,.ola.:> • American kltchenj ..5:!~1 ~ balcony{ ci.i~ , ~ furnished/ .U3yio ....- garden{ c:iiU..l:> f llvingjdining room{.J>6z.bll.9 ~I 49_j. sea vlewj ~I~ <ilb..o air-conditioned/~ Price: 35.000 € Mobile: +2 01063 176 132 OC-EAN Estate 2 1 1 1 yes yes 1 yes yes Plot 1750 m 2 : Living space Villa 450 m 2 Seperate Chalet 150m2 Seperate Studio 30m2 Villa: 2 floors - 2 living areas, kitchen & dining area, 4 Masterbedrooms with fully Sea View (all with en suite bathrooms), 2 terraces with pergola and BBQ bar, 2 balconies, Chalet: 3 Masterbedrooms with en suite bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living area, rofterrace with pergola and amazing Sea View Studio: 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen > Furnished with modern European furniture > 11 split-unit air conditioners > Large private garden > 2 sweet water pools > Private sandy beach > Private parking area Hotline: +2 01063 17 61 32 www .oceanes tate. net Index Where 2 go))) Hurghada Marina (Sea Vzew) White Elephant - Thai Restaurant A ll the dishes are freshly prepared by the Thai Chef "M iss Somral" who has the amazing touch of combining all the original exotic Asian herbs and spices into tantalising Thai dishes. The name "White Elephant" comes from an old legend, which says if you see a white elephant you will be blessed with luck. The restau rant fea tures seating for 70; both inside and outside dining. Located in the New Hurghada Marina, you can enjoy the turquoise waters and the cosmopolitan feel of this promenade. Parking is available. W hite Elephant is a favourite place for many managers from the 5 star hotels here in the Red Sea, as they enjoy the Thai cuisine. Some like the food so much they have made contracts with W hite Elephant to offer Thai food once a week to their guests. Give yourself a treat and come and try the variety of Thai dishes and discover these exotic tastes. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are available. Index S amtliche Speisen werden von Thai Chef ,Miss Somra l" und ihrem Team f risch zubereitet. Als Thailanderin hat sie das richtige Gefuhl fur die Verwendung von asiatischen Krautern und Gewurzen. Der Name ,White Elephant" leitet sich von einer a lten Legende a b. Sie besagt, doss derjenige der einen weissen Elefanten sieht, ein glucklicher Mensch werden wird. Das Restaurant hat fur 70 Gaste Platz, entweder im klimatisierten Restaurant oder auf der Terrasse. Direkt am Pier der neuen Hurghada Marina gelegen konnen sie lhr Mittag- oder Abendessen mit Blick auf das tu rkisfarbene Wasser genieBen . Parkplatze sind ausreichend vorha nden. Kommen Sie vorbei und entdecken Sie den exotischen Geschmack thai land ischer Speisen. Es werden a lkoholische und nicht alkoholische Getranke angeboten. H aCTOS1WJ.1iii W eep nosap 1-13 Tal-1/\aH.aa r->t<a CoMpai\ roTOB J.1T see 6i\10.6.a e noMJ.1HHbiMJ.1 a31-1aTeKJ.1MJ.1 np1-1npaBaMJ.1 1-1 eneuJ.1S1MJ.1 . Csoe Ha3BaHJ.1e p eeTOpaH nOi\YYI-1/\ 6i\ar o.aapS1 6 ei\OMY Ci\OHY 1-13 i\ereH.abl, KOTopaS1 ri\ae J.1T: eei\1-1 Bbl scrpeTJ.1Te 6 ei\oro Ci\OHa - Bbl 6y.aeTe eYa eTi\J.1Bbil PeeTOpaH paeeYI-1TaH Ha 50 n oea.6.04HbiX MeeT (B 3aKpb1TOM noMeweHI-11-1 1-1 Ha Teppaee). VlM eeTGl CTOS1HKa. Cpe.a1-1 n oeeTJ.1Tei\eiii peeTopaHa MHO>KeCTBO .6.1-1peKTOpOB KpynHbiX OTei\eiii. HeKOTOpble 1-13 HJ.1X .aa>t<e 3aKi\104J.1i\J.1 .aorosop c p ecTopaHOM MS1 opraHI-13aUJ.1J.1 .6.HS1 TaJ.1i\aH.aeKoiii KYXHI-1 .6./\Sl CBOJ.1X rOCTeiii Ka>t<.ayiO He.aei\10. He ynyeTJ.1Te waH ea OTBe.aaTb 6/\JO.aa TaiiiCKOiii 3 K30TJ.1YeCKJ.1 e KYXHI-1. W1-1poK1-1iii Bbl6op ai\KOrQi\bHbiX J.1 6e3ai\KOrOi\bHbiX Ha nJ.1TKOB Ha i\1060iii BKyC. 1\ed )ea Bulleti Q 57 Hungry Duck Restaurant & Sushi Bar N othing but the best dishes from the Hungry Duck makes this restaurant a must. Savor the European cuisine that includes Mushroom, Tomato or Seafood soups, Chicken or Cheese Fingers, Potato Boat, Spring Rolls, Shrimp Cocktail, and a wide variety of salads. Entrees are Beef Stroganoff, Goulash, Tender Beef Filet, Cordon Blue, Homemade Fettuccini with Mushrooms or Smoked Salmon, Risotto with Mushrooms or Sea Food- just to name a few. The Russian menu includes Uha-soup (excellent with vodka shots!), Borsch, O livier & M imoza salad, snacks for beer, Stuffed Paprika & Cabbage leaves, Ravioli and much more! Sushi menu has includes Maki Rolls, Sushi with eel; tender rolls with mango & pineapple, spicy rolls, hot rolls, and so much more ... New Asian dishes waiting for you to try! Chocolate cake with tender cream and nuts is a favorite desert and a wide selection of spirits from draft beer to cocktails makes the Hungry Duck an enjoyable experience. Celebrate the upcoming holidays and International Women Day on March 8th at the Hungry Duck and the traditional week Of Maslennitsa with Pancakes 7th- 13th Mar. Do not forget the Birthday Party on April 12th and the Easter Party on the 1st of May. Entertainment includes Karaoke from midnight with Evolution Pro 2 every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday and a large video screen for the sport fans. Hungry Duck is located at Esplanada Mall on the left side of the main entrance, open daily from 3pm till Sam. For reservation & info: +2 0 120 667 60 09 & +2 065 340 4509. Facebook: Hungry Duck Hurghada Koiii, caAaTaM~ 0N1Bbe, M~M03a ~ pbt6Koiii noa w y6oiii, X0/\0.6.UO.\tl, Ye6ypet<aM~ ~ 3aKyCKOiii DoMOOYK~, ne/\b'vleH~Ml-1 ~ sapeH~KaM~, <j:Japw~poBaHHbiM~ nepuaM~ 1-1 roAy6uaM~. HaCI\a.llY1Tecb pa3Hoo6pa3HbiM cyw~ MeHtO: cyw~-1 ~ MaK~ poMbt c yrpeM, AOCOCeM ~ KpeBeTKoiii, ¢YTo-MaK~ CD~ aeAb<j:l~s:~, KaN1<j:JopH~~, He>t<Hbte poMbt c MaHro ~ aHaHaCOM, a TaiOKe poMbl c yrpeVI KaTepn~p ~ b.paKOH. Ocrpbte poMbt ByAKaHO ~ KoAOpa.b.O. Vl, KOHeYHO, ro~Y~e poMbt: TOK~o, 6aH3aiii, HeBaAa, Ap~30Ha ~ H~H3R HoBble 61\10.&~ a3~aTCKOiii KyxH~ TaiOKe He OCTaBm Bac paBHoaywHbtM~: OCTpble 6/\10.6.3 Ha fops:!Yeiii CKOE30po.6.Ke, waWAbiYK~ ~ CTeKAAHH3s:J Aanwa c pa3HbiM~ ~Hrpet.MeHTaM~. A nOC/\e no6aAyiiiTe Ce6s:J W0K01\3.6.HbiM T0p1Y1KOM C He)I(HbiM Kpe'v\0.\tl ~ opexaM~, Y~3KeiiiKO.\tl C W0KOJ\3.6.HbiM ~/\~ Kl\y6H~YHbiM coycoM. PacCAa6bTecb c Kp~eYKOiii CBe)l(ero pa3N1BHoro n~Ba, ptOMOYKOiii I-WI KOKTeiiiAeM. 8 MapTa Yn<a npHrAaJJJaer Bac OTMenm. Me>M~po.4Hbli1 >t<eHa001 AeHb. A c 7 no 13 Mapra 8 Hungry Duck HeAe/\Sf MaCAeHHUbl1 npHXO.AHTe OTBeAaTb 6AHHOB H3 Olet..U1aJ\bHOrO MeHIO. 12 anPei\Sf f OAOAHCUI Yn<a OTMe<-taer CBOi1 AeHb po>KAeHI-m " ycrpai'IB<ler Be'leJ>"HK)' 8 l.fectb :noro Ba>KHOro co6bmtSI! 1 Mas! OTMel.faeM nacxy! Ka>t<AJ.1i1 llOHeAeAbHHK, q>eay J.1 cy66oTy c 12 HOLII-1 8 YTKe Bac >K4.eT t<apaOKe Ha npo(pe(:otOHaAI>HOH CHCTeMe Evolution Pro 2! A TaiOKe cnopT Ha 6oAbWOM 3KpaHe. Ornpa36.Hyii1Te 3.6.€Cb 6ap H ungry Duck B «3cnAaHa&J MOM» aeHb po)l(.b.eHMs:J ~AM EJa)I(Hoe co6blll-1e. nOYyEJCTByiiiTe ce&l Ha l)IIJ~cr~YecKoiii yN1ue 3Ab MaMwa npeMaraer BaM OTBe- K3K .6.0M3. &llb 6AIO&l eBponeiiiCKOiii KyxH~: rp~6HOiii KpeM-cyn, CneLM- Hungry Duck pa6oTaer M~ Bac e)l(eAHeBHO c 15.00 ao al\bHbliii cyn ~3 MOpenpoayKTOB ~N1 TOMaTHbliii KpeM-cyn, Kyp~ 05.00 Ha yA~ue 3Ab MaMwa B 3cnAaHMa MoM, CAeEJa OT Hble I-WI CblpHble naAbY~K~, Kapro¢ef\bHYIQ A0.6.0YKy, cnp~Hr ueHTP3AbHOro sxo&~ (co aopoHbl YA~Ubl 3Ab MaMwa). poMbl I-WI accop1Y1 M3 3aKyCOK, caAaT Kyp~Ha~ MCTopM~ MN1 ,6.AA ~H<j:JopMau~~ ~ 6poHMp0BaH~SI 3E30HMTe: +2 0127 772 caAaT C TyHUOM, KOKTeW-b C KpeBeTK3M~ ~~ rpeYe CKMiii 79 20 ~/\~ +2 065 340 4509. caAaT, 6e¢crporaHcxp,. VlAM npocro nepeKyc~e OH.6.B~YeM. CAe.6.1-1Te 3a o6HoMeH~s:JMH Ha Facebook: Hungry Duck PyccKoe MeHIO nopa.6.yer yxoiii no-uapa<~, 6opwOM ~ COAAH Hurghada. PecropaH ~ cyw~ Facebook: Hungry Duck Hurghada 58 J\ed 5ea Bu lleti Q Index ~~alif\a JGes+atJt'af\+ &Bar Home-made Belgian and International food Home-made Italian ice cream 20 years experience in Belgian cuisine Belgian and Egyptian chefs Moderate prices Magalina Restaurant & Bar T he Belgian/Egyptian owners opened this venue December 20 14 at Esplanade Mall that brings a touch of Belgium to Hurghada. The Belgian chef has 20 years' experience in restaurants and prepares tasty home-made food, which is a must try! On the menu are traditi o nal d ishes like Stoofvlees (beef stew), Vol au Vent (chicken mushroom and meat balls served on puff pastry), Croque-Monsieur, Croque-Madame, Brussels Waffle and Dame Blanche. The international menu favors the Italian kitchen which includes home-made Ravioli w ith Salsa Rosa o r Ricotta Spinach, Farfalle Mare e Monti, Farfalle with Salmon and homemade Ita lian Ice cream. Other notable favourites include the Surf and Turf and the Turkey breast with orange sauce. The fully a ir-conditi oned restaurant has 2 terraces with one inside the mall and one outside in front of Esplanade Residence. A lso available is free WIFI for the convenience of its guests. Magalina - the different d ining experience ! Index D ie belg isch/i:igyptischen Besitzer eroffneten dieses Restaurant im Dezember 2014 in der Esplanada Mall und haben einen Hauch von Belg ien nach Hurghada gebracht. Der belgische Koch bringt eine 20-ji:ihrige Erfahrung mit ins Restaurant und bereitet leckere hausgemachte Speisen, die ein absolutes Muss sind ! Auf der Speisekarte stehen traditionelle Gerichte wie Stoofvlees (Rindfleischeintopfl, Vol au Vent (Huhn, Pilze und Fleischballchen serviert auf Bkitterteig), Croque-Monsieur, CroqueMadame, Brussels Waffle und Dame Blanche. Die internationale Speisekarte, spezialisiert auf italienische Kuche, bietet Ihnen hausgemachte Ravioli mit Salsa Rosa oder Ricotta Spinat, Fa rfalle Mare e Monti, Farfalle mit Lochs und eine leckere Auswahl an hausgemachtem ita lienischen Eis. Besonders erwi:ihnenswert sind ouch Spezialitaten wie Surf and Turf und die Putenbrust mit O rangensauce. Das voll klimatisierte Re staurant verfugt uber 2 Terrassen wobei sich eine innerhalb des Einkaufszentrums und eine draul3en vor der Esplanade Residenz befindet. Freies WIFI ist ebenfalls vorhanden, dam it es den Gasten an nichts mangelt . Magalina ein besonderes Restaurant! 0 Tl<pb1BWIIIHCS1 B aeKa6pe 2014 roaa B TC 3cflt\aHaaa Ha MaMwe 111 CTaBWIIIH BecbMa nonyMpHbiM pecropaH npiiiBHec 6eAbfiiiHCKYIO HOTKY B IIIHTepHaUIIIOI~ClJ\bHYIO aTMOCcpepy BCero MO!\a, nOCKOi\bKY CO-X03~HKa pecTOpaHa, a TaiOKe weep - 1113 DeAbfllllll. n p111X0.6.llfTe 111 nonpo6yli1Te oplllr~t~HClJ\bHble 6eAbriiiHCKIIIe aeA~t~KaTecbl: Stoofvlees (TYweHa~ roa~1~a), Vol au Vent (KYPIIIUa C rp1116aM111 Ill M~CHbiMIII wap111KaMIII 1~a noaywKe), CroqueCroque-Madame, Brussels Monsieur, Waffle and Dame Blanche 111 T. t>.. Pa3Hoo6pa3Hoe MeHIO BKAI04aeT TaiOKe 6AI0.6.a IIITai\b~HCKOH KYXHIII: PaBIII0/\111 c Salsa Rosa ltl/\111 c CblpoM poKoTa co wniiiHaTOM, nacry Farfalle Mare e Monti 11/\11 c AOCOceM. Oco6eHHO xoTeAOCb 6bl OTMeTllfTb Surf and Turf 11 rpyb.KY 11H.6.10WKIII B aneAbCIIIHOBOM coyce! VlTai\b~HCKOe MOpo>KeHoe XOpoWO noaoj;jaeT Ha aecePT. n oceTI1TeAI1 MOryT Bb16paTb yao6Hoe MeCTe<-IKO Ha BHyrpeHHeH Teppace (3aw11wa10weH Ha C/\yYaH XO/\ BeTPa), Ha BHeWHeH on<pb1TOH Teppace 11/\11 - B 3ClJ\e, o6opyaOBaHHOM KOH.6.11UI10HepaM11. 6ecflt\aTHbiH WIFI, HeHaB~3'-111BbiH 111 BH11MaTeAbHbiH cepB11C. .6.o6po no>KaAoBaTbl (\e d )ea Bul leti Q 59 Where 2 go))) HURG HADA ZEITLOS Z EITLOS means "timeless" and is the place for anyone who loves German food. Centrally located next to the Bella Vista Resort on Sheraton road in Sakala is where you will find this special venue. An inviting atmosphere, authentic German food and friendly staff wait for you. Zeitlos serves ice cold drinks and a must try is their iced alcoholic fruit-drink, just perfect to cool down on hot summer days. If you miss the the German kitchen, be sure to try the Beef Rolls, the Goulash Soup or the German Grill Sausages. As well, you can find German specialties such as "Kassler" (smoked pork chops) and the Koenigsberger Klops" (meatballs). Equally delicious are the pancakes filled with Nutella and vanilla ice cream. On the menu, there is something for every taste Zeitlos is happy to take care about your special requests, and to organize your birthday party or other celebrations. There is live music every Tuesday! Not only does ZEITLOS offer a great value for money but another place to feel at home. 60 R_ed )ea BulletiQ Index W er richtig gutes deutsches Essen mag, der ist hier im ZEITLOS absolut richtig! Sie find en das Restaurant in zentraler Loge in Sakala, gleich neben dem Bella Vista Resort an der Sheraton Road. Wunderschones Ambiente, gut burgerliche deutsche Kuche und freundlicher Service erwarten Sie im ZEITLOS. Hier werden in gemutlicher Atmosphi:ire eiskalte Getri:inke serviert, insbesondere ein geeister alkoholischer Fruchtcocktail, perfekt an heiBen Sommertagen zum Abkuhlen geeignet. Wer die gute deutsche Kuche vermisst, der sollte unbedingt die Rinderroulade, die Gulaschsuppe oder die deutschen Bratwurste versuchen. Auf der Speisekarte des ZEITLOS ist fur jeden etwas dabei. Nach Angebot gibt es ouch Kassler, Konigsberger Klops oder ouch Eierkuchen, gefullt mit Nutella und Vanilleeiskrem. Spezielle Wunsche und Feiern konnen nach Absprache gerne erfullt werden. Jeden Oienstag wird Live Musik gespielt. Ein gelungenes Konzept, denn ouch das Preis-Leistungsverhi:iltnis macht Lust im ZEITLOS zu verweilen und den Nomen zum Programm zu machen. Hier muss man sich einfach wohlfuhlen! H a3BaHI-1e pecropa Ha ZEITLOS (U aHTAOC) 3Ha41-1T «BHe BpeMeHI-1». /\J061-1Tei\l-1 HeMeUKOH KyxHI-1 HaHb.yr M.ecb CBOI-1 AI061-1Mble TP<lM1UI-10HHble .o.ei\I-1KaTecbl. A, Kp0Me TOfO, TaiOKe: np1-15lTHYIO aTMOCc:pe.. py, .o.p)I)KeAJ06HQ-HeHaB5l341-1BbiH n epcOHaA C OnbiTHbiM HeMeUKI-1M WecpoM Ha KyxHe. ZEITLOS pacnoAO)t(eH pMOM c rocrHHI-1ueH Bel la Vista B CaKMe, Ha o.o.HOH 1-13 MHOfOAIO.o.HbiX u eHTPMbHbiX YAI-1U - W epaTOH. Ha nep1-1o.o. )t(apKoro AeTa Oco6eHHO peKO'vleH.o.yeM OX!\a)t(ll.eHHbiH cppyKTOBbiH aAKOrOAbHbiH Hani-1TOK. 1113 pa3Hoo6pa3HbiX 6AIOA M€HIO CTOI-1T nonpo6oeaTh TPaLJ.I-1UI-10HHble Beef Rolls, Goul ash Soup. TaKHe .o.eAI-1KaTecbl KaK «I<AacceAep» (KonYeHa51 oT61-1sHaS1 CBI-1HI-1Ha) 1-1 KeH1-1rc6epr KAonc (M~ICHble wap1-1K1-1) 4aCTO 6b1BaiOT B HaAI-1· 41-11-1 (B 3aBI-1CI-1MOCTI-1 OT n OCTaOOK). Ha1-16oAee socrpe6oBaHHbiH M.ecb .o.ecepT - 5AI-1H41-1KI-1 C HYJ3MOH 1-1 BaHI-1AbHbiM MQpo)t(eHbiM - «I-IS1M-I-IS1M!» PecropaH41-1K np1-1at?T01 BecbMa no .o.ywe i\OOI-1TeAAM CTI-1AbHOro AeKopa 1-1 pa3yMHQro cOYeTaHI-151 ue Hbl 1-1 KaYecma. 3aecb np1-1BeTCTBYIOTCS1 3aKa3bl Ha opraHI-13aUI-110 AJ06biX Be4ep1-1HOK 1-1 J061-1AeeB. K a)t(AbiH BTOPHI-1K )t(I-1Ba~l MyJbiKa coM.aeT OC06Yf0 aTMOCcpepy 1-1 HaCTpoeH1-1e. 0craHOBI-1Te CBOH 6er BO BpeMeHI-1 1-1 OT.O.OXHI-1Te s ZEITLOS, 3a6biB o HeM 1-1 o6o seeM Ha cseTe! 0 c Restaurant . Grill . Bakery . Pastry _ _ _ Since 1995 ....._ 5 Times Award Winner of Best Restaurant in The Red Sea Old Sheraton ~~Road;~ Dream Beach Hwa1daq Squ11re Bulls B ulls, one of, if not the most popular restaurant in Hurghada, opened in 1995 as a steakhouse and since then has diversified its fare by adding a European bakery, an Italian section with pizza and pasta, and an authentic Chinese and Mexican menu Try Bulls' sa lad bar with a varied selection offresh greens- a meal by itself. Having introduced a variety of pastries, your choice of desserts is unlimited. You can also simply enjoy a fresh fruit salad. For this reasons Bulls is one of the best choices in Hurghada, offering decent portions for reasonable prices; you get a great value for your money. Enjoy Bulls in an air-conditioned setting, or on the terrace. Free Wi-Fi is also available. Bu lls is a 'must' for everyone visiting Hurghada. Index B ulls ist eines der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Restaurants in Hurghada. Es wurde als Steak House eroffnet und hat sein Angebot seitdem wesentlich erweitert. Heute betreibt Bulls seine eigene Backerei, hat einen Bereich for die italienische Kuche, in dem ausgezeichnete Pasta Gerichte und Pizza zubereitet werden, und offeriert origin~ I chinesische und mexikaische Spe1sen. Versuchen Sie die Bulls Salat Bar mit einer groBen Auswahl an gartenfrischen Salaten, fUr die Sommerzeit das Richtige fUr zwischendurch. Bulls zahlt zu den besten Lokalen in Hurghada. Die Portionen sind groB und die Preise sind angemessen. Das groBzugig angelegte restaurant hat einen groBen AuBenbereich mit riesiger Terrasse und vollklimatisierte Raume. Selbstverstandlich gibt es auch gratis WIFI. Bulls ist immer einen Besuch wert! Old Vic Beach 3 To o.t.I1H 113 crapeiiiw11x, noCT0$1HHO 06HOB/\$110W11XC$1 nonyA$1pHbiX pecropaHoB B Xypra.t.e. 0TKpb1B CBOI1 .t.Bep11 A!\$1 noceTI1TeAeiii B 1995 ro.t.y KaK «CTIHK xayc» no-MeKCI1KaHCKjlt, CO speMeHeM o63aBeAC$1 esponeiiicKoiii 6yAo~ Hoiii, pa3H006pa311/\ MeHIO 6AIO.t.aMI1 K11TaHCKOH H HTa/\b$1HCKOH KyxOHb. Pa3Hoo6pa3Hbliii (aAaT-6ap 113 Hai1CBe>KaHWI1X 11Hrpe.t.l1eHTOB >KAeT 3.t.eCb CTOpOHHHKOB 3.t.OpOBOro niltTaHI1$1 . Pa3Hoo6pa311e .t.ecepToB - 6e3rpaHjlt~Ho: caMble pa3Hoo6pa3Hble BKYCH$1WKI1 H cj:>pyKTOBble Ca/\aTI1 Kl1. Bb16paB 5yM3, Bbl He OWI16eTeCb. np11AI1~Hble nopUjltl1, yMepeHHble ueHbl. B 3aAe c KOH.t.11UI10HepaMjlt 11/\11 Ha OTKpbiTOiii Teppace MO>KHO 6ecnAaTHbiM BOCnOAb30BaTbC$1 WiFi. .6.o6po no)f(aAoBaTb! R._ed 5ea Bul leti Q61 REEF CHECK ECO DIVER COURSE Marsa Nakari: 17-20 June 2016 Become certified to conduct your own Reef Check surveys and take an active role in conserving your favorite coral reefs! This course wi ll allow you to join the Reef Check monitoring team and assist in underwater su rveys around the world. This is an intensive certification course designed to teach you everyth ing that is needed to conduct Reef Check monitoring surveys. The course will include a background in Reef Check methodology as wel l as identification trainings for fish, invertebrates and substrates for generalized geographic locations. Index Email: Reservation contacts: 012 274 237 773 - 065 3380026 0 8 .. ·~ R ~- .· REEFS AND MARINE LIFE Our house reefs feature magnificent coral reefs that are regularly visited by white and black tip reef sharks, hawksbill turtles, napoleons, and hundreds of other marine life species including dolphins and other pelagic species. SHARKS AND MANTAS The world famous Elphinstone Reef offers the chance to encounter hammerheads and mantas from May until August, and longimanus from October to December. This reef also offers chances to see many other sharks and pelagic species (as well as one of the most impressive and pristine coral reefs in the world). We also offer excursions to other reefs where encounters with a variety of shark species is possible, such as Shaab Sharm (from Marsa Nakari). DUGONG AND GIANT GREEN TURTLES We offer excursions by truck to various sea grass bays such as Marsa Abu Dabab for encounters with dugong and giant green turtles. DOLPHINS Day trips to the Marine Park Dolphin House (Shaab Samadai) are offered from Marsa Shagra and Marsa Nakari, while Satayah Reef is easily accessible from Wadi Lahami. Both reefs offer the chance of seeing spinner dolphins. WHALE SHARKS Occasional sightings of these beautiful animals occur mostly during the plankton season (April-June). DIVERSE ACCOMMODATION STYLES Our villages each offer a range of accommodation from simple cotton beach tents at the water's edge, t hrough to deluxe en-suite, air conditioned cha lets. All accommodat ion types have a view to the sea and desert with its mountain backdrop. UNLIMITED DIVING IN MARSA SHAGRA & MARSA NAKARI An unlimited diving package in Marsa Shagra and Marsa Nakari include zodiac service for the option of 6 different dive profiles on our famous and well protected house reefs. Our diving program in Wadi Lahami offers up t o 4 dives per day. UNIQUE DIVING PROGRAM A daily shore diving program and speedboat program covering the more t han 25 inshore and offshore reefs along approximately 180 km of fringing reef coastline is on offer from Marsa Shagra and Marsa Nakari, wh ile Wadi Lahami offers land-based access t o t he whole Fury Shoals reef system (normally dived by safari boat or liveaboard). Al l our locations are PAD I Diving Centres offering t he ful l range of PADI Courses. In addit ion Marsa Shagra is a certified TD I faci lity for technical divers. WORLD FAMOUS DIVE SITES Land-based access and t he shortest distance to world renowned dive sites like El phinst one, Marsa Abu Dabab, Shaab Samada i and Fury Shoals (Shaab Claudia, Malah i, Angel, Satayah Reef, Abu Galawa, Maksour and more!). Index 10:30 12:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:30 22:30 00:00 0 1:00 02:00 First Class First Class Deluxe Classic Eli te Class Royal Class First Class Deluxe Economy First Class First Class High Class ISO 110 85 75 55 85 85 70 LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE 12:30 13: 15 16:00 18:00 2 1:00 23:00 23:45 00:45 0 1:30 03:00 03:30 First Class Economy First Class Royal Pl us Deluxe First Class Del uxe Deluxe Elite Class First Class Elite Class 110 85 85 55 85 ISO 75 85 75 75 ISO 85 ISO LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE Super Jet Co. 14:30 23:45 Hotline High Jet Co. 23:30 00:00 00:30 0 1:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 High Class Special Special High Class Special High Class Special Special Special Special Special High Class Special Jli gh Class High Class 85 55 55 55 55 55 85 LE LE LE LE LE LE 13:30 15:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 2 1:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 55 LE 00:30 85 LE 85 LE 01:30 02 :30 15:15 00:30 16108 High Class Special Special High Class Specia l High Class Special Special Special Special Special Special Special High Class H igh Class 55 55 85 55 85 55 55 55 55 55 55 LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE 15:30 14:30 19:00 22:00 j Qena Qena IHurghada ll urghada Qena llu rghada 1 55 LE 85 LE 85 LE Upper Egypt for Transportation & Tourism Co. (UETTC) 065 3547582 Index 30 LE 30 LE 30 LE [3)~a£!lt11~1Jb:n ~ Ambulance ......... ....... 123/3549982/3546490 Fire Det>artment ...... .......... 180/3544862 Gas Emergency .............. 149 Police. . ..................... 122/3463203 Police -Security ............................. 3544860 Police- Tourist.. ...................... 12613543365 Road Emergency .... 0 122111 0000 Telephone Directory. . ...... ..... .. 140 The American University El Gouna.... 3580000 TU Berlin Compus .. 3561420 Fax:356 1421 ~ Egyptian Hospital... ......................... 3450318 Hospi~1l.. lilii EI Gouna •.... _ . .3580012- 19 E l Haya Hospital...... ......... 01006966123 El Hckma Hospital ... . ..... 3553999 E l Salam Hospital ..• . .... 36150121315 General Hospital AI Quseir ............. 3330070 General Hospital Hurghada ........... 3546740 General Hospital Safaga ........ 325 1549 Military Hospital ......................... .. . 3549513 Ni le Hospital ............................ 355097415-8 Red Sea Hospital ..... 3544850101005032445 ~~ lhrt,rn .:Jtt;~l Emergency .... 01222433116 Or. Nabil... ............................... 01224455127 Dr. Wael... ................................ 0 I 224362222 Dc~.·u lnh:m ;II H\n:ll Emergency ............... 01222190383 Oahab ...................................... 01222190372 E l Gouna ......... 0 1222190383 Fax: 3580020 Hamata .......... .. 0128 1556330101222174148 . ... 0122174 1533 Safaga. ..... ...... ......... H~rcnncJ Emergency .............................. 01002187550 Dr. Hanaa ............... 0122639 1450 Dr. Jlossam ............... 01222187550 :'-/;1\al Hvr crhanc 6.: ~ rncrgcnc1 Mco.IJC<l l rentre . J4491 'H ~lll>J.1ij313.i{il~ Busy Bees N ursery .... 01113426200 Cheeky Monkey ............... 0 1227382332 Funny Bunny ........................... OIOOIJ86693 Green Leaf Nursery.... .. 01004046820 Happy Smurfs ..... .................... 0 I 064920664 Mama Giulia Italian Nursery .. 0100462 1749 Ncmo Kinderg:trten . . ... 0 I 097390038 Play & Pre-School...... ... 0 I 222344428 Sunshine Nursery .................... 0 I 223769153 ~~ Creative Minds .... --.................. 01114 118806 El Gouna School ............................. 3580080 E l Hegaz Private School ........... ..... 9200118 Freneh School ................................. 920.1 344 Futures Language SchooL ............. 345 180 1 Future Pioneers ....................... 01 117728444 ~erman Hotel School l· - El Oouna ........ ... ..... ......... _~80444 German SchooL ............................. 3443631 •Jl.<ll ur~halli1 Amori<:lm ,p [ntemational Scbool - ... - Oill82<H552 .1J!i'_ Lingoworld ............................. 01277033332 Modern Generation SchooL ........... 354646 1 Rajac School ...... ... . ..... 3440346 Royal Elgeel Elsaaed ............. 920011213/4/5 S t. J oseph's School.. ........................ 3462018 Sunn,o 111\cmat.ional School .. 3554643 @ Dr. Aziz Lotfy ~ Aramcx- Courier Service ....... .... 16996 City C01mci l ... ... 3546375 DH L .......................... .......... 16345/3451490 E lectricity Complaints ..... 3441 16413546060 fed Ex ........ ..............9200505/0 1223985 777 F lightlnfonuation ...... ... ......... .... ... 3442831 HEPCi\ .......................... ... 3447728/3445035 . 3447622 M iddle East Courier Services .. Post Office .. ........ ........... ................ 3546372 ........ 3546397 Registration Office . Taxi Complaints ....... 3550553/0 11 1860 1601 Telephone Complaints .................... 3440909 Tourist Lnfonn:~tion ... 3463221 Fax:3463220 Western Union....... ..... ... .......... .......... 16430 ....... . 3500079 Youth Hostel ~ Alexandria .............. . . .... 03 427103612021 Aswan ...... . ....... 097 348033312440 Cairo. . .. 02 2265500012222 .. ...... 065 346272 2/3 Hurghada Luxor......... .. ..... 095 2374655/879 Marsa Alam ............. ....... 065 3700021-6 Shann El Sheikh ......... .. ...... .069 3601 141-4 .~@'1/!®{jJUmj Aero Service ......... ........ 01001390516 Egypt Air ................ .. .............. 3463034-37 L ink Aero TradingAgency ...... Ol001 250512 SS Air ................... ................. 345 1555 Tiger Aviation... ......... 0 1223190288 Thomas Cook .............. .344333813541870-1 Top Aviation ............ .. .... 3462317 Tmvco Airlines Ticketing.. . ... 3451467-8 . ..... 19849 Turkish Airlines., ..... .. ... ...... .... ~ ABC Bank. .......... 19 123 AOIB ......... ........... 19951 Ahli United Bank ...... .......... 19072 Arab African International Bank ......... l9555 Bank Audi ............ ... ....... 16555 Bank l)u Caire......... .. ........ 16990 Bank of Alexandria. ..... 19033 Banquc Misr..... ......... 19888 Barclays Bank ...... 16222 BJorn Bank .............. .. ........ 19233 CIB Bank .................... . ....... 19666 Cr<!dit Agricole Eg_YPt. .......... 19191 Egyptian Arab Land Bank ........... ....... 19939 Emirates NBD .................................... 16664 Housing & Development Bank .......... 19995 HSBC .......... 19007 National Bank of Abu Dhabi.... . ..... 19977 National Bank of Egypt ...................... 19623 National Bank of Greece..................... 16272 National Bank o f Kuwait .. ........... ...... 19336 Piraeus Bank Egypt. ...... 19322 QNB Alahli ............. .. ........ 19700 Union National Bank ......................... 16862 ~ Australia .. ................... .. . ......... 0227706600 Austria........ . ............ 0235702975 Belgium ..... .. ............. 0227947494 Consulate E l Go una ...... .... 3580252 Internist- Cardiologist Consultant In front of Egyptian Hospttal, AI Kawther, Hurghada Reservations: 0120 702 4 268 - 01 22 31 49 630 Canada..... .... 0227918700 Czech Republic ........................ 0233339700 France ...................................... 0235673200 Germany.... . .. .... 0227282000 Great Britain ....... .........0227940850/2/8 British Honorary Consulate ... 010 153439 15 Italy .......................................... 0227943194 Italian Honorary . ...... 0653449366 Vice Consulate . Netherlands ... 0227395500 Poland ..................................... 0227367456 Russia ....... 0237489353 .. ......... 0225758284 Switzerland Tha.iland ... .. .. 0233367005 Ukraine .................................... 0223786871 USA .. .... , ....... 0227973300 ~owm Red Sea Image, 36ii} •El Gouua ............. 012234-10349 lQ.IM.*' Hurghada .......... ~ ....... ..... 3447970 •.Marsa Alam .... - .... 01227376130 •shann El Sheikh ... 01223436564 2 .,,.J Zoom Phtography.......... 01004999299 ~@~ El Gouna Golf Club ........ 01227464712 Frogs Swun Academy Faoos Fl Gouna .................. .. 01282741000 llurghada ........... - ... 012817-12000 St>ma Bay ................... 01:?75120400 Madinat Makadi Golf 0 I 0000725 78 ~@~ $,!DY . Baroudy Ln\1 r iml 011-14466210 :V!AT,.._ ..... - ....... _.... tlll55221100 To have your number included and updated in our listing section please send It via email before April 1Qth to: infO@redsea-bu lletln .com U§I'~ Blue Moon Anim:1l Center ..... 0 I 005490046 Cat Hotel ................................. 01145158422 ~- ....... _ .. 0 1212182393 ~GoldL'!lpet ............... ......... 0 I02719 1867 ~~ Hurghada Abyss- Bella Vista .......................... 3440522 Admera ................... .. 3448397 Fax: 344 1384 AI Mashrabia SWDF ............ ........... 3442375 Annette & Jiirgen ................... 0 1222300483 Aqu;maut Red Sea .... 3549891 fax: 3547045 Aquarius Beach Club .. 3500035 Fax: 3500044 Aqu;1rius l)iving Club 3446650 Fax:3442394 Aqua Safari .............. 3444804/0 1223580190 Aquanaut Blue Heaven ............. 3440892 Arabia Aqua Center... . ............ 3548790 Aristeda Euro Divers .......... ... 0 I 00 1888552 Black Shark ......................... .... 01222182352 Blue Dre;)m ... ,.. ....... 344270110 I 007760777 Blue Paradise ............. 3544354 Blue Water ....... 0 1223 126307 Fax : 3502500 Bright Sky ... .. .......... 0 lll7766388 Bubbles Diving College ... 3442057 Colona . . ............ 346463 1 C\tpidon ............ . ............ 3546823 Deep Blue Divcrs ..... 350205310 I 065520763 Deep Divers . ............ 0 1289125 125 Deep Dream ... . 0 1222392989 Diamond ......... . ..... 3548597 Dinos ............................................. 3545050 Diving Star ............................. 01224566642 Discovery Divers ..... 01227472899/344825 1 Dive Academy.. ............. ...... 3551 170 Dive Cours ... ... 3443693 Dive Parry .......... ............................. 3442233 Dive Safaris- Festival Hote l. .. OI 066675840 Divers Adventure Center .. .............. 3553481 Divers Heaven Fleet ...................... 3440220 Divers Intentational ... ...... ........... 3549?45 Divers Lodge .... .............. ........... ... 3465100 DivingHouse .. . ............ 3447810 Dive Point .................. . 0 1223255483 Dive S top ................ 3448957/0 1006699109 Dive S top Marina ... .. 3451318IOI 006699 109 Dive Too. ........ ... ......... 01202914025 Dive Trip ................................ 0 1223258277 Shedwan ........ 01280159935 Diving Way ...... ..................... 0 1202093685 Diving World .... ....... 3443582/0 1222448924 Dune ......................... 32550 I I Fax : 3253075 Eagle Ray Divers ................... 01227374129 E l Ghonamy ............ 3547705 Fax: 3544460 Clinic 1: Sheraton Road- El Souk Building Apt. 1509 Clinic 2: 23 Mohammadi Hweidak Str., in front of Mubarak 2 Mobile: +2 0122 314 95 93 Index R_ed )ea Bulletil) 65 MilJIRIYEl i H Your expert pet store Baw 3KcnepT 300Mara3H Professional Windows & Android IT Support, Internet Projects. Hurghada Red Sea oln-181-8899 • We find the pet you've always wanted , • We are happy to give you information about feeding and accessories • We build cages, aquariums, kennels, and more • In case of a move we will assist you in finding a new home for your beloved pet Behind Telephone Central - Sa kala - Hurghada - J;gy 0122 218 23 93 ~ El Samaka DC'. ......... 3465 153/0 I 00520405 1 Euro Divers Grand Hotel ..... 01005822735 Frogman ........... 0 1223447 172/0122321539 1 Fun Octopu> ....., ................ ,............ ,3447909 Funny Divers .......................... 01224193164 Geli & tile DC ......... 3444 l50 Fax: 3443705 Go Dil'e ........................................... 3445085 C.ood Life ............................... 01224336099 Golden Dolphin ....................... 0 1223134902 Gulfotvers............... 3550130 !'ax: 35466l!O 1[20 Dlving ..................................... 3447519 1;-lappy Diving .................. .. .........., ... 3541R07 llor Palace D.C . ....... 34~3710 fax: 3442603 IIlo> Dive Club ................................ 3465442 !MEl Divers ............. 01222460380/344814 1 I tab Nouvel. .................................. ... .'1465073 James & Mac ............ 3463003 fax: 34621~ l Jasmin Sport ..... (l 1222447897l'ax: 3460~34 King Tm .......................................... 3546833 Lion Heart ., ................. ,........... Ol223H9416 Magawish ........................................ 346462 1 Manta Divers ................................... 3548628 Mares Diving Center. ..................... 3556485 Marin" Scuba Diving ............ ,........ 3551340 Marine Sports Club ......................... 346300S Marhn Inn D.C ......... 3443791 Fax: 3443353 Masters C'Jub ................................... 3463660 Mennaid Diving Center .......... Ol223649519 Mina Mark Aqua Center ........ ,........ 344'7791 Mirage Marine F leet ............... 01222 1J3l83 N~w Dino ........................................ 35535ll6 New Son Bijou........................ 01223245296 Nizar Diving Center ................ 0100 1798887 Ocean Red ................ J-142275 Fax: 3442273 Oclopt\s .................................. 01220106854 Only Six ......................................... 3620533 Oscilr Diving Center .............. ,01222242087 Optimist Divers ...................... 01 119502344 Oxygen Eosy Divers ............... 01222305202 Panorama Divers ..................... 010025H214 Piano Diving Club .................. 01005544956 Prince DC ......... 0 1227051216/0122248401 5 Pro Scuba Diving ................... 0 1116880668 Pro Sea Team-Conrad ............. 01222182393 Red Sea Dolphin ........ , ........... ......... 3444146 Red Sea Scuba Schools. .................. 3444854 Saclko ...................................... 01221384632 Sahara Divmg Center ...................... 35 48302 Sara Divcrs ...................................... 3549672 SeaJari Red Sea0100 1500034 fax: 3462157 Sea Horse ........................................ 354 762 1 Sea Serpem F leet... ... 3448036 Fax: 3448036 Sea Wol f Divers ......... , ........... 01227374129 Sharks .................................... 01001018069 Sharky ............................................. 3463004 Sinai Divers ...... O1222294432/01222280630 Somaya& Rudi Kneip ............... 3442960 fax: 3443234 Scuba World Diving Club ....... 0 I 069 117778 South Red Sea Susatma ........... Ol223573985 SL.ingray .................... 3443261 l'a.'l: 3443267 Storm ............................................... 3441592 S ubex-DownlllWn .... 3547593 !'ax: 3547471 Sub life Divers ......................... 0122344729 1 The Crab., ..... ................. .............. , ... 359021 5 The S un Solar .................................. 3350205 Titanic .................................... 01224442736 Twin Dolphin ................ ................ ,.3542000 Twins Diving ................................... 344 1739 TO!- Middletast ..... OI005467700 Fax: 3447520 UnderseaAdvenltiie ....................01299923790 United Divers- Thermocline ............ 253687 66 [\ed 5ea Bulletif) Index VJ.P. Dive ....... -" .....3~4128 Fax: 3444129 Voodoo l)ivcrs.......... O1223345766/3548 159 While Dolprun ........................ o1227407847 Sahl Hasheesh Aquariw; ............, ................... 01226877118 Dive Pro Academy ... ...... 0 1272227689 El Gouna Blue Brothers Divmg ............. 0 l 06665410 I Colona ..... , .... ,................ , ................. 3580113 Easy Divers Academy ............ 012223491 1~ Emperor Diver ........................ 0 1224888779 Euro Divers ................................... 3547934 Orca ..................... .... , ............... , ...... 3580078 TGJ.......... . ...... ......... .. ... 012274 1J 336 The Dive Conn~clion .................... 3580052 Makadi Bay Aquarius Diving C lub. Tel/Fax: 3590308/ 13 Emperor Divers ., ..................... 0 1224888779 Extra Divers ........ ..... Ol001276 L0813590000 The Crab-Makadi Aay ..................... 3590215 ;,hal m El Nag a S harm El Naga .. ............... 0 I 00 1134540 Soma Bay Barracud:t .................................. ,..... 3260049 Orca Diving Center ......................... 354500~ Robinson Club ................................ 3549854 Soma Bay Diving Center ................ 3545004 .Safag.:?J Alpha Red Sea................................. 3253229 flarnkud:t-LOIIIS Bay 3253911/F;tX: n5 1476 Dig Blue ................... 3253581 /0 1227327074 Calypso Diving Cenler ............ Ol227919222 Diving Center Im ..... 3442982 Fax: 3179455 1Junt' .. , ............... , ............... .. .. , .... ,., .. 3253075 Emperor Divers ................. ... 01222385760/2 International Divcmast<rs ............... 3549745 Mena Dive ....................................... 3260060 N•mo Dive Cl~tb & Hotel ... , ........... 3648708 Orca Red Sea ..... " ..... 32601ll fax: 3260054 Shams- Safaga ......... 3251781 Fax: 32517&0 Toms Diver Bouse 1 Fred Lombard ............. .......... , ...... ,.. 0 1113615461 United Divers ...... ............... "''··•··-··· 3253687 Volkert.. ......................................... 32516.11 Al Quseir Akas.-ia .01222-116739/01224397342 Camelia .................. 0 1221617120 Diving. de El Flamenc<> ....... , ... 01221165 152 Duck' s Dtve Cen1er..333~S I 0/0 1 223836 1 08 Extra-l)ivcrs. Radisson SAS ... Ol006026099 Marsa Alam Divers ...................... 3334871-5 Pharaoh Oivt'C'Iub ..... .. .... .. .. ,. 0 I 006822000 Rocky Valley ...... .............. .. ........... 3335247 Sub Aqua .................................. ...... 3334533 Subex ........................ 3332100 Fax: 35-17471 Utopia Divin.g Club ........................ 333~532 M<Jr;a Alam Aquanus Awlad Daraka .......... 01006460408 Beach Saf.1ri ..... 01006 103376/0 1227457824 Blue H~aven HQ~.:L1y,:......,............. OJOOI 04 1692JIJ I002485330 Deep Soulb ....... O122792333610 1223258869 In front of Gorm•n restaurant E1 Hade res at., Hurghed• r4iW KuMilbluTepHcts:t floAJlep>H)o(CJ B 'peAe Windows. H Andrn1d, ~HrepHer- ~ npoeKrbl, Xypraua " Diving Ocean .......................... 01001754354 Emperor Divcrs ........ 370022210 1227J72 126 Extra Divers ......................... 0100009556l/3 Extra Divers Port Gha lib .. ,...... OI 069464258 Nakari ............................. 338002 1126 Ocean Nt·w Project ................. 01227484335 Ocean Pro ................................ 0 1095l00356 Orca El-Zabargad .................... OI005289119 RED SEA DIVING SAFARI~ Marsa Shagra 01222449073 ./... . Marsa Nakarl 01282166511 Wadi Lahami 01223913786 Reservation no. 0653380021 tn fa@ redse a - d i vi ngsai a ri . com www. r ed">ea - d rvi ngsaf ari .c om Scafnri-Brayka Bay Village .... 0 1001500034 Wadi AI Gitnal ...... 3251780/0122244493112 Wadi Lab my ............. ....... ,......... 3~8002 1 /26 Vera Sub - Elphislooe ............ 012273 71921 Wnta Oiving ........................... OI222289057 amamn:..•Ql11ll:!Lli'11l~ Aqualung Egypt ............................. 9201 12:1 Amir $ULU110 ............ . 3544739/0 1224667995 CQltri ···•····••····••····•····••····•·····• OI 007n8202 Delta Tech ....................................... 3542754 Dive Ex ................................... OI223399334 Dive Oasis ............................... 0 1276152696 Di,ing House ........... 3447810/0 1 0033~0395 G.S.C. Diving Technologies...... 01007778202 Jo>cph red• (Safuga} ............. 01112148600 ITorizon ............ 01 14111009710 1224925283 Maya ............... ........................ 0 I 00;\630 130 Red Sea Diving .Equipment............. 3549088 Scubapro ......................................... 3~5592 5 Sc>aWolf Oivtrs ........... ............ 0 1227805044 Sea Wolf Diving Safan .... " ..... Ol227-161076 Skubba ..................................... (l l 22~-143088 <il!CJfum!1008rtniiliDZ Bauer Kompressoren ...................... 3552747 Dive Mix ......... ........................ 0 I 000096033 Cohri Sub C'ompressors .. .......... 01007778205 Nitrox Nctwork ........ ~451270101281531836 Teclu1ic .................................... 0 l 007739774 Pressure Teeb .................................. 3549088 To have your number included and updated In our listing sect.1on please send it via emafl before Apr11 1Qth to: fnfo®redsea-bulletln ,com "' I " " iii "' Cl o "' \VZ ~ --~~>" ... ! rl ~ Hurghada Aladdin Bc,.ch Resort. .....Tcl.ll•a'c 3460470 Albatros Paface ... 3~64168178 fax: 3464179 Alf Leila \Va l.eila34646UI -9 Fax: 3464605 Alia Beach Resort .... 3451365 Fax: 3451365 Ali Baba Pal:tce........3460463 Fax: 3460499 AI Mas Resort ........... ..................... 34463 13 AmbassadorCiub,.)4{i2501-5 Fax: 3462505 AMC Azur Resort --" ~5020 1 2 Fa.x: 3502015 Andrea.• .......................................... 3442251 Aqua F110 ................. 3443692 Fax: 3443694 Aqua VtSt:l.. ....... .... 3464162-6 Fax: 3464 167 Arabella ........ ............ 3545087 Fax: 35-14890 Arabia Bcach ............ 3548790 Fax: 3544777 BeachAibatros .... 3464001-1 l Fax: 3464000 Beach Albatros Gardeu .......... ......... 3464801-8 Fax: 3464810 Beintl HoteL ........... 35489061'ax: 3546680 Bel Air Beacl\ ........... 3544500 Fa.x: 35450 l 0 Btlla Vista ................ 34-1869 1 Fax: 3443548 Diballotel. ............. " 344-1908 Fax: 3442565 Bravo Mount Vcrdc ......................... 3555606 Brigitte llotel .................................. 3502053 Calimera. , ........ ,.. 3502053-58 Fax: 3502052 Canary Hotel .................................. 35-13808 Coral Beach .............. 3461610 Fax: 3461616 Coral Sca .................. 3460020 Fax: 346002 3 Dana Beach ........ .346040 1-1 2 Fax: 3460400 Desert Rose ..... ........ 3460600 Fax: 3460608 Ei.flellforeL.. ... .. ..... ...... .................. 3444570 mArosa Hotel.. ............................... 3549 190 Elaria Hotel ............. 3444402 Fax: 3546580 F.lysees Apanmen( Hotel ............... 34439~0 El Gezirab ........................ 3547785135-17809 F\1 Kasr ..................... 3447352 Fax: 3447351 El Samaka .................. .................. 3465146/3 F.l Tabia ................... .3442350 Fax: 344V51 Festival Le Jardin ... . 3502600 Fax: 3502605 festival Riviera ....... 350222 1 rax: 3502220 Friendship Village ........................... 3443100 Gciswn Villagc .,, .......... ,, .............. , .. JS46692 Giftun Vi Uage ........ 3463040-8 Fax: 3463050 Golden Five .............. 3446300 F~x: 3446307 Golden Rose ............. 3440871 Fax: 3440876 Gulden Swi ......... ..... . 34.J4403 Fa~: 3445 19!; Golf Hotel ... ... . ...... ... 3442828134-14328 Grand Hotel. ............. 3463100 r~x: 3463 105 Grand Plaza Ilotel .. 3465243-9 Fax: 3465060 Grand RcSQrt ,.... , ...... J46310i Fax: 3463109 Grand Seas ............... 3460111 Fax: 3460222 Happy Land ..................................... 3 54 73 73 Hilton Long Deacb Resort .......... .3% 1500-9 Hilton Plazll ............. .JS49745 Fax: 3547$97 Hilton Resort ........ ... 3465039 Fax: 3465035 Residence ................. 3446012/3 Hor l':tlace ............ 3465:10 1-3 l'~x: 3465300 lberotel Arabella .... 3545086-9 Fax: 3545090 Jasm ine Palace llotel ........................ 346J060 Fax: 3461 169 Jasmine Village ..... 3460460/3 fax: 3460454 JazAquamarine ....... 3461100 Fax: 3461109 Jaz Bluemarine ., ....... , .. , ................ ,. 346 11 00 Jungle Aqua Park .. 3464602-5 Fax: 3464601 King Tui ................... 35S4405 r~x: 3554406 Lamera Hotel .... , ....... , .. , ...... ........... 3442075 LaPerla .............................Tei/Fax: 3443281 Le J>acha ................... 3444150 !'ax: 3443705 Les Rois ... 01001 265364 Fax: 010012677 13 Lilly Land.......... , .......... , ........... , ... ,,. 3460001 MagaWtsb ................ . 346~620 Fax: 3464633 Elite Linen Egypt is your solution to quality affordable linen and towels Hurghada. El Kawther. Regency Towers Next to the Bnt1sh resort Tel.. 011 288 619 42 f el1 te linen egypt Magic Beach Hotel . 3548 197 Fax: 3548253 Marina Residence .. , ... 01 110060793 Marlin Inn ................ 3443791 Fax: 3443790 Marriott .................... 3404420 Fax: 3404430 Mashrabeya .............. 3443332 Fax: 3443344 Mercure Hurgbada ... 3464641-8 Fax: 3464640 Mina Mark ............ 3447791-5 Fax: 344 7792 Mirage Resort & Spa ................. 3465072/78 Mirerte ...................... 3547791 Fax: 3547794 Movcnpick Resort .. 3465100 Fax: 3465101 Nubia Aqua Beach Resort , ...... 9201750 Old Vic ..................... 3442235 Fax: 3442064 Palma De Mirette ..3547794-5 Fax: 3547795 ....,. 3500035 Fax: 3500044 Palm Be<~ch Panorama Bungalows Resort ......... 3502300 t>aradise Chann Life ....................... 3463636 Paradise Village .............................. 3446300 ..... 3547577 Pharaohs Ho1el Philopater Hotel... .... . .... 3541104 Premium Grand Horizon ................ 3447500 Princess Club ........3465001-4 Fax: 3465007 Reemyvem ....... ,.....,. 3460010 F:~x: 3460014 Regina Style . ... ........ 3442273 Fax: 3442274 Ritz Hotel ...................................... 354 703 1 Roma .............................................. 344814 1 Sand Be:~ch .... 3547822 Fax: 3547822 Sahara ..... ................... ... 354830 1 Elite Linen Egypt home decor Sapphire Suites Hotel ...... 3447744 Sea Garden ............... . ... 3447492-9 Sea Gull Resort ...... . ...... 3443961 Sea Horse .3547016 Sea Shell ...... 3442901 Sea Star Beau Rivage ............ 3542000 Fax: 3545100 S<"a World Resort .... ... .3464809-16 Sea View Hotel.. ........ .... .. TeL/Fax: 3545959 Sentido Mamlouk Palace ....................... 3460140 Fax: 3460154 Siva Grand Beach .... 3463121 Fax: 3463130 Sbedwan Garden Hotel.. ...................... 3555051 Fax: 3555054 Shedwan Golden Beach ......... 3547007 Fax: 3548045 Sherry Hotel . 3442709 Sindbad Aquapark ... ........ ........ . .3449601 .3443261 Sindbad Beach ....... . Sindbad Family .. ................... .. 3449602 ........ 3449603 Sindbad Resort . Siva Grand Beach ... 3463 13 1-3 Fax: 3463 130 Sol Y Mar Ivory Sui1es ... 3462610 Fax: 3462888 Souvenir Hotel .... ........ 3447352 Sonseta Pharaoh ... .......3461001-5 Stcigenbcrger AI Oau Beach Hotel .............. 3465400 Fax: 3465410 Steigenberger Aqua Magic ....................... 3465400 Fax : 3465410 St. George ....................................... 3548246 St. Maria Resort .... ..... 3465 161 Sultan Beach .... 01006017152 Fax : 3465053 Sun & Sea ho1el .............................. 3449384 Sunny Beaclt Resort .,.... . OI220004571 Fax: 01280853588 Smmy Days Palacio... 3551780 Fax: 3551788 Sunrise Crystal Bay .. 3460020 Fax : 3460025 Sunrise Le Jardin ...... 3502600 Fax: 3502605 Sunrise Select Carden Beach..............3460040 Fax : 3460053 Sunrise Holidays ..... 3445080 Fax : 3445085 Tabia Hotel... ............ 3442350 Fax: 3442351 The Grand Marina .... 3463100 Fax : 3463 105 Topaz Club .............. 3447744 Fax: 3446315 Three Corners .... 35488 1819 Titanic Aqua Park................... 01003408900 Ticanic Beach Resort .... 3461420 Fax: 3461430 Triton Empire Beach Resort .. . ...., .... 3547816 Fax : 3548816 Triton Empire Hotel.3549200 Fax : 3549212 Triton Empire lnn ..... 3549200 Fax : 3549212 Waves Resort ............ 3447529 Fax : 3447529 White Albatros .............................. 3442519 While Beach Resort ... ... 3463661-2 Zahabia ....... 3548652 El Gouna Ali Pasha Hotel ......... 3580088 Fax:3580088 Arena Inn .................. 3580078 Fax:3580079 Bellevue Beach Hotel .................... 3545 161 Captain's Inn ................................... 3580 170 Club Paradisio .......... 3547934 Fax:3547933 Dawar El Omda ... , .... 3545600 Fax:3545601 Fanadir ..............., ... 3580076 Fax : 3545060 La Maison B leue .... 3545640 Fax : 3580066 Movenpick Resort .... 3580120 Fax:3545 160 Mosaiquc ................. 3580077 Fax : 3545060 Panorama Khan Hotel. ................... 3580052 Sheraton Miramar ...... .............. 3545 106/684 Steigenberger Golf .. 3 580140 Fax: 3580 149 Sultan Bey ................ 3545600 Fax : 3545601 TTC Ocean View .... 3580350 Fax : 3580355 TTC Rihana hm ....... 3580025 Fax : 3580030 TTC Ribana Resort ................. 3580025-29 Fax : 3580030 Turtle's Inn ........... 3580170 Fax: 358017011 Sahl Hasheesh Baron Palace ..... . . ..... ........ 01126666280 Citadel A:zur ... 3605000 Fax: 3605001/2 Tropitel Resort ... ........... ... 0 1220071288 Old I>a lacc .............. . .. 067 5200220 Palm Beach Piazza .. .0128 1444303 Pyramisa Beach Resort ...... 0128162261/2 Fax: 0 1226977797 Pretnier Ibrahim Pasha Hotel . 01110778856 Premier Romance Boutique . 0 111{)778856 Hotel & Spa.... Premier Le Reve Hotel & Spa .. 01110778856 The Oberoi ..... 3440777 Tropitel Resort ........................ 01220071288 Makadi Bay Cleopatra Hotel... ..... 3561700 Fax: 3561701 Club Azur ....3590319-24 Pax: 3590316 Fort Arabesque ........ 3590200 Pax : 3590209 JazAquaviva ............ 0127705555113/8 Fax: 0 1281941943 JazMakadi Golf Hotel ................ 3590530 Fax : 3590540 Jaz Makadi Saraya Resort .... ... 3590 120 Fax : 3590129 Jaz Makadi Saray Palms ...... . 3590530 Fax: 3590540 Jaz Makadina ........ . 3590025 Fax: 3590035 Jaz Makadi Star & Spa ... 3590580 Fax : 3590589 Harmony Resort .... .. 3590359 Fax : 3590360 lberotel Makadi Beach .......... 3590000 Fax:3590020 lbcrotel Makadi Oasis Club ....................... 359005018 Fax: 3590059 lbcrotel Makadi Oasis Resort ............. 3590050 Fax: 3590059 Makadi Beach ........................ ........ 3590000 Makadi C lub Oasis & Family Resort ...... 3590050 Pax : 3590059 Makadi Palace ......... 3590150 Pax : 3590 151 Makadi Spa ............. 3590150Fax: 3590161 Nabila Hotel.. . . 3590140 Fax: 01226838666 Prima Life Makadi ... 3590250 Fax : 3590255 Royal Azur ................................. 3590306/13 Saraya Suites ............ 3590120Fax: 3590029 Sensimar Makadi .... 3590060 Fax: 3590079 Serenity ..................................... .... 3590960 Capsule Espresso Machine Red ea Bblleti Index since 1998 Original Italian, made in Italy Original packaging, ~ver in use 1700 LE including 10 capsules ~u,pslues can be bought in Hurghada for lE 4 per piece 0122 232 8155 f\ed )ea Bulletil) 67 SoiYMar Club Makadi. _..,. .... ,.3590025 Fax: 3590035 Sol Y Mar Makadi Marine ...... ............... 3590060 Fax: 3590079 SolYMar Makadi Sun . ............ 3590070 Fax: 3590079 S unwing Watcnvorld .............. 3590 ISO Fax: 359016 1 Sunwing Family Star .............. 3590 150 Fax: 359015 1 Sunrise Select Roya l Makadi ... ,....... 3590390 Fax: 3590402 Steigenbcrger ... ,..... ,. 3590530 Fax: 3590540 The Grand Makadi .•. 3590 150 Fax: 3590151 Tia Heights Makadi .. 3590590 Fax: 3590595 Sharm Et Naga S bann E l Naga ........................ 01005441100 Soma Bay Caribbean World ...... 3260804 Fax: 3260$00 Kcmpinski Hotel .... ,. 3561500 Fax : 356 1600 Palm Royale .. ........... 3260700 Fax :3260749 Robinson Club .......... ....... ,............. 3549854 ..... 3562584 Fax: 3562580 Sheraton Sol Y Mar Paradise Beach.................. 3260017/25 Fax: 3260016 The Breakers Diving & Surfing Lodge ...........1562641 Fax: 3562640 Westin Golf Resort . 3562600 Fa.x: 3562672 Safaga Am ira Safaga ................................. 325382 1 C lub Magic Life .......................... ... 3200000 Coral Garden ......... 3262020-3 Fall: 3262024 Daily Dive Resort ... .. .... 3253075 Lamar Resort .......... 3260 I00 Fax: 3260 105 Lorus Bay ........................................ 325 1040 Mcnavil le .............. 326006417 Fax: 3260068 Nefenary ...................................... 3262001 -3 Nemo Dive C lub & Hotel ............... 3256777 Safaga Borel... ................................. 3252670 S hams Safaga ..., ............. ................. 3260044 Sol Y Mar Paradise ,. 3260017 Fax: 3260016 AI Quselr Akassia ..................... ........ 01222307718/45 ('amelia Beach Resort .................... 339502 1 Cinderella Beach ............................ 3334536 Fanadir Beach ................................ 333 1414 Flamenco Beac.b & Resort ......... 3350200109 Hclio Land ............... 3390051-4 Mangrove ................................ 3334507/$/9 Movenpick Resort..,.. 335041 0 Fax:3350420 Pensee Royal Garden .............. 01227471122 Radisson Btu Resort........................ 3350260 Rocky Valley Diving Camp .... 01223334063 Utopia ...................................... 01227388002 Port Ghalib InterContinental the J>al;)cc .........,. .... 3360000 Fa~ : 3360025 68 R_ed 5ea Bulletil) Index Crowne Plaza Sahara Oas is .. .......... 3360000 Fall: 3360025 Crownc Plaza Sahara Sands ........... 3360000 F;ox: 3360025 Marina Lodge .......... 3360000 Fax: 3360025 Marsa Alam Abou Nawas Resort ................. 3380062/4/0 I 222439950/2 Blue Reef.Ol 227676728/29 Fax: 01227676723 Brayka Bay Resort ... 3380065/01221004401 Fax: 3380070 Calimcra Habiba Beach Resort ...................... 3380105 F;~x : 3380124 Cataract .............................. 01223936229-31 Coral Beach Diving Resort ....................... 3 700222 Fax: 3 700221 Ecolodg" Bedouin Vallcy ........ OI222181427 E lphistone Resort . .3380031-4 Fall: 3380030 Equinox E l Nabaa Resort ....... 01 222353475 Fax: 0 1222396934 Fantasia Rcsort ....... Ol220606001 Fax : 0 1229105666 Grand Azur Horizon................ .. 3447500 Hol icL~y Beach Residentia1.. ...... ,. .... 3750065 Iberotel Coraya Beach Resort. ............................ 3750000 Fax: 3750009 InterContinental - Grand Plaza .... O1066691666 Jaz Dar El Madina .............. 3750100/8 Fax: 3750109 Jaz Lamaya Resort ... 3750030 Fall: 3750039 Jaz Samaya Resort ... 3750030 Fax: 3750039 Jaz Solaya ................. 3750015 P;IX : 3750024 lah;unill<l)' 01223 173344 Fax : 0 1223168410 Onani Beach Resort ............... 0 100 1112 110] Oriental Bay .................. 01002114901 /2/3/4 Pensee Royal Garden .......... .. . 0122747 1122 RED SEA DIVING SAFARI~ Marsa Shagra 01222449073 . ·~ Marsa Nakari 01282166511 · Wadi Lahami 01223913786 . Reservation no. 0653380021 in fo@redsea-d iv in gsa f ari. com www. redsea-divingsafari . com Reef Resort Resta ................ ........... 3750090 Sentido Oriental Dream Rcsort. ..... 3319907-ll Fax: 3319912 Solitaire Beach Resort. .................... 3380 I00 Sol Y Mar Abu Dabbab ........ OI000096001-4 Sol Y Mar Dolphin House .... 01068827514 Fax: 0 1068820 12617 Three Comers Fayrouz Plaza ......... 01225900030 Fax: 01000090213 Sentido Kahramana Park .......................... 3380006 Fax: 3380010 Sentido Kahramana Beach ....................... 3380006 Fax: 3380010 Sol Y Mar New Solitaire ........ 0 1224479553 Sol Y Mar Solaya.. ... 37500 15 Fax: 3750024 Tulip Resort .......................OI22161 7100/l-4 ~-~ Stallion Abanoub Travel ....... 3442843 Fa.x : 34428-13 Albatros Tours .......... 3542876 Fax: 3542885 ALS Tours ................ 344l572 Fa.x : 3441573 Amenophis Tours ............................ 3443020 AzurTravei .............. 3.J41591 Fax: 3441590 Balma Tours .................................... 3548584 Bcl:tia Rosa ............ 3462274 Fa.x : 3462241 Bclqucss .... ,.. .......... . ... 3447342/3447927 Benu TraveL. ........... ....... 3547785/3552215 Best Egypt Travel... .. ....... 3449308/3449298 Bright Sky Travel... .. ....... 3446830/3446834 Cairo 6xprcss .. 3541 141/3/4/8 Fax: 3541 145 Eagle Tours ..................................... 3442372 EashnarTours ........... ....... Tel/Fax : 3447912 E legant Voyage ....... 3544536 Fax : 3544535 Emeco Travel . .. .. 3447071 /2 Eta Tours ...... , .. 01006461899/0 1227796830 Flash Tours. 3463 303/4/5n/8 Fa.x: 3463306 FTI 3443156/9 344514613448137 Fa.x : 3442 126 Garranah Tours ...... 354460 1-2 Fa.x : 3548657 Gem Travel... ............ 344381 1 Fa.x : 3448564 General Tours .................................. 3446941 Sylvia Tours....... 3441837-3440139 Fax: 3441839 Grand Tours..................................... 3447668 RigbwayTravel... ..... 3444764 Fax: 3444764 Inter Gulf Travel ........ ...... Tel/ Fax : 3445 173 Isis Travel... .............. 3500035 Fa.x : 3500044 Jolley' s Travel. 01223154641 Fax : 3449790 Masters Travel Service (M.T.S.) ...... .......... 3553160-5 Fax : 3553 166 Maznar Tours .................................. 3548810 Memnon Tours ......... 3549790 Fax : 3549798 Mempl1is ......................................... 3552010 Mena Tours ....................... Tel/Fax : 3444465 MenfTours 3551301 /3549752 f;~x: 355 1793 MJS R Tr~vcl ................... l9341 - 3442130/ 1 National Trawl Service................ .. .3443881-3 Fa.x : 3442942 Natural Blue Tour. ........... 344539713442365 New City Tours........ ...... 01223184370- 0 1283301112 Ohod Tours ...................................... 3549882 Orbit Tours ............... 3465067/0 I005529035 Planet 1'ours ................................ 3449596/97 Pro Tours .................................................01228874997 Queen Tours.3544662/3540783 Fax : 3540784 Royal Oreams ........... 3443636 Fax : 3449494 ..... 3443352 Fax: 3-143354 TATTravel ............... 3450544 Fax : 3450540 TEZ Tour .. .............. 3561760 Fax : 3561789 .. .... ...... 359011 1 Fax: 3590444 Travco Travel Choice.. ... 354l870n l Fax : 3546799 T ravel Story.. .. ............... 3444 148 Travel Ways .. 3448914/5 Fax: 01222424633 Wings Tours . ... 3482646 Fax : 3482644 Thomas Cook .......... 3541870 Fax : 3546799 Ultimate Travel ................ Tel/Fax : 3547785 Wings Tours ............ 3460077 Fax: 3447017 Zckri Tours ...................................... 3440475 To place or renew your classified Ad in our classified section (max. 25 words) & to have your number included and updated in our listing section please send it via email before April 10111 to : 1nfo®redsea· Sai f Tours .. ................. ...... Tei/Fa.x : 3442476 Sal co Travel .................................... 3548414 Scaramouche ........................... 0 1005505 189 Seti First.. .............. 3548546/7 Fax : 3545097 South Sinai Travel.. 3440307/8 Fa.x : 3443445 Spring Tours ......... 3440802-5 Fa.x : 3440809 For Sale: Licensed land in Safaga, 2500 m1 , 50X50 (corner), Tourism back area, next to Movenpick Soma Bay, 01282222393 For Sale: Licensed se1>arated 2 villas (duplex + •·oot), in Magawish area, first floor reception, second noor 3 rooms, roof and 3 bathrooms, around 400 m 2 for each villa, 01282222393 (+2) 0122 789 39 86 PROPERTIES FOR SALE/RENT For Sale : operating cotfee shop in sakalla square-next to high jet250m2, with all equipment, for more info please call: 0120003277 F or Sale: apartment in Mubarak 12, 4th floor, building next to bus stop, for more infonnation please call 01223754077 For Sale: Occasione vendesi attivita ottima catfetteria e gelateria Ita Iiana con piccola ristorazione tipica, s i garantisce affiancamento per it primo mese. Ottima posizione e clientela europea, Tel:01069808637 For Sale: A chalet in El Gouna road, 175 m2 , 2 bed rooms each with bathroom, an American living with an open kitchen, garden, sea view. Mobile: 01005129311 For Sale: A super timeshare at Palma de Merit, never been used, I 5 years of saving. Mobile: 01005129311 For Sale: apartment from owner, 60 m2, in the British Resort-El Kawther, the final contract, 2 balconies, pool view, furniture, electric and water counter, Tel: +2 01007308910 For Sale/Rent: A lovely 2 bedrooms apartment of 60m 2 , in Memsha, close to the sea, great location, th e apartrnent is in very good condi tion, for info: johnscreene@ For Sale/Rent: A channing apartment of 67m2 , in a residence with huge pool and 2417 security, close F reelance Sales to the sea, 2 bedrooms, an open Representative for OZON kitchen, a shower room wi th toilet, PURIFIERS, Attractive for info: commission! Product For Rent: A furnished chalet in info: Orascom Makadi compound, 57m2 , 01001121313 with private garden 30 m 2 ,2 bedrooms, American kitchen fully equipped, 24 hours security. For more infOimation, please contact: 0 I 002317781. For Rent: Villa in Mubarak 7, Frogs Swim Academy is looking for fu lly furnished, 4 bedrooms, enthusiastic swimming instmctors 4 bathrooms, large living & din- lor the summer season 20 I 6: If you ing room, American kitchen, gar- are a good swimmer, love to work den with I 000 sqm, large terrace, with children, like to spend hours sea view. 10,000 LE monthly in the water and work in a dynamic (long term only) 01282797274. team, then you should ca11 Sandy (Frogs 0 1223459004) to get more details about how to become a Frogs JOB Swimming Instructor for the coming OPPORTUNITIES season Job Vacancy: For Sale: ~ed ? ea - B lleti 1998 Needed: Egyptian Sales Representative with pt·oficient computet· skills and English langua ge. Please send your CV to info@ t· Nice coffee shop in a great mall in the best area ofHurghada. Current owner is willing to help by introductions to the regular customers during the first month. If you are interested please call 01069808637 MISCELLANEOUS For Sal e: Y'Je6HHKH, teCTbJ (+ pa60'1He TeTpa)lH 110 PyCCK0~1Y) JVHI 6ro Knacca. KOC110M 'lepHbJH, KOCTIOM PycCKKH ,1VN MaJib'IKKa 8-10 ncr. Br,mycKHoe nmrrr,e, KocnoM pyccKHfi .1VN }leao•IKH 8-1Oner. Te11. 0122 7893990, Email: rasvet23@hotmail com For Waiver: 5* restaurant and cafe sea first Line, inside 200m2 , terrace 500 m 2, fully worked, for the lack of full-time, 01282222393 Living with Art b at vicle neue Dekot·ationen und Moebel zu verkaufen. Besichtigung von 10 bis 17 Uhr (ausser Freitag) Tel: 01222118338 CLASSIFIED SERVICES Deutscher Hausme isterservice. Reparaturen aller Art, Malerarbeiten und O~jektbetreuung. Property and home maintenance service a Getman conducted by professional. He takes care of your home, all repairs, paintjobsandother needs. Call: 0 1224081591 coral reefs! .... Phone: +2 011 4009 99 27 (arabic I english) E-mail: www.yacht· Index R_ed 5ea Bulletil) 69 . • Bulls Hurghada International Restaurant & Bakery Sheraton Road, opposite Marriott Hotel Telephone: +2 065 340 45 82 Caboria Hurgnad Seafood Restaurant El Kawther, opposite Egyptian Hospital Cellphone: +2 0102 222 87 95 Elements Hurghada Club & Lounge Steigenberger Aqua Magic Hotel Cellphone: +2 0127 221 22 99 Hun r Duck Hurghada Restaurant & Sushi Bar Esplanada Mall, Villages Road Cellphone: +2 0120 667 60 09 Magalina Hurghada Belgian and International Food Esplanada Mall , Villages Road Cellphone: +2 0111 814 11 28 White Elephant Hurghada Thai Restaurant New Hurghada Marina, Block B Cellphone: +2 0100 102 51 17 Zeitlos German Restaurant with Music Sheraton Road, beside Bella Vista Hotel Cellphone: +2 0100 984 24 46 White Elephant Hurghada Zdths ···::::::- El Gauna Thai Restaurant Downtown Cellphone: +2 0100 102 51 17 To Ad verti se w ith us, please phone: +2 0122 789 39 86 Index THE BEST WAY TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS! AI Dau Development Steigenberger AI Dau Resort Telephone: +2 16492 Edar El Hadaba, in front of Calypso Cell phone: +2 0100 001 85 10 cean Estate AI Kawther, Bowling Street Cellphone:+2 0106 317 6 1 32 Index Hurghada Hur hada ~dar ga Y'IW rBQUBI!rt Hur hada OCfJ\N Estate NOW you can accept online-bookings over your website in cooperation with German tour operator ... travelteam T Combine hotel accommodation, services and charter flights from all German speaking destinations & earn money on every package sold! .. I ...... ~ tf!MW-. ~llicttie - Index _ _.. fi«~M~t ... ~-;::~ .... "!,1 c.u~TT:J "))J--g -1:1 OtiU.. Celebrating our World Golf Awards Successes Egypt's Best Golf Course Egypt's Best Golf Course Up to 25% Discount this Winter Contact Golf Reservations for more details 'Book Early' to avoid disappointment (Terms & Conditions Apply) The Ultimate Golf Destination 'Light's Up The Red Sea'. -. ~AdinAt OCAkAdi RESORT, GOLF & SPA RED SEA - EGYPT Index Madinat Makadi Resort, Golf & Spa Hotline: +20 19858 Tel: +20 (0) 10 000 725 78 email: o dOU A LIFE TO LIVE. A STYLE TO OWN. By AI Dau Development, a member of Sami Saad Holding and the owner of Steigenberger AI Dau Resort in Hurghada. AI Dau Development brings hospitality excellence to real estate. Index